Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 04, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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Shippers Await Settlement
Harriman Strike.
Tnnnair In Harbor Ha Bn
Tlrarrd lp but Brokers Chary of
Kutarr Contraa-t Motf
nirnt of Bat Noted.
I'ntil th nmbibl oolrnm of tha
a-trtk of shopmen on the HarTlman
aritm I trrtfn or assurance are
given that labor tanubles m-lll not
tend to trainmen, little chartering of
ahlpa to earry wheat, other than that
on hand at tidewater and In the country
awaitlne shipment la expected. In
fact. tonna waa offered yesterday
with no reaulra. even though one wind
lammer waa reporte.l to be avail
at 39 shillings, which la 1 J 'I
the last AmfTire.
It wax Indicated that steamer cooM
he had for IJa d to .13 d. but no
firm offer were The sal'lng re
ael waa fir January loading. February
r m r r' I n it while steamer would be
available in November. The effect of
the strike will probably be to ciun
wheat buying to ceaae ror a time n
the territory of the O.-W. K. at N.. OW
Ing to the uncertainty of future rail
deliveries aa erporter argue in
. though the trainmen might rot go out.
the limited force In the ahopa may
not be ab e to keep up with car repair
work and thereby cripple the ro.llnn
at-k facilities.
Kvetvthlna- In tha way of tonnage
cloaa at hand ha been cleaned up and
In a few dv there wilt be only a amall
fleet In port. The Cerman hlp Alex
taenbarg finished yeaterday and will
lava down thla mornlnic. bound for the
I'nlted Kinadm for order, with a
cirio of IOJ.ll bushela of wheat, val
ued at lT.II The British hark Iver
na. which arrived In Sunday from
Kanta Kosalla. left up yeaterday In low
of the ateanier Monarch and will berth
at to discharge hallaM. The
f;ulan bark l-abel Hrowne. which la
Ivlng there, la be towed Into tha har
bor today to work wheat at Columbia
I km k No. 1 The llrltlah ateamer
ftrathnesa hlf!el from the North Hank
lock to Oceanic yeeterrfay and la to
finish at I o'clock thla morning. The
French bark Krnet l-euouvo finished
her rarsn yeaterday and ha aboard
lli.i bushels of wheat, with which
he probably will clear today.
lral lnpaclr lo Sel Hearing In
lUx-ent At-rldctit ("r.
Pilot J V- Nellaen. of the ateamer
JUria. which atrurk by the ateamer
K"e City Saturday afternoon at 6:85
orliHk. near I'oitofrtce liar, haa filed
with Local Inspectors K-lwarda and
I'uller a report of the accident. In which
he aaya that the Koae City waa aatern
of the Maria when one paaatng whlatle
waa aounded and the Maria anawered.
hut tliat the Koae City "hung on to the
Maria after beam" and atruck her on
the atarhoard quarter.
Captain C. (Irlawold. of the Maria,
a'.ao tiled a atatement. aa did Captain
Moon, of the Roao City, with Pilot
J oe Turner, who waa In charire of the
latter vessel. The Inapectora have not
fixed a date for the Investigation, but
It probably will be Pet for hcarlne: on
the return of the Roae City, which la
to aall for San Franclaco and San Pedro
thla afternoon.
I'tlut Turpra. of the ateamer Ockla
hama. ha filed hla report concerning
the cotUalon between that veaael and
the ateamer C. Mlnslnger laat week, be
low the plant of the Portland Flouring
MU'.a Company. That hearing remain
lo be aet.
Two IMvl.lon KetahlUltt-d to ratrol
Cva-t lo Alaaka.
Kxpectlng to derive greater benefits
fpam the operation of revenue cuttera
on the Pacific Coaat two dlvtalons have
been established, one with headquartera
at Port Townaend that will Include the
roasts of Oregon. Washington and
Alaska, and the other with headquar
tera at San Franclaco for the territory
south. Captain F. M. Dunwoodv haa
been given charge of the Port Town
send afatton as senior master In the
North and another will be designated
at San Francisco, as the two fleets are
to le controlled by tlie senior Captain.
For toe local dlvlalon It la probable
that the revenue cuttera Manning. Ta
hema. Ruah. Snohomish and Areata
will be retained, while the others will
be held In Southern waters. While away
from the stations the vessels will be
moved untter orders of the senior Cap
tain, the utnt as Is done In the Navy
In fleet maneuvering With the ap
proach of Winter atorma the work of
Ihe cuttera will be Increaaed In the In
terest of shipping and the new arrange
ment la counted on to facilitate their
move mania.
J"ar I Kxpevtcd hy IVM-k Commla-
lon on f JO. 000 Iane.
Interest la centered In the first at
tempt to sell bonds of the Commission
of Public liicka. which la to open bid
tomorrow on an laaue of j .000. The
rail for tenders fixes noon as the time
when competition shall close, but as
the comHsalon Is to meet at S o"clock
In the afternoon In regular monthly
aeaalon tk,e blda will be opened then.
