Tire Monyiyo" onEooxiAy, triday. September 29, ion. " ' 17 -.. . - t ---- reraxi, I TO EXCHANGE. T FOB SALE. I - KKAL -TATL f r Lata. jr mth. 1 I'V A.Hnt r. ber JO f O X DOL'SON, 3.; -. J-arJ of Trsde It.. W&4T FITfc LOTJL F'rht 9m carl.n a ppr TeahtTi rt t. i ia and TiBia.il sta bejesMl Citr Park: easy urm iTluNAL KCaIIT TRCST CO 124 CbLBMr of Cinmcw bdg- ft a 31-. CT-OdE IN HEHDCNCt LOTS. 1430 T&er are 4 ;alJO ft. ; Ic!d am ru 15 minutti r:de f-m 34 and Aiar; tnr biocu from SUoo4 car; easy MrITlAV Tfc 9T CO.. I none Mari.ai. w fc tr-.a aa. ehaioa :f at a ttrfi a. i . He.ic x. ". .3it.-0. .r Knv.. u. roi ,rx-j .:;.: r co- t; t C 1L A -R. JvKT L A N L H I. H TS. I rT SO. Located Oft l.r Dri. .. than a bl- from whr a wt.4et h bo corup .ud. tv up. r.y term, rred v. liera---.. - Bufnsuls t. M'.n or A T . 4. u.i..r e.iAri AND L Tft. Lots 'w. -.- tr- . b: buy ta tha . cr'.a l-ii.d.cf : u at ooc IIHiKE ivl-ALT TKLST CO, Ts-jb b -1 3sTar... aO. iU0 TO RTLANt) " HEIGHTS. C-tf "t 4 roomj acd fca. locr4 at Wo iiyr-. stri. Jat 1 block from rrUAr. tot .-. Huti;-ii VbiCA B4T CVA b OMtnrtML TSS fcouM fc jut rno44 sad paini-. in lo,-4t.a I the vry bt oa d Uint nj tb.a particular pi- oX property, cob m.lmr.t.g ia furrouaiDC la an ..m bur- if you ait loor for a b- m it : Pr yu to in:.t ihi ertrtnc Wa ax au;bvrlMl t niaA auiaa ry av : irac ; tafrr.a m trta. HAHIMAN THOHi'iON, K.ty tpt Chamber of to aim area. Ovir must T" ('-i(ra. and aal tii-a t-n -r3 houia, oa eomer kl on tantia airat. for 4''vj. th pr.c m 'r acx Uris II ;r. an i d:nir-rv)m. flraa ertker aa 1 atr-.'K)ir. eloaat m k:tcn4. fuixaca. full p.uiatmi. ax ira. laxa;a bathroom wi;a iar pLt m.rror Ir.c.iaa; paant ba- roooiA f u frvp.aco a-r.d Ua . $i0 raaa wiU baal., aara oa tba aa a oca. Mr. Lonarl. COLUMBIA TKi-.sr COX PANT. S4 Fourta SU J4T. TALoH. J5j"X -rtxm. 3-a:ary modar houaa en al a.op of M Titwr, crnar lot Vmb1m), aoutft and waat frontaaa, corn tnaadlrc mtcnincnt lw of tna aatlra City of rort.aoO. horn of h flnat r-l-4aca la ia city a.-a la thla K-atity. Ka.ly gryl vlaw lta ara Bt piaallful an 1 Iba rapid. y fowtn flmanl fr tnoa fa by pop of wealth "Ul car tain, y ntiit thia corntr extra ma ly vaiu- b la lb eaar futura. It la worth what mm ak f(r tba bouao and It to gatior. Tha airaat ara paTad. Thla a flaa taoma and a.ao a vary fjood tnvest- OOWXX-IPT TRt'BT CO.. Lo-nharrnan I d . &th and .tar. Ll'A. ROrfE CITY PARK. A apland d -rru bunp-aiow. beautiful nnlah. roara and up-to-Jaa. flrp;tr. ful emnt ha-iiint. ayvn-iul conJui-n. )oaad to April 1. 11J. at pr m.nh; B.4 tarma. ft b'oc tom car: lot ftovltwx, rira J'. "3 do a, ba anca 1- par mon:h. Call f r r. a. Raaa. Pi t now or CHAf'IN A HERLOW, alamfcera of ort:aad Kea.tr Poard- Chamber of Commarca. HAWTHORNS AVEWK PTNOALOW. 4 rooroa. tcoroueMy modarn, pared watt, ail coavenlencaa. A cosy ho-ni:ka pta-a; W', aoma eaia. ba.anoa xnontnly M:aa vourd-ux. Coiumoia, Truat Compaajr. 4 4tA at. MR LOT OWNER. HERB IS TOUR Cn&NCl TO UfRnVfl VOVR PROP EHTT WITH A HOfcfC TLAT OR APARTXSNT; WILL F!4Vr iT AT A lOW BATE Or INTEREST: PLAN'S HKVTitiitD FRKt IT W ILL PAT TOU tO CuMi' l.V AND TALK TU OVEJi. J. 8. AT kvlN A ARCHITPTT AN: XU'lLDCR. HEN RT RLD'l $TV A LO V. WASCO ST. A awell S-roorn b-anralow. f urn ara. flra p:aca. full cament UMmcnt, cement floor, faaaUry trava bovkcaaa; 2 bi room a. aica dan. lot Sal0O nica lawn. 4 fruit traea; prtca 4?30, . 5 ca.V balance at Sid pr MMtri, rncludea tba carpta asd twa motm, aa Waei-o at . near 4hu CRl n-I A ZA.LOW. ITT Foard of Trade b.J . 4th and Qafc Ptfc liOOBUNOALOW. WAVERLEIGH liKIHTA Vice- S-rom banca.ow. flreplarav cement aaaaanent. I?tch kit.-hen. etc.; lot 4iMl'H aua Uo. on Pro- klya at., near h; prtca 120G: I '" cm!) aad I -0 pr moo Ux. OP' Jk ZAI'OW. tT Hoard af Traia HM . 4t,i and Oak Sta, TRV1X1TO.S. Own ara t!r. mn. wmt aetl at m-a at aarrt?-ce. Sea us a ara oa tha ro-inj and kaow aery nuee la tha addi tion. We etc a n-ner. i0 L t." N" I r K L E T C O Kaat aa. C 1J- RO?E CITT PARK HOWE. On A ameda drive, corner tot l(Vx30X atraal improvemaota paid. heiea has ai Ukrae rvimi con'enlant'y arrn(' food tew of city aad mouotaun - .1 coa a -ler el Ut or auto on first payment. Price V.JXH. Tertie to au!t. Vain 6Ta E- A- Hoisingtoiu r T. af T. S R A f" 1 A I n IS KtVIV ;TOV liOMCa. :iT llih neir eiJier. " 1- X near tt a ? S. v a h. corner Mu.inoiua. 8 5'"'V IS a. Bear rrmi 4 T5 rar e '.ar f :s: thejie ft rst'ii) hves topat. Cl'l.LArJ' -il'JKTON 5-A Toa BV.a. LE-JA.NT NEW iRVISuTOM HOME.- Very choicest loraitoo. near Irvinatoa Club; aat fran(; conialna rooms; ar:ie tl -a i w arrar r f ar d Cnli'iM. oak and rtnir mar a floora Mrouflotit; band an I 'r'nisa'lriff f!ture, di.r had; Pfic $;o tr ;u2!"e; a.: atxaat Uaprona meara A B 44. Qraaor iaa. " ' IRVINOTON. T.raeaa anadera b-ua, bardwaod Taor asd aory ecaaalanca f a ea east e S 11 ta at ; tarti. rrica 1 -'-K tsraaa. . p. I aLVEK-JO.NL CO. C"nariAl Cub Bi&M. Te aaj Mea A tSA I-RCOa to-:M feeMenoo. modern la eery prtlc.ar. aa pavod street. 1 k:ck ta car. at a oaraaJa. raatrtctad d 'at net. aeal wh the awner aad aaa mm a aiva. East i7vo-T';-r owx terms: yaa-:.rut ioal-A lae. r ea cardea, fruit, hen Souse. a:traxtla l-r vn pa;nt-e-1 aad t -.: a bath, d amount far I , es Ttr I 3'- ViR SALS by opt. i -room mod ern fuaa. n rk f- m Abarta ear Una, asy tarma 49 E. lliA N. Phona eod a w alTTV l-HOOll fcurratow. aha'oa, Arap:ara, ft turea. ful tasemant. buffet, mjf jTmr.ti tn and a:i tM. I-fn .ute car rtia. cna b,oc4 oaT car. tea. Marsha:: gaT. :T j pMr y ptr.fiiiv. 1 u nloka north of Hat?--raa n. t:i aaU aa moot any te-a Fbona Tabor S1. U-ey LE than e at t year aca. tu i-.r, l'0 co mar oa) a. iv o e . s;vu put,a tns oa this. ce-ti'rd cati. balaife S ymjr at S per cent. 1 C- U-a t E S'-3 bt taaer. new 4 room buae on cr..nt. Sod ae.h.Nrbood . :SU. down. .- ire la suit parcbaaar. ZiX bL Jjjaa, -r. yv'H e A L?. o-rom houM ar.d :jt. ail tart .awa at. 1'boaa labor 447. Prwa I 4A IJiVINCiTN Bef ra Uvirt aee' ar.a We.i-bu:.t n--oiej-aj hwri, east facile. bljc toai car.iae. ters.a r ft or. a E .4. hwiM nostra Imprv rr. ci. h.'-I b.ok FvH lLC Oe i-ro.m aKlrm kur.ta rvn i iTd i j r. it- i1!- i lkMIi m.r na RFAL KATATC TOU WOtXB BB PROUD TO OWJT THIS. Troom Koum. fl cni.iit bmw fr.Bl. furn.i.. fu.i p:un;! i. c.utA. Hrp.r.t pwrcn mitfj Frnca winnow. h.