rcrn Moitxixo ohecoxiax, Wednesday, October 11. ion. 14 PORTLAND TINGLES TO RECEIVE TUFT President of United States to Be Guest of City for Eight Hours Today. OPEN-ARM WELCOME READY Mmt IMstlnrnl' American to Arrive- at tVCIork To-nlrht Pa rage om Drpot Arranitrd. Public to Hear Sfwh. riuwiAMC or niT. $ f 7. M Arrtws at Union D-spot. I tt p. M. CLani tram Intrr ' bttwM rtrta u aixtn for parade of uplra dl- t 1 P. at Tm Btzth ana Mr. t il P. K ruM -rrrath and ft P. M. lts-acha Commercial On for a abort rsa-t. (MP. X. Eater club dtnlrtf-roo-m for banquet. I 11 P. X. Bsgia addrsee at the bUAMC I It p. H. Lsavsa Commercial Cab for tfas Armory. !. p. jf Arrive at the earn a IruM to toe Armory. UP. M. Takoa aoat la the Ar aory platf-arra. : p. at Brra aa adJreaa 10 P. H. Conclude eddrM. M il p. x. Utw for Knight of Columbia HJL 1:M P. M Arrive Knights of Oolambna RalL lt:i P. X. Depart for th CMo-a riepet aad oatora t-raia. 1.1 A. X. Leave for Salem. Portland la read? to receive with open anna William Howard Taft. Preal dsat of tha l olled fctatea, who la to bo tbo guest of tha city from f o'clock tbla evening? nnul 1:10 o'clock tomor row nnrnlnr. Everything- waa reported laat alabt to bo ready for tha enter tainment, Including; tha bis; parade, tba CotnmarclaJ Club banquet, a public meeting; and a reception at tha Knight of Columbua Hall. A choice variety of f-rearon's falreat weather la predicted for tha occasion. Tha Frealdent la duo at tha Union TVpot at exactly o'clock In a apeclal train which la to come directly to Fort land from Vancouver. Wash. He will bo a-re-eted at tba depot by tha follow Ina committee: ITealdent Beckwlth. of tha Commercial Club; Mayor Kuahlight. Oovernor West. K. II. riper, vtce-preal-dent of tha Commercial Club; W. J. Hofmann. H. M. llallar aad Senator Chamberlain. They will eaoort tha I'raaldeat from tba depot to tha auto mobile of T. H. Wilcox. In which ha will rtda with Mayor Kushllg-ht In a parada that will bo formed and ready to mova when the Trealdent arrlvea. raure Lead Parade. Tha parada will be led by Captain Moore, of tha police department, who will rlda at tha head of II mounted policemen. Behind them and directly In front of the i'realdent'a car will bo 1 regular aoldlera from tbo barracka at Vancouver. Behind the Prealdent car will ba a large automobile carry ina: aecret eervtce as-rnta. with a line of 1 soldiers atrotched arroea tba etreet bringing" up the rear. FoUowtnf will ba atuomobllea In which member of tha President' party and 1:0 mem bora of tba reception committee will ride. Tba Una of march will ba from the depot eaat to Klfth street, tbenca north to Hoyt atreet and over to Sixth atreet. thence through town aa far aa Tooth and Morrtaon atreeta. and back to tha Commercial Club at Fifth and Oak atreeta Tha ITealdent will be taken to a aulte of rret rooma at tha club, where be will real for $0 minute before (lni to tha main dlnlna-room for the ban quet which haa bean prepared In hla honor. Tba banquet will probably ba tha moat elaborate function of tbe kind ever hold at tbe Commercial Club. Tha ITealdent will paaa two boura aa the irueat of I'ortlAad'a moat prominent bualn men. The banquet over, tha Prealdent will procead to tha Armory, where ha will deliver an hour's address to tha general public. Tbenca ha will go to tha Knights of Colombo Hail, open tha Columbus day programme, and depart for the L'nlon Iepot to board hla train, which wUi leava later for 8aiem Araaavry Opea Early. The door of tha Armory will ba opened at o'clock, that tbe big hall may ba Blled and ready for tha arrival of tha Prealdent ahortly before o'clock. The crowda will ba admitted only through tha aUeventb-atroet entrance, tha TenUk-stroet entrance having been reearved tor tha Prealdent and tha re ception committee. la tha Armory 2100 chair have been arranged for tha public These, with 10 aaata In tha Hilary, are all tha hall will hold, and aa aoon as theaa Mill are filled tha doors will ba closed, Tha PraalUent wUl approach tha Ar mory from Tenth and Couch streets and an tar through tha eaat door to a rest room. Tha Prealdent will occupy a place at tha front of tha tand sur rounded by aecret eervlce man and Portland city official, officers Of tha Commercial Club and othera Ha will be Introduced by Prealdent Beckwlth. of the Commercial Club, and will be th only speaker on tha programme. Tha fnlted Railways Company start ed to tear up the) pavement on Tenth atreet In front of tha Armory yester day, and for a while It appeared that It would not be poealbl to clear a way for tbe Prealdent to enter through the east entrance. The atreet waa torn up to make way for a doable track being laid by the oompany. Tha chief engineer promised to put It roan to work and have the debrta cleared away by today- This work was started last ala-ht by a large force of workmen, and so charges tn the arrangements c-f the reception oommtttee were needed for that reouhxs, Old deary Poeeratoo Ran. The Armory haa bean decorated at tractively for tha maaa meeting. Amer ican Cwi being draped about the hall ta profusion. A large platform has been built near ta east entrance for t.'