; TYIE 31011X1X0 OREGOyiAyFRIPAT. OCTOBER 6, 1911. . ' 15 lnje. M.riette, Roval Worcester, BonTon. Mme. Heler. Marcpt.se. Howd, U Beau, Renft Bel, 7 Uchardson Lineos-Libey Cut Glass-Hailax.d. Limoges, Royal Doulton Reliable Butters "Clenwood" 2-pound Square 72 Cents "Golden Clow" 2-pound Square 70 Cents "O.W.K. Special 2-lb. Square 60 Cents Best Cane Sugar 14 Pounds One Dollar Olds Direct From Portland s Fashionable Shopping Center 1 1 Manicuring and Hair Dressing, Second Floor Optical Department on the First tloor Rest and Writing-Room on Second Floor Public Telephones on the Second .bloor Emergency Hospital on the Second Floor Nursery and Retiring-Rooms for Patrons Message to Women $10 Petticoat $4-49 Womcn'j Fin Silk Tettiooats in taffeta, messaline and jersey tops, neatly trimmed in tucks and tailored bands, with cotton or nilk dust ruffles. Colors are Kinp's blue, preen, ehanseable, redv brown, tan, navy, pray, light blue, pink, white and black. Regular $10.00 AQ values, sperial priced for this Rale at only CjTaXaV Message,to Women $5 Kimonos $3.69 An Economy offering of Women's Eiderdown Ki monos, styled with tailor collars and trimmed with silk ribbons and cords to tie in at the waist. With close-fitting sleeves; good serviceable and comfort able VamiMrts in red or gray colors; d0 Q actual $3.00 values, specialized at only i)JJS -Ae?S9f3 w ww $4 Sweaters $2.79 Women's Sweaters, made of good quality 00 yar? well knit in plain or fancy stitches; fashioned with tne shawl or V necks or with" high collars; semi-fitting. Colors are gray, red and white, the best sweater bar gain we have ever offered. Regular $4.00 dJO 7Q values, bargainized for this, sale at only f J Message to Women Women's Shirts 1.50 r Sore-Second Floor An attractive showing of women's Tailored Waists, jn the "Man's Shirt Effect.'' They at e d.' w madras materials in wide or narrow striped patterns with collars to match and with turned back cuffs. CH Comfortable, serviceable and jaunty. bplpj..UV Mill-eodSaleLaceCxartains $3.75 Curtains, pr.$2.50 Economy sale of mill ends of Lace Curtains, in fine m-sh. ivory color, with fancy check centers, with Hattenbcrg lace insertion, $3.75 (I0 Cf values, special at u)jU White Lace Curtains, extra eood quality, double thread lace with 12-inch insertion, fillet lace border and plain center, buttonhole edpe; regu lar- $?. valnes. special price, pa Two-Tone Lace Curtains with beautiful floral borders, one inch fine lace insertion; pood, wide widths, wide enough for one to a window; regular $3.75 values, special, pair, S2.50 $2.00 Curtains, pr. $1.25 Ivory Color Lace Curtains with insertion and rish point lace border and fancy design in cen ter; extra wide; regular $-2.00 values, special, pair, SI. 2o 5 S250 $3.25 Curtains, pr. $2.00 Excellent quality White Lace Curtains, attractive designs in Brussels nets and fancy dotted net effects; very durable qual ity; actual $3.25 t0 ff values, the pair OmvIvS Arabian Lace Curtains in the new bungalow check designs and pretty, neat floral borders; curtains suitable for any room; regular $3.23 values, special ized at the pair, J0 ff for today at only OmvU Ivory Color Lace Curtains with stripe floral patterns and imi tation cluny lace edge, the most serviceable and effective color; good, full sizes, tfQ ff worth $3.25 pair DbUU 60c Curtains, Pair 30 cts. Attractive patterns in the Not tingham Curtains in plain and fancy lace designs; pood sizes and exceptional 60c OA values, special, the pr. J VJC $2.25 Curtains, pr. $1.50 sale of White Cable Net Curtains with 4-inch imita tion fillet lace insertion and plain net centers, the most dur able $2.25 values, very special for this sale at t Cfl the low price, pair J X J vr Ivory Lace Curtains with beau tiful Renaissance lace borders and fancy scroll lace centers; very attractive $2.25 values: specialized at the Ef low price, the pr. u)lUV Arabian Color Lace Curtains with two-inch insertion and at tractive lace edge to match and neat dotted net centers; ex traordinary $2.25 values, spe cialized for, the pair, S1.50 $2.00 Curtains, pr. $1.25 White Lace Curtains in simple neat desipned borders and plain net centers ; curtains suit able for any room in the house ; regular $2.00 values at S1.25 Message to HotiseKeepers Casserole $1.25 In the big Crockery Store, 3d floor, a sale of Round