HELf WATTrn FTM GIRL - copy and correct m.nuacrlpl must H. to park .ut l'ttar. peed nnaasanllal. Marr-in. arsn.l ij r.acaa.-y par 'r era... .'"' a;are time work. Mu.t b. ln:. 'it. teat of some cu.tur.. Ova ar.-. ei'ica "n -.LiH etc. P. Bos ID. cur. aanulr. exDrl.eed (IAI.E5WOMEX l ME.VT-a. Only tkooo bavin, thorough hnodge of this merchandise wdl be eonaldBraat. Apply Superintendent-, of- c COMPANtON-M'HiJE w.n'.ed f-T foreign country muet ho of ik-1 duap.ltlon. re tired Ma cultured: to llv. wltb private fa.-m'T; "d opportunity to eullah e p.rt. parucutare. salary, oto. AJ rVe.oriiBn C. WANTED. Apply tandara Foiuo. le. . oreae .. ud Iwl Taylor eu TOR poc!l r.mrsu.n e ar conducting T.-w good p.-opoaltion t.raat urcM tn r.wt ) tta aaa. e w more rrtin(f f... Good Bonn fur hoatlere. Phoo. Var.riall 27. P 4V in-eor..n IIPEH:EN''EI ra.turant cne-.r. a ar.d board, etat. n preious;r em clraved and wnat rratem ue1 : app r o a handwriting: .cdrer. and piwoa. K 44a. firnrtnlin. w"a.v TED i:rl fr genera! ho.ia.ork. fa-nl.y of four: x? wo. Tol'Pj " Main r-A. cam nurninia. aid at. Nwb. WANTED Relieve ."man for genar.1 kowi-k Blu" bo B'Bt and a IW t?."L Ptl aSt 14T. OT CB.l At 40 E- lot" ' ' LIP MAX. WOI.FE Crt. rnotro rehi.ra with d.parimerit afar. ip.ri.nr. APP'T anr morning 1MB . before 13 to BtiparintrTtdaiJt. ofn-B. Krv-.tj" d .rrl't No. 1. folumMB Tiunn. nta la 1 r thr for enminl K!' Irm; mmgm I-IS Vr month. J. C JohoAon. Rlwlor. t. WANTED Pupil" to tutor In h!h Bchool B-d ro.li poporBtorir t.ronrhB Ad- ,lrMi X orrtonion. for fuil uiformo- tloo , . TI A NT en Mt'Mio B omn f"r .nrl hUMnrk -moll IinH. .! month, m-ni h m prfrrd. l oll too I BBd - !- tl-r- rt.rEl Bnool lr:. not undo IS in h. p m-i'h .lnt for lrd nd tvb:1 ood homo. Apply rt :m. WANTED A compB"n to ok1riir Udr bb4 do ltht houowort for throo, t oil t ? Ft 15th Bt. WAN TIT R-iUt:o atrl for lDTil houo wor fmi:r of thr... d fmft coob. '"ii T3 H rt t. iPro4oy rort. Wr.HAV to BBit buhelmB In mon'o c.otninT Btor. muft bo o.i pFUnitrm. A ppu Rob. Boon A r. IV W Bn t. T-'nTKO A m!1d:o-..l iBdr to d H,'J ho.onrk In mll ftnll for fcoord Bad rom or m.ll .r- a.1 "-T Knott. . WANTED Plcturo plo wrltor; blJ pari .. II t.Bch you. 1 ictur. J lay abbocib tloa. fma rranclBro. r.JRL. or o!BBJi wan-.d to ho.p do oa.ral h.tuaoBorku l r i i u . . . - . 1 THlBmookL girl for fBrl honfrwork. & to ChBpm.n. Minftk.i -lot. . FInTsmER. oaporl.Dcod on roata and tobib. Aiuratmn d'pL, Koblaaon at la. t tB.hlnton at. . STENOGRAPHER and" typowrttor: atato m- p.rirnra. ua.itl. atlona asd aaiATy aapocl- Od. V 4TA. prrfmlaa. Vk AN 1 b itoflnod. copaMB for rj- ponalb:. pooltloB. Viorl Co.. () Bala rb:;d bltll.. tth and Waahlngtoa. yoi'NO lady aa atrnoaraphor: mutt bo wliU ln to trar.l: rood -..r. E. A. Colllr,-. App:y at Armory. 10th and Cooch. 1 P. M. KAVITA'TI RI.R can ' touy ' - a od p r pool I UJ n f V. BOl box A 11. Prt land. Or. WAN r f . D t'ompoirnt girl to do nouro work la arr.U family. Call al apaxtrotnt TS Johnooa at. CCaMoTKC.-a wonto.1. rouBt oo flrK:aa and fBBt Borkor. Apply T AlU.r au Ui A M M I DPI.E-AED iMitl'mtn wanta houoa kxpar; no ohjoclloa to child. L 4T4. Oro a lan. . WANTED d-monatratora and 00.00- sen' larfo aalBrr and rommlaalon. boo manar. offKB ttolllPf blda. FxPERIENfV halporo and appronliroa -.antod for ikwaniamla-. b.bo tailor work. ( ;.-o iln-.M hill. . A YOl'NO lady ran find a plraaanl homo in amBil fBxntly for allht aartlcoa. CbU A1 E. Mth at. S. T'l'NtJ airl to sool.t In houa-'wo-k. amatt houao. faroliy of throa. phono Woodlawn 4,1 pr cl at I17 Eaat JOth at. North. w. ANTED Taochar to loach youac for a itirr to apak: alao raad aad wrlta r.r.l!ah ti i Morriaon at. Cola. W ANTEI Compatant flrl for anral houwaork and rooiRil. no waahrna; (ood a-B: rofaranroa. Call Mala H1L H AN ? EN" LA Dl Ef' Af5B.NCT. laaVi WaaMr.atoa pit.. Cor. Tto. I patalrn. Pti-no Hill J k, )1K HOW. E a LADIES' AOENCT. B.m'cB kidt . ta aad u ai. Mala avid ar A iif. WANTED Two lady BIU-tora: Bios work; aood tnonay. boo Mr. t'alboaor. l lb- Kak bl1. tV ANTED R axporton.'.d lrl for sanaral bouork aad rooklnc. t riaadora, bat. :-d and lid. HELP yAT:IV MALK OB rVMALK 7ii fCR a rmp.ato caurao lh boikkaaplnaT irorraapoadaarBl. Wo want rapr-Banta-tiona In a-ry towa. t1 par month con ho aaa. y oarard. Aduraaa !, CBambor tti c.iwmf - lOOKKCtTCHti eoonlora. bill rlorka. Ota t I ariii luaraut your aualideatltia ta fill Eoattlor.a la o daya; prliala Inatrvrtlotl y pabiia arrouatBai; poatUoa aacurod. J a j it yraaroniaa. G'"HD propoaltton to rrllahlo and llo moa and wom-a a-llruo-t) by aatahheh-d r-n-cara: Bi-roattlr.a n.w; lavrat !aa:o. Call 3d la It A. A room 14. K. Bunt- aid a. lyEVlRAHLE porBOflO wlahlna iBallatlona for nico tfinr-t aro rtiuoatad to att.nd Hinciar'a noturday laxormBia. au tt ao rian Maranall A1S- by JapoxBo. prlvato hoar I to P. M. h. In T -:. Oro- Hf WAXTTfa MICEU.IKOr. MITW BRANCH AUTO JCHOOU Wo ilta yow thoroua'h d urattoa. hia to run. cara f.'r and trpalr. W fur r n you wtih 1 rtlarta and workinc modala. a n piomaB. i'ompolBOt la atructora f.mpa cou-bo. 9 IT od. THE NEW HKAN'J At'T'l wHOOL a.4 Hoard of Trodo Bid. KFiP OUT OF THE RAIV by loamtrar to oparata matint plt?tt-aa; aporaTora ara l.'l to 3o waak.r: oaay lna..la work. atort houra. Irara b aat n . a la to dava. mmmonm ntant6i tay ani alanine tlaaa-a. opan -intlaB .NKW l.'Kai FU.M ENCHANOB. ft.'itta aMraton, o. ar 17th MCN wantad ao 14 i' for flram-a- month.y brafcman. . OB aoorpy rll roo.la. Eapart-n.-o annacaaaarr: no atrtko. Poaitiona iuataiilat.1 comprtant man nromotioa. Kt:roBd EmpioltaT llaad- oaartara 4'M man aant to tn.tiona paptarnbar. ntata lf. Brad atamp. Kaaa- war AaottH'6X 1 , Oroaonlaii. 16 CM lv.lflONi tor graduatoB Uat aX; rmoa and woaaaa loara barbar trado la wooka. balp to BKura pooittoa; ft4a atos oara from lis 10 Hi waokiy: saport taotrwetors. tool frao; "' "': lot jao. atohior (yatatm o U(bs. al MoriM t at porilBBd. Or. BARBER- ROARD OF K.XAMISER wl.l bo tn a-aaton at laT-, F'.rat at . ts;o ct.y. to .BBTTtina a:: H' holJiaa irmita. o.?-toh-r k aad H lialL T. l- Lawba. aav ra'arr I-KIVAIE INSTRUCTION JN BO'KKIEP IN.i. hHOKIHAND. TTPKWIUTl.NU. ATTENTION. aXrtKI KNCKU INnTMLCTvR. DAT AND N IvJ a T CLapHE. PHONB MAIN a-SA. HSTHAMX Dyaatiuri. bookkoaplnc. ararmtar. arlthmailc. ate, lnd;rt luai in-a-rurtioaa: 1 a or nlaBL a Va orcoatBr bi--k. Ma-ahall .'tlU l" lv. K aad aVxT a . o r m a r oar' pta rrulclaad. raaiaad and upawrltiao. Adaraaa Maaa arr.pt Kdittp haraaa. aj kaatii-Ikkaai b 1 . por .aad at Or ION PICTURE oporatlBaj tauajhl la IBaalar: a full, pracuoal aowxao rBBBoBBblo. aoaatwai aaaraV OraaoaiBA. kikl aaonay vnunc akatl atorioa. or for papora. bl( v . Iroo booklat talla bow. I aitad Praoa pjaa.cata Pan Franctaco. iTaTNOviRAPUEKS and lpowrttara to taaa an jrt mu-M on d I.