TITE SrORXTXO OltEGOXIA!?." wnTDAT. SEPTEMBER 29. 1911. HEYES SAILS FROM STRIFE IN MEXICO Message to Political Leader Says He Is Leaving to Avoid Embarrassment. NEW YORK IS DESTINATION 4 First State of Trip From Country Is Made Almost M FnrtUTe. Return at Head of KroIutioo ary Armj I Sunpected. MKXICO CT.TT. Pept- I. General (rnrrow mnilD, reliable Information am rival of F. L Madero for the preal dncjr this aternooo sailed for Havana. Just before tha ship welshed anchor ba said ha would continue to rew ion. Toai Vra Crus ba sent a muufi to President Da la Rarra. sarin ha did not cara to raroaln In tha country and become a causa of ambarraasmant; tnat com fly In with bla duty aa a re tired Army offlcar, ha later would ad him aa ta his resldeaca. To Joa Pon Del Valle. chairman of tha central committee of tha Reytsta rartv. ha aent tha following meserasre I am leaving tha Republlo to escaps taunta and to avoid tha prams, ma party of which I am chief, must attain Its attltuda of Inststlnr upon mraran teee to azerelsa its licht that It now lacks. In tha knowledita that In due time I shall return to take my piaca at Its head, protected always with tha fcanner of law. Arromoanylnc General Reyes war "Par id Keyea He tana, ona of his most ardent supporters. Ketana's wlfa and chiMren. and Mlacuel (julrca. another adherent of the General. Tha trip to Vera Crua, which almost resembled a flisht. waa made m a private car tasi r.taht. and on account of tna falsa en try of hla name In tha passenger list, tha Identity of Oeneral Keyea waa not discovered until lata today. oa tha vessel this afternoon Keyea aid ha expected to fo directly to Mew Sork. but would not say when ba would return. In Vera Crus tha same .lr for privacy was maintained. Holdlna a handkerchief before hit (are. ha went aboard early and al- rjioat Immediately went to bis state room. Party Ka Dterapfeal. Reres departure haa been com mented on variously In tha capital Jilany Maderiatas are Jubilant, declar ing ha raa away. Others do not hesi tate to express their belief that ha will attempt to return at tha head of a revolutionary army, but Bla xnenaa anv thla. Jom Teon del Valla declares that tha O'parturo of Reyes does not mean tha disruption of tha party ba left behind fclm. but Bays It henceforth will be known aa the 'Republican party, and that It will ba prepared for tha next national election. BRUTES' FRIENDS COMING American Humane Society Delefaxea to VUI City Today. 1-r. W. O. Stlllman. president of tha American Humane Society, and a auro- r-er of other orrWr of that orranlia ' tion wl'.l arrive In Portlaad thla morn- ins; at T o'clock for a day's visit with J'-w-at humane officer and a committee ef the Commercial Club. Arrangements Vave been made to meet the visitors at tha depot and take them for a trolley ri.l. about the city before noon. In the afternoon aa automobile ride will ba taken Into the country. A compliment ary dinner will ba served la tha even In c. Tha entertainment committee of tha rrrmo Humana Society comprises Mrs. Y V. Swactoo and Mrs. C. 8. Mayes. T-.ey wl l have charts of tha afternoon eutoraohtTe trip. Tha party Is en route to Sari Fran cisco to attend tha National Humana tovletr Convention. It will be accom ysnlei from Portland by Robert Tucker and Mrs- Swanton. Portland delecatea. lr. Tucker and Mrs. Pwanton will try to gain sentiment In favor of Portland for tha 1511 convention. The 111 Xneetlna; will go East and the assembly f 1IJ will ba bald In the West. PURDY NOT MENTIONED Attorney for Man Holding Winters . Ieel "otee Fror Made. Thomas OTay. attorney for William -. Purrfv. In the hunt to aet aside a ed which Purdy bolda to fS.O0 of the Grand-avenue property of tha late )L IX. Winters, called attention yeater eay to tae fact tuat aa error waa made In the printed account of the con ten ts cf an affidavit Sled la tha case by ilrs. Juola MaxdelO. Mra. MaxBeld's affidavit sets forth that In the Summer of 10I. evidently about tha time tha Purdy deed waa Biade. aha overheard a conversation be tween Evans and Winters In which :vana told Winters that Purdy bad forced a deed for hla. Winters', prop t rty. " said Judlte CDajr. "She did not aay that thla conversation took