4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1911. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 150 Rooms. 104 Suite., With Prirmte Baths. Moderate Rate. PLU VIrtschan Sons. Props. PORTLAND HOTEL JKvMHV i tt yy i. i. i 17 r . . r pv."r;:lJirS ll-r rx :J r t The Houh and Aider; snd strictly r. r. a '1 j- 1 fT FBITATB HOTEL LENOX E. D. ! T. H. JORGKX9KX, IIih, aa4 Men. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS fle Cal Wiiff. I s Dlataaea Pa ft aivwrr Kaaaa. RATES Cl.OO and C7p THE r P: ciaiaiia altar vm. UIMCAX AMD 3 - Tar- AttrmetrVa PnmiaH w' Oaotl.maa. Rol.l Nl labia aVIIoJa Braakfaat..... labia d'llota Lbim-. ........ lal e'Uvla UUiarr. Ala a la C v c a - - 6 . I 9 a C II us arrlra In F.frahm.nts rrWi. ulnnr rwrtlaa, Laa t .yi.aal AltaatUva. lrrla U. O. HOVitKA. rae aavratara .a - i . r. . W.. r- - ' - ' --.J OREGON BEF0RE150,000 MCLTITVPK l.rKCTKI TO SKE ST. VWl. LAND SHOW. Xortiimrstrrn Kxhlblt to Circnt Snccts, PrfIiot W. A. Camp. U-ll Mid-Stnlt's Ulsplay BIk. That the products of OreKon will ba ahown to liO.Oo persona In the heart of an old agricultural reiclon. at the Northwestern La nil Products Show. Is the prediction of Will A. Campbell, ecretitrjr of tha Northwestern Develop ment l.eairur. who Is muklnir a trip over the Northwest with the Kill party. The iHnd show to which Mr. Campbell refrra Is tha first enterprise of the Northwestern development League or rantsed In Helena lat 3!ay. of which the Orevon leTelopmnt Leasrue Is a subscribing member. l'nllke an y other land products show, the asposltlon to be held In St. Paul la not a money-making proposi tion for anyone. snld Mr. CumpbelL The states simply irot toicether through their Governors ani Commercial Clubs and decided to hold a land show. They have been materially aided by the Hill lines ef railroad and we are going to conduct a show under the most . favorable circumstances with all the monry we can get. to be devoted to advertising the show and bringing people In to see your products. "It wtll coat u about 130. 0vo to put oa this show, of this sum about half will be ned for advertising the enter prise. The business men of t?t. Taul and Minneapolis have put up Ili).f00 for otTlclai exhibit space to be used by the seven states In the league. The other fJd.OOe has come from the railroad companies and enterprising communi ties which wanted separate exhibits from the official displays of their stairs. There are practically no salaries The log paid out ef the land show money, no commissions and no wsste. If we ave any money left from the show we will put It In the treasury of the Northwestern Development Leaerje. which will continue to do something for the American Northwest after the lnd show Is over." The league Is publishing a book giving uniform Information about each . of the states of the Northwest and this book will be placed la newspaper ITIces, school rooms and Commercial Clubs everywhere. Maps of the Ameri can Northwest are also to be prepared by the league and Itlu.OOe of them will be publishrd. These are for the school roo-ie of t!-.e Culled Slates. "We will open a permanent exhibit In the Twin City and make It a show place for everyone who visits the gate way to the American Northwest," said Mr. CampbrtL "Oregon will be repre sented In this and without doubt we ean supplement the work already being d-ne by the Oregon leag-ue by sup plying hundreds of names of prospec tive settlers who visit this permanent axhlblL" Prlnevtl'.e and Central Oreron will have a separate exhibit at the Twin City land show, the Commercial Club f that town havlntr collected enough smplea to S'.l two cara "Central Oregon certainly looked good to the members of tba 11111 party." said Mr. Campbell. "James J. 11111 NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, fl.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in eonneetion. A few desirable suites for permanent oeeupaney un til May 1st at reduced rates. L. Q. Swetland, Mr. C. H. Shafer, Asst. Mt. pj; 3 ; 2 jS: SfgrfJSJ rG;f.pj! ! j J., lil-lSi -.ila'a'i'aMUiiilfajiV a.si The largest and most magnificent hotel in Poi DH4lnM1. nnatiwrxacflA sTl elegance of accommodation or excellence of cuisine. European ,. 1 v j., --a nnw.L o. x. kaumuoi, ws THE CORNELIUS of Welcome, comer Parat European plan. new. nodira up la flat; tin sample rooms; rat $1 pr day and up; rooms lih batb. $3 pr day up; all outalda rooms; our emulous mnu all trains. MORRIS, H. E. FLETCHER, Proprietor. Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washlngrton w Unci, kllegaatly Fwrmiahed. Rates $1 and Up tPkX'LAX. UATtS FOR FCRJMAJtKXTS. Eareweaa Plaa. Taste aar car at Depart ! traaafew at Waahlaglaa St. Jet. K Ful.kl. PHOPRIKTnlL BATHS. BOWERS HOTEL Brutal Aaa Klaatara Bumdn ElaraB zctomx r lax t Kalai ta Famlllaa aaa Sis. jr VMralabad and DacoraixL ............. awa. -M 1.M arta Mcao. Bill 12 o ClX- P. Bf. of Gar4a Erarv RTBtBC rbrona and limoqaeta 4jlaj I IM-rrlca la AU IX-parf aal. fKti A .NO M. K. X.. Kooffl U 8.rvad aa Ra a Mar. Tba rortiaaa. said although he had good report from the Central Oregon district, he was surprised on visiting It and It looked much better than he supposed. The grain samples were so high that Mr. 11111 thought the straw had been spliced. It made everyone connected with the Oregon Trunk line glad they had built the 116 miles of crooked road against heavy odds to reach such an empire." r II.V METEOBOTLOOIC.X. REPOKT. PORTLAND. Oct. 4. Maximum tempera ture K3 desrees; minimum temperature. dVrrees. River reading. A. M.. 2.a feet: chance In la.t ;4 hours. 0.4 toot rise. Total ramrall S P. M. to 6 P. M.. none; total rami. 1 since September 1. lull. 53 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 2 Inches; exress. S 57 Inches. Total sunshine. S hours 24 minutes: possible aunsnlne, 11 hours S mlnutea. Barometer (reduced to sra levelj at 5 P. M.. C J Inches. THE WEATHER. Wind Stats el Waaiaa STATlOrta e-j n. o 6 O 64 0 art o - o. 6J 0 tH 8 2 14 X 1J OU.14 OU, 4 M 4 Oil 4 IS, o. NW (Clear SW lOloudy NW Pt Cloudy NW Pt Cloudy nv It'ioudy NWlflear NWli'lear Hoeton . Calgary ........ Chicaso. Int.r .. . lee Moines. .... Iuluth K urea a ......... tlalrestoa. ...... H.lrna JarkaonTlMe. .... Kansas lty.... S ar.hneld. ...... Montreal Nrw Orleans.... Nrsr Tork Nortb Head..... Phoenix. ........ I'a atello Port land . I'.'teiburf ...... facrain.nto. .... St. I. outs Ft I'sul. Fait Lake...... Fan rletcv . . . Faa Francisco. .. teokana. Teeonia Tatocah t.'and.. A a. la Walia.... Wa.Mnrtoa. ... . W icnlrHr w -iea SK Clea Sff M'lea ear S- 0. r o X'O. T- , . o iV0 0 0 R 0 Til o. to 13 O 0 S 0 "4 O. A o a o 7-1 o eo . o o st n. 5 o. f-n. It 0 1HI! 4 Oo' 4 E IClear N 'Ptcioudr NW Pt Cloudy NWiCloudy ooi 4 .54 4 ,o.M e i it On, 4 .14 4 .( 4 Oo' 4 V4 A UO; e MS O'l s r. : ear 'Clear K icioudy se Iriourty NW near W -esr N I'm cloudy NW Ft Cloudy NW Clear N Cloudy NW Clear W ;C!ear w icioudy xv 'm cloudy sw m Cloudy ,C-roy .w 'Pt Coudy SW ICloudir C-v 4 tl 1 M 10 OO' 4 04 4 " 4 4 otv' 4 .nit 4 TORECASTS. Pertiand vlclnltr Fair. fM'owed by rala by Tburslsv evening or Prloay mornlns. 2,'orthwe.ter'e atnda. shirttag to snatberle. Oregon Fair. erept rsla alors the north coa.t WtnJa becoming aoutheTly. UaablDstori Fair east, rala west portion. Wlrrt. beromlng soutberTT. Idaho Fair, except rs n sootheast por tion . cooler eoutbea.c portion. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tbe barometer Is rlSiDS over the North Perlfle btates snd no rain of eocaequenee baa occurred us tbu d'atrlct during the laat 14 hours. The storm yesterday over the upper t'e:aa'ppl allev baa moved eaat To the New Knslaad Stataa. It vas attended bT general ratrta and blrh winds. In tba Uk rerton. Middle Atlantic and New klngiand Statee It la Blurb cooler In the upper Ja!sllprl Valley and the I.ake region and coere.ponuins.v warmer la the At. antic Htates rrom Maine te . the Care llnas. Tre renditions are rsvorable for fslr wea'her In this dlatrlrt Thursday, exrept s'"n the North Oregon Coast. Wearem tv,.:' rti'l an 1 P 't ?K.'-naern 1 ahf. whera HOME BUILDERS We are contractor and wtll furnlss lot and finance the building ef a borne lor you on easy parmenta. We glva reforanoss and aaa; rafsreaceev WTATT. EITaiaooK at RAT. 131 (eatk SUA. Pbaaa Blala 4TSU. IT SALE """" HF.ILIO THEATER. 4 NIGHTS BEGINNING BCNDAT Special Matinee Wednesday. Harry Askln Presents -The Mustral Comedy Hit The Sweetest Girl in Paris with TRntIB FeUGANZA.' Evenings Lower Floor. I1.S0.1 $1.00: Balcony. S rows $1.00. d rows 75c. 11 rows SOc: Entire Gsllery 50c Wednes day Matinee II.U0. 