15 1911. m 9 m s r n 1 f t . jl -..- w MAYOR MAY MAKE HOLDER FIRE CHIEF Political Scheme Seen Behind Plan to Re-instate Close Friend of Rushlight. DEPARTMENT RUIN FEARED reran yirmt-rt of City Si-rlo ay Scheme to Iodnct Outsider 1 Menace Examination Paper Walt Decision Dao Soon. IWhlnd th rln to mak certain -hana.a in civil rvtc res-ulatlona. rovsrnlnr the employment of munlcl pal help, la aan a mora on tha part of Mayor Rushlisbt to onranls the flra department aa an Important unit of tha ?ol:tlra machine ba ta forralnc. If tha rsirulatlon r amended pro posed, It wtil mak room for reinstat ing L O. HoMan. a Rushlight parti san, la tba flra department, and bla poaalbla appointment aa cblaf. If earned out. veteran Bremen rltra p.ushllirht'e programm will do mora to disorganise tba department tbaa anything tbat baa been dona In years. Members of tha civil eerrtr eommls loa cow hTa unJer consideration a resolution, offered by P. L- Willi, ona of Ita members, providing for an amendment of tha regulation to pro vide for tba relnatatement of former members of tha department wbo here not teen la tha eerrlre for aa extended PrloJ. H.Uea. Kaakllskt Favwvtte. Tha real purpose of tha change of regulation, according to thoae familiar with the situation. 1 to Insure the re ntraace Into tba department of Holden, a former battalion chief, who. It I rnmmonl; reported, ta tha man Ruh llgbt want for chief, rerardleas of tha length of aerrtce and efficiency of pree ant officials In the department wbo ara In line for promotion. But the civil aerrlce regulation muat ba changed If Kushlteht can give llol dan the deal red recognition. When Ruahlight took offW be made hla br that he would "get" the late Chief Campbell, and at the same time reor ganize the department. At the asm time It was known that Holden was the man Ruahlight had In mini for chief, and that he would be eatlsfled with none other. Holden. however, quit the lira department about three year ago, whan be was battalion chief, and tnere la no provision la tbs eatatlng civil service regulation for the rein statement of a man who ba been out of the service for so long a time, man Is Dveai lenl However, when an examination waa arranged for -two months ago for ap plicants for appointment a chief, A -aiatant Chief Laudenklos having an nounced taat be would net consider a promotion. Rushlight's friends so.ght to arrange so that Holden might take the examination. Thl brought vigor ous protests from the Board of Fir I'nderwrltars and citizen generally, wbo maintained that any aucb pro gramme would tend aertouely to disor ganise the department and reduce Ita efficiency. lnc It would have the ef fect of denting to the men In the rank ny chance for the promotion, of which all are desirous. Accordingly nothing was dona, but at a aubeeo,uent meeting Holden sub mitted a written application for rein statement. Thi. also, was passed up, nd at a later meeting Holden appeared personally before the commission and urged; favorable action on hla request, which, however, was taken tinder ad neement by the commission. It vil at a later meeting that Mr. Willi pro posed the change In regulations which would make possible tbs reinstatement of Holden aa per hi request and the desire of the Mayor. tlaldew Pvttrieaa Oat. Holden. through friends, taat Monday began the circulation among members sf the department of petitions request ing the Civil bervlce Commission to provide for b'a reinstatement. The cir culator of thl petition did not meet with flattertng ucce. He I re ported to have obtained only about 10 signatures out of a total of 300 mem bers of the department. At some of the engine-houses be was ordered out of the building without obtaining a Signature. Thla waa the rult of Holdefi' ef fort to obtain the indorsement of the men In the department, notwithstand ing coercion wa practiced to force recalcitrant member Into signing the petition. -Holden I going to get the joo anyway.- argued eome of the sign ers to their objecting comrade, "and you might Just aa well aign the peti tion. Otherwise you wtil be tn bad and mar expect the worel of It when Holden doea take charge." On the following day a committee of eaptatna la the department called on the Individual members of the Civil ttervt- Commission and protested vig orously against tha proposed change tn the regulatlona designed for Hol an'a relnatatement. H it they did not receive much satisfaction. rwttticwl Move . Members of the commission were di vided In opinion as to whether Holden. If reinstated, should be returned to the department aa a battalion chief, the rank he held when he tendered his resignation, or be reduced In the rank to haeeman. Although Holden ap plication for reinstatement doea not specify tl farmer poaltion. there la a well-grounded belief. In Tlew of the Mayor activities In the matter, that Holden will ba taken back aa a bat talion chief. That tfie maneuvers of tha Civil (Service Com'.ssion and the members of the f.re committee of the Executive Board during the last two months re garding the appointment of a flra chief has political a.gnitlcance I supported by st-temen's made by Mayor Rush I'gbt rev-ently w.