f TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAy. nrnSDAT. OCTOBER 5, 1911. . 19 HOP BUYING Haw Market Is Active but Prices Do Not Advance. LARGE SALES OF YAKIMAS (Hff Half of Ilie Ore-Ron Crop I Now Oat of Growers Hands. Ftrong Dnrnod In Enclatid at Higher Valor. The hea nartM la the P" to dae naa Woome Very UIIM, bat "It hoot la Him. Thar, seems to e ! era at tfce rVTMt eaetatlone la chaek aar teadeser af taa market ta rlea. The keevtest boring ha ' r VrXtl Bene., who sear.d the followlag lata af Ysklmss: t'sverla. J75 bales; Stew art. 17$ l a ee. Herele. ISO bales; rata oa bales: Tisard. II bales: M. Karr. T belee; Talbot. ' bale. a;a lha We.ee la a li belea of Wester WaeMngtona, Tkeea evere bousbt at II ta II cents lakap tiar)!e:a aoucht N.mi eoo aad TO ba.ee la Ika McMlnnvllla eeetloa, la aludlac trie crop at Key I. Ball aad Loop ftaa. at ateaa ireund IS eanta. Klaber. Wolf a Netter bought 41 bale frees r. F. Him of IiM. at 3 cents aad H. tm Hart secured taa or threa lota la Ika aama aaetlaa al Si ta U eenta. Tha saatheea srt af tha state la bow almost eleeaed eat. Over ba:f af tha Oregon crap baa passed Ml af Brat handa It la estimated br etealre that aboat 35.QOA bales con trarted for aad tha aalee elnee picking- ba tes be, been aonat 0oo be.ee. .'la-arms IK arap at 7S.SO la 7..S.S bales, thla would lea.e to bales af hope aaaold kr lha lata. Tha following cable l reeetved from Lea Jo yesterday br Klaber. ';( a Nt- "Market for tni:h hopa higher. Plenty af hi?(r4 it tha advaara. Price ara I&3 ta ISA srTttngs.- n RJkin Mnnr'u already mad. War Na IJkely la Arte lb rrreeal Talt TraaVa. la dlseaseme; tha effect of tha mmr an lha deled frail trada tha Near York Journal af Commerce save: , "Poma apprehenaloa srae fall by a portion af tha driest fruit trada handling Tarklah pradwta a ban amtee af tha anaouneemeat of a declaration, of mar by ttalv ta Turkey s-ao raratrad hara. ft waa feared that ehte, manta af currant Kiaio I crapa. especially flaa. would be Interfered with, but compe tent authoritlra aa.rtad that lhara waa lit I la dancr af an Interruption of n auppllaa fnrn T'irkrr balnf aparlnrod. for tha rea son thai tha bulk af tha ahipmania coming' to thla country haa alradr left Turkl.h porta. Urtin of fh rhap arllars who hald na-k d'IKarlaa ai nol ba ahla lo a-t thalr hlpmma out. provided thar ara dUpoaed la make thera. ahouM Italy b!ockala tha porta of Turkey. The war mar hara aoma affect upon anelled fllharia and walnut, of which T ar te . t larnlahea n conetUeraMa qaaatltr. but tha anltana ralla situation. It la held, can not ba much mara atrenclhened than It la. atnra prlcaa ara alraaflr war ahora burara views and for aama tlma llttla business baa baen sinaslMa. i.ooii cAuroRM ir.wAXo ram. oats Btpwrt Wbaat tlwatateawa Ara IwevBar lea MaanlaaU. Tha wheat market waa qalet rastardar. Tha faattag In export clrrtea waa aaaler and s lawar piica. Ta cents, wss quoted on club br moat bnyara, Biueatem waa steady al S eanta. Oa:a wara Urn bacasaa af tha good maad from California. Tha ffaaerat local quotation waa S3P &. but noma bualaeas was raported dona at S-Jrt. Parley iti nomtnaJ hi tha sbaaaca af sup il.a LacaJ receipts, ta cars, wara reported by Ika Karchaata Eirhdnca sa follows: Whaal Barley Flour Oata Hay Moaday ISP 1 P S r Taeadar a 11 4 1 Wedaaaday .....Si t Tear ao J 4 . S Season ta dalaSKJ law 14 .-a Til laar aa iM 141 ;i u m ADVAxrr ix oiiruox AxrH mac. rimai la Isnpaaiad and Stat alpts Hare raUew OaT. Tha racreaaa In tha demand far aril and tho smallaeaa af auppll'a bava cornblnod to raiaa tha market again. Freeh Oragona wara genaralty quoted at S3 centa and strictly Nil 1 stock brsucht S eanta Tha poultry market waa ateady at tha range af prlcea that prevailed at tha open tag af Ike week. Batter and eh wera In good demand aad lis t aUfeeala Orapaa Ara Hick-. California grape wera sdrancd IS la S3 caats a boa yeerarday. swing ta tha Una snarkaTS aeuth. cauaed by rain. Fancy crate grapas wera quatad at e3 eanta and lugs si 1 la. Tkera wera so rhanrx la athr fruit Itaea. wpplws wara ample and the d -Baaad fair. P s cars af ba nanae are du Ihl mora Ing. Raak riaavtaar. Banal clearings af tha Xnrthweatem cities yesterday wara aa follows t'learlnea Patanree. Tortland $Z it ritl . I. m'1 t.-. i 4 Te-t-nu apokana -JJ IiL.o Grala. FVewr. read. Fir. HT Ciport fcaaia- fCaeetem. MS S.-. r.ub. Tc. rea RueaUn. lis;. Vslie- . TX:. 40 f.'l J. .c. L--t R l-eteata tt So per barrel: stra ghra. ta -V. eaporta. no. allay. S.eV; graesra. 14 wrte Ifl'M. 14 i. bit'. LTirrv-Bm i:i$ . pr tea: mio II;Lsa ItZ: aoria 4.qliS. railed ba-'.r aJ3 g St ,v rORV-tlu.. Ji: cracked. S34 par taa BtKl.tT-.v feed. -nl per taa; bre:re. I IT per ton. OAT No. I wMi. l.miSA per ion. Dll-No L r O. Kmothr. ll1T: Ma I alley. 