Member of the board feel that the
bn la :tottld bring par aa sortie of
those Issued by oilier muntctpallttee on
la Coast have brought pren-.luma It la
even hoped that a bonus will be offered.
T' r sale of bonds wl!l open the way for
a tlve work on th. public i!ck ai stem.
rg:neer Hegartlt aaya he will complete
th cmotiattori of preliminary tlafa
before jAnuarv 1 that thev may be
passed on by the board of a.lvtsera and
teat plana mav be nnlahed for starting
construction work.
i it:ii hoi ns i.m; che
-na t nfU for Kurl Mmy IW Ic
Mrorl on llrach.
TV f A 1 annal t l.r I, tri tSa ,. aa .1. t a as
mavi of less and in u!s, from th
riwr !n th June frhrl la a prob
lem JarSorm4aVJjr lSp(-r t f iiclnjr.
Mot of ti drreltrts hv brn lowed
I tx-lnt Jut north of the North r
riftc mill and vrwun.led there until the
l.M'tVitjr look Elk a Avid of Pturrp.
It was vufrceite-d that poor famlll
h grtven an opportunttjr to rut tli iocs
for fuel, but aa moat of them are cot
top arood and unfit to burn, that plan
waa abandoned. It la ei--td that
4"h!pf of poli.-e Slorar will be aked
ti arnlrn prinonera to the tak of
arartinff a hufft honflr to daatrojr tha
collection to prevent the debris from
being waahed Into the river with the
next high water.
Captain James Krailng First Holder
of ew Position.
ASTORIA. Or- Oct. J. Special.)
The port of Astoria, commission met In
regular monthly session thla morning
with all the member, excepting Com
mlaaloner Lester, -present. After act
ing on routine; maltera the board in
structed Attorney Norblad to prepare a
resolution for Introduction a the next
meeting prohibiting vessels from an
choring for more than an hour at a
lime In the section of the Aatoria Har-
ltaw le Arrive.
Name. From Data
Nnrtn'and i-n Pedro.. ..In port
Koae city an I'edro. . . In rort
Roanoke fan rues. I" port
ft rail Hongkong In port
Al:ine Kur In port
Tillamook Coqulile Oct.
Beaver frail Pedro. .. .Oct. a
bua H. Elmore. TiUamook. .. -Oct. 7
;..lden Oat. . . Tillamook. . . .tcl. T
Breakwater... Coo Hay. .'..Oct. T
Anvil bandnn Oct.
;eo iW. Eluer. aa lna... u. Kan Pedro... Oct. lO
Ka.con San Franclaco "t. H
fcutanc ...34ant,a Uct
Scheduled t Depart.
Nam For Date
TlLamook. .... Coo, utile. . ... .Oct. S
Hoe v'lty .San Pedro. .. .Oct. 4
Rwnik fia Difo....OrL
A liunro. ...... Kurrk Oft- ft
Northland San Pedro. .. .Oct. 6
l-ar San Pedro. . . .ort n
anvil Handon Oct. 10
Coidan r;ate. . . Tlinmoolt. .. -Oct. t
iit It. Eimor. T11iamooa;....Ocl. 10
HftKvalpr. ...ooa Hay Oct. 10
tieo. w. Kldrr. an LMero ...Ot. 11
Hear San Pd ro . . . . Oct. 14
Fa. con Saa Franclaco Oct. 14
Rvja Horskong. .. .Oct. TO
Ruverlc Manna Oct. IO
bor between a line extended due north
from the Clatsop Mill Oock and a line
extended due north from the northeast
corner of the Klmore Cannery, the sec
tion to be bounded on the north and
south by the limits of the main channel.
Tiie attorney was also Instructed to
prepitre a rule creating the office or
harbormaater and defining his duties
and romiwiiMitlon. Captain Jamee Keat.
lug was preaent at the meeting and he
waa selected for appointment as ha,r-
Marine otea.
During Monday 30 vessels entered
and cleared al the Custom House,
hlch I one of the. largest days In
the history of the local district.
Grain vessels In port represent a com
blned tonnage of 13.044. which Include
the British steamer Bella of Scotland
that la to load outward with general
It was expected yesterday that the
British steamer Anerley. loading lum
ler at Tacoma for Melbourne, would
finish there yesterday and proceed to
the Columbia to finish.
One plate on tha bow of the steamer
Rose City was dented when she collided
with a barge In tow of the steamer
Maria Saturday, and on her arrival at
Ban Francisco It will be straightened.
Captain Anderson, of the power
schooner Randolph, which 1 here on
her first voyage, expect to have the
vessel Inspected today and get a cargo
aboard In time to sail tonight for
Rogue River.
