THE MOItXIXG OTIEGOXrA 3IOXDAT, OCTOBER 2. 19tle TO II(H Tr.K. l.Vi:TK. LprK. rilcn :-t .an, .a Bal fftjud.r.c feni-cl. ... , . .. !!. 0 f.a4. -.. Ilaj-.- Courrr. irrisall" a-ar-4. aurr.. It. B-. Baa a.r::a '? V. a.,:.. H.'n.r Cu:t. si; V T. g.u..a aoon. fur-.r. WTO" lurii H... ..r.a, bottom liaJ. ..c . I.a. County. Wara ar :.:; irrl.;.on, .cantc m:i. .i.w aar.ri.irta. . i - url Vo.i.r V.'T-T. rl. r-;-.m. irr::iun di:rh er lw'"'-a--l ro1. .Ctrl? lino IB ftttaro: aona 1 n-m.n,j!i. .i.r.anga uy or a. I "' f-ir im -'-r pr-i..-i. or aa;l l,rB TO EXCHAXGS. arra -f ltTrt4 Una nd V- T.m.n! Mra. tn. caa IX hail ' lfn, Mr; cj ani aoma tr la r.r.ASKV. Ill MA.-iuS Jtl t r.RI. Caoml'-r ! ;oinfn.rc. Jl-d-. i'ortlaad. ur. urr.iii f..r railnca an.1 m'irtgag.. 1 arr.a. god farm pulsings. 1"0 acrr. In ruiutaiiun. H ml.- to ho '1. " .Puo"f T .l T !' fr..n North YamhllL " M-.a Varr. '""; I"i M tit, all la callliratlon, adjolalac Mlonv.l'a. , icMISN-VH.I.F IND CO, UrUtnnvlHa. Or. ,:Lon- csT. ty owa.r. -room houma. lot iAxJ. mirtti dlrtrlt. larga ro-r-nM.B hall. Htng and dining-rooraa. V-ron. a fl-i.a'o. bdrooma. J . . In r'n. lr pantry. foil r-tv.-r.t haj.m-nt, furaa- l-trt 111 ! r. am tra Urn oplng porrB 1 .1 ..d- tir cl-..r.t,.o lota or or 'r; h.. W. Cook. 402 iwl bl I . Vain 4.-.l. A llST To KXlHA.VIiE.'r r-f ' in c hotna la Rnaa ri'T l ark. 1 :ll taka yacant lot or arra- io- my - uul'.y. If norna. r. 1y to wrupr: furaAca. Brapiaea, .c AH rr..nB. FOR 4LK. Harara. tablolaa. tic MICHIGAN bL'OOIOEO, KUt-lirt'l-.D WAOONl EAGLb DLilP WAOIINI Itafara you buy aabar asvra. aoa mta Coca aad .t prlcaa. Wa Bra ' "; d. ti bigb-ranl d'atxlet aad for tkal roo caa aU attaapar. Why bay sao aad-bar.d aaalcla wliaa yo caa ag a aa WM gt ato-it tha aaroa prLoal H. L WALC CO. 22 Hawttjrna Aa t.Nrl i-iD .f marir. aaa and yfar. -lrbl 1. city broita and In good con t.r o-i Tr.. -a l"w; one a;an of griding. t '.' la wrklng ordrr, pnea 1"': ..r, ( adJia horaa. wrlaht T r'ca chrap farm hoiara from UU ip 2 .i.x-k aa.ld.a. ona now rubbar Ti.h h-KKT. l. -'O EaatTthat- ix. ll bAI.E na good d Ivary horaa walgh li a UX. Bound and trua: ao nna tram ..ung hrra wa.gnlng S'HW; ora tram ima.l borara l"ln Kua- . at. M K.llr:. and marra poaiii.y br o I 'b'r : furvad to Biotra; prica 4U up 31 -d rt. i.K b tl.H Oiratnut a..rral horaa. 7 yrara o..l. Ha., cuy broka. rary gantla. 413 Mlfron at., cor. 10th. tt.K. Mb and HaatV.rB- aa. Fair faa.-h marra. h.rnaaa. . Call lor 34ra. Her man a trallk. L.lll.i.l. .;.llng yrara old. arrlrht 12n. a-in.l and trur; rhaap. Ovaar larlB tba my. t;t Eat Oak. A.VTEL Uht dallvary tm. J,7 h .ra-. aa part I'armtsL IX Avaat Btark. In .u Tb-r "l1aa. Orgaaa aaq MualraJ laatruaarata. 1.0 WANTKU f'.r 11T Crava piano cback. A t'lrjw.wfc i lAS.)' rtirck wantrd. I will maka you g..d rnrr! Addraa AO l. OrrgoB.aa. Aatoaaobllaa. ' of AHASTKKU 1Kl AfTtiafOHILEa. 1M l fully aqulppl. ct -4'X: prai-tlrai-y a g"od aa B: Pur rnaalng 1U C'a.ll lao and haa authoruad ua io aril hia lull, will sua llbaral dia tount. cah or ti.ur. J1..10 l lrr.a. T paaa.. fully qulppad: 7ooka and rtinl liaa urw: fordo..r. as M. I'.. t'untilMa tn aarna a aaar OB. bargln lor caan. , Wa hava tha largaat aumbar af allgbt ly uaad aut'.mobllra of any firm la tna iit. wa hand. a rothlng but uaad rata ml luirintM aaary car wa aa.L tbrra f .ra uu taaa ao cbanca w Baa you buy a uaa.1 car from ua. wa ara hara to atay. t.-.r motro la a d-al to avary ona. At i.. .I f.HT. BOU AM) tl.viiM;.:i. UI1VM.1S AIT.l IXi'HAWS, .".at and Waahlngtoti la f. r IRAM'K aa.a ot aulomotifa at laag ,"..n.U7p.-.BTrr. r,..nd. 0-har.- On 5 4-cy1tndr. X-b " prr. ij.;: our pr!- -t(WW.. Onr T-Pnitr. for-v-dr. ibor por. our prtc -00 f3r. $i; our pric ISOtfO. K monitor. ih nw. W r . i'r.) or .iut:jr uwd at prlc Ir b,u thlr rU alu- Th pri-r r for cub only. traj cT.-ulrrrd. UrfTUiN AVTO VrO- CO.. ov l nKn N'., cor. Holla JT i;"f i - t I ! : A EI t AT T fcl H t. Ti:i-TKIC VKHl'I.K CM.'ANT. ' '.'ml M.n b1.1. Fnon Alain J.'t VTTu f v pt c-i f"-r runabout ; would P"'.fr Ku-lfon or tklaod ruout. Phono : i :w or i: K'U aSTTlW caraci jul rmpl.-fl. I-W and d-ad j".rttr. hprd.l Wtir Ca. 2k. J, 4.1, .;. cor. I'oukh. a.-. i-.Niik.Ii a ito tr hira. m pr hour. hi TvK' "UlLFb r"p.lrf5 al our horn. -1 Kst TV North. Taror 3; or. Itlrtla. rrt Mock. .T H coi l. p.'diar al rUtord. I-rar-o.rl. a b-autv. h ucbroken. priao-wln- lhon Ttor'.lAli; IKK MUM..- lur ra.a. VXK't aa4 r WAT It- 1 a q t Knn t. K t -a .i a. Of J ;SF. unr laMa fw.a anil aomo ll-brd Iair-r h for Tat-or 1 2. jl mi st jciTrr. away; Xlno buil tarriar pujH MtwrWlaAeoaa. JIKVS RAIM'OATS. 0-fulno fcIr;:M a-abarilinea. Prloatl'-y r'avcnttx1: aiut at $1 Tj; J A ra.iuvAii at l; rubnxd alip-ona. f.J ,,& ". Jmmjr Puna, room vi..KIVFKi5lIIP fALK OF MA"KINKRT. l.!ht, drill pruM. Lt.jr4pr. raoior. saftiD-. b:(inc. tr. Jf J. tabar. .'ir, '. 4 LumbfT Eifhanga, aTTrKH Now aad Id-fcanJ. low prlcos: oaay t:n a- rafca opn4, r paired anl pxlntrd. l KiCI L CAFE CO. IMRTLANO )UH h-JL. taf 1 l At oaxwain in vnuvfr- ,xd. sU C- Smith homlactoa typo r:ira, T)io Nortbwat Tpntr ( o. .a Vn 5tru 4 I GY k IHX'TOR. If your dQ't t tVata. tharo n mf hir.ji wrorg. 1 caa r 964 Eut ;orrtaoa. J'hoi.a Eift l U!--'n vat aotrMa aiM.. $.0; r--:' r.w K. U-.V l H. lvih at. rna. iort ttmo. a Ivk b aad to h, h-:rl hoT4 tVoVdt. i . U hAl or trad for lot, .m hf.:al an .r-. 4va.n rii.. a.r ounproaaor aad a.r t a. Mohawte bU. J 5 Kl.K. X 4 1 B.Vrwood typawrtrr and tfa aa atovoa; cirap. loquira SI J lv H bAl E A Crat-c aa Nailooai v'aan ra-,;- i ll ba asr-n at Lou). Fbova t-.X 12 N. tVih a'.- ifl HMTT.RC ruaa, tla. dah, icf Bit( t ai ona-. Uavlnc city. Xaquira r.amr of io.nmrv b:oc J-c. R Al.E latru pvira of Chlaaaa aad j p44t . a tor ; t oat : rot aarod por tra. I'boa "A o u a a L. foraaooea. Jvlt I 12 rmo nw aaaitary ro i-top of r Uf and n.o.r'rc cbair t bar- t,a.A - t-ta li at. X A K fco4Utt-at buiit vfli mo; fl n too 3. icr. rb'i f,r &ra;at -. AP t--. t'TTlUH. fcA h 2 and 1 -aj- aaa. m a arga:n. J S-i. Orior.!aa, K." au t.'r aaw; brvaat a. ibir- ut i -4 pT&tjr.t by 1'oit.xj Cdiuimi , i4 iwata Ca sUawu blav . aa. rMaap. ood avoood-hacd ato T"g. Faat 4T47. JT T: TAkU for aa. caap t M jlT- tr at. J .n - k.K A fw Al tlacy UtACaVA 4Tarm 4 Virfjou-r. 1 t i iR( ' wcotTib loom, air & ' ... S fr.opa d.a. J7HL : jT I I- '- on y a ahort ttma. wi:l I v f - a. AP 7 V Orog-ri an. w a xt r.ojncr- t i " r W PCI CLOTII1NO. FI RSITUKS. TOOL IIIC'OM pnc paid for ! aad laalrr rtjt cf; cl-thina furn ltur. loo. a. Biarhaalc, lagging. CU aaia. . nr.. at. mi WANTED TO Bt T. WAXTttl tn. ib cr and pony: prlr. znuat bo raaaoaabla. Olv. full dala'la. I WANT To. lo ;.t mo build your roa Bouaa; a-ao carpontor wora oi an bbvi nr tior.a Apply J- htoul. o. co. Or. WANTi:i con.l-hand r.flltt. Z -m-- In condition. Lr. VV. . lu, lJ Soia Hiaboot pr paid lor all klaaa td band machaale. Tossing- loola. LTla HOra. Co. .n rroot. 