-Upl-' ia . Ba-aroa Alt to ia. ail wrriirr biov-b IHllAliUIHlA BARKER .OLO.v. auBroataoa pooitloa frao to tAoaa who laara rarbor traJa IB oar co. ad. 14) Couch. JTii tTaiHERb- AaVSOClATlON. bwafand b.dg. PBIVTr acko.Il 4HORTHAMI ard TTPK- - VK,iS.ca. AA an, MluAK. AA-a iaoA. nr.i r wantct Misrr.i LAvror. X ' r r. ' ' - a.y ' b l Th nly Prmetlc! t-rhoo of Mo tonne IN THt FACIFK' NORTHWEST. Thi c-'ir" lnria4' driving nd c'vLr,i'1 I4tn:n rvin- m'1- ASSIST Ul K TtUENT TO JOSITlONrt. Fp:la.l murM for l4i't-, 'mll or ddr--. Or uto 6 hooi. -.1 1-cIimii Trust BQ.. i'ortia.n(l. EXE'TTIVE pjlTKN OR BL6INE53 OFE.MM1 IN NORTHWEST. BT taAST ERN TO UNO MAN. 2. ualvrl:y ra-Hu-.. C. & dfgrvt), Z yrr (ncraJ buin-l x(rtnc. am t miiaccr. mnaijr. hn dlinc to?. p. bur in at. tviilDf. A iod open In m mora diroi49 tha hlh a.vry ta t it. Arldrtti AJ 4U, Or-onlt.B. IitnN rfpoaillo youn niAn. incl. Krod pr-rnr. c bUh. tt d" c.lon. J m" exprinc mrcntll cr r-HT. t-ikinn bu !!.; eJor r-H-ord; -in"4Trmpnr. capabl correspon dent. pxt-n:v4 trvlr. trcuitomed lo mtlnit pfpl. d- r- position oC trust. RANK ER Responsible young man. lured. ilncutt. for a-vr-vi years cashier Miri tie estem country banke. '"lr poem on with Oregon or Washington Ivan-s as rlrrk b" kw.'-r. utenonrapher or -s'stant rashier. AF 43. Qregonian. Wlll- A I L'LT, OPEN. CLOaB OR WRlTH cp boks prepare balances ana stata tcenta. Inst a. 1 ay stem. Oil ling barn. a Bliof, 411 Lea-Is bldg. Marshall TIT. BT young man, eipnenced bookkeeper; general offic aaaistant; operates type writer, ln -le or oatside work; reference, bonrt. X 4'. Oregon 'en. fcXPEHT fturuat. Finrin.- hsnk 11 er during da, has spar time noons and evenings. CaA yon UM UT P 4pV i.irryn'in. oUN mrv. oi a Jra.d of work daires positron aa aa:eman wttli wholeaaia or rfianufacturtng firm. AK 4C9. Jregontan. TuUNG man wants position ; a good pea man ana experienced bokkepr, ran glra tv.ft of reference. J 511. Oregonian. EM PLOW EXT after t V. M. by eperTenCe4 l.okkeejer-sienoeTBpher; any Una ot work. AR 4is oregonian. KNPlH!E.'Ei t)p-writer deslreg work at home or by ds, r f-rencs. Aal 4a. Ore gonian. fit K N'i J H A F H K II. ha-"kkeepr, with emper io rt'. d -sfree p,,,nn. J'hone A 1V4. KXPERIKM'ED etenographer destrea em- pinymvot. prion ltrs.U l"-'l. Misarellaaeooa. YOU NO couple (-ajidlnaTtan i wish poei H'n, man a g-d gsr-1-ner and know how to lake car of auaomohi lee. horse and rows, the wife is an ecei:ent cook nd houkerer. t hoos East 443 or ad drtvAi 4'V. -r-f inlan. A MAN of conn.rrat.ie husinesa emperleace' nmsily In hard s re. Just having arrived frortt the Fast and one who la a hustler, desires a position on ine road or moat any thing. What have you to offer? AO 4-4. Oregontan. UaPKRlKNT.r fr.an and ife. no fam.l). want care of ranch ; aper-ia'-ty fruit and garden prod no ; w!fe eirllerit house keeper; no milling. Apply Catholio Wom en's Lsf u. phone Main I L hi are n. tbor eperinc4d. with bl or rflrDcei, wants work on ranch. AC 46 7, Oregon- Isn. 14AV with light team wishes steady Jb delivering for grocery .r laundry; fast travera and abte to hanilia ton an yw hare. AO SJ. Oregon ttWi. bl''0'FrL specialty salesman. S years on Willamette ailey territoty. hardware and general store trade, deal res position; bent reference. AK -is-, oregonian. LICENSE i chauffeur wants position with rriMi family; understands repairing;; so ber and best of references. K. 4 J I, Ore- l-ip!n, buHKit and reliable youns; man wants po-attl-n aa chauffeur: private family pre ferred: waes no object; references. AS 47. i reg"nian. WANTED lir man and wife to take charge of rooming-nous-, apartment or transient; esperlenra and references. Phone Mtf aha.l 17-T. IOr.NO man wants place aa Janitor or pr ter work In apartment house or With private family; so bar. neat, reliable. O 4 TO. oregonian. TOt'NO man wants night work; cn run elevator; hotel work preferable. W 471. Oregonian. TOl'NG. eingie man wants position as por ter or d is .".washer; baa good references. V 473. Oregonian. MAR R I E nM AN" wants steady position of some kind, hsndy. not afraid to work. Marshall 1T27. A i''OTTISH Rite Mson would like a po sition as collector for a Arm. T 628. " Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants position as por ter or Janitor; reference. AT 451, Ore- gonien. HOt'SEClaEANINO and window Janitor wark. Main -o. Jenntnr. washing, or Andrew J. GOOD reliable man with experience wishes to manage country hotel. H. W.. S N. 14ih st . city. MARRIED rosn would like situation as apArtment-hous Janitor. C H. Burgett. kv taimn. ELECTRICI A.N wltii several years' expe rience espo-cially with inside wiring:, wants employment. V Mio. Or g on Ian. CHVUKPEIR able to do ail repairing, wishes position with private famliy; best of retr- dcss. A H 47-!. Oregonian. EX P KHI ENCED man. groceriaa. fralu ci gnrs. wants position, city or roaA. AN 4h4. Oregonian. t. PER IE.SC ED man and wlfs want full charge of rivimirg-houee. Apply f'at hollo Wmrn'i League. I'hons Main 24..!. REOISTEREI druggist wsnta position; rr.arril . best of reference. A V IVaO, Oreg-g.sn. CtXK wants work, city or country; good In a I branches : toher and reUab.a. J. (irlmr, Main 4-vl (U'.r man attentling Ho! meg Ruslneas Co l ge flfgires p.ace to work for room acJ board. m Main 613. A 2Vb4- A T M. C. A. etuilcot desires board and room in eachange for scrvic. Phona M 7'ia" jAl'ANt.'E by Il"ee a S.tUAtlon of school tx. wajit to attend T- M. C. A, night school. AM I. .'regoclan. a.PEH.KNi'ED family cook wants posi tion. tS First su M E. Chines Mls- TorNO man. sober and reliant, want In e'de work . work In wholesale house pr- farrd N 4rt-, Oregonian. MAKK1ED m.it, well experienced, wanta ranch to work on scares, or will work for tic- i. gc-Pvl ref a-rence. A V S4, Oregonian. A D young Japaaeso wanta a Job. Jani-t-r nr y-tT. T 471. i.regoman. t H AKKEl It. with referenoe; do own repair; uv or count "-y. A Ia 47. Oregonian. JATA.VESR chsu'reur wants posKlon, city or country. T N. Ithit. AN ad-pt Janitor w : h es situation. eplenuUd reficee VD 4"i. Oregonian. .s li.iLT j-;Mr.f f -. ants a job. any ktn-1. tn tow n. T -". OTfionian. JA r A nT- K ooy wish's any Job. Between t trt 11 r A. M - 4 '7. ureconlaa. jj.-k.X"l TTEU wants eteail work In sub-rrark-t. AC 47 '. Oregonian. 