Casse roles, set in nickel frames ; very neat design ; spec'l q O C for this Economy D X J Gas Heaters for bath or for bedrooms, special I O Economy price D110 Reading Lamps Electric Reading Lamps, 18 inches high and with .12-inch square shades, square base and stand in the brush &A QC brass finish; spl D'l.iJ Electric Disk Lamps with 14 inch arm, complete with shade ; brush hrass fin- Qn ATI ish, specialized at Gas Drop Light with fancy base, cbmplete with 6-foot tub ing, burner, man- 10 tie and shade, at DOf J Tea Kettles, No. 8.r0 gray enameled, at only OOC Saucepans, 4-qt., special 23 Double Boilers, 3-qt. sp'l 69c Double Boiler, lVz-qt., at 482 RicH Cut Glass Our entire stock reduced 0 per ct Great Sale of Underwear $3 Vests arid Pants $1.39 A message of economy to women who have not fully supplied their Winter neeas in A big assortment of Swiss Ribbed Vests and Tights, extra fine quality; silk and lisle in white, pink and sky colors; our regular d-t OQ stock values at $2.75 and $3, spec'l iDl.Jt Out Size Merino Vests for women, mercerized quality with high neck and long (f - J f sleeves; regular $1.75 values, sp 1 J J. 1 VS Children's Underwear 39c A big lot of Children's Vests and Pants of extra fine grade, fleeced cotton, in all sizes Our reg ular best 50c sellers, specially priced OQ for this Economy sale at, the garment JiJ $7.50 Union Suits $4-75 Women's Swiss Ribbed Union Suite in silk and lisle, the perfect fitting, non-shinkable kind, and the most serviceable quality; regu- J 7k lar $7.50 values, special, the suit J Women's Vesta in fine mercerized materials, closely knit, Swiss ribbed, form fitting, OQ exceptional $1.25 values, special, each Oiy We are Agents for the "Merode," "Cortes, "Zimmerli" Underwear, all famous for their superior wearing qualities. $2.75 Swiss Vests $1.39 Extraordinary values in Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests with high necks and short sleeves, silk and wool mixed ; regular $2.75 val- -i O Q ues, specialized to close out at only j) JL Zf Economy Sale Women's Gloves R1.2f Lamb SKin Gloves 95c Ladies' Imported Lambskin Gloves in the one clasp style; black white and colors; QC repular $1.25 values, specially priced JJt S1.50 R-eal Kid Gloves $1.15 Economy sale of read Kid Gloves in black, tan, mode and all wanted shades; our 1 C regular $1.50 values, special, pair ftl.75 Umbrellas $1.27 cloth tops, 8-rib frame ana mxea wnu a 2000 Women's Fine Quality Um brellas with Italian t 07 choice selection of handles. $1.75 values at D 1 i i 50000HollandBulbs Newly Imported Our annual importation of choice sturdy, grown Hol land lmlbs has just reached ns and will be on sale in the 4th floor pro-cry department at following prices: SnowdroDS. Crowns and Iris, - . . . and specially pricca ir - this sale, per dozen lut Tulips," singl or double, mixed as to color. ,rrieel 1 C for this sale, the dozen 1 uC Narciasus, "Iarri Conspicius" specialized for this - sale at only, the doz. lJU Jonquils, single, the dox. 15 Narcissus, Empress, dos. 20 Tulips, the Darwin, special this sale. doz. UC Narcissus. "Emperor," a very choice variety, priced for this sale, the dozen OC Narcissus, "Golden Spur," and "Von Lion." pridQC-, for this sale, the doz. lOC Jonquils, double, at QC law price per dozen, JxjC Hyacinths, single, to ACl color, special, the doz. tUC Hyacinths, double, to Cri color, special, the doz. jUC China Lily Bulbs, to grow indoors, sp'l, ea. JC $2.25 Handbags at $1.4 New shapes in Women's Handbags, in black, brown, green and navy colors, with gilt or silver finish frames and with coin purse inside; very exceptional $2.25 values, specially ri - Q priced for this sale at only, each U X "fri $1.00 Neckwear at 47c Thousands of dainty styles in all the newest wanted effects in Women's Neckwear, Side Ef fects, Fichus, Stocks and Collars, Jabots, etc., in lace, lawn, linen and venise effects; A7 worth to $1.00 each, specialized at only C 35c Wash Laces 12c Yd. 500 dozen beautiful Wash Laces will go in this disposal, edges and insertions to match; widths to 5 inches; a large variety of the much-wanted patterns. Laces worth to 35c a dozen, - O specially priced for this sale at only liC Also Mercerized Cotton and Linen Laces. Torchon and Clunv. edges and insertions; 12c grades r for onlr and tne regular isc grauest 65c Embroidery 