Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 11, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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HErLI TWHTER '(irrenth Sf! TmTlorV
Trim r-trnu 1 n th. raueiral
"The Q'.rl rrom F.rt " This afi.rooon At
I-l aad toaisht at S.1A e'clA.
Bfc-r T----r . v.n ana Morrison
"The flower of th Rnc " This erter
Been At 1 0; ton: hi At B:l e'elocA.
OttPHElM THC1TCII (Merrtsea. .ee
Sixth and (nuthi Vaud.TUIe. This at
m At l is aa4 tMiittt at S:la.
PRE TH EATER (par and nrasbtns
' Vaud.Tiiia. Thl. aftareeea at J.l
aaa tenia B I at T M aa4 A
tdTt;! Thia arteraooa At 1.14: le
al at at t it and a.
T.A."-A"CAI1!- oh JOT. ODTO!. TTTO
Flrat m atetaraA 11 A H. H . at.
KKXTX.roKT8 To HtTi Finn Pnorro
tto. Plans for the nw lire station
to be bollt on Frances mnut and
OrMawood street, la Kenll worth, hara
been completed by Emll Fchnrht
Son. Architect. And estimates of the
cost of the work Are to be prepared.
It will be two-story brlclc bulldlna-.
47 feet, and with An exterior of
rough-pressed brick. A basement will
eCATted under bAlf of the bulldlna-
for a boiler, fuel And storage room.
The flrst floor will be used for the
fire apraratuA The dormitory wa- 111
be oa the eecond floor. A lara-e hose
tower will be erected. The station Is
planned to be one of the most attrac
tive engine-houses on the East tilde.
nd will cost about $15,008. The firs
engine and Bra company may be In
stalled shortly after the nrst of the
year. Prom the station there will be a
down-hill run in all directions permit
ting protection of a large area. In
cluding the Waverly-Klchmond dis
trict. Crrr Wajcts Bsxatosrr Tahe FTTtrr-rs.
The Park Foard la asking for the
vacation of old street In Mount Tabor
as shown on the map of Belmont Park,
preparatory to Improvement of the
park. The streets asked to be vacated
are portions of East Tarn hill, all of
fiellevue avenue. Summit avenue.
Tabor avenue, Spring Glen avenue.
Round Point avenue and all of Belmont
Park avenue. What constitutes the
mala portion of "Mount Tsbor Park waa
laid out la streets la Belmont Park,
but these streets are to be superseded
by the plans for the Improvement of
the park, which Include driveways
around the sides of the park to the
top. As the city owns the park It I
expected that vacation of the streets
will be granted. Aa ApproprlAtlon of
tit. 000 was made some time ago for
preliminary Improvement . of the
grounds, but the money has Dot been
TtEUsnxT lirraoanr Rrsitsn.
Improvement of Belmont stret. be
tween East 8lxty-second street to East
Blxtjr-nlntb street, or to the end of
the Mount Tabor carllne, la nearly
completed. Hard-surfece pavement
has been laid to the west end of the
street to the Willamette River. A
small portion of tha Improvement
along the north side of the street
remains to be finished. In Its pres
ent condition the street may be used
to East Hlzty-nlnth street by Automo
biles and vehicles. East Sixty-ninth
street has been paved to East Tamhlll
street making a street over Mount
Tabor to Montavllla. The improve
ment of Belmont street provides a
paved street to the Mount Tabor Park.
The Improvement will coat IsO.OOt),
xtra expense being entailed on ac
sount of heavy cuts that bad to be
Carrnc-it to Rg Buesm Scxdat.
Rev. Herbert A Crocker, pastor, an
nounces that the formal dedication of
the Atkinson Congregational Church,
st the northwest corner of East
Everett and East Twenty-ninth
streets, will be held next Sunday after
noon at 1 o'clock. Rev. I.uther R.
IyotC t. D pastor of tha First Con
gregational Church, will deliver ithe
dedicatory sermon- Rev. George A.
