4 1 Tnr MORXTNG ORr.GOyTAX, WEDNESDAY. OCTOHEK I. 1911. fi K p a mi -"-ft -bfl HL luLL msssxm rTFFmm eps3 . Across Continent Route Laid Out by Postmaster-Gen eral Hitchcock. VISGTON JO 'MAKE' TRIP i ij.mte I Xumborerl ';07.nOI'' and S- l.onsc-t Mail li-Tncrr linute f irr K-tahll-ltr.l I'Un Laid In Mnrt In P.ij or Tuo. 3, Trwnipflrt I I- if l'r.ii'! 5tn!-- n t 'tr nt by a n!l.iie. ma. I irroM the over a 'l-l5- .1 t. .- 1 wimMitJ . -r.e-ai I f-irn. k t a tc.t that w'.:i be unrter- f-r)o K ilvinsl-o. h" w deelB- r!-.l'br Mr. lutrhock t carry th fivrr n sl.ort r-j'ite betwrrn N- u .m-l I'.ro. ivr.. I" the man nic com p'e'lni; prrpnrati'ri f"r the transp'-r-t., on Pt of:l'-lrl mil! m-ro the cim-t:4-nt fr.m .SW Yi-rk t I.c AnRclon. J.ir. H.to.cck I.-.- ir.l nn order auth dt.lr.t (ivlnt.n to act a mall r r:r an.l dtr-ctirir the pontTnajter.a.t ir Vork to J!;ali h letter bj- way i'f tie aeroplane. .. upt-clal m. wni-. r route wa etmh l're.J bv the I ti irtnwnt. It In num bered r.it '"t'tr.'fH" nd I tht lonic t mail mcs' riser ruute ever etab 1 t.-.t. A epeclal mall pou'-h has b-en maile. t e onllna-y iuch belli too cumbcr p me and too wl-KI'v. The pouch will within cter for Clilcaao delivery mr a delivery In I.o An The prnianter In buta c!t!'i l-atructrd to receive and htve been bundle - the IT.f.! delivered by OvInRtoll. The aeroplane will ci'rr a rnall (rn bearlnic the word "V. S. Mall." finetiTi aiJ will enrrv credential.- t-rj Mr. Hitchcock which a ill Insure y. :n every p.t.:bl- aid from iiislma!"-t- anil posTal official. I rl -ertrn h:t axtirc.l the I'otofnVe I :-art:nent he will start from New 1 In a day or two. CONSERVATION UNDER BAN JMb!le l.aniN" "netil Ion lrt-!:trr A;ainl IVilcral I'onlrol. 1'F.XVEH (Vt. 3. By a vote of 440 to Si. the pul'lic tan-lw conventiun tiere tVriay a.loptil resolution itei'larinic In tae main. a--air.."t tiie present method ft FeJtral control of natural reourcos. The. resolutions which becln with an enrollment of the principle of lonscr-vit;-n. "uiol r iuch l.beral law and regulation n. will b om.iMmi wim 3tit-.ce to. ml peace and proaperlty jimorir llie poopl.. mont d.rectlv inter ,ted." are mnrmel up In a ileclara tion f'-rfoitiUe- ' ' ' rur-'i.int to tVe Teohittfn. 'h:itr aiiiB elldll .a4Mlnted tu follow lilt; ,.,, m tt n perni.itiotif orcmiiaMor.. rt:ni. A. J. fainpon; nl:f rnt. K. Un'; oi-.ra.lo. J. -vrtliiu- l-:dd ; Me ho. ; A Puhi Nev.i.la. s. C. Mc. I il tn. N.- Mev.co. le'H. ITin.-e; lWla-l,,,-,. A. . l jri.-; .out! I'akota. . II. l.M. I'tah. J. N . Mo' r. Wwomlnc. 1". .iii:v 'i ..-lorrow nioriun.; t: re will be a n -tin- o( te cmnil:lce on permanent .r anmrion an I l.itr ly.-Ki.lent Tafi v. , -, Ii it II ad.oiim. 'PHEASANT HAT IS LEGAL lion T!itShr 1 Salt'- t". ijuonnon nn t rlirthr h t i.rr-l f r Wfurir; t !. w iiik & ' un 'itannt on Of h.it o aii ! a u l' ."' 1 wrn;in lint nht 1 1 , .. t X i .'1 t- t ;41 u:r sit. 1 1 Ion r it:f r?-i..i. n "n fiir ihn. Af'r -i. ; uv v Aftn l.d litn in-n ii-.-.l tv i.(,.t.vir. Pallry. or t. tti"t cm r. l.-f. -sf-i- w in r-t!.T-t t- 'i tf:.t ;-t'.- r" w ..- M l iw a.i:nt hrr .i r 1 1: i- t - f - 'ir.l (f 1 ' w f 1 -r in : It - r t . T ....:, I n.irr w.i-i K'.rn 'i,.:.n !... uri'i.r irnmi?i of - !. I tt.it ta nirlt.i:ry :or lirt; ' . M'tt-ri-i u-r ; ' v hrt'irv i l..-k tt T-t hy . j..iicil..ly that it':rr vt fir l.iin.i i-rt..ni rr t. i .. f-ir ii t re tlirm f-T 4 'rt i.n ;i tt- crTi.n whirl, 4 . t r f.vv S .-rYr.i t th in 3 m-i i. ii. t:t f.-.ir tJ'at niicht b lTr M 'IrouKiil l'i-r to r.