Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 10, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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C.'nfl l4:arr Etwploymeot IepBArtJewt.
rtciir. eat of wrtt t?
. . - , 1 f RAW tM 38 I
Li . obit f.a wt bi3 u4 atar-
.-refarr If tm ley 83 rt1
tii r. M. C A., wiia II l'"1 b
-i. Ydf mn lo.ced Asetloa.
Jn w had BB'.ie factory i
Re'-o-d for 3 mattltf
f f.r rr-o .........
Y ic:na f: ad .......
mm ncscbera .........
-r.i,.orrat ee rfjnd of wiaoiberehip
f- ; c Ta two non'hr fuH t7aemberni
Jrtr-s taa fu.i urn of Jar,ru wit-
er. i ..... a. . .a fnv Man
-4a. expaeler.rd maa. Arw fitted
fer a better poeuioaT .
Se eacratar j employ ot oaltwnb
C A.
at R-HAprrD mea wint4 for be IT.
Venae t .rpe, btvta the ' 19
Aa Mud native born of ri" 1 ' .
jrra Von'ftiy par iu a -. "V
t.'I rmpBMtloo poeaibia. Food, eloio--.
quuurt sad medical attendance fr.
A.'-er n years' arvi: ran rat i ra with
rt-r -en of da ud allowBBCea, Service)
e r&oeM eh:p so4 atrior la a.) pasta of
.r .1. r.y t I. 8. Marina Corps
r-eniitina of lea. BfM)i biJr. 3d a--4
v,i..;nc-.n are., r r..n 1 Winchester
TM-a. 3 at.. Port and. Or
rv- A N T E TV
- Eia inru and aaa manaaer f'
: .:. -m off ..-e in S-at I . man
ntla a and wocf
an-1 a- me cash lo invest. Wiil
ft fyr rnt nt ar:y n monay
ft mm ami run !: own buin wit n
I int'iBni. !a:ry and o-mtni-
i r.. C i'". i'rirartman.
i4..Nrr-:t rATK NAVY Bm opnad ft lB
CHriTlN' hTATlo at 2t Kl.ay Ki
rSin hiLdira. P rt.and. whara Infr
m r Bi.l w vtvaBj iOUt '
.o-trtanlita l vouni rr.a Tar It. "Tha
t c V a I about lha Nr, mill hw aaat
f i-" t anrvna who wnC lL
k ran d a l rl r'ata Hitman
er-n4nal mut ta hard work
er a fcuir.M -itr, nw adl tt-m J'j
:r: .n lit n--rt; ItrrmJ c.mmli'n
r-t -D-. t fumii!iJ. din 1 Klu.t Uii.r
i i m- mn t'UioM, IT you d. at 144
an. ak frr rr.nitr.
iV II U S; l h l)t ttwtiinf tn Hi ("tty
I- -; and tk, a-..irHora; l'Uy
rr. Mr. .Uiour. 41a Mohawk
9 to 1?
Mlrfmin. A man who
who will work hM and ron
a,. iriMiui r to rrprwtil ui i..alaiy
ii r-.rt nd 1 yi io H bu aaa. aa
V r . tha b--t op-nin la tti
.iwdo M.rim'n wri
aro )..k.oa r
tAtli-hd Per
a-! t r. r ni T l . II Q Cld
r I rort'inr. Ma Mr,
Ca:tioi.r, 418 M
i pp'rtunitir for i
maa alitn
Vil jr a"wa Burptrf
rltory. outfit froo. ca
t out (tpTlnc. rtauiroL
TiPpaih N ura-ry "a-. i oppo,ih
and bill c.fK Tour ma n
I r- ft of and S a. fur
a nrttr rrk. moat bo a.tlv.
ad v rural at ucura od a. ood
V 44. r--e"on.-a.
X' A V TITf Etprlnrl p!o pw-or;
- r"i I'" Job. l lftc k.aiplojr-
nr.'ui. J- N. at.
ar-"i 1 1 vara M. aai"'l f-r of -!.
.ra p;Jy l a handwrittnc.
Al L-llkS waitiad la aoll wur Uaa of Pa
9? .oaM rw nuraory atocA. pajd
aok.i. aalOa Kuraarr Caw Coraoit
MAIL. CI-fTR K s. rlartta. Biall-ca-r
ra N.omtor r tan i r :irva in 4uM
Und Mtnpi gufitlotia f r artnklla la-
,iui I ft. ' J I'.Kii'itr. . Y-
)ul man l al l.-lt f'r
an t 4r,tvrr in t-iniy ; o
ftifi f -r ir n wfco will w
a,l. 4iJ V aah. a I.
7i snri.M AV want'4 at on-
J-h-ia.n. iJ Tin aU
w aTn. d
r auU Dk
HTl-F W IXTria M tut.
V t N r KI Tnvni w-na with ,W1 a-iu
r-.iiQ fr a airtal (caturo in land and
r-t ntat a-rk. t th rlht parir I
.an orr-r a a-vN-d pai..o with ar-o-1 .-ry.
i.r Dion BumMr. Addrraa L 4Jl. lra-
a 'man.
IK"Nt; In Ih a i Urr Md of l&th and
K'n;nr strata I rar fr till. girl
I ?.- l-twr-n aod lO
A M. Mra pow!I. 14 N. ISthaU
KI VLH- Waatrd. .rl to ll'wd
J.r cO"kln4. . t adiiita and
ri in (amii). KUht tvw a. k'hono
V. an r k.l dimnnalratora
wwma. tarrw aaiarw and fn
aiary and roamiMK
4ti. b(iln btdaj.
wiaaaarr. of ft-
Ta arid ai prntica
lr. a. aw ta.or woia.
D'.4 f'r drtiai
Hua rioa Ht.. or T ta. L pataira,
I'nuna Mai a Jt J
, n ip'incH irl fr anral wrk : 3
:n f-n'.- tnuat bo gooU cowk, I'hona
Mir.:i 2.13 .
V rci t.irl lo aw it
-d . ar1 of ear -old 1 1T.
i- r..rt.
ii d :
U aaAins ( n b.da.. ta aad Waaa.
MatB ajia or A 3
tv jv i"na In mina manarr'i bv
I r-r montn to rinipo:ai '
man AV irvitouiAn.
. aa
I'rr S.
rL ; ton a w omin
v firtnra aut
a a arrk.
. .Nortl.
a r " ; I nl
V V.Tr'-fin'4 :dwrly U.ty f.r hou
aiMi Uor. 2 oun ctilidrva. O
a.' r-ai-'riii
1.1. a
r -r ta
t a
m rnn if.
i Ala!tdv for wili and
u'nirratjr. Portland Hmir4iii.
f .r
want hrnr
Apply 4,10
t h'p to work oa
a: aMi waca 44? Aldar.
U-tl. a" tat or.
a. makra Bln nJy m- at b.hai utii.'a Apyu
l at 'on,j any, laomA.
V A 1 - 1'ictura p. a writ
a ti ta-;-t ott I loiara
t pan rrtn'ifca.
V ATk'i Kf nod. earasia woanaa tor ra-
poaiwon. Vil aO Rata-rn:-d
. 4tk ana V aaMrtg; jb.
p-rauiri ta
t ruat KUAr-
' ' w. a a.
icr r-a . h.ii.-a. ata.!y rjr.p
cTlKT r r nral h.-uaoaork. no cMf-n.
il t-i- r-. i;. bt n at-. cornT of '.ar.
