Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 05, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Commerce Court Asked to En
join Enforcement of Re
duced Tariffs.
Aalhorlty I'ndrr Conciliation lo
rrTih Ralr ! Attacked.
Rate Conflctorjr, l Con
tention of Carrier.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. Tr, trans
continental rallwav aaked the Inter
state rommirr I'ommlnlon today to
npnd It. nrrier In what ar known
u tr "Pacific t'najit ca. Involvlna;
tha heaviest railroad traffic In the
Vrlted State, until Vim Conimerre
Court haa had time lo paa upon their
merit. The roadu alo aked tha
rnmmm Court to enjoin the Com
rnlaalon. Neither the Commllon nor
the court took any action.
It waa Indicated to the rommlMlffll
hv Aitorner Norton, of the Atchl"n.
Topcka fanta F. and Attorney Pll
larl. of the fnlon Pacific. represent In
all the rarrlera lntreted In the rae.
that the railroad purpoee to Institute
r-ro.-e.-dln In Injunction before the
Commerce Court to reatraln the Inter
state Commerce omnillon from put
tm Into effect It order reducing th
transcontinental frela-ht rales. '
The order of the Commilon will
not become effective until November
IS and It I ronldrd hy the Vmml
afon that the Commerce Court would
have ample time meanwhile lo pa
upon the question Involved. Until
tne Commerce Court has taken up th
a-iH)ect. the commllon will not grant
the application of the carriers for a
aueoenvlon of Its order.
Th railroad, through Attorney
Norton and IMIlard. late today '".led
with th Commerce Court bllla aeklnc
for tie temporary Injunction In all
the pacific t'oaat caaea. The Include
th Spokane rate raae. the Keno cae.
the Maricopa County Commercial Club
raa and other.
In every Instance the railways com
plained that the sales Axed by th com
nilaelon were unreaaonably low and
that If enforced It would not enable
Ihe earrlera to make return on their
Inveatmenia and would amount to a
confiscation of property. Exlatlnc ratee
were defended and denial waa made
of the rommlaelon a riant, under the
constitution, to prescribe Ihe ratea
f xed In Its order of laal June.
It la likely the Commerce Court will
lke up the case In a few days with
a view of determining whether tem
porary Injunction shall be a-ranted. In
nv event, the probability is that the
questions involved will reach the fu
preme Court.
Ilrt. Owen V. Jiinrt la A r reeled for
Anno) In Iotr1n.
Wtih but II S In hie pockets, and
rhnraed by Patrolman Barsee with be-n-
drunk and disorderly. Rev. Owen
y. Jones, who aays he la an Kplaropal
rlr(yman. waa arrested at Front and
Morrison streets, after h refused lo
slop annovlnc paaeera-by. He was
ukm to the city Jail, where, after
afavtna until sober, he waa released.
Ir. Jones, who av that he la also
a im!r of leadlna- fraternal orders,
was formerly chapialn of peniten
tiary In South liakula, and more re
icnilv wa a minister In Palter. Or.
lie haa been, arcordtnc to his state,
in-nl. I years In the ministry- II
id he did not remember Ihe cause of
hie drunkenness.
With Ms arm about tha shoulders
ef a lumberjack arrested for th same
cf'enM. Ir Jones wa an impromptu
aermm to tthe occupant of the Jail.
Too Many Invitation lo Drink
r'orcesj Jersey Major lo Rcalgn.
N.-w York Herald '
Wrecked on the rock of rum. the
town administration of rune!ien. N.
J . went to smash when Mayor William
A. Sand ford announced his retirement
from office on th ground that hla lim
ited capacity wa unable to cope with
the invitations to drink that have been
burled at him from a'l sides. Few
statesmen have been confronted witn
u-h a serious problem, but be It said
to HI Honor a credit he did not flinch
in the face of duty. Finding that
drinking Interfered with hl official
rareer. he ha decided to retire to pri
vate life.
-I'm through with the Job." sal J Mr.
Sanford. more in sorrow than In anger.
- man can't be Mavor of thla town
and be -her. I've tried It f'r nearly
a veer, and I know. It started on New
Year s dav when I was Inaugurated.
