TITE MORSTSO OREOO-VIAy. TnrnSDAT, OCTOBER 5, 1911. - 11 . j j. ray I FOB RE XT. nFLP WASTED MAIM ' I : I - I fror Ac-rea.. i ' tTtei- I r . - I I Cat" II. gj scoitthi-t. ixci-tniNa ixTEHtit. f A T PARK Addition. Juet South of K INflTON ehir of A e.r..nee. arttetie and we.) Aaiat4: wlil furt..eh bo'tM 1 wit your prtmnt fttrniiart, c"ort' Thi - !a la e.aely built k'ih-c h-ua and lb bucrioi ii: sere- dnpii'ttM agsia at the -w f M'"0 en -I tm. as it loi ax t.fS tr price, and scare. tom Viuf are fr pop- renne nat. wh want m-1fi: rrtd hm. Vsia ell"- PKTSOM UITWLH. A 1 ft iMmbtf ef iomictfc. CHOICEST TART Of 1RVIMOTO!. l 'ni mat rslnc for sal l :re p. -ex hi'dwo4 toon 4 stair riH irgs p ttff M windows thrwugbout. ki3iom I ht.n fls.jres, pn."l dm lr.rom. di-'Mini-room. trip- mirror. piDc porrh, wail bed. eon 7 ftrrtd Sit ..hen. bai:t-iB flr. cowktr. wao.j.ui. tr.. full at tie al aeemest, brKwl veranda, .odera ffara: 4rrwua4d by iha fa at p.ecea In Ir toa. ilat sad Tuiamook. iccupied br B'f; i scents. 4 2 aaat 1-si street Nofia, Paaa Juaat aM. CHEAPER THAN REST. Bur Th! HlN'iALOW. JiMi congitl. a rooms, full t-amn. f 'i. . t ... t-tn b-.iaaa rvd uff n. Urge, barhroom. Dutch fcubn, pl;ed f 'r gsa. wired for f'-irc:ty. traa VojI'O 1, 5 bika from rar a .id rrMf. my l-rA doa. balance to suJt jur Infom CILE '.ON IlkifOHT ADDITION, i w nr, co-opera'i.e Truat Company. 4 Yeoa bMg.. Uaraha.1 410. eaK-VEY ta.ka h-r. eheap for cuh. or wi:l tra'la fr I rr proved acrM or toie fiar hpund. ltf acra, Jo;na am:: Wrn Or of on . naw -room mora houaa. CLrp.aca. lar( a" art a. - Tabia fi p'airta and rarrof. brr la. 1t vwmI rnt patur; on rlvar frnt, fi f lf'il. ftn trqrk or dairy farm, riant n ion; no druth: dari your prp rr immUiata poaaaato- B 1-4. Cor tht va a.n r r-T. WHT SfiT TV R V A fL'WDaT3 T!TO JNOjJflC FKorEHTT? IK TolT OW1 A tn- K WILX rfRVPH THE MONST A.SD BL'U.U IlKS:iEXCE OR FLATA f i. a n i r f e. i r we utt l u. o v n REPUTATION TOl" R F ROT UCTIOX IT WiLX fAT TOTJ TO 8EK L'A u it. bmi ey co.. i.c. roNTRArrr- XSO ARCHITECT. 14 ABIXQTUN BOX A I-PIN" A. -roam hua wr.b atab!. n lot VOv1"0 1 , r'r to Kuaa:i at. and WtUlarra aa-; rn: for J pr nrth. th mrnpiatioo f tna Broadwav bridaa will ln-r tia aFua ef i rt ta pmpart jr vary matartally. H I PAI.MRR-jnNC4 CO.. ill i nmirr. UI "tuh P' pho-a. m A Mlt LOT OWNER. H RE 1 TOUR CHANCE TO IMI'ROVE TOUR PROP IF.TT WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMCVTi TTIL1. PINAVra IT AT A LOW RATE OT INTEREST: PLANS FURVT-4HED FRCS. IT W I LX FAT TOU TO COME IX AND TALK THIS OVSAV J. ft- AT K. I.N S, ACHITF!rT AN t DL'ILXEE HENRT BLta PACRiriCE. room fcanaalow in rafrictfl dlarrlrt; f)n rir aorvu-a. livin-rom, dinlB-roorn. ki-han. wtnj-rom or dn. 3 Ura bd ro"m and batriroorn. h a r I a aod f!tora. flna Bturi ran b bouajht for small payment 4 ". balana l!h rant rrVOFERATlVK BCAT.TY CO. B? riallway Efhanf. 4Jti and Stark J 100 HAWTHORNE DtTR ta-Z I OA. A brand-naw )-rxm bun cal"w. alartrM ad aa nturM, comant bmnt. laun-d-y irava. mdrn an4 up to data la rt rartiru ar. a 4mny p.aa; fod Ttaw ; ar aavat; 3 b.ocka jth of Hawthoma r. J L Karoo pp. arnar. -i Railway rKM-l Jr-a Varolii y?4. R-wB CITT PA Haw 2 CASH. T rama lara tivlna-room. dtara mm. ba rmd ea!l!s. buitt ta bu.'fat ajBd - raaa. av t id oak Coorav Dutc kUckaav lwrtart. flrap'a-a. NATIONAL, RKALTT TRtfT COu Run I2-l CTamaar a Comaarc A4aV Pnoaa atam all. A P UUJAIV. 4 a it-x.yH. ULA.4 INTX). F P -t.: -F! Nfl P Ki " H. t A R I W O O l rtM'R 'IHT KLO'I KIREPLfK, H PA- E- I.AROK VEtAM4. FULL irv E.T B .-Mi:M. IV FAT. A - L N K.'A t P-TI rjS FTtMK IN IRV. l 1T-N POH 1-' ZiIMa-HMAV. Ala HHt OF TRAPS BLTHj XI-. nearly nw a-rom bunaalow, aria lo.-t.on . K. Tanttal.I at . nar 37d. aoma irrm at A.'O par OHI H.-I ZADOW. T Bartf of Tra U H .g . 4fn nd 0C t lr r aiaa In a kama aar off arad t aaa uk to Boa City Park car, aaj ld at. ; f 3r tra a an n aat- front !: lnra raoaaa and at re. nil buiit-la affacta; aaa.l dawn aavoiaat: ba aoaa Uka rant. If ara parttaulna tfcia U1 alt yata, AWa 9mj. E ATKtVt Wanrr Bld aTtTL BKITXIE tl raai will aoura 4 -room kooaa, ( and Kath. Ifrtrjf l for two familirn. arwa A 44. VR. RITTER. With OOI'iarr a W1EPRICAC. Stt K ark Hi. ItHii'W AT MOU A ftr. niMa.n P-roorn bona an lot JtMiv ioaf- on Brodav. prira J4.i. an tvrana. Tit la n bauttful placa of irntTMr KKI I T CO 'h r. Wain ! A 1 tiwa B FiT BARilAIN IN CITT. naw. atrlrtiv molrp hungalovt. 4 and A rooma ranU fr cupni-. fjfww to $.'3 imill pa man do a a. bnX Ilk rant. t wa aow you hofflM. JAj. A tLO-v. 555 A ' r Mato IWCtl. HOME n-.!w.1 on!. hardwood f oora up and d.-n atatra. tl' bath, tr.a kurrtan. ia-i $1 doan. t0i0 par J aar A Hraa. ht E I tth and fc. 1Vi fa. rtoi-a F"t V-'TV Pr.-a VVA frPEClAL tt l ' lv" n p-fUI dlacouat of A4 nn o-r frrm tha raaiar prica to tha fi'at A buvara a lo a t!a with as it weak on our Irria; tta.1 land at Wrat Staytn. Or (Nora chnc of addraa. o-ir Farm Tapi. la n "w m room Tiimbr of rpmmrc h'-l . cor. H ntid Kfar. around fiior llartman A Thomp. a-n Harfoaj. ChU'KS toil tru;i raaroM maar Partiaad: walk:na J'ltaaa to xd to wo; ruai'Df water, baat atl. frao wood, aplvod.d frail diat".at; vtaw af Columbia Roar ani aao paaka; a-rraa. Ail; A nrran, 144; 14 4-ri. $144. 14 par cant cash, aaay pay a a ta ; a( tar tract a aaf rau waj taUA lit U t par a era. FRANK Al Fa it AND REALTT CO. t Taon BMc Partlani. Or CrvT'INF UN VP-N yo-i want A tr SI a-ra firm wit T now hoo and barn at n r"t doal ia d Uotntnr Milf la hM a' If a.. a- ua at one". I a ,:! bo ao'd hia k and B,nb.vy "irc to -t n anap. Sa M-. Hartna:. HarTn V Thmta-n. Chamuwr of i'nmm'f . groiu'l fUnir. (Not nw ad lf. ro.m S TF X awrra boa vrrtlam land, nnar Irr; ca tion aad ray for crop baat for onlona akory. rnaiifi.-'war. potatooa. an-.; rtvr and rn'l tranaptntoa ; no thine bttar itwhm: U ru and anay paymanta. yatito Ml 'ouen blrtc.. Itf th at. XcRP traeta. Waat Pida. M.aa In. J4 m!n ataa' rtr arl-a. boat of aotl; th'a property In M -f tunnol mwcrawt; ItiiO and up; Ajf pay m' t . S. T TOVE. TXC. 4:4 4:: n irj rf Trada A. A T'VS AN Ai'HB. 10 arra or mor rich. wIl watarad farm and fr alt fan.t. X Oil I --a from liva titi on R. R- and rlvr nar Port!jtnl. Kt I'nri Nuhauan AS Co.. owoara, TS Law ia bMc-. th and Oak at a IO AvKCli lit I'W.NEH, Wf a-raaa wo ra !-.