Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 06, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Bills of $30,000 for Entertain
ment Feature Cause Steph
; enson to Exclaim.
He? born Kale Thai When Detailed
Mairmeni 1 Refued Prroa
: crd Mt Prove E-
pendltare Was Lawful.
wn.WACKnr, wi.. rv-t. . ti
CTmte4 futM' Henator Stephenson
found that Ma expenses for nomina
tion at the primartea In 101 wera run.
Bins- an high that tha Item for bear
an cla-ara alona waa and til a
tatal expanses llaT.TM. ba remon
strated and told bla campaign man
si ore: "I want to win tha nomination,
but I do not want to bur
Thla waa part of tha testimony given
before tha I'nltrd Plates ttenate Inveatt
Kline commute alikh la hearing tie
chars that inatr Ptephenaon'a elec
tion waa bought.
In reply to hia complaint. Senator
Stlhenon waa told that the three
other Hepubllcan candidate for tha
primary nomination ex-Representative
rook, who apent ttMOJ; ei-Stat
in(nr 1'atton. w ho apent 13a. oai, and
Frafieis R. McHlovern. now Ooveruor
rf Wisconsin, who apent tlt.atl. wera
making a hard fight, their expense
rtnallr aggregating IU.XS. Thla. to
gether with Senator fiephenson's ex
penses, mad a total for tha Repub
lican campaign that year of 1 1 1.01.
. Oppaaaata K ees faeebbaaa Wtmmr.
It waa tatlfled by K. A. Ecrmond.
If r. atephenaon'a campaian manager,
that the K.nimr usually lned rherka,
for anore monev when told of tha ac
tivities f bla opponent.
Tha charges aa Investigated by the
vVuM-nnatn Legislature and preaented
"o tha I'nlted tttates Senate wera read
nrer in detail to Edmonds. Ha ad
mitted that many aom of money
named In tha charges had been pel i
bat bo denied th truth of tha phrase,
na4 corruptly and In violation of to
law." aa Included In each charge.
Tha charge also mentioned that ap
proximately I ; had been apent In
tha nomination of Mr. Htephenaon. Kd
mmnda declared tha amount apant waa
not In excess of tha 111.191. aa mada
In tha Anal report to tha elate.
Senator Hey burn announced that
where charge of - unlawful uao of
money bad been made ofrVaalty In con
nertion with campaign expenses of
which no detailed account waa given,
the preauraptloa waa that tha money
wa wrongfully uaed and tha burden
i-f proof waa on tha accused Senator.
1taaae rreiewed to Kn.
Senator Heyburn etatement came In
reaponaa to an Inquiry from Char lee K.
LJtiiefteld. counsel for Btephsnsoo. who
wanted to know whether a campaign
manager could bo held guilty If ha waa
unable to aay in detail what wet dona
with money given to others for cam
paign purpoae.
Senator Sutherland, of I'tah. then
rlted an Item of liana which Edmonds
gate to D. K. Kloruan. a former 8tate
.Senator, wbo waa to work for th
.(rphenson. nomination at tha primaries
ut I S04.
- Kdmonds went over a Hat of several
h inJd 'item, where lumi ranging
from IIS to lo0 bad been paid to men.
but he said he had no record to ahow
what waa dona with the money.
-Wall, then.- declared Heyhum. "
lik to call your attention to th way
In arnica the I'nlted Stale Penata will
look upon It. The rule Is that where
charge are officially mada and no rec
ord ran ba given of fund admittedly
pent, Iho presumption la that they
were wrongfully used, and th burden
of proof la on the person against whom
the charge wera preferred."
i"nttni't rrm Flret rage.)
Mr. Hill then returned to the plat
form and delivered hla addrvsa.
Land wltvalw Key.
"Ladie end Gentlemen: We are bare
today to celebrate tha event of a new
trail Into Central Oregon. Thla coun
try, the entire Northwest, owra aome
thlna to those who came before. They
nwa a great deal to the ptoneera wbo
took their Uvea In their hands, both
the man and the woman, becauae It
would have been lonesome place for
the men If the women had not been
willing to come.