75c, 5oc 5c, Sic BAKER TIIRATFJt Main t and A B3M l.eo. L. tjakec. Mgr. Tonight All Week. Bargain Matinee. Wed.. I5c. Keg. Mat.. Sat Mr. William V. Mont In THE UOISK NEXT DOOR Br J. Hartley Manners. All America endorses New York's ver; diet. Ths most brilliant comedy In years. Evenings 25c, 60c. 75c. $L Bat Mat. IS. 500. ... v. ...pt. ciaw e nf the Ranch. JSAAJV D, a XWW MAXurJa avasv bai 15-2551 K!SHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75f WEEK, OCT X Odlva. the Water Queen, aa elaborate erenle production with ths fsmsns water nymph as the central Bgnrsi Agaes SeoU and Henry Keane: Burna Kul toai Cblok Mlei ranllas Paul Barnesi Brothers Martina. tr. bc ttt7 U-sjr. ress mil .a""!"" ormerlr tirasaV . W Fulliiau a Cea.iitlna - Hetlae.1 uoe.llle. TrjlK OCT. 14 B.ltn-4-. Kramer and Mae i Herbert iorom M MOOS: ejona n- "We lie aod Co-jUJ ARTAGES Cneoujalled Vsodevllia. UTEK OCT. t The Yoaearrys. Karope s greatest gyssaastsi Black and J ones; ln aad Companvi eilebert-IJaaey (ompaan Marrea aad r-rancla: Dallas t handler j I an tagearope. Popular prlce. Matinee dally, turtala J: J. : and :. Street Blockaded By the Big Crowds. DANTE'S INFERNO Turned 5000 Persons Away. Come Early Today Show begins on even hour. Doors open at 9 A. M. daily. For Indefinite Eun. Star Theater CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ae gunday. r Ll"- Os tines. s eaaae ad twe censecattve times. .xts rnuir sd three eoneecuUve lluaes ..$0e beiue add alx ee aeveal conaecutlve times. sea Kemittaacse must accompany eat-of-sewn orders. ttbea ene advertisement is aot ran la eaa aeeullve laaues the one-time rate appUaa. fclx wards raul aa one Uae oa rash ad Tenlsrmeals and ae ad counted tar less lhaa twe lines. . . Oa cbarss er beak adTerttsements ths charge will be based on ths actual u urn bet at Unas appearing la the paper, regardless ef the Bumper ot words la each Una. In aw Today ail adrertlaemeata are charged by meaaore euly. 14 Usee te the lacb- . . . .. The abeve rarea appiy i eiwojemwa aader "New Tooav ana su na UcDi excepting the followtngl bllaatloos Wanted, Male. r-Mnationa Wanted, fremsla rain will occur, eastern Idaho. It will ba ooolar In South- Compasses, field-glasses, barometers, hydrometers, microscope, scientific ap parsms. Woorinrd. Clarke A- tjo. " ACCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House. 162 Park St. Furniture, etc At 10 o'clock MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDERT. K. T. Spectsl communication this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o"clock. Order of ths Temple. Ths attendance of sojourning Sir Knights will be appreciated. C. P. WIEOAND, Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 114. A. f T and A. M. Regular communlca ..VV, tlon this (Thursday evening at X-WP o'olock. Masonic Temple. Labor In fy tn. m. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. By ordr W. M FRED L. OLSON. Sec TJPCHURCH LODGE. No. 1J8. A. O. U. W All members sre earnestly requested to assemble at Finley A Son, undertakers, today, at o'clock P. M, to attend the funeral services ot our late brother, Charles M. Scbneldsr. By order M. W. FRED 1. OLSEN. Recorder. CENTRAL CLIU will give sociable dance every Friday night. Mllwaukle and Karl sts.. Urtur HsJL Gents 60c. Isdles free. AUTRA CIRCLE. Whist snd SOO party Thursday. October 5. In ths W. O. W. Hall. 12A 11th st. Prises and orchestra tor dancing Admission 15c COJMITTEE MINERVA I.CIWB. NO. 19. L O. O. F. Resulsr meeting this iThureday) evening at 7: o clock. Second degree. Visitors wel- E. FKET. Sec PIED. COFF7NBERRT Ruby Louise Cofflnb-rry, ared '2 daughter of Milton M. and Net tle Cofllnberry. 15U3 Stockton at- Born. Kansas City. Mo. Died October S. LAWRENCE At the femlly residence. Til Flanders street. John H. Lawrence. No tice of funeral later. NASH October . Mrs. Alice Nssh. sred 41 years. Remain at Holmtni rhipuL Announcement of funeral later. SMITH In this city. October 4. Profeseor Kdwta A. smith, at hia reaiden. 435 Waaco sU Funeral notice In later Issue. ' FCNERAI. NOTICE. 8INNOTT In thl city. Octorr t th family rtilnpw-, 3 73 Rons tr-t, Hrii;?t Sin not t. ei 74 ar J month 11 day. b4-JoaJ if of P. B. Slnnutt. mother of M Florin- McHonn!!, W. p. airl J V. i'nnMt. Funeral from tha above reni denc At A. M. imnorrnw Friday . Vtoh4r ; thence m H-tly ' Ronary I -mlnlran, Churrh. Kilt Third and Cta-ka-ira trwt- iervlc- at A. M. Friend Invited. Interment la Klvi"V'r Cemetery. BR A IN A RD At her home, 14 Eat Fifty four! h atreet. Octb-r 4. Marl Hrainar.!. ag-d 7d yeara. bloved if f th laie Ebnear Bralnard. Fun trfll take p. are from the parlom oi tha K ait ti'.de FuDtra! Director. 