11) NET Cnirese as- no ,rjr-- tnte any kind .V -"tth at of Job. KXIT.KIK.'KD IT Traian w'.shrs pert) nn. pa.sii'on. P 471. r gnisa. MTrTION WAXTFt rXMAIaJt. Iters and fc eWosTT-wp here. 8 ri-.N;t . I'll E R. Well el nested, thorough ly 4raperiarncd io etenogr tpMy, bookfcar-ap-ir.g and general of fli e work, accustomed to Tespo; slt-:H:y and h!gu-graie work. Adlrea W. i.l. 1te -JJd a:. N. Main CvMPEl K.XT steoogrspher. booKkep-r. ex-per.env-el In ium t-er and machinery, de- tcs p sltion at one. Phones Main ZCZ. A k!V7. . p.iriOX ss stenographer,- yar of epe rienve in lth cotntnerciatl ai d iegs! work; g . ii f u rn Is h test tt reference. N 4.'S Oregon Ian. VOl Nl Isdy. excellent bookkaaper. imp: esperleno and best reference, wants po sition. Phone Main 5411. COMPETENT stenographer desire position. Two vers expericn:. Xtest lxe ranee. Woodlawn 31-v.l bTK N'H'.R A Pit ER. rapid and accurate, good a; .lex. desiree post Lion, phone Marshall UEUCK position 0"lk t guree, operate tvparttr; good penman; beat reference. East 1. Ovn D steoogrspher wants posiUon; four .aj-s- eperienre; beet of lty raXerwnoea, Phoo Main -43v JNKH- ETlC ats-nographer deire position; T 4 7 J. t'-es1 .'l'N Istlv bo-.kep-r and steaographrr a ts pos.t los . experienced, brlwoo4 T o r . ;ad C I- attaiie position cashier. EXFER1ENCFD bll'ing c.ark dealrea posi tion. od r-frfnf-a S 41. OTegoBian- X a;e. t-'.S4rs m-A confe- tionery. w leroi. Owner. A 474. O-'egoruan. 1 TITE MORNIXG OBEGOXIAN. TnURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1911. gnTATfONS WAyTTPrEMALE Ba9kJ.eepr and btwCT WANTED By m. younc Indjr from Hi Kt. potiltlon tva atenoicraphwr or an" kind of offiva worlc: capaoia of takin eatira ch.rm of office, ha.ndl.ne; correapond-npa with jut dictation, ta-k Ins car of book, collo-ctlona, ban kin f, ato. Alain S."T4. MADA JJ RUSSELL Expart dalarner of laiiica' gowna and coats, M day. Mla fcS-t. i,X I'lvHT taiiorlnf and dressmaking. aO Yamhill St. I'hon Marshall 1119. aLAOXKH shtrttratrtti: plain sewing. 268 12th st. Phone A TRAINED nurs dstrs mp;omtnt by b. m -t Ar kitirl- Kdrt af I rffrenca. Phone Tabor 14D. INVALID lady can hava room, cars, born , comfort tr-atmnti. trained nurse; best I rf4-renfen; reanonable. Tabor 2213. I POSITION wanted nnrslnc Infant or smsll j chiid; competent and good; referanoea. . JO TEARjj' experienced nurse; maternity. Invalid. dcr.y. Infant. Main A 477i. MATP1RNITT NURSR want ca, will work some. Marshall 1W7. Uouaekeepers. BT A couple 30 yeara of age. wlf to keep house for widower with small family in exchange for husbands room and board; references. T 473. Oregonian, REFINED, capable woman wanta position as housekeeper tn widower's home. Call between 9 A M. and 4 P- M week days, or write 2C X. Union nva, EXPERIENCED woman wishes position, cook or housekeeper, city or country; state wage N 41. Oregonian. WII'OW wishes housekeeping for widower or tsehelor or care for rooming-nous. 443 East Ankeny. rhon East .IJfr. TOt'NO woman stenographer with 4 5sre' experience desires position; references first c.sss. A, C. DnUfi. 7A Trvtng St. Wil w wishes posit loo s housekeeper for widower or bachelor. AP 4., Oregonl-.n. M Hi DAVIS, dressmaking rsrlore; reason ahla price. Main 32. ft'-O Madison. Mlaoellaneous. EMPLOYMENT In store, office or other business for 3 girls about 19 year, nice appearing; one is good at figures, some experience ss sales clerk. Mr. Lola . Baldwin. Phone Mam T4- C11II..LREN from the ages of 3 to taken care of during the day: V for H day. Inqulr eveninre from 7:A to i:lS or pun days from 11.30 to S at ASA E- loth sU on w R car. 1 block so oth on N. E- cor. WANTED 'apable woman and daughter want position together as cook and maid or-hotel work; good reference; no objec tion to out of to-n. AM 44. Oregonian. oUNO woman desires position as mani curist, graduate of Eastern Beauty shop. A. C. Doian. 70 Irving st. GIKL Neat appearance, d-sireg to assist about the house evenlnge for room and board. City. Mtsa Mane Meier .Sublimity, Or. TOl'NJ woman d sires position s off lea assistant, S years' experience, good ref erences. J. V. Dolsn. im) Irrlng st. CAPABLE woman desires cooking, boarding house., hotel, delicatessen, restaurant- it. Louis Agency. Main 2au, A 4775. WINDOW cleaning, woodwork cleaned, floors repoiiehed. Main 6573. evenings. 203 V Washington. . . TEACHER wants position. 10 years' experi ence; life diploma. Address AV 645, Ore gonian. -a COMPETENT colored woman wants wash ing. prlVMt family preferred. Mrs. Love. Mnln T414. . IOINO lady desire part In .vaudeville- sketch : III consiaer otner .ines. Oregonian. QERMAN ladv wanta day work for Friday and Katurday. phone East 15475. Call e.en!ngs. WORK from 4 till 9 In the evening; sec ond work tn prlvat family preferred. AH 4 71, Oregonian. DAT work bv reliable woman. Main 43JS. Call Mrs. Brown. EXPERIENCED housekeepers. first-class wBltresseet, laundress. Main A 477.V NE.T young woman, good references, de sires chamberwork. good hotel. Main WANTED Work tn telephone exchange. AH 470. Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Call Main 2vl2 WOMAN wishes work by the day or half day. Sell wood 140. WOMAN wants washing, cleaning by hour. Call between 0 and 10 o'clock. Main 62-'i. WOMAN wants work by hour, 2."c Phone MsexhlU !'- WOMAN wishes day work tomorrow and Saturday. phone A WE. WOMAN wishes day work. Phone Marshall DAT WORK wanted, laundry or cleaning; . . .aa W (arhull tA"S YOUNti ladv wishes position light office work. Phone Marshall 604. FIRHT-CLASS cook wants position boarding house. Al references. B 41.?. Oregonian. LACE curtains laundered br an expert. Ta bor 2443. C 2.;7J WANTED Ironing and housework by day or weak. Main 1.V13. iIace rurtslna. hand laundered, 30c pair; call, deliver. Main 38. GIRL wants work by day or hour. Main 642T. room Id WOMAN wants day work, washing and cleaning. R 471, Oregonian. LADY want work by day. Marshall 643. WAXTEIV-ACFXTS, ATTENTION Mandolin achool solicitors. Investigate our new proposition: best for sgenis and public by clean, legitimate a-hooU Call :8t to 10 A. M.. room 14. hT-i E. Burnsid. W.VNTKDTO RENT. Iloi WAN TED Well furnished, modern. or 7 room house In choice Irvlngton or West Md neighborhood; will pay $J0 If aatls factory. Phone Main 013 for Interview. Apwimvrwta. WANTED 2 furnished housekeeping rooms m Ith oookstova not ovar i ny inarri-o, cuple. one child 3 year. Address L, 473, Oregonian. Rooms. MODERATE steam-heated room, with or without breakfast, supper; walking dis tance bv uieinea man. In private farallv; gue weekef term. C. A. Plngai. out) H enry bltig Rooms It b Board. KOI NO man want hoard and room, with private family; Irish preferred. K 444, rOlt RENT. Rajotna. TnE CAPLEr 9"0 Taylor, between Ttb and Park, absolutely central, quiet, modern brick, steam heat, hot water, ail Itn provemeiiis; from 4 weekly, aud with private bsth from e weekly. ROOM Northeast corner Fifth and ?tark; hot water, steam heat. Apply 2tf Wash. apvrwusned Rooma UOl ku KsN W1C. Aa Ideeu home fer SuaaX.es paopie; centrally locate; e.e gsni rooms, all modern coovsnieooes; 7t aod lay. or sta., 1 biock (rem PortaAnd bets K opposite He 1 i:g T Dealer. Mai el. MADRAS HOIEU lrt a and Waeiilngton. Any room tn the house for . and noth ing extra, for two In room; thoroughly modern. liOTk-1- ARM IN 1 1', eor. 11th and Mor rison; ail outstds roonit, oaatxally locatad. permanent gueats aoitLltetl. Rsepectaai and very moderate prices. 