T1TE !ron-TSG OltEGOXIAX.- TUTTRSDAY. OCTOBER 5. 1911. 19 JAPS DIVE OFF SHIP Two Leap Into Columbia and Swim Long Way to Shore. ATTEMPT TO CATCH FAILS eaertrra Throw Plank Overboard Relow Walker Island and Mako Thlr From Shlntsn fara Storm Barked. Bravls th chill waters of th Co lombia River at 1 o'clock Tuesday lilaht. two members of th crw of tb Japanese tramp 8hlnlm Mara, which docked yesterday mornlnc at Banfleld'a with oak l"rt from otaru. msde their asrap from I ho vessel, iwlmmlni at lout a quarter of a mil to shore. The tramp had anchored below Walkera Inland at .5o o'clock lo the evening and resumed the Journey scaln at 11 o'clock. While at anchor the flreroom crew waa encased In pointing ashes from lalow and depositing them on deck. The two fugitives obtained "tanks from the dunnage store and managed to get them Into the water without being de tected. It was not until they had Jumped over the aide and had moved away from th ship that they were, noticed and then It waa too late for a boat to be put off with prospects of overhauling them. One of the Japanese had hia clothing rolled In a bundle which he carrlc I under one arm. and Swam with the other. From the direc tion they took It Is supposed that they struck shore about mlilway between Rainier amh Mergers. The rihintsu .Maru Is In command or Captain if. luah.ishl. The skipper Is 32 yesrs old and Is on his second trip In I'ortland. his first visit having been null ten years ago aa an apprentice In the German bark FVnllnnud Fisher. At that time he waa a studrnt In th Japanese navigation school. A year ago he was given the master's berth on the Shlntsu Maru. which waa pur chased from Kngltsh Interests, she having formerly been the British steamer Kalsow. and waa operated by the China Mutual Steamship Company. Captain Iuahasht told of bucking two typhoons off the Japanese Coast, won after putting out of Otaru. Qang waya and ralllnga on both sides of the vessel were stove In. When nearlng the American Coast th ship again met bad weather, but waa unharmed. Cap ton Harry Kmken brought the Shlntau Mam from Astoria and had no easy task. a ahe was drawing 25 feet aft and had a list of about eight degrees. Her cargo consists of 1.7l.000 feet of hardwood for the Pacific Lumber it Manufacturing Company. She will load her with fir for Shanghai In th In terest of th China Import Kxport Lumber Company. MASON CiAIXS THREE Fall ENDS ' Sprlrr Ilrlpa Italian Collect $1 From lie treating Turk. Captain Mason, of th steamer Rose Cltr. proved a friend In need to three persons yeetenley. A th pioneer of th "Big Three" fleet waa about to head Into the stream at i o'clock from Atnsworth dock, one belated visitor found himself aboard th ship when .he via under way anT appealed to the sklrper to put him ashore. Captain Mason swung the steamer alongside so the tardy on could land, but no aooner waa th vessel close to th dock than a negro shouted that he wanted to tak passage and waa hauled aboard through one of lh porta, while a second late passenger was helped aboard by means of small plank to th upper deck. There waa a larg crowd on band to witness the first departure for Cali fornia under the Winter echedule of ailing In the afternoon, but no on waa aa much concerned la th steamer's movements as an Italian, who had been on th dock for two hours trying to get aboard to collect a debt from a re calcitrant Turk. His oft-repeated story reached the ears of Harbormaster Fpeler and h secured permission for him to cross the gangplank and point out th erring on who waa hta debtor. (n the latter being found he admitted the obligation, hauled Into a view a well. filled purse and doled out on dollar, which Captain Speler'a charge admitted waa the sum total due. l.ir.nTSHir IS ATTRACTIVE America to lir Itatrkrd, but romance I Hclajcd. Since llghtveaael No. M waa lifted on the Oregon drrriock her pretty lines for a ship of lha typ have been the subject of comment among marine men and Archie Mcintosh expressed full ad miration for her yesterday when h all she waa a "bonny model. After baring a decidedly foul marine growth scraped from her hull and a fresh coat of paint applied, the vessel Is mate rially Improved In appearance. Her tall ahaft waa Inapected yesterday and re placed and aa her dock work waa fin ished. It la estimated that In about a week she will be ready to leave down to resume her atatlon off the Colum bia. Captain Rasmussen say that h and crew will welcome being anchored outside la preference to betmf berthed at a dock. Manager Slocum, of the dr) dock, ex perts to lift the steamer America Mon day for repairs to her propeller. Th staamer Captain Jamea Fornanre. U. 8. A. which operatea betm-een Astoria and forta at tb mouth of the river, was to hav been docked yeaterday, but th work was postponed. It I VF.lt PILOTS MAY MERGE Marine Interest Eapect to Wltnrsa .. End of Competition. Differences between th regular and Independent pilots on the Willamette and Columbia Rivers, in the