TITE MORNING OREGOmN. MONDAY OCTOBER 2, 1911. IS CHINESE FACE JURY Alleged Opium Smugglers to Have Case Investigated.. OFFICERS ASSERT GUILT Cuuuiu Inspectors Say That la Were Apprehndrd While in Act of Carrying Dn Off Brit ish f-hlp Olerlc. Th easa of the two Chloeae sallora who wera apprehended In an effort to imuiilt opium from tha British uiBtr Orterlc. Saturday night, will no befora tha arand Jury thta moraine at 1 o'clock. Custom Inspector J. it Gir bellevea that an Indictment will bo secured without delay. "It la a plain ease." ha aald y-eater-dajr. -We rauejht them with tha roods on. and It la only a queatlon now whither they will be given tha maxi mum penalty or will receive a light Sentence " Tha two China wera arraatad at bout o'clock Saturday ala-ht whlla Laving tha Orterlc. and a search die cloaad aTa rana of opium Becreted la their clothing- Tha arraeta war mada by Inspectore StrowbrMare and Heppner. The latter ot hla man with out difficulty, but tha Chinaman whom rUrowbrtdge etopped. attempted to run, and whan cornered drew a knife on tha Inspector. Tha officer disarmed him after a brief" atruaal. however, and tha two prisoners wera placed In tha patrol boat and taken to the County Jail, where they have bean detained pending Investigation by the rrand Jury. Prg Clauhnp to Burn Oil. Tha Oovemm. nt dredge Clataop left tha Oregon drydocka yesterday, where aha haa been undergoing a general vernaullng the past week, and waa taken to the foot of Jefferaon atreet, where aha will be taken In hand by tha Phea company and fitted up for an oil burner. The Columbia River lightship No. M will be lifted onto tha drydock today for cleaning and repainting. The company aspect to finish thla Job tomorrow and have tha docks cleared In time to receive tha artillery tender Captain Jamea Forn anre. which will come up from Astoria. Wednesdav. and will be docked for cleaning and minor repalra Water for Bridge Firm Sought. Tha City Water Board will decide to day whether the I'nlon Prloae Company may make uaa of tha city water In tha construction work on tha Broadway . brldga Objection to the company's uaing tha city water bade fair for a time to aerlously hamper the work, but the company believes that the matter will b aettled favorably without any trouble. If the city finally refusea per mission, pumps will be Installed at onca an that the work can proceed without delay. Excavation for pier No. t la nearly completed, on the West Side. Thla excavation runs 24 feat below tha level of th street and beneath thla depth the foundations of the pier will be still further reinforced b piling driven to a depth of 4') feet. Marine Note. The Puget Hound Tugboat Company's t'lg. Oollah waa reported from Astoria yesterday morning, lying off about 10 miles beyond the lightship at the mouth of tha river, and thla boat probably will b a factor In the competition be tween that company and tha Tort of Portland Commission for tha towage business on the Columbia River. Tha Oollah will Join the tug Tatoosh. which the Puget found company already haa stationed la the Columbia. Tha British steamer Orterlc mada two shifts yesterday In completing her cargo for the Orient, going from Alblna to the Irving dock, and thence to tha Oceanic dork. Xlie will leave down thla afternoon. Three ship will sail today carrying wheat cargoes for the 1'nued Kingdom, the French ships. Ernest Legouve and Bonchsmps and the Oerman steamer Alexander I.enberg. The British bark Torrls.lale also will drop down to Astoria and sail today. Lying at the North Bank dock, the British steamer Belle of Hoot land, which arrived tn port Faturday night. Is discharging the remainder of the sulphur cargo she brought over from Japan, and will load with an outward cargi of lumber. arrearage passage northward on tha Big Three steamer Fto City, which reached here late Katurdsy night, waa light, but aha reported a full list of cabin passengera Her freight cargo consists mainly of sugar. Coming direct from Japan and China, the Norwegian ateamer. Kyala. arrived in port late last night. This la her last trip under the Tortland-Asiatic charter, and she will be turned over to the Waterhouse company which will operate her from now on. Among the coasters arriving In port yesterday evening were the steamers Northland. Oleum and Honuiam from San Francisco the steamer Breakwater, from Coos Pay. and tha steamer Roa noke from Pan Olego. Movement of VeaaeU. ASTORIA. f-t. t Arrive at 4 and left ut at a o A. M 'env.r Vr'h!ajlt. from Pan v-ran-isve. Arrived at a U. A. at. an4 f. op a' I I' P. J ateamer oleum, frora ! Praar-eea. arrived al t and lert ut at I" ! A. M ' Miula:n. from rrao. :wo. arrive.l at anj left "P t " 40 A M -t ..mer F-eekaaler. troro flev. Arrived at a J- last Bight er-d le't e at W la MTgii st-emer pla freTS Itoeaserf and aa pvrla Ar rived at ! lid 1-n : at 1 li P. V. ateamey ft taneh.. f-"n haa an ir:e eat.ed at I r. M temer Ws.f- maton. f r ean rran-le.o- Arrtd doan at 1 P M Hrf-h sup T-rrl..iaie. caned at 4 t p. M --ora.cirt iamr Hans H.. frf at. Vtn-ent. tor wrjera Arrived St p M Pntiva berk. Iv.rma. frm aanta Rasa Arrtve.t at a r. II. t.axner J. H St.fenn. frtvm Saa Kran.-ta a Sea K as .- a Cv-t I arrived gteamera rterge v f.ier ant il'vmpi-. f mm I'ort ;aad Sailed .ast alakt 4:emer Claremoat. for Port an J Lea AapX cv-t. I Arrived 1'ereesdo. frvm Or.,, M-rr. Helen P !-". frem lirM4lML eailed Peav.r. f.r Pertiand. eeart.e Oct. I Arrive steamer Fr-ace Parart. from Prince Hupert. sieamer Jesnle. from goatheastS'n A aeSa. sieamer Peiler op!iR. from Tscoma. eat. . J ateamer K amath. fr Tafoma. steamer Prince Ra art, fr Prlace Hupert. see rraaiaco, Oct. 1 Arrived gteamera O'vmplc. from CelumMa Rtve-: Chsne:ior. frari Ar.'aerp. ij-lnsalt. farm WL.apa; O-o-c w. i .oar. from p.