Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 30, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Paul Thomsen Runs Dcwn
Lane County Man and Then
Flees in Machine.
In sid l Be Slfman for Port
land ImrW-uwnt Company Mal
nMrr linnee Violation
of httt lJr AllrriJ.
Et";KN Or., S"f t. 15 (Special.)
Driving at I aal.t to
tmvm hn a hltfi rt of c Taul
T.ftT.wp. who a-orls fre 1 trvol!ntr
'.iir..n for a jvrUan-1 Implement
fA-pirr. t'ulay ran d-urn ar.U fatally
tnjur"t Itr I a her t. 75. a rMnt of
HM-n. a r'toffi-re 44 m.lf lip tl;a
W!:iaire:t Rlrer from FJirene.
T? lot!m die! two iioura later at
the Euireno .lop!tal.
Attr mr.nlnr d-wn Hubert. Thm
an f!e1 from tr.e In hi automo
Mle and vti arrested later nar C'it
tr Grove. T car. wMrfc Thon,n
eays ta bla own. bears th rumber of
that nfnlpn from It. H.Tier I. Keenrjr
la Portland SeptmSer 2S.
Tha -rMnt ocrurrM at the corner
cf K i e ! t anj V: ! mri t etrei, tt.
ru:iet cm r In the rltr. HVbM. w
knocked to the pavement, suffering; a
f racl'irert eku.l- Ttoniftcn atnpp.l Ms
rr mme!lilv, fh InJ-.r. man wis
F!a4 In It an 4 ruh4 to tue hopit!.
Tr.mKn thn dlsAp p-ard. hut was
mrreste.1 later nar Cott4 Grove.
Yhtlaftoa I-at AllrceJ.
Thomson wu waet on
F'fff.tfl street an-! in lurninjr nrth n
iVli !amt ;w he rrwsel t ft car trarks
to t w-t si.1 uf the .ret. vtcUt-jna-
tne rt Isw rM.u:rtn nr to
keep ta ine r'cht aul of the streo.
In turning a c rnr. Tha roliiMnn oc
curred area t n car tra-k s o,jo! 19
tne aM of ih strrt wUr r ip.i
chine fihouM hav U-n iraYfJin to
hav ben In accordance with tha ant
Th XHitrtct Attorney fmrnedtatelr
had tr irt iurtf jri anl a map of
tn tracks of th mrriin rna'1 t be
uM ae fvtdenr bofre the Coroners
Ianmerilatetr after takimr Ifrbrt to
the hospital Thotnsa WK i.iiKfn. The
l.ut iff n of turn hrrt i w htn ho
was fri. vUmc on Klovt-Dtt street
at a h i ra of M"t. A he t-M
tn clerk at th ---iirvl Hotr that be
wi roina to i't I a (rove tixl t.
hheriff l'wn tel-pione! la th City
Marshal there aam nlm ta bo on the
Joukuut for t nn. Thonen hjd
)S trouxn ntairej (irtr a fw
minutes bfore th r.-rt of the trie
phone rail. trivliD4 ra; Idly. The
Marsnal r,-iir'd a car and cve pur
suit, overtaking and rapturing hte man
at rk. t nnlw vuth tf t't(i:e
lirove ft ho mm nt"ndtnr a blown-out
tin lif was brought b -k t Kut"n
and tornril ovrr to tfia off.-rs. tojfrtij
crwi:nMenmcfine m
far Left la Alley Over Makt.
Su;evtfntr from tiie n:-r:"a rs-rnf?i
t ic out t t'wa titit Hif-thiRiC ma
wroinr. the t iiu'. inuirt.a at
the hoL m Mvre he f nnd tnat the
ntan had re-tfitrred under the nam of
V. Jcn"n. a;l to ba a rr-tre-ntativ
nt a l ortltnd lir ; lament huuee. In
etead of t.ikinr (. - i ir to a caraxe.
be had left tt in t - al'.er behind the
h..:l tivor niht. iltiic tr-at his etn
plojrT woulil nit allow raraif
r. irM. A tcl-Thon tDfsuire t tne
of f of th SH-retry of r-tate dis
r 1 tr.e tct l ml no car w a.4 rK
tj(rl un.I-T the narn of K. Jn.rn.
