Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 04, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Special 25c Dairy Lunch Served in the Basement Ice Cream Parlors and Candy Department in the Basement
o p
85c Velvet Bag's 49c
In the btMiMDt "Cnderpru" Store" today we
offer a sale of the very popular Velvet Handbags,
with fancy nickel frames and black silk TAQn
handles; very exceptional value at Me, aty
alencie'iies Lace"!
$1.50 Doz. 47c
A sale of unusual Interest to women who love
dainty thlnta. Hundreds of dozens of Val
enciennes Laces in an endless selection of
patterns, y to lVa inches wide. Both edges
and insertions in the French and Italian
makes. If bought in the regular way would
sell at 75c to $1.50 dozen. Bought m
Kimonos 69c Each
A area. barant tale of Women's Kimono, in the
ufaort lenirirm, mane or npinaia quauiy,
i . ... v It J
m nt-at nan niiirm. wiin mmmra cuuars miu
euff of nntnwtin.r material; all uw infiQp.
$6.50 Dress
Skirts $2.98
This offering" will bring many thrifty women
to the Basement Store. A sale of Dress
Skirts, made of food Quality Enflish Pan
ama is nary blue only. All splendid styles,
nicely tailored, a good, serviceable skirt,
worth $3.00 to $8.50. specialized for to
day in the Basement "Under- C0 QOl
price Store" at the low price Dmi0 I
35c Jewelry for 5c
Hundreds of piece of fancy joTtrlery novelties, such
heantr nirm. veil pins, hatpins, brooches, stick
pins, etc., m hundred of attractive styles,
k f x . Vi Ton, rhair at each
Outing' FlaiVel
Remnant 7c
Thousands of yards of Mill Ends of choice
Outing Flannels go on sale in lengths from
2 to 20 yards, neat striped and checked pat
terns, good heavy weight material in an ex
cellent range of colors for gowns, pajamas,
kimonos, etc Very good quality . "T
specialised for this sailing at, the yard C
Woman's Gown 89c
Women ' Gowns, made of fine quality muslin in the
slipover or open-front style, tnmmed in tucks and
embroidery, made, full and lonp. all sises QQ
in the lot; specialised for this aide at, each
Child's Coats
Special $2.95
In the Basement "Underprise Store," to
day, a sale of new Winter Coats for IIU
tie children 2 to 7 yean of age. They are
made of heavy cheviots trimmed in braid
and lined with good sateen; colors are blue,
red, brown, etc. Neat fitting coats. We
know you will like them. Spe- O Q C
dally priced for today at onlj 3
Women's Drawers 45c
A sale of Women's Drawers, made of good quality
mu-Iin, trimmed in tucks and embroidery; various
stales to choose from; cut extra fall and tj
well made; special for today at, the pair - C
Child's Coats
Special $4.50
In the Basement "Underprice Store" we
specialize children's Long Winter Coats,
made of good heavy tweed material, with
neat collars and cuffs of red velvet and sou
tache braid, splendid serviceable colors, well
made and neat fitting, on sale
ide and neat fitting, on sale t m
the basement today at only J)4aDJ
Sl.OO Corsets 63c
Women's Corseta of good, atronj- eon til, modeled
with medium hip and bust, fitted with four hose
supporters; siies run from 18 to 23; a per- O
feet-fitting and very satisfactory tl comet, vJOC
I "T" 1 1
- (m -llMing
Occupying Entire BlocK Bounded, by Morrison, Alder, Tenth and West PsrK Sts.
Ever since the completion of our Basement "Underprice Store" Wednesday has been the day for extraordinary
economies. Prices are cut to the lowest level, and shrewd people come from far and wide to taKe advantage of the
splendid bargains which are offered for the day only. All streetcars transfer to this, Portland's greatest store.