-doxl f.''r iowulir imI mp. la kitcti.n; hoDt.r b.a. coir..'or.S! wortn in. stwn.r: o be.'Jon1- wh.r. -l ImgriiaTLttfifa r eorxpletrl n4 vjia lo ":" "fi " btwa Knatt ftna Star.:on on C 40:h. and tr.. prK. U lma lo out ,nd tt or Cu:n In anil h,v t.4k with Lh evcar, Ur. c.nkira l 4(n U . IRVTSGTOX HOME. PROFIT It took to m. tht a H-bollt -""" touM f.T f iV Ina than in. m. of noua. n.xt door aold tcr. woiid b. a bar.a.n and worta ur t!m. to lB;" ti.aia. Mr kouH oaa a. I th. :t. rtw-'-a Imorov.m.r.ta and U eloa. to both tn. hr..Jw.T and lr!r.:5n ta.-llr.fa. X ! tan tn. .a e of !t aa)r frm th. r -!.t. auta ai4 ctlr It rn.ap '' 1T tlrr.. at 3; K.aat M-'rr:aon pr.on. JI Iftor. E'fnl. '-Z: A RuSR C IT T PARK SNAP FOR H'VK). A nw T-room ani lara alepn P' rrh buraralow. team crlM-f. pn Jlnlnf room, larit. c.o.:. omam'nla: firrp.a- a:; ml.rn ron.mnc.; macadam trrrt; a.l atc lmprom.nt pa. i. lawn fln l.hJ. A oornpiet and b.autlful homa.ia tn. bl o; nelrhbomood. all rajy to occupy. Thla u a r.ai barra.n. taji aa D. 1. Snrl.r. amr of fort;aod B'a'.ty Boaro. SJi iJi Chamber of Comm.rca. PLANS Of AtlTISTIC H05IE- Hun Irl. t ..! from. A- H Fabr arr.lltt. Hwih .-00 lo IH.'1 .l 0. lioua'a otrr l."-4-o :0.oO. You ran a"t )our oa builds, or w. will am-milt th n an to corr plltl. lt dtnc ty mmwn: eontraetora. and yon cr. your horuf at th. iowr.t coat- P:nn. 'al a:d if you w.int It. Ca.: for our nn.y I'-uatra:-! booat. POKTA.NI DllLI'INU ASSOCIATION. 122 W.hk II. 'J at. AI'REt.tT-RT. 14 V OWXfcK. Pandy T-rootn koua. .rT mdr coa. t.nlrnr. Mrcat l-ar!.n In tract. r rraa. eabl. ar. 1 .mcptionally "1 t.rma It wiii p.y u to cau up rcardui taia. M. A. l:aacard. U It I1JJ0. Ttoy. a b.w 4-room bur rain w. toatltroom ar.d toll. I, rabm.t antcft.n. built-in china cl.-a.t. r1d alrt. ;ot I' ll-J: lot ira'l- d; A1. I..oa from aood car. IX'O dwn. ba.aut. at i: Pr month. HTT Sk.V I'F I HAI1X II KI1I.OU' B) mbcr. of Portland H'alty Hoard. a..'Aj4 Chan. br off Commarca. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT N.'T TCHX A ,Ht.KIE! 1JTO nr wn wiu- rrnxiH tub money AND Ul'll.U REnil'E.SCE OK .J pi.AN.t hike. i- vn 1""-Ii,OL,2 rlK.'CTATIc.N YliUB PKOTtu'TION. IT ia i i yu to skk L". ft IlII.Ei CO.. INC. CONTRACT. IN-J ARlHirWTS. 5-J4 AtllNOTON Ill.O. 7-ROOM HOUSE AT SACRIFICE. fcat Jid at nt-ar liaa iliorn.. cor n.r lot. iljoo. aini. can; loo thla tip. n in Ooardoux, Columbia Truavt Company. 44 4th at. HIO.) WALK I NO DISTANCE 14100. Sr Uuxualil. and t- 7th tStaw Lot a. on. worth T 41fO. and will rratly .nnan--. In va.ua; rood 6. room Kouk atilo and bamiit. Tula la a br a:n and mu.t b oid. Kaay tarma Juat tiun how c .oa. In thla la. AD 44. ura aronlan. It O.i K CITT PAItKN-ArS. 40. tiji T5. Mdm and up-to-uat. houar-a: hard wood floor, and all conv.n'.rn-ira that so with a nlc. noma. Invca'.ntal.. aa the, p.a-.a ara wo.-rh jr of It. Tcrma aa-.y. VaKPKHATIVE REALTY COMPANI. 4JK-4JI Railway Kiohar. RObE CITY PARK. HID CASH. . MAma lara. llrlna.room. dlntnff. bnmad c".ln. bum-In burf.t asd book raa... aoiid oak Xioora, Dutch kltcn.a. lurract. flreplaca. NATIONAL USALTT A TRUST CO. IUoib Jii. Cr.aa.orr of Commarca b.da. phon. Main BKIa. J,UT alu. In a horn. ..r oft.rd: on. lock to Roa. City lark car. oa 4I1 at.; four trwaa on an aa.t-front lot; lar. room and aitio; an buim-u ina parmml. balasc Ilk. rut. If aOU ara particular thla will ault you. Bwa you fHf. j. B. ATKtXB. Hanry Bldr SiHAWTHOP.NE PISTRICT SI0A A brand-n.w o-roorn bunnalow. naar Hawtho.-n. aval a dandy, haa all mod rn impror.manta. only IS'.-v caan. tai aac. lt. rnt- John 1 Karnopp. ownar. Railway Exchan. bidat- Waraha.I So. 4. FCST BARGAIN" IN CITT. S now. atrictar mod.ru bur.nalowa, 4 aad 5 room r.-idy for occupancy. $3000 to I23CO; imall parrr.cnt don. baL Ilk rant, i.t ma .now you tn. bomaa. JAS. A. CLOCK. JSJ Al'-l.r t Main !. e novM m xn.ti.oiv. Ona block from llroadwavi hardwood r.oora f:rp ac bullt-ln bookcaaaa. alavi t'rlc. 41ii; f t ca.h and 1k mouths. S H. P. pALMEH-JoNES CO.. Sl-31a Comm.rolal Club Itldftt. pr or.. Main aitnA. A :J. . EXCEPTIONAL PIEDMONT OFFER A fin. 7 -room houat, hot wat.r h.at; KtMr cara and hlkh achooU with V11X) lot for soo, Hjih a.or.a coat $4Tov. or wll' all with looallj ft. lot for ;., In ..atlcatlon will pr.a b..tfcuy In city. i.n.r. phona Wfl.J'ia" Slo.. UL'a lo-roorn n.w houa.. ov.r $70 incoma: 1 4-room low.r Data and upatalra t boua.awapink i om.ui.ui. a'ationary tfaaatuba, -2 J. bttwaaa Eaat r ark aad baa ata. Ownar. phona a.aat DON'T PAT Ri;.T. TTa bav. A 9 and A-roora homaa, all moJ.rn. " r.atrlct.l cltuirta. for ... on t.rma IToulirl Invav.tm.nt aa Truitn o.. -any. : l i S lloaid of Iraia. M.r.na.l 4:3k A lulll SOpK CITY PARK ANU LA CKELlt l R4T. sjiaU rayru.nt dwn, 4 -V) monthly; rural. llntiil fore a. Dutch aUtch.n. Ir. i..ac. braui'd e:"H mirror door a. tu.-naoa. ao.ld oak t.oora. EUr.plr. Raalty A Truat Co.. 4-1 laoa tluic Maraha.I H. IJliM ! DOWN. US M.ONTHLT. Broom modara tunga.ow. s block to ear. at Arsor Dod.. lot front, on two gtraata; owa.r VMa oa atrtk. Id month, aid ra-iat a-X InM W. liarmao, S. Murnaida Pr-in. Male or A - a. " It Til). j block from liaw thorn, a... 5-roora B.w bura-alow. lot a)iUI. iniaj parmant down, saar.c ,.a I'"1 nou.u. " loll Eaat Main at. phoa. Tabor 4SL BAR IAIN ToO, worth I43a. 60alot lot with f.a. .-room modara houa. ea 4nth an. and Car. ty bno..varl. loo fnt from rM una 44oO caah. ba.aoc U. rut. Ia.M lawla. rocm t Lnmb.rmaa bldg. a LARa r.o::.a. barfalw. band-rubbd flnl.h. oal In.t fct. 0 .tor., frvmt po.--. ...aanl flr.ilaca. worth 3oa; ;s. t.rma. Mala 14-J. 4jo Voroa.t.r - t .d i "T-IEDMONT WALNl T I'ARal lliviU- LAND. I ba. M.aral aovd bur. ta thra. dawtr ah.a tra-ta. et m. t.ior. bu:c. p. P LENT. 41T Corbrtt FINS lar,. raa'd.nc In abort walking1 d'a taac from cant.r of city, mod.ro in .v ry r..p t; a anap for doctor or profoa- lonal man. Alt o. Craronlar l.'-O l-OffN. 115 r-r monlh. haw 4-room cot tav.. lot 4oil.lo. wo-Miaa.d. chick. a-houaa. f.-'t. 6 b.ovaa car Hl'-.II'.I A IHHOP. 11J Sd ft 1F i ara lookir.aT for r..:on.-.a, call at in? -..t tctb N.. and 4lfl r.at a.