OCTOBER 4. 1911. 17 r TTTE MOTtXlXO OREGOXIAN. WEDXESDAT, r!Tr . I TA FTmiNGE. ! FOB RENT- " WAN Tr.P-MAI-g. J RUt ehttm. ! zz-:- I a, 1 For hale trm. , I . . . - c, t - t, D. A 1 unUC A well-built, comfortable T-roooa house with full-aira Iota 4 block, from , rax. jo nliKtM from ew town: Beaotifui laws. piH EDg'leh nnm. hdl.. r.r. re end Import 1 ir.tbMT, a wMh n.v. thla year prodacwl aeer.l K..lrl Aol'.arw wort -f '""' J barn -its ,r.rti in ay la k aeej far garage: lals P' UiL wbJB la Bow being p4"d W !.,l5!" . .Mrt 4..I.U:. of thla property. It Ilea oVpoett. a "- ft drwt..r leading to Tri bouful of our city para., the my -.11 aa ep.no. a large 1 ,.r.r fnpra.ms tula par.. MMi.-m-n ropr,,.tiur? jr. r.M far aa r..M.n-ee; 11 yra Improvu, and baaullfylns tneae ground, and th.y m" " MaJ ecot for a home: r-eslrf-s which the Kcont of ta. r.pllr .ahan ''' la this pejruealar .iclnlty. rTVcs only ..- MO. w,jr.Ir,r; TRUST CO. LanrtKarmana BUlav. ell. and Btarll. CHOICX8T FART OF IRVMGTOS. Krfn pctrsta ts1aeB-e 'r ' Ftr.p aa, haMooa floors and atalr ..... larga p al.g.ass windows ""; kaadaoma lighting .tar.a aaelr4 aia-lr.-r.rn. 4,.lDf-ro. ulp.. sleeping p-rra. -all bad. "7";Vr arr.n.'d BltrAe-.. bullt-la tr'' ', aee-llft !.. fu:i attlr and basement, kraaa yaranda. madam garag": BsrTwana.d by ti.. Bn.st P-erea Ingu... Jl.t a.d T.l .moo. Ojplaa Jy ewaer; a. agenta 411 Seat Hat .traal Jsnk. Pttaaa East KOTHINO TX)W!. rta -rra aaod.ra han.alo wlih e-verr eoavani.nra. -KMn l'h f alin-r l-Tiloa aa. or A.bart cara. la araoa dia- "t-o Una mil. horn., -hlrh will only a a:d I. rrapoaatb.. p.p:. ll. tarma of I M rnoatri.y. mrladln. Inf.f.1. Tha an. of th. lot La "il"" At tha prW W J-0 and tha larma th. Pun Uata ! I.KT-M A WITWER A ISSa. M' l'hjatr of Commrc-'. KAM.K.r. bun.alo-. oa eoro.r ' 1 1 la attrli-ra a.-tloa of Rot. Ci'y ,rr'1 aaaytlf'il lllni-ronn aitaodin fu.l l.n.ttt of kaaaa. ita lar.a firaplaa. thr-a bi r.tr. twtcb bltcnaa, t.m.nt baaawi.nl and fom.r.. Una lawn -lib lar.a lr.. mm iCX hlcb lr.c!od" rarpta. flra-r-r a..d ran..: To ra.h. '"r!I; ferAltlat.r A L-uoddaasaaa. Kit Elaetrle blda -rn.-r t.rivT t.fvT. Vb PROPCRTTt IP TOU dJ A - . . . . w -r. , av-V i' a "-'.r;,...,ii ; X "7; -T-nr-ral-T. IK'S fRfMjrjWABtyOTOW BUD, rilANci TO IKfROVt lorn PROP KRTT WITH A HIHl PLAT OR APART-MEvTi tT ILL riSASCm IT AT A f'w K ATB CP INTEREST; PLAN pCiirHcS : T WILL JI0 TO COM L AND TALK TH1 OVER. J. . ATR1NB. ARCBIT PT A.Nl Bl."ILXaV HENRT BLtKk . AS IRxnVUTON t. arVw I'M eora.r of Praaoa at RoOM HOVhK IRVINOTO" Too- bta. -lib trmall caab payro.at. Mam ta j Taoa bids. w A1. 0 PT. HI S'JAl. . cwnatrwrladV r-.-p.a-o. fui-"!! A a.drooir. a.d alaaclnc port-h. eorr It tJ 1-5IOO. tr-at l-r.pro.fn.nl. paid . rtra or cotnp:al.lr rmahad IZm- t rart caah ind $ ar OWSOIh. (If rV-ard .f Trada Bid. . tb and OaA. a.NAi' OXLT .;. r-an-ly a-roo-n aaaaalo . rull nam.tit a.d alttr. Ilr.p.aca. .It. rl.ht up t '; 5L... t.nant -I I Pay t mo. rani . no. i.w lot. aaa oiocA la .r. cm. at a a., a'au ,i.h b.U 1 yaara: p"" rrtu-d 'o. aii. ....... . . . .2-- CI V.lAtlW K al'iru.i - ' ' " A ... A-r-Ta bana.o. f"-,."!'1': f.,4 --tai.al kaaaroanu . prum!n. k.. .i.:im. fi. loan. lot. of r.... on y; ata.1aa. r,-ar -ti; rrt-v. aai. UU. aaow caah and .u Pr nniMI A PADOW HIT Foa-1 of Tra.1. puir. - ROUS CITT PAHR. J CABH. o 1 i iiii tar. a llvlaa-room. dlaln.-raiim bJLaMdl aalJlai bailt'a b.ft aai -JSitailld Sa flaora. Datab kltabaa. J2A, 1 namaor .1 v " - Pboaa Main all IRVINtJTON BAflfIN. A flna t-ro-m hauaa. .trtclly mod.rn In ,..ry p.r.trlar. a b-drooma and alplr. p-h. IM. bio. !-. n "J r..r Knott. rn. ably UX. eaa" and Pr month. ORl-fl A tADOW. ttT Ploard of Tra-l. Ill.l. . -th and Cab t.T al.a la a boma a.ar affarod; aaa bl a ta- 1-ny Hark rax. oa 4 at. J, tr a .a ad aut rr.il l: aayai.at; balaaoa Uba rant It ,lZr, partiavilar tat. wUl auit fA "J. a. ATTCTX B.nry Bld. a.-, afi-ictlir mlra bun.alo a. 4 ,4 ra roadr for . In i:.-; aniall paymml . lika r.nl. I.I a. aaa- you tna bomaa. JkD. A. fl.to'K. t.tl A-.l-r .1 Main- aiau. r .u -aat a Ba. -ra -it houa.-. barn. rkl--a h.. alaa 'o.'iar. ail B-. on . .-d roa4 rloaa fa t.-n aad ral.road 0. Bilw .-aall pa.m.ni flr.B. ana n. ,or af 'rt.h rnHlill 'Wlllamotl. O..II I. . pr-To. ? If a, call at UmW p.eHara h'.l. . PARirlCR PAl.B. -lMri. 4. Mar. of .raand lib flna la-a a.ruhbory aad tr..a. and a ararly k Mo4.m aad onmforta- Z.. 1. iiroo -arm law, twvo ab bio. Imr ii:oo -on law. Iin bill haoil.a hta karyaln. r, rt't'H!. a- hn-r.l.r of tLomi irrca. wki.i. Iioxs 0 rooaaa. bard ood flntah. hard 00A Cora aa A"4 d.w a atatra til. batb. tl.. kK-'h.a ala" iara-r: ; do-a. llix-0 par roar Hnul bt K I4tb ar. I p !, .'. rh-iiKitti.ri m- t-tM-a. a r-Mm howaa. aaoO.ra rlutnhtn.. 1 tri. I'.hlA tuamrat lar.. lot. -four. fruit lr. gard.n. Ea.t Plda. ru-oa It-l-rl t:'0. TorwiA . J. Orlarr. fhamb-rr of Cwmaft .. ai 1 1 1 " " a ro-atn huo.a.o ahada. Broplar. roll rmnl baa.rn.iit. farna-. r.l. -ifd Mi on h..b r Tn aarklao. Priro tt.'.v 1 a'l blaraa I .f. , r a. ran .ana. tow. rfrrntw ' ' .atrlct : Boa ran.a and B.-aroa. f-O caab. t"" Aj Or-rroot-in. lir La "Voir A fa for Woat .Ma pomoa. 'V aa.rdaja taad. uailcr trrt.a. tio aad rowir fr rrop boat for aavona. m 1 ,ry aaai fio or. potalaoa. .tc. ; riv.r ra'l t r. .p.rtat W . . aothln. bott.r li-tr a.r.: o pri.o ua .MJ wa Lata .ata II t .ttcn aing.. iy nn .t. UK lro-ra W.at a !a elaa la. f mln-IpIoo- oar aarvtr-o boat of Boll, thta proporty Ba It a od taanal MnmMt; 9M. bad Bp; ..ay paymrata a. T rvovc. i.vc 4t i Board of T'.l. 1 TvJ Aii AN AC Rr. . 1 a'-ra or moro rkh. .11 atorod farnm aa4 fruit ian'L 3 atllra f-nm lia to-a aa R. R. and n.ar b.ar rart'anl. Pnar l.rma N.nhau..a A t'o. aaa.ra. lit lala IMi . Ath ard a. Al'Ht.t B T OWNER. Bart aaraa.a aa Aal.ra E.octrtr; doap. rtak. rtu'l atl: tti aril ta tracta ta awlt. -rary aa.y tanaa W. p. Pauor. Loa- a d Or. ; g TO It aeroa rua to oily on aa'.ra .I.e. trva Una runm. alar, only 1174 a. ra. Vanduya A Waitoa, .1 rbambar of Com-wior-ca IS AfRES. no bla b anil. blooka of dat-M. Ao youn. irp-a t r-o. Bit ktndo of Dorrt-a autbut.uln.a rhlra.na. bam bad II com hnoaa. Hut.. Tt.ard tr. W ACRr-ti 1 In ttoann. prunaa ard a arr.. ra roar, arplo troa. aiao t-Mota aa !