113 li 1J SO. a ta.fa. I11M. cleorer. SS. grain ba. Hug lu. 34. laaary and Caamtry rraaara rOT1.TRT Mr MflltH: Fprtny 14c 4't y.-une IJIIIHc geea. liaise; lirl.tt l.1t- i ttfr tT.ta creamacy butter, solid pa. a Stc. prlnta extra. F sj 1i rreari Oregon ranch, candled. S3 3.. per doeen. t llllt.-C Twins, triplets and da'sle IS 013t.- per pound- Toung Amem-e. lga Pl-rtK Fancy, lilfjllt per pound. YEAU Fiaci. 13 -v a 14c per pound. tan Orwraetea. StLMnt Columbia Hirer. 1 pound taluv 13-eA par duaen . 3-pund tails. 14 S3. 1 peuad flat. tXto. A. pak. S-paaad la II ii. Cfrilt Raaated. la drama, SdsTJOe per paund HON IT Choi. IS n per ease : strajned hoaev, 10c par pound. ALT ttranjlatad. IIS per ton; bslf-grot-r.J. ll-- S3 par ton. sua. IS par toe. M" T Walnuts. 1-Il,i per pound. Bras. I aata. 14s) lac; filbert 14c: slmoada, ItdlSc. preens. lf: cucweauts. utcsl; per doeen. creetauta. ISSe per pound; hickory a' 710? per pound- BCAS ("mail ahite. 4-iC: large white. 4c I 1 ma. 4-st:. pin. c. Mexicaaa Sac; barou. Sc. ftl'E Na 1 Japan. 4c: cheeper grade. S3V4U. goulhera bead. StajS)c: lis- rr-ed Imperial, 0 c . Imported extra No. TSTWo, P' OAR Dry graau'sted. 17 53; fruit snd berry. IT S3, beet. 17 33. extra C. IT V3: roaderad. barret 17 SO; cube. barrels. T sa I k ISO s-a.VITg Apple, les par peeuad; . apnrota. lUVc: peaches. Ufltc: prune, Ita.ian. 15c: silver. lc. fits, white and black. ISf'H: currants. 1 0 11c. raisins. loose Muscatel. Il(". bachad Thompson. llHc: unblaactied SuJ taaaa. SSsC arelet S UVfc Tegetablea aad Fralta. THOPIPAL FR t'TTS Oranaea. S4 30 0 t.T3 per boa: Ca.lfornla grapaTrult. S3 739-4: bananas, iflc per pouna: pmeapplea. sa per pound. irmona $tte.3u per box; porr.eermnatra. I ' per bos Fhr.riH FKl'ITS -antaioupes. tl23Jls per crate: peach. a. 6t0 7tlc per box; plume. Loe-TSc per cral. prunes. liJ4c per lb ; raa-s. SloS per bo: grape. &c$l.lu per "1. app.e. tia-SO. hut kleoernea. 4 S a fe per pound: cranberrle. f.t.60 per barreL b AC at Va.iiETABl.KS isrrota, Sl-Ii par aa-k. ium;:.t. i: oeeta. si POTATnt.-l Oreeon. I H e per pound; sweet potatoae. 3STc per pouuu. ONP.'N! cailf.irn.a. S1.3J per hundred. -a-.it:rm fc- trnrh.ik.. T"- nrr d--sen bean.. 3iluv: chbuc vlSc per pound: .. lf!n..r TM. II - ". oer HoZen: corn. 3e per doaen. cucumbers. tll.J3 par set k . ece-plsnt. Igl per pound; gsrllc. 10l-c per pound: tenure, luu jw per aoscn. nut house leltuos. Il.yel.tl per box: pippers. I.I. tee luinml- r.illihM 1 " U. n per UnSen; sprouts. t per pound; tomatoes. SoejToe per aox. Ilep. Waal aad Hide. Hon 1K11 cron. 3e33c: olds. nom inal UnHllR Tholre Millie per pound. WOOL. Eastern Ofion. POIao Pr round, according IS shrinkage; alley. leqT c per pound. PELTS Iry. 10He: lambs. 400e sack, pheerlnes. 23 fl 40o each. HIDE." Halted hld'e. 10c pr pound: salted calf. 13b lc: salted k:p. lose; green, unaalted. 1c leas, dry cauT. lPlJ'iuc: dry staaa. l.-rllc. CAoCAKA ler pound, ae. Oil. 1 !.IMr,tD OIL Pure raw. la barrel. 1f. boiled. In barrel wit-; raw. la cases. ILOJ: boi:ed. In rase. II u. Tl RPKNTINE Caaee. wood barraUa, TISc. Iron barrels. S4c: lo-caaa lots. Toe. OaoOUM: Motor gaaollaa. Iron barrels, ITc; case. I4; 4 gaaoliaa. Iron barrels. lo: eaaae. Sue. COaL CIV, Ordinary lest, case, lee; bu-a. us taaka. PSse. rrsrHetoaa. HAMS 19 ta 11 pound a. ISfJISHc: It to 14 pounda IIStIKo: 14 to 14 pounds, l"t Itwc: 14 la ll pound ll-,c; sklnaed. J-, pi.nlta. HSc: cottaaa roll. 14,. V.jKKL HEAT! Beef tongues. Too; dried br asta. none; out aide, none, laaldea. ;jc . knuckle Slur . IAHU Kettle rendered, tlercea. lSc; lass. 14c: standard, tlereee. 14ie: tuba, 12SC: sharpening, tlercea, to: tuba, c. HACOS-Fancy. 2Tr: at and ar ti. 23c: choif i-.'c; Ensllal. III4)1V-, PKI Al.T CLKfcli Keeular abort clears, dry salt l:s: smoked. lJtc: backs. T.eht salt. 13c; smoked. 14 Sc; back beery evil. Use: smoked. 14Sc; exports, salt. 14c: smoked. HOGS 111 HIGHER choice nnixo $7. no at north PORTLAND YAKPS. rancy Coyrs Find Boyer at $4.70. Othrr Line of Stock Art? Stfadr. Th bog market at the storkysrds wee raised a dime yeslerdar. when T.8tl waa paid for a choice load of t head. Other save ware at S l to I7.3. The cattle ra.fket wss stcsdy Most of .1 14 r.u to S4.fi Ktrlctly choice coas brought 14 TO snd others ranged from 13 to 14.3 V Ulgni caire, S7 and hearywelghts at 4 to. Several large bunches of lambs wera dta-poe-d of St I3.3D to 4.:i. Ees went St 'R-Iclpt yestsrflsr were ill cattle, calves. at) sheep snd Stl hnge. Hhippera were w. V. Odell. who drove In 47 Sheep; Kobert Mc"W. coldendele 1 car of hogs- U V. Kt. lair. juiw. csr. of c.t.ls: T. W. Hark McKay, tt cars of csttls snd cslree; B. Krlckaon. Welear. X care or cams O. Bernard, Condon. 