-.a . . what w, ara offarlnf. Tak.'Ro. Cltr lark lar. few FIX raw 4-roFm b.nralow; aaay t.rma. Trie, only al. Or. tjt Halcata offlca. x icj Roa. City Park carllna. EE 1 .No'r Co- 'or Xy"1 ' d. homw; aic'.oalT. d.a.ra In W w r.iy. o-oud I fljor Cnamtrcr of toraqiirca. mtivilt'S d rtct. mod.rn -rooru houa.; tn. lawn, .nruf .ry. fruit tr. a, "o 4"r- 'yir.iaa. I-oat . at h. f pn -a ruy llooo .(juitl l . Ho.. City lark buaa.ow. Woou.awn l-i-i- T7v ...jaat a-rm Irvlnaioc hoaa 6.1 Eaat 1- i'" TMA Phona E . at I4I. UOMEi1 from tluuO t. IJ-.'OO; tag fur r. mac: aianlca th.aw AV.'or. you buy. 7. a Qoatt. 7 W aat K ..llna-twcrth !. Hoi cC aad lot for a., at a.s Ai.atoa .t, ay wnax. y r ! TtTatiii. FiuaailT. a0;'R taw, r-.ctly mo.!-rn flat., a.l rant. I. tr.-.':. $!!!'. ;-.r .ar. In tul-f '.'Wihf bna.r.-a. d.a'rlct. t."o. flo.0...; $iov to i a. aaauta. CA.I 4u Aa.wJ fclCaV r or bmt Arrcauia. ACRCA02. 1. J. 8. and 10-aer. traota. eloa to Portland, on W.at Eld.. In ba-u-tiful yalicy. Juat w.at of Council Crert and only 40 minuteaf rlda; 3 iod carllnaa Th. tunnal will brine th! location within 23 minute, of Stn and Waahlnrton ta Good roada fma wat.r at 14 fwet. UQ to .".oo per acre, and upon aaay monthly paymenta. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT Mala (3. 102 4th aU A tiOQ. B ACRES. ' S aerea, JH aera In cultivation, baTanc. In atandlna- timber, n.w cV room houa.. new barn. lark, wood aed and chlcken-houae. (ood well. 1 doaen chickena 1 pic. 'l kmo of aniall tool. Thl la all fenced with new wlr. and la level and (oo4 oil; 1 block from aloctrlc lln. and rood country town. 12 mile, from Portiand; prica .nooO; $ooy caah. . BRONO-STEF.T.E CO. Farm Department. 267 i Latvia BH1. EASY TE1111S. IS fTLF-rf FROM POKTLAKD. 10 ACRtii IN FRUIT. 0 aoraa In bearing prunea, 2 1, acre ta family orchard, pear., applea, cherrlea. to., blackberrlea. loaanberrtea, f ooaeber rlea. curranta, .to . flu. garden J.atch. Large prun. dry.r, good barn, chlck.n houaea ar.d outbul iCIng-a, fair oouaav all fan.-ed and oroaa fenced. Eerthlng In A-l condition; mil to electric line, on good road, cioa to aohool and atorea. A a.ondid horn, for aomeona, and a bargain at f4ooux will aell on very aaj t.rcr.a. Let ua ahow thja to you. . Will cor.alder a good trade. WARD A yul'XGER, Suit. Teon bldg. 10 ACRES 12000. 10 acre all tn full barlng fruit 10 yen re old that had fb'Kl worth of fruit net to owner thla laat year. Th:a tract a 12 mile from Hecond and Fiark. 4 blocka from electrlo line, V. mile from good Uv coun try town. Adjoining land yon can not buy for $4oo per acra. Thla mtiet b. aold regard leas of prlc. Can mak. tarma KrtO.NiJ-STEELB CO, 24? Oak tit. Lawla Building. RAISE rmt-KENS AM) HE IXDEPE.NDKNT . ON A fllALL TRACT. Level land, all cleared and In cultiva tion; rich black aoll. no atumpa or rockai r-.ar Portland and two electrlo llnaa. on Main county macadamtaed road: aome beaverdam aolL Ready to plant to berrt or fruit; email uo.n payuiunt and your cropa will pay the balance. PACIFIC N-VT PEVELOPME.VT CO, 40.1 Couch llldar. 8-ACRET tract, down th. rlrer on Wert ?ide. opporit. Ft. Johna and 2 miles back rom Willamette Klver. Mncadamixed road ail the way. II JO to l.i.Hl per acra, and upon aaay monthly paymenta THE SHAW-FEAR COM PA NT. Main So. 102 4th It. A aJOO. TWO ACRES. WALLA WALLA. Inaid. city limit, all ready for plat ting, cioae to car. orcetl.nt soil, all kind of fruit, lay On. and haa larg. 0-room houa. In nn. repair, molern. and an local honi. for you If you appreciate good aurroundinra and comfort. A good In veetment .nd horn aa welL Prlc IfiSOO. Term, to eulL Mem t.-3S. E. A. Holalngton. 523 B. of T. a-rliCKtC.N and trutt ranches near Portland; walklog dlat&no. to good town; running water, bhi aoll. free wood, apl.ndld fruit atlatnet; view of Columbia River and anoaf paaka; t acre. 3 acre. g00 1 acrea. $140; 1 per cent caah. aaay pay mania; other tract Bear railway ataliao $14 to $10 per acra. IKA N b. M F An LAND BIALTT CO. 140 Teon Bldg.. Portland. Or. OARDEX ROMS ACRES. Act. tracta In O' lirten Acree. Hrht at Garden Home, right on Oregon Electric; some of th flneat acre tract ever placed on the market: price $o0 and up; 20 per cent caah and 2 per cent par month. Gl'.t.SSI & ZAIIOW, SIT Board of Trade mug.. 4th and Oak Bta. 21 ACRES atandlng Umber on 6-mll. cir ri. Weat 91de. rich aoll. short downhill haul to railway, on surveed carlln ex tension, wood will pay profit on clearing; riere la a chanca to make a valuable clo.e In home. $700, aU caah. AB 453, Ora- ironlan. MR. NEWCOMER. Only a small payment down and bal anc on your own term t t per cent for the finest aaaortment of acreag to b found In Oreron. Don't fall to Investi gate. See Mr. Hunt at Hart man A Thomp son Bank. 4th and Mark ata. 123 TO $33 AN ACRE. 10 acre or more. rich, well watered farm and fruit land. 8 miles from Uv town on R. It. and river near Portland. Fasy terma Neuhausen A Co.. owners, 703 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak ate. 0 PER ACRE, cleared, level, fertlj land; very suitable for fruit, rarden and chick, ens; 1 Vi miles from railroad atatlon, clos to big markete; S and lo-acre tracts, easy terma Owner. 101. Chamber of Com fnerca ACRES CHEAP On Oreabam electrlo line; Just ontald Portland; l-room houa nd barn; Meal country rea:iieoc or chicken ranch. Mer A Mioman. West av. and Di- vi:-.n at. Tabor 1541. 1 ACRES 80 mile out. 80 cl'ired, bulld Inra. orchard, tools, hay. for acreag near city and car; must b. fr from In cumhrancee. Owner only. W. W. Eaton, 773 Belmont St., city. Phon East SS42. ACHE tract Weat Fide, olos In, 20 mln ntear car service: best of soil; $400 and tap; ..ay paymanta . t. uon INC. 420-422 Board of Trada $20 WILL, put you In poaaeaalon of on. of th. brat A-acr. tracta, 40 minute rid from rant-r of city. O. E.. near station; I a lance easy: b. Independent. Box 2". 8t- John Owner. JaO PER ACHE 140 acre o? logged -ojf land. 23 mll.a from Portland, on rall rjel. ta th bcappoc. fruit b.lt. Enough tlinbor remains to per for plac. Easy terma AO 4a. Oregonlan. JlNEbT in Oregon for fruit, vegetables or we.nute. 8 and 1 A-acre tracta 10 per cot eali. balance win pay ita.lf. Eag.r A Watson, nio Lewis b:dg.. 4th and Oak sta. CLAPrTOXE 8 acrw near Clackama Kner aad Chatauoua Park: fin for coun try bom or chicken ranfn. Ownar, wuS paia -u g o. us-- ii ACRE.