TTTB SrOTlXIXG OKEGOXTAX. Fit ID AY, "EPTE3IBER 29. 1911. 15 SLEUTH MAY LOSE HIS JOB QVER TIP John H. Price, Detective, Is Ac cused of Warning Para- sites to Beware. DISMISSAL IS ADVISED Polk Committee to Recommend Today That City Employe Be Fired Patrolman Discharged, One Scoldrd. Two Aecu-rd. Because be Is thoucht to hn In (51 rectly warned parasites to leave town when th colic were about to arrest them, th d:mll of John H. Price, a uspended detective, will b recom mended to th Esecutlv Board by th do: Ice rommUiloa today. Trila action wu taken br tn commute at Us meetlnc yesterday. letrtlv Prlc M last night that h wltl appeal to th Civil Servlc Com mission on the (round that Ma dismis sal has been mad for political rea oca, and not tor the good of the wr vice. He said the contemplated dts- come aa a surprise to htm. aa ne haa been In the department for many year, and baa caught many thieve. lie eiperted reinstatement, he saia. Ex-I-tectlv Carpenter waa Involved with Prio in tha charge which reused th recommendation of dlsmls- al. When Carpenter waa assigned to duty with Price br x-Chlef of Police Co. Prtca objected, ear Inn b J'd not wth to work with Carpenter. But tha Chief Insisted that he needed a rood man to work with Carpenter, and had chosen Price for that reaaon. Pallresaaa Report Tin. A report made recently by Tollceman Lttie was tha baals of yesterday a ac tion by th police commute. Lytle ears he had en assigned to arrest all paraattes In th city be conld lay bands on- He had reason to believe, he says, that IS or i) of them made a restaurant at Sixth and Plna atreets their "hangout." 11 says he bad Infor mation resardlnr on named Miller, and waa waiting for him August 11 la a elothes-ejeanlng shop next door to th restaurant. While ha waa waiting ue tsctlves Carpenter and Prlc beckoned to th proprietor of th restaurant, ba tin. and on of th detective aaia: -Yesterday I came past her and aaw no less than IS or J macquereaux In and around your plac. The order Is out and w are to lose our jobs unless wa arrest them. I don't want to find any of them around here again. They must be got out of here: w will graO tf.era If they don't stay away." Me Wasted Dtasaar. Lyti goe on to say thai ha saw Miller, but that ha had one when be went Into th restaurant, and did not .appear again. JC said he saw other parasites, but that th restaurant pro prietor took them out and cava them eurbstone talks, and they left, soma of them taking their suitcases. Another policeman to be dismissed la Xarley I !. Acting-Captain Keller filed a eharg of drunkenness against him. sarins; that ha reported at tha station th night of October 1 after having Imbibed freely of liquor. Dr, Banner R- Brook testified that ha ex amined Iavia that night, and put him through, testa, but that ha waa not drunk. 11 said h mad him walk backward, had him add. subtract, di vide and read, and examined tha pupils of his eyes, which, tha physician aald. would have been dilated If Davis, had Imbibed even small quantity of liquor. But ha aald he found no evidence of liquor, and could smell none on bis breath. Davis said he bad rheumatism In his ke that night, and 'hat becaus ha waa sot feeling well ha asked Acting-Cap-tun Keller to be relieved at A. it. Aa be has been In the service less than six Bioatria It was derided to dismiss him. Om T Be Seoloea. La Martin, a patrolman, will ba reprimanded and restored to duty. This waa tha decision of th commute yes terday. Commissioner Coffey told of having found Martin In th Richelieu saloon, and said that while he would not prefer formal charges, ba felt that this should not bo permitted In view of an order of Acting-Chief Stover that patrolmen must not enter saloons whlla on duty except on business, and must not drink whil on duty. Patrolman Martin. In defense, said ha has bad hla wlfa at tha hospital, and took her horn only a few days ago. 11 said th physician told htm to call up nd let Mm know when she waa moved, end that he went Into the saloon fur thla purpose, when ha turned and saw Commissioner Coffey, and left, thinking that perhaps ha had not been seen. Tha complaint of McCants Btawart