TTTE SIORXIXO OHEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1911. 14 Hf LP WANTED MAU. INCIDENT. One at Many. Cffica fiecret.-y Emp.ojmot le part n tax. X M. C A Torn r wan. crtncef. oat of wor,T B tt4 raah eaei If 1 pay T rfij enip ") rr. n t membership I WU4 rave 0:y ii Uit tetsHS me and r- Mrrrtrr If yw pay IS fr p!r mp. rmtt meaibrt;p yoa will Y. M- C A-. with its wow tn Ton and e larva: ion. f..j.t: -urr J')" Aesciatlon. Jr. tnaa wee, had. aaUafactory am- Cat;, f-.r men I5 1 i;!r.e r.;ed N e m esters immii ijv4 tmHMifui or ref .jed of mernbereri.p f-. gives two months full membership rrtrltca. 1 month' social privileges) rd undertakes to keep party employee) coring the fu.l term f membership ut farther charge. . . . We bae constant 4 em an 4 fr rru. experienced men. Are yo flue r betrer position f free acrataxy emjjoymanl department. T. k. C. A. i WANT a; X 6m't ears hvm eld1 or tow y-ur.g . how experienced ye r . yo think that 70a can sell a wood prop edition which require hard work and ound. ;ogiral argument, but will pay yoa mora money than yoa ever earned b fire. call and see mo If yoa think yoa are a Mkfmta. Call for Mr. Jane. 28 Oak t'.reeL 'V aTK;i ur. man a ho Is a, fx4 b-okk-eper and n.rp(ipp and who ran invest at leeat in a par1" -o.n manufacturing plant., at x:ioui. M"Rt.. to l.ik tntlra rhkret f the of- f r and aeihrg frce; ability and energy a mrt dealrabie than 1 ha money; the tia!neas la on that will br the vary t i 't Inspection and la a gvfcien oppr f in.iT f.r the right kind of a yung man. In artve tout are. ipr.rni, and rfrra a, and If they art found patlfo- t.-rr. ou ni bo Kin a (Mtauaai AIJ 4. l'rni!i:an. Al'l.r: HulUKl men wanted f'T ha I. S Marii. Corja, between the area of 19 and ' Must t rat.t I-rn or hva f ::t ; p-i Monthly pay MS to Addl t.nai rorrunaa:ton p"alble. Food, cioth Irg. quartrra and mdical attendant- fre. A ' v a. inn ft-r 1 rin rwtlra w1h 7ft r rr.t of pay and allowance. Serrtco na biar1 hii and aar.ore in ai! part of i.m wrid. Appr to I, d. Marina Corra r-cralting of Ace. Urtf-ln Mdg. 1 h 1 c b tiiii at a., or rMm 7 wloe heater f( 13 S.i at,, fort. ana, ur. " want a young man who la a huatir. hre a prupoaiilon for a man of that ktni that will bring him $3 to $ a f i!y. eeiling an article that every Wot. is d Thia la an ezcelleat opportunity to on that can make g od. Apiy Ur t. od V t' morning. PACIFIC oLTFITTINi CO.. tirand ava. and K. Htark at. l.MTKD STATES NAVT haa opaed a R R- CRC1TLNO PTATIvN at 213 Hallway E rhanae building. Portland. wnre infor mation will be gtailly given about Navy e;portunJtlee to young mm over 17. "The Xakicg of a Man o' Wanmaa." a book I'.i.&a all atout the Navy. wlU ba aeaC fr to anyone who wanta It. I tIA M ahovol aupr1iitn(l-nt to take fr(H of atfam-ahovel on railroad ron n' ruvtiitn ; ! rlenred wild train ; haul, tk away from ahovel; II&O and e I na. C. K. llana.-n A Co., North 1 it. I F M N .TR ATOM and aa!ornen: NEW. Ii-ntd artu-ie: .VKiTSMI rf In evrry hmc. EASY artier, hta nxmrf for hon rt enrrictlr. intril rttit work; LAHtiE f'ld: tll' 'UTl'NIT Y f r adancrmrul II. A. oylw -l Onk atreet. V E hate the b-t opening In the city for wtdwwake aalemn who are hooking for aUnomrni, with old -eatarUlaned p-trt-Itnd comiAcr. hee Mr. Calhoucr. 4 IS' Mo . lua k bi.lg , t to 11 AN opportunity for a lir man aelllng ear futrAOtrtd Watma Valley grown nursery a'.ock. sacluaive territory: outfit free: caah fk y; buJt;a," not experience, required. Topfcntah Nufary Co.. Toy prolan. Wash. i 11 Kl KT X family on farm 34 mllea out: nwi. hoam. chlrkena. orchard, f urntahed Lmi. t.h; and hor', tons hay In brn. n r tn 'rtland Saturday and M'n.!a. AV BT3. Orojonlan. VArKI A Rrat-claaa aiaian raphie rt v 1 in ; t h : pr.ipoti : Iuq carrlrs un l;mli."l t-iportunitUa fur sdvnrmnC fa 1 & -H .rcMr Mdt. 13 to 3 P. M. VAMKU Msnagrr f"r aawmlll at Van- ur. t C Muat be flrat-rlaaa man l rvrry way; A-l rfernca required. A. el. anrtqvr. H. C l.K l ;HT Japan1 boy Id or IT yare old. friiul Ko , mut untlrt ind En-l)rt end know fn cit ; ginxl poaltton for atudenu Mty Ankrny at. V N I Kl Uve a1vrtla:ng ao K itor who nr'.if ratcntla the hutn unit can gt r 1 a ateady position If u UvlUer the t 1. K.xm Id lfnyette rli"KT ordr rook wanted with 9 lO to tk half Interrat and work day or plght a' 'ft tn a down-town lunch counter. aL 4 7:1. ircrn'an. AI.K."MK auttd to aell our line of Pa cific Coaat-gruwa nursery attck: caah paid wk;. Pactfle Nursery Cow Cor be it b.dg. 3tl N" man. 20 to 22. aa rterk In briwM. eii'crtn.-e in gro rUa rrt errl ; acate a. rirlenr. rfr-tn-e. phone Dumorr. AJ 47J. Oregon Ian TTx KLK fur wh'ikj hua. atate ciprt. rn.-. and lln of tulnr ou ha a Merited in. a -o atafa salary eapeted. Ad- tr- A It i'roniin. V ANTKH Immediately a first -claa (no oth-r- nd app.y panta and at nakvr. tf.v by w.r at oir eptte. IkonlathlI a .-'n. Hvtutaia. uah. w t- tae retauraitt mar.y furniaheti in htrl. rnt la t"rd nnr; alr-virc-room (r,ci Jt. J ; anap. Appiy ar-4 N rtn -Juih. S ir rt.T'.h to .!i. Puva a"utti. Y N TKIV Epertenced drr.'.c nan; gie kind and fiirnt of riiwrViAf, Klcm-'nd liea.-h fand a i;ra Co. J04 Marion ' i . r-.A : t W athirctnn. v a i t-1 Ex perten-vd boy oer 14 years of e 10 sm a pe tn prtra: club: m.iat f trnMl tlrst-claas re'ernc'S Ail 4 .'A. . n:s?t MAN to take charge of Job rirsrlng lsnd: rm:t be tvru e-1 la andera metn-Kia an. I have good retereucea. et 471. urt- i. M 1L Cl.EKkrt. i-atnfrirs rltrha. mail- amera, Ncim'r r asm t na,: ioiui la 1'ort lat.i . e-arr-i'le q.earior frv rrnklta In- tfu'e. ;;tJ. h.vhu'fr. N T- V 4.NTKI kcersettc MirfDiQ with brains; . ry ana cniow;oa. AJ 44. V-' NT t-'I"1 rst-c;ss men to ir stall warm a - t irra.' a J. C. laywr Purr ace a... ! at. fcVTt.l A firat-c.aae frarVr and aoner. x.-f'.r IctercAtlooai Laundry, East d;h n r--. 1 ta a:a .V wanted fr fire irsurar.e aa J lon ' .aim ae . m'iat be am Hotter rgoiius tj on v. Chanbr of Commerce. S iF4 Aa eairtenced aa.esmaa to sell xf en fomnsajDO. AUdraas agency. tr.'run. N7ti Sten'SS-apnar. railroad office: iat l av ipj-in. and rafereacee. Ad AK 4T. lregniaa. P V. V MtD-r.wlur p:av wrttara. big aay. tesch a picture riay Aseowia,- ..'O, an Vymrit-iaco. aNrP.I" I orter who understands rook rg fte iun a. SUA North Id at, Tlwrn- 1. fe. .