-i'k tvlr llAN SCARES HOLDUP TRIO Y n!U Montr In Purknc Intrraplcl t Wlirn t.nn l"lalic. . ea Va-.'cr-vort. of "It 4t Arlt.-rv nfret.t. ete;pe,l frcn a reetcar tie ir h! h.irt-e lant r.'eht n1 t.rtr j v.ee in tKe .lark'o-!.. t:i-ee ITM.k..1 n:-n. ill of l.r:.- iTlure. ap-jv-arei. out rf t e t'.irkn' In front of ii i.-.. One. w lf-i a cor Minnde.t hl:n r tf.ra ur - v,iii.!v an.ler. ort tr -e i:p i : an-!;, a, tr-e v.nio time "tre'riif towarl t'-. t:-.ree. (Tie Pro1 -i:.l-f-e r-'bher broke .j-i I ran After arMervoort bad l4a-e.i l.vne- anl re.-ovrreil from 1 14 HlSt h" t .ep.'i.'Ue I t :e p.'ll -f Ata- ? a. a.xic t it t .e nun be cavljr'-t. HERO LINEMAN IS KILLED I hIhu. K:i . , f .1 ii I Iit rw,i trl jlrU4 f l Mw-orkiiiJin. ! W 'fm T V. Kar. C-r - K rri 1 1 ftx. i f . i i . a : n-i:i i. .;.- i t : d r in 7"rc p a f- ' ; i . , -K : r. . tfo. l Irtiir '4.re- rn'.nrfc !f J a t i. i - I r.'-t : ir- t r; " l!.r i burn. 4 "".. ; i nr. ,1 t T?WH I . j r.i ii'T.ui.f. him. t i t i: . t n ri'- i th c.irrcnt f- .t own t.t. li s i j ii 1 I U'-ri t , iken d w a I " ' cCARD APPROVES "OANTE H:jr lh.-at.-r .! Ir.ate lew itf I nfcriH'" I'tlut. ! I: l e n .f n .irve on. r'l'-t.i t Uy e -ae rer e-n M.I.! t is is the t-p!n- 4-1 of ' e a . -. i. r v board . f wl !cr I am ;l . . 1 i.'ii ir 1 er t- e w -r is t-f rae It would become flat. and at .1 A ' -J XV f '' V' f-.j? . ".J Mill-- ' TV " - V. -w. I ! . t -me, border ..n the rr..tr.c,ue: delln- I I --CV XV '" ' 'Bfr-x :.rrrT L-f . .- V. I ' praie showered tiriftri Pnte Inferno f.y Mra K. IV fuldwell. wife of the ea t'nite sr itr Marshal. lat niKf.t at the Star T.' eater With Mm Caldwell were Mrs. M". R. Trumbull. Mrs. A. C Newell and Miss Far.rhon Klir.e. who. with the members of tie Portland I're-is fluli. were jrlv en a i-pecial private view of tne iioin feet of fi m w i.ich n.ake up the (treat p:,c.to play, which is to b. sin an In .lefir.lte public run at the 5tar Tiiealer We.lne.iay. Menibera of the Press Clna marvelled at the wonderful story toid by tie pictures and praised Harry Thorn for Lis special musical accom paniment at the pipe or nan. Tl:e Inferr.o Is not so much a play plot, such as dramatists derr.and. as a nucceyn.on of wonderful events. On a erase It would become flat. and at t me border on the rrotrsjue: delin eated on fe canvas. It Is a production of I i Kb. arti'tlc merit. Tie fine production of the actors, recarde.l on the films, are finely de veloped, clear and without blemish, and make the work of the actors wonder fu':y real. Kleg-ant staalnas and elaborate set tlncs. heichten the effectiveness of the production. Anion- the bis: scenes are the luver of Acheron, where Charon ferries the iouls of the dead, and Lim bo, where the souls of the unbaptlsed are doomed 'lo stay forever without hope." Hefore films are shown at the Star Theater the members of tie Women's Advisory Board are shown them and It w to alve them an opportunity to wltnem the hour and a half llvln Come.lv that they were Invited to Join with the Press Club's private view. There w-ere practically no suKirestlons from the members of the board and they have officially approved the film as shown last nlrl t. VGMEFJ TO AID GIRLS The Inferno t not much a play- . II Xe W- sr r'Jla-r--j-Jy- ? . J .-.