Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 04, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Humane Association Pleads;!
for Strict Censorship of
Pictures. :
InMitaf ton Cmn ro On It Part of
W ork of Correct inz A hnorma I
Conditions Portland Bid
for !!! Convent Ion.
i AN FRAr!s?'0. Ort Moving
picture and thetr eff-r( upon th
1its of children wr discussed at tha
aasloa of th American Humana Asso
ciation hrm today and the ronTentlon
went on rcort1 as favoring th itr.rt
t rnsorhln of film dtuplayvd.
Jimm A. Blaffer. former prnMnt of
th Loutln &ftfty for the f'rvrn
tion of ruIt jr to Children. In his paper.
"Child tIu tn Lfoutniana," mmiti n
"Motion lectures have a remarkable
affect upon children and wield a won
derful Influence, either for srood or evlL
Thm child's mind betnf In a formailvo
star. Is extremlr' rei-eptlva and the
sua jct .ns created are not anon for-
otten. Ther Is a superabundance of
trims dplrttd by many prent-dajr
films and their tendency ta for avlL
They should be abolished. In every
star In the lnlon the strictest cennor-
ship should be maintained. Th humane
socletle are perhaps b-nt qualified to
pa upon th pictures. "
"Institutions Versus i'laclnjr-Out.'
was the subject of a papr by Walter F.
Brown. pr'dent of t h Toledo Human
society, dealing with the value of lr
titution for abnormal children as
compared with private home.
H"th are nereesary." said the speak
er It Is mv opinion that the abnormal
eh!Jd hoold first receive a course in an
Institution and then be removed to
private homo in prevent the child from
becoming Institutionalised.
Criminality among children Is on the
decree In the I'nlted States, according
to lr. K, I Conger, of Pasadena. Cnl..
president of the State Humane Society
of California. Ir. Conger declared that
the home was where the bwl work was
-By striking at the root we destroy
the arvtl. said the speaker, "and by
bettering conditions tn the home we
are gradually stamping out criminality
among children."
Portland. 4r- Is making a spirited
contest f e the convention In IMS. Toe
vt-lting delegates were guests at a
banquet tonight.
City of Destiny" flacks I'p llcquest
-lor Convention.
TACOMA. Wash. Oct. I (Special.)
Portlands request for the ltIS con
vention of the American Humane A
eoctatlon. now meeting In t n Fran
darn, waa seconded In a telejtrara sent
to IT.ald.nt Htlllmsn. of th. associa
tion, by the Tacotna Commercial Club,
and which read In part aa fullowa:
"Th. Northwaat haa great need of
the splendid work you art dolnn. and
no areater Impetus can be iciven It
than holdlna- the national meeting
here. rortUnd la Ideally located, haa
unparalleled accommda lions, auperb
climate and the beet people on earth."
su rprl- Calls Saicc-trd tn I.Ira of
formal Minrmrn.
WASMISOTOX. Oct. a. The Joint
maneuvers of the regular Army and
the National Ouard next year promts
ti be on very different lines from the
rpaneuvers of ll or precedlns; years,
it t'onaress approves the War Depart
ment estimates of a round $l.0.i0 a p
proprlation for such purposes.
Mny of the ranking- officers of the
Army eiierlenced In Joint maneuvers
have come to the conclusion that little
i-ood Is accomplished by the present
system of chasing; a lot of raw mllltla
recruits thrnucb a camp of retculera.
with the opportunity for training; lim
ited to ten day or a fortnight at tn
A proposition helna; considered la that
Instead of havins: a large maneuver
camp to be maintained at une point for
three months, a practical turn he flyen
to th maneuvera by unexpectedly call
Ina a complete division to be mobilised
perhar tn each section of th country.
to test th elasticity and responsive
ness of th National Guard.
Rrprrsmtation on St. Louls-Sooth-western
I Denied.