Captain E- D. Parson ha returned
Astoria and resumed charge of the
port of Portland tug Wallula. relieving
Captain I. U. Mc Vicar, and Captain R.
O. Bahlke Is master of the Gaxellc, vice
Captain IL w. Scott
Inspector Reck, of the Seventeenth
ighthouse District, viewed Llgtitvessel
No. Sa on the Oregon drydock yeaterday
and aside from finding a heavy marine
growth on her hull. Aild aha was In
good condition.
It was reported yesterday that an
engine and aeveral cars were badly
damaged on tho Jetty at the mouth of
the Columbia River through having
Jumped the track and landed on the
enrockment- None of the crew was In
In connection with the service of the
South Coast Steamship Company from
ran Francisco, that line has purchased
the steam schooner Rival, from the
Metropolitan Lumber Company, and the
steam schooner South Coast from
Vnder the Winter schedule of the San
Francisco aV Portland Steamship Com
pany, governing the "Hlg Three" fleet,
the steamer Rose City sails at 4 o'clock
today for the South, while the steamer
Beaver la due tomorrow. The Summer
schedule provided for a departure and
arrival the same day.
There entered yesterday at the Cus
tom House the steamers Aurella and
Northland from San Franclaco. The
Herman ahlp Alex Isenberg cleared for
the I nited Kingdom with wheat, th
Breakwater for C"oa Pay. Aurella for Francisco with SOO.000 feet of lum,.
ber and the Northland for San Pedro
with SSI. 000 feet. r
After a run of 10 days from Otaru.
laden with Japanese oak. the Japanese
tramp shlntsu Maru arrived in the river
yesterday and proceeded to discharge
at nantieid a dock, where her cargo will
be delivered to the Pacific I -umber St
Manufacturing Company. The vessel
will load outward with nr under charter
to the China Import Export Lumber
MovonirntA of VfwtH.
PORT LA NIX Or I. . Arrived ffteamer
CatantA. from ln anrtci; itemr Clait-
nitnt, from ran r rncico; Kritlun bark
I verna. from -n:a Hoaalla: JapaneM
tem-r ii.intau Jim. rrm utarn ; it'im
r Aiiiancf, from ICureka and Cooa Bar.
t(.i f trmr Hue H. Klmore. for Tiila
m .): i-ameT 0'-1n 0t. f r Tillamook;
jiritiaia aTeamer in-rir, ir mc i.rieDC. VI.
I'ui-t iound. a:mcr Braak water, for
Aran. Oct. 3 rormttion at tha month
of the iMvar at t. M-, tmooth: lnd.
H.utr.rstat. - mtl-a: wthT. clootly. Sailed
...' A. M . itrimer Tahoe. for Grays
Harixw ; I'.Ntncr Ttverton. for Seattle. Ar-
nvel at aod le ft up at $ A. al.. ateamera
( tunk an.i ifmi-n!, from Mq Fran
c isv vx Lsrft up at A. X.. Britiaa bark
Irtrni. Arrven at 7 A. M. and left up
l.;...' I". m .. Japan ateamer thtntu from t'taru. SaTed at, 0 A. U.t
:r.ti.r I't. un. for fan l.ula. Balled at
li A. V . er.rn-r Nome "lty. for Pan
JJro. at l A. V.. p-it;ah bark Torrladale.
for We-ne:o n or Kalmou: h. Arrived al
1 ! ao.l ."ft up at 4 I. M.. steamer Al
lUn e. from Eureka and Coa Bajr.
San Pram laro, nn-t. f4lld at I P. M..
st-.mer lWavr. for Portland. Sailed last
n.ffM. stn.a-r J B. S.-.n. for Port:and.
r.lnt Kys. O-'t. 1. I'tvas-eed at A. M..
a,emr v. P. Herrta. from Portland, for
j-ar JV'o. 0t. X. Arrtred at II A. 34..
r- imr (Jnral Hubbard, from Columbia
Vir-orl. 0t. X Jarej Br!t1h steamer
Wik-n rt. r-orrt rortitml. Tor h rreman: ;.
Mn Ktinf fern, iVt .1 Arrived: Hteant-
h , Thorm. from Nan a ! mo : rhehalla.
i ntraMa. frm Urava Hiit-sr: Ke4on).
f rtm los Itav; A-uncioo, from Port
A nslea. t'ot K. 1- Irake, tnwlrr bare
i.y from titeattie; I-urin. from Honolulu;
Sa-ho-nr Vur!l. fr.m Hnnolpu. t-allod :
ftarnT lrunc f'r Juneau: Beaver, for
Astoria Otjr of puba. for Victoria; Fiflsld,
for Pandon.
A u- ml . fVt. 1 A rHved prevtously,
Hnrtk Itsen. fro-n portand.