Paddack. Rev. H. F. Smith. Rev. I.
R Gray and Rev. J. J. Staub will also
speak. The new church was orgAnlsed
March a. The congregation owns a
quarter block and the church cost
4S0. The auditorium has been finished
and will accommodate oOe persona.
The church la named after Rev. O. 1L
Atkinson, a well-known pioneer Con
gregational minister of Portland.
Womb-m Accjt-TTTEO or Theft. Be
cause of lack of corroborative evidence
tending to prove the defendants guilty
of the theft. Circuit Judge Uantenbela
yesterday morning dismissed the
charges sgalnst May Moeller and May
Jonea The women were accused of
having stolen more than 11200 worth
of diamonds and other Jewelry from
J. Kutner In a North End house a
few months ago. The trial of Kutner.
who Is alleged to have threatened the
landlady, M-irfle Blake, with a re
volver on discovering his loss, has not
yet been held.
ftnr fob IjirxrK Ixstoa-xcb! Fii-xcx
The T. H. Potter Realty Company
has tiled suit In the Circuit Court to
recover $t0 and Interest from July 24
from the Economic Marine Insurance
Company, the Troperty Insurance Com
pany, the Anglo-cotttsh Insurance
Company and the Lloyd I'nderwrlters.
The amount Is the fsce value of an
Insurance policy covering the launch
RU-hard which waa burned while tl-d
to a dock at Bayocean July 2. The
companies have refused to pay. the
complaint asserts.
Mas. BuAtenig Baalt at Rrsr.
The funeral services of Mrs. Blanche
Bralv. who died Sunday at her home,
at Hancock street, were conducted
yesterday afternoon. Interment was
matte la Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mrs.
Braly waa born In San Diego, Cel.. It
years ago. She Is survived by her
hatband. J. C . Braly. two sons of this
city, and a sister. Mrs. C. C. IShcphard.
of San Plego. Cal
Govebjior Cax't Comb to roaruAXtv
Governor West, who was to have
participated In tha Columbus day cele
bration la Portland, has notified Presi
dent Ferrers of tha general committee
that he will be unable to be present,
as It Is imperative that he be In Salrm
at that time to meet ITesldent Taft.
lie has. however. appointed State
Senator Selling to Act for. him la
every way.
Wowbx Saoa-DBAiJtBa Fart. Applica
tion tor a receiver for tha Protsman
CAmpbell Shoo Company, composed en
tirely of women, wss made In the Cir
cuit Court yesterday morning by Edwin
Clapp at Son. Inc. shoe manufacturers
of East Weymouth. Maui. The stock
consists of til. 004 worth of shoes, ac
cording to tha complaint, and a receiver
la asked that the creditors may obtain
the utmost.
Maa. Hoixowa-u't Fvxxaai. Held.
The funeral of Mra Osro HolloweiL
who died at her home, at t?l East
Hoyt Street, was held yesterday after
noon. Interment waa made la Rose
City Cemetery. Mrs. Hollow. 11 bed
been a resident of Portland for 20
years And was years old. O. Hoi
low. 11. her husband, survives her.
Kbaby-Stabxt Re-roar CorurTsn.
Report of tha viewers on the exten
sion of Kerry street through the Mont
gomery tract to Broadway has been
completed. It will come before the
Couacll October It. and before the
street committee and the Council No
vimbsr S.
Gaa-td Baix. at Armory, Columbus
day (October IJ). given by Columbus
Tay Celebration .te.ociation; Ticinoi
Itallaa Band of 1 taecea; grand march
at I lA: King Fertmand and jueea
Isabella will lead tha march; Professor
Rlngler. master of cetemoaaes. Admis-
Cook's Saloon Too Hoa-erTA-B.
Though three North End saloons had
refused to sell liquor to two elderly
and drunken derelicts, they found no
difficulty In quenching their thirst at
the hospitable bar of John Cook. (1
First street, say Patrolmen Bewley
and Heneon. who traded the men and
witnessed the performance. J. L.