- V,-.! r.jftxg I SOCIAL IIVfilLMC r I ton I. KM s .M ItEMFPV" I)Ici'SSKI. I on Wagis and I-onjt Hour Said lo IW Oni of Causes onlrllutlnff to Immorality. A movement was tnauaurated by the women of the city at the First Tnl tarlan Church last night to asfist In the social hyaelne movement beinir Instituted In the city. Statements of rhiH-klnx moral condition. In the city, due to Ignorance and luck of parental supervision, were made bv Pr Mae II. Cardaell. physical examiner of the Juvenile Court, while Mrs. La?la 1. Haldaln. of the Iepartmont of I'ubllc Safety for women, told of the many pitfalls aurroundinir K'rls. and of the revelations made by Investigations of her departments. In the dlecuj-slon which followed the regular peakmK.Mrs. Millie R. Trum lell. of the Child Ijibor Commission, said ulrls were working all over the city at wages of from $1 to it a week, and that they were compelled to work daily for ten hours or more, without respite, eo that they had no physical resistance to meet temptations and were too tired at-the end of the week to ottend to rellirlous duties. that would tend to make them morally stronger. I'r. Jessie McOavIn told of the ef fects of moral perversion. Shockine; moral conditions. which mlirhl be prevented by proper knowl edge, were told of amonK the young of the eily by J'f. Card well. ' . fne of the recommendation of tha evenln was the pa-isaite of a la com pelling physicians to report all cases of- disease - A committee consisting af Dr. Card well, chairman: Mrs. F.dward Klllott nnl Mrs. Mallet, county chairman of the Women's Christian Temperance t'nlon. was appointed bv Chairman Mrs. R. 11. Tate, to set a time and make arrangements for a meeting, to be held In about two weeks. WOMAN'S WILL FOUGHT ItKI.ATIVKS OP CAKOI.IXK HA IN. IMUIM.K i'HAKGK KKAin. I'ortune Tliut Vos. Amawil In I'ort lunil I- Hone or Contention In California' Court. SAN KltAXClSCO. Oct. J. lipecUL) Tn a ietl!lcn filed In the probate de partment of the Superior Court today. I Mir) .1. Matleld. a niece of the late Caroline II. Painbrldaev decJarea that tne latter will which disposed of 94. worth of propr:y and was ad mltte.1 t. probate- last October, waa written while the urd woman was un der undue influence and of unsound mind, owlnu to (treat aje and the. ei ree"!ve ul.e. of llquora - Mrs- M lytleld. toKether with several nt:ier nieces and nephews, rect-lved only 1 "00 under the term of the will, while friends and outside charitioa. mostly of Portland, were Klvco nearly $JiJ.iU0. and one nephew. Kuaetie K. McCarthy, waa made residuary lenatoe. Mrs. Ma) field .-ks to break the. will, and In so do me change that Kutone McCarthy, r.la-tt C. Could and Mrs. GoulJ kept Caroline PauibrUlKe under their domi nation and control and forced her to draw the will a they wtuned. The. woman whoe e?tat. Is being finish t for formerly conducted a resort In Portland, where she amasaed her fortune, rhe came to this city some years ao and died here September 13, I i .'i'v BAITED COIN USED IN GAME Allen Arc Arrr-ml lien Officer !. .Marked Kvldrnr. Staking an alien with funds to blay the came of -'stud" poker, and waving crfi lentlal over a pot of coffee, estl TTiitlr.ir irrcat priH-rr.lf from the came. Patrolman Urlffltn. working with Pa-trln-.an i.tll. In p'ain clothes. Induced the foreicner t take part In a same a: 'v l:.irnlde street, which the police have been watching for some time. Wfri rr.o-.ev whicfj ;r!fftth had enarked fa.cd r. t'e plav. t ie gsme was raid ed bv Patrolmen tliU. llrlfflth. lturke and Sfewart anil S.rseant ICoberts. 15 a !'n being captured. Four were c-.arced witu gambling and 11 with wat-..trir a amollng canie. IVrs.ien; efforts of the polbe to rapt-ire the gamblers with pj-fvof lo convict had been frustrated bv the fact that the men p'aye.t with chips alone, r-o irtnr.ry beinn used on the table. In t -,c p?.