-.en a frter.d of one of the three battalion chiefs, who took the examination for chief, railed on the Mayor and Interceded for ore of tha three ranking culef now In the de partment. "I know la a good man." Mayor Rushlight la reported to have said, "but I im not satisfied ha Is the man for the place. It eem that It has been Impoes'hie to "handle- the Are department This branch of tha rlty government consists of about 109 men ar.d I would like to have them and their friends with me." Haldea does Baakllgbt. u.nr Ruahlight and Holden ar known to be Intimate friends of long years' standing. Holden recently re tired from the partnerahip of a Mount Hood tavern la hlch he was lnter esfed and 1 looking for a Job. Rush-i-it wants to give him employment. Further evidence that Holden la elated for tha lob. If It Is possible to lana him. le supplied In the fact thst he la known to have sttended a recent un announced aiht meeting of tne are committee whan plans for the new fire boat were under consideration. This is taken aa conclusive proof that Hol den has soms assurance that bs la to be provided with a berth In tha de partment and already Is beginning to acquaint himself with Important de tails connected with the administration of the office. Members of the fire department con fess that It la lll-advlsed for them to be quoted, but do not hesitate to say that the card Indicate that Holden la to be returned to tha department. They aver 11 at the game contemplatea either one of two things: To reatore Holden to hi former place as batta lion chief and then call another ex amination for fir chief. or Mayor Rushlight wilt appoint as chief on of the men who took the recent ex amination. This appointee, under the cham said to b contemplated, will be chief In name only, while the real directing responsibility will be dele gated to Holden In hla subordinate capacity. Ftreasea Asalaat Aches, Firemen object to any chance In the prevailing regulatlona governing the civil service, because the proposed change will permit politics to be In jected Into the department, and will establish a precedent which will dis pense with competitive examination among men In the rank to nil vacan clea and eventually tend seriously to disorganise ths department. Although the members of the department are averse to discussing the mat'er for publication, they do not hesitate to ex presa their resentment of the evident Intention of Mayor Ruahlight to turn the executive direction of the depart ment over to a man wbo Is not now a member of the department, and espe cially when It la necessary to amend the civil service regulation to do so. The examination for appointment aa chief wa taken September II by John K. Young. Frank lowell and Jay TV. Stevens, battalion chiefs. The grad ing of the papers has not been com pleted, but It is expected the result of the test will be ready for announce ment at the regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission next week. TAFT TO OPEN FETE rrtEsiDF-vr to be gttest of KNIGHTS OF COLOIBCS. Nation' Chlrf Acrepta Invitation to f-lart Celebration In Honor of Discoverer and Address Order. The biggest celebration ever at tempted by the Fortland Knight of Columbu will be opened ofrtcially by President Taft at the Knights of Co lumbus Halt, at West Park and Taylor streets, the evening of October 11. The President telegraphed the Knights yesterday that ha would accept their Invitation extended two weeks sgo to sttend the celebration and deliver a short addreaa. He also consented to take part In the reception to follow the formal programme. The celebra tion will bs the annual event la bonor of Christopher Columbus. The President will speak early In the evening at the Armory and later arlll go to the Knights of uoiumous utu to open the celebration. The hall will oe oecoratea in me Vt tonal color with a myriad of alec- trlo bulb arranged picturesquely In bunting and flag. Tha speakers stand will b particularly attractive. The exterior of the building will be decorated with electrle ltghta In ueh nrofusloa thst th structure win ap pear aa a ball of fire. At th recep tion a band or orchestra and several prominent Portland lnger win tax part In an elaborate musical pro gramme. The following