Baldwin, a railroad man. 4 years old.
and A. N. Meyer, a cigarmaker. it
years old. In unmistakable Intoxica
tion, went up First street and their
actions attracted tha attention of the
officers, who decided to follow. They
saw the two make efforts at three
places to secure liquor. At Cook's
plsee they were served without ques
tion, say the policemen. Cook was
placed under Arrest and the two drink
ers are held as witnesses.
WootEM Blocks to Bb Tested. A
test will be mads of the durability
of treated and untreated wooden,
blocks on the Bumslde bridge. The
county Is laying wooden blocks un
treated, except that asphalt la poured
over the blocks after they have been
laid. A row of treated blocks 20 feet
wide will be laid across tha East Side
approach where It Joins tha first span,
and where the blocks will receive the
brunt of tha heavy traffic on tha
bridge. The blocks treated with a
secret process will be laid by the block
company at Ita own expense. Paving
of the bridge deck has nearly reached
the East Side approach, and will be
completed soon. Removal of the north
draw rest Is progressing; and It will
soon be out of the way for tha new
rest to be built.
Coaraussiog Meets October 11.
Further deliberations by tha Judicial
revision commission will be resumed
at lta next meeting; Saturday. October
It. A minority of tha members of
the commission met In this city Sunday
but nothing definitely was undertaken
because of the absence of a working
majority. The meeting was connned
entirely to a dlscuaalon of tha details
of procedure outlined at previous meet
ings. It Is the purpose of tha com
mission to hold regular meetings on
tha last Saturday of every month until
Ita work hag been completed. With
that Idea In view, those members of
the commission who assembled here
Sunday took an adjournment until
October 2S.
Market Mebtixo Caixtd Todat.
Representatives from tha ten Granges
of the county, tha Gresham Commer
cial Club, producers of the county,
members of Improvement clubs and
others Interested In the establishment
of a public market place In Central
East Portland will attend a meeting
this afternoon at 1 o'clock. In tha
rooms of the East Side Business Men's
Club, at tha southwest corner of Orand
avenue and East Alder street, to con
sider the subject. The meeting waa
called at tha request of a number of
business men of the city, who advocate
establishment of a public market place.
The meeting will be open to alL The
project received tha Indorsement of
Pomona Orange at Corbett last week.
Hot Loses tSOOO Daxaob Srrr. A
verdict for the defendant was returned
yesterdsy morning by a Jury which
heard In Judge Kavanaugh'a court the
evidence In the case of Purward Wil
liams, a minor, against the Standard
Bos Factory. The boy sought .to re
cover tooo. While trespassing on the
company's property his hand became
entangled with machinery and was
crippled and he also suffered a broken
arm. All tha witnesses for tha plain
tiff, with tha exception of Chester C.
Moore, the attending physician, were
small boys. Witnesses for the com
pany testified that they bad found It
practically Impossible to keep tbe boys
away from the factory.
SsrrrAOEXARiAM Wox Pies. Mrs.
ChrlstlnA RAssmussen. 74 years
old. died at her home, at tllVs Graham
avenue, Sunday. The funeral will be
held today from the Danish Lutheran
Church, at the corner of Union avenue
and Morris street. Interment will be
made In Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mrs.
Rsssmussen bad been a reeldent of tha
state for a number of years. She Is
survived by her husband and the fol
lowing children: N. P. Hansen. Mora,
Or.; H. Hansen. Portland: Mra Chris
tina Lund. Portland; John Rasamus
sen, Monkland. Or., and Mra Sophia
Anderson. Moro, Or.
Orajtt Backs l Mayor's Pectsjojc.
City, Attorney Grant yesterday af
firmed the decision of Mayor Rushlight,
published a week ago. that there exists
no vscancy In the rank of captain In
tbe Police Iepartment. Tha opinion
Is based upon the point that, after an
examination. Joe Keller, a sergeant,
who was slated for the place by the
Mayor, failed to pass sufficiently high
to gain the coveted prise on flrst certi
fication of ellglbles on the civil service
Grillet to A:d Sautat T. M- C. A.
