tttt: jroirxTxo oregoxiax. frtday. October 6, ion. A GJH AIDS GREATLY NEEDED Groundina of Steamer Edith Brings Up Well-Known Need Again. CARGO LOSS IS $250,000 Complete? List of Vf?fH Ixt In .Vorth Mnrr I ST a Shmrn That i'ndernrllrr Have Paid Out for Tlw-m $.tO.0OO. In the grounding of the Alaska Pteamahtp Company's steamer Edith on Level Island in Sumner Strait. nar Wrsnsell. M"ndar. carrying car- aro valued at t2 00. no, another lo ron . fronts owners and underwriters and the accident Is likely to brlna- atxut a renewal of agitation for addltlona aids to navliratlon In Northern waters. The Edith will not be a total loss, as rht Is reported resting on soft sand and In a position that Indicates she mar be floated. In the rurrmt Issue of the Railway and Marina News Is published the flrst complete list of vessels lost in the Norm since 7. for which under writers have paid IO0.00 for total losses and nearly as much has been expended on carriers that were salved and returned to their owners. Not si of the vessels listed have been lost through neglect by the Government to light tna Alaskan waterways better, as a number must be credited to mistakes of navigators. In soma cases careless ness and In others a wanton disregsrd for conditions of places In the Inside passage that make It Imperative for the Journey to be undertaken during; the slackwater period. The vessels lost are named In the accompanying; tab.e: TRS TO CHOOSE OITOKns Vaval Mllltla Officers Mum Tat Examination Soon. aUJrders Issued yesterday bv Adlut nt-General Flnser provide for elec tions to ba held one month from to day In both divisions of the Oregon Naval Mllltla for Lieutenants. Ac rordlngly. Lieutenant Fred W. 1 Hum phrey has been relieved from duty run the first division here, and Lieu tenant Edwin K. Ktraw la relieved from duty with the second division at Marshfield. In the event they are not re-elected by the enlisted men tbey wfll remain In the service. Later. examination will ba held for officers with Admiral Cot t man. In command of the Bremerton Navy. Yard, and Ad lutant-Oeneral Finxer. as members of the board, with another to be aelected. and those who fall, to qualify w ill be , dropped. The first division will meet aboard tha cruiser Boston at t 10 o'clock the evening; of November for the elec tlon. and Lieutenant-Commander Ca pron. Paymaster, has been designated as Inspector of election. Tha sama evening tha men of the second divis ion will meet at Marshf leldaj and Cap tain J. J. Reynolds will act as Inspect or of election there. Tha resignations of Captain Hpeler. as Lleutenant-Com mander. which waa formally ftled ep tember S3; that of Lieutenant-Com mander D. Kdwards. filed Septem ber 1. when he was acting- aa chief engineer, and that of Lieutenant H. C. Stone. Junior grade, hace been ac cepted. MOnOf MAY BE PURCHASED Nrit Owner of Lents Klver Line Want Ilarrlmnn Steamer. rm the willingness of officials of tha Harrlman system to dispose of tha steamer Modoc, of the Willamette River fleet, depends whether she will go on the I'nrtland-Lewls River route In connection with a service to be given bv Kkson 6 Walter, wao have purch ased the Interest of the Vancouver Transportation Company In the le wis River Transportation Company, and un til another steamer Is secured the I n rilne will continue on the run. he will dock at Taylor street and the business Is to ba handled by the Kamm force pending a complete organisation. Captain J. V. Kkson was formerly master of the steamer Lurllne. of the Kamm fleet, wheh operates to Astoria, and Is known among pioneer rlvermen. He also ran on the I'pper Willamette, between Portland and Iaytn. In the leal Is Include! the steamer 1. W. Walker, and In the event the Modoc Is not purchased she may be lengthened and made suitable for the .business. A thlr.l proposition under consideration la the purchase of a boiler and hull that are on tiie market and a new vessel will be constructed. An offer has beea made for the Modoc, which Is at tha fconeyard where she has been out of commission for over a year. The Harrlman line has the steamers Klmore and Ruth for the Willamette trade and while the Modoc la ready for service, she Is not required In the fleet. MISTS OX RKl'CK RENEWED Sainton Ship Will Have Bottom SlH-athed With Copper. Three new lower masts to be stepped with tresiletrees, her hull sheathed wita copper from the keel to ballast Una. her deck recaulked and other work Is to ba done aboard tha American ship r.ejce. of the Columbia River Packers' Association fleet, when she arrtvea In Portland soon from Astoria. Anderson Crows will do the work and are ar ranging for tha new masts, which will ba feet long and bava a diameter of threa feet. The tt Nicholas waa sheathed with