territory embraced between I'ortland and As toria, are said to be adjusting them selves, and on the waterfront It la con fidently eapected that they will shortly loin forces. eUnr the independents entered th pilotage service less than a year ago rates hav been lowered, and It la said that today they are 20 per rent less than prextously. Wh!l that haa been a benefit to vessel own era. It has not lined th pockets of th men who hav to do with handling th carriers to and from deep water. The pilots will not admit that an agreement baa been made or that any pa,pr hav been executed In connec tion with a consolidation of Interests, but It Is understood a proposal haa been made that may bring about the termination of competition. The prin cipal aaaet of tu Independent guides tas been the Olson at Mahony Beet of steamers, and they have secured trampa loading offshore) and other patronage. but th regulars have clung to a major portion of the business. Meavmer Edith Sated. SEATTLE. Oct. . Th steamer Kdith. which went aground on Level Is. and. Sumner rUralt. Alaska, Monday night, was pulled off today at high tide bv the t'nlted State cable ateamer Burnside. Tli Edith waa undamaged and It was not necessary to remove any of her cargo. Xrhalcm Put Back Disabled. PAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. The, st earn er Nehalem which aalled for Aatorla yesterday returned to port today with her machinery disabled. Th veesel'a air pump broke last night while ah waa off Point Reyes. Marine" Note. To take on mora lumber for Pan Francisco the ateamer Auralla ahlfted yeaterday from Unnton to Knsppton. Lumber laden for California th schooner Lottie Bennett will b towed to the lower harbor from Stella today by th steamer Orklahama. San Francisco advices to the? Mer chants' Exchange yesterday stated that tb ateamer Nehalem. bound her, bad put back because of a broken air pump. On the. may to Portland with general & k .., the Norwegian ateamer Polvejg arrived at Sn Pedro yesterday. She I looked. lor nr me latter part of th month. Purchase haa b ma do of 100 ahlp' srara for delivery at London and SO spars for Glasgow Interests that will be shipped from Portland on a lumber carrier yet to ba named. To th Russian bark Ocean ha fal len recognition In heJng th last mam w . .. iiifi.ii .r.m eiet to arrive Dec ftftiw - out. she. being reported by the Mer chants r.xcnang n.,e. r..Kiin rvmher 2. Kha aaild from the Columbia River April 22. Bound for th fnlted Kingdom with 112.4 bushel of wheat, valued at 9S.;o. th French bark Erneat Le gouve will leave down tomorrow In STEAMER IVTELUCMCK Do t Arrive. Nii. Northland. ... KrsJ A I. lam e. ...... Tl-lamook. . leaver Hue II. Elmore. OoMen (iate. . . breakwater. . . Asvll t;eo. W. Elder. Pear Ka:con Ftnil I'ltr. .. .. Hoanoa. auveric From Date Han Pedro.... In port . tloticAoas- -ln Prt Kur.ka in port roqulll " porj Fan fedro. ...WI. Tillamook. .. -CK't. Tillamook. .. .Oct. I'oo. Ray.... Oct. -ftandon Oct. .ao In.SO. .. Oct. Han rdro . . Oct. San KranctscoOct. .Han Pedro. ..Oct. Han PlefO. ...Oct. .Manila Oct. T T T B it 10 11 IS 14 30 Scheduled t Depart. Name For Date Tillamook Coqullte Oct. 5 A.M. nr. Fureka Oct. Northlaad.....Hao Tedro. ...Oct. Beaver Han Pedro. . . .-. Anvil .11 and on Oct. JO tiold.n Oat. .. Tillamook. ...Oct. 10 Hue H. E:more. Tillamook. ...Oct, 10 Hraltwiir...oof Blr Oct. 10 Ceo. W. Elder. Pan I'lego Oct. 11 Hear San Pedro Oct. 14 Falcon ........ Han Kranctsoo Oct. 14 ft.ian"ke. .., .. Han bleco.. ..Oct. 1 Roes City Han Pedro Oct. 19 Rc)a Hongkong. ...Oct. 10 Suverlc. Manila Oct (0 tow of th ateamer Ocklabama. The German ahlp Alex Isenberg left down yesterday. With th option of Puget Pound, th Columbia River or British Columbia. Da v lea 4V Kehon hav chartered th British steamer Saint Kllda to load lumber for Australia. J. J. Moor A Co. hav taken the British ateamer R.ver Forth to load lumber at Eu reka and a northern port for Aus tralia. Customs Inspector X. J. Judah. of As toria, waa In charge of th depart ment's Interests aboard the Japanese tramp Shlntsu Mara yeaterday when she arrived from th lower harbor. Ho aay that th Japanese cook aboard th vessel la an artist In hi Una. but haa yet to master the American version of chicken a la Maryland. Entries yesterday at th Custom House Included the. steamers Clarexnont and Catania from San Francisco and the ateamer Alliance, from Coos Bay and Eureka. The Catania cleared for th return, th French bark Ernest Le go me. for Queenstown or Falmouth with wheat: th Brltiah ateamer Bell of Scotland, for Nanalmo. B. C In gen eral cargo, and th Claxemont for Ray mond in ballast. Officials of the O.