-eston of the "dealer" and cr .ers ot the psrty. waa ound part of n. rrarae.l money Tho-nan I'hontokis. the proprietor, vas charge,' with on.lu.-nng the game, i - i-leveland. Aleeke Menllck and James F.ro l'H paing. Those charged w-a visiting the place were William tera. J" Thomas. John Marg as, Jv.er Cs'hraith. Jim Vanyan. tieor.e jr.or .w . FTtl and S. , -. n : 1 1 II1ITI n Kill I Till I I I - -'Aw-'"--:-:-.' -T A.innnn nrnmn VL-S-Jir-s- III P " :j jj. N. Teal Takes Lead in In- I XX 1 )f 135fek,lli ZN. ! Ev'-A j tr;.. J 1 wovemeni. V.aC rvX.3 fcjtf COMMITTEE IS CHOSEN Initial Step for Vpbuildin; of the American Merchant Marine Asalnit Completion of rannnia Watermay Inltl3. SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. S. The Ini tial move In wha'was announced as a Xatton-wlde campaign for the upbuild ing of the American merchant marine w-as made yesterday when S.an Fran cisco Chamber of Commerce adopted a resolution urging tiiat vessels flying the American flag be passed through the Panama Canal without toll. Steps were taken at the meeting to arrange Immediately for an exhaus tive publhity campaign along the Pa cific Const" with a view of furthering the movement. I'mted States Senator Perkins ex pressed the belief that the lower house of Congress would not take "kindly to passing the American ships through the canal without toll. He said that many Senators and Representatives already " were considering the advis ability of arranging for a toll schedule that would put the canal on a paying basis: that Is. the toll collected to pay a reasonable Interest on the money ex pended tn building the canal. Buch a move. It I claimed by ship pers, would be practically prohibitive. The resolution for i.in-payment of toll for American ships was Introduced by J. X. Teal, of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. J. X. Teal, of Portlnnd: George C. Pardee, of Oakland: Willis H. Booth, of I.os' Angeles; W. A. Mears. of re sltle J. M. McCune. of Tacoma: James McMillan, of San Klego. and William Matson and W. X. Bunker, of this city, constitute the committee that will give the movement widespread publicity In the Pacific Coast cities. FIREBOAT TQBE FLEET Council Committee lJlscus.se Flans to Make New. Craft Stellar. Portland's new fire boat Is to b one of the speediest and most powerful In the United States, according to plans of the fire committee of the City Council. At a meoting of the committee last night nt the City Hall the machinery and equipment of the boat were dis cussed In detail with officer of the tire department and the. nreboai Williams and general plans were outlined to as sure greater efllclency for the new boat. .The pi uis being drawn( by Fred A Ilallin, .o f 1'ortlaud. call for the In stallation of every modern convenience on the boat. The machinery will be most powerful and so arranged that It can be depended upon at all times to fid an Indefinite number of lines of hose. The. general shape of the boat and the arrangement of the machinery will be according to plans which offer the least resistance to long and fast Tuns In all kinds of weather. The water mains on the boat will be constructed to cope with any emergency. The main question settled at last night's meeting was that of speed, the com mittee concluding to place In the speci fications a 14Vi-mlle an hour speed clause. Present