-.. otll I ra. for a . or T-r-xiin bouaa to l-ortnd. Il Lumbar Kacriang.. (. lc-roa at aiatlon. ir...n t'lty Una. t'aa far., so ixkl; xMt raaidabda aii.a. 1. .1 rw.. for Quick aa.a. phoaa Maia J BOdt'C RIVER land Improvod and anim prom ad. to .srtian.. for P.rtaaU prop tyx I.omb.r Fla&an.a J I IT bo anid bofo-ra ooa todam. ao tk. r. A anllao aoutb of R amatn Pa"a; maaa ma aa ao.r. Room 3t'l H at:and rU.. AtHLAufc Bad laraa. Croak t .4. -1 .m . .p. lar.a aad ataall trata Call a.aa.y a tuaphar A31 J tramt frxc..o ia. )oH HAI.ll a aoroa. rlarad oa carina, aa couairy road- cr Bar. Phoaa C Ztll. rucvj fuM TRIE, ir B rlIID; Olj" lii.i-T.TIi.'i TOPI PROTCCTIOX. If . I, i ' ' i a .. I REAL ESTATT.. I I I J J i...H.mnti. I AX ACRE. RICH BOIL. REACT TOR THE FLANTINO. J and lo-aera tract., clrar. laval land that mrr had any trooa. .tump, or bruaa on It. Thi. land la raady for tha plo and planllna. tba drop, rich aoll tha flnrat kind of fruit, borrlaa. tia truck and fraln: .pl.ndld IT chlckaoa. cloa. to tha r-al marltrt. on tha t oaal; on Parino h.b-By and flnaal roada In tha atat. -hola l.l.phonra froa m.n 00 llvarr: lumbor and fu.l ch.ap; locataa In Kouth-ooiani Wa.hiO.ton. B.ar tna faatoat-.ro-ln. ton in tha atata. wltR tfcroa rai:roaf. alraady eomplatad; I ml.r. from drpot od only I mllaa from a c:iy of lO.ix.a, -til bo cloaa to olortrtc Una; o.ar tiO Uacta aald alnca May IS: tnl laaf farm Juat rut up and put on tha natkil. Thla land al l pay for Itaolf; no- bain. Bold at tha oponln prlra at KO and Ti)0 an acra. on aaay t.rma that anion, can hand I.. Call and ... -wll. photoa. ate. t foldrr talllna ) what tha Oovrrnm.nl ampart. aay anout thi. land, and maka arran.rant. to look at th.a tracta Our cu.tomar. com. from all parta of Or.on, Waihlng ton and oth.r atataa Wrtta for foldar. Wa ara awnara AMERICAN HOMK tfVE8T5 EST CO.. n.ra. l"l Chamber of Com more a. J THIS THAT IDEAL CMAIJ. PLACE TOl; ARE UwKISo fu Within ni.nut.a- aalk of th. Katacada Ptailoo aad aitlno th. to-a llmlta t -m-macda a l-autlful of tha 1 lackama. Va l.T and tha loan of fcatarada. Total placa comprt... 1 arroa all wall rloarad and und.r good cultivation axeapt traa than 4 a.-rr. . 11 rand -rom bungalow atyla bouaa alth prottr comfortabPo porch ir. flood f.nrM -rood wall, and twa-TBBT-o -l bearing patch of alraa r-rr1a of H arr. Clark and Magoon antlaa Pumltura In huH incluicl In tba aala. It I. now and co.t orar Sk Thrta inM row. .nd aboot Til enlck on. Inclu.lad. aa wall aa garden toaia. Implomrnta ate land la b-at of frail land, aurraund'nf n.i.nbora ara barry grower, oa larga KUr4 la beat of gardon aoll. veg.tabloa groan on thla jilea ara halac uad lor em'-lhlt purroBB In Portland. Oa.r la aelllng aad returning Eaat. and la making tba prlca right to laeliitato an aarle aa;a .. Prloa la IT!M. with good tatrma. all ra.h b.tter prt. .. Take O. W. P. c.r to Ka-.c.rla and aak for H'.ndlrh Broa. or writ, to ua for furth Information. CO l' TO LTLE ANT DAT. TIKI TUT BM TRAIN. SnRTH BANK BTATK"N irr TH a OREATEST TOWNFITE OPPORTfNITT OF THE W KPT. fir.E THE tiPl ENPIO REIIF:NCa LOT. AT I1M WITH CEMENT inr.WAI.K AND GRAV ITY WATER WORKS. PEE THE ai-I.rvniD FU HINEB8 orptiRTCSITIEB. PON-T I.Ot-ATE AST PLACE NTH. TOC PEE LT1.B. RETCRN HOUR T ti P. Ji. C1RCI LARH ON REQ1TST. KEART HI' M A BON A JEFFERT. DEALER IN LAND. -ECON1) FLOOR CHAMBER Or COMMERCE BLDO. TOVR COVNTRT HOME. lt aa furnlBh you with a flnanrlnl Rlan for the punhaaa of your o-n oma. Wa hail tb. place that -111 pIhm you at our ralkenhera. here you can own with all modern farll Itiea a -city farm at country prlcea." where your property will produca thing, other than laxee and arroet aee.aem.nta. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co. 20J COT belt bldg. t ACRES IN TOWN 10 PKR MONTH. The owner neede tha monry and will aetl thla acraa at your o-a tarma Tha aoll la a rich aandy loam, emcelicnt for m.g.tahl.a. berrtee and fruit. On the main line- of the a. p. and within walking distance of tha Oregon Klectrlc. Flna -al.r at from 1 to 2 foot. Juet out of to-n. thua cutting tha tain In l-o. Wa Bill .ho- thi. a acre, today. Frli-a prr acre. P . WERT. ft Ry E. Bid... mark PI.. Portland. t0 TOU WANT ACRES? B arrea: ne . modern houaa. Juat com . pl.t.d. Ith el-trlr llghta telephone and wat.r plpd Inlo houae: near carilna and only B" m'nutee from PoalorTlce. A bar g-ttn at B"l.i. or will eiiodl-rtde. Very i.iu. c.ah paymeul and aaay tarma. Call Mil a 1 wo. J TEOJ BLDO. 1E INt-EPENPENT. ONTS-THlRU-Ai'IlB TRACTS. Water plied to each tract, all cloa red. lar high and alghtly. aplandid aoll. T block, of good rah. within 4-ralle circle. 2 minute. ride lo'rnt.r of Portland; price I ".'". tin down. 110 par month. Call for C. tl. Rea.en. HI T NOW tT CHAPIN A HERIA1W, Member, of Portland Realty Board, l.ij-'llt Chamber of Commerce. ol Rm VIP1NO PROPOH'TION. over r-o acres cixe to port i.axp. n.mRu: r. r. cr(sf.-i PLACE. THE S"ll. I.-t THERE. THE W ATER IS THERE. THE MARKET l THERE THE J-RICE I RIC.HT. ITT INTO TRACT YoC CAN MORE THAN p.. PLE ToCR MONET. LET MB SHOW ycf. 7.1MMERMAN. 110 BOAR D OF TRAl'E FLXXJ.. COR 4TH AND OAkv fT I MCST HAVE MONET. ' Will aacrlrtce t2t,H per aero on B acrea adjoining tha city llmlta oa Wa.t Slda A mortgage la on the property, falling duo eoon. Thla tract t. hign. sightly: all tn cultivation. Joining Tend la actually a-lllng lien tl"t to lSo per acre. My prlca t. BnO; moat y caah. Tou ara dealing direct with owner. Will aat give my rams for kuslnea re aeon a. 4U, regoBiaa ONE ACRE NOT ENOI H. gjaoo ill buy 10 acrea. one-half la rulilmatlon. right ow Ba'em Cleetrto. 45 minutea of city; amaM parmant do -a. IA an acre for lit a.-rea within It rnli.e of pcrtland. wltb V.1 acraa In cul iniiloa. Tha T.ry beet of agricultural U011" J M. FRENCH A CO.. 41T 4' Ab'ngton B'dg . I ".- Thrt-d Pt "FIVE Al-IEa----cYTrw"ATF.R fTIPEPI. Near end of rtoaa city Park carllne. Baady road and Columbia boulevard; t.l .ohooe and electric liable arallabla. fran- rhlee let aad city cariln. Ill bo etend- ert. anil la deep and rich; rlaw auperb. k-a thie for a future home ar Inreef- an.nt. Prt co on'y llina: tit take 2rj0 aa flret ra-rment. A J aaa. Or-.. onion It w ACRES of rhou-a cleared '.and with trie Oregon Ele-Crlr running through the c.n'er; ground i:npl g-ntr to ard. a .ood crek. lea lietl Ponlend and Itnl.ooro; prvra tl3.,,o. B-VlfO caah. baL for a -r.a-a at i p.r cent WESTERN aEiTRITIER CO.. 14 Spa ding Bi le. FINK LITTLE FARM and hlgMr Impro-etL 12 mrr. from cctirt bouaa In Prt.and. In tha Beaverton coun try; a p'.a.-a where ou not only maka a good living, but money bealdea Prlca g-y.M: term. we nave very attractlva email farm, around Portland. Sea ua F. FVCHS. 