2 enra of eattle ana calves. R. H. Booten. Madraa. care ot cattle; K. S. Talbot. McMinnviiia. a car. sheep: C M. Farmer, llrt'or. I car of hogs; J a Flint. Junction City. 1 car of hoaa. T K. I'atton. liaiaoy. 1 car of hogs: A. b. Mlllr. Jefferson. I'cr oi cam.. nu In! a Large, west oc'ti, a i-v t.i . The dars sales were ss follows: Weight. Price. 67 IS.W) ... 63 4 23 ... B 3t TSrt 2.00 ILl lo3 S.30 ... IOT3 4.IX ... 1 4IHI S S3 ... lle "3 ... 7iii 4.S0 ... l',u" ;l ... "7 4 30 ... 4 &o ... l-4 7W ... 34 " ... llMMt S.0O ... '- 4.13 ... 1H12 IM . . . 1HH) ... HS2 4 30 ... b7:t 4.80 ... SP.7 4 70 ... MI 4 3 ... 100I S23 ... Itafcn 4,o, ... 1'.M 4 33 ... iss 7 .as ... s;i a7 ... 1W 7. HI ... n3 a. ... 211 7 30 S3 2.SO " 1 60 73 4.fO 72 4 00 rl I S3 ... 443 7.fK) ... ll 7vBo ... S0 . .. lta 4 --3 . . locj 4 so ... P7 4 So ... 7 433 ... 7-M .'o ... 7IS 4 21 . . . 2.1 2S .. . 1314 S ou lamb ...... SI tarnbe ........... 337 lambe ..........t I COW 3 cowa IS cow 1 bail : I stag ............ 1 bul 23 steers ........... S reive . calves .... .. II calvaa T calve ........... S cowa .....e..... 34 cowa ... 17 cowa 1 ateer SS cows .......e... steers 3- cows 1 stear a cows ............ 79 cowe .......... 5 cows S3 htKS ........... a hose ...... ...... Si hoes 3 hogs 7 hoes ............ U3 e wee 4.1 ewea 2-vtt tatube 1 'a lamltf ........... t;l lambe 2 boas SS b gs I steer .. 7S Coas be COWS K4 cows Sl coae 1 heifer 33 h'lfers 13 rslvee S bulla Prirra ouofed at tha Portland Vnlon pt.trkyarcls for the vartowa clasace of stock ere i csttls . Choice eteere .S3.3G V S3 43 ilitel to choice steer. ........ . iw4 a .'o Fetr to good stcexs..... iTl S-to Mrdlum steers 4.3Uu1 4.73 J .tor eteere S7.a 4 .-i l holes cowe a.a'tf 4 .0 Fair to gootl COwa a-t tr 1 11 l . -nmea cowe 3 il'tr 3M Fatra choice spayed belfers . 4 4f , 4.nu Cnolc-e h.lfers 4 r 440 Choice bo. s l; 3 ."- lo choirs balls 2-.Jj .oo Cornrnttn btil's ................. 2"-ty 5- Cbo.t ce.vrs .... I1" 1 Cood to rhlc calrss T oor T.1S ( ..mtnoa calves 4 IH) f . Cheltie etags 4 5". 4-t3 Gotd ta chuice stags .......... .39 4.3w Choice light bogs T SSfl 7 40 Cood to choice hogs T 'Hu T.L'S Fair to good hogs a 7.". tf 7.0. Common bogs 004) 30 bheep Choi-e jearllng wethers, coarse wool i.SS9 -.40 Choice y.artlng wethers, esst ot mountains t-10e S.23 Choi -a t 04 and Ihreee J V. J" I l Caoic lambe 4 .23 d 4 3 Choice yearling 4.13a 4.23 Hood to choice lambe ........ IiHiH 4.13 Cu-te 2.3uat S.00 Cbjcexia IJvsetork Market. CHIC AtlO. Oct. 4. Cslf.e Receipts. e ttmated at lft tne; market eteedy to 1te It.wer. Beeves, 44.?3w.'&: T' las steers. S-3t4f4; Wret.rn steers, S4.20a; stock era and feeder. S3 33u3 6il: coaa and half ere. 42W 4 13: calves. Sne.23. Hogs Kecelpts eetiraetcd at 31.000; mar. ket. steady to 3c lower. .lt. S4.13s aso: Billed. IS u 4.33: heavy. 13--4. T . : rough. II wttiOi good ta choice heavy. Ituitttl; piga I4.4O0 Y3; bw.k of sa.ee. SaiVDd43 sheep Receipts estimated at S3.T: mar ket strong te loe higher. Nstlv. : 4014; Vt eel em. S2.73tt4 10. yeerllrg. 3o0 4-t; lamb, native. 14.23 . lo. Western. S4.309 a.-o. nrled IVaUl al ew Tark. NEW YORK. Oct. 4. Evaporated apples dull: nominal. Spot fancy, 10a S) 11c; cbilt-a, saiee: prim. StuOSc- Prunes quiet but firm leuotatlons rang from If lti for Callforalaa ap to S4-40e and nominal for Oregon Peachee aomlnaL t'boica, Tlttllt,c: ex tra choice. 13tl:'c; fancy, ft 'iC Dalartk Flax Xarket- PVU'TH. Oct. 4. F' ex on tmrk and In store. 12.37: to arrive. S3 SS: October. $1 S3; 3vovembar. S3 So aaked: IMcunbcr. tl.21. FEW ARE STRONG Most of the Stock List Under Pressure. Is ST. PAUL GOES BELOW 106 In favorable Karaing Ileprt H ponsible for Its Weakneaiv. Canadian Pacific Bought HeaT ily for Foreign Account, SEW YORK. Oct. 4. Further Irregularity prevailed today In tha stock market, which failed to develop a definite trend. Within the first, few minutes the market fell off ma terially and during tha morning range It fell below yesterday's final quotation Unit ed Statee meal sold off nearly two points snd surra of the atandard railroad lasuss al most as much. In the afternoon the mar ket slowly recovered, only to fsll bsck to ward tha cloee. The pressure against t. Paul wss con tinue! and this stork fell below 104 for the Dot time since 1S0S. The recent scuts weakness of thla laaue. which has given rise to conjectures ss to ths stability of the dividend rste, wss psrtlslly explained by the appearance of the August report of ths road. It showed a decree of more than 1400.04 