ST lrta. Oct. J Pespit the an
nouncement at noon toilav that Frank
ou!d bad won In his nM for repre
sentation tn t"- directorate of th tit.
lxuls-8outh western Railway, when th
balloting was finished late today It waa
found that the old directorate had been
re-elected and the bellijrerent membr
of the tlnuld family had been outvoted
and dfated.
R. Unrtilr Williams, who was elec
ted director of the Missouri Paclflr
.arlv last Summer and whom Krank
troiild souirM to paie In a similar po
s!tl.n nn the St. Louis-Southwestern,
aaiil sfter tolay a merlin;:
"In cheiklna; over our list with that
leld by the n.anaaement nnd tliat
t'ere are a number of duplicate or re.
ersion. on both sides. l"nler these con.
ri:t!oti I am ronvln.4 that to Insist
upon a contest at this time would be
l'kely to lead t controversy and possl
l.'y to lit!atl.n.
Albert J. Maon I'lraiU tiulll and
J""ap. Jail cnlcnc-r.
WAtJ.A WA1.I.A. a... ct. J Pleadlna .KIy to th
charae oT paddlnc the census. Albert J.
Mason. In-'i-ted on nve counts by th
Spokan arand Jury last Sprlna. was
alen a fine of IJ'0 by Judse Krank H.
Rudkin in th. Kederal Court this morn
ing;. Mason paid his nne and his ras
is en-!d. hethrr anv mnr pros,
cntions will he made in this city ta
not knnsq. but Is believed Improbable.
Mason pleaded r'ltlty to the least
aerloua of his Indictments and on
whlrh a'lowed the alternsttve or a nne.
Th trasimum sentence uader his in -dU-rments
was n- years In th Federal
-- and a tin of lioo.
-i .; '
... y- .-.
PAniS. tVt. ?t. iSperlal.) Announcement , of the eniraffement of
Mrs. landrllKo Kimiswunil :o Count K. von Schornborn Kiirkheltn. an
attache of the Austrian emlut.xsy In Pnrla, l expected at any moment.
A decree of dlvorre was recently entered which dissolved the marrlane
of the Spntswoods. Count von Schornborn la SO years old and very
aristocratic In appearance.
People Urged to "Get To
gether" on Conservation.
Capital Will Come and West Will
I.mvIvc lis Shnrr or Appropria
tion Pallom-r Kujolnrtl
In Solving Problem.
(Continued rmm First P-
tli part of those nentiemen who would
b entirely consistent In slirnlna; thos
bllla I mean the irentlemen who are
not In favor of Republican protection
and are in favor of a Democratic tar
iff for revenue or free trade.
rrvfeettoa Theory I afceld.
"It would be entirely consistent In
hem to siK any blil that reduces the
tariff because they are opposed to th
tariff generally. I am not In that
clasa; I was elected as a protection
ist" Th President said h was perfectly
wiring to stun any bill that complied
with Ih Republican platform upon
whl.h lie was elected, and he hoped
that when the peopl realised the "sin
cerity of our promises- they will see.
fit to continue us In power.
-Th fsct Is." he added, "that the
defection from th.e Republican party
In th last Congressional election, or
the defeat of It was not due to an In
creased number of t democrats. It waa
due to tl.e defection of Republican
who Insisted that we had not per
formed our promises. Ndw. If we 8
ahead, aa I hope we may. and show
to them t:uu that Is Just w hat, we are
doln acttnc on the tariff board's re
port. It seems to me that we are not
over-sanituln In expecting that those
Republicans who did not leave ua ex-,
actly. but who withheld their votes,
will now return to the place where they
r.aaervalloaUta I rwed to Be Calsa.
In his apeech befor the public
lands convention, the President made
a plea for a reasonable attitude on the
part of conservationists generally. He
urged them not to lose everyJhtng by
claiming too much. He a'.ao frankly
said that he dlsasrred with many of
the views expressed by the convention
In recently adopted resolutions.