Hvdnrv. N 8. W.. Oct. , ArrteM prvt
ul. Xarama. frm Vancouver. B. C
Hanko. iit. 2. ttailad: Nlajara Gr.)
for Saw Franc lawnx.
Satile. IVt. X Arrived: "it earner City
of Ksradle. from Ckifvay; srpamer I matHla.
fom sound porta; steamer StrmthtTon. frcm
M-iklTteoL ealied I' ma: i: la, for
Saa srarrlro; steamer Oolphln. for Pkac
; steamer J. I- 1 (v. for Everett;
steamer i'harlea Nelson, for Tacoma; steam
er alerlck. for Taooma; bares Carondulet,
for Prince Rutrt.
Taea vt Asiafia. Wedaeadaj.
T.J feet A. M 1.1 fee
lo P. l .
. 71 F. U XI feat
Former Cashier of Defunct
Wallace Bank Arrested.
Frttwner One of IS Men Indicted
by Grand Jury Position Same
as Wilde's. He Says Ball
Is Not Offered.
For an alleged share In the wrecking
of the State Bank of Commerce of
Wallace. Idaho, and upon a bench war
rant following a aecret Indictment by
the grand Jury at that place. Edgar S.
Wyman, former cashier of the bank.
waa arreated yesterday afternoon by
Detectlvea Mallet and Moloney at his
home, Cll East SIxty-eecond street
North. The arrested official did not
offer ball and was confined In a c
on the third story of the Jail. He say
that he will not resist extradition an
would have returned to Wallace alone
If word had been aent he waa wanted.
New reports from Wallace yesterday
told of the returning of lx secret in
dlctments In connection with the clos
Ing of the bank's doors, which occurred
last May. One of these. It now appears.
affecta the man under arrest. W yma
came here with his wife two month
ago to make a permanent residence,
and began to build a comfortabl
home where he was found by the of
The banker was disinclined to din
cuss hla predicament, but finally enn
ented to make a brief statement.
am In the same situation aa Louis
Wilde," he said, "dragged away from
my home to answer to a charge of
which I am Innocent. It Is true tha
the bank closed Its doors, but I bellev
that It will pay dollar for dollar.
came Into difficulties solely throug
the fault of President O'Neill, who ex
tended too much credit to the Lan
Lumber Company. Of course, a cash
ler. I am held to have approved the
loans, but aa a matter of fact I di
nothing more than rteord them.
"1 was before the grand Jury I
Wallace a week ago, and at that tlm
I made arrangement with friends to
arrange for my sureties In case
should be wanted. I am expecting tha
they will take action for me oefore th
day la over, and I may be releaaed
without having to go to Wallace
this time."
Bat $ I 95.000 Remains to Be Raised
and Friends of Salem Institution
'Rally to Obtain It.
Or.. Oct. 1. (Special.) The campaign
tor the xoOO.000 endowment for Wll
lamelte University conducted by Presi
dent Homan, the alumni and friends of
Willamette, la meeting with great suc
cess, una donation or 11000 received
from Senator Booth, of Eugene, and
the 150,000 subscription from James J.
Hill, of the Hill railway system, have
furnished a substantial nucleus for
working basis.
Lpon completion of the endowment
campaign Willamette Unlversltv will be
further aided by the gift of a 160.000
building to be built on the campus in
honor of the old pioneers of the state
and Willamette Valley. Workers for
the endowment are elated over the fact
that the Incoming class is double that
of a year ago and this sign of pros
perity la already Increasing the rapidly-
growing i una.
There still remains to be raised 1195.-
000 of the 1500.000 and the friends of
old Willamette are sanguine of sue
cess. Clubs are formed wherever Wil
lamette alumni live and this financial
movement haa unified the graduates as
nothing else In years. It Is planned
to complete the required fund by Jan
uary, 191J.
The greatest Impetus that the en
dowment haa received waa experienced
when in a short time the citisens
of Salem contributed between $20,000
and 140.000.
The local subscription committee has
only begun Its labors.
Lc!oii Taught In a Small
Vermont Town.
Anna R Taft in Country Church
A aultable playfrround for children
haa long been accepted as a definite
need In our cities and larrer towns.
But It la only recently that the need
of tha country child for reg-ulated play
haa been recotrntzed. It has been as
sumed that boys and girls who lire In
the country among tha many resources
that nature offers need nothtne; fur
ther in their play derelopment. But
the fact haa to ba faoed that tha coun
try child kmowa often leaa than tha
city child how to play, and needs
equally direction and guidance if tha
play Ufa is to hare its urea teat ralua.
Tha aolvlntr or tnta problem in a
amall Vermont town Is full of sua;
sreatlYeneaa. The villa are is a small one having- a
few thouaand Inhabitant. There was
no park or public square of any kind.
but there waa an energetic Village Im
provement Society. In June. 1910. thla
society voted $10 to begin a playground
fund, and the matter waa put In the
hands of one of the members, a bright
college girl of resources and sympathy.
