8 RYAN S PINGH BUMP AGAIN SAVES GAME Buddy's Emergency Jolt for Single Drives in Winning -Run for Beavers. SEALS PUT UP HARD FIGHT atrn and Browning both Cnfortu Bate la FrTom. but Portland ' ("linger romri Out oa Top In Another 8-to-l Battle). ft w. j. rmunt. Both Frank Browning, who pitched for the 6eela, and Tom Beaton, who fceaved for the Heavers, had bad luck lit tha nth Inning yesterday, hot Jirownlnc'a mUfortun was mora cost ly than tha mlahape) to Saaton. so Port land annexed the ond ium of tha final homo series. Again ths scors was 1 to 1. It was a great pitchers battla ba taita these two twlrlora. and arrora wara raaponalble for all tha runs acorad. raaton. olmeelf. fall down In fielding a couple of bunta Tha Baals managed to get ona run a-roe on a squeese play wttb tha aa-ks loaded, as a raault of mliruca br Lindeay and Seatoa. whlla Portland collected two run on a coupla of luaty Mia and a fantastic hears br French, the etnearr llttla chap who Is holding down tnlrd baee for tha vt ltlnc rlub. Incidentally. It mla-ht ba mentioned that It was a wild hears by French which wound up tha extra-Inning fimt Tuesday. tra 14 In siowaw now. Frank Browning pitched sanaatlonal ball for four innings, for ha did not allow a hit and not a Beaver reached first. In fact, tha flrat 14 Portland man to faca tha midget twlrler sat down as fast as tboy came to bat. and Artie Krueger waa ths first of tha boms guard to trot on tha sacks. his lilt to left field putting; blm thara after two wera out In tha fifth. Tba teals scored ths first run In ths opening half of the lucky serentb and fr a time It looked as If theyewere about to slaughter "Silent Tom." In this inning ths vlaltora filled up the sucks with no ons out. which cauasd tha Indigo to permeate tha atmoapaera In generoua quantities. Johnson was flrat up and he "hiked" oa four bad ones. Naylor hit to Lind say, who mads a bad pec to second to Fat Johnson and both hands ware aa'e. T.nnant dumped a bunt in front of tha plate, and Seaton fumbled and than fell loin, which populated tha sacks. Liadaay cores First Raa. Berry pulled a squeaia bunt down ths third-base Una, scoring Johnson, but Lindsay sot the batter at first. Peaton then fanned both Browning and Powall and ths Seals' last chance want glim mering. Bill Llndxay mads up for his error by opening Portland half with a cork ing drlro to left, which Powell fielded In 'time to bold Bill at flrat. Kappa then bunted down tba thtrd-basa Una. and French burled yards high orer Tennant's bead, which let Lindeay S'-ore from flrat and sent Rapps to third. Buddy Kyan then came through with a pinch hit to right. which tallied Jtappa with what prored to ba the win ning run. Buddy got around to third on ths outa of Krueer and Peckln paugh. but La Longs fannsd and tba side was retired. 'Bis- Six" Steen will pitch for Fort land to-lay. whlla Mohier will rely on either Fanning or Moeklman. The core: Kaa rranc'.'-rt I Portland AO.H 1'e.A.B.' Ab.HPo.AB. row. II If a 0 1 0 ("had'e.tf. I 0 rr.rn.3B 4 10 v-A u 4 a 4 Wrerja 4 0 4 jinn n .r a a a Navlor.rf 4 0 1 T.nnl. 1 4 14 Perry e.. a 1 T i.to. p at a i Ro.n-. 4 0 0 1 1 1 t 1 9 l.lnd r.Jb 4 1 0 Kappa.!. 1 a 0 Ryea.rf . 