Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 05, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    m rnTTTvr nT?-pr:n-VT -V. TTTT R STI VV. OCTCBTTR !S. 1911.
-cfTt.. N1TV '
Barney F. Q'Neil and Ewing
Mcintosh Not Yet Served
by Officers.
TArr . nma, Cashier of TVfniw-t
Wallar Bank. A Trc bonded bT
Portland Police Early Trial
I s-d by Counts Attorney.
everv director of the dfunct Flat.
Fnk of rnmmerce. wltMn reach of
n,nv. placed unrter arrest -t-rHar.
t!e mm'rr .irroiiti-1ln tha H
lnI-vnnt rtnrr.1 bT the srran.1 J'irT
rr M..n-1-.r lara-aly rlarlflat. l-t
n'cM all h'H two of tha els-ht dlractors
ha bn advlal of tha action of tha
T1av all hnt two. R. F. OXoll and
Flna- Mclntrvah. irtll probably have
fcaan placed undr h-nd. Th hnls
will Ttre- from ! up. Ffforta to
)orai4 preaMant ONVI1 In Vancouver.
P. '.. had prnvH futlla. Mcintosh la
In Florida and no rffrt la belna; made
to rr"t him.
Hianf'T Eton. of Kalloa-a:. tnanaarar
of the Rmkfr Hill Sullivan MltllH
CompanT. waa tha f'rst to respond to
tio hrlfr rail Ha came
lnt ro'irt aarlr. Ills bond waa placed
at which ho frirntshed. I.atar In
In. mornlnc John Norrtqulot furatahed
a ilka hon.l. . Scott Anrteraon waa
enable to f-iml"l $ yesterday and
wm slrea until l oVlo. lt today 'to
raa the menav.
Harry L. I'ay and Fus-ene K. Ta.y
wara out of tha rll yeatarday. bat
ware notin1 In Prvnaane and Portland.
Harry Par raachad Wallace last nlicht.
Ilia brother l on Ma way from tha
Fdaar !. TV r man. tha cashier of tha
closed hank, who was arrested by Port
land police yesterday, la belna; bald In
ruatndv thara prndtna; tha arrangement
of lion bond liara. It la understood
a Wallara bnn.llns; a-nry will ajo hi
Tha Datura of tha Indlrtmania
brouaht aaalnrt theae man la atlll batna
hold sacra t. poodina- tha arreat of tho
entire number. Tha pnpae-a on each
rlarae. It la explained, ara drawn to In
clude up to elht iidm That a num
bar of tha man have been bald on a t
rte.ty of charcea Is a cortainty.
Frlands of Mr. CNell bif aald hara
recently that ha would raturn to Wal
lara without extradition papers. Tha
rail ara to arraat him yaatarday raskea It
arpoar that ha la atteroptlna: to avoid
officers. It la a-eeerally praaumad that
tha offlrlala will make very affort to
tffect extradition. "
County Attorney James A. Wayne
fate that ha bollorad these caaea
would com to trial In thla tarm of
tonrt. probably early In Nwtmbtr.
Orx-ajilsatloii Octuple Party Man In
Xrw State of -Nrw MrxVco.
6JLNTA ITS. N. M- CVt. Contrary
to azpaotatlona. tha firat Damocrallo
fitata Conrnitloi did not raauma Ita
aaaaloca tonlrht. but adjournad to ra
auma Ita daUbamttor.a tomorrow at
tha wm hour choaan for tha aaaamb
llr( of tha Ftata Conrantlon of tha
"prograaalra- Rapublloana.
