THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1911. 20 RIOTING FIRM ADDSTO FACILITIES Puget Sound Tugboat Com-j pany Orders Goliath to Mouth of Columbia River. COMPETITION CAUSES CUT Pernio for Bulne I Reported to nro Caused Opposition Pilot to Otter Keductlon In Tk ln Ships to Sea. Adhering- to Its early determination to Increase Its tosrtns; facilities at the mouth of the Columbia River. o as to with the Port of Portland Commission, the Puret Sound TuKboat Company has ordered that the tuar Qo Itah. whlrh arrived at Seattle. Wash, yesterday from ITInce Kuprrt. proceed to the river. She la expected there to dtt or tomorrow. The Oollah will Join the tutr Tatooeh. amd It la probable that the Commission will keep both the Wallula and One onta in aervlce. aa repairs-to the latter on the public drydck are nearlne; com pletion and he will be ready for duty whn required. White siRntures have not been ar fixed to the document, the Monarch Traneportatlon Company, which la act-Ins- aa Portland aatent for the tue;boat corporation, haa compiled an " merit for handling the river towage with the steamer Monarch. Oeneral M.anasrer plummer win ar rive here next week and the Till be made -a permanent acquisition to the Heel. A. yet It ha not been announced that tow.e rate, to points between Astoria and Portland bae been lowered, and It J. undr",1d that the company will delve In to de tail of operation In the Intermedi ate territory more thoroughly beforo tnaktna; the move. The opposition at the entrance to the Oo.urabla la not to bo confined " chartered for itraln and off shore, but will be " ochoonera In the coastwise trade, aa both sides are. awelttna; the PI'"'n of the schooner Virginia, " th' " th. .mall carrlera that to point. on the lower river lor It was reported yesterday that the opposition pllote had made a Propor tion to take a vessel, now In the har bor, to sea for P" 1" h' rort of Portland tariff. TT Commla aton may not authorise a material re- ouctlon in rate, nnleaa it is that the competln senrlce conducted for less revenue than la thouaht now. but aa It cod.ratood that Ave per oent .!" rv.n in rebate, tho ComaMot will bo advised to lower Ita tariff to that stent. rrtF.vcn salts terrorized Captain Charrce Monber of Cre-er With Being Insane. Harhorma.ter Fpeler waa called to the French bark Honchampa yeaterday tnornlnc to arre.t Louis Pons. sailor accused of belna- Inaane. and with tne assistance of Patrolman Hellyer he waa taken to tho county Jail and Captain Hartln filed an Ineanlty complaint. The aklpper reported that during Wednes day nlrht Pon terrorised the crew by Ma actions and also attempted to burn the vessel. Pona ahlpped at whera tha Ponchampo dlacharited reneral carato from Europe, and proceeded to Hono lulu on her way to Portland. She la loadtn wheat and la expected to fin ish thta week, ao Pone will be left here. Harbormaster Ppeler says that little la known of the eaailor other than aath red by the crew after be Joined the vessel, but hie actlona wera such that It waa Insisted that ha bo turned over to the authorities. SOME CITT OX XEVf HOtTE Grave Harbor Interest Seek Direct Servtc gonth. Olson Mahony are reachlnc out for permanent trade on Crave Harbor, and It l announred from tirre that tha oteamer Nome Oct Is to be placed on the Orays Harbor-Sin Pranclsco route permanently If sufficient bualnesa la guaranteed. The Hoqulnra Commercial Club la behind the move, and at a luncheon alven Wednesday a commit tee reported that 4n4 rnssengera left Orsys llnrlor every month and as many arrived. It Is estimated that from passenarer business the monthly revenue la liOtfo. and If the Nome City Is put on the run direct ahe will have to carry average car coca In both directions From tha Harbor south. Iumler ahlpmenta will form the load, and northbound It ta hoped to divert ehlpmenta now handled by rail, besides galnlnc new bualnesa. FrnxMPrn trapk compatifj Orel Shipment Second Hravlewt In Eleven Season. But once tn 11 seasons have wheat aiDorli durlna September exceeded the amount that will be floated to offshore ports this) month. That waa in lsus. when 1.I1I.SIJ ouaneia were sent away, September ahlpmenta for east years kave boon aa followa: ltl .1.J1 t-ushels: 10: ;4.:i bushels: 10J 1J.T0 bushels; t4 113.01 bushels; e)4.l bushels: l -4S.13 bushels: 1'JT :.:; bushels; 1J0S 1 Til.&Tf bushels: lu .; bushels. and 1I0 11M:; bushels. Five caraoea have been cleared ao far this month, accrest'ttnir Ts0.i:S bushels. Py tomorrow afternoon there will have been cleared the French bark Krneet 1-esouve and the British bark Torrtsdale. with prospects or one audi tlonal ehlp. This would make over 1 0e.4"o buahela of rew crop rraln fitted by leptember 3 ' ET.LI COTT IIOXOKS SFIVM-VX Marylarul'a Crew Mueterrd at Pre sentation of Medal. John M E'.lS.