"Now you are all Intereated In thla
.-ountry. each man for blmaelf and all
for aJL What help Oregon belpe
every man In Oregon, and If you want
ta do what la best fr ea.-a one of
ou. you will work together for the
advancement of the entire atate. Ton
have a rli-e atari for a town here and
an ambition to b a rltr. and I know
no reason why you should not bar
a city bare, and there la no reaawn ex
cept that the country behind you Is not
built up.
Belief la Oregon Mm.
"Go to work and build up the coun
try, because the cities woulj atarve to
leath'if It were not for the rountr. and
nations that hate neglected the cultl
vatlcn of the soil have faded from the
fare if the carlo.
-There is no reason why Central Ore
gon should not produce enormous
wealth. We hate a good deal of faith in
It. If we did not bave we would not
bave come here.
- bate beard all aorta cf stories of
Central Oregon. I want to tell you a
IHUe on. I never gave It away. I
beard a great deal of Oregon and heard
a great deal of good about It. Some
lauded It to the shirs, others aald It
waa desert and It would not aupport
f.vir jackrabbits to an acre. I was In
IHtrttand at a small dinner party, and
whea th dinner waa about half over
tbey brought one of your neighbor Id,
brought In Mr. tlanl.
, riadwtttvo t'eastrr t Ited.
" I looked him over and I talked with
him. and ka talked to me like an bon
ret. straightforward man. and he did
Vtil tell me that Central Oregon waa a
llerden of K.len. but be tol.l me there
was a great dl of country down here
Ik. t waa not underst.t. A great deal
tf country tbat would produce any
thing taat waa necessary to make com
fortable, well - .-lev led bomee for a
great population.
I thought that he told an honest
siery and I- wanted ta check It up. I
sent other In to check up his state
ments, and I found that he had tnuJ
the truth, and that was the starting
point of th Oregon Trunk, What
William Hanley told me that evening
led me to tnveettcate. and. I found that
he did not overstate It In any particu
lar, and you see what baa followed.
rNow w bave been building Id the
ttorthweet and Washington and Ore
gon since we commenced tho North
Hank road, the Northern Pacific and.
the Great Northern railways together
and w have spent fSj.OOO.00e to .
vO.oo. It Is a good deal. This road
has root f 11.oae.OCie or U2.rS.0 from
here down tothe Columbia. W must
have ha-1 some faith In th rountry
and we have. We believe If this aoll
la properly cared for. If It 1 properly
understood and fair Justice done to It.
It will make a happy and comfortable
home for thoueanit and milliona of
people. You cannot do It all: you can
not build up a city, a I have said,
without building up the country.
"Now It takes all the people to pull
together and to pull loyally and to
pull for Central Oregon. We will do
our share. You hare got to. In the
greatest battles of modern times, who
wins th fight? It la the man behlni
the gun. The fellow who point
straight at the mark. He la the man
who wins the fight.
Soil Reflects Wealth.
"Now to get your eye on the 'it
barrel and keep If there and hit t fit
mark Let me say to vou that the
mark la to get people Into this coun
try. You rould not build a proape-ou"
community In the (lurkii of Eden anl
we could not run a railroad there If
there waa nobody but Adam and Kva
to us It. It would be a dismal fail
ure, Tbey would not have far enough
to go to visit aarb other.
"Jfow what you must have, and what
we must hav. Is people. Too have
got the aolL 1 have aeen evidences of
It everywhere- We went to Laid law
and Slatera thla morning, went out to
see aom country. Much of It looked
Striped Audience Is Deeply
Stirred as Kind Is Por
trayed in Drama.
cti-ran "Lifer"-" Noh Heard In
lnir Ix-il Tinnier Within shatl-
. or Jmili Cflli. at Saw
Qurntin Penitentiary.
SAN RAFAEL Cal.. Oct. ..In the
literal ahadow of the death co!L a reg
ularly organized theatrical company
presented Its slandwrd play today to
! a
lb w - - m avr- r n I . - - i - .
e. .- . . a,
C harlea I", l.ltf lefleld.