T S rt.r -A r.lad j-mai itrl a nura--
!'.:!. rtrn. a rqu:rl 41 Jlaa.( t-
v :ri a atrl f
7 irthri.p
ACr ral buuaowurk.
w or trl to a al wi'h llahl hauaw-
a.ri f-aona ool.awa
i:ai4 for aj-naral booawork. Call
V;i.'rr flat 1.
Xl'fc KI"A'.
araltnraa fr pr:
li yt t, XAia
7 v.; i -:y
ntH at.
atratoca at vOt'4
il Aftlki
4 :i al.
(jf c ' uc try hotaL Iai jlra
' no
tth houaowrk.
s r v. .
in fnn
... I fr
A '-Ihl-F
houaw wora, 1 la fanuiy
, :rl f 'r co-k:naT :
n.orntrca. Ma
and hou
rha.t at.
V k.NTti TjuAf bt rl to a M tnk boua
w'trk. fall la f-rox.n. yc Para.
x t r r Aa t?n,"f4 a rl to work la
rai:.-p ff. IJ Nor:h !:.
Klt- trl cm lA-lorlnc aid draaaaaa.
, ?ark at.
t. aMiit la dU.-at
1. f T bar br
w aala-d at 21 laabl.
I xrMVK r fcrpora on cara and akina.
- - Y t h an-h-. " aahiiiaTtoa al
V N Tt"i - ir. -c.-aa
: yiAa f'r ho
Tt'v at.
latli-a a kot
1 ANT" and
a. n T fc. I An irn--d ahrt-honr wait.
ra W -ran "... ir. I ' "
,(';'. f. r -n i' h --k a--
iPAaV 4&-UUD J 4a -
Patnr cook $4i-
H -ard;ri-hou rka $2i to Its.
Wa.trwa ; pr f aad par
mnoch; rtTp waltr-aaaa ISO.
1 hoaaktra J a.
I kiifha fc-.ra 9 p waak aav-Jl.
Olta. houaowork tZm to Otaar
(ooit po:tioia
Lau lea' I wp- - 3 Mo rrtaon gt.
8A LK--LA IT f-r randy d-partmrnt ; tnuat b
thTOLf.'.ijr mptrirnt f1 ; oca w bo baa tact
and knuwa how to baadTa tha bttr claao
ef p-r:. Thu la aa unaaual oiportuntty
for tbo narht paraon. In rP7 ata:a ful y
tha mxprnrimarm you hav bad. and for
horn you baft worked; aiao w hat ho r
married cr ainfc-la. dirt Auaruatlaa a
Kr-r. 1i lPt a'.. t-it. Waab
KaN'H cook. 4 lo cok for.
3 waliraa-a tout of ciiy. f. room and
bo- rxL
Karfiilr r"k. fin and f&S.
th iinl fm Aid. $-3.
ha.ns;:.ns I.ADIE.-T AOEKCT,
3' Waib. a w. room T.
V A rwlDa. eapab a. aunbttloca
woman, will! nc to da to to all or part of
bar n to a d:rnincd aad rrminratla
l:n or arnpioymrnt. Aak for Mr. Harfta.
14H 5:b at . Id floor.
liCAU PTEN'XJRAPH KR Raplrflty, accur
acy. RaAaring abliliy, aaaantlala: bo ba-
:nara ud apt-.y. Call at nra Tta
Par. TL A TaL Co.. roou 31o Cnmmarclai
C lub, or talaphona Mala locl ao.
App Standard Factory. So
a. aad Kaat Taylor at.
X Ormad
EXrKftlEN'TD rouoar woman, nrar 3n. for
car of cbl.d of 3. aad at wrn tona
work. Irenaaoaa. Salary S3U. Pbona
!n 13w.
WANTED at onr. e rHr!an--d cloak a
Au'f riljlv f r liaJint hmA. on tn
HarN.r: .od uin. Apply immadiatrly
to ? Mrti I t.. or 4 -A Port'and llrtrl.
WAN'TKK A atr-.n. midll-aaied lady fi
lha r,iunfr- f 'iiftil h ililfWor K : BO Oft'
1 -il' ni to ona or two cb:dro. Cail
BOOKKKEI EKH. caahl-ra. bill clarka. ata-l
1 wlil (jarmr.i-a your quauacation to ma
Eualttcna in W daya; pri Tata aiiatnactloa
v public acruuDiAai; poattion aacarad. 4
IU). trraroniaa. .
EM'ERiKNCKD tailor aantrd; alao alrl
rtMrin-cil on bat (ontioit work. uoora
IJ. 3IiW VashIraton at.
Wi grm you tnoruh ad
ucatlon. how u run. cara
fr aAd rapalr. Wi fur
Biab you wtin T-o charta
and wo;kln tnodela. alao
J.lmaa loiiUKiaul la
atruciara. Cwup;ra curaa. I1T.30.
0.4 B rd of Trada Uldg.
MR. EM PLOY Lk who aan:i a atonoraphor:
Tha Kn.inaS'.'-n Tpawntfr U-mpan) a o
p.omnt ueartmtrnt wil aa you tba
aaata of lima lno.M in lniarTlewlni" a
aumbar of applicant. Til ua your ra
qulrrmania and will Immediately ar-nd
yotl a atenograpbar competeat &o
tour oevtla. We make no cbra;e forour
rnl'-fa. m ttiark
A 3111
at. Pbona Mala S
Trie only prarttea! School of IfotofinaT
Mun incluiiaa Unvin and covin all
liiollr.o ar.clna DAado. WE AoiidT OI K
liilENTii TO J't.SITlONrt. Special
course (or ladloa. Call or addroaa, jrcua
Auio S. hooa, XJa Marcaata Truet UiO..
i vrt.aad.
wa n la irte o aw '
la kind on it a pacific I Mat. la fii.lnc
hib-ararid poaltloaa for chaufTrura ana
r-pA.r u;n eiy Ua . we nd more na
for tarM poaltlona. day or n ht claaaa
..) or addraaa A orth Atii au, Port
land, or.
MEN wanted. aa 1 --". for firemen. PIOO
ntontut) . Draamn.
rxda Epwaie unn'eaary ; no strike,
poaiitnna gaarantew-t competent maa.
i.r,.m.iiUo. Kaitroad Emplo tng liead
ouartra M men eent to poAitlona
KDitmbfr Mtate a. enl atauip.
way AaociatJ'a. LtoX . Oieaouiao.
r Iratnin to operata moTiiic-plcturea;
oraiura -am -i to weky; aaay
lnile work, abort hour. l-aru bualua
tn lo a a laaona r'nabl. Day euid
en hunua
Ah-rm-.u rear l.'lh.
atAvw Porlfio.s for kraooAtea iat yeawi
maa ana wowtww
. -Mkj, aip to aecure pwaittoa; a red a
atee earn Jrv.n IU to aO weekly; expert
itatMiciora. looia free; wrue for cata
luaaea. Moaier ayateia of 4,oUeea. aa
jJ;tb 4th at.. Portland. Or
N W a.nUn at lTt Kirat at., thla city,
to namtna ail tu-e fioldlaa: permlia. Oc-ioi-r
a aad JO. 1. M. Leabo, aec-
huua and aaort-atorr aianaeenpte Tttlclaea.
raMed- and :j ye wrmeo. Addreee Maau-
pcrtpt Editinaj liuraau, e-w aMiiKBe
b ti n . por;.and.