31am aoT. TICKET to any rlly oa Atunilr Cot aat4 Immrdlatoiy; medium llguU Ar 471. t.irconlan. W i: pay ttm hicaool raa prteo for ooe-ood-tasd rumlluro. st.r Si Martla. fkuaa Last 314. 4 Hawthomo av. WANTED lltftlci picturo tnachln. a outri. fl'.aia. foallrs cnalra, ate AL orsoa:an. UAKuKKll ALCT."N HtLSf:. , . .- u . t k r lit Tmym h:hat caaa prlct for f umitura. - . . . r. T I . OfWtd con'llifn. Art n. .tbuh ror.U AJClian Co p mt caaB fnr aay kind or rurnlturo MmiB f GEN-Krt p h sa prlca for caal-olt ciota t Inf. Main H.V.X f-O o:n- HELP WANTtD-MAUL INCIDENT. Ono of Many.) Offlca Socratar Employment DeparUnao Toi-nc man. tran1rr. out of WOTJVt htm toi raart aat If I pay 7tt 13 for a-iai emp.oyn.fnt membrahlp I TV" bara only lift lft iMtwaaa ma and aiar- 8rcr'atBrT If ya pay S for,,1"p!"i mploynant romberadlp joo will ao tha Y. M. C. A., wtth Ua reaouraaa. ba IwtfB you And etaraUOttv RauTt: Tounr man jolnad AoclatIofU Jn than a ur-k bad aatiafactory cm plo mnt. . Hacord of n. on tha aodin aptemMr Call for man J 71 I'oattlona nltad 2 Naw mem bora .1-" Employment inembrah1p raarantaaa durinc ihe fuM tcm of miatrnlp who out furtbr charga. . . . Wa bava ooitint demand for frada. aaprlanc?d man- Aro oa XHtaa or n better poaitloa T Sea aacratnry amployxnaot department, T. L C A UNITED STATES NAVY baa opened a BE CKt lTi.NO STATION at 218 Kailway Ex chan sa Portland, wharo infor mation will ba f'd;y lvn about Kary opportunltloa to young mm over 17. Th alaklna of a Man o' Waraman." a book iUinr all about tba Navy will bo aant fretto anyona who wanta It. W AK p.aclna a new hish-claao realdenca addiiton on lha market and wo nel three xpM:icd aalcsmen to complete our in foroo; al lmprorirafc la in. houa-e bull. Una and for wo will furniah proapctA Call i Vitih uu Ak for aaiaa manasar. A-MiilTlOCft. Intel'.. sent paopla make i to $J dally aolicUina for ua. You lve tba puollo beat valuo In America; don't treat you aa acent; our man will ahow you bow: ft k. ML only. 10 Uaaiy bld.. Grand tva and iloineon at. V want men to learn the ee.llnc of real fataie; If you hare confidence In yourself and will work bard, we will provide the exparlanre aad guarantee reaulta. We hava a now addition juat ready fur tha market, rail at lid ftib at. WANTtl' Good man and wife on farm n-ar Fort land; uiuat underatand cenerai farming and care of fruit tree; mlddle a;ed preferred and no children; five ref erence. AP e L Oregonlan. A (iUOU live boy to work from I A. M, to lo A. M. daily and 8 A. M. to 1 1 A. M. Sunday: rood money for thia abort time; muat be a bustlar. Apply room ZuO Ore Knian tli ir . city clrcuiator. W A. rt 1 Ity houav. young acquaiiited with dry gooda line ti work In a:o-k and wait on trade. App.y, giv Inc tfreno-a and aalary wanteu. to AF 4--'t. .re ntart. VANTfc;i A hUin ral eeiale aaloaman to help ell brat atldttion In city, cloao In. Tike Hroadwav car. get off at Klickitat waik eaat. Call at office, cor. GOth and Kli'"KUa AN opportunity for a liv- man aelling our guaranteed Yakima Valley grown auraery atock; eieiuatve territory; outilt freo. caah wetrkiy; "hustle. not experience, required. TopnlJh Nureery Co.. Top pen lab, Waah. WANTED tSKiMDiin, expat 1encd magaxtna and book men. to reprcaeut "Current Lit erature"; entirely new and a aura win ner, hlgheat commlaa:ona. "Current Lit era lure." room 4vZ. Marqnam :ti,f- WANTED Manager for aawmlll at Van r uver. H C. Muat bo flrat-claaa man In eery way; A-l references requiicd, P. . Hot 61. Vancouver. R. C. V A .N T K L TWO 11 Ii.H -CLASS PuOK SALESMEN FOR A NEW PR" -POSITION; !oo A WEEK TO A Pit Dl''EIC ; VIR GIN CITY AND COt'NTKT TEKKITORT ; 1T!I I'SE OK LtADi CALL. AT -IT FI.EIDNKK lil.IXJ. WANTj-D Man good appearance, general bLjaineaa experience, nndcr 84; aa!ary at art $70; a. ate r'frnci. alrtreta and phone nurobir. Al 41, Orgonlan. WANTED One thlrel-claea alilp draftamen. $A.oo per diem. Kor further Information addreaa "Commandant. Navy Yard, Puget hound. Wah." TWO carpenters' foremen, muat thorouichly undera:and Jobbing m ork ; none but union men; one fr rity; ona for country. -Vd 4th at. W"m. Fishback. SALESMEN wanted to aell our Una ot Pa cific Coait-rrun nuraery atock; caah paid weekly. 1'aciuc Nuraery Coa SOS Cor belt bidg. RESTAURANT cok. muM be able to han dle short orders; woman preferred. Ap p.y today. -11 W. oth at., Vancouver, Wash. KY. MAIL CLEKKrf. pvtofrtt'e clerks, mall carriera. November examlr.ailona In port land: sample questions fr. Kranklln In srMute. I-'pt. i-J. Kocheatcr. N- Y. CEMENT WORKER wan led to lay auto, track from street to g ara ire; also garage rioor. 41S Kaliway Exchange. Marshall WANTEl-Two coal miners, state age, tx prlnce, addreea. references and phone tiunilr. AO 4-f. Oregon lan. PKINTKH tfieady situation In city at ecaie; niuet ba Al otnmrc:al man. furniah ref erences. Address I 4i3. vrt-gODlan. i.NTlT for a suburban office; fine loca tloo for bualnets. erabllae-l year. 1JO0 Belmont at. Phono H lou4. WANTfP -V-l aollcltor for the Amerlran lre Works; wagon furnished. Main $iko. 7-7 Thurinan WAN r h.11 S'an crapher. railroad o.11n; muat be evperience and raferencaa. AU dreia A K 4T3. Oregonian. lit 'SHELM AN tor cieanVng and pressing shop; steady, competent man, S4i M4di- W ANTED A-l trap-drummer at Union Ae. Theater, near Huseell; must bo Arst-ciasA t ail ' ,unu'' WANTED A good ba!!ad slngr. Apply at E.ectrio Anr.,-x, room F. Oregon City, from 1 to a P. M- WANT kiJ r.ciure .ay -ritera. big (.ay; we'll teach you. Picture Piay amocos tion. San Kraarisco. WANTED Ftrat-claaa men to conduct spe cial saJes. Ca fc today. Ei.iutt Bros . 414 MarquAB I bid-T WAN T EL Pa.vs.ciaa reg.stered In uregua. to work In ofT.ce on straight sa.ary baiA AddTees Muoion. A K 4-s Qreironian. TWO live solicitors for o'.d established company; permanent p-sltlon: good pay. Mr. i o houer. 