at the meeting besides the fire committee were Acting Chief Laud enklaus. Battalion Chief Stevens. Cap tain Johnson of the fireboat. and Master Mechanic Phillips. Each offered sug gestions which were, discussed with Mr. Ballln and either rejected or em bodied in the specifications. CHOP SUEY COURT STUDY Intoxicating Power of Oriental Kdi Me Hob I'p In Battery Cnse. Can a cltlxen become' drunk to a point within the purview of a police man bv partaking of Chinese noodles, chop s'uey and tea? The queslion was wrestled with yesterday by Justice of the Peace Bell In an action for assault and battery brought by McCants Stew art, a negro attorney, agitinst Patrol man Marsh. By Inference at least, the court decided that the comestibles named might produce a somewhat wabbly condition. Attorney Stewart complained that while on his way home from a banquet last week he was accosted rudely by Marsh and placed under arrest, being Jostled In an unnecessary way and otherwise Incommoded. Marsh averred that the attorney wa "teaed up" to a point of boisterousness. After the ar rest Marsh walked his prisoner a mile to mt the patrol wagon, regardless of the fact that Attorney Stewart has a wooden leg. At the police station bail was refused on account of the then ex isting feud between Judge Taxwell and Chief Slover. and Attorney Stewart was irnt In a taxlcab to Judge Tai well's house to have the ball set. policemen testified that Stewart was under the Influence of liquor, but he brou . it numerou witnesses to prove that be had been at a banquet at Fourth and Pavis streets, where noth ing more ardous than an Infusion of leaves of Cathay waa served to wash down the noodles and chop auey. The complaint against the patrolman was dismissed. A communication' of At torney Siewart to the Police Commis sioner regarding the case Is still pending. CALL REPUBLICAN CHIEFS CommitUM' lo Itivldt PIme of Na tional Convention at lTting. NKW YORK. Vt. X. After a metM rg yf(tri v hr,(tn e-;-vtTT.nr J. K. Hill, of t-Miirurt. Mv, artinic chuir man. anil William Hay ward, of New York City. rcrtary of the Itepub'iKan Rational Committee, a call wis Issued Vr a meeting: of the committee in WtiiMnRton I'e-ember 12. At thi mect nc claim of vwriyus cities for the Na tional convention wll! be conwJere1 and tl-e r-"- tirr wit! be dertt!ei. B.fflo. it. Louis and CMcaffo will be f P-K .nit. It im nerewary for th! call to be lasue.l tn time tfi notify tha meiiier In Hawaii, the J'hl.tppine islands and Twi im!l rurM rtbn within th. tH"mt of a r ant lplh.ni fauf. prT-nt th tr .t t-rni mm it u. d matter w t th f r u u r. BUSH & LxVXE PIANO COMPANY, 355-Washington street, who have been recognized ft- years as Oregon's leading Piano House, have broken all retail piano records during their gre,at Manufacturers' Clearance Piano Sale. MP. PIAXO PURCHASER If you are contemplating the purchase of a Piano at any time within the next ten -ears, you cannot afford to pass up this golden opportunity without first personally inspecting these wonderful Piano offerings, which arc fully guaranteed by Push.& Lane Piano Company. - READ OUR POLICIES READ REFLECT Why We Can Sel1 Hih Grade Fianos at Lower Prices R FLECT TUP jU 1 Our non-commission plan. 6 No misrepresentations. Tljf "4-1 2 All Pianos marketed at once price. 7 No, high-priced college associates. JPT 3 No purchased testimonials. 8 Give dollar piano value for every JJJ . 