Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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A flag for Yoarjdico!
Send flO OvJa
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Two Strike Outbreaks Occur
During One Afternoon in
New Orleans.
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Illinois Onlnl't Allrmpt to Trans
fer Men Kails (;irrnnr of
Mlilpl ieM Arbi
tration to Chief.
NEW OR1.KAN. I. . The first
violence evperlenred her In cnntf"
lion with the (ink of the shopmen of
the Harrlman line ram thla after
noon when strikebreakers. Imported to
work In the Kouthera Pacific shops,
were atta-ked by a mob of per
sons. The train had lust pulled lato the
yards, Several shots were fired from
the roaches, but no on wsa struck,
fteveral arrests were made on the
Worn the officer left the train with
their prlnera. the mob attacked the
litter with clubs. X reserve susd of
philtre restored order. Half a U V
strilrebrcskers were severely beaten.
Another outbreak occurred this
afternoon near the Minnie Central
strikebreakers' quarters when the
rmpany attempted to transfer a
coachload of men to the Ktupvesant
street cards. The coach was attacked
by strikers and sympathisers. Car
windows were broken but no one Is
te'leved to have been hurt.
Atleaapt la 'Abaaaaaed.
The attempt to transfer the men was
Arhl'ratlon as a mr'S of settling
the difficulties between the Illinois
t.utral and Its shop employes has been
eucceated be Oottrtof. Noel, of Mis
sissippi, to president Msrkham of the
in application of attorneys for tb
Houthern rarlrtc Railway Company a
temporary Injunction was Issued In the
I'nued Stales Court today, restraining
strikers and others from Interfering In
any manner with the affair of the
road. It la understood that Southern
Pacific official will apply for similar
restralnlna orders In every Federal dle
trlit traversed by the company lines,
lejaxtlea la leaaed.
Judce Burns. In the Cnlted State
Circuit Court at Houston. TfL. today
ranted a temporary Injunction airalnst
he officers and all members of the
live federated crafts now on strike on'
the Marrtman lines at Houston and
Galveston. The Injunction restrains
the union men from Interfering wltn
the rompany'a business.
A temporary order restraining about
14 person In lenlson. TeL. from Kolnc
on property of the Missouri. Kansas at
Teas Railroad of Tela, and from In
terfering with strikebreakers, waa la
sued at Sherman. Tea today by Judg
K L Jones.
:M or STRIKE is' roflKCAST
ly An cries rhopnten Say I la 1 1 road
I In Bad Way.
IJJS ANOELKA 0-t. S. -The strike
will be over within 10 days; tralna are
behind time, enctnes need repairs, and
no competent men t-an be had to lill
our places." was the statement issued
by the strikers' publicity commute of
the Harrlman employe today.
Superintendent Piatt, of the south
ern division of the system said condi
tions were satisfactory and that more
men wer worklnr to-lay than on any
day since the strike waa begun.
John J. Byrne, assistant passencer
aarnt of the Santa Fe. wbo arrived
here from Chicago today, declared til
strike was called acalnst the best Judg
ment f th fir International presi
dents, as they knew It meant disaster
to unionism. Mr. Byrne particularly
menttonetd President Kline, of th
blacksmiths, aa belns; opposed to th
Kline, he declared, said th strike
was really railed by under officials
who usurped their superior- authority
while popular clamor wa at It height.
Railway Offk-laN and Striker K
preoe Kqual Confidence.
ROSKBVRG. Or, Oct. i tgpeelal.l
The strike situation remains unchanged
ere today, save the statement of t
11. Fields, who saa he notices a great
Improvement In the operation of trains.
The strikers declare that several more
engines have become Impaired during
the past : hours and thai the situation
will reach a critical stag within th
nest hours.
Th Roseburg ysrd are- patrolTed by
slv Depute Sheriffs and no disorder
has thus far been reported.
Troop Held la Iteadlnes.
M COMB CITT. Mlss Oct. I Th re.
mala lug organlsatlona composing th
Second Regiment of the Mississippi
National Guard wer ordered today to
hold themselves In readiness to respond
to order to Join the troops here.
Womaa Iletrnln Home In Karl
Morning T Ice- Fired Vpon.
SAL.T LIKE CITT. Oct. I Returning
home esrlv this wiornlng Mrs. M. J.
Itrennan discovered thst a burglar had
Seen Impatiently awaiting her arrival,
for be at twice commanded her to de
liver up the diamonds which h wa
wearing, valued at lll.
Aa be toek the Jewels from her band,
the robber fired two shot at Mrs.
I'rennan, th bullet grastng her head.