-4.aa1: O. C. L'ldauee from ilravs rlarrMr: ghna Yak. frvm P.rr labie. Pu-kmn. Governor, f ri"i Seattle: H-rcet. from Everett. Ssl.ed fttearrere tleeraeev. f-r Nana. me. genater. foe Ul-erpaol. Toeemlts. for Torl'ssd. Ar- Tt oma. Oct 1. Arrlve.1 Kamsknra Waru ('on eatt:e Peparted iirtti.h srr.er H"mpVDfi for Seatt... steamer Vl-air.aa. for Ma Tanilero: sieamer Wst soa. for Ma Fraactsco; ateamer k,. amain, for Evsrstt. Stilrv. Rereart hy Vllreleaa. Wlre'eas cperts were rVetv-ed VMterdav r the mealier Pureata via .or-h llrsd f-oin t'.e ste.Te's Reroiie. Lstou.he and Cite hs''s The shmim g R"anos. sept to roar P. M . Isll t'lde - W N lPfiieit 12 raxo-w ter S.Tl. lAiev.:ataia . decraca. wutd S. W force 1. weather clod". Small . W. swell. CAPTAIN OEOR'JE O. JINfEX. a. a. latouehe, ep 0. eleven P. at- IT mllea north of Trlanee Island, wind 2v. vT., force a. berona.t.r 3. 7A Iodc westerly .well. CAPTAIN t- J. W 8. Chehalta, at Hea. Four A. L, IM av.iv. L Inn.ltude 14 IB .V. Hi romefer 2t T 4. teniDerat are 55 derrees. "Win east, force 2- Loo- westerly swell. Weather overcast. v. s Mr. Tides at Aetarta Moaday. Riaa. SO A. :s p M. . S feet'J IS A. W. .. T feet J CI p. M.. . . .1.4 feet ..4 4 feet TWO BUILDINGS GO . UP Pal laa Sc-a Office Striscv.nrra Ap proaching: Completion. rtALLAS. Or. Oct, 1 CSpeclal.) Tha naw two-atorv National Bank building; In thla city, erected thla Sum mer hv R. E- Wllllama. praaldant o tha bank, la now completed, and atora rooms and offlcea ar being flitted up. Tha Oregon Powar Company, the Pol County Itemlzer. the Pallaa Bakery, tha Pallas National Bank, and tha M. U. Ellla time Comrjanv will occupy th atorerooma. The offlres. which axe Or ted up In modern atyla with ataam heat, will be occupied by Ore. Bollman and ftaata. Trr McCallon. Dr. Mark Hartsr. County Treaaurar Tracy Btaata Attorney W. L. Tooia. Jr.. Judge Charles Oreenrv and W. J. 'White. Tha building la faced with whlt pressed brick, and la tha best building in thla city. Tha coat waa anoui iu, 000. Reside thla building, tha new Scott Hotal la n earing completion, and It la expected that It will be opened to the publlo about October IS. Work la being- rushed on tha new 120.000 brick Armory building, and tha contraotore ay It will ba completed by NoTombar SINGLE CASE WILL DECIDE Linn County and Lumber Firm to Fettle Three I)lTnte In One. ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 1. (Ppaclal.V- atlnulatlon waa entered Into between I.lnn County and the Linn Lano Timber Company todav. whereby only 'one of tha threa cases tha company brought to enjoin tha collection of ape cial road taxea In Linn County road districts will go to the Supreme Court Tha raaa against tha tax In Road Dis trict 21. In which a amaller amount la involved than In tha other two. waa agreed upon aa tha teat case, and thla one will ba appealed. Tha company paid tha amount of road taxea due in Districts 22 and upon an agreement that should tha District :1 case ba decided In favor of th company In tha Supreme Court tha countv will repay tha amount of taxea o paid. These threa raaea wera triad last month and were decided In favor of tha county by Judge Galloway laat Monday. DAILY MgTT.OROlXX.IC A L REPORT. pnnTi. ikd Oct. 1. Maximum tempera lure. M degrees; minimum temperature fll.2 degrees. River reading, a A. M . l.a It v.ne tn lea. 14. hnurv muif. Total rain fell ii P. M. to P. ) Inch: total rainfall since September 1. 1011. I i inchee; normal rainfall since Peptember 1. 2.04 Inches; sxre.a. X T3 Inches. Total sunshine. none; possible sunshine. 11 Hours 43 mln-vit-s. Barometer traduced to sea level) at 3 P. M. 2. inchee. TUB WKATHKR. 7 Wind vs . S a JO -o - Ma r5 it Ex ii ? ? a : State el W ealha gTATiorfa. Poise Boston . ........ t'alearv ChlrsKO Ivenver . . tes Molnee..... I'uluth Kureks i;slveston Js-keonv Hie. ... Kanass City.... Marehrleld Mootrrsl New Orleans... New York North Head.... phoenix. ....... Pocateilo Portland Roeehurs . ...... tvacratnente. . . . Ht. Louts... .... St. Paul....... bait Lake San rvtrgo. . . . .. Ivan Krancteco.. Spokane. ....... Taroma Mo mi Ado. oh. a K it'loudy r. Cloudy SE Cloudy V ir . o M4 II lot. B I O :.n ii 0 r: o a .: o ao4i n: o .' n no o Ml 0 . o. .V 1 4 . ad VI . Id a . l0i 4 .ut 1J .OH S ooi a 24 14 .oi! 4 .cxi 4 .OO. . -. V 'j a. IHI, 4 :h, 4 4, 4 .Ft ( inuay It loud y Cloudy Ipt cloudy ( lear rimiitv SW 'Cloudy K cloudy SW 'Clear W Pt Cloudy . K0 J MO I MO. SB (Clear W Usin Nvr Rain e 9. 4 0. 7 0. 5S O TO 0. . a. -v o 0' 4 id' d 20 14! K nol M'I Id 12 0O; 6 loudy 'loudv Cloudy Clear rinnri e Icloude J B 0. .1 UA H'lou.ly iCloudy 001 a WEATHER COXDITIOS9. Th .cino low nreesure area has devel- into a di.turtnce of decided char acter, which this evenl.g Is central over I lah. It baa cauned rains In Cs.lfornla aa far south aa rre.no. ana ii u iii . i vm places In Oregon. W aehlnglon and Idaho, Another dlsturbsnce centrsl over the Vpper Ohio Vs:i.y has caused hesvy rains In thst section and lighter amounts in in sur rounding territory as far east as the At lantic Coset. A larae huh preeeure area I. central north of Minnesota and the ba rometer la rising rspid in Oregon. It Is roo.er In the Nortn rseinc matea ana in the MIVMvgrt Valley and much coolsr In the Interior of Northern California. The conditions are - favorable for rain la this district Mond.y. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain: south to west in.le Oregon and Washington Rain; aotith ta meet nines l.lsho Run. V r , v i"fi prut P's'rl po-ersster. MECT1NO OTICt. WIUAMfTTK COUXCIL, ROT AL AKCANTM. mU at K. P. hX F.Inlh mr.A Al rlr itrret. I h ftrt And third Monti of rh mn'h mt IV M. r. H. .NOLTNER. rr Criblwn tiioa Cx, a HARMONY I.OPt;B NO. 12. K- r. AND A- M- ivii com mum cT;4. this vMrnaijT vvnlnc tmt ' T- W ... e. - 1 W work in in r. - V.N mrA M. 54. dcrrM. Visit brvthrf 1 ro rr, . iv. u VKVIS. 4Cy. WII.I.AMKTTK I.OPOK N.-J. ?o. a. P. ANP A. M ststed com. v.ne st T so o clock. Work In bV A. degree. Vlsltlr bretriren wel come. W. WV.KK.H. Bec'y. CA m FIT a CHAPTER NO. 27. a. C H rattafsM rommnnlriiinn tl ilrmy nlnr a!nic Tmp, W r..rk nd Vf.'nhlll. ml 1'. M. Pi TTF.R VORTH. P'j. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ee aaeWj. ' arta. Owe tiaaa. sas ed tans isllrs Ussee. ....... .tie earns aa three nsiiiallts times lee tesae add eta ee eesea t nits rlsaee tea 11 1 auuaacae aaaat aeraasysny eatt-ieaa eeders. V Sew ewe advertsseaseal ts set raa la eea sec vi u v ti sass tke eae tlssa rate applies. Is vera cs.st ae ewe Una ea raaa ed. sert.i isii.1 aad aw ad aeaalsd lee teaa ik.e tee luaea. tea eaarae er aeea aasattisssssats the barge wul be tassd ea laa actual aasssae sd Uaea appeawrrag la taw saper. si ' il lew lba seers rates aeety ta aisssllsssasala aaaer -sw lessy" aed aU csaer slssng is Uaa. exrelrting I Do foilewtagf Ctt oat teas Maatea. ataee. evteatieae nsates. in OrMvaus will acret sm.ii aver taw Islaysiss. wrevvdlaj: the eaV rerueer le a aksrrtaaw ta either ahsas. ae prices aul ae aueted asee the paaae. bat kU wul be readered tue fauawtag day. toavetaec eaaveasiaaai ad sett teste eats will ba eceetned eser Ue pbeae dspsads aaaai tba preavsvarea ed the say net at teeepboae aa. 1 sai alt eutawtiasi V sated aad Pee- l.sal adrertleesaeale villi se4 ba accepted aver the tetrvbaas.. Orders fee eae la sertlea ewlr al l be accepted fer "Hawses ler Hews, rarmitsre fay aale." "Buiissn UpaaetaaiUse." 'toaatted ta Raat,' fa ew levies ail advert laemeata ara hargea by esse .are ss Ij. 14 uaea as laa ysca. AMCSEMEXTS. HPII IP TTTKA Till CiILil VJ 7ta a Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 112. rojnr,HT ti"ksda r wTarxraiiAT Speelal Prtoe Matinee Wednesday. A- K. Woods Prasenta ' THE COMEDY HIT "THE GIRL IN THE TAXI" Excellent Cast Splendid Production. PRICES. Evenings, .lower floor. 11.50. fl; balcony. rows, gi, rows Toe, 11 rows SOe: gallery reserved. . ts aenta Admission. S3 cants. Wednesday matinee, lower floor. $1. TS cents: balcony, 79 aad SO eenta. gallery. 35 and ?fl cents. BAKER iS A TER 1 and a una I Baker. Hga Tonight An 'Wesli. . Baresla Matinee. Wed 2Sc. Reg. Mat.. Bat. Mr. Wllllsm V. Mong In THE HOI SK XE.T IMJOB By J. Hartley Manners. All America endorses New York's ver; Af "Tk. enoet KrltM.nt rnmedv In YSSrS. Evenings 2.1o. IWVe. 7V-. 1. eat. Mat. 25. 60c Next Week "The Klower of the Ranch. fAa.4 AS atarw a a lot MwAixxejs n m nax V-VrJVWWe RIGHTt V THE ATE E lS-25-S0-7St WPrJv. OCT 1 Odlra. tha Water rpma. aa elaborate srenlo prodarrioa with the famous water nymph as the central ngnret Arses aoott and Henry Heavaei nnw"' ton: I hick vvalet Paaltai Paul xsrotnera .warune. mrmtt trmoMUt Hlok and Jonsx Onrl ttwmp. Ponular prtcr. Miia dallj. Imrtaia t :I0 aad :0. n-T.FK OCT. 1 I RaJtn. 4! Kramer and sheck and irsmiiri - Mae: Herbert Hodge: Jono tc. to.; .ranilscQTe. Price. He and Tivc. ACCTIO.H BALK TODAT. a T Wilson's auction novjse. ax 1 raraltwre. ITI-a-s gasend street. PIKTt. THOMPSON In this city. September 0. at tha family residence, lvl East Oll san St.. Margaret Thompson, aged 01 years. Funeral Monday morning (today) at JO from Church of The Ascension. Montavllla. Interment ML Calvary Cem etery. PEARSON At the family residence S5S"j Northrup St.. Oct. 1. Adolph Pearson, aged XS yeara. Remalne at Dnnnlng a Mc Kntee s parlora Tth and Ankeny sta Fun.ral notice later. EVANS In this city. OcL l. at nis iste residence. Wvi t ins ei.. i . - sged (U yesrs 3 months 19 dsva Remains st Holman s ichspeL Announcement of funeral later. 1 SCHNEIDER In tMs city. OcL 1. JPI1. t hsrles M. ncnneiasr. sirn dene. 90 past SMh sL Notice of funeral In latar Issue. WEtVFR-ln this city. Oct. 1. 1911. Slay Weaver, agea no years. nrm.mi a. e ley'a chapel. Kuneral notice In later Is sue. TITFORtl In this city. OcL 1. mil. Hes ter Tufford. residence e menu avw. ... Notice of funeral In later Issue. LECHEt.T In this city. OcL 1. William Lechelt. agea ao years, sunwuiicwiiriii v Funeral later. KICKL'M At San Diego. Cal.. PepL 2S. Jo seph M. pilckam. agea years e nionuie 4 dss FVNERAI. KOTICES. SIMON Friends are kindly Invited to at tend the funeral services ot toe isis .-are. Sophia Simon, beloved mother ef John and Ell Simon. Mrs. c. Beneks and Sarah Kixsen. which will he held from the Uer msn Melhodlst church. corner Stanton and Ilovlney aves.. Monday, October 2. st 1:3 P. M. Interment In Rose City Cemetery. Remains at A. R. Cellar's par lors. HIGH Friends ara kindly invited to at tend tha funeral services or ne late airs. Ella E. High, beloved wife of Chsrlee High, dsughler of Charlea S. Johnson, slsier of Fred 11. and M. F. Johnson, ahlch will be held from the family resi dence. x4 Grand ave., Monday. October 2 at I SO r. M. Interment Vancouver. Wash. FRIAUF In this city, at his lata residence. 4o era hem st.. ocl i, inn. cnsriss Frlauf. aged 33 years. Funeral service from the residence of bis parents. 4"6 Orshare St.. Tuesdsy. OcL S. at 2 P. M. Interment River View Cemetery. M'FARI-AND The funeral services of the late Robert u. Macrariand will oe held at the Portland Crematorium at 'i.tot P. M. today (Mondavi. Friends in vited. Take sellwood car for Crema torium. KICKL'M The funeral aervlcea of the late josepn at. rvicxuxn win ds osia at ins Portland Crematorium at 1 P. M. tomor row (Tuesday!. Oct. S. Friends Invited. Tske s-K wood csr for Crematorium. TONSETK FLORAL CO. IIAKvll'xll BLDO. 1 LUKA L UEHItsNa. pbeaeet Mala 41U2 A tlaa. Doautng A McEotee, Funeral Dlreclere. Tth aad line, mono Mala ee. iadr ae slatant. Office of Cooaty Loreaer. A. R. lELLtB CO. & nillUmt Pbeaa East 1UM, C lOaa. Lady altaa J. 1'. FIN LEY SON. Sd aad Madlsea. Lady altewdaat. Pboae Mala a, A EDWARD HOLHA.V CO.. Funeral Direct- ex's. tt d SL Lady aeslstanL Pboae M. eux. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, sue. to r. BV Dunning, 1 Me. K. ax. B tlita. LLKl II. I ndertsker. aer. Eael Alder aad gllth. XJUt TSI. B 1SSI OREGON HUBIANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITT RA1.L.. Mala . A tea. HCMANE OFFICER. Bar g east Crasa fcesiaence. 4 E. 24th .N. Easy 4ila R. A. Dunmlre. Res. 114 Waaoa 8C ' Q- Eaton. Kee. 14 fi. lath, aal 1 ISA Herae Aiutanaca A 4101: Pr. Ex. 4. b I ois. gundars aad stuiidaya a aisai Pa ax. 4. iruok 1. NEW TODAT. SACRIFICE! Beautiful SOxlOO-foot lot In Hancock - atraet addition. The owner of thla lot needa money badlv. and it must be Bold right aaay at a price that la 20 percent dciow ir.e maraeL MIT at MARSH. aeM less Ralldlaa. Warakall X-12i. City Acre Homesite MACMFICET VIEW, OSLY S1800. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber af Caaaaaerre?. FOR SALE Lease and furnishing of th HOTEL HOOD Cor. tb aad Everett St. MORTGAGE LOANS CtV JCHH E. CiiONJlN, HOJ KJ O kw- Spaldlas Uldg. C JO COLLI. BERRIDfiE ft THOMPJOX, U8LIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUD1T0HS, 834 .reveler Ule-rk- Pbaaa Mala 6547 1 Ataiks Jkvvrj Umr. Jynfiress ' pr.lllvsa a .oa-lla kriisnl enileellle. KIW TODAT. Beautiful Suburban Home Nearly four acres, only three blocks from Oregon City earline. Half acre of trrapes with the crop on, acre in clover, larre frarrlen, bam and chicken. house. Surrounding the house, a nail acre of lawn, with a dozen oak trees for shade. Large assortment of choice roses and beautiful shrubbery. Bun tralow of 8 rooms. 2 fireplaces, mod ern plumbing, water plant, 12-foot porch. This is a really choice place lor party looking for something good. Price and terms are ngnt. A. H. BIRRELL CO, 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. BASELINE ACREAGE Safer Than Bank of England. ' A non-resident needs money and will sell a little over 25 acres, 500 feet from Mt. Hood Electrio depot. Close to lots held at $250 and up. Time less than to St Johns. Two- thirds cleared; timber will clear bal ance. Price $200 per acre below ad jacent property. Let us prove it You can sell this again easy and clear a good profit. 1012 Chamber of Commerce. Hood River Bargain Twenty acrea all In trees, eight acres In and 7-rear-old. 2 acres In 8. 10 acrea tn t: four acres hay between trees, bearing home orchard. 2X chickens. Incubstors snd brooders, up-to-date chicken-houses, eight room house with modern conveniences: all Btock. tools and Implements go with place: 10000 cash will handle. Would consider Portland oroDertv In part paymenL Deal with owner. AV B2. Oregonlsn. $1150, ONE ACRE AT RYAN PLACE Rata Af anil 1ft mtnutaa out. Be commu tatlon fare: srood Dlac for chicken and Bard en; one-third cash, balance easy. B. . COOK CO- SOS Copbeft Bid. National Credit Association NOTE BROKERS, C'OIsLECTI01.. 602 WarrMter Bide- REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Frk. William Q-s IIS-SIC Faillnc bid. BR T BAKER BENEDICT, 403 McKay bllff U. BO. Cbaptn 4. Hrlow, 1S3 Chamber Commtrca Cook. B. S. Co.. (08 Corbatt bldy. Jcnnlnva Co. Main lftf. 20 Oravonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. SIS Commtf clai Club bide Tba Ortffoa Real Eatata Co.. Grand ava, and Multnomah at. (Holladay Additlon. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lota. WEbT FIDa LOTS. 9100. Rlrht en cart I no on appar Waahtnrtoa t. Wat SDth and Tarn hill ata beyond City Park: aaay paymanta. NATIONAL REALTY TRC8T CO.. 723 Chamber of Commorce blds Main M29. CLOSE IV RESIDENCE LOTS. MM. Thvy ara aOaloO ft.; located on Eaat Side, 15 minute' ride from 2d and Alder; three blocaa from Sell wood car; easy torma. MERiniAN TRUST CO.. o Railway Exchange Bide. Phone Marahall 2584. A 7480. S1035 -LAURELHURST $1035. This lot la 50x100. one block to car. Threw lVt above (rade. A very alfhtly lo cation. 100 will handle. Phone aat 9&d or C Xh&b. Ask for Mr. Delahunty. MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK. 8 acrea on rldfe above Willamette Hetfhta; unexcelled view; on county road; . ample water from perpetual aprine; price $30 M : t rm a. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 312-218 Commercial Club Bids. Phone Main A 2VS3. $.100 BELOW MARKET Fine 50x100 lot on E. Yamhill, between 28th and llftth; fine realdence dlatrlct; worth must he sold quick. Price $200, $700 caah. balance rt per cent. GRIBSI A ZADOW, $17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. rand site, about 14.000 eq. ft.. 1000 ft. above city, g-entle (almnat Imperceptible1) southern slope, magnificent view. 4 blocka car, suitable for Invalid with respiratory trouble, or for, sanitarium; $4500; any terms; no Interest; must eelK XXX. Oregon tan. ACRE Juat outalda the city limits, east, on nrw ctrnnv, pru t- f uvtt, it" iiia , watei, electric Uchts. sidewalk, every thlng line. O 11. Oregon. an. ACRE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 12750. LeOeaiea on t- pprr itivo, icbi inia av block from where a $90O0 realdence haa Just been completed. Look this up. Easy trrms. Fred W. German. 88 Burnslde st. phone Main or A 27T6. ACRE. Ftrland Station, on Mount Scott electrio line; streets graded. Bull Run water. You can buy thla , acre at the price of a lot: only $475. EASY TERMS. KNAPP A MACKET. 312-213 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINOTON QUARTER. $3750. looaioo ft., facing south and east on Knott and E. 23d sis.; eaay terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 312-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phonea Main SQiV. A 2&3. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted dlatrlct, near car. cement welke. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. $02 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. a 1022. Vi'ACRE. Woodmere Station, on Mount Scott elertrlc line; at reef a graded and water piped. Ask ua for prtoea and terms. KNAPP A MACKET. 212-213 Board of Trade Bldg. Corner en Portland . Boulevard, earline; some Improvement. 11700; eoab.e terma P. B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. near reaa- WEST STARK AND 53D STS. Lota $50. easy terms: best buy In the lty; new earline building; see ua at once. SMP1RE RAA LTV A TRUST CO 402 Ttoa bldg. Marshall 848. PORTLA-ND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIOHTSL MAIH $55L BROOKE. A 8ftSA LOTS on Ocean Boulevard at Bay Ocean, Til.amook. at bargain price. Call at room 511 Lumber Exchange bldg., corner 2d and Stark ata Pione Marshall 1903, FOR SALE Fine view lot In Mount Tabor, for tlOvO. $ mountain visible, easy terma 1 want to buy an acre for $1100 in H air man A Thompson's PARKROSE, and win sacrifice tMa lot. X 4S4. Oregonian. NON-RESIDENT rauat sell one or two beau tiful lota, corner East Harrison and 29: h. on new car line, crest of hill, gives view of entire city. Phone friend. Tabor 2110. $275 FOR a lot 50x100 with water and all modern conveniences; this la only 20 min utes from th center of Portland. See owner. 414 Spalding bldg. CHEAP lota, close to Sandy Road and car line, $450 up. on easy terma Call labor 12. SEE Le Noli A Co. for West Side property; exclusive dealers in west tide Realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTGN. LU1. au near Knott, one of the best lots in the district; $1500. See ow fter. Cut berth, 601 Dekum bldg. THKEE lota cor. Broadwaj snd Weldl.r su 821 East 8th St. North. Phons East 201. IRVINGTO.V. csr; (MM SOxlutt. east front. 