42 I hamber of Com np .rca. M n. NEW. (Ill ER. Only a ema'f pavm.nl do a and bal ance oa your own t.rBia at a per cant for the ftreat aeeortmeal of acreage ta bo found In en-agon. pon't fail to tn-ieetl-gata Bee Mr. Ituret at Hartmaa A Thomp son Bank. 4th and Stark aia : Bl'T 14 acrea dp rd .Mot aoll adaptod to fruit and aecetablee; all amooth and tillable: no rock; ood and wat.r: rloaa ta ecnooi. 1 ortorrica and .tore: within eaer reach of Portland and t-e cheapeat lanj oa I ha markeL til couch bug.. I th at. 1h PT'TS acre tn cultivation. 2 hlocke to car. T Si -cent car fare, electric llghta. wa ter piped to arc ander preaaure. Tarma $20 do a t-0 monthly; fine soiL a. IV. vA. Or.. on Ian. " BEAVTIFVL ACRE WITH ti HAND VIEW. Within the A-mlle circle, good ater. rich aoll. bl.hlv cultl-rated; ciooa to cltv r.r In.. So fare. o--.'i; - 1 1 1 take 1 10O aa brat paymert. A J 44J1. Oregonlan. ACRE In full bearing orchard, rloaa In. near cite llmlta and Occoa Electric; B-cant fara I-rtoa tauo. tluo caalu 414 Couch blrg. 40 ACRE rear I.v: Wean.; 2.1 acre, cleared, boueo. h.ra. pleaty water; el"o p- r a aa. AiS 4.-L Oregon laa. B DOWN AND 114 MONTHLT Will buy 10 acrea rich Tualatin Valley fruit landa. ackno louged by B-tperta aa tha beat In tha tat.; adjoining land, actllng for .-m an acra and wa ara aeklng only to aa avers, oa tha above aaay tarma PACirlC JT. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 4n9 Couch bldx. CHICKEN and Bruit raneb.ee bear Partland; walklac dlataasa to good town: rnanlna .liar. Ha t aoll, fraa wood, aplandid frail diet riot: ylaw of Columbia Rlrar and ano 1 aorea. :5: B acraa. : IB ivcrsa. (Itt, It par sant oaan. aaay ay aaeaia; other trasta aaar railway atausa. il to tt par acra FRANK M'FARLAND REALTT OOa III Taoa Bldg.. Portland, Or. " Far BkUsHamaataanw. ADVANTAGES of Oregoa; 100-paga book glvaa tba amount of oovarnm.at land oV-a ta bomaatead la each county la Ore- en. Waablaatoa and California and de .rip Uoa cf aama; gtvee -bomeatead, aaart. tiro bar. atona. coal and mineral ' -ra; two maps of Oregon In colora . -t-lB: ons showing R. R. IB eparatloa a- I ans ahow lag R- B- prcrpoaed and raar oonatruo tlon. Inci-idlcc Eaatara aad Central Or fon- book !4; map. foe each, or tha hrea. BOc: map of California, la colora tlxta. tM. bilmmo, Runay Cs Baaa- Hon bldg. ' RELINvjI'IBHMEN"T. Ino-acro atook ranch, tiio; garden, chicken., toola; S mile, from railroad. John Hoover. Eddyvllle. Or. - . For Hals Fran lap da. BEAR1NO FRI'IT RANCH WITHIN FIF TEEN MINVTEoV WALK FROM ESTACAPA STATION, gnd overlooking the town of Eatacada and the Clackamaa Valley, ws bavs a Boa 61 acrs fruit ranch. 4S acraa under Una coltlvatlrm. Land conlatne atraam. and S eprlnga Ciood 8 -room bouaa. not counting pant nea i, od barn RO-tSa ft. Hood woodaned. Prune dryer lea. than t -reara old. coat B'V; IKV-box capacity. Over 40 bearing Italian prune treee. IB years old. 100 petlta prune tree. In bearing. S Silver prune treee In bearing. 2-i bearing appl. lr.ee, commarcial rletl-va Bearing cherry trsaa. Rearing quinces. Rearing black walnuts. Etcetera. Thla one of tha baat place In thla sec tion, and tha owner la not aelllng out and leaving but la reeer-rlng the bslanre of me rleca of which thi. I. part and going Into rule railing on bigger scale. Pries I way below surrounding value., but tna owner -ants to maka early aale and get a good live ocl.hbor. P-lcs BliO per acre wlta good lerma . Take O. W. P. car to Eatacada and sea it at ones, or writs for futtbsr partic ular, to BTANn.rirr photherb. Estacada. Or. HOOD RIVER BAROAIN. . 1ft acraa of Una orchard land on ma cadam road only about 8 ml'ea from to n In FAMOIB HOOP RIVER VALLET: part under cultivation. balanca eaally cleared- all good land. A genuine bar gain. A beautiful homeelte. and a chanca of a lifetime. B100O caah and aaay pay ment, on balanca A n . vre.on..... FORCED SALE Ooa of the "--.".' young orchard. In Hood River Valley. Nothing better aa a permanent Inveatmenl or a .peculation, aa It la rapidly grow ing m value. Will hear eloseet Inveatl gatlon. A email amount will handle. For aala by own.r. Principal, only need ap ply. AV nto. I're.oni.o. 3H-ACRE oomm-rclal apple orchard. sPlt enb.rg and Newtown treee. near Lyla. W-tah. AS 44. Oregonlaiv FOR SALE Eighty acre, fruit land; 4hrty In commercial orchard. J Hi, Oregonlan. For Sslc Farms. ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. ao acrea of A-l land. M acraa an der cultivation. SO acrea Una aaw timber, balanca of land .lashed arid Beaded: A-room, barn and outbuild ings. Una well, and good bearing orchard of assorted fruit; plars all fenced and croes fenced. This la fine black loam aoll. lies gently sloping to tha South. la on good main County road, close to electrlo line ana etatiou. im T . , T thickly Battled locality. This would maka a dandy platting propo. - . -ek- . .Ml-I. land 1. acl 1 - lion. I llf J"""" . - In tro-n aiov - . . . .V-.I..I. aacetne. and i nia is a ri u . - - , mut ha sold at onca Ths pries I. trtnoo. Ith terma This placa must be aeen to ba appreclautd. BRONO-8TEEI.E CO . tlround Floor Lewla Bldg.. 3.171, Oak tit. Farm Dept. LAST CHANCX FOR HOME6EEKERS. Moat notable ranch In Sacramento Val lev Juat being cut up and Bold In '' tract, under .rrtg.tlon: rich river -bottom eoi &n fret deep; ha. producd 40 bushel, of wheat er acre for half a century; land Ilka thla under gravity Irrigation ran never be bought In California again at guru low price; ail ths water you ran use; every fruit and vegetable of tha fnlted Htatea growa to perfection, orangaa aix w-eeke earlier than I-on An geles; acre alfalfa yields 12 tons, aup porta cow. and hog.; wa furnish all the eowe you ant at cost without In ters.! for half your monthly cream check; creamery wagon ylelta your door, land cheap. looo acraa .old last three week a Easy t.rma LOU MOUND UAND COM PANT. Laa Mollnoe. Cal. HERE'S VOI R CHANCE To get a no-acre highly Improved farm only IS mllee aou! of Portland and near 8 P. R. R. : BA scree under cultivation. 