1 IbaHT airy rooms, modem, suite or sin it et week. Ae minutes ag uT"th eaters and stores, tree pawa. iUa- gaU Hotel. 1-4 4th. TH E GLEN DORA, ltth and Couch. one b ock from Wasnlngion; furnished room-, lara prior, biiliaxd and pool room free to uesis; rates $li per month and up. V vavEK, H W ashingtoa Ntceiy tur lla&d rooms, bath ani pboa .a ewea TUE LARRA"EE, 2-TH Larrabee at. All convenience, reasonable; perm, and tran. East b4. .7 nAHLOR be il rooms, one with piano, two larae outside rooms; ail well furnished; 1$ pp. phone A :7'4. 324 Jackson st. niceLY furnished, heated room, reason - al" rooms with bath. .li per month, 4.' 4 Washington st- Phone Main Tj4- T.OTEL. RExTne1 Washington et Sleam b sated room, ftoo pet day. 42 .a per wee and up: aleo ho use keeping-room ONE. or 1 onfurnlshed rooms, at earn heat; P-Tcea reasonable. iw E. 7th. Phone E iii. .MORRIS HOTEL. rooms strictly modem. 1360 per week and up. 132 17th mX. Z,r - a7ri. Nteelv famished rooms at moderate prioee, cox. Sd and Moaigoniary. FOR RENT. Forwished lAootn. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN1 Those three beautifully furnished hotel. HOTEL HOTEL Bn?"Ln. M IN HOOK. PARSONS. ROW LAN DJ3. sua. 4th st, mi 4th - J On Fourth sc. running from Taylor to Saimon st-; brand new bricW, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private haths. hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular price. If you want something out of the ordinary. In tn heart of the city, at rea sonable prlcea, give us a call, aa w know you will like 1L Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trxde solicited. HOTEL ALDER. After October 1 HOTEL. ALDER. 4th and Alder st. will offer special Induce ments on weekly nd monthly rates to permanent guests during the Winter. Best location In the city, convenient to all tn eaters, stores, business district and post oftice. a comfortable borne with every m olem con v en 1 e nee , in the h eaxt of th e city. Local and long-distance telephone and hot and cold running water In every room. The beat of bellboy and elevator service day and night. Room singly and ensulte. House thoroughly modern and newly furnished. Ka;es on appllcA- tlon. GRAND t-NION HOTEL, BS7 East Burnsi Ja. Why not live on the East Side and save money on your room rent? We can give you better accommodations for less money and within ii minutes' walk of the business center of the city. Steam heat, bot and cold running water; rooms am gig or n suiio. , ta'.b, rates &0o to 3 per day; regular. i t id i par W Nk. UWU oa... "71. HOTEL CAPLE.S. Residential. Taylor. Transient, Bet 7ih and Park Ptsi Opposite Hetllg Theater. Central, qnlet. Rooms from 75c dally, with private bath, from 1 dally; special weekly and month ly rat us; suite. .Sew, bondsomeiy lur Blshed brick; elevator, telephones, bot and cold running water. From Union De pot "J" car to Taylor or "W" car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot. "S" ear, transfer on Morrison to 7:h. Phone Marshall 22Utf. HOTEL. ALTON. Main 7a1- .Now open. Main 7115. lith and ntark Street. New, modern briik hotel; all outside rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat and phones In every room: elegantly fur nished; elevator, large lobby and ladies r.c.ption room; rent very reasonable. Call and see us. . HOTEL 8AVON. 181 Eleventh Street. New, modern brck building, steam heated, private bathe, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable, rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and txacsient trad so licited. SARGENT HOTKla, corner Grand and Haw thoraa avee. Beautifully furnished room a single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold watwr. steam neat and private phone in every room: moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill in connection; transi ents solicited. 1 HE PEEK HOTEL. East Sd nd Burnslde; new fireproof building, steam-heated, bot and cold water and phones in all rooms; prlvat baths. looby and parlor; elevator service; ratt-e 9i per week and up; tran sifDLi solicited. Phone East 171. THE KEGr.N f, 131 S 6eventh St.; beautiful rooms, right down town; Ideal location for parties staying In town (or business or pleasure; ratea very reao nab le. by day or wck. Slo month up. " HOTEL EUCLID. . Cor. 1 8th and Washington sta. Elegantly furnished rooms; steam heat ed; hot and cold water In every room; bath, phones; rents Very rcatonablt. Jrurni.hed Rooms In Private lamlly. I'OR RENT Neat, clean, airy room. In pri vate family. newlv furnished, electrlo I ik .'it. bath, clone lo three carlines with best service; respectable residence dis trict, walking distance, furnace heat, suit able for two. 6u East Main. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with alcove for jwo In modern home; board next door; walking diftance; near N. P. Dental College. 204 Et 3d St. North, southeast corner Multnomah. SPLENDID rooms on first floor, hot and cold water, steam heat, for two or three !nple. 10.50 and .Jo 60; also fine up stairs for a at 4-v. lo 10th su; take W car from depot. LA RGfcl front room, newly furnished, fur nace heat, gas and electric lights, bath, phone, walking distance, Weet Side. M North lftth st. TWO large front rooms, one In mahogany, one with alcove In white and w Icker, both out of the ordinary. Private home on Nob Hill. Call 739 Ollgan St. FURNISHED rooms, new. clean, pleasant, modern, walking distance; So and $10 per month. 2od Whltaker sL, bouth Port land. .NICELY furnisbed rooms, modern conven iences, centrally located, reasonable. 404 Clay, near loth. FURNISHED room for gentleman In pri vate family; references. 