A. M. Urllley. physical director of tha
Portland Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation, will go to Salem today to aid
In a movement to Increase the mem
bership of the physical department of
the Salem association. Salem has a
strong Y. M. C A but the gymnasium
facilities will accommodate a large
enrollment. A business men's dinner
will be held tonight, which will be
addressed by Mr. Grllley.
Nioht Postal Bark SrcrEsa. Post
master Merrick said yesterdsy that he
wss plrssed with tha result of tha
first night that the postal savings bank
was kept open and believes that It
will be a convenience to those de
siring to make depoelts. Between the
hours of t and on Monday evening
the deposits amounted to $1300 and In
tha future the bank will be open dally
for business during these hours except
on Sundays and holidays.
Alaska Ooljx A most Interesting
sight and one that attracts a great deal
of attention la the display of gold dust
and nuggets, valued at IIS. 000. which
Is exhibited In the windows of O.
Hrltkemper Company. Jewelers. Yeon
building. This lot of gold was sent In
from Circle City, Alaska, and will be
forwarded after a few days to the mint
at San Francisco.
Bots to Rally Tonight i Sgixwooo.
A boys' rally will be held tonight at
7:10 o'clock. In tha Sellwood Young
Men'a Christian Association building,
at East Fifteenth street and Spo
kane avenue. A boys' Bible club will
be organised. A pmcramme has been
arranged and refreshments will be
served. Claud Hicks will preside.
Bai-tists Back Maoujrxs. The Port
land Baptist Ministers' Association put
Itself on record at Its regular meeting
on Monday aa Indorsing and standing
ready to support In any possible way
the efforts of Councilman Magutre and
thoee of the Council who are with him
to abolish the power of attorney now
beld by the brewerlea
CHru Welfare Comxittxx to Meet.
Mra Oeorge McMatn, chairman of
the child welfare exhibit committee, has
called a special meeting of the com
mittee to be held at the Y. W. C A.
Thursday, at 1:10 P. M.. October 11.
Every member of the commlttea la re
quested to be present,
Arb Tou SATtsrtTD With Torn Poai
tiok A great flleld of endeavor pos
sessing unlimited possibilities Is
opened up 'to you through the course
of "Personal Instruction In Advertising.-
now beginning st the Y. M. C
A. Inquire Immediately at the T. M.
C A. building. Six'.h and Taylor.
Grbk Tba Pot Mext. T. W. C A.
Wednesday. October 11: Barley or
cream potato soup, roast beef, halibut,
chicken pie. corn on cob, baked toma
toes, lobster salad, fruit salad, apple,
date and celery salad, custard pie,
peach shortcake.
Aitososils Wastted. Single-seat run
about of 111 model In good condition;
will not pay more than 1350. Y tti,
Si'ruid Co at, Is per ton. delivered.
To the vigorous-earnest
young men who
are just making a
start for themselves
who are starting on small
capital but who will
later be among the sub
stantial men of Portland
we say
Place your commercial ac
count with this bank.
In the years to come,
you 11 be glad you took
our advice.
The advantages we have
to offer you are gained by
a quarter of a century of
safe banking methods.
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third and Oak Stroota
Haicum Taxes Trio East. Deputy
United States Marshal Hamlin will
leave for tha East tomorrow with
three prisoners, who have been sen
tenced to terms by Judge Bean of the
United States District Court. Mabel
Robinson, who will serve three years
for white slavery, and Grace Allvarea,
sentenoed to It months on a similar
charge, will ba taken to tba Lansing,
Kail, penitentiary. This penitentiary
was chosen because It la tba best
adapted for handling women prlaoners
west of tha Mississippi River. The
third prisoner to be taken la Weeks,
tha Klamath Indian, who was sen
tenced to ten yearn after bemg con
victed of murder In the seoond degree.