-W. RAN. water lines department are preparing to order the steamer Lewjstdn and Hpokan Into service on th Snake River In a few daya. It being reported yesterday that the gaug at Rlparta stood at two feet and with an additional rise of six Inches It Is felt safe to start the carri ers. So far tlier hav been 100.000 sacks of new crop wheat bought In th river territory that la ready to be moved. Captain C. A. Henrtrhes, master of the British bark Iverna. which haa ar rived from Santa Rosalia and la dis charging ballast at Llnnton. says that she ran Into a thunder storm th sec ond night out and was given a good lift through a heavy wind, but It fell soon after and ahe waa 12 daya work ing out of the Gulf of California. The Iverna was the first vessel to clear of the lsltf-11 grain fleet and ah was then commanded by Captain Pagan. Movements of Veaaela. PORTLAND. Oct. 4. Arrived Gasoline schooner Tillamook, from Handon; steamer Tuaeorilte. from ban Franclaoo. Helled lirltlsa steamer Belle of ocotland. for Nan almo, B. 1'.; steamer Roanoke, for San Dleso and mar ports; steamer Koee City, for oaa Francisco and San Tedro; Gar man ahlp Alas leentiera. for Qumbiiowb or yaliaouui. Astoria, uct. 4. Condition at the mouth ef lha river at a P. au, smooth; wind west, 4 miles; weather clear. Hailed at 7 A. at. eteamer ilo'.dcn oat, for Tillamook: at ft A. M. Steamer Breakwater, for Cooe Bar: at lit A. M. French bark Bonchamp, for Vfileenstown or Falmouth. Called at noon bleamer Llmor.. for Tillamook. Astoria. tct. . Sailed at :SO P. M. Gaeolln. chtne- -:v.:. for Randon. Ar rived dowa at A and sailed at a P. M British s'.oaxner Orterie, for Orient via Pu- fet toound. Hailed at aria P. af. 6ttmr 'aleon. for esa Francisco. Arrived at &.H0 snd left up at 11 P. it. 6teaxner Voeemlta, from can Francisco. an Francisco. Oct. 4. Steamer Nehalsm returned this morning with air pump broken. Arrlvetl at it A. 3. e-ieamer w aaninston. from Portland. Hn!!e1 at 11 A. Vi. Htsam- or Bear. lor n Pedro: steamer ehalem. for Portland. Hailed last night Steamer Johan Poulsen. for Portland. Honolulu. Oct. a. Arrlvod gchoonors H. F Bendlxen and ailadoro, from Columbia River. Victoria. Oct. 4. Arrived British steamer Ortorlc. from Portland. Vonter-y. Oct. X Arrived Steamer "W. F. He-Tin from Portland. luM1n. Oct. 2. Arrived Russian bark Oc-an. frntl Port:and. ban PoJro. Oct. X Arrived Norweslan steamer Holvelg, from Antwerp, for Portland. Han rrncUio, Oct. 4 Arrived Steamers tfsaMnjtton. from Columbia Rlvor; Thomas L Wand, from ETverett. Hailed Steamers Hellopolta. fr Por:lard: Siberia, for Haaf. kons. Aouncloa. for Tacoma. Los Anre.es, Oct. S Arrived Governor, from Seattle; Oeo. W. Elder., from Portland: I'm -o. from Albion; Oor.eral Hubbard, from Columbia RUer; Fair Oaka. from Orsrs Harbor. Sailed Coronado, for Grars Har bor; Carlos, for Portland; santa Monica, f .r Q raj s Harbor: Meteor, for Wlllapa Har bor. TVdea at Astasia Aaredag. Mian. Lew. 11-1. A. M T foot 4 f.J A M fi feet U .U P- M. . 7 fot y P M. .2. feet TVint waste your money buying strengthening p1aaters. Cnsmberlatn's Liniment l Aienper and bettor. Damp on a piece of f arnel with It and bind It over the affected parte and It will relieve the pain and sore rice. For eaia by aa drug Is la. MAYOR CLEARS WAY Rushlight Says Police Captain Vacancy Doesn't Exist. KELLER MAY KEEP POST nerHslon AnDonneexl Deplte Fart That Three Passed Examination, for Promotion and That Case Is Before City Attorner. VIsyer Rushlight decided In tr rhamber aesslon with th member of the Civil Bervlc Commission yeaterday that no vacancy really exlata In th of flc of captain of polle. and that h la therefor not obliged to appoint any one from th list of civil ervlc eligi ble to fill thl place. Thl gives Ser geant Keller, th Mayor' favorlt. th captaincy ao far as the facta of the case ar concerned. In plt of th ex amination recently taken by applicants, for the position of captain of police. The decision of th Mayor waa given to the commission alao in aplt of tb fact that th question whether a va cancy exlata was referred to City At torney Grant by th pollc committee of tb Executive Board at tta last meet ing, and h now haa It under advise ment. Keller May Keep Place, Acting Captain Keller may now re main In that position until u-'h time aa Mayor Rushlight sees fit to ap point an actual chief. To appoint Cap tain Slover to thla place would take him from th civil service rules, and ahould there be a change of adminis tration through the adoption of th commission form of governmnt. Slover might lose his place, and would then K- oohnrrod from anv nosltlon With the pollc department. If he acts aa chief and at th same tlm holds the cap taincy, be remains In the department under the civil aervlce rules. Oomplalnt that Mayor Rustiligyit failed to notify William R Hall that he wanted him to act aa clerk of the Municipal Court, but Instead turned hla nam back to th Civil Service Com mission to be stricken from the list of eligible clerks, waa made to the Com mission by Hall yeaterday. He anjd that upon receiving notlc that the place was open, he called on Mayor Rushlight, and waa asked If he had had any experience clerking In court. He said he had not. Farther Xotle Expected. Hall Is at present employed as clerk at th East Sid water office. He says h told