657 Madison, near t nupnun. ATTRACTIVE front room with alcove, for 1 or gantlemen; also cosy small room; walking distance. Phone East 143. NICELi furnished rooms, modern and rea sonable. 272 Park St., bet. Madison and Jefferson. References. EASY walking distance; beautiful light room; Inst location; furnace; reasonable. 24 12th st. S NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod ern, walking distance. Marshall 1124. ttSH Flanders st. NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located; reasonable, 404 Clay, near luth. BEAUTIFUL room for gentleman; electrlo lights, bath and phone; furnace heau 700 Flanders st. LIGHT pleasant single room, running water, sleeping porch, reasonable, to gentleman. West 1'ark. Main 9000. ELEGANT front bedroom with large ver anda for two gentlemen; tlist -class board. rioo Belmont at. 12 WEEK, furnished room; phone, bath, electric light; walking distance, 427 Har rison. FURNISHED room for rent, lady preferred, reasonable rent to jlght party. 347 Jeffer son. Phone A 451 7. 248 NORTH iOth Plessant. comfortable rooms; walking distance; modern conven iences. . EAST SIDE Nicely furnished rooms In a desirable home; rent reasonable. SO E- 11th st- North. B 2117 ONE large front room, .suitable for two people; men preferred; must have refer ence. Main ".3. FURNISHED rooms in select locality. $7 to i2 West tide; private family; walk lug distance. Phono Marshall 23I. LvRGE steam-heated room, with bath, two o u n g ladles. 7 1 T. Johnson, flat 2. ISE in. very desirable; one or two per- sons; eh'enp rent. 1S1 11th. La ROE. cieaa room; all conveniences. 661 Nun nrujj. two nicely furnished rooms. 67 Trinity pfi.ee. bet. ltth and roth. rrrvWHKU rooms, modern conveniences: boatd optional. 2B 14th. Main 3Sla. 71 k-ati Y furnisncd room in good home; ref- tjanr'aV John.on .1. crvrilAL furtiialiad rooma and a aleeplns nrt-cl.a loratlon. -Jil 12th. a-t --it WEKK Mi'' furnished room, bath. r,rat.--i;lllJ,-4:-tl, . iin'HT wall furniahrd room, bath and phono. 'I:.: por wlt. i!i 3d .IL J3 on WEEK Room (tillable for two. 2iH ilth '. LIGHT front loom, hrt. bath; prlvat. fam ily rraaonnlilr. G4S uth. 2 N1CELT furrtlahad room,, aultabl. for 1 " or 2. 3-.'7 Wcat rarlc rrHMSHKD front nom. .ultablo for two man. cloar In. isn i:;ih at. Main 44l. ROOM. and up par .rek; deslrabl. locatlott; man praferrrd. SOa Uth au Fl'KXISHEP room,, ci Itlrla prrT. rrrd: rofa: cloao In; Y. W. C. A, rences. Main 103. f? UT. steam-heated furnished rooms, bath. pnone, fircinrjiams. -r j i ... - . - . . . I . 4 V. . . I . . i r- ttA.t al.n r.W. ricnij iiuiiiiun,, ..... .-T.TT housekeeping suite, reasonable. 3.o lltn. S &o WEEK Nice furnished room, bath. heat, easy walking. 45: Sth. FUSIN1SHED aieeplng-rooms. single bed; ba;h and phone. 4SU Yanihlll au THERE'S a nlre front room. 6'l Everett St. 1, 2 OR g furnished rooma. 194 N. 17th St. Kooma Wltb Hoard. LAMBKRSON, ."..4 Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, well-furnished rooms; single and double: walking dlatance; table board alao. Mmn o.o. a jubl DOES a home .ppeal to you? The Whitehall, ror 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, cloao In, near car, . rrnm P. Ci. American Ian. TiiE MANITOU 2ol 13th. now manage ment: thoroughly renovated: Inviting ehnlea board. Miln 1184. PCTTLAND Women'a Union. 23d year; rooma with board, us. of sewing-room. 11 trary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Hath. supt. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrlon. cor. 13th. j... we 1 -1 u m lahed rooma. Modern convenlencea ELEGANT room for two. Including good board, reauonabla. 374 Para. FOB REST. Boom, ana Baant BOARD AND ROOM. S00 JEFFERSON. THE CASA ROSA. . Booms With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnUhod front room with Hay window, flrat floor, aultable for 2. P"'t family; all convrnlancea. frea. with or without board. Phon. Marahall ii.-!. -ba 14th at. BEAI-T1KI LLY furnlahad lart. "m. alcova for two In modem homo; board next door: walking dlatance. near N. P-,D'n" collere. :.H Eaat 3d at. North, .oulheaat corner Multnomah A HOME for 2 or 4 younu laiilea wno pre fer cookinn their own roea.s: ua brary. pi.no. etc. Inquir. 345 nt waan lnston al room t BOOM and board in private family: J""" heat: good board. rt Eaat lamhlll 1 block from SS carllne. Phon. Tabor 8387. BOARD and room in private family for 2 or S gentlemsn or ,ludent; home cook ing; walking diatance. t all 600 E. Mor. riaon. corner 15th. Phone Eaat 1-39. XF.Wbl fumlahod room, and board; home cooking; modern convenlencea; walking dlatance. 461 Wtt Park at. phone Mar- ahall ROOM and board for man and wife or two ladle,, new. modern home, 'i00,0 l-'5. Before 9 A. M. and after 5 P. M. LARGE front room, bath, walking dltanre. Eaat Side, home privileged for two gen- y-ii t... tnit BOOM and board and good care for bright boy IO year, old attending acbooL X 4J. urfgoniaji. VERY pleaaant front room, modern con " venlencea. walking distance; good homa COOKIHK; igrii." itu-'uii-.". - ELEQANTLT furnlahed room with board; fine location, reasonable. Phone Tabor 8-'. NICELY furnished room and board !n pri vate lamur. .. - GOOD room and board In private family. Phone Aiajn oiw. WEI.L-Ft'R.NISHED room with best board. large porch ana grounoa. mam ROOMS wllh or without board. Main 154T. 712 Flandcr, at. NICELY furnished rooma, suitable for on. or two people; close In. 363 1.1th St. WANTED On. or two girls or young couple to board in private family. Main 7774. ROOM and board for 2 In nice home. 6V3 E. Aah. Phone E. 1843. PLEASANT room with board for two. Ap ply 3.7 AIIU St. taa GI.ISAN Rooms, single or en suite, good table board. NICE room with board In modern borne, furnace heat. East :81- HERB la a home for two young man; call at once. Main j6-'. ROOM and board for two: per month; bath and phone. Main 3.-.Q4, 6 th st. ROOM and board for two In nice private home. (' t EJast Asn. rnone r.wi aqu. NICELY furnlahad rooma with board, ii i t n .. 14. lath at. ROOM, with or wl'hout board. In Sunny Bine, 1 en i-.i iiivj...i. - .- FURNISHED room; private family; walk- Ing dlatance: preaKiaaia. o-v ... FXRN'ISHED rooms with board In private ..-ii - - v. 1 1 aart? BOARD AND ROOM Nice rooma. 41 Preseott St.. off Union ave. Apartment.. THE CAMBRIAN. Corner 12th and Columbia. Ready for occupancy October lBtn. One of the moat exquisitely furnished apartment. In the city. Furnlahlng to harmonixe with the woodwork and wall decoration., situated In one of the most desirable location. In the city within block of three carlines. Reservation, can be made by calling at the MEIER A FRANK RENTAL DEPART MENT, FOURTH FLOOR. EXCLUSIVE apartments. 