$3 Shoes at $1.98
In the Basement "Underprice
Store," sale of men's Tine Bos
Calf and Yfti Kid Shoes ; blucher cut,
good welt solos, all sizes in the lot
and most extraordinary Q1 QQ
$2.50 and 13.00 values V1'"
1.50 Slippers 98c
Women's Felt Slippers in black,
brown, red and gray colors, trimmed
in imitation fur and ribbon, warm
and comfortable, as well as service
able, all sizes, regular $1.50QO
values for this sale only st'l
1.50 Slippers 98c
Men's Slippers, of good grade felt
and fine leather, black or tan colors,
soft, warm house slippers, in a full
range of sizes; the best $1.50 values
you ever had an opportunity QO.
to bay; for this sale only at
Underwear 33c
An unusual offering of women's
good Underwear, vests and pants, in
Fall weights, fine ribbed with light
fleece lining; a full range of sizes;
bargainized for this saleOO
only at the low price of, each'-
Women's $10 Coats at $6.95
A great sale of Women's Fall Coats, in blacK and gray
mixtures cut full length. Well made and very neatly
styled and finished. The materials are heavy Meltons
and Tweeds, plain tailored. The most practical and
really the most sensible coat for general street wear.
All sizes in this lot, and good values at $10.00. o qc?
On sale today for the very special price of ea.M3vlei-
$10 fiats $4.95
Another big lot of Women's Sample, Hats, in beau
tifully trimmed and neatly tailored styles, also Dress
Shapes. There were over 400 Hats in this purchase,
hardly two alike, all samples and patterns; an as
sortment so extensive that every taste may be sat
isfied. New shapes and colors. $7.50 G A QC
to $8 values, $3.95, $10 values for D4s7d
Serge Dresses $7.95
Women's one-piece Dresses, made of fine
English aerge, new Fall styles, very nicely
made with lace yokes and button trimming,
blue or black colors only. Spe- Cjy QC
cialized at low price of, each P "JJ
House Dresses $1.35
A Wednesday's sale of Women's Ilouse
Dresses in a great assortment of styles, neat
striped and checked patterns, splendid col
ors, all sizes. Regular $2.00 to ? - O f
3.50 values, bargainized at only
Men's $2.00 Shirts at 59c
Hundreds of Men's Shirts will go into this disposal sale for today.
A big sample line of dress shirts and working shirts, fine quality
percales in neat stripes, soiesettes, chambravs, sateens and flannel
ettes. Also blue and white shirts for mechanics. Sizes 14 CQ.
to 17Vi ; regular values up to $2.00, special at only, each C
Men's Wool Sox 12V3C Pair
Men's natural wool Socks in the Winter weight, made of fine soft
yarns with white heels and toes, with elastic ribbed tops; 1 Ol-,
sizes 9y2 to 12, underpriced for this sale at, the pair awC
1.50 Union Suit 95c
Men's heavy-weight Union Suits, very fine
rib, closely woven, extra heavy weight;
splendid wearing and neat fitting garments ;
sizes 34 up to 46; regular $1.60 QC.