MAKE muo-y wrltln abort at or lea, or for
taire. ti Vm ww www.
Mied rrwagnd.cete. tfan Franciaca.
tar bar trade Id our coin. ao couch.
tiK laACHfcKA aj-a i ft
MK'ana a'Q. ,
V K1T:K0. 4- mo. 3oW 14tn at. Main aaaA.
aad 1 lerka.
WANTED Poaltlon by youna; man -i
j rara of as, fc yeara- enrin-o m
ral of;it- work, can oprat any tpe
wruer. willlnc lo atrt for amail salary,
ahrre there ta a than.- I r advancemant.
r Hd ryjerrnrra N 4-3, Ort('n:an.
V ANT fl Position by youae; man. 3 yeara
riTinfa btitina g roone, ary roona ana
liardaar. a-a- Eirlnred Ln general f
f.ce amk. Ctty r.ferencea. N 4, Ora-
WAN T ED Position by a youn( man wno
iaa tp-rate tpwritr ana naa kDuai'na
of aienojrrapu) . no objection to doing;
other iur' on. ioe of oOlca part of time.
A! 3"j. ttrrar 'niaa.
VEa- Al Dir. OPEN. fLOaii OH WRlTat
Up bk a. prapr ana aiaie
n-cnta, inaia.I aatma. Oiiilnaham au
di .or. 411 LewU MJc. Marahall 71T.
eTCXtV.RAPHKR, man. expert. 8 reara e-
prritfTu In taw. abatrartinar. raiiroaainBj
and rjrt rrortlns; good eaiaxy expected.
Phono r
op-rat a t yp writer, de-Ir.-H'e
or oni.tde; rrferr n
Marshall --jl. Aa '
air-a n
ca. I'hona
i M PETE. NT offia man. .: ilent nera4
buln.-a rx !-! mra. rood bookkcrpor aad
cot.t.Lor. AL 4iv owfjniaa.
WAXTFD-l'r your man Maaon noalMon,
a ini-kkf r. orr.te or aairsman, iitgnaai
rrwlrntia a. O 4-L Orrg nlaa.
. 14. for off.
ri-ffrtnc-i V
. h'.Ki achool adU'
c at 'on .
IV war.ta work of auy kuid.
wagtn p.-ftrrrl ; experienced,
E 477. Oregon lan.
W A .ME.
Cur real acid'.Dia to co.Nrt on
by your g n4Q (Mat of refnrnca
ri. AD 47 4, (rcjnla.
aal b
Ul TTEKMAKER wihea aituarion. II yara
tipnra , referenrea. iicx Z4J. an-
r.ur. SaaT.
TH)H"l'OHI.T ierinced automobile
driver and ttia -htnmt wih a full kit of
t'ta dir-a iiinn. AH 4".V. oreaonia.
-o: l w
i:a to work for room
Lrtooi hoara. P 4-i.
and boar-L
rr.n. wail trlenrd. wanta
aork on araraa. or will work for
l r( rnrf AV o", Or ttmlax
rar-n to
wa-- g
opr4 or wan:a poa.tion.
t' h-'m. Cjoo.1 pr.ntage
V 4 7!. Orrgonian.
Wt..;r. to i
for n-.anfg
rantng and window wmahtng and
r work. Andrew J. Jmniaga, Main
EXPERIENCED voi.raCt.ooT. 1
ears' rf
ovtonaa. f .'n r: om ac k k. rtiABi
4 s ('nw mr- La. at.
jI'V.j MAN. 14. wti ri worker. deara
B 1 C b t worn wo-.r-w um . boova i wi frtncA
AN 4T.. lrtoo!B.
M AKRiKD man wanta poaillwa of any ki&d.
AN 4t. iTrsoBAfc
BT a
good a
h lad-d
aro-ind bkr Wtll work
i; 47;;. Oregnian.
M- VIN'.
picture cperaur w lahaa poalt'.oa.
. K chuffur aanu poa.tion. K,
a J
7 N
uiint w an ta work
r1ay. E- 1
M r..1 Sat
lNIT""l tv
"cacoa raxauiraa
srrr a ti oxs wanted m au
WANTED 8liua.tioa aa areneraJ paanajrar
of bydro-aiactric davalopnv-nt; axprrl
enctil la concrata eonatruction. heavy riar
iTinaT and uaual work of build ui AT aad
opraUnc aur powr p:anta In rou-b
co ua try. Ad lreaa. V4 Corba at.
XOCKO maa. 23, wan la poaltlon with chanoa
of adTanoamant; had 4 yeare exparlt-nca
mm atork c.ark and aaJaaman iUi laj-ara
wbo.eaaia Unportiuaj avnd aovalty houni;
pood city rtlarcaca. M. i-o wan thai. 73
W. park at.
FIKT-CLASS ciothlnc and furnialilnar artoie
majj wan i position la or out of city;
11 -ara a ipc-rlrnr ; can ariva brat of rt-f-rrnaa;
am marrlt-d; am cpaM4 of tak
Inar caxc of dpartmant in amall town.
AX 4y. Qrcroniart.
H TV ATT on. by"Voun man aa bookkepar;
12 ycara' aspcrlanre In general atore bual
ncaa; ran (aka chaxi of amall offlca;
CMiniry town preferred. AL. 45l, Orc.-
MAN dealrea attuailon; ran drivo and taka
rara of auti, vcarvtahle lardcn. lawn,
miik row a and work around hou: alht
yira with praaent amployera; refaranoaa.
AUdraa C 4:T. uregonlan.
BT younaj hJy from E aat. a poaltlon in
pri n tl n g oXTica ; caa food both c y i in d ar
and platan praaata and can do ulnJary
work. B lbl. or Eaat 3527.
MAN and w!fa. chW cot-U; flrat-claaa dln
nr and order: 20 yara' expiiica; want
poatuon toathar, city or country. AR
4rtd, oreronian. or phona A
WANTr'D Iy younr man. chaoca to learn
candj-maJiina'; rood worker; atiictly tem-p-rrata:
w;i up la Iro-crao rn makiutr.
Addrfa T 4TT. Oraonlari.
WANTED Work In a warehouse or wbole-
aaie hoaae by a atrocg young man wno
haa bad loma experience. 1 413. Oreo-
ALX. around carpenter or carpenter fore
m tn. 2i venr experience 10 year ex
prlenre In bungalow oonatructlon; gHt
elce rferncea K 4V. Oregonian.
SALESMAN Ktatorn roan of good appeaj
anco to connect with responsible firm :
e : t her loca I or Eaatcrn territory. A R
4!Hi, Orearonlan.
TOI'NO man. not afraid of work, wlahea
reunion with conatruction firm; haa
nowlrftsre of drafting and blueprtut read
lng, aalary ocondary. AR 4Utf. Oregon tan.
HOTEL clerk, situation" wanted by an 1
drly rWtned truat worthy man; good raf
frmr. H 4:!. Oregonlan.
B Y young atngle man aa porter or dlh-waso-r.
good refer, neck AN 477, Ore
gon tin.
CHAlKFtTK with first -class references;
understands r-p!ring; wis has position
with private family. V 4-. Oregonlan.
ilKiCAU and caka bu,ker; ate.tdy. aober. 12
y.ara experience ; can take charge of
email shop. Y 412. orearonlan
EXPERIENCED talloreas fumlahed on short
nntka. Phona Frea LAborers Exchange,
Main 102. "
MAN wanta any kin! of work from 10 A. M.
to 3 P. M. AN 473. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE boy wanta a Job as achooi-boy
in city. P 4-1. Oregonlan.