In graea receipts and S43S.044 in ths net. The Puget bound reports a small shiinkxgs In oprraUnl Income. A fear Issues developed pronounced strength. Weirn Union made tha moot conspicuous gain and It waa reported that tha elock soon would be placed on a 4 per cent dividend basis. Canadian Paelfio responded to brisk buying, which waa aald te b for foreign account. Atchison. North era Paclflo and New Turk Central wera firm. Further redaction of prlcee of various steel products emphasised the unsettled con ditions In that Industry. Prices of some products, however, reached tha low point of tha last decade. Htatlstlca of pig Iron pro duction In Ceptember. which were received today, mads a fsvorabls showing, ths rat of dally production hsvlng Increased from sj.lis tons In August to 43.o Isat month. ftuspsnaton of cttl freight rates In ths West, th bitterness of th struggls la ths rsllwsy st-lk on the Hnrrlmsn line snd oppnaltlnn to lha reorganisation plana for the Arrurrlcan Tabacco Company probably were rector In tl stock market unset t lament. , Tha general bond market was Irregular, snd fluctuations wars narrow. Total sales, par value. S2.3t.oc-v. Inltsd States bonds uachsnged on call. CUOr-INQ STOCK QUOTATION'S. Closing galea High. Low. Allls dial pf Amil Copper .. 1.1O0 SOI 4i Am Asrltult Am B-M niigsr. 2.30O S2 M Amerl--n Cn -. Bid. lOVi 411 44 M OS 43 W 4"S 22 17 8S S.H4 s.iS 1'X'S so 113 133H v 2Tt 31V. To.T io2v; 12014 113 21 73 44 227 S 21 ', 270 70S Is 3 141S 1'S B 2Vt 43 1.13 H US lo -214 4rt 30 H sis 40 40 S 131 123S 44 S 137 13 43 S 101 4 14S s 27 1 27 3 12 HO4 32 S 124 2S-4 1.3 S 37S 123 43 SO V, 104 31 10144 Sri 114 3014 12" Vi li'.l P3S T7'4 2S 27V. 137 S 22 23 S 44S S?n 40 IMS 214 44 Vi 3.1 24 41 ISO S 44 41V4 3BS 1114 V, 4IS 47S US HT 42 .4 li Am Cr Si Fdy. Tto 4o en. 400 60s 4Ss Am Cotton Oil .. Am H1 I.t pf . Am lie becurl Am Unseed ... ...... Am Loc-nmotlve. 2!0 Am Bm.l A Ret 12.SO0 do 1 1 rf erred Am Hte 1 Frtv .. loo Am Surer Hrf Am Tel a Til.. J.ono Am Tobacco pf. 1.3'' Am Woolen .... oM S3t, b4 "so" iti'vi d sot. 32 i3 li3 121 83 H 33 H 2S 'jo' ' K,1 20 S2 l2Vi 102 121 VS 'ii's 22't t 21 Anacoada 31 Co Att-hlso.t . .T. . .. do preferred.. Atl Coast Line.. Halt A Chin . . . Heth'ebcm Steel It'll T.2'o IjIMl ono l.PWO ' Vfit'sj Brook R Tnn. . CanndlAn Pac .. Central Leather. 11. .WO 82S. 21 10 do preferred.. ...... Central of N J Chee A Ohio . . 400 Chicago A Alton ...... Chi J t West do preferred.. Chicago A S W C. M A St Paul. 20.400 C. c. C A St L 71 TOVi 107(4 10 i Col Fuel A Iron . Col A Southern. Consol tlaa .... Corn Products .. Tvet A Hudson .. I A R flrnnde .. . do preferred.. mo 43(4 13A 1IH 141 '47'" 31 SVt4 43t 134 V US 11 '47" 2 nito 2no 700 "ion 300 e.SOO Planners" becur Krle do 1st pf .... do ".1 pf .... CJen K'.ectrlc .. lit North Pf ... lit North Or . . I'llnols Central. Int.rbor Met .. do preferred. . Inter Harvester. 144 12S 14 47 11'tV, 13 43 102 ei o0 3 i 8.1.m 4S 13il 1 43 V. 102 00 Inter Marine pf ... Int Paper Int Pump 200 Iowa r ntral . . ...... K C Povthern do preferred.. Laclede ; ... TOO l.oula A Nssh .. ...... Minn A St 1. M. 8 P A 8 K SI 1V Ma. Kin A Tex ! 1I0 preferred. Mo p.icinc 2.400 Nat Mlacult .... 2"0 Natlo-il lad . 1"0 27 V4 102V 1024 12AU, 12t 27 'sii 124 4A4 301 Tint 1, 3' l"l t, HS Uj 11314 30 120 3. 12t4 4i. :mii, t"4 4 im w 1 14 S 3'S Met N Rv 3 PI 1 N T Central . . . J 0,1,1 lit, 700 Too a." 2't I.OilO N T. Ont A Wes Norfolk A West North Am Northern Pso .. Psrlfle Msll .... Iennsylvsnla ... Peop.e s (,s P. c C A St L Pittsburg Col . .... rresd 8 Csr .. 20 Pv Steel Spring !:.-dm (I.soo 2SV. 20t 13 "4 22 H in 22 H Ttepuollr Steel . 41 do :trererreo Rock lelend Co 200 23 H 231 do preferred. . ...... St L A 8 F 2 pf 81 It Southwest do p referred.. lit S 107 H lt 33 "4114 !., pot, 44 i," rttii, lout, " 4-u, TT 23 S '1 'v !-.- Rl 2S i:.?V B4 ioaii 24 4V 22 'ii'i l.tlt M '42S .-.st, lCiSUj 4" 47 11 "4 33 , M S2 7 2S 13t. Plora Sheffield Souihern Pac .. SI"" Southern Ry . .. rlM do rr.Trrrifl. . loO SoO "2oo T.snrt 2.IO ' ioA Tenn Copper . .. Texas A I'eclfle To'.. St L. A Wee Union Pacific .. do preferrwd.. T s Revlty ... f B Rubber ... U a Bteel 104 M'O do- preferred.. 3 it"" Ttah Copper . Vi Ca-o Chem . 2. HH '1 S S.o . rjtirt l..7ixl 6.OU0 We been do preferred. TV-ele-n Md . . Westing Flee . Wee'ern Union Wheel A I. E. Lehlgn Valley 137S Total sales for ths day, SiM.000 shares. BONDS. I Cloelng qsotstlons: n A R O 4s. ... 