I cant go down the street without
bearing. Mayor, let go have a little
drink.' from all allies. If 1 dl.ln I ac
.apt I d lose votes, and well. I have
not lot a frlcnJ that I know of. But
now I m done There are too many
'runtime' In thl town. I'm going to
move to Westfleld. I wlh mv sue
vessor good luck and a good thirst."
When Ci S"ii resident of the plac
learned what Hla Honor had said they
started out to mke him prove hta
statements The men of the town d
termined to rind out If thev were on
Ms tr list. Not fin. Iln him In
the first saloon, they tried the other,
there b'lna oniv two coaling station
In th town, hut tiiey falied to locate
others who did not spare Mayor
Sandford wer John Henry laertnrt
1-eiers. village barber and Town As
ee.or; Henry S. tiarretson. the village
postmaster, and John F. penner. th
leaJIna- hardware merchant of the piare.
Mr. Peters' pianlng ml'.L oppolt th
ral.roaJ station. I th place wher
must of th weighty question are dl
rud. and ten minute after Mr. Sand
ford a atatement reached the public
an Indignation meeting wa In full
blast, la their excitement some of tha
participant permitted Mr. peters lo
M them three or tour time.
"Called a Tummlee.- hT" repeated
Mr Pete.-a aa he wung th brush
against Mr. Pennera face. "He got
a fine nerve And w wou'dn't mind,
but he s been the 'bummeef Mayor
w'v ever had. and when It come to
"bum Mayors. Dunellen has had a few.
Him. above all men. calling us rum
mies." he rcBumed. "1 never aliow him
to go In Ihe room arhr 1 keep ths
I m sorry In on wsv." sobbed Mr
hi conduct reflects on President Taffa
Mayor gandford returned to Dunellen,
but denied that he had purposely de
layed hla return until It waa dark. Ha
is a Jovial, well-spoken man of i or
thereabout, and lausrhed until his teeth
rattled when he heard of the Indigna
tion hi .tatement had aroused. He
stood bv every word of It. and by way
of provlna that he was not a prohi
bitionist. Invited the reporters to split
a bottle of wine with him. He Uvea In
a fine old house, and Is said to hav
plenty of money.
Jew nock to Palestine.
London Cor. Detroit Fre Pre.
In a blue book dealing- with th con
dition anj prospect of traJ In Syria.
Krnest Weakley." the special commis
sioner of the advisory council of th
Hoard of Trade, a-lve details as to Jew.
leh colonies In Palestine.
The Influx of Jews.- ha aays. "Is
the noticeable feature In Paletln.
They have been steadily coralnf Into
tie country in Increasing numbers
sine 1I2. driven away from Buala
ai.d Poland by persecution, and al
thouah measure were taken by the
Turkish government In 18ST to pre
vent the settlement of foreign Jew In
Palestine, the restrictions lmpoed
have been Ineffective, and have not
stemmed tha current of Immigration.
From a total of about JO Jew reet
denta In Palestine a century ago. their
number were about 000 In Jerusalem
In 1 I. out of a total town population
of 11.00
"In 17 It was computed that th
population of th city was about
of which JS.eoa alone were Jew. Th
population In 100 waa about SO. 000.
th Jewish element then being close
upon 10.000, and sine than both popu
lation and arrivals of Jews have In
creased rapidly. Jerusalem having to
day about M.nno Inhabitants, of whom
no less than S3.00A to 40.000 are Jews."
Kr-umenlral Conference', at Toronto
I Flrt Ever Held on American
Side of Atlantic.
TORONTO, Ont.. Oct. 4. Tha fourth
ecumenical conference of Methodism,
which convened today In the Metropoli
tan Church. In this city. Is a most Im
portant gathering. Nearly too dele
gates mere preaent when Rev. Henry
Hatgh. president of th British Wea
leysn Conference, preached tha open
ing sermon. of the delcgatea to tha
conference about half are from the
American Methodist Church, Including
The conference may prtpar a pas
toral address to b read from every
Methodist pulpit In th wjyld. In all
language of tha world.