- t aa. d vrop-elTioo, no real l.n m e rl a'-V. ir ga. VAN 7 1 D Woodcboppec inquire Ijtf 1 1 rarj are. W M i-U-A k1 r'rl for general aouse- o-k 4! Kut 1 1 t N.irth. IMOriMiRAl H eoupoa and portrait agents Bw oCfr. Cuertn ftuJIo Datum autg. h H.rH MAKER'. a:: around. non-uolcn. Apr'v ionimm.i. Club hMi. Ji ?. M N E N X Income Z r aalasoiaa. Ask IT n'firi. 1 rrn p .eg r AMU -svja la wiia -rr n is g 14 W'TLE hanJa bv A. A. Kraft Co.. hol- i I' K salesman, aa -a,ry and r;nm iloa, erl-n-d man o.y. Ald-r s L. n!csy sartlenfT, must he e 1 o .. jfa;.i m.vv l to t.iT on T-acre faxm. s:aall aa iih: wa. ao 47. ors'Oian. V 1TF.! Flrrsrut fc.y. Apply L4 tv uMH P-. T w;th wlteeL Nau a Pnann- m r, ' !t and A ! i n:t Man teacher for Ergl'.'h. 2 .r mu I none Marahall v a :r M - Urd cny he per. Tne Itlral ar'tv Co Utn 14 j H 1 U A r M l ! g'd prat.-r and r Ua.Atr, ai-, vkitexua, ImIiub b.dgv MLP WAXTTO MALK. B.i: G'riT. nrtle boy vlahlna: to laxn th aicfrtcal uprIr buaina. nuit b a. hutlr. Tall ho'ora 10 A. M. ai tfruhho ctrlo Co.. X 6th at., cor. ttih and Pina trwL HCLF WATTfD FEMALE, WASTED TOUXO tJLDIES FOR TSHL.E PHONB OPERATIXO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCK. APPLY THB FA- . CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO.. EAST 6TB AND AN KENT 6T9. WANTED Fvara! yung Iade batwoaa ina aa or 11 ana "J'" lion. Applv the P. T. A T. Cow. AJdM mu. or 414 E, Ackany at. OIRTJJ WANTED. Apply Standard Factory. J . Ormndl Ave. and Eaat Taylor mU COMTF.TFN'T lr! for general houarwork in family of twu; mutt know now 10 roo, go'vd wgea- 1 Overton U. bet. 34th and 2 " : h . WANTKD Picture pla wrltera: blv pay; mail tach you. 1' let urn I'lay aoca- tin. Pan Pranrtaco, WANTED Hefined. capable woman for re- child Mdg.. 4th ana an:ngton. W ANTKT EiprlenrI shirt o(erstora on po-:r machmea. at-ady emp'oment guar anteed. I asir-i ernlen Co.. Seattle. W aah. WANTEI An cxpericn--ed cook for private family; good wagea, Tii Alars&ail. aiain W A NT K L demonstrators and aaiee-women- larro salary and commission, sea manager. offUe 415. Selling bldg. EX I'KkTen'i ;E I he:jers and apprentices wanted for dreaamaktng, alao tailor work. Coiumhta M!. il NSK. r LAIIES AIENCT. S44S Waahiraton St.. Cof. 7th. Upstairs. Phone Main 263. WANTKIi An eapenenced alteration hand on coats. tiilverfild Co., 4th and Mor rtaon. EXPERIENCED wa'jit flntahera. tinlpers. fpprcnttces paid while learning. Central . lg., room 4'T. MRS. HOWES LA DIES" AOKNCT. Waanington blda.. 4th and Wash. aHa Main ksl or A 3Co W ANTED Aa experienced peraon aa chll dren'a maid: very good wages. 1129 Thur man; take "W car. A YOUNG German girl to help with house work. Apply mornings. lvJZ PaciHc sU. In Laurelhurac WaNTF.I i'.irl for general housework and rookltg: small family; good wages. Main 414. Gl Myrtle at.. I'ortland Helghta. MIIlLE-AikD woman to do light house work. Rodney, between and t P. M. WAN 1 ED Girl for general housework; must be good cook. Call moralnge. Main 7412. WANTED A girl to do general housework. .Call at eO leitjgrova. FIRST-CLAM fur flnlaher. M- M. Ungar, 1121, 7th at. W A N T E I- A woman t help la store; must know how to eew. 324 Int at- C IRL to aaalst with light houaework In amall family. rV67 Eaat Morrlaon. O 302 H. GI KL f'r aeneral housework and cooking. R:3 Marshall t. Main 4I2S. WANTED A girl to do general hmiaework. Appty mornlnga. No. Cj North IT-d at. WANT ED Lady a gent a. liidg- OOii Rothchlid WANTED at once, a good dining-room girL 7 V W aa t 1'ark. C alljeerly. ilXPERIENCFD waitress wanted. 434 Wash lr.ct n sf. Fslace Cale. AN experienced girl fur housework; no cook ing. &74 iijyc APPRENTICE wanted, dressmaking, 3'HJ Central Mdg.. l'th and Alder. TOI'Nd Isdy In cigar and candy a tore. 290 Hurnslde. WANTEI Experienced chorua girl, quick. Call sfternoon, room 4. Idra HoteL WA.NTKD Experienced chocolate dippers. The Itleal Candy Co. Main ;4.J. WANTED Girl to do second work. Apply 141 N. 24 at. IIEIJ- WANTED MALE OB FT MA LB. BOOK EtKUKHH. caah I era bill clerka7oto. : I will guarantee your qualification to flit positions In 30 dayst privet e Inatractloa by publlo accountant; position secured. J 4.S0. Oregonian. GOOD proposition in reliable and live men and woman aollcltora by established con cern ; something new; Inveatlifate. Call -0 to AU A- M.. room 14. 37 E. Bum aide. HCI P WANTED MIHt KILINKOTS. NCW ERANCil ALTO 6CUOOL We give yon thorough ed ucstioo, how to run. car for and repair. We fur mah you with 13t charts and working models, also uipiomaa Competent in structor Complete course. $17 SO, Til E NKW RKANCH AlTO hOHOOL -4 UoarU cf Trade Hldg. OKK'i'N AUTO PCH OOL The nly practical hchooi of Motoring IN THE PA'1PI: NORTHWEST. Thia course Includra driving and covers all gasoline engines made. WE ASSIST Ol'H iriLENlS TO POSITIONS Special course for ladles. Call or addreas. Oregon Aut s. hooU 210 Merchants Trust iUUa Purtlaad. KKKP OUT OF THE RAIN by learning to operate moving-pictures ; opera tore earn S-3 to $-4 weekly; easy Inaiile work; ehort hours, learn business tn lt Oaya: lesson a reasonable. Day and taring classes: i;n Sumlaya M:vV Y'ltK FILM EXCliA-VOS. t.rt 4 aahingtn, o4f 17th. MKN wante.1. age l-3. for firemen, 6100 monthly . trnk men, on nearby rail- ro,.la Experience unaeoeaaary; no stnaa. 1 'oeHine guaratitee-1 competent maa. promotion. Railroad Employing liad quart rs 4M roan aent to poaitiona la piainbr. State age; send stamp. Rail way Aaaoclation. to , oregonian. la. hmTTo Tr l ON s for graduates last yeari auen ana woman leers barber trade ta 4 weaks; help to secure poeitlon; grad Or ates earn fro an L3 to weekly; expert Ibstrthctor. tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler atyitem el Collacae. M North 4b at.. Portland. Or. HARPER HOARD OS EX AM IN KRS will be lu aesaioa at 17 First at., thla ctty. to examine all thoaa abiding pertnlta Oc tober and 10. lell T. M, Leabo. aec r:ary IRIVAfE INjTK I'CTloX IN HOfKKEKP lNCt. MHoKTtfAND. TT Pal W R IT IN Ok PEilSONAL AT TKNTION; EXPEKI I.NV1D IXSTHCCToR-1; DAT AND CLAKSKi PHo.N B MAIN 53i. WANTED Thea:ri.