2 blocks te terms. Phons Main 13i'a. FR A. iSlON AL lot 3Tx'.0 en E. Lincoln Price .4K caah. Tabor S88. B 246. FOR 8AI.E or fxchtnia for Iota en corner Lvs Anfeies. I'sl. N 4.-V Oreeor.tan. TIIBKE Ins. cor. th aat (ta au KorU. and Weldler st. 3 Pboae feast 2418. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. lot 00 Cash, tea Per month. S10. Sixe 60x100. Near Alblna ava A bargain. JOHNSOX A DODSON. 820-22 Board of Trads Bldg. DONT MISS THIS BUT. 1K cash, lot 80x31)0. In LaurelhursL Magnificent view, one block to car- lm" provements In. Price 12oi. Asslatancs clv-n to builders. Phone East b or C 2o3S. Ask for Mr. Delahuntj. $725 WILL, buy a lot 50x100 feet, covered with second growth dogwood and fir treea. Thla Is choice property, high and sightly, at has fine streets and building restric tions. To see It take Broadway ear and get off at Klickitat st, and walk east. The Western Securities Co., agents. 41 Soaldlna bldr. Saleamaa always on the ground, For Sale Houses. IRVINOTON. - flSOA oaah. with balance at T per cent. will purchase an artintlc home of e rooms, with glass-lncloiied lunroom and aleeplng Dorch: has two fireplace, furnace and kitrhn atnvo; ar re a nt and ahadfa; garage, with concrete driveway: located In best ni rf nf Irul n art nn nn full lot . all lni' provements in and paid for. Apply to owner. 1124 Board of Trade, Phone A 6344. TTTvn A I nw Rflfi ALBERTA ST. Kie 5-room hunialow. 508 Alberta St., between 10th and 11th. In the business r1.rtir.rt- lot aWtottO. Price, a snap. $25oo J5O0 cash and $20 per month. Better look at It today. r.m'KuT a 7 An D TV. IT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. -ROOM BUNGALOW. One block from Broadway : hardwood floors. fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, eto price $4250; $500 caah and $50 monthly. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main B639. A 2653. EXCEPTIONAL PIEDMONT OFFER a f in a 7 -room house, hot water heat: near cars and high school, with 6Oxl0O lot for $5000. House alone cost $4T0O; or wilt aell with 100x175 ft, lot for $7500. In vestigation will prove best buy In elty. Owner, phone Wood lawn noi. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. 6 and S-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for aa)e on easv terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Company. 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Marahall 473. A 1022. nnfltt CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST. Small payment down. $25 monthly; T roome. aleeping porcn. uutch kitchen. firwniace. beamed ceilings, mirror doors. furnace, solid oak floor. Empire Realty A Trust Co., 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 849. 12100 $100 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY. 6-room modern bungalow. H block to car. at .rbor Lodge; lot fronts on two irt: owner been on strike Irt months and must sell. Fred W. Oerman. 829 Burnslde. Phone Main or A 2..C FOR SALE Modern 5-room house, full basement and fireplace, lawn and rose hue ties: block from school and earline. I-4 oo, amall payment down. Call 7t)t Al berta st., grocery store, or phone Wood lawn 927. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnished, fireplace, fur nace, electric, gas fixtures ; full lot; one block from car. Price $4250; will take aa nart navment desirable lot. John W Cook. 40a, Lewis bldg. Phone Main C431. A 1257. A BARGAIN. Six-room house and oOxlOO lot on one of beat corners In lrvlngton; house - fur nished or unfurnished; will sell entire lot or. such portion as dsired; It will pay you to investigate, owner. AU .iz. uregonian. I HAVE a new 7-room,2-story modern resl dence, close-in. hardwood floors, bullt-ln buffet, gsa, electricity, sewer and piped fe furnace, fiira surrace streets, near car- line; f SoO cash, balance easy terms. Call Marshall 2745. WANT A HOME? We want to talk to you on our home-bulldlng plan. We have houses readv to occupy, other building. or will build to suit your pocket book. Ask for Mr. Fouts, our home-building department. Fred A- Jacobs Co.. 145 5th. NEAR HolKate, 4 -room convenient cottage; large porches, east iront. nne lawn, rosea. lot 50x100: poultry houa ana yard: nn breed chickens and Winter's wood In basement; all for $1650, terms. N 405, Oregon Jan THREE BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Enlendld finish, oak, select fir. modern. Choice locations, cheap. Several 100x100 and 50x100 lot!, way below market values, lrvlngton. C lstd. East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdman. IF you wish real value In a modern 5-room nuntra ow with an Duut-in ieatures on payment of $800. phone owner. Marahall 2A00. between ft and 10 A. M. HAVE beautiful home worth $10,000; mod ern. 9 rooms: half block; an Kinas Dear in fruit: improved streets and cement walks three sidea. Will sacrifice for $8000. No agents. AE 45., Oregonian. from owner, nara-iunico pavement, a.it imnrnvements In and paid. Don't miss see tng this. If you appreciate a good house at a very low price, inquire as. uienn ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Do you want to buy a home In thla beautiful. healthful district? I have homes from $3760 up to $50,000. Main 8551. BROOKE. A -839. rv owner, near school, car and factorr dls trlct, large i -room iiuubo, uig lot, irui and flowers, extremely low. price $26o; S1500 oash, posatDly some trade, a oMjo, Main 8276, N'INE-KOONf house and fractional lot for sa a r v nwnar on vrrv -n urmi no re n. sonable offer refused; hout too large for me and do- not want to rent It, 710 East Everett, near 20th. East ".MB. SWELL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Located near Mr. Henry's home, elegant location, grand view, lot 76x100; must be sold at once. Phone East $SS. C 2B2i. Mr. Clement SIX-ROOM modern cottage. 15 minutes from center oi ;, juru, vtry cen tral; one block Fellwood car; must leave the city; $2300. 