copper last yesr by the sama firm and while she waa In tha river afterward she made but one-fourth of an Inch of water and that was only Increased to half an Inch In Alisbs during the Sum mer. The Re dee is J years old and tt Is said that when the work Is com ple'.ed she will not require attention beiow the water line for eight or nine years. The vessel will be drydocked. and it is estimated that about nine tons of copper sheathing and nearly a ton of copper nail, will ba required In the work. In stepping the new masts she will be completely unrigged and mill present an odd appearance. MARMIMFLD COXXECTS LAKES C om rait Lrl to Build Channel Thai Will Add to Rreort Enjoyment. MARSH FIELD. Or Oct. , Spa-I'lai-) A contract has fcaea 1st to tna Larsen Dredge Company for opening tka channel between tha two lakaa at Tsnmlla, the Summer raaart a Is tx Let. LIST Of VESSELS LOST Rig Name of Vessel Tear lost Sch. S-h. Ka rl k. tMh. Hk. Ilk. Hk. K. Hk. Hk. Hk. s, h. Hk. Pk. Hk. Hk. !. h fK. .-h. Hk. HkL Hkl. h. Hkl. Hk. Hk. Rk. i. Hk. Hr. Ht-s.-. s. h. JK. Kn. S. fs. e-s. Hk. ' Sl. He. Hk. Hkl. Hk. K.I. Ft. George....... KodUk Ml. Watlastoa ... Visllant Henrietta ....... Sapho .......... Aroaihrst Montana ........ Has!. - . Kauibow r.Mri at Susan .. Mshel Napoleon ........ Ci.ra Light John rarver ..... Hi;ni Shore ... Young Pheoalx .. Julia Fore: I'hlo I.ucrella Jaa. a. Hamilton A neon filter Wave 1 nomas I'ope . . . Korea I.ui - Williams . onsaba (ne;ds , . Wm. l.sais Atrahara Harker ..1T ..!: . . 17S . .ii . .ii; ..iw ..!. ..!.. . . lt"j . .li.1 ..! ..!! ..I" . . 1 . . 1J"H ..! . . lu . . 1 MM . . . .lfcTki . . I "mi ..!'. . . 1 . .!! . . 1 'UJ . . 1 '.'.! . . 1 !" . . 1 . . 1 VHt . . 1 ;7 . . 1 i7 . .iwi . . 1 !7 . .1J-UT . . 1 -tin . . 1 MS . . I . . 1 ti . . IMB . . llsl . . ..! . . IS.tO . . ltNI . .11" J . .iiw: . .IISCJ . !: . . 1 1.-. . . iits . . I!ki3 . . lleMt . I lent . 11 'd . .i; ,.19"" . . 1!7 . ..Its"! . . 1!X' , . lloll ..!! , . 11' . lorn ..191" ,.ll . IVill ..111 ,. It'll .1911 . .It'll tjtim Jar... llualand .. Raphael Jia A Borcland M.llrw Jessie Freemao . . ( res hoMrit ......... Naian-ti Kterllns frara Nevada .... Hrissm 1-auraiia ........ tViideoud Mermn 4loraalo Hunter 1'a'herlne tfuddea A'ik fia.asna 'has. L. Lane ... Imk ui ery ....... Isisnder l'lee,and Sa.lle Srir f Russia ... Halrlutha Kerels .Nlrho'aa Thayer . Orfon Mrichen Themis John 'urrler at. I'aul Wm. Bayllss l.uclle i htsr uf Bengal ... l-aratnaa .t'olumtila i i o Wuatslno Charger ......... T'arallt.n Portland ilympia rottaae City .... Ramor.s Jaoes Hoses .... Cdlth S.I. . "p. s.-n. rP. Hk. HK. SP- rVh. Hk. sp. Hg. , H. ss. V. Total losses There Is a chain of lakes but tha two main ones are connected by a shallow channel which Is not alwsys passable. Tha Improvement calls for the deep ening of this waterway. The work, when completed, will make ona of the largest fresh water bodlea In this part of the state and add greatly to the re sort enjoyments. The channel prob ably will be completed by Spring:. Chaii-lor Jteport by Wlrele. NORTH HEAD. Wash. via wlre- l.ssi Oct. i. 8. P. Chanslor. at sea. noon. October S. 111; latitude 43:01 N.: longitude 1J4:J7 W.: light southwest wind: moderate northwest swell; baro meter 30.0n; temperature si. 0 Marine Xote. , 1 Oliung irvm, ran r .,.-. w lumber the schooner Virginia croased into tha river vesterday and will pro ceed to Wcstport. After discharging inward cargo yes terday, the MoCormlck steamer Tose mite proceeded to the company- mill at 8t- Helens, for a southbound load. To work additional lumoer tor oto- ney the British steamer btratnspey will shift early today from tha Port land mill to that of the North Pacific Lumber Company. On her way to Ltnnton to iss.e u eA. Pit nt Ini Hriusil steamer Oswestry moved from Inman Poulsen's yesterday afternoon to the bunkers and will proceed today. i - T iniA. has assumed l.piin cam " -- command of the steamer Hasel Weir, Ice Captain C w. eir. ie . k-.i Kw ih rhase ac nas occ n iun.n". " i - Linton Gravel Company, of Newberg. With a part cargo of lumber loaded . . . ii.i i i.t. Anerlev at lacoma. ' " e ..