Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 04, 1911, Page 22, Image 22

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Our Beautiful White Restaurant Is an Ideal Place for Luncheon
Madame Irene and Gossard CorsetsExpert Fitters, 2d Floor
Delicious French Pastry and Bakery Goods in the Basement
j sc.- I All New Fall Models m Warner, Kedfern, Nemo, la orecque,
r? ? Ti
sf ana ii v Ks&it
K'of B
eautifiil Plaiiv Tailor.
d Suits
Qnr Glove Supremacy Is
Demonstrated in This Sale (I14VK
7 rv )V J i
OUR tremendous Glove business of this week has
demonstrated more forcibly than ever before
The Bi Store's' unrivaled supremacy!
On his Summer buying trip, our Glove chief se
cured the most wonderful special lots we have ever
offered, including:
Many of the famous Perrin's make,
for which we are the sole Port
land agents. For nearly a century
Perrin's has stood for the highest
in Kid Glove quality and style.
Besides those special purchases, practically every one
nf our regular lines of Perrin's Gloves' are lowered in
price for this Great October Sale. Satisfy your Winter
aV1,NJsjjj Glove needs before it's too late.
u$2.25 Perrin's Gloves $1.87
PerrinV extra finality real French Glare Kid
Orcrfam Gloves anil best Pique Kid Gloves,
with the new two and three pearl clasps an.l
hravv're.l backs; regular CI Q7
.f-T-Vi v'ovf,!i: OtobT sale, pair P A 9
Perrin's $1.50 Glares Real French Kid or
Capo, in two-clasp style; all sizes and every
pnir fitted' at the counter; priced today for
the pre at October clearing sale at QO.
remarkably low price; at, the pair, onlyO
Perrin's Gallia Gloves
Two-clasp, real Krcnrh kid,
pversramed stylo; in all mzos
arid row shad.-; C" OO
res. fl." grade V
$1.25 Lambskin Gloves :
Iifne-sewn, for street wear;
white, black, tan, prays,
browns and other nPWGrf
shades; today, the pair'"
?3 to $4 Long Kid Gloves
12 and 16-button, real French
place kid, in white and all
new shades; in all CJO A C
the sizes; today PfiJ
A Stirring Umbrella Sale Today
$1.25 Rainproof Umbrel
las I't; iiixl 2S-mch sizes,
with stc r.x!s nd8-ribbod
paragon frames. Wide
rouse of nont carved han
dles? Special forz-JiQ
at wUO
$3.50 and $4 Umbrellas
2t-inch sizes, with black
and colored silk taffeta
rovers. Fast colors and
strictly rain
proof. Today
SI. 98
$4 and $5 Umbrellas 26
and 28-inch sizes, for both
men and women. Large as
sortment of handles with
steel rods; 7 and 8-ribbed
f r a m e 8. To- O QQ
day at only i)jQ
Free Spool Charter
Oak Thread .Today
to every purchaser of 25c or more in
the notion section. Only one to a custo
mer. Charter Oak is the Tliread that
Hed the fe price to the Amer- nJ
r-an woman, price, " for only OC
35e Fancy Needle Books, special at 19d
6c Basting Thread, black and white, at C
15c Lingerie Braid, all colors, bolt, 10 C
20c Sanitary Belts, special at only 10
5c Washington Pin, the paper at only 2
20c Nainsook Shields, all sues, special, ll
Wire Hair Pins, doz. papers at only 10
25c Nickel Plated Skirt Markers, each 1Q?
Children's 20c Strong Supporters for 1()
10c Serva Collar Supporters, the card, 5
IF YOU'VE decided on the severely tailored type for your new
sxq; tnojj t Srnsooip rrr JJ9 outreo no!" ';mg jarn prre retf
unrivaled line from the famous makers, McPherson & Langford.
The general attractiveness and charm of each model lies in its
perfect hand-tailoring, the correct simplicity of style, the careful
finish in every detail. The sort of garments that always look their
bcstno matter where you wear them styles that you never tire
of tailoring as faultlessly done as though it were the work of a
high-grade custom tailor.