The Shr.-T then telephoned the pi
lice author. ties at rortan.l rivins; the
e-. cine number and nunufar'arefi
number of the car and rrivei the :
inir that the cr In q newt ton was on hid b-fi ston from rr. Hmer I. 1
kfn.v. a:d aK.'.r:rf trit the man be
hr'd ur; tli !'ri an 1 ;T;cr could come j
f r htm. or If his o,T-n!e here was mora '
serious, to ho.d htrn fr trial here.
Sen brought bvk to K icene he I
:d trt his rr tl name was I'aal Thorn- I
n-n. He denied havlnc stolen the au
lombue from It Kf.r.rr and said
that he had bvtucht It from I.eav1tt A-
'3m;ianT. In lurt-an-i. Hm said that
he had been recency m.irrted and that
hi home ta In Ki:odi.
- He wiil be arr.iiicned tomorrow
morninir. and a (omul amp.aint will
ba entered ajra.nv. turn. rfurif!r. h:m
wHh Involuntary nikotUuchtcr.
lirbert s N Uy a aa Uken to the
morau and the coroner Inquest wiU
ba haid tomorrow mornina;.
The automobile, stolen on the nljcht
of jep member 2 3 from Jn front of the
Medic a iiu!:diua. as numbered 421.
and was the property of It. 11. I.
Keener. It was a 3d hre-iower,
nve-pana'er vver:nd. A rard of
5 had ben otTred for Its return.
Oilef Moicr ICrcrlvra Vaique I tier
About MUlrif Man.
Ch.ef of rUa Flover h 1 a "bad
tir yaatrrUay. when ha opeaed his
mall a .d f un J a letter f r.m J. K.
Svhaffer. a baker of trtr!t lake. Id.iho.
who fctnJin the t;r.K"h Innuae ac
rordinrf to the ln--r r'sioniei u- e. ho-L
The writer IS srckmic Information of
a former fe.l-' w t.w nan: an. W ritin j
cm his ui o buamna s:ationery. he
M - r t-n -if.g vur -r-tat a
I'airJ M- ) r.: t m i.-. V h
t p 'fUcki on Aua? ( : t S4
I r; ;:.-r i rw. 1 rrr. -. t- . '
-f A'if At .'.. h r. '.T f.r.:t" l.i r. H
wrll S-.d t i,! im In h- 1 tr C. t
t b-n i;' i r j r'p.-niT r
r - . .. - i- n- ..;
a . I r a a .cr ir I I -1 h-n a c naca
f t . t- i - .1 a i J ' n c ',. aiu
Srf ti ta a a .-.l- v (j r ! t ir-1
acioptl laat r.iirht bv the Central La
bor Council of fwtland. The re.o-I-j'
!-n c ha rvad t hat M r. Taf t is '"an
aile an.! m. ii-.if tod of our billr.a r
trua:.-" nr.'. o,h-r nutprnran of
ain.:; ir im-inrt
Tar bar C irw I r. Iw resol'itlon
thar.-'l that rrse p--5'Pt tour of tr.
ire' t la brtr.K D".al" "to il:cre1 L l
tje ur' . n -:.-m f coverr ment "
"Tnpf . ..HfrK'-.i.' tns r-'.v.i.;
l.wn rr.. i. "r.4V r. ' Tr-1 Pre;-
i'tt . H. Taf: to d-feat tfc. "Oreimri
sa:-m. Jiit .'.t t. .jve power of the
t:a lre derii H;r:unan to dn
frr.d slavery r. ira t . e crea t movt
m ut f r h.maa I:fertv."