4 Absolutely one set of terms to all. dollar invested. niiioiiw nilPKIV 5 No inducements to influential 9 Tfo questionable selling schemes. II i, " VJ friends 10 Honorable business dealing. v MANUFACTURERS' CLEARANCE SALE Monday lust we advertised rebuilt pianos that we Ttad taken in exclianse for new pianos and plaver-pLaiuis at bui-sain prices. We expected an immediate response, but were completely unpre pared for the umlaut-he of buyers that swarmed ii the sloie within the last few days looking for these bargains. OtlT stink of rebuilt pianos is rapidly beincp depleted, but on account of the fact that we were unable to accommodate so many prospective buyers, and also owing to the congested condition of our stock, we have determined, after mature deliberation, to let our entire stock go, including used pianos, discontinued styles. hlio-worn goods: in fait, everything on our floors, at terms and prices absolutely unheard of and iiuappioaclied iu the .history of piauo selling in Oregon. We are grateful' to the piano-purcliasinir public of this city and vicinity for their instant and immediate response to our announcements of'special sals in the lat week, and by way of showing our appreciation we have derided on this step and propose to give every prospective purchaser in this city an opportunity of biiyino- a lii-rh-yrade piano at an actual bona. fide saving. Dou't let this opportunity go by J- IOX'T WAIT! DON'T 1ILSITATK. BUT DO-IT NOW! and come before our stock is entirely picked over. 1-Cfi lfaf -1 $375 11 -FURLONG OS 35S IB-BANK MEIT-HELD Wallace State Bank Indict ments Returned. "BARNEY" O'NEILL ABSENT Even Kncmics of Directors Surprised at Wholesale Work Forpier Cashier, Ktlgar S. Wayne. Is In Portland. W,.1.I.A"E, Irlaho. Oct. 3. After proMnw for 14 riays Info the sffalrs of the defunct State Bank of Com merce,, the ftrand Jury in session her practically completed Its tnsk lste lsst niahU when It returned 18 different Indictments. This wholesale work and the rather larae number (apparently) held to account, comes as a surprise to even the more bitter of the officers and directors' enemies. Just who i hose hold are Is being kept secret and will not become public property until bench warrants- are Is sued and the men wanted placed under arrt-sr. H. K. O'Nell. a former prominent pol itician, one time a candidate for the office of fiovernor of the State of Ma ho. was president of the institution. The public Renerally Rives him credit for beinu larsely responsible for the failure of the Institution. Since the crash he has been a resilient of Van couver. B. C. He I thought to be there at the piosent time In company with K. C Norbeck, whose record as cashier of the old Wallace National Hank Is now belns probed by Lewis M. ;rsy, a special ajrent of the Depart ment of Justice. Kilirar S. Wyman was cashier of the Institution. He is at the present In Portland. Or., where he has been most i.f the time since the failure. The di rectors were K'r. Scott Anderson. John Norri'iuisU Knaene II. Pay. of Wallace: Stanley A. Huston and Kwlns Mc intosh", of Kellosrc; Mr. Wymaa and Mis. eVNeii and Thomas I Greenough, decea sed. Harry I. Pay was elected to the board of directors some weeks before the crash, but according to Mr. Pay. be never qualified. Mr. Kaston Is gfen eral manager of the Bunker Hill & M rTvni b-v. t S1.50 I p-J h f i Vt5rC v- $375 2 '' V TV; fW 7 I $89 Kt e irs7:-t?J . r.i . $5.00. l?