Tha yarlaua eommlttaaa apant tha
a ft r moon and avanlna In arranalna;
tria dtalla of parmanant oraanixation.
maatriB- P ,ha Hat of dalatcataa and
draftlrc platform. Aftar tha pras-
ura which haa baan put forth. It la
aaaartad lunlaht that tha raaolutlona
romrntttaa wt.l not raport a plank, da
clarlr.a; for eltfiar prohibition or local
option. It waa arnouncad tonlaht that
rtata fnalrman Wclnmald had with
drawn hia rafuaal to accept tha araber
nator'.al nomination If It wara tandarad
to h!:n-
A prlntad protast aaralnat "boaa and
"corporation"' rula waa circulated to
riaht br mambara of what 1 known aa
tha Tounaer alamrnt of tha atata
Iwm.wrart. who demand that tha work
of ti a convention ha without retard to
any prearranaed "alata."
Sheriff WHU Snhpena lllnelf Made
Prlonr by Votiao" FWrnl.
JONFSiVIl.l.F. Va Oct. 4 Phot from
amhii.i. two mamoera of a Sherlffa
roaa nara. kl'Vd and a third fatally
wonndad near Olbaona ataflon. Va.. yaa
tarda. a thy approicha.) tha homa of
iori 1 1 aeeklnc to arraat Mra.
Sire!! rvnny Parnatt. want-, I aa a
wltne In a murder trial at I'lnavlUa.
sheriff TtJ,-her ha1 entered tha houna
and waa not ahot. hecauaa ha uaed Mra.
Harnett aa a ehlM. Ha waa he'd
prlaoner for a tine and allowed to de
part unt armed wuan he aareed not to
b.'tier tha tl.a re.i wltnraa azaln. Thera
-ware aeven In tha r-a. threa of whom
eacaped dnrini; the fianlada. Tha
wrur.i'cd man. who la reported dead or
dtna waa tha father of tlie man
killf J.
While Mtai Bnffum and her alatar
wreatlad with her to take tha bott a
of polaon from bar. aha aacaped from
them and ran to the atreet. She has
not been seen ince. '
Jn tha struaitia ti a bottle. wh!ch
had been emptied by tha craied wom
an, was thrust Into Miss Ruffuro fa-'e.
raualna her to faint- Ir. IL Peddf
cord 'was haatlly summoned, and ra
vtrad tha yonns; woman.
Silas Buffum. who with her alsier
and mother, had com to Portland on
taetr way to Seattle, waa staving n
tha Ohio Hotel. Front and MaJsin
atreeta. where tha unidentified woman
took a sudden fancy to Mtas Ptiffum.
Phe volunteered to Introduce her t
roanf arentlamen. and hrousjht Immele
to the houae. Aftar a few hours' con.
reraatloa Immele plainly showed his
preference for Miea Ruffum. for wh1'n
ha waa reproached by the unidentified
llllnola riirak-lan Will Ilepndlaie
ronfeslaon He Slnrtlered Wife.
nepndlalr Onfelon.
ORWinS. IIU Oct. 4 Pr. Harry El
aln Wehater. who confeaaed to tha klll-
ln of hla wife, aftar a conrerenca wttn
hla lawvern. decided yeaterday to repu
diate tha 10.0in.word confeaalon which
ha made In Chlraco Sunday.
Wehater. It l aald. will charge that
Peaale Kent Wehater frequently had
threatened to atta k him and that aha
waa tha aercor In tha fiht which
led to her death.
Ir. Wehater alept soundly last nlarht
and awoke feellnc better than at aay
lima lnce Ma arrest. He ate a hearty
breakfast and amoked a number of
cigarette, loiter ha asked to aea tha
rhlcaco newspapers and waa allowed
to read them.
.Mrs. 'A. J. Hill Iteporta "Theft," bnt
Polk-e Find Valuable.
Mra A. J. Hill, of (1 East Twenty
first street North, fait her senses leav
ing her last night, and. with a last ef
fort, gathered up her Jewelry, valued
at 11000. and money, totaling over :&0.
and stored It In vaxtoua aafa placea
about her rooms.