.e Prealdent and le party and the re ception committee. Two companlee of militiamen wUl act as usher and tier, with a large number of policemen and ethers. wlU prevent crowding whea the doers to the hall are opened. One hundred policemen have been de tailed to guard the Prealdent during hla Portlaad visit. They will be placed at rloae Intervals along the line of snarca to hold the crowd back and to protect the Chief Executive In every way poailblo- la tha parade through tha streets. Bealdea the policemen a large foroe of eecret service agents, a company of regular eoldlera mounted policemen and detective will form a strong cordon to guard Taft. Baaaaet PI a mo Elaborate. Tha banquet at the Commercial Club will be elaborate. Decorations In the hall are moat attractive and a number of surprises are In store for the Prel dent, his party and guesta The deco ration eonalet of a large electric Amer ican flag arranged on tbe celling. One thousand red. white and blue llghta will he banked in a profuaton of Ore gon fir boughs, making a aoltd green background for the flag. Tbe Preal dent' cover ha been arranged near the east wall facing the other guesta and overlooking a number of attrac tive decorative effect. The decora tion for the Taft dinner will remain Intact until after Thurday evening, for the benefit of club member and their families. The President will be the only speak er of tbe evening. He will be Intro duced by Mr. Beckwlth. toastmaater, and will apeak for li minutes. It has not been deemed advisable to have a public reception for the Presi dent during hla vlalt and for that rea son general handshaking will not be permitted. This part of the usual pro gramme la eliminated aa much aa pos sible by the Secret Fervlee Department because of the danger attached to such a custom. Members of the reception committee CAED WHICH WILL ADMIT PRESIDENT TAFT TO KNIGHTS Or COLUMBUS EXCEPTION TONIGHT. X - ir have completed every' detail, according to their final report last night. They say that absolutely nothing haa been overlooked which might add to the pleasure and success of the President's visit and they believe that when he leavea he will remember Portland as one of the cltlc where he was re ceived with open arms. The President Is not a stranger In Portland, having visited here twice be fore, once while Secretary of War. and again October . lu. as President. The list of guests for the dinner at the Commercial Club follows: J. C. Alnaworth. John Annand. J. X. Am brrxo. Harrlaon Allan. T. K. ArerllL Hanrtr Iiackwllb. W. T. Buchanan. A. X. Bills. Bol Blumouor. J. U Bowman. C P. HM, C. P. Bars. Jod(e B. a Baan W. 1 Botae. John S. Ileal!. Walter F. Barren. Captain W. B. Blddle J. ft Brarher. Harry Bck. Seneca C- Beech. P. O. Buffum. Floyd Bllyeo. Lieutenant Frank C Burne't. J. T. Barroa. Fred W Bell. Major Archibald W. Butt. John M. Bursard. X. J. Buckley. Sev e!l"n Brown. Walter Browne. W. K rbapln. K. H. Carlton. A. C Callan. John F. Carroll, Edward Cookmgham. N. L Carpenter. John B. C of fay. C. C Colt. E It Corbet t. N. E. Crow, Samuel Coonall, Moat Rav. A. Christie. J. J. Colo. Percy J. Cllb born. Senator Ooore C chamberlain. A. P. Coarlton. C. K. Colony. O. B. Coldwell. R. D. cannon, E. Caswoll. W. K. Comm. W. A. Carter Btephen ConnlL M- C. Ulck'.nson. colonel rov1d M. Dunne. T stoma Dunne. Julius Dorahotmor. F. 8. Doombechar. Bobert Douaii. Bay. T. U Eliot. Walter H. Evana, C A. Eastman. A. U Fish. Clinton 8. Fletcher. T. A. Free man. W. U. Fear. '. I. Fuller. L N. Flelach nar. C. W. s-ulton. F. W. Forslor. Uoo Frtede, Charles Feldenholmer. Boral Kent Fuller. A. V. Oal hardt. J. C. Oood. J. W. Oaaons. M. C. Oeors. H. U Ollsan. F. 8. Grant. W. B rsiafko. W. K. Oreer. L- Oerllnsar. F. T. Or-tftun. Judco C. j. Uaatenbola. Uoorgo W. Bates. R. W. OUL K. W. Hainan (Forest Grove). 'William Harder. Max H. HlrKrh. S. W. Herrmann. Hush Hume. W. J. Hofmann, T. D. Honey maa. D. T. Honeymsa. H. M. Haller. ft W. HodMn, J. U. Hartmaa. John H. Hall. Ororre W. Hoyt. lo-kwood Habard. W. C. How. ay Charles a Holbrook. J. W. Itm. F. V llolmsa. F. W. Hlld. Charles D. Hllles. Jt H Hoosor. O. O. Hill. K. U Harmoo. M Ida. W. O. lde. B. F. Irvine. Carl K. Jones, Colonel Jtinti Jackson. O. r. Johnson. C. a Jackson. B. 8. Joooelya. Fheram Joaselya. C- v. Johnson. J. J. Jen alnra. Richard 1, Jerri. F. A. Jacoba utto J. Krsemar. F. R. Kerr. .-orce W. tl.ixr. Gus J. Karser. Jamas B. Kerr. O. C laltar, 1. Lowanrart. P. Lowansart. L. A. Lewla 1- ln. William M. Ladd. J. Fred l-areon. D. o. Uly. A. W. Latlarty, Joha F. lxcn. W. A. Luay. George M. .veDowelL Dr. H. 8. Mount. W. W. sllsehlor. First Lieutenant Harry a. ala lone. O. H. alulldorfar. A. W. Moors. A. C. Ugff.lt, Julius L. Meier, Abe Malar. F. C. Malpos. J. O. Mack. w. A. MacRae. O. 1-Jls.