&Mi ii i Tl i TO ROBINSON m ,.al. jfs-SJfl JV J v. iTtarf.jjt--..jT' -jLaoe Plarso Co0 Washington Street Sullivan Mining & Concentrating Com pany. Eugene and Harry . Day are prominent mining men and are in practcal control of the Hercules mine. Mr. Xordiiuist is a mining engineer and Investor. Mr. Mcintosh is a mining man. Mr. Anderson is a lumberman, hardware man. mining man and bank er. With Mr. O'.Nell, P. H. Wall and Sf. K. Wall he was recently 'the subject of unwholesome notoriety in connection with the failure of the Lane Lumber Company.-of Harriscm. Idaho. DISOBEDIENT SOLDIER HIT Sentinel at Presidio Fires When Man IScfuscs to Halt. SAN' -FI.ANCISCO, Oct. 3. Private John McKenzie, of the Twenty-ninth Coast Artillery, was shot through the body at the Presidio early this morn ing aa the result of his refusal to halt when commanded to do so by Sentinel Oretz. McKenzie was returning from leave of absence and was in civilian clothes. He will recover. Uretz said that he pave five com mands to halt, but that McKenzie paid no attention. According to the regu lations Grett. although In discharge of 111, duty In firing the shot, will have to be tried by court martial. SPOKANE, Oct. 3. Emillo di Gogor za and Madame Emma Karnes opened their American concert tour In Spokane HIGH-O-ME That's the Proper Way to Pronounce Hyomei. the Famous Catarrh Rem--edy Made from Australian Eu calyptus and Other Antisep- . tics Just Breathe It. If you will use a common sense method, "getting rid of catarrh is easy. ficrms enuse catarrh, you know that an-! you also know that In order to end catarrh you must destroy the germs.. In every HTO.MEI outfit which Is sold by druggisw everywhere there is a little bottle of antiseptic liquid that will kill catarrh germs. Pour a few drops of this liquid Into the little hard rubber inhaler which comes with the outfit and breathe this now antiseptic vaporized air over the membrane of the nope and throat in fested with catarrh germs. It's pleasant, soothing and heating is this vaporized nlr and It Js really the only remedy known tlrat can reach and kill catarrh germs. Complete outfit $1.00. It Is guaranteed not to contain cocaine, opium, or other habit forming drugs. Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, n. y. .jsS.Sa 'rat t ifa 1 fiT!.VV-.Vi?-?? r., ruiX' I'.-JPI MANaFIELD last night before an audience that filled A-uditorium Theater to the doors. They were received with great en thusiasm. HELPFUL HINTS ON HAIR HEALTH Scalp and Hair Trouble Generally Caused by Carelessness Dandruff is a contagious disease caused by a microbe which also pro duces baldness. Never use a comb, or brush belonging to someone else. No matter how cleanly the owner may be. these articles may be infected with microbes which will Infect four scalp. It is far easier to catch hair microbes than it 'is to get rid of them, and a single stroke of an infected comb or brush may well lead to baldness. Never try on anybody else's hat. Many a hat band Is a resting place for microbes. .-If you-happen to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or baldness, .we have a remedy which we believe will completely relieve these troubles. We are so sure of this that we offer it to you with the understand ing that it will cost you nothing for ttie trial if it does not produce the re sults we claim. - This remedy is called liexatl "93" Hair Tonic. We honestly believe it to be the most scientific remedy for scalp or hair troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effectiveness, because of the re sults it has produced in thousands of cases. Kexall "03" Hair Tonic is devised to banlxh