Hookker pera and Hi enogra phera.
VOl'VO woman would like a mull sot of
books to kotp awnings; aeral years
evparlaoco and able to do ethnography.
A.V4a Main G40; ask. for the bookk--por.
THoitot.'GHLT competent young lady book
keeper, experienced In all brancha of
general on ire work beat city references;
aniary moderate. Phone A oOst.
IV AN' ED Poaltlon for S daya of the week
by eiperiunced at enogra phrr of good
Branding. Addresa AV .V'.'.t. OreRontan.
EAPEKIKNCED oung stenographer deslroa
n aiuin; best or ran
tfarancca. Call Maxehail
LADY of ahiilty and good penman d-elrea
copying or poaltlon In office wh-re xpn
ri:ie La not ne-trswary. ii 414. Oregon U a.
COMPETENT. accurate atenoarapher da-ari-a
poaltlon at once. A-l r-rrt.'ncs fur
nished. Mala M' between U and 5.
bTVok'kEEI'ER and stanoirnipher with
am experimre wants position. Phone
Woodlawn 134J.
I.ADY atanoairapher. three yeara ejiperlenoa,
dlre poaltlon; law preferred; excellent
reference. M MIX room 6.
l APAP.I.K young lade dralres position
doing stenographic and general office
Work. E 4k4i. (.'nf nnlan.
NEW YOHK dealgner mnkea waists, dreeaes,
evening gowns a Sciaty. alterations;
very reaaunable prlcea 4 Aliaky blag.
A 63l.
lilt KS? i A klN Mult a o lo $S, or plain
aklrta $2. Watata $1 to f.'oO. All work
sruaranteed. Marahall 1341.
DRKSSMAKINO and ladlea' tailoring. 6o5
Waahlng ion- Ella at. entrance, i'hona A
LADT wlahes suwing In famlliea by dsy.
t a: I by pnone Biter O in e mnx. mam
T771. Call room 10.
LliESMAKlNO done reasonably at cor.
Corbotl ana i'enaieion w a. .waiirmu i .ij.
TAILORED aklrta and plaln aewing. 64t$-A
Thurman at., upu i. a
JklKS LAYIri. dressmaking parlors: reason
able prlcea Main t:0 Madison.
iU bl.M AK I NO and plain sewlna; by tbs
gay. experienct. rnvur it .-t .
EX PE KT tailoring and d eKm;K ng.
laniht!! at. phone Mam-iall lit.
Al L kinds of faahlonable drvasmnkina and
ladlea' tailoring enpeclally. Main HHH.
PLAIN aewlng
done by tha day at your
Uwood 23i
borne, t all ?
FlHST-CLAb.- ladles t:i!Ior, oft 1 etcher
Lids., cor. i'tn ana vt a'amitioa,
CAPAHLE young woman desire housekeep
ing widower s lamuy; r-irr-iu-H.
Lou's Agency, 34 V Wash. Main J08J.
A 4 7TS.
It E FIN" El, competent woman wanta room
ing house to rare rnr. j'nono, jaaia ii,
room 7.
K E FINED widow dfelres situation as honae-
keepvr ror genuaman wnn g-oou
47tf. Oregonlan.
lhY wlahca poaltlon aa houa nw?cr tor
one or more jr m :nrn. Z. tM..
NEAT houekcerT desires situation for
Mower. A 4-. or' goniwn.
MIDDI.K-AUED lady. tjxpTlenced nurse.
with lieet rererincs. wisnes perraamcnv
position raring for Invalid, children or
I: fnnl. phne Main f3S.
EX l'EUI EN' "ED nurse, care Invalid, .mnter-
nltv. Infant, can go 10 -.amomia. u
GXI. practirai aura wishes position; m
triiltv casts a aperlalty. Phone K. ---3.
Domrt lr.
EXPERIENCED Norwegian girl dalres fam
ily aevond work. 310. Main I01i. A 476.
M iarellaneous.
EXPKKIENCED woman wants rooming or
amrtment ho uae to cara for ln exchange
for tou pin rooma anl email aaJatry.
4V4S E. iurntde. rora b.
E X VI : ItT E NC S D ehanVrmnld wanta work
In hotel or board. XL C. AR 41S, Ore
EXPERIENCED woman wanta Janitor
wo'k. office rooms, evwnlngs. Marahall
SCANDINAVIAN girl wants washing. Iron
Irg and cleaning. ?5r per houri no half
daya. Phone East lt44
wnta Xwu?work and cook Ins. G0
per month. ii- llih N. Phone C
tXPritlENCKD cook. f- Up; chamber
mania, wa !troess. bum. St. LouH
Agency. 143 S V aah. Main tOS. A 477A.
CAPAHLE Pwedlah girl, city, references de
s:rd. family cooking. 140. Main A
477i. .
FI tiST-CJASS nianicuruit dalrea position.
O 47. Oreconlan
CXiLA)RED woman wiahaa poaltlon, janitraas
or rare of offi; experienced. M 5oa
COLORE D woman. housework. cook or
chamber maid after 6- M pr.Sf Green.
1 Ai'K curtains laundered by an export
Vra. W. H. S-t. ISor 244 C C--7.
r PF UiEN't'ED woman war 'a chamber
" work or ilay wo-k. Phon. Main Z-K
Ytl N'i colored wonan w;l ohamber
work. Phone, Wood awn J3iL
JAPANESE girl wishes place cooking and
homework. N 4-X Oregn'.aa.
LACE curtains washed: exnertenced; cailed
or aid de lveeed Main 3H-3k
to". kno .-niaa wanta work by day or
h-.ur. B 27. .
WOMAN w ants work by the day. I'hona
OIKL wants work by day or hour. Call
M a i n 4-7. room 1 d.
GOOD laundresa deelrea work, dally or hour.
WOMANw;.(4 work by day or haf-day.
I 001 1 t'
UHT housework hy reliable woman. AP
LACK rurtaJna band laiit-dered. c pair;
caU. delivered Main s.
W'MN a n.a work by day or hour. Ca
I'NU lady wanta work, by day. Alarabaii
A MONEY-UAXINQ propoaitlon for lndua
trloua man; out-of-town territory. &8 N.
3d at.
AGENTS Could you uae aome real money?
Vrti or call SOS Lumber Excuanga.
Portland. Or.
WANTED to rent Furnlahed housekeeping
apartmenta, must be pieaaant and warm
a ad near L or Union ava. cara. F 4x2.
WANTED A room In a refined home In
HwJainborhood of Alexandra Court. AJ 45.
TWO young mm wlrh room, well out In
Irving-ton district. C 4lrt, Oregonlan.
Rooma With Board.
WANTED Comfortable room and board,
two meals, by two gentiemen; wit hln
walking distance; state terma. C 4'M),
Oregon tan.
TOI'NO man w lanes board
strictly refined private fa
room ln
a 481.
ROOMS Northeast corner Fifth and Stark;
hot water, at cam heat. Apply liStf Wash.
i orolhrd Kooma.
Thoaa thxaa beautifully furalahed hotel.
IL3W 4th St. 31 1 4th at. 2U7H 4tb at.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor ta
la.mon at. ; brand new brick, elegantly
famished; eteam heat, private hatha, not
and cold water ln all rooma; strictly up
to dat ln ail respecta. and at popular
pri era. if you want something oat of the
orainary, in tna nearc ox me city, wi rwm
eonable prices, give ua a caiL a wa know
yon will Ilka U. Rooms by tba day. week
Or month. Tourist trada ao.lclted.