Handsome all-wool materials imported tweeds and worsteds,
mannish mixtures, both smooth and rough weave. Browns, tans,
blues, black, etc. The plain severeness, relieved by an occasional
velvet, though notched collar and self or bone buttons.
T?omiioi"rTi cinT-f -innntv iarfct.s nlain skirts- manv French
paneled. There's perfect elegance and grace of line in every one
of them. Ask for them today in the Ready-to-Wear Salons.
Priced $45 to $65.
And the Dressier Types
pre shown in a wonderful variety of styles. Clever, jaunty jackets
nf t hp tvne as nietured here caucrht with one and two side fasten
ings patch pockets, immense metal, bone and velvet buttons are
prevalent. Wide, long revers sailor and cape collars. Every
late fashion feature is shown. Handsome new Fall materials and
colors. $35 to $85. Though we've every price beginning at $20.
IX 'i
Pordalid 25 Years jj
ORTLAND, the city past, 8
nrpspnt and future, is 11
! graphically illustrated in the showing of
plans and pictures which are now on
exhibit in the lobby of our 7th floor
Restaurant. '
!At an expense of $20,000, this set of
70 beautiful drawings have been pre
pared by the famous Municipal Archi
tect, E. H. Bennett, and finished by a
noloKi-atoil French water-color artist.
! Three of these alone cost $1500. n
The three great periods for the im-fl
provement of Portland as it increases 1 1
ft in population, are twenty-five, fifty and y
H a hundred years. Greater Portland means n
1 1 a city of 2,500,000 with boundaries, traf- Jl
W fic arteries and municipal conveniences II
!to correspond. V
Another view on exhibit shows Port-Q
land of 50 years ago, when the The jl
Meier & Frank Company was but ll
! struggling little store down on Front y
street. After all, our wonderful growth Q
is but symbolic of the growth of the 1 1
whole city. ' , - , 1
We urge you to see these wonderful V
views. Admission free, of course. An A
expert will explain the purport of each J
Q picture.
Great October Toilet Goods Sale Continues
P YOU saw the full-page announcement of this October Sale of Toilet Goods and Drugs, you'd not wonder that
mrps nnd scores of eatrer buvers thronved our department yesterday. Here are but a fraction of the offerings:
0 j. "
Soap Specials
10c Palmolive Soap, spec, 6
5c Lifebuoy Soap, special, 3
25c Packer's Tar Soap at 14
10c California Med. Soap at 5
25c Woodbury's Facial at 14
35s Piver's Duvet Velour, 19
M. & P. Hotel Soap, doz., 23
Baldwin's 50c Toilet Water
A highly concentrated extract
in violet, lilac, white rose, wild
plum and lily of the OO
valley odors; the bottle
Facial Cream
50c Palmolive Cream only 29
25c Peroxide Cream, spec, 17
25c De Miracle Cream at 15"
50p Ideal Massage Cream, 29
75c Pompeiian Cream at 49
25c Lyons' Tooth Powder, 10
25c Sanitol Powder, 2 for 25
25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 10
25c Rubifoam, special at 15
50c La Blache Powder at 25
50c Java Powder, special, 25
50c Pozzoni's F. Powder 29J
25c Satin Skin Powder at 15
25c Sanitol Face Powder, 15
25c Swansdown Powder, 10
25c Mennen's Talcum at 9
Odd lots of fine bristle Hair
Brushes; rosewood, cherry and
maple finish backs; regular
$1.2o and
on sale
. $2.50 values; QC
at only, each
50c Canthrox, special, at 29
50c Sal Hepatica, special, 35
50c Pond's Extract, spec, 28
35c Fletcher's Castoria, 19
25c Cascarets, special at 14
25c Laxative Broino at 15
25c Cole's Carbolic Salve, 15
25c Dioxygen Peroxide at 15
50c Pyramid Pile Cure at 31
50c Antiphlogistine, spec. 29
25c Borolyptal now only 15i
$1.25 Inv'ted Lindsay Lamps 95c
WE'VE just 100 of these famous Lindsay
Inverted Lamps to sell today at 95c!