6 large rooma and alceplng porch; private front and back porches: private entrance: beat, hot water and vacuum cleaning syatem. 791 North rup. Phone Main 'Jjt.'iS. THE CODY. E. 7th and Taylor: a new corner brick, all outside apartmenta of 'i and 3 rooms. Steam heat. Individual phone and electrlo lights furnished. Janitor aervlce. ORDERLEIOH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartmenta, modern, price reaaonable; walking distance. Phone Eaat S00. 6HEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson ats.. and 4-room apta., with bath, unfurnished: all outside rooms: every con venience; modern; 6 mln. walk from P. O. ; very reasonable renu ' THE CHESTERB UR Y. New, nicely furnished and unfurnished a. room apartmenta Every modern con venience. Call Marshall 868. A 4406. Ref erence required. 20th and Kearney sta. PARK. APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sta., beautiful S and 4-room apartments, furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; elevator; telephone frea; 145 to 8Q. CECELIA. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 3-room apt.., with bath, ,32.50, modern and with every convenience, 22d and Gli ,an ata. Alao basement apt. Morgan. Flledner 4 Boyee. KORDICA APT8. Furnished, from 1 to 3 roora apartments; also single rooms; free light, bath and phone, steam heat, mod ern; reasonable. 3'J2i Belmont su Eaat S418. THE M KINLEY. 420 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private batha. moderate price, new m'gt. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park Street, Corner Madison. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments. Individual phones; convenient, downtown. HADDON HALL. 414 11th. cor. Hall, X and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfur nished; private phone, bath and balcony torches. 35 up. Marshall 1171. ct fROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnlahad 8 -room apartments and one unfurnished 8 -room apartment; free phone In each apartment. THE- WEITFAC 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments: walking dia lance; prices reasonable, no children. THB NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St., new 2 and 8-room furnished apartmenta, walking distance; Janitor aervlce. Phone Main 429. THE BERYL Large rooma large cloaata, cool and airy for Summer; aome fur niahed apartments. 21st and Lov.Joy; lake W or. DRICKSTON. 44S 11th M. Nicely fur nished 2-room apt., with private bath and telephone; public laundry-room; f.0. Marshall 6T; 6TH AND COLLEGE. S and 4 rooms, finely furnished apart ments: strlctiy modern, every convenience; easv Balking dlatance. The Altamont. A SUNNY, furnished apartment of 4 rooms and bath, newly tlntt'd, in a private home. I'hone East 1540, 546 East Alder; walk ing distance. PAHKHURST APARTMENTS. . a and 4-room suites, elegantly furnlahad. 260 20th au North. Phone Main 403a; or Main 117tX A FEW aelect furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3-room apartments, new, for rent. Aoply pa.e Apartments. Sth and Burn slde, East Side. Telephone Home B 1018. BROADWAT APARTMENTS Four large, pleasant furnished rooms; modern; rea aonable. PhoneEast 2i86. SELECT 3-room apartment: ateam heat. ft rlvate paone. cnj v..n , ..ui icMuuauic, hone A io . THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis ,iria, 3 and 4-room. modern apart ments, references required. NEWCASTLE. 4024 3rd at: housekeeping and Bleeping rooms. $2.50 per week up; steam heat, gaa. bath, phones, laundries. THE MOPTON , .nd 4-room unf wrnlsbed; 1 baseman t nrnlehcd; rcferecs: BOZVN-TA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, atrictly modern, private nails, phones, etc, k"L North 20d st. Marshall 2821. t. itE.rRlE.SD, S. W. tor. 7tU and Jeffer son- modern 4 aud 5-room unfurnlahed " p , 'rt ments: steam heat and water. aa.l MODERN 6-room apartments: all con venience, walking distance, phone, .leap ing porchBMajn03t. FURNISHED apt.. 3 room, and batn. for 115. The Columbian, 11th and Columbia sta.. newly furnished. HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison, un furnished apartment of two rooms and b.th. reasonable rent. ctRAlN-THEE Elegant five-room apartment. Yt gide. walking distance, rent reason ,be. Main 7741. OR vrOMEN The Rlchardaon Apartments. 14th and Market, every convenience. Phona J. in 2:i80 or A 3653 for rates. btriCTLY modern 8-room apt., beautifully furtTlsned. Including piano, etc. Inquire a ". 21 The Sheffield. 270 7th St. CAM AR APARTMENTS. 704 Lovejov. Beautifully furnished J- apt. ; reasonable. Marshall ;91. -afit.nnllP COURT IRVINGTON. Eaat 9th and Schuyler sta. Steam-heated partmenta. - :ur pi MS and s-room apartmentm, fur TH,Shed 191 Uth St. Main 6444. FOR RENT. Apartmenta. ANGELA APARTMENTS. (References Required.) 37-39 Trinity place. Only 10O feet from Washington .t. and one block west of 19th St.; completely fur nished; ateam heat, private, batha, hot water, electric lights, gas rangea. private phone In each apartment, electrlo .levator, Janitor aervice. 2 rooms. 35 to 4S. 8 rooms. $.5 to 1 50. 4 rooms. $40 to $55. Manager In Apartment 28. Phone Marshall 19j0. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sta. THE WHEELDON1 ANNEX. Car. T. n tli and Salmon' Sta Walking Dlatance. Completely furnished 2. 8 and 4-roora apartments: buildings new . and atrlctij modern; service nrat-claae. - KTSd HTLL APARTMENTS. 1T1 King St.. near Washington St Will open October 1, 1911. and will maintain tneir former high standard of tenancy; 4, 5 and 6-room apartmenta, Ap p,y on pram is tta for reservations. CARMBLITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 18th and Jefferson st,.. 4 and 5-room apartments, unfurnished, with re " caption hall, automatic elevator. Pacltlo States telephone in every apartment ana the moat modern convenlencea found in the city. Phona Main 2t)od or oall up main office. Main 8764. THB DEZENDORF. 20 16TH ST, NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 5-ioora unfurniaa.d apart ments, situated in the heart ot the cl.y. within 10 minute." walk o tn. bus.ness ceater. Reservations may be :oade cn premise. or by phone. Main 4795, .. 8725. GRANDEST A FURNISHED apartments ?rand are. and East SLark ats. Brand new four-story building, ready for occu pancy now; 8-roora splendidly famished apartments, electrlo automatic elevator and every modern convenience; on the East Side, but closer In than most apart ments; very reasonable rent and best of aervlce. Apply to Janitor on premises. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson sts.. complete Sept. 1; finest, brlgnteat and best arranged apartment reeldence in the city: S, 4 and 5-room; all outside, day light rooms; convenient to cars, walking distance, private telephone. In every apart ment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, re frigerators, laundry facilities. vacuum cleaners, etc Atundant on premises. Mar shall 8310. ' THB BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3. and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holme, disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of cloret room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. if you want something nice, come to tha Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 291. - THE EVERETT. 644 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and aleep lng porch: automatio electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In one of the choicest residence district,, sur rounded by elegant home.; walking dis tance. . . HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 block, south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely flrat-class. fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month. $2tl. $30 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. THB IRVING. S9 Irving St. One four and on. five roorn - unfurnished apartment; have gas range, refrigerator, shades, hot and cold water. steam heat and Janitor servloe: all outside rooms, verandas; rates reaaon- snie: references, rnune a TRINITY" PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. lth and 20th sts; Just fin ished; most magnificent apartments on the Pacific Coast; rental, reasonable: sleeping porches: private hallways and every mod ern convenience: references required. rtiDUB ABIBIiail uv. inc. UAnDnnuu A beautifully furnished 8-room (lare, light and airy) apartment, steam heat, private phone and bath, automatic ele vator; the most home-like and quiet In the city; must be seen to be appreciated. Oi4 aiBiaiiaiii ii' J ' " LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a claaa bv themselves. See them. Lucretla st-. near 23 d and Wash. 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closeta and baths; hardwood floors, free phone. In each apt. phone prop, and mgr. Mar. 15Zb. janitor tow TH IT" UEBVntTH T12 Washington, cor. 22d St.: X. 8 and 4-room apt... furnished or unfurnished: up-to-date, clean and modern; Prlvat. bath, telephone: rate, reasonable; bast service, phon. Main 7180. LOIS APARTMENTS. 4-room front apartment, furnished; steam heat, private bath, private phone, finest kitchen In the city, both gas and electric cooker; best residence district; reference required. 704 Hoyt at. Phone Marshall 2010. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. West Park and Columbia sts. First-class S-room unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences: best location In the city, front ing the parks, and only 5 minutes' walk fapnithebu5ineas center. Apply to Mgr. GARDNER APT, cor. 13th and East Ash. 6 rooms, fireplace, hot-water heat, all out side rooms; if you are looking for some thing flrf t-class. see this; references re- quireq. ruuiw ai ONEONTA. 187 17th 2 and 3-room suites, hot and cold water In every apartment. ki. T)V. .... -Main RUT LEONCE Modern apta.; Nob Hill district, convenient to 2 carlines. 1S8 22d st.. N. Fists. 6-ROOM upper flat, all modern conveni ences, newly tinted; 2 carlines; $25; key i a, Uan.,,.!, Malm 7JIU. on prrmiBB. 6UNNY upper fiat of 4 rooms and bath, fur nished, newly painted. In a private home; piano. Phone 1540. yOR RENT Neatly furnished four-room flat, with water, phone and bath; walk 7 -. . x- .ni fin ing oiataiicv. -iv --.-" , 4-ROOM modern flat. all convenlencea; adults; $30. 821 Northrup. Inquire Flat B. FOR RENT 2 and SI East Sth U, near Burnslde, 2 5-room flats, $20. Key at Woodard'a, 104 2d at. ; FOR RENT 5-room flat. West Side; $20; yard; block car. Call iHO Stout su Main So53. SUNNY upper flat of 4 rooms and bath, fur nished, nowly painted. In a private home; piano. Phone East 1540. SUNNY upper flat of 4 rooms and bath, furnished, newly painted, in a private hom'i ; piano. Phone East l.'4Q. LOWER Hau hardwood floors, loca.ted in A-l neighborhood, to responsible party only. Main B-4. KOLLADAY Addition Modern 5-room fiat; walking distance; low rent. Phone Main 8201: C 27lU NEW flat 4 rooms, plenty of steam heat, hot water, corner J itn and E. Morrison. Phone 'laoor la. fnR RENT Swell flat, upper half fur nished. Cor. 22nd and Kearney, Marshall 30'.'S. NEW 5-room flat, nieplace, modern through out. VVeSl OiU, wiwo . . - . rent $35. Mam iwu. MODERN five-room steam heated flat. f none k-room flat, all modern conveniences. E. 18tn ana Ain. yimn., j- .-v. 6-ROOM flat, very reasonable to permanent 4-ROOM flats, new, c!ose In; $20 month; i, eariinz c-. 6-KOOM upper flat. 766,4 Irving, near 23d. Key at cornt-r l'"i-"i 5-ROOM flat, bath, furnace. 588 Balmon; key at quo aaimon. NEW, modern 6-room flats, $27.50 and $30. 540 Kast Anaeny. JUST one-more of those handsome flat, at 248 KilllnESworth ave.; rent $25. NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished flats, modern. 668 Market. NEW corner fiat. 101 East Nineteenth u $SO. 4-ROOM flat. bath. gas. range hot water. light, clean, reasonable. 41 2 1 Second. LOVELY four-room fiat; furnace; rent $19. East Sth. B 1404. LOVELY four-room flat: furnace; rent $19. Phone Kast n. i J SIX-ROOM upper flat. 782 Johnson. Main 7 fit 7a2l). : NICELY furnished 5-room flat, piano, on carlme. 461i; 7r5iT desirable 4-room flat partly fur nlshed. 631 Montgomery st. Main 58 1 4. UPPEB S-room flat. 47Jtj W. Park; modern. Inquire a " 5 i " FOB BENT. Flats. IRVINGTON FLATS. 14th and Haisey; 6 largo room,. Iaep-. Ing porch, privat. front porch, hardwood floors fireplace, til. bath, kitchen fur nlahad with fine overhead gas range. Among beautiful homes, and excellent car servic. F. S. BOWMAN CO.. E. 22 d and Braxe. .ta. $16 NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe ninsula Park; light, airy; sleeping porches: near Jefferson High; public achool; aa. them today; fine for children. ear. Alnsworth, Albina avas. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat. hath, elec tric lights, furnace: walking distance; $23. Including water. Key at 330 Rosa SU Call Main 2114 or E 8710. . NEWLY furnished flau Irving au. between Ilat and 22d. & rooms and sleeping porch; references exchanged. AT 470, Orego n lan. 6-ROOM upper flat for rent; all tha mod ern Improvements: large front porch. S25H 18th su, bat. Clay and Mark.u Rent, $35. Phone Main 2084. 