place tetween Evana and Purdy. -When thta afrldavtt waa read the ude said that tf this deed waa not what It purported to me. It waa some what peculiar that if Winters waa told that Purdy had forced a deed against blm some two years before ba died, that .a never took any steps to have tha raae Investigated or to have publicity Uvea to It In such a manner as to have Ana fact known." CORONER SAVES MAN'S LIFE riackamas Official Revive Tlotlm Stricken With Heart Fnilare. OREGON CTTT. Or. Pept. J- (Spe cial. Coroner Wilson waa congratu lated by many of bla friends today for fell la front of tha formers place of pual nese. Mr. Wilson lost no Urns In roln to hs stricken man's aid, and. after rub bin blm vlroronslr. the victim re vived. He refueed to lvs bis name, nut promised Mr. Wilson that be would ronsult a physician at once. Ha said Ve suffered from heart disease. ACCUSED MAIM ILL SOUTH XVpnty Ptstrtrf, Attorney Declares Koather Is Too Rick for Trial. That W. G- foutber. indicted by tha jiprti grand )irr tor arabeaalsmsat en tompla.ai of Mrs. Carrta Dun la a. rel ative, ts stlH serlooalT til with tuber culosis la California, and that to brine him here as a prtsonsr might cost bis Ufa. la the assertion of Deputy District Attorney Colilsr. In answer to tha com plaints made to Governor Weat by lira. Dunlap aileclna Inactivity on tha part of the District Attorney's office. Col lier also aaa It Is doubtful If tha of fice Is not being used as a collection a-ency In thla case. , -Mr. Souther Is seriously 111." aald Jamea Conlay, hla attorney, "and should not be taken away from tha sunshine of California. He haa telegraphed me that ha will ba here next week, and I believe that ba will. 1 shall try to have bla bond ready when ha arrives. I do not believe that he U cullty of embexxlement. Mrs. Dunlap. I under stand, asked blm to Invest her money. and waa not satisfied with securities bearing low ratea of Interest. Hs bought ber soma land In Klickitat County. Washington, and Inveated tha balance In an enterprise be was pro moting In Klamath County. -He promised Mrs. Dunlap one-third of tha profile If tha Klamath deal went through, and bad It been successful shs would have made from 130.000 to t-40.-S09. mad I know thst hs had good rea son to believe that It would be success ful. He sank nearly 1:0.000 of bis own money la It- There le still a slight ehuu of success. Mra. Dunlap waa warned by Mr. Mouther that tha Klarn- aia bvu w 390 TEACHERS GATHER LA-NK PEDAGOGUES HEAR AD- DRESS BY ACKERMAX. Spenker Peplorea Fact That etmrtors Not Included In Re ception to Taft. In- EUGENE. Or, Sept. . (Special.) The Lane County Teachers' Institute opened yesterday for a three days session with an enrollment of mora than ISO teachers. This Is an Increase In attendance of almoat 100 over last year, tha enrollment then being 29. The principal apeaker at yeaterday" aaaalon waa President Acker-man. oi the Monmouth Normal School. Mr, Ackerman'a address concerned largely the status of the. teacher. Ha deplore 1 tha fact that the profeaslon of teach tna; la held In relatively light regard at tha present time, clung aa a proof the fact that no teachers are mentioned In the Portland d roar am me for the re caption of President Taft. This la largely due. ba aald. to tha fact that teaching la not a profeaslon in tna same aanse aa law and medicine, and also to tha faet that moat teachera are neither aelf assertive nor good per sonal advertlaera. He thought that the standardisation law. passed by the last Legislature, which permits those who obtain standard certificate to teach for Ufa wlthont further examination, would do much to dignify the profeaslon of teaching. He praised also the supervi sory law enacted last year, and said that In hla opinion ona further law waa nsaded to compel tha erection oi proper achoolhouses, and tha main tenance of them and the schoolgrounds In proper condition. Tha feature of todays programme will be the address by U R. Alderman. State Superintendent of Publlo In struction. The programme for today la: s ee ODentna. t 11 Addreee. -Reeding." M'ss Montaaa Haeimr. f tb t'nlvervitr of Oreson. II. IS lal CM ana vare oi uvnnw fleJea T. Keaaeoy: tbl "Whtoperms." H. K lnk: lo) "How to Begia Numbers, I -The care aad Handing at tuau Helen T. Kennedy. 