against Policeman Marsh, and that of X- Frettl against Policeman GUI war not considered. Attorney Stewart com plains of being shoved Into tha gutter September IS near Union avenna and Russell street, and of belnr arrested when he called Marsh a "tin soldier." H says tha policeman's action was without causa, and that ba lacka Judg ment. Kerettl. who lives at 151 Union avenue, says ha was on his way home when he was arrested, handcuffed and arched, a lead pencil and IS centa ba ins; found by tha policeman, i'erettl aaya ha waa not drunk, did not resist th patrolman; and waa merely proceed ing horn In aa orderly manner. His caa will be heard next Thursday night. Mstres's 11 ere lessSL Harriet L. Seeley has applied for tha placa of police matron. Mha says ah held such an offlc In Norfolk. Vs. City Electrician Savariaa la to have en of th horses formerly used for th patrol wagon, which have been dis pensed with on account of tha new au tomobile purchased by tha city for that purpose. V. Vincent Jones Is another who baa complained about being arreated with out causa. Ha says Policeman Black ar reeted Mm at Seventh and Washington streets September S. whli be waa looking Into the window of a drugstore. He says th patrolman exceeded his au thority, and ought to be disciplined. Mr. Jones waa Instructed to file formal chargee. Poilcerr.ea Ackermaa and H. E. Taft were allowed1 to retain 114 each which they bav received aa witness fees for appearaoc In th Federal Court, tha statement being made that In catching white slaver they are often called vea to pay their own expenses. JURY HEARS WIDOW'S TALE Indictment of Woman Sham Relict I Denied. Mrs- Camming, of Paso Roblej, CaV. wh Bay she la the widow of 'Harry A. Cummlnga. who waa kills! In aa automobile acciaeni near urt gon Cltr early In August, went before the grand Jury yeeieraay morning . trr . n h.v. that bodr 1 n Mrs. Harry A. Cummlnga. of Portland who. shs says, poses rrauauinuy The Paao Roblea woman, who Ra... .nnniniMi administratrix of state of Cummlnga. which conslste an insurance policy for I500A. a.aa.a.4 A I.. .Mil fl I fTient VhtB the JU men told her. after conference w I'isinct Aiioro.r c.nirivu, ... - der the circumstances there la no w i. wif.H tha i.w c rf eoma ta her a A ruling of Judge Catena a few day sgo in the caa of a person charged witn a crime simitar w inn " -Mrs. Cummlnga asked her rival's In 4 4.-., 1. tha -ff act that bOt ... ha eharea with tha OffenSS Sttd tha man being dead In tha caa. suck a step is Impossible. The Paso Kobles woman blame x-Waivn rrafmn Howard for break ing up her home. The Inauranee policy In nn.itinil WaB mad O U I TO E.TB1J M t--a tha vi fa ctf Harry r-..Mw(naa .nit tha woman who SB ahe la the only genuine widow baa h tUe of ex ry ltb soar Id. aya OREGOX PIONEER WOM M EAR OLD, DIES AT SOX'S HOWE. F 7 .I f ' 1 y - ) I; I - - w . CA I v Xr 4 t y -.-v -oVy 1 i) V p 1 - T a - i7 . jwae Mrs. Ckarlette Joaea. Mra Charlotte Jones, a resi dent of Oregon for 30 years, died Tuesday at th horn of her son. R. A. Jonea. at S Morn atreet. after a short lllneea. She was born In Na-hvllle. Ttnn, In 1!T and came West In 1S. She re moved from California to Oregon In 11. She la survived by ber eon and three grandchildren, who are:' Mrs. W. l. Smith and Mlasea Kvelyn and Edith Jonea. Th funeral waa held Wednes day. Interment being at River view Cemetery. warned th Insuranc company not to rar the money, aa she and not oenen- clary named Is entitiea to me ponc. Kha declares that If the second Mrs. Camming waa aver married to Cum mlnga It waa while C'umminga wee suing In Seattle for a divorce, wnicn waa not granted. Her attorney sas he haa a letter Indicating that Evelyn Croaman Howard and the chauffeur were married In Vancouver, B. C, in the progresa of the divorce suiu ZIEGLER IS FOR CHANGE ACTHOR. OP 6TREET-VACATIOX ACT DRAFTS AMEXDMEXT. rian to rie Pot IWor Voter Thai Auditorium .May Bo Built Legally on Market Place. J. B. Zlegler. whose amendment to the cltr charter adopted at the last election Interferes with the vacation of Market atreet. between Second and Third streets. Intended for th nw Auditorium, expressed himself