1 0 krs.r.ef. I 0 tth h.s 1 S 1 a is o o i o o o 1 0 l 0 o 4 o 1 i T 1 1 O l. Um. a O 10 1 0 atoo.p. 10 0 Totals 32 134 1 34 3 37 14 . . . ! SCORE BT IXNiNOi flan FraaciaK t o 0 0 1 t I Httl MIOII 10 04 forle.nd ...... Hita 0 9OO4030 a VMM ART. Ru.-,i jrhron. Kfr. Ltnd-ay. Ptmclx out itr srfl T. by 1 row Din ft. B- oa (,.! off 0-atofl 1, of Frowa 3. Ioubl Rodirr to Pvcklnraa! a to Rappc Hanfl- hit Poll. HipaV. Slot b -j.itiBtua Tim of vm l.SaV Vmpir-- inoy al a Hsviirm. otr of the Gam. .M: th 8ala rvvi-tcrvcl nort hlta than thw lit.wrf, two of th hum guard a bia f count raj ta tha run-fat tine. Smtmtei pitch d rrowt ball, brrt tha lo-t-k f tn (awn waa da4 if ainat tba litt (itchr in tha fatal a nth Art! Xrqftr a tba first Favar t dnt th off'fn.T of ilrownlnc. Hi bit cam with two out la th ftfia loal&c. r'nti,! Pt-rrr and Johnatta pal 14 off tba -tta pat la nat manntr In tha avwnth, wT-a I'. lattar ax orad tba vlaitora' loaa ta:.y. Vba that rtta waa eha'kod up. ton bo rama mt acd hriMl tha ball ovr tha pww ao tt B!'hr Bro wains aor Paw all co.j -i aa tt- Both fanaad out. hQ P. 11 tiappa cam to bat tha flrat tlm ha rattyht ona oa th ba which bo lac4 toward right ftld. but ' bock" W ar trad a a-at catch of tba drtvo and I! aat da a. Th I ml thratar,d to do thlna la tha thtr. Tnaat .InglcHl and wni to third oc HfTT'a bit. pmaniDf nt nut. advanc ing Hrr. ond w ha powU hit to aWatott. T-nnact waa bookd at th piato, In tnta inninaj tha Haavvra caught Barrr oa a i.aTd fca. r-U a:a.-trd to otat with BarrT on third, but La Lone crowd th 8al catchar br toaaiag to Saatoa. who triraw to Lintlaay baforo irr could Ct bark to th bas. HuJ.!y Hraa and Artla Kruogar bad 11 ary t!tn la tha outf':d, for naithvr of th-m bad a ehane. Tha only fly ball bai-i-d ryrnd tna lnft'd fU Into tba waiting bar .1 of Cht Chadbouma. Aftar FTfO'-h bad atngld la tha flrat la ring tha Kodgra to Pavkinpauch to Kappa cMnMbat:o puild off a dou: killing on H arrr bleArd: grouadr. ?h Pomiaad tc(i:dera han.d lha bail spoedily. VERXOX KEEPING TP SPURT Villager Tmk Second Straight Gavroe From Anjrrl. LOS AXGELK3. Srt. JT. Vernon t-yok. th itcoitd atraljcht gam of tha trriag from Lc Anel today by a coro of 3 to 1. Nelthor Tosor nor Caa-tie-ton pitched a bad c&me, though tfc former waa hit harder. Hit cam at opportune tlmeg for th VmocltM, whlla only In on Inning could Lroo Angela get mor than on at a tlm. Th faturo waa a 3oub1 play from raiey In dp cntr to MUgr on third. Scor: Yaraoa T i-o Aarla Ah HP AT AbHPoAS CrI rt 4 3 w o Hnw'rd ?b 4 fe 0 t 0 if . 3 13 0 P:irl.l 3 3 1 Pat a 1 4 2 13 3 0 la t rf . 4 14 10 I : Mr.: 4 3 S 0 Pi:. on. lb. 3 O 0 k: e'Ltt 3 1 1 0 O H-it tr rf 3 0 H.-0-- 44381 l:maaaa 44111 ur-i;.b 4 3 4 3 0 Lbr.if.. 1 4 4 4 4 !., 4 4 4 4 4tAbMtv. 4 1 O 4 BIO LEAGUE MANAGERS WHO . , ' . . .'' ; , , . . . , - Cas-oa.. 1 1 1 0:Moore.lf. J 0 1 J J Tos.r.p.. 1 0 1 s O Totala M 10rTlll1 Totals II IH I 1 SCORE BT INNINGS. Vernoa 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 J J Hits 2 0 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 Lo. Ans.l.a.O 0001 0 0 0 O 1 Hits i I 1 5 BUMMART. Rnns Carllale. noaa, Braahear. Abbott !tolD b..'. C.rll.... Ko... H.ltmull.r. T.o-baaa bits ll.itmull.r. Xt.r. Abbott. Patt.raon. WaerlOce hlta Hi, M.taser. H'ltmuli.r. H..-a on bai.e .fT caatletoo eS Tom 1. CtrucS eut By Caatlaton S. by Toaer a. Doubla play Eley to Matacar. Time 1;5J. Implro HcOreary. SEXATOIIS ARE SLAUGHTERED Oakland Uita Two Pltclwr Tlclona 'ij; Score 14 to 0. BAN FRANCISCO. Sept JT.