Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 04, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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    1 o
HTl-r W4TTTD a! AlK-
'I. A VTCr A rouna mea -n la a
konkkvr aad iwniw and "B
ran invest at kwi ! ' "4
a-e-ln maji.faaiturlna; plant at X;o.i.
I i.ka entire cnerae of the of
fee and eel'ina force: ati.ity and eneray
are nnr aeelrasle monev; the
!-,ro- "rr
, .al tMP"" ejid olee-a or-rcr-taniir
for tne ns-ht kind of jroun man.
In rt--ln. ' "" "- eaperlence and
reference. u If ttiev ere found 1!'
torv. va iv" Praoeai Inter
view. AP Ore.onlan.
A F IRT-I.A-V throuhi eiperleoced
erlndo- trimmer ana card '' '
e-rertment tor, a rapid worker who ran
aea firet-eleea cards and aaa
ere om wllh a familiar knowlerfs. of
re-rrtiandlee profaned: ' ".
Ira foil pertlcolare. espet-leno. aad rr
,.,nr.i. Uvlacetota Compaa. Aher-
rj -i. m 1 -
IN eapertenced ana. and maw a furnish
a MiMmu: maw .1 -
kuetler: department. rra arts
with full pniruw .
e-eaeea fjlaatoa w company. Aber
deen, waen
r, hao tne boat opening la tha rltj
wloawaaa awj-arn-a - . ,, w .
av.aromant. wllh 2,mZ
.-- v Saa Mr.
wriawh bMa- ta II.
tlASTir A aood at.adr Induainoua ma
At man. no chlldraa. to taka cara
horara Innulra at n i-" ' ' "
r iVTED flamalraaa ta buahal turn'
i;hiaV aoaaabla.t Co., Sd and Mai
naoa aia
n . v r.n BtaaoaraRhar. rai:road off lea.
moat hava ipfi-n and rafaraoeaa. A4
f rH AH.
ay ANTE t Ptotura piar wrltara; kl( par,
wi ll tiaeh T- Fletara Plap Aaaocla
tloa. Ban rranclaco.
m hAiul bard
An .a iiMruacal Aa .
il KXM AN wall aducatad and with food
adoroaa: a raal llva hua.lar. oUi.n don I
applr A K. o. traaonian.
TAILORS an.l buah.lman wanlad. App
f ui ino iai'r. "
GOOO afadr bor wanlad lo drlva Uollrary
wacon. v ' ia '
melt w Ayr cp nr. ma i.e.
CIRl to copr and "" manur.K-"----ho
abta to Plk out la.t.ra oa trP-T1t 'r
. ....i Uaph na fumlabad rf
VZwarr Good 'par fur amail auanlll
TJaTa lima work Mu b. latainca
III ' af m. O.r. .j.. .due.
pwn. M "" - -
'i-u.trV b. of aood
a. t .ituroct- to lira wltb p rival a
famitr; ood opportunli. to aultah'
partr. particolara. aauu7. ate. A J
LA PT araoalntad In Portland aad wba can
a.vata a fw houra aarh day ta calling
aa p-opl. for ua. will and It ta bar ad
vantage o call at thle ofnea. ! tn
at . aporalra. Aak for Mr. rialand.
Apply "tandard Factory,
ava. aad Eaa Taylor at.
Ma. t. Oraad
Requlra asparlanrad aalaawoman In 'lr
rioaa ana run ' i -. r , -
naaday .A. M. to superintendent aoffloa.
SAI.RHWOM AS over ?.V with good odnca
tlon. lo call oa a aelactad nam her of peo
ple; no hnueo to, houa canvaaalng. AU
407. t regoniafi.
f ANT:r keltabla woman for naral
buaework: muat be neat aad a good coo.
Phana Eaat 14T. ar call at MO E. l!l
at. N.
b HtNU. diatrlct No. l"t. rolumbla County,
wants lartr teacher for coming Tall term;
aagee per month. J. C Johnaon.
aere'a-v. Rainier. Or.
muNTrn evhaol girl, aot under 15 T-'ara.
to h-:p with light boueeworh for board
and smaM wages, aood home. Apply M
Eaat .Vh.
ITiMV.RtrN'.R. la aaaiat In offlcn work,
permanent poaltton. salary to start:
state age. realdenra aad phono In awn
handwriting. AO 11.. Oragonlan.
EAPr.RIE.NfKO girl foe general boaaa-work-
family of foar. T.'7 rranklla sc.
wi'iametta Hetghta A T"3.
TANTEI Two lady aoUcltora. nlca work; money, baa Mr. Calhoun. Ill Mo
hawk bldg.
FtSTFD :parlaoced. reliable dr-aamaker
and lallotraa In shop: good opportunity
and ateady employment. Call C 1411.
WANTED Platura pla wrltara; big par;
wa II t.ach y-ne. picture Play Asaoela
t'fln. Paa rraBclaca.
S.HrEXIfXi'EI) sklttmaJter: alao flrat-claas
ant draper. Apply MorTta. 404 Cen
tral bMg-
1.IKL. or w
oman wanted to help do general
441 Kaal lata Dotwaan
and THUvook
VtOMEN wanted general cleaning and dleh-
aehlng. Apply Tha Cookery. Wasb-
tngtoa at.
WaMCIi Refined, sapabla aroaaaa for ra-
apanalbla pualtlon. Viavl Ca. aOO RalA
cblld bldg.. tb aad Waahlngtoa.
A AVTEl t'ompetant girl to do houee
aark In small family. Call at apartment
JH ; Joaneoa at.
Jtr Thrlaaalr houaa. an ambltkoua womaa.
willing ta apply haraalf. parlance w
neceaaary. t 4.V). Uragonlan.
W ittTED M demonatratora and aa'se
amea- larrt aalarv and commit
manager, office 41J. Selling bldg.
E X PKR IEN"ED helpers and npprentlcee
a anted t"T dreee making, alao tailor work.
7-nt Columhla bltlg
A TOI'Vta lady can find a pleaeant home
tn email family for alight eervlce. Call
( K. Mth at. N
ri:MvNSTRATR of fancy arna. Apply a
to l A. M.. supL'a offlca. Olda. ITonmaa
W A N T E A girl for general heueework.
gvd wagea. 2 Eaat llih North, cor.
girl ta aaaiat la houeework. email
Muaa faml't of three, phone nonaiawn
a.l or call at 1I7 Eaat 3th at. North.
RAN TEX) Teacher ta teach young for
eigner aa apeak: alao read and wnta
. ngljh It.L, Morrlaim St tolaa.
1VAXTED t'ompetant girl for general
houaraork and rooktng. no washing, good
wagea; referencea. Ca:l Mala 13.
hx.e unur a;eni-t
Saa WaaMnrton .Hi.. Cor. ?tb. I'patalra.
Phone Main
AN excellent epp.rtunlly for an apprentice
to learn millinery with Parletenne mod let a
tall afternanna fjo Oak at.
Vaabiagtan bids . 4lh aad Waaa. aHa,
Mala -J ac A tea .
Hrrmryrti- girl. la fmnv 3i s.
Jlst Phona Mala 12X4, Call bet. hours
M and 1 1 V
EXPrRIENCEP rer. up: chamber
maida. waairaaaea. puree. jit. Louis
agency. Hj m-ash. Main Ictaa. a 477A.
a"frr-aaraatreaa ta buahal ma a
riot bins- KaaenblaUt ab Ca. 3d and Mot
nana ste.
eV a VT E r Aa aapartaained girl for general
hasB"rb and coo king. 7S4 Flanders,
bat, lid and ltd.