1 so a npex-lal Methods of Inetnaetloo," Montana llasuos. "qualifications of a Teaaer." tl C Stockton, euperlntendeat of fcusene gertoele: e "Claaslca for Children. kimim T. Kennedy. I -The New Coarse of Btuay. X n Alderman. Ik kframff programme, tacladlng ad sae er L. R. Alderman, btata Supeeinten- deal af Psbllo I nat ruction. HUES C0L0R DANCERS Party at Baker Theater la Bathed In Mncb Light. After discontinuing stags parties and dances for mora than three years tha Theatrical Mechanical Association last night revived the old custom with blrgsr. better and more attractive party and danoe thsa It had evsr given. Tha starts of tha Baker Theater waa cleared, the floor prepared and the most elaborate arrangement of electrical er fecta even seen la Portland theater completed the arrangements. Ths paxty waa Invitational and memoera or tna association, their wives, swsethsarta, friends, aotora appearing In tha city this week and the managers and staffs of all tha local play bouses were present. A special circular vona aet rormea background for tha stare and waa festooned with colored lights. Foot- Igbts and borders ward also arranged In harmony with tha set decoration. Tha striking beauty of the arrangement waa produced by constantly switching the lights from one color to another, while a spotlight, in the same color, biased from ths balcony, wreathing the dancera In all tha hues and colors of tha rainbow. At 10:10 the dance waa stopped to prepare for aupper. While tha spresd waa being fixed np performers from the various theaters entertained the merrymakers. After supper came the most beautiful of all tha electrical displays, arranged or the four last dances. The "Falling Rosea' dance was Illuminated by a film over the spot light, making ths dancers appear to be literally deluged wtth a shawer of roses, and the "Silver Cloud dance ssemed to waft them off In fleecy cumuli through the air. Y. W. C. A. GREETS GIRLS High School rnplls Day's Guests. Lnnclieon Is Served High school rtrla called yesterday afternoon at the Young Women's Chris tian Association to meat Miss Llna Balls Jamea, tha new general secre- try. and two new Instructors. Misses axon La Mont and Msrjorle Lewis. An Informal talk by Miss James waa followed by queries regarding the as sociation work, and the young women endeared themselves to Miss Jsmaa by their many and varied remarka and ueatlona as to tha foundation of the aaaeclaUon, Aa the general Invitation failed to reach many of tha high achool girls, they will be guests again thla evening with the bualnees girls, who have been asked to attend the sociable after work a their every-day dresses, aa tha even ing will be marked for Ita Informality. Assisting Mra. F. N. Clarke In the talng-room yesterday were Miss Lu cille Bronaugh, who wore blue dotted foulard witn trimmings of wblts lacs and black velvet ribbon: Miss Prances Brady, who waa attired In white lin gerie with rrkrnlturee of Irish crochet. nd Mlaa Mary Campbell, whoae gown is cream challle with blue trimming. Mra. Clarke wore white lingerie and Mies Jamea was gownsd In yellow silk wltn trimmings of black aiik bands. Caller at Eilers Music House Gets Better Impression of Piano Trade FEARED THAT BECAUSE OF FRANTIC ADVER TISING THE TRADE HAD DEGENER ATED INTO JUNK-SELLING. Found Several $1000 and Numerous $800 and $600 Pianos Sold at Eilers Music House and Is Proud to Be a Portlander. "The frantic dyertlsin that seemi to be indulged in by concerns who axe to all appearances desperately, though heroically, endeavoring to compete with Eilers Music House almost gave us the impression that the piano trade )f Portland had degenerated into the sale of so much junk." said a caller yesterday at Eilers Music House. "My wife investigated every one of the so-called bargain advertisements offered recently in the papers," hs contin ued, "but she simply went home in disgust. "Then our friend told us that we were making a mistake. That we ought to have gone in the first place to the new location of Eilers Music House, at Seventh and Alder streets, which somehow we had overlooked. Thus we determired to call upon the old