-ott. Captain, command ln the I". S. a. Maryland, under re vsira at Vara Island, and who leas than three months aero relinquished waTervtalon of the Eever.teenta LJnt rouse r'tstrKt. waa aelected by tha Italian Ited Cross Society to present to J Puuk. a water-tenaer on tno ilarrlar.d. a medai and diploma of hon or In recoar.Hlon of bravery displayed In the earthquake at Messina. Danask Is a native of t!ree. The preeenta t! Tn took Blare last weea. when Cap tain H;;icott miutexed the entire erew. and aa bo pinned the me.l.1 on tho re cipient a breast the uuu4 OX tlm euu radea was as reat as though a gun nery trophy waa awarded. Since reacnlcs; Mara Island tho Mary land's crew has taken first place In a track meet, and laat week defeated the South Dakotas football team by I to and the Vallejo crack team by I to 0. Captain Elllcott la encouraging athletic features, as ha aaya It "la one of the strongest elements In maintain ing esprit." As the Pacific fleet Is to partici pate In aroundbreaklng ceremontea of the Panama-Paclfla Exposition about October 11. the cruise to Honolulu haa been postponed until after torpedo practice. Vessels at San Ptego and elsewhere on the Coast will be assem bled within, tha Oo4den Gate for the groundbreaking, and proceed to South ern California for torpedo practice about November 1. by which time re pairs to the Maryland will be finished. The fleet and torpedo flotilla will pro ceed to Honolulu November 15. on a six weeks' cruise for fleet drills and maneuvers. Marine Xote. Captain I. J. McVlrar has succeeded Captain K D. Parsons as master of tho Port of Portland tug Wallula. To load cargo here undej- charter to O. TV. McNear tho British tramp Belle of Scotland sailed from San Francisco Wednesday night. To have her machinery overhauled and minor repilrs made tha steamer O. STTEAMES IXTXIXIGEXOE. I me to Arrive. Nam. Nome c'tty. . . . rterlc Kalt-on Pus H Fllmore. Kos. t'lt v. .... Tl Iarr.ook Anvil ltreakealsr. .. Jtoanok. . . ... cioiden Gate. . . Alliance. ...... Ileaver KtsJ uo. w. Eider, fcuvenc From . s n Francisco . Mni:a Krd H.dro .. Date In port an prt I ii port s.-pt. I Stpt. ' 8pt. S'1 Sept. '3 fe.WU ( Oct. 1 CV-t. 3 Oct. t Ort. 1 tan Krunclsco . Tl .amook . . . . .Fan I'edro... rxi lIUs JfsaUon jL'uos Hay.... aa Dlega. . . . Ttliamovik. . . . San Pedro. Oct. D Oct Oct. SO . Honrkor-s. . . an l':.3... .Manila Bctedale4 to ITepart. Name Orteritj For Manila. . . San Pedro Date Bert. . 30 4 Hear 5 Nome City. .. . y:con . Tillamook I Anv:l I u II. Elmore. 7 Itreakwater. . . 4io;.l-n Gate. . . Alliance I'.om rn f ytoanoke. . . . .. e Heaver !()eo. W. Elder. Kysla Kuvs.-t o SI) 2 Z 3 3 I 8 S 4 4 ean Fxa.nct fan t'rancli SCO Kept. CO Oct. r OQMII.S. . .F'. UdOD . . . Titian-nok . .-.o-t. . . . Oft. . . .Oct. .r-os Hsy. . Tillamook. Fureka. . . . San Fedre. San ItKO. Haa Pedro. .Ssn Diego . Hon rkor.c. . aiant.a. . . . . ,."et. .. .Oct. . . Oi-t. . . .Oct. ...Ort. ...Oct. ...Oct. . . .Oru ...Oct. 11 t 20 so 4 t 4 K. Wentworth haa been tied up at tho Shaver yards, on tha East Side. Regarding the French bark Buffon, which Balfour. Outhrlo V Company chartered recently to load wheat. It to expected that she will arrive In time to got away with tha Decomoer iieet. Ship liners will start work aboard tho Hussion bark Isabel Brown toaay and aha. la to bo ready for wheat to morrow. Th vessel Is at LJnnton and her laydays do not begin until October 14. One clearanoe was recorded yea tor day at tho Custom House, that of the Ger man bark liana, which will sail for Queonatown. Falmouth or Plymouth for orders with 106. 36S bushels of wheat, valued at ,S0.l4 4s. In charao of Certain W. R. Thomaa tha steamer Twin Cltie. of tha Open River Transportation Company's fleet. haa resumed servico between -eiuo. Pasco and Kennewlrk. Captain H. A. Byrne la pilot on the. vessel. Captain Rugs and Pilot IX v. fmi;n caving left. Members of th crow of th German ahln Alexander Isenberg will gather at Punnlng's undertaking parlors at :30 o'clock today to attend the funeral of Walter Haaar. a young sailor who was killed Wedneoday through falling from th forwyard of that vessaL Tho burial will b at Multnomah cemetery. Joaeoh Fuppl yesterday hauled out at his yarda the launch baiem, wnion la operated by the Qovernment engl- neera on tho Upper Wlllamotto. for a reneral overhauling. Tno launcn Martha Kins? waa launched after hav Ing been pointed and minor repairs made. Malor Mcledoei Corps of Engineer. V. 8. A., has received no reply from property owners regarding tn price of rlisht or way aesirea iw now iwm -. win-m.n. Falla. other than a proposition from munlclral officers of Oreon City that $10 was expected