When Mra. Hill woke up, aha had
forgotten her solicitous cares about her
valuablca and did not remember where
she had put them. She auspected a negro
woman and telephoned tha police ela
tion that aha had been robbed. -
Patrolman Holterman, aent to tha
house, made a thorough search before
going ont to find tha suspected. In a
dozen placea about the furniture and
carpeta he found all of the missing
Jewelry and money.
ITS Tepoaltnra In On Pay I-eare
f 81 'With Government.
Monday was a record-breaker In re-
eelpta at the Postal Savings Bank,
During tha day S1 waa received front
17 depositors. Of theae ? were new
rostmaster Merrick, who returned
yeaterday from the East, says he law
the report In Washington. D. C. that
the Portland Poatal Savings Bank la
dolns; more bualneaa than any other
poet bank In tha I'nlted Statea, The
receipt of the Poatal banks In Chi
cago, Near Tork and other Eaatarn
cities ara amaller than tho in Portland.
Xm Jrrey Hrpnblloan Cnnenllon
.Marked by Harmon).
TRENTON'. N. J. Oct. . The Re
publican stte convention called yes
terday carried nut with j'it friction the
programme outlined bv state leadera
last Raturdav. Tha platform euloeixea actions of the Republican party In
National affairs, and Indorses. the
"-aim. Jud.;.!il attitude of Trealilvnt
Tafl in tha f.tca of unreasonable clamor
for hasty legislation and Ill-advised
remedies." and anprovea "his detrrml
r.atlon to aprly bualneaa principles In
t.e treatment of tha policies of tha
Forty Persons In Town Flooded Sat
urday Are Still Mlftelns;.
AfSTIJ Pa, Oct. 4. With six bod-
lea recovered from the flood wreck
age here today, the fare of another
and badly charred body of another.
the total number of dead In tha catas
trophe of last iaturday now atanda at
With the almost hourly revision of
the list of missing? tha rematnlny; rum.
her la approximated only. Thli la glv.
en out officially aa about 40. and the
feeling la expressed tonight rttat sev
eral will not be found.
several stof ekeepers today began to
ulsp!jy their wares.
.Man Provides for Sweetheart He
Fella With Mortal' Wound.
r.OCK ISLAND. IIU Oct- 4. Ersklna
S. Walker, who shot and mortally
wounded bis sweetheart. Miss Magda
lene Komp. It years old. and than killed
himself, left a will In which he be
queathed Jtuoo to the girl In case she
recovered and Ms entire estate valued
at STOO'J. In the event she enters a con
vent and never marries.
It haa developed that the tragedy waa
brought on by the telurn to Walker
by M las Komp of a diamond engage
ment ring, sne having decided that ahe
was too young to marry.
Deposed Head of rrcl H area a
I.ea rm for Valdea.
I't'RIxiVA. Alaaka. Oct. 4. Inatead
of sailing for Seattle last night aa they
ha l planned. Senator Pnlndexter. of
Washington, and Clifford Plnchot. de
posed chief of the tortst bureau, ex
tended their atay In Alaska.,'
Mr. Plnchot left for Valdea today
and Senator Polndexter went to Katalla
and tha Bering River coal fie Ida. So far
no public hearing has been given
Plnchot in Valdes and It la believed
that la his mission there.
I'nlalenilfled Prrn Prints Oil of
Cedar; llnempea.
Mung with )ea'eusy at the evident
Impression whlcn Belle Buffum. a fel.
low logger at .-.s Ohio Hotel waa mak
ing upon Wt'iiam F. Immele, an un
Ideotiriad w.iman. who haa been re
ceiving attentions from Imnsele for
some time, drank oil of cedar In an
effort to commit auicida Jaat night.
Patrolman rl Makes Cntrh.
Climbing over fire escapes to get evi
dence en a psrtr of alleged gamblers
Tatrolman WeM. aingle-handed. arrest
ed seven Swedisi laborers engaged In
a poker game In a hotel at First and
Columbia stree-ts last night. Money on
tha table he selxed as evidence. Those
arrested were Nela Johnson. Oscar
Krlcson. Andy Anderson. Hans Oscar
Johnson. Ole Ladd. Andy Johnson and
Oscar Johnson.