splendid . for living and reading-rooms throwing a
soft, white light. Just as pictured here,
complete with burner, globe and mantle, 1
Regularly $1.25, priced today at only, each
75c Lindsay Upright Gas Lights throw a brilliant
glow. Complete with genuine Lindsay burner gfA
mantle and imported globe. Special at only OffrC
15c Lindsay Gas Man- 30c Tungsten Mantles
ties 5000 of these good the genuine Lindsay make,
grade Mantles to - Just 1000 of them q
sell today at only 1 1 C to sell today at 1 17 C
mi m
In the Grocery Dept.
WEDNESDAY and Thursday
are lnoney-savini; days in
the bi? Pure Food C,ncer-! A glance
st th'"' speeiau will convince you bet
ter than' aiivthinir we can say:
Fancy OreRon Potatoes, 1.65 bag; 11
pounds, 23.
Jap Style Rice. 5 pounds, 23.
Butchers' Lard. 5-pound pails, 69S
Choice Eastern Hams, sweet and rogar-
enred, ponnd. 17J.
Grizzly Bluff Butter. 2 pounds, Gl.
Sun-Cured Strawberry Preserves, 91.50
dozen: each, 13.
Ripe Olives, gallon cans. 73.
Dry Granulated Sugar, bag. $0.50.
The Hydegrade Linings'
WE CARRY the higgest line of
famous Hydegrade Linings in
the Northwest. And they're moder
ately priced. Not these:
Af O We've a splendid
JC medium quality,
light weight material, with mercerized
inish. All colors, 36 inches wide.
A a. ir The "Lncenta"
JJv brand Hydegrade
Linings. Highly . mercerized, good
quality light weight material. All col
ors. Also the Halcyon Messaline,
used in place of 6ilk messaline. Light
weight, lustrous finish. Pretty for
A a. "Irt. The Paisley brand,
J"l a light weight per-
caline fabric. All colors.
Sensational Sale Room-Length Carpets
1JERK are sweeping reductions today to close out a large accumulation of Carpets in lengths of 10 to
II '40 vards! Manv are the new Fall desijms, suitable tor bedrooms, living-rooms, dining-rooms,
nnd stairs. As the lots are limited, we advise a hasty response.
Reg. $1.75 and $1.80 Q O n
Carpets at, the Yard
This lot is of room-lengths, of sturdy
l?ody Brussels Carpets, 10 to 40 yards
of a pattern, suitable for bedrooms,
living-rooms, dining-rooms, halls and
xtairs. Our .$1.75 and $1.83 grades, to
close, 93c yard.
Another Big D
Room-Lengths of O 1
$1.40 Carpets, YardOwJU
The best grades of Roxbury Tapes
try Carpets, in patterns for dining
rooms, halls, bedrooms and stairs.
Lengths 10 to 40 yards. Regular $1.40,
to close out in this sale today and
Thursday at 83c a yard.
Reg. $1.50 to $3.50 7 Cr
Remnants, Today at
Useful remnants of Body Brussels,
Axminster, Tapestry and Velvet Car
pets, in 1-yard lengths. For before
dressers, under tables and the like.
Really worth $1.50 to $3.50, today
while lot lasts, each 75c.
Join the Oct. Willamette
Sewing Machine Club
$2 on Purchase
$1 a Week.
E AEE out to make October
the biggest month in Sew-
il- NLSJ'" " sTKnr"19
ing Machines since the famous
lamette" became a prominent feature
of our business !
And this we are sure of accomplish
ing if every woman will only appreciate
AND INVESTIGATE the wonderful
value and superior merit we have put into every "Willamette" Machine, be
sides the easy terms of our Club Plan, which enables you to have any model
sent home on a $2 payment and the balance $1 a week no interest or
extra charge whatever.
Every Willamette Machine, whether our Model 14-A, at $20, or the superb
Rotary or Cabinet, at $35, has a particular feature. We can show you
hundreds of homes in every part of the Northwest where a "Willamette"
has been doing steady duty for years not a fault or sign of dissatisfaction.