-.lihbon. C. N. MArthur. Joseph K. Murphv. M. Mayer. Phil Metschan. P. a. LTNE OF MARCH OF THK rA- BADE. Irving street, between Fifth and Sixth street. Fifth to Hoyt Boyt te Sixth. Sixth te Morrison Morrison to Tenth. Tenth to Washington. Washington to Seventh. Seventh to Oak. Oak te Commercial Club oa Fifth. Malcolm. T. W. htulker. C A Mordrn. IX X. Mueeaaohn. H. w. Mitchell. M. G. Munly. William MrMurray. John McCourt. C. B. Merrick. Colonel George K. MrOunnogla D. J Msiarkey. General Marlon P. Maua. C H. Moore, Z. F. Moody. A. J. Maota T. A. Nltchy. E. Nswbecln. rTmary olmataad. Harvey Bryan. li. J. Ottanhelmer. H. P. Palmer. J. r. Porter. H. U. Plttock. F. w. pandlaton. R F. PraeL Count Logo Gorsnsaoa fo4. Edgar B. Piper. John frr ry. J. B. Pratt. Captain J. H. Qulnaa. A. G. Rnahllght. F. H. Rothchlld. S. M. Rolhehlld. J. R. Borers. H. D. Ramadell. Frank C. Rlgga Dr. Thomas la Rhoad-a. A. C Sheulon. F. A- 8ooncer. Dr. L. M. 81ms. F. M. sellar, M. hlch.l, R. W. Schmeor. H. H. Schwarta. U 1 Sharp. 8tg Slchel. Joseph Simon. M- aenda, Bea Sailing, laallo M. Scott. Dr. Andrew ft rmlth. H. A Sar gent. Jay Smith. Oorye W. rimona, R. B. ("mnott. A- A- Scheil. F. 8, Stanley. Robert Smith. James Sloan. Robert T. Small. E. R Sartwell. K. P. Scalloa. Ouy W. Ts-bov. Kdwln A Taylor. E. 1. TaompooB, J. H. Thatcher. A. P. Tlftt, H. r. Taft. George M. Trowlrldga. 8, B- rtnoant. a. D. Vincent. J 1- Yernall. J. H. Toon. J. B. Toon. Jr. R. E. Wliiiania Charles Wrtsht, Georve A. Woetgate. L. V. Weaver. Theodore B. Wilcox. W. l Wheelwright. F. S. Wast. Adolpho e:fe B. Joosh 11. Wise, 1 J. Wantworth. C. F Wrlaht. H C. Wortmaa. -Oeorg" Wag rr. Dr. f sr.ford Whiting. C. T. Whitney. E Hor W ammo. Governor Oswald Waat. Harrv K. Wood. C ft Wagner, Dr. J. R. WUeua. Mainthfleld Postoffkre Buy. MARSHnEUV. Or. Oct. 1. fPpe. rial The receipts of the alarshneld PoatofUce have been ateadlly increas ing according to the report of Post master Curtis, For the last quarter there has ben an Increase of 1500 over the same quarter of the year previous The total receipts of the office for the ccal year wl'.l probably exceed tlS.OOO. An additional clerk for the office has beea promised on account of ths In creasing business. Balloaea are not airship, the Attoraev Caasrai at CoanxUcut has decided. FURY MAY PREVAIL Churchman Predicts Over throw of Young Turk Party. MASSACRE IS NOW FEARED Klder A. G. rnvnlera, of Seventh Day Adventists, In Speech at Confer ence Dwells) on Dancers That Surround Christiana. "Moslem fury, fanaticism, 'ignorance and superstition are so great that there Is grave danger of the Toting Turk party being overthrown before the Italian-Turkish embrogllo ends." aid Flder A. O. Daniels, president of the general conference of Seventh-Day Adventls., and chairman of the For eign Mission Board of that denomina tion In a speech at Women of Wood craft Hall last night. Elder Daniel described condlTT oh In Turkey and Russia graphically as he found them when he visited these countries last June, and laid particular stress on rapid strides he said are made by Ad ventists In mission fields. He said that while 2 foreign mission boards, rep resenting all the Protestant denomlna tlona of the world with the exception of Seventlv-Day Adventists, are now op erating In 67 foreign fields, Seventh Day Adventists have workers In 49 of these countries, and In ten other coun tries which other Protestant have not yet entered. ' "Adventists have missionaries In all countries of the world." he said, "with the exception of Thibet." He spoke of the past century as the "great missionary century." Massacre la Predicted. As to conditions In Turkey, Elder Daniels said every person In that coun try with whom he talked last June was1 of the opinion that when the Young Turk party Is overthrown a terrible massacre of Christians and Toung Turks will follow. "One must visit Turkey, and learn the heartless character of the people, the fanaticism and brutality of the Mohammed. religion, to appreciate what will follow If this religious party agsln obtains power." he said. "In the Armenian massacres of five or six years ago. Seventh-Day Advent ists were murdered with other Chris tiana The Mohammedan religion Is the state religion, the Sultan, like the Cxar of Russia, being the head both of the stste and the church. AH the mas sacres of Christians In Armenia and Turkev were planned by the Sultan himself, and carried out with his knowledge and approval. Since the Toung Turk party succeeded In Ira' prisoning the Sultan and taking the government, religious liberty has been proclaimed. When I was In Constan tinople last Summer I had as much lib erty as I have right' here in Port land. So do all Christians. Maay Preacher Jailed. "Under the old regime our minis ters were often imprisoned for preach ing the gospel. Elder Z. Q. Baharlan waa Imprisoned seven times, and Elder Pusagarian. a native preacher. U times, once being confined IS months. We have a small school in Constantl- """I'n" Russia the Greek church Is the state church. Religious