-, belr.g tract 12 la Prlmroae; 0 c.nt carfare; o mile out: a bargain at $'.4c0. terma Wtra bacurlllaa Csl, 414 r-pa-omg o.u. FOR f ALa4 acree ai inia, a.l improve ment, farm Implements buggy, cows, chicaas a oai-lara, Phon ovnar, Tabor 2-14. a(.hkAO. and farm, from ItXfto per ear. Hp arg. and .mall tr.ota Call aUoo.f A at'.arnn.r 37.1 -'4 Lrmt..r ICacn.os. pg. -OH SALE Py owner: 93 acre, at North p:aina. a.l un 1er cui-.lvatloa; $1M par acra. Phon. Wood.awa lodd. l.r fal. -Huraratreo. ant ANTAOE9 of Oregon: 100-pae boo gtvat. th. amount of Government land opea to homaatead In aarh county la Oregon. Waablngton and California and deacrlp tlon of earn.; gives bomeetead. dawert. ttmbr. etone. coal and mineral lawe; tea mats of Oregon tn coiura 212; ona ahowlng R. K. In operation and one show ing R- R- prepcaed and under construc tion.' Including Eastern and Central Ore gon: book 2Ac: roape 2oc each, or tb. tnree. 30j; map of California, la colore. aTa2. 23c Siimmo. Itun.y A Cos, Aiana- l:ton b'tlg. FREE tomeateede. located hear Portland. ?ood soli. timber, wat.r, wh.at, corn, rult Ad stock land; good bom.; near s-hool. P. O.. R. R- and tlvar. Cov.y, osk. room 21. HC'HWIEAD. l-k acra. rellnqulshm.nt. In TiUamook County, near K. K. and town) price tltf. Owner, lei 4th t- Fwr -aie T rull lamia "alvrl'NT HOOD RAILWAY now runa to Sanoalla orchard and Country liom Tract, near Hull Run station, 23 ml.ra from Portisnd. bt-en Sandy and Hull Run P.lver. beet volcnlc shot solL an abundance of pur. erater. beautiful aeenlo aurroundir.ga. boating. Cshlng; 1 to 20 acre tracts, aaay tarma Henry C. Prud- hoaeme CO.. owner, y o ppa.uing oiog I Fl'RNISH and plant b:rheat-grd appl. tree on your land at 114 per acre; other fruit sllehtly Mr her. Jaaalaoa. 41S Chaxa- be- of Commerc. "WANT to rent email farm near Portland from 2 to 10 acrva Write where and how mu-:l It rent nee for hoc and chicken rarer,. AM 4 U O-ercn'an. I i.tlTTir-oT fruit farm adjolnl'ig McWinn vt..e: 21 acr-i: .year-o.d tree. , troiA ii &, utegoauaa. For Bale Frnlt land. S3 ACRES of On fruit land. Hood Blver dlatrlct; part bearing orchard: sell nap or will tak good city property. AO For Sale Farm. DON'T B7JT LAND BLTXDLT. Th bt Ind bargain ar not In th; moat highly developed district whn land value ar high, and th. beat bargain wr nppd up year ago. AT LTLE. We hav 10 and 20-acr trct that will produce th best applea In tha West (we can prov lt at only $00 to $100 per Special trip to Lyl Tusday and Thursday. Call at our offlc for full de tail, circulars, ate. KEASET. HCMABON A JEFPBRT, Dealer In Land. Second Floor c'hamber of Commerc Building. Member Portland Realty Board. IMPROVED AND CHlMPROVED FARMS. From 10 acre up to 4000 cr for ! at very low prices and an alel kind of term. I owa th. propertia I offer for I and am in position to offer bargain that ar only obtained by dealing tUnetlr with tb ownar IT WILL PAT TOO TO EB MS BE FORE TOU BUT ACREAGE. J O. ELROD. 818-310 Corbett Building. Portland. Or. HOIIESEEKER'S CHANCE. S?f acre In the highlanda of Yamhill County. the coming fruit district of America. 7 miles from Sheridan. Excel lent road, abundance of pure water, best of soil, XO acre bottom land, rich black loam, bears maximum crops. House of 4 rooms and bathroom, water piped In: barn, outhouses and fruit tree. On op posite aid of road lie 192 acre rolling and eom hillsld land, about half open to pastur. balanc fir and ok grub In equal proportion. Exteuaiv recent fruit plantings close up. School e mile dis tant; telephone and R. F. D. Price $-3 per acre, includes furniture, farm machin ery, hay and oats. Call at new Parkin Hotel and get further particular from L. 8. BROWNING. OWNER. A SNAP IF HOLD WITHIN SO DATS. 1o2-acre farm, 36 acre under plow: or chard. 8 -room houe. barn, water In bouse; 6 mlich cows. 4 heifers. 6 steers. 16 hogs, 2 mnres. 2 wajcons and harnesses, cream separator, mowing machine, rk culti vator, 2 harrow. 2 plow. 6 acre po tatoes. 40 tons bar, 2H1 bushels oat; good road; dally mail. Prlc iiOOO. kK acrea land, 40- acres under plow; 2 houses, 2 barns. 2.OO0.0U0 feel timber. 1000 fruit treea, 30 head cattle. 80 hogs. 2 wagon, mowing machine, rake, all farm Implement, cream separator; running wa ter, fenced and cross-fenced; one mil from Columbia Rlvr; good road. $19,300; term aaay. BUFOP.D BABB, Kclao. Wash- 240 ACRES In Marlon County; Santlam River flow throurh plc; 10 acre In cultivation, 1 acre bearing apple tree. 8 year old; 8 room bungalow with fireplace. 2 fram tarns and other outbuildings. 20 acre. 8 rarbwlre fence, cedar posts; about 100 acre river bottom, balanc shot soil; will cruis bout fVOoo.OOO feet of piling and tie tim ber; this Is a natural townsite; roadhous and Poetnffice on place, fine place for a store: mines all around th place; good team horaes. 2 cows, chickens, all farm too! and Implements. $:;2.3'i per acre; will trad for part city property, balance 3 years, 8 per cent; se ua at once; owner Is In town. Poper A Bker. 444 Sherlock bldg. FOR 6 A I. E Prettlert little farm in Willam ette Vallev. SO acres, 1 mile east of Wal lace, on Oregon Electric, 2 mile north of . Aurora, 22 mile from Portland: 20 acre under cultivation, balance fine timber and paature: enough wood cut to last two or thre years: large house with fireplace, l-arn. 2 good wells, one a new bored well, new chlckenhouses with wire runs; an abundance of fruit and many large shad trees of walnut and maple; excellent aoll; fine opportunity for hops or extensive . fruit culture; price. Including 2 cows, bam. full of hay nd farm tool. $4000. Terms. Call or write owner, C. 8. Arnold, Aurora. Or. Rout 3. IMPROVED ranch. 10 acres, large B-room house and barn, all kinds of fruit and berrie. Jersey cow, good nor and buggy, all lmprovemente. 11 mile from Port land, 1 miles from electric atatlon. West Side; 1300 cash will handla; will consider city 'property In exchange. Provident In vestment A Trusts Co.. 201-202-20 Board of Trade bldg. A SNAP. 14$ ACRES 14 mile from Portland. 108 acra In Fail grain. 40 acre In timber, farm Implement larg S-room houa and good barn, doubl deck root and fruit ' houa laxii, well watered, plenty of fruit for family use. Price 3.'.0o0; Ilo.GliO cash, balance par cent long tlma. T 4S. Oregonlan. FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER. 13 acres, only 7 mile from Portland! 