A mor ar oth-. r ir.i ;i-t ments mid'
aint the Frei.'.;r.t were that
tnr jiud his apT'(r.t ;iik ywer he has
"fiickrd" trie t'oitvd .tateit tfuprome
C-tur'.; that urn Governor ot the l'hllip
pinea he mlvo- ;ri uv, rt .-icted Inim1
Kitmn of C'kiiw laborers to those
1 lan is; and t h it its ml Jud.'o he
iu-l Injunrttons forrlnit railroad em
pl'yea to work aa.n.t tht r w;lL
C-iie of the r-so! jtjor.s. which were
draf '-t by a cm m; tt-j c'-r.sitinf of
Kd I;.rr.T era. Jam M m lire, K. J
Sta.k ar.'l Out Llidr. w.Il bo sent to the
tiovernir of evr sta :e.
i Leaders Say Workers Will Not
Weaken in Crisis Which
Is Being Faced.
mm is eh fete
35.000 Aw Fipvtcd to Oboy Order
Affecting MAnj Cities In Great
System, Including Portland.
Officials Vnafrald.
rort'.r.ut-G From Ftrwt rsjte.)
Interest in a I'nfcrramm II a Mren
I're-imred for Vlaltfir KslTrosd
Faj ri(af.
r.KDMOND. Or. Sept. S9. Special.)
The, aec'al train ova- the. Oregon
Trunk l;ilwny, rrrylnsr officials of
the Cres;'n Trunk, the il.-V. U. A N".
and members of the Portland Commer
cial Club, arrlwd here tontKht at 9
o clock and met at the depot by
f he Fledmond Com merrlnl CI n b. Ked
mond Miitury It and and a larire ron
rniirie rf r!tirnt. The rity ti dred
in sa)a attire for r; lroad co!ebrtion
dav. wh'rh nprm tomorrow m-'rnl rK
Isltors are nm.-h lmprsd wltli th
irtniif exhibit that ro shown hre
In the war of rra!n-, fruits and vk
tabloa. All pr- pa rs tions m re ma do to
er trt nin t ri i i tors tomorrow with
an interesting prcrmmme I'rosident
Carl Cray, of tl.o i rek -n Trtink li.ill
wav. Is on t he proa ra.. me to respond
to the srroT tii a of Holi'Miir, as l.-o la
Tt. ft. M tiler, trafflr manaaer of the
0. -W. H. & X.; C. C. Chapman, secre
tary of fbe Oregon reve!opment
1. rsa-iie; r. Lively and Phil S. Hates,
borh of Portland Comiiierrial C'ub, are
.hrdw!M for addre.Hss on tha morn
In r P tc ram me.
KotJowlnir l the list of railway of -flrials
and members of the Portland
Com n rr'.'il Club who are In the parv:
O.-U. I: A N. Co Tt. H. Miller, traf
fic manaKer; K ". Kohinson. iccneral
frvlcrfit ai;'nt; VIl!!am McMurray, sren
eral pa.5etiirer auent; John M. Scott,
aitant aneral pas.-nprr asrent; Ouy
I Andtron. secretary general traffic
department . C. V. Mount. district
frt;ht and pTeiiK"r atrent. Walla
Waila: A. Mart.'oriuodale. district
frcicht and pa.seniTfT aaT"n?. Spokane;
S. W. poachke chief ensriner; I C.
McCoy, rnslnoar; H. A. Iownev, engi
neer; J. P. Gum, lee-turer; A. C. Jack
son, advert! sin 47 acent; C H. Texter.
a-eneral ttffit freight department; J.
H. Mulcah-y. dlsfirt frelrht aa-enr.
Southern Pacific Comn.tny: H. C. t'tllver,
travel i n a f retaht and pa seen iter nRrnt;
11. J. O Nell, traveli:;: fretmht and pss
ancer airnt I 'rhut es line ; J. N.
O'Neiil, travel in a; pascnirer aent; A.
A. M ree. speriii representative.
Orearon Trunk Carl H. Gray, presi
dent Oresron Trunk Hallway; . K.