Very good. W saw the vegetables
and grains and grasses, the product
of the soli that reflect the power an.l
th natural wealth of the aoll and
there la no mistake about It. It can
be done becauae It has been done.
"Let your people move forward care
fully and wisely and we feel confident
that If they do Ihelr duty to the land
th land will respond to them and do
all that they have any reason to ex
pect and In many case much more.
And before I rtoae I want to say we
bave her our railroad, neighbor of the
I'nlon Pacific, and w are like Iianlrl
In th lions" den.
"Now me mean to get along with
them. When they get In a tight place
we are going to extend the helping
hand of fellowship and If we get Into
a tight place we will call on them. We
won t make laces at each other across
the fence. .
"We found there was room enough
even for two rsllroads down there In
the leachutea, and hope both of them
will havo all they can carry. At any
rat w are. going to try to sit next to
you so that we will get our share, we
have a clo neighbor that Is. the
Great Northern lias up In the North.
Better Travel Karevwld.
The Northern I'aclflc and Great
Northern ued to scrap and fight, but
the, got over It and together they
pooled their Issuee and built the North
Hank road, and they again pooled their
Issue and built this line, and when It
la finished you will have a great rail
road, and It will not b a great while
until It Is flnli-hed and you can take a
comfortablo ride, leaving here In the
morning, and I hope you can soon do a
day s work and leave here In. tho even
ing and get to Portland for breakfaL
Tbat Is a lot better than you nd to do.
Aa I told you before, we have silent
between hipokaoe and Portland, and In
Oregon, between elghty-flvo and ninety
millions and we have not received any
returns on It. hut we have faith w
wilL and we will If you will help us.
because every dollar that w ever got
you bava got to win It firsL and If you
are poor we are going to be poor, and If
you tr prosperous we oiiht to have
a little share of your prosperity, and
wo hop to get It. I wth you all God
speed and every partlclo of luck and
prosperity that can come to you.
Rail Beweata Told.
Mr. HIlTwaa followed by IL B. Miller,
traffic mapager of the O.-W. K at N,
who lold of th bulldlug of th
Iechute railroad tip th canyon and
the plana, of the Harriman system In
devel iplng the Interior, bringing set
tler to the land and runulng demon
stration train for the benefit of the
farmers. .
C. C Cha.-tnw ira-1 'tie following frfon Mr. Kruu. nrllt. -f the? svsier.i:
"Hend Commercial Club I thank ot
very much for your kind Invitation to
. ' ... .... -i,iin fit the olten
ppivwui . - " - -
..Ike at Hend. th-tober . on comple
tion of our Joint line, wlili your ritl
sens. Am very sorry Cial It will be
tmnoslhle for nie to be with .m. hut
I most heart'tv Join In the spirit of th
occasion and wish all pos'Me success
and prosperity to Bend ard Central
Oregor .1. KKl TTSCHN1TT."
I. o. Llvelt. vtce-presl.lent of the
Inlon Mwii of Portland, was the
concluding speaker, telling of Hie sliar
the hog would plar In brtrglnc wealth
ta the farmer and keeping K.OvO.eO
In Oregon If sufficient iiiantlties were
raised t supply the home market.
The Portland IVmmerrial Club dele
gation and many other !' rtland busi
ness men were Interest., spectators
at the ceremonies, after which they
started at a In the afternoon for Port
land, with an excellent Imi-resaion of
the thriving city. Mr. Hill and bla
party left at 1 P. M. for JKVane. after
carefully Inspecting the excellent ex
hibit of Central Oregon products which
wss displayed on one of the main
at reels. .
! prisoner in San Queniln Peniten
tiary. Tl is la the firet Instance of the
sort In history.
Tho play, which dealt with a con
vlct'a struggles for reformation. n
prtfented on a vonclct-btillt stage, with
part of the scenery painted by convicts.
A convicts band furnished the music.