This la the rlrt Urn this conference
ha been held on thl side of th At
lantic. To prominent delegates are
from Ireland. Key. O. R. Wedgwood.
of Belfast, and Rev. R. T. Boyd, of Dub
lin. Mr. Wedgwood la connected with
the Irish Christian Advocate.
For the first tlm In th history of
Methodlam women will take part In
the conference, Mr. Lucy Ryder
Meyer, of Chicago, a leader of the dea
coness movement In the I'nlted States,
will speak.
Bible In F.lcht More Tong-ue.
Christian Science Monitor.
Th annual report of the British and
Foreign Bible Society haa been lately
Issued, and II ahnws th Income of th
society during the last year to be II
;i '.".. and th expenditure
Bible and portion of th Scripture
are Issued In 4J2 languages, eight new
translations having been Issued during
the past year. Including three Central
African, and Ihre Asiatic dlalecta.
The total Issuea of Ih am-iety ara
nearly 7.000 000 copies.
Battleship Oregon Ordered Oul.
SEATTU!. Vah Oct. 4 For th
flrt time In six year th battleship
Oregon ha been ordered made readv
for sea. orders received at the fuget
Sound Navy Yard yesterdsy directing
that the famous old warship and the
miser St. 1-oiils be made ready for a
cruise hy October 14. -The Oregon waa
recently put In commission as a part ot
th Pacific reserve squadron, after
having been rebuilt at a cost of mor
than I l.'0.oo.
IIIINhoro Paving Mile of St reels.
HILU'BORO. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
Within two day th curb for prac
tically ora mil of paving will have
been laid for Hllsboo's streets. The
paving contractors will start laying
rock aa soon a th weather settles.
and Ihey expect that thre week of
day and night labor will complete tn
rains, the city will plank a narrow
roadway through the business section
for Winter use.
IfK.IK' - -
-J s
Burns Agency Men Open Port
land Hearing of Evidence,
in Referendum Case.
Rcrent la Plaintiff In Suit to Keep
Fight Against FnlverMty Fund '
Off Ballot Defense May
Tet Every SHgnatorc.
C M. Felton. G. J. Hasson and Frank
Dane, employed by tha Burns Detective
Agency, were tha principal witness
yesterday In the first day hearing of
the referendum petition cae In. Port
land. Th question came up in th
hau of a ault by S. H. Friendly, a re
gent of the University of Oregon, for
an injunction reatralnlng; Secretary of
State Olcott from placing the referen
dum against tha University of Oregon
appropriation on tha ballot to be print
ed for th next state election. In No
vomber. 111. ,
The three men told of scores of
forged signatures, names of fictitious
persons and names of person who, if
not fictitious, had at least fictitious ad
dresses which they had found on tha
petition. Mr. Friendly Is represented
y W. T. 81ater and M. U Pipes, while
on the other side are arrayed several
attorneys. Including W. S. U Ren, C. B
S. Wood. F. S. J. McAllister. H. J. Park
ison and Harry Yanckw;lch. The Ut
named I appearing as personal repre
sentative of his former Uw partner. H.
J. Parklson. who Is taking no direct
part In the proceeding other than in
an advisory capacity. Mr. ITRen was
employed a special counsel to assist
Attorney-General trawiorn, wno is of
fending the suit on behalf of the state,
atlpalatloa .Not Accepted.
attemnts on the part of Attorney
Plater to Blipulate with the other side
and thus be rHved of the monotony
of proving the forgery or non-existence
of the owner of each Individual name
by Itself came to naught, and the re
m was that the hearing narrowed
down Into a monotonoua grind. The
theory of Attorney Slater Is that If he
cau prove one forged or fictitious name
on a sheet It will be sufficient ! knock
out the whole sheet of 20 names. The
sheets are certified to separately on th
back by the petition circulators.
Mr. l"Ren takes the position that
this Idea is absurd as. If such were the
case, he declared. It would be easy for
designing persons to knock out every
Initiative and referendum petition cir
culated, thus making Oregon's direct
legislation atatutea of no effect. At
torney Parklson. who had charge of the
circulation of the petitions, declare
that at best no more than 1000 name
hav been brought Into question a yet
and that aeveral thousand can be
knocked out and there will be still
enough left. He aa that between
11.000 and 14.000 slgnaturea were filed
with the Secretary of Btate while only
flit were ncary.
waetew ae Picked.
