TTTF MORXiyQ OREGOXIAy. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1911. " 21 - - - SOUTH IS BUYING First Shipment of Potatoes to San Francisco. 0M.Y WANT FANCY STOCK (rrcn C rop i at I arrc SH nl 11m Qualltjf IValrr F.xpert CooU Prk-r to Prertall Tbla Season. H.v.r.1 cars of potatoes r,a hlPP"1 t Ca.lfornla In past -w daya. the rt go Sonth tale aa..n. Trt U a "al lied demaad lor atnctiy faaey Onfm tock la tha tea Franctaco market, put It muat b uch aa will aell aloncelde of 'h 61 Patinas potato rof lw atoc shlppera n paying 1 t4Dt a pound at country ship em g point. When digging la fails' nnder way. the narkil mar raced slightly. Tha larger potato haari:er consider th oatlaoa farorabl f-w fair price thla a ao. ant tas aol 'o tnT xm prl- that anm f tba grower aipact. Th arty crop in Orti la turning out of good quality and fair yield. Aa far aa can a en. ther will ha a ana crop of lata potatoeo. which ara at III ran and growing What th farmer want now M a good bard froat. Than. In 10 day or tw weaaa tha crop woud ba ready lo dig and put away. It la etlrolJ by dealer wko bara Investigated tba anbjact that tha rrnp mt Onion and Waahlngtoa thla raar will bo twlco aa Imrga aa laat year. Tha California crop la about tha iimi In la aa laat year, but In tha Mtsalaalppl Vi7 tb awtpot la ronaMarably reduced. Thta la not preventing th avctlona. how ever, from . .hipping Into tha Soathweat. and tha movement from California to Art Bon a and New M-ilco ha been considerably rdacd la th paat few week. HOr BITING OM A I.AK.f:R WALE Talry-0ve Cwt OtIrd far aa Oplkna. aittj r-r ral KngHoa t'raa Hold. Thr la a better inquiry In th bop mar et aa-J a llrmr ton to price. A number of m I wer rportd yeaterday at 13 cnta and a fraction bitr and aa optional bid of &3 eenta wa made on a -art crop. Among tha tranan.-tlona In thin Mat waa th purchase of 71 ba!a from Jam Haya. ..f irr..K. by Klaber. Wolf a Netter. at 3.1 rent. WUIiim Brown ft Co. bought two or lhr amall lota around Hllvrton at th m prlc. Mc-Nrtr Broa. bought ahont "0 hair. ! fral hundred bale of Taklmaj a'.ao rhaated nanda. amocg th crop blng that of Bvnaa.g.r. 1M bate, wnlrh Grafton Be ared at XI ' oat. Th Hrk crop of l"x ba!s waa ao:d at tha aa) prlc. K.a-tH-r. w:f a Nxt.r bought In that aortloa 11 ba:. from Itchott and 0 bala from r:'ia a: S.'S and S3 canta. Tht fniiowtng cabl waa raclvd yoator l.y nornlnc from London, which con nrin.d h.turdyo cabl: "li'aiy par cnt of Kng!lh crop gold. Ad-aa.- of IS hllllnaa In fugglaa. I ba a fM.1 itr.on of market. Anthr cabl aald tb liodoa market waa atrang. tb Narwmburg mark! dull nd lelinlng and the ItelgUa market trona and advaaclng. HIYEKA Or rolXTKT MOUI BACat Mew aaxl t-pclaa-a Mill etl at I-w rrtrvw -Ilium Meat firm. Tha puttry markt continue alow, al though receipt ara not brary. and fprtnga wera offered yatrday at 14MS ran'a. with bujrr (King bena tba prefer ence. larae young ducka wr la dmattd at tadlia't. canta. but amall and old ducka war dtalL (. tf young, could ha moved at llU cm a. Tnr waa a Iittl inquiry tor fat. llv tarhrye, buywrg offering - cne for young and 1 fil cnla for old bird. Tha egg markt continue qntat. but with a atady nodrton. Putter waa firm at tb new advanced naotatkon that went lata ffct yesterday. cb. waa firm and unchanged. There waa a g-Hd market for fancy top ! at 1S)tfl4 cent Poor, ordinary and large eld wall, but at lower prl-. There waa a ataady demand fr choice country dred pork at lotfll cnt. OAT ARE nnM WITH KMI DEMAND M'nemt la M-aity a ad Owlet at All r4at tra Macthwrat. Tlia wheat market waa quiet In Portland, aa th found and la the count re yatrday. Ifeprtera quoted Club at o centa, but mll'wi paid a tittle more. The etrlka attu atloa la being cloaaly walchad by all la tb tra.1. Oat wre In gol demand and firm, wtth bolder Baking and -T . Barley waa quiet her but higher In tha Ea.t. Local receipta. In car, atere reported by II Merchant Ki-harge aa follow.: Wheat llarley riour Oat IlnT Monday ...... l' I 1 J. Tueeday W 1 l.l 4 1 Tear ag . . TT B m rMi. to date ail- laT 74- S.'t 7i4 Tear ago ....! 1 -IT liu .v9 riRT raj or Krr.Rv (RtvnnntiF.s e rwda af Fajary Qwajlly mt aw Hal at M -3 lee Hmrret. Tba flit car of cranberrtea of th aea eon -e-rrlved yeelerdav and waa dletrtbutrd along the .t et. They war Cape t and were of fin quality. The prtc-a. n a barrel. c l.aer than crannerrlea have opened at In tht. market for eevernl yearn (trap were plentiful but moved trail. RaJna la l"alfrnla have glxen the mar ket firmer t"n. A car ef Lata Crawford and Klherta pearhe arrived from Yakima. They wera quoted at a. i and centa A car of "taklma cantaloupe alao ca-ne la and wera affared at 11 fl.l -Pr crate for fan.