Ha will ba taken to tha Leavenworth.
Kail, Federal prison.
PITAL. Mrs. C Baker, of IS North
Seventeenth street, who was knocked
down by an automobile driven by E.
E. Cohen Monday night, waa taken to
Good Samaritan Hospital yesterday.
She la not seriously hurt Mra Baker,
with her husband, was crossing the
street at Fourteenth and Alder streets,
when the accident happened. She failed
to sea the machine which gave no
signal. Mr. Baker was also knocked
down but escaped Injury.
Trial. Docket Date Set. Judge
Bean made the announcement In the
United States District Court yester
day that ha would call the trial docket
on Monday. October It, at 10 o'clock.
Instead of on the previous Monday, aa
haa been previously understood. Tha
cases then set will be tried before tha
Jury that wfTl be Impaneled on Mon
day, November 4.
Heaji CoNORBsaxtAif MtrRDOCE, tha
noted Insurgent, on- "Insurgency," At
tha Central Christian Church. East
Twentieth and Salmon streets, Thurs
day evening, October It. Admission.
60 cents.
PxrwELora Pl-xcim sings tonight at
the Masonic Temple auditorium.
. Da. KijtKPATRicK haa returned.
Crowds attend Oaks rink dally.
BRINGS 9135,000.
Grand Avenue and East Taylor Cor
ner Aho Sold for $2 7, S00 J.
W. Cook Plans Hotel.
Two deals In Inside property Involv
ing a total consideration of $162,500
were closed yesterday. One Is tha
transfer of the University Club's prop
erty at the northwest corner of Stark
and West Park Streets, which brought
1135.000. The other property Is at the
southwest corner of Grand avenue and
East Taylor street, and sold for $27,500.
The University Club's corner Is In the
heart of a rapidly Improving district
where valuea have Increased substan
tially In tha last year. The lot extends
8 feet on West Park street and 101
feet on Stark street. The west line is
66 H feet long and the north side 100
feet long.
The name of tha buyers haa not been
announced, but It Is understood that the
new owner will construct a three
story building at once. Tha club In
tends to occupy tha two upper floors
of the new building as Its permanent
quarters. It Is probable that a ten
year lease will be taken on the upper
part of the building.
Tha transfer of the quarter-block on
Grand avenue and East Taylor street
was made to Joeeph Healy, a Portland
capitalist and builder. Tha property
was owned by Weldon Darling-- Mr.
Healy owns tha adjoining quarter block
on Union avenue.
Tha contract for a four-etory hotel
structure. 100 by 100 feet, at tha corner
of Seventh and Main streets, was let
yesterday by J. W. Cook, the owner, to
the J. V. Wlneland Building A. Engi
neering Company. The building will
cost $5.000. It Is to be completed In
five months.
The first floor will be fitted for store
purposes. The building will ba faced
with Hebron pressed brick, with terra
cotta trimmings.
The rain I Be prepared. Buy your
raincoat of Jimmy Dunn. No landlord's
profit; no buncombe; no hot-air shots.
Take elevator and buy a high-grade
English gabardine coat for tlt.Tt, It
would cost you $25 at a high-rent
store on tha street. Room tit, Orego
nlan bldg.
The North Pacific College of Den
tistry has moved from Fifteenth and
Couch streets to East Sixth and Oregon,
near Holladay and Orand avenues.
Take Union avenue or Orand avenue
rare. Persons desiring dental work are
Lutherans Hold Conference?.
At services held last night In Su
James' English Lutheran Church. West
Park and Jefferson streets, the English
Coaierenca at til FaolUo i&nodi ot thai
Full Dress and
Tuxedo Suits for
President Taft's
We Are Sole Agents
for Holeproof Hose
for Men, Women,
and Children
Lutheran Church waa opened. There
will be three sessions today, at 9
o'clock, at 1 and at (. At this morn
ing's session Rev. C. F. W. Stoever,
president of the conference, will read
his annual report. This will be fol
lowed by the elect'on of officers. At
tha afternoon session papers will ba
read on various departments of church
administration and philanthropy. Tha
evening session will be devoted to ad
dresses on "Education" and "Mis
sions." Twenty-five ministers are in
attendance, representing var'ous parts
of Oregon and Washington.