MasTEP Competent gTrl for general
anew. APP y at g: Eaat Para.ids at.
COMCETENT girl for gaaaral aatasew-ork
and rooking Mala 4I3X
tOUFfTINT a"l fn gaajaral botiaawork.
Ill Kearney at
VtNTCt" 1-edy agaata. SO Rotbcblld
MATr. I A girl to do general houaa work ;
rp7 mnm'rg. AS N h -d at.
Cttll- for cocking and genera work: family
of two. r-hoa. Mam AT I a.
EXPERir.NCF.r g.rl for general hooeewn-k.
emaJl famllv . ssaist with child Eaat x2.
FiKnT-ct.Ae veatmaker wanted by Rrff
'n 3.1 Waahisgtaa St.
"Ivil.sve lade: muat write a aood hand and
have a knew'.Cge of sewing- 42S AMer.
C IP VHLC girl for aasiaral housework. Mala
?4 'I'l i'H. eioerienced chambermaid for
private board mi -h.vuae.
IMiif -1"1 f r general hetueanrk IB
trk.l fara-'. gv-4 hwiii. 447 loth at.
FA9TE girl, eiperlepee not necAear. Md
e-n T eecpe tag Co.. A? td at.
w, ANTE"!
A.dee at.
girl at Rojal Tea l a. J 44 a
filRt. waa'ed for lea rraam parlor. :
Eeret ea
WAN T t r I ; ! -1 fvr genera: Ixvueenork. For
parttcu a-a phone Main aaot
Tv P F. -TfrVcE P grl fe general heaaK
e-S- 'a Pl iJtve.oy ra.L
1.1 rlL fee gara. houaewark. i'X Poplar at.
t:.t wi. B iJ.
O- 'OL g rl for geaerai houaawara. App.y
t: tath
lK"H"i eapedenced waltreeaea 141 Ruaaa.l
WAlTREag wanted at Hi" Ruaaeil at
mex-P w yrTEr) m 4 1 c or nutUL
lPI R A RLE neroona wlahteg lavltatioaa
f nira dances are requeeted to attead
Vuiar aetu-day lafarnaaaa eel la Mor-r-eyaaa.
MarabaU Hi.
lIo'rOR a rnmp.iu rwuree In bookkeeping
coirapocdac Ve want repreeentn
ttena in every testa: i Pr montn raa
oa ee.l.y aaraod. Addraaa 616. CbimM
of CemmtM.
BOOKKEEPERS, eaahlaia. bill eleraa. .to:
) win guarantee yoor .-aallAoatloe fa fill
aoaftiont la dara: private Insinictlea
kjr public aorountaali pool l low sacursd. J
430. Oregon l an.
GOI prop-witlon to reliable and llva roe.
and nmn eollcltora by aatabllanod con
cern: imttbinf new; tBTretlaata. Call
s JO ta 10 A- -. room 1. Ml a E. Bum
side. ixr WATTED anscrT-LArfEQC.
Wa glra you thorough ad-
vcatlon. how to run. cars
for and repair. Wa fur
nlah yon wltb lZn charts
and working models, alao
dlplomaa. Compalant In
st ructora.
Complete courae. Ill (SO.
0-4 rioarra oi iraor nma-
Tne only Practical School of Motoring
roarae Includea driving and covers all
gaeollne englnca made. WE ASSIST Ol n
course for ladlaa call or addraaa. Oregon
Auto Bchoel. Z1S Merchants Trust Blda.
Portland. '
by learning to operate melng-pleroren:
operators earn lil to t3 weekly: easy
Inside work: short hours; learn buslneas
In 10 days: lessons reasonable. Day and
avanlng claaawa; open lundaya
b.aa tvaanington. near mo.
MEN wanted, age 1-3S. for firemen. 1100
monthly; brakemsn. V. on nearby rail
rtda Experience unnaceeaary; no gtnaa.
Poeltlsns guaranteed competent men.
promotion. Rairroad Employing Head
quarters iM men sent to positions la
beptamber. Btata age; aand stamp. Kail
way Association, liok . Oregonlan.
Are In great demand. Ws want sober,
reliable men whom wa can recommend
for positions after completing our courae
la drlrlng and repairing automobllsa.
once. Room 1H Merchants Trust Bldg.
1U.UOO FOSITlU-ia tar trauu-. " ' " '
men and women leara barber trade m
a waaks; help lo secure position; grada
aiee earn from (U to 111 weakly: -"Part
lutrncurs: tools free; wja for cata
lognaa. Mohler System of Collagea, as
North 4th at-. Portland. Or.
be in aeaalon at l7l First St.. this clt.
to examine all Ihose holding permits, Oc
tober and 10. 1011. T. M. Leabo. -ac
re tary
SHORTHAND. typewriting. bookkeeping,
grammar, arithmetic etc. Individual In
structlons: day or night. aJO Worcaatar
block. Marshall 7L ,
BOOK aad bort-etory mannsenpta entlciaad,
revised aad typewritten. Address Maaa
"rV'rEdit.n, 'luraaa, Maagly-Tlchaar
bldg.. Portland.
MOTION-PICTURE epecatlng taoght ta
theater; a full, p-raeuoal asarsa; tanaa
rsaaoaabla; pealua saoaraa. AS eva.
MAKE money writing short stories, orfor
bapera; big pay; tree
United press oynuicaie. pa- a-.
STENOGRAPHERS and typewriters to take
. .a ..... .......u - ulariaa tl4
anOTI courae . .
to 14. ll Worceater block.
a aaalllsa reb.a, t A IhfMla t) O lAaSaXA
WRITI.NO. $i ttl. 14th U MfcU Wl
tTTTI-OX WAJfTtD "11111
ER.S VUl'NU MAN, 21. vnlTra1tr r-Mlu-
t. C. E. dvr; A yr -nrl bu-in
mxprfnc; mmm 1 ntntftr, mwilr.
dun help. buyin. limff. A ood P
In mar dMlrmbl ih-a hlh irjf l
BANK fc-B RrtponilM yoan nu. cul-
m .. ... I aaara e-flh li-r
lUrru. unBWWt, awn ay-w - w. a r - -
Ml-i-i: W tm rouBtry bank. dn
poitioB win Orfoa or Wwhlnrton bank
M rirk bookkpr. itwofrtyhfr or
. . i av ill (ipr-rnnlan.
WANTED Poltl-a m clork In botol; day
or night; aiMHtacao itwiw i.
abataioar. loB-tmontr; 7'n m P'""-
on I plar. Add
1. r. 9 ma, Mimj-
inond, Waah.
o books, proporo biaacda and atala-
a...t. Inattav.l Vtlta.mA. (J 1 1 1 lit C h&IO. Ml
duor. 411 LawU btdj. Marahall Tit.
st T TAuni man. ipnncod bookkapr;
Vnri errico unnani. ojunwi ipf
writer; Inatda or outsida work; rararano .
bond- X 4T5. OroniAB.
TOVNG man, not afraid of work, dalroa
oaltlAa - aaivamn wiin -m nwwwmtw mi
roaJUta-Ptarlng nrm. AF 4d. Oragonlan.
TOVNO man want pool t ion; a good pon-
maa ana priroc-w "'.-v . - aw-
beat of rffronca J ftlt. Ora-gonlan.
EMPLOYMENT attar a P. M. by axpiino4
bOflkKMpr-anur-irn'T. ttm wa,
.or. a el A A. ()rtTOnlAO.