- - e reached the river yesterday and pro ceeded to Tongue Point, where she commenced loadlnff In the afternoon. Seven aeamen have deserted me bus lan bark Isabel Browne slnca shs ar Ived. Tha men were signed at Callao. Tha vessel la not expected to begin imdlrsr before October 1. wnen ner lav .lava atart. Balfour. (Juthrle Company nave . received a message that tho Brmnn earner llellopolls sailed rrom am Francisco f'-r Portland Wednesday morning, i'he may be loaded In time o get away next week and win carry proximately i7.000 bushels of wheat. Pair weather, a heavy awell bnt no rind were the weather conditions an- . , . v. , m e e llMrtr. of COUDirinj vj e. the "Big Three" fleet, which arTived at STEAMEB IXTE1XIGBNCH. Das to Arrive. Name. Northland. . KygJJ Peat er Sue H. Elmore Golden One. . . Breakwater. -. Antll ;?o. W. Elder. Rear Ka.con Al.ianie Tlllainuk. r.oae City Itvanoke ruvtnc From .Sail Pedro. . Hongkong . .San Pedro. . Tillamook. Tillamook. Coos Bay.. .Handon .San m0. .San Pedro . San Francil . Kureka . . . . Coo,ullle. . . ,san Pedro. San Illego. .Manila Date ...In port ...In port ...In port ...Oct. T ...Oct. T . . Oct. . . Oct. .. Oct. .Oct. o Oct. .. Oct. . . . Oct. . .Oct. . ..tvt. .. .Oct. sjcbewaled to Depart. Name Nnrthiand Beaver Anvil ." . Golden ;ste. .. Sue H. Elmore. Breakwater. . . Geo. TV. Elder. Fear Fa. con T'.I.araook. . . . . Alllanr Kuinokff Rose City R'g)a nuvcric. For . San Pedro. . . gas f edro. . .Pandon Tti.amook. . . Tillamook. . .Coos Bsy . . . -Sau Diego. . . San I'edro. . Date .Oct. a tct. Oct. Oct. .Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 10 10 IS 10 II 14 14 15 IS IS IS Iftl eO Saa Fraaclaco Coqullia. . . .. . . Kureka. ..... Saa iMrvo. . . . Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. .San Pedro. . . . Ilor ckong. . . Manila Oct. o'clock yesterday afternoon from Snn Pedro and fan Francisco. She had a passenger list of Ut and aa average argo. Captain Rasniussen. of Llghtvesacl No. . says that the condition of tlie bannel at the moutti of the Columbia a such that steam schooners enter and eave port at nlgnt and he asserts that here is no danger In ordinary weather skippers will follow the buoyed road. ' t Entries jesterday at the Custom house included the gasoline achooner Tillamook. from Bandon. and the teamer Tosemlte. front Kan Diego. There cleared tha steamer Alliance, for j soi rtay ana r.uresa; tnr tosemite tor San Dlegn. with tS.e feet of lumber, and the Tillamook for the return. Fnltgted men of the Oregon Naval VRstta have Issued bids for the first on to be held aboaM the cruiser Bos on here, which Is to take place Toes- sy evening. Tha affair will be par ticipated la by all membars of tha first Ivialon and tha oitlsen tars have In stove many Interesting features tor their guests. Aa Captain C- W. Braadt, master of IN NORTHERN WATERS. Where lost Value at bull an.$ cargo 2o.0i0 loo. raw ...... ion. wo , SJ.CHlO ii'.ooo SO.'kiO ...... 30. oil) ...... 0O.1K1O Ml.tSHl 60.0 J IO.oOO ...... &O.IMIO ...... JOrt.ilOO &0.000 1O0.1HSJ xs.fsio ...... oO.OOO OU.OIIO lon.uou lo.uoo Su.coo 73. otio KHI.01N) ...... l!k.0"0 7J.0 JS.U'10 in iio 2;."0 .')oo ...... 4O.1IO0 .' 100.000 iO.OHO luu. wo 40.0j0 luO.OlXl iliO.IKX ,.00 ...... 130.OUO Il0.0K 4o.U"0 ...... iO.lN'O 60."" ...... 2.".lMlO lUO.OOO ...... io.WO 2".'j.lHHj T.l.uo'l SO.tHMJ l.-.ll.'HKl 4.VOOO loivooo ...... ll.Olkl ...... ;w.imo ......"' ...... 11MI.IMH) ...... IIW.OiiO 25.0"0 SO.ihjO S0O.OOO 2.10.0OO 17i.lNiO I00.0"0 300.000 50. OOO -J5.1MM) giVOOO 5o.OO0 l.V).oiio I00.0O0 iso. ooo lOn.OoO .'.0.000 Kodlak Island Usee isuiod ....... Arctic Arctic ft. Lasrrsoee Is i and Arctic Arctic Bristol Bar Arctic Arctic Arctic Bering hea Arciic Arctic Bristol Bay Ht- Barrow Hi. Hope Hsrold Island Bering feiea ......... l.orlng Tt Ttarrow ......... ft. H"Pe Kalgtn Island Tug'dak Island H. Mlchasl Alaska Uulf ft. Berroar Arctic Nunivak lalsad Strong Island ....... Karluk 4 Tugudak Island .... Arctic I'lxun's Entrance ... ft. barrow ft. Harrow ft. Barrow A re lie Bristol Bar I. ynn t'anal t'larance Kl raits ... Herlnx ! a ......... Hrlstut Bay . Karluk Wiansel Narrows .. Bering ea Herlug" Sea Hiring Hea Bering rlea X'inivak Island YaKttat ilsiulncaux Channel liel-ins S.a Hei-tl'S s.-a s. t'liiclisgog Island ... lieefe lalintl ....... Kodlak Inland Kodik Islsnil Cape Hlncnlnhrooke I lintiLkni Straits ..... liardissn Kesf ..... Hi In,. I Hay S'ikhlish island .... Arctic I itshlk coronation island .. Hufhby Island ...... Vnlmsk Psks HetkUh Nsrross ... Ils.n' Fli.trance ... Ksnar far Iliamra Bar Katalla Hugh lalsnd sevmour Nsrrows ... caps Decision ..... rhlsnlk Bar Sumner iralt I. 1 10.000 the barkentlne Georgina, yesterday filed formal charges against Captain Bands trom. of the Port of Portland steamer Ocklaliama. with whom he had an altercation - September 15. following damage to the bowsprit of the barken tlne when the Ocklahama waa going alongside to take her In tow. Local In spectors Edwards and Fuller yesterday set the hearing for M'Snday morning at 9 o'clock. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Oct. S. Arrived 8te.mer Beser. f-om San Pedro and Ssn Francisco: strsmer Shasta, from San Psdro: steamer J. B. rttetson. from flan Francisco; steamer Shoshone, from 8an Francisco. Sailed steamer Alliance, for Coos Bsy and Eureka: gasoline schooner Tillamook, for Bandon aed war porta. Astoria. Oct. 8. condition at the mouth of the river at 3 P. M-. smooth; wind, .southeast. 