yester day aa In favor of amending hla ordi nance to permit the dealred vacation. He haa been asked to draw np an mendment. Mr. Zlegler satd be had not glrsn tha subject much thought, aa yet. but that he expected to begin work on th amendment next week. Two plana had, been rogiCested to h'.m. he said. One la to so amend the act that the city ad ministration may vacate city property for the clty'a own use. in cases where It owoa all the abutting property. The other Is to permit th vacation of Market street at the desired point. Mr. Zlegler said that tns question naa been raised as to whether the first plan would be constitutional, on the ground that It would be class legisla tion. Some lawyer, he said, hava held that the city's property rights are th same as an Individuals, or a private corporation's; and that such an amend ment would not be admissible In law. Mr. Zlegler thinks the point Is not well taken. He believes city property s nublto property, and therefore could not be placed on a basis with Individual property. The amendment will probably be snb. milted at tha commission government charter election In January. STORE EMPLOYES STEAL Girl and Salesman Conleaa Theft of J-aoe, $200 and Shoes. Tha theft of old Irish lace valued at several hundred dollars, a suitcase full of shoes and 1700 In money waa con fessed last night by Emma L. Peters and W. A- Struas. employes of Meier A Prank's, when tha two were arrested by Detectives Swennes and Lytle. Mis refers, empioyea in tne iac de partment, took the officers to her room, where she, showed them a suit es full of Irish lace or expensive de signs. She confessed that ahe had taken them during tha past month. Strusa, an employe In the shoe de partment, had alao taken a suitcase full of shoes, he told the detectives. nrning over the stolen gooas wnen ar- reeled. Both were charged with lar ceny. X-Kay Curing; Tongue. Two applications of the X-ray for the cure of epithelium of the tongue, a form of cancer of the mucous mem brane, have been made by Dr. Harry F. VcKav on Charles 2t- Kanain. or sis East Burnslde street, who haa been suf i.nn. al months with th disease. Th X-ray ta considered br doctors al most su re to cur dlseaaea of th mu cous membrane of the lips and tongue. Rankin is reported better since the on usual treatment wa begun. T, . annual rtrBtne r.rt of the Man- muulclial tFarlm.!t has Jut mti-i tnj r.-ord the fact that, al- houen th. price cherxed fw saa uaad la he CUV in WWr.s ...r i:npMU. in. n.t rasull baa eeea. lbs utawt p. t reeord. BONDS MAIN TOPIC Charter Framers Would Give Residents Chance to Buy. OUTSIDE SALES DISLIKED People's Committee Adopts Initiative nd Referendum Report 15 Per Cent of Voters Suffice to Submit ' Ordinance. At a meeting last night of the peo ple's charter committee issuance of street Improvement bonds In small de nomlnatloas for the benefit of th pnb Ito before ' the bonds are offered In big blocks to the speculative market was discussed at length. Speakers referred to the apparent dealre of the public to Invest In aafe bonda with a fair rate of Interest and It was sug gested that the city should take ad vantage of th public's interest. The success of ths postal savings banks waa cited to. show that the general public la desirous of Investing money In something abaolutely safe and which brings Interest. At the con clusion of th general discussion a committee comprising Dr. C H. Chap man. Isaao Swett and v. C. Benbow waa appointed to Investigate the alt nation and report on a plan whereoy the publla subscription bond proposal can be worked opt satisfactorily. F.aat Gataa Benefit. A. E. Clark, chairman of the com mittee, said in the dlacussion that at present the large concerns are buying up city atreet Improvement bonds in large block and as a result a vast aum of tntereat money is going to Eastern concerns every year, the pur chasea being mainly by local agents of Eastern firms. He said this was a condttlon which should be changed ao that this money, or part of It at least, could be kept at home. The report of the committee on the Initiative was adopted. The refTort pro vides that any ordinance may be