Horse- Sale Tanse of Arrest.
Because a horse which ha had Bold
to Charles Yaf.n with the guarantee
that It waa sound In wind and limb dis
played lamenesa after It had traveled
barely two miles from the barn. C. D.
Jeffries waa arrested late last sight on
the complaint of Tahn. by Detective
Eppa. He waa released on 1500 ball.
Man Cupht n Machinery. .
T. A. Rath, aged !0 yaara. cut an
artery of hla right forearm when he
became entangled In machinery at the
Oregon Ctair Factory yeaterday. He
was taken to the Good Samaritan Hos
pital in tha Rad, Cross ambulance.
Discovery of Conspiracy in
Portugal SignaWor Slaugh
ter at Oporto.
Onslaught of Troop I Met by
Withering Fire of Automatic Pis
tola and Saber Charge Re
publicans Are Victorious.
LISBON, oft. 4. (Via Frontier.)
Thera waslghtlng In the streets of
Oporto on Saturday between Monarch
ists and the Republican troops, follow
ing the discovery of the Monarchical
conspiracy. A number of persons were
killed and othera wounded. The Re
publicans easily had the better'of "the
Peraona arriving fiom Oporto de
acrlbe the scene In that city Saturday
morning as terrible. Just before dawu
the, liepubllcan troops surprised and
arrested mre than 100 Monarchists.
Others, having bean warned, escaped.
A large body of Monarchists gathered
In a public building, which they barri
caded, and from the wlndowa and the
roof fired on the troopa with automatic
Other Monarchists, who had not been
apprised of the raids, heating tho fir
ing, accepted It as a stgnal for tha
Monarchical uprising. They fled blind
ly In pairs, and In parties of three or
more ran to the placea In the ' city
which they had been Inatructed to oo
cupy at critical momenta. Every man
waa armed with a revolver and all
began firing on the 'troops from the
aide atreeta. Among them were several
priests, who fought courageously and
Inspired the others.
Early In the fight fresh troops ar
rived and cavalry charged up and
down the atreeta, firing pistols and
slashing with aabera. Some houses were
set on fire. Eventually the Monarch
ists who survived were arrested or
fled and the soldiers restored order.
The arrests continue. . ,
There la no reliable estimate pf the
number killed and wounded. The Mon
archista appear to have been but loose
ly organised. The uprising had been
eet for Saturday.
. Disorders at other places have been
suppressed. Seemingly the government
la secure In ita military measures.
of their perlloue adventure. The young
I man la iuu unconscious.
i , Dennleon Is a member of a wealthy
I family In Dover. Miss Henderson is a
lesder In the younger society set mere.
They started in a small catboat for
a cruise of Portsmouth harbor and off
the coast. The story of what happened
to them, waa told this afternoon by
Miss Henderson after she had been
revived bv tho doctors.
I "When we- were going down the
J harbor a s'iall struck us." sh said,
i weakly, lasplng frequently into an un-
cons'-lons state during her narrative
I "Almost at the first gust our sail was
! carried away. The boat tos.ed aboul
I helplessly, the waves alwaya gamine
j In sixe. until we feared that we would
be swamped.
"Tom waived his hst wnen we
sighted a vessel, but they evidently
did not see us or could not do any
thing to help u.i I waved my hand-
j kerchief, but they could not aee It.
In desperation I look off my under-
skirt. Tom rigged up, an oar and we
nut that up as a signal. The vessel
we hoped to attract kept on its course.
' Then we prayed for help. That 'was
our only hope. Somehow, I thought
our prayera would be answerea. nut
It seemed in vain. We had some sand
wiches, and when we seemed nesrly
starved we ate those. But they ware
soon gone.