14 miles: weather, cloudy. Sailed st a A. M., steamer Rose rity. for Ban Francisco snd San Pedro. Arrived at 6 and left up st :10 A. M.. steamer Beaver, from Psn Pedro and San Francisco. Arrived at n:30 and left op at 8:lu A. M.. steamer Shasta, from San Psdro. Arrived st 8:40 A. VI.. British stesmer Anertey. from Ta coma. Arrived at 11 and left up at 11:30 A. M.. steamer J. B. Stetson, from San Francisco. Sailed at 1 P. a!., steamer Roa noke, for pin Diego and way ports. Ar rived at noon and left up at 1:20 P. M.. steamer Shoshone, from San Francisco. Salted at 3:30 f. M.. schooner Rldorado, for Chile. Arrived down at 9 last night. Ger man ship Alexander Isenberg; at 11:30. steamer Rose City. San Francisco. Oct. 5 Arrived at ft A. M.. steamer Coaster, from Columbia River; at in A. M.. steamer Oleum, from Portland. Sailed last night, steamer Geo. IV. Kenwlck. tor Columbia River. Con Bsy. Oct. . Arrived Steamer Breakwater, from Portland. gin Prdro. Oct. 4. Sailed Schooner W. F. Je-vstt. for Columbia River. San Francisco. Oct. a. Arrived Steamers Virginian, from Beltlnghsm: Coaster, from Coluoiola River: Bee. from Mukllteo; Wat son, from Seattle; Manchuria, from Hong kong: barkentlne James Tuft, from New castle. Australia. Sailed Steamers Msxt csn. Col. B. L. Drake, towing bark fl.l. for S-attls: Crown of Castile, for London, via Vsncoursr. B. C. : Olympic, for Belllngham; Sherman, for Manila: schooner R. W. Bart letu for Tacoraa; barkentlne City of Pap eete, for I'nga. Tides at Astoria Friday. I! lab. Low. II. -SO A. M7...8 4 feet 5:M A. M 0.B foot 11:S P. M 8.1 feet :0t P. M 1.4 feet MUSICIAN DROPS' DEAD Proresaor EdwUi A. Smith Stricken at Ills East Side lIoro. Professor Edwin A. Smith, a well known music teacher and lecturer of Portland, died auddenly Wednesday night at his home at 435 Wasco street from apoplexy. Professor Smith and Mrs. Smith were preparing to go out for the evening when tha musician was stricken. Professor Smith had been a resident Mothers No young woman in the joy of coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare ber system for the physi cal ordeal she is to undergo. The health of both she and her coming child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. . Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's system for the coming event, and its use makes her com fortable during all the term. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tissues, muscles and tendons, involved, and keeping the breasts in good condi tion, brings the woman to the crisis in splendid physical condition. The baby too is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better ad vice could be given ft young ex pectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend; it is a medicine that has proven its value in thou sands of cases. Mother's Friend NinthPrQ is sold at cg4iiUillCA-? stores. "Write for HTMsOTVfl free book for ex- AAIC1U1 pectant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful na ture. EI1.U) FIELD REGULATOR CO., r .uita, Ca. YbTrrvcr STOMACH SUFFERERS. SQUANDER MILLIONS ' In Search of Relief Tha world k full of disordered stom achs and 0 per cent of tha money spent upon physicians and drugs goes :n an attempt to cure the stomach. People are made to believe that in order to gain health they must doctor their stomachs and use cathartics. So the doctor sets his fee for the stom ach treatment and the druggist for the physic, until the savings of a life- : time are exhausted and yet no cure. j Let'a be reasonable. The sick stomach Is in every case 1 tha result of over-eating, hurried mas tication and improper choice of foods, t The mucous lining all the way down . the food tract loses Its sensitiveness, nnd when food Is forced down the muscles fail to respond. They do not churn the food as they should. The glands no longer give out gastric juice to dissolve the food and render It capable of assimilation. The man has become a dyspeptic j There l one sure way and only one , to bring positive relief. Put Into that : stomach of youra the very elements that It lacks to get that food Into ; liquid form. It takes pepsin, diastase, j golden seal and other ferments to ac- ' complish this. The healthy stomach I contains these elements. The dyspep- , tic ttomach lacks part or all of them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet Is made up of Just what "the dyspeptic stomach lacks Nature's digestives. j Stunrt's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a medicine, not a drug, not a cathartic. I They do not cure anybody of anything ! but Dyspepsia and Indigestion and such ailments as arise from poorly digested . food. While they digest the fond the stom ach recuperates. The mucous membrane is coming out of Its stupor the gastric juice is coming to the surface, the muscles are regaining their power. Every organ of the body takes on new life, the" skin gains color, and the eyes are no longer tinged with yellow. You live. Why doctor and why drug: yourself? Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will take care of your food while Nature cures you. Try a box at your druggist's. 60 cents. Or. If you prefer a free trial package before buying, send your name and address today. F. A. Stuart Co.. ISO Stuart Bldg Marshall. Mich. of Portland for 20 years. He held diplomas from several prominent schools of music - His services as a lecturer on music and harmony were In great demand In Portland. Recent ly he lectured In the Christian Brothers Business College on harmony. He Is survived by his widow and two daughters, Mrs. George L. Huston, of California, and Mrs. William Macrum. of Portland. The funeral will be held this afternoon from Flnley's chapel. Fall Apple Picking Commences. HOOD. RIVER. Or., Oct. S. (Special.) Orchardlsts have begun harvesting; this season's crop of apples. Pickers are at work In most of the sections of the Lower Valley. Tha greater part of the Fall varieties. Kings and Oraven stelns. have been packed. The yield of the latter variety was very short this year. The Fruitgrowers Lnlon nas made Ita first carload shipments for tha year. Two carloads of Kings have been started to Hamburg, Qermany, where they have been purchased at good prices by a large fruit house. READ for PROFIT Usa for Results FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They work directly' on the KIDNEYS, 3 LADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, and their beneficial effect ia felt from the start. For BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, IN FLAMMATION of the BLADDER anc annoyingURIN AR Y IRREGULARITIES tbey eaerciae a permanent benefit. rpailO STP" - n"tr is raaillLT' J. A- Maple. 125 8. 7th St. Steuben- vllle. O., says: "For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe blad der trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and tnelr wonderful cures so I began taking tbem and sure enough I had as good results aa any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, expressman, that alone'ls a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and 'normnl, and that saved me a lot of misery. It Is now a pleasure to work where It used to be a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured ma and have my highest praise." For Sale by AH Druggists. I publish my own photograph, per sonally conduct ray own office, have no connection with any "medical company." "Institute" or "museum," but am a thoroughly reliable up-to-date scientific specialist In all ail ments of men. No hired substitutes to treat you. If I accept your case for treatment and do not effect a quick and lasting cure, you reed not pay one cent of my small fee. Let me prove to you. without cost or obligation, that I will cure you to stay cured, before paying out one penny. BLOOD POISON "606" $25.00 to B T to Dallyt gamdar, 1 te I Esasaiaatloa Advice Free. 313 Washington St. CORNER SIXTH. Portia ! Oreffom. NO MORE STOMACH TROUBLE If you try our lf-Kln Chi- v nese xicriw. i n-y win m lieve from tha first dot and clean all th Gu and Sour from your Stomach and atop the distress entirely, and you can eat all the food you want without tha allghtest fear of Indigestion, Our Herb Remedlea have cured more mn and women than an v i "n' " Jl Is other medicine In the world. It la harmless and never fails. But you must moke the first step and come to see us ana u-r y""""- w" "Z.Z. We biv cured many cases where otn era have failed, and all sickness or chronic diseases of any kind successfully cured by the wonderful Herba. ronsultation free. Write for avmptom blank. Ofnce hours, 10 A- M. ttt TP. M. ; 41 day Bundara. Ldy attendant. Residence. 12" H Lownsdala fit-, bet. Alder and Wavshicfien. I to 10 A, M 7 to 10 p j alsX H05O CHTVT HimB COl, Una;. fci:aaa feetiaad, Ob. The Fake Run to When t tran my advert 1 In cmpain as&Inst the quacks nd f&k doctor, aoome of the pecialitM denied to tak of Onae at my statements. No doubt , "tha shoe pinches." or ihey would not try "to cover up by boldly announcing their methods of doing- business abd tryins; to ronvfnee the unsus Patina; public that they r. the only legitlmKte -medalists In Portland. I repeat, I am the only JaK.ITIl ATE RXPERT ciailst In Portland, who owns bis bfTire and equipment, adver tises his full and correct aame, publishes his recent and true photograph and personally conducts his o IT tee. I do not hide under a false name nor publish