I Attorney-General Crawford devoted
' hi fforta on croaa-examlnatlon yester
l day to an attempt to show that the
I detectlvea had aelected only these
I name which they had reason to believe
i would prov forgeries. The evidence
1 being given by the Burn men relate
' only to th name which they found to
! be forged pr fictitious and no motion
! la made of the namea found to be
' genuine. The trend of Mr. Crawford s
. examination waa uch a to bring thla
j fact eharply to tha attention of the
. court. .
1 Parkiaon la bitter In his feeling
1 again! tb "Eugen crowd." He de
' clare tht th enemle of th referen
I dum commenced their fight againat It
whll th petition were being clrcu
lated and I confident that a larg per
i centage of th forged nd flctltiou
nam wer put In hi llt by "de
i lectlves" employed to go to work for
' him aa rlrculatora. When he left for
' California a few month ago to regain
' hi halth Burn detectives, he d
' clarcd, took advantage of hi absence
I to Imprison his circulators and to tell
I them that he had "skipped" and that
I they Bad better "f es up" and to release
' them aftr stipulating what they were
I to testify. A proof of this he point
i to ttlmony of Charl F. Matlhewa,
! on of th ptltlon circulator, who, at
I Salem Friday failed to testify a ex-
! Fear f Jail Pleaded.
j On cro-xamlnatlon Matthews de
i clared that be had told Manager Kul
! per. of th Burn Agency, that he had
i ' i 1 rwv
. .
c- n--rr 'Wi
1... ..
forged signatures to his petition merely
for the purpose of obtaining hla release
. t v. was held in default
irvm jait. euww " - - -
of 11500 ball until he "came through.
Harry Koier maa wmiw L Lcl"- "
on the wltnesa stand at Saltan, in fact
practically all the circulator put on
the stand declared that they had been
promised Immunity, the promises com
i . i eom the Horn agency.
Several of them were Jailed and later
released. Aiatmew i v.i
his release waa a reward for hi "con
Th declaion in tne present caa m
have an Immense Influence on the fu
ture circulating of Initiative and ref
erendum petltiona and for thla reason
la almost certain to be fought to the
c cakfi The nrlnclrjal Question
involved Is: Does the fact that a forged
or fictitious signature 19 iirueu
. .,ui. invalidate all the name
on that sheet, general 10 in number?
II tne tuorncj"
of the referendum Insist upon forcing
the plaintiff to prove every alleged
forged or flctltiou signature by Itself
the case is likely to occupy weeka and
possibly months before being finished.
Test May Ieclnd All.
nf the tensltv of the
si mit ......
situation Attorney U'RenobJected yes
terday wnen rran. vow
Burns men. produced what he declared
was the genuine signature of a man
. .-,.1 nn tha Tietltlnaa.
wnos uaiuw . -
This man, Dane said, had denied sign
ing. Mr. linen oojeriea n uw a 1
that there was nothing to prove the
authenticity of the aignature and It
went In as an exhibit over hla objec
tions. Were this course to be pursued
It would be necessary to call as a wlt
averv man whose name the Burns
agents declare wa forged.
Women to Re EHrndlted as Part of
Krfort to Ferret Out Corrup
tion In Department.
ANGELES. Oct. 4 William M.
Fltxpatrick. a patrolman, wa dismissed
from the Lo Angeles polic force yes
terday and held today for trial, .charged
with having influenced Maud Merrill
and Mabel Young, accused of bribery,
to leave the state.
He waa arraigned in the police court
today, pleaded not guilty and asked for
a Jury trial, which wa set for Novem
ber. SACRAMENTO, Oct. 4. As a part of
the movement to ferret out the corrup
tion ald to exist in the Lo Angeles
police department, extradition paper
were obtained at the office of Gov
ernor Johnson today for the return to
thla atate of Maud Merrill and Mabel
Young, charged with briblnf R. R. Her
bert, Philip Marks. Sidnef Sweetman
and P. Fltxpatrick. former patrolmen
under arrest in the Southern city..