414 Eitt Aider and Ftit hixth street, Friday, October 4 t . P. M. Friend repcTfu:iy Invited. Perr Icea at the Cray private. BCN'RIR At the family i-eHdenre, T Eat TamhCI street. Oct "bar . Kltxabeth B. penrle, aged 49 ear. hIn ei if of K. Bcnrle. Funeral -rvIc- will b hld at Dunnlm McKnte chtp-1 torliv (Thurtdtvi, October 5. at S P. M- ( rnnda rape:tfuU y invited. IntarmaAt j Rivarview Caaatary. ft ... A BairTI FCNERAL NOTICES. COCOHI.AK Ths funeral services of tha late Jeremiah Coughlan will be held to day (Thursday). October B. at :10 A. M. at Dunning A McEnree'a chapel. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. WITHERS At St. Vincent's HospltaL Thursday. September l. Lawrence With ers, seed - years. Funeral services at Lerch's cbspsl. East 4th snd Aider, to day (Thursday). October E. at 1:30. X ON SET it FLOKAL CO. MAKI4UAM BLDG. bLOKAL Dt-.1U.NS. Phone: Main tlutj A llfta. Banning McEatee, Funeral Dlreetera. 7th aad Pine. Phone Mala 4JU. Lely ae- stotant. Qlftce ef County (erpner. ' 4 g ZELLEB CO.. s4 Williams aval Pbene East lltaa. 0 10. Lady attendaat. J. p. FINLKX BON, Sd aad Madlseo. ldy attendant. Phone aiatn s. a lose. . . .. .. ui.r lllV ( t a nn.Hl IllMe. as-s, 1-0 a st- J-suy wrnwifc - """ . - to y. S. Dunning, inc. r- ex. o ma. ILlt( H. l adertaker, ear. East Alder and Sixth. fca iKU H !. Lady aaiUtant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL.. Main 5a. A 75s. HCMANB OFrlCEK. Sergeant Crate. Basldenca. 24 E. 24th N. aaaf 4771k R. A. Dunmlra. Res. $18 Wasoo St. W G. Eaton. Raa 74 E. loth, alaat 1.44. Horse Ambulsnca. A 101; Pr. Ex. 4. hiigbta, Sundays aad Holidays. A aioi Tn. Ex. 4: Trunk 7. NEW TODAY. Three Good Buys Ten acres 9 m'llea from center of city, near Oregon City Electric; high state of cultivation; W50 per acre, which is $150 less than anything; In thlo locality. 1H acres Oregon City Electric; all In bearing fruit and berries: 7-room new stone house; 4OO0t house alone worth the money: will take small property In city as part payment. We have an elegant dairy farm close to river and rail transporta tion; on which a practical dairy man with $6000 can make a fortune; will bear closest investigation. TROWBRIDGE at STEPHENS, 703 Board of Trade. Members Portland Realty Board. Residence Auction Of Fine Furniture 591 E. Seventeenth St. Friday, Oct 8, 10 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Savage have concluded to return to California and have In structed me to auction their furniture, which is nearly new. embracing in part: One 6-plece set of fine mahogany parlor set. odd rockers, oak bed daven port, brass. 2 enamel beds. 2 springs. 2 mattreases, 1 sewing machine, 1 ladles' mahoganv dresser, 1 other dresser. Ax minster and other rugs, 2 carpets, 108 Edison phonograph' records and cabinet case, new linoleum in bath and kitchen, new range, dining room furniture, leather-seat chairs, dieihes. cooking utensils and many other useful articles. In use about 6 months. 8. H. BARGRR, At'CTIOVEER. LARGE LIST of West Side Business Properties FOR SALE Goddard & Wiedrick 243 STARK SRTEET 12 Net Flats witliin 15 minutes' walking distance of Post office. FLAHERTY & CONNOLLY 715 Yeon Bldg. Wanted to Trade for an established real estate and In surance buelness In Portland. Will ex change an established business of same kind In rV Paso, Texas, where sun shines 350 davs In the year. Assets El Paso business $10,000, net earnings siiOOO to ,8000 annually. Or will trade one-half interest and change about, giving each partner change of climate. No one but gilt-edge, responsible par ties need answer. Numerous bank ref erences required and given. For further Information address P. O. Box 2023. Portland. $7500 Modern six-room house in good, close in location on West Side; hard-surface street; lot 60x100. Bargain, easy terms. KEASEV, lilMASOX at JEFFERT, 232 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Or! 480 Acres near Portland. One of the best acre age platting propositions ever offered, price exceedingly low, considering li advantages and location. A D 4X1, Oregoalaa. . MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGE", FARM MOKTOAGEU. MITVEr HATES. TEHJIU TO SOTT. A. II. BIKRELIi CO.. ZU2 M'KAY DlII.DI.Ha, Iblrd aad ktark. Irvington Lot 1600 CHAPIN & HEBiOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Plattinsr 1ft acres north of Rose City Park and ent of Hvde Park. cor. 6Sth and r-haver. Beautiful level tract; best buy in that vicinity. GODDARD