a faise picture, uor make a false statement of any kind. My eerricea should not be compared with the quarks and fake doctors who advertise one- thins; and do another who promise Impossible 0-day cure who are often compelled to pav some unfortunato doctor a few dollars for the use of his name, which la put forth In brasen letters as THK specialist of the office who boldly advertises to "guarantee curea or refund evry dollar paid." and many other schemes to sit patients Into his office and who. after rettlnc his patient's money and dosina and drua-a-ins; Ms system for weeks and months, turns him out minus his money, ruined In health and not a dollar refunded. These 'apeclallsts" depend solely upon false promises' to gel their busineaa and hire Inexperienced doctors to consult, ex amine and treat their patients. , In offering my servfrea to the afflicted the result of 58 years' experience In all-me-ita of men I am gtving you theBEST that can b had anywhere. My reputa tion for the past . years can leav no doubt as to my ability, honesty and '"Jff'JZ and sTrould be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST and LEADING upecialisu In Portland. I do not make faise promises. I possess skill and experience acquired in such a way that no other can share it and should not be classed with the specialist who attains the name specialist and name only after a few months' experience. A thorough investigation should be made by every ailing man as to the special ist he consults. Duty and destiny to self and those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have the ability and can give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my servlcea may be obtained by any man who sincerely desired to be cured. I make no misleading statemente or unbusinesslike propositions; neither do I desire to be particularly independent. I would like to have you for a patient If you will come tc me on a strictly profes sional basis, accepting Inducements that I offer, whicn are my ability, lb years suc ceuful experience, time-saving treatment and cure of certain diseases. VARKOHE VEINS. I daily demonstrate that Varlcos Veins can be cured In nearly all cases by one treatment In such a satisfactory way that the vita! parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling sub sides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established. Instead of the depressing conditions. 1 guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. Kin.NEV AND BLADDER IIEA8KS. With these diseases you may have more complications than are . presented by any other diseased organ. By my searching Illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by microscopic examination and urin alysis J make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thug laying foundations for scientific treatmen t. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. Scientific treatment only should be used In combating this loathe so me dis ease. ! cure Blood Poison by the new German rUimedy whicr I Introduce di rectly into the blood, purifying It. neu tralizing It and expelling poison from the system. New blood thus formed supplies and rebuilds the tissues In such a way that the patient recovers his nor mal state of health, strength and sound ness. MY DIRKOT TREATMENT FOR WEAKNKS. That disorder commonly known as weakness has for years and generations baffled the efforts of physicians, yet to this very day a majority of doctors, spe I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer a Free Consultation and Examination My office Is open nJl day from 9 A. M. to t P. M- and Sundays front 9 to I only. Aailing men out of town who cannot call, write for diagnosis, chart, and free ad vice before) beginning treatment elsewhere. Dr.C.K.Holsman 221 2 Morrison Street Comer First Street Portland, Oregon MEN CURED WHEN OTHERS FAIL Call and let us give you a careful, pains taking; examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice Is all you need. X - Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money re quired to commence treatment. Ycu Can (ay Fee Msn Cured During: our many years of active practice In MEN'S AILMENTS In Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have Invaded the city and tried to steal our methods and advertisements, but not being able to steal our brains they were not able to succeed In their dishonest wsys: so do not be misled by them, but come to us, the oldest estab lisned SPECIALISTS for MEN In the city, who guarantee cures, or make no charge for their services. Remember, we bave been bere for rears are permanently located Incorporated and licensed nnder the laws of Oregon to conduct and operate m Medical Instltate Sanitarium and Hospital for the treatment of Men's