to bo paid for streets mat tne canai mlKbt cross. Wheat laden for St- Vincent for or ders, tha Norwegian steamer Hans B. left th harbor yesterday, while tha French bark Edouard Detallle waa also towed seawark. To German bark Hans, which finished yesterday. will Da towed dowa today and tno Bnitin oar Torrlsdalo will go to tho stream and leave down tomorrow, Cargo has been assembled at Tonirue Point at be loaded on the British tramp Anerley. which la du from Ta- romm. Jkionuar alter ul k- cargo of lumber. Tho British steamer u.iofield left down early yesiernay from I innton In charKO of Pilot Allen. bound for Freemantlo wun lumoer, ana was at Astoria at 4 o'clock. Tne -or tramn Guernsey. which Pal four. Guthrie Company will load with lumber for Australia. Is to sail from San Francisco today and la due Tuesday. Sh will work cargo at ths Portland mtlL Movements of V ousel. pop TL AND. Sept. 14. Arrived Gasoline - . - '..ii.. frara Vaautne: atsam- - ... .... a-a Prasclsoo. Sailed Steamsr Ooldaa Oatc. for Tillamook; Hot- .mlo steam.r llan. ltor St. Vincent tor orders; st.amer wee. n. r. bi..o and war ports- fcrlueh alaamsr W.M.n-ld. for rreamanua. Astoria. Se;C x- Condition at the mouth of tie rlv.r al S P. N.. amoolh; wind south east 4 miles, weather c.oudr. balled ac ,i 40 A Ji rlsamer jzn ' , i i . . j - tt. Arr:..d at 10 SO and lett uy at 1 1 :0 A. M. iaaotlne eeaooner TTtihelmlna. from Taqvi na. eaneo. . nw " 1 ,' . . . . T ..r s.n rs.'.m. 6all-d at 12 30 P. al S'amer r:-haven IT r"n i.umow. ar rived at II 50 and left up at 1.2U P M. . n ...(..ion. from Pan Francisco. Arr il . n at 4:15 P. M. Brltlaa atel ... n Krar.cUoo. Sept. 3. Arrived Fteawer K rk from San P:eg. at.ed a i 7 A. M sfamer Northland, for Port Und al aeon P.nw City, for Port land at 1 P. M S-esm.r ulrum. for Port Lrui' Sa" 1 last nlrl-.t Hteamer H.uiam and riru sn steam. r belle of ecotland. for portlaud i Hsv Slept. sV Amveo l-inmam Al'isnre sr.d Ilrnasalat. from lVrtland. ssa !'- Sej.i i ArrtT. Tua Her-rul-e. wuti log raft la tow. from Colombia 'v. .peruse. S-rt- tt Arrived F ark en tire t' F. crokr.-. from Columhla BaDdon. - "v Arrlvard liaaollne Aavll. trim ron.aan. K.J. nd j-; t. Bailed hooBer Erie. foe AiLr. - ..... ....... u-.t Arrived ajteam- ra V. M. Plant, from Seattle Totnt Arena, from Handon: bark Andrew Welch, from u...i..iu K..kri'n Aramaslk. from New- .... . s. Sjceamera Ashtabula. for las for eealll.: .xiriniaim. iw I'atsy all'.eb.;!. VTestemer, Sees, for Oraya . en. rt'-um for Porllaad: bark.ntlaa Archer for Roche Harbor. Seattle. Sep. ?. Arrtved Rlasmer Cot X L. tnraka. towicr bars;, si, from San frrmarlseo; aiatn'r aaaia.ii www. Toaonanaa: tug Phillip K. a... IT. tow'.ns ehlp s-'w.ll f rm Chatham. Sailed ieamar : . -i.. . 1. ..... n . n rmerlaen: steamer n.amaaura Siara. xmm j.rr.r.eei. for Skecwari art tor Saa Freaclaeo. " Tide at Astevt rrlatavr. Ttlaa. Low. S V A. 4 j r. .3 T fee: 10 64 A. M.. ' 3 f - Plummer'a cough stop Is well named Positively does Its wora. lo oe louni at moat druc d.alera or at PUurtma Lrug o- Xrd aad AiaJleon. BRIDGE RE TARDERS SPURNED BYGOURT Judge McGinn Castigates Kiernan and Duniway and Enjoins Them Forever. BROADWAY SPAN CLEARED Juris Points to Pair as Obstruction ists of Long- Standing- and as . Public Nuisance Snlt OTer Bonds Mar En. Referring to tha defendants as pub- llo nuisances. Circuit Judge McGinn yesterday mad permanent th Injunc tion asked for by tho city, restraining Frank Klornan and Ralph R. Duniway from starting further vexatious and frivolous suits to obstruct the con struction of the Broadway bridge. Th Judge held that Mr. Kiernan had a rlnl.t to go Into court and teat tno validity of tb bond lasue. btjt was em phatic In saying that ho should have retired when decisively beaten In tho Circuit and Supremo Courts. The suit, on motion of tha city, was dismissed as to tl other defendants. ncluded among who were th former Port of Portland Commissioners, on the showing that they hava shown no re cent disposition to be legal obstruc tionists to the construction 01 tne bridge. The language of the court with respect to Mr. Klornnn ana At torney Duniway was of such cbaraotor as to make both wince. ObatrwctlMlat Record Knows. "When a Judge mounts the woolsack he Is not supposed to close his eyes Judicially to facts which ho knows aa a man, aald tho Judges as a roan i know that Mr. Kiernan and Mr. uuni way have been ungaged for yeara past In a avatematla effort to prevent the construction of th Broadway bridge. They have also been engaged in a sys tematic effort to prevent ir.e saie 01 the bonds voted to defray tho cost of constructing the bridge. "Anyone acquainted with the trafflo and travel of tho City of Portland knows thst there is such a congestion