liberty is not granted Protestants. To preach, a per mit must be obtained In each case from Minister of the Interior and to obtain this takes from three to 18 months. Still another permit must be obtained to hold a meeting, and the application must stste explicitly the time and place of meeting. The disadvantages of this, so far as Protestants are concerned, were very evident to me when at Rigs. I found a church of 400 members and a hall for meeting purposes seating 100 I preached twice the same day, half the church being present each time. Creed Chaagra Controlled. "Under the ban of Russian law a member of one sect may not Join an other sect, nor may a member of the Greek Church join another church, but members of all churches may Join the Greek Church at their pleasure. For baptising thto any church other than the Greek Church fine and Imprison ment may be Imposed, both on the convert and the minister performing the ceremony. Dr. Robert 8. Mac Arthur, the great Baptist minister of New York City, has a long petition which be will soon present to the Cxar, asking religious freedom in Russia. Notwithstanding all restriction. Ad ventists hsve 4000 believers in Russia, and are gaining ground at the rate of 4010 a year." Work In Bulgaria. Hungary. Austria, Germany. China. Fiji and other places was also spoken of. Elder Daniels re turned recently from a conference, of the European division, held at Frled ensau. Germany, at which 2600 repre sentatives of the Adventlst denomina tion were present. He spoke of this conference last night. Elder G. B. Thompson, field secretary of the For eign Mission Board, la to speak at th Women of Woodcraft Hall tonight. "FRITZ" SOUGHT BY MAYOR Household Grieved a Disappearance or Faithful Field Dor- Lost, strayed or stolen one large, blue-colored, black-spotted field setter. Any Information will be cheerfully re ceived at the Mayor's office: reward. The above haa not been Inserted In the lost columns of the newspapers, but It might well bex. Mayor Rush light's household Is grieving over the mysterious disappearance of the big friend of the family, a valuable dog. which haa been missing since last AMISEMO'TS. HEILIG THEATER 7th aad Taylor. Phooea Mala 1 and A UK. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY fascial Price Last Time Matlnoe t:lS Tonight 8:15 The Musical Comedy Hit THE 8TVKETKST GIRL IN PARIS" With the Charming comedlsnce TRIXJE FRIGANZA , This evening: Lower floor. $1.50, 11. Bal eony. 1. Tic 50c Gallery, 60c This afternoon; Lower floor, 1L Bal cony. It rowe 7&c 11 rowa Boo. Gallery, 8o and 23o. " SKATS NOW SELLING (Box Office Open 10 A. M IT T7 I f If THEATER A A A-aJ. J-l k V- Tth a.d Taylor 3 NIGHTS Begu-mg TOMORROW MATTNEB SATURDAY GERTRUDE HOFFMANN and ber IMPERIAL RUSSIAN BALLET Le Kalaon dea Baleta Knasen) 100 People 100 t N K H KSTRA Prices Both evening aad Matinee. Entire lower floor. 12.00; balcony, first 1 rows. $1.60; next rowa $1.00: follow ing tf rows. 75c: last 5 rows oOc; gal lery, reserved. Toe; admission, 60c; box seats. $XS0. Auto and carriage call, 10:45 o'clock. TF"I? i"otd A5JK -. Geo. u Hi.ker. Mgr. Tonight All Week Bargain Mac Wd too. Mat- Sat. 2.c 60c. The Tuneful Musical Comedy THK FLOWER OF THK KA N CH By Jos. Howard. With Jess Harris. Betty Csldweil and a great oast and chorus. Beautiful song num bers. Rlfh In laughter. Kvenlng prices: 2 oc E0c TSc 11.00. Next Week Tbe Traveling Saleemaa. atAXU&B STOCKY XXAT wTVr R!&HT! THEATE& 15-25-50-75. WF.KK. OCTOBER Nat M. Wills -The Hapny Tramp." la Tltcorab. bix Brown Brothers. Mand Hall Macy A Co. Pedersen Brothers, .use lanes. La Arenera at ltor. AOTAGES TJnemUled TaadevUle. WET3E OCT. . Sebastian Merrill Co., Featuring rhe Leap of lMwih; Dayton, tha Four-Voloed fUugert A-Ua-He'a Postal Al bum: Itoria Grand Opera Trio, Delaney A Woolman. Gertrude Mr!. Ill Co., Fantage eoope. Popular prices. Matinee Daily, Curtain Ito, :lto and s:00. -aflaa Matinee Kvery Day. If! SyJ I Formerly Grand. m Buiiivaa M tenaiuiuo. Benned aoaeviuo, UT.FK OCTOBER S Rae-Brosrhe and Co., Miller, Kagi and Miller, Charles Bartholo mew. Venetian Four, Bobort Fulgora, Nthlo Klley. Grandaacope. Prices, lap and too. THE STAR THEATER Will Exhibit Today Its Usual Change of Prog ra mme With an entirely new list of first-run pictures, together with the Doric Trio, greatest ainglng turn ever heard In city. ARCADE IXDIAX FXl TK, ARTISTS' SONS, And pictures of the Tragic Oleaster at Asatls, Pa. Mr. Karl, aplendid singer. OH JOY THEATER A BIO I.MlltM KKATIRE. 3 OTIIKRS 3 TTV0LI A DOIULR FKATTRE. rtMKOHMt HKVOI.I'TIOX MB. Friday night. No trace of him has been found. "Frits" lived at the beach laat sea son, but It Is not believed by the fam ily that he tired of city life and that he deliberately left for the seashore. It Is rather felt that he has been stolen, and the police are Investi gating. There Is a bare possibility that "Fritz" may have been picked up by the poundmen, aa he wore no collar and license tag. It he was, he has been executed in the lethal chamber, specially designed to put ddgs out of this world by an easy means. "Frltx" wss not there yesterday when inquiry was made. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 1. Maximum tempera ture. SO degrees: minimum. 49 degrees. Rlvor reading. 1 A. M., 4.4 feet: change In last 14 hours. 1.1 foot fall. Total rain fall. 5 P. M. to I P. M, 0.0S Inch: total rainfall since September 1. 1911. I ll inches; normal. !. inches; excess. s.4 Inches. To tal sunshine. 2 hours; possible, 11 hours 12 minutes. Barometrr (reduoed to sea level) at P. M.. 10.22 enchea. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The western disturbance haa contracted In area and this evening Is central over East em Montana. During the last 24 hours rain haa fallen In the North Pacific and Northern Rocky Mountain Slates and at a number of widely separated places In the Eastern Htatea. It was heaviest at Knoxvllle. Tenn.. where 1.14 Inches fell In the last 24 hours. A large high-pressure area now overlies the North Paclflo tstau-s and the rains have caned, except In Idaho, where they still continue. It la much cooler In the Rocky Mountain Ktstes and slightly warmer In Western Oregon, Western Washington and California. The conditions are favorable for fnlr weather In this district Wednesday with ris ing temperatures. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer; westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair: warmer, xcept near th coast; westerly winds. Idaho Fair, except rain or snow, followed by fKlr southeast portion: warmer. F.I'WARD A. REALS. PU'r'ct Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or BuDdtmy. Fer Line. One time Nnme md twe roarat.vT Umrm 2-o tmn twdd thrv) roa-cutlve ttm-e S0e bMn txitl six or Mien roDcotive tim.S6e Krm.tt4aV-.cr mo, mccompmnj oat -of -tows VVhra one avdvertl4rnirnt 1 not ran In coo rcutlvo tfewUe tbo one-time rote ipllf, Mx word co nut a one line on cmT d vertlof 1 iont and no od counled for leoe tbjui two line. - On charge or book -ulvertljfaieiito tbo rhWrye will be booed on lb ou-J number of line opowwliij: In tbe pafr, rvrdLeeo of tbe nouibrr of word In cocb lino. In ew Tod or all ndrrrtlsv nrnte are rbergvd by mooouro only, 14 Unco to tbe lacii . hit notion- Wanted, Male. Mtiiationa M anted. Female. Tbe aboTe rate apply to mdvrtinoimt nnder "ISrw Today and all other cUukslilca--Uooo excepting tbe foUowin-. Orrronlan will aeeept clawlfled advert sJe Tnentts over tbe telephone, provldlnc Cbo ad vert ler Is a wUbocrtUer to eltbet phone. e price will bo juotd over tbe phone, bat bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether en bora, neat adTertlneraent will be acsrepted over the pbone de,end upon tbe prom pi net of the payment of telephone ad' vert torments. Mtuatioa Wanted and Per sonal advertisement will not be aeeepted over tbo telephone. Orders for one In sertion only will be aeeepted for "Houses for Kent, lurultare for Stale, Baoinc.s Opportunities,' " Koomlns; - bouses" and -Wanted to Kent." ArC-riOI -tAXsE TO DAT. At private residence. 3 But Morrison sf , cor. 17th st.; furniture, etc al at ! A. M. Baker Crowe II, auctioneers. At Wilson Auction Houm. at 10 A. U. Furnltur. 171-S-6 6cond street. BORN. HOFFMAN' October 10. to the wife of Tarl Hoff tsa. of Forest, Orove. a son. aehrh-In- 145 ounces, the parents of whom are th beflt-ples-d coo pi o In the land b couse It la a boy. Dr. C 1 Lju-s. at- tnUXIaarw A mxettng xoncxa. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 1, I. C O. F. There will b a short bustneas meetins; this (Wednesday) evenin at 8 o'clock after which w will pay a fraternal visit to Orient Lodre, No. IT. in their hall. East 6th and Alder sts. Every member who can U urgentlr requested to fbBVOIA Bte. HAWTHORNE LODGK "X ill. A. F. AND A- M. Special wm- -nunicsiion inia , ... v. ... j , Tevenlng at 7:30 at Masonic Tem ple, wor. . aear... brethren welcome. C E. MILLER. Secretary. WASHINGTON' CHAPTER NO. IS K. A. M. Stated convocation this (Wedne-dayl evening at Ma sonic Hall. E. 8th and Burnslde sts.. at 7:S0 o'cloclc. P. and M. E. deRroes. p. M. degree lull form, visiting companions welcome. I3TAt. ORDER OF MOOSE Portland Lodi-e. No. 21. meets every Wednesday night at Swiss Hsll. Id and Jefferson sts. Visiting Moose Invited. WALTER M OOTERS', Secretary. W. N. GATENS. Dictator. MINERVA LODGE. NO. 11. I. O. O. F. All members are requested to meet this evening at ( o'clock at vhe hall to pay Orient Lodge a fraternal visit with Samari tan Lodge. S. FRET. Sec ORIENT. LODGE. NO. ' IT. L O. O. F- Regular meeting of the lodge conferring of the first degree, A cordial Invitation Is ex tended to visiting member?. W. W. TERRY. Sec. PORTLAND COMPANY 107, W. O. W. will give a whist and dance Wednesday, October 11. W. O. W. temple, lit 11th St. lTnion music Refreshments. OREGON CIRCLE. NO. 171. W. O. W.. will give a whist and BOO party In W. o. W. Hall. 33i Russell t.. Wednesday even Irtg. October 11. Admission 10 cents. prep. O'BRIEN Mrs. M. O'Brien, age-73, died at the home of her son. J. P. O'Brien. 