The use of a vacant lot waa donated
nd the enterprise began. A kind-
hearted carpenter gave hla work,
charertng only for material. Other
necessitate were given by generoua
cttisena. An orirantsatlon of work-
Ingmen In the town voted tZb for lawn
awlnga, and the villaa-e newspaper
gave the movement enthusiastic pub
licity. The entire equipment the first
season waa unsolicited.
The playground waa located near a
soldiers' home and the old veterans
became so Interested watching the
children's happiness that they contrib
uted SS out of their scanty penalon
The first year the play was super
vised by volunteer workers. Once a
week folk' dancins: waa taught, and
there waa a atory-telllng afternoon.
Much to tha surprise of every one the
first season closed with an equipment
valuing nearly a hundred dollars, con
sisting of a aand box. two lawn and
two rope ewinfta, horlsontal bar, tra-
pese. two rlnara, a high and broad jump.
flag and flarpole. slid, teeter and
basketball and baseball fields.
Tha playground waa cloaed in the
FalL when the public school opened.
but the young glrla who had super-
In Search of Relief
The world Is full of disordered stom
achs and SO per rent of the money
spent upon physicians and drusrs goes
In an attempt to cure the stomach.
People are made to believe that Irr
order to sraln health they must doctor
their stomachs and use cathartics. So
the doctor sjets his fee for the stom
ach treatment and the drusrerlBt for
the physic, until the savings of a life
time are exhausted and yet no cure.
Let's be reasonable.
The sick stomach Is In every case
the result of over-eating, hurried mas
tication and improper choice of foods.
The mucoua lining; all the way down
the food tract loses Its sensitiveness,
and when food Is forced down the
muscles fail to respond. They do not
churn the food as they should. The
glands no longer give out gastric
Juice to dissolve the food and render
It capable of assimilation. The man
haa become a dyspeptic
There Is one sure way and only one
to bring positive relief. Put Into that
stomach of yours the very elements
that It larks to (ret that food Into
liquid form. It takes pepsin, diastase,
golden sea! and other ferments to ac
complish this. The healthy stomach
contains these elements. The dyspep
tic stomach lacks part or all of them.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet is made up
of Just what the dyspeptic stomach
larks Nature's digestives.
8tuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets are not a
medicine, not a drug, not a cathartic.
They do not cure anybody of anything
but Dyspepsia and Indigestion and such
aliments as arise from poorly digested
While they digest tha food the stom
ach recuperates. The miioous membrane
Is coming out of its stupor, the gastric
juice Is coming to the surface, the
muscles are regaining their power.
Kvery organ of the body takes on new
life, the skin trains color, and the eyes
are no longer tinged with yellow. You
Why doctor and why drug yourself?
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will take
care of your food while Nature cures
-Try a box at your druggist's. 60
cents. Or. If you prefer a free trial
package before buying, aend your
name and address today. F. A. Stuart
Co., 150 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.
vised the play organised a girl's league
aa a branch of the Village Improve
ment Society, for the study of local
problems and practical work.
The following Spring, without a dis
senting vote. 1300 were appropriated
for the playground. A large part of
this money was used to obtain a
trained supervisor, additional funds
were solicited, and the equipment of
the previous year was greatly In
creased. Raffia work and a class In
sewing waa started. Once a week
there la a field day, and the boys
formed a baseball league.
Two evening a week the grounds are
open for the younger working people
In the village. In thla way the entire
population who need recreation are
Thla la almost an ideal community
enterprise, growing from very small
beginnings and enthusiastically sup
ported by the entire community. The
plan Vof the playground Is so simple
that It Is a good model for anyone de
sirous of developing recreation In a
country village
II newt of Prose) Describes World's
New York Times.
"La Gloconda," said Walter Pater
In a passage that is regarded by many
persons as the finest piece of prose
ever written In the English language,
just ss the picture Is believe. by many
others to be the most beautiful ever
painted, "Is, In the truest sense, Leo
nardo da Vinci s masterpiece, the re
vealing Instance of his mode of thought
end work."
"We all know. Pater goes on to
say, "the face and hands or the figure,
set In Its marble chair. In that cirque
of fantastic rocks, as In some faint
light under sea. Perhaps of all an
clent pictures time has chilled It least-"
And then, after speaking of the ques
tion of the relationship of an actnal
Florentine woman to mis creature of
the artist's thought. Pater writes
these sentences, that have entranced
lovers of beauty of style ever since
the Renaissance was first published 38
years ago.