initi ated by petition of 16 per cent of to legal voter. When such a petition Is completed th Council shall pus an ordinance within IS days and submit It for public rot at the next general election. If the petition tor an ordi nance Is signed by 10 per cent of the voters the Council must either pass It or call a special election within 44 days unless the general election Is less than 99 days off. In which event the ordi nance will be submitted at the gen eral election. KaatewCBjeckiasj Pleased. It Is provided In the circulation of petitions that the names must t ver ified by the circulator, who will be re quired to swear that he aaw each name on the pettUon algned. A referendum may be called on any ordinance by 10 per cent of the voters and In that case the ordinance will ba held ud and aubmltted at the next gen eral election. The Initiative and refer endum laws which are now in effect will be continued under the new char ter with only a few minor modifica tions to make them more efficient. A committee comprising R. W. Mon tague, Dr. C II. Chapman and A. E. Clark waa appointed to meet with the City Council charter committee October 10 to make a report on progresa PRESCRIPTION SERVICE THAT ASSURES RELIABILITY and PROMPTNESS-REGISTERED PHARMACISTS HERE TO SERVE YOU MAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE OUR CAREFUL AND PROMPT ATTENTION Owl Economies for iSiSe Moerft Buyers The Mark of Drue- Purity rBrar' Oonvinci&f saving' opportunities presented from almost every part of the store -economies that are worth a trip from a ' . distance to share in. SHOP AT OTHER STORES BUY AT "THE OWL" This is tha Terdict of those who come in contact with "Owl" service, "Owl" cut-rate prices, "Owl" dependability for parity full strength and full weight.. Many will be here today and tomorrow to participate in the following specials: 3 & 12? 12S m S3 3 13 13 13 13 !3 T? 12? 12! 13 W MM . J1ie Owl Drug Cet SIXTEEN STORES 0" THE PACIFIC COAST DEPENDABLE CUT RATE! DRUGGISTS A Miscellaneous List of Friday and Saturday Specials 10e size Harlem Oil for 5 lOe size Chloride Lime 7? 10c size Violet Glycerine Soap....7? lOe size Shinola Polish 8? 25c size Hire's Root Beer 12 25c size Packer's Tar Soap 12 25c size SatinoLa Shoe Polish. . . .19 35c size Rocky Mountain Tea... 23 10c size Jap Rose Soap, 4 for 25 lOo size Sapolio, 4 for 2o 60o size Pebeco 29 50c size Herpicide.. -33r 75c size Therox 53 75c size Mayatone 53 $1 S. S. S. Swift's Specific 59r $1 Nau's Dyspepsia Remedy.... 65 $1 size Peptomangan 69 ? Announcement Extraordinary Of Interest to the people of Portland to know that we have eeeured the ex clusive rlg-hts to show In this city the world-famous Vnderwood Photo service of current events. Thla means that three times each week we will receive direct from the above named firm on wonderful picture, full of human Inter est, which will be exhibited in one of our Washington street windows almost simultaneously with the Associated Frees accounta In the dally newspapers. You'll find It worth while to come and aee these Interesting- pictures. The picture exhibited today la or the four women licensed aviators. It's another feature of the "Owl" progresslveness you'll appreciate It. ToThose Who Would a-Traveling Go A Season-End Sale That Presents the Opportunity to Prepare for Immediate or Future Trips. U8 FOR SUIT CASES WORTH lTP TO S3.00 This gives choloe of any Panama Matting: Suit Case in our stock that sells regularly up to $5.00. Every one of them well made some of them leather bound. QQ Remarkable bargains at the low price of aPa.70 S1.9S FOR LEATHER GRIPS WORTH PROM S3.0O TO S5.0O Just an even doxen of them In the lot. The trrade of leather is good and there are several sixes. Some of them leather lined. 