414 Mohik bldg.. u 0 li CO 1'O.N .UaS 1Utd fciudia; g-'od propos.Tion, i ha I uf rrioi 256 ia W aahiiig- toa at., itucnaaa WANTKI 1 or 1 duck hunters fr Thurs dtf saoot; c'.oso la. AH 4tfr. t' fLHM A.L. I in to, iui mm for pryant. Ill 1 eon bidg XOl'Nd man wanted to drive wagon. Port-l-nd Trunk Mfg Co.. d and Pine sta. WANTEL H7 foe bakery aad de.tcateaoeo, 44 J W aahiagtoa. sted in grocery store. 415 Ei-ar- W a.n'1 -wD atoa ever 14 witb wboalA T4 14 st. WANTED Aa experienced pKvjj. gsaamaav Api-ly at e wi "-i4i . rUOTOOHAFH coupon and portrait Agenta, Mv of'er. CnT&erta fcmdlo. La jim riRT-CLAS rn:shiog carpeaters. aon A p p y U.J i. C.ub b. g. W a v T K D v i r c - r ic t u ra oporato r for jtUska. .o we k:. A s'l. trecmiaa. A i,(V) t'ritT i'ks mornlag. Co mo to r M onb l'th et. WANTEi a aJiiagler. Tel. il-a lia. RKI.P WANTE-O MALE. I WANT s salesman; I don, cato how old or hew young, bow experienced you are. If yoq tblnk that you caa aell a good prop osition which require hard work And sound, logical argument, but will pay yoa mora money than yon ever earned be fore, call and sea mo If you think you ara a salesman. Call for air. Jonas, 3S6 Oak street. API.E-BOPIED men wanted for th4 U. R Martne Corps, bet ween tbe agea of IV and Must be native born or hava first papers. Monthly pay IIS to .. Addi tional compensation posxiMe. Food, cloth ing, qutu-ters and medical attendanra freo. After :w es.ra' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allow ences. Service on board ship and ashore In ail parts of the world. Apply to I". 6. Marine Corps recruiting of rtce. Breed en bide. 3d and W'aahington sta., or room 7 Wlnuhaater ii'wjm, lit Bci at., forr.nna. ur. WB want a young man who Is a hustler. We ro a proposition for a man of that kind that will bring him $5 to $9 a duy easily, setting an article that every worn n needs. This Is an excellent opportunity to one mat ran make (-k1. Apply bet. h and V thia morning. PACIFIC OUTFITTING CO., Grand a ve. and E. ritark at. BOY 19 or 2 years old to work in wkole ssle house to get out order And do er rands: bor who lives with ca rants and acquainted with city preferred. Address in own handwriting, stating former ex perience and wages received heretofore. Opportunity for advancement. Don't ap ply unless you wish to work. AP 4.9, Oregonian. hOFT and hardwood cutter; must be A-l man. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. HETaP WANTED T"Ef ATE. WANTED TOTJXQ LAD IE 8 TOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE AV TELEGRAPH CO., EAST 6TU AND AN KENT 6T3. GIRLS OVER 16 Tearg of age to work In bag factory. AMES HARRIS NEVILLB CO.. Filth and Davis Streets. WANTED A girl or woman. German pre ferred, who la a good cook, airreeable. neat and willing worker, to do housework for family of three; permanent position and good arcommodatlona to right party; wages not to excead S'-V Appiy 74T Bra e st. Phone East 87US. WANTED Several younir lad!e between the ages of 1M and 2A for permanent posi tion. Apply tho P. T. T. Co.. i74 AJdet ei or 414 IS. Ankcny at. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Standard Factory. No. X Oranfl bra. and East Taylor at. EXPERIENCED girl. German preferred, for scond work and care of child; good waxes; references required. Phono Main latK.. LADY advertising aollcltor. experienced pre ferred; good proposition for three months work. Call between c:8 and 10 A- S17 Railway Exchange bing. WANTED Reliable woman for general housework; must be neat and a good cook. Phona Eaat 1419. or call at 840 E. 1-th n. L RESTAURANT cook, must bay able to nn dle short orders; woman preferred. Ap p'v today. 211 W. ttth at., Vancouver. Wash. WANTEl Good girl for cook and other housework good pv and accommoda tions. Apply it! N. ot.h au, corner Love- joy at. GOOD experienced girl for general house work and cooking. Call afternoon. tol Northrup. near goth. BY wholesale house, an ambitious woman, willing to apply herself; experience 'un 1-eceaeary. O 430. Oregonlaru HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. J4&V1 Washington st.. cor. Tib, upsuUra, Phono Main WANTED o0 demonstrators and saleswoman- large salary and commission. Sea manager, office 4lo. gelling bldg. WANTED 25 ladlea. must be good dancers. Apply personally, Rlngier'a Dancing Acad emy. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bids.. 4th and Waah. Bt Main ftr-So1 or A 82q. WANTED Glr! assistant In photograph gal lery; must be good retoucher and finisher. Clark's Ftudii. Em gene. Or. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages, email family. 496 Eaat 11th st. North. WANTED steady young woman for train ing school in city, with knowledge of nursing preferred. Y Qrrgonlan. WANTED A girl for general housework In family of S grown persons. 496 E. 20th st. North. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small fiun'Iv. good wages. 691 Thomp son at. East 39t. WANTED Experienced hoiuemald for pri vate family; good wares. Telephone Main f.j-,1. 77-i Marshall st- EXPERIENCED Klrl for general ho work; family of four. 1-7 Franklin ouse- sU Willamette Heights. A 7.M4. WANTED Plctur play writers; big pay; we ll teach you. picture Play Aaaocla-tlo-. Fan Francisco. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible pos tlon. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth cblld bid 4th and Washington. DRESSMAKER for store on Belmont st.; fine location for business. Phona B 1603. WAITRESS wantetL TSO Columbia at. Elec tric restaurant. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Apply t 626 East Burnslde St. COMPETENT girl for general housework ai:d cooking. Main415a. GIRL to do light work in small family. Phone E. I3A. - WANTED A nurse girt 816 Monroe st. I'hone C lu3 , COM PETE NT girl for general housework. Apply mornings. 513 Overton St. Gl KU for general house w ork. small famiiy. 7a!I mornings. Tlllionolt st. WANTED Lady Bldg. agents. "K'S Rothchlld GIRL WANTED Housework and cooking. 1 ;.0 North --d st. O.RL for general housework and cooking; S m faml.y- E- -. WANTED Ladies" tailor. Central bldg.. ad and Alder. F. F rends. Gl RL for general housework ; no children. Call forenoons H?! 6th St., corner Clay. WANTED A stenographer; steadv position, fttb et- Ak for Mr. Clarke. W ANTED Expe-rienod shtrt-hour waitress. Woman' Exchange. I o M h et. . WOMAN cook for house 44 Madison. private boarding Thone Ma.n l'o;o. WANTED- Teacher for mlealon schooL Ap ply jiirlt. 