25c $2.25 Embroidery at 98c Thousands of yards of Embroideries, suitable for your every purpose; 27-inch Allovers and Flounc ings, Bands, Galloons, Insertions and Novelty Edges in Swiss, nainsook, and cambric; many dif ferent patterns in large floral small, blind and open patterns; 65c values for 25c. ?1 QQp values for 48c. values to $2 2 for 35c Ribbons for 19c 85c Ribbons for 33c A grand assortment of fine Silk Ribbons, com prising Dresdens, plaids, stripes, checks, Persian effects, etc., in widths to 6 inches; 35c OQ grades 19c. 50c grades 25c. 8oc atJJt 15c Fancy Holiday Ribbons, the yard, only 12 25c Fancy Holiday Ribbons, the yard, on y 1U 35c Fancy Holiday Ribbons, the yard, only J9 50c Fancy Holiday Kinnons, ine yaru, umj oo Message to Women- Great Sale of Corsets $3.50 Marquise $1.91 In the big Corset Store, second floor, we offer a sale of the very popular Marquise Corsets, made of light-weight coutil or batiste, boned with walohn, fitted with four and six pairs of hose sup porters; our regular $3.00 and $3.50 values Q- specially bargainized for this sale at the low price of (Pltil Another lot of Marquise Corsets, made of coutil and durable batiste; tops trimmed in lace or ribbon; regular $2.00 QA sellers, specialized for this Economy sale at only, pair i $4 Nemo Corsets $2.91 Discontinued models of the "Nemo" Corset, made of corduroy batiste, brocade and durable coutil, the self-reducing models with relief straps and 4 and 6 hose supporters; regular 0 Q1 values to $4.00, special for this great Economy event f)d.J JL Rengo Belts, made of heavy coutil, double boned, reinforced abdomen, trimmed in embroidery; regular $3.00 d -f values reduced to S1.98 and $2.00 values for O 1 .Ut Notion Store LIBht w.i.ht. p.ir. whit, n.lnok; hl.1.1 for tx1r nnlr. P"- le PKAHL IIITTOI Sv,rml .tyl. nJ .U. " Itv tw.W. on -rJ. &: na l.c v.in todr. th. card 3S H tii ris IK. mir. ivnn. Pon. Hair Fin., twlv. in a box. .h.U or amtv.r. 1t5c .r.iht today IOC F"Mln Coat Hanir.ra. mad. ft h.ary J nl..lr. wlr. with trou.r at- Q j tachm.nt. th. lc rad. for s. 'I s urooL t oTToJi av Sponl cotton, 200 yard, on ppoow in whit. oiUv. or machine or hand C us., all I.a. &c Itrad. t for B HAIR Pit S Bt Knirll.h. doubl. Japann.d Hair sort.d lie; 1-oa. package nrl RARGATN CIRCLE r m. a - mw a - Fancy SilKs 59c Yard a trvput sale of 150 pieces of Fancy Silks in Persians, plaids, scroll and striped effects suitable .for Jjg waists, dresses, trimmings, etc. Reg. $1 and $1.2o vals. special, at the yard, Cbildren's $15 Dresses$9.5 A special purchase of Children's Dresses ot au-wooi materials, sailor, French and Buster styles; fine French plaids JQ Ofi and serge weaves; ages 6, 8, 10 years; vals. to $lo, sp 1 ?Z0J Women's 65c Aprons at 49c Women's Gingham and Percale Aprons, made up in the AQ Mother Hubbard styles; splendid 65c values, for only, ea. ijC, Tea Aprons and large square style Aprons, made of white in lawn and cross-bar dimity; regular 30c values for only 1 jJC RAID 'SCARES PLAYERS roKtn nrvoTFKs ark fined AS WFIX AS FRIGHTENED. Trklh Bath Proprietor Testlfl. Thai Mlr Re When Officer Break In on Game. Roara of lauht.r. In plt. of th. bst .fforta of Jud. bailiff, punc tuated th. ttlrtonT of GrM wlt nM Jn Municipal Court j-.ttrrday aa t.i.r told bow badly frihtcr.d th.y when plalncloth. pllc.mn brok. Into th.:r am. of atu.l poker In a coff. r.ou. at Mth and Burnatd. tr.et. r.c.ntly. A Tarklah bath proprl.tnr who waa In th. room ald .v.ry Individual hair ro. when two "cowboy." with bl un Jn th.lr handa. brok. Into th. room. H. ld h. could Tnmbr no nior. aft.r that K. liinin. a Turk, who ttlfld that b. had anpiratlora of fcetn a member e,f th. city dete-ttv. wat to hare been th. tar witness for th. prose cution, but It wa. charged In court taat I . had bn n-' H waa i : . ; i i m v I'm .Pinww , lull 1 1 1 I 'EvenbodM A dmires a Ujeautiful Lomp ill n a a 'ffljMH ill s ? - entrusted with fir. marked dollars, which h. waa to hay. loat In tha ram.. Thre. of them found their way to th. pocket of Tom Phantokaa. proprietor of th. place, but Hassan, after ha Is said to hav. told the officers and Judie Cohen privately that h. had bought rhlps with them, Vn th. stand testi fied that h. had paid Phantokaa a debt Attorney FV train, for th. def.ns. professed lanoranc. of th. method of playtnc stud poker, and