6 AND 6-room flata, hardwood floors, flr. places, sleeping porches. Finest In city: don't bverlook them. East 25th between Hawthorne and Madison. H o uaekeeplng Rooms. THE BEAVER. I2th and Marshall; fur nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free: $15 per month up; a clean place, best in the citv for the money; short distance from Union DepoU Take "S" or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooma, aultaa of two, gas plate furnished: $1 per week each. Bolmont Apartments, 480 u, Belmont st. $1.50 TO $2.50 Wr.EK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; take UT car. THE MILNER. 350 U Morrison, cor. Park; furnished, un furnished apts. for quiet people; elevator, steam heat, all conveniences; beat location. COMFORTABLE, pretty rooms, reasonable, free phone, steam heat, bath, etc S8i Taylor at. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. FURNISHED housekeeping suites, very de sirable. Cambridge bldg.. 8d and Morri son. Call room 36. NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont New brick building, furnished and unfurnished apts., $ 1 6 up: steam heat; walking dlatance. FOUR unfurnished rooma. 267 3d sU. rent $20. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 23.9. Housekeeping Kooma In Private Family. THREE or four completely furnished house keeping rooms, first floor: atrictly mod era; piano, fireplace, also south front housekeeping room, alcove; reasonable. 4i5 Clay. 8 LARGE, completely furnished house keeping rooms In private family of two; modern, porcelain bath, gas range, phone; fine lawn. 431 3d St. i APARTMENT of two or three large bright rooms, beautiful new furnishings, gas range, heat, hot and cold water; $18 to $25. 808 Front, near Gibbs. $4 CLEAN, cheerful lower two-room corner suite, running water, gas. bath, beautiful location. 115 N. 23d. A 4237. TWO newly furnished large housekeeping rooms, phone, gas. corner house. 76 East Yamnui. FRONT, heated, furnished room to one or two ladies; housekeeping privileges. 533 l amnni. 6 NICE room, partly furnished for light housekeeping; $21.00 month. Inquire lloo Belmonu cor. 8ith. Phone Tabor 865. TWO nice front rooms, heat, light and phone. 654 East Morrison. Phone East 5576. ; NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; all conveniences. Phone Marahall 2128. 42 Elia st. No children. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, gaa, 67 North 14th at, beU Davl. and Ev- eretu THREE modern furnished housekeeping room., block from Olds, Wortman 4 King. 170VS 10th su J FRONT furnished housekeeping rooms; only $12.60 per mo. S38 E. Taylor. 2 blocks from S3 car. , RITITE of 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping DU1 . - .1 ,i.n VamhllL rooms; tower nw. TWO desirable front housekeeping rooms, waiKing Uinimiv-- rt fine 3-room suite, aunny and clean; mod- ern conveniences. w - TWO clean furnished housekeeping rooms. 33 North 19th, block from Washington. TWO desirable front housekeeping rooms; wanting oigi.mi.. r TWO nice dry housekeeping rooms In base ment; t wee. ji NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 668 Markeu 2 PLEASANT front housekeeping rooms. 287 13th at. NICELY furnished front suite, all conveni ences, reasonable. t'Q .tiumavn. FURNISHED front alcove suite, with separ ate Kltcnen. oas tail""" FRONT suite, running water, gaa and phone. HOUSEKEEPING or eleeplng-room ; gas furnished. 869 Flanders st. 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 751 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 576 E. lammu a'. 8 FURNISHED room, in private family: ...ai .-one aaa plate. 620 7th at THREE or four partly furni,hed room. Sellwooa oo. 6-ROOM cottage, furnished, 7th and Clay, aD. ooo xeon mug. HOUSEKEEPING "ulte. two room, and kitchenette, phone, bath, heat. 265 6th su Bouses. 8-ROOM modern houae on Wlllamett, Heights, garage; 1 block from o.r, beau tiful view H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 13 Commercial Club bldg. Phone. Main-8609, A 2653. ; . 7-ROOM modern house for rent, $20. month. 961 E. 21st St. N. Take Alberts car- key at store, 732 Alberta. sU. an phone E. 1739. MODERN 6-room house, fine l.catlon, East Side; all carpets laid. bath, heater, ce ment basement, lawn, etc; rent $25. a 402. Oregonian. . TWO houses, 7 rooms each, elegant condi tion, choicely located. East Side, one well appointed for physician, reasonable renu 31. b. reenters, oi no m".- 6-ROOM cottage, gas. bath, h n co'n1 water, large yard. block from car on Eaat 30th sU. $14 per month. W. a. Lang, luoa leon wma- strt vONTHLY McFarland's 7-room bungalow- bath electricity; one block Mount ifcot't cars? See Well. Realty Co., Stewart station. MODERN 7-room house. West Side, cloaa In A-l condition, good furnace and fire place, range and fixture, desirab e loca- tion; aoima wiij- ."m FOR RENT Modern S-room house in desirable residence S""?1 sT'rO WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO., eo rouriu oi. L7W. "SeoT-'D: SchalK. gtara. ai. r,w 7 rooms. strictly moaern, Btnw;Art W0; ET Side,. Phone Wood- lawn -1 oo. 1 ROOM partly furnished, suitable for re ?en?lHg. West side, walking distance. 6.1 5th. Main 829. Rix-room house, also 2 housekeeplng- 'fnmxui call Dick's grocery. 26th and rllnton. Phone Sellwood 28D. , i room house at 085 Flanders sU. near Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753. rqT side, modern 6-room furnished or WSrnlshed. furnace, fireplace. 2S Savler St.. w iiiameue '"'a"-. 1021 TILLAMOOK HI. T rooma, auitiij 10moflern-. rent $30: will give rea.e. Ward g ounger. auiie 7 room house, full lot, nice lawn, Lovejpy bet 23d and 24th: $50 month. Vanduyn & Walton, JIO wnaman , . ........... k-or RENT Modern 6-room bungalow, partly furnished, long lease; referanoea. Sellwooo . HOUSES AND rLAis run TOH ir I JJU un uit "- ' vain 6!67. 08 Chamber of Commerce. Mam oi-o'. ' MODERN house. 6 rooms. 655 East Taylor, East Zg. $18.30 Modern, newly-tinted 7-room house; yard, fruit. 840 Montana. Main 2356. FOR RENT 6-room caos. ...-a lance. Inquire 392 V 6th U t ance. inquire "2 FOR RENT 5-room bungalow on 2ath and Haisey sta.. $20. 514 McKay bldg. FOR RENT S-room cottage, walking dl- , tancc. inquire o.- FOR RENT Modern 7-room house: $20; V,od in for Wintnr. Fc!lwood 1383. MODERN 6-room house. Call mornings. 86 E. 17th. Pnone r.aau j.- an,, pivE-ROOM modern house. 418 San Rafael mu C 2S18. A