After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. 4th
and Alder sts. will offer special Induce
ments on weekly and mouth I y rates to
ftermanent gueste during the Winter. $eai
oration In the city, convenient to all
theaters, stores, business district and post
ofrice. a comfortable horns with svery
modern convenience. In the heart of tha
city. Local and long-distance telephone
and hot and coid running water in every
room. The best of bellboy and elevator
aervlce day and night. Rooms singly
and ensuite. House thoroughly modern
and newly furnished. Katea on applica
37 Eaat iiumaido.
Why not live on tha Eaat Side and
ava money cn your room rent? Wa can
give you better accommodations for leas
money and within 15 minutes' walk of
the business center of tha city, (steam
heat, hot and coid running water; rooms
single or en suite; rooms with private
bath, rates oOc to 32 per day; regular,
to T per week. Phona Eaat &W4U, H
Residential. 3ot Taylor. Transient.
Bet Tfh and Park Ft a.
Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, quiet.
Rooms from 70c daily; withk private bath,
from $1 dally; apecial week and month
ly ratos; suites. New, bondsomeiy fur
nished brick; elevator, telephones, hot
snd cold running water. From L'olon De
pot "J" car to Taylor or "W" car lo Tth;
from Hnyt-street Depot, "S" car, transfer
on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2uJ.
Main 7114. Now open. Main 7110.
11th and Stark 8 treats.
New, modern brick hotel; all outside
rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat
and phones ln every room: elegantly fur
Dished; elevator, large lobby and ladles
reception room; rent very reasonable. Call
ana see ua
181 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building, steam
bested, private baths, hot and cold water
ln rooma, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rente very reasonable. Ceil and
see us. Regular and trauaieaB trada so
licited. CA KG NT HOTEL, corner Grsnd snd Haw
thorne avea Heautif furnished rooms,
single or en suite, with private bath: hot
and cold wa:r, steam heat and private
phone in every room: moderate weekly or
luoath'y rates; grlil in connection; transi
ents ao.lclted.
That quirt, select family hotel, at T10
Washington at., r.esr H-d ; nicely fur
rtshrd outside rooms with private bath
and phone; board If desired. Main S651.
128 14TH ST.
Petween Wuahlnpton and Alder, newly
bra ut if furnished, thoroughly modern,
lurg and airy. S4.0 per week and up.
Transients sol icif-d.
THE PEEr'. HOTEL, Eaat 3d and Burnaide;
new fireproof building, steam-beated. hot
and cold water and phonea ln all rooms;
private bat lis. lobby and parlor; elevator
service; rates $3 per week and up; traa
aients solicited. Phone East 17L
THE REGENT, jtvi Seventh St.: beautiful
rooma, right down loan; ideal locatoa
for partloa at ay lug In town for business
or p.aure; ratra very reasonable by day
or week, $1 month up,
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal horn far
business people; centrally located; e.e
gant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7tA
a no lay or sts., 1 block from Portland
ttatel. opposite Hellig Theater. Main kla,
12iu and Washington.
Any room ln the house for $3 a week
nd nothing uxtra for two in a room;
thoroughly modern.
COMlOUTA-BLE. pretty rooms, reasonable.
fie phone, ateara heat, bath, etc 8T
Taylor st.; also 2 nlco basement sleeping
rooms. i
LIOHT. airy rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, 12 and week; five minutes' walk
to theater and stores; fre phone. Lin
den Hotel. :3 4th.
HoTEL AKMINIL'H. cor. llth and Mor
rison; all outside rooms, centrally located,
permanent guests solicited. Respectable
and vary moderate prlcea
WOULD like couple to share furnished
house; convenient; very reasonable. W
4, Orefconlatu
HOTEL REX. D4S1 Washington it Steam
heated rooms, bite per day. $3 60 per wee
and up; also housekeeping-rooma
LARGE stinny ateam-heated front room,
suitable for two, iol Wasafngton, flat C.
Main 8010.
A good plare for good people; modern
throughout; 34 and up per week.
THREE or four rooms, partly furnished!
4-5 East Clay.
THE LANOOUfa, 10th St., large, nicely
furnlsl.ed room, eteam heat, suitable for 2.
K ORRIS HOTEL. rooms strictly modem,
per week and up. 133 H 17th at.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished room at
moderate prlcea. cor. 3d and Montgomery.
THE iArrabee. 227 H Larrsbe. All conven
iences; reasonable; perm, and trans. E. 640.
TWO connectins; rooms, suitable for 2 or 4.
hat. phone. Ltth. 2 do 6th sl-
FurtiUb ed Rooma In Prlvat Family.
LARGE, light, airy room, steam hat. flrst
class bath; reasonable to two. 71a John
eon atrat'ftal x.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod
ern convaniencea, fio month. -IMi 12th
NICELY furnished room; also cosy attlo
room, chea p. 57 Trinity Place, between
wih and 20th North.
NICE, light, front room, electric light, hot
and told water, heat, batn and phone.
Marshall 2046- 3-'4 Tenth.
FOR RENT Beautiful front room. e)ectr!o
lights, front porch off room. Inquire 573
E. 1-th l-- N. Phono C 13 tn.
MODERN residence ronms, 31 a month, men
P'-efTred. 7.15 Rodney ave corner Fre
mont. LARGE alcove and amall room. bath, phone.
rHt. uso of piano, stnctiy clean. 777
Kearney St.. 3iid st. cax.
TWO furnished rooma modem, penpla em
ploy. 1 preferred. 65 Gitaan, near 21st.
NEWLY f urn la hod front room: v rythlng
m.xlorn : only 2 in family. Call B J-l'2.
NEWLY furr.lshatd ."o m , one or two ifen
men. walking d'etau e. 4.15 K. A.dr.
HOOM3. &"3 Hcyt. cor. 17th; all modern
eonventences; 312.50 and 8 per month.
lit o il for two
private famlly-
g-ntlrm'n in a
Marshall 17S2.
N E W. rifhiv Iurn1hd. hot water heat, also
hou(ike;dr.c autte. reaaonahi. jl ." llth.
CLEAN. Lgbt. airy room, aultable for one
or two, isl llth.
rort KENT Nice room, private family;
bath, phone, piano. 4U intra st.
IF YOU are looking for & swell room, reas
on aKeJca21EaajJjlj:l:
NICE steam-heated room. Reference. Apt.
21. Oieiopa. s-4 Flanders, cor. lath.
ROOMS, suitable fr two or three, 5 rnln
ntrs' wa k retof fir. 2 12th.
Ft'RNIPH ED rooms. modern conveniences;
board optloral. -o 14th. Main 3S'j3.
$;.f. WEEK for one. 33 for 3 furnish ad
rooma nM llth at.
PLEASANT larse or small rooms, reason-
sb. 174 E'.la St.. near Washington.
inRNIrHED sleeping rooms. rlngTe1 bed;
bah. and, pfcoaa. 4&0 lamhiU ax.
Furnished Rooma in irivate Family.
FOR RENT Neat, clean, airy room, in pri
vate family. newly furnished. elictrlo
Pent, bath, close to throe cariines with
best service; respectable residence dis
trict, walking; distance, furnace heat, suit
able for two. SGO East Main, corner 13th;
no sign.