values, special at low prioe of
25c Cashmere Sox 16c Pair
Men's fine wool cashmere Socks in medium
weight for Fall and Winter wear; they
come in black, tan and natural gray col
ors; a complete line of Bizes; ac- 1
tual 25c values, special at, the pair
lOO Women's
Tailored Suits
$25 Values l T
Special at S17
A saje of 100 women's charming Tailored
Suits, materials are plain serge in navy and
black, mixture in gray and brown, all new,
attractive styles, perfectly tailored and lined
with good quality satin. If bought in the regu
lar way we could not sell them for less than
$25.00. We bought them at a great saving,
yon ran do the same. They are CI C 00
specially priced at, your choice V JVJ
Sale of Men's50c
Special at 39c
Men's medium Fall weight Under
wear, shirts and drawers, very well
woven, light fleece, gray and tan col
ors ; shirt sizes 34 to 46, drawers sizes
30 to 44; our regular 60c sell- OQ
ers, bargainized at only, ea,
$1 Underwear at 69c
Men's heavy-weight wool Underwear,
shirts and drawers, very finely woven
in natural gray color; shirt sizes 34
to 46, drawers, 32 to 44; our regular
$1.00 values, specially priced CZQ
now at only, the garment for OwC
Unusual Sale
Mens Suits
$15 Vals. Q
Special at VprD
Thrifty men jvill appreciate this unusual of
fer of Suits. There are about 150 in the lot
which were bought at a great discount espe
cially for the basement. Materials are tweeds
in neat browns and mixtures, and browns and
grays; well made and lined. A good range
of sizes, splendid $12.50 and $15.00 CO Q C
values, speoial at only, your choice P
Boys Underw'r 23c
A great sale of Boys' Underwear, shirts
and drawers in the Winter weight with
fine fleece lining; sises to fit boys from 6
to 16 years of age. Splendid for ty o
school wear. Bargainized at onlyC
Boys' Gowns at 39c
Boys' Gowna, made of good quality outing
flannel in neat striped patterns, cut full
and long, sises 12Vi to 14; our boat
regular 50c values, special at only
Medallion Portrait Coupons given on base
ment specials. Ask for them when trading.
Black Taffeta SilR
$1 Quality 59c
A splendid grade of black Taffeta Silk in the medium weight, 32
inches wide, rich finish, splendid black, absolutely fast color. Excel
lent for petticoats, dresses, waists, linings, etc. Our regular CQr
$1.00 quality, bargainized in underprice store at, the vard,
50cxDress Goods 29c
A sale of hundreds of yards of Dress Goods in plain colors and mix
tures, all good serviceable materials, many stripes and checks, OQ
suitable for children's dresses; reg. 39c and 60c grades, yd.'
Boys' Suits at $2.98
Boys ' Suits in a good range of smart tweed
effects and good serviceable colors some
have two pairs of pants, all are well made
and well lined; sizes 7 to 17 ah QQ
years; excellent school clothes, P.J'O
Boys' Sweaters 4oc
Boys' Sweaters in the heaw knit, coat
styles, solid gray or gray trimmed with
bine and red, finished with laree pearl but
tons. Sizes 28 to 34, bargainized yf
at the special low price, each for
Medallion Portraits free with purchases to
the amount of $10.00. Ask for coupon.
Toweling5c Yd.
Heavy Iloneycomb Crash
Toweling, absorbent and last
ing quality for hand towels
and kitchen nse; spe- C
eial at only, the yard,
Towels $1 Doz.
Ileavy quality Iluckaback
Towels, size 18x30 inches,
with colored borders, suitable
for home or hotel t' ff
use, the dozen at vl.UU
BatK Towel 19c
Bath Towels, heavy bleached
Turkish, size 23x45 inches,
with hemmed ends ready for
nse; regular 25e val- 1 Q
nea, special at, each 2C
Dress Goods 4&c
New Fall Suitings and Dress Materials in
mannish tweed effects, fancy checks and
stripes in all the new colorings for A Q
FalL Splendid materials, special, yd.
25c Kerchiefs 17c
A sale of Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs,
fine sheer quality, with Vi snd -inch hems,
full size and most unusual 25c val- 1 7
ues, special at 3 for 00c, or each C
Muslin 8Vjc Yard
Full Bleached Muslin, 36 inches
wide, fine soft finish, suitable
for every purpoM, spc-Ql
eial at only, the yard- v
10c Torchon & Guny Lace 5c
A Wednesday sale of Torchon
and Cluny Laces in' Edges and
Insertions, IYj to 3V4 in. wide.