'id st.. 7 o'clock P. M. ii-ol girl for general housework; family of S adults. 'i Lore joy. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BO O K K EE P EJt S. caahlara bill clerks.-etc"; 1 w.n guanantea your qualification to fill positions la S davs: private Ins: ruction by purl:c accountant; poatclon secured. J 4J0. PF.SIRAHLE persons wishing Invitations for nice d a noes are requested to attend Bingler's Saturdar InformaU. 2.U Vs kor neon. Marshall BIX. V A NT Et English leaaon. by man, between pour- of S and IO P. M. AK 4 OX Or- ltinn. W A NT EI Vaudeville people. goo plant sta. singers, er New Y'rk Amuament Ex change. j Wash ir-g ton, near 1 7th. m MorELS wanted, both Pud and costume c iu.t Ap;'.r personally, numbu UAn. ftit and ayUfc HtL? WANTED MA LE OR FEMftl M. WANTED experienced sklrtmakera to work on ladles' skirts. 8. We'ss. 14 7 10th SC HELP WANTED MlSCELLANEOrS. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN by learning to operate; operators earn 5 to 1.15 weekly; easy Iristde work; short hours; learn business in 10 days; lessons reasonable. Day and evenlrg classes; open Sundays. .NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. .Y.,6tj Washington, near 17th. MEN WANT-.-, ag ia-. tor tiremeo, ftlOO monthly, brake man $90. on nearby tallroadA Experience nnneoeasary ; no atnke. Poaltlona guaranteed competent inna. Promotron. Kali road Employing Headquarter 860 men sent to positions In August. State age; send stamp. Rai w a ? Association, box W Sod. Ore go ale a. HEN wanted, age 1H-8.1. for firemen. $H0 monthly; braktmen. $S0. on nearby rail roads Experience unnecessary; no strike. Positions guaranteed competent men. promotion. Kaf .road Employing Head quarters 494 men sent to positions la September. State aue; send stamp. Kail way Association, Box . Oregonian. CHAUFFEURS Ara In great demand. We want sober, reliable men whom we can recommend for positions aft?r completing our course In drlMng and repairing automobile. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, Office. R-xm !.( Merchanta Trust Bldg. 10,000 POSITIONS tor graduates last year: men and women learn barber trade la S weeks; heip to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tool- free; write for eAta loguea. htohler System of College. 8ft North 4th at.. Portland. Or. MILLINERY echool; wa teach you In at weeka; positions secured; old hate made over; latest style. r Plumes dyed and cleaned. 306 Goodnough bldg. Cor. Sth and Yamhill. Main 4S7S. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN BOOKKEEP ING. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, PERSONAL ATTENTION; EXPERI ENCED INSTRUCTORS: DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. PHONE MAIN 5835. BOOK and short-story manuscripts criticised, revised and typewritten. Address Manu script Editing Bureau. 609 Maeg ly-Tlchner bldg., Portland. MOTION-PICTURE operating taught Ik theater: a full, practical course; term a reasonable; position secured. AS 40 Oregonian. MAKE money writing short stories, or for Papers; bi pay; free booklet telle how. United press Syndicate, San Francisco. LADIES' and children's "hats at less than cost; remodeling and orders Model Mll llnory. 170r, loth at. PHILADELPHIA BARBER COLLEGE guarantees position free to those who learn barber trade in our college. Couch. F1SK T BACH ERS' ASSOCIATION. 6lQ S w et land bldg. ; PRIVATE echool SHORTHAND and TTPE W KITING, ft& mo, 2rj9 14th at. Main 889. MTXATTONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerka. EXE CtTtTv FJ POBiTTOV OR 'BUSINESS OPENING IN NORTHWEST. BY EAST ERN YOUNG MAN, 29, university gradu ate, C. E. degree; 0 years general business experience, ass't manager, manager, han dling help, buying, selling. A good open ing more desirable than high aalary to start. Add re is AJ 4t3, Oregonian. AN honest and reliable man, 33 years of age. no bad habits. 11 years' experience In mercantile business, wants a position. Good knowledge ' of bookkeeping, expe rienced In management; not afraid of work; beat of reference. AV C24. Orego nian. SITUATION WANTED Young man deslrea position In the Northwest; traveling sales man or clerical work ; mix years' experi ence. Al reference, good habits. Write Roby Brown, Mlnco. Okla. WANTED Position as clork In hotel; day or night; disengaged October 13; total . abstainer, non-smoker; S years In pres ent place. Address W. P. Ferris, Ray mond. Warh. SITUATION wanted Young man desires position with reliable firm. Has had eight months' experience aa bookkeeper in a bank. AE 4'.. Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balances and atate menta. Install a stems. GUlingham au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BY young- man. experienced bookkeeper; general office assistant; operates type writer; Inside, or outside work; references, bond. X 47. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general office man; Al references; can furnish bond. Main 73qO. YOUNG man, .not afraid of work, desires position aa salesman with wholesale or manufacturing firm. AF 469. Oregonian. EMPIOYMENT after 5 P. M. by experienced bookkeeper-Monographer; any line of work. AK 4V.. oregonian. R EG Ts T E R E It druggist, best of reference and experience. AH 46$. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN of executive, capable of managing of fice, estate, or filling any position where responsibility and reliability count, de sires a position. peaks English and Spanish; will work for very reasonable salary. No matter what you have, why not write me anyway? Y 524, Oregonian. A CHANCE. Two automobile men to overhaul at owner's home or garage, owner to oversee and watch work; prices reasonable, or contract. R 472. Oregonian. WANTED By young man of good habits, attending high school, work 1n good houae for board and room. AL 454, Ore- gofitao. EXPERIENCED man wants position as por ter or Janitor; reference. AT 451, ore gonian. REGISTERED druggist wants position; marrii; best ot references . AV 030, Oregoi?iKiu YOUNG Japanese wants situation at bouso work or any kind of Job. AR 457, Ore gonian. CHEF; first-class in all branches; uses neither liquor or tobacco; reliable. City or country. L 472, Oregonian. WANTED Position by practical" plumbee ss house plumber or janitor. AG 4S0, Oregonian, A JAPANESE schoolboy wants a position; prefer East Side. AO 4't2. Oregonian. JAPANESE chauffeur wanta position, city or country. 