-ai people for road, gen eral business man. comedy man and wo man o p ay p.ano an 1 parts. Inquire) o.lS iark at- rovn 14. DOOK and anort-atory manuscripts crttk-lsed. revised aad tpewntian. Addreea Maaw crtpt Editing xiuxaaa, 409 Maagly-Tlcanar bldg . p5r:.acoV ktO r ION PICTURE eperaunsj taught la theater; a full, practical coarse, terms reasonable; position aeoared. AJ u4L Oregon tan. MAKE money wtiticg short stories, or for tapere. bU lT . free booklet tells bow. nited Prvss Syndicate, tsaa Franrftaca. PHILADELPHIA BARBER COLLKug Juaranteee poeitloa free to those who learn arer trade In our college. o Couch. riK T BACH Ella ASSOCIATION. l is wet land bldg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $ mo. -at. lain at. Main !, WTTATION WA"TFIMAI.Bl. rUekke'pert aad Clerks. STENOGRAPHER, maa. expert, s yearr ex perience in law. auetr acting, railroading and court reporting; good salary expected. Phcne C 2CT- EXPERIENCED? bookkeeper operates tj pe w r .ter. desires peiUon . thorouch knowl-r-!-e banking, coal and t'ba-fo business; r fereacee. I bone M araha.1 msi. V'v i; .Nv man. nt afraid of work. d-eireg pos:tl-n as ss:es-naj manufacturing firm. with who esa.e or AF 4-rt. Orrgoman. COM PFTFUNT bookkeeper and office man; excellent general busineag experience; god en ceilectlora AE 477. OTcgomaw. jTp T bv 14. for Office; high erhnol sOdr csuAoa. xcXersAcew. V 47. Oregoaaa. SITCATIONS W ANTE D MALE. Bookkrvpr pad Clerk. EXECUTIVE POSITION OR BUFINEPS OPENING IN NORTHWEST, BV LAST ERN YuL'NO MAN, 2S. untveraliy radu at. C. E. dcaroo; 5 yeare senaral buins xporienca. asa't manager, manager, han dilna; help, buying-, aeilin. A sood open ing mom dealraole than high aaiary to atrt. Addreai AJ 43. Oresonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSS OR WRIT hi Bp books, prapara balances and aaata BtfOia, lnatail ayatema. QiiltnKbam aa dltar. 411 Law la blvlg. - Manhail 7 IT. BT young man. experienced bookkeeper; general office aaaiatant; operatea type writer; lna:de or outaido work; references. bond. X 475. Oregon ian. EXPEilT accountant, employed aa bank telier during ti. haa spare time after noona and evenincs. Can yoa use It 7 P 4i. wregonlan. EMPLOYMENT after 6 P. L by exprlenced bookkeaper-atenocrapher; any lino of work. AR 4."9. Or-gonian. 31iaceUaneous. CIVIL sng.nser haa met with misfortune; must have empIoment to support fam ily; broadly educated, wide engineering experience, railways. municipal worka. hydraullca. at eel and concrete atrncturva; mmter leading tnclneviing societies of America: excellent references. AL 4t, Urffoman. WANTED Man and woman, 8wis. no chil dren, would like to work on farm, hotel or rooming-house: man la able to do any work, is also good milker and woman U a good conk and nouseaeeper. juu;a xiu- her. 304 JkIad!aon sL AM dualllfd to manage a tinning, plumh- uig anu nesting Duaincaa; can n;ur una estimate from plana; am 4 and a huat- 1-r. will take a position anywhere with in xoi mii.a ok rortiana ana can aeiicr t he gooda A R 473, Oregonlan. MAUIii&l) man. 10, good bookkeeper, re liable, absolutely sober, wanta pop it Ion of trust; have bought home here, expect to aray; wi work for your interest siwayn; will do anything: must have position. Phone Marshall 2330. call Mr. Campbell. ENGLISHMAN wants position on f.irm aa niana-r; would rent w.-ll-atocked farm on shares: married, no children; bst ref erences. Writs John ElUry. 610 Jefferson a.. Portland. Or. w WANTED Timekeeping or commissary work; handle any accounting -required; go anywhere; extensive; veri fied refer noes on file locally. AO 473. Oregonlan. COOK wants work, city or country; do not use tnbaroo or liquor; long experience in all branches; or man and wlfo will go together; both good cooks- AO 492. Ore gonian. SUCCESSFUL specialty salesman. S years n Wlilamette Va.iy territory, hardwara and general store trade, desires position; best references. AF 4M. Oregonian, LICENSED chauffeur wsnts position with private family; understands repairing; so ber and best of references. H 41, Ore-gmlaa.- FIKST-C1.AS3 chauffeur or repairer- atrang er Jn Portland. If Interviewed will furnish references to salt aobody. K 442, Ore g'lniao. TOt'XQ man, aged 10. d-1res position In some electric 11k h ting plant or as elec trlclan'a helper; A-l references. AH 476, Oregonian. HOT of 1. good parentage, would like work where there la a chance of ad vancement or leura trade. Ai 4U4. Oregu clan. YOU Nil Jupanoac, hlKh education, don't smoke, w ants a position as housework. ecpt cooking; wages per mouth, AP 4l:t. Oregonian. TAKE contracts for garden work, grading, lawns, planting, shrubs, trees, landscape gardener, ri. i aimer. 0S7 Umatilla ava. rellwood 724. GERMAN, reliable, wsnts position on fruit farm : good home, high wagea preferred. AN 4t. Oregonian. GOOD steady man wants position as milker to take care of 15 or 2i cowa Phono Woodlawn H23. A RO 1 AL ARCH Mason w:th good business experit-rce wanta position as collector or any clerical work. ii 471. Ort-gonian. BUTTERMAK.ER wishes situation. 12 years' experience; references. ux 243. Van couver. Wash. HOUSECLEANING and y.nflow washing, or janitor work. Main 7&-d- Andrew J. Jennlne. OoO D relinbie man with experience wlshea to manage country hoteL AL W., 2 N. 14th at.. City. YOUNO man with experience wanta place to work tending; luiu:h counter nights, J 16. Oregonian. alOVINO-PK'TURE operator and helper wanta position ; seven years experience. Call at Ho5 East 8th at. North. JAI'AXK-SK. honeat, wanta position In a family ae waiter, houaework. AJ 47L Ore gonian, TOl'NO man wlahes position; strong, steady, not afrnul of any kind of work. AM 49, resonlsn. MARRIED man, SO. annoliii-! aober. wants position. Janitor or any kind of work; best of references. AK 4'.3, Orrponlnn. YOI'Nfl man. attending Holmes Husinejia College, desires place to work for room and board. Call Main 613, A 2 4. MA It K I ED man. well experienced, wanta ranch to work on shares, or will work for wacea; good reference. AV n'i Oregonian, TOl'NO man. flniahed 3 yen re' preparatory achool and one ' col lego, wants situa tion. AP 4'..V Orrffonlnn. WANTED Portion. experienced fumtlv cook. 11.3 S First st. M. E. Chinese M s sion, room 14. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk would like a post t ion. best of reference. A P 4U2. Ore gon! .in, W ANTE D Ind to clear by contract. AT 472, Oregonian. JAPAN EE chauffeur wants position. City or country. M N. oth su MOVINO picture operator wishes position. AJ 4?t. OreKonlan. STEADY boy 17. not afraid of work, desires permanent poaition. wooniawn J ALL around carpenter foreman wants sit uation or Jobbing. I'hone East bid. sTtuaTION war.ted by prinrera apprentice; two-thlrder. AN 4!3, Oivponlnn. JAPANESE wants position as fa nifty cook. K. 447, oregonian. EXPERIENCED oil fireman wishes perma nent position. P 47 L Oregonian MTTATIONS WANTED FEM ALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, "BT experience! and competent bookkeejn;r and nccountant. to open dooks. aep mra la order, nuka trade balances, trading. pro"1t Si id loss statements, bssccs shee-.s. Install new gyetenia, gie a.unble infor mation how to Improve buslntua and In crease profits; most economic method for Iirrna not employing bookkeepers regulsr ly ; work during day or evenings, terms reasonable. AL 474. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer. bookkeeper, five ears experience lumbar and ma chinery . exrWlont reference, phone Main r-.o2- A alT. EXPERIENCED young etenog rather dewlrea poalilon; bat of rvferencea. I'hone Mar shall a.V. 6TENOORAPHER. one year's experience, de sire position, either permanent or aub sntute: hs own machine, .Marshall 103. W A N a E I i 'os 1 1 loa for S daya of the weak by exparienced atsnccrapUcr of good i:an(i:nif. Address AV '.. Oregon I .tn. KRV kind of stenographic work done neatly an J cheaply. Call Main t3l3. Drees n takers. MADAM RUSSELL Expert designer of ia!es gowns and coata, 64 day. Mala PICO. M Its DAVIS, dressmaking parlors; reason able prices. Main oioi. s.) Madison. EX PERT ta.ioring and dressmaking. 4vA Tarr.hMl St. phone Marshall 1119. L-KEr-.-MAKlNO by the dy. or at h.'-nf. Phne M;trhall S'."& eventngs. LADIES and children's dressmaking at your h"Tn-s. Main lwu. Mlsa Cooper. TY PE WRIT IN abn racta and manuaorlptg copu-d very reaaonahle. Phone CoL 71. aantfa. WANTED pof !t(on as wet nurse -In the c ty. $ I'.. I' t. MATERNITT Nl wanta case; wilt work .ioe. Marshall l'.'-7. EXPFRIENCTD nurre win care for Invalid, Infant, maternity. Main ;o. A 4775. Hoi 13 Y A couple 30 years of site, wife to keep house for w. dower w:th small family in ex- hange for bu'hand s room and board; references. T 43. oregonian. KELIARLK woman w l!h daughter of 11 desires work as housekeeper or help in city: wares 4jli tilth at., b. E, Krn Park. tkomeetlcs. voi'NJ lady wants employment In family of farmer or rarnher, cleee to Portland. Q 474, Oregonian. isrellaneous. TWO g.rls. situation wanted for general h us w o r k . 2 1 st s ' . N . EN PERI ENrE" chsmherrr.sid desires po sition. Address AF 4'L oregonlsn. COIORED laundress, piece work sl!k. aool nod Lnen snk Liped. slarsbaa sooft. errcATiONs wanted ftimaljl Miscellaneous. ENGLISH woman, used to business life. de.res position of trust or aupervlaion. Acart-aa ArJ oregonian. COMPETENT, experienced woman wanta po sition as coon or general noasewora. 00a lawn oi'ii. CARE of children, housework, dav or even tr.s; references. Mrs. AJUn. 4510 70th at. r. . raoor loro. EXPERIENCED cook. 40 up; chamber maids, w.titreefes. nurse. St. Louis Agency. go3 H Wash. Main 3t. A 4775. CAPABLE plrJ, city reforences. desires fam ily cooking; .t. Main 1V3. A 477.Y PERUfNCED houseekeepers. first -class waurtS'.'i, laundress. Main 230, A 4775. WoM N wants woik by aay or hour. Cal Main 2012. LACE curtains laundered by an expert. Ta bor -44j. C COMPETENT girl wants eecond work, wages S3 month. E 4.. oregonian. YOUNfl woman wants work by the day, an hour. Phone A 3ih2, room 6. Zoo WOMAN' wants Janitor work In office bldg. A K 4 1 1, urtffonian. W A VTE D AG EXTS. WANTED First-class salesmen to aell Brit ish Columbia farm land, near Fort Georxe will pny iarpe commlsalon to men who can produce; we pay full cash commission on first Installment, Call at ths agency of the North Coast Land (-. Ltd. Paid u capital of 6 L.'.OO.Ooo. 1017 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. References required. AUKXTS on salary or commission. The vreatest aaenta aeller'' ever produced every ur of pen and Ink Jmys It on eicht : 2H to f"0 per cent profit; one stent's anlcs amounted to. S620 in six days; another 632 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X., 244. La Crosse. Wis. ATTENTION .Mandolin school solicitors. Investigate our new proposition; best for s gents and pnoiic oy clean, legitimate acJiool. Call :Ui to 10 A. il., room is, 87 V E. Hurnslde. WANTED-TO RENT. House. WANTED to 12-room unfurnished house. West hide, beat location, modern in every particular; house with private garage pre ferred, x 493, oregonian, WANTED Completely furnished house. or 7 rooma. with furnace; choice neigh borhood. Irvlnjrton or West Side preferred. pnone Main 131 J. 3 OR 4-roora furnished house or apartment by young couple, no children. Ail et-t. Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED Two housekeeping rooms, private family, mnn and wife, by Sunday; walk In distance; reasonable rent. AT 471, Orogonlan. OENTLEMAN wishes room in private fam ily (Irvington), with breakfast; would pre fer breakfast and dinner; state terms. M 477, Oregonian. BUSINESS woman wants clean. light room, h eat, central, reasonable, AD 4 !9, Ore gon lan. ' Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN wishes room with breakfast and dinner In private home or nrst-cu poarqmg-nouse. am i ij. oregonian. able home, near school, to care for girl of 1 . jk (v !;-, re j;oruu.n. Business place. WANTED Deakroom with dek end phones; state rent. AO 477, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE CAPLES 350 Taylor, between 7th and Park, absolutely central, quiet, modern brick, steam heat, hot water, all im provements; from $4 weekly, and with private bain irom so wecaiy. ROOM.S Northeast corner Fifth and Stark; hot water, steam heat. Apply -o'J w aan. Furnished Rooms. I NOW 'OPENI NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those three beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M IN HOOK. PARtiONS. ROWLANDS. 218 4th at, 211fe 4tb at. 207) 4th at. On Fourth at., running from Taylor to taimon at. ; orana new ones, eicisuu furnished; at earn beat, private bathe, hot and cold, water in all rooma: atrlctly up ' to dat In all ruspects. and at popular prices, ix you want sometmng out ox ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea . aonable prices, give us a call, as ws know you will Ilka It, Rooma by the day. week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL ALDER. After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. 