-v. Another c.r of Caltfmt f:g. i. ,is the latter rart of tha week. tvagjth, ( lewrtng. Blank riarir.g. of tha Vorth weetern cttlea tie.-rdv a e-a aa olloi. l'larnt H.'.-tce-. r-e-'.4 .. I 'M tt g.-TT setn.e mj t: : i : -i; T.'-'ira ITl-i t"'-l !.aa: . .:..i4 l.-. rii rojtrLAi MtKkKn. teraua. rtwur. Peed. HK T Kvp-r ha.l.: H.U'.tenv. run "it: red Huaalaa, Tev . Yl.e, lo; M. I l; -'-i'tt'1 MW rr barrel: .ti-lg-it t"-. itii t.l 0. alley, glad; gr.h.rii -i-' ahe.t 14 SJ. Mll.l..Tl f - H .n ll-.u.j pay ton: r-.l.llii. t '.. . i.-tti, I.Jkc'M-). rolled ba-l-e. f-i-t 34 OTV- h le era t. 134 per ton PHLKt N-a :l. 11 .1: per ton. brew'--c. 17 tr ta iT Nw r t. I 7 im ".O per ton. HAT No I. K. O. uniwthv. glgrflTSa. No 1 Va.ley I'.'. fl'-oi ;.;fa, liiu. c.vr. . grala ka. Ilaia.ia. Dairy aad Ce-anlry rredwe l-OII.TRT-H-ni llnlli, :.rtnc 1 tc luck, y.uac. l.t.MS'-. eee. Ugllic. lur.ev". 1 w JCC ril TTEK Trg..n creamery butter, aolld pa fc. l.W pr;lt -lira l l li-rtrah Oregon ranch, can rl lad. 12a per 4 'in fNl.l.'-T.liil tr-plet and dalalaa I IMt per pmnJ. Y 'un Amen.-. l4Sa fchK Paacv. l'w!lc per fHrund. TKaL fran.v. Its Via- Per pund. egefhlea aad rrarta. Tftorfi-AL rr (Verge. jf .ta par boa: California grape frtit. J ;(, banana 3S't-t Per pouro: ptnaapnlaa. c per pound: leroor.. .J0 nr box; - It v e knt KREtM rul'IT- -ant.loupe. tl tffl pa per crnte: pe..-h.a Sf i'-it pr b . water m.lor.e. ;i . 1 -i p-r lor.l; plum 7io per c.-.te. prune. Itl We V" Pouad . pan-. li par boa. grapea Wcll par . app.ea. Ilwl-o. hacal.b.rr..-. o) Iv,c per pound, cranberrle". - per barrel. VMETlULtt Art'choke. 7".c per down: beam lill- rabUll Svl"c per pound: cau.lflower. 7 !..' per dn.n: corn. per d.wett. cucumber.. II tl.Il per -a.-k: -p.AOt. gaao par puund. garlic Idol Jo per p-.un't: lettuce. " -j j'K- per uoaen: not- lettuce. H.timl'i per boa. pepper. Sc per pound: ra.ll.hea. 12v,e par ) ien; .projta. a Pr pound ; tomato. . J K. VriJETABI-FS Carrot. 11-5 per each, turn n. . II: bte. $1 74. COTATOM Oregm. Ikt per pound; gwret p.t:!oe ;i, uJe per pound. 0. NIONa California, tl. Vl par bundrad. Btwpta Orwrerlea. PALblOX Columbia River. 1-pound taila. f - - per doarn: S-pound tall, li 5: l pund (leta. li-to. Alaaka pink. 1-pound ta: a. I: J5. I'uCfti-Roaatad, la drum. 14Sc per pound . Jio.vET Choir. iSTi pax eaaa: Kralned boae. loc per pound, SAl.T Granulated. 1111 per ton: half ground, liew. u per ton: 60a. I par tow. KITH nilauii. ILIW per pound, Praall nuia. 1I.1M: filbarta 10c: almonda, Iwllc. pecan. Jc; mkmiuih ciil Pr doava: che.tnuta. lio par pound: hickory nut, f it luc par pound. DEAN- fmall wnua. large white. 4',c: l ima. I'm, pink. iVc Mexican. It. bayou. He K1 T No. t Japan. 4.: cheeper grudee. I1U4IU; Boumern head. tt"l 1m- rrte.l Imp rial. c: imported extra Mu. 7 o H- . , ailtJAK Dry granulated. IT SS: fratt na berry. I7.S4. beet. etm C.; powdered, barrel. 17 u. cubaa. aaxrala, "3 . . I'HIKD rRfTT Apple. 1o par pound . apricot. ln-llaVtc; pcha. i-tpMc. prune. It. .an. lie: ilvr. Ic white and black. eTSe: currnnl. lo 4 11c; ral.lna. looea bluctl. "To. bleached Thompcoo. Use: unblaatbad u- tanaa. IS; Beaded. - llopa. M'aol aad Hide. TlOPfj 1911 crop. UUIi; oWa. nom inal . MOHAIR Choice. ssfS7e pr pound. V. OOLr tU.tern Orrion. ,fZ round, according to ahr.chag: Taller. lf 7c per pound. PF.I.tS Pry. lOHc: lamb. 40ff0e anch; haarinc. -L U lc each. Hint- belted hldea. KwlOe par pound: aalted calf. l5Blf: aalted kip, 1"V: green, unaalted. lo leas: dry calf. 1U ioe: dry atafP. lio 13Sc CAHLAKA-lar pound. Be. Oil. LINSEED OIL Pure raw. In barrel. 7c; boiled. In barrel. c. raw. la caaee. IL02; b.illed. In cae. II U4. , TlKPrlNTINE Caea. Tto; wood barrels. T1V.C Iron barrel. 4c; ln-caae lota. 70c taAaoi.INfc; Motor gseollne. Iron barrale. 17c; ca..a. 24o. gaaollna. Iron barrela Die; caaea. 3ac COAL OIL Ordinary teat, caaea. loo; bulk, ta tank. I've. rroTlsloaa. u uit 10 to IS pounds. lMHe: 12 to 14 pound.. 1Swi1c: 14 to la pound. 1st luTc 1 to 1 pounds, lltc: .kinnei lac: plcnlca. 11 He: cottage roll. S. EMOKKLI MEATS Be.f tonguoa. To: dried beef aeta. none; outaide. none; Insldea. 