-trie: daap. rtn. falMti4 aoil: wil aall to tracLa t ault. ary aay tarsia. F. F- Fa.ar. LOa- a d Or S TO 1? aor rloa to city oa 8a1m alr ir.o Hoa. rurnmi itr. only AlTA ara. andwn 4b WaUoa. ili Cham bar of Com merv. ACR Fit. Una depot. Atf your.( aMl. A fclocka of depot. Atf youne aipie t an kinds of krria. ou"ui.cing bm-a. ou' out.c inga. cniraa. prn sad 3 room houa- ' Hurtig. Tissrd. r. g;.V 3 a -1 at etttn. reg-n City Una, 1 ,c tar: rocaa; nea raaadaac si tea - (in prtr. f r qatrk sate. r&oas Va a B;i'E RlVKR landa. impruad and an.-n-P d t ea" ajf t"r Portuid prop e" l l.-ioir r Kv-hange akA-it and tar-na (rum p-r acja as. larsa anJ am all tracta t a., k aif a l'iHr t.rw -- iihi t A hHiAlN. aw 4-room tr--drw BlA'H lv. e oea car and 'H'XU lIIO: rh B:-w-h Rea tv Co . Alder at. IP R R- LR a a-rea. cia oa avoairy road. Owsar. avred. oa rrn. vi oai carina rhons c AX ACRE. rich aoiu . REACT FOR THE . FLANTIXG. A nnd If-lTf trarta. clar. lr lard trial nr had any traa. atump or braafi ' an It. TMi iand la raady for tha piw and plan lite . tna dp. rich aoj irowi tfia f meat kind of frxnt. brria. rardon tru-k ar.d ara;n; apitild for chn; cluaa ta th bat mtrt't on tba Coaat. on i if tc li.eiiai and ft neat ruada in ttia atata, ar noula. tr.ophoara. fro mail dr l:vr; luruAr and fro ful chaap; cat-d in Houthwvatara Waujhi&atn. nrar tha fatat -arrow mar tow a la tna at at, with tnroa railroada aUroady wmp.J ; 1 'a mlla from dpoi and only nnllaa from a rtty of 10.m4. will ba cloa to ow a. act no lina; ovar - A4 tract aold aunca May li: uwa laat farm Juat cut up and put on tha mirkot. ThU land wi.l pay for Itaaif. now blcv auld at tho oponinn pric at lo and I to an acra, oa aaay torma thai tnyent can hand la. Oalt and ar aoil. pnotoa. tc, cat ItlJr talll&a? yu wnai tha Govrnmnl axporta nay about thta land, and mako arranaamonta to !ak at inraa iracta Oux cuai.mra coma from all parts of Ortgon. WaatiUis:oa and othr atata. Wrtta for foldar. At ara on nara AMERICAX HOME IXVEflTVEVT CO Ownrra. 414 Chambar of Com mare. 1 ACRE. 1 arra. all In cultivation and faarad. fair 4-roorn bouaa, chlckon houao and yard; this la 4 blocks from alocirlo Una and within A-cani car far and city wntor; th.a plar U lo-atd juat out of tna city limits of Vancouver. Wash.; lota across tha atraat ar aI!tn for A404 par lot; tha arra can bo bought for ftZS: $09 cash, balanc A yaars at 7 par cant. BRONO-PTErTLE CO.. Ground Floor Lawia Bids. 27i Oak ML Farm IspL IH ACRES. U art-, all In cultivation and Ival. l!a iuat Uka a cardan and tna vary boat of soil. Just 1A mil from Portland. fara on od macadam la4 road, a blork from latrio s'atln and country town; mlla from church and nlh arhool; B. K. I and tolaphona aorvtoa; prloo BltTA. 1400 caah. balanc on Ions; Urml BRONO-8TEEI-E CO. Ground Floor Lw!s Bldf. 147 Oak 6L GARDEN HOME ACRES Mw 1-acra subdivUion f flnrat I5-acr trart near Portland, but AH nil lea from rurthoua whan tunnal Is completed. MiRh aat of cultivation, axcallent s tar withm AV-fool lift, supply abundant for Irr.catmc ardena. soil vary rich. dop. shot clsy: no cravai or rocks; 2m yards from Oarden Horn Btatiou. sarv ! of all Foreat Grova and na-em train a 4V4 dally; fare br book 10 eanta, aoon to ) 4V oaata. Prot prlc par acr Is th fulur prtca par AOilOO lot Prlo J jr acr and up; par ent doan and 2 par cnt par month. GRURRI ZADOW. I!T Board of Trade Bidg.. 4'h and Oak ts. EXPFRrrvrrn REAL EsTATB BLTERS Baa acknowlodcad that our prloe oa tha hprina Bill Farm ara low. romparad with pricea af aurroandinc land Wa want you to sea for youraalf. 14cra trata as low as AoA with vary aay paymanta. 40A Coach Bids;. A5T I'KR ACFiE IF frOI.t THIH WEEK. 1IA.rr ranch. miles from Portlsnrt. rn mil from railroad station and boat landing. acr under good state of cul tivation: It acra In potato; 4d.0OO to txt o hasila of cabbage. A acres cherry orchard full bearing Hay and (rain, plenty for a!l . neceeaary atock ; 5 sere hih-grd boaverdam. ftted with stream running through. 3 hora A tni'.ch coat. 5 thor-'ughbra-l bulla, several cslves, 2 1 piga. r J,v chlrkena. farming ma chinery, ard houahold furnllura. WHITXKH-KKU.Y CO.. T Fourth au DO TOU WANT ACRES? S acr' new. modern houa. juat com plaiad. with electric lights, telephone and water pipd Into hoas: near cardna and only i minutes from PostofTtca. A bar gain at A3-ih. or will aubdivlda, Vry imi:i caatk paymant and aaay terms. Call Mala lvX. T TEOM BLDO. i ACR W. IX TOWS m 10 PER MONTH Th ownr nda tnA mnev and will soil this A arres at your own terms. Tha soil is a rtrh sandy lam. rice. lent for r,tablea. berrlr and fruit. On the ma n Itn of the s. P. and within walking d'atanc of tha Oregon Electric. Fma oter at from 1 to 5 ft- Juat out of loan, thu. rutting th tamea la two. Wa will show this A acres tousy. rrlco I23A par acr. P. R. WEPT. 44 Ry T.t. BTdg.. Piark ft.. Portland. 15 ACRES. All !n grdn and young fruit tr; living eapr-ng. nnaat soli, no crave:: mail raMn. one mite ta electric car. SO m In uie from r-nt-r of rliy. Prica p-r a-r. term. rHII Lt! THOrOX CO.. And Railway Kit bang B;Ug. Phone. Marahall 3140. ONE ACRE NOT EXOCfiH. $7fHw will buy Irt acres, one-hslf In ru itvatton. right on tslrm Electric. 43 niinutos of city; ems -I pay man t down. AA aa a rra f or M arr-fi wit h In IS ralies of portisnd. wlrh 10 acre In cul tivation. Tha vary beat of agricultural land. J. Af. FREVrH A CO,. 417-413 AMngton HUlg.. Itirt Third Rt. J5UT baauttful acre homeatt on Oregon Fiectrlc. mmutea from heart of rii sod S-cent far: graded rosda, nice rhado trees: station n tha gmurd. Adjoining 41 aifea baa been sold In 5-foot lota at A-t."0 each, or 42IOO per sera. Wa offer vou one full arra. of eight Iota, for as lw as A, on ay terms. 614 Couch b:.tg Marshall 1377. riVK ACRES CITT WATER riPED. Near end of Koa Ctiy Park car Una, Fandr road and Cotumhta boulevard; tel eihone and ele.-tnc lights Svallahie; fran rh.ee let an 1 city rarllne will ba extend ed; sH Is deep and rich : view superb. K-e this f r a -uttir home or lnvet -ment. prt-a only AliOO; r:H take S'.aJ SS Brat payment. Aj 4rJ. Oregon lan. M R. NEWCOMER. Onlv a small pavment down and bal anc on your own terms at 4 rr cent for the tin eat assortment of acreage t b found In Ore-on. Dia t fall to Inveetl gate. Sea Mr. Hunt at Hart man A Tnomp in Bek. 4th and Ffark eta. A'rHE TRACTS All r,red and cultivated l-vL good Mack s'H; within block of tanair. 