-Oaklaaa slauahtred Sacramento's pitchers to ds.r and took a one-sided icame. 14 to a. Tha Oakland batters fell on Flts srerald s dollrery In th sweond lonlna; when eicht hits, two bases on balls, and Kern's rror netted nlna runs. Fltspcrald retired in faror of Knlrht with ons out. but Knftrht was unabla to check tha battlns; rally. With tho a;an safe. Captain 'WolTorton took out Greftorr and substituted Bohon. a recruit. Bra: fiacrara.nto I Oakland ' AB.R.PO.A E. vifi re a 0 1 o Hofra, rt t 3 O 0 0 tthtnn.Sb t 1 3 CH kr.M a O 1 Dan's, lb 11 S c'oy.rf. .. 4 2 0 0 0 I Zach r.rf 6 10 10 0, Wol-n.lb t 1 0 1 0 0 Aled'B.lb 4 110 2 0 1 :'uta-.3b 112 2 0 2 H'area. aa 4 1 1 0 v M ti. c. . 4 2 0 0 0 0' Ur-cTy.p 10 10 0 0 kloh.n.p. 1 0 0 0 0 0Nbr.lb 2 0 110 V K D. f Lewta.lt. Kem.e. . H .lr.rb Flta'id.p Knlchup I'rlre.e. . The' a lb 10 1 1 1 i lot 112 00 4 10 4 1 O 4 I i a i ta 4SlTf Totals Totals t 1ft 3T 11 0 CORE BT 1NN1NOS. Sarraraaato 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 H.ta , 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 Oakland 0 1 1 O 1 0 14 h:St 2 t Tu 8VMMART. Runa HolTman. Coy t. 7acher 1. WoWer ton S. Tltinann 2. rutphaw 2. Warea. alltia. Ktoi.o b Cuuhaw. Mm. Five run. hlta o!t Ki -r.d In 1 1-3 Innlnss. No nina. no htta off Or.sory In 4 Innlnss. Home run) Tor. Thre-basa hlta Coy. T'.romana, Friina. tacrine hlta Shlna. Tl.l.mann. Flrt ba on ball Off Flta s.rald 2. off Orvsory t. off Llohen a. off Lnlsbt 1. Hnic out Py Rohan ft. by Knight 4- loub. playa Zachr to Tled mar.n. Tlm. of same 1 heur 67 mlautea. Imp lr- HuJ.brand. NATIOV.VIi LEAGCE. Clilcago 8; New Tork 0. CHICAGO. Sept. iT. Chlcano today cut down New York's Irsd tn tha pen nant race by ahuttlni out tha visitors. The frame proved a one-sided affair with Ritchie pitching at his best. Marquard s wtldnaaa was a (actor. Schultc, Gray and Archer divided batuns; honors. Score: R.H. E l R.H.E. Chlcat-o 1 12 llXew Tork ..0 1 1 Batteries Rlcble and Archer: Mar quard. CTandall and Meyers. Wilson. Umpires O'Pay and Brennas. Brooklyn 4, St. Louis t. ST. LOV13. Sept. IT. Brooklyn used three pitchers and defeated tha locals today. St. Louis put In two pitchers Ineffectively. A recruit outfield per formed for Pt Louis. Score: Brooklyn 4 1 2 St. Louis... t t I Batteries Knetxex. Schardt, TV. Mil ler and 8. Miller: Willis, La u derm I Ik and Wlnao. Umpires Klem and Kms 11 o. Cincinnati 8, Boston- 4. CINCINNATI. Sept. 17-Cincinnati jIORXTXO OREGOXTAy. TTTCTtSPAY, STTErDER N 28. 1911. XII K WILL LEAD OPPOSING CLUBS IN today defeated Boston In a loosely played and uninteresting: game. Comp ton was wild and was relieved by Boyd, who pitched well. Perdue waa bit bard. Eran's timely hlttlnr featured. Score: R. H. E-l R. H. E. Boston .... 7 llClnctnnatl ..1 It 1 Batteries Perdue. Wearer and Rarl den: Boyd. Compton and Sererold. Mo Lean. Umpires Johnstone and Eason. t AMERICAN I-E-VGUE. Cleveland 7, PhlladelpW 4. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 17. Cleve land defeated Philadelphia today. Tha Naps hit Brown's delivery freely. Jack son leadlnr with a two-bari-er and two singles in flvo times at baC Score: JL H. E l R. H. E. Cleveland ..7 II OiPhlladel 4 7 t Batteries Kaler and O'Neill; Brown and Livingston. Detroit 7 Waahlnirtoii 8. WASHINGTON. Sept. t7. Detroit to day bunched hits In ona Inning; off Caahlon and defeated Washington. Cobb's battlns: and tha fielding of Conroy and McBrlde wera featurea. Cobb secured four singles In four times at bat. Bcore: R H E R H E Wash. .... 11 t.Detrolt ..:.7 11 2 Batteries Cashlon and Honry; Cov ington and Bta.na.s-- Chicago 8, Boston 0. BOSTON; Sept. 17- Ed Walsh today won a pitchers' battla from Kay Col lins and Chicago defeated Boston. Scors: R.H. E. .R. H. E. Boston ....0 i Chicago ...I 1 Batteries Collins. Bushman and Nunamaker, Williams; Walsh and Sul- llTaUa. . BASEBALL IN EPITOME Six Lawaravsa at a Claavea. KorthireateTa. P.j,.. yj el .ftwo vanconrex luo 01 .I0 Fras I C W Portland . 83 T4 .62 ei?ra"nto 1i .441;Tacoma .. 7 SI .4K3 L2ns.4 7S lOT .413 Victoria .43 133 .3i0 KaUooaJL Amerlraa. W U P C. W. U P C v.w Tork. 0 4.4SPhlla 0 47.671 rhlralo . BS.5::Ptrolt ... 88 .ST PltubuV. 03 44 .B; Cleveland . T 8S .129 Phil ... 7 t.MSw York. T4 70.814 pt Loula.. 71. 84 .614 Chlret-O .. 71 71 .600 Cincinnati 64 7 .46: Hoton ... Tl 7S .44 K,.. M 41 Waahlnsfn 60 86 .414 Botton . . 17 1 2,3U Louis. . 40 103 .343 H SiWoU.;: 5S:K? Coiumbu. e 74 .M Pueblo ... II .S44 St Paul. 7 HI .4v-r Sloua City bO 74.518 vilwauaee 70 M ta Lincoln .. 7 74.811 To'ede ... 78 84 .4o7'Omaha ... 70 75.803 lnai.n l. . 71 88 .4S:Topka .. 65 86 34 liuuvllla. 04 01 .lwI,Dea Moines 47 104 .111 Teatsrday's Beeolta. Paclflo Coast Larue Portland 2. San Francnco 1: Vernon 1. Los Ant.lt a 1; Oak Isnd 14. Sacramnto 0. Kortbtrn Larue Spokane 1. Port land 4; 8attle T, Tacoma 0; Vancouver 7. 'American Learne Cleveland T, Phlladel Bhia 4' Detroit 7. Waahlnaton 6; Chlcars 1. nton 0: Nw York-tit. Louis same postponed, rain. National a Chlcaso . New Tork 0; Clnclnnail 1. Konon 4: Brooklyn 4. Bt- Lou la 1: Puuburf -Philadelphia iam poatponad. "American Asaoclatlon Mlnnaapolla B-s, Indianapoila 0-0; Toldo 6, Loulivllle 0: Kanaa City 4. IllwaukM 0; Columbu-8t. Paul same postponed, ralnl vt.rn Umm Topka 1. 8X. Joseph 1 111 lnnlnasi: 6loox City 4. Lincoln li Pueblo 11. Da alolnaa 1: Denver 1. Omaha S ca:ia ana ex innms 4rknl. NICKS STMT WEIL' THEN TIRE OF PACE Kraft Curbs Frisky Roadsters ' While His Teammates Bombard Jensen. BOTH SIDES POUND BALL Schwrak Starts for Indians but To Driven to Core In Third, and Missouri Left-Hande-r Goti oa 6M to Resxraev SPOKANE. Waah, Bapt. ft. (Spe cial.) After Portland had obtained what appeared to ba a rood lead, with batting- eyes trimmed and the localo up In the atr. Kraft was called to tha reo eue and tha Indians olubs added an other victory to tha list of tha Missouri southpaw. Bchwenk was tha Tiotlm of Portland's prowess In tha third Innlnir. Cooney started trouble for him by messing; up Moore's arrounder. Coltrln singled to left and Jensen hit to Cartwrlght, who threw wild to first, letting; MOore home. . Coltrln was forced at third on Mun corff's smash, but Mundorff perched on first, the bases being: full as soon as Harris singled. Stovall beat out an In field roller. Jensen counting-. Williams' hot drive to left scored two more runs. Then Pettlgrew walked, filling tho bases again, and Menaor singled, scor ing StovaiL It was enough for Bchwenk. Kraft put an end to tho scoelng and his team braced for the rest of the game. In the next Inning Spokane made four singles, netting two runs. Spokane's first In ning was a succession of singles and doubles. Tha bombardment of Jensen was so continuous throuKh tho game that vlo tory for Portland was Impossible. r . 