4th and Alder sis. will offer special Induce ments on weekly and monthly ratea to f Permanent gueats during trie winter. xesi ocatlon In the city, convenient to all theaters, a 1 ores, business district and post office. A comfortable home with every modern convenience, in the heart of the city. Local and long-distance telephone and hot and cold running water In every room. The best of bellboy and elevator aervlce day and night. Rooma singly and ensuita. Houee thoroughly modern and newly furnished. Rates on applica tion. - GRAND UNION HOTEL, BS7 Vs East Hurnslde. Way not live on ths Eaat Side and save money on your room rent? We can give you better accommodations for lass money and within 15 minutes' walk of ths bualneaa center of the city. tearn heat, hot and cold running water; rooma single or en suite; rooms with private bath, rates 6O0 to par day; regular, 2 to 7 per week, Phoue East 6V40, B 1276. HOTEL CAPLES. Rcsidentlcl. 350 Taylor. Transient, Bat 7h and Park Bta. Opposite Heillg Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms from 75c daily; with private bath, from 11 dally; special weekly snd month ly rates; suites. isew, hondsomsty fur nished brick ; elevstor, telephones, hot and cold running water. Prom Union De pot "J" car to Taylor or "W" car to 7th; from Hoyt-atreet Depot. S" car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 22ii. HOTEL ALTON. Mftln 7116. Now open. Main 7116. 11th and Stark Streets. New, modem brick hotel; all outside rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat aid phones In every room; elegantly fur nished; elevator. large lobby and ladiea' reception roam; rent very reasonable. Call and aea ua. HOTEL SAVON. 181 Eleventh Street. Kew. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable, rente very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade ao lidted. SARGENT HOTEL corner Grand and Haw thorn aves. Haulifully furnished rooma single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold water, steam heat and private phocs In every room; moderate weakly or monthly rates; grill In connection; transi ents solicited. THE PEER HOTEL, East 3d and Burnslde; new Ur proof building, ateam-heated, hot and cold water and phonea In all rooms, private hatha. loDby and parlor; elevator service: rates 13 pr waek and up; traa si eats solicited. Phone East 17L ItlE REGENT, 101 H Seventh St.; besutlfui rooms, right down town: Ideal locatioa for part lea staying In town for business or pleasure; rates very re axons ola, by day or wee. 116 month up. HOI EL RENW1CE An Ideal home far busiaeas peop.; centrally located; e.e- gaat rooms; sll modern conveniences; 7th scd Tsyior s;a, 1 block from Portland Hotel. op poalte Hel!!g Theater. Mala MIA " H OT EL EUCLID. , Cor. l&lh ai.O Washington etB. Elegantly furnished rooms; ateam heat ed: hot and cold water in every room; bath, phones; rente very reasonable. MADRAS HOTEL, 12tn and Washington. Any room in the house for $5 a week and nothing extra for two in a 'room; thoroughly modern. LIGHT, airy rooma, modem, suitea or aln gie. 12 and ." week; nve minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. Lin- dell Hotel, xjg tn. TH E GLEN DORA. llt h and Couch. one block from Washington; furniahed rooma i . rlir HI 1 1 1 u nt a nnnl - s to guests; rates 110 per month and up. WEAVER. "10 U sshington Nioeiy fur- aianed roouia, mm anu poone ia eeoa room; with or without board. 2 paP.LOR bedrooms, one with piano, two " lare outside rooms; ail well furnished; S 2-: up. Phone A -.4. 324 Jackson a t. NICELY f u rn ie hed. heated rooms, reason -abie; a!o rooms with bath, f jo per month, 422 - Washington at. Phone Main 7154. LA KG E sunny ateam-heated front roornT suitable for two. &ol Washington, flat C HOTEL REX. W aahlngton at, Steam- heated rooms, 5oo per day, 12. 50 par we sviid up: aiao housekeeping-rooma. THE LAN DOR E, 2SS 10th at.. large, nicely fum.shed room. s:eam heat, auitabie for 2. NOKRIS HOTEL, rooms atrlctly modern, f 3 per week and up. 132 17tn at. TIIE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices, cor. 8d and Montgomery. THE Larrabe-e, 2-: H T.srrabee. AH conven iences; rtlir'l muu wua. a. o. FOR RENT. furnished Rooma. HOTEL ARMINIUS. cor. 11th and Mor-rimn- all outside rooma centrally located. Permanent guests solicited. Respectable and very moaerate prices. Famished Rooms In Private Family. ITOT? TJfCVT Vear rlonn. sJrr room. In prl vate family, newly furnished, electrlo light, bath, close to three carlines with Dest service; respeotanie reiut.-e trict, walking distance, furnace heat, suit' able for two. & .East Main. 1 ROOMS In nice home. East Side, newly furnished, S3 and 4.0 per weeic, uec Wlc Ilghta, furnace heat, use or aia Dhona. 15 mlnntfes' walk center of city r take "U" oar; 2 minutes' walk from boarding -house. 830 Weldler at. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with alcove for two In modern home; ooara nej door; walking distance; near N". P. Dental College. 204 East 3d at. North, southeast corner Multnomah. 2CICELT furnished rooma. 745 HoyL FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, ateam neat, electric liffnts. wa.King uisumco. bath and phone; J2.50 to 14.50 per week. tiij t& st. ana Montgomery. FURNISHED rooms, new. clean, pleasant. modern, walking1 distance; $5 and 110 per month. 20U W hltaker L, bouin r-ort land. EASY wa'kine distance: nice light room modern hnuao: furnace, fihone. bath, hot water, best location; reasonable, 2o4 12th street. LARGE front room, private porch, walkin distance, two or three rjersons. fine boar If dealred; owner formerly of Tull dt Gibbs' tearoom. 874 Mill. NEWLY and artistically furnished large front room, with alcove? breakfast prlvl Jeges, private home on Nob Hill. 739 Glisan et. Marshall 1S6S. LARGE front room, newly furnished, fur nace heat, sraa and electric lichis. bath. phone, walking distance. West Side. 14 iortn i6tn st. SOUTH front, airy rooms, clean and com fortaMy furnished: hot water heat, walk Ing distance. 429 Market. A euotf. DESIRABLE furnished room In modern steam heated apt.. 2d floor, Flat D, 463 jerierson. Main 66S KEARNEY. third bell, sunny, airy room; all conveniences; breakfast if de al red. l GENTLEMAN may have nice ateam heated room In apL-house at $13 month. NICELf furniahed rooms, modern and rea aonahle. 272 Park st,, bet. Madison and Jertereon. Itererences. NICE, clean sleeping room. In walking dis tance. West Side: two ladles or gentlemen reasonaDie. rnone aiain ..(. NICELY furnished room, modern conven ience!, centrariy located; reasonable. 404 C lay, near I'M a. EEAUTIFUL room for gentleman: electric lights bath and phone; furnace heat, 700 Flanders at. walking distance. 