Allments. Ton take no risk when yon treat wltb us. We are here to stay, and for all time, and you will always know wbcre to frnd as. We are aot bere today and gone tomorrow. Onr staff of physicians are graduates from the leading colleges In the I'nlted States, and bave been In active practice from 15 to 2tt yearn, and are duly qualified and licensed to practice medicine aad surgery In this and several states. In vestigate our -records and atnndlng and compare them with the other so-called specialists who have only been In onr elty a few weeks or months, and who have copied onr announcements, which the newspapers' records will show. Beware Investigate! Men. If afflicted or In trou bles call and have a friendly talki It will cost yon nothing. We will be your friend aa well as your physician, and will advise yon candidly, honestly and conscientiously. Call today. Don't delay or neglect your self. We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed Specific Blood Poison Cured in One Treatment , BV PROF. EHRLICH GREAT DI- li Cff COVER! AXO BLES.H.VG TO MA.VKIXD OlO We Cure Weakness also known as Kervous Debility. Nervo - Vital Debility, Neurasthenia, etc. If you have any symptoms of this ailment, such as loss of energy or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness and other symptoms, we want you to be sure and call. We have given this condition of men special study and we unhesitatingly say that our treatment Is not excelled by any other specialists regardless of what they may claim. We know what we have accomplished in even the most severe cases, and there is no reason to believe we cannot cure YOU also. We Cure Bladder and Kidney Troubles , Varicose Veins, Rupture, Piles and Fistula We are specialists and are prepared to give yqu quick relief and a speedv cure. ME!. IF IX TROIBI.B, COXSCLT V TODAY. If you cannot call, write" for free book and self-examination blank. .Many cases cured at home. Hours A. M. to 8 P. 1L; Sundays, 10 to 12.. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1 MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH ASD FIFTHi PORTLAND, OR. A SQUARE DEAL Is what you will get if you treat with me. Results are quick and positive- You are benefit ed at once. Men who have dragged their cases along for months with some other spe cialist are astonished t tha nromot effects of my r e m a r k a ble I r a a t m a nt. I cure If. Nervous Dec line, f' Varicose veins, rues, r-g R u d t u r a, Kheuma- va tism. Stiff and Swoilt. Bladder, etc Blood Ailments quick- C(Ct ly and safely cured br OUU renanltatioa Pre. -Write or Call. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 1281, Second street. Portland, Or. Office hours A. M. to I P. Jt. Sun day. 10 A. M- to 1 P. M- A C nicer man aiea inun nfc tfrht shoe acd TonJcera OT. T.y sua waa . . i a a.. a. U I art, MllaA iuuy Specialist Cover ''"T'a'ASi '9 CLHokmai!,MJ). cialists not excepted, are attempting to overcome It by methods that have been In constant use and have always failed for half a century. They dose the system with powerful stimulants and tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or strength that Is not and never has been lacking, twith the result that the func tions arf temporarily excited to the pos itive detriment of the patient. Weakness Is only a symptom resulting from many local conditions and Is curable by local treatment only, without the giving of a single internal dose, which demonstrates the absolute accuracy of my understand ing and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single fail ure and I have entire confidence In my ability to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and permanently restore strength and vigor. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COM MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence In their doctors, be cause he demands pay before a cure has been effected ftnd there are many who been misinformed about their con dition or through unsure1 ssful treat ment have become skeptical and think there is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat surh men. It makea no difference about the financial part, aa I accept pay for my services aa benefits are derived ; when I am ratte ned the patient ia Tellable. Health la capital at interest. I will prove my abil ity to cure before asking pay for my services. SIGN THIS COIPON FOR VALUA BLE INFORMATION FREE. Plsass send me fres your self-x-sirtnatlon blank. "For Men." as I desire to describe my case to you for th purpose of taking treatment. If 1 decide you can cure me and your charge Is low enough to suit ina. Name Address Ore. I I Cure Men IS MY FEE Pay When Cured. lill eral Debility, Weak Kerves, la- of exposure, overwork ar."nher vio lations of Nature's ucnia 01 Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose Velaa, asltkly and permanently cur, at small expense. I cure aucb ailments as Varicose Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison, etc, completely and permanen 1 1 y. often with only a aingle treatment. Office hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO, i4V4 Washlosrton St. -Corner First. Portland. Oreeron. A trimming table for drawings and blue print, equip pea wren motor anven olTiac kxiiX. s Chicago man's lnTontion. J i , J af- UK c , . 