Mr. Taft said he thought that the
fetish" stase of the conservation
movement had passed, and that the
country now was prepared to "settle
down to a ca'm consideration of what
ougut to he done In the preservation
of our natural and our National re
sources, and what steps ought to be
tsk'n which the mistakes of the past
show to be wise.
"It doesn't co to abuse everybody."
said the President.. "That does not
help a bit. There are certain of us
test ran stand It. I have got to the
point whtre it Is a sort of- normal con
dition, but when you go to Corgresa
you will find gentlemen there who have
very definite Ideas lest somebody shall
get an advantage, not of you. but of
the ger-r:ions t- come after you."
The President spoke In the audito
rium, built to hold more than 11.000
persors. and few seats were vacant.
Jn spite cf his disagreement with the
views expressed by the convention, the
President wss well received. When
h made some of his point against
the proposal of the convention that
public lands be either disposed of to
Individuals or else placed under thte
car of the separate states, the crowd
applauded vigorously and when he con
cluded th cheering was long and loud.
At one point in his speech the Pres
ident waa discussing the public do
main In general terms
"Who oans the public domain. Mr.
president?" shouted an old man a ttlng
Just under the platform.
"Th. Called State OH na th public
domain." anld Mr. Taft. showing some
neat. "And the Cnlted states is the
people of the I'nlted States."
Th President said that he knew he
was In a peculiar position since the
convention had already reached its
verdtct with respect to public lands.
Proa re aa lis. Its Trlnla.
"I know." said Mr. Taft. "how Irri
tating It Is to have somebody else
lay down rules for your moral uplift,
but you've got to stand a great deal
in order to make progress. 1 will
end as I began. I am not In agree
ment with your verdict."
President Taft pleaded for conces
alona upon the part of the convention
and auggested that when men were
sent to Washington to argue with
Congressional committees about mat
ters affecting the public lands and
the policy of conservation, they should
not be tied with strings so they could,
bsvs no leeway.
The President snlil that the discus
sion of conservation, at least east of
the Missouri Utver. had now reached
a stage where points of difference
were looked at calmly and dispas
sionately. From the mistakes of the
past, "he said, the country will now
learn to go about saving Its natural
resourcea tn the best possible way and
with the best results.
System -llest, .Tkougk Slow."
Mr. Taft admitted that in th old
days public iund had been grabbed in
many Instances by corporations and
combinations and declared that to pre
vent a repetition of auch grabbing was
the work of the present and future.
W'hlle the West, he said, might fret
under a system that seemed slow. In
the end It would prove the best.
The President explained that he. did
not desire, through a Federal leasing
system of public lands, to fill the
treasury with funds that shall lie
there unused, but pointed out that fill
ing the treasury would-aid the West
In getting appropriations In the fu
ture. "I'm President of the whole coun
try." he said, "and what I am trying
to do Is to get you together. It Isn't
anything but getting on that counts.
It's resl development that counts.
Your proposition Is that the leasing
svstem won't bring capital to the West
and my proposition Is that It will. I
am appealing against your 'decree.'"
Mr. Taft spoke. of Secretary of the
Interior Fisher, mho. he said. "ha
all the energy and steam that Chicago
furnishes a man." and who. he con
tinued, "had evinced an understanding
and an appreciation of the needs of the
est that were bound to bring about
good results."
Before closing, the President briefly
defended the Administration's recla
mation policy.
Ieaver la Hospitable Host.
Arriving In Denver this morning, the
President was entertained at breakfast
. Vl" c"un,Ty Club. under the auspices
of the tale Association. He then was
driven about the city, visiting Denver
I nlverslty and a number of schools. He
had lun.he.-n at the horn of Mr. and
h." C,?WfnJd then "t to the
baseball park, n here he presented local
trophies to the members of the Denver
baseball team, champions of the West
ern League. .Next. Mr. Taft visited th
hoTr I'r's" CIub n1 wa" made "
honPra ry member of the organization.