Tie burglar fled through th front
I. or of the house while Ms victim
rewered In terror In the hall.
nttn-jet rmm Flrvt Teee.)
today when several storekeeper began
to display (heir ware. On tobaccon
ist saved a quantity of cigars, lobar.
o aad cigarettes, but soon sold out
his stork,
aejppHew Delayed la Arrival.
Considerable anxiety I felt by th (
state officers In charae because of t!i '
nonarrtral of everal car of supplies
that have been reported on the way.
f-e want food nd we want money."
, -f"V. appeal of lr. S. G. DIon.
- "sA ' ...
' 5
vc-'.. :v i
Stat Health Commissioner. In rharge
of th work today. "The food supply
la getting low. and aa we are Increas
ing our working force, w must find a
way lo feed them."
Th regular water supply has been
re-established. An Inquest will be held
Govrnar Tener has reached he
with several slate officials to Inspect
th broken dam and the territory dev
astated by th flood of last Saturday.
-I shall not only recommend, but
org, th passage of legislation which
will give th state control over such
dam, not only those to be built but
thus already built"
Gevrrser Rem lea Tsar.
At a conference behind closed doors.
In which th Governor and all tho state
officials her participated. Dr. Dixon.
State Health Commissioner, submitted
a report of what had been don and
what was proposed to he don In Ui
nature of resume and relief work, fh
Governor signified his approval of th
At daylight Governor Tener. with
several englneeers and departmental
beads began a tour of 'th flood dis
trict, stopping at th dam to Inspect It.
A stock of diamonds valued at $10.
ao was discovered today Intact amid
the ruins. They wer th property of
N. N. Johnson, an Austin Jeweler.
A alx-dey clock was found half a mil
below Austin, still rnnnlng. Th other
clocks all stopped at 2:31 P. M.. reg
istering th tlm of the flood.
- t
I'nltrd State-s Will Not Tolerate Con
dition af Cltll War.
WASHINGTON. Oct." i The State
Department has been formally advised
of th purpoe of President Aroseme
na of Panama to take a vacation of
six months and absent himself from
th country In order to qualify for re
election. The present Inclination of the De
partment Is to refrain from Interven
tion In Tanama, unlesa It becomes evi
dent tiat th course outlined by Presi
dent Arosemen l likely to Involve the
country la civil war. Such a condition
would not be tolerated by the American
The elections will take place next
uedVrom First Pl' )
order lo expend her latent enemies.
WltMn I year Tripoli will be trans
formed, he says.
Captain Craverl ha been ordered to
Tripoli to organise a fore of cara
bineers there.
Vice-admiral Feravelll reports that
e,h Tripoli batteries were o disman
tled that th Turkish soldier retired
within th toan. th Interior of which
wa not attacked. In order to avoid
damage to private property.
The army of oecuition Is conceded
to be auperlor to the fore actually
necessary for th proposed operations,
but th War Office haa no Intention of
being caught napping and. moreover,
the plan is to conquer the country rap
Idly and with imposing strength, which
will require a great display of troop,
for the trlaigle cons'luted by the
ITortnc of Tripoli la rearly four time
th else of Italy, each siOe being al
most 100 mile long.
Democrats Indorse "Progres
sive" Republicans.
Sailor Prrseed Into Service to Man
ufacture War Material.
TARANTOl Italy. Oct. . Five hun
dred sailor and workmen are hurriedly
manufacturing war material, which
special ships will transport to the
Troops ar being embarked at Leg
horn. Anrona. Genoa and Brlndiri. Tho
British. German and French and even
tho Austrian steamers In those har
bors Join la manifestations of enthus
iasm, flying the. Italian flag, while
their bands play th Italian National
Balloonist I "alls to Death.
TIFTON. (It. Oct. . Captain John
Broder. giving exhibitions at the
South Georgia Fair here, was killed
when he fell from his balloon and
plunged 7e feet to earth this after
noon. His mother and sister live in
Green I-ake. Wis.
Parties In New Mexico Vnlie on Can
didate Nominee for Attorney. .
General Declines Unani
mous Nomination.
SANTA FE. N. M.. Oct. I. Fusion
of th Democrat and "progressive"
Republican In trie first state campaign
seemed assured tonight. Th Demo
cratic date convention concluded Ita
deliberations by Indorsing Richard H.
Hanna and George II. Van Stone, both
"progressive" Republicans, the former
for Supreme Court Justice and the lat
ter for Corporatlona Commissioner.