424 j 6th; 10 up. A 248 NORTH 20th Pleasant. comfortable rooms; warning distance; modern con van len es. (2 WEEK, furnished room, phone, bath. electric light, warning distance. 41:7 Har rison St. NEW, richly furnished; hot water heat, ahiO housekeeping suite, reasonable. :;.". 11th, FURNISHED sleeping rooms, single bed bath and phone. 450 Yamhill st. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dls tance; 51.10 per ween. 461 th St. ROE front room with board for two modern, private family. 2u8 N. 23d st, NEATLY furnished front, room, 12 a week. 411 west Park. $2.50 WEEK Nice furnished room; bath. neat, easy walking;. 4r2 fitn. LARGE, well-furnished room. two beds, modern, walking distance. 2-4 I2th. NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat; also one housekeeping. 471 Morrison. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences board optional, uh itn. Main ROOM, aul table for two or three, running water, pnone, oain, u 00 Din at. NEW. richly furnished; hot water heat, also Housekeeping aulte, reasonable. 855 11 tn, NEATLY furnished room, in good home; ref erences. 100 jonnson st ROOM In refined home; all conveniences; no sign. Mar. 3194. 352 hk Jackson. WELL furnished, new carpets, walking dis tance. fc9 Halsey at., near v ill lams ave. FURNISHED room, hot water beat; $10 a FURNISHED rooms, 331 14th.. Mar 3054. Booms ana Basra. LAMBERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, well-f urnlshed rooms single and double; walking distance; table poara aiso. Main odj, a usi. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, oath, broad verandas. juiet, close in, near car, 4 blocka from P. O. American plan. IH E M ANITOU 261 18th, new manage ment ; tnorougmy renovated ; inviting rooms; choice hoard. Main 1184. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year; rooms with board, use or aewing-room, li brary. B10 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. Large, weii-xurnianed rooms. Moaern conveniences f ANTET Refined gentleman to complete per month. M 476. Oregonian. ELEGANT room for two, Including good board, reasonable. 374 Fark. BOARD AND ROOM, 300 JEFFERSON. THE CASA ROSA. Rooms With Board In Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with alcove for two 111 modern nome; boara nen door; walking distance, near N. P. Dental College, 254 East 3d st. North, southeast corner Multnomah. EXCELLENT room In modern home, refined surroundings; strictly private; auitabie lor two gentlemen or married ooupie; Dreaa fast and dinner If desired. 6S East Ai der, morning or evening. A HOME for 2 or 4 young ladies who pre fer cooking uteir own meais; use 01 li brary, piano, etc Inquire 45 Wash ington at. room 10. FIRST-CLASS room, all modern conveni ences, with excellent board, suitable lor one or two; ladles preferred. 3i iota, LARGS front room, bath, walking distance. r.,."ci.l. V, aw, nm Mixta for Ian a-An. tlemen. Call East 5054. ROOM and board, single or for two, 15 per week ; bath and pnone. Main zzo. tR3 6th st. LARGE parlor aulte, also other room; choice board, congemu 1 nome ; piano; rennea nei jnborhood. 761 Marshall. A 420. ELEGANTLY furnished room with board; fine location, reasonable. rnone labor 626. NICELY funished room and board In pri vate family; gas. electricity, dzi layior. WELL-FURNISHED room with beat board. large porch and grounds. Main sruii. ROOMS with or withoutboard. Main 1547. ROOM and board for 2 In nice home. 593 E. Ash. Fhone fc. ios. PLEASANT room with board for two. Ap ply SS i Mill SU 65fi GLISAN' Rooms, single or en suite, good table board. NICE room with board In modern home. furnace neat. r.asi EXCELLENT rooms and board for man and wife or two young men. fhone East 4706. ROOM and board for two in nice private home. o3 t-ast Asn. rnone tast 1S43. ROOM, with or without board, in Sunny- aloe, 1 bloclt car; modern. Tabor 1761. FURNISHED rooma with board In private lamiiy. iaii Marsnaii PRIVATE boarding-house, room and board. 389 Taylor st., between yth and loth. WASH ST. Room and board, front room; rates reasonable. NICELY furnished rooms with board 16 and 16. 5o week.. 13th St. ROOM and board, home cooking, new man-asement-. S14 Nicolaf. PLEASANT rooms and board, nicely located; moicrn; furnace heat. K40 Harm In. FIRST-CLASS board and room. 699 Everett street. Apartments. CAMAR APARTMENTS. 704 Lovejoy. Beautifully furnished J ronm apt.; reasonable. Marshall 2916. WAL-OOitr Ji- 1 iKViMiTON, East 9th and Schuyler sts. Steam-heated apartmenta New, modern. Phone C 3013. ON EO N'T A. ISTil'th 2 and 8-room suites, hot and cold water In every apartment. Reasonable. Phone Main 4607. 8-ROOM furnished apartment; ateam heat, private phone, city view; rent reasonable, phone A 7 '23. LEONCE Modern, apt, ; Nob Hill district, con ven lent to 2 carlines. 1S6 22d St.. N. THE ELMS 2 and 5 -room apartments, fur nished. 11 14th au Main 6444. FOB RENT. Apartmenta. KTNO HTLL APARTMENTS, 171 King Bt.. near Washington St. Will open October 1. If 11. and wT.l maintain their former high standard of tenancy, 4. 6 and 6 -room apartmenta. Ap ply on premlaea for raaervationa. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ata.; thia new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3, and 4-roora suites; reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beda, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. MarshaM 2961. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 6 -room unfurnished apart ment, situated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes walk of the business center. Apply on premises for reservations. THB EVERETT. 644 Everett PL. New and e le gan t ly f urn Ished apart ments: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electrio elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. 1LEJNZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-roora family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning, janitor serv ice; rent per month. 126. 130 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. HI SLOP H A LI j FURNISHED APART MENTS; Hawthorne ave. and East 6th st. ; brand new building, now ready for occupancy: 3-room well furnished apart ments, with every modern convenience, close in on East Side; very reasonable rent, with best of service. Apply to Jan itor on premises. " THE IRVING. 