He was Informed that Colonel Roose-
... m' n honorary member.
' "m ,lad '"How Colonel noose
r '"" Vv "ne and hope
applause!" ' ,'" "ald Mr' Taft' m,d
During the automohn. .-ih. t,i. .
o'0?,ih-,r?',1,;n, t the home
of Mr. Charles J. Hughes, widow of the
Whe.nEa,?r " hi. card.
W hen he last visited Denver Mr. Taft
stayed at the Hughe, home as the guest
of the Senator. .Mr T:iii
tamed tonltrht at the Chan.i..r
mere banquet, where 700 cover, were
.tusiwln, Who Committed
Identified as Slioiikrrner.
HELSINC.r-ORS. Oct. S. The assas
sin of M. von Hellen. president of the
hlah court of justice at Abo. was iden
tified today as a shopkeeper named
Loefdayls. 21 years old. The author
ities say that the motive of the crime
was undoubtedly political.
The victim, for a short time In 190.1.
was procurator-genera!. He wa. leav
ing his horn late last night, when
I.oefdayls. who had hidden behind the
outer door, fired two shots, one of
which readied the heart. The assas
sin fired a third builet Into his own
forehead and died a few minute, later.
Trusts Vexed Because Presi
dent Pursues Those Who
Violate Law.
Wilson Not Hi Favor Since Adoption
of Kurfme Tiews La Foiletle
Regarded as Menace to
All Business.
Washington. Oct. 1 The activity of the
Taft administration, through the De
partment of Justice, and the speeches
delivered by the President In the West
make It certain that trust regulation
la to be an Important Issue In the cam
paign of 1912 an issue fully as Im
portant as tariff readjustment. On
this Issue, as on the tariff, the Presi
dent will meet with Insurgent . oppo
sitlon, led by Senator La Follette. But
he has shown his determination to
forge ahead on lines which he has laid
down In advance, standing on hla rec
ord, which Is one of remarkable
The activity with which the trusts
have shown their resentment of the
President's attitude toward them 1.
destined to work out to the advantage
of President Tuft, for Wall-street op
position has always proved a source
of strength to every candidate for
president nave Rryan, and supporters
of the President are satisfied that
Wall street's opposition to Tuft will
be of wonderful heln to him next year.
Had the trusts not' been so ready to
array themselves openly against the
Administration, they might have ac
complished more, hut having laid bare
their purposes, they will have to play
the game In the open.
Roosevelt Crusade Continued.
President Roosevelt's anti-trust cru
sade was one of his star plays, and
did as much as anything else to en
hance his popularity with the people.
President Taft, after having been ac
cused of plnylnc with Wall Street, has
taken up the anti-trust crusade where
Roosevelt left off, and has achieved
more In the way of enforcing the
anti-trust law than did Roosevelt and
his predecessors. Moreover, President
Taft has laid out a plan for future op
eration, following the precedents es
tablished In the Standard Oil and to
bacco trust cases, which makes plain
the ends he will undertake to achieve,
and the methods he will follow.
Through hla speeches he has told the
public he Is not seeking to disrupt
business: not seeking to Injure any
legitimate concern proceeding in ac
cordance with the low, or playing to
the gallery, but Is after the corpora
tions that are violating the law, and
In a manner that Is injurious to com
petitive but less powerful business In
terests. He Intends to go that far.
and no further; he is insisting simply
that the law be obeyed, and is asking
nothing beyond that.
It Is true that some of the corpora
tions, convinced that the Administra
tion la in earnest, have volunteered to
readjust their business so as to comply
with the law, but the Administration,
while assenting to this, has insisted
that all readjustments be so made that
the Government can know the details
and be convinced that .the require
ments of the law are fully met. Cor
porations that are not willing to re
adjust themselves In this manner will
be taken into court and prosecuted
along the name lines that were fol
lowed in the Standard Oil and tobacco
trust cases.
Wall Street Waata Harmon.