1 - I Knnkan- .-Mi ....... , r . , Ah H Po.A E ..n.ru.n.1. Mun'f.lb. 6 2 11 a'Netiel.lb. Harrla.cf 4 tova!l.rf 4 Fpea. 1 Wt'zna.lb 4 Prtt.w.lf 1 Men r.3b. 3 Hoor..o. 1 Coltrln. aa 4 4 0 0 8 1 1 4 3 0 o 0 0 Cnon'y.fte. 1 Mclc'r.rf. 0 zim'n.lf. . 1 Crt't.8b. 0 Nord'e.lb. 0 KlBP t.cf. 0.0 8pie'n.o. 3' Schw'k.p. 2 P Kraft.p.. Jensen. p. 1 Eaatley. 1 Tenn n.p 0 o Total 88 10 24 0 4 Totals 14 11 27 IS 1 Batted for Jenacn In elKbth. Battcd for etovall In ninth. SCORE) BT INNINGS. Portland .' 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 06 Spokane 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 SUMMARY. Bona Mundorff. Harris. BtoalL Wllllama, Jencn. Ntll 3. Coony. Mel-holr, Zimmer man. Cartwrlht, Nordyke. Homo run Jt irl Three-baa hlta Zimmerman, .Vor dvit. Two-ba hit Cartwrlrht. Melcholr. Facrlflca hit Zimmerman. Btoln bae Kippert. Btovall. Struck out By Jenaeri 4. by Bchwenk 1. by Kraft 8. Bu.1 on ball. Off Jnen 2. off fechwank 2. off Kraft 1. Wild pitch Kraft 1. Hit by- pitcher Moore, by Kraft. Double plays Jenien to Coltrln to 'W illiam; Menaor to Coltrln to Wllllama; Cooney to Nordyk. Credit victory to Kraft, chars defeat to Jenaen. Thirteen at bat, B rune 7 hlta off Bchwenk In 2 1-3 InnlnRa; 4 at bat. 1 run 1 hit off Tonneson In on In nln. Left on base Portland 7. Spokane 0. Time 1;0. Umpire Daahwood. BKLFOKD HARSH WITH BEES Vancouver Defeat Victoria Through Good Pitching, 7 to 1. VANCOUVER, B. C. Sopt- JT. Van couver defeated Victoria by a score of 7 to 1 today. Belford pitched a fine) game and was virtually Invincible, only four hits being made off his de livery. Erlckoon was hit frequently and at opportune times. 6coro: Vancouver I Vlctorla AbHPoAE AbHPoAB Bet'at 2b 4 1 0 1 O MUl on.cf 4 0 2 0 1 SakElb. 116 0 OGood'n.Sb 1 0 I 0 FrUk.rf. 0 O 1 1 0 Kellr.2b 4 0 1 2 1 jim.3b 4 0 0 2 2lJik..rf. 4 0 0 0 0 Bwaln cf 4 2 1 O OCIe'aon.If 4 2 10 0 17k 1 1 1 0 l,McM;o.lb 4 110 1 0 Catea.lf. 1110 0 Bren'an.as 8 1 0 1 1 Sh.- c 12 7 10 irindl.o. 8 0 0 1 1 B.rori.P J JJjJjErlck n.p JJJ Totala 10 13 27 01 TotaU 12 414 11 4 fiCOBB BT INNINGS. Vaneoovar ....0 J . J J U Vlertarla 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 SCMART. Ross Bennett 2. 'wain. Scharnweber. Shea. Belford. Clementaon. Stolen 4aaea Hennett. Baker. Brennan. Sacrince fly Catas. Two-bae hit Swain. Three-base hit Benntt. Clementon. Baeea on ball Off Blford 1. off Erlckoon 2. Struck out By B.lford a. by Krlckaon S Double ' P-ay Brennan to Kllr to McMurdo. Hit by pltcnarehaa. Time 1:45. Umplre-fitar- 1U TACOSIA'S TtAIXT IS TOO IiATE Seattle Takes Third Game In Suc cession From Tiger- SEATTLE, Sept IT. A ninth inning rally was not sufficient to give, Ta coma a show and the locals won tha third frame of tho series. 7 to 6. Both Annls and Sage wore hit hard and re ceived ragged support. Boor-. Seattle I Tacoma J Ab H Po A Bj Ab H Po A B T --rd 2b a 0 6 5 0 Mora.. 4 2 4 0 0 Sforan cf 2 0 10 'Ca.ey.2b. 4 12 2 0 WhallnV 1 1 0 0 0 Abbott.rf 1 8 0 0 0 Ho'd.r If 4 12 0 iLynch.cl. 4 2 2 0 0 Weed.rf. 12 12 p Cole an.Sb 4 2 111 Ort.lb 4 0 0 0 1 Purine. 