nay xne nivnnuun bonor of Columbu will be continued with a reception at Maaonie Man in the- evening at which a number of speaker will be heard. C. W. Fulton will speak on -The Ult or oiumous. and Archbishop Chrlsue win deliver an address on th meaning of Columbus day. A number of musical number wilt complete the programme, which will be followed by a banquet and a dance, Th, committee In charge of th re ception In honor of the President and ths Columbus cay ceieoranon i rum posed of Dr. A. C. Smith. James Flynn. Frank Lonergan. Pavid M. Dunne, Henry E. Reed. T. J. Patterson. John W. Kelly. J. F. Daly. J. J. naniT. n. Moeer. John E- Malley and J. a. Shane. SALEM PLANS TAFT RECEPTION President Will lie Given Breakfast of Oregon Delicacies. HALKM. Or.. Pept 2 (Special.) With a morning meal of Oregon oysters, craba and trout, as well as some of Oregon's lnet fruits. Presi dent Taft. on October 1J. will taste th first part of hi melcom to the City of Salem. After breakfast the party. Including members of the Salem recep tion committees, will take sn automo bile drive about tha streets of the city, the 'drive being along 8tate street. Court street snd Commercial street. The exercise of the morning win oe held at the eait door of the Courthoue and tha President wl'.l be greeted by a chorus of 1000 school children singing -America." It Is probable that Mayor Lachmuod will extend the address of welcome and that tne r-resneui win be Introduced by Governor Weat. The President will then deliver a speech whl.-h will close In time for everyone to be given an opportunity to take part In the reception. Th President wilt arrive at I:Se oVIock In the morn ing and leave ehortly after 1 o'clock the same morning. TRUSTY IS FALSE BLOND Chief Stover Eple Sham of Youth Held on Ptatatory Charge. ...... tiaf rta-ui.ih peroxld blond from th real artirl i a 'ac uity that Acting cnier oi x our. cl,,. . . innr avoerlence. naa irqu.rru .- - - -- - snd which he pot to good use yeater- day when ne ciuim , rioner. going about with fal and fraudulent locks. Barker. In all tne giorr red aureole, waa In the Jail door yes terday morning, splitting wood while the Chief stood behind him. Several day- Incarceration had added growth to Barker hair, and on the neck the sharp eyes of tn Chief noted a fringe of black, thrusting out through th "-Touai man, you'r a fraud." ald -TiuhT 'Who, mT" replied Barker. -Oh. I jut dona that to klU th dan- d,T-n'conv1nced. th Ch!f telephoned to Captain Baty. who ecorted Barker to detective headquarters and ques tioned him closely. Tba prisoner stuck to his assertion thst be bad used per oxide of hydrogen to kill idruff and bad boon much dismayed to find that his blacks lock turned to a unt '"barker was arrested by Patrolman Evan, on complaint of tola G. Bald-w'n.- for a tatutory offense, and is awaiting trial. With the view that his dyed hair may bo an Indication of other activities not yet divulged, he b been removed from th lit of trusties. WEST LAUDS REIGN ., : 1 Governor Extols His Parole System as Salutary. NO COIN SUGGESTS PLAN Executive Sajs Failure of Legisla ture to Give Ample Prison Fnnd Prompted. Him Speaker De nies Politics Plays Part. Governor West. In a apeech before the Progressive Business Men's Club at th Portland Hotel yesterday noon, aald that the reason be commenced th parol system was because the Legisla ture failed to appropriate sufneient money to cars for the prisoner". Fund for th care of only 425 were provided, be said, white the number detained In th state penal Institution waa between 2S and SO In excess of that. As It cost tia a month to care for these prisoners, aid th Governor, ha felt that some thing must be done, and hit upon th plan of paroling the most deserving of the convicts. They are working at other state Institutions, h aald. clearing land and cultivating It. and putting up new buildings. There are about 100 men now working In this manner. Governor West said be considers It wise to give sll prisoner, sentenced to serve Indeterminate period, their lib erty at the end of the minimum sen tence, provided they have been "good prlaonera" "Then, until the maximum of th term Is reached, you have th right to send there summarily to Jail If they violate the terms of their parole," he said. "Thl results In separating th heep from th goata. grate Called Blakt. "Th prisoners are not competing with free labor. They are at work at the Asylum Farm and Tuberculosis San itarium doing work which would not be don If they were not sent there. Thl I growing Into a system which baa com to stay. A far a I am per sonally concerned. I expect things will happen which will work a hardship upon me. and eventually result In my