10 seres slashed, ba! In fir and ce-dsr timber; fine soli, plenty water for Irrigation; good B room houae, large nsw bsrn and other kulldtnga family orchard: pries only 1100 par acra with Block and Implements: will take a houaa and lot a. part payment. Borne caah and the balanca to auit. Own era loo old and feeble to run aama. For further particulars regarding the above, as well as many other., call on th. realty dept. of C. F. PPXrOER A CO.. Suits II Mnlker bldg.. cor. 2d and Mor. FOR SALE Rsnch of 471 acraa. one mile below Redding. Shasta County. CaL, sn Aacramento River. ISO a-rsa finest Mack river bottom loam: will rats, earthing In qua. Hon; aoll 40 to BO feet deep; l-mile river front. :v-r asras rich rad upland, suitable for fruit, grain, alfalfa; Ideal for subdivision; tarma .ash. For particulars add re .a owner, bos ITS. R.ddlng. CaL FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. Wa havo choice farma of sll kind, and .ties and ran placa rha poor and tha rich according to their poehetbook on land whers yo get good value received. Iieat of refereneee furnished, p. pvcHB. 42Q Chamber of Comm. rca FARM FOR PROFIT In Eaaiera North Carolina, the "Natloo'e Garden Spot": leada other localities for vegetable fruits sod staple farming on amalt capital; h.vrace.k.ra and Investors, writs Carolina Trucking Dev.lopment CCa, 824 Southern bldg.. Wilmington, rv. v. X BEAl'TtFl'L place of B" acre. In th. lovely Tua'atln Valley. 17 mile, weal of Portland. 40 In cultivation: good prune nd apple orchard: very heat of aoi;, creek, sevsrai eprln.a; bouaa; oven Irs fence, etc. 163 per acre; worth tl&u. Wm. Flso'lo. laurel. Or. FOR aale oa reasonable tarma -40 acraa up land, all level; 12 acraa In cultivation, bal sncs pasture: big six-room house; big barn: ao bearfig fruit treea; good well aad running -rater; class ta school a.d good town Whits to John Wan. Loaa. Wlnlock. Wash YAMHILL COUNTT FARMS FOR BALE Larga and small tracta. suitable for general farming, grain, bay. fruit, hope, dairying, eta: about 40 miles soutkwaat of Portland. Or. Call ar write for arias iit. w. E- Kidder. Carlton. Or. jjesT 5'V-arr. farm In Multnomah County; anely Improved; good buildings; 10 acres fruit and bertiee; only B miles from cen ter of Fort-andu Kaata Bros., fiob Henry bldg. STOCK V UN' INVESTIGATE. $13 per acra for a fine 102u-acrs stock ranch In tha Willamette Valley: has to bs seen to be sppreclated. sr. FCCHd. 4-t Chamber of Commerce. I II vVC a Brest bargain In g farm 40 mlire from Portland, furnished house. Block and implements. P. K. Enebo. 41tS Henrybldg iTi"." PER "acre Tualatin Valley good farma on I'nlted Rya. IS miles from Port land, sd loins echaol; 1AO acrea or half. 614 Couch bWt. RANCH 0 acraa with buildings. 14 mllaa from Portland, near electric line: bargala for all caah. by o-Bor. 13 Morrlaoa at- FOR SALE 61 acrea Improved. $3000. 1 mllee from Yamhill; easy terms. AV Bla. Oregonlg- BEAUT1FTJL 9 ACRES SH MILES OUT. This Is sn gxceptionally choice country horn. There are P acrea all In high stats of cultivation, lies perfectly, no rocfc or gravel. Good Vrooro house, large barn, lota of outbulldlnga Vary choice bearing orchard. Including all kinds of frult. Thers are nice grapes and lot. of berrlea if you de.lra a nice homo cloaa In. with good view, nice ah. da. with pleasing and attractlva envir onment. It will pay you lo Investi gate thla property. The price la only J.13U0. and will put In the fol lowing srtlclea: Cow. A tons hay. rske. plow, harrow, mower, culti vator, disc, usgon. csrrlage; Jus ,' By miles from city llmlta of Port land, on level, hard surfaced road. HARGROVE SONS. 122 2. Bth Kt-. Cor. ath and Gliaaa. Mala AotU. A-.20&. LARGE FARMS FOR SUB DIVISION OR DAIRYING. M seres, mostly In a high atata of cultivation, located 2 miles from Portland In tha Wlllnmette Valley, right In the .uhurli. of a city of S000. All be.t of .oil for garden, grain or fruit. Place ha. largo house and barn, and spring ater piped to building.: also furnishes power "enough to oper ate an electric light plant which fuml.he. light, for ths bulM Inga The barn has .tall, for Sll head of cowa and 12 horses. The place la one of the best datrv farma near Portland, or la suitable for eiibdlvlalon Into a. acre tracts, a. there Is plenty of water for Irrigation. Price t.11.noo. Terms can ba arrsnged. . RALPH ACKLET LAND CO. 170 Fifth St., oppo.Its Po.toffico. lm ACRES M00. ONLY 1 MILES FROM PORT LAND ON ELECTRIC LINE. To .etlla sn estste we will sell a loO-scre farm located lSv, miles from Portlsnd on the Oregon Electric csrltne. land 1. a nne lo.my .oil. 20 .ere. In cultivation. 10 acre open pasture Isnd and ths balanca fir timber which has never been a cut over. Thla timber alone should be worth the price ask ed for the placa There Is a fair B-room house, bam and out building., and a good- orchard. This la a n.p at the price, be ing wlihln easy driving distance from Portland and about 40 mlnutss' rtde on the car. Price .'.f0. RALPH ACK1.EV LAND CO. 10 Fifth St., opposlto Fo.toffles. WHAT A SACRIFICE. AO seres deep Ipem ground. ftO seres in cultivation, balanca timber and pasture, ail fenced and ciosa fenced; nice rolling land: good 7-room house, good barn, chicken house and outbuildings; spring water the year round; 2.1 tons of hay and several buahel of oat. and wheat In hriv S good horses. 0 good cowa 1 heifer. - head hogs. M0 chickens, all harneaa, wagona. plows, cultivator. 1 disc, sll Im plement, and toola cream .operator and brooder. Thi. pises I. 47 miles from Port land in Willamette Valley. 8 mllee from n r and town; close to good school, on R. K. D. ; telephone and milk and cream route; Join, one of the finest big farma In the .late; Ju.t thing, for 'very, thing, price BS100: can make good tcrma CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. (130 Railway Exchange. Ith and btarK. A GREAT FARM FOR LITTLE MONET. 12-MILE CIRCLE TO POSTOKFICE. 13V acres. 10-mlnute walk to Electric atatlon. .tor.-., church, high school, etc.. In very thickly .ertled. prospcrou. CONm?nlTo PER ACRE INCLUDING Buildings worth over i!S stock worm over - Household furniture worth over ! Hay, eta., wonn over - 18 acres timber (.tumpaga) worth 1 -1 " l over ,-ft , i--,a worth over - to1' Improvement, worth over S32t EXCELLENT SOIL A LITTLE BEA VER DAM. FIGURE IT OCT FOR YOURSELF. Will offer Inviting term, for quick aala Forced to 4lL Owner. AC 47 L Ore gonlan BIGGEST FARM SNAP EVER OFFERED. 140 acre, on both ratlrosd snd river transportation, les. than $3 mile, from Portland. Over half of thla 1. under cul tivation and there Is on ths placa a 6 room house, barn and outbulldlnga noo worth of crop haa not yet been harvested. The .took include. 