stand-by home dealers, and we were cer tainly delighted with the magnificent instruments and the tremendous as sortment, and also the astonishingly low prices upon same, that were to be found in the beautiful new establishment that yon now occupy." It is needless to. state that this gentleman bought a piano, bought a fine piano a $575 Sohmer an instrument that will be a source of Joy and satis faction to his family for generations to come. But when he talked about the piano trade degenerating into a junk busi ness, we showed him a beautiful mottled mahogany $1000 Lester Player Piano that Mr. Thomas A. Duff bought, although Mr. Duff didn't have to pay quite that amount of money for this piano, since Eilers Music House is no longer ruled, or "injunctioned" by the Player Piano combine. We showed the gentleman a magnificent mottled mahogany genuine $850 Jhickering Upright, of largest size, which was selected by Mr. J. 0. Prehan just a few moments before. This Chickering has won much admiration in the Alder-street show window of late. We showed him also an elegant Hallet & Davis Player Piano In a burl walnut case, which waa selected by Mr. A. H. Hoeff. These are only a few of the costly Instruments that we showed him which had been sold during the day, and when we showed him where each day we were selling that many and more of the Nation's choicest instruments Kim balls, and Sohmers, and Chlckerings, and Autopianos he was not only de lighted, but took new faith, so to say, in the community in which he lives, and could not help but rejoice In the prosperity of the people who are thus giving substantial evidence of the unbounded prosperity that Portlanders enjoy. FOURTEEN OT THEM FOR RENT As advertised yesterday, the remaining 14 of the 63 new pianos in the little sale just closed will be rented. rhere are three to be had at $3 monthly rent. There are four that will cost Tit month rent. Two win cost $4.50 a month rent. And the remainder will be rented for $5 a month. Parties agreeing to keep these pianos longer than six months will have no cartage to pay, either for delivery or for return of them. Telephone or call at Eilers Music House, now at Seventh and Alder. IN THE MEANTIME, piano-eelling supplying good, honest, dependable pianos for less money than can any other dealer, or branch house, or agency goes merrily on. The frantic endeavor of tacky branch concerns to compete with an insti tution like Eilers Music House has developed into desperate appearing adver tising, but this does not mean, by any means, that the piano business now adays has "deteriorated into nothing more or less than the sale of so much Junk." Bear in mind that fine pianos at reasonable nrices. inclndinr the world's best the Chickering. and the wonderful new Autopiano, as well as the Soh mer, the Hazelton. the Kimball grands and uprights, altogether 40 different nakes are fbr sale at Eilers Music House at prices so low and on terms so reasonable tnat no borne nowadays need be without a piano. Eilers Music House. Now the Nation's largest dealers. Portland headquarters for Talking Machines. All the makes and all the records all the time. On Alder street at Seventh. GRANGE FIGHTS SESSION MTLTXOMAII OOL.VI 1 BODY DE NOUNCES WEST'S PLAN'. ReeoIaUon Adopted C rein a 1140 Members to Oppose Good Road . Step Pnbllo Market W anted. GRESHAM. Or, Bpt . (Special) Multnomah County Pomona Orange gave tha proposed special aeaslon of tha Legislature a bard knock yeater day at the eesslon held wtth Colum bia Orange at Corbett. Tha following resolution was Introduced by R- M. Gill. Pomona master, and was unani mously adopted: "Wbereae. aa publicity haa been giren a morement for the calling of apeclal session of ths Legislature to consider road leglalatlon. and "Whereaa. euch a session would en- tall a great expense upon the state and would likely furnish no great relief to tha agricultural ciaases In the kind of roads they desire that la, good roads to tha nearest market. There fore, be It 'Resolved, thst Multnomah county Orange, composed of the ten granges of Multnomah County, with 114 mem bers. Is strongly opposed to any call for an extra eesslon of tha Legisla ture." The Grange Indorsed the proposed