2 0 T 2 0 Rar-daa 4 8 2 4 0 Fl.h.r.lb. 8 0 T 0 1 ShVafo" 2 0 6 4 0;Anala.p.. 8 10 2 0 fcaaa.(P. 4 1 1 1 1 Totals 81 87 18 81 Totala 87 11 24 11 I Batted for aloraa In alchth. SCORE BT INNINGS. Bttla - 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 a T Taima ":::::i i o o i o o o e SUM MART. Rnns 'Whaltn. Householder. Bnea, Ray mond 2. Bh.a. pas. Moraa. Casey 2, Flaner. Annls 2 Two-oe hlta Whallns. Weed. Bua. Coleman. Home run AnnJ. Mor. bacrlflce hlta Leard. Burn. Flar. 6tolen baea Leard, Raymond. Struck oat By Bas 4. by Annl 1. Baaea on balie Oft Base 4. off Annla 1. Wild pitches Annla . Hit by pltcbad ball Annla, Lynch, by Sag; Shea. Moraa. Faal ball Burn. Doubla p;ay Moraa t Caaay to Fisher. Umpire McCarthy. LOU CHILDS' HORSE VICTOR Blanche), Sold by Hen Berry for $8 500, VakLma Best. NOKTH TAKISIA. Waah, Sept. 27. All three heats In tha 11000 3:11 pace commercial stake at tha Washing-ton State Fair today were won by Blanche, bought last May by Lou Chllds, of Spo kane from H. Berry, of Los Angeles, for I3B0. She waa driven by Frank Chllds. son of tho owner. Summary: Commercial stake, (1000, 1:11 pace Blanche won. Francis J., second; George Woodward, thlrdj time, beat heat. 1:08. Tacoma, purse 1S00, 1:11 trot Dan Kinney, won; Orlena, second; Mrs. Herbert, third; best time, 8:12 Half-mile dash, Tacoma flyer, 3-year-olds , and up, selling (200 Wil truda 6. won; Del Casey, second; Ag nes, third; time, :48K. Five-eighths mile, Yakima, special se Ulna; 1200 Alberta Boy, wool Pboa phorua, second; Maria Shore, third; time. 1:01. , Fruitgrowers, selling-, three-fourths mile, 8-year-olda and upwards. 8200 Lofty Hey wood, won; Lord Rosslngton, seoond; Dr. White, third; time, 1:16. HEX BERRY IS REAL BALL FAX Loe Angeles Magnate Going East for World's Championship Series. LOS ANGELES. Sept. 17. (Special.) Henry Berry Is .planning to depart Monday or Tuesday lor " tha East, whero ho will seo tho world's cham pionship series between tha Now Tork Giants and the Philadelphia Athletics, providing tho former win tha National Leaarue pennant. Berry will be absent three or four weeks on tho trip. He Intends to see most of tha leading baseball men of the East and to pick up iomo new playora for next season. After Berry returns from New York and Philadelphia ho will attend the convention of minor league baseball owners In San Antonio, Tex., about No vember 16. He will go only as a spec tator, as J. Cai Ewlng will represent the Paclflo Coast League at tha con vention. GOBS THRASH GIANTS CHICAGO MAT YET PtXL TP OS SEW YORK TEAM. McGrsvw, Six tuid Half Gamea In Jjead, Eat 15 Yet to Play to Only Ten for Chance. With the American League pennant race definitely settled In Philadel phia'! favor. Chicago and Now Tork renewed In earnest yesterday the fight to determine which of the National League rivals will meet Philadelphia in the world's aeries. It waa an auspicious getaway for the Westerners, for they not only defeated the leaders in the first of the four crucial games, but did so with a big shutout score. This reduced tho lead of tha New Tork club by alx points to 61 considerably enlivening the raoo, for there Is still a chance that Chica go may capture the flag. . The New Tork lead Is now six and a half