The women are under arrest in Se
attle. Louis Dunl and F. E. Hitchcock
left Sacramento this afternoon lor be
attle to bring back the women.
Defense Will Elect Separation and
Prosecution Makes It Choice In
Dynamiting- Case.
LOS ANGELES, Oct, 4. It was aald
authoritatively today that th McNam
ara brothers would be tried separately.
John J. Mc.Namara will probably be
th first to go on trial next 'Wednes
day, according to a atatement of one
of hla counsel.
It I the privilege of th defense to
decide whether the accued men hatl
be tried aingly. and In case separata
trial be demanded It is th province
of th proMoutlon to peclfy which
shall fac th Jury first.
Counsel for the defense ald today
It would ask tor separata trlala. Dla
trlot Attorney Frederlcke admitted to
day that he wa trying to obtain poaee
slon of th dynamite, clockwork, cor
respondence and other alleged evidence
found In the possession of John J. Mc
Nimirt tn Indianapolis.
"We may not want the actual dyna
mite. ' h ald. "but I don't know who
could oppose our having the other evi
dence. If the defense claim these
things. It must explain how It cam
Into prselon of them."
John J. McNamara will be tried for
the alleged murder of Charlea Hag
gertv. a machinlat who was killed In
th Time disaster on October 1, 110,
when 1 Uvea were lost.
Alleged Horaethief Caught.
HILLS BORO, Or., Oct. 4. (Spe
I .
I v.-
w- - r. t J jf
a L
' . . ' aw.. M 1 a)
. ' . . . '
- . . - .- ' . , . '
Facts About
Test Sample o( Mi-o-na Free
If yoj have Indigestion, dypepsla.
eour stomach, dizziness or biliousness,
no matter how long atanding. MI-O-NA
stomach tablets are guaranteed to cure,
or your money back,
Thouaands are getting rid of indlgea
tlon by using MI-O-NA. - Here Is what
one man writes: "I want to speak a
good word for MI-O-NA and what It has
done for me. I suffered something ter
rible with dyspepsia and Indigestion. It
was almost Impossible for me to eat any
thing. Day after day I would go with
out eating. One day I read your ad
vertisment in the Bangor Dally New.
I got a box, and before It waa gone I
could 'alt down to the table and eat any
thing, thanks to MI-O-NA." Herbert
L. Patterson. Brewer. (Bangor). Me.
MI-O-NA tomach tablet are made
from the best prescription ever written
they cure to stay cured. They relieve
distressed stomach In a few minutes.
They are old by druggists in every town
In America. A large box of MI-O-NA
costs but 50 cents. Test samples free
from Booth- Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. T.
A post card will do.
Portland Printing House Co.
J. I- Wrls-bt. Pre, and Oen. Manager.
Hawk. Catalogu d ComoMraial
atUag. Binding ad Blank Book M
Phoaaa: Main 81101. A 2381.
Santa and Taylor 8trtas
Portland. Orss-oa.
cial.) Sheriff Chester Park of Albion,
Idaho, arrived nere tni mornms
started east of the mountains with
J U..U. ehai-crAft with Stealing
horses. Moxl'ey was under $2000 bonds
to answer court at iwm runs, nu
Jumped his bail. He was captured by
Sheriff Hancock a- few days ago while
visiting with his wife and child near
Gaston. Moxley waived extradition,
although Sheriff Park had the neces
sary papers ready lor governor nen
Forest Grove Man Has Filed Bond
for $40,000 Is Native Son.
HILLS BO RO, Or., Oct. 4. (Special.)
E. B. Sappington. of Forest Grove,
wa today appointed County Treasurer,
vice W. M. Jackson, who died Septem
ber is. Sappington ha been employed
by the City of Forest Grove for some
months. He is n native son of Ore
gon and hla father, the late J. W. Sap
pington, waa Treasurer in the early
oa He assumes the duties of the
office as soon as hla bond is approved.
Th new appointee will hold office
until January, 1913, and ha, filed surety
In the sum of
Husband In Case Found Guilty.
ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
After being out about 20 minutes last,
niirht the Circuit Court Jury returned
a verdict of guilty in the case against
Walter A. Vance, on a charge 01 piac
Inr his wife In a house of 111 repute.
M R Mavneld was arraigned today on
an indictment charging him with the
Iirmm of an overcoat. 1. &. tiray
was appointed to defend him and he
wa allowed until tomorrow 10 pmau
Sidney H. Fletcher. . who had been in-
dloted on a serious charge, was ar
raigned and entered a piea 01 noi
guilty. -
Judge Eakin to Hold Court Monday.
ASTORIA. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.)
Judge Eakln will open a regular ieno
of the Circuit Court next Monday. The
Astoria court will be adjourned next
Saturday, probably until Monday. Oc
tober ti. although no definite date has
been decided upon. There are several
criminal aa well a a few civil cases to
be tried before Jurle. and this will ne
cessitate an adjourned session of the
. - . v. -. .nntltina fnr at lAnst two
weeks. Tomorrow the case against
. j .). e ..Moult
rier ubiiicidi is wo - c .
witn a oangerous weapon win wi
Ashland Changes Pastors.
ASHLAND. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
Rev. rl. J. van r onsen, woo na.a umn
the pastor of th Methodist Episcopal
Church at Ashland for nv year pat,
i.e. . - eA- hi. naw station at Al
len luunj .
torla. During his term here a fine new
church was Duilt ana tne pastor aim
- m.tlv attached to
each other. Monday evening a farewell
reception waa tenoereu 10 100 uc,ai -Ing
mlnlater and a welcome extended
by the church to the new paator. Rev.
Mr. Poor, with whom Mr. Van Fossen
exchanges charges.
Oregon Gets Three Postal Bank.
-WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. Fostoffices
at Moro. Amity and Freewater. Or,
have been designated as postal savings
banks to open for business uctooer at.
eft t Right, I. J. Haaaoa. Bara
......a umn.... J....H swwy.i-'-;'e-w-e--;.';V
. ; i -r -w -9, r . a mi 1
vw-rEBSTER'S New International Dlc
W tlonary should be in the possession
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Webster's 3?i7iSJi1 Dictionary
Did you read the full-page announcement of Web
ster's New International Dictionary in this week's issue
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Gill's always first have this NEW
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YOU to call and examine it today.
Other Dictionaries may be had
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See our Third-street window
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is prepared by a practical dentist who ,
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Relief in Five Minutes Awaits
"Every Man or Woman Who Suf
fers From a Bad Stomach.
-tttk .. trot anme now this mo
ment, and forever rid yourself of
Dn,.eh trnnhla and Indlfrestlon? A.
dieted stomach gets the blues and
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. 1. ti ni.n.Min tn atart the di
gestive juices working-. There will be
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eructations of undla-ested food: no
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ach or heartburn.. Ick headache and
Dizziness, and your rood win not ier
ment and poison your breath with
nauseous odors.
Fape's Diapepsln costs only 50 cents
at BTtir drur store
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Why not join the
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Have the finest soup that money will
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You practice double economy when you
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21 kinds
Chicken Gnmbo
Clam BoaillOD
Clam Cnowder
Mock Turtle
i Just add hot water,
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Joseph Campbell Company
On little Injun
E a 1 1 a Cotapoell'
Boupt- ......
Got m (ay be held
t bay
A regiment of troop.
Look for the red-and-white label
A Life Interest
That is the best thing you can give your Children a real lif
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Cool, rich red blood is the only capital that can produce
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to relish green salads with much Antonin?( Olive Oil.
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Antonini gives endurance and staying prjwer all through the
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ease of Indigestion and Upset Stomach
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There Is nothing- else better to take
Gas from Stomach and cleanse the
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When Diapepsin works, your stom
ach rests gets Itself In order, cleans
up and then you feel like eating when
you come to the table, and what you
eat will do you good.
Absolute relief from all Stomach
Misery is waiting for you aa soon a
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Remember, If your stomach feela out
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can get relief in five minutes.
10c a can
Mutton Broth
Ox Tall
Pepper Pot
Tomato Okra
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