The presence that thus rose so
strangely beside the waters Is expres
sive of what In the ways of a thousand
years men had come to desire. iers
is the head upon which all the eras
of the world are come, and tha eyelids
re a little weary. It Is a beauty
wrought out from within upon, the
flesh, the deposit, little cell by cell.
of strange thoughts and fantastic re
veries and exquisite passiona.. Set It
for a moment beside one of those
white Greek goddesses or beautiful
women of antiquity, and how would
they be troubled by this beauty. Into
which the soul with all Its maladies
has passed! All the thoughts and ex
perience of the world have etched and
molded there. In that which they have
of power to refine and make expressive
the outward form, the animalism of
Greece, the lust of Rome, the reverie
of the Middle Ago. with its spiritual
ambition and Imaginative loves, the
return of the Pagan world, the sins
of the Borglas.
She Is older than the rocks among
which ahe alts: like the vampire, she
has been dead many times, and learned
the secrets of the grave; and has been
diver In deep seaa. and keeps their
fallen day about her: and trafficked
for strange webs ' with Eastern mer
chants; and. aa Leda. was the mother
of Helen of Troy. and. as St. Anne, the
mother of Mary; and all this has been
to her but as the sound of lyres and
utes, and lives only in the delicacy
with which It has molded the changing
lineaments, and tinged the eyelids and
the bands."
Office Boy Burns Money.
CEXTRALIA." Wash, Oct. 3. (Spe-
lal.) Opening a letter to a bank by
mistake yesterday, a Chehalis busi
ness man found a check for $58 and
laid It to one side. Intending to re-
urn It to Its rightful owner. A care
less office boy burned the envelope
containing the check, not knowing Its
contents. The sender of the letter Is
By The S. L Chan
Chinese Medical Co.
.TCS-a MofTtaosi rerviama. rr. Mr- rhaa
I am S3 years old and have suffered
from weakness and nervousneaa for three
months from a tumor on my face. At first
I went to some doctors but they told m
that It waa Impossible to cure, so upon the
advice of my relatives, who had been cared
by these Chinese doctors. 1 went to them.
After taking two weeks of their herbs and
roots compounded and other medicines, the
tumor waa completely cured without the
use of a knife. I feel so grateful toward
them and I recommend anybody who is
III and wants to get well toon, to go to see
or write to them and secure aom medi
cine, which X am sure win bring- results.
J. A ZlmmtnuoD, Albany. Or.
I -j. .v
ti . sv- i
ltii i'itis Saaaasalas3
DR. A. G. SMIKl,
The Leading Specialist.
I am a registered and licensed
physician, confining my special prac
tice to the allmenta of MEN. I have
more money Invested In my estab
lishment than all other Portland
apeelallata combined. I will give skoo
1 any charity If I cannot prove thla.
CAMK TO COiSi:i,T If he la not In, make another call when he IS In.
When yon come to my office yon see Dr. A. G. Smith, and I will ahow yon
my eredentlala and Identification before yvn aak for them.
The difference between the quack and the doctor that does not adver
tise, does not depend solely upon the advertising. It Is Just as legitimate
and honest for a doctor to announce his specialty and explains his methods
In the newspapers as It Is for a bank to publish Its financial standing, or a
minister to announce his Sunday services. : Only a few days ago the non
advertising doctors were told by one of their leaders that the reason they
were not effecting the cures expected of them was because they did not
give their patients the care and attention necessary, and that there were
twice as many doctors in Portland as there should be.
Cured in 5 Days
I cure Varicose Veins, Piles, Blood
Poison, etc.'. In five days. If an
other doctor, tells you this can't be
done. It means only that he does not
know my methods. Let me prove It
to you. -
Impair vitality. I dally demonstrate
that varicose veins can be cured In
nearly all cases by one treatment. In
such a satisfactory way that the
vital parts are preserved and
strengthened, pain ceases, swelling
subsides, a healthy circulation la
rapidly re-established. Instead of the
depressing conditions. I guarantee
you a cure to stay cured or refund
the money.
With these ailments you may have
more complications than are pre
sented by any other ailing organs.
By my searching illumination of the
bladder I determine accurately the
ailment, and by mlrroaroplral exam
ination and urinalysis I make dou
bly sure the condition of the kid
neys, thus laying foundations for
scientific treatment.
Office Honrs 8 A. M. to S P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. ta 1 P.
unknown and. although both bank and
business man are advertising: exten
sively, It will be some time probably
Deiore me owner is locaiea.
The Swift government has recently grant
ed a concession for the cone t ruction of a
narrow -rauce electric railway, about 110
miles, long, from Malrlngen to Engelberg,
over the .loch pass.
If you try our ife-glvlns; Chl
neae Herbs. They will re
lieve from the first dose and
clean all tha Gaa and Sour
from your Stomach and stop
the distress entirely, and you
can eat all the food you
want without tha slightest
fear of indigestion. Our Herb
Remedies have cured more
1 ' fj men and women than any
-. ' ?-J other medicine In the world.
kiaMs&&jmm n J- harmless and never fails.