crucifixion. But we are going right ahead with It because tha system, I right. Where one man goea to the bad. nine men are true to their trusts, and do good work around the Institution, making the ground beautiful with good crop for the poor unfortunate." The Governor then told how the su perintendent of the mute chool sent IS convict out at night In the rain to hunt a little boy who escaped from the mute school, and started off through the woods because be was homesick. "There Is nothing In thla for me per sonally." ho continued. "I am only bor rowing trouble, for If anything goea wrong I get the roasting. Thar 1 not a night when 1 go to sleep but I think of the hundred of men out under thl system, and wonder If they will do something to bring tbs system Into dis repute. But I have started out to play strong on It. and shall play It to th end. It must succeed, becaus It la right. Of flee Asabltloa Denied. I bare no political ambition. No one on God- green earth could mak m run for office unless I was so abused I waa compelled to take It, or ther waa aome unfinished work to do. I was asked If I would, be a candidate for Senator. I shall not. I don't flatter myself that I could be elected, and don't think I would mak a good Sena tor. Further, I wouldn't b a Senator, for I want to tay right her In Oregon where there 1 work I can do In my bumble way. I don't fancy putting on a Prlnc Albert coat, a top hat and merely playing poker with fellow Sena tors." Governor "West Invited th club to visit Salem, and the Invitation was ac cepted. The. trip will be made a week from Sunday. The Governor spoke of the work of th Land Board under th Carey act. saying th act was not drawn carefully and permitted Irresponsible companies to tie up land without irrigating It. He aald the Board la trying to elimi nate theae. Only 15.000 or J0.000 acre ar Irrigated wher there should ba 150.000 acres, h all. He remarked that It coata at least 125 an acre to ad vertla thla land In tha Eaat. and that this mad the ala prlc of the land too high, as purchaser have to pay for th advrtlslr.g. ' Meetlnj: to Boost Road Bond. GOLD H1LU Or, Sept. 28. (SpeclaL) -Medford good roads booster will hold a "come-back" meeting here thl even ing, for the purpose of offsetting any opposition that may have arisen to th proposed road bond issue lnc th meeting held here a week ago. Th bond issue of 11.500.000. which will b voted on Saturday. Is the principal topic of conversation throughout Jackson County. It Is thought that the cltie and town will roll up a big majority for tha bonds, while the attitude of the farmer seem to Indicate a majority against the proposal In tha rural dis TTi TlClTfc The High Cost OIL V-JC-JU' of Living- NO. 2 During the past four years millions have been in vested in city lots. In many cases the investments have netted big profits. For instance : Take Rose City Park, which we placed on the market only four years ago. Ask any of the original investors what they paid. Ask them what they'll sell for now. Then figure what a handsome profit they've made in only 48 months. Yet, the cost of living for you and I has increased steadily yes, alarmjngly. .. Today it's a problem. It's seriously affecting all of us. It has resulted in people wanting to go countryward. This idea has occurred to many of us as the happy solution of the higher cost of living. Getting to and from work, however, has been the stumbling-blqck. At last the opportunity has arrived. . In our announcement yesterday we briefly told of the offer we will make which will enable you to enjoy all the glorious advantages of the country and yet will only mean 10 minutes more in the morning and evening. Seems almost incredible, doesn't it? Yet it's a downright fact. Up to 11 o'clock last night it looked as though we would be able to give you more of the details. But it's a big proposition. It entails the expenditure of upwards of a million dollars. It's backed by 55 of the leading business men of the city. And while we are working night and day so as to present it to you at the earliest moment, we must beg your indulgence for another day. Yesterday we decided on the name. It's PARK ROSE ACRES. It's a fitting name for these beauti ful half-acre and acre tracts, because they are lo cated just beyond Rose City Park. This tract commences at the junction of the Sandy Road and Columbia Boulevard the two greatest arteries of travel on the East Side only, a half mile from the city limit. The Rose City Park car will be extended to the property. Youll have electric lights, water, tele phones, and in fact, all the advantages of the city combined with the unequaled! advantages of coun try life. Soil experts pronounce this