The stage was In a corner of the prison
yard and th players' voices echoed
back from the windows of the death
When seemingly the last convict had
been seated on a slope looking over
the walla, cell doors clanked open
and a.t many men. condemned to de&th,
cluttered down the Iron stairs and lined
up at th foot, with George Flifueros.
a happy-faced boy. who Is to die for
tho murder jf hla wife In Los Angeles,
at the head.
lieveraer'a W Ife Present.
Mrs. Hiram W. Jol.nson. wife of th
Governor of California, and a member
of the State Board of Parole and his
wfo. were the only civilian guests
present although high officials for
three d.tya pat lntercede-1 for them
selves and tnelr friends to obtain ad
mission. '
The test of the play'a sucoeaa ram
In the first scene, when two convict
appear In a penitentiary warden' of
fice. The staae warden waa a harsh
man and found popularity with tha
audience, which twlca took occasion to
cl-eer Warden Hoyl. of Pan Queniln.
but a chuckle of delight greeted the
wobbly appearance of Jhe first atag
cocvU t.
f'oavtet Awdleaee Cheer.
lie's a hop." " laughed a little
mulatto, and an understanding murmur
ran about the rows of men In stripes.
A "hop" Is a user of opiate. .
A tinge of sarcasm agalnsta women'g
prlKon reform society met a frosty re
ception which delighted the actors,
while the stage declaration of an
aged convict tbat. rather than be a
"stool pigeon." he would "take the
river." brought cheers, as did the asser-
Friday and Saturday make this store a place where yoa can secure many bargains which will double your money.
Every department is represented with several phenomenal price reductions. Come get your share of these offerings
From a Reliable Furrier
Again we will place on
sale an extra inducement
to you in tha Fur Depart
ment. Our last special
broufrht many women who
bought on sight and today
we anticipate the same
A Big Sale of
Just From Oar Factory
200 beautiful Stoles and Muffs,v made in French
nk and Aus-
Ivnx black and brown coney. Russian mink
tralian marten. Latest style and finely fin-
iuriprr Snecial
Nearly 300 Fur Garments in the lot. comprised or .Japa
nt. mink. French Ivnx. Russian fox. while Iceland fox
and manv oilier different furs. You will profit by taking
advantage of this rare bargain. Friday
and Saturday, newest styles...
Today and Saturday
We are making; a big special on suits at $22.50
The styles are of the newest, artistically designed
for us exclusively, and possess individuality, style
and character which is decidedly different from any
to be found elsew here. The same quality which you
wioM al lunr hm-p In nav &10 fur in nnv other store.
Made in the newest novelty and best U00 Cfl X. A 1
quality cloth. Special ; j J
Uoats witn
at $17.50
You will need a coat for this Fall and Winter. Why
not come here and see what your money will do for
you? These coats are made of a choice selection of
mannish materials, strictly tailored, with the large
collars, which are so much hi demand. Sizes 14 to
44. Friday and Saturday, your tf 1 "7 C f
f at w ae
t x
I .
tl !
choice for
Now is the . time to hare
your furs remodeled, re
paired and renovated.' We
can save you money.
New Fur Style Book Sent to
Any Address Upon Request.
First Floor
2-V anl 35c Neckwear. 19
2oc Black Lisle Hose..l4
2.V, 35c. 50c Jewelry. .19
25c slightly soiled Handker
chiefs 7&
.50c Underwear, odds and
ends 33
t5c Child's Unions 47d
$1.25, $1.50 Handbags. 9Sd
Have You Purchased
Your New Hat for Fall?
. Before doing so, we ask you as a faror to visit our large mil
linery department and see for yourself where you can derive a
benefit by buying one of our trimmed hats.' The styles are copies
from the most famous hat artists, both in America and Europe.
The workmanship is the best in ever detail, as they are turned out
by the best skilled makers at home. Ton get the character and
style without sacrificing tha large price asked for imports. Nobby
trimmed hats from $5.00 and up. Nifty little felt shapes at
$2.50 a'nd up. ,
"Menter Wear"
We are showing a most com
plete line of Menter and Forest
Mills Underwear for women
and children. AVe consider this
the best line of underwear
made, barring none. . They
come in lisle, cotton fleece,
wool and wool and silk.