TRAVELER'S wife will rent reasonable to
young ladlra. employed. 3 beautifully fur
nished rooms; new, modern home, f ur
jiace heat, privileg of latinory and
breakfast if desired. Tabor 1727.
NE WLT furnished rooms, modern hot
mater heat, electric lights, suitable for
genii eman or ladlea. L'pyer 633 E.
11 ad IP on st.. 1 block north of Hawthorne,
cor. 1 7 :h at
LARGE, pleasant room in refined home,
with all modern conveniences; walking
distance; desirable for two people or mar
ried oouple; stnctlv private; breakfast or
dinner. B 470. Oregonlan.
OPPOSITE new Multnomah Club. large
front room and aleeplng- porch, very
reasonable to couple of men or ladlea.
Main 5150, mornings. 574 M Salmon at,
FINELY furnished suite or single room;
attractive home. Nob Hill: waiklne dis
tance; 6SX Gilsan. Marshall 1248.
VTiTi V f urnfhe.l rooma. modern and rea
aonable. 272 Park st., bet, Madison and
JefTcrson. References.
NICELY furnished room, modern conven
iences, centrally located; reasonable. 404
C.av, near auth.
Rooma and Bosro.
LAMBERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th Good
board and clean, well-f umlshed rooms;
single and double; waiklne; distance; table
board alao. Main 00, a jujj.
DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall,
cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close ln, near car,
4 blocka from P. O. American plan.
THE MANITOI' 2til 18th, new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated; inviting
rooms: choice board. Main HS4.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year:
rooms with board, use of tewlng-room. li
brary. 510 Flanders. F. X. Heath, supt. front room for 2 or 3 young men,
choice table board. 33 N. 17th, one block
from Washington.
THE CALVORD 52 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Large, well lurnlshed rooms; modem-con
ELEGANT room for two, Including good
board, reasonable. 874 ParaL
BOARD and room. 300 Jefferson, Casa Rosa.
Rooms With Board Ln Private Family.
54 EAST 3D NORTH, S. E-, corner Mult
nomah. Front room, well furnished, suit
able for two, ln modern, furnace-heated
home; board next door if desired. East
LARGE flnelv furnished room for two; flrat
floor, private family; aU convenjencea free,
with or without board. Marshall 2424. 280
ATTRACTIVE room, with board, for ono or
two refined business people in small pri
vate family; walking: distance; reference.
73 Irving' st.
PLEASANT suite of 2 rooms, suitable for
2 or 3 pentiemen or laaiea, wua ooi u ,
also single rooms. M 83otL
i" WEEK Furnished room, phone, bath,
electric light, walking distance. 427 Har
ROOM and board for young women, 33 per
week, privilege of laundry, library and
sewing. 12 E. 7th St. S.
NICE larpe front room, all conveniences,
reasonable, no other roomers- breakfast if
desired. East 6000. 64 E. 12th N.
ROOM with board, convenient for man and
wife or two gentlemen. 20 E. 15th at.
East 4b31.
IF YOU want a nioe, clean, airy room, this,
with or without board; all home con-
1 ......... Uhnn. TlhrtI- RSTfl
LARGE parlor suite, also other room; choice
bo.ird. congenial home; piano; refined
nelnborhood. 71 Marshall, a wjv.
NICE room, with board, furnace beat, bath.
WELL-FURNISHED room with best board,
, 1- -1 .... .1 m Vf ain '071
targe 11 woo, t;""-"" - "
ROOMS with or without board. Main 1547.
7 1J r lanaera
FIRST-CLASS room and board. COO Everett
NEWLY furnished front room, with board;
located in best part of city. 527 Taylor st,
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta. .
Cor. Tenth and Salmon bta
Walking Distance.
Completely furnished 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; ouildiugs new aad strictly
modem; service first-class.
THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson sta,
- complete SpL 1: flneat, brightest and
best arranged apartment realdence in the
city; A-room; all outside, dayllsht rooms;
convenient to cars, walking distance, pri
vate telephones In every apartment,
steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigera
tors, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners,
etc. Attendant on premises. Marshall 3360.
Grand ave. and East Stark sts. Brand
new four-story building, ready for ocou
psncv now; 3-room splendidly furnished
apartments, elertrio automatic elevator
and every modern convenience: on - the
East Side, but cloeer in than most apart
. ments: very reasonable rent and best ot
aervlce Apply to Janitor on premlaea.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocka aouth from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely nrst-class. fur
nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments: private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, cora
preasr.d air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
ice; rent per month". $26. J30 and up.
Must be seen to be apprrclated.
- One elesrant 7 -room Individual ateam
heated home.
Duplex Apartment.
730 Everett.
New, nicely furnished and unfurnished
8-room apartments. Every modern con
venience. Call Marshall nfl. A 446S. Ref
erence required. Corner 20th and Kearney
streets. m
Modern building, z.a ana uun si a.
Best of service, 3-room apartments, with
bath, every convenience and very, reaaun
able rent. Morgan. Fliedner A Boyce.
E. 7th and Taylor; a new corner brick,
.ti nuitiA nn.irtmenta of 2 and H rooms;
?Am heat. Individual phone and electric
lights furnished, janitor service.
825 llth, near Clay; 2-room furnished
apartment, with private bath, modern,
large, light, outside rooms; rents reason
14th and Clay Sts.
Front corner, 4-room suite, with vesti
buled entrance; private bath and phone;
one of the best In the city. Apply at once.
BUNNY three-room furnished apartment;
eteam heat, private 1 nui. ru,
Hill Apt., one block south of 2.ld and
Wash. Phone A 7523. Marshall 31.TL
3 and 4 rooms, finely furnished apartments-
strictly modern, every convenience;
eas- talking distance. The AlUimonu
DRICKiiTON, 448 llth sU Nicely fur
nished 2-room pL. with private bath and
telephone; public laundry-room; 330.
Marshall 57.
1-rv ct 1 Ir 2 nicely furnished S-room
apartments and one unfurnished 8-room
apartment; free phone in each apartment,
Tti a'cHETOPA, lg-Flanders; 2, 8 and 4
room apsirtments. furnished and unfur-
ni-'hea. jvpy-j
FI'RNTSHED apt.. 3 rooms and bath, for
135. The Columbian, llth and Columbia
Its. newly furnished.
furnished apartment of two
arrtson, un-
roomi and
bath. reQ""'"
fTT' S.INTP-EE Elegant five-room apartment.
West Side, walking Uinta nee. rent reason--Me,
Main 7741.
FOR WOMEN The Richardson Apartments,
14th and Market, every convenience. Phono
Vein 3I"" or A 8651' for ratea.
HOMELIKE apt., choice residence district,
new modem, very reasonable to desirable
party 2t E. H3d at. Phone E. 2869.
WELLINGTON COURT 2 and 4-room auites.
all modern, very reasonable. 15 th and
Kverett. Main 1245. "
iit"ILD APARTMENTS, between Thurman
and Vaughn. 23d and 24th: 3 and 4-room
arts; best ln the city, 318.50 to 325.
kuZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
at-ictly modern, private hal'.a, phonea, etc,
iw? North 23d st. Marshall S21.
704 Lovejoy. Beautifully furnished 3
room apt-; reasonable. Marshall 2916.
ONFON'TA. 1&7 17th 2 and 8-room suites,
hot and cold water in every apartment;
re asonable. Phone Main 4fi9.
p-L AT 'A." 54 Washing-ton street Steam
heat. Phone Marshall 4S3.