A splendid selection of patterns,
in white and cream. Regular
10c a yL, specially priced C
for today's sale at only
"Bargain Circle" Main Floor
Druggists' Sundries
Have you a "Little Fairy"
Soap in yonr hornet If not
come here for it. Limit A
6 cakes, special, each
Assorted brands of high
grade Talcums, various odors,
regular 15c sellers, spe- Q
eial at only, the can
Velvo Cold Cream makes the
skin as smooth as velvet. Put
op in large jar, 25c O
grade, special at only
Violet and heliotrope Scented
Rice Powder in neat cartons,
high-grade 25o pack- 1
age, special at only aJC
High - grade Toilet Soaps,
made in reliable mills, large
cakes, 3 in a box, 25c 1 ft
grade, spcl, the box
"Riveria's" Talcum, scented
with essence of Riveria vio
lets, large glass bot- 1 Q
tie, sifter top, 25e at 'C
Liquid Cream for beautifying
and preserving the complex
ion, hazel, cucumber, cream,
violet etc. Special to- 1 C
today- at, the bottle C
Makes the skin transparent,
soft and velvety; absolutely
harmless, flesh or 1 O
white colors, 25c at C
Woodbury's Facial Soap, tbe1
best for complexion and
scalp. Regular 25o a 1C
cake, special at only OC
One-pound can of high-grade
Talcum, rose and violet odors,
sifter top can, regu- 10
lar 35c, special for AOC
Vanishing, antiseptic and hy
gienic Peroxide Cream, a
mild skin bleach, 25o 1
jar, special for only C
P&steurine Tooth Paste, a
perfect preparation for pre
serving the teeth, 25c It
tube, special at only AOC
billow Tops 33c
Raw Linen Pillow Tops and
Centerpieces in a good assort
ment of new designs, large
sizes; regular 50o val- O O
ues, special at only www
Fine German Linen Table
cloths with borders all
around, sizes 66x72 inches;
Many patterns. J? AO
$1.50 grade for P '-'O
Bed Sheets 39c
Splendid quality of bleached
Sheets, size 63x90, made of
fine sheeting, torn, hemmed,
ready for use, spe- OQ
eial at only, each'''
Pillow Cases lOc
A sale of Bleached Pillow1 Cases,
made from good, heavy sheet
ing, size 42 inches, full bed size,
ready for use, specially "J f"
priced at only, each "C
$1 Allover Lace for Only 55c
A sale of fine quality Allover
Lace, with new Oriental pat
terns, in white and ecru; suit
able for waists, yokes, sleeves,
etc. Very pleasing designs. Reg
ular $1 grade, specially CCp
priced for today at
A rousing sale of Umbrellas for women; they are
made with strong, durable frames and good rain
proof covers and are fitted with new, at-QC.
tractive wood handles; reg. $1.50 values, for7
Lace. Curtains
$3 J2 Vals. $125
In the Basement "Underprice Store." A
sale of fine Nottingham Lace Curtains and
Brussels Net Curtains with Battenberg braid
and lace edges, Nottdnghams are mostly odd
pairs sent down from the third floor to close
out; these come in white, cream and ecru.
The Brussels only in ecru ; reg- T Q C
ular values up to $3.50, special D J. .O
12i2cSilKoline at 9c
In the basement drapery section we offer 36-inok
Silkoline in a splendid assortment of patterns; flarfc,
medium and light colore, for comforts or for Qf
light hangings; the reg. 12c quality; special 'V
12V2C Curtain;
Madras for 8c
A great clean-up of Drapery materials in
mill ends, in lengths from 1 to 10 yards;'
cut off by the weavers in order to even up.
the full bolts. They are good for covering
comforters, for sash curtains, for bookcase
curtains or any light hangings. We bought
them at a great saving; you can do
the same. Regular 12yac grades at OC
Blankets Sl.23 Pair
In the basement bedding section we offer heavy Cot
ton Blankets in the full double bed size, in white and
gray, with colored borders ; many nse them for
sheets in Winter as well as for covers; fl" OO '
regular $1.50 values; special at, per pair P ,
Sale Gas Lamps
and Burners
GAS LAMPS Gas Burners', complete with
mantle and globe;. inverted or A
right; special low price this sale, aXJC
lOo Gas Mantles, good grade, spl doz. 75
15c Gas Mantles, good grade, doz. $1.25
20o Gas Mantles, good grade, doz. $1.50
25c Gas Mantles, good grade, doz. $2.25
Glass Bowls, for Lily Bulbs, sp'L ea.