87 N. 5th st. Fl KST-CLASS stickerman or planerman; r'f . ; l yrs. experience. - ., wrfyonisn. RESPONSIBLE, experienced builder wanta sup- or foremanship. AK 478. Oregonian. WANTED Janitor work; store or office rooms. B 417. Oregonian. A GOOD Japanese wants job general house- WOrk. AN 46. Oregonian. WANTED, by German man and wife, to take care of ranch. V 454. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position; best of ref erences. East 4136. Al L-ROVND carpenter foreman wanta Job. Phone East t18 or R 474. Oregonian. SITUATIONS W ANTED FE MA LB. Bookkeeper and Sten ograpb era. DOUBLE-ENTRY bookkeeper and stenog rapher. 10 years Chicago experience. v ib lies position, atl or part of day. L 406, Orvgonisn. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keejior wants position mornings or after noons. Phone A 0737. A-l STENOG RAPHER-desires position; ex cellent reference. Wood lawn 2 IM. EXPERIENCED stenographer deslrea per manentpoaitlon. Phone Marshall 10. EXPERIENCED billing clerk wlahea posi tion. Phone B 24. Drees makers. DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring by a graduate of the Vienna tailoring system Tailored suits $12.."h and up; dresses w alsts and remodeling at reasonable prices. Our work guaranteed. Formerly of 514 Jerferaon -at., apt. 5; now loca:ed 26 16th, 4 doors south of Jeffersoa-st. car. A 5726. EXPERIENCED dressmaker can take a few more customers Suit work and coats a specialty. 415 Beech at., Tel Wood lawn ALL kind of suits, coats, skirts, waists, eeml-Prtncesa style, done to suit custom rrUm Kit guaranteed. Marshall 245'J. MADAM FRENDS, the well-known ladies' tailor and dressmaker, located st 306 Centra! bldr. Flit ST -CLASS dressmaking by the day; $2 M and carfare. Mlsa Rartneil. Main :u. A 365aJ T,p ksM AK IN'G by the day. Address Miss Whitney. 15 16th. Main 315t. EXPfZRT tailoring and dressmaking. 4u9 "Yamhill st. Phone Marshall 1119. vj- Davis dressmaking parlors: work guar anteed, reasonable prices 3M Madison. FANCY dressmaking and ladles tailoring. 637 Montgomery at. Phone. Main 1013. MKTERNITY nu-se, 8 years' experience, wants nu ndng to do. Main 21M LADY with good references wants nursing; 'confinement p-efrred. Phone E 2243. WANTED Po!It ion aa nursry governess city rexerencee. ,a.a STTT A TTON S WANTED FEMALE. Nurse. INVALID lady can have room, care, home comfort treatments, trained nurse; best references; reasonable. Tabor 21.13. lloasgkeepera. WANTED Situation as housekeeper for widower. Address Mr. Or Bliss, Cen tral Is .Wash. for NO lady wants position as housekeeper for widower. Address 612 Highland st. Mlscells-eona. A REFINED widow who has trsveled sll over tha world, interesting conversation alist, speaks several languages, would like position as companion to lady or gentle man: would take care of convalescent or chaperon a number of young ladles to travel; best references. AS 45S. Oregon lsn. GIR1 Nest sppesrsnce. deairea to aiJ about the houae evenings for room and board. City. Miss Msrle Meier .Sublimity. Or. SCANDINAVIAN girl wsnta wsshing. Iron ing or cleaning; no half days; -oc hour. East 1944. ; LACE curtaina washed, etretched; called for and delivered; 40 eta, pair. Main 39og. WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone East 54 68. LADY wants work by day Monday and Friday. Marshall 643 . GERMAN lady wants day work. Phone East 6475. WOMAN wanta wsshing. cleaning, by hour. Msln 34:u. WOMAN wsnta work half daya or hour; laundry work preferred. Main S555. WOMAN wlahea day work, phone Msrshsll 2351. YOUNG eminent actor desire aoubrette; vaudeville act. Ar v-" -... LACE curtaina laundered by an expert. Tabor 2445. C 2227. WANTED AGENTS. GOOD paying propoaltlon for a gent a. Out-of-town territory. Call Amecaa School of Muaio 88 N. 8d at. WArrrtD to rent. WANTED Large dwelling with grounda. aomewhat removed from business district; suitable for private hospital. AJ 4oJ, Oregonian. WANT furnished room, close In; widow pre ferred. N 460. Oregonian. A p art men ts. 2 TO 4-room apartment, partly furnished; atate rent and location. AT 452, Orego nian. , WANTED Furnished apartment, must have fireplace. West Side. Call 68 Trinity Place. Business Place. WANTED At once, desk room In central office with both phones; give particu lars. AH 4C2 Oregonian. FOB RENT. ROOMS Northeawt corner Fifth and Stark; hot water, ateam heat. Apply 289 Wash. Furnished Rooms. 1 NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL IN HOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213H 4th at. 211 4th at. 207H 4th at. On Fourth et.. running from Taylor to Saimon at. ; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, prlvato baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; atrictiy up to date In all respects, and at popular prices If you want something out of the ordinary; In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give ua a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day. week or month. Tourist trsie solicited. HOTEL ALDER. After October 1 HOTEL ALDER. 4th and Alder ats, will offer apecial induce ments on weekly and monthly rates to permanent guests during the Winter. Best location in the - city, convenient to all theaters, stores, business district-and post office. A comfortable home with every modern convenience. In the heart of the city. Local and long-distance telephone and hot and cold running water in every room. The best of bellboy and elevator service day and night. Rooms singly and ensulte. House thoroughly modern and newly furnished. Rates on applica tion. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 887 Vi East Burn side. Why not live on the East Side and gave money on your room rent? We can give you better accommodations for less money snd within 15 minutes' walk of tha business center of the city. Steam neat, hot and cold running water; rooms single or en suite; rooms with private bath, rates fiOc to $2 per day; regular. 12 to 87 per week. Phoua East 640. B 1276. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. S50 Taylor. Transient. Bet 7th snd Park Sta. Oppoalte Helllg Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms from 70c daily; with private bath, from $1 dally; special weekly and month ly ratos; suites. .New, hondsomeiy fur nished brick; elevator, telephones, hot and cold running water. From Union De pot "J" car to Taylor or 'W" car to 7th; from Hoyt-otreet Depot, S" car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brfck building, steam heated, private baths, hot snd cold water In rooms, besutlfully furnished, coxy, com fortsble, rents very reasonable. Call and aee ua. Regular and transient trade so licited. (6ARG5NT HOTEL, corner Grand snd Haw thorns sve iJeautlfuily furnished rooms, single or en auite. with private bath; hot and cold water, ateam neat and private phone in every room: moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill in connection; transl enta aollclted. THE PEER HOTEL. East 3d and Burnslde; new fireproof building, steam-heated, hot snd cold water and phones In all rooms; private baths, lobby nd parlor; elevator service; rates $3 per week And up; tran sients aollclted. Phone Eaat 17 L THE REGENT, 151 Seventh at.; beautiful rooms, right down town; Ideal location for parties staying in town for business or pleasure; rates very reasonable, by day or week, $15 month up. HOTEL EUCLID. Cor. ISth and Washington ats. Elegantly furnished rooms; steam heat ed; hot and cold water in every room; bath, phones; rents very reasonable. HOTEL KEN W'lC- An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; ele gant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor at. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 91tk HOTEL ARMINIUS. cor. 11th and Mor rison; all outside rooms, centrally located. Permanent guests solicited. Respectable il GUT, airy rooms, modern, suits or sin gle $l and $i week; five minutes' walk to 'theaters and stores; free phona. Lia dell Hotel. 12 8 4th. THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch, one block from Washington; furnished rooms, large parlor, billiard and pool room free to guests; rates 510 per month and up. WEAVER, 7lo Washington Niceij fur nished rooms, bath and phone ta each room; with or without board. COMFORTABLE, pretty, airy rooms, free phone, baths, steam heat, etc SS7 Tay lor at. THE LARRABEE. 227 Larrabee st. All conveniencea; reasonable; perm, and trans HOTEL REX. 548 Washington st. Steam heated rooms. 50o per day, S2.50 per wee and up; house-eeplng-rooma. ONE 2 or 3 unfurniahed rooms, steam heat; prices reasonable. 1&9 E. 7th. Phone E 114. ; KORRIS HOTEL, rooms strictly modern. s:j.r,o per week and up. 132 17th fct. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at m 0j grate prices cor. 8d and Montgomery. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED rooms In select locality. S to $12' West Side; private family; walk Ing distance. Phone Marshall 23K1. VERY nlcelv furnished room In choice lo cation; walking distance; reasonable. 502 Montgomery st. kiCELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located, reasonable. 4u4 . a r- lOth. V.IW. TWO nc tsons c7 furnished rooms, private family, table, walking distance, S-3 car. 567 nt. East 2241. Belmont ROOMS. 269 14th st.. S.. walking distance, k rA notional. M. 3893. KTFAM-HEATED room. Chetops. 18th and Glanders. Apt. 21. A 3816. References. NICELY furnished, rent reasonable- Phone Marshall 2128. 42 Ella St. NICELY furnished front room, reasonable. Call 8 North 7th st. Phone Main 2416 NICELY furnished sleeping-room, single bed, bath and phone; cheap. 450 Yamhill. v.,r RENT Nicely furnished rooms, mod frn, reasonable. 624 Flanders st. LARGE, clean room; all conveniences, est Northrup. FURNISHED rooms, close In; T. W. C, A. glr.s pifrred. Main 103'. TWO nicely furnished rooms 67 Trinity Place. bt. lth and 20th. 6LLi room $LsO per week. Zit 12th, su FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms m Private Family. SUITE of finelv furnished rooms; furnace heat, electric lights, both telephones, good home cooking; in most desirable locality; suitable for 3 or 4 young men; also one large, pleasant, clean frout room, for 2 or 3 young men. 2 tut au FOR RENT Neat, clean, airy room. In pri vate family, newly furnished. electric light, bath, close to three carllnea with best aervice; respectable residence dis trict; suitable for 2. 560 East Maln FOR RENT Two modern well-furnished rooms; one at $3 and the other at $5 per month ; gentlemen only. Main 8670 or 214 16th su NICELY furnished rooms 745 Hoyt. TWO first-class aieeping rooms. 10 minutea walk from P. O. Suitable for one or two gentlemen; heat electric lights, bath and free phone; rent reasonable. 349 Jeffer son sc. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with alcove for two In modern home; board next . door; walking distance; near N. P. Dental College. 254 East 3d at. North, aoutheaat corner Multnomah. FURNISHED rooms, new, clean, pleasant, modern, walkinp distance: $5 and $10 per month. 2N$ Whitaker St.. South Port land. ELEGANT aleeping-rooms. Just furnished; new. clean, modern dwelling. Nob Hill district, very close In: $2 per week up. 655 Flanders, near 20th at TO gentleman, a furnished room in private family; light and h-at; on car line; $3 a week. 500 Montgomciy at. DESIRABLE furnished room In modern steam-heated apartment, second floor, flat D. 469 Jefferson. Main 7594. FURNISHED rooms in private family. Call Main 63 or Main 5348 for fine modern room. West Side; reasonable. GENTLEMAN'S sleeping-room, modern, first floor, $11 per month: block from Washington ar- ji nm n WELL-FURNISHED room; running water, large closet; centrally located. 163 17th street. 2- NICELY furnished room, strictly mod ern, walking distance, Marshall 1124. 658 Flanders at. . NICELY furnished room In private family for one or two; furnace heat end bath. 310 Holladay ave. NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located; reasonable. 404 Clav, near 10th. ; NEWLY furnished front room, bath and phone; walking distance; 1 block Sunny side car. 610 East Alder, near lSttu LARGE, artisticallv furnished front alcove room. In exclusive Nob Hill home. Call 739 Gllsan st. NICELY furnished. Nob Hill, walking dis tance; modern conveniencea. 