3 horse., ft cowa 14 hoga and 2ou ehlckena There Is sleo I11'W)0 -orth of etumpage. It Is a down-hill hsul to transportstlon. This farm ba. been on the market be fore at lio.otw, but the own.r MI ST sell at ones and will take oX snd glva term. Thi. will not last long and 1. one of the best bargain, that has aver been advertlaed In thla paper. ' MIX MARSH. Mrmbera Portland Realty Board, linn Teon Bldg. Marahall S3"t. 1W.0 ACRES. $10 per sere; 150 bottom land. In cultivation. oOO level, aeattering oak So good aaw timber, balance hill and bench: good fruit and pasture; w.ll watered, fenced: old building. : ne.r large town, railroad and aehool; thlg la splen did .lock, h.v .nd fruit ranch. In- West era Oregon: tll.ooo cash. bsl. per cenu T 4. Oregonlsn. EXCELLENT farm snsp. Party in town. BIT Hamilton ping, n. n. can. TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE Large roomlng-houaa. steam heated. elns.-in location with good lease, for B room house and lot; value S'm. nn-UTF.Il INVESTMENT CO.. Aia Yeon Bldg "th Alder. IRRIGATED LAND. Acreage under tha beat Government Irrl .,(., nmnoaltlon In the Wilt to x anange for Income property In Portland. MIX A MARSH. ln Teon Tilda. Marshall 1JJ. wavTEP To btiv modern unincumbered residence In Portland, not to coat over .',.aiu. from private party, wno will ac ccpt developed lo-acre orchard aa pay metM. K 412. Oregonlan WANTED To buy bungalow of 5 or rooms, from owner wno win taae in ex change commercial lO-acre orchard In high clftea district. Must bs unincum bered. H lw. t'regonian. r.mm B-room house tattle and basement!: walking distance to Postofflre; snd fine Irvlnxton lot and gooa paper to exenango for huelneee lot. farm or acreage. AH 473. oregonlan. ACREAGE FOR TRADE 1 have aome fine Improved aors tracta near atatlon on ealem Electric; will ac cept city property. iaxarre. -om merlcal bl.H-k. 8-ROCM modern cottage; Be ear fare; will exchange for grocery, cigar, confectionery or roumlnx-house np to (1400. Call 3l3 Lumbar Exchange. WANTED to exchange tract of fine orchard land In Hood Klver district for unen cumbered residence lot. In good neighbor hood. E 400. Oregonlan. . f HAVE 13 lot., clear of Incumbr.nc., on Willamette boulevard; want house or stfMik merchandise for one or all. Box 2oa. St. Johns, or. WILL lake a good auto aa first payment on an ei-room bungalow b.lng completed on F-. 7th at-. N. of Sandy road. AK 489, O rex on lan. STOCK In Portland Mfg. Co.. now- running at full capacity: will exchange for unin cumbered property. Jaa Ferguson. 2HI Worcester bldg. 2u-HOOM roomlng-hou-M: on Vamhlii. wttuln S blocks P. O. : will take house and lot as part pnvmcnt: good U-aac owner. L 4 . 3, urt evquo. INVESTORS. 1A)U- a .action wheat land, wheat fields sur rounding, fenced. , sec. wheat land. 60 fenced. Win TJmatllla Irrigation ditch survey. a. mec. Harney County, irrigation as sared. survey R. R-. fine alfalfa land- nj aec Harney County. Silver Creek. Valley. Irrigation soon, futurs town.ua. survey Hill Una. bottom land. H aec.. Lake County. Warner valley, within Irrigation, volcanic aoll. aurvay Lakevlew si tension. 200 aoea. Moslsr Valley, close In. 0ns springs. Irrigation ditch crosses twice, good road, electric Una In futurs: soms Improvements; exchange any or all for for good city property, or sell on tsnna. P 448, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 40 acres of Irrigated land under Gov tent ditch, that can ba had on easy arnm.nt ditch. lerma part cash and soma traae K EASE Y. HL'M ASON A JEFFERT, 2S2 Chamber of Comm.rco Bldg.. . Portland. Or. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR EXCHANGE 7 We nave farms for city property. Several llnea of paying business for real e.tata. Income city property for acreage. Hou.es and lots for farms. Over 00 good proposition, to aelect from, P. S. Only a few of our bargain, ara advertised. Call at office for lull particu lars. GARLAND at BAR9NE9. 191 4TH ST. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. NO MONET REQUIRED.' Will trada my equity of .1o00 In 2S acrea of orchard land worth 8S500, cloaa to town of Hood River, for good chattel mortgage of equal value. About aeven acres of this placs undsr cultivation. AC, 4B. Oregonlan. BO-ACRE farm adjoining thriving town In the Willamette Valley; all hlgh-claaa bot tom land; IS acrea of young orchard: everything in line condition: largo 10-room house; electric light and power on place: will take Portland- real estate as part of purcha.e price. Call 4.14 Spalding bldg. DO YOU WANT A SNAPT Flrst-elasa apartment house; long lease; netting tUiO per month: price Ko00. will take city lot. or clo.e-in acreage unen cumbered. E. P. KING, 213 Chamber of Commerce. t n viy:ta' RITN'GALOW 7 rooms, all modern: tine Bleeping porch, oak floors, built-in buffet, beamed ceiling. m tan take giod lot or acreage for first payment, balance Ilka rent, Trow brldse if Btephens, 702 Board of Truda RESTAURANT with 8 furnished room.. West Side; lease: seats R0 people: clear. 82oO month over expense.: will trade for a good lot not too fnr out: will pay dif ference If any over 11300. Call 303 Lum ber Exchange. WANTED To exchange first-els... Reming ton typewriter for second-hand cash reg ister. Call at 7J Bth st. 240 ACRES wheat land near Heppner. In cultlvstlon; will trade for house and lot Portland. AD 4SI. OregonlerK IS ACRE3 full-bearing prune, near V.n eouver. Winh.; will trada for house and lot In Portland. a. ... urriwnan. CLOSE-IN acreage. 1.1000. to exchange for , I . V.Ama An Itn Or.' - rnnmnu nmiania ' 1 " - - gonlan. WILL exchange 2 lota for a grocery .tors up to $1500; desirable E:iat Side residen tial lots. Call 80S Lumber Exchange. X WILL trade equity of 20O4 In fine Vi Mock 3 hlocke from postofflce. St. Johns, for merchandise. Box gos. St. Johns. Or. WILL trada 40 acrea of Irrigated land near Bend. Or., for acreage near Portland or city property. 7S4 Corbett at. Main 5174. TO EXCHANGE a bearing orchard of six acres for Portland city property. George But.. Mdford. Oregon FOR farm exchangea bualnea. chancea or rooming-house., call on ua Northwest Realty Co.. BIT Board of Trada bldg. EXCHANGE Walla WalTa acre tracts for lot. In Portland. Will glva or take dlf ferencc, M-. 873 E. Oak. TWO good bufiding lots with fruit trees! trade for equity in residence. W. E. T., 437 chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange. S-.tory unfinished building and big lot cloae in; value. 8600O. AH 4oll. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange, good aecond mort gage; 130O. AJ 4o9. Oregonlan. GASOLINE FERRT. doing good bualneea George Hoffman, owner. Columbus. Wash, DIAMOND to trade for booka, aheet music, furniture, lot. 430 Worce.ter bldg. Bono COLUMBIA River Orchard bond, for B13H. See Davidson at 20ii l.ewla bldg. 40 ACRES. Vancouver, trade for city prop erty: g.