Clothes Hamper 75c
A special purchase of round Willow Clothes Ham
pers; very strong and durable; pleasing 7Z1A
shapes; reg. $1.25 sellers; special at only -V
Coat and Hat Racks; special . Wednesday, at 9?
Glass and China
Dishes 12 Price
10c Footed Glass Jelly Dishes, today at 5
10c Handled Glass Jelly Dishes, special 5"
10c Handled Glass Spoon Holders, spl 5
50c Jap. China Salad or Berry Bowls, 25
25c Jap. China Salad or Berry Bowls, 13
50c Hand-painted Cups and Saucers, 25
15o Japanese Cups and Saucers, special 8c
10c Japanese Cups and Saucers, special 5
Sample Gloves 19c
Women's, misses' and children's Golf Gloves; a samj
pie lot, bought at our own price, especially for the
basement; black and all wanted colors; reg- 1
ular 25o to 50c values; speoial, the pair, only V
Specials in the
Grocery Sec t'ri
"O. W. & Special" Butter, 2 lb.'sq.;59
Tea; Uncolored Japan, 40c grade, jpl 30
Tea; English Breakfast, 40c grade, spl 30,
Coffee ; our regular 30c grade, roasted, 23cV
Soap; Royal Savon, 22 bars special at 50
Baked Beans, Van Camp's, 3-lb. can, 45d
Rice Flakes, Kellogg 's, in packages, ea. 7
Babbitt's Cleanser, special, three for lOcf
Dried Figs, black or white, 3 pounds 23t
Women's 25cfloselGc
A very unusual sale of Women's Black Lisle Hose;
they are mill seconds, which we bought way nndec
price; excellent qualities, double heels and 1 fif
toes, stainless black dye, sizes 9 and 10
W. J. Waller. Mining; Protnotrr, Is
Arrwfd of Tbrrat to Kill.
ArnKsl with a Mr and fully-loaded
rrolr.r. William J. Wa:tr. a w.ll
inx'nKl man, a mlnlnir promoter with
offlf la th. McKay bulMlna. wu ar
rMtid br I'atrolman Whltaltra In th.
apj-tmnt of M otraairrd wlf. at 44
Clar .trct. Th. woman, who t. younff
and attractlv. and dr.... rlc&ty. Mtd
that WaJt.ra had hrn In th. room all
nivbt. aad at daybr.alt tronM h.r and
toM h.r h. had com. to kill h.r.
Wt:in and hla wlf. har. b.n -traniml
alnr. laat Juaa. wh.n dlmrc
proceeding-, w.r. ooram.ncd. hut lat.r
th. aurt waa abandoned. H aar that
h. ha. h.n matntalnlna h.r and a
..rt lt ah. aah.d him to com. up
.in J t r.oit a rwvolrcr for h.r to kep la
b.r room. A aoon aa h. appeared,
aara th. defendant, ah telephoned for
th. polir.
Mra. Walter, aald ah. waa oat until
mldnta-ht. and when ah. returned bom.
b. waa there before bar. At daybreak
ah. complained, h. palld h.r out of
bed. clutch her by th. throat and
preeeed th. weapon asalnet h.r head,
fh. brok. away. ah. amy, and ran Into
th. halL
Walt.ra la hold nndr 11500 caah
Contracting; Freljrtit Agrnt Xamed.
V.rdtn who has V" aa
letant freight and panenrer airent
for th. Oreat Northern at Grand Forks.
R G. has bees transferred to the ot-fk-
In thts city and will b. contract
ing fralc-ht ac.nt to succeed Ruu.U
Clark, who left th. arrt-. In Auru.t.
R. J. Smltlk of th. Cincinnati ofTlce,
will go to Grand Forks.