land among the finest in the Northwest. ItH grow fruit, grain and vege tables abundantly. You can maintain a cow, chick ens, bees, etc., profitably. You can cut your living expenses squarely in two and on top of this enjoy a happy, most healthful, profitable life. We're sorry wc can't give you more details today. It will pay you to read our announcement tomorrow. We think it will be possible by that time to give you all the facts and figures. And talking about figures, wait until you see the ridiculously low prices for which you will be able to secure one of these de sirable acre tracts. You probably know that $1500 is asked for lots only a little closer in from this prop erty. $1200 is the price now of lots sold three years ago for $400. Yet, you are going to be able to get PARKROSE ACRES for actually less than that. Think of it, a whole acre a plot of ground larger than a whole city block for less than the price for a good city lot. Exasperating, isn't it, to just tell you so much and no more? But it's worse for us than it is for you for the delay is costing us money. But we can't afford to go ahead recklessly. We must know positively that we can fulfill every prom ise made to purchasers. For instance, we're platting PARKROSE ACRES bo that in a few years when the city has grown you can cut up your acre into city lots. We're plan ning this so you can dispose of them at a handsome profit. ' You see, therefore, we have good reasons for ask ing your indulgence. Tomorrow we hope to be able to give you all the details. Watch for the announcement. ' -N HARTMAN & Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce THOMPSON Fourth and Stark Streets PAWN LISTS HSKEO Curb on Money Lenders Is Aim of Police Committee. STOLEN ARTICLES TRACED yesterday afternoon It decided to ask. the board to recommend to the City Council the passage of an ordinance to this effect, providing a penalty for failure to send In an accurate and cora pleta list. . The reason for this move Is that Walderaar Seton, a member of the po lice committee. ucceeded in finding a pair of cuff links stolen from hi home last Summer while he was away on his vacation, and a suit of clothing stolen from the residence of Judge Gantenbeln. Commissioner Seton found the stolen articles by doing- detective work on his own account. Then came the question why the Police Depart- ment had not traced the plunder long before and caught the thief. R. H. McCraddock. a member of the force having charge of the pawnshops, submitted to Acting Chief Slover a re port showing that there are 166 pawn shops In the city, scattered from Kil llngsworth avenue to Marquam Gulch, and from Twenty-third and Thurman streets to Grand avenue and East Clay. They ought to be visited every day, he says, but aa he is the only man to look after this work it is Impossible for him to do it. Last month he had 184 re ports on stolen articles, and in some In stances the reports covered a large number of articles stolen from one per- oon. These, of course, might bs found, at various pownshops, one article hers, and another there. Streetcar Company Sued. Teresa M. Lowe and Fred M. Lowe, her husband, are demanding $50,004 from the Fortland Railway, Light & Power Company in an action filed in Ciroult Court yesterday. They alleca that, owing to the negligence of the company's servants, they suffered per manent injuries while alighting from a Russell-Shaver car. Edfefsen delivers fuel ties. C HQS. Waldcmar Seton on Slenthins; Tour of Hl Own Finis His MiBsin Onff Link In Lo Store. 155 Establishments! in. City- To compel all pawnshops in Portland to submit to the Chief of Police befor 9 o'clock every morning a complete list of all articles which have come Into their (hops or been sold on the pre ceding day with an accurate and de tailed description of same. Is the recom mendation of the police committee of the Executive Board. At Its meeting - .. I" I I I ' -"v ' A splendid romance. The scene opens in Cairo, continues in the desert and ends in New York. The plot, starting with the theft of a rare and holy rug by an American adventurer from its Moslem owner and sold to an American collector, is MacGrath's most notable stroke of originality. All is told in the author's most captivating manner that sparkling rapid-fire style which has . made him the pre-eminently popular romancer. Illustrated im Color Ir Andr Cast aign. $t-S ' r .THfBOBBS'MERRlLL COMPANY Xoii; lCV Ti KJ r rV"" ......ia,saasanMMMTnssaannM Did You Ever Try, the New Weinhard "COLUMBIA" BEE t I- -.... f.-ws 'I- ..." ,r:, " trt 1 - ' ? ' l-sw-atoa. " - 1 'aa . I - y msir Brewery's Own Bottling Free City Delivery -Phone Orders to- HENRY WEINHARD BREWERY Main 72 A 1172 V L