at WIEDRICK, ' 243 Stark St. 5-Acre Bargain 4 ml'es court house: on line proposed tunnel under Council Crest; land lies fine; tills land may double in month: price (430 per acre, f&00 cash. 101 Boaxd of trade. NEW TODAY. Do you want a farm in West ern Canada, -where the crops this year are in advance of anything grown on this Continent t For wheatgrowing, dairying, mixed .farming and cattle-raising the Province of Alberta is unsur passed. Lands are now offered by the Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany at prices, ranging from $10 to $30 AN ACRE on Long Terms of Payment or on the Crop-Payment Plan that is, paying for your farm with a portion of your crops each year. Land values have increased 30 per cent in two years. Great opportunity for the homeseeker. Call or write for full particu lars, booklets, maps, etc. Next low-rate excursion Octo ber 7. Go with ua and see for yourself. IDE- M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY General Agents . Canadian Pacific Railway, Alberta Land Department. v 2 Lumbermens Bldg. Apartment Property Completely Furnished, Three-story brick, on corner lot, on West Side; 38 apartments; price $55,000. Income over all expenses, $8741. Pays 16 Per Cent Net. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. Tualatin Valley Acre Tracts Nine miles from Portland, fine soil that will produce anything grown in Oregon, located on the famous German town road and near the Cornell road, will be sold for a short time at $250 an acre and on very easy terms. SKEPARD, MILLS & ROGERS, 214 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Members Portland Realty Board. Telephones Mala .', A 4710. Stores, Storerooms "Washington Street Stores. Third Street Stores. Sixth Street Stores. ' FLAHERTY & CONNOLLY Main 8723. 715 Yeon Bldg. 10th-Street 60x100. Between Burnside and Flanders Special price to close an estate. - GODDARD t WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. Ladd Addition Home strlrtiv modern six-room house, fur nace "two fireplaces, three bedrooms and slecplng-porch; on Holly St., 1 block from Hawthorne ave. Price $6750; part cash, balance at $20 .per month, 6 per cent. GRFSSI at 7. A DOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg, 4tb A Oak Sts. Killingsworth Avenue I-storv brick: new: three stores and four flats: lot 5OxS0; on corner; price $18,000; terms. GODDARD at WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amount. EDWARD EL GUIDE Y, UeU Bolldlng. MORTGAGE LOANS ttof JOHN E, CRONAN, 7 COLLI. BERRIDGB at THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, SB4 wsweeartex Block. Psoas SfalB.eS7. REAXi ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G. BRUBAKER A . S15-11C Falling bldg. BENEDICT. .02 McKay bids M. 849. Chapln A Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 3. A Co.. 60S Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co. Main 1st. 144 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 211 Commer cial Club bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are. and Multnomah at- (Uolladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. BUNCH of 11 lots. In restricted district, ce ment walks. Bull Run water, west of 42d at., I6O0O house being built opposite: lots selling at 1630 and 1700 each: price I423S. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. CLOSE IN RES1DENCK LOTS. 40. They are 40x100 ft-; located on East Side. 10 minutes' rlda from 2d and Alder; three blocks from Seliwood car; easy . tumx MERIDIAN TRUST CO.. 899 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phones MarahsJl 2684. A 7430. BEAUTIFUL building site overlooking ths Willamette River, grand view of the mountains. In a restricted district, splen did homes being built, water piped to tract, good roads, eta; $500 cash, balance ' easy tsrms. (H) CHAPIV A HERLOW. 