Portland I'nlTrnwllsts Vote to Bring
1 1 1 S Meting- to This City.
Th. pariah of the Church of Good
Tldlng-a. Unlrcraallat, at Broadway and
Ea.t Twenty-fourth .treeta. has TOted
unanlmoualy to lnrlt. th. Unlveraaliat
General Conrentloa to hold lta 1U aes
alon In Portland. Ray. Jamea D. Corby
and E- J. Jaeser bar been choaen aa
delegate, and will b. at Springfield.
Uui., durtnir th. conrantlon from Oc
tober 11 to October S3. They are In
touch with many of th. Weatarn dela
gates and har. wide acquaintance
with Eaatern repre.entatlrea who will
favor th. campaign for .Portland.
Th. convention will uae the three
large t'nlv.reallet church.a In Sprliur
11. Id. Maaa.. for its aaaalona. and th.
programm. commute, has Invited Dr.
Corby to preelde at the great public
meeting October 10. wh.n F. W. Ham
ilton, prealdent of Tufts College In Bos
ton, and O. E. Buttarfleld. of Detroit.
Mich., will speak.
Th. convention prom Lei to be large
as the greateat strength of the church
la In New England, mora than 60 Unl
versallat churches being In greater
Boaton alone. Many leading workers
for reform and aoclal uplift are ex
pected, among them Clara Barton, long
th. head of the Red Cro.s work; Mra.
Steven, of the Women-. Christian Tem
perance Union, and Rev. Henry N.
Couden, the blind chaplain of Congre.s.
Th. Portland delegatea aim to arouse
urn enthuaiaam that th. official board
will vote to expand the work In th.
Northwest greatly, .ending some of
their strongeat worker to muter th.
problema of thla section.
If th. convention accepts th. Invi
tation to com. to Portland In lllj it
will mean that between 1000 and 1500
delegates will attend from all section,
of th. United States. The delegates
will leave next week armed with liter
ature and pictures of Portland and the
Soott to Arrange Excursion West.
John U. Scott, assistant general pas
senger agent for he O.-W. R. 4 N.
Company and the Southern Pacific
lines In Oregon, haa gone to Winnipeg,
Man., where h. will recruit passengers
for an excursion to be conducted from
that city to Portland and California
aoon after th. first of th. year. A
similar trip was conducted by the
Harrlman lines last year and proved
successful. The travelers are privi
leged to stop in Portland a day or two
each way. As a result of their visit
many who were on the last excursion
subsequently came Portland to in
vest. Some expect to come her. to liv.
Officials Find That Contractors Re
filled After Complaints.
Mayor Rushlight. City Engineer
urlburt and members of the Sewer
.Committee of the Executive Board,
visited the Holgate Sewer District yes
terday morning to see for themselves
the condition of the territory In which
the new sewer has been laid, and to
determine whether there la ground for
complaints that the trenches were not
filled properly. They found that Gie
bish A Joplln, the contractors, had
been over the ;rouad after complaints
were made that water was not used
In filling the trenches, and had re
filled where necessary.
City Engineer Hurlburt said it Is
impossible to do perfect filling In the
district because many of the. street
are only graded, not paved. The dis
trict is bounded by Holgate street,
Francis avenue. East Sixteenth street
and East Forty-first street. .
; Aero Postcard at Forest Grove.'
FOREST GROVE, Or., Oct t. (Spe
cUlL) A postal-card, carried by aero
plane came through the Forest Grove
postoffice last week. The card was
dated at London, September 9, and bore
the postmark, "United Kingdom Aero-
plane Post." It was sent to Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Llttlehalea, of this city, by
friends in England and is among the
first in the world to be carried by. thai
method on en official mail route
Capital Invested In Chicago manufactur
ing Industries in 1909 reached a total of
luued by the United States Census Bureau.
tf71,80.OO0. compared with J037.74S.O0O in
1W. an Increase of S334.247.OoO. or 62 per
cent, according to the preliminary summary