-OOO; clear. 430 Worce.ter bldg. FARMS WAJfTED. WANTED Alfalfa ranche.; B000 acre, and 13.000 acrea in Oregon. Washington or Idaho; water muat ba In sight for Irri gation, otherwise not Interested. 150.000 acre, agricultural land. J. H. McKlbben, 717 Market L, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED T RENT FARMS. A GOOD ranch for dairying, furnished or unfurnished. Write or call. O. N. Kim ball. liJ jvoitn inn. JAPANESE want to rent good farm within '20 mile, of city. S. jr... 87 N. 6th .L, Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE, WANTED to buy a modern 6 or 7 room house from 2600 to 14000 value, will give preferred .tock In active Portland busi ness. Guaranteed 10 per cent income. Payable semiannually. B. 43.1, Oregon lan. OWNERS. I want bungalow, and houses In any good district; have clients for straight buy. others some cash snd trade. Aletcalf, 810 Iron bldg. Marsnall icio.-. WANTED West Side modern home; walk ing distance. G 461, Oregonlan. FOB BALE TIMBER LAN Pa. FOR SALE Option on four million feet timber, Jackson County. Oregon. For particulars address box 108. Stanfleld, Or. tTmber LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEN, 204 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. Vehicle Bta. ONE team bay marea, 2300 Iba. new harness, $20: these mares ara aound and trua, single and double. S and 9 years old; a good pair chunks: team chestnuts, maro and horae. 2000 lb.., new harneaa snd 8 sprlng wagon, team absolutely sound, both 8 years old and true In every way; price fnr complrts outfit $145; bay horse. 4 years old, weighs 1200 lbs., this colt In tha Pprlng will easily bring $250. our price BlSo; bay mare. 1100 Iba. 4 years old, aound and a good close-made chunk, the kind you can't wear out. this 1. a real bargain at 1140. Ten head of mules and 10 other head of horses also for aala All .tock from thi. bam will bs sold with a written guar antee to be as represented or your money refunded. Inquire of Portland Trust Co., whers wa bank. If this firm Is not re liable. Buslnoaa references also furnished. You posltlvsly take no chances In buying from us. as our guarantee is Iron-clad. Portland Stables. 15th and Couch sts. E. TV". Hagyard At R. L. Evnns. props. MICHIGAN BUGGIOES, RUSHFOKD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy either abova sea oar stock and get prices. Ws ars locatsd out side tba high-rant di.trlct and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why bay a eac-ond-band vehicle when you can est s new ons at about the aama prloa K M. WADE A CO. 822 Hawthorne Ave. ONE apan of mares, age B and 8 years, weight looo. city broke and in good con dition, price $100; one. epan of geldlncs. weight 2300, In working order, price $100; one 8-vear-old aaddle horse, weight lo, price $30; 3 cheap farm horaes from $H0 up. 2 slock saddles. $S: one new rubber- tired buggy. $q0. 270 East 7th St. 14 HEAD mares snd horses; good single and double workers, aound; 1 span mare. 3 and B years old. weight 2100, fat and aound. price $190; two wagon.; one buggy; 4 .et. of harneaa 247 East 12th elrcet, corn.r Madison. BLACK pony cheap for cash: make offer; to be seen at Frazler A McLean'a stables, cor. Taylor and 5th. T. S. Hewerdine, 83 fSrmver St., or phone C 2003. $40 BUYS good 110O-lb. horae. work single or double: ti'l buys good rubber tire buggy and harness. Phone Sellwond Ills. 24im"i-POI'ND tesm: true puiilers and aound, with new breaching ham..: thorough trinl allowed; price $13.1. 331 Second. WANTED Horutm in xchanne for unin cumbered town property. Call 4-1 Fail ing bMg- s5 WILL buy good t-arn of mares. 2400 lb 7 and S years old, sound, harness, m axon and plow. Phone Sllw-od 17tK. TWELVE hnrss and mares : positively must 8"11 by October 3 ; forced to move; price . $4 up. lid -it. 6 HEAD of cheap horses from $15 up. 14 I'nion av-e.. cor. Ash. FOR SALE Driving mare, busg and har ness. I'hoae E lvU. I WILL trade a good lot tor player piano. AG 4H7. Oregonlan. Automobile. CLEARANCE aale of new automobile at leas than dealers' cost. One 7-passener, -cyl!nder. 40-norae-power. $4200; our price $.750. One 5-passenRer, 4-cyHnder, .W-horae-power. $3150; our price $2400. One sS-passenier, S5-horsepower, $lBOw; or price $1250. One 7 -passenger, fore-door, 40-no rs em power, $3760; our price $2600. Two 7-pasaenger, open body. 40-norae-power. $3460; our price $2000. Remember, these cars are new. We aleo have several cars slightly used at prlcea far below their real value. These prices ar tor cash only; no trades considered. WESTERN AUTO MFG- CO.. 209 Union ave. No., cor. Holladay. AUTO $20 DOWN and $20 monthly. If you own house ana lot; 4-pass., 4-cyt., iu good condi tion ; will go anywhere, rain or shine; price $s-50; can be used as runabout; own er leaving Portland. See Jus. C Logan. Bl5 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE A Mitchell roadster, fully equipped; glass front, presto light tank, top, r.ew tires; can be leen at Kats Auto Co., 6th and Burnside; price $300. -.31 N. 23d. AUTO WANTED EXCHANGE 5 A. near Gresham, no encumbrance. Ixts. orchard bonds and cash for auto. SOI Swetland bldg. rnicnv em r iT.r RATTERT. Guaranteed for five years. ELECTRIC VEHICLE COMPANY. 1509 Yeon bldg. Phone Main a333. SNAP. SNAP. SNAP. 45-H.P-, T-pasfenger Rambler, good condition: cheap for cash or Installments. Owner, Dr. L. A. Wells. S07 Dekum bldg. FOR 8-LE or trade. 6-passenger auto cheap. Stalger Auto Painting Co., Covey Motor Car Co.. top floor. 7-PASSENGER Garford Studebaker, in good condition. Am leaving city; $42" cash. Phon Wood lawn 32S7. or C NEW garage Juat completed. Live and dead FOR SALE 1 Lane steamer, 7 passenger. 19 Oft model; price $000. Phone A 2025 or AM 4tt3, Oregonlan. .storage. Speedwell Motor Co., 29, SI, 83, 35 14th St.. cor. wucn AUTOMOBILES repaired at your home. 21 Eaat "8th st. North. Tabor 39 8. 6-PASSENGER auto for hire. $2-50 per hour. M. 777. A 30IW. FOR HIRE 7-paEsnger auto; $3 per hour. Marshall 830. A lO.i-i. IKygn. Birds. Pet Stock. WANTED English or Boston bull or Air dale 3 to 12 months, male. Good dispo sition essential. A 504. Oregoniari SCOTCH colli male dog 2 years old. thor oughly house broke. Phone M. 48o4. AIREDALE TSRRIREKa lor pats, sport -vaa ruards. Laddix Kennels. Esttcsdst. Or GENUINE Spitz pups for sale this week at 5261. Washington, near j itn m. FRESH Jersey cow. Ml E. 8"th; WW cr. Mlacellaneone. HOUSEBOAT. One of the most conveniently arranged houseboats on the river for sale at a bar gain price. MIX & MARSH. 