dandruff, restore natural color when its loss has been brought about by disease, and make the hair natural ly silky, soft and glossy. It does this because it stimulates the hair follicles, destroys the germ matter, and brtnga about a free neaithy circulation of blood, which nourishes' the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow new hair. We want everybody who has any trouble with hair'or scalp to know that Hexall Hair Tonic is the best hair tonic and restorative in existence, and no one should scoff at or doubt this state ment until tlicy have put our claims to a fair test, with the understanding that they pay u nothing for the remedy If it does not give fuii and complete sat isfaction in every particular. . Two sizes. 50 cents and $1.00. Kemember you can obtain RexnII Remedies in Portland oivy at The Owl Drug Co., Inc., corner Ttli and Washington streets. i I .-r.jiKWiA!.t4 .3 ta I $1.00: The Newest Shape DELMAR Height, 2;i in.. RE XT ON ' Height. 2 in. Here's the newest shape the straight, front that Joes meet close. It's baked and so shaped in the baking by our ERTI FOK.M PROCESS that it has the vertical, close-meeting effect so coveted. Has ample scarf space. e oU CoIIars) If collar bu'tnnlioK'5 far or stretch the merest trinV. awav CO share pn.l nr. Ide Silver Collart Imve LINOCC1R1) BUTTONHULEs exclusively. They're casier-to-button and don't tetr out. Any IDE SILVER COLLAR drattrvM ' cladly slum you the V I.MAR and its LIXUCOKD BL-TTO.VJOLES. - GEO. P. IDE & CO., Maker., TROY, N.T. ,'!!!!'!"!!!!t!;!H!iiH;,i'!";"!,!r!!"' makes dish water that digs Gall Dast offers the shortest cut from the drudgery of dish washing. Just a little ..Cold Dust shaken in your dish water will remove the grease and dirt. Geld Dust digs . deep into cracks and corners purifies and drives out every bit of dirt or hidden germs which soap and water will not reach. Gold Dust sterilizes as well as cleans. If you spend two hours a day washing dishes, Gold Dust will enable you to save one hour - and your dishes, too, will be sootlesslv white, wholesom and sanitary. f Do not use borax, soap, naphtha, soda, ammonia or kero sene with GOLD DUST. liULW DUST has all desir able cleansing qual ities in a perfectly -harmless and last ing form. "Let the COLD DUST TWINS do your work" FOLEY'S HONEY TAR COMPOUND For over three decades a favoritt household medicine for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, BRONCHITIS, HARE andSTUFFY BREATHING. Take at first sign of a cold. Quick, safe and reliable. The Bee Hive on the carton is the mark of the genuine. Refuse sustitutes. ' Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jefferson St., So. Omaha, says: "I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a Eure cure for coughs and colds. It cured mv daughter of a had .cold and my neighbor, .Miss Benson, cured her self and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar compound. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks most -highly of it as a good cure for coughs and colds." . . For Sale by All Druggists. ' 'MNMiMaWsaai'J Your Liver is Clogged up That' Wty You're Tired Out ot Sort Have No AptUe-yesw- CARTER'S UTThEy ' ITVFRPIIIS- A 'A S...- Tier do 'jT: V SETTLE Cure XVr - P"11-- Csh.- fesnga ties, Bil- TT" ionsous, Isdigeition, and Sick Hesdadi. SMALL PILL, SHALL DOSE. SMALL PRJCH Genuine miatboi Signature $Cee?-z ii H be W-jS a ,'J F. '1 v.- CLEANS B SCOURS R. FOLISKES Solid Cake vorxs wrreouT vaste n . ) (dm eft "BTS i TV 4 I co-l Hi i