th Mayor he had hoped hla promotion would com In the office where ha la employed, and th Mayor replied that he would notify another of tb three eligible. T expected to receive further notlc from the Mayor," aaya Hall, "if I waa expected to report for duty." Kirby E. Brltch. alao of th water department, declined the place of clerk of the Munlctpal Court, as he also ex pected promotion, and did not feel Justi fied In accepting a position at a less salary than ha la now receiving. Al though both atatements were not acted on yeaterday. It la probable Brltch'a nam will be stricken from the list of ellgibles. A. B. Frost, an applicant for a place on th street-eleanlng department, com plained that Superintendent Donaldson did not give htm a fair examination be cause he testified at the hearing of Austin Maloney. a streetcleaner, that Maloney had been drunk. Another person will b appointed to examine Frost. TO GET ELK i YELLO wsto xe park herd to BE SHIPPED THERE. Government to Transfer Band to National Forest at Request, of Flnlejr Troll, I'se Decried. State Game Warden Flnley haa been advised by Dr. T. S. Palmer, acting chief of the Biological Survey, Wash ington. D. C that he la considering shipping of .a herd of elk from the Yellowstone Park, to be liberated in the National Forest In Wallowa County, Oregon. This action Is the result of a request mad several months ago by Mr. Finley that a number of elk in the Yellowaton Park b sent here. Us became Intereeted In the subject first at the time there was much publicity regarding th starving elk in th park ana adjacent country. Mr. Finley first communicated with the park authori ties, but was advised that no action could be taken by them, and suggested that be tak up the aubject with th Government at Washington. W ar considering placing of a email band of elk In th Wallowa Na tional Forest," write Dn Palmer, "where a remnant of th,e original stock still exists. But before doing so I wish to asoertaln definitely what the prospect Is for adequate protection of th species, aa It is obviously of little as to go to th xpense of shipping th animals If they ar likely to ba killed off tn a few years." , Since taking office as Stat Oame Warden, Mr. Flnley haa made particu lar effort to see that the laws covering the protection of lk ar enforced. Th hard In thla state hav been so re duced that without rigid guarding th species Is likely to become extinct. Re cently he haa had Information to th effect that Indians from Idaho have gone Into the Wallowa country for the purpose of killing deer. It waa found afterwards that they had killed a num ber of elk, taking only the teeth and a small quantity of meat. This Is re garded aa evidence that elk teeth ar sold to Jewelers for use In lodge em blems, Mr. Flnley aald yesterday that h be lteved the time bad come when tnw Elks' lodges should discourage the wearing of elks' teeth, that until this step Is taken th animals cannot be given complete protection. This, more than anything else, he believes, will aid In the movement to Increase the herds In thla state. Mr. Flnley also believes that th penalty for kill frig elk la too light, that th fine should be lncreaaed and should also involve Imprisonment. Law and Medical Schools Grow. WrLIoAMETTB UNIVERSITY. Salem. Or. Oct. 4. (Special.) Th law and medical departmenta of Willamette Uni versity have resumed work again with a heavy registration of new students. The law department haa the largest enrollment of new students In Its his tory. The medical college haa enrolled more than freshmen with several more to coma In. A year ago 23 en tered th first year's class. On account Pure Blood, Lily-Pure Skin Clear Your Blood With Stnaxf Cal cium Wafers Pimples Disappear in Remarkably Quick Time. Trial Package Seat Frew 4 Prevs It. Tou ran us all th lotion and creams in th world, but you won't hav a good complexion unless your blood is fre from th Impurities which cause pimples, blotches, liver spots, blackheads and bolls. No matter how splotchy or pimply your face Is now, you oan cur It quickly by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafare. This isn't guess-work. It la a fact. These llttla wonder-workers clear th blood almost Ilk magic Calcium Sulphide, their principal Ingredient, fcs th greatest blood purifier known to aclenoa. Stuart's Calclvrtn Wafers hav not a partlcl of poison, harmful drugs or opiates In them. They may b taken with perfect freedom by any one. There's no sense In being longer hu miliated by having to appear in public with a pimple-covered, blotched fac face that makes atrangers stare and your friends ashamed. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will drlvs all blemishes away and make your face a welcome Instead of an unwelcome sight. Tou"ll so longer be a Slav to pimples, acne, blackheads, liver spots, bolls, ecsema, tetter or any skin eruption. To prove what Stuart's Calcium Wa fers will do we will send you a free trial package as soon aa we get your name and address. Writ for It today, and after you hav tried the wafers you can get a full-sired package for 0 rents at any drug ator. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. I7S Stuart Blrtg. Marshall. Mich. of the raised requirements for entrance to the school of medicine several have been refused admission. The medical college has already commenced to limit the number of students registering. REVIVAL PLANS ARE MADE Gyprr Smith Committee Confers Over Evanfrellst's Scries Here. The Gypsy Smith committee yester day noon held a conference with offi cers and representatives of the Y. W. C. A. at luncheon in the Y. W. C. A, building, to arrange for the evangel ist's meetings, which will begin In Portland November 10. The Y. W. C. A. asked to assist In the meetings and a committee of women will be appointed to co-operate with he general com mittee In Its plans to make the meet ing; a success. A working committee, composed of C M. Wonacott, assistant secretary of the Y.-M. C. A., as chairman; Rev. W. F. Reagor,' Rev. W. H. Boyd and Rev. L. R. Dyott was appointed to complete the details of the general plans for con ducting the meetings. It was decided to make the first Smith meeting; a welcome affair to the evangelist, and Governor West will bo asked to deliver the address of wel come. At the meeting Rev. Benjamin Young, who was sent to Spokane to meet Gypsy Smith and complete ar rangements for his series of meetings here, made his report and gave an In teresting character sketch of the noted evangelist. Gangrene Caues Logger's, Death. ASTORA. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) Oscar Clawson. logger employed at a Gray' River logging camn, died her today. He wa brought here a few days ago with a crushed leg. The injured limb was amputated at once, but the Injury had been unattended too long before gangrene set In. resulting in the man's death. AN OLD REMEDY FOR BLOOD POISON For more than forty years S. S. S. lias been curing Contagions Blood Poison in all its forms and stages, and is today, as it baa always been, the safest as well as most reliable remedy for this diseasfe. One reason why S. S. S. is so successful in curing; Blood Poison is that it strengthens and builds np the stomach and diges tive members while eradicating the poison from the blood. The greatest of all reasons however is because this medicine possesses just the proper ingredients( blended and compounded in such scientific proportion, as to make it the most perfect blood puri fier ever placed upon the market. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and in addition to its value as a remedy, is the one blood medi cine which may be used without any bad effect, no matter how delicate the system. Not a particle of strong mineral or other harmful drug enters into its composition, and you can take it assured that it will cure you and at the same time build up your system. S. S. S. cures permanently and perfectly, removing every symp tom of the trouble by nature'! true way removing the inward cause. GetS.S.S.at your drug; store and then write for our Home Treatment book which is free and of great assist ance to every sufferer of thla disease. TUX SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Co. L. T. YEE & SONS sm s a nm oia I .' j doctor co I f . succeasfull a . . i -.1 nen. con eminent Chinese cores any dlsaaa fw mrh aa . veil constipation, asthma. S 0-7 .J catarrh, cancer, piles. nrr- ; i 4 ousness, rheumatism, blood I 1 Jr J poison, lung, iivar. kidney s f -nrt atomach trouble: also pOlSOH. IU1I, ...... J and stomach trouble; also private ailments of men and y"V. A worn .' : L e .SiL4-i cursl inwL ro manor . nu led. I smarantae a cur If k -ja ... jarj curspie. 1 .w m . . . .Mn.rnl fmm time study 01 ni- .- - severs! universities and took post-sraduate courses in China. I have thousands of tes timonials from my grateful patients. I use onlr th most harmless Chines herbs, re gardless of the high price, tfo I can help you. Call or write for symptom blank and CU"u"t: TEE SONS MKDICrtE CO., 14tH First. H. E. oor. Aider. Portland. Or. DR. WING LEE I make my own Cnl nese herb and root medicines. I am an educated Doctor and oaa tiie treatment ot the .fbyslclana prac ticing In Oregon and Waaaington. I have used Chinese herb and root meulcinea exclu sively for t years. I ..., hurt liver, stomach dia eaaea. conaumptlon. blood polaon. piles aU cured by my treatment. Out-of-town people writ for circulars J4 consultation blank. 