1 HI IT ref 2s rg.lc"S V T C in SSe.. 7S do coupon ...1'OS No Pacific 3... SB V f S. rel IOI S No Pacific 4e. . . BOS do coupon .. .101 1, t'nlon I'eclfle 4e.lo t s nw 4s rg.Ut Wis Central 4s. Pas do coupon ...113 Condition af tha Treasury. WASHINilTON. Oct. 4. At tha begin' n!n of buaineae today the condition of ths United Statee Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of fices t 4 S 117 Tn banks and Philippine Treaaury )O.SS:.S44 Total of general fund 1 4 1. S.'. 4 444 Fteelp-s yesterday 1.S4VIM Plehursements 2.li'4,0?t tef cit lo date this Cecal year. . . 17. In 5 Si; Deficit last yesr 1.107.141 Thee figuree exclude Psnsms Csnal and public debt transaction. Money, Exchang F.tc. 7CF7W TORK. Oct. 4. Money on call, steady. 2 b 2 a per cent; ruling rate. 3; of fered. 2- , Time loans, sleedy; ao davs SS per cent; 90 data SS: erx montba S0 Prtme mercantile paper. 4 per cent. Sterling exchange, ateady. with actual business In bankers' bills at 14 2T0 for ao day bills, snd at S4.I4 for dsmand. Commercial Mils. S4.6230. Par sliver. 52c. Mexican dollar. 46c. Government boods stesdy; railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. Oct. 4. Bar silver Quiet. 4V4d per ounce. Money 2S2S percent. the rate of dla-ount In the open market for short b'lls Is J1S pr cent; for three monthe bills. S S 0 4 per cent. 84V FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. Sterling on London. 40 de. S4.S2S: do. sight. S4.S4I S Draft Sight. 3c: telegraph, sc. Naval Stor-e. BAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 4. Turpentine firm. HHc Bsles SOS barrels: receipts ? barrels: shipments SIS barrels; stocks 3s. 4 barrel Rosin firm. Sales S000 pounds : receipts loot pounds: shipments 1500 pounds: stocks 74.100 pounds. Quota: B, I4.2S; O. S4.3SS; E, f(.l7S; F, Q. I4.44; H. I. I.40tj 4.4i; K. II41S04(: M. 14.41 s: WO. HO 7.10; WW, S7.2t7.Se. A!f FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prlcea Quoted' at tbs Bay City for Vcge tablea. Fruits. Eta. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. The follow ing produoe prices wart current be re to day: Vegetsblee Cucumbers, S0tl3c; garlle, tt?ac; tomatoes. 13940c: eggplant. 33 ti 00c. Butter Fancy creamery. 87 Sc Kggs Store. 3c; fancy ranch. 42c. Chi see Toung America. 156 ldc. Fruit Apples, choice, II; common. 73ej Mexican llmea, S30 3.30: California lemonsl choice, $5.30; common, SI. SO; pineapple, S2 - Potatoee Oregon Burbanka. SI. 306 1.40: Salinas Burbanka, 1.5u61.bS; sweets, 11.75 eis.v Mlllstufts Bran. $28 9 28; middlings, $32 It Hsr Wheat. 113 020; wheat and oats. $13 017: alfalra. t612. Onions 73 Q 50c. Keceipte fr'iour. 2S03 quarter sacks; wheat, 1713 centals: barley. 1S.40O cental; ot. 4U33 oentala: beana, 2170 sacks: corn. 10 centals: potatoee. 45 aacka; bran, 370 sacks. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 4 Standard copper dulL Spot. October. November aad Decem ber. ll.Setyll.SOc; London quiet, spot, ; future 65 lis 3d. Arrivals reported t New Tork today, S4S ton Custom-house returns show exports of 547 tons so far thla month. Lake copper. 12.50trl3.slSc; elec trolytic. U.36t-U liHe; casting. Ill2.:5c Tin easy. bpot. October ana uecemoer, 40 44.50c; November. 40f 40.45c: January, SS.IJS B40.50O. London easy. Spot 181; futures. 1183. Local, 15 tons October at 3I.S7HO. Lead dull. 4. 45 9 CSSc New Tork; 4.10 fl 4.S50 East St. Louis. London, 16 Is Id. Oeplter dull. 5014c New Tork: 5.I0O t.SOo East St. Iula London, 24 15s. Antimony quiet: Cookson's. 1.25 tt S.S7 Sc. Iron Cleveland warrants. 44s Id In Lon don. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foun dry Northern. . 113.250 15.54; No. 2. list) 15 It; Na 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft. 111 915.30. Cvffo and Surar. 2iEW YORK. Oft 4. Coffe future clotted stc-ady, net on point lower to. eight points ntcBcr. October, xz.pzc; ivovember. u.voc; lcnibtr, 11.82c; Jtvnuavrr. lZ.Sc; February. 12.52c; March. 12.40c; April. 12.39c; May. 12.4.4c: Juno. l3.C7c; July and Auvust. 12.6c; September, ll.S,'c. 8 not teadv. Rio No. 7. US414Vc: Pan- o So. 44. l&tC Mild quiet. Cordova, 15 17c nominal. Pujar Raw quiet. Muacorado. H test. (, centrifugal, 9C tast, i ic; molaatvea, t test. 4.11o; refined ateady. Ctalraffa Produce Market. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Butter Steady; creameries. 23 W 0 27 fcc; datrlea, ao t t:cci steady. Receipts. M.9 cases; at mark. mioa included. 15018c; flrsis. ltc; prime drat a. 'JOc. Chaese Firm; daisies. 14c; twins. 13 14c; Tounc AmsrlOtU, 14il4kc; lone borna, 14 914 Leoadoa Wool 8alaa. XaONDOX. Oct. 4. Tha offerings at tha wool auction sales today amounted to 10.- 32S bales, mainly croas-brens. Tha demand was fair and cross-brads were quickly "taken by tha home trade, Americans purchased several parcela of fine and medium vradea. Tha Continent was an eager buyer of me rinos, but faulty stock was hard to sell. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 4. Cotton futures rinsed steady. Cloalnr bids: October, 9.91 ; November. 9.9.1; DwomWr, 10.0; Janusry, O.tW; February. 10. 01;. March. 10.08; April. 10.14: May. 10.23; June. 10.2A: July. 10.2A. Spot closed quiet. Middling uplands, 10.1.0; do, Gulf. 10.4A. No sales. Hopa. Etc., at New Tork. NEW YORK. Oct, 4. Hops Easy. Rtats common to choice, 1911. 47 0 55c; Pacific Cosat. 1911. 3t41o. , - Hides and petroleum Steady. Wool Quiet. Wool at fit, Lsoula. ST. IerOUIR. Oct. 4. Wool, dull. Terri tory and Western mediums. 17 1 22c; One mediums. 17 to life; One, 14.tr 15c, STREET SPEAKING IS HIT MERCHANTS TO TAKE ACTIOX TO n.LT 5IEETIXGS. Kntranoe to Stores in Itrtall Pistrict Blocked So Shoppers Cannot Gain Admittance Ofttimes. Street speakers In the crowded busi ness sections of the city will be bidden to betake themselves and their crowd of listeners Into the less frequented parts of the city, if a campaign that the Retail Merchants' Association Is to Inaugurate proves successful. Members of the executive committee, who attended the luncheon at the Commercial Club yesterday, said that In several cases the crowds that col lected about street speakers In the re tall district blocked the entrances of the stores until tt was Impossible for the storekeepers to carry on business while their meetings were In session. The plan is to work for the passage of an ordinance forbidding open-air speakers to taka up their stands on any of the corners in the more crqwded parta of the retail business dastrlct. W. R- McDonald, who has served as an agent for several of the large retail stores In the past, detecting and ar resting shop-lifters and "bad check artists," has been secured to give his service to tha association. Steps also will be taken to have ha laws of the city and state changed so as to have a more severe penalty Imposed for shop llfllnr. Members of tha association Intend to wage an unrelenting war against this form of petty larceny that amounts to .thousands of dollars In losses each year. A campaign to Increase the member ship of the association to 600 has been Inaugurated and a special agent will be employed to visit the retail mer chants of Portland and Influence them to ally themselves wltb tha organiza tion. Tha association will hold a meeting at tha Commercial Club tomorrow nignt at o'clock, at which definite plana for a number of movements they intend to launch for the Improvement of con ditions among retailers will be given thorough discussion. IAN JA!LEDASKS $3225 i Acquittal After False Arrest la Al leged Threes Others Sue. Alleging false arrest Louts Jackob son has started suit In the Circuit Court to recover 13125 from Louis Wieder. He declares in his complaint that Wleder induced Judge Tazwell to Issue a warrant for his arrest on a charge of stealing a quantity of per sonal property and that ha was sub sequently acquitted. Qua Olson, a laborer, la suing the J. W. Sweeney Construction Company for J16.000. alleging that ha received pain ful and permanent Injuries January ii while in the company's employ. Through his guardian, Roy C Fish er, aged S. son of John C. Fisher, who wss killed March 1 when a donkey' en gine exploded, ts seeking to recover $10,000 from the Portland Railway, Light Power Company. Tha guard ian of the boy litigant is Andrew J. Cratton. Joseph McCloskvsy accuses Beulah McCloskey, whom be married in Octo ber. 10, with consorting with other man and wants a divorce. WHEAT ON DECLINE Receipts From Spring Belt Are Heavy. Crop LOSS OF THREE-EIGHTHS Prices Steadily Decline in the Chi cago Market Corn Gains a Fraction, but Oats at the Close Are Down. ' CHICAGO, Oct. 4. With receipts la the Spring crop belt far heavier than a year o, the wheat market today veered down ward as-aln and again. Tha close wss o to So under laat night. Corn finished a shsde to 14 Wo up. oats a lath lower to a Ilka amount hlsjher, and provisions run ning from unchansjed to 7 Ho DP. December wheat fluctuated from 7Ho to STtao with laat sales fet?Hc net lower at ST 4c. December corn ranged from S4He to 64 c, cloalnc firm. feSc up at 4c Cash frradea wera In better demand from the East. No. 1 yellow was quoted at TO 70 He Upper snd lower limits touched by De cember oats were 4Tc and 47HJ47Sc, wltb ths close a shade net lower at 4740. Provisions showed strength on socount of offering being absorbed by ths large shorts under the head of Western packers. At the windup, all products were either as high ss lsat night or had Increased in coat, but none in any ease to exceed 7Vic. The lesdlng futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Onen. High. Low. Close. Dec.' "$7.7i $ -97T4 $ .7H .7H May Uld I.OS14 1.034, 1.034 Jan 1.40 1.00 .7-, CORJT. Dec...... .4t4 .4i .4414 .4-4 S Mar 46 .4544 .434s eVi OATS. Pee. ; .47. .474, -47V, .47 May .