16 minutes' walk from carllne: 250 frult bearlng trees, apple and pears, mostly apples, over 1000 2 end 8-yar-old treea; all the land tile drained; good large house, barn, frultbouse, storeroom and woodshed; $10,000; snap If taken at one. Inquire at 291 Morrison at, ALFALFA FARM. NEAR PORTLAND. CHEAP. PLENTY OF WATER. COME IN AND SEE PHO TOS: PRICE WILL erRPRISE TOLr. CHEAPEST EVER. ZIMMERMAN, 310 BOARD OF TRADE. $S0 DOWN AND $18 MONTHLT. Will buy a small farm In th rich Tualatin Valley, near Foret Orov; steam and electric line near placet adjoining land selling for $4.10 per acre. PACIFIC N-W DEVEI.OPMEJTT CO, 403 Couch Bldg. A BEAUTIFl'L r:o of 80 lore In th lovely Tua'atln Valley. 17 mile west of Portland. 40 in cultivation; good prun anil apple orchard; very best of aoll; creek, several springs; hruse; woven wlr fenc. etc. $S3 per acre; worth $15o. Wm. Flxello. Laurel, or. LOOK ber. 62 acra 17 ml!a of Port land, 40 crs undr plow. 18 acre beaver dam. 0-room houa. barn and othr build ings, all fenced: orchard. 22 acre open pasturs. St mile of R. R. atatlon, 2't nillee of boat landing. Addraa ownar, D. Ca.klna. BIS Market St- laY FARM of 130 acre In Willamette Val ley for ! cheap, 4 to miles from Southern pacific rst'.way and 1 to miles from Ore gon Electrlo, now undr construction. Ad ox J. C VeCLERB. Jefferon, Oregon. FOR al reasonable terms 40 cr up land, ell level: 12 acre In cultivation, bal anc ptur; big eix-room houa; big barn; HO bearing fruit tree; good well and running water; eloa to school snd good town Whit ta John Wm, Lena, Winlock. Wash. FINE Block or dairy ranch. 400 acre, on Wlllametl River; 26 miles south of Port land: on of tb flneat farm in th will mtt Valley, at $0 per acre. Thla 1 th tt realty bargain on the market, 817 Board of Trade bidg., Portland. YAMHILL COUNTT FARMS FOR SAL EL Larg nd small tracta suitable for general farming, grain, bay, fruit, hop, dairying, tc: about 40 mils outbwl of Portland, Or. Call or writ for prlc Hat. w. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. FOR BALE 82l acres: 83 cultivated; bal ance umbr; good lawn and orchard; will sell in 0 or 2-ac- plU; $100 per acra will bandl thl: down; ba-ance 8 per cent: no aganta. Call Mala 1833 after 8 P. M- 100 SMALL, FARMS la Yamhill County; easy terms; we have aome special bargains; farms ultbl tor f rultralslng, dairying ar.d dlveralfled fanning. Write ua CELLARa-Ml RTON CO.. 823 Yeon Bldg. BEAUTIIXL 13-aor tract, all In eultlva tlon. on electric car line and atatlon. S vock to 6 etor and high echool; ele- 1 - . OO . b. .or...-. gant ouiiui.- w, v. eiovu. ,avld Lewis, room 2 Lumberman bldg. LcGK HERE investigate th. 40 acre . Ti"mook dairy or atock ranch for si' by owner. Address D. H. C:kln, B1fl Market at-, ronnnu, vr. T HAVE $00 acre of land about 40 mile from Portland. In a good wheat and hop country, at 40 par acre. AH 417. Ore gonlan. OWNER Ro acre whaat land. Sharmaa County. wll watersd. 7 mliea from Ry. Eaay lima Pr cnt lnt, $16,000. Marahail 42. RANCH o0 acre, with buiidlnga, IS mile from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all caah. by owner. 12 Morrison U io-ACRE farm for sale or trade. Improved with atock. In Wlllair.etto Valley. Lorena Went Itute 2. Woodturn. Or. 4o-ACRE wheat farm. Eastern Oregon, for aa. or una, S 4a. Oragnnlin, HOP LAND, FRUIT LAND, GARDES TRUCK LAND Small tract, one hour from Portland on Oregon Electric Railway. On block from town, rich dark aoU, aaml pianted in bop. fruit and garden truck. 10 per cent down, balance easy payment. Hop crop thl year almoat paid for value of land. Train hourly. lectrlc light, telephone, tc This Is selling fast. See us at onca, OREGON FARM. LOAN CO.. 40S Lewi Building. S0-ACRE farm, on Southern Pac. Ry., Just 28 mile from Portland. Land Is the fin est bottom land, about one-half beaver dam; 18 acre of good young orchard, planted by experienced orchardist. Farm all In high state of cultivation with Irri gation ditch; electricity on the place: largo modern 10-room houe; every con venience; land adjoins a thriving town and 1 a snap for anyone desiring a high class farm. Western Securities Co., 41 bpaiaing ping. FOR SALE 81 acres Improved. $3000, T mile from Yamhill; easy term. AV 613, Oragonlan. FOR RENT FARM S. HOP RANCH NEAR NEWBKRO FOR RENT. 202 acres. 180 acre In culti vation. 23 acre In hop on trel lis. 2 fine hophouses. S dwell ings. 2 barns, smokehou, henhouse. 3 tollhouses, 2 uto houses, 4 fine large horse, . 4 cows, 8 heifers, 64 sheep, 8 owa 23 pigs. 11 shoata. finest of Implements, Including new cul tivator, 2 roller cultivators, 5 plows. 6 harrow, mower and rake, wagon and buggy. sets hsrnea. hop press. 150 hop .' sacks, etc ; 40 ton hay, 80O oushel oat. 10 tons baled hay. 6 ton baled :rw; 30 cre clover. 25 acre Winter oat. Prlc 15000. which Include 1st year's rent. , Rent $1760 a year thereafter. It will tak $4125 to handl 'ralph ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 6tn St.. opposite Poatofnoe, STOCK AND DAIRY TO LEASE. FARM 1090 acre. Willamette Valley land. 150 acres in cultivation, balance good grazing land. 8 room house. 3 barns larg enough for 80 head cow; stocked with 60 dairy cows, mostly young. 500 goats, 40 hogs and pigs, horse and colt. 60 turkey. 10 dor. chick ens and 1 do, geese; all neces sary farm implements; atock for ale. ranch to lease: prlc $S2.'.0, Including 1st year's rent; $00 a year thereafter for a term of year. It wllltak $3000 to bandl 'RALPH ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 6th St., opposite Postoffice, 80-ACRE FARM TO LEASE. . 1 80-acr ranch on th Willam ette River to lease for 8 year. Lie between Portland and Sa lem, S miles from Oregon E ec trlc line. 45 acres In cultivation, 25 acres bearing orchard, 9 .year old. 10 acre peaches. 10 acre apple. and 5 acre, cherrle. Place good for fruit and will make excellent hog ranch. Enough artichokes thla Winter to keep 50 head of hoga. Rent $500 per year First year's rant must be paid In aa- BaI'pH ACKLET LAND CO.. 170 6th SU. oppoalt PoMofflo. BEAVERDAM TO LEASE. 12 u acres near Forest Grov. pan baavrdam; $250 a year In advanca. on pn ACKLEY LAND CO.. 170 5th St.. opposite PoBtoffic 160 ACRES for rent: stock, 'hPlenn,s; hay and grain for ale; low rent. 232", Washington t., room 16. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 6 to l-room new modern house, el? InTliav 1000 cash and balanc Columbia River Orchard T per cent bond, glv prlc and location flrt letter. AO 444. oregonlan. MODERN houa. cloae In, full lot. about $2300. Glv full particular and term; owner only. AF 4oa. orco.n... WISH to invest $10,000 to $15,000 In good income propertj In city; no agent. D 468, Oregonlan. WANTED City home, about $4500; no en cumbrance: for city lot or Rdvlll Acrea J. L. Goldlo, Oen. DeL IRV7NGTON lot from owner: muat b bar gain lor Caen. i.o. - CASH for Laurelhurst lot; give lot and block. AS 463. Oregonlam FOB t.ttE-TIMBEKJAXPS. ...n 1-1, t Ains BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'CRACKEN. S04 McKay Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. THIS PROPERTY WILL PAT OUT. 12-room bouse In Aibina, dandy loca tion for roomer, or can b rented a a 8-famlly f.at; near carshopsy will take lot lot or house or automobile on part easy term on balance. 418 Railway Exchange Ding. Will trad my good, pylng cafeteria for unincumbered real estate in Portland! clearlna about $300 monthly; best loca tl" Portland. Price $3900. Will mak. . . - T AHA i-irnn AD. QUICK OCai. A- -m-m. m PIAJiOS to trada for rani estata. Now. Ugh nrada instrumanta direct from the factory, will trada for lota and acreage In Port- una ano """"'J' " FOR EXCHANGE Small, baarinr appla or chard, flna Irnprovementa, in the Roptia River Valley, for Improved Portland prop erty. Owner, cewa.ru J3.m.e. ICO UK T HOOD acrease, luat caat of Greah am. at ahan-afully reduced, prlcea, ir oleic on terms or trade for city property. Main ltraQ. 430 Wore eater piQC WHAT have yoo to exchange for $1100 aouity in large beautiful triangular ' LOT IN LAURELHURST f AM 441, Oregonlan. WILL trade or aeU growin timber near Vancouver; can all be floated; 1400 cords fir wood. 500 cedar polea 60-ft. long. A anap. Main 68S5. FOR farm exchanges, buslneaa chances or rooming-houses, call on ua Northwest Realty Co., 617 Board of Trade bldg. WA NT E 1A first-class launch, speed not lees than 18 miles; gilt-edge close-in acre age in exchange. H 449. Oregonlan. WHAT have you to trade for an equity In a 4500 lot, balance $5 per month. J. V. nuthrle. 272 Stark st. NEW modern Irvlngton house four jots, for caving buslneaa. city or country, or first mortgages. , Phone East 1338. will, exchange high-powered motorcycle, full xUckle-piated. tor diamond up to S'JJ. MIP" "- AW"'":'. It. B7VER1L residence wm avuu iv itrm to trade for home, $3u00 to $5000. Owner, 1138 Ellsworth St. t-ROOM modern house on 43d, near Haw thorne, price $2&00; trade for auto; this la cash value, flli Yeon bldg. TO EXCHANGE Elegant Piedmont home for cosy Portland Heights home; price ic:wjo. j. at-, w-e. EXCHANGE equity 10 acree In cultivation for same tn house and lot or good inside lot. W t. wregoiiiau- COLUMBIA RIVER ORCHARD bonds to ex change for unincumbered, property. AJC 44 J. U r? K on m a. If30) ACRES, near dtpot; some cultivated; buildings; ftvOO corda wood; want Port land property, l arvo, s 16 ACRES in Woodburn Orchard Tracts. alue $2200; 13.r- equity for vacant lot or other value. AP 465. Oregonlan. WILL trade a piano, when new. worth $350, for real estate. Y EOS, Oregonlan. a&o TRADES, every price and place and get the habit. 430 Worcester bldg. GASOLINE FERRT, doing good builness. 6orga Hfftimriw frames. Cojiimfrns, Wash t xr.-r sTnR t .nn rC H section wheat land, wheat flelda ur- rounding, fenced. . i ec, wheat land, 60 fenced, west Umatilla Irrigation ditch survey. sec. Harney County, irrigation as sured, survey R. R..' line alfalfa land. c. Harney County, Silver Creefc Va'ley. Irrigation soon, future townsite, urvgy Hill line, bottom land. 4 sec, Lakt County, "Warner Valley, within irrigation, volcanls soil, survey La tee view extension. 200 aces. M osier Valley, close in. nne springs, irrigation dltca crosses twice; g-ood road, electric Una In future; some lmprovemente; exchange any or all for for good city property, or sell on terms. P 44, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGBL House and lot, 150x100, on Union ave, ralue JfiOOO, to trade for partly improvea" 40 to tW-acre ranch in Cowlitx or Tilla mook County; must be on river: also one vacant lot on "Union arc, value $.O0. KEASEY. HUMASOK St JEFFERI, 23 Z Chamber of Commerce Bids Portland, Oregon. 15 ACRES, near Clackamas, all well im proved, stock and implements, for resi dence. 6 -room modern house and some caah. for Improved small farm. Grocery store for hou-e and lot. Income East Side property. $15,000, for acreage, houses or small farm. So acres, well improved, near Ore sham, $10.50i). for income city property. GARLAND & BARS.VES. 191 4th St. JS000 FARM MORTGAGE. For house and lot up to $40u0, will ao cept good security for most of balance. This is a straight flrst mortgage draw ing 7 per cent for 8 ears and la amply secured by the very best property. GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermen's Bidg.. 5th and Stark. NO CASH REQUIRED For the moving picture business. We will equip you a theater complete In every detail in any city In the NORTHWEST in EXCHANGE for REAL ESTATE. Par ticulars, NEWMAN FILM EXCHANGE. 626 H Washington, near 17th. TI-IREB fine lots, 5-room cottage, butcher Shop on corner, large stable, value $500; Irt view low. Columbia Heights Add.. Van couver, Wash.; value $4u00; will exchange for Portland property. CELLARS-ML RTON CO.. 825 Yeon Bldg. FOB SALE. Horses. Veuiclee, Etc MICHIGAN bUGGlGEB, RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy either above, sea r stock and get prices. We are located out side Uio high-rent district and for tnat reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a ao-ead-aand vehicle when you can go a C.w ql6 at about the same prica t R, M. WADE & CO., 822 Hawthorne Ave. WANT good all-round driving horse, not over 8 yra. old, must be gentle, sound and city-broke; have 850-lb. driving or riding pony, very gentle; will trade him and one of our new and latest "Singers toward a horse to suit. What have youT Write or phone A. A. Moore, 612 Main, Singer alcn. agu. uregon tuy. THE Woodburn larmers' aanual