2-lc; knucklea. Sic 1. AKD biettl rendered, tlercee. 13 : tut... lc; standard, tierces. 14i,c: tuba. IJc: hortenlng. tleroe. ga: ruba. Pc BACON Fancy. 27o: standard. JSc; eholc Jic: k:ngllh. 111C ,. DRT SALT CVRKD Regular short eleara. dry aalt. lte: amoked. is se; backa. Tight eaiv. use; smoked. 14S-; kacka. heavy alt. Use: amoked. lc; axparta, salt, 14c; am o. el. Isc HIGHESTiGlARKET rOlvTL-XD PRICES AIIK WELIi ABOVE OMAHA'S. Good Supply of Cattle at lf Yrd and btoady Trior ITrtall. inert w " . - . - usual at th toekyarda yerterday. bul there were no new development la th way of Arlce. Tb moot Important aaie in two load, of .iter, at J . Only one load of cow. waa moved aad they brought 14 4ii There were a number of traneactlou ... ..we iiehtwetahte bringing d.o and T.JO. nnd baavlea going at I4.0 to 1.SS. , Two bunches of good lambs wore sold at .... ateadr at 13 and a large lot of culla want at $1.15. Cull wethers sold at IS.IO. There wr no hog on th mrkt. Ot . i . the variia In th Boa m.raei - . paat week th. Llvotoek Reporter - Baya . . - -. inae.l rullv t "raruaau a ". - - ' rente hlgner man u.u v,. -------- Nebraska quotatlona for baai light awlna wa. o.J". meao. weeu A tnree car. iwe . --- - day. the eupremacy of thla hog market la eaetly lamiaiiiawii ' along ana inipmmw 1 - mot, con.plcuuue by their tardlnee. the market ahowea anna o '""" - -It did. However. It la on anything but a Arm baaia ana le ii.ow w m-.,v- " down at the slightest provocation. Nebrae ka did not send any at.-k In all week, and II te a fact worth mentioning that Oregon boaa brought the beat price of any offered." Kecelpt. ye.terday r 411 cattle, 2t4 calvea and 3K sheep. snippers war r. H. Barger. Mitchell. 2 care of sheep; J. E- Reynolds. Condon. 9 car of cttl nnd calvea: tl. J. Park. Du boia Idaho, a car of cattle and calve; K Pavi. 3 care of cattle; Schaeler A Co.. Twin raila. Idaho, I car of calve; TV. H. Harrl Op.l Oliv. S ear of rattle, and E E. Wood. Slleerton. I car of catll and calvea The day. le were aa follow: Weight. Prlc. 33 rale. " 4 calvea I1 woo 42 .teera ' J 1 steer lusrt l" I:" '-n l:. cull wethere "-T -l ...7 ..J. 3.00 4 eleers 4 steer. 1 bull . 1.V.0 ft-00 141H 3 -V 33 cow. .M 4.4 Jo steers S..T3 4. SO i.:s x ;o 7 M 13 4.:'j 3 calvo ................ It .1 cales -M la calves I 37 cull wa - IMt l.mhi ............. Ot -Ct lentil T .1 lamha " 23 I'rlces quoted at in ran'ang i nion Ft... k mule for th varloua claaara of stock Choice steers Cood to choice steer Klr to god .leers. Medium sreers . . .$5 33 0I.M3 ... ."Ou 5 .. . 4 70 3.iK ... IMj 4.73 3 T.'.ti 4 ..' .'-Moire cows"! Ki'r to gooi cows 4.o.t 4.1T t .-onion rott 2 5" J Fi'ii rhoia payed blfrg.... 4o 4-e . n .. heifer 4.-"5r 4-4i Choi -e rii'la 3 3 .'o Clo .-1 to choice bull 2 7.Nff 3."0 o r mon !u 1 1 .-h..'. e..w .1 to chol,- rlv TWJ 7.13 t ommon r;e 4 oo i 3 .t l-h-.lce tc 4 r" a 4."i Good to c.'iolc stftgs 4.23(9' 4..0 Ho. Chol.e llrht hoc. Tin T TO i;.d to rhiU-e hogs ........... T."7 723 Fair to good hog. .7oOJ T.0 Common ht Couig JC Ph. ep Choice jeartlhg wether, coare wool .I.1T S 40 Chon-e v.arllng wethera. ea.t of mountain. 3. It'll 3.23 Choice twoa and three INltf SOi Choi. lamb. I ;:.; IW t hole yearling 4. lit 4.13 .od to choice lamb 4 0.1 ay 4.13 Cel.. X.3o(y 3.UU (hkraara Livestock Market. CHlCAtTO. Oct. .H-Bttle Receipts eatl maied at 11 an; market, steadv to Uc :er Peeves. 94-7." tl ft 13: Teas steers. 34 -3 u- ; W:rn steers. 34.TtiOT. stoekers snd feeders. .l.J04r3 M. cows and hclfera. I. ulli. cala. 15 T5l. lloge Receipts estimated at ll.: rrar ket stady to shade higher. Light. fa-Of. as: mixed. I le.tM hary. lt(lU; rought. IVUtllA fe te choice hvy. 4.gll, pig. 14 3" 8 43. bulk of ealce. 34 .-e 0 4.: 3 1 v p p. ece : ; t a t1matd at eo.oon; mar ket steady. Native. I: 2ltl: Weetern. IJ734 r.arl.r.e H.v4.S": lamb, na tlv. I4T: Weetern. 