5S2-8SS Chamber of Commerce. f23 WILL buy a lot 80x100 teat, covered with second growth dogwood and fir trees. This Is choice property, high and sightly. It has fine streets and building restric tions. To see it take Broadway car and get off at Klickitat st. and walk Vaat. The Western Securities Co., agents, 414 Spalding bldg. Salesman always on ths ground. WEST SIDE LOTS. 1100. Right on earllne on upper 'Washlngtoa St. West 39th and Yamhill ata, beyond City Park; easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO, ?2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8129. LACRELHURST LOT. 80x100 ft. on Haselfern Place, within 1 block of E. Ankeny and Montavllla car line; one of the most slRhtly lots In ths addition; price $150, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2634: PORTLAND HEIGHTS, grand site, about 16.000 sq. ft., 1000 ft. above city, gentle (almost Imperceptible! southern slope, magnificent view, 4 blocks car. suitable for Invalid with respiratory trouble, or for sanitarium; 31500; any terms; no Interest; must sell, a&a, uregonian. IRVING WOOD Lots with natural shrub bery for sale as low as $725; don't miss this opportunity of getting your plck. Ttake Broadway car snd get oft at Klicki tat street, walk east to ths office. Western Securities Co., agents. 414 Spalding bldg. Salesmen on the ground. $3000. 6 lots, 60x100, with house and barn. 51st sU, half block south of Division st Dlvlsion su now being hard surfaced. One block to car. Good investment. Builders take notice. BRUBAKKR A BENEDICT, 802 McKay Blag. ACRE, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 32780. Located on Upper Drive, less than a block from where a $9000 residence has Just been completed. Look this up. Easy terms. Fred W. German. 829 Burnside St. lnone stain or a na. - r, . inrSTl T n T CV1D XS2K- A nice lot. 40x100, on East 81st st. between Going and Bralnard. Price $828; $200 cash, balance to suit. GRUS6I A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak sta ..a (In DCD UAMTtl 1V iVW T, . . ' - " " Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A 1022. WEST SIDS Large lot. with Immense pos sibilities, over 100 feet frontage, on one of the principal streets on the West Side. 3000; terms. Might sell half. Y S29, Ore gonlan. WEST STARK AND B2D 8TB. Lots 380. easy terms; beat buy la tha city: new carline building; see us at oi EMPIRE RA4ALTY A TRUST CO. 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 349. 31400 will buy 80x100 lot. near L car line and Jefferson High School; all Im provements In, half cash, balance easy . nwn.- 19T Alhert. mt r i j ii d- 'J-" v. ....... , - . l A.f,. Lot SOxlOu. facing east, on Union ave, near Preacott: price $3250. GODDARD &. WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. J100 BUYS acre in cultivation, 2 blocks to car 7 Vt -cent car fare, electrlo lights, wa ter' piped to acre under pressure. Terms, 3120 down, $20 monthly; tins soil. A. 800. tjregoniaJ.. l-UiilLaMJ HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. MAIN 8SSL BROOKE. A ssaa. S200 BELOW MARKET PRICE. Rose City Park lot equity. $240 cash, balance $3 per month. Owner, R 483, Oregonlan, FOR SALE Choice building lot 80x100 la restricted district, or will trade for busi ness equal value; price $760. W 473, Oregonian. 8275 FOR a lot 60x100 with water and all modern conveniences; this Is only 20 min utes from the center of Portland. Ses owner. 414 Ssalding bldg. LOT 60x100 In Colonial Heights, close to Hawthorne ave.; cement sidewalks, hard surface pavement: a beautiful lot. 819 Worcester nios. LAURELHURST Lot S, block 61, equity; $J0Q under the market; by owner. AO 4BS, rexonian. EXCEPTIONALLY well-located building site in beat part of Irvington; muat sell; PHOT . bmvm... - 100x100 APARTMENT site on Glisan St., between 20th and 21st; 122,600; very sasy terms. AO 469, Oregonlan. price rwwii."". - " j MUST sell my equity in two Bayocean lots at a sacrifice. Address Mrs. H. Carroll, 623 Killingsworth. A SNAP 100x100 on East 83d St., near KUllngaworth ave. $960 cash. 414 De hum bldg. - Phone Main 8646. SEE Le Noir A Co. for West Side property; exclusive dealers In West Side. Realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. 8700 CASH will buy a $1200 lot close to Rose City Park oar; must have money. A 498, Oregonlan. $550 FULL lot, east front, on 29th st, ons block of Alberta car. Howard, 603 Swet land bldg. WILL sacrifice 3800 lot. Rose City carline. 8000 cash. Phone Marshall 1191. 1400 CASH buys a $900 equity In a $1200 lot; your own terms on $300 balance. E 466. Oregonlan. &0xl00 SITU and J arret t, 3200 below value; price $650. Howard Land Com pany. SOU fawetiajiq oius- WILL SACRIFICE my $800 Rose City Park lot for $600; carline 350 feet; exception ally tins location. Marshall 859. FOR SALE or exchange, two lots on corner. for LOS AOgeiea, m. mnguuiiu. FOR SALE: Choice lot in Eastmoreland, bargain. T 531. Oregonlsn. 816.000 80x100 apartment site, West Park i. Owner. F 459. Oregonlan. chfapesT lot in Sunnyside, $1350; all im "rovements paid. Main 2182. For Sale Hooaea. 