Change of Shoreline Makes Hunters
Amenable to Arrest,
That hunters who use a blind mora
than 100 feet from tha shore, even
though It did not exceed that distance
when constructed, will be liable to ar
rest, waa announced yesterday follow
ing a decision by Attorney-General
Crawford. The question has been un
der consideration for soma time.
On many of the lakes blinds built
last year to conform with the law
will be further from shore this year,
owing to the heavy rains. Shooting
from these blinds Is held to be Illegal.
Attorney-General Crawford's ruling Is:
"In case the water rises to that of a
blind erected by one who la not the
acknowledged lessee or licensee of an
entire lake which is further in the water
than 100 feet from the shore, it would
seem that he would be prohibited from
using the same while it Is so situated
with reference to the edge of the water.
But he would not be guilty of any
crime for building it there, because ha
has not erected It at a greater dist
ance from the water's edge than 100
feet. But the statute says 'build or
use." Therefore it would be unlawful
for him to use It during such time."
Two Buspect Bankroll be rs, Explain
Wealth and Are Freed.
Belief that the bank-robbers who
stole a quarter of a million dollars at
Westminster, B. C, several weeks ago,
were operating here, made furore in
the police department for a short time
yesterday morning. A citizen tele
phoned to detective headquarters that
two strange men were offering Cana
dian bills to second-hand merchants In
the neighborhood of Front and Main
streets in exchange for wares, and
seemed to have a large supply of the
Detectives Craddock, Abbott, Cole
man and Royle rushed to the Indicated
place and arrested Alex Kullkoff and
Mike Ronogorowsky. The former had
1235 in Canadian bills and the latter
Tha men were taken to detective
headquarters, where they told a
straightforward story. They said they
had been clearing land near Vancouver,
B. CX, and had just been paid off. They
crossed the line with the Impression
Falling Hair
And Itching Scalp Goes,
Dandruff Vanishes
Don't worry because your hair la fall
ing, a minute of action is worth a
day of worry.
Get a bottle of Invigorating, de
lightful PARISIAN SAGE and begin
using it at once.
sold throughout America
Is guaranteed by Wood
Ard. Clarke dc Co. to stop
falling hair and Itching
scalp, to rid your scalp
of dandruff, or money
trates into the roots of
the hair and supplies
them with the
n o u r 1 s hment
they require.
That's the res
son It puts
brilliancy Into
faded, lifeless hair. Large bottle 50
centa at Woodard. Clarke Co.. and
druggists everywhere. Girl with Auburn
.haix osv avacjr carton, and. botUo.
Priced $35 to $50
that their currency would be. accepted
here. The detectives were satisfied that
the men were telling . the truth end
they were released.
Tou embrace an opportunity when
you dine at the Alder Restaurant, 266
Alder street.
There Is Something Sweeter.
They say there is nothing so sweet
in life as love's young dream. How
about the realization of the dream?
This can be brought about quicker
by the introduction of a few boxes of
the world's daintiest confections!
Malllard's chocolates, famous the
world over for their exquisite purity.
Big Sichel A Co.. sole agents, distribute
these candles In dainty boxes. Treat
the young lady royally. 91 Third
street. Third and Washington and Sixth
and Washington. - ,
Edlefsen Wellington coal faultless.
Main 163. A 1165 First and Oak
Dr. F. E. Yoacum
of Pisgah Home, Los Angeles, Cal.,
Is Holding a Convention at the
Plsaah Mission Church, East
Seventh and East Ankeny,
Teaching the Full Gospel
Many Are Being; Saved and Healed.
Meetings Today TiSO P. M.