on th bridge at th present time that for years past the Broadway bridge has been a public necessity. Mr. Dun lway's persistency, when In a .good cause Is a good thing, but when In a bad cause It can beoome a public nui sance and wrong, as I think It has In this case. Judae McGinn said tho lnjunotion would not. of course, apply to th suit which Kiernan and Punlway have now on appeal before the Supremo court of the stat and the Supremo Court of the United States, but he warned in defendants that any attempt to disre gard bis veto of further litigation would meet wltn prompt ano xun pun lshment. Precedent la Made. -Counsel says that ther Is no prece dent for such a course aa I am now taklnir. If there Is not one then i nave established It. If 150.000 people, yea. if more than that. If tho whole scaie of Orearon which needs this bridge can be bald up at the behest of Mr. Kier nan and Mr. Duniway. and no redress csn be found In our oourts, and the equity system has labored all these years to do something which will pre vent wrong and we have not yet found It, then It seems strange Indeed to me." Following Judge McGinn's decision conversation was general around tho Courthouse among tho Judges and at torneys that the city Is now in a posi tion to start suit to recover from At torney Duniway and Mr. Kiernan tho amount which the city lost by bond de preciation because of the vexatious . . t .... i v. .4 n hullava SU11S. .Many are iih.i" - that Judgment could be obtained against them for the difference be tween par and th prlo for which the bonds sold. BRIDGE PLAN 3 SUBMITTED Mojcskl Would Allow Contractors 60 Day to File Bids. . . Vi iw Ttrosdv&T All plane " " brldeie were luomiiira xo a-n-j , Hurlburt yesterday afternoon by the prtnaie commHivv - Board for his approval. Consulting Engineer Modjeskl recommended that not more than 0 days be allowed bid ders to make their offers for construc tion of the superstructure, and that on year be allowed tor completion. Mr. Modjeskl forwarded duplicate sets of plans for approval, and said he would send runner i ii . -soon ss the first plans hava the Mayor s approval. It Is believed the bridge piers will be ready for work on the su perstructure about January 1. The steel for the new bridge win weigh 71J0 tons. Th bridge will have seven spans and viaduct approach. It ... . r- . . .r ,n iiu feet Will oe l v ate., " v. . wide between curbs, and have eight-foot sidewalks. II win trm trusses. . , i a .. . I . . . MeovMa for tha ine Bpeoaai.w " furnishing of all materials, construc tion ana erection. .. . . . i.f. -vie eitv tn furnish th otreetoar rail a Thcs will b laid In th center 01 in criuwo. i am nriu. - - - ' ' . Ing In the oenter for th passage or . n.v. .m, la eenulred to veaae.a. make th counterweights of such size that they will balance the draw span, being required to make provision for the weight of the streetcar rails. The preliminary payroenta by tho city ax to equal to per cent of th oost of th tee: when It Is delivered at th shops for fabrication, "0 per cent of the steel delivered at the work, and 0 per cent of value for material erected com plete. The remaining 10 per cent of the value of the structure Is to be retained by the city until the bridge Is com plete. Thirty days after the brldgs is accepted payment Is to be made In full. Work must be commenced Immedi ately upon awarding of the contract, and the bridge must be complete within one year after that time. A penalty of 1100 a day Is provided In case the contractor falls to complete the work on time. If the work Is delayed by any court or by the United States Government, a corresponding extension of time Is to be allowed the contractor, but no claims for damages to the con tractor on account of such delay are to be allowed. Provision Is made that the contractor must put reinforced concrete guards on the under side of the bridge epsns where they cross the railroad yards, to protect the stee from corrosion from gaees of passing engines. All tumber for floors must be creosoted. and 'Shuman- paving will be used for the bascule span. Creosoted wood blocks will b used on th other spars. Hy draullo buffers ar to b provided to stop th bascule when It Is raised or lowered, without shock to the bridge. This has been on of th difficulties en. countered In operating the Hawthorne bridge. Ill oontraolog xauaC malntsln the brldg for n year after Its com pletion. YAQUIXA SURVEY ORDERED F-ng-lnecrs Flnlsli Survey of yrehalem ' Bar and Bttr. Authorisation was received yesterday from Washington by Major Alorrow. Corps of Engineers. U. 8- A., to proceed with a survey or. laquina nit T-..1 -A r.n.i., en .