But you must moke the first step and come
to see us and be convinced of our sincer
ity. We have cured many cases where oth
ers have failed, and all sickness or chronic
dlaeases of any kind successfully cured by
the wonderful Herbs.
Consultation free. Write for symptom
blank. Office ho-ars. 10 A. M. to 7 P. M. ;
all day Sundavs. Ladv attendant.
Residence, 127 Lownsdale St., bet. Alder
and Washington. 8 to 10 A. M.. 7 to 10
P. M.
142Vfe Nrronr St.. Portland, Or.
Call and let us give you a careful,
pains taklns; examination absolutely
tree. Our opinion and advice will cost
you nothing. Perhaps a little advice is
all you need. X - Ray examinations,
when necessary, free. No money re
quired to commence treatment.
Ycu Can Fa Fee When Cured
During; our many years of active practice In MEN'S AUGMENTS in
Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have invaded the city
and tried to steal our methods and advertisements, but not being able
to steal our brains they were not able to succeed in their dishonest
ways: so do not be misled by them, but come to us, the oldest estab
lished SPECIALISTS for MEN In the city, who guarantee cures, or make
no charge for their services.
Rnanibrf we have been here for Tear, are permanently located,
Incorporated and licensed under the lawa of Oresjon to conduct and
operate a Medical Institute, Naallarlam and Hospital for tbe treatment
of Men's Aliment. You take no risk when you treat with ua. We are
here to atar, and for all time, and you will alirari know where to find
o. We are mot here today and atone tomorrow. Our ataff of phyalclana
re (raduatra from the leadlna" colletce In the I nited States, and have
been In active practice from 1.1 to 21 year, and are duly qualified and
licensed to practice medicine and anrgery in thla and aeveral atatea. In-
veti;ate our record and atandtna: and compare them with the other .
so-called specialists who have only keen In onr city a few wreka or
month, and who have copied onr announcements, which the newspapers'
record will ahow. Beware Invetla;ate! Men, If afflicted or In trou
ble, call and have) n friendly talks It will cot you nothlnar. We will
be your friend aa well aa your pnynlclan, aid will advise you candidly,
honeetly and conactentloualy. Call today. loat delay or neglect your
self. We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed -Specific
Blood Poison Cured in One Treatment
BV PR OK. EHRl.irH'S GREAT DIS- ii ( f ( !
We Cure Weakness
also known as Nervous Debility. Nervo - Vital Debility. Neurasthenia,
etc. If you have any symptoms of this ailment, such as loss of energy
or ambition, vitality, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness
and other symptoms, we want you to be sure and call. Ve have given
thi condition of men special study and we unhesitatingly say that our
treatment is not excelled by any other specialists regardless of what
they may claim. We know what we have accomplished In even the most
severe cases, and there la no reason to believe we cannot cure YOU also.
We Cure Bladder and Kidney Troubles
Varicose Veins, Rupture, Piles and Fistula
We are specialists and are prepared to give you quick relief and a
speedy cure.
MEX, IK l TROUBLE, CO.VSl'LT IS TOD A V. If you cannot call,
write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases cured at
home. Hours 9 A. M. to IF. M.; Sundays, 10 to 12.
When I began my work In clean
ing out the "medical companies" and
"medical Institutes" of Portland by
making a fair and square plea that
every weak and ailing m"0"
Investigate and find out VV -Hp the
doctor was that promised him a
cure, I knew that there would be a
great upheaval among the advertis
ing specialists. In less than six
months 1. have already driven put
some of the medical companies.
Others are struggling against hope
by offering the cheapest of fees as a
bait to trap the unwary. I have al
ready accomplished a great deal, and.
while 1 welcome honest competition.
I want to say some more words of
warning to those who are still In
doubt as to which doctor to choose.
I warn you above all things IN
VESTIGATE Never accept the
promises or advice of the first doc
tor you go to. He may be all that
Is right and honest, but get other
opinion also. My advice is FREE,
and I can give you some valuable in
formation, about medical quackery
and humbug.
Year first consideration should be
to know the doctor whom yon cou
ault. Take alaal hla announce
ment and com pare hla picture with
the man yon meet In the office. IN
SIST upon seeing hla license lo prar-,
tire medicine In Oregon, and hla
diploma. Ask him hla name, and BK
I use Professor Ehrllch's wonder
ful new discovery. " 606," In cases of
Specific Blood Poison. It cures, and
Is the greatest marvel of medical
science. This new remedy has been
successfully used In thousands of
cases. Let me explain It to you. -
I have long been a close student 4lf
the condition known as weakness in
men. Sufferers from this trouble
are nearly always told by their fam
ily physician that there Is no help:
that It means wornout nature, and
that some powerful stimulant for
temporary effect Is the only help. I
fo deeper Into the cause of the trou
le and usually find a deranged or
damaged local condition responsible.