EXPKHIEaN'i'EO typewriter datra work at
home or py uay; rfirf. - -. v--
STENOGRAPHER. bokkator. with a-pr-
nr. daatrra poatnon. Knon a o-e'v
EXPERIENCED atenoaraphar d1r
A MAS of cnidraMa b-ln-e axparlanco
moatly in naraarv. jua mvidi "--from
tha Eaat and ona who la a buatler.
ilMirtt A poaltlnn on tha road or moat any
thing. What kava 70a to offer T AO
Oregon lan.
IF.RUAN, ftil-round, aobar and honeat.
4nta atrady work on a home, city or
rouniry. tatt car of garden, owe and
poultry. dora Bof emoka, refer oca. A 60 2,
Oregontan. m
MAN" with Jight team wlahaa eieady job
deltvorlnc Tor grocery or taunury ; ink
travel era and abl to haadlo ton an yw hare.
A Oregonlan-
L'CCESSFT'C apaolalty ea lee man. S yaara
On W lUamVllf ry 1 .w y, "awe
and ganeraj etore trade, deotrea poaiuon;
h e . . . aaa A W iftjadl Or Onlftll.
private family: nnderatanoa repairing; ao
ber and bet of raferancaa. K aJl, Ora-
bOBER and riihla roan man wanta po-
aition aa rntunair privn lamny f
f erred: waee no obiect; rrfmncM. AJI
47. Orfoni.
EXPERIENCED man wanta -poaitlon aa jpor-
ter or janitor; rejerenca a 1 rw
g--n tan. t
BOT'RECLaE A VTKi7 and window waehlng. of
iantttr work. Main la.-a. Aoarew -
enninr. ..
GOOD reliable man with azparlenr wiahea
to managa country noiei. n. 2 s. aan
at. :ity-
MARKIKD man would Ilka actuation aa
tpu.mtnt -houao janibor. v.. is. nurgwxk.
1 E. Sitmon.
EXPERIENCED man. grooarlaa, feull, c!-
gra. want poauioa. cny or roaa. aa.
44, Oregonlan.
RKv.lKTKiiF.I druggiat wanta pUlon:
m.rrfal. beat of referencea. A M0,
OHK wanta work. ity or ronntry : good In
a 1 braac-hee; oNr and re I lab; a. J.
Orimer. Main 4ia
Yol'N man attending Ho mea Buainaaa
l'Ailf deatre p. ace to work for room
and board. -'a'! Main Ktl. A
A T. M- C A. etudent dealr-aa board and
room In anchantfo for aeinrieoa. Phona
Japanese boy :hH a aituaiion of echo-.j
bov. waxit to attend T. M. C A. alghj
e-rhnl. AM Oregontan,
ftORK with nhetract company by man fa
miiiar with aatract wock; wtll accopt
m ) wgea. AP 4tl. oeaon'an.
IXTSRIFSTEP faml.j rook wanta pal
tmn. 1x1 H rtrat at. M. K. Chtaea-a Mia
ton. room 14.
J A P A N E I? ')r wanta to do hou-leaning
onro or iV arere week la private fam
ily. K 4.t Qeegonian.
C H A TT t'A R. with referenca; do own repair;
oif- or wuBirr. At. 4"'V Oregontan.
jAPANEiK chiuwr wanta poauioa. ctty
or coun'rr.
rj j-iT t I-v av.-krmaa or p:tnrmio.
rf . : I yra xrvc. 4M. OregoBian.
AN adept initT wtabea eituation; apUadid
rfwiinrea AP Oregonlan.
Al-L.R--l ND carpentar foreman waste Jeaw
phone Eaat : or K 474. Oregonlaa.
AN HONMT Jrbaaeoe boy wanta n iob. nay
"kind In town. T 5. Oregon lan.
JA P A N 'T. S fcoy wiahaa any Jb. R-Mweea
to ll: A. M. A 47. Off-wHw,
MEAT"1TTFR wanta etead work la awb
mexec AC 47 OragosKaa.
i HE
MAN and wife, Gtrmin. would Ilka to work
In hotel or on a farm: man la ei per le need
milker and wtfa a good rook. Addre-ae
Fra-ikmana Hoi a I. 3Ci Mad toon at-. A lota
JAPANESE wlahea genera houaac lean log.
day or week. P 42-i, Oregonlan.
Bkkewpara aanj ateaogrmpAwm.
EXPERIENCED lady atenographer em
poed wlahea any kind of work avenlnga;
rapid, accurate; tenna to salt. AT 467,
COMPETENT atenographer, bookkeeper,
perlencrd In lumber and maxblnery. d
atrea poatclon at once. Thooea Alatn MoO.
A 1117. .
rOMPKTBVT atenographar dealraa poal
Two yea re' experience. Beat relorei
woodiawn 81
6TENOiRAPHKR. rapid and aectimta. good
apelier. dealraa poaltton. Phona Mare hall
GOOD atenographer wanta poaition; four
vearT epernre; beat of city feferoncon.
Phona Main 8343.
OFFICE poaition Quick at fig urea, operate
typewriter; good penman; beat reference.
Eaat 2631.
EXPERIENCED bllMa dark wUhaa poal
tlon. Phona B 2t43.
TOl'NO lady, good rafarencea wiahaa poai
tion light offlca work. AK 4T. Oregontan.
EXPERIENCED atenographer dealrea per
manent poaition. Mara hall 110.
YOUNQ lady wlahaa poaition a caahler-
EXPERIENCED billing clerk dealrea poal
tton: good referencea. 8 41. Oregonlan.
ALL klnda of auita. coat a. aklrta, waiata.
aeml-Prlnceaa atyla, done to ault etietom
rm. fit guaranteed. Marahall 34ft.
EXPERT tailoring and dreaamaklng. 400
Tamniii ax. r n'im aai.
Urt. Da via. dreaamaktng par lore; work guar-
antee-a. tovi'-"
WANTED Family aewlng. 2 per day; ref
erencea. Phona Woodlawn 3212.
DRESSMAKER, deetgner of millinery; alao
French dealgna. Call Main 0140, evenlnga.
LADIES' shlrtwslets; plain sewing. 28 12'b
st. Phone A
-HRSKa AKER from the East will take rt ay
worK : prices reaaonaoie. jiar.ii.ii ..p.-
RESPONSIBLE lady will come to your
home or hotel. raring tor emmnn
seml-lnvalide at any hour day or avanlng.
t'h.ine Main eioi. owb.
TRAINED nurse dealrea employment by
hour or day. nursing of any kind; best or
reference. Phone Tabor 1489.
INVALID lady can have room, care, horns
comfort treatments, trained nurse; beat
referencea; reasonable. Tabor M1B.
REFINED, capable woman wants poaition
aa housekeeper rn widower's borne. Call
between 8 A. at. arrrl 4 P. M. week days,
or writs I0S N. Union are.
NEAT-WORKINO houaekeeper wanta posi
tion; thoroughly competent; beat refer
encea AN 4K7. Oregonlan.
WIDOW wishes housekeeping for widower
or bachelor or care for rooming-house.
443 East Ankeny. Phone Eaat 384.
HOrSEKEEPINd" br mMflie-aged woman
with small boy. 1st su. Portland.
WIDOW wishes position aa housekeeper for
widower or bachelor. AP 4S, Oregonlan.
Do meat lea.
IOINO girl would Ilka a poaition cooking
and light work In refined family: can
give beat of referencea. PLvone Wood
lawn 1S54. room ti.
OIKI. wanta ta get a place where It la light
housework. ) 87 gtti st.