public market In the City of Portland In the following resolutions: -Bo t resolved by ths Multnomah County Tomona Orange that wa are heartily In favor of the proposed pub llo market now under contemplation In the City of Portland, and aa pro ducers ournelves we nrga all farmers, both In and out of the Orange, to give this movement their encouragement; and In rase of the successful culmina tion of this project we pledge ourselves to do our utmost to make tha market a eueceas by patronising It with our produce. Be It further "Resolved, that a committee of one from each grange of tha county, with the Master of Pomona aa chairman, represent the Orange and meet with the East Side Business Men's Club or such committee as they may bring to gether." The session yesterdsy was largely attended by members of the order from all over tha county. On Invitation from Rock wood Oranga tha Masters' and Lecturers' Association will meet In Rockwood Orange hall on tha third Saturday in November. At the evening session 14 candidates were Invested with the fifth degree. A musical and literary entertainment followed. LOTTERY PLAN REVEALED Operations of California Company to Be Prohibited Here. Under thin disguise an attempt baa been made to open a full-fledged lottery In thla olty. alleges Teputy District At torney Ftugsrald. who ran upon tha fact In hla Investigation of tha proposed operations of ths International Real Ea. tate Commercial Company, of Cali fornia. Literature of the company. It la said, tails of occasional drawlnga. In which a I5-cert scrip msy bring ths lucky holder tTSOO. Kltxgerald first came In touch with the enterprise through an Interview with the local agent, who did not give his name. He sought the proaecutor to give him favorable explanation of the eompany'a operations and obtain sanc tion of the law. Tha company sella scrip In sums of tS cents. These when they accumulate to the amount of $10 are exchangeable for certificates of the Issuing company, and when S100 worth Is bought It may be converted Into municipal or railroad bonds. Tha prosecutor, upon tha pro moter's own statement, denounced the plan as a revival of tha old tontine, re lying for lta profit on the probability that many Inveatora would drop out before they reached a point where their script could be exchanged for some thing of real value He was not at that time able to point to any law for bidding auoh a plan, but warned hla Interviewer. An account of tha affair In The Ore gonlan was noted by one who had Been literature of the company. Therein was tha statement that from tlma to time ona of tha certificates would ba "re tired." and might net Ita holder thour aanda of dollars. On this nsw Information, tha District Attorney has announced that under no circumstances will ha allow tha oom pany to operate hero, as be saya it la but a disguised lottery. SHIPPERS ASK $67. REFUND Portland Firm Accuses North Bank Road of Overcharge. OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Sept, 2S. Complaint waa filed POSLAM QUICKLY CLEARS THE SKIN Heals Aearaatlne7 Affeetloaa, Cansins Them to Disappear. To quickly dear the complexion, drive away pimples and blemishes and Impart a healthy akin tone. Poslam. the per fect skin remedy. Is unequaled. Be sides Its employment for tha quick curs of ecxema, acne and virulent diseases. Ita usefulness extends to every condi tion where the skin Is diseased, abralsed or irritated. Poslam ta popular among the theat rical profession for protecting tha akin from the use or cosmetics; It Is used for Its soothing, antiseptic properties after shaving, preventing infection, barbers' Itch. etc. It dissolves dan druff, cures scaly ecalp. takea away soreness from burns, scalds, etinga, tired. Itching feet, etc Poslam con tains no poisonous Ingredients. Poslsm is sold for 60 cents by the Owl Irug Co. and all druggists. For a free sample write to the Emergency Laboratories, 82 West !5th street. New York City. Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam, Is the best soap for your skin. Antisep tic: delightful. Large cake, 25 cents, restoring to consciousness a mu who A-WSRMENTS. HEILIG T HEATER, 7th and Taylor Phonee Mala 1. A USX. Tonight 8:1S Special Price Tomorrow Night . Mat. Tomorrow THE COMEDY HIT "BABY MINE" JBvenlnss Lovar floor, sl.50. $1. Balcony. 