September horse sale wlil be held at the Farmers' fcale and Feed Barns, Woodburn, Satur day, September iiu, with a long list of well-bred draught and worlc horses, also ponies and common work horses. D. M. Ratuiiffe, manager and auctioneer. MULES FOR HIRE SO head of good work mules and harness for rent, in carload lota. Apply immediately to PACIFIC BRIDGE COMPANY, 923 Electric Bldg., Portland- 3000-POUND team of mares, both in foal, sound and straight in every way; one pony car and harness $150; 5 teams of mules, 10 head of horses. Inquire Port land Stables, loth and Couch st. 10 HEAD of mares and horses, 6 mules, 4 sets of double harness, 2 farm wagons and 2 buggies; will sell at any reasonable otter; come and try them. 247 East lilth, cor. Madison- I HAVE a buggy mare 7 years old, about 900 lbs., also a standard bred colt ltt years; will sell cheap or trade both for a heavier horse. Phone B 2576. $115 BUYS C30U-pound team; will sell sep arate; also new farm wagon and harness; trialallowed. 3&1 2dsL i BLACK gelding, weight 1450. also good breechen harness; lost - mate, must sell- Call for Tedwells outfit, toi st. CONSTABLE'S sale of horses and wagons at 118 Union ave; goes to highest bidder. October SO at 10 o'clock. FOR TRADE or sale, 2900-lb. team horses, 6 and 6 years. Bob Casey, Route 2, Wood- burn, or. GOOD TEAM Weighs 2600. well mated, with farm wagon and harness; ail $225 Phone Sellwood 1545. FOR SALE Horse. buggy and harness ch eap. 554 1st st. TOP buggy, nearly new, leaving city, first offer buys it. Main 8051. TEAM, wt. 20OO lbs., wagon, harness; part cash, balance time. 9tiS E. Yamhill. BUS, 3 horses and harness. 46 Xo. 8th sL Automobiles, CLEARANCE sale of new automobilea at less than dealers' cost. One 7-passenger. 8-cylinder, 40-norse-power, $4200; our price $2750. One 5-pass,enger, 4-cy;inder, eO-horse-power, $3150; our price $2400. 1 One 6-passenger, 35-horsepower, $1900; our price $1250. One 7-passenger, fore-door, 40-norse-power, $3750; our price $2500. Two 7-passenger, open body, 40-horse-poiver, 84o0; our price $2000. Remember, these cars are new. We also have several cars slightly used at prices far below thei real value." These prices ar lor, casa. only; ne trades considered. WESTERN AUTO MFG. SO.. 209 Union ave. No., cor. Holladay. EDISON STORAGE BATTERY. Exclusive agents for Oregon for Edi son storage battery and the Lanaden elec tric wagons, the new Edison storage bat tery, one of the greatest marvels of the age. We are prepared to fill orders for batteries for motor transportation, elec tric lighting, or lighting and ignition 'for your automobile. ELECTRIC VEHICLE COMPANY, louv i eon mug. THINK OF THIS! 90-H.P. 1911 Stearns, cost owner $b300. Will sell at a bargain or trade for real estate not Incumbered. Run 4500 miles. David Lewis, room 2 Lumbermam bldg. FOR SALE One good delivery horse weigh ing 11&0, sound and true; one fine team young horses weighing 8000; one team small horses weighing 2000. 226 Rus sell sL HOKSE, weighing 900 lbs., harness and light spring wagon, .cash, $43. 469 East Sal mon st. $35 BUYS good mare, weighs 1100 lbs., works singie or double; $30 buys buggy and harness. Phone Sellwood 1788. FOR SAL1S One good, true work horse, 1200 pounds, sore in front from city street; $2 440 East Morrison. FOR BALE One team of horses, weight 1800, good for light delivery or laundry wagon ; $76. 440 East Morrison st. FOR SALE BABCOCK ELECTRIC BROUGHAM, 1911 MODEL. $1500 CASH. E 429. OREGONIAN. WANTED Model 10 Bulck; price must be . r A-rt Or-,. iron 'a n 5-PASSENGER auto for hire, $2.5(per hour. M. 7770. A .3027. llanos. Organs and Musical Inatrumenta. FINE piano, first-class condition. Is slightly used; for sale reasonable. 423 Flledner bldg. FOR BALE At a great sacrifice, standard make, combination player piano, with music and cabinet. Call East 300. Apt. 34. PIANO check wanted. I will make you good offer. Address AC 416. Oregonlan. Dos. Birds, Pet Stoca. FOUR large St. Bernard dogs for sale; Ro ver, the prize winner 1109 bench show Portland; Da tan. the largest 2-year-old In the country; 8 months old pup. from Rover snd good bitch. I also have good bitch for sale. Can be seen at Imperial Hotel for ona week. AlKvLALiv TE KKiKK Hi lor paia. iiror; a4 guards. Laddlx K-nn: Estacada. Or. Mlacellaneoas. REMINGTON typewriter with Gorin tabu lator, alightly used, aell or trade. C 45A, Oregonian. FOR BALE cheap. 2 counters, 2 show cases, 1 cash register snd some shelving. 100 Russell st. Call In the evening. TICKET to Chicago, for young man, me dlum and dark. R 473, Oregonlan. SAFES 2 medium and 1 large sixe. at a bargain. J 222, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Cheap, a Jewel gas stove. Ap ply 760 IrvIn. FUTLDREPS suit, nearly new; breast 8G; ...... a r liT i"irirnn:an. GOOD furniture of all kinds for sale cheap. POOL TABLE for sale cheap at 536 Al bert at. Miscellaneous. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Strictly all-wool cloths. Hand-tailored, coId-watasa shrunk woolens and linings which mcutns perfect shape, retention, long style and service to our customers. $27.50 to $30.00 suits for $18,75; 22.50 to $2.O0 suits at $14.75. How do I do it T My rent is $30.00 a month, which would be about $500 if I were on the street. Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Oregonian bidg. Take elevator. MEN'S RAINCOATS. Genuine English gabardines. Priestley cravenetted; $.5o to $-5 values at $14 $15 raincoats at $10; rubberized slip-ona, $10 values, $5. Jimmy Dunn, room Sis Oregonian Bldg. Take elevator. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain in Under wood. L. C. Smith Remington type writers, see The Northwest Typewrite Co.. No. 90 6th. FOR SALE Chtfckl have prtre check oa piano for $116 on Graves Music Co.; will sell very cheap. Phone Main 6416. 175 12th st. STOVE DOCTOR. ' If your stove doesn't bake, there something wrong. I can fix it- 86 Easi Morrison. Phone East 1022. FOR SALE Practically new full equipped donkey engine adapted to clearing; take pay in clearing. F.' F. Williams. 18 Y'eon bldg. . RECEIVERSHIP SALE OF MACHINERY. Lathes, drill presses, shaper, motor shafting, belting, etc. Jos. J. Fisher, re- ceiver. 