games and It has 15 games to play, while Chicago has but ten. Interest In the American League race now oentera in the fight for sec ond and third places. Cleveland, by defeating the champions, drew a little nearer to Detroit in the uphill fight for a tie. and farther ahead of New York, the latter not playing because ofraln. Chicago passed the halfway mark ly defeaUng Boston. FOOTB-UJi SOILED CLE CHANGED Interscholastic Gamea Are Rear ranged by Officials. Several changes In tho tentative football schedule announced by Port land high schools and preparatory col leges wore adopted at a meeting of Coaches Virgil EarL of Washington, and Robert Smith, of Jefferson, and Faculty Manager Mackie, of Portland Academy, and Garman. of Lincoln, yes terday. Conflicting dates and the availability of only one gridiron, Mult nomah Field, brought about the con ference. Tho revised schedule follows: Portland Academy September SO, Pa'f' TJnlvr.lty: October 0, Lincoln H's", OCiO ber 13. Salem High at Salem: October 2 NLVien?ob.enr HhJ8'cfhToctob.r 0 Portland Academy; October 13, Vancouver High O c tober 23. Spokane at Spokane : October Columbia University October 12, Jaller Hlrh; November 17. WMtlnpoii. Waahlnston Hish School October T. Pa l-nlveralty: October 20. Fortiana Academy" October 27. Vancouver Hlffh; No vember: Salem High at Salem; Novambar 17. Lincoln; November 2S. Jeff.raon. Coulmbla L'nlvertty October 12, J6"?T .on? (Sober It. H1U Military Academy; Oc tober 27, Lincoln; November 8, Portlana Ajaefrrrron Hlrh School Octob.r 12. Columbia-November 8. Lincoln; November IS, Portland Academy; November 23, W a.hing- ton Hljtn. FANDOM AT RANDOM WHEN tho Beavers set sau i Vernon Sunday night. McCredle will leave two players at home. These will probably be Fred Lamllno and Jack" Bradley, for the Beaver leader l has decided to take both Bill Rodgers and Jack Barry along. Ho also fig tires that he Will bo able to land the flag with his five star twlrlers work ing as nicely as they have been going of lata. A San Francisco 'paper thinks It will be all off with Vernon because of the four players turned over to McCredle by Cleveland. Mac nailed this idea in the head by announcing that none of the quartet secured from Cleveland would report to the Beavers this sea son, though Bill Tonneson may be or dered to report to the Pacific. Coast Club aa aoon aa tha Northwest season laovar. ... A Seattle writer utters a wall of anguish because the New York Tele grim credits Arthur Bues with having been secured by the New York dtanu from the -Portland, Or.. Club. This same writer aome time ago reprinted aT story about Joe Tinker in which StatUe got tha credit of producing the player, but failed to mention anything about Tinker's having been with Port land. . Because he fried for a position with Nick Williams' Northwestern League team last Spring, ddle Johnson, one of the star athletes of Whitman Col lege, la barred from participation In amaWr athletics at that Institution this Winter. Johnson, however, has been retained by Pearson Aoademy as a coach, and is at the same time pur suing his atudles at Whitman. Johnnie Cocash has been released by Spokane. He did not like the terms of the 1918 contract submitted to him so he Waa handed the blue envelope. Co caX was not very keen to play in this league another year anyway, tor ha w shifted around so often that' he could not get a foothold are". e atarted the season with Seattle, was !ved to Victoria and finished In Spokane. 