WANTED Capable woman and daughter
want poaition together as cook and maid
or hotal work: good reference: no objec
tion lo out of town. AM 4B4. Oregonlan.
aDI wlahea place to do general housework
for fsmllr of two; can it speak Engllah.
but undirstanda soma Call 474 East 7th
st. North.
GIH1, Neat appearance, desires to assist
a boat the house evenings for room and
board. City. Miss Maria. Meier .Sublimity.
IOINO lady with three children to support
would Ilka to exchange work nights and
mornings for breakfast and room. Mrs.
rtreaiey. stain aoan. gaiwun a -
SCHOOL, girl wanta to help do housework
4.11. '
COMPETENT colored woman wanta wasn
Ing. private family prsferred. Mrs. Love.
Main lata.
TOI NO lady wishes position apprentice with
. . . . Ti . alt aaA rwa-
areeamaaeri allien - v - -i "
tSOOD. atrong. neat woman wanta day work:
can do any kind of housework: cents
an hour. Phone Main laV-3.
WORK from 4 till In tha evening; sec
ond work in private iimiir preierrea. An
471. Oregonlan.
CAPABLE woman desires cooking, boarding-
house, hotel, uejiratesaen. reataureui.
Louie Agency. Main T'iB. A 4TTI.
2fE AT young woman, good references. 1e-
elrea rnamoerwora. goon nm
EXPERIENCED housekeepers. flrat-claas
waltraaaaa. lanndreaa. Main 2030. A 47T&,
WANTED Work In telephone exchange.
AM 4 7S. Oregonlan.
yOLNO girl wlahea poaition for general
housework. Phone E- 4018.
XaACE curtaina waahed. stretched; called
for and dellverea: eu cts. pair, aiaio ir
WOMAN wants work half daye or hour;
laundry work preferred. Main loss.
WISHES care af child and assist with light
nOUSewnra. ' -" " -
OIRL wishes housework. 2&1 North 17th I
treat I
WOMAN wanta work by day or hour. Call
Main 2012.
WOMAN wants work by hour, 2oa. Phona
Marshall 10:.
FI RST-d-AS-l vook wants position boarding
house. Al reference. n a.-., trregonian.
OSRMAM woman wishes position, aa cc
in private family. 4o. Oregonlan.
.APANEKE girl wants a sluatlon at cook
ing In small lamny. y-a ist.
EXPERIENCED girl wishes work as cook
or general housework. Prions A SOS-l.
GIRL wanta work by day or hour. Main
S4V-T. room 1.
WOMAN wanta day work. . washing
cleaning. R 47 L Oragonlan.
WltyntD AGK-CTS.
AGENTS wanted: orders from our agents
for August deliveries of LIVESTOCK CT
DOCTOR aggregate 11.002 volumes; we
still havs territory for a fsw more live
scents: write for "Sworn statement of
Reeord-Breaklng Sale" and Information
about how our aganta are coining money;
no experience aeceasary: Wa tell you bow;
outfit free ta Bret 20 who apply. Tha
Thompson Pub. Co He Louie. Mo.
ATTENTION Mandolin echool solloltors.
Investigate our new prapeeitiea: beet for
agents and public by clean, legitimate
SfhooL Call .3ft to 10 A. M room 14.
JK7V, E. Burnslde.
FAMILY of three sdults wents to rent six
room famished house; will lease one year
If neceaaary: will furnish best references.
Reply AlO Lumber Exchange bldg.; ataia
tcrrna. location. AT 4AP. Oregontan.
WANTED At once, furnlahed houaa, S or
7 roomi: bungalow preferred: near Broad
way carllne. Phono Wooodtawn 2P2S.
W'ANTED Furnlahed house, modern In all
respects. A or 7 rooma. O 4fa Oregonlan.
Apart men ta.
WANTKD A I or 4-room apartment, un
furnished, between tth at. and tivar. Eaat
Slda Call Tabor fTi.
WANTED Ftaim with refined privat. fam
ily by young gentleman, vlelnlty of Mar
ahall and :id St.. Wset Slda. id Mar
shall a :
Fl RMi'HED rooms to couple In exchange
for service, or neat, reliable woman. AE
4 7?. Oragonlan.
Reaena With Boevre.
CtiN.iENIAL oung ladr. e-nploved; pri
vate ranllr: home prlvllegee: Weat Side;
walking dletanc: permanent homo da
sirad: - AT 4, Dregonlan,
Baataeaa Fli
WANTED Peek room and chaaca to co
operate with reliable real estate concern:
I own some good property. Addreas H
4 AO. trregonlan.
ONE I or unfurnlahed rooma. steam heat;
prlcea reasonable. Ill E. 7th Phona K.
M o- I
strictly mode
sr week aad up.
iaja itta al
THK CAP1.ES SJ-O Taylor, between Tth and
Park, abeoluteiy central, quiet, modem
br1.k. eteam heat, hot water, all lm
proementa; from 4 weekly, and with
private bath from 9 weekly.
ROOMS North eaat corner Fifth and Stark;
hot water, ateam heat. Apply 2M aeh.
rarmlahed Booma.
Thoee tnraa beautifully fumiabad ho tela
21 4th at. 211, 4th t. J07H 4tk mU
On Fourth au. running from Taylor ta
Salmon at.; brand new brtck, alegaaUy
turaUhed; ateam heat, private batha. hot
aad cold water In all roomi; atrlctly up
to dale la all ree pacta, and at popular
prlcea. If you want aomethlng out of tne
ordinary, la tha heart of tha city, at rea
sonable prtcea, give ua a eall. aa wa kaaw
you will like It. Roomi by the day. week
or month. Toarlat trade aollcltad.
After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. 4th
and Alder eta. will offer apeclai induce
menta on weekly and monthly ratea to
permanent gueata during; tha Winter. Beat
location In the city, convenient to all
theaters, stores, buainaaa diatrlct and poat
ofnee. A comfortable home with every
modern convenience. In the heart of tha
city. Local and long-dlstaAce telephone
and hot and cold running water tn every
room. The beat of bellboy and elevator
eorrlce day and night. Rooms alngiy
and enauita. Houaa thoroughly modern
and newly furnUhed. Ratea on applica
137 -Hi Eaat Burn aide.
Why hot live on the Eaat 813a asa
eare money on your room rent Wa aaa
give yon better accommodations for leas
money and within 15 mlnutee' walk of
tha business canter of the city. Steam
heat, hot aad cold running water; rooms
aingla or an aulte; rooms with private
bath, rates 00e to f 3 per day; regular.
7 par weak, moan just wuw -b
Realdntla. S6 Taylor. Traaaleat.
Bet Tth and Park eta.
Opposite Relllg Theater. Central, quiet.
Rooms from 75c dally; with private bath,
from $1 dally; special weakly and month
ly ratea; suites. Smw. hondeomsiy fur
nished brick: elevator, telephones, hot
and cold running water. From Union De
pot "J" ear to Taylor or "W car to 7th;
from Hoyt-street Depot, S" car. transfer
oa Morrison to Tth. Phono Marshall 2200.
HI Eleventh Street.
Near, modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com
fortable, rents very reasonable. Call and
aea us. Regular and transient trade so
licited. ISAROENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw
thorns avea. Beautifully furnished room a
single or en suite, with private bath; hot
and caid water, steam heat and private
phone in every room: moderate weekly or
monthly rates; grill la aonAsotloa; traaal
snts sollcltsd. ,
7 HE PEER HOTEL, Eaat d aad Bumalds;
new fireproof building, atsam-heated. hot
aad cold water and phones In all rooms;
private baths. lobby and parlor; elevator
eervlce; rates $3 per week and up; traa
slants solicited. Phone East 171.