Co man. Keneral frrlirht and pasencr
aarent ; J. Husst-I. ir'rieral superintend
ent ; K. Pudd. cnirf vnirineer: J. H.
Tiorera. superintendent K. A. H-nineril,
train master; J. T. Hardy. tt ivellna;
fje;ht and rasserarer aknt : K. G.
Koart v. atsant general frelsrht
cht Northern Pacific Hallway: John
W. Sprtnsrer. trnvtlnif freight and pas
senger affent Liret Northern Railway.
;ner:l list Philip S, Hates, pub
It aher Pacific Northwest: Marshall N.
Intna. Oregon Journal. Portland : Tr.
Andrew C. Smith. It. Calvin S. White,
rr. V, T. WLUamson. rr. K. A. Pierce.
Professor Kent, of Ore a; on Affrlcuitural
Cotfce; W. n. lous;herty. D. O. Lively.
C. P. Ju4s:e.
' are In Kansas City, Omaha, North
. Platte. Neb.: Chey.nne. Wyo.; Oftdon.
j ialt ITke City. Utah; Reno. Nev.; Po
; citt llo. Ida.; Portland. Or.; Saattla.
J Wash.; San Francisco, Sacramento,
n.tkersf!eld, Los Angeles. CaL; Las
Vesaa. Tucson, Arts.; EI Paso, San An-
j tonio. Houston. Beaumont, Tex.; New
OrJcans, La.; McCoomb City, Water
Valloy, Vicksbursr. Mlaa.; Memphis
Tenn.; Kast St. Louis, Matoon, Clinton,
Central. a. Chicago, 111.; I'enver and San
Luis Obispo, CaL
Ths etrlko will not affect train
schedules, accordini; to C. IL' Markham,
prositiont of th Illinois Central, who
raid that there were 10 applicants for
every peltinn that will be opened by
the strike.
tferke' Strike ftpreada.
Tha. clerks strike, which already has
hanJIrappad ahfpplntc on the Illinois
Central and Vazoo &. Mississippi road?.
i today spread to the frelsht handlers
In New Orleana. luv moo malkins; out
Tnroe sirikcrs and aympathiawa
went arrested for alleged violation of
tho Federal injunction and the firemen
of the GeorK'a A Florida Railroad ara
out because of the refusal of the road
to grant a was increase Not a train
was opratod In AuKtista today be
cause of the strike. .
On the Missouri. Kansas A Texas,
unhn officials say mure than 20.000
men are out.
company ia ajuilty of champerty and
maintenance, that is gruaran teeing: to
plantlffs to institute and carry through
Suits for them without -expense to tiie
plaintiff s The agency must., now
answer Hayman's complaint or default.
The trouble between the agency and
the attorney had lta inception when
the apency started suit against Hay
man to obtain judgment for 2500
which the attorney earned as assignee
of the standard cafeteria, the allega
tion tH.'inK- that Hayman was in the
employ of the company at $75 a month
and fhould turn over his earnings to
the agency. In answer to this the at
torney asserts that he was under
contract to take care of the asrency's
lebral business for $75 a month but
I that he was accepting this amount in
lieu of fees and that any business he
engaged in on the outside was strictly
his own and allowed by his contract.
The second move In the controversy
m-as Hayman's suit In the name of the
state to oust the corporation from O re
ar oru alleging; that It ia a collection
agency engincing; In the practice of
the luteal profes-lon. There is still a
third suit in the controversy In which
Hayman Is asking- for $10,000 for dam
ages to his reputation. He declares
that 8. L. Bright, manager of the
agency, called him a thief and la bend
ing his efforts toward discrediting: him
In the eyes of the public
Judge Gatens' decision on the de
murrer points to the company as g-ullty
of thev usurpation alleged by Hayman,
which practically decided the case, al
though the asrency may elect to answer
and so to trial on the case's merits.
ia r i 1 r ' - ' - Vi f j 1 tn tr.ix -
S. If "O
a'rtuS t:.
i - n is S f-t T hich-a
ta'. i r-i - aar-'o a:a.