1 2 North .0th at., this city, at 7:40 this morning. Remains will be shipped to Win stead, conn., for burial. Mrs. O'Brien is survived by her sons. J. P. O'Brien, of this city; Thomas F. O'Brien, of Pendleton. Or., and Fred O'Brien, of Wlnstead. Conn. COFFEY At St. Vincent's Hospital Mrs. J. V. Coffey, formerly Miss Mary O Dea, sister of Rt. Rev. E. J. O'Dea. Bishop of Seattle, She will be burled from the resi dence of her mother and sister. 65 East Main St. Funeral notice later. BABB In this city. October , at the fam ily reeldence. 664 East 16th St.. Anna S. Babb, wife of Amos Babb. aged 7 yeara Funeral notice at a later date. BLAINB: In thla city, at Ber lata residence, 6a East lth at. North, Mrs. Besie E. Blaine, aged .7 years. 10 months. 19 cay. FUNERAL NOTICES. COFFEY October , Mary V. Coffey, be loved wife of John V. Coffey, daughter of Mrs. and the late Edward O'Dea. sister of Rev. Bishop O'Dea, of Seattle, Joseph O'Dea and Mrs. Chris H. Jones, of this city, and Thomas O'Dea, of Los Angeles. Funeral will taao place today from resi dence, 6S E. Main, at 8:15 A. M., thence to the Cathedral. 15th and Couch streets, at A. M. Interment ML Calvary Ceme tery. ABEL In thla dty. October 10, Mabel B. Abel, aged 84 years, beloved wife of W. M. AbeL Funeral will be held from resi dence, 8506 E. T7th St. 8. E- today Wednesday), at 2 P. M.. thence to Lents Baptist Church, where service will be held at 2:80 P. M.. Rev. Albert Ehrgott. of ficiating. Friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment ML Scott Park Ceme tery. O'BRIEN At realldence, 72 North 20th St., Mrs. Mathew O'Brien, aged 73 years, mother of J. P. O'Brien. Funeral servi ces will be held today fWednesday) at 4 P. M.. at Dunning a; McEntee'e chapel. The remains will ba shipped to wlnsted. Conn., for Interment. Please omit flowers. PRAG October 9. at Walla Walla Qua L, Prag. brother of Jacob, Max, Otto and Laura Prag and Mrs. A. Gllson. Funeral from Flnleya undertaking Darlors tomor row (Thursda). at 1 o'clock. PRAG The funeral services of the late Oustave L. prag will be held at Fln ley'a parlors at 1 P. M., Thursday, Octo ber 13. Friends Invited. Interment Avah bnolum Cemetery. RAUUSSEN The funeral services of the late Christina Raemussen will be held at her late residence, 119 Graham are., at 1:80 P. M. today (Wednesday). Friend Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. TONSETH FLORAL CO., MAKdl'All Bl.lXi. FLORA L DEMONS. Fnones: Main 61 02; A 1103. Dunning A McEntee. Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. 1'hono Main 4J. La-dy as slatanL Office of County Coroner. A. H. ZGLLKR CO.. 894 Williams avo. Phone East 1V8S, 1 1088. Lady attendant. J. P. FINI.EV A SON, Sd and Madison Lady, attendant. I'Uoiie Main 9. A loan. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Dlrect ors. Z20 3d t. Lady assistant. Phone M. 603. EAST RIDE Funeral Directors, successor to '. K. Dunning. Inc. K. 5-', B tiSi. I.KKI H, Undertaker, cor. Kast Alder and atxth. East ?SL. is 1888. Lady assistant. OREGON HUME SOCIEH OFFICE CITV HALL.. Mala ASS. A IMS. HUMANE OFFICER. Uera-eaat Crate. Residence. 24 ai. lh -N. Ess 47 is. R. A. Dunmlra, Has. 838 Wasoo 8L W. O. Eaton. Raa 78 E. ISth. atst 11 So. Horse Ambulance. A C101; Pr. Ex. 4. Mights. Sundays and Mslldaya A U Ta, x. 4; Trunk I. yrw TODAY. Drugstore For Sale on East Side. Must Be Taken at Once. Fine location. Do I rip pood business. Soda fountain, new fixtures and clean stock. Owner will sell for invoice price. Stock and fixtures will invoice between S6000 and J7U00. Rent $50 per month. This will positively not appear again. If you mean business come In and see us. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry Bid. UNION AVE 60 feet on Union 100 feet on Grand; greenhouse on Union and nine-room house on Grand avenue. Price $15,000. Terms. Would take Improved farm worth $7500 In exchanse. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 343 Stark St. $7500 Down will handle apartment-house netting 300 per month, balance to suit. Price 28wOOO. E. P. KIG, Amrricttm Trniit Co., 213 Chamber of Commerw. SNAP, Corner lot, SOxlOO, near E. Eighth and Burnslde; eight-room house. Rent al value $60. Price $7000. GODDARD at WIEDRICK, 243 Stnrsi St. Best Inyestment in Portland 150 feet front and 100 feet deep, on East Third street, close to new steel bridge. An elegant piece of property for onlv $25,000. Will double In value In lese "than two years. Good terms. F. Fl'CHS 42w Chamber of Commerce. Member of Portlaad Kealtv Board. FOR sale: iso No. 447 Main street. Lot 40x50 feet and two-sOry residence. Trade direct with me. . ARTHTR KOH. 407 Slata Avrpee. ew York City. For Sale Barber Shop In Best Town In Oregon. A V 553, Oregonlan. NFTV TODAY. Just' Look 913 Net on $20,500.00 King Street Apartments. Only $6500.00 Down. Let us show you this morning. Albert Welch & Son 703 Board of Trade. Richest Lands I OREGON. 