11 north ill in 6U Portland. Or. pat o 1 ' 1 The Fake Run to Wbea I began my advertising campaign against the quacks na take doctors, aoome of the "specialists" aaamed to tak of fense at my statements. No doubt "the shoe pinches," or thsy would not try "to cover ap" by boldly announcing thalr methods of doing business ar.d trying to oonvince th. unsus pecting publio that thay ar th only legitimate specialists in Peruana? X repeat, I am the only LKGIT1MATE EXPKKT spe cialist in Portland, who owns bis office and equipment, adver tise hla full and correct name, publishes his recent and true photograph and personally coaducta his office. I do not bide, under a false earns nor pu'Jllah a false picture, nor make a false statement of any kind. My services should not be compared with the quacks and fake doctors who advertise on thing and do another who promise impossible 6-day cure who are oftan compelled to pay him unfortunate doctor a few dollars for the use of his name, which is put forth in bras.n letters as THE specialist of the offlos who boldly advertises to "guarantee euros or refund every dollar paid." and many other schemes to gat patients Into bis office and who. after catting his patlent'a money and dosing and drugging hla system for weeks and months, turns him out minus bis money, ruined in health and not a dollar refunded. These specialists" depend solely upon falsa promises to set their business and hire . Inexperienced doctors to consult, ex smlne and treat their patients. .... In offsrlns my services to the afflicted the result of 18 years experience in all ments of men I am siring you theBEST that can be bad anywhere. My reputa tion for the past tS years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and Integrity and sfconld be sufficient to oonvince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST and LEADING Specialist In Portland. I do not make false promises. I possess skill and experience acquired in such a way that no other can share it and should not be classed with th specialist who attains the name specialist and Bam only after a few months' experience. A thorourh Investigation should be made by every alllns man as to the special ist he consults. Duty and destiny to self ana those who depend upon you demand the best medical attention. I have th ability and can give you this service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may be obtained By any man who sincerely desired to be cured. I make no misleading statements or unbusinesslike propositions: neither do I desire to be particularly Independent. I would like to have you for a patient If you will come to me on a strictly profes sional basis, accepting Inducements that I offer, which are my ability. 18 years suc cessful experience, tlme-aavlng treatment and curs of certain dlseasea. VARICOSE VEINS. I daily demonstrate that Vartro Vina can be cured in nearly all caa by on treatment tn such a satisfactory way that th vital parts ar preserved and trncthened. pain ceases, swelling- sub sides, a healthy olrculatloo Is rapidly re established. Instead of the depresslnf conditlone. I guarantee .you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. KIDNEY AXD BLADDER DISEASES. With these, dlseasea you may have mors complications than are presented by any other diseased organ. By my searching Illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by microscopic examination and urin alysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying foundations tor scientific treatment. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON. Scientific treatment only should he used In combating- this loathesoros dis ease. I cure Blood Poison by the new German Remedy which 1 Introduce di re. -r I v into the blood, purifying it, neu tralising It and expelling poison from the system. New blood thus formed supplies and rebuilds the tissues in such a way that th patient recovers his nor mal state of health, strength and sound ness. MY DIRECT TREATMENT FOB WEAKNESS. That disorder commonly known as weakness has for years and generations ba fried the efforts of physicians, yet to this very day a majority of doctors, spe I Treat All Ailmetits of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer a Free Consultation and Examination Mr office Is open all day from A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sundays from t to 1 only. Aafling men out of town who rnnot call, writ for diagnosis, chart, and tree ad vice before beginning treatment elsewhere. Or.C.K.Holsman 221 2 Morrison Street Corner First Street Portland, Oregon How the Quacks Work ;j t'- J e V t -IX S,;m jr as. iMftttt it . j-.'i .DR. A. G. SMIJH. man. and face to face. Cut out The Leading Splall-t. the advertisement of the doctor you Intend to see, and If you can"t see him raRSONALLYwbmioii call at the office, DON'T CONSULT OR TREAT WITH AN UNKNOWN. When I began my campaign of personal advertising. I xpctd t llv up to my announcements fairly and squarely, and I "have e ajjrt d o a t trj 1 s plan to the letter. I have no connection with any Jnedleal ooropany- or "Institute." and I assume thev entire responsibility of treating and curing my patients, as well as all flnanolal matters. I have more money Invested in my establishment than all other Portland advertising doc tors, o om panles." etc.. combined, and I will give 1500 to any charity If this Is not so. Watch for my next announcement exposing how the extracharge-ior-mediclne "graft" is worked bv the