1208 Yeon Bldg. Marshall S328. j r"8 RAIVrOATS. Genuine English gabardines, Priestley cravenettea; s.au xo .'t vnuci -'. $15 raincoats at $10; rubberized slip-ons, $10 values. $5. Jimmy Dunn, room 315 Oregonlan Bldg. Tane elevator. SPECIAL sale on sewing machines; slightly used; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. White. Domestic and New Home; some other nsw $40 machines now $27.50. while they last. B. S. 61gel, 335 Morrison st. WOOD Building going up on lot ner same is stored. in oraer ig handling we are selling tnis wrew . wood for $3.50 per load delivered. Port- land Wreck. n g Co. Mai n 37. A 37 o 6. RECEIVERSHIP SALE OF MACHINERY, T.sth.a- drill Dresses. shaper. motor, ghaftin-. belting, etc. Joi. J. Fisher, re ceiver. 214 Lumber- Kxcnange. 80 TONS hay for sale. Timothy and clover: acres of potatoes. 75 thoroughbred chickens. Will be sold cheap. Call East 1711. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND EAFE CO.. 85 Dth st. Mam &auw. a i.j.3. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Under wood, L. C. Smith & Remington type writera. see The Northwest Typewriter Co.. No. 00 Bth. at UK UaK rrintCBB Ul ColB ,1"" 42-inch. ovTtjl mirror, coat $40. will sell a. . s4.. v -tea XT' A aanr 11 . lv i n 17a- 1 KJ V Hi i j rv If your atove doesn't bake, there i . r . , . i i ma C at - sometning wrong i cu ai - - l a.4 1 All Ml orriauii. ruwa -a FOR SALE or trade for lot. steam hoist en gine, gasoline engine, air compressor sua air tools. Jizz M'nawK umg. OFFIFCE dtsk and chair, sanitary, and as good as new, cheap. l2l Board of Trade, wain iwi. FOR SALE No. 4 Underwood typewriter Sd at. HOME BUILDERS For sale cheap, four furnaces in gooa mnainon. -iJ,iy ur. D. H. Rand, 206 Swetland bldg.Main37&. FOR SALE Several pairs of Chinese and Japanese elaborately embroidered por tierea. Phone Woodlawn 2941, forenoons. KINDERGARTEN CHAIRS. TWO DOZE.V GOOD CONDITION: POSITIVE BAR GAIN. AM 4H7, Oregoniaiv I WANT a man to do some work on my yard In Rose City Park as part pay for a gooa puiming " co""in"- FULL-DRESS suit, nearly new; breast 36 $20. AC 447. Oregonlan. j POOL TABLE for aale cheap at 596 Al berta at. GOOD furniture of all kind for aale cheap. Phone Woodlawn 1725. 412 purchasing check. Graves Music Co,, $10. AS 4Srt. Oregonlan. HALL eafe. iised only a ahort time; will give terms. AP 24S. Oregonlan. FIRST growth fir cordwood $5.50 per cord, phone Marshall 3417. 2 TENTS, ready for housekeeping;, free ground. rnone genwuua x LARGE trunk for sale, or trade for valise. 411 Evereii bv- FOR SALE New motorcycle without gaso line tank. Price $0. 46 2d at. Contractor's equipment by United Engineer ing Construction Co.. $0 Lewis bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN AND boys to learn automobile repair in drivlnar on up-to-dato cara; electrical, civil engineering, aurveying. In moat prac tical way; positions secured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National l School of Trades, 2110 West 7th, Los Angelas. WB BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest price paia ior men .au tmnc a ata .lalninar athrtaisB f 1 Ml i U rm. tf sV mechanic logging. Call Main 20Sa attrtJ .First st. The Globe. Tools Highest prlcea paid for all kinds of 2d-hand mechanic, logging tools. I-aTta Hdwre. Co.. 229 Front. Main 9072. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seat or St Martin. Phone Eaat 8134. $48 Hawthorns ave. WANTED Moving picture machine, gaa outfit, films, folding chairs, etc AL 379, Oregonlan. ST E NOG UAPHKR'S roll-top or nut-top desk; must ue in good shape. 312 Lewla bldg. BARGF.R S AUCTION HOUSE. $70 E. Morrlaon. Phone E. 102$. Pay higheat cash price for furniture. WANTED Lady'a ticket East at once, AO 471. Oregonlan. DUCK lake wanted, sharee or whole lake. Address AR 4S. Oregonlan. . WANTED Light auto truck; muat be cheap for cash. AR 4H, oregonlan. FORD Auction Co. pays most oaan for any kind of furniture. Main 695L A 2445. GEN.SER pays high prices for cast-off cloth ing. Main 6553. 590 5th. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A teamster at 102S E. Alder st. Tabor 74:t. Come early. BRIGHT, energetic office boy. about 18 years of age; $7 pir week. F 40. Or-gonian. YOUNG man who wants to learn gardening, appiy Portland Crematorium. Sell wood Pi7. WANTED Boy to work In bakeshop. 442 W ajimii'""- TALLYMAN, city. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. . ELECTRICIANS, nonunion. Appiy 222 Cora- m-rclal Club bldg. FIRT-t'LASS cnatmakcer wanted by Reff- 1 i us. 23 1 Washington st. MEN to distribute circulars, by Oregon Dis tributing Co.. 85 Eaat 7th St. North. CUSTOM shirt salesman of experience. Ap ply ;st vV'asn. st. ; UOVri v.ant-d. 2 with bicycles; good uaget. 274 Taylor it. INCIDENT. .1 (On of Many.) . Office Secretary Employment Department. Young man, atranger, out of work ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for special employment membership I W1 have only $15 left between me vna tvr vat ion. Secretary If you Py $5 tor "PM employment membership you will ns.vsj the Y. M. C, A., with Its resoureas, d , tweea you and etarv-ation. , it Result: Young man Joined Association., In less than a. week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for months ending Sept. Calls for men Positions filled New members . v - .ISO Employment membership guarantee employment or refund of membersnip fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months' social prlvllegt and undertakes to keep party employe during the full term of membership wltn out further charge. We have constant demand for mgn srrade. experienced men. Are you fitted; lor a better position T See secretary employment departments Y. M. C . I WANT a salesman: I don't care how Old on how young, how experienced you are. M ' you think that you can sell a good prop-, oaltion which requires hard work nrj sound, logical argument, but will p you more money than you erer earned be- fore, call and see me If you think yt are a salesman. Call for Mr. Jones. 2Sd , Oak street. APLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. tL Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 ana 3r. Milst be native born or have first papers. Monthly pav $15 to $69. AddU, tlonal compensation possible. Food, cloth-f ing. quarters and medical attendance fr After So years' service can retire with 7S per cent of pay and allowances. Service) on board ship and ashore in all parts of . the world. Apply to U. S. Marine Corps recruiting office, Breeden bldg. 3d aStd " Washington sts., or room 7 Winchester. House. 