330O CASH Will secure strictly modern bungalow on E 22d. near Clinton, price $3600. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. B-room bungalow, shades, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, buffet. 80x100 lot, one block from carline. Price $3450. Call Marshall " ' 82350. Hawthorne district. 8-room, modern bunsjalow, lot 40x100. street Improvements all paid; small payment down, balance $15 per month. Phone Tabor 651. J150 DOWN, 320 MONTH: One block from Hawthorne ave.: new 8-room modern bungalow, Dutch kitchen and fireplace. Full particulars 88 10th at. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. CHARMING. Modern home, attractive surroundings, near carline. moderate price, reasonable terms. Phone East 394; no agents. 850 CASH and $10 per month New 4-roora cottage, lots 40x117: 6 blocks Mt. Scott car- woodshed, chicken-house snd fenced. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRjPST: SEE Le Noir A Co. for West fide homes; exclusive dealers In West Side Realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. sROOM-bungalow; a beautiful place and all modern conveniences. Call $04 McKay bldg. 8100 CASH and $15 per month will buy 4 room house, lot 80x100. 361 E. .llth st. East 5023. 9-ROOM HOUSE on East 7th st.. corner, close In. Falling Mag. -tric TIT-VGA LOW. 5 rooms', larse attic 2 carllnes. 415 Falling rjlfig. 8-ROOM home near car. 32200; tenna. 188 F-, Cist, Marshall 1.64. REAL ESTATE. For bale ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. 72 EAST 61ST ST.. Between Siskiyou and Kllakltat sta, rooms, 88960. 694 EAST 61 ST ST. 5 rooms, 83450. 688 EAST 61ST ST. S rooms and sleeping porch, $3800. 696 EAST 61 ST ST. 8 rooms, (8100. 700 EAST 61ST ST. 5 rooms, $3600, Second house north of Stark st. on 7 1st st. (Mt. Tabor car). S rooms, $3700. TONY G. ANDERSON. Builder, 401 Lewis bldg. Regular commission for sale. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. One of the handsomest, new, mod ern, best built bungalows In the ;Clty of Portland; 5 large rooms and den (making practically 6 roomsi. Very large living-room with flreplace; furnace with hot water coll: gaa and eleetrio lights, built-in buffet and china closet; hardwood floors; fins lawn, roses, etc; splendid lot. 60x100, half block to car (20 min utes' ride to Postofnce): select neighborhood; everything first-class and uo to the minute- Price only $4250 if taken quick. Terms 81200 cash, balance convenient payments. J. W. CROSSLEY. 519 CORBETT BLDG. No Information by telephone. BROADWAY home of 8 rooms, new, never occupied; four rooms with toilet and screen porch on first floor: second floor has two small and two largs bedrooms, a Bleeping porch and complete bath, floored attic all oement basement with laundry trays; furnace, fireplace, lighting fix tures and shades at windows; lot 87Hx 300. facing south. All street Improvements .paid; price $5750; terms to suit. See Mr. YanNlcc CHAPIN A HERLOW. 832-838 Chamber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Board. IRVINGTON. $1500 cash, with balance at T per cent, will purchase an artistic home of 6 rooms, with glass-Inclosed sunroom and sleeping porch; has two fireplaces, furnace and kitchen stove; screens and ahsdes; garage, with concrete driveway; located In beat part of Irvington, on full lot; all Im provements In and paid for. Apply to owner, 1136 Board of Trade Phone A 8344. A. N. KING'S ADDITION. Owner leaving city and wants to dis pose of his B-room cottage, on fractional lot, located on Nartllla su, near Salmon, and" close to 8 different carllnes. Price for a quick sale only $600; $2500 to $3000 cash, balance years. Here Is an op portunity to get a choice piece of close in property cheap. For further particu lars call on. C. F. PFLUGER A CO. Suite 12 Mulkey Bldg.. Cor. 2d and MoT. BROOKLYN ST. CORNER SNAP. A fine new 8-room, 2-story house, dou bly constructed, bullt-ln bookcases. 8 bedrooms; fine corner lot 70x100; street Improvements and sewer paid; an elegant view of the city: on Brooklyn su, in Waverlelgh Heights: 1 block to car. Price only $5260, $1750 cash and $43 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. AN IRVING TON HOME on 80x100, corner of Brasee su S-ROOM HOUSE. IRVINGTON. Good buys, with small cash payment, Main 100. 