Wall street is disgruntled. At last
it has made plain to the country that
It la not In harmony with President
Taft, and has no more use for him than
It had for his predecessor. It has dis
covered that the rumors about the
President were Inaccurate, and that he
is not under Wall street domination
any more than was Roosevelt. There
fore, Wall 'street Is casting about tor
a candidate to back against Taft and
has turned to Governor Harmon, of
Ohio. Democrat.
Had Woodrow Wilson, as candidate
for President, held to the ssme ideas
h voiced aa non-political college pro
fessor, he undoubtedly would have
been Wall street's favorite at this
time, but since he entered the Presi
dential race, - Wilson haa abandoned
many of his old theories, has sub
scribed for Bryanism and Is now listed
by the "Interests" as unsafe. This
change made 1t necessary for Wall
street to look elsewhere, and Judson
Harmon Is the only man who fills their
Harmon, toegln with, la a corpora
tion lawyer, with Intimate friends in
Wall street. His courage as Governor
of Ohio has met the approval of Wall
street." to a large degree, and while
he Is not an Ideal candidate, he is far
and away the most acceptable in the
field. Hence, he has been chosen ta
receive Wall street's support. He. at
least, will "listen' to reason." Wall
street did not want to turn to a Demo
crat, but Wall street figures that Taft
Is bound to ,be renominated, with or
without Its support. Moreover. Wall
street could not turn to La Follette, the
only other Republican mentioned for
the nomination, for it fears La Follette
would wreck not only its own business
interests, but business generally. It
could- not stand for La Follette's ex
treme radicalism.
Whether Wall street can swing the
Democrstlc convention to Harmon is
quite another question, for Harmon
has already met with opposition from
Bryan, and If he goes to the conven
tion wearing the Wall street brand
he will likely prove a marked man.
Decree In Electric Road Case Will
Precede Retirement.
CHICAGO. Oct. 3. Judse Peter S.
Grosscup. who has announced his In
tention of resigning from the United
States Circuit Court of Appesls. today
said he would enter a final sales decree
tn the case of the Chicago-Mil waukle
Klectric Road Thursday and forward his
resignation to President Taft imme
diately afterward.
Jackson Comity Court Attorney
Crosse Swords With Crawford.
MEDFORD. Or., Oct. S. (Special.)
When interviewed in regard to the
I opinion of Attorney-General Crawford
that the bond Issue recently passed by
Jackson County was not valid. Attorney
, Reames, counsel -for the County Court,
"It might be supposed that the bond
Issue here waa worked out from the
Initiative and referendum, -ut such
was not the case. The question is sole
ly whether or not the amendment is
self-executing or not. That is. whether
it was addressed to the Legislature or
was sufficient In itself.
"In the voters' pamphlet in which the
Intent of the amendment was given it
w-as expressly stated that by a ma
jority vote of the people the county
had the right to bond Itself for per
manent roads. The power to create
Indebtedness rests with the County
Court. It cannot create an Indebted
ness to exceed $5400, except to supress
rebellion or to construct permanent
roads. It can by the constitutional
t amendment exceed this amount of S5000
for the construction of permanent roads
If specifically authorized by a majority
I vote of the people.
"We took the position that any fair
provision giving the people of the
county the opportunity to fully express
themselves in regard to the matter was
"This opportunity was given the peo
ple of Jackson County on Saturday. A
majority of the people being In favor
of the bond Issue there would. In my
opinion, be little queation as to the le
gality of the Issue."
Missouri Executive Says Public
Labors Cnder Misapprehension
Regarding Committee.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 3. With the arri
val here today of Governor Harmon of
Ohio no time was lost In beginning
preparations of the appeal to be taken
by the Governor's committee to the
Supreme Court of the United States
against the decision of United States
Circuit Judge Sanborn in the Minne
sota rate case.
Governor Harmon Joined Governor
Hadley of Missouri and they went at
once to the law office of United States
District Attorney Houtz.