1T.S3 BUREAU TRCSKS POR 14.T3 Traveling; convenience Is In sured In one of these trunks. All canvas covered and containing two large, full-sized drawers and one narrow drawer subdivided. Three compartments in lid. All made to open without drawing out&f A "rC from wall. Splendid bargain. Ask for Trunk No. S3, size Sivl'tt I ZJ A Good Teeth Brush is Good Tootk Insurance" The 'M 25c Guaranteed Tooth Brush Is not dpullcated for goodness elsewhere at even much higher prices. It's one of the many "Owl" spe cialties. Why pay more when you can buy one of the reli able kind for 25d m is Some "Owl" Liquor Specials Buy your Liquors where you are as sured of getting good liquors "Owl assuranoe and prices are worth some thing to you. Take advantage of these specials tor stocking up. 60c size California Port Wine or 33e l.i5 size Gordon Gin for 79tj el. 00 size Cedar Creek Bourbon.. 794 11.25 size Pacific Club Bourbon.. 896 . . -n -I i"1 1 J DnnrhAn 1 AS py tfBO size Owl Bourbon for 81.29 SZ.UV ueoar i;regK ouui una. VI f-iU V-gallon. hospital size. forgA'J MID-STATE ISG0AL TODAY Excursions Leave to Help Bend and Redmond Celebrate. Arrangements' have been completed for the excursions which will bs run to day by the North Bank and O.-W. R. N. roads to Opal City. Besides railroad men. many Portland business men win take the trip. Upon arriving at Opal City the excursionists will be taken on to Redmond and Bend as guests of the Oregon Trunk Hallway, and will be given an opportunity to inspect tne construction work -which ta being pushed rapidly south of Opal City. At Redmond exercises will be held tomorrow In celebration of the arrival 75$ 153 S3 tDZC' One can of Rexair Pearl Tooth rilCX Powder, the 25c sire, with every BO Plat Bottle of Mentholyptine Month Mash. ThWi offer for Friday and Saturday only. Your chance to secure two good preparations at the price of the latter. j Speca -ji Important That You Know More About Our Rubber Goods Know the merit of the many things made of rubber that we sell know how well we are prepared to meet the demands of buyers of such articles that here quality is not over looked, even though the prices are lower than elsewhere. And the fact that A TRAINED TTTJRSEJ IS IX CHARGE! OP THIS DEPT. to demonstrate and advise, should induce you to make your selections here. It. 25 "STANDARD" HOT WATER BOTTLES FOR SHc Three-quart Blze, of red rubber and with rein forced edges. Buy one today or Saturday the prloe Is unusually attractive. Two Specials in HAIR BRUSHES Good news for those who & need a new hair brush, and L a chance to acquaint your- fcSilu.a self with the superior ual- s:"yn ity of "Owl" bristle goods, ir 1 4o Hair Brush Special At this price we offer today and Saturday a hand drawn, solid-back, brush, with ebony finished handle. 1. Mii.iu. 1r nnnerlor and the price is right Every one warranted perfect. SI. 25 Bristle Hair Brnsbe for 8c They're made In France, these eolld-back, finest bristle brushes, with rosewood han dles and backs. Exceptional value at ASt Agency for Adams' Brnahe. Scott's Electric Brushes, Ideal Brashes and ProphylacUo Keai Bristle Hair Brushes. I li Special 4 pkas. Sani tary Toilet ! a a e r tor ;5e 'Capi tol. " our own brand. Regular price 10c p k g. 10 0 0 sheets, thin and square. In the pkg. Sixteen Store on the Pacific Coast SEVENTH AND WASHINGTON STS.t PORTLAND 2Se ShJnola Outfit for 190 Indis pensable t o those who pride them selves on their shoe drees. Set consists o f dauber and q 1 1 s n e r. peolal 194 of the railroad. From that point the party will go on to Burns to attend the meeting of the Central Oregon Devel opment League, which will be held next week. A party will leave the North Bank station at 9 o'clock this morning and officials of the O.-W. R. A N. will travel In their private cars, which will leave at 7:60 o'clock this morning. r. O. Lively, of the Portland Union Stockyards, will accompany the party and will deliver addresses at both Red mond and Burns on the hog-ralslng In dustry In Oregon. Another party of Portland Business men will leave the city tomorrow morning for Burns to attend the de velopment league meeting. Raymond Logger Is Injured. RAYMOND, Wash, Sept- JS. (Spe cial.) Frank Bingham, aged 28 years, a logger employed by Wlllard Soule in his camp a few miles above Raymond, was seriously and perhaps fatally in jured when a log which waa being loaded on a flatcar yesterday slipped the hook and rolled back on jjlngham, badly crushing his lower limbs and ab domen. He was removed to the Ray mond general hospital. BAY CITY ELKS