704 E. 11th. Sell wood car. ACRE land, unrestricted, seven-room, mod ern nouie; miiu buuibywii, i wo oiocks from Rose City earline; subdivided to good pmflt Into business lots; $6000; terms. W. B. Eddy. Oregon City. " BARGAIN" FROM OWNER. TTnlveraltv Park, 7-room house. 8 cor ner lota 75xlOO. J2500; $250 caah. bal ance monthly. Beat buy In Portland, phone East 491- $2500 YOUR OWN" TERMS Two excellent lots; lawn, rosea gar den, fruit, henhouse; tinted 5-room cot tsce bath; owner's home. Telephone Tahor 1392. "PIEDMONT WALNUT PARK HXGH ri LAND. I have several gocd buys In these desir able tracts, Sre me before buying. " p. B. LENT. 41T Corbett Bldg. IF vou are looking for residences, call at an7 East 50th N.. and 418 East 87th N. See what we are offering. Take Rose City park car. FOR SALE ; 5-room modern Alberta car line, 11th N. Phone house. -1 "- - -- Essv terms. 108 fc. V' ood lswn 1778. OWNER offers beautiful bunaalow, 1183 Ivon street. $400 below value; select nelithborhood: paved district; monthly psvments: bargain. 29QQ. PORrA"D HEIGHTS 7-room modern house: 4 bedrooms. beautifully improved lot. one block car: $4ioj, easy terms. JlaJn 3551. BROOKE. A S?39. FOR SALE: 3-room house snd lot. 12.M Esst Alain at. Phone Tabor 467. Price 14S0. 138 EAST 61STST., 5 rooms, near car; bar gain: terms Owner, 609 Fenton bldg. Marshall 1W4. - EL,IJ $1200 equity in modern 7-room house snd furnlturs. Balance on essy terms. M.. 87ft East Oak. ONLY 1S700. West Side home, near 23d snd Thurman. worth f.voo. B. L. Uagemann. 501 Railway Exchange. e3oo FOR modern 6-room house, two blocks from I'nlnn ave.: lot 50x100. Phone Wood lawn 82- C 2420. vrro rat.E A modern five-room bunsalow. 105 East BS'h St., 2 blocks from Sunnyslde car. iaow SWELL i' 4-room bungalow; eaay terms. Price only $14O0. Gregory Heights office, end Rose City Park earline. IRVINGTON d. strict, modern 6-room houae; fine lawn, shrubbery, fruit trees; one or two lota. AP 47. Oregonian. 1250-1 MUST sell my 5-room bungalow at once. 13- East 11th N. Phone C 242. FOR SALE at half price My $1500 equity In a Rose City Park bungalow. Phone Wood lawn 1252. $.ji MONTHLY buys Ave-room bungalow; modern; $2-0. Phone owner. East 741. ROOM house, part payment. lot 50x120; will 33J Kugene st. take lot 6-ROOM burgslow. $500 Iep than its worth. Owntr. AB 43.. OregonUn. IS IRVIN-JTON Fov 4nc Vn? rartteu'i sale. modern resi- 13-.00 6-ROOM furnished house, one block to .Bo Ut? cax. ClU owner., C2.4 REAL ESTATE For &ale Hoeeea. AM5ERSPy . ANDERSON ANDERSON' BUNGALOW ROSS CITY PARK. 672 EAST 1ST ST.. Between Elskiyou and Kllokltat ata. 6 rooms, f SSI50. 84 EAST 61 ST ST. 6 rooms. .3450. 888 EAST 81 ST ST. 0 rooms and sleeping porch, $3800, 6M EAST 6 1ST ST. S rooms, .3100. TOO EAST 61ST ST. 5 rooms. SodOO. Second house north of Starlc at. on Tlst St. (Mt. Tabor car). S rooms, $3700. TOST Q. ANDERSON, Builder, 401 Lewis bldg. Regular commission for eale $3550. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Cottage of 4 rooms and bath, located at 550 Myrtle street, lust 2 blocks iroro streetcar: lot 40x100. Beautiful view. which never can be obstructed. The house has Just been remodeled and painted. The location Is the very best on the Heights and this particular piece of property, con sidering the surrounding values. Is an excellent buy. If you are looking for a home It will pay you "to investigate this offering. We are authorised to make some very attractive terms on this. tlti4j HARTMAN 4 THOMPSON. Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. LiHRELHl'RST SNAP. Ftne, large nearly new 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, doubly constructed, hardwood floors, bookcases, china closet. 'Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, sleeping- porch; lot 50x100, tine lawn, o irun ire Owner a-otnar awav. must aell at once. Prire only $-1800. $1000 cash and $25 per month. Psot many bargains like ima. fIRT'SSI ZADOW. IT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WK WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINOTON BLD. MR. LOT OWNER. HERB 18 YOUH CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT A IltH.- RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMal IN AND TALK. Tills UVS.H. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. 6-ROOM story and a half house with sleep ing porch, bath, fireplace, full basement, Dutch kitchen and all conveniences. Sit uated on sn attractive corner lot 50xfi3. nice surroundings, hard-surface street and alt improvements In. Fifteen minutes' ride on Richmond car to 8. W. corner of Clin ton and 33d sts. The price Is right, so - ees It. Apply to owner. pr Clinton st. next door. Phone sellwooa ijjt. ROSE CITY PARK. $250 CASH. T rooms, largs living-room, dining-room, beamed celling, bullt-ln buffet and book cases, solid osk floors. Dutch kltoaeo. furr.ace. fireplace. NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO.. Room 723, Chamber of Commerce blds Phone Main 5129. BEST value In a home ever offered; one block to Rose City Park car. on tla su; four trees on an east-front lot; 8 large rooms and attic; all bullt-ln effects; small down payment; balance like rent. If yon are particular thla will suit you. Sse earner. J. g. ATKINS. Henry Bldg. T-ROOM house, strictly modern, sleeping porch, oak floors, built-in buffet, fireplace, furnace, electric and gas fixtures, full ce ment basement, all mirrors French plate, house double constructed; cor. lot. restrict ed dlatrlct. Price $4700; easy terms. John W. Cook. 402 Lewis bldg. Phones Main 5431. A 1257. SAN RAFAEL ST. SNAP. Good 7-room. 2-etory house, a fine lo cation to rent rooms, or good for 2 fam ilies, on San Rafael St.. near "Union ave. Price only 33O0. $1300 cash, balance at 2o per montn. GRUSSI ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak Bti. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. 8 new, strictly modern bungalows, 4 and 5 rooms ready for occupancy, $2000 to $2500;-small payment down. baL like rent; let me show you these homes. JAS. A. CLOCK. 252 Alder st. Main 8189. SNAP, $1450, some terms, 4-room bunga low, bath, pantry and basement; fur niture all oak, $45 range, nice ruga, lino leum kitchen and pantry; tinted; lot 50x 100; fenced; chicken house and park. See owner, 7603 69th ave,. Mount Scott car, get off at Millard ave. station. S-ROOM BUNGALOW. 