And Kaeh Day Until
October 15.
The Pisgah movement sprang, IS
years ago, from the hearts of one
man ond one woman. The Intent
was simply a good deed to one
drunkard. The fulfillment is not
yet; but in the City of Los Angeles
alone three hundred sin - weary,
homeltn, friendless, drunkards,
tuberculars, cripples and erring
girls are being fed daily, clothed,
housed, loved and redeemed to Join
the thousands who have heretofore
come within the sheltering care of
the movement. In the name of
Jesus, to live upright, wholesome,
healthy Christian lives.
Take East Ankeny er Rose City
Park Cars.
Est&bliaried 1 900
Worcester Bldg. Portland, Or.
Piano Studio
Teacher- of piano. Rooms 300-1-2,
Tilford Bldg., Tenth and Morrison.
Copperplate Cards
Executed in Up -to -Dates Style
Printers, Lithographers, Stationers
Office and Plant
Fifteenta nnd Gllaan Streets
Do It Right !
Buy your Suit or Overcoat Right
See that the Fabrics are Right
See that the Style is Right
See that the Fit is Right
See that the Price is Right
Buy your Clothing here and you will
know that you are Right
Forty-eight years selling Clothes for
men and boys proves that , we
are Right.
Suits and Overcoats
$15 to $50
Fourth and Morrison Streets
Keep the Pot Boiling
Fancy Lump Coal $6.25 Ton
Delivered at your address in Port
land, within the one-mile circle, at
this price, or within the two-mile cir
cle at $6.75 per ton, for ADVERTIS
wish to take advantage of this offer
you will have to act at once, as we
will sell only TWO TONS TO EACH
CUSTOMER. This means our best
grade lump coal, nothing more and
nothing less. We do not make any
money on this coal at this price, and
are simply doing this to advertise the
THIS CITY. We know that when
you have once used this coal, you
will continue to do so. Do not be
disappointed if you do not get some
of this coal, for the first come will
be first served.
We will not reserve any of this
coal for anyone, excepting such orders
as are accompanied by the cash or
We are placing 900 tons only on
the market at this price.
Diamond Crest Coal Company
325 Railway Exchange Building.
Phone Marshall 2574. Portland. Or.
1 0 Uibm&:p;i
Portland Academy
F1U Bor and Girls for Collate.
A Primary and Grammar School Included.
Graduates enter on examination Harvard,
Prince ion. Tale and Massachusetts iLstltute
of TeCrtnoiogTr ; on certificates, Amherst, Cor
nell. Smith, Vassar, William and colleges
and universities of the Pacific Coast, Well
equipped laboratories In chemistry and phy
sics. Field practice in surveying-. Depart
ments In charge of college men and women.
Classical, scientific, modern languages and
commercial courses. Gymnasium under
skilled director. Track and field athletics.
Corner of Montgomery and Thirteenth.
8aod Xor Catalogue.
Foster & Kleiser
High Grade Commercial and Klectrle
East Seventk and East Everett Streets.
Phones East 111, B 2224.
Brook Hat
Peer of All
$3.00 Hats
is covered;
can't be
all through
"Veneered" or any other
kind of "patched up"
office furniture is
simply an imitation of
the genuine SOLID OAK
invented and makes.
It costs less to manufac
ture and it costs the dealer
less to buy.
It is sold as "just as good";
but is it f
Do you think it would be
right for us to offer
you something said to be
"as good," just because
we could buy it a little
cheaper ?
Well, of course, it would
not be just right, but
it's business somebody
"Well, we don't like that kind
of business.
When our customers ask for
an Oak or Mahogany Desk,
they do not want a desk
mostly something else, so we
want to be able to point
to the
Trademark for honest, all-solid value,
Commercial Stationers,
Office Outfitters,
Printers, Engravers,
Booklet Makers and
Architects' and Engineers Instru
ments and Supplies.
Ayi Iwue Aisia 1M -A. liia- ,