4I0ia DEMAND IS LIMITED Downward Tendency Develops in Stock Market. LEADERS LOSE A POINT SiratlY rre-Ktirts Again.! St. Paul Doe In Part lo London fVelllnj. Stre-I and Amaljaniatcd Copper Alao Weak. NEW TORK. Oct. 1 Umltd dmand for terka at th prent rang of prlcs wss shown clearly by the course of today s trad ing. Th market developed a downward tendency sufficiently definite to Indicate that, for the present at lau th reeorery of la week waa not to be carried Turther. Th disappointingly small inTstmnt buy ing la attributed to unanswered questions, chief among which to the Intention of the Government In regard la the enforcement of the antt-truet law. Selling of Hi. Paul Jn th Brst hour, that stock approached It recent low record, wa a factor which seemed to determine the market' course during the remainder of the day. Pressure agalnat thla lasua was steady throughout the session and oemed lo be du In no small measure to London r""1'- . .. ,. St. Paul. Amalgamated Copper and Unit ed fl.iea Steel war th three prominent stock to end th day with of a point. Th aknas of United State 8teI wa. perhaps due In part to further poor trade report. .New orders of the United State. Steal Corporation ar placed at lightly be low 30,40 ton a day. Tb speculative community waa taken back by the opposition to ths American Tobacco reorganisation plan, revealed In a petition submitted to the court by one of the constituent companies. This wag re flected In the beavlnea of securities ot th corporation. Bonds wsre steady. Total sales, par value. Il.lliyio. United States bond wera un changed on call. CLOnlNCJ STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cloalnf 81.. High. Low. Did. AIM Chal pf ..- - 1 Amal Copp.r .. 1T.600 61 44 4S Am AurUull Am sugar. 1.0X ij SI "4 Ha Amerl-an Can .. fx KS V tS Am ..-ax A Kdy. lull M S 45 S Am Cotton Oil. oW M Am Hd A Lt Pf Am Ice SecurL. 100 17 l.Ji IT Am Lln.eed IOO SS IS ?H Am Locomotive -- 3;t Am bni.l A Kef 9.H 4e K3Va US do pieterred.. TM 1UI 11 llxi Am fieri r-fly.. 2K) 3u SO Am .ugar Kef.. -- HI Am Tel A Tel.. 7lH 133 S 133 S 1H314 Am Tobacco pf l.OoOO 7 S bSk Am Woolen j1 Anaconda M Co. 20O 32 S -'S Atcnu.n S.4UO 1U2 1 102 102J do preferred. 1"-?. Atl Coast Line 100 121 121 121 Bait A Ohio .. 4.100 ".lis 113 83 Vs Ilethlahem nteel loo 2S 2 2S Brook K Tran.. SH) 74V, 73i 734 Cana.llan I'ac .. .4 27 Hi 22.1 S Central Leather ZOO 214 21 S 21 S do preferred.. 3 Central of N J 2'i ( lira a Cm. ... TOO 71V IIS T1V Chicago A Alton 20 Chi Gt West 18 do preferred.. 4'K I1H S7 S 3714 Chicago A N W. Itt) 1411i 141S HIS C, M A St Paul. 1S.4UU luu lot.1 S 1U7 It, C. C. C A bl U B Col Fuel A Iron 3"0 2T 2H -Oa Col A aoutbsrn. 1"0 44 44 43 Con.ol Oaa .f" 13tll 134. 133H Corn Producta . Sut 114 lit. IIS Del A Hudson HI DAK Grand 214 do preferred.. 300 4T 4r)S 4u Plstlllers' Becurl la Sit, IU 30 trl. 8.T1W S"V tO 0H do 1st pf l.IUO 48 Ti 4"V do 2d pf o Oenaral Elee ... 100 149 14 S 147 tit North pf ... l.W 124 123 123H Ot North Or .. TfO 47s 47 4S lilmjia Central. U 13S 133 S 133 laterbor Met ... .0O l.TS 14Ta 14' do preferred.. 2i 44 43 S 43 S Inter Harveater bvt lu2Vi 11 lulS Inter Marine pf 14 S Int Paper lnt Pump 100 28 39 2! low Central ......... ..... ..... In K C Southern .. ...... ..... ..... 2"Vi do preferred.. ...... ..... 2 lclede Use 102V. Lou la A Nash.. O00 141 140 Hi'S Minn ft It L 32 II. t P 4 I I V 1K 12tl 12tl 12d Ma. Kan A Tex. 00 23 S' 27 do preferred.. H2 Mo Pacinc 2. 1UU tH 7 31 Nat Blacult 124 S National Lead .. 100 4S 46 S 43 S M.x N By 2 Pf 2 N V Central ... 2.WO 104 103W 104 ff T. tint A Wee 3SS Norfolk A W est TOO 102 H2 S lul T North Am I"0 K HAS. 63 North-rn Pac .. 2.ih 114S 113S 11S Parine Mall ... 2u0 SIS IU 30 S Pennsylvania ... .4 1I(S 1JOS 12S Peoples U.s ... l'r j.s iojs P. 0 C A r-t L.. 3iH M 3 Pittsburg Coal e... 17 Pre.a-,1 S Car 2" Reading Tl.OOO 140 LTSVi J3 Republic Steel 22 S 4I0 preferred. M Ro. I l.l.nd Co. .H 23S -'.IS 2.1 do preferred.. 200 43S 4Ai ' 44 ft L A S F 2 Pf pa St L Southwest. ..... ..... 112 do pref.-rred ..... ns Floea Sheffield pout hern Pac .. 4.i0 17S 10rt ltw bouth.-rn By ... 1.7IHI 2 2 2i do preferred.. 300 03 63 Tenn Copper 82 Texaa A Paclflc .UK) 2S 24 :t' Tol. St I. A Waa 2i lit 1S 18 do rf'f erred.. 4t0 41 S 41 40 Union perine .. 86.2H0 161 13k. 1 do preferred.. 100 10 KS C" tl 8 Belty 6 IT 8 Rubber ... 1.1.0 44 42 44 V 8 Steel 162.0"CI H2 (Ml Ki do preferred.. S.7-0 11 K" 10H Vlah Copper ... il'" 41 4"S 40tj Va-Caro Chera .. l..VM " 47 4 TVabush 11 do preferred.. lo 22 22 22. We.tern Md ... SlHl 5l 81 PI TVe.tlng Klec 6'- TVe.tern Union. 100 77 TT 77 TVhe.l ALE 2 Lehlglt Valley .. 300 169 15TH 13a Total aalea for the day. 440.2UO abarea BONDS. NEW" YORK, Oct. 3. Closing quotations: 11. S. ret 1 tag 10VN. T. C. gn 3. 87 do couron ...llelS No. Paclflc Sa... s lT. S 3. reg 11 S, No. Pacific 4a.. .l.0 do coupon . . . 101 .Cnlon Pacfllc 4s.lOO V. new 4 reg.H3;Wls. Central 4s. "3 do rrapon . ..113 Japanese 4 ... 