ARRANGE Two Lodge men Here to Flan Ahead for Convention Throng. Senator Frank Leavltt and J. Cal Ew. lng constituted a committee of San Francisco Elks who arrived in Portland yesterday to arrange with the 191J con vention commission of Portland Lodge for accommodations during convention week. It may be Impossible for them to close reservations for hotel rooms on account of the grand lodge headquarters not having been selected, but they can at tend to a good many other details at this time. It is their intention to charter a spe- clal train or two and to bring the Elks of Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley with them. They will be accompanied by the famous "White Oaks" drill team, which won the grand prize at the Lea Angeles convention two years ago. The San Franciscan attended the meeting of the local lodge last night. Incidentally Mr. Ewlng, who owns the San Francisco baseball club, is watch ing the antics of the Seals while In th city. AG DAY TWO DAYS MORE It ' v -I'TI I f 1 ,1 mm mm t i Milk -iav! During which we give you a chance to select Ladies' Suits of hlack, blue, brown, gray, tan-mied, olive colors of gen uine merchant tailor woolens. FREE! FREE! "With each order for a gentle man's suit. If you are not quite ready you can register your name and order and have gar ments made to suit your con venience. It can't cost you anything if you are not satisfied. Don't be foolish.! Don't be a chump. If you have to buy a Lady's or Man's Suit get the benefit of this. You can save from $30.00 to $40.00 on the two suits no mistake about that. Only gentlemen's real merchant tailor cloth used. Everything regarding this big offer will stand the strict est examination and test. SATURDAY, SEP TO BUILD A HOME FOR PENNILESS CONSURIPTIYES r.3o a-Tr ynr '" Kit . - r35E ACHESd CLOAK SUIT COMPANY Tailors of Ladies' and Men's Garments West Park and Morrison Streets ST. THERESA'S PEIf-AUt SANATORIUM This home will be especially fo those who never knew want, but who, through the long, severe Illness of tuber culosis have become penniless. Such have never asked help of any one and be fore they will do so. are almost ready to commit suicide. For such as these St. Theresa's One-Air Sanatorium will provide all comforts. The Sisters not only provide a home for the sick patient, but will look after wife and children so far aa the means of the institution will permit. Tou know, my dear friends, this good work cannot be carried on without help. We trust that the public wiu encourage our errorts in Denair 01 stride en humanity. A home for Incurable tuberculosis patients would be on a par with a home for incurable leprosy patients in our Savior's time. If suoh an institution existed we have not heard of It. Therefore, It is to be hoped that all ladles in terested will kindly help the institution by selling tags tomorrow (Saturday) September 30. Headquarters for the tags will be at Rows & Martin's Drug store, corner Sixth and Washington streets. The one who sells the most tags will be presented with a diamond ring. If we cannot raise enough voluntary tag sellers, we will continue to sell tags until all are sold If we do not raise enough funds on tag day, we will be obliged to go East and solicit money among our friends and relations. This Journey would postpone the building one year later. Every denomination should help in selling tags as In the past five years the Sisters have made no distinction in creed. All ministers are welcome to visit their parishioners in the new home, as they were in the old. BENEDICTINE SISTERS Of THE SICK POOR, Box 97, Portland, Oregon. HOW SAVINGS GROW: la order to Illustrate the rapid growth of savings with 4 per cent compound iaterest added, we kaye compiled the following tablei A will In Will tnlwill In Will In weekly Rat, et Inter-. to LlSJ?Z. n f5 $ 73. 162. $403. $1,294. J5Q POUR Per Cent per 146. 324. 806. 2,588. 1.00 ;ALTEay 293 650.1,614. 5,177. 2 001 !T?td Ju.r 585. 1,301. 3,228. 10,355. 5 001 1.462. 3,252. 8,070. 25,883. Hibernia Savings Bank a Second and Washington Sis. Cna"d7r,T" Open Saturday Evenlnca. Six to Eight. Resource Over Two and One-Quart rr afUUons.