( .SOW .6014 MKSS PORK. Jan 14.S7H lll.sf 14.SH4 15 40 Mi; 14.: 14.95 14.92 V, 14.95 LARD. Oct. 8.RS S.5 8.87H Jan. ...a ' S.S& ' 8.80 8. 85 SHORT RIBS. Oct 8.18H 8.15 8.KH 8.12H Jan 7S7Vi T.0 7S7i 790 May J.S7S4 S.00 7 JV 8. CO Cash quotaiiona were as follows: Flour steady. Rye No. I. c Barley Feed or mixing. '80Q95c;- fair to choice malting. 11.08 fa 1.I3. Timothy seed S13fl4.7S. . Clover 414 S 1S.7S. Pork Me, per brrel. J15 9 15. 15. Lard Per 100 pounds, 1S.I71. Fhort ribs Sides (loose), Sx 8.75. Sides Short, clear (boxed), S4.S7 hi 9 8.50. Orsln statistics: Total clearances of wheat snd flour were equsl to 294.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.397. 000 bushels, compared with S83. 000 bushele the corresponding day a year sgo. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 41 car: corn, 156 cars; bats. 189 cars; hogs, 1704 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 38.900 25.597 Wheat, bushels 57.800 24.100 Corn, bushels 2S0.O0O 276.800 Oats, bushels 507.400 197.200 Rve. bushels IK, .100 1,500 Barley, bushels 111.000 48,600 European Grain Markets. LONDON, Oct 4. Cargoes quiet. Wells Walla for shipment at orts. Englisb country markets quiet. . French country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL Oct 4. Wheat Octobsr, Ts 8!id: December, 7s 6Hd; March, Ta 4),d. Weather cloudy, Minneapolis Wheat Market.. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 4. Wheat De cember. S1.07 5,: May, $1.12,; No. 1 hard. 81.084: No. 1 Northern. SI. 0641 S 1.074.: No. 2 Northern, Sl.03 1.05; No. 3 White, SStsCbSLOl. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. Wheat Steady. . Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $t.47H ei.bO cental Barley Feed. S107H1.70 per cental; brewing. SL75. Oats Red. SI. 55 191.75 per cental; white, $1.6581.70; black. $1,703 1.7S. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.74 per cental; May. $l-2- Puget Sound Grain Market. TACOMA, Wash, Oct. 4. Wheat Blue stem. 85c: club. 81c; fortyfold, 81c; red Russisn, 79c. Car rsceipts Whest, 73; corn. 2: hay, 11. SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 4. Wheat Blue stem S4c; fortyfold. 79Hc; club, 79c; fife, 79c: red Russian, 77c Oats, $liS.ri0 per ton; barley. $80 per ton: yellow corn, $31 per ton; mixed corn, $30.50 per ton. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 65; oata C; barley; 6; bay, 18. DAM WILL NOT BE BUILT Northwestern Electric Company Un able to Purchase Site. HCSUM, Wash, Oct. 4. (Special.) After three attempts to condemn tha property o H. M. Thompson on the White Salmon River three miles south of here, the Northwestern Electric Company has given up the hope of get ting the property through the courts. up the project of building a high dam on the wnite caimon xviver at nm "Narrows It was shown that the rit.i.flhhAnV.r 1ntar.it. nf Ran Fran cisco, were attempting to monopolize the waterpowers di ine tviuie ouimuii. Klickitat and Lewis Rivers, and to hold them for speculative purposes only. This was shown when the North western Electric Company in purchas ing a power site 01 xi. n. uiuuu, ei.iu ii-. nnrth nf bare, flatlv refused to purchase the site until the provision that they beg-In development work in three years' time waa stricken from the contract. BANK'S CAPITAL $100,000 Hood River Institution Also Pro motes Its Officials. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of the board of di rectors of the Butler Banking Company It was decided to Increase the capital stock from $50,000 to $100,000. The additional stock has all been taken by the stockholders. The directors of the bank are: E. H. French, of The Dalles, and F. McKercher. of Portland; Truman and Leslie Butler and Carl H. Vaugban, of this city. Mr. Vaughan, who is connected with the Gilbert-Vaughan Implement Com pany, has been elected cashier of the bank to take the place of Truman But ler,' who becomes vice-president and manager. Leslie Butler remains at the head of the bank aa president and chairman of the board ot directors. The bank was started here 11 years ago by Leslie Butler and his son, Tru man Butler, with a capital stock of $20,000 as a private Institution. Tha deposits at the time amounted to $36, 000. The institution now has deposits of $572,000, according to the last state ment. Ashland Erects Cluster Lights. ASHLiANT, Or., Oct. 4. (Special) Cluster lights are a feature of some N lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 