214 Lu ruber Etch ange. SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PL'RCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th st. Main 6309. A 411$. HOT WATER coiis made and Installed in stoves and furnaces at reasonable prlcaj work guaranteed. S14 Grand ave. North, city. . VICTOR phonograph. 40 records; Singr hand sewing machine; 2 tents; enamel bathtub; large heater, and a lot of other goods. 112 Union ave, ' FOR SALE Monarch range, heating stove, drejser.. dining table and chairs; leaving city, inquire 250 Fargo st. SLIGHTLY used furniture consisting o gas range, gas water heater, bedroom fur niture, etc. D. O. Ch'xae, 40 1st. FOR SALE or trade for lot, steam hoist en gine, gasoline engine, air compressor ana air tools. 322 Mohawk bldg. - WILL sacrifice flrst-elass furniture of -4-room apartment. Apply apartment 2 Ft. Francis Apartments, cor. 2lst and Hoyt.st. FOR SALE No. 4 Underwood typewriter and two gas stoves; cheap. Inquire ,213 2d st. m SALE Perfect blue-white diamond, H karat; $65. Solid gold lady's watch tor si a. A.N 4otf. uregonian FOR SALE Several pars of Chinese and JaDanestf elaborately embroidered por tieres. Phone Woodlawn 2441. forenoons. WILL trade $110 check on Graves uusio Co. for anything. Call 41 Grand or phona E. 10 'j0. . . FORSALE One roll, one flat top desk and office chairs. Room 6, 253 Washlngtpn, cor. 3d. ' - ". . LARGE houseboat built on scow; fine con dition; with rowboat; very convenient lo catlon. AP 468. Oregonlan. - $55 JEWEL range, in good condition. -141 East 52d st. North. phone -Tabor 2093. T Y PEW RITE R, L. C. Smith's, S"i0; good ua new: cost ijlOO. 204 Enst 3d st. North. FOR SALE Gent's bicycle, in good .condi tion, cheap. m 169 1st st. HALL af, used only a short time; will give terms. AP 248. Oregonian. ' - coiiiracLur'a equipment by United Engineer lug fc Construction Co., Sod Lewis bldg. WANTED IVITCELLAXEOUg. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE, TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladies east-otf clothing, shoes, furniture, toois. mechanic logging. Call Mala 2080. 2W First st. The Globe. . THE Kazarene Army are In need of beddins and furniture for the Home for Women and Children. Anyone who can. help along these lines call up East 5210 and it will be called for promptly. - ARE you in trouble over real estate, busi ness or personal matters? Can make .yon quick deal, city or suae. Address ft 4S4 Oregonian. L WANTED Second-hand gas engine. 2 h, J-, in good condition. Dr. W. F. Lewis, 3u Oregonian bidg. Tools Hishest prices paid for all kinds ot 2d-hand mechanic, logging tools. Levla Hdwre. Co.. 229 Front. Main 9072. ,., f WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phona East 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Moving pictuYe machine, gal outfit, films, folding chairs, etc AL Oregonian. bAKGER'S AUCTION HOUSE, 870 E. Morrison. . Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. DUCKS for decoys; must be the call ducle stock; nothing else. Phone A or Maia 143U. ; TICKET for Chicago wanted immediately medium, light. AE 451. Oregonian. FOR stone retaining walls, address AM 444s Oragon iaru FORD Auction Co. pays most casn for anj, kind of furniture. Main 895L A 2445. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED for TJ. S. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and 3, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who caa speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit-. lng Officer, Worcester block, 3d and Oa.lt ets.. Portland. Or. TWO good cabinet makers; steady employ ment to first-class men; also a good frame maker. Call Pitch less Lumber Co.. East St. Johns. Phone Columbia 60. WANTED Experienced lumber stenograph er and bill clerk; apply in own handwrit ing. V 509!Orcgojuan; SALESMEN, salary and commission; housa to house. Apply 3 to a P. M., 425 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " PRINTER wanted for small Job office, $10" per week; state experience. Y 610, Ore gonlan. " , WANTED 2 live real estate- salesmen, fo a new townsite; one of the best proposl tions on themarket. 2-70fr Stark WANTED 3 "good solicitors for clothes cleaning establishment. 407 Hawthorne a ve. , OFFICE manager wanted, out of town; must be first-class bookkeeper. Apply Ai 464, Oregonian. TAILOR for pressing ladies' and gentlemen's clothing. Harris, 8 wetland blag., 5th and Washington. , , ''i . WANTED At once, union sign painter, com mercial and wall work. Pacific -Sign Co 1st and Washington. , WANTED A good ballad singer. Apply aO WEi?lc Annex, room F, Oregon City, i k p. M. STRONG Japanese boy, porter, run errands, etc." must talk good English and knovr the 'city. Apply 333 Anlieny st. .rl.- -wanted for fire Insurance and loan M busings; ' commisslson only. 840 Cham- ber of Commerce. WANTED Picture play writer; big pay, we'll te.cn you. picture Play Anocla. tlonBan Francisco. wmTT-CRADE salesmen can aasoclat per. HmrnVly. Ak lor Bryant. 1118 .on bldg. - , xc-AVTFD Phvsician registered In Oregon. to work in office on tralght salary basis. Address Munyon. A K 4'M, Oregonlan. an- A-l solicitor to work on commission t of the Sunshine Cleaning Pressing Em- porlum. iai curuamv. - WANTED First-class sash and aoor rna chin. maT Nicolai-Neppach Co., 22T Di- vis st. . WANTED Active solicitor, well recommend, ed. American Hospital Assn., 1218 6eU- lng bldg.. 10 A. M. . SECOND COOK wanted at Peerless Cafe- terla AO. o WANTED Ironworker and helper. 44 Davis street. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker and ladles' tailor. 41. ih&cj. .a ..- . ERRAND BOY wanted. Apply ewl-Sten. ger Barbers' SuppiyC WANTED Experienced chauffeur to drlv, nt car nighta X 471- Oregonlan. .-. BARBER wanted lor Saturday. 205 Madi. son st. BARBER wanted Tor Saturday; wage guar. anteea. -. EXPERIENCED porter wanted. Sweeney, asua i- DFLIVERT boy wanted. Portland Knit ting Co.. 231 Alder. , LICENSED barber wanted at once. Call S30 Alberta St. WANTED Boys over 1 with wheel. It Id st. -w a NT ED An experienced stock salesman. Xnplv at 6'J5 Oregonian bldg- VliOluliKAPH coupon and portrait agents. new offer- Cutberth Etudio. Dekum b'.rtg. SOLIITOP.? for Wittes Spilnps water. Call Portiand Hotel. L. G. Marsh. BOY wanttd with a wheel. Apply No. era, t-i, uuTn "House. C0AT-LERS-- Deau CurtiM, fitiiT" I