TUB REGENT, lilla Seventh St.: beautiful
r.ama, right down town; Ideal location
for partlea staying In town for buainaaa
ar pleasurs: ratea very reasonable, by dajr
or week. $16 month up.
Cor. llth and Washington sta.
Elegantly furnished rooms; ateam heat
ed; hot and cold water in every room;
bath, phones; rents vsry reasonable.
UOIKL KtNWICla Aa Ideal homo far
business people; centrally located: ala
gant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th
aad Taylor sta., 1 block from Portland
Motel, opposite HslMg Theater. Mala
" MADRAS HOT Ell ' "
12th and Washington.
Any room In tha house for $s and noth
ing extra for two In a room; thoroughly
MOTEL ARMINIU8. cor. llth and Mor
rison ; all outside roomi, centrally located.
Permanent guests solicited. Respectable
a.ud very moqeraie yi w.
LIOUT airy rooms, modern, sultea ar alar
-I. a .od j wseki Bve minutee walk
to theaters and stores; free phona. UaV
. . . . . . i ... a t k
aeu pi", - - - - -
THE OLE N DOR A, lth and Couch, one
block from Washington; furnished rooms.
to gueeie. i.v ar-' "
. . . (lit nmr month lari .
WtlVEK, 71 Wsahlngloa Nicely for
aiabed rooma. bath and phona la aaah
Biaa a -,,., board. -
THE LARRABEE. 2 -TV Lan-abaa st All
convenience.. . v
PARLOR oearooma, on v,n piauu.
. ar am qu-wiub . - - - - - a
I3.M up- Phone A 570-4. &'4 Jackson at.
- .IU nTaatllHwtna.
K hLtto roo-rboo per d." I2.50 p.7 aTaTa
.a M; -
u- HAZEL Nicely furnlshsd rooms at
moderate prlcea. cor, ad and Montgomery.
'awrwlshad Booaaa la Private family
uros'.?: a"si3. vrss&JSz
phone, walking distance. Wast Slda. 4
North lain st-
FRONT light, airy room: Prla'e tranco:
aultable tor one or 7 " v '
93.M per ween. .w
NICiiLf furnished rooms, modern end rea
sonable. 272 Park sU. bat. Madison and
EASY walking distance; beautiful light
room: best location; fornaoe; reasonable.
1M4 12th at.
J NICELT furnlahed rooms, atrletl-r mod
ern, walking auiaaca 1 '
668 Flanders s-
NICELT furnished room, modsrn coTn.
lencea. oenirany iscua, '
Clay, near mtn
KICELT furnlahed. Nob HllL bUtliit-dls-
tanea; moo .rn covtuKuia "
aey. Main oo.
WELL furnished, clean, modern 5-rnom cot
tage. 23 month. SCM 2d st. 8- E.. near
Anabel btation. jaouni pwu i...,...
BEAfTIFlL room for gentleman; l"rio
Ughta bath and phone; furnace heat. 70O
manaers ei
X.IOHT pleasant elngle room, running water,
sleeping porch, reaeonable. to gentleman.
weal r-ara. anam
ELEGANT front .bedroom with large ver
anda for two gentlemen; Orat-claae board.
beo tfti-oo-n ai
tl WEEK, furnished room; phone, bath,
electric light; walking distance. 427 Hai
ti eon.
FURNISHED room for rent. 'dr.PIe','Jd
reasonable rent to right party. 847 Jaffsr-
son. pnoiieAwii
A SNAP Swell, modern furnished room.
. - , , v - ,orta. very rea-
privaia wn. - -
aonable. 7( Kearney st. Home. A 42
S4i NOETH Hh Pleasant, comfortable
rooms; walking distance; modern conven
EAST SIDE Nicely furnished rooms In a
desirable home; rent reasonable. 0 E.
Iltb at. North. B 2117.
FURNISHED room, use of piano, fox ona
or two parsorta. 118 E. 12ttt mt cor.
NICELT furnished room ''.,,rf " .
parlor and piano; horns prlvllegaa. 440
Clay st- Main 62BS.
NEW. richly furnlsned; hot water heat, sta
tionary bawl; central, reasonable. ibt
llth. .
S2 WEST PARK Nicely furnlahed room,
private family; walking dUtatvca. Mar
shall 2rl.
ONE large front room, gultabis for two
people: men preferred; must have refer
ence. Main ooaa.
FURNTSHED rooms In selsct locality. 7
to il2; West Bide: private family: walk
Ing distanca Phons Msrshall 281.
Larob steam-heated room, with bath. ,two
young ladlaa 715 Johnson, flat 2.
CLOrtE In. very desirable; ona or two per
sons; cheap rent, HI llth.
r.iR RENT Nicely furnlahed rooms, mod
reasonable. 04 Flanders st.
,AR'3E. olaaa room; all convanlanoaa. rSt
TWO nicely furnished rooma. 67 Trinity
Place, bet. lth and JSth.
wtRNiaH ED rooma modern conveniences;
board optional. 2W 14th. Main Sa.
Kp-ATI T furnished room in good horns; ref-.renree-
738 Johnson St.
v Tr-r;t,T furnished rooma. strictly modern.
walking distance. 410V. Park.
1 . , -p ajtaam-haaied furnlshsd rooms, bath.
Bhutie. eiectiio lights liii, Olisan st.
SEVERAL furnished rooms and a eleeping-
porch: nni-" .xi .-.n.
fiO-WEEK Nice furnished room,
heat, eaay walking. 492 5th.
BRIGHT, well furnished room, bath and
oh ona H- prr week. Ill Id St.
$3 yo WEEK- Room suitable for two. 294
llth t.
LIGHT front room; heat, bath; prlvata fam
I ly" re.aonable. St llth.
ATTRACTIVE room la modern home, walk
In, distance. Phone Eaat 141.
NEATLT frrmlahed bedroom, walking dla-
tance, 1.7i per week. 431 th st.
THERE'S a alee front room. 6o& Evsrstt at.
OCTOBER 4. 1911.
. 1 . .im, Hwm In ori-
.ia fllv. nawlr furnished. eleetrlo
light, bath, cloee to three carllnea wit a
beet eervlce: respectable residence Ois-
trlct. walking distance, furnace urn, en
able for two. 6.0 East Main.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room, with
alcove for t,wo In modern home:
door; walking distance; near N. P- ""'
College. 2S4 Eaat 3d It. North, southeast
corner siunnoman.
n.l r.n &
Furnished room for gentleman:
nelghbornooa on tne ""'i'1 . -
view; 12 per month; Sunday breakfasts
ir aestrea: roiinr.. ih'"" '
ELEGANTLY furnlahed rooma large front
, . , .. llvht houaa-
rwni iwr wrw 7 ' " " a " " ' " - "
keeping: also alnxie and double rooms,
furnace, eleetrlo light, phone, walking dla-
tlltcr. inuuai 11 . - -
BPLEKUIU rooma on nr.i --
cold water, steam heat, for two or three
people, .O.OV anu . a -.
itairs for 2 at 5. 1 10th St.; taka W
csr irom o-iwi.
MODEKATK ateam-neaiea room. -1
wltnout breakfast, supper; walking dis
tance, or uuana. iuau. iu f - -
give weekly terma. a A. Flngal. 0
Henry bldg.
ROOMS Weat Side: newly furnlahed; eelect
location: electrig llgnteo. neai,
eto: three carllnea. 70 Cornell at,, near
28d st.
LARGE, sunny, well-furnished corner room
with perch, steamheat, electric light,
baths, ere Weat side, walking distance.