826 Yeon bldg. BUNGALOW, E. FLANDERS ST. Nice modern, bungalow of B rooms, fur nace, flreplace, laundry trays, beam cell ing, panel dining-room; lot 80x100; B. Flanders St.. near SlsU Price $3500; $500 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak sta NOW IS YOUR TIME. $2250. NEW, MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. DANDY FOR THE MONEY. 100 fu from car, 2 blocks from school; small payment down, balance terms. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th. near Stark. FINE new 6-room bungalow with all mod ern Improvements In fireplace, bookcases, laundry tubs and Dutoh kitchen, con crete sidewalk, close In, near car and school; only $2500, easy terms. Owner, Main 9868. DON'T PAY RENT. -We have 4, 8 and 6-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sals on easy terms. Provident Inveatment A Trustee Company, 201-2-8 Board of Trade, Marshall 478. A 1022. ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST. Small payment down, $26 monthly; T rooms, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, beamed ceilings, mirror doors, furnace, solid oak floors. Empire Realty A Trust Co., 408 Yeon bldg. Marshall 849. $2100 $100 DOWN, $1B MONTHLY. 6-room modern bungalow, y block to ear, at Arbor Lodge; lot fronts on two streets; owner been on strike 16 months snd must selL Fred W. German. 829 Burnside. Phone Main or A 2776. HAWTHORNE. froom corner house, modem, gas and electric light, full cement basement, hard surface pavemenU paid. Price $4000; JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR A TUFFORD, 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. I.UDT-. TU?" A TTTT1TTTT. TTOMITJI- Splendld finish, oak. select fir, modern, choice locations, cheap. Several 100x100 and 50x100 lots, way below market values. Irvington. C 1866, East 278. No agents. W. H. Herdman. IF yon wish res! -valne In a modern B-room bungalow with all built-in features on a pavment of $300, phone owner. Marshall 2690, between 9 and 10 A. M. B-room bungalow, modern, on E. BTth st N. near carline: very attractive home facing easU Price $2850; $500 cash. JOti'sTON. BOTHFUR A TUFFORD, ons rrramber of Commerce. Main 6967. NINE-ROOM house and fractional lot fos sale by owner on very easy terms: no rea sonable offer refused; house too large for me and do not want to rent iu 710 East Everett, near 20th, East 1616. New 4-room bungalow, lot 40x120, S blocks to MU Scott car. Catholic and city school, price 31050: terms to suit buyer Phone Lents Exchange B 6111 and call for Local Ada.. MU8T be sold quick to prevent foreclosure; brand new 8-room house and den. furnace and all modern improvements; near Union ave. and Alberta; price 33250. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, f3 DtaiA au PORTLAND HEIGHTS. no you want to buy a home In this heTutlful. healthful district? I have sSxT "5BRJoVke'5M00A 3,39. srr want fine modern home cheap and MJ -terms, close-in. Ladd'. Addi tion? Call 402 Selling. Phone Marshall VamV Fut 2725. Thos Vlgars. owner. - . vpl - few modern homes at a oar 1 J... terms easy; Ladd Addition. Thos. vTga'ra To2 Selling bldg. Marshall 233. East 3725. . a tjoom home. new. modern and up-to-date, "?n Fast 83d "old " once- wlU tak 8?46o"nd give terms. Western Sec Co.. 414 snsldlng bldg. OWNER offers beautiful bungalow, 1185 Vvn street. $400 below value; select ;:!0bda:rgafn.'d32Bri:t; i-tjTI AND H3 IGHTS --room modern p9,,i.e- 4 bedrooms, beautifully Improved w one block car; 34000. easy terms. l.-ln 3551 BROOKE. A 3639. rT, t'7 vr.TON Beautiful up-to-date home: three bedrooms, attic, Bleeping porcH; three C 2124. 4B8 E. 16th North. cheap. YOR-iAjlpm hu"l nd lou lr.i East Main su Phone Tabor 467. Price $1450. tbi-tvt.TON district, modern S-room house: . lawn, shrubbery, fruit trees; ons or tvl l't.. AP 417, Oregonlan. Jnrnl house, finished attic, basement; all modern Improvements; lot 50x100; two DlSckJ from car; price. $3000; $500 down. Phone Woodlawn 1127. TT, v .'r,o Beautiful, modern bungalow; every convenience. C. L. Parker. 120S Greeley. Son SALE at half price My $1000 equity In a Rose City Park bungalow. Phone Woodlawn S27SO BEAUTIFUL B-room modern bun galow; $250 cash, $25 monthly. Taboi 178A- f?ii MONTHLY buys five-room bungalow; modern: $2S50. Phone owner. East 2741. XV IKVlN',TO o,- Mic uiouera rei . nr. Irttrltfll'ar. phon. f .-!3. 33000 4-ROOM furnished house, one block ,o Rose City car. Call owner. C 2224. r-OB SALE by owner, no agents, seven-room tiouse la Irvington. Phone East 4604.