1 block from Broadway, hardwood floora, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, price $4250; $300 cash and 150 monthly. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 312-21$ Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main S699, A 2658. WHY PAY RENT ? New 4-room bungalow, plastered, front and rear porches, east front; level lot, 40x120; must go for only $075; terms. Take Mt. Scott car to Sd ave., Lents, and meet owner from 2 to6 P. M. Recognize owner by ribbon on coat. IRVINGTON HOME. Modern -room house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, in fact absolutely com plete: easy terms. Price $8000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main A 253. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New. absolutely modern Irvington house, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in buffet and window seats, sleeping-porch, fin ished attic: everything up to date; $1000 cash, balance monthly, phone East 491; evenings East 1322. SWELL HOME. 8 rooms, hardwood finish. hardwood floors up and down stairs; tile bath, tile kitchen: also garage: $1000 down. $1000 per year. 6S6 Brazee. .bet. E. 14th and E 15th sts. Phone East 1275. Price $S500. BEAUTIFUL HOME $7500. One of the prettiest homes in ths E. Burnslde district, etc. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., '212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 899J A2B5X SEE Le Noir A Co. tor West Side homes: exclusive aeaiers in vvesi &100 rtealty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Acreage. MR. NEWCOMER. Only a small payment down and bal ance on your own terms at 6 per cent for the finest assortment of acreage to be found in Oregon. Don't fall to investl gste. See Mr. Hurst at Hartman A Thomp son Bank. 4th and Stark sts. TEN acres beaverdam land, under irriga tion ana reaay ior crop, ir onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation ; nothing better anywhere; low price and easy payments. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. $25 TO $85 AN ACRE. 10 acres or more, rich, well watered farm and fruit land, 3 mllea from live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Easy terms. Neuhausen & Co.. owners. 703 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. ACRES big fir standing timber, on 6-mile cirole. West Side; rich soil; wood will pay for putting in cultivation; south slope, no rock or gravel; on county road; new 2-room house and small ham; $1500; terms. Owner. AO 463. Oregonian. CRE tracta, West Sfde, close In, 20 min utes car service; uwi ui boh, inn property in line of tunnel movement; $400 and up; easy payments. S. T. DOVE. INC. 420-422 Board of Trade, 160 ACRES Umber land near Viento sta tion. O.-W. R. A N. R. R.. Hood River County, at Bargain price. call at room 511 Lumber Exchange building, corner 2d and Stark sts. Phone Marshall 1903. s.o PER ACRE 140 acrea of logged-off lana, mn .-, 'an- rsd, in the Scappooee fruit belt. Enough timber remains to pay for place. Easy terms. AC 433. Oregonian. FINEST in Oregon for fruit, vegetables or walnuts, 6 and 10-acre tracts. 10 par cent caah balance will pay itself. Eager sc Wat eon, 110 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts, SACRTF'fcE SALE Half acre. 4-room cot tage. 5c fare. Price $500. half cash, bal ance your own terma. Phone Tabor 8t8; Home. Lents Exchange 3112. 3 TO 12 acres, close to city on Salem elec tric line, running water, only $175 acre. Vanduyn Jk Walton, 615 Chamber of Com merce. A CHOICE 5-ecre berry and vegetable tract adlolnlng Gearhart Park, $750; we will take part payment tn work. Terms to auit. M 456. Oregonian. ACREAGE and farma. Jrom $1U60 per acre I anrf im-li tracta. Call Kla.1 4r fetampher. 531-1. Lvmbr ficnint bdg. OWNER wants to sell seven acres on elec tric car line; must have $1000 cash. In Uoxe iSl Glean. s.vt j REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. CHICKEN and truit ranches near Portlands walking dlstanee to good town; running water, best soil, frse wood, splsnflld rrnio district; view of Columbia River and aae peaks; acres. $Jo; 5 acres. $40$; 1 acres. $S00, 10 per cent cash, easy pay. m ants; other traeta near railway stauooa $1$ to $40 per acre. FRANK M FAKLAND REALTY CO. $01 Yeon Bldg.. Portland Or. $375 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot eo!J adapted to fruit and vegetables; all emooth and tillable; no rock: wood anrt water; close to school. Postoffice and, store; within easy reach of Portland an he cheapest land on the market. 51a Couch b'.dg.. 10 4th at. FOR SALE 8 acres, cleared, on earline, on country road. Owner. Phone C 211.1. I or cvale Ilomcteade. ADVANTAGES of Oregon; 100-page boosl gives the amount of Government land opaa to homestead In each county In Oregon. Washington and California and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two) maps of Oregon In colors. 21x28; one ehowlng R. R. In operation and one show. Ing R. R- proposed and under construe, tion. Including Eastern and Central Ore gon- book 25c: maps 20c each, or tbej three. 00c: msp of California. In colors, 7x32. 25c Nimmo. Runey eV Co-. Ham. ilton bldg. ! RELINQUISHMENT. lftO-acre stock ranch, $250; garden, chickens, tools; 3 miiea from railroad. John Hoover. Eddyvtlle. r' FREE homestead.,, located nar Portland! tirnbar. water, wheat, fruit and tock landi near poatofflce. railroad and river. CovfjyJ 1(S7 Oak, room 2 IX. For Sale Fruit I-ands. FOR. SaLE or exchange for Portland propj erty, 00 acres fruit land, near Lylo; la acre cleared; 5 acre best applea. i0 Couch bldg. For Sale Farms. I, CROPS GROW ALt, WINTER. Tn th bftlmv climate f Los Moltnou Upper Sacramento Valley: acre alfalfi yields 12 tons; supports 2 cows and & hogml cowa pay $10 a month butterfat; we fur4 nish all you want at coat without cash oi Interest for half your monthly creaiii check; greatest deciduous fruit In world! oranges ripen six weeks ahead of Lob Anarles: land planted for settlers at cos on monthly payments; rich rlverbottomi soil, 0 foet deep; gravity Irrigation ail the water you can use; land sailing fasti prices low ; easy terms. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANX, Los Mollnos, CaL HERE'S YOUR CHANCE To tret a llu-acre highly improved farml only IS miles south of Portland and neaiy S. P. R. R. ; 65 acres under cultivation. 101 acres slashed, bal. in fir and cedar timbers fine soil, plenty water for irrigating; gooi 8-room house, large new barn and othei buildings, family orchard; price only 10t per acre, with stock and Implements; wi.l take a house and lot as part payment some caah and the balance to suit. Own-4 erg too old and feeble to run same. Foi further particulars regarding the above i as well aa many others, call on the realt.jf dept. of ; C. F. PFLl'GER A CO., Spite 12 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Mor. J FOR SALE Prettiest little farm in Wlllam. ette Valley, 80 acres, 1 mile east of Wal lace, on Oregon Electric, 2 miles north on Aurora. 22 miles from Portland: 20 acred under cultivation, balance fine timber m.a pasture; enough wood cut to last two of three years; large house with fireplacei barn, 2 good wells, one a new bored well new chickenhouses with wire runs: a:J abundance of fruit and many large shad4 trees of walnut and maple; excellent soil: fine opportunity for hops or extensive) fruft culture; price, including 2 oowsi barn, full of hay and farm tools, JfflOCHH Terms. Call or write owner, C. S. Arnold Aurora. Or. Route 3. ' THIS Is a bargain; 19 miles southwest of Portland, large houae and barn; 173 acres 60 acres under cultivation, balance paaturd and timber; creek runs through the place J good orchard. 22 head of cattle, 4 horses wagons, all farm implements, 35 "O. 1 C." hogs. 250 hens, barn full of hay( grain; county road through the place; all for $19,000. Call Sunday from 1 to 3 o any time through the week. 2S3 Taylo st. W. W. Church. FOR SALE BY OWNERS. 160 ACRES, 125 miles from Portland 4 miles from two railroads, good road to market; 80 acres in cultivation, good well of water. 4-room house and small bam ; all fenced; 25 small fruit treea Price) $2800 if taken at once. T. F. Tomllnson 35 E. Third st. IS'.. Portland. A BEAUTIFUL place of 80 acres In the lovely Tualatin Valley, IT miles west tf Portland. -40 In cultivation; good prunej and apple orchard; very best of oU; creek several springs; house; woven wire fence,, etc $&5 Per crtil worth $150. Wm, Fi se 1 1 e. LaureL Or. FOR sale on reasonable terms 40 acrea up. land, all level; 12 acrea in cultivation, bal ance pasture; big six-room house; bid barn; 30 bearing fruit trees; good well and running water; close to school and good town White to John Win. L,sn4 WinlQCK. wwu- FINE slock or dairy ranch, 400 acres, oil Willamette River; 28 miles south of Port-, land- one of the flneat farms In the wilH amette Valley, at $80 per acre. This is) the best realty bargain on the marketu ; B, 7 -Roard of Trade bldg., Portland. ! YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALB Large and small tracts, suitable fox general farming, nr-in. ubj, .ruii, nops dairying, etc.; about 40 miles south weai of Portland. Or. Call or write for prloi fist. W. E. Kidder. Carlton, Or. BAVCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 mile from Portland, near electric line; bargain. for all caah. by owner. 1S2 Morrison at. ; YCm SALE 51 acrea Improved, $3000, 3" miles from Yamhill; eaay terms. AVT 615. Oregonian. FOR Sale or Exchagne for Portland prop4 ar. e. e..-ao rtrafnn uha f In rift aan tr4 7. ' or.-. rv,fv KiiiMfner. lerais. - 160 ACRES Tillamook County, $25 per acre. La. Xj. TDOmpSOB K Vel., -uuiea . aau.Bua, building. J FOB REXT FARMS. FOR RENT 53 acres; stock and Implement , ,. eIUa 'mm enrl F1,. 1 trill fvJB on Boone's Ferry road ; tine land, nic house. Big snap. No agents. Geo4' Rihbecke. Oswego. R. I. box 15a.. 160 ACRE3 for rent; stock, implement ; hay and grain for sale; low rent. -iS2 Washington St.; room 16. i FOB SALE TYMPEB IA3fDaV ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. 1- J M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 7C0 BUI'S 80 acres tlmoar land, Dougla . ... air KTi nraenrlRn. 1 tOUU tj e 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANTED A vacant lot or acreage for firs-iC payment on my nose vil ri -""; vain .eii nn nrrifnarv easy terms, except; that inatead of demanding cash for tha; nrat payment I will take your lot ort acreage and asaume your mortgage 1.2 there Is one. AB 452, Oregonian. ( - 1 ' "" 1 FAR.MS WANTED. WANTED Alfalfa ranches; 6000 acres anctf 15. OOO acres in Oregon, Washington o Idaho; water must be in sight for lrrli gatlon, otherwise not interested. 150.00dt acrea agricultural land. J. H. McKlbben 717 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. WASTED TO RENT- FARMS. A GOOD ranch fur dairying, furnished o unfurnished. Write or call. O. N. Kim- ball, 173 North 17th. WANTED TIMBER LAXUS. WILL pay cash for two or three clamls 1, high-giade yeilow nr near transportation If the price is right; owners only; ;iv. iugal description of land ir. reply. IS 461. Tireganian. ' TO EXCHANGE. 169 ACRES, about 3,000,000 feet of timber 2 miles of railroad and 8 miles of townj thitj property is aBsessed by the county fof S 'L-uO. I wiah to trade this for automobile, j" H. Tipton. 1108 Spalding bldg. ONE or two acres standing timber, 7o fare West Side, as first payment on small modern home, balance mortgage; no in- fiated prices, or agents. AO 465, Oregon man. FOR EXCHANGE Small, bearing apple or chard, fine improvementa, in the Rogue River Valley, for improved Portland prop erty. Owner. Seward Hotel. SMALL tile and brick plant near Portlandi 10 acrea best clay: trade for real estate in or near Portland. Owner. X 489, Ore golan. M FOR farm exchanges, business chancea or roomlng-housea, call on ua Northwesq Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade bldg. ' EXCHANGE Walla Walla acre tracts fo4 lots in Portland. Will give or take dif-4' ference. M.. 873 E. Oak. COH'MBIA RIVER ORCHARD bonds to ex change for unincumbered property. Aia 4 4 . Qregnisn. J GASOLINE FERRY, doing good business George Hoffman, owner, Columbus, Wash) F LTRN I F H ED hot -1 and dwe 1 ling to traxiSL, tot -Arm. Bqx& ShmXaj Ox j