6Sft Irving St. One four and one flve room unfurnished apartment; have gas range, refrigerator, shades, hot and cold water, steam heat and janitor service; all outside rooms, verandas; rates reason able: references. Phone A 222. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. 19th and 2uth ats: just fin ished; most magnificent apartments on the Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping porches; private hallways and every mod ern convenience ; references required. Phone Marshall 502L ALVARADO. One elegant 7 -room Individual steam heated room. Duplex Apartment, 730 Everett, THE MARSHALL APTS. A beautifully furnished 3-room (large, light and airy) apartment, steam heat, private phone and bath, automatic ele vator; the most home-like and quiet In the city; must be seen to be appreciated. 624 Marshall. Main 6032. A 3191. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themaelvea. See them, Lucretla at., near 23d and Wash. 2 to 6 rooms, alt large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones in each apt. phono prop, and mgr. Mar. 1529. Janitor 1500. THE MEREDITH. Tit Washington, cor. 22d st,: 2, 8 ana 4 -room apts., furnished or unfurnished; tip-to-date, clean and modern ; private bath, telephone; rates reasonable; best service. Phone Main 7130. LOIS APARTMENTS. 4-room front apartment. furnished ; steam heat, private bath, private phone, finest kitchen In the city, both gas and electric cooker; best residence district; reference required. 704 Hoyt st. Phone Marshall 2010. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia ats. First-class 8-room unfurnished apartmenta; all modern con veniences; best location in the city, front ing the parks, and only 5 minutes walk from the business center. Apply to Mgr. THE CODY. E. 7th and Taylor; a new corner brick, all outalde apartments of 2 and 3 rooms. Steam heat, individual phone and electric lights furnished. Janitor service. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable; walking distance. Phone East 3o0. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson sts., J and 4-room apts., with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern; & mln, walk from P. O. ; very reasonable rent. PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sts., beauutui a ana 4-room apartmenta, furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; elevator; telephone free; 45 to 160. NORDICA APTS. Furnished, from L to 3- room apartments;, also single rooms; free light, bath and phone, steam heat, mod ern: reasonable. 3U21, Belmont at. East 3418. CECELIA, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 3-room apis., witn oain,, modern and with every convenience, 22d and Gli san sts. Also basement apt. Morgan, Flledner & Boyce. PAGE APARTMENTS. ,A few- select furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3-room apartments, new, for rent. Apply Page Apartments. Sth and Burnslde, East Side, Telephone Home B 1018. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room apartment. including piano; an ouLsiae rooms. The Morton, Wash, and King sts. Phono A 1305. THE M'KINLE Y. 429 E. Morrison, comer of 7th, 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m'gt. HADDON HALL, 414 11th, cor. Hall, 3 and 4-room apartments, iurnisnea and unfur nished ; private phone, bath and balcony A SUNNY, furnished apartment of 4 rooms and bath, newly tinted. In a private home. Til J-nt 1 Un Pw-IA XTat A 1s4 .1- rilUUO I'M! u-aw, mr-mv A1UU , Wttia- lng distance. SAN MARCO APTS., E. Sth and Couch; new brick., steam neat, private hatha and phones; 8-room apts., $26 and 2o.. call E. 275L LILLIAN APARTMENTS. All outside 2 and 3-room suites, strictly modem; we challenge anyone to dupli cate our prices. Jiaranau ldio. 8 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th st. North. Phone Main 4033; or Main 1178. BTH AND COLLEGE. S and 4 rooms, finely furnished apart ments; strictly modern, every convenience; easy walking distance. The Altamont. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St, Clair; 2 nicely furnished 3-room apartments and one unfurnished S-room apartment; free phone in each apartment. THE WESTFAL. 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartmenta; walking dis tance; prices reasonable; no children. THE UKliiAanON. 407 Hall sU, new 2 and 8-room furnished apartments. walking distance; Janitor se rv ice. ra"u ,-t"" .MAUI tyj mnnj fflm Park St., Cor. Madison. Furnished S and 4-room apartments. LlVlduai poouco, wmrmci QOWDtQWn, THE BERY.L Large rooms, large cioaeia, cool anu i uutiixuu-, aozue xur nlshed apartments. 21st and Lovejoy take W car. . DRICKSTON. 448 11 th st, Nicely fur- niineu Li, ' ----- - no telephone; public laundry-room; $30. M arshall S7. - JUANITA( 325 11th. near Clay 2-room fur nished apartments, with private bath: large, light outside rooms; $30, $35. NICELY furnished and unfurnished apts.; large , DW i&unary conveniences. 568 Market. THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis streets, uu -m-iwiua luvuern apart--men ts. references required. THB MOP TON. 3 and 4-room unfurnished; 1 basement ROSE-FRIEND, S. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer son mouci u - " - uiiiunijsnea apartment: steam heat and water. X45 MODERN 6-room apartments; all veniencta. walking distance, phone, si con- Ieep- FURNISHED apt., 8 rooms and bath, for ats.. newly furnished. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison, un- furnisneu ii4iuubu - ""ma ana bath, reasonable rent, iiR AlNTREE Elegant five-room apartment. West ciiuc. ...... - w" 1 casun- able. Main i41. FOR WOMEN The Richardson Apartments, 14tn anu " ' -"-"o, i-Boao M 3"30 or A 8653 for ratea STRICTLY modern 3-room apt,, beautifully "21 Th. Bhtfleld.'-2TO-7th ,t. """" FOUR-ROOM apartment, private house. steam heat. ij rm- .'in yu .cast znn. UNFURNISHED 3-room apartments, mod ern, we 01 11 ai- ROOM furnished apt., $25. 624 Marshall. FOR RENX Apartments. ORLANDO APARTMENTS TWENTIETH AND WASHINGTON 8T. Elegantly furnished 2 and S-room apartmenta Rates very moderate. Only a few choice apartments now vacant. Apply on premises. THE CAMBRIAN. Corner 13th and Columbia. Ready for occupancy October IBth. One of the most exquisitely furnished apartments In the city. Furnishing to harmonise with the woodwork and wall decorations. Situated In one of the most desirable locations In the city within block of three carlines. Reservations can be made by calling at the MEIER & FRANK RENTAL DEPART MENT. FOURTH FLOOR. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson ata., 4 and B-room apartmenta, unfurnished, with re ception hail, automatic elevator. Pacific States telephone in every apartment and the moat modern convenlencea found 10 the city, phone Main 2086 or call up main office. Main 6764. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance. Completely furnished 2. 3 and 4-roora apartmenta; buildings new and atrlctly modern; aervlce first-class. GR A ND KSTH FURNISHED apartments Grand ave. and East Stark ata Brand new four-story building, ready for occu pancy now; 3-room splendidly furnished apartments, electrio automatic elevator and every modern convenience; on the Eaat Side, but closer In than most apart ments; very reasonable rent and best of service. Apply to janitor on premises. TH E AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson at., complete Sept, 1; finest, brightest aad best arranged apartment residence in the city; 3, 4 and 6-room; all outside, day- liKnt rooms; convenient to cars, waixing distance, private telephones In every apart ment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, re frigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners, etc. Attendant on premises. Mar shall 3360. BEST apartments in the city; 6 outside rooms; also sleeping porch and maid's room; wash trays, gas ranges and refrig erators; heat, hot water and telephone. Apply Stevens Apt., 71 A, Northrup sU Main 03oS. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, strictly modern, private halls, phones, etc. North 23d st. Marshall 221. Plats. IRVINGTON FLATS. 14th and Halsey; 5 large rooma, sleep ing porch," private front porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, tile bath, kitchen fur nished with fine overhead gas range. Among beautiful homes, and excellent cai service. F. S. BOWMAN & CO., E. 22 d and B razee sts. NICELY furnished 6-room upper flat, light, airy, electricity, gas and bath, phone free, one suite of rooms -furnished already rent ed, also 4 furnished housekeeping rooma 2S8", corner Williams and Graham ave Phone E. 4858J $16 NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe ninsula Park; light, airy ; sleeping porches; near .1 eiTcrson H igh ; public school ; see them today; fine for children. "L" car, Ainsworth, Alblna aves. 6-ROOM flat, new, modern ai?d convenient; near 28th and E. Ankeny; 12 per month. il. P. PALMER-J ONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg.. Phones Main S6.'H, A 2653. TO ADULTS, 5 rooms; hot water heat, hot and cold water, large sleeping porch, northeast view; linoleum, gas move, trunk room, with private stairway, walking dis tance. 625 H Montgomery. Phone A 458ft. 5-ROOM modern unfurnished lower flat; front and back yard, furnace, splendid light, plenty aiq; no children; 12S.50. 545 Sixth. Telephone, business hours. Main 8795, evenings and Sundays, Main 43 SO. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, bath, elec tric lights, furnace: walking distance; 123, Including water. Key at 330 Ross st. Call Main 2114 or E 3710. s 6 AND 6-room flats, hardwood floors, fire places, sleeping porches. Finest in city; don't overlook them. East 25th between Hawthorne and Madison. FOR RENT One 4-room fiat, partly fur nished, 130 a month. Jackson bungalow. 4o4- 11th at, d-ROOM flat, 3 bedrooms, furnished, kitch en suite, partly furnished, $40; walking distance. 125N.16th. 5-ROOM upper flat, all modern conveni ences, newly tinted 2 carlines; 125; key on premises. 612 Hancock. Main 2494. FOR RENT Neatly furnished four-room flat, with water, phone and bath; walk lug distance. 230 N. 18th. Rent 130. 4-ROOM modern flat, all convenlencea; adults; $30. 821 Northrup. Inquire Flat B. MODERN 5-room upper flat; fine location; furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch; adults; very nicely arranged. Main 9012, FURNISHED cozy 5-room modern flat. In cluding piano; walking distance. 202 y North 16th st. Phone A 3437. LOWER flat, hardwood floors, located In A-l neighborhood, to responsible party only. Main 6249. MODERN four-room flat, completely fur nished, to adults; $30; walking distance. Apply 402 6th st. 5-ROOM flat, good view, fine condition, on carline, Portland Heights, $25. W. H. Powell, 922 B. of T. bldg. M. 2848. HOLLADAY Addition Modern 5-room flat; walking distance; low rent. Phone Mam 3204; C 2793. NEW flat, 4 rooms, plenty of ateam heac. hot water, corner ieth and E. Morrison. Phone Tabor 131. FOR RENT Swell flat, upper half fur nished. Cor. 22nd and Kearney, Marshall 8o98. NEW 6-room flat, fireplace, modern through out. West Side, close in. Ready Oct, 13; rent $35. Main 7904. MODERN '-room upper flat all conven iences. Nob Hill; 15 minutes from down tow n; gC'.5Q. 775 Johnson st. 4-ROOM flat, new, U carline, 120 per month. East 4702. ELEGANT 5-room flat, in desirable neigh borhood. Call East 6347 TWO modern 5-room flats with good attic 473 and 475 hk 7th st, 6-ROOM flat, all modern convenience E 18th and Aah. Phone B 2O06. 5-ROOM lower flat; hot water, furnace; modern; 132.W. tiv nau su 5TROOM flat, very reasonable to permanent tenant. Phone East 4767. 6-ROOM upPr flat, 766 Irving, near 23d. Key at corner grocery store, 6-ROOM flat, bath, furnace, 69 S Salmon; key at 600 Salmon. NEW, modern 6-roora flats, $27.60 and $30. 649 East Ankeny. 3-ROOM modern flat, convenient to MV car line; $10. 131 East 6:h sf, JUST one more of those handsome Oats at 248 Kllllngsworth ave.; rent $25. 3-ROOM flat, centrally located, walking di tance; $7 month.. 403 Lewis bldg. NEW corner fiat, 101 East Nineteenth st. $30. SIX-ROOM upper flat. 782 Johnson. Main 7820. NICELY furnished 5-room flat, piano, ou carline. 461Vs 6th. Housekeeping Rooms. THE MILNER. 3.0 Morrison, cor. Park; furnished, un furnished apts. for quiet people; elevator, ateam heat, all conveniences; best location. COMFORTABLE, pretty rooms, reasonable, free - phone, steam heat, bath, etc. 887 Taylor at- NEW YORK, 7th and Belmont New brick building, fumiBhed and unfurnished apta., $16 up; ateam heat; walking distance. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, $3.50 up; central. 5454 Wash. st. FOUR unfurnished rooms. 267 3d sL, rent $-0- THREE pleasant furnished housekeeping; lower floor. 60 East Burnslde. HOUSEKEEPING rooma in new concreta bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2370.