quack. I am In this war against medical humbug to the finish, and will not be through as long as there ia a slngl quark "eft among the advertising doctors. I believe a physician has Just ao much right to advertise his specialty as a bank has to publish 1U financial standing, or a minister to announce the subject of his Sunday sermon, and I alio believe that to get th confidence of the people h should be the first to fight againat quackery and humbug in medical a avert lain. Cured in 5 Days I cure Varicose Veins. Piles, Blood Poison, etc. In five days. If an other dootor tails you this can't be done. It means only that h doe not know my UMthods. Lt ma prov It to yoc TARiooas VEurs Impair vitality. I dally demon at rata that varicose veins oan be cured In nearly all cases by on treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vftal parts are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides a healthy circulation Is rapidly ra-sstabllshsd. Instead of the depressing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay ouxed or refund the money. - KTDKET AJfD BLADDER AILMENTS. With these ailments you may have more complications than are pre sented by any other ailing organs. By my searching illumination of th bladder I determine accurately the aliment, and by mlcroacoplcal exam ination and urinalysis I make dou bly aure the condition of the kid neya, thus laying foundation for scientific treatment. CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FKEKl Offlea Bonn A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. t 1 F. M. DR. A. G. SMITH Stl 1 V V Harms srsaksasi a a dlnlsi las n An li ess as eared, all aerreus pwpl llsnifSI lea ssts tbui. watery blood, it don sot P ' . tka Uvd aad tkara win be aa EDPLE essay, nemos balisi. Go t sa; " ' drug rt. or mni to us for STJWV-Sl BLOOD AMD SEBTE TO JO i Tsl.s will cur aa. osa. .t asrvoasnass. 73c a ftr rraaf wiiss as. junta Ca. rauesaipkla. fa. Specialist Cover CLRoIsnan, H.D. cialists not excepted, are attempting to overcome It by methods that have been tn constant use and have always failed for half a century. They dose the system with powerful stimulants and tonics, calculated to restore nerrous force or strength that Is not and never has been lacking, with the result that the func tions are temporarily excited to the pos itive detriment of the patient- Weakness Is only s symptom resulting from many local conditions and la curable by local treatment only, without the giving of a single Interna doee, which demonstrates the absolute accuracy of my understand ing snd treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single fail ure and I have entire confidence in my abl.ltv to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfected can completely and permanently restore strength and vigor. NO MONET REQUIRED TO COM MENCE TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence in their doctors, be cause he demands pay before a cure has been effected and there are many who have been misinformed about their con dition or through unsuccessful treat meat have become skeptical and think there Is no cure for them. I want an opportunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my services aa benefits are derived ; when I am satis fied the patient Is reliable. Health la capital at Interest. I will prove my abil ity to -cure before asking pay for my services. SIGN THIS CO I POX FOB VALUA BLE 1VFOKMATIOX FREE. Please send ma free your aelf-ex-air.lnattan blank. "For Men." as I desire to describe my case (a you for th, purpose of taking treatment. If 1 declue you can cure me and your charge Is low enough to suit me. Kama. In my fight agralnst advertising; medical quacks, I find that one of the worst features of th quacks Is the employing of a "case - taker." The hired "case-taker" need not be licensed . to practice medlolne, nor even b a physician, bnt If the quack knows a "case-taker" who haa suave and persuasive ways to get your money, he makes his patients- first oonsult with th "case-taker," and the same holds good with some ad vartlslns "specialists." Now, a doctor or medloal "com pany" doee not emptor a "case taker" on account of his superior skill to 6-lv treatment or ability to cure, but to get more of yonr money. Let your common sense tell you to pick up your hat and run out of a doctor's offloe if he expects you to do business with a "case-taker. ir Dr. John Doe announcea In the pa pers that he la qualified as a special ist and haa made a reputation there- . TV.C3TC3t1 A mAAttn t I TT1 man M FOB BXiOOO POISON. I use Professor ZhrUah wonder ful new discovery. " S0, in eases of Specific Blood Poison. It cares, and is the greatest marvel of medloal scienc. This new remedy has been successfully used In thousands of utn ma explain aa w wu. I bsrre long been a oloso student of th condition known as weakness in men. Sufferers from this trouble are nearly always told by their fam ily physician that there la no help: that It means wornout nature, and that some powerful stimulant for temporary effect la the only help. I go deeper Into the cauae of the trou ble and usually find a deranged or damaged local condition responsible. As long as a man lives he should be as strong In every vital function as he Is phvslcally constituted. I have a scientific, powerful and permanent treatment for weakness, which Is as natural and direct as It is efficient. Why treat with irresponslbles rhen you oan secure the expert serrioes of a responsible spsclallst? B m If yon have any of the fol lowing ailments: Varices Tela, Kerrt, Blood and Ills AUmeats, Bladder Trouble. Blood Poisons, Brnpttaaa, Ulcer, Pile ar Sfstnla. 