"Sundsy dswned. and there we were
far from the signs of land, driving
Into the seas and expecting tv; :
moment to be drowned. We were
drenched. We were too weak even to
Commodore Strong, of the Rob Roy.
aald that he sighted the catboat flying
Ita distress slenal at dawn. It look
the Rob Roy three-quarters of an hour
to reach the little vessel.
The sea waa rough and waves were
splashing over the boat. It Is be
lieved that Dennlson and Miss Hender
son would have died soon had not tha
reacuers a,rrlved when they did.
Physician's1 Henrlng- Is Set for To
day Man Is Cnder Strong
Guard In Hotel.
(Special.) Although three days have
now elapsed alnce F. B. Thornet. the
nurse-accompllca of Dr. Grant J. Ly
man, made hie sensational escape from
Jail here. In company with four other
prisoners, -none of the fugitives have
yet been arrested.
It Is believed that Thornet haa doub
led back to California, where he will
seek assistance from hla frlenda and
may be supplied with funds.
Bert and Kred Wilson, alleged high
way robbers and believed to have been
concerned In the holdup of a Southern
Pacific train In Cow Creek Canyon last
Summer, are thought to be with Thor
net. The trio may have made for the
lava beds. 40 miles south of Klamath
Jim Hill and Frank Pnrdy. accused
of petty crimes, were trslled to the
Ambrose ranch, four miles north ot
this City. Soaked and hungry, at 1
A. il. Saturday morning, they aroused
the household and hired Mrs. Jamleson
to cook breakfast. for which the
younger paid In nickels and dimes.
They told bar they had been to Kla
math County Fair and were on their
way back to a, lumber oamp. Sheriff
Barnea Is In hot pursuit! of the fugi
tive. Dr. Lyman'e hearing before I'nlted
Statea Commissioner Richardson has
been set for this morning. A. E. John
son, from tha Attorney-General's of
fice, and H. G. Durand. Postofflce In
spector, are both here in connection
with the charges.
Dr. Lyman now Is being guarded In
a local hotel.
SALARIES . TAKE $202,050
City' Engineer Hnrlbnt Files 1011
Estimates With City Auditor. -
City Engineer Hurlburt has riled with
City Auditor Rarbur his rstlmatea for
112. He says he will need 1141.745
from the street repair fund and tS10.
21 from the general fund, or a total ot
Of the amount required from tha
general fund 1102.050 la to pay the sal
aries of the 171 employes, ranging from
tS to 200. The balance of $S242 la for
materials and auppllea.
Of the 1141. 74S which It la estimated
will be required from the street re
pair fund, I78.04S la for salaries and
ftl.TOO for materials, team hire and
equipment. The sslarles are for 7!
employes. 50 of whom will be laborers.
10 foremen, rive bridge carpenters,
three traction engineers, six inspec
tors, one clerk and one engineer.
Cluinther of Deputies Probably to Be
Called f pon to Settle Vioe
Presidential Choice.
MEXICO CITT. Oct. 4. Worried by
Inability to ascertain who waa elected
vice-president last Sunday members of
the central committee of the various
parties have started a new campaign
for votes In the electoral college on
October 16. Hundreds of telegrams
were sent to party chiefs, urging
them to send In results of the election
to give a working basis for this brief
and aomewhat Irregular campaign.
Though satisfied at the peaceable
manner In which the election waa held,
party leaders reluctantly admitted that
the failure to receive returns shows
lack of organization.
At the headquarters of the Progres
sive party It was admitted that no more
than 25 per cent of the returns, and
these lacking In detail, had been re
ceived. Similar conditions prevailed at
the headquarters of the Catholic party,
and of the Vasquistas. No one -admits
defeat and the conviction is growing
that no one will receive a majority In
the electoral college and that the choice
fof vice-president will devolve upon
the chamber of deputies. In a last
effort to forestall this, however, leaders
are flooding the twenty thousand odd
electors with argumenta in favor of
their respective candidates. notwith
standing the electors are presumed to
vote In accordance with the wishes of
those who named them.