'e " Goldendale Host at Fair. GOLD END ALB, Wash, Sept. 27 (Special.) The County Fair opened to day with a fair attendance. The prin cipal attractions were the races. The 2:30 trotting race was won by Oj ra May, bay mara, owned by Charles Witt. Hallf-mlle running race won by Lillian Ray, bay mare, owned by Dr. Clark, tlmi 60. Three-fourth, mile race won by Rublana, owned by Dr. Clark. The weather Is good and a large at tendance Is expected tomorrow. Pole-Vault Expert at Willamette. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem. Or, Sept. 27. (Special.) Prospects for a winning track and field team at Wil lamette were greatly strengthened to day when it was discovered that Emory C. Doane, of Ontario, Or, had enrolled aa a freshman in the college o Ubwil arts. Doane Is especially . a f 1 n ' ' ' "Whero an -r J: 'Autumn store for discerning men The test dressed . men in Portland are , wearing clothes on the lines of STELN BL0CH models clothes that surpass (anything in the world for $20 and Upward Sv ya. PERFECT Teeth - friwier is the only dentifrice that thoroughly aricl properly cleanses the teeth strong In ths pole-vault, winning first place at the Eugene state meet last Spring. At the big lnteracholaatlo state meet held at Corvallls in May, Doane obtained second place, although he had a Bpralned ankle. Doane for merly played football on the Oak Park, Chicago, High School team. He will try for the varsity football team as well as competing In the 100-yard dash. T High School Boys Short Winded, Says Soccer Expert it((TB. boys In the local high schools J are all short-winded," said C. Browne, who started soccer football In the schools of the city and who Is now doing more than any other man to pro mote interest in the game. x "It is no use to try to keep soccer out of the schools any more," said Mr. Browne. "We had a great deal of op position last year when we proposed the game, but that was overcome 'and the sport now has a most generous an enthuslastlo following In both the high schools and the grammar schools. "Tho game offers much to tho aver age student who la too light to com pete against tho heavy men on tho reg ular football teams. The main quali ties of the player are quickness of thought and action. Moreover the man must have wind. In England there are old men as well as boys who play soc cer the full period of one and a half hours. In the first game played last year (Jefferson vs. Portland Academy) we had to cut the time down from the regular hour and a half to one Cuba's Crop Disaster And What It Means To Cigar Smokers There's going to be a scarcity of good cigars and very shortly. You are going to be hunting for a smoke such aa only choice Havana Tobacco can give. Anticipate this difficulty! Try a Van Dyck "Quality" cigar today. It's the one good cigar which will remain the same for seasons to come. :VAN DYCK - "Quality" Cigars Ton see, we provided against the Cuban crop disaster. Our experts got the first pick of the finest crops that survived the choicest Havana tobacco that the Island produces. Today this tobacco together with a vast store