sought Infor mation, buy, he was overruled. "The court la familiar with th. ram., aaid Juris;. Cohen. The desertion of Hassan waa disre garded by th. court, and th. keeper of the plar. waa fined t0. whtl. thra players paid ? ach. " SPECIAL TRAINS SATURDAY To Clatsop Beach. Th. week-end special train to Gear hart and Seasld. leaving- Portland 1:10 p. M. Saturday, and returning Monday morning, la still In sarrlc via th. North Bank Road. Th. train leaving Portland P. M. Saturdays, runs through to Seaside: on other days to Astoria only. rinmm.r'i couch sfoo Is well named Positively does Us work. To.be found at most drug dealers or at Flummcr Urug to. i mra ana ataiioa. ARMY OFFICER SOUGHT PARENT VOllD F1XD MISSING LIETTEXANT SYKES. Father Appeals to The Orrgonian Sarins Troable Mar Be Adjusted If Son Will Return. The Oregonlon has been asked to as sist In locating Glbbes Syk.s. Second Lieutenant ln'th. Ninth Cavalry, who ran away from Fort D. A. Russell. WyOL. September Z. after becoming In volved In minor difficulties. A lettr"ir Just been received from W. 8ykea. of Sykealand. S. C, father of the young officer, who says that through Senator Tillman, tb. difficul ties hav. been adjusted with the War Department and assurances hare been received that the young officer will only receive mild punishment and sot lose his commission. If h. will promptly report to his post for duty. Lieutenant Syke. n-aa the youngest ot the Weet Point class of 10I. gradu ating at the military academy and serv ing two months In the Philippines be fore be reached his majority. On ac count of his youth and the nature of .w- jin...lti ;n mrblcfc th. TOUI1K Of- ine uiim.uiL. - - ficr found himself Involved, the se nior Sykes aays the War Department agreed to eaienu huu.j. v Th. letter .ays: "I am addressing you this letter in the hop. that you may Interest your self through the powerful agency of your paper to locate my son and take him word that his difficulties may be easily solved. If he will return. " hat he needs Is to be encouraged at this time. If he can but be found and made to understand that hla troubles are not serious, his career can be saved. "There Is nothing more that I can say. except that in this delicate affair the family of Lieutenant Bykes Is prac tically helpless, that I am appealing to vou in th. hope that you can do some thing for us and that whatever you do wHl earn my own and my family's gratitude." . The letter said Lieutenant Sykes wrote a letter horn., bearing no date lino, but the envelope was postmarked at St. Paul. Minn. Bachelors' CInb Case Vp Again. SALEM. Or, Oct. 6. (Special.) Slx te.n witn.aees are appearing before the grand Jury In an effort to start new actions against the Bachelors Club at Woodlawn. Just the nature of the new testimony is not known. ( Edelfsen'i Wellington coal la fault lees. ' Citizens Bank 120 Grand Avenue Get in line at once Mr. East Port- ' lander and be loyal. N We want your check and savings account. Interest 4o on Savings On the Rijht Side of the River lexion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'l Cream 4 fcaXa FtMnafaausMaj H & NEW Oriental OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Reauisite for Fashionable W omen. A dally necessity for the ladies toilet whether at home or while traveling. It protects the skin from Injurious effects of the elements, gives a -wonderfully ef fective beauty to the complexion. It is a Fierfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos ttvely will not cause or encourage the growth of hair which all ladies should guard against when selecting a toilet pre paration. When dancing, bowling or oth er exertions heat the skin. It prevents a greasy appearance. Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been highly recommended by physicians, act resses, singers and women of fashion for over half a century and cannot be sur passed when preparing for dally cr even- ninnVirf'. Oriental Cream cures Skin Removes Tan, Pimples. Blackheads. Moth TMseases and relieves ' Sunburn. Removes in, nrapiw, Di'g' SSi, Rash Freckles and Vulgar Redness. Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving TOStelf cielrnorefined cplexlon which every woman desires. fo. 11 f or eaie uy itusfiioia o,uu Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop, 37 Great Jones Street, New York. 1 1