All patrolmen hae bern lrru"tej
to wath f r a "have a-t fili-'W with njet an iinu'y motes"
PrraUlent of Trjiti to 1-
frat 'Orrton S)lcm." roIut;pr.s inaur'n Presi
dent Taft. cti'.k fc. i.T. ial acts
and irxpusrmns; ha motives. were
Tnrntr-Itound Flht la Fast Though
Hum Is IU-larcd III.
PAN FP.ANClsco, Sept. ; Frankle
Hums, of Oakland, and Matty Baldwin.
of Houston, fought 2 0 rounds to a draw
hre tonlaht- Itefore the fight ReXeree
Toby Irwin announced that Hurna m-as
HI and that all bets wonld be declared
off. At this stage picemen at the
rica-nMe sald-that the flght would not
be permitted and there was a consulta
tion. Into which threa physicians wre
ra'.led. Thev pronounc-rd Hurni flt to
make the flght and the police objection
wna withdrawn.
The fiKht waa fast and Baldwin wns
considerably battered. The decision
was not popular, the majority of tha
spectators etp resting taw opinion that
the fight should have rone to- Hums.
Thin Is the seoond fight the men have
had. the flrat being a sire-round no
dec:nlon aair In Newark. N. J., a year
ago last June. Karh boy asserts that
he had the best of that go.
Ex.PnsUIxt r. Through Portland
on War to California.
PKATTLR. Wa.h Spt. S. Jimd
nd John Jffr!i wbo mother dtril at
Lot Anirl.- M'r.dasr nlKht. arrived
from AUnka. ber thry hirf be-n
huntlnc garr-c. on the rtranmhlp
Nortnwratern l.-Dikl.l- They left t'or
ilnvi the mornlnpt befor. their mothor
cited aod hoped to rea-ti Lob AtiRelefl
tn time tn ! at her bedmde.
Ther did r."t reci'lve rewa cf Mr.
Jefferlea until thr landed here.
Thrv arrancd at onr. to catch a late
mvht train for l'ortianil. where ther j
will connect with a train for Sn Fran
rlsco tomorrow mormrjr.
City C'lirmlat Saj Si liable Are
VU tlin In SO I'aj.
t; f. c',llojv. fltjr MHk Chemiet
ha f led In tr office of City Hvaltn
filler w he.-er u report aurtbutir.g
trie dixtth of : Infanta between Sei
tenbr 1 and 20. to Impure milk. lie
a fur an lu.niDt In trie milk lab
oratory, and ttnaa man oilieht to
bo detailed to do not.'imi el but In
,jot dainea.
iir. Glloay iy ther Is little
watered rc.'.k -ld In Tortland. bjt
cirS of It ia unolean.
PrnUloton I'oetal Hank Gt't $0.
rE.N'I'LfrTOX. Or, fiept. S. (Spe
cUL Th. um of l.'v haa been d
ponded In the potl anvinics bink
bar. amr. It waa eetubliahed In ton
section with the Pendleton po.tofflra,
June 13 of thia year. The total num.
br of depoaitor ta bat iJL.
Walkout Not PoK.siblc Today When
Shopmen Do Not Work..
Although tha atrlke has been called
for 10 o'clock thla morning; lt effects
cannot b noticeable until Monday, becauaa the ahopmen do not
work uturdaya and Sundays.
The announcement coming: from
will take placo at 20 o'clock this
morninir la somewhat tmuslng to both
railroad officials and labor men for
thla reason.
A walkout cannot reasonably take
plare so loaa; as there Is no one to
walk out.
K'rer elnce thfe Harrlman system
adopted Its retrenchment policy tho
hop forces have hewn limited and
work haa been cut down to flv. daya
a week.
The shopmen explain that the
strike will be declared In effact at 10
o'clock this momma-, to avoid the con
fusion of a walkout. Machinist in
l'ortinnd declare t that the heads of
their organization deire to conduct
the strike, if one takoe place. In a quiet
and orderly manner and for this rea
son they chose to have their period of
Inactivity beyla at a tim. wuen the
men are not at work.