LEONCE Mod'-rn ap:s-; Nob Hill district,
convenient to 2 carlices. 185 22d st.. N.
THE ELMS J tod 3-room apartmenta, fur
xUahad. 1H l'U at- Main 4444.
Apart mente.
37-o9 Trmitv Place,
Corner Washington street and within 10
minutes' walk of business center.
Steam "heat, electric lights, gas ranges,
private baths, private phones, automatic
elevator. Janitor service; completely fur
nished 2, and 4 -room apartments, $30
V. O. Weib, manager, apartment. No. 1.
Marshall 1W50. . .
Corner 12th and Columbia.
Ready for occupancy October 15th.
One of the most exquisitely furnished
apartments In the city. Furnishing to
harmonize with the woodwork and wall
decorations. Situated in one of the most
desirable, locations in the city within a
block of three cariines. Reservations can
be made by calling at the
Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts.. 4 and
5 -room apartments, unfurnished, with re
ception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific
' Statea telephone In every apartment and
the most modern conveniences found In
the city. Phone Main 2086 or call up main
office. Main 6764.
171 King- St.. near Washington St.
Will open October 1. If U. and wilt
maintain their former high standard of
tenancy; 4, 5 and 6-room apartments. Ap-P-y
on premises for reaarvationa.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving staj
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2, 3. and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to tha Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 296 L
These elegant 5 -room unfurnished apart
ments, situated ln the heart of the city,
within 10 minutes' walk of the business
Apply on premises for reservations.
644 Everett fit.
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch: automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
MENTS; Hawthorne ave. and East 6th
at. ; brand new building;, now ready for
occupancy: 8-roora well furnished apart
ments, with every modern convenience,
close !n on East Side: very reasonable
rent, with best of aervlce. Apply to jan
ltor on premises.
Place, betw. 10th and 20th sts; Just fin
ished; most magnificent apartments on the
Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping
porches: private hallways and every mod
em convenience; references required.
Phone Marshall 502.
A beautifully furnished 3-room (large,
light and airy) apartment, steam heat,
private phone and bath, automatic ele
vator; the most home-like and quiet ln
the city; must be seen to be appreciated.
624 Marshall. Main 6032, A 3101.
LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class
by themselves. See them. Lucretla st..
near 23d and Wash. 2 to S rooms, all
large, light and outside; large closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar.
1529. Janitor 1500.
Til Washington, cor. 2 2d st.; 3, 3 and
4-room apt., furnished or unfurnished:
tip-to-date, clean and modern; private
bath, telephone; rates reasonable 1 beat
service. Phone Main 7 1 80.
Cumberland apartments, west Park
and Columbia sts. First-class 3-room
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences; best location ln the city, front
ing the parks, and only 0 minutes, walk
fromthobustneaB center. Apply to Mgr.
WALDORF COURT. Irvlngton . 9th and
Schuyler sta: Broadway car; 5 rooms,
steam heat, disappearing beds; refrigera
tors, gas ranges ; modern. Phona East
547, C 3013.
82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments, modem, prices reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East 300.
BEST apartments in the city; 6 outside
rooms; sleeping porch, maid's room; wash
trays, gas ranges, refrigerators, heat, hot
water, telephone. Stevens Apartments, 791
A. North rup st. Main 9358.
ferson at., 3 and 4-room apts., with bath,
unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con
venience; modern; a min. walk, from P.
O.; very reasonable rent.
PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison
sts., beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments,
furnished for housekeeping; everything
new and modern; elevator; telephone free;
345 to 60-
KORDICA APTS. Furnished, from 1 to 8-
roora apartments: aiso single rooms; free
light, bath and phone, steam heat, mod
ern: reasonable. 302 to Belmont st. East
8418. "
A few select furnished and unfurnished
2 and 3-room apartments, new, for rent.
Apply Pajre Apartment, 8th and Burnside,
East ide. Telephone Home B 1018.
GARDNER APTS., cor. 13th and East Ash;
large nve-room. au out Bice, nrepiace, hot
water heat, gas range, linoleum, every
thing modern and nrst-class. East 2S7L
429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, 3 and
4-room apartments, furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m gt.
HADDON HALL 414 llth, cor. Hall, 3 and
4-room apartments, xumisnea ana unfur
nished ; private phone, bath and balcony
porches, $36 up. Marshall 1171.
All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly
modern; we challenge anyone to dupli
cate our prices. Marshall 1378.
S sr.d 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
2A0 2Jth au North. Phone Main 4038; or
Main 1178.
410 5th Furnished and unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments; walking dis
tance ; prices reasonable . no children.
407 Hall St., new 2 and 3-room furnished
apartments. walking distance; janitor
service. Phone Main 4290.
Park St,, Cor. Madison.
Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments.
Individual phones; convenient, downtown.
THE BERYL Large rooma Urge closets,
cool and airy for Summer; soma fur
nished apartments. 21st and Lovejoy;
lake W car.
furnished 3-room apartment; private phone
and baicony- Adults only. Cecilia Apart
ments, 22d and Gliaan.
3 ROOMS, furnished, pantry, bath, steam
bat, hot and cold water; 12 minutes'
walk to postofflce; low rent to right par
ty. 448 Clay.
nriKr-FRlEND. D. W. cor. 7tb and Jeffer--on-
modern 4 and 5-room unfurnished
. , a team heat and wutur
apartm"'"-" .
- - MODERN 6-room apartments; all con
veniences, walking distance, phone, sleep
?e? Arches. Main 4930.
116 -
rjrr-KLNG DAVIS, corner King and Davis
treets, 3 and 4-roooii modern apart
Jents. references required.
FLAT ,4 bright, pleasant rooms, private
bath, furnished or unfurnished. 231 HalL
NICELY furnished five-room, flat, all mod
ern. 331 Market sL
LOVELY 4-room flat; furnace; rent $19.
Phone East 5. B 1404.
FC'R RENT 6-room lower flat, cor. E.
Salmon and 14th. Inquire 673 E. Salmon.
5-RoOM. flat, all modern conveniences. E
lbth and Ash. Phone B 2006.
4-ROOM flat, new JS20 per month; near
car line. East 4uz.
WELL furnished flat.
Pbona Graves Music
Co. Main 14311.
d-RooM flat. 227-a, Haiaey. Inquire at
Sffitbt Larrabee. 8 blocka from Steel bridge.
3-room iiau x i--
687 EAST DAVIS, near 34T- 6 rooms and
Tnoaern. rnung . i.
SWELL. 5-room lower flat, $30; adults, 78
1 amain, 1170.1
MODERN 8-room flat. 272 Cherry eU Phone
E. 2753. .
iron PFVT Modern 5-room furnished flat.
. . ni A Ail A a
346 t Coiumoia- f""'"' "
TWO modern S-room flata with good attic
MODERN. 6-room furniahed flat; piano, fl re
place, si yi"a
8-ROOM fat. centrally located, walkin- dis
tance; 3 mourn- -'"
14th and Halsey ; 5 large rooms, sleep
ing porch, private front porch, hardwood
floors, fireplace, tile bat h. kitchen fur
nished with fine overhead gas range.
Among beautiful homes, and excellent car
E. 2-d and Bra tee sta
179 Porter st,; Just completed; $43. 8
rooma attic, fireplace, hot and cold water
ln bedrooma, shades, linoleum, gas water
heater, modern, nice; rooms arranged to
sublet. Take car to Front and Por
ter, walk block east, or phone East
395S HALSEY. corner Grand ave.; new and
Thjodern five-room upper flat with attic;
basement, furnace. laundry trays, buffet,
white plumbing and datntv fixtures; best
car service; a. mils. Phones Marahall 630
or East 2073.