Fire Cuts Off Steam Pipe and Water
System Is Powerless.
jvALI SPELL. Mont, Oct. 4. Fire last
night destroyed the mill of the North
western Lumber Company, situated a
mile north of the city, together with
the planing milll adjoining.
Starting from unknown origin In tha
engine room.' the Are shut off the steam
supply to the pump house and crippled
the mill's water system.
Several hundred volunteers formed a
bucket brigade and saved the offices
and lumber yards containing 17.000,000
reel or lumber.
The plant narrowly escaped a similar
fate last week, but the water system
saved It.
The damage Is estimated at $10000,
which Is only partly covered by In
Passengers Are In Panic When Mo
tor Bums In Seattle Street.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct- 4. (Special.)
Vlueen Anne car S02 burned out a
motor on Its southbound trip at 8:45
o'clock tonight to the great fright of
a large number of passengers who
crowded the car. The accident oc
curred at Queen Anne avenue and Roy
When the electric display started and
flames and smoke burst through the
floors and Into the coach passengers
started In a wild panic to reach the
outside air.
Wlndowa were broken In the ex
citement and two fainting women
needed attention before they reelved.
Girl's Frightful Experience Off Xew
Eng!an4 Coast.
Portsmouth. N. H.. Dispatch to Phila
delphia Public Ledger.
Three days adrift at sea. during
every hour of which they wre face to
face with death. Miss Elate Henderson.
21 yaara old. and Thomaa Dennlson. 22,
of Dover, were picked up six tnues
off the coast by the yacht Rob Roy,
or Lynn.
When rescued by Commodoro Robert
Strong, of the Lynn Yacht Club, n
their helpless little rathoat. which . as
being tossed about by the waves Mts
Henderson lay unconscious In the
cockpit. while Dennlson. exhausted.
wsb raving In delirium. They ere
now In Portsmouth Hospital. Tha girl
revived sufficiently to tell the story
Marriage Result of Temporary In
fatuation. She Declare.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct 4 (Special.)
Entangled through a temporary In
fatuation for Henry Uyeno. who repre
sented himself as a Japanese merchant.
lenn I'veno. jt. white girl of education.
obtained a decree of divorce Tueaday at
the hands of Judge A. W. FTater. The
counle were married May 11, 1910. and
lived together two weeks. Then the
bride ran away.
She told Judge Frater that she waa
a stenographer for a Japaneae mer
chandise store when she became ac
quainted with t" yeno. Two hours after
marriage, she said, she regretted the
step she had taken.
"All my friends have deserted me,"
she said, "except my witness here to
day and my parents, t'eno wag not
a merchant, but a profeslonal gambler
Dust and Calciam ClJorlde.
Consular Report.
The highways department of the city
of Leeds has recently treated portions
of a macadam roadway with granular
calcium chloride to combat the dust.
Solutions of the 'same had previously
been tried at greater cost and without
such satisfactory results.
The Toad is first well swept and two
applications of the chloride are mads
on succeeding evenings, of about one
half pound par yard, at a cost of about
to 008 per square yard. From personal
observation, tha writer notes the) fol
lowing: July 1. first application; July
JjO. rain: second application; July 21,
Boys Shop
gg'ltV -a 1 ;
cv r Jr.- A rut. iizic in
3 9S ' -
Thrarsdlay, Friday '
' anas! Satafday
; ; Suflfe 'for I
Her a Grand! CHaaaca to Deck tike Boy . Qua in , .
DesibraMe Smiths at HomoimaS Coat. '
For Tforee Bays Only We Will Give You Choice of Amy KimiclserTboclker
$5 Suit in Owr Siore (Except Blmies and Bladks) for $3.S5
At ftlieiir regular price ftlfoeae classy suaiita are tike BEST $5 valmia
in Portland. Great variety of fabrics, designs and colors.