Phone A S874.
UNUSUALLY attractive room for nice girl
In cultured family; ateam heat, electricity,
phone, bath; short walk from business
district. Call Mrs. Lftymon. main nt.
FURNISHED rooma new. clean, pleaaant,
modern, walking distance: and 10 per
month. 206 WhltAker st,. South Port
land. NICE li
front room for one or two. 18
FURNISHED sleeping-rooms, single bed;
bath and phone.
FURNISHED front room, suitable for two
men. close in. law lain sr. . jasm
fg NEATLY furnished room, furnace heat,
walking distance. 393 llthst;
NEATLY furnished room. S2 per week- 401
wst rara.
ROOM, $L78 and up per week: desirable
location ; men preferred. 105 12th st.
FURNISHED rooms, close In; Y. W. C. A.
girls pre'errea ; reterencea. ana
1. 1 OR 3 furnished rooma 1 194 N. 17th st-
Roorus With Board.
LAirBERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th Good
board and clean, well-furnished rooms:
single and double; walking distance; table
board also. Main tug, A 3081.
DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall,
oor. Sth and Madison, large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car,
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
THE MANITOU 281 13th, new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated: lavltiag
rooms; choice board. Main 1184.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d yearl
rooms with board, use of aewlng-room, li
brary. B10 Flanders. F. N. Heath, rupt.
THE CAX.VARD. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
Large, well-furnlshed rooms. Modem
NICELY furnlahed rooma with good board;
home cooking. 227 7th at.
ELEGANT room for two. Including good
board, reasonable, ait rara.
inc. I-ASA rJOA.
Booing Wllh Board la Private Family.
PRIVATE RESIDENCE, room and board.
10 minutes' walk from P. O., two finely
furnished rooms. 110: ona large front
room, one spacious side room, three win
dows, hot and cold water. Main 968.
40UVi jackson st.
NICELY furnished front room with bay
window, first floor, suitable for 2, private
family; all convenlencee. free, with or
without board. Phona Marshall 2424. 286
14th st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with
alcove for two In modern home; board next
door; walking distance, near N. P. Dental
College. 254 East 3d st. North, southeast
corner Multnomah.
650 HOYT ST. Execellent room and. board,
horns cooking:, rates reasonable; near
16th. Take 8. or 16th car. Phona
Marshall 1258.
A HOME for 2 or 4 young ladies woo pre
fer cooking their own meals: use of li
brary, piano, etc Inquire 846 V Waah-
lngton at., room in.
BOARD and room In private family for 2
or S gentlemen or atudents: home cook
ing; walking distance. Call 600 E. Mor
rison, corner ism. rnom r.mi iw.
NEWLY furnlahed rooms and board: home
cooking; modern convenlencee; walking
distance. 461 West Park at. phone Mar
ACCOMMODATIONS for two or three gen
tlemen, with breakfast. In a newly fur
nished private home. Nob Hill dlstrlot;
muat furnish references. Marshall
ROOM and board for man and wife or
two ladles, new, modern home. Sellwood
12R6. Before A. M. and after 5 P. M.
ELEGANTLY furnished room with board;
fine location, reasonable. Phono Tabor
NICELY furnished front room, close In.
pleasant surroundings, modern, good home
cooking; Weat Side. Msln 82SO.
NICELY furnished" front room, all conven
lencee: first-class table board for t gen
tlemen. Call 349 6th.
NICELY furnished room and board in pri
vate family: gaa. electricity. 527 Taylor.
GOOD room and board In private family.
Phone Main 6.79.
WELL-FURNISHED room with best board.
large porch and grounoa. .nam vn.
ROOMS with or without board. Main 154T.
712 Flanders St.
NICELT furnlahed rooma suitable for ona
er two people; close in. 863 13th st.
ROOM and board, home cooking; use of
bath and piano. Main 6222.
ROOM and board for 2 In nlca home. 695
E. Ash. Phona E. 184S. .
PLEASANT room with board for two. Ap
ply a.i miii v.
SINGLE or double; 6 week; home cook
ing. Xai IUQ. naiwaii
WANTED One or two girls or young couple
to board In private family. Main 7774.
tit GLISAN Rooma, aingla or en suite, good
NICE room wltb board In modern home.
furnace neat. am jo..
ROOM and board for two: $20 per month;
bath and phone. Main 8304, 605 Sth st.
Corner 12th and Columbia.
Ready for occupancy October 1 otn.
Ona of the most exquisitely furnished
apartments In the city. Furnishing to
harmonise with the woodwork and wall
decorations. 61tnated In one of the most
desirable locations in the city within a
block of three carllpes. Reservations can
be made by calling at the
E. 7th and Taylor: a new corner brick,
all outside apartments of 2 snd 8 rooma
Steam beat. Individual phone and eleetrlo
lights furnished. Janitor servica.
pleasant furnlahed rooms; modern; rea
sonable. Phono East 2i96.
THE KING DAVIS, corner King and Davis
streets. 3 and 4-rooma modern apart
ments, referencea required.
NEWCASTLE. 402. 3rd st; housekeeping
snd sleeping rooms. 1 2. .NO per week up:
steam heat, gas, bath, phones, laundries.
and 4-room unfcrnlsbed; 1 baaarnent
furnlahed; reterea.-..
ONEONTA. 187 17th 2 and 8-roora suites,
hot and cold water In every apartment.
Reasonable. Phone Main 4687.
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
strictly modern, private halle, phonea, etc
jgniaj yotth 2"ld st. Marshall 2S21.
ROSE-FRIEND, 8. W. cor. 7th and Jelfer
aon; modern 4 and 5-roora unfurnished
apartment.. ev- '
K4b MODERN ft-room apartments; all con
venience., walking dlatance, phone, sleep
ing porches. Main 4930.
HARRISON COURT. 0l and Harrison, un
furnished apartment of two rooms and
bath, reasonable rent.
BRAINTREE Elegsnt five-room apartment.
West Side, walking distance, rent reason
able. Main T74L
FOR WOMEN The Rlchardaon Apartments.
14th and Market, every convenience. Phona
Maln 2n."0 or A 30.13 for rate.
STRICTLY modern 8-room apt., beautifully
furnished. Including piano, etc. Inquire
Ant. 31 The Sheffield. 270 7th St.
764 Lovejov. Beautifully furnished 3
room apt,; reasonable. Marshall ;!..
East 9th and Schuyler eta. Steam-heated
apartment. New, modern. Phone C 8013.
the elms 2 Ana 8-room apartments, fur-
nutpc-a. ipi i.... -
the KING-DAVIS, cor. King and ravis
' tis.1 aaa 4-room apartment, relereneee.
(Referencea Required.)
Only 100 feet from Washington st and
one block west of 19th su; completely fur
nlshsd: steam heat private, batha hot
water, electric lights, gas ranges, private
pnone in each apartment, tiootno eievatv,
janitor service.
2 rooms. 3.15 to 345.
8 rooma 535 to $50.
4 rooma. $40 to $3o.
Mansger in Apartment 26,
Phone Marshall 1950
Car. Park and Taylor Sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta
TC - 1 W- n TVl.t.acaL
. Completely furnlahed 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; oulldings new and atriotly
modern; eervlce nrst-clasa.
4T1 Via ft ..... TA7..t1naf on Rt.
Will open Octoberal, 1C11. and will
maintain their former high standard of
tenancy, 4. 5 and 8-room apartmente. Ap
ply an premiaea tor reservations.