Union Suits, $1 to S3. 50
2-piece garments, 50S$2.50
(sdIH Mm 1 1 ,1
Fntr ftuikfnrl far- fhtlrlA Mltd Atom'sol Streets
Second Floor
$1.75 to $2.50 Pajamas 98
75c to $1.25 Sweaters. -69d
To $2.50 Children's Felt
Hats . . . , 98
50c Outing Skirts. . . . -25c?
50c Outing Drawers. . .10d
$1 Knitted Wl Skirts 79
75c Knitted W'l Skirts 54d
Hon of one of tlie women reformers
lhat "there are srmtlemen In this
prison: types of men one never sees."
A Juvenile scene made the blg-jrest
hIL Charley Porsey . "lifer." now
erring Ms th year for stas;e rob
bery, wept unaffectedly and unashamed
tinder the fjrtlve glances of his fel
lows. It waa at the end of this act that
William Clark, a convicted forger,
mounted the stane in his stripes and
offered a resolution of thanka for
"puttlns; ue In touch. If only for an
hour, with ihe throbbing heart and life
of the world outside."
Smoking their pipes, chatting In
undertones, and with coats shed for
comfort under the hot sun. tha con
victs followed the play to Its end.
Then the sat quietly while the women
filed out. before surging elowly up tha
driveway to their aaalgned posts.
As Klgueroa trotted out. - Warden
Hovle picked him from Uie crowd.
"You have four weeks, he aald. The
boy emiled at the good tidings of brief
postponement of death, and went to hla
cell, where, prison offletala say. ha
stands all day long, loobrtng through
the litlte window at tha sky.
Plan to Sell Old School Tract.
PAT.KM. Or.. CVt. S. f Special.) For
the purpose of allowing the Bale of the
tract of land in Forest CJrove where
the Chemawa Indian School was for
merly located. Representative Hawley
will Introduce a bill at the next session
of Congress. The land Is owned by the
lepartment of Indian Affairs. A de
mand .has been made that the land be
aold, and with the passage of the bill,
which has received the sanction of the
Indian Commissioner, the tract prob
ably will be placed for eale at public
Dallas Photographer Sells.
DALLAS. Or., Oct. S. (Special.) T.
J. Cherrington. a leading $tepubllca.n of
this county and for the past IS years
Polk County's foremost photographer,
has aold his gallery to Eastern people
and will leave soon for Portland to take
up Ills residence. He has Invested
quite extensively in Portland real es
tate during the past few months.
Portland Printing House Co.
J. L. Wrlfht. Prae. and Oea. ManaeT.
Iteek. Catalacae aad Comas scats!
Testa and Taylor Btreata,
Portland. Orst-oa.
Itu) 1 iiiilrv Ittihhins Kmplojer.
t'iK VAI.I.I.-5. Dr . . t. J. Spe.-lal.)
!ay IturlUiirt. a i:.-year-..lii boy frvm
Tao.m.i. who has working on the
w . I'iier plare here aad has called
himself Billy fommrre. entered the
Fisher jesLlenre yesterday by prying
open a window and stole Ji. "Heat
ing" his wav to Albany r.e was picked
uu there as a hobo. On being searcend
tl.e money was found and Chief Wells
nuiltiej. Wells brought lti boy to
-..ralii t-dsv anil In tl.e llstrl.-t Al-
- ..,..... I, A .-..! ......, ... .Ka
iwm.j " ' ' - ........ .. ...
theft. No action will be taken until j
tlie arrival of the boy fatber from
Tha aomfcar or auiomowla MttMuhisn.i
Is iMt ewantry leersaa from T ta l9
la na la tl.
ftPF NOW REAl)Y at the
The smartest footwear stvles desicned for this Fall now await your selec
tion at this new Kegal Shoe Store. H08 Washington Street. Wilcox Building
ihe most up-to-date and complete bhoe store in Portland.
niid the comfortable surroundinifs and thoroughly modern appointments
of this handsome store you may select your Fall footwear and be certain of get-
tuiff the newest ideas for this season,
fresh from the biff Regal factories.