1. 7c 60c Gallry. 35c. lie. Tomorrow Matinee 41. T5c. 50c. 3o. 25c BEAT SALE OPENS TODAY HEJLIO THEATER 4 NIGHTS, resinning SCXDAT Special Price Matinee Wednesday. X. H. Woods offers ths comedy auccess "THE GIRL IN THE TAXI" Evenings: Lower floor. 1.50, SI. Bal cony. 6 rows. II; rows. 75c; 11 rows, 00a. Oaliery, reserved. 85c; sdmlMlon. lie Wednesdsy Mst.. (1. 75c 50c. 35c 25c BAKER THEATER nrf a ram beo. L. Baker, Mgr. Opens gundar Matinee for all next wse with WTT.IJAH V. MONO and a eupurb company b THE HOUSE NEXT IrOOB . ....... h .ilatv Thdttflr. If. J Evenings 15c BOc, 75c. 11.00. Matinees 160 aad tOc Wednesday bargain matinee sta gnate now on sale. SIATJC L A 10S9 MAixxxa Bwarr day 15-25 51 MIGHTI THEATER 15-25-50-751 1 r.g avDT . . - n .. .. nf tH VTnder world, a seneaUoa everywhere; The Mchols Ctlsters. Char!-e and Fannie Its, Havlland Thornton. The Four Floods, Mason Muz- ray. Orcneetra. nctnres. Unequalled Vandevuie. WEEK SEPT. 80 Special Engagement, Ed win de Corala Co., to "Red Ike." Vaude ville's ftreat-t Dramatic Production; Dork la. 4g . , III nxn anc. . wmm- .0 ' i rm i c iirtmaiio j rimui i mn ; Trio. Mile. Bernhardt and Her Marionettes, Three Uema Hrotbers. John P. Reed. Keeler at Don. Panlageecope, Daylight Animated Popular Prices. Matinee pally. 1:30. 7:80. ft. Matin re Ett Day. rmerlr Grasd. van A l'onitllna KrfJnrd VaodrwHle. WEEK SEPT. 23 Patty Brothers, Weston and Lynch, Miller and Mack. Mrs. Jules lory and Family. Rice and Cady. Ida Barr, Grana asoope. Prices, lftc end goo. i BASEBALL RECREATTOT PARK, Car. Vaughn aad Twenty-fourth Sts. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND SEPT. 3d, 2T, S8, 2ft, 80, OCT. 1. Games Begin Week Daya 3 P. M.l Sun day, 2l30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boye Under 11 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. with the Interstate Commerce Commis sion today by the Wylle Brothers Com pany, of Portland, against the North Bank and other roads, alleging over charge on shipments of galvanised iron flooring sent from Youngstown, 0 to Portland last August. Reparation amounting to 167 Is asked. Today and Saturday at the iestic Theater Admission . . . 10c Box Seats . . . 25c HOME BUILDERS W ax contractor and will furnUh let and tin anew the building of a. bom for you on easy payments. Wa a"iva rcferencaa and aak reference. WYATT, KSTABROOK. ! RAT. - Coaob bid. Phon? Wain 42 II. MEETING NOTICES. GENERAL HEUETcOlOirrrKK, I. O. O F. Special meeting today vFrldy) at 1:80 o'cloclt P. M.. Oddfellows- Temple. 14114 First St.. to conduct the funeral of Brother Georr. C. Robertson, of Harmon LodB. . 835. lroolon. Ohio. Services at Flalejrs chapel and Blverrlew Cemetery. All Odd- r.llowa InTlted. B. F. HOLT. President J. C. JAMESON, Secretary. nvvirtAi. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 4d, A. F. AND A. M. 7:30 o clocjt. rast ein ana ouiu slde. M. M. degree. Visitors vilcoma By erdnr of W. M. HABSALO LODGE. NO. IS. L O. O. F, meots this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock In Oddfellows Temple, corner First and Alder streets. Work In the third dejree. Visitors are cordially welcomed. FRED COZENS. 8crtary. PORTLAND LOD-,E NO. 85. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Friaay eTenlnr i.SO o'clock. Work In M. It. de cree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. C VL. STlTAriMAX. W. Dress XJB M M Frill Ma as AUCTION SALE TODAY. AT Wllaon'a auction hoa, it II A. M. ymraltnf. lTl-a-tt Scond atreoc - FUNERAL NOTICES. FL1XER In this city. September JT. at tb family residence. 679 Frederick at., Eliza A- Bid -tire 11 Fuller, ased 71 years 5 months 18 days, beloved wife of George P. Fuller, mother of Edward O. and David B. Ful ler. Friends invited to attend funeral ervlces, which will be held at Holman'i chapel at 1 P. M. today (Friday.. Sept. 29. Interment In Greenwood Cemetery. Buffalo. X. Y.. papers please copy. BLOCUM In this city. Sept. 28. Alfred fiiocum. aged ,t years, formerly of Glen dale. Or. Funeral services will be held at Dunning 4 McEntea's Chapel. 7th and Aakeny sts., today (.Friday), at 7:30 P. M., thence to crematorium. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. BITCKLL.ET In this city. Sept. 27. at the fam ily residence, 235 East 16th it. North. Jere miah A. Buckley, aged 63 years 7 months 3 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral service, which will be held at the above residence at 3 P. M. today (Friday). Sept. 39. Interment la Rose City Cemetery. NICHOLS The funeral services of the late. Dr. Clarence L. Nichols will be held at the family residence. 434 Salmon St.. at 2 P. M. today (Friday). Sept. 29. Friends Invited. Interunent In Rivervtew Ceme tery. Services at the grave private. XONaElU fLOKAL CO, 1 MAKtJlAM BLDO. IXOKAL lE:sl(iM3. phooeai Main &IW; A 1103. Dnnnlxtx & McEntee. Funeral Directors, ftb and line. 1'hone Main 4&0. Ld ma -ftlvtant. Office of County Coroner. A. R. ZIXLEB CO- 004 William STa phone East 1088, C 1US3. Lauy attendAai. fcoceesaor to ZeUer-Byrnes Co. J. 1'. 1LNLEY SOX, 4M and Medios Lady f.ttendant. Fhon Main 9. A lftttk). KOVAIU UOLMAN CO.. funeral Dlrect- rt, Z20 d stv UdTuaiHUnt. 1'Uone Al. JLAT SIDE Funeral Directors, succeaaors to F. B. Darin in-, inc. . 02, If ZSXo. LFlKCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and EUxtn. iba .si a isos. jAOjr i OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL.. Main 898. A 7S8S. HUM AAK OFFICER, Sergeant Crata. Bsldanoe. 24 SL 24th -N. Euf 477. R Dunmlra. Res. 83d. Wssoo Sr. W. O. Eaton. Res. 73 E. 70th. liut 17X3. Horse Ambulance. A G101: Pr. Ex. A Klfhts. Sundays ana Holidays. A SIM; Pz. a.x. e; iruna i. NEW TODAY. HOME AT SACRIFICE New, modern 7-room residence in restricted district. Hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, nice large rooms. Street work is all in and paid for. If sold at once we can make very reason able terms. A. H. BIRE.ELL CO., 202 McKay Eldg., 3d and Stark Sts. do Ton WANT A FINE LITTLE DAIRY RANCH? Jut R mllen frnm the nrnRnpmnii lit. tl town of Tillamook, right on the main County Road, stage passes house twice dally; there Is just 24 acres in this farm, 1! of which is bottom land right on the Beaver River, fine for on ions or celery; every foot of this land Is tilllble; good little house and barn; land Is selling all around this place for $150 to $200 per acre, but my price for the next few days Is $100 per acre, and 1 will give terms to suit buyer, ab so. uregonian. A Good Trade Tf yon have a good vacant lot not over JBOO In value, and wish to turn it in on an elegant modern 7-room cot laira. orlce S2500. beautifully situated In an excellent neighborhood not over three blocKs rrom station. rivs-cenv fare, fine water, street improvements In and all paid for. Balance on easy terms. 8 oer cent Interest. A FHE PLACE. See G. T. Parry 218 Board of Trade Bids. Phone Main 2010 Big Farm for Sale Annn ao.ree of srood solL 2100 acres under cultivation. Good buildings, all fenced, orchard, 20 gooa horses, lu neaa of cattle, 1000 bushels of grain. 90 tons of hay, oomplete fanning outfit. Lo cated 7 ' miles from railroad. All for $13 per acre, 16,000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Whitmer-Kelly Co, 70 4th St Main 1008. 1008. LADD ADDITION HOME a a kAnsa- "ftl v-l-l fpV A moaorn oiuum nuuoo, -r; , fire-place, beam ceilinr?, panel dining room, buffet, den. sleepin roonw; I . eo 'Uk 1JS. al aV O-TlA 11 TO lOl DUX A O, WllH A A i- "-" - i garage; all street mprjLements In and paid; on i-nxon. ' .i . ind handy to good car service, price A n A A VialonitA TA Milt I nnTTccf .ft ZADOW, 517 Board of Trade Bldg 4th and Oak. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION e a . keeertiv timhArail land near ReedvUle and railway, for sale. ' J. D. KEIWEDT. S5tA I'nfon Ave. n. Phone Woodlawn 1713. FOR SALE Lease and furnishings of ths HOTEL HOOD Cer. eth and Everett St. West Side - Easy Terras Will consider good mortgages or some good real estate as part payment on fine 128.000 apartment property on 11th St.; monthly rental nearly $300. A. E. POTJI.SEJr, 4 IS Rail may Exchange. MORTGAGE LOANS CO' JOHH E. C (J b2 Spaldla JOHH E. CRONAH, JO? Una uldtf. u COIXia BERRIDGE ft THOMPSON, PCBL1C ACCOUNTAIiTS. AliDITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal Andltlns lnvestltln and Bytematls1n. 83 'Worcester block. Phons Main 7. National Credit Association SOTE BROKERS, COIXEtTIOXS. , 02 Worcester Uldg. mw, modern homes, slso Tmcant lots. In Irrlnston. pnones: i- iwi, NEW TODAY. 