Corner of 18th and Jefferson at... 4 and
8-room apartments, unfurnished, with re
ception hall, automatic elevator. Paclflo
States telephone in every apartment and
the most modern conveniences found In
the city. Phone Main 2086 or call up main
oiitca. Mam 6764.
208 16TH RT. KF.1R TAYLOR.
Theee elegant 5-toom unfurnisa.'d apart
ments, situated In the heart o the city,
within 10 minutes' walk uf tha business
Reservations may be made vn premises
or by phone. Main 4795. A bt-o.
trand ave. and East Stark sis. orana'
new hnlMlna ra.Hv for OCGU'
nancy now: S-room sDl'endldly furnished
apartments, electric automatic elevator
and every modern convenience; on the
East Side, but closer in than most apart
ments; very reasonable rent and best of
service. Apply to janitor on premise..
THE lyrRiriK 21.t antl .Tohnaon sta.
comDlete Rant 1 flneat. hrlarhtest and
best arranged apartment resldenoe In the
city; a, 4 and o-room ; an outsiae, uw
light rooms; convenient to cars, walking
distance, private telephones in every apart
ment. steam heat, water, gaa ranges, re-
frlgerators. laundry facilities, vacuum
cleaners, etc Attendant on premises. Mar
shall S30U.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving St.;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 3. and 4-room
aultes; reception hall, electric, automatic
- elevator. Holmes dlaappearlng bede. built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to tne narxor,
Phonea A 1744. Marshall 2961
644 Everett St,
X- . ..A alaaantl, Citit.h.A . n. ft
ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch: automatic electric elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking dis
tance. HUNZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely flrst-claaa. fur
nlahed in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com-
fireaeed air carpet cleaning, janitor serv
ce: rent per month. $26. $30 and up.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
68 Irving St. One four and one five
room unfurnished apartment; have gas
range, refrigerator, shades, hot and cold
water, steam heat and Janitor service;
all outside rooms, verandas; rates reason
able; references. Phone A 2522.
Plara hatv. loth and 20th ats: lust fin
ished; most magnificent apartments on the
facino uoaet ; reniaia reaaunaoic, ,ir.ijii.
porches: private hallwaye and every mod
ern convenience; referencea required
Phone Marshall 50a
A beautifully furnished 3-room (large,
light and airy) apartment, steam heat,
private phone and bath, automatic ele
vator: the most home-like and quiet in
the city: must be seea to be appreciated.
624 Marshall. Main 6032. A 8191.
LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class
by themsalvea See them- Lucretla st-.
near 23d and Wash. 2 to 6 rooms, all
large, light and outside; large closets
and batha: hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar.
1629. Janitor 1800.
FARM for rent; must be experienced orch
ard man, 15 acree bearing apple trees and
12 acres of two and three-year-old trees;
good 9-room house, large bam. fruit house
and woodshed; good place for nhlcken
ranch. Inquire 291 Moriieon su
Tit Washington, cor. 32d St.: 1. t aat
e-rooro apta., furnlahed or unfurnished;
p-to-date. elean aad modern; private
bath, telephone; rates reasonable; beat
Service, phone Main 7130.
4-room front apartment, furnished:
gteam heat, private bath, private phone,
finest kitchen in the city, both gas and
electric cooker; beat residence district;
reference required. 704 Hoyt st- Phone
Marshall 2010.
arm voiuiuuia . .. .
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences: best location In the city, front
ing the parks, and only 5 minutes walk
from the business center. Apply to Mgr.
FOR RENT (-room furnished apartment,
. a.4 now anil modern r rjrivate
bath and phone; on two carllnea. The
Kentucky Apartments. Eaat 28th and
tn.aii. rnu'in p -j v. " - "
EXCLUSIVE apartments, 6 large rooms and
sleeping porch; private front and . back
porches; private entrance; heat, hot water
and vacuum cleaning system. 791 North-
rup. Phone Main H.j-iB.
- 82 Grand ave., cor. Eaet Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments, modern, prices reasonable;
' ... j I ....... Ohon- Vla.r
ferson sta., 8 and 4-room apts., with bath,
unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con
venience; modern; 5 mln. walk from P.
O. ; very reasonable rent-
New, nicely furnished and unfurnished
e. room apartments. Every modern con
venience. Call Marahall 368. A 4468. Ref
erence required. 20th and Kearney sts.
PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison
sts. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments.
' furnished for housekeeping: everything
new and modern; elevator; telephone free;
$45 to
Concrete bldg.. 187 Green ave.. block
aouth 28d and Wash.; offers select three
room furnished apt-: city view, steam heat,
hot water -and phona A 7523.
420 E. Morrison, corner of 7th. 2, 3 and
4-room apartments, furnished up to date;
private batha moderate price, new m'gt.
park Street, Corner Madison.
TnrnUtacd 3 and 4-room apartments.
Individual phonea; convenient, downtown.
HAD DON HALL. 414 llth, cor. Hall. 3 and
4-room apartments, furnished and unfur
nished; private pnone. Dim ana oalcony
.. E " U 1. II 1111
porcnes. e
270 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 3-room
apartments and one unfurnished 3-room
apartment; free phone in each apartment.
410 Sth Furnished and unfurnished,
atrlctly modern apartments; walking dls
tance: prices reasonable, no children.
407 Hall St., new 2 and 8-room furnished
apartments, walking distance; Janitor
service. Phone Main 4399.
THE BERYL Large rooma large closets,
cool and airy for Summer; aome fur
nlahed apartmentau 2 let and Lovejoy;
take W car.
rrRICKSTON. 448 llth st. Nicely fur
nished 2-room apt., with private bath and
telephone: public laundry-room; $30.
Marahall 87.
8 and 4 rooms, finely furnished apart
ments; strictly modern, every convenience;
eaay walking distance. The Altamont.
near Main: elegant 3-room apt., with pri
vate balcony, for $35; large rooms and
every modern convenience.
A SUNNY, furnished apartment of 4 rooms
and bath, newly tinted. In a private home.
Phone East 1540. 546 East Alder; walk
ing distance.
$ and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
240 20th st. North. Phons Main 4038; or
Main 1178.
rmNKHED apt., 3 rooms and bath, for
The Columbian, llth and Columbia
sis-,, newly furnished. '
LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob HID district,
convenient to 2 carllnea. 186 2-d st, N.
14th and Halsey; 6 large roam. sleep
In g porch, private front porch, hardwood
floors, fireplace, tile bath, kitchen fur
nished with fina overhead gaa range.
Among beautiful honvee. and. axcaUaat ear
E. 22d and sta
$18 NEW fiats, overlooking beautiful pe
ninsula Park: light, airy: sleeping pornhee:
near Jeffereon High: publlo echool; aa.
them today; fine lor children. "L" car.
Alnswortn, Alblna avaa.
FOR RENT Furnished flat. 6 rooms, mod
ern, eunny, well, lighted, all of first floor,
well furnished, furnace, nreplaoa. 110
E. l"tb, corner E. Alder. Phona East
1618. Referencea required.
DESIRABLE lower corner flat, ava roonu.
unfurnished, modern, walking dlatance.
Nob Hill diatrlct,
. ccv wa- a .r
la. a",,
66 19th street, N. W.
FOR RENT New lower fiat. 5 rooms and
bath, sleeping porch, hardwood floors and
fireplace; two blocks from two carllnea.
triiirr oa irtiiigmn. riiqiiw nat
FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat, bath, elec
tric lights, furnace; walking distance; $23,
Including water. Key at 330 Rosa st- Call
Main 2114 or E 3710.