13 H 3d st., Portland, Or. WE want a young man who is a hustler. We have a proposition for a man of that kind that wilt bring him $5 to $6 a duy easily, aelllng an article that erery, wom-m needs. This la an excellent opportunity to one , that can make good. y Apply bet. 8 and 9 this morning. PACIFIC OUTFITTING CO., n Grand ave. and E. Stark at. - -C IF you are a salesman or wlah to become) ? a salesman In the subdivision business sve can place you, providing you. are wlIK r Ing to devote your time and energy tj .. the interest of this company. We have. 7 property in varfoua parte of Portland anJ give you every advantage in order to helv " you succeed. The Fred A. Jacobs Co,. . 146 5th at. Ask for Mr. Cleland. UNITED6TATE8 NAVY has opened a RE-" CRUITING STATION at 218 Railway Kx-x change building, Portland, where lnfor-t . mat ion will be gladly given about Navy . opportunities to young men over 17. "The Making of a Man o' Waraman," a boo ic telling all about the Navy, will be sens. -free to anyone who wants - WE ARE placing a new high-class residence, addition on the market and we need three ; experienced salesmen to complete our ' sales force; aJl Improvements in, house building and for sale: we will furnish prospects. Call 146 Fifth st. Aak for sales manager. I WANT a few firat-class salesmen to help me sell a close-in addition of 240 lots; thla ' Is a fine opportunity for the right men; highest commissions; own automobile; prospects from office. Address or call 1108-10 Spalding bldg. " WE want men to learn the selling of real estate; if you have confidence In yourself" and will work hard, we will provide th--experience and guarantee results. We have., a new addition just ready for the market Call at 146 5th St. MAN and wife wanted to look after fur- ' nace and take- care of halls In a small apartment-house; a modern three-room. apartment given In exchange for scrv Ices. E. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg. WANTED Good man and wife on farm .y near Portland; must understand general -farming and care of fruit trees; middle aged preferred and no children; give ref erences. AP 481. Oregonlan. I WANT a good man to take charge of tract of 240 lots, close in ; office anil every convenience on ground; this la an.- exceptional opportunity : references re-4 quired. Call 1108-10 Spalding bldg. - MEN wanted to write our now accident and health policy; cash benenta. doctor, hos-. . pltal and medicinea furnlahed. Oregoa Surety & Caaualty Co., 322 Board of Trada' mag. A.N opportunity for a live man selling our I guaranteed Yakima Valley grown nuraery stock; exclusive territory; outfit free; cash, weekly; "hustle." not experience, required., Toppenish Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, wastu WANTED Salesman, experienced magarlne and book men, to represent "Current Lit erature"; entirely new and a sure win- ' ner; highest commissions. "Current Lit- '' erature," room 403, Marquam bldg. NEWSPAPERM ANwants to publish paper. in good town in Washington. Will pr1ii first-class edited paper for a live com.- munity. Publisher, P. O. Box 746, Se- ' attle. Wash. WANTED Men to work by the day in neW suburban townslte of Falkenbe.-g; pay- ment In property; excellent opportunity: to reliable men. Call 203 Corbett bid.-. Open evenings. WANTED Manager for sawmill at Van-,, couver B C Must be first-class man. ' In every way; A-l referencea required, P.f O. Box 61. Vancouver. B. C. v.v WANTED Steadv, sober man as driver;' must know city; bring references; per-,- - manent. $12 per week. The Oregon Newa Company. 71 front st. WANTED One third-class ship draftsmen,., $4 00 per diem. For further Information address "Commandant, Navy Yard, Puget t-uunvj , WANTED Experienced boy over 16 years of -age to act as page in private club; must furnish first-class references. AH 472,,; Oregon ian. s TWO carpentera' foremen, must thoroughly,, understand jobbing work; none but union,, men; one for city; one for country. 2o ' 4th st. Wm. Fishback. WANTED Bright boys, 16 years of age or'" over for work in mill. Apply Albera' Bros. Milling Co., and ask for Head Mill-, er Arthur Robinson. , , 46ALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa-: ? ciflc Coast-grown nursery stock; caah paid, weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 308 Corhett bldg. '; BY MAIL CLERKS, postofflce clerks, mail- " carriers November examinations in Portland- sample questions free. Franklin In-r-stftute. Dept. 31Q-J, Rochester. N. Y. CARPE VTER. to take contract for sidings $1 square; Broadway car to end Peterson., cor. Glenn ave and Shaver. EXPERIENCED apartment house Janitor and wife: give wages expected; mz of family; references. AG 4U4. Oregonian- ' TWO live solicitors for old established ''" company: permanent position; good pay. . Mr. CQlhouer, 43 6 Mohawk bldg.. 9 to 12.--y WANTE D Con t ract ors to figure brie k building, plana now ready. Call at 201 , Lumbermens bldg. . FINISHER, experienced on coata and vests. . Alteration dept., Robinson & Co., 283 Wash. " FURNISHING goods man wanted; must bo. an" A-l experienctd man. Apply to the Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. y PRINTER wanted; country ahop; must be good all-around man. Phone the Miat, fit. Helens, today. - TAILOR wanted who underatanda ladies tailoring. 306 Central bldg., lOth and. Alder at s : t a, PERMANENT income for salesman. Ask . for Bryant. 111! Yeon bldg. i V a i -4-o wr i Laa wneeis. Ti ? Id" st. . EXPERIENCED porter wanted. Sweeneys, DECENT, sober man to exchange light serv ices for basement room. 761 Marshall. WANTED A printer. Rose City Printery, ' l.2 3d at. ' WANTED First-class sash and door ma- ( chin e man at Oregon Planlngml 1 1. BARBER wanted at once, Lenta Barber" Shop. Lents. Or. C RPENTER. first-class trimmer; 40c per . hour. 13U; Virginia at. ; WANTED Errand boy. Apply Lewis- Stenger. uaroers oui'-jij- WANTED Eirat-class coatmaker at J. P07 , 11 Oka & Co s., 206 Corbett bldg. BOY wanted to iearn baking trade. Apply The Cookery. 623 Wash, st.f - PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, TBCW offer. Cutberth Btudlo. Pskum bldg, i WANTED Young man to operate elevator. Apply Sllverfletd Co., 4th and Morrison. BOY wanted in book bindery. Apply Lincoln, McCord Co.. 213 Washington. WANTED Barber; steady job. Call 34Sia . Couch st. 1