I'oriland officials of the unions af
fected by the negotiations are at a loss
to explain tho several postponements
of the time when tha actual strike will
betrln. Thoy declara that they have
not received definite advlco from Kant
em headquarters regarding; their nego
tiations with Mr. Kruttschnltr.
Nil efforts have beon made to con
duct negotiations between llarrlman
officials In Portland and comm'ttees
from the labor unions. Roth the O.-W.
K. N. Compeny and the Suthrn Pa
cific now have working agreements In
effect wlt't tho various Individual
unions Involved In tha controversy. In
which th r'lhts of tho labor organiza
tions are fully recognized.
It Is not a question of refusing to
recognlset tha unions, the officials print
out. for they have long since recog
nized tho Individual unions. They take
a f!rrr. stand, however, avalnst recog
nition of tie fylnited unions as de
manded by the shopmen.
All the Portland shops ara well pre
pared to withstand the efforts of a pro
longed strike. It la admitted that all
or nrly all tho union men will obey
the ordi-r from the start. AVhllo the
labor men !ay that 9S per cent of the
ahopmen are members of the union.
Ilarrlrran officials believe that not
more SO per cent of them ara
unionized. It la possible, however, that
the unions are In the better position
to have correct Information on that
That many of tha older men soon
will desort the ranks ot the strikers Is
predicted. If they do not come back
the "-a'lroads say they can get all ths
men they want from Eastern and Port
land auenclea. Tho motive power and
equipment Is In condition, they say. to
servo fcr a week or ton days without
attention. Fy that time they expect to
have enough of tholr old men back to
work to continue operations.
The railroads also are prepared to
houco and feed shop employes In
their plants in cane of emergency.
The Central Labor Council at Its
mectlnK last nljrht Indorsed the action
of the llarrlman shopmen in striking
and extended Ihem a vote of sympathy.
A committee consisting of J. A. Mad
son. K. J. f:pach and Frank I Bourne
was named by the council to confer
with a committee of strikers and dis
cuss v.-nys and means of conducting
the strike In this city. The shopmen
are not affiliated with the Labor
llarrlman offlcnls yesterday re
quested the police commission to ex
tend protection to their property In
case It Is needed by reason of the
Court Overrules Ioturrer of Com
pany That Practices Law.
Judge Gatens yestetday .afternoon
overruled the demurrer to the second
amended complaint in the esse of the
State -of Oregon ex rel Kt-njamin Hay
man atfalnst the International Mercan
tile A iJnnd Agency, in which it Is
sought to bar the aeency from the
state on the ground that it is a cor
poration practi!ln: law.
The Judfte said In his decision that
there is no doubt In his mind that the
Though Two-Thirds r Suhjprt to
Bedm? CaUexl to Color, They
Io Xot Fxpfct to Ke.
Although about two-thirds of the
Ttnlians now in Portland are subject to
call to arms by their native country if
they are needed In the war with Tur
key.' there apparently is no uneaines.
It Is the opinion of I'ortland Italians
that the war will not be of lonjr dura
tion and that the standintr Army and
home reserves will be uff it-lent to
carry on all the required furhtinx and
no rail will be made for the Italians
now tn fornijrn land.
A. H. Ferrera said yesterday that it
made no difference how lonp an Ital-
lan has lived in the lnited States or
any other country. If he haa served in
the Italtnn Army he is subject to call
In the event of war. The early train
ing; of young men -is compulsory. It
wns not, however, likely that there
would be any call on Italians in the
t'ntted States unless the war was of
lonjr duration, said Mr. Ferrera.
The Italians of Portland apparently
are divided In their sympathies. The
trend was a&ralnet the war wltn Turkey
because the masses of Italy look upon
the war as a commercial proposition
and do not conHlder thnt It la neces
sary for the welfare of Italy. They
look upon It as a move on the part of
the "interests" to make more money,
Mr. Ferrera said.
iSo far as la known no Portland
Italians have prepared to return to
Italy to Join the Army, . although there
may be some If the situation grows
more grave.