4-ACRE Suburban Home Lovely 8-room bungalow tcith verj large living-room and dining-room, cobblestone fireplace, modern water system, fine plumbing. Half acre grapes, acre in clover; large garden, with barn, chicken-houses, etc. Sur rounding the house, a half acre of lawn, 'a dozen large oak trees, 100 choice roses, beautiful assortment of shrubbery. 30 minutes' ride, good cai service. An ideal country home at a reasonable price. Terms to suit pur chaser. A. H. BIE.RELL CO, 202 McKay Eldg, Sd and Stark Sts. If Yon Are Thinking of Buying, Building or Selling a Home, We should be pleased to have yon give vs a call, and we are sure It will be to your advantage to do so. We have Just completed sdme flna homes In one of the most popular dis tricts In Portland. Our terms are made to suit our customers. Call and See Us for Farther Information. OREGON HOEBtIlDrQ A CON STRUCTION CO, SIS Chamber of Commerce. A full lot, 50x100, 100 feet from Washington, east of 13th; best buy in Portland. t3 KEASEY IHUMASON-gJEFFERY ,3 232 Chamber of Commerce. CL For Rent 40,000 6q. feet warehouse space on terminal switch, including heat, light, elevator, low insurance, sprinkler sys tem, for term of years; five minutes' walk from center of city. wakefieldTfries 8 CO. &5th Fourth St WANTED TO LEASE 50 TO 100 ACRES By a private organization, a long lease on a level, rolling piece of property, of the above size. Need not be first-class agricultural land, but should support a fair sod. Not too far out and on frequent car service. Write to address below, giving location and terms, to R 459, Oregonlan. Mortgage Loans 5fr For the Larger Amount , EDWARD B. GOCDBT. , Lewie Bnlldlms. REAL BSTATE DEALERS. Beck. William Q., 315-318 FaUlns bids. BRUBAXEB BENEDICT, riOi McKay bl. M. B49. Chapin a Herlow, X2 Chamber Commaroe. Cook. B. 8. & Co., 60S Corbett bids;. Jennlnes Co. Main 18S. J0 Oresonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P., til Commer cial Club bids. The Ore-on Real Estate Co., Or and ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $S00 BELOW MARKET. Fine 50x100 lot, on E. Yamhill, between 28th and 29th; fine residence district! worth J2500; must be sold quick; price $2200; $700 cash, balance 6 per cent. 81T Board of Trade Bldg- th and Oak Bts. S1U JJUWPI. 1 " ten pino view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water. Irnit cared lor free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bids. Mar shall 473. A 1022. 8 FINE, SIGHTLY LOTS IN IRVINGTON. 11320 Broadway, near 29th. K0 14th, near Thompson. i;00 12th, near Knott. THE BEST BARGAINS IN PORTLAND. CELLARS-MURTON CO., S25 Yeon Bldg. LOT on, 47th street In Hawthorne Avenue district; 2 blocks from car; all improvements- f(75; about $400 cash, rest f 10 per montn. W. 1 wnusr, lotn atreeu ..ui." . , 85. DON'T EXPECT TO GET, ANOTHER OFFER LIKE THIS. Lot In Isulllvans Gulch, on railroad, warehouse property, close-In, contains about 7O00 square feet, for $2000; on eaay terms. H 450. Oregonlan. 4 LOTS 4. Corner on Portland Boulevard, near, carline; some Improvements; $1700; reas onable terms. P. B. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. lCltTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. MAI?f 855L BROOKE. A S88g. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. $300 LOT FOR $000 CASH, OR $950. TERMS JloO CASH. AP 470. OREGONIAN. SNAP Owner must sell this week one or two line . i diuo icuiuini district; worth $0C0 each; will take JoOO, part cagn. 4-ta, n-suumo. WILL dispose of my equity In choicest count. A wregonian. SEE Le Nolr & Co. for West Side realty; exclusive dealers In West Side property. Ground noor mmmci. ui bummeree. $15 , CAr-xl locurei iiiii iui, vv esuaoreiaoa; map. owner. Howard, 603 Swetland tldg. HAVE an equity worth $2220; will take $i00 casli. Call 41 Grand or E. 1000. I.L. sa-crifice lot. Rose City car line; i.v-- .-c Vi -Phr.it o "TarshR!l HOT. $3-j EQT'ITY in unrestricted lot la Kenton FRACTIONAL, lot, Eaat &th and Lincoln; siacu. uwner, iivwur sOBECOrT