723 Kear ney. Main 2356. ROOMS. $10 and $15 per month: hot and cold water, bath, phone, at 6f3 Hoyt, 248 NORTH 20th Pleasant, comfortable rooms; walking distance; modern conven iences. , $7 MONTH, furnished room; phone, bath, electric light, walking distance. 427 Harri son NICE furnished rooms; modern con veniences, close In. Phone Marshall 1S84. Call 304 I2th st. PLEASANT room in private family; 10 min utes from Washington; reasonable. 347 13th. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern, reasonable; walking distance, 410 Park street. NEW, richly furnisned; hot water heat, sta tionary bowl; central, reasonable. 355 11th. . FIRST floor front room, reasonable. 268 12th st. CHEAP room for rent; large closet, porch, fr. -hone. bath. iras. 194 North 15th. ONE large, one small Toom, modern house, furnace, phone, bath. 264 12th at. Rooms Wit h Board. LAMBEKSON, o.'-i Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, -.ell-furnished rooms; sin trie and double; walking distance; table board also. Main 5523, A 3081. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car, 4 brocks from P. O. American plan. THE liANITOU 261 13th. new manage ment; thoroughly renovated: inviting rooms; choice ooara. jaain PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, siipt. THE CALVARD. 4."2 Morrison, cor. 13th. Large, well-furnished rooms Modern conveniences. CHOICE rooms with board. S3 N. 17th. one block from Washington. NICELY furnished rooms with good board; home cooking. 227 7th et. " ELEGANT room for two, including good board, reasonable. 374 Park. BOARD AND ROOM, 300 JEFFERSON." THE CASA ROSA. Boom With Board in Private Family. PRIVATE RESIDENCE, room and board, 10 minutes walk from P. O.. two finely furnished rooms. $10; one large front room, one spacious side room, three win dows, hot and cold water. Main 95tf. iirj -j jacKBoa au. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with alcove for two In modern home; board next door; walking distance, near N. P. Dental College. 254 East 3d at. North, aoutheaat co 1 11 r Jiuii iivm i j 1. BEAUTIFUL, large front room for 2 or 3, with flrst-clasa board, all conveniences 275 24th at. North, cor. Overton. Phone Marsnaii auoi. 650 HOYT ST. Execellent room and board, home cooking;, ratea reasonable; near 3 6th. Take S, or 16th car. Phone Marshall 1258. BOARD and room in private family for 2 or 3 gentlemen or students; home cook ing; walking distance. Call 660 E. Moris eon, corner 15th. Phone East 1739. NEWLY furrrlshed rooms and board; home cooking; modern conveniences; walking distance. 461 West Park at. Phone Mar shall 33S5. WANTED Two or three congenial busi ness men to room and board in strictly private family; West Side: -walking dis tance; modern. Phone Marshall 807. REFINED COUPLE, with modern home, ex celent neighborhood; room with or with out board. References exchanged. Phone East 6"79. , ELEGANTLY furnished room with board; ftrn location, reasonable. Phone Tabor 526. ' FURNISHED rooms with two meals $24 and p per month, home cooking. 405 West Park st, phone Main 479L NICELY furnished front room, all conveniences- first-class table board for 2 gen tlemen. Call 349 6th. ROOMS with or without board, close in, fine view, use of lawn, library, piano, etc Phone week days 1 to 6. Main 1044. ROOM in private family, walking distance, board If desired. Phone M. 4257. FURNISHED rooms with or without board. In small family. 310 E. 9th st. ' ROOM snd board for two young men. 361 Hassalo. Phone East 1803. PRIVATE boarding-house, board end room. as 9 Taylor St.. between 9th and 10th sts. RTVGLE or double, home cooking, $6 week. 291 11th. near Jefferson. Marshall 26P3. PLEASANT rooms with board, modern, fur nace heat: grand view. 340 Hassalo. GOOD room and board in private family. Phone .-Yiniii j. WELL-FURNTPHED room with best board. larjue porcn ana g. .... .-r.i. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for one or two people; close In. 363 13th st. MODERN room, suitable for 2 gentlemen preferred; walking distance. 470 Clay. ROOM and board, home cooking; use of hath and piano. Main 6222. ROOM and board In private family. 705 Everett st. Phone Marshall 3302. Apartments. ONEONTA, 1ST 17th 2 and 3 -room suites, hot and cold water In every apartment. Reasonable. Phone Main 4637. LI I I I A M A partments, corner of 6th and Montgomery; we have one. two and one three-room vacant. Marshall IJ10. roZ TA APARTMENTS, newly furnished, strictlv modern, private halls, phonea, etc. j 9 "North 23d at. Marshall 221. RiwE-FRIEND, S. VV. cor. 7th and Jefferson- modern 4 and 5-room unfurnished an'-tments: ateam heat and yater. s-15 MODERN rt-room apartments; all con veniences, walking distance, phone, sleep in ?porchil!: a Bit AINTREE Elegant five-room apartment. West Side, walking distance, rent reason ahle. Main 7741. FOR WOMEV The Richardson Apartments, 14th and Market, every convenience. Phone Main :jou or j. -'- HRRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison, un- furniVhed apartment of 3 rooms and bath; reasonable rent. Phone Main 5148. A Bnttfi. THE ELMS 3 and 3-room -apartments, fur- niah"d. 191 14th M. Main 6444. THE KING-DAVIS, cor. King snd Dsvla mmi on 4-rooxn apartment, references FOR RENT. Apartment ANGELA APARTMENTS. (References Required.) S7-39 Trinity Place Only 100 feet from Washington at. and one block west of 19th st.; completely fur nished; steam heat, private, baths, hot water, electric lights, gaa ranges private phone in each apartment, electric elevator, janitor aervice. 2 rooms, $35 to $4.V 8 rooms, $35 to $."). 4 rooms. $40 to $55. M -eager in Apartment 26. Phone Marshall 1950. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Sts THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance. Completely furnished 2, 3 and 4-rooitt apartments: buildings new and strict. jf modern; service first-class. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St.. near Washington St. Will open October 1, 1911. and rJ maintain th?ir former high standard of tenancy, 4, 5 and 6-room apartments. Ap ply on premises for reservations CAR M EUT A APARTMENTS, Comer of 18th snd Jefferson ats., 4 an 6-room apartments, unfurnished, with re ception hall, sutomstic elevator, Paclflo States telephone in every apartment and the most modern conveniencea found in the city. Phone Main 20&6 or call up main office, Main 6764. THE DEZENDORF. 