5 and 10-Acre Tracts. CHEHALEM ORCHARD DISTRICT 20 miles from Portland; "red shot" soil. Partly timbered, timber worth more than price of land, which pur chasers may cut and ship us In pay ment for land If they so desire. These lands are of fabulous richness, equaling; in value the IRRIGATED lands of North Yakima, which bring $1500 to $2500 an acre 250 miles from Portland. Our "red shot" lands require NO IRRIGATION, are within sipht of Portland city limits, and are sold at vastly lower prices than Yakima, Hood River or Itogue River lands. FIRLANDS TRUST CO. 804-808 Spaldlns; Bids;., Portlaad, Or. To Exchange 85-acre platting proposition within 35 mlnuto ride of city on olectiio line, on good macadam road Id nlco country village, near stores, churches, school and mall at your door dally: water piped to the houso and barn; 8-acr orchard; will exchange for In come property In the city. 98 acres. 11 miles from Portland, on good country road. under cultivation, 80 acres old pasture land and easy cleared, balance timber; this place can be sold In 6 and 10-acre tracts at a big advance over price asked; near good school and lies tine; will take city property In exchange. 10 acres, near station. 42 minutes' ride of city, on county road, under cultivation, balance easy cleared: near good school; will consider lot as first nayment. A. W. SMITH CO.. 4S Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6828. Glisan Street Half Acres on beautiful 80 - foot boulevard one mile east of city limits. All in fine cultivation. Three blocks from Mount Hood Electric Station. TIME FROM DOWN TOWN LESS THAN 35 MIN UTES. Compare this with time to other acre tracts and you will buy. $600. Verv easv terms. 1012 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Owner on tract all the time. $8500 A warehouse site, with 150 feet of switch already in, that can't be beat. Let us show you. KEASEY IHUHASDHJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAINS IN BETTER - CLASS HOMES. Ten-room home, new, in Ladd tract. All the new conveniences. Extra well built. Only $6000, on easy terms. Will take $2300 cash and make liberal dis count. Fine six-room bungalow, near Thirty fifth and Division streets. Only $4500. Some terms. We build good houses at the lowest possible figure. Plans and estimates free on all houses built by us. SLATER & HIGGINS Phone Sellwood 182G. For Sale A BIG BARGAIN on a prominent Sixth street corner, between Washington and Burnslde streets, be low the market price. Desire to raise cash and will quote low price In order to make quick sale. There are no other lots avail able In this congested business district. Ap ply quickly to A L 498, Oregonlan. Mortgage Loans MORTGAGES FOR SALE JOHN BAIN SOS SPALDING BUILDING $5000 Dovn will handle Income property netting $230 per month; balance to suit. Price 930,000. E. P. KING, American Trust Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. mm n V IMPROVED PROPERTY. Prudential Loan A Tract Co.. 416 Commercial Club Bldg. COILIS, BERRIDGG A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS-AUDITORS, 324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 657. MORTGAGE LOANS CO JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI J O 902 Spaldlns; Bids;. f C Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWAKD E. GOUDEY, I.rnls BnlldlnaT. National Credit Association VOTE RHOKEKS, COLLECTION'S. 02 Worcester Bids. KEVT TODAY. Irvington Home On 75x100, two blocks from Broad way; 10 rooms. A dandy buy. $8500 Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Portland Heights Home altes for those' who want tha best. Level, magnificent, unobstructed views, splendid approach, most exclus ive neighborhood. BROOKE MAITf 3551. A 8SS0. RF.AL B8TATK DEA1KB8, Beck. William O, I15-J1 Falling bldg. BRUBAXCR at BENEDICT. I0 McKay bids. M. 54. Chapin as Herlow. 332 chamber Commerce, Cook. B. 8. Co.. 608 Corbatt bldg. Jennings c Co. Mala lit 0 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. U. P., tit Commer cial Club bldg. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). BEAIESTATE For Sale Lots. ALROT. ' Bee thl elegant new addition. Just put on the market, west slope of ML Tabor, East 60th St., bet. Salmon and Taylor. All Improvements. Including paved streets. 