! ill ii iiii. i to j ! iiii is ' i j lifiRf j Hi il
i 1 1 mm Siii i l 1
I lip "w- rT tliiiliii I
111 - II
1)1 There is a representative clothing establishment near you f
Alleged Land Swindlers Caught by
Suspicious Pa loupe Farmer.
SEATTLK, Wash.. Ppt. 19. (Spe
cial.) J. Kdward Urepcrson and A
Kobbins, lanl locators, who are
charged with having fleeced hundreds
of persons seeking; farms In Canada
out of thousands of dollars by charg
ing a $16 foe In each case for tho serv
Ico of "poinflag out tho real land of
fice conducted' by the Canadian govern
ment" In this city, were put out of
business today by Prosecuting Attor
ney John F. Murphy and the Police
I'epartm'nt. Tha men have agreed to
close their office at 223 Second avenue
South and they also will be tried Joint
ly on a petit larceny charge.
John Hartwlsr. a youna: ranchor of
Spokane, formerly of tho Palouse
cotin'ry. arrived here several days co
iwiSiaii -i'-ini I rn s ifcT rH -tfi la
There is a representative clothing establishment near you
where you can try on an Adlcr Collegian Suit or Overcoat and
see for yourself how these look on you. This "mirror
test" will do more to give you the correct impression of these
unusual clothes than we could ever hope to in pages of type.
And as to the quality of materials, service and wear leave
that to the dealer. He is reliable, and besides, we stand back
of him. When you buy an Adler Collegian Suit or Overcoat
you cannot go wrong and your clothes money will never go so
far. $15 ' to $30 are the prices.
Send us your name and address we will tell you who this
dealer is and we will also send you our latest Fashion
Book that will post you on "what's what" in men's clothes
In quet of pointers on obtaining Can
adian, government land open for set
tlement on easy terms.
It Is alleged ho fell Into a trap set
by Robblns and Greerson, who con
durren the. OnnrtUn Locating Com
pany. Hartwlg, however, promptly
kicked the trap to pieces and had tho
men arrested.
J. Thompson Dies at Mount Pleasant
ORRCJON CITY" Or., Sept. 29. (Spe
cial.) J. Thompson, aged 70 years, and
for many years a resident of Clackamas
County, died today at bis home at
Mount Pleasant, following a long ill
ness. He was a native of Sweden, and
Is survived by a family.
Cleanses the System
effectually; Dispels
colds and Headaches,
due to constipation.
Best for men. women
and children : young
and old.
To qct its Beneficial
effects, always note the
name of the Company
plainly printed on the
front of every package
of the Genuine
What a lasses are ta weak eyes, Cas
careta are ta. weak bewcls a 10
eeat bos will truly amase yoa.
Most old people must give to the
toweia some regular help, else they
suffer from constipation. Tho condi
tion Is perfectly natural. - It Is Just
as natural as it is fur old people, to
walk slowly. Kor age is never so
ai-tive as youth. The muscles are less
elastic. And the bowels are muscles.
So all eld people need Cascareta.
One mitcht as well refuse to aid weak
eyes with glasses as to neglect this
rvntlft aid to weak bowels. The
bowels must be kept active. This is
Important at all ages, but never ao
much as at fifty.
Age is not a tima for harsh physics.
Youth may occasionally whlD the
bowels Into activity. But a lasn can't i
be uped everv tiay. v.'hat the bowels
of the old ned Is a gentle and natural
tonic. One that can be constantly used
without harm. The only such tonic is
Cascareta and they cost only 10 cent
per box at any drug store. They work
wnlla Tou sleep.'
.f $775
East Ankeny M on ta -villa Cars at
3d & Morrison to E- 6Sth & Glisan
286 Oak Street - Both Phones
Get Your Share of the Vacant Surface
of This Charming Spot Right Now
A 7374
Umbdenstock So Larson Co.