86 B V. A R. O. 4. .. l 'a Ktorke at Boatoa. BOSTON. Oct. 8. Closing quotations: Allou. 3 i Miami copper 1 Amalg. Copper If S Mohawk Z. L. A Sm.. 21 S Nevada con. .. in 24 4 83 S 88 T 23 V 2 2l SI 1 11 4" 8 88 Arizona com. .. 63 .North Butte ... H C C A 8 M. 4's North Lake ... flutte Coalition. 14 did tomlnlon i ll. A Ar son. 1 4 ' .ceola Cal A Hec'a 33 Parrott 18. A C Centennial 8 Wulncy Cop Ran. f. Co. ft .hannon r. Butte Cu M. Superior Franklin at,'u.P. A Poa. M . . C.lroux con. ... 3 Tamarack .-Irant.y Con. .. " S , V. R. S. R. A M. .Ireene Cnanea 3 do prefarrrd.. I. Rni.l ICop..) 12 I'tah Con Kerr I-ake .... 3-j.t tah CoVpsr Co. I ske t'opper.... 23 Winona La Salle Cop.. 8 Wolverine Money. Kxrhaag. Ktc. NEW TORK. Oct. 8. Money on call atsady. 2t2 per cent: ruling rate-2; clos ing bid 1 : offered at 1. Time loans easy. Sixty days JS per cent; B0 daya 3; am montha 84- Prtma mercantile paper 4,, Pr ewnt. Pterllng exchange ateady with ctua! business In bankerr Mi's at 84 2V for dav btl-a nd at 84.V,i'i for demand. Commercial bills. 34.81. Par allver. 82 S. Mexican dollars. 43. government aad railroad bonda ataady. ' LONDON, Oct- 8. Bar silver quiet, 24 d per tunc - Money. P" cenL The rate of discount In tbe open mar ket for ahort bill 1 3 per cent, do. three month bills. 4 per cent. SAM FRANCISCO. Oct- 8. sterling on London. nay. 84 2: do. sight. 84.86. Draft lght. Sc; telegraph, 8c CHICAGO. Oct- 8. Exchange oa New Tor, par. reeiaTtloa f tb Treavswry. WA8UINOTON. Oet- 8. At tb begia- nine of bualaaaa today the condition of United State Treasury was: Working- balance in Treasury of fices - I In banks and Philippine Treasury Totsl of tbe general fund 14?'I?' Receipts yesterday -- J it' Liiabursements 1.5S1 L'.flcit to date thla fiscal year. ';; Deficit at thla time laat year... 1..2J. 111 074 3 : .2tiu :i7 These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. SAX r-KA.NCISCO PKODUCB MARKET Price Quoted at' the Bay City for Vega table. Fralte, Etc AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 3. Tbe follow ing produce price arex current here to day : Vegetable Cucumber. B0tj63c; garlic. 8tySc; tomatoes, 15 6 40c; egitplant, S5t0c. Butter Fancy creamery, 37 Sc. Eggs Store. ( So; fancy ranch. 42c- Cheese Toung America. 136 16c. Fruit Apple, choice. 1; common. T3c; Mexican llmea, f33.b0: California lemon, choice, J. SO; common. 81.W; pineapple. 32 0 3. Potatoes Oregon Burbanka, fl. 306 1-40: Salinas Burbanka, ll.aotyl.eJ: Bweeta, 81.73 tt 1KJ. Mlllstuffa Bran. 28tJ2K; middlings. 332 034. Hay Wheat. IIS 9 20; wheat and oats. 12 017: alfalfa. It12. Onlona It J 80c. Receipt. Flour. 2318 quarter sacks; wheat, cental; barley. 7030 centals; oats. 1870 centals; potatoes, 33S0 sacks: bran. 123 sacks; middlings, 803 sack; hay, SV3 tone. L BUYING BETTER GOOD DEMAXD FOR TERRITORY AT BOSTOV, BUT PRICES LOW. Two Million Pounds of Clothing Wool Change Hands at 50 Cents Scoured.' BOSTON. Oet. Th. wool market ghowg a alight revival with a fair demond for ter ritory stock, although price, remain low. Approximately 2.000.000 of clothing wool, e . - n..M t- ta have r changed hand, recently at ROo. cleaned. bale, ot xieece wooi save "r " o... - there was some trading In California 12 months stock. Tex, nn 6 to 8 month., 4neJ46c; Una 12 months. B3u-B."c; fine fall, 43 43c. California Northern. 8tJMc; middle counties. 46947c; Southern, 4Sfl46c; Fall free. 406 42c. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 5StT36c: Eastern clothing, 80c: valley No. 1. 46S4TC Territory Fine. 5t60c: nne medium sta ple. 8Tc; fine clothing. 60tySlc: tine medium clothing. 47fM8c; half blood combing, 35c: three-eighths blood combing. GlC52c; quar ter blood combing. 44c. Pulled Extra, 806 82c; fin, 49 50c; A supers, 45 46c Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 3. Standard copper dulL Spot. October, November and Decem ber, 11.80 11. too. London steadv. Spot. 154 lis d: futures. fr8 18s. Arrivals r ported at New York today 40S ton. Cu-tom-house returns show exports of 199 tons so fr thl month. Lake copper. 12.60 11.C3SC: electrolytic 12.18 612.17 c; cast ing. 1217.2ic. Tin firm. Spot. 40.2848.Se: October. 40.1544.. 45c; November. 40.05 tT 40. 40c: De camber. 4e40.40e; January, 39.73 3 to 2Hc London, ateady. Spot. 1184; futre. 181 6a Lead gteady. 4.4.",t 4.55c New York; 4.23HC East St. Louis; London. 15 2 6d. Spelter steady. 