1 V -a V r-7 ": . DR. A- G. SMITH. The Leading Specialist. I am a resist ered and lice need physician, cool in in j? my special practice to the diaorders of MKN. 1 have more money Invested In nay establishment than all other Port land specialists combined. I never advertise cheap fee as an Induce ment to briu a: me patients. A true special lat need not resort to bargain-counter methods. lo man who places an intelligent value on hi health will seek the aervtcea of a man who proclaims he ia a cheap doctor. You w ould not entrust a alclt child In care of a cheap medical man, and yon should use the same care In your own ease. I poaacaa skill and experiences ac quired in such a way that no other can a bare, and should not he classed with medical companies, It la im possible for a medical company to attend collejre. Coiupanlea have no diplomas or license to practice med icine In Ore peon or any other atate. A portrait whose personality and Identity are indefinite, is published as the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitute., ordinary doctors wll h questionable ability, artve consultation, examination and treatment. Why treat with Irresponsibles when you can secure the expert services of a responsible specialist? See me if you have any of the followlnsr disorders: Varicose Veins, Nerve, Blood and ktn Disorders, Bladder Troubles. Blood Poisons, Eruptions, I leers. Piles or Fistula. FREE COXSttTATlOX A3TD ADVICE. Honrs 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Snnday, 10 to 1 Only. Dr. A. G. SMITH ST 2344 Morrison St., Cor. Second. DR. GREEN METHOD SrEA"8 CERTAIN CURE We cure quickly and permanently all curable cases of VARIC08K VEINS without severe s n r I e a 1 operations: tiFECIFIC BLOOD POI SON without Injurious drugs I (606 sklllfnllv administered if pre ferred) ; KERVO-VITAI, DEBILITY rv It bout stimulative remedies; BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles: PILES aad all FECIAL aliments of YOUR PROTECTION Our o(Ter PAY WHEN SATIS FIED is your ab solute protection. Consultation, exam ination and diag nosis free. Wli' you want is a cure. Come to us and get It. Ones under our treatment, you will qulokly realize now simple a thing It Is to get uell in the hands of a special ist who knows his business. Our cures sdd not only years to me. dui ins years. Office noun daily. 9 to S. Even ings. 7 to s. Sun days. 10 to L DR. GREEN CO. 863 Washington St- Portland. Or. Let's Talk Over -Your Case It will cost yon nothing-, and perhaps I can refer yon to others who bad a similar trouble and I benefited them. THE CHINESE DOCTOR. if von have been doc toring; with this one. and that one and have not obtained permanent relief. Let this great nature healer diagnose your case ana prescnoe ume rcuicin wIiara nrtion Is auick. sure and safe. His prescriptions are compounded from Roots, Herbs. Buds and Barks that have been gathered from every quarter of the globe. The secrete of these medicines are not known to the outside world, but have been handed down from father to son in the physicians' fami lies In China. CONSULTATION FREE. Open Evenings and Sundays. If you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and cir cular. Inclosing 4 cents in stamps. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. lSStt FIRST ST., COR. MORRISON, portlsnd, Oregon. A WONDERFUL CURE f By The S. YL Chan Chinese Medical Co. 224 Morrison St., Portland. Of. Uri. rhm I am 6a years old and have ufferi from weakness and nervousness for thre months from a tumor on my face. At first I went to some doctors but they told mo that It was impossible to cure, so upon tha advice of my relatives, who had been mired by these Chinese doctors, I went to them. After ta Ulnar two weeks of their herbs and roots compounded and other medicines, tho tumor was completely cured without tha use of a knife. I feel o grateful toward them and I recommend anybody who 1 ill and wants to get well soon, to so to sea or write to them and secure some medi cine which I am sure will brln result. J. A Zlmmermann, Albany, Or. i-oeriail .as- -s. - - Gee tit Gee Wo fTV" Wo ; MUpi BLADDER i 'll rW&Wk-l Relieved la l' $ JSewars eeauaatsreits c . VWWaWSatafaaa)SVWasasasar . f