These candidate were chosen from
lists submitted to the Democratic ex
ecutive committee today. Accordingly,
fusion awaited only the formal in
dorsement by the "progressive" con
vention of th ticket headed by W. G
McDonald for Governor.
W. R. McUlll. of La Lande. wa nom
inated for Attorney-General, vice B.
L. Lawsop. who declined after being
nominated by acclamation.
The convention followed the nomina
tion of McDonald, of Carrlxoxo. for
Governor, which was mad lost night,
with th selection today of the follow
ing named persons for places on th
ticket: Lieutenant-Governor, E. C. De
bar. Las Vegaa: Secretary of State,
Antonio J. Lucero. La Vegas; Stat
Treasurer. O. N. Matron. Albuquerque:
Attorney-General. W. R. McGUl, La
Lande; State Auditor, Francisco A.
Manxanares. Fort Sumner; Superin
tendent of Public Instruction. Alva N.
White: Commissioner of Public Lands,
J. L. Emmet-son. Carlsbad: Representa
tive In Congress. H. B. Ferguson. Al
buquerque: I'aa Valverde. Clarkdon:
Justices of the Supreme Court. Som
mers Berkhart, Albuquerque: W. A.
Dunn. Hoe well: for third place Rich
ard Hanna ("progressive" Republican),
banta Fe, Indorsed; Corpe-ration. Com
missioner. Sol Owena. Clovls; Sera
flno Martlnea. Colfax: for third place,
George Van Stone "progreslve-' Re
publican ). Estancla. Indorsed. -
Eastern Prosecutor Contends Against
Removing F.xpkstve Evidence.
INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. S. A motion
that the petition of the District Attor-
New York Society
Bca.t ful Womei of the "400" Who
Have Luxuriant Hair
In gay New York, where women get
their Idea from their sisters abroad,
the hair beautlMer and grower called
PARISIAN SAGE la In great demand.
A great scientist, undoubtedly one of
the most eminent hair specialists In the
world. H th discoverer of PARISIAN
SACK. He claims most emphatically
that It Is the only hair preparation that
will kill the persistent dandruff germs.
At sny rate, the sole manufacturers of
PARISIAN- SAGE In the Cnlted (states
give through their agent. Woodard.
Clarke Co, this money back guaran
tee, which la no doubt strong enough
and plain enough to please th most
-W guarantee PARISIAN SAGE to
end dandruff In two weeks: to stop fall
ing hair: to make dull lifeless and col
orlcs hair beautiful and luxuriant: to
cure al Itching diseases of the scalp, or
money back."
The price Is only ZO cents a large bot
tle at Woodard. Clarke It Co.. and live
druggists everywhere, or by express,
alt charrea prepaid, from Glroux Mfg.
Co.. Buffalo. N. T. The girl with th
Auburn hair Is un every bottle.
Boys Gnus
JAadv by
ney of Los Angeles County, California,
for the removal to Los Angeles of dyn
amite seized here on the arrest of John
J. McNamara, be overruled, was filed
today In the -criminal court by Prose
cutor Baker, of this county.
Mr. Baker recites that the explosive
will be needed here as evidence In
the prosecution of Indictments against
McNamara on the charge of using dyn
amite and nltro-glycerine unlawfully,
and that there Is no law through
which the alleged evidence can be or
dered taken to Los Angeles or returned
to th authorities here if it la relin
Judge, However, Positively Will Ke
slpn Next Salurduy.
CHICAGO. Oct. S. Failure of con
flicting interest in the Chicago &
Milwaukee Electric Railway to agree
on the draft of a decree In the Cnlred
Circuit Court delayed the resignation
of Judge Grosscup today.
Delay was granted until Saturday
noon, after which time Judge Gross
cup said he would not withhold his
L-i rJ "l rSN
aurad Satarsl&y-
fe00 Knickerbocker
i . .,wJ&ZS-M
Suits for $3.95
Ycnr.r Choke of Any Kmickerlboclker $5 Suit in Om Store (Except Bke
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' At ftSasiT rejickr price ftlkese classy suite are ftlae BEST $5 valine
in Portland. Great variety of fabrics, designs and caioiri.
Osix stoiaird "QUALITY AND INTEGRITY" refkcledl from
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Cottolem is packed in patent, air-tight tin pails (never in bulk) and no dirt,
odors, or other contamination can reach it Lard is seldom guaranteed
you usually take your chances; the purity arid freshness of Cottolem are
always guaranteed, and any grocer who sells it will refund your money if
you are not wholly satisfied with it
There are thousands of Cottolem users in the country who would never
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Cottolem is purer, more healthful, more economical than lard or any other
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