208 36TH 6TS NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 5-room unfurnlsned apart ments, situated in the heart ol the city, within 10 minutes' walk ot tha business ce ter. Reservations may be made on pramlaaa or by phone. Main 4795, a E72j. GRANDEST A FURNISHED apartmenta v- Grand ave. and Eaat Stark sts Brand new four-story building, ready for occu pancy now; 8-room splendidly furnished apartments, elect rio automat lo elevator and every modern convenience; on the East Side, but closer In than most apart ments; very reasonable rent and best of service. Apply to janitor on premises. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson sts.. complete Sept. 1; finest, brightest and best arranged apartment residence in the city; 3, 4 and 5-room; all outside, day light rooms; convenient to cars, walking distance, private telephone In every apart ment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, re frigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners, etc. Attendant on premises. Mar shall 3360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ats.; this new 4-story brick now open ; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3, and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phonea A 1744. Marshall 2961. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. HJ&iNZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely flrst-ctaes. fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, ateam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month, $26. 30 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. THE IRVING. rq. Irvlnff at. One four and one five- room unfurnished apartment; have gas range, refrigerator, shades, hot and cold ( water, ateam heat and Janitor service; all outside rooms, verandas; rates reason able; references, fnone a IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch, 1 block from Washington at, on lftth st.; tel. Main 1192; 8 and 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor service. Apply of manager, reference required. lKINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. 19th and 20th sts; Just fin ished ; most magnificent apartments on the Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping porches: private hallways and every mod ern convenience; references required. Phone Marshall 503. a. n o jnAnnAiiii a - - A beautifully furnished 3-room (large, light and airy) apartment, ateam heat, private phone and bath, automatic ele vator: the most home-like and quiet In the citv; must be seen to be appreciated. Oft. u'..l,al! Uain n2 A 51 Q1 LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves See them. Lucretla at., near 28 d and Wash. 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets . and baths ; hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar. 1529. Janitor 1500 CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. First-class '8-room unfurnished apartments ; all modern con veniences; best location In the city, front ing the parks, and only 5 minutes walk from the business center. Apply to Mgr. THB MEREDITH. 712 Washington, cor. 22d at: 3, 8 an 4-room apt, furnished or unfurnished ; tip-to-date, clean and modern; private bath, telea-one; rates reasonable; best service. Phone Main 7180. EXCLUSIVE aparunents, 6 large room and sleeping porch; private front and back porches; private entrance; heat, hot water and vacuum cleaning system. 791 North rup. Phone. Main 9358. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable; walking distance. Phone Eaat 80. - SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson sts, 8 and 4-room apts., with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms: every con venience; modern; 5 min. walk from, P. O. ; very reasonable rent. THE CHESTERBURY. New, nicely furnished and unfurnished 3-room apartments. Every modern con venience. Call Marshall 368. A 4458. Ref erence required. 20th and Kearney sta. CECILIA APARTMENTS 22d snd Glisan sts 3-room apts and bath for $32.50. Modern and with every convenience. De sirable location. Also one basement apt. for rent. PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison sts beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; elevator; telephone free; $45 to $60. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay ats. solid brick, splendid location, electric elevator. We have a few large 3 and 4-room suits, un furnlshed", $38 to $50 per month. THE M KINLEY. 429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m'gt. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park Street, Corner Madison. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments, individual phones; convenient, downtown. HADDON HALL. 414 11th, cor. Hall, 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfur nished ; private phone, bath and balcony porches, $35 up. Marshall 117L ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 6L Clair; 2 nicely furnished 3-room apartments and one unfurnished 3-room apartment; free phone in each apartment. THE WESTF A iZ 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished. Strictly modern apartments; walking dls tance; prices reasonable, no children. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st, new 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, walking distance; Janitor service, r-i.on- Jinm THE BERYL Large rooms large closets. cool and airy iur -urumer; aome lur- Dished apartments 21st and Lovejoy; laiiA W car. DRICKSTON. 448 11th St.; all outside, nice ly furnished; 2 rooms, with private bath and telephone; public laundry room; good location. Marshall 57. A SUNNY, furnished apartment of 4 rooms and bath, newly tinted, in a private home. Phone East 1540, 546 East Alder; walk ing distance. STRICTLY modern 3-room apt., beautifully furnished, including piano, etc. Inquire Apt. 21 The Sheffield, 270 7th st. MODERN front apts., cheapest in Portland. 2 and 3-room suites $20 to $30. 514 Jef- ferson at. Main 54."2. - 6 ROOMS, unfurnished, hot and cold water, steam heat, very reasonable. 15th and Everett. Main 1245. WALDORF COURT IRVTXGTON, East 9th and Schuyler sts. Steam-heated apart ments. New, modern. Phone C 3013. JUAN1TA. 325 Jlth. near Clay 2-room fur nished a part ments. w'th private bath; large, light outside rooms; $30. $35. THE MOf TON 8 and 4-room unfurnicbed; 1 basement furnished! refereacea. I I