Our standard "QUALI TY AND INTEGRITY" reflected from ,
every garment. '
dry breezy day. no dust; July 24. no
dust: July 28, heavy thundershowers;
July 31. no dust, after a -low days of
Very hot weather; August 9, road In
pood condition. ' chloride seems to act
aa binding; Auirust 10, stiff breeze, but
ho dust: August 14. road still in good
The ordinary sweeping- of road was
carried oa.
Family Undecided Whether There
Shall Be StiUtarj Funeral. -
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. The body of
Roar-Admiral Winfield Scott Schley
was brought to Washington tonight
from New York and taken to the Schley
home. The funeral wilt be held Thurs
day, but no details have been arranged.
The family has not decided whether
there shall be a military funeral.
Feet Tired
So Tired?
TIZ Makes Sick Feet Well No Mat
ter What Ails Them.
TIZ acts at once and makes tired,
aching;, swollen feet remarkably fresh
and aore proof.
It's the sure remedy, you know, for
everything that gets the matter with
your feet, It's for sore feet and for
sweaty, bad-emelllng feet, and for
corns, callouses and bunions, too.
Kor yaara I tavt beeja troabled wttb
aore and tender feet suffered intease
alma. ' Have had the aaatstaaee of
physicians wttboot relief. I bovaat a
box of TIZ. which worked a perfect
rare, aa It has with a areat many ot
any frteads.' I wovld not be withoat It.
All It reqalres la to ba kaowa to ba
universally ased." A. h Dreatser, Chi
racs. TIZ Is not a powder. Powders and
other foot remedies clog up the pores.
TIZ drsws out all poisonous exudations
which brlna on soreness of the feet,
and Is the only remedy .that does. TIZ
cleana out every pore and glorifies the
feet your feet. ,
You'll never limp again "or draw up
your face In pain, and you'll forget
about your corns, bunions and cal
louses. Youll feel like a new person.
TIZ la for sale at all druggists. 35
and SO cents per box. or It will be aent
you direct. If you wish, from Walter
Lather Dodge ft Co, Chicago. III.
Cuba's Crop Disaster
And What It Means To Cigar Smokers
rbere's going to be a scarcity of good cigars and very shortly.
.You are going to be hunting for a smoke such as only choice
Havana Tobacco can give.
Anticipate this difficulty!
Try a Van Dyck "Quality" cigar today. It's the one good
' cigar which will remain the same for seasons to come.
VAfr dyck
"Quality" Cigars
Yon see, we provided against the
Cuban crop disaster. Oar expert
got the first pick of the finest crops
that survived the choicest Havana
tobacco that the Island produces.
Today this tobacco together with
a vast store of the choicest product
of seasons past is mellowing under
the rooft of our Cuban warehouses.
And each month will see hundreds
of bales being shipped to our factory
In Tampa, Fla. and there pat into
the deft hands of our Cuban cigar
Today it costs more to manu
facture Van Dyck Quality cigars
than ever before. Our expert leal
selection, and our many inspections,
remain the same. Vet not one
penny have we added to the Van
Dyck price.
Choose a "Van Dyck" at random
from any cigar case. Compare its
workmanship with that of the most
expensive imported cigar you can
find. Thea you'll realize something
of the rare value that is yours in
every Van Dyck "Quality1 cigar.
In 27 Different Shape One for Every Taste 3-for-25c to 25c. ead
U. A. GUNST 4 CO. "The House of Staples" Distributors
The interior of this hotel has been
completely refitted, and every appoint
ment now meets the approval of tha
most discriminating. $400,000.00 re
cently expended on its interior. Every
thing new and modern. . . . . . . .
The Hotel Oregon
The leading hotel of Portland.
New, modern, fireproof and
centrally located. .'. .". .". .'.
d- Caaa.waiMT.Pni. as. C Ptcaaxaan. Masw