Governor Aldrlch of Nebraska will
arrive late today..
"There has been considerable mis
apprehension as to the purposes for
which the committee was created,"
said Governor Hadley today. "The
committee has no intention of Interfer
ing with the Supreme Court. Our duty
Is simply to prepare briefs In the rate
Peases, upholding the right of the states
to regulate commerce wholly within
their borders." "
Jeffries Brothers Lose in Race to
See Mother.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. S. (Spe
cial.) James J. Jeffries, former heavy
weight champion of the world, ar
rived home last night after a three
months' hunting trip in Alaska. He
was accompanied by his brother. Jack
The homecoming of the Jeffries boys
was' a sad one. They heard while In
Alaska of the fatal Illness of their
mother, and started from Valdez im
mediately on a race against time in an
effort to reach the bedside of their
mother before the end.
After a hurried trip by steamer to
Seattle they heard the sad news that
their mother had passed away. Then
began a second race to reach home in
time to once again see the face of
their mother before burial.
On the train coming south the two
Jeffries boys remained by themselves
and the numerous friends whom they
met respectfully left them alone.
Navy Depurtment Dissatisfied With
Verdict About Pippin.
VALLEJO, Cal.. Oct 3. Acting under
orders recently received from the Judge
Advocate-General of the Navy, the
Naval Court, which tried Paymaster
Arthur M. Pippin and Pay Clerk James
V. Fuller, retired, of the receiving ship
Independence ,on charges ol embezzle
ment and misconduct of the pay office,
reassembled today at Mare Island to
review Its findings. The session is be
ing held behind closed doors and the
new findings will be forwarded tomor
row to Washington.
The review of the case was ordered
on the ground that the testimony taken
before the court was sufficient to prove
one charge against both officers, upon
which the court did not render a verdict
of guilty. The court was Instructed to
render Its verdict in accordance -with
the testimony.
The nature of the verdicts on the sev
eral other charges Is not known, but it
is believed that the action of the de
partment In ordering a review is un
favorable to the accused officers.
Forger Given Two Years.
CENTRALIA Wash.. Oct. t. (Spe
cial.) J. G. Spurgeon, a. contractor, of
Chehalls. who was arrested Sunday
Slops a Cough Quickly
Even Vhooping Cough
A Whola Pmt of tha Qutakaat, Sunset
Coagh Remedy for 60a. Mony
Refunded If It Falls.
If yon have an obstinate, deep-seated
ooueti, -which refuses to be cured, get a 60
cent bottle of Plnex, mix It with home
made sugar syrup and start taking Is. In
side of 24 hours your cough will be gone, or
Terr nearly so. Even whooplng-oough, la
quickly oonqnered In this way. -
A 60-oent bottle of Pinex, when mixed
with home-made snsrax syrup, gives you a
pint a family supply of the finest cough
remedy that money could buy, at a clear
saving of t& Very easy to prepare full
directions In package. .,'... ,
Pinpx soothes and nealg the lnnamea
membranes with remarkable rapidity. It
stimulate the appetite, is slightlT laxa
tive, and has a pleasant taste children
take it willingly. Splendid for croup,
asthma, bronchitis, throat tickle, chest
pains, etc., and a thoroughly successful
remedy for incipient lung troubles.
Pinei Is a special and highly concen
trated compound of Norway White Pine
extract, rich in gnaiacol and other healing
Eiine elements. It haa often been Imitated,
hough never snocessfully, for nothing else
will produce the same results. Simply mix
with mi gar syrup or strained honey, in a
pint bottle, and it Is ready for nse.
Anyone who tries Pinex will quickly
understand why it is used In more homes
In the U. 6. and Canada than any other
cough remedy. The genuine is guaranteed
to give absolute satisfaction or money re
funded. Certificate of guarantee is
wrapped In each package. Your druggist
basPinxorwill"titf6ryon. If not, send
to The Plnex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Pinex is fully guaranted bv Laue-Davis
I)rug Co. (distributers), Portland.