-..ire data from A U.OMU . V . which to estimate the cost of Improv ing that waterway, a portion " "- expense Is to bs born by the Port of ' a oeew will he sent there In a few days' to start the work. William Q. Carroll, junior engineer baa returned from- Nehalem after com . i -. i .. - -,--., nf Xehalem Bar and bar and when maps are finished, esti mates prepared ana general ui ar ranged In the form of a report It will Km nm,a.ri tn Waahlnarton. That Is a co-operstlve project also. Major Morrow ana i.ieutenani iwcrw returned from San Francisco where the former sat aa a member of an exam ining board before which Lieutenant Roberts took "exams" for a captaincy. While an official report has not been 1 .. . i. 4- nnarfltnAll that he IS B1IDU WM. . . In line to advance In rank when pro motions ars oroereou $240 DEBT ROILS TONGS CHXVESE WAR SEEMS IMMI JTEXT IS PORTLAXD. Wong Tone Four Brothers) and IO Qurra Chung Cbervr Tong In volved In Controversy. A tong war In which 400 members of the Wong tong and about 200 of the Four Brothers, Lo Quon Chung Chu tong. are Involved, with the bringing In of fighters from San Franoisco, may be the outcome of an alleged debt for $240. Wong On, a prominent Chinese and formerly "banker" of a Chinese gambling house at 285 Everett street, which Wong Sing Jong, a member of the Wong tong, opened, says Jue Sue. a merchant of 9S Second street, and a member of the Four Brothers, owes him the money. A meeting of 40 of the largest Chinese business men In Portland at 64 H Second street to arbitrate the affair, which Involves a long enmity between the two men, broke up In a near riot In which one of the Chinese telephoned to polloe headquarters and Detectives Lytle and Epps were sum moned. At that time. It Is said, Wong On threatened to kill Jue 6ue when ever he should find him. The dobt Is said to ha"ve dated from . n r. r v. TT' An n..eeta ha lent ..VJ, W lltTl. , . wii. v Jue Sue tho money, which he has not recovered. In June Wong On and his "cousin." Wong See. started suit in Judge Olson's department of Justice Court to recover tho money. When the case cam up for trial, however. Wong On did not appear and the case waa dropped for lack of evidence. Charges that Jue Sue "tipped off" the presence of Wong Sing Jong In the city, when he came to open the big gambling house at 185 Everett street and told the police how they could en ter th place, were freely made by Wogn On at th meeting Monday night. Jue Sue charged that other raids had been "tipped off to tho pollc by Wong On. Chan Tuk, a friend of Jue Sue, is supposed to have seen Wong On In company with two police men last Friday night and at that time charged Wong On In the presence of other members of the Chinese colony with having given the police Informa tion which led to raids on gambling bouses maintained by the Four Broth ers. At the meeting Monday night In the Juhn Wah Hall, at 64 V, Second street, Wong Blng Chun, a member of the Wong tong, who presided, was unable to oontrol the meeting and Chinese assert that only the arrival of the police prevented bloodshed. Wong On has been a member of the Portland Chinese colony for th past six years, coming to Portland from San Francisco; while Jue Sue has been In Portland 25 years. $1000 RA1SED PROMPTLY Rose City Park Improvement League Gleans Clubhouse Fund. At the Rose City Park Presbyterian Church Wednesday night, under the aus ploes of the Improvement League, near ly S1000 was subscribed In bonds and memberships towara tne consa-ucuon of the clubhouse proposed to be built on an acre purchased at the corner of Sandy boulevard and Alameda avenue. T. T. Geer, president, said the Rose City Park Improvement League was behind the clubhouse and would see It com pleted. Frank Schlcgel spoke briefly of the enterprise and Mrs. Sarah A. Evans commended the clubhouse movement as In the Interest of good citizenship. Judge Whitfield said !t would benefit .... v.11r lilt? Jwui'P. . Tom Richardson announced that tne Rose City Park Association would take S00 worth of the bonds, declaring that the. clubhouse site bought for ,3500 Is worth at least 110.000 and that tho bonds are a safe Investment. A num ber of small subscriptions were re ceived. The oanvass w11 be oontlnued until the entir 110.000 has been ob tained. Refreshments were served by women of th church. FORGERY CHARGES DENIED Ejji9 petition Circulators Enter Pleas of Not Guilty. Charles Cleveland end J. H. McCarty, both- of whom were lndloted on charges of forging signatures to the Ellis com petitive paving petitions, entered pleas of not guilty before Circuit Judge Gatens yesterday. The dates of trial will be set later.-- . . i .. . .. . -Via.eHne. J W. FOX i IIO inuii-iiiitu. n - -. .