AH we want is a chance to explain. Our lady sewing machine expert is
glad to answer every question. In a few minutes she can show you the big
superiority of a "Willamette" over any other make better than we can
explain in a whole page. Why not come in today f
Every; Willamette Waranted 1 0 Years
k binding ten-year warranty goes with every Willamette Machine .at any
price, in which we agree to replace any or all defective parts without charge
to you, excepting, of course, the wear and breakage of needles and shuttles.
ay for the Semi-Annual Bed and - Beddm
g Sale
Metal Bed $4.75
TI.i::k of it! Practically half price
t .by fi r ihi artistic Yeniis Martin
Mi t il I'.o.l. eiaclly as illustrated
aWc Full sue. You'll find our
ri --.iliir pru-e t:
While lit Lots. r4.7..
$13 Metal Bed $7.95
Another item that's bound to
cause a senation today! Full size,
artistic A'ernus Martin Beds, as pic
tured above. Xew filler design, with
heavy rvtis. Positive $13 Beds.
Semi-Annual Sale price. $7.M.
$16 Metal Bed $8.75
Another amazing reduction on
handsome full-size Vernis Martin
.Beds. Design exactly, as illustrated
above, with pretty, fancy headboard
and heavy rods. Bed marked fflb.
$8.50 Coil
Spring $5.25
An extra strong Coil Spring, that
means the utmost in comfort and
durability. Just as pictured. Full
size, strongly braced . throughout.
They sell everywhere at $8.50. Semi
Anntial Sale price foday, $.3.25.
Ostermoor Mattresses Are Reduced
Only Twice a Year!
'-r uHTi-ir- .,.l ( S- ;
V?ES1 stereo
Wooden Beds About V2
$10 Napoleon Reds, as illustrated, irypolden finish. Full
size. Smi-Annual Sale price today
-J , r5TTtrOtDter Beds, Only One of Eech.
l - . ' Y ,'7 k
SHrftS2 75 Wooden Bed, V vat, SI. 20
VsWSr,if 5170 Wooden Bed, 4-4 size, 5 11. ST)
, - F- 1 v ou juanogaay sea, iuu size, in.iio
. V.I. IL n F n n . Uaj. n i, ' " -
iJJU ... A , iJCU, 1 Uil MAC, X n A. 9
$32.50 Wooden Bed. fnU. SI 9.25
$47.50 Napoleon Bed, V. S27.73
S57.50 Walnut Bed, full aize. SIiO.25
(A Mahogany 4-poster Bed, S3 7.95
1 .j.imajPki
IF YOU CAIN'T COML IN rt-Ofi OKUtK ot OK HY a ti-tfriwixJ!. .
AND this week is the last opportunity you'll
haYe before another six months to take
advantage of the savings!
"We are the sole distributers of Ostermoor Matresses
in Oregon. Their Wonderful comfort and durability
comes from the fact that they are "built not made"
of 4000 sheets of felt, into a soft, resilient Mattress.
Come today J
Ostermoor Mattress, $ 1 2.90
Regular $17 Ostermoor Mattresses, which W3 sell ordinarily at $15.50. Two-piece, 50 lbs.,
full size, covered with striped art ticking. Semi-Annual Sale price SX2.90. Jj 1 O Cf
The $15 Ostermoor Mattress, in one piece, at A V
Other Ostermoor Mattreses
$30 French Edge Ostermoor Mattress now for only 18.50
$18 Ostermoor Mattress, 50-pounds weight, now for S13.25
$13.25 Ostermoor Mattress, 4-foot size, now at only 12.00
$11.70 Ostermoor Mattress, 3-foot 6-inch size, now at $10.00
Our Own Mattresses "Cut"
$3.50 Cotton Top Mattress, now selling for only S2.79
$4.50 Cotton Top Mattress, now selling for low price $3.39
J .75 Gilt-Edge Mattress, special during this sale for $4.98
$12.50 Hygienic Felt Mattress, during this sale for S9.60
20 Mixed Hair raaitress, 4u-pouna, now on saae ior $ib.4