As long as a man lives he should be
as strong in every vital function as
he is physically constituted. I have
a scientific, powerful and permanent
treatment for weakness, which Is as
natural and direct as It Is efficient.
Why treat with lrresponslbles
when you can secure the expert
services of a responsible specialist?
Bee me If you have any of the fol
lowing ailments: Varicose V e I a a,
Nerve, Blood and Skin Allmenta,
Bladder TToublea, Blood Poisons,
Krnptlons, Ulcers, Piles or Fistula.
23412 Morrison
Corner of Second
Portland. Oregon
Bit G
r A t and simole remedy ror
m fllHauuus,
f inanimations, trrttationsntow
or Itninps ot the no, ttxroat.
IVOBaaaW 01 um
Why net cur yourself
i Treatise with each bottle
.las Eti
i! Ca.
Are effected by the use of
roots and herbs. No opera-1
tions, no poisonous drugs, i
We have made a life stud
In this line and you will re-i
celve the benefit of our re-l
search. Men and women
cured of private ailments.
N e r v o u sness. rheumatism,
asthma. pneumonia. blood
poison, lung trouble and dls
str ,
ease or an Kinoa. onsuJ
tatlon FREE.
185 Morrison St.. Fort land or.
Let's Talk Over
J Your Case
It Trill rout you noihtnfc and pernapa
I can rfr you to oturra who had
similar trouble and I benefited them.
. 7 ItaVa,
rv .
. V'V"
Try once more if you have been drr
torinjr with this one and that one and
have not obtained permanent relief.
Let this great nature healer diagnose
your case and prescribe some remedy
U'hncp actlmi nniilr cum nn eofa
His prescriptions are compounded from
koois, Herns, uas ana sarKs tnat
have been gathered from every quarter
of the globe. The secreto of these
medicines are not known to the outside
world, but have been handed down from
father to son in the physicians' fami
lies In China.
Open Evenings and Sundays.
If you live out of town and cannot
call, write for symptom blank and cir
cular, inclosing 4 cents In stamps.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
Portland, Oregon.
W rurs quickly and pprmanenlly
all rttrahlr rnsr nf VARICOSE
t KINS without arvrre surgical
operations; Sa-KCIKK' BI.OOO POI
SON without Injurlons druKs; 606
skillfull v administered If pre
without stimulative remedies;
BI.ADDKR and KIDNEY troubles:
FILES and all RECTAi, ailmeutu ol
Our offer PAT
FIED la your ab
solute protection.
Oonsul tatlon. exam
ination and diap
no sis free. "Vh
you want is a jw r.
Come to us and get
tt. Onco under our
treatment, you will
quickly realize how
simple a thing It is
to (ret -well in thi
hands of a apeclal
1st who knows his
business. Our cures
add not only Tears
to life, but life to
years. Office hours
daily, 0 to 5. Even
ir.srs. 7 to 8. Sun-
-days, 10 to 1-
363 Washington St., Portland. Or..
"J.'il.l f.J IWlWiajfllM'.l lt,UE5gy
rl III N h -
t-T7-.-, a fca-.--...i-fY SmmC.
I publish my own photograph, per
sonally conduct my own office, have
no connection with any "medical
company," "institute" or "museum,"
but am a thoroughly reliable up-to-date
scientific specialist in all ail
ments of men. No hired substitutes
to treat you. If I accept your case
for treatment and do not effect a
quick and lasting cure, you need not
pay one cent of my small fee. Let
me prove to you, without cost or
obligation, that I will cure you to
stay cured, before paying out one
"606" $25.00
I) to 5 7 to 8 Daily i Sunday, 10 to 1.
Examination Advice .Free.
3131 Washington St.
Portland, Orejcon.
Is wh;t you will gret
If you treat with me.
Results are quick and
positive. You are
benefit ed at once.
Men who have
dragrged their cases
along for months
with some other spe
cialist are astonished
at the prompt ertects a
of my r e m a r k a ble ftj
t r a a t m e nt. I cure i '
Nervous D e c line,
Varicose Veins, Plies,
tlsm, Stiff and Swollt ,u,u.n,
bladder, etc.
Blood Ailments quick
ly and safely cured by DUD
Consultation Fiw. Write or Call.
The Old Unliable Specialist.
Corner Aider and Second streets. En
trance 128 H Second street, Portland, Or.
Office hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
I Cure Men
Pay When Cured.
Urn ernl Debility,
Weak Nerves, la-
..n..ia - RARnlta
ot exposure, overwork an"other vio
lations of .Vatorc'a lasva ments of
Rlsdd.r hh KldaeT. Vartcoae
Veins, aaleklr and permanently
curd at amall expense.
I cure such ailments as Varicose
Veins. Piles, Specific Blood Poison,
etc., completely and permanently,
often with only a single treatment.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Washington St., Corner First,
Portland. Oreiron.
? ' -a4j
U. ....'ASS
, jvianey