-- - - and E. M. Tuttle with passing a forged note for 750 on the Arlington National Hank was dismissed as to Mrs. E. M. Tuttle. on motion of Deputy Prosecut ing Attorney Collier on the ground that there la not sufficient evidence against her to secure a conviction. Fox is alleged to have forged the note ana Mrs. Tuttle Is said to have had It dis counted at the bank. Mrs . Tuttle, It la understood, was pre paring her defense -en the basis that she waa an lnnocen" purchaser of the paI"r" e ' Y. M. C. A. DINNER FOR 500 -ew Member to Be Entertained Xext Tuesday Xlght. Flv hundrd men who hav Joined the Portland Toung Men's Christian Association wlthltj. the past two months will be entertained at a dinner In the association auditorium next Tuesday evening. The growth of the T. M. C. A.. which haa been rapid for two years past. Is keeping up. although no spe i clal rnamtTtr-'P campaign Is being Hair Health If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. We could not afford to so strongly Indorse Rexall "98" Hair Tonic and con tinue to sell It as we do. If we were not cee tain that It would do all we claim It wIlL Should any enthusiasm oarry us away, and Rexall "9S" Hair Tonio not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith In us and our statements, and tn consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that If your hair Is beginning to unnatur ally fall out or If you have any scalp trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tonio will promptly eradicate dandruff." stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that we know what we are talking about. Out of one hundred test cases Rexall "93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfac tion In ninety-three cases. It ha been proved that it will grow hair even on bald beads, when, of course, the bald ness had not existed for so long a time that the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not become absolutely watr. Riixall "98" Hair Tonic Is vastly dif ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that It will do more than any other human agency toward re storing hair growth and hair health. It is not greaey and will not gum the scalp or hair or catise permanent stain. It Is as pleasant to use as pure cold watetr. Our faith In Rexall "93" Hair Tonic la so strong that we ask you to try It on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded without question or quibble If It does not do as we claim. Certainly we can offer no stronger argument. ' It comes In two sizes, prices 50 cents and S1.00. Remember you can obtain It only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc., corner Seventh and Washington streets. . 1 waged, and the total enrollment Is now 408. At the -dinner next Tuesday, which will begin at 6:50 o'clock, short talks will be given by J. B. Wlnstanley, A. M. Grllley. physical director; E. M. Brown, assistant religious work director, and J. H. Ewon, chairman of the member ship committee. There will be a vocal solo by E. F. MoKee and a clarinet solo by R. R. Perkins. CONSCIENCEJRAPS BOY Lad Playing Hookey Runs at Sight of Policeman Secret Bared. Only the murmurs of an unquiet con science prevented James Renna, 11 years old, from having- a thoroughly good time yesterday when he played "hookey" from school. When James left his home at ids irsi street, m um not report to his teacner, put wanuereu far afield. But the still small voice would not be hushed, and when Patrolman Goltz, resplendent In blue and brass, crossed 1.1. v. i u- Inward monitor fairlv shrieked, "Tou're a runaway." James jerked off his hat and fled like the wind. L Hill llio " n " .- bad not attraoted the notice of the po liceman, out ne Deirayeu nimsnii i"a brought on a chase which soon ended ui. TX'hAn fialr.iT whv ha ran, Renna stood mute, but the monitor spoke for mm, oiurung out a rnmra slon of violating sohool law. Golts con ducted his tiny prisoner to the police station, where be was booked for the Juvenile court. BULLOCK TO FIGHT TRIAL Limitation Statute Pleaded In Al leged Coal Fraud Case. Attorneys for John H. Bullock, un der charge of defrauding the Govern ment out of $50,000 on coal contracts In Alaska, announce that tboy will make a determined fight against their client being taken for trial to Taooma. where he- was Indicted by the Federal grand Jury. They contend that the In dictment Is the result of a quarrel be tween Attorney-General Wlckersham and" Delegate Wlckersham, of Alaska, In which the Alaska delegate obarged the Attorney-General with gross neglect of duty. Bullock's attorneys say his ar rest Is "only horseplay" to Indicate that the Government Is active against the alleged frauds In Alaska. Removal of Bullock to Taeoma for trial will come before United States Court Commissioner Cannon tomorrow. Resistance will be made on the ground that the statutes of