i per cent on savings LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital ....e. .?1.000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Second and Washington Streets Portland, Oregon Capital and Surplus $600,000.00 DEPOSIT ART FOR THE UNITED STATES. DEPOSITARY FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. DEFOSITARV FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. DEPOSITARY FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Accounts of corporations, firms and individuals, invited. Four per cent interest paid on time deposits. Eirst National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains V of Ashland's principal streets now, and will be extended as fast as possible to cover all Improved streets, according to present plans. The current was turned on Monday evening: for tbe first time from the new municipal electrlo liitht plant. Concrete posts were adopted and these have been'bullt by city employes who are extending: them as fast as they can. Check Forger Sentenced. CHEHALIS, "Wash.. Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) Georg-e O. Spurg-eon, whose me teoric career as a check forger in Che halls Satnrdav. when he secured $200 from local business men, landed him in the County Jail Sunday, pleaded guilty before Judge Rice and was given an indetermenate sentence of from two to 20 years in the penitentiary at Walla Walla. It is worthy of note that in variably, when the news of bitulithic paving awards come in, it always states that the council acted "after thoroughly investigating all the different kinds of pave ment." THE BAEBEE ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and otbr Bitu minous Pavements. 8OS-00S Electrlo bids;., Portland, Or. Oskar Huber, Manager. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Ask aboat American "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. (Atlantic Transport Red Star 'White Star' White Star-Dominion T. H. LARKE IS Second Ave, Seattle, Wash. Corner Fifth and Stark and Third Streets. TR.iTEI.EM' GCTDE. OFEX BITER TRANSPORTATION CO. STR.J.N.TEAL Freight received daily at Osk-st. docn for TheDalles. Hood Elver, White Salmon, I'm. tills, i Kennewick, P a a e o, Richland, Hanford. White BluHs, and intermediate points. TtRST-CUkSS PASSENGER SERVICE. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER, WHITE SALMON, THB DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Monday, Wednesday, Friday. T A. M., arrlTlng st Portland about 5 P. M. same day. W 8 Buchanan, Supt.; W. S. Smallwood. Gen'l Mgr. Phone Main 2960. A 8527. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS The Tourist Hlghwsy and Scenio Routs to Europe, via Ths St. Lawrence River. The Shortest Ocean Passage. Less than Four Days at Sea. by the "EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sailings Montreal, Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin. J92.50; second cabin. $53.75: one-class cabin, (called second cabin). $50: third cabin, 37 snd J31.25. Ask . local agents. F. R. Johnson, G. A., 142 Third St.. or J. J. Forster. T- P. A-, T18 Second ave., Seattle. San Francicso, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. - North Paclilo 8. 8. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke snd S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alter nstely at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third St.. n'ecr Alder. MARTIN HIGLEY, Passenger Agent. W. E. SI.rSSER. Freight Agent, phones M- 1314, A 1314. WiBamelte River Route Daily Boats (except Sunday) 6:45 A. M., for Oregon City, St. Paul and Way Landings. For Salem 6:45 A. M., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Taylor Street Dock. Telephone, Main 40. NEW ZEALAND AND AUTSRAUA (Union Una of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND .WELLINGTON. Direct through steamers, sstling from Ran Francisco Oct- 18 snd every 28 days. Well ington and back. 1st class. 9264. Other rates also low. The line to lles of the 6ouOt Seas. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceanic S. 8. Co.. San Francisco. THE BIG 3 BEAR BEAVER ROSE CITY EXPRESS STEAMERS FOE Saa Praii claco and Los Angeles. WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. 9. Beaver Sails P. M. October . SAN rE'.iw.c at runiLAsu so. its, t Ticket Office, 142 Third St. Phones Main 40 and A lilt I. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Rails from Alnswortn Dock. Portland. 8 P. M., every Tuesday. Freight received st Alnswortn Dock daily up to 6 P. M. Pas senger tare, first-class, $10; second-clasa 7. including ineais aiiu datui. iiua uxiiua Alnswortn Dock. Phones Mala 268. Mala 170, A 1234. 1 A