Exclusive Portland Agents Mosher Books
J- ercharkduae of tVerit Only..
Women's Guaranteed Rain Coats
In an Especially
' Raglan Coats $20.00
English slip-on coats for women, made
of double texture plaid back rainproof cloth
in tan. This coat is made in a loose-fitting
style with storm collar and Raglan sleeves.
Slip-on Coats $22.50
A Raincoat of the new material, "Ga
bardin,,,P which is absolutely shower-proof.
Made in a slip-on style with raglan sleeves.
In tan, navy and black. 'Made with a
storm collar.
Rain Coats $12.50
Misses' and women cravenette raincoats
in tan or oxford. Made in loose or semi
fitting models.
Slip-on Coats $18.45
Women's raincoats of Priestley's ine
cravenette in tan and oxford. This coat is
made in a new loose model with high storm
collar and raglan sleeves.
Genuine English Rain Coats for Women
The very smartest and newest style coats that have just arrived.
Strictly English cut, finish and quality. Made of a soft mixture that
embodies warmth without weight. Now on display and sale.
Smart Norfolk Suits Special $30.00
These unusually smart-tailored Norfolk suits have just arrived, which
is the most popular and stylish suit that is to be worn this season. For
Misses and Little Women.
, Made in the regulation Norfolk style with stitched bands over the
shoulders and belted at the waist, also a stitched strap on the sleeve
forming a cuff, which fastens with a button and button hole. Two.
side pockets held in place with buttons and the same smoked pearl but
tons are used on the belt and down the front. Lined with an extra
soft quality Peau de Cgyne.
-The skirts to these suits are high waisted and have a panel in both
the front and back formed by deep plaits. These plaits are held in
place in the front by buttons.
Novelty Fringed Silk Petticoats
This is the latest Parisian fad, petticoats with silk fringe. Made
of fine soft messaline with silk jersey tops. The flounces are plaited
in different novel patterns and edged with a wide or a narrow silk
fringe. The Van Dyke style and the plain all-around effect. Some
are plain colors, and others in'a combination of black and whtie.
Shades of navy, Copenhagen, black, brown, light gray, light blue,
pink, white, cream, purple and red.
Priced from $4.75 up to $7.50.
Sale of Rich Cut Glass
This great semi-annual sale of fine American cut glass includes every
piece of cut glass in stock, an event that is recognized as one of great
importance, as you can secure the finest patterns and cuts at the lowest
level prices of the year.
Supply your Xmas wants now while the assortments are still com
plete, for what is more acceptable than a rich piece of cut glass.
Fern dishes, nappies, with or without handles; vases, bowls, water
pitchers and bottles, glasses, mirror plateaus, mayonnaise sets, olive
dishes, sugar and creamer and comports are all included in this inv
mense sale.
on a charge of forging the name of
J A- Ludwlg to five separate checks,
was arraigned In the Superior Court
yesterday afternoon. Spurgeon pleaded
Rusch, the Ladies' Tailor, Announces That
Is the Last of His 3-Day Introduction Sale
A $65 Suit Made to Your Individual Order for
My Ladies' Tailoring Department has just
been opened. A trial order is wanted. A $65 Suit
for $40 is the inducement. You will order other
suits and will tell your friends. All profits are
now sacrificed.
You can select from over 300 different fabrics,
full pieces, not samples.
I have been tailoring in Portland 21 years and
cannot afford to misrepresent.
See the materials and samples of my work.
"Come today, rain or shine. You will get the great
est bargain offered in this city for a long time.
This offer will not be repeated. ;
Largest," oldest and most reliable Ladies' Tail
oring Establishment.
325 Stark St., Between Sixth and Seventh
Phone Main 3638.
Opportune Sale
guilty and was sentenced to an inde-
terminate sentence of not less than
two years at Walla Walla. The for-
gerles amounted to S129.1Q.