NEWLY furnlahed flat. Irving at, between
' 21st and 22d. 5 rooms and sleeping porch;
references exchanged. AT 470, Orego
nlan. 6-ROOM upper flat for rent; all tha mod
ern Improvements; large front porch-.
8234 13th st, bet. Clay and Market.
Rent $35. Phone Main 2084.
5 AND 6-room flata, hardwood floors, fire
places. Bleeping porches. Finest in city;
don't overlook them. East 25th between
Hawthorne and Madison.
EIGHT-ROOM attractive flat for rent, mod
ern In every respect: some furniture for
sale: Weat Side, 10 minutes from Post
office. Phone Main 7904.
SUNNY upper flat of 4 rooms and bath, fur
nished, newly painted, in a private home;
piano. Phone 154Q. ; .
FOR RENT Neatly furnished four-room
flat, with water, phone and bath: walk
Ing distance. 230 V N. 18th. Rent 330.
4-ROOM modern flat. all conveniences;
adults: $30. 821 Northrup. Inquire
Flat B.
FOR RENT 29 and 31 East Sth gt, near
Burnslde. 2 5-room flata $20. Key at
Wooderd's. 104 2d st.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 561 Davenport st,
south end of street; 4-room furnished flat
for rent.
FOR RENT 5-room flat. Weet Side; $20;
yard; block car. Call 260 Stout aL
Mitn b-Kl.
I-ROOM upper flat, all modern conveni
ences, newly tinted; 2 carllnea; J2T.50; key
on premiaea 612 Hancock. Main 2484.
NEW, beautlfuly furniahed flat for rent;
modern: fireplace, sleeping porch, new
furniture. 774 Lovejoy. near 23d.
HOLLADAY Addition Modern 6-room flat:
walking dlatance; low rent- Phone Main
3204; C 2793. -
NEW flat, 4 rooma plenty af steam beat,
hot water, corner loth and E. Morrison.
Phone Tabor 1$,
FOR RENT Swell flat, upper half fur
nished. Cor. 22nd and Kearney. Marshall
MODERN five-room steam heated flat.
Phone E. 5046.
5-ROOM flat, all modern conveniences. E.
ISth and Ash, ynone rj amo.
5-ROOM flat, very reasonable to permanent
tenant. Phone East 4767.
4-ROOM flats, new, close In; $20 month;
U carllna. Eaat 4702.
MODERN 5-room corner flat: good attic
and basement. 473 7th at.
6-ROOM upper flat. 7684 Irving, near 28d.
Key at corner grocery store.
5-ROOM flat, bath, furnace. 598 Salmon;
key, at 600 Salmon.
NEW, modern 6-room flats. $27.50 and $30,
549 East Ankeny.
JUST one more of those J-iandsome flat, at
248 y, Kllllngworthave. ; rent $25.
NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished
flats, modern. 568 Market.
SWELL modern 6-room .lower flat, $30;
adults. 789 E. Yamhill St.. near 23d.
4-ROOM flat, bath, gas. range, hot water,
light, clean, reasonable. 4124 Second.
FOR RENT Vacant modern S-room flat
$:10, 711 Kearney. E. 2621.
LOVELY four-room flat: furnace; rent $19.
East Sth. B 1404.
MODERN 5-room upper flat: adulta 168
East 15th. near Belmont.
SIX-ROOM upper flat- 782 Johnson. Main
NICELY furnished 5-room flat, piano, OS
canine, v.xtc .m.
UPPER 5-room flat. 47JV4 W. Park; modern.
inquire .pe r.r. .v.
Housekeeping Rooma.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marahall; fur
nished for housekeeping: gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 per month up; a clean place, best In
the city for the money; short dlstanci
from Union Depot, Take "8" or 16th-at.
cara north, aet off at Marahall St. No dogs.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooma, suitei
. i r.i n l.ti.H 11 ner
Ot two, oa I 1 -- ' . - . ' . ,
week each. Bolmont Apartments, .450',.
rolinoiit. .i-
$150 TO $2.50 WEEK: clean, furnished
housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 4U6 Vancouvei
J,ve. and 2034 Stanton; talte U car.
inc. .1 1 r. i , .
35n4 Morrison, cvl, . ............ uu
furnished apts. for quiet people; elevator,
steam heat, all conveniences: beat location.
3504 Morrison, cor. Park; furnlsned, un-
461 EAST MUKIIISIW. cor. i-a.i. oui. w.u
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, rea
FURNISHED housekeeping suites, very de-
alraDie. mu e "
a on. -can rwm -.
wniTKiCKKEPING rooms In naw concret
H2HiBKrS?on. woodlawn 2997 or 2379.
ADESIRABLE front suite, suitable for two.
mMi.rn. Ol -V. AULU ...
Honaekeeplna- Booms In Private Family.
SPLENDID large front room; rare view.
nolnt: neat, n " 1 - -" - - -
... D.r month; moderate rates by week,
W car from Union Depot; walking dis
tance from North Bank or to city Proper.
675 Couch. N. E. cor. 18th, ona block north
of Washington.
THREE or four completely furnlahed houae
ln - . .i-n-. .trlctlv mod
ern" piano, rireplace. alao aouth front
housekeeping room, alcove; reasonable. 4.5
TWO connecting nicely --
,35 .STrS ca7. -765 Conuner-
ctai ai. r-imnp - - .
ONE or two nicely furnished.
nTbatha ,West aide, walking distance.
Phone A or-ia.
CHOICE housekeeping rooms, ?lB
double, iron. ----r .-v. ,-7,1,
and $18: every convenience. 16 13th.
FOR RENT-, nice, clean h-jLf:
nSSTm: close in" 487 W .- Everett st.
near East gtn. rnona a
NICELY furnished h".S'n1 "?: 'ti
conveniences. ru"
Ella st. fro cnnoreii.
SUITE completely irn. "-.--.-'S
rooma; gas, oam.
,,, . v cheerful lower 2-room corner suite;
CLEAN, cneeri". i.-,,i. Call after-
reasonaoie. "oa Modern house.
noons, ji
HOUSEKEEPING and infje roomj; ftgi
US!!!r- 29 WllllamS ave.
BNIBHED houaekeeplny rooms, heat. gas.
fi7 North 14th at
CLEAN, completely furnished bousekeep-
in k rooma ;
Montgomery. -
AUTIFULLY furnished houaeKeepmg
niip 2 or more rooma as desired, in mod-
..... .tj-r. 1. if 111 -4 A S'ilQ
rn comer urn. oe-?i -t-
HREE modern furnished housekeeping
rooms, H block from Olda, Wortman A
Kin. 170 10th at.
. . . er a VT -T.t mlsharl h nil ulri4ri1 n w
fLUAOni" a.. j-. .. , v ,
ower floor. offQ Eaat aurnsiae.
SUITE two large sunny rooma and kitchen.
429 MarKei. a vrv.
TWO desirable front housekeeping rooma.
walKing QiBiancc. 01 -g-"
- . - 11 1- a- furtilaliarl Vtni1a.lraar.lna
rooms; gaa. bath; $16 month. 692 Front.
FINE 3-room suite, sunny and clean; mod
ern conveniencea. n" i "vuti
TWO clean furnished housekeeping rooms,
33 r-ionn itn, "" vtajuiti.v.
TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath. gas. phone. $24. S12 Colombia.
TWO nice dry housekeeping rooma In baaa
rnent; 9 wep. ioi
SUITE of 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms, lower rioor. -vov xa,mnm.
THREE or four apartments, furnished.
FeUwooa u. . -
NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished
housekeeping rooma, mwicrn. aoa juarite-u