8 carline, 2 block to fine school, and the price are right. Terms 10 per cent down. 2 par cent per month; also 2 new home tn this tract. Just completed, of the most modern and exclusive designs. Terms to suit, responsible parties. W. L. NASH. OWN Ell, 199 East 50th st. Phone Tabor 7M. 1000 CASH, balance on Installments; unusu al, for this Is on Portland Heights proper; this amount of money will enable you t build your own home according to your own Ideas and by your own architect ana builder. The lots cost $1660 to 11850. therefor, at a cost of 14000 to 60O0 you can secure a desirable home. This is a locality where, when you wish to dispose of your property you can sell at a proliu LB NOIR & CO.. Dealers in West Sid Realty. Gronnd Floor. Chamber of Commerce. MONET IS MADE IN CLOSE-IN LOTS. Tou pay but little more, but your rise In value is swift and sure. We offer In walking distance from business district on E 22d. near Sandy road, fine bulia-ing-lbt. from 1250 to 19O0; lPj:v district: also a few big snaps In 50x100 lots near 81st St.. for !00. Take Rose City cars to 22d St.. office on grounds. Portland-Pacific Inv. Co., 418 Railway Ex change. Marenau ... n r.r,nHT,ia T VPfl t AAA They are 40x100 ft.; located on Eaat Bide. 15 minutes' ride from 2d anaAlderj tbree blocs xrom nciiwwu tsrma MERIDIAN TRUST CO., 109 Railway Exchange Bin. Phones Marshall 25S4JAT4So; 50x100. facing the river; fine f or flats or a nice residence: on Larrabee. between RaScock and Dupont; price SWOO. Includ ing ail street work; the Broadway bridge going in makes this a snap. " GRUSRI & ZADOW 81T Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINOWOOD Take Broadway car. get off at Klickitat street and walk east, where you can buy beautiful lota 60x100 with natural shrubbery for as low as '25 per lot; agents always on the ground. West ern Securities Co.. agents, 414 Spalding bldg. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS, grand site, about 16 000 so. ft.. 1000 fit, above city, gentle (almost imperceptible) southern slope, magnificent view, 4 blocks car. suitable for Invalid with respiratory trouble,, or for sanitarium; 400: any terms; ne In terest; must sell. XXX. Oregonlan. WE have some choice lots Is Park that we can give secon-. mortgages on. or we will build you a horr. on one of them. S. D. Vincent : Co., 41T Ch, of Com. Member of Realty Igjerd. A BARGAIN, mj A $400 equity In a good East Sid lot. 8 blocks from car and on good street: neea money and will sell for 250 cash. B. W. Taylor Co., 628 Chamber of Com merce. . $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fin view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walks. Bnll Run water, fruit cared for free or charge. 202 Board of Trad bldg. Mar shall 4T3. A 1022. WEST STARK AND S2D STS. Lots $SO, easy terms; best buy la tn city; new carline building; see us at oa . BMPIRE RaYA.LT Y TRUST CO. 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 340. IRVINGTON corner, south of Braze at.; 18&00, terms. JOHNSTON, BOTHFTJR 4 TCPFORD. 008 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0967. ""BUSINESS L0T7"W00DST0CK. $550 A fine corner, adjoins new school, $250 cash, balance easy; grab this. Fred W. German. 829 Burcside. M. or A 2776. WB all like to live In the country If w can but Is there any place In the coun try around Portland that Is livable now except FalkenbergT DEAD broke and must sacrifice my equity of $125 In Klamath Falls lot; will take If sold at once. Address J 546, Orego nlan. $10 CASH; nice lot, 00x100. near Firland; city water, graded street; $425. HIGLET & BIBHOP. 132 THIRD ST. LAURELHURST Lot 6, block 61, equity; $200 under the market; by owner. AO 46S, Oregonlan $10 DOWN. $10 MO. Beautiful building lot, all fenced and in garden. See owner, 88 10th. near Stark. 100x100 APARTMENT site on Glisan St.. between 20th and 21st; $22,000; very easy terms. AO 469. Oregonlan. LOT for sale lu Klamath Falls. AO 48T. Oregonlan. ' 6NAP $2000 Lower Alblna lot, 100 fet from Mississippi avenue. Main 2292. $450 SNAP, 60x100. $4th and Emerson. 0$ Gerllnger bldg. Main 3261. NICE corner lot In Laurelhurst, equity for sale. 50c on the dollar. B 2150. FOR SALE 50x100 lot. close in. on SU Johns carline. cheap for cash. C 520, Oregonlan. For Bale Houses. SIX seven and eight-room houses In Beau mont 1 block to car; every modern convenience- furnace, sleeping porch, excep tional bargains, easy term. Phone Tabor 8041. ROSE CITT PARK BARGAIN. Owner offers beautiful new 6-room mod ern bungalow, full basement and attic only $2900, easy terms. Phone mornings or evenings. Tabor 8040. ; PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7-room modern house 4 bedrooms, beautifully Improved lot on block car; $4000, easy terms. Main 36S1. BROOKE. A 38 3. OWNER'S sacrlflce; greatest bargain; Rich mond bungalow, 1179 Ivon St.. :)200; $250 cash, balance - monthly; Immediate pos session; investigate today. MODERN 6-room bungalow, wood cornice, wood wainscoot, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; price $2300, easy terms. Owner, phone Maranau jos. FOR SALE or rent, furnished 8-room modern house, one block from car. restricted district- $3000. easy terms. Phone owner. C 2224. - - GOOD HOME! GOOD INVESTMENT! Only $2i00. your own terms, or discount for some cash: 5-room cottage. 2 full lota Telephone Tabor 1892. IF TOU want a 6-room bungalow or a 8 room. two-story house, phone Bltvan, Tabor 70S. ' WEST SIDE house of 8 rooma partly fur nished. S71 5th St.; walking distance Main 29. i-54)0 Modern 5-room bungalow; Jot 50x 100- $.100 cash, balance monthly. Phone Woodlawn 3229, C 2129. 12100 Six-room house; $200 cash, bal. $13 per month. Phon Woodlawn 8229. C 34 m