6.80c New York: 8.88 C0c Eaat 8L Louis; London. 23 1.1s. Antimony dull: Cookson-, 8.IB e 8.87 c. Iron Cleveland warrants. 48. 7d In Lon don. Locally Iron waa 'quiet. No. 1 foun dry Northern. 315.25trl5.50: No. 1. 15.15 18.16; No. 1 Southern and do, soft, 818 0 13.60. Chang ea la Available Supply. NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Following cable and telegraphic communications received by Frarlstreet's show th. following change. In available supplies a compared with pre vious accounts. Bushels Wheat. U. S. East Rockies. Ino 1. 341.000 Canada. Increased 1.P2R.0.H) Total i:. 8. and Canada lnccreaaed. .3,loU.O0 Afloat for and In Europe. Inc &O0.OO0 Total American and Europe supply Increased -. 4 .038.000 Corn. U. S. and Canada, decreased 640.0O0 Oats. V. 8. and Canada, Incrsaaed. .2.888.000 CofTee aad Sugar. NEW YORK. Oct. 8. CofTee closed steady. 8 points higher to 4 points lower. October. 12.83c: November, 12.86c; Decem ber. 12.80c; January. 12.61c; February, 12.46c: March. 12.84c; April. 12SSc; May knd June. 12 SOc; July. 12.29c: August, 12.29c; September. 12.28c Spot cofTee Steady. RIo No. T. 14 0 14Sc; Santos No. 4. 18SC Mild codes, quiet: Cordova. lnt)17e nominal. Raw augar Quiet. Muscovado !n test, 8 86c: centrtrugal b6 teat, 5.6uc; molaaaea augar. 88 test, 8.11c: refined, gteady. drain at Baa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. . 3 Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotation: Wheat -61.47 S01.6U. Farley Feed. .81.67 01. TO; Shipping, brewing. $1.75. Oat Red. 81.880 1. TO; black, 81.TO0LT3. Call board Bales: Wbsat No trading. Barley December. 81.71; May, 81.81. Dried) Fruit at New York NEW YORK. Oct. 8. Evaporated apples steady.twlth fancy quoted at llo; choice, 8 010c: prime. 908c. prunes Firm; V to 16e for California fruit to 36-40S. Oregon prunes are nomi nal. Peaches Continued dull, firmly held. Choice. 11011c; extra choice. 12S12c and fancy, 12 a. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 3. Cotton futures closed stsady. Net unchenged to 8 point lower. October, 9.88c; November, 8. 86c; Decem ber. .lc: January. 9.R6c: February, 9.U2c: March. 999c: April. 10.05c; May, 10.12c; June and July. 10.15c Spot closed quiet. Middling upland. 10.2vc; do. gulf. 10.45c No aulaa. Paget Monad Urala Market. SEATTLE. Oct. X Wheal, M; fortyfold 79; club 79; fife 79; red Rus sian 77. Oate, $28.80 per ton. Barley $30 per ton. Yellow corn $31 per ton; mixed corn $30 per ton. Yesterday car receipts, wheat Bl; wheat 51; oat 11; barley 8; flour 1. TACOM A. Oct. 8. Wheat, bkicstcm $3; Club Rl ; fortyfold 81: red Ruaslon 79. Wheat 1M) cars: barley two cars: corn two cars; oats three cars; hay 81 cars; rye one car. European Grata .Market. LONDON. Oct. 3. Cargoes dull. Walla Walls for shipment at 3 He to 81 3d. F.ngllsh country tnrket easy i to 2d lower. French Country shrd hrd! hrdludl lower. French county markets steady. LIVERPOOL. Oct. I. Wheat October. 7. 4d: December. .7e 6d: March. 7s, 7d. Weather cloudy. Naval More. - SAVANNAH. Oct. 8. Turpentine Firm. 80c Sales, 337: receipts, tio; shipment. 361; stock. 31.034. Rosin Firm. Sales. 2130; receipts, 2978: shlpmente. 17: stocks. 76.095. Quote: B. IH25V6.27S: D. 36 32: E. 3S7: F. O. H I. K. M. $640; N, I6.T0; WG. IT; WW. T.2.V ' London Waul Sale. LONDON Oct. 8. Th offering of th wool auction sales today amounted to 12. jS balea There waa a good demand from all sections, and th btter grade wr firm. aapeclally greaay Merlnoa. Heavy scoured were withdrawn. Americans pur chased crossbred occasionally. - - ('bicag-e Produce Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 8. Butter eteady. cream eries 22S02TS. dairies. 2e2.V eggs steady, recctpta 6915 case, at mark, cases Included 13-1-. firsts 111: prim firsts 20. Cbses tedy. dai.l 14. twins 1S0. Young America 14. long horn 14. MlaaemawUB Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 8. Wheat Decem ber. l-0a: May. $1.11 t(L12: No. 1 hard. $!.: No. 1 Northern. 