W have over 10,000 pairs of Regals.
TOR men
Men's Reirals are in all the correct custom shapes for this Fall. They include
.11 the noimlar leathern and approved shapes and patterns that distinguish
the highest grade shoes from ordinary footwear.
In a separate Women's Department, exquisite
Women s Kegal Mioes give you me
authentic new fashions in vogue
among the best -dressed women in
the leading style centers.
Regal quality is a guarantee of
long service, and Regal fitting of
quarter sizes affords complete com
fort. Regal Shoes Are Sold At Cost
Plus 5 Per Cent Regal Prices Are
S3. 35 x,
Mall Orders Fllleel
I J Hi lit!
L fL-T-r lea.
9 rat Free.
A. X Mochca, Mer.
a order to lllajatrate the rapid growth of savings wth 4 pee ceat
A I Will la! Will la Will la Will la
Weekly Rat af Iatereat. Vr ut Yra. M Yr. 40 Via.
Dev. of Asat to Aeat-ta Am't to Aa't to
5 .25 $ 73. $ 162. $ 403. $1,294.
50 FOUR Per Cew r 146. 324. 806. 2,588.
i.oo rn::::, .m 650.1,614. 5,177.
2 00 ft juit 585. 1,301. 3,223. 10,355.
5.00 . , l,462.3,252.8,070.25,883.
Hibernia Savings Bank
a Second and Washington Sts.
Caetodlaa Opea Saturday Bvealaga. Six to Eight,
Resources Over Two aad Oae-ftuarter Millions.
NO. 3
NOTE. We will give in this col
nmn, from time to time, hints on the
preparation and use. of meat food
products that may be used for the
betterment of and economy in your
cooking. Union Meat Co.
Buying Lard.
The time was when it was a rare
occurrence to purchase lard in any
other way than irj, bulk and the cus
tomer knew nothing about the qual
ity of the lartf until it was used at
home. Nowadays, however, most lard
is sold under a brand and in pails so
that the customer knows she is get
ting whatshe wants that the quality
must be uniform.
Perfectly pure lard, like butter,
turns rancid if it is not kept in a cool
place. It is best to keep it in a re
frigerator if possible. The reason of
this is, that pure lard, like our Colum
bia Brand, contains nothing but the
choice cuts of fat from (Jovernment
inspeeted hogs, 'tried out " in an open
kettle in the same old-fashioned way
as our mothers used to do. It con
tains no stearin and melts at a Ion
temperature. Tlie cheaper grades of
lard are "refined" as is Pearl short
ening, and while they will keep for a
longer perioiVVilhout turning rancid,
when fresh, they are not as "short"
or as "sweet" as Columbia. For real
goodness and flavor you can't, beat
open kettle -rendered lard. Union
Meat Co.
Dandruff and Falling
Quickly Stopped.
From time Immemorial, agre and sul
phur have been used for the hair and
acalp. Almost everyone knows of the
value of such a combination for darken
Ine the hair, for curing dandruff and
falling hair, and for making; the hair
TrTolden times the only way to get a
hair tonic of this eort was to brew It in
the home fireplace, a method which was
troublesome and not always satisfac
tory. Nowaday almot every up-to-date
druggist can tupply his patrons
with a ready-to-use product, skilfully
compounded in perfectly equipped lab
oratories. The W'yeth Chemical Com
pany of New York put up an Ideal
remedy of this sort, called Wyeth's
Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, and
authorize druggists to sell it under a
guarantee that the money will be re
funded if it falls to do exactly aa
If you have dandruff, or If your- hair
is turning gray or coming out, don't
delay, but get a bottle of this remedy
today, and see what a few days' treat
ment will do for you.
This preparation is offered- t'f'f the
public at fifty cents a bottle, aiffl Is
recommended and sold by all druglista.
Spec's! agent. Owl Drug Co. - I !