234 Morrison Corner . of Second Portland, Oregon BING CHONG, Chinese uoctor Made at Chines barb aad root medietas cores all sleds disease of tb heart, luns. liver, stomach, aid acy, blood troubles of maa sod woman when others falL If you suSar. call or write to 23S Wash. St.. ror. 2d. Boom 18. Port. Or. DR. GREEN SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING THE SPECIALIST WHO CIRES. It matters not what your aliment Is, nor who has treated it. If It is curable I will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. I charge nothing to prove mv methods will cure vou. My offer NO MONEY RE QUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED Is your absolute protection. Consulta tion, examination and diagnosis free. 1 claim for my treatment nothing "wonderfuj" or "secret" it is sim ply my successful way of doing thinirs. Ar r LICTED MES, before treatinsr elsewhere. honestly Investigate my proven methods. Yon will then under atand how eaally and quickly I cure all ramble cases of VARICOSB VEINS without severe snrsjieal operation) SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON with out Injurlona drugs (SOtt skillfully ad ministered when preferred) SEHVO VITAL DEBILITY without stimulative remedies B L A D D E K and KI1)KV troubles i PILES, RECTAL complaints, and all ailment of men. The above Is my specialty, briefly expressed. You do not care to read long-winded. boastful advertise ments, in which one nuack de nounces another quack. Their pre tended warnings sound like the old cry of "Stop thief." You are wise to shun them. WHAT YOU WANT IS A CURE. COME TO SIB AND GET IT. Once under my treatment, you will quick ly realize how simple a thing it Is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Mv cures add not only years to life, but life to years. I put new energy Into worn-out bodies. Office hours, daily, 9 to 6; even ings. 7 to 8; Sundays. 10 to 1. DR1GREENC0. S62 Washington 8L, Portland, Or. 5TaMHs?iL I publish my own photograph, perr sonally conduct my own office, have no connection with any "medical company." "institute" or "museum," but am a thoroughly reliable up-to-date scientific specialist in all ail ments of men. No hired substitutes to treat you. If I accept your case for treatment and do not effect a quick and lasting cure, you need not pay one cent of my small fee. Let me "prove to you, without cost or obligation, that I will cure you to stay cured, before paying out one penny.- BLOOD POISON 606" $25.00 1) to IV T to S Daily; Sunday 10 to 1. Examination Advice cSree. 3132 Washington St. CORNER SIXTH, Portland, Oregon. A SQUARE DEAL is what you will get if you treat with me. Results are quick and positive. You are benefited at once. Men who have dragged their cases along for m o n-t h s with some other spe cialist are astonished at tne prompt eiiects of my r e m a r k a ble fit t r e a t m e nt. i cure fc j roervuuo jau nun, Varloose Veins, Piles, R u d t u r e. Rheuma tism, Stiff and Swoll.s juiuui, juanay. Bladder, etc Blood Ailments quick ly and safely cured by DUO ConanltatfoB Free. Writo or Call. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Speclallat. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 Second street, Portland, Or. Offloe hours A- M. to 8 P. M- Sun daya, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. I Cure Men IS MY FEE Pay When Cured. Gen era I Debility, Weak Nerves, la- ann.nl. RaaUlta of exposure, overwork anrother vio lations of Nature lawaws ai'nents of Bladder and Kidney. Vaiiooiie Veins, iileklr and permanently cured at small eisesse, I cure' such ailments as Varicose Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison, etc., completely and permanen 1 1 y, often with only a single treatment. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. 11. to 1 P. M. only. PACiriO COAST MEDICAL CO, 2-4 'Waahlna-ton St Corner First, Portland. Oreiron. WAI JING Chinese Doctor I am educated for Chine doctor. I use the Chines herbs and root medicines. It makes wonderful cure. It has cured many sufferers. The treatment curea Kidney. . ii , r.ivor. Consumption. Stomach. Good for either male or female u.d differ ent kinds of diaeasea. People out of town write for consultation blank and call at -my office, room 14. 211 -Udex street, corner Blraf. Portland, Or. USB3MJS 4 SIO k