NEW. modem 8-room flat, basement, fur
nace, laundry, gas range, heater, elegant
china closet and wardrobe. French plate
glass, easy walking distance, 2 peoplt
only ; price $2f.. East Tth and Couch.
Telephone E 1316.
$16 NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe
ninsula Park; light, airy ; sleeping porches;
near Jefferson High; public school ; sou
thern today; fine for children. "L" car,
Alnswoith, Alblna avea.
FOR RENT New modem" 6-roorn-flatT h ard
wood floors and sleeping porch; center of
Irvlngton, 2 blocka from 2 cariines. Phona
East 1761.
VERY fine 5-room upper flat, well arranged
and finished; fireplace, furnace, iargs
rooms; adults. Main 9012.
NEW 6-room flat for rent, $2t, and furni
ture for sale. 775 Belmont su - Phone
B 1161.
6-ROOM upper flat, all modern conveni
ences, newly tinted; 2 cariines; $25; key
on premises. 612 Hancock. Main 2494.
LOWER flat, hardwood floors! located la
A-l neighborhood, to reaponalble party
only. Main 6249.
NEW 5 or 6-room upper flat, furnace, fire
place, Dutch kitchen, etc; reasonable, 64
East 19th at. North.
NEW flat. 4 rooms, plenty of steam heat,
hot water, corner 36th and E. Morrison.
Phone Tabor 13L
NEW. strictly modern flat, $25.0A. Call
10S;; Hawthorne. Pbona Tabor 723L B
FURNISHED FLAT, $32.50; 4 rooms and
bath. 531 Montgomery. Adulte only.
Main 6674.
6-ROOM modern upper fiat, cor. Kerby and
Knott ate. Inquire 190 Knott; phona East
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, l2th and Marshall; fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, eleo
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$16 per month up; a clean place, best ln
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take ,S" or 16th -at.
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No doga.
Newly furnished housekeeping and sin
gle rooms, all modern conveniences; rea
sonable rates; If you are looking for nice
rooms In a select location, don't overlook
seeing these,
FIRST floor cottage, S large well-lighted,
rooms, furnished suitable for 3 adults,
central location; references. Phone A and
Marshall 1999. 26 North llth at-, 2
blocks from Washington.
$1.T0 TO $2.50 WHSK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, neat. 406 Vancouver
ave. and 203 H Stanton; ta ke TJ car.
TWO and 3-room unfurnished suites, beau
tifully, centrally located, aaving carfare,
absolutely respectable. 305 y Jefferson,
corner 5th.
TWO large front housekeeping rooms, pri
vate entrance, walking; distance. 275 Co
lumbians t
FURNISHED housekeeping suites, very de
sirable. Cambridge bldg, 8d and Morri
son. Call room 06.
NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont New brick
building, furnished and unfurnished apts.,
$ 1 6 up ; steam heat ; walking d lstan ca.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete
bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent; $10 a month. East 4915.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
$3.50 up; central. 545 hk Wash, st.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
$16 NICE clean suite of housekeeping
rooma and sleeping porch, on ground
floor, fully furnished for light House
keeping, Including lights, phone, bath and
laundry privileges; beautifully located on
high gTound, walking distance, near
Brooklyn car, 564 East 6th st- Phone,
Sell wood 1109.
TWO nice, larger clean housekeeping rooms,
modern, heat, light, phone, bath and hot
water furnished. 675 North 22dU Main
TWO new and completely furnished house-
neiichborhood. two blocka from Sunnyaida
car. 182 East 23d. corner YamhllL
NICE front room, newly furnished for house
keeping; modern conveniences right down
town; $4 weekly. 27 North loth sU,
block from Washington.
THREE furnished housekeeping; rent 318
per month, including water, electric light
and bath. 9S5 Alblna ave,, cor. Bland en a.
L car.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
light and clean; sink, electricity. Call bet.
12 and 4 P. M. 555 H Morrison. .
THREE modern furnished housekeeping
rooms, half block from Ol da, Worunan at
King. 170 10th st.
189 1STH, entire first floor, completely fur
nished. 4 rooms, modern, lawn, adults
CLEAN, well-furnished two-room suite and
kitchen; walking distance. 429 Market
at. phone A 4006.
NEW and elegantly furnished auites of two
rooma, 371 Multnomah sL. cor. Union ava.
Phone East 3&S0.
FRONT suite and single room, with run
ning water, bath, gas and phone. 340
College st.
2 SUNNY furnished housekeeping1 rooms;
modern; good location. 234 Eaat 18th, cor.
Main st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms pri
vate bath; walking distance. 84 E. 13
HIGH-CLASS 3-room suite in remodeled
residence; gas range, sink, electric lights.
furnace heat, 700 Flanders.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, first
floor, strictly modern, suitable for two;
other rooms; walking distance. 475 Clay.
8 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
reasonable, central. 187 Chapman, near
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 661 Davenport sL.
4-room furnished flat, private bath, gas,
free phone and water $20.
TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms,
comfortable, convenient, reasonable, . 262
14th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping, private family.
13 Eaat Tth. Phone East 1929.
NICELY furnished rooms; also housekeep
ing room. 741 Gliaan st.
CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms. 33
N. 10th. 1 block from Washington.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 567 .
Yamhill st. ,
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, grounoT
floor; rent reasonable. 202 East 45th. X
HOUSEKEEPING or sleep in g-rooma. 669
Flanders st. .
SUITE of 2 or 3 furnished 'housekeeping
rooms, lower floor. 4.rn , -a"'f1"'1'
LARGE room, nicely fujrslshed for house-
Keeping; moaem;
TWO desirable front housekeeping rooms;
walking distance. 32 6th st.
NICELY furnished rooms; all conveniences.
Marshall 212S.2 Ella at,
wt? npvT 2 furnished housekeeping
roms? 104 E. 18th at. Phone E. 283a.
813 14TH 8?- corner Clay; large one and 8-
room housekeeping suites, reasonable.
CHE kP housekeeping rooms. Woodlawn
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, two or four; all
conveniences. Marshall 8324. 86 Park.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, 323
Wasco. Key at 365 Halsey. Phone E
785 YORK is a modern 7-room house; fire
place and furnace; $23; 4 block from 23d-
Bt car. H 11 Hi 111 11 5 mug-
4-ROOM lower flat; yard, fruit; $16.50; also
7-room house.840 Montana, Main J&uo.
FOR RENT 7-room house. Inquire $10
Clay St., or call Main 724
FOR RENT 6-room house No. 534 Market
st; $15. M 6122.
FOR RENT One 6-room bouse. 728 E Sal
mon. ,
$20-0 -ROOM modem house, close In. 418
San Rafael st. C 2318.
FOR RENT 6-room modern bungalow. 1405
Mallory avenue.
SIX-ROOM furnished house for rent, 564
Main st. Marshall 56S3.
FOR RENT 5-room bungalow on 2th and
waliev sts.. 320. 514 McKay bldg.
for. RENT 6-room cottage, walking; dls
tance.Inqulra 392'6th at-
MrvnKRN 6-room house. Call morning a 88
E7 17th. Phone East 28S0.
i 4wA U'JO.lA!