4 blocks from eie-trlc csr. store, yoeiofflce. rburi-k and scbooL f 26 cash; '. per month, no Interest, no taxea; prices up 6e thts. 414 Dekura bWg. I'hora Vain i4d. SAT A BUT3 14 acre deep red shot poll adapted to fruit and vegetables; sit imoiio and tillable: no rock: wx4 an water; cloaay to school. Poatoffic and slur; within eaay roach of Portland and the cheapeet land on the market. AU Couch b:J.. let 4th at. FXR SALE by owner. -V) acrea unimproved land, eaay cleare.1. 30 rrl'es from port land, on good cair'v road. S mile from railroad. $-': Sh0rt caah. talanc S -ra ot a per cent. 10"3 Huron sc. I nl eraitv Paik. BI TS acra In cultivation. blocks to car. THt car far. alctrle light, wa-t-r piped to s-ra under preaaura. Term a, 1 1 70 down. IJO monthly, fine aolL a. Oregooiao. BfcAl TIFUL. ACRE WITH GRAND VIEW. Within tha u-sntl cirri, good watr. rtch so.1. hchly cultivated. cioe to cttv rar In. Ac far. o.w w'll ta 1 100 as frat ret""'- J 43. Oregopian. ON K A'RR. good soil, feoead, pew hoMe. fimthd. and barn. ato a wood tnoucl tor y-ars. about one-third In cu. tiva'toa. Total prica S730 cash. Owner. R 40. Oregon I an. OS BAR LINE. ? ACRES. CT.KAKED. IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. CAT T. AT OPFI' K F'lR PABTICCt.AR ZIMMERMAN. A14 BOARDa OF TRADE BLl'-i. THE XAST CHANCE. TO cJoaa out tha few re main On iric trans of tha gprtng H HI Farm, w sra ofrerlr.g 1 acres of fn land at gl"0; only a na.l pavment to b paid la caa&. and tba remainder In monthly payments. 40A Couch Bldg. for iaiHotoewda. ADVANTAGES of Oregon; lvO-pSgs book give th amount of uovermneut land open to fcomeatead In aaeh county la Oregon, Waanlngion and California and deecrlp tloa of aama; glvea bomaaiaad. daaart. timber, atone, coai and mineral iaw; tar a anapa of Uraguo In color. 2i8; ona snowirg R. H- in operation and ona ahow Ing B. B- propoaed and under construc tion. Including Avaatera and Central Or 00 book 3&c: maps 2oc each, or tba thre. ftOc; map of California. In col or a STx.U. 2.c J-tiwmo. Kuaty A Caw. Haa i:ton njg. ; , THE aottlers of Hampton Valley In South eastern Crook Countv. Oreaon. invite you to coma to tbla fertile valley and take a JO-acra homeataad and become indepand ant. Tha soil Is rich and deep, good wa ter at 1 10 20 feet. postofrK-a, school, stores, nesr new town and railroad aur ey. Location fe reas-nabla. For particu lar write Sherman Montgomery. Bend. Oregon. rTK ALfc A rellnQUlshmen on a 32 Bir homestead In LKjuglase County. Washington, lived on 9 years; good houa and furniture; 27 milea from Wenaten. li, mll-s from R. R. station. Inquire 41 Al-ler St. KE-INgriSHME.NT. loo-acr stock ranch. A': garden, chickens, lools; 3 ni.a from rsilroad- Jna Hoover. EddyvlUa. WILL locate 13 people on 12 of th beat timber claims leit In Oregon. H. R- For Fruit Landa. FORCKU 8ALEr Ona of ths most valuabl young orchards in Hood River Nothing better as a permanent investment or a speculation, as It Is rapidly grow ing In value. Will bear cj-t Investi gation. A small amount will handle. For sale by owner. principals only need ap ply. flU. " 1 - FcH SALE Highly seres fruit lsnd; thirty In commercial orchard. J ill. Oregonlan. lor Sale Farm. PROFITABLE FARMING. 10 acres, beat land to b found, good improvements In the way of buildings and fence. 21 head of fin cows. aleo .otnr stock snd horses, very beat of machinery, tools and Impi'manta. This is now clearing- - per month above a good living fo? th owner. Price S14.0O0. Time on Plj acres right closa to Portland, well Improved.- rod bulinB. crops, etc. Price o.00. A acres, Juat out the city limits. x edinKiy rich land, including personal property. $r750. , . V acrvs cioa to station and oat land ing, including personal property. Price 041-00. Will exefaang for good Portland property of gam value, 40 acres, swell suburban fsrm. excel lent bulld'nes, nice orchsrd, snd Just out th city limns. Price only 30 pr acre. If you want a farm of any sis, any location. Snd want the best to ba had for ths money, I Invite you to call or write. J. E. SMITH. 513 Chsmbr Commerce. Portland. Or. CANADIAN FARMS. Do you want a farm In Western Canada where the crops this year are In advance of anything known on t ma continent? For wheat-growing, dairying, mixed farm ing and cattle railing, the Province of Alberta is unsurpaased. Lands are now offered by the Canadian Pacific Rallwsy Company at price rang- ln?10r AN ACRE ON LONG TKRMS OF PATMENT OR ON THE CHOP PATME.NT PLAN. That la paying fr your farm with a portion of your crops each year. Land values have increased 30 per cent In two years. Great opportunity for the Homaseeger. Call or write for full particulars, book let, msps. etc. Next low-rate excursion October 7. Go Kh ua and ace for yourself. IDE-MCAKTHT LAND CO, General Agents CANADIAN PAUIr IC RAILWAY AtULKTA LAND DEPARTMENT. 2 Lumbermen's HuHdtng. ACRE 8WFET POTATOES 192 B I 11 ELS. Karl Gufnther of Loe Molfno grew vuehele of sweet potatoes on a ling acre this year. The tone Bartlett pr orchsrd ai acres produced a crop that sold fr I31.hk; the Bunysn prune or chard yielded 40 loan of dried fruit fro? 1 acre, worth Sl-- A ton. or fOOoO. Al falfa 13 tons per acr; 4 crops rabbagos a year: strawberries evorv month. No f root, no drouth, crop failures unknown. T he wonderful raeu t are poaalble only In a W interie cilmate. with a great ahundanca of water for Irrigation and a rich river-hot torn eoiL We furnlah cow at cost without Interest and take hs'f your monthly cream check. Cows pay II" a month In buttsrfsc I,and cheap. 1htw acrea aold Taai three weeks. Low price. Kasy terma LOS MOLINO" LAND COMPANY, Lo Mollnos, CsL U ACRES. $:34. SO acres. S acres under cultiva tion, balance slashed and sodd; fair A-roin houea, barn, chicken house, good well, family orchsrd ; this trsct face on main county road, k. F. l. and telephone arvt-; 1 miles from ltric elation. 15 mile fron Portland: this 1s a good buy and you will say o when you U. $ftf0 cash, balanc good terms. BROXG-STEFLE CO.. liround Floor Lewis Bldg 2(Th Osk FU Farm Depu A HTGHLT-IMFROVED F A KM. S-0 rr '"'. acres, terms. 40 mtle from Portland, at North Yamhill. I4fi i-r'i uii'ter plow. acres flrst-cUas ttmjar. rtS acres of tine fruit land. Tha river, raitrosd snd county road all run through th place. There is ST-V'-o worth of stork, crop, implements and buildings. By Inquiring for Allotment ,o. 1. full details csn 1 obtained. I.e Nolr A Co., ground floor. Chamber of omrnerre. SUBDIVIDING PROPOSITION. OVER ;o) ACRES CLOsiK TO PORT T.AVTV ri.FCTRlC R. R. CROSSES PLACE. TH F soil I- THERE. THE WA T Kit IS THERE. THE MARKET IS THERE: TH K PRICE 1 RIGHT. CUT INTO TRACTS YOU CA V MOKE THAN POI HI.E YOUR MN EY. LET M FHOW TOT'. 