8197 1IIL; No. t Northern. IL048rL0l No. 8 wheat. IWctJl.J. GRAIN LEVEL LOWER Chicago Wheat Speculators Reverse Their Position. TAKE THE SELLING SIDE Better Weather In Canada, Increase In World's Visible and Slowness -of Flour Trade Are tbe Weakening Factors. CHICAGO. Oct. 3. Promise of bright weather In the .Northwest had much to do wltn making the wheat market today swing to a lower level. Tha close showed a decline of c from last night. The nd of th day left corn rc down, oat off o to c. and hog product, either unaltered or 15c below. Wheat .peculator, generally reversed their position In the last half of the day. so that a price bulge, due to wet and cold weather at the harvest fields along the Canadian Una, gave place to a material depression of values. The selling movement had a further cause In th liberal Increase exhibited by the to tal of the world's available supply. Slow ness of flour business and demand for cash wheat counted, too, against the bulls. Altogether the bears bad things much their own way as the session drew to a close, ex cept that the final tone was steady. Ex treme prices reached for December deliv ery wer 97 c and 95 c. with last sales c off at 97&U7c. Corn weakened under profit taking and as a result of a fair weather forecast. De cember fluctuated from 64fctS4c to 5c. closing steady. c net lower at the bottom figures reached. Cash grade, were In fair demand. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 70j7tc Free realizing on the part of a leading long In the oats crowd started a number of others' to unload. High and low points touched in December proved to be 48 48c and 47c. with the close c down, at 4747),c. Heavy deliveries of lard had a bearish er fect on the whole market for hog products. At the last gong pork was 2 He to Be lower, lard off 2c to ISc, and rlba unchanged to 12fcc lower. The leading futures ranged a. follow: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec $ . I $ .17 $ -'3 May 1.04 1.04 1.03 -li 1.03 July L0O 1.01 1.0014 I'M CORN. Dec. 5 .45 .14 .84 May 6 . -5 OATS. . Dec 48 .48 .47 .47 May 50 .50". .60 .50 MESS PORK. Jan. 14.15 15.02 14.82 14.82 LARD. Opt. 8.00 - 8 00 8.85 8.85 Jan 8.85 8.80 8.82 S-82 SHORT RIBS. Jan 7.80 7.81 7.85 7.8T May T.5 7 87 T.5 7.9a Cash quotations were a. follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. I. 88c Barley Feed or mixing. 80 $ ISc; fair to choice malting, $1.10 01-:.. Timothy seed 313 14.75. Clover 814 tl 18 2.1. Park Mesa, per barrel. 314.75rl5. Lard Per loo pounds. 8S.S."' Fhort ribs Sides tloose). 8868-75. elides Short, clear (boxed). 8.758.87 V4. Grain statistics: Total clearancea of wheat and flour wer equal to 251.00.) ushels. Primary receipts were 1,884.000 bu.hels. compared ..u 1. 1S5.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ao. The world's visible supply, a. shown by Bradstreet's. Increased 4,068.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 22 car: corn. 215 cars; oats, 230 cara; hogs, 26.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 18.6O0 30.800 Wheat, bushels 70.800 9.200 Corn, bushel 373.500 , 329.300 Oats, bu.hels 466.200 220.900 Rye. bu.hels 21.00(1 S.60O Barley, bushel. 156,000 49,100 Duloth Flax Market. DITLCTH. Oct. 3. Flax on track. $2.43; In store. 12.43: to arrive. 83.88: October. 13 39- November. $2.37 bid; December, 12.81 bid. M, a a t r o a e avenue resldenta hive bad a brand new bltu llthle paremeat but a week or so. Already tbe mo torists aeeaa to have dlaeoverrd that oa tbe bltulllhlc ' a a v e m e-nt the w heels of their ma chines do e t skid, ern la wet weather, aad they opea up tvben they are traveling; from Arthur to Celleare, or vice versa." . From Toronto, Oat., Daily Star. Aug. 11, 1011. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavements. 805-60S Electrio bldg., .Portland. Or. Oskar Huber, Manager. - TBAVFAEBa' GUIDE. HONOLULU $110 FIRST-CLASS BOUND TRIP. The most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacation. Delightful sei bath ing at the famous beach of Waikikl. The .plendld PS. Blerra (10.000 tons displace ment) makes the round trip In Id days, and one can nn a side trip the living vol cano ot Kllauea; which Is tremendously ac tive and eee for himself the process of world creation- No other trip compares with this for the marvelous and wonderful in nature. Visit the Islands now. while you can do It so eslly and quickly and while the volcano la active. Prompt attention to telegrams for berths. Sailings: Oct. 24. Nov. 4. Nov. 25, Dec 16. etc. Book now. OCEANIC S. 8. CO.. 678 Market Btreet. plan Francisco. THE BIG 3 BEAR BEAVER ROSE CITY XIPKaSe STEAMERS FOB San Prancisco and Los Angeles JTHCT CHANGE. . 8. Beaver Salla 4 I M. October . BAN IKA.N'.lst'O at PORTLAND aa. CCk Ticket Office, 148 Third St. phone Main 408 and A 1408. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAK WATER. Salts from Atnsworth Dock. Portland. 8 p M every Tuesday. Freight received st Alnsworth Dock daily up to 5 P. M. Pas senger fare, flr.t-class. 110; second-class. 87. Including meals and berth. Ticket office ain.worth Dock. Phones Main 288. Mala (170. A 1834. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR r'REICHT SERVICE!. Low Katea. Schedule Tim. ' AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 21 Kail way Eiratsgt Bid, PwrtlaaeV Or. Mala 8378. lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: J. C AINS WORTH. President. R. W. SCHMEEB, Cashier. R. LEA BARXE8, Vice-President. A. Bl. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Aaalataat CaahlfaN LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 ' Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains WILLS Every man and woman should make a will, and the advan tages of a Trust Company acting as Executor or Trustee will be generally conceded. WILLS may be drawn and riled with this company, which is authorized under the 6tate banking law to act as Administrator. Security Savings & Trust Company Portland, Oregon. CapitaLt$l,000I000. Surplus, $400,000 The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 187. Head Office Toronto, Canada. New York 16 Exchange Place. London 2 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches in the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and prin cipal cities in United States and Canada bought and Bold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed orj Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MAI.PAS, Manager. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. .HAMBURG CRUISES DE LUXE ORIENT To The GRAND CRUISE LEAVING NEW YORK JAN. 30 1918. ijy ine " f"--"- " S. S. VICTORIA LUlSfc (tons) to MADEIRA. SPAIN, the MEDITER RANEAN ana ine uiumi. 78 DAYS $325 AND UP. Alo cruise" to Weil Indies. South America. Around the World. Italy and Egygt, etc. Write for Booklets of All Cruises. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE, 160 Powell St San Francisco, Cal. Northern Pacific J O. McMullen. Azent; O.-W. R. & N.; Burlington; Chicago, Milwaukee Puget Sound R. R. and oa'her R. R. offices In Portland. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS The Tourist Highway and Scenic Route to Europe, via Tha St. Lawrence River. The Shortest Ocean Passage. Leaa than Four Daya at tjea. by the "FJUPRESfiES OF THE ATLANTIC." Weekly sailings Montreal. Quebec, to Liver pool. First cabin. 12-ii0; second cabin .)( one-claaa cabin, (called second cabin) sn; third cabin. .1T and 31 25. Ask local agents. F. R. Johnson. G. A.. 142 Third SijL or i. J. Foratar. T. P. A., 71S Second aveN Seattle. STEAMSHIP RatEHVAT10NS AJ(D TICKETS UUfcVLl tVELBBS DOltSEY B. SMITH. MANAOER General Bteajnh!p Agenta - ALL, LINES S fifth Street Port lead. Or. rboaee Marshall l7t. A 1J. TL Corner Fifth and Stark OREGON - AMERICAN - , REGULAR SERVICES LONDON PARIS HAMBURG PRKS. GRANT Oct. 10, 11 A. M. tAMERIKA Oct. 14, 10 A. M. 1I'E-SVLVANIA Oct. 21, 9 A. M. 1 1 PATRICIA Oct. 28, 10 A. M. tUnexcelled Ritz-Carlton a la Carte Res taurant. Gymnasium, Electric Hatha. Ele vator, Palm Garden. 'Will call at Plym outh and Cherbourg. JSecond cabin only. Hamburg direct. Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa S. S, MOI.TKE Oct. 12, 2 P. M. 18. 8. CI.KVKLANT (World Cruiae) Oct. 21 S. 8. CINCINNATI Oct. 26 fWlll have accommodations for Umitcd number of passengera to MADEIRA. GIB RALTAR and VIl-LEFRAN'OE (Riviera). OPEN RIVEB TRANSPORTATION CO. STR. J.N. TEAL Freight received daily at'Oak-at. dock for The Dalle a. Hood River. Whitt Salmon, I'ma t i I 1 a, K;nnewiek, P a c o. Richland, Hanford, White Blurts, and intermediate points. HKST-CLAS8 FASSEGER 8EK.VICK. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALMON, THE DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Sunday. Tuesday, Thursrtav, 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Monday. Wednesday. Friday. 7 A. M-. arriving at Portland about 5 P. M. same day. W. 8. Buchanan, Supt.; W. S. Smallwood, Gen'l Mgr. phone Ma'.n 2ri0. A 3527. San Francicso, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke and S 8. Elder sail every Wednesday alter nately at 6 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third t., near Alder. MARTIN 4. HI C, LEY, Paaeenrer Agent. -W. E. SLIShEK. Freight Agent. Phones M. 1311, A 1311. A