limitation have run against the case. Water Extension Voted. FALLS CITT, Or.. Seft. 27. (Spe cial.) The special election held here this week on the question of an addi tional 85.000 water bond Issue resulted In a vote of 80 for and 21 against. This Insures the extension of the present water system to the outlying sections of the city this FalU Krtlersr -'s coals are pest. C 230a. "Women who bear children and remain healthy are those who pre pare their systems in advance of baby's coming. Unless the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the demands made upon it, and Ehe is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No tniiv a helri to nature as Mother's Friend, and no ex pectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and dis comfort caused by the strain on the ligaments, makes pliant and elastic those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding, prevents numb nq nf limbs, and soothes the in- ' flammation of breast glands. The ! system being thus prepared by Mothers friend aispeis tne iear that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother's Friend assures a Bpeedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her child. Mother's Friend is sold MOTHERS at drug stores. AlAiW bSrr HHEHD expectant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful na BEAD FIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, painstaking ex amination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advloo Is all you need. X-Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to' commence treatment YOU CAN PAY FEE WHEN CURED During our many year, of active practice In MEN'S AttSIBSIS Jn Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have invade d tho city ana tried to steal our methods and advertisements, but not belnai L f tws" steal our brains, they were not able to succeed In their ajhonest w" so do not be misled by them, but come to us. ,es' mS"snle chwge CIAL1STS FOR MEN In the city, who guarantee cures, or make no cnargo for their services. We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed Tweaty year, of aoceessful practice a speel.H.t In Meii'a Aliment, joe tlvely refuse to treat. By the latest method we cure, Nerro-Vital Debility, Weakness, Varicose Veins, Blood and Skin Ailments, Kidney and Bladder Troubles Miyyc.,..Ture0dtarh1omrourrA,: ft? OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE i THE i DR. GREEN SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING THE SPECIALIST WHO CBBbS. ' It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated It, If It " curable we will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting UDo not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. We charge nothing to prove our meth od will cure you. Our offer NO MONET REQUIRED UNTIL SATIS FIED Is vour absolute protection. Coasultation. examination and diag nosis free. We claim for our treatment noth- simply our successful way of doing t h in ars At' r L1L I dif JLb.1, . elsewhere, honestly Investigate our proven methods, Yon will then under stand bow easily and oalcfcly we core nil curable case, of VARICOSE VE1SS iv I 1 1 u n t severe surgical operation! SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON .with out Injurious drug. A06 skillfully administered when preferred); NERVO VITAb DEBILITY without .tlmnl.ttve remedies; BLADDER and KIDNEY trouble.; PILES, RECTAX. complaints. nun i n, .iiiru uj, uiru. what you want is a cure. Come to us and get It. Once under pur treatment you will quickly realixe how simple a thing It Is to get well In the hands of a specialist who know his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. We put new energy Into worn-out bodies. Office hours, dally, 9 to 6; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St., Portland, Or. DR. A. G. SMITH. The Leading Specialist. I am a registered and licensed physician, confining; my special practice to the disorder, of MEN. I have more money Invested in my establishment than all other Port land specialist, combined, I never advertise cheap fee a. an induce ment to bring me patients. A true specialist need not resort to bar-gnln-connter method.. No man who place, an intelligent value on hi. health will seek the service, of n man . who proclaim, be is n cheap doctor. Yosj ' would not entrust n aide child in care of a cheap medical man, nnd you should us the same care in your own esse. I altlll and experience, ac quired in such a way that no other can abnre, nnd shoo Id not be classed with medical companies. It 1. im possible for a medical company to attend college. Companion have no diploma, or license to practice med icine in Oreson or any other .tate. A whose personality and Identity are indefinite, I. published a. the legitimate specialist of the office. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctor, with questionable ability, give consultation, examination ana treatment. Why treat with Irresponsible when you can secure the expert services of a responsible specialist? See me if you have any of the trtllnrlni. illanrilf rS! Vsrlrtias Vein.. B Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, u i i .1 THinhUa. HIimiI Pnlsoni. Eruptions, Ulcers, Pile, or Fistula. FREE CONSULTATION A3TD ADVICE. Hours 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 to 1 Only. n 1 n PlflTU PORTLAND Ur.ii.l3.i3iUlin OREGON 2344 Morrl.on St., Cor. Second. Men and Women Cured Our wonderful herb treatment will positively cure dlMaiea ot the - Throat, Heart, Liver, Lunprs, stomach. Kidney. Con sumption, Aitbina, Pnemonlt, Ch ronic Cou g h. Piles, Conetl patlon. Dysentery. Weaknesa. Nervousneu, Dt illness. Neu ralgia. Headache, Lumbago, AppendlclUa, Rheumatiim, Ma larial Fever, Catarrh, Eczema, Blood poleon. Leucorrhrea, iTrinarv and. Bladder Troubles and ail organic disease. Consultation free. Write for symptom blank. Office hours, 10 A.. M. to 9 P. M.; all day Sundavs. Lady attendant. LEE BONO CHINESE HE KB CO, Xi2 fiecond SU. Portland. Oa -, ' '"I ill" ,0 ". 71 V'''' .! 29114 Morrison St, Bet. m .no ui. PORTI.ASU. OREGON. His Success Unequale PROVES T HA T CURES WE POSSIBLE tlenta who became well and strong tri hi herb remedies, aiosi 01 lucm r .e. a.rir niMnv and hODeleas. iNI willlnc to give testimonial m to i flc&cy or ni ireauueuu THE CHINESE DOCTOR. This wonderful man treats and cures from roots, herbs, barks and vegetables tf have Been aratnerea iiuiu earth. It Is by these simple remedies ' be can cure an sucn t " ,il Asthma. Stomach, Luna- and Liver Tro'j ana aiso pnvaie i.i -- - - -, He cures win oin 7" . shuns the use of such poisons as nurrt . . i i V. i .1 . I T an iv in 1'Ut your cab. u . short time he will benefit you. CONSULTATION FREE. Patients outside of the city write for r sultatlon blanks and circulars. Indole 11 Open evenings, and Sundays 10 A. M 4 P. M. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine (i 162V4 First St.. Cer. Morrison. Portland. Oreson. A SQUARE DEA is what you will get If you treat with me. Results are Quick and positive. Tou are benefit ed at once. Men who have dragged their cases alongr. for months with some other spe cialist are astonished t- tne firnmDt effects of my r e m a r k a ble tj treatment. I cure ; Nervous uec line, t?j Varicose Veins, Piles, fej- Rupture, Rheuma ttsm. Stiff and Swolltu Bladder, etc. Blood Ailments quick- CfC ly and safely cured by DUO Consultntlon Free. Write or Cal DR. LlNDSA The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets, tranco 128 Second street. Portland. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. S dayo, 10 A. Al. to 1 P. M. I Cure Me -a n IS MY FE3 Pay When Cure Gen eral Debillt Weak Nerves, Ii I BBBsfjBBaBaBaBBWS, .pitman ncqui, of exposure, overwork ansrother vi latlon. ol siature-. tsnss-; Bladder nnd Kidney., Vnrleo Veins, q n I e k I y and permanent cured at small expense. I cure such ailments as Varlco Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poiso etc.. completely and permanen 1 1 . i . i. a alncrlA trantmAnt Office hours A. M. to 8 P. J Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M- only. PACITIO COAST MEDICAL 0(1 I24H Washlnsrton St, Corner FlV- roniaiini .-it ... HELP FOR YOU Have you trlit in vain. to r yourself of ai ailment, suoh i VARICOSE VErN SKIN, BLADDE KIDNEY. BLiOOf or NERVOUS AI iV , 3 MENT. Ssr FREE f.lTJ L.'-isitV KEEPE examlH iiv X'' you and ferret vour trouble. He Is a strictly liable oualified professional ma possesses skill, experience, rl Judgment and every means brine about the cures he protnis. enr "606," great German Discove dZU arlm1n1ltered. For Blood Ailments. WHY P.A Consultation and Examination Fr a . e i n s riollv Sunriav. 10 tn J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. ii nricmvi-yrnv ST. sPfs H tt'f ( Fortland. Or. A WONDERFUL CURE By The S. K. Chan Chinese Medical Co. Z24Pr4 Morrison t-. Portland, Or. Mrs. V I am 83 years old and have sufr from weakness ana "CI UU""CE u months from a tumor on my face. At I went to some uuun " that it was imiiu.u.0 v.". " . T, 1 advice of my relatives, who had been t, fh... rhincis doctors. I went to After taking two weeks of their herbi roots compounded and otner medicines, wa. comDletelr cured without use of knife. I feet so grateful tov them and I recommend anyooay wn 111 and wants to get well soon, to to to or write to them and secure soma m cine, which I am sura wlU brins res. j. 2, 1 tp rr tmann. Aibany OB Gee A; Ge Wo Jtfe W 1 a...aft v a , , ..J '.um. iviaiJ V J