319 HOARD OF TRADE Ht.Pi tt)R. 4TH AND OAK PTS.- ll."d ACRES. $12 per acre; l.r.o bottom land. In cultivation. Rao leTet. scattering oak. Mi good aaw timber, balsnre hill and bench ; good fruit and paiture; wall wa tered, fenced : old buildings; near large tow a. railroad and ahool; this la aplen dirt atock. hat snd fruit ranch. In West ern Oregon: I H XK csah. bal. 0 per cenL T Aft'. Oregon I a n. VlaRK'COTNTT RANCH. 2 arr-. Improved. 4 mllea from Van couver. Wash.: 10 crs cleared; ma!l or chard, etc. This is a bargain at AMOon, on terms. The aoil Is a rich black, sandy 1-atn. vary ferilla; cloa to etures and achooL WH!T1IFR-KEI.I,T CO.. TO 4th St. Main 10rt. A 10o. FOR sala on reasonable terms 40 scree up land, all level; 13 scree in cultivation, bal ance pasture: big six-room house; big barn; ao bearing fruit trees; good wail and running water; cloa to school and good town White to John Wax. Leas. Wlnlock. Wash. DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. SOO a-ree on auvle Iiinnd. 12 miles from FoatoffU tn Portland, with stock and Implements, only SIuO per acre, vary eaay teim. J. W. OGILBEE. Room It. 143 ltt st.. Portland. Or. S20 ACRES All In whfflt, fin barn, fair houa. good spring. Ttrla plac haa never produced lea than 30 bushels and as high as 43 buaheis per acre; will pay 40 per cent on ln atrnent ; will eaay iay for It -pelf Id S years; term. Cail 2-$ FaJUng MJr S4- At'K E farm. mile from carline. 14 from town: 30 acrea cultivated. Is scre ;.-hed and eaally cleared, balance flr and oak ; creek and springs on place; flve room house telphn an-1 mail dellverv; snap at S123 n acre; only $?5oo csah. Cheahlre A Taylor. tH3 Chamber of Com TAMHiLL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts. surtabJe for general farming, grain, hay, fruit, ho pa, dairying. about 40 miles soUthwet of Portland. Or. Call cr writs for price 1 1 ' - W. fc. Kldler. r'ar.toa. Or. X H WE a great bargain in a farm (4 n.lles from 1'ortiand. furnished houa-. rock and implements. P. K. Enebo, alt) Henry b.dgv RANCH 0O acres, with buildings, is miles from Portland, near elec:ric line; bargaia for all aaift. by owner. 13 Morrtsoa at. 4A-A'RE farm, with so.-k: pri-e reason, ab.a. near tosn. X 4 VI. Oregonlan. GOOD FARM BUT. . 40 ACRES FOR 13200. This Is a rich acres. AS miles from Portlsnd. 3 miles from station; there are 40 acres. W seres in cul tivation. 10 acrea seeded to clover and timothy, balance easy cleared; good new 4 -room bouse, good bam and outoulldmga: price, with con siderable p-raonal property, only A-Ot; A3U0S caah. HARGROVE Ac SONS. 123 N. eth iu. for. 4th and Gllsaa. Mala 43S1. A IS ACRES S37A4. SO acres, 2S under high state of cultivation. balanc slashed and seeded, this is A-l soil and slopes a little to the southwest; faces on good graveled rosd; K. K. D.. telephone and cream route; fair A -room house, good barn. well. H acre of orchard, aaaorted; ther la a good live stream that crosses one corner; mile to school, 14 miles from country town. 5 miles from It- R. station. 3 miles from Portland; this Is not back In th hills, but la In a thick ly settled locality. Price 3;so $215 Cash. BRONO-8TEELB CO 247 V Oak St. Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg. Farm Dept. HERE IS A BARGAIN. AS acres of rich land. Improved,-and SO acres under cultivation; located near Canby. This property Is cheap at $7MH); H caah. Let us tell you mor about this property: It s worth while. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 70 4th St. MMn 100$. A 1008. TO EXCHANGE. FOR &ALB OR TRADE. 134 acres, 3 4 miles from Cornelius. 3A acre under fuitivation. good portion of balance slashed and seeded; fair house and barn, stream, spring and family or chard; will trade for good Portland orop rty; price $0 per acre; this Is the cheap est buy In this locality. BRONG-8TEEL.E CO.. Lewis Bldg. 247 4 Oak 8t. Farm Dept. 240 ACRES at S33 per acre, improved, fine stock ranch, Marlon County, for Portland property. 5 -room modern house, 12500, .for Im proved acreage. Store building and gn. mdse. stock, 20 miles out for city 'property. 1'laning-mtll doing a larg business, $ZSno. fr city or farm property. WV acres, mostly In cultivation, well lm- ? roved. 4 miles to Corvallls.lSOOO, for nrtland property. Grocery stock and building, $4000, lor acreage, residence or farm. If you have anything to trade, call at our office. Phone Main 8774. GARLAN'D A BARNES. 191 4th St. TWO GOOD EXCHANGES. Cash snd 40 aires of rich, highly Im- f roved land, located on Salem Electric tne. for stock of merchandise up to S:i5.u00. Good modern S-room house, comer lot .WxlOO, In Piedmont, to exchange for farm land or acreage; price for house and lot lioOO. WHITMER-KELLT CO.. 70 4th BL Main 1008, A H0. 04 ACRES of excellent soil. 14 milea from Portland, near Damascua, 8 milea from electric line; 4S acre in cultivation; 7 room house and outbuildings. Price $10. 00: take Portland residence up to $4000. $t(K cash and balance terms. 1 acres, 1 miles from Portland, 24 miles from railroad and boat landing nar Canby. 45 acre in cultivation; 7-room houa and outbuildings $"500; take Port land pro pert v up to ."i000. KAUFFMANX t MOOR EL 323 Lumber Exchange. 24 ACRES TO TRADE. 20 miles from Portland, close to elec tric line and th Willamette River; well Improved with a good orchard and bulld Inga. The owner will trade for a good home on the East Side. Dc YOUNG A HARTSHONRB. 814 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I ' HAVE beautiful country place with 1000 feet frontage on Willamette River, 14 acres, all In cultivation, two houses. 1 rented, good barn and outbuildings, wa ter pipd all over the place, fin view, - fine orchard; price $700: will take hous snd lot up to $4000; balance Ions; time. O 46. Oregon is n. TEX acres, 4 4 miles from the Hood River CHy Foatofiice, fair buildings; 500 stand ard treee. 4 re 6-year, W are 6-year, balance 4. 3. 2 and 1-year: close to store, school and church; prlc SI 0.000: will ex change equ 1 ty of $ hovO for Willamette Valley ranch. AV 547. Oregonlsn. WANT to buy modern house In good locs tion from owner who will take cultivsted acreage, free of Incumbrance, located 6 miles from Vancouver. Wsah as part layinent. Ward A Younger, suite 66 Yeon bldg. IK you have an unincumbered lot that is doing you no good and want a new 6-room modern buugalow. we have several that we can take on or two aa first payment. Don't lose this chance. bS 10th su (near Ptsrk). THE Hood River District Land Company, Hood River. Oregon, has a list of Im proved and unimproved Hood River ranches, all elsea and pricea, to exchange for Portland and Willamette Valley prop erty. LAUR ELHURST. 7 rooms. sleeping porch. hardwood floors. ftreplao. built-in convenience, cheap, small rayment down, balance to ault. See owner, 4"4 Yeon bldg., or phone Marshall 410. A BEAUTIFUL 7S-acr farm -with ftroom plumbed modern house, orchard, running water and large barn; near Portland: to exchange for general merchandiaa store; S.-.. v. R 4P2. Orcgonian. I AM leaving town and hav dandy new house, right on carline. on 4-d atreet ; price $3000, which is below value; will exchange my equity of $1800 for good lots. - 471. Oregonlan. W A NT ED To buy modern unincumbered residence In Portland, not to coat over j.'M'tM). from private party, who will ac cept developed 10-scre orchard as pay mcnt. K. 4:t'J. Oregonlsn. GOOD 6-room houae attlc snd basement); ws Iking distance to Postof flee; and fine Irvington lot and good p&per to exchange for business lot, farm or acreage. AU 473. Urepor.ian. WANT lot In Laarelhurst or Irvington; will trade ." acrea cultivated land on macad am road, A miles from Vancouver W a ah., free t'f incumbrances. Ward A Younger, nte PlM Yeon bldg. WANTED to exchange tract of fine orchard land in Hood River diatrlct for unen cumbered residence lots In good neighbor hood. E 40tf. Oregoman. , pHAVE 13 lots, clear of Incumbrance, on Willamette boulevard; want house or atock merchandise for one or all. Box an. St. Johna. Or. TEN acres of 1 -year-old standard apples on the Lyle-Goldendale branch of the North Bank R. K., aw per acre. AV W8, Ore gonlan. , IHVe a fine, modern 7-room house, hard wood floora, !n Rose City Psrk. 2 blocks from car: will exchange for good acre In city limits. O 407. Oregonlan. I HAVE $1000 in caah. J.Vo In securities, 7 per cent, and $3500 equity In a new residence to trade for good stock of goods. R 494. Oregonlan. WILL take a good auto as first payment on an room bungalow being; completed on F- 37th eu. N. of Sandy road. AK 489, Oregon lan. IF Yi'l' Lave anvthlng to trade, hat with u; A3Oii.M0 worth of tra do for July and August. Ward A Younger, suite 34 Yi"n b:dg. ST04"K In Portland Mfg. Co., now running at full capacity: will exchange for unin- . t.4 t-. -,ra rt r. Jai Prrtuatn. ?3I cu m bered property. Vorceier p.ug. li ACRES, right on Willamette River, pric f .i.0. lies fine: will exchange for houa and Int. N 470. Oregonlan. WILL exchange any 2-atory brick building in Johnson Countv. Nehraaka. for property in Oregon. O 4t. Oregon ian. CAN SELL Columbia River Orrbard bonds at a low figure. F. Hsdley. 310 Spald lng bldg. COLORADO lands and renver suburban lots; for property around here. J. F. Hadley. SIO Spalding blog. PLASTERER to do work as psrt pavment on cheap suburban lot. M i'U Orcgontan. FOR KXCHANOK. t f.t oa Union avfc. 10. feet ob Grmji v. with reenhou,. on Union, and -room houta on Grand ava.; price lla.OOO: will tak. Improved farm up to 110,000 aa part paymenu. ina-aer. wheat farm. Gilliam County. 13.S0: eichaa. for Hood River or Port land property, equal aiua. 40 arrea at Hood Plver, oppoalte Blonch er station. 10 acra under ditch; price HOvO. xchane for house In Portland. New modern 4-fIat. lot 10x100. price I14.J0O: Income 1SW; will take lot ault able for liata up to f'000. B. Tth. near Broadway, lot 50x100, two. 4 -room flata. prlc $6000: Income $540; trade for i-room houae. worth $3000. GODDARD It WIKDBICBi tit Stark tit. FOR EXCHJLNOE. Modern B-room bunralow. Eaat ISth. near Alberta, price (na0; take clear lot aa down pavment. 1 acre with new modern bnniralow, -room hou,e. also barn, chlcken-hooee. brooder, and Incubator,. 600 thorough bred chlckena; lot, of fruit; on Jth at., corner; price $5000: trade for small Im proved farm up to $7000. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark 6U TO EXCHANGE. 40 acres of lrrlat.d land under Gov ernment ditch, that can be had oa easy terms, psrt cash and some trade. KEAPET. HUMASON A JEFFERT. 133 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Or. WE have food Portland property, good farme and business opportunltlea to ex change one for the other. If you have something good for something good, let ua know: no fictitious values considered. F. FUCH8. 420 Chamber of Commerce. $2000 EQUITY In a IS0O0 modern 7-room house, lot 100x100. In Union. Or., for 5 or 7-paseenger automobile; must be A-l -condition and 1910 or 1911 model. F 462. Oregonlan. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, electric -light, bathroom and toilet. 100 feet from car, for rooming-house or paying buslneae. M 472. Oregonlan. , I WILL, trade equity of $2000 In fine block. blocks from postolflce, St. Johns, for merchandise. Box 208. St. Johns. Or. WILL trade 40 acrea of Irrigated land near Bend. Or., for acreage near Portland or city property. 784 Corbett st. Main 6174. WANT 1011 Cadillac deml-tonneau; will trade first-class Portland property. AP 487, Qregonlan. FOR farm exchanges, business chancs or rooming-houses, call on ua Northwest Realty Co., 617 Board of Trade bldg. TWO good-building lots-with fruit trees, trade for equity In residence. W. E. T-. 437 Chamber of Commerce. FOTt PALE or exchange, S -story unfinished building and big lot close in; value $6000. AH 49. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, good second mort gage; $13UU. AJ eov, uregonian. GASOLINE FERRT, doing good bualn.se. B000 COLUMBIA P.iver Orchard bonda for $183. Kee Davidson at 201) Lewis bldg. FARMS WANTED. SMALL FARM WANTED. Xew-comere are all looking for a small, partly Improved farm. In Oregon. Their preference is something within easy ac cess of Portland. If you have something for sale and the price and location la right, we can sell it tor you. Send ua full particulars of your place. ACREAGE AND FARM SPECIALISTS. PACIFIC JT.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 400 Couch Bldg. WANTED Alfalfa ranches; 6000 acres and 13.00O acres In Oregon. Washington or Idaho; water must be In sight for Irri gation, otherwise not Interested. 130.000 acres agricultural land. J. H. MrKlbb.n. 717 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. JAPANESE want to rent good farm within 10 miles of city. 8. K-, 87 N. 6th . St., Portland. WANTED RE A L ESTATE. WANTED to buy a modern 0 or 7 room house from $2500 to $4000 value, will give preferred stock In active Portland busi ness. Guaranteed 10 per cent income. Payable semiannually. B, 43S, Oregon lan. W' ANTED An Improved farm, not leas than 13 acres or more than 80 acres. In a good farming section; send full particulara, to gether with the price and terms. R 49U Oregonlan. WANTED Weat Side modern home; walk ing distance. O 461, Oregonlan. FOB RENT FARMS. FARM for rent; must be experienced orch ard man. 13 acrea bearing apple treea and 12 acres of two and three-year-old trees; good 0-room house, large barn, fruit house and woodshed; good place for chicken ranch, inquire 2ll Morrison st. 'OB I.UJ-TIMBKIt LAND. FOR-J ALE Option on four million feet timber. Jackson County. Oregon. For psrtlculars address box lug. BtanBeld. Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C. J. MXRACKEN, 804 McKay Bldgv FOR BALE. Borsea. Vehicle.. Eta. ONE team bay mares. 2S00 lbs., new harness, 1250: these marea are aound and true, single and double. and 9 year, old: a good pair chunks; team chestnuts, mare and horse. JOOO lbs., new harnesa and -spring wagon, team absolutely aound, both years old and true in every way; price for complete outfit $143; bay horse. 4 yeara old. weighs 1200 lbs., this colt In the Spring will easily bring $250. our price $165; bay mare, 1100 lbs., 4 ajar. old. aound and a good cloae-made ct.vnk, the kind you can't wear out, this Is a real bargain Tenhead of mules and 10 other head of horses also for sale. AH stock from this barn will be sold with a written guar antee to be aa represented or your money refunded. Inquire of Portland Trust Co., where we bank, if this firm is not re liable. Business references also furnished. You positively take no chancea in buying from us. aa our guarantee is Iron-clad. Portland Stables. 15th and Couch su. E. V. Hagyard R. L. Evans, props. $"30 WILL buy 2C00-lb marea; straight and right, both regular breeders, have been An ranch In Washington. They are full sisters. 8 and I years old. and very closely matea. ve iw mwu"o u m". price a new st of breeching . harness complete. SllS Alder. t'-'5 will buy a pair of mares, 7 and 8, weigh 2300. sound and both regular breeders have raised colts this year, true and good workera. Also a new harness i. r- thla nrlca. EOS Alder. 1S3 will buy a 7 and 8-year-old pair of geldings, weigh 2400. sound and true, single or double, city broke and were used on a ranch: new narness wiui uim. Brown's team. S05 Alder. , . nn I..., nt m a r.. and aeldlngs. weigh ing from 1000 to 1200. broke single and double, suitable for ranch, express or light delivery: prices range from $40 to $100. Hitch everything and show them to be as representeq. quo Aiuer. MICHIGAN bUOGIGEfl, RUKHFOKD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy either above, see eea sloes and get pricea. We are located out side the blgh-rsnt district and for that reaaon can sill eheapor. Why buy a see-ad-band vehicle when you can get a a.w ol. at about the same price 7 R. M. WADS A CO, 822 Hawthorne Ave. 14 HEAD marea and horses; good sfngle snd double workers, sound; 1 span mart's 5 and l ytars old, weight 2100, fat . and aound. price $190; two wagons; one butiiry; 4 sets of harness. 247 aat 12th street, corner Madison. BLACK pony cheap for cash; make offer; to K. seen at ikiw a. -i . - -."". w.. Tavlor and th. T. S. Hewerdlne. $ 6haver St.. or phone C 100$ SOVN'D good family mare, welgha 1050. with buggy and harness. Phone Sellwood lv 8 HKD of cheap horses from $15 up. 14 Vnln ave.. coi. Ash. FOR SALE Driving mare, buggy and bar- ness. Fhone . ijo. Automobile.. 7-PAHfiENGER Garford Studebaker. In good condition. Am leaving city; $4:s cash. Phone wood lawn 82.n. or c Jty, WILL give good deal for 111 Cadillac deml-tonneau. AO 472, Oregonlan. CLEARANCE sale of new automobiles at leas than dealers cost. One 7-pasenger, 6-cylinder, 40-horse-power, $4200; our price $2730. One 3-passenger. 4-c?:inder, 40-herse-power, $3130: our price $2400. .,nA One 5-passenger, 33-horsepower, $10OO; our price $125u. One . 7-r.assenger. fore-door, ao-norse-power. $S7i): our price $2500. Two ""-passenger, op.n body. 40-horse-power, $3450; our price $2000. Remember, these cars are new. We also bave several cars slightly used at prices far below their real value. These prices ar. for cash only; a. trades considered. WESTERN AUTO MFG. CO.. t08 Union ave. No., cor. Holladar AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGES. 15 acres, near Gresharo; no incumbrance. 2 lota Swinton, no Incumbrance. 10 acrea Eagle Creek, half in cultiva tion; auto or bonds. 6-cyllnder Wlnton for bonda $-cyllnder Thomas for close-in acreaga, 201 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE: A Mitchell roadster. fully equipped: glass front, presto litrht tank. top, new tires: can be seen at Keats Auto Co., 6th and Burnsida; price $300. 231 N. 23d. EDISON STORAGE BATTERY, Guaranteed for five years. ELECTRIC VEHICLE CiTMPANT, 1309 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 2353. SNAP. SNAP. SNAP. 43-H.P-. 7-pas.enger Rambler, good condition: cheap for cash or installments. rkwnr rtr T a Wnlla. 807 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE or trade, S-passenger auto cheap". ri.igor auiu r.iuui's .-v., .w.- Car Co.. top floor. FOR SALE 1 Lane steamer. 7 passenger. 1K09 model; price $500. Phone A 2923 or A at IM, uregoman. NEW garage Just completed. Live and dead -. -m t . . . , r. f O Q k 1 RA. oo l.'n .1- cur. V "ULi.. AUTOMOBILES repaired at your home. 21 East 78th st. Jsortn. -isoor avv. t FOR HIRE1 7-passenger auto; $3 per hour. Marshall b5U. A lua. SACRIFICE fine runabout. $260. 400 Ore- gonlan Mdg. Dogs, Birds. Fet Stocky FOR SALE 25 thoroughbred White Pekln ducks; also one pair China pheasants. In 472, Oregonlan. SCOTCH. collie male dog 2 years old. thor oughly house broke. Phone M. 4854. ENGLISH brlndle bulldog for sale; bred. 402 H Clay st. Main 8277. fine AIREDALE TEKKittKKS lor paia. snort d4 guarda Laddix Kennels. Est-icads Or GENUINE Spltx pups for sale this week at 626 ft Washington, near 17th st. FOR SALE Canaries, Imported stock; five fine singers. Phone Tabor 1761. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR RENT Small upright piano: good tone: $2 per montn. ab h. un8u $121 PIANO check today for $10. Call 633 Umatilla ave., Sellwood. Miscellaneous. HOUSEBOAT. One of the most conveniently arranged houseboats on, the river for sale at a bar gain price. MIX MARSH. 1J0 Yeon Bldg. MarshallSSfS; WOOD Building going up on lot h?rs ssme Is stored. In order to save double handling we are selling this wreckage wood for $3.50 per load delivered. Port land Wrecking Co. Main 87. A 8736. SAFE8 New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO- 86 Eth St. Main 6309. A 4113. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Under wood. L. C. Smith Remington type writers, see The Northwest Typewriter Co., No. 90 ota. BlUVS Hl LW IT.. If your stove doesn't bake, there is something wrong. I can fix it. 868 East atorrisou. ravua j.... .v . HOME BUILDERS For sale cheap, four furnaces In good condition. Apply Dr. itajlU, ZUO OWOllfUlu uius. iumu v. v WANT a man to do aome work on my yard In Rose City Park as part pay for a good building lot. H 459, Oregonlan. FULL-DRESS suit, nearly new; breast 86; POOL TABLE for aale cheap at 586 iT berta at- GOOD furniture of all klnda for aale cheap, n u iVAnrili.n 1725. HALL safe, used only a short time; will give terms. AP 248. Oregonlan. TYPEWRITER, L. C. Smith, No. 3.S0; cost $100: as good as new. 2o4 Eaat 3d N. FIRST growth fir cordwood $6.50 per cord. Fhone 3aareo.il a.n. 2 TENTS, ready for housekeeping; free ground, rnone penwoou iwn. TWO pool tables for sale or rent. 232 1-fta st. A FOR SALE New motorcycle without gaso line tank, trice ao -u FOR SALE A good heating stove. Inquire at loo i waaii. pi., im-iu ivti. Contractor's equipment by United Englneer- . a. I .... rn. SOS I.ewl. bldK. FRESH cow for sale. 440 Miller ave. Sell wood. . WANTED M18CEIXANEOTJS. WE BUT CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladles-cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, nchanlc. logging. Call Main 20.0. 2B First st. The Globe. A RELIABLE man or firm to sell block of treasury stock for our quicksilver mine; state facilities and anility to seii. a v 867. Oregonlan. Tools Highest prices paid for all kinds of 2d band mechanic, logging tools. Levla Hdwre. Co.. 229 Front. Main 9072. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater A Martin. Pbons East 8134. 348 Hawthorne ava. WANTED Moving picture machine. gas outfit, films, folding chairs, etc AL $79, Oregonlan. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. $70 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1011. Paya highest cash price for furniture. WANTED Lady's ticket East at once. AO 471, Oregonlan. WANTED Light auto truck; must be cheap for cash. AR 4(. Oregon ian. FORD Auction Co. paya most caan for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2443. GENSER pays high prices for cast-off cloth ng. Main 6333. 590 5th. WANTED Ticket to 6t. Louis or Chicago; male, light. AB 474. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MA1J. WANTED A young man who Is a good bookkeeper and stenographer and who ran Invest at least $1000 in a paying and growing manufacturing plant at Missoula. Mont., to take entire charge of the of fice and selling lorce; eomty ana energy are more desirable than the money; the . i- AnA ,v.. will H.ar th. verv DUSiness i ' " ' "... closest Inspection and Is a golden oppor tunity for the right kind of a young man. ' In replying, give your age, experience and references, and if they are found satisfac tory, you will be given a personal Inter- BOY of about 16 to 18 can have good position in office with good opportunity of advancement. Salary $6 pr week. Give phone number and references in ' replying. AB 475. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced boy over 16 years of age to act as page In private club; must furnish first-class references. AH 472, OregonlAn. MAN to take charge of Job clearing land; must be experienced in modern metiiods and have good references. S 471. Ore gonlan. EN'ERGETIC aalesmen who can sell farm land; finest selling proposition on the market; liberal terms. See Mr. Hartog, g Chamber of Commerce bldg. XXnTED Topographical draftsman, good letterer. R. R. work. Employment Dept.. Y. M. C. A. . WANTED A good steady Industrious married- man. no children, to take care of horses. Inquire at 88 East 7th North. WANTED Stenographer, railroad office; must have experience and references. Ad dress AK 473, Oregonlan. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa tion. San Francisco. LIVE Salesman, good proposition; no real estate. 08 Lumber Exchange. WANTED First-class ladles' tailor. Do Blanche. v asuma vv. WANTED Woodcbopper. Inquire 186 Grand ave. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker; good bUL Gra ham, the Manor, ni"". WANTED First-class sash and door ma chine man atOregon Planlngmlll. BARBER wanted at once. Lents Barber Shop. Lents. Or. t WANTED First-class coatmaker at J. Po Ilvka A Cos.. 206 Corbett bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents. new offer. Cutberth Btudlo. Dekum Bldg. CUrTO M shirt salesman of experience- Ap- p:y 2y wasn. iu BOYS wanted. 2 with bicycles; good wages. 274 Taylor st. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) . Office Secretary Employment DeparTment. Toung man. stranger, out of work (JI bis total cash asset) If I pay you $S To special employment membership I wiii have only $13 left betwaea me and star vation. . Secretary If you pay $S for special employment membership you will is" the Y. M. C. A., with Ita resourees. be tween you and starvation. , Result: Young man Joined Association. In less than a week had satisfactory em ploytnent. - Record for 9 months ending Sept. tti Calls for men ?'J Positions tilled New members "l Employment membership sraavrmntee. employment or refund of membersnip fee; gives two ironthjr full membership privileges. 10 mon.hs' .ocial prlvllegca and undertakes to keep party employea during the full term of membership with out further charge. . . . We have constant demand for h'gn rrade, experienced men, Ara yon llttea for a better poeitlonT . , See secretary employment department, T. M. C. A. I WANT a salesman: I don't care how old or bow young, how experienced you are. you think that you can aell a good prop osition which requires hard work and aound. logical argument, but will pay you more money than you ever earned be fore, call and' se. rat If you think you are a salesman. Call tor Mr. Jonas. 286 Oak atreet. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the TJ. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 1ft and 35. Must be native born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free. After SO years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowance. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply to U. S. Marine Corpe recruiting office, Breeden bldg, 8d and Washington sts., or room 7 Winchester House, 13 H 3d St.. Portland, Or. WE want a young man who la a bustler. We have a proposition for a man of that kind that will bring him $5 to $0 a day easily, selling an article that every woman needs. This Is an excellent opportunity to ana that can make good. Apply bet. 8 and 9 this morning. PACIFIC OUTFITTING CO Grand ave. and E. Stark st. WANTED Real estate salesmen: placing new subdivision on market makes It ad vlsaule to increase our selling force: good real estate salesmen make $5000 per year, some much more; we teach the business . to men of character and personality: prospects furnished and special lettere written to aid salesmen. Ask for aale. manager, the Fred A. Jacob. Co., 146 Fifth at. WANTED A real salesman to aell our unique line' of map and other apeclalty calendars; our line Is different, exclusive. It lands the big buyer tired of pictures; We also supply strong line leather nov elties and signs; strongest combined out fit offered; big money for live men. 1912 territory now being placed; write fully, give experience In first letter. Kenyon Company. Dee Moines. la. 85th year.) IF you are a salesman or wish to become a salesman In the subdivision business, we can place you, providing you are will ing to devote your time and energy to the interest of this company. We have property in various parte of Portland and give you every advantage In order to help you succeed. The Fred A. Jacoba Co., 146 Sth ejt. Ask for Mr. Cleland. UNITED 8TATES NAVY has opened a RE CRUITING 6TATION at 218 Railway Ex change building. Portland, where Infor mation will be gladly given about Navy opportunities to young men over 17. "The Making of a Man o' Warsman," a book telling all about the Navy, will b. sent free to anyone who wants It. NEWSPAPERMAN Start a paper in your town. The only capital required U brain and inclination to work. We will help you print such a paper aa wig make the in habitants sit up and take notice. If you are a hustler write about yourself ana. your town to Publishers' Press, P. O. Box 746, Seattle, Wash. I WANT a few flrsl-class salesmen lo help me sell a close-In addition of 240 lots; this Is a line opportunity for the right men: highest commissions; own automobile: prospects from office. Address or call 1108-1O Spalding bldg. I MAX and wlfo wanted to look after fur naoe and take care of halls in a small apartment-house; a modern three-room apartment given In exchange for nrv Ices. E. J. Daly. 222 Falling bldg. I WANT a good man to take charge of tract of 240 lots, close In; office and every convenience on ground; this Is an - exceptional opportunity; references re qulred. Call 1105-10 Spalding bldg. : WE have the best opening In the city fotf wideawake salesmen who are looking fof advancement, with old-established Port land company. See Mr. Caihouer, 418 Mo hawk bldg.. 9 to 12. , AN opportunity for a live man selling our guaranteed Yakima Valley grown nursery atock; exclusive territory; outfit free; cash weekly; "hustle," not experience, required. Toppenish Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WAN TED Salesman, experienced magazine and book men, to represent "Current Lit erature"; entirely new and a sure win ner; highest commissions. "Current Lit erature," room 403, Marquam bldg. WANTED Manager for sawmill at Van couver. B. C. Must be first-class man in every way; A-l references required, P. O. Box 61. Vancouver. B. C. fcALEsMiSN wanted to sell our Una of Pa cific Coast-grown nuraery stock; cash paid weekly. Paclno Nursery Co., 808 Corbett bldg. WANTED Immediately a first-class (no oth er need apply) panta and vest maker. Reply by wire at our expense. Ponlschil & Son. noquiam. v RY MAIL CLERKS, postoffice clerks, mall oarriers November examinations In Port land; sample questions free. Franklin In stltnte. Dept. 810-J. Rochester. N. Y. EXPERIENCED apartment house Janitor and wife: give wages expected; size -of family: references. AG 494, Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced salesman to sell whisky on commission. Address agency. P 409!Oregonian. SEVERAL young men of good appearance to nnn fhanf for ftdVAnCB- soiic.it. ",. ,7.o . ment. Boyd Tea Co.. 209Salmon, TWO boys to work In candy factory; wages to start $6 per week. Call East 6th and Davis sts. ' fi-RN'ISHING goods man wanted; must be an A-l experienced man. Apply to the Brownsville, women PERMANENT Income for salesman. Ask for nryanv. ujo -Uijs over 14 wits wneels. la su ADVERTISING solicitor, special edition. 821 WANTED A printer. Rose City Prlntery, il'2"x soot. BOYVanted In book bindery. Apply Lincoln, McCord Co.. 213 Washington. KE1.P WANTED FEMALE. WANTED AT ONCE Cash glrll over 14 years. GIRL for general housework. Apply 81 j onnaon p.. WANTED Competent girl for general useviorkT Apply at 626 East Burnslde st. GIRL for general housework and cooking. 593 Marshall st. Main 4125. COMPETENT girl for general housework una cooKins- WANTED Lady agents. 508 Rothchlld Bldg. WANTED An experienced nursemaid. 812 juovejoy st. EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no cooking. 574 Hoyt at. WANTED Girl for general housework in. small family, good home. 447 10th St. FIRST-CLASS coat finisher wanted. Apply 88 H 6d st. ' COMPETENT girl for general housework. 771 Kearney su WANTED Girl for general housework. For particulars phone Main 9501. W ANTED 79 Weet Park. 2 girls, on. for kitchen, one for dining room, GIRL, general housework, plain cooking; wales 82a. 155 22d at. North. WANTED A wet nurse, baby 9 day. old. 1321 East Taylor. Phone Tabor 8481. WANTED Experienced saleslady for Jew elry store. 2X3 Morrison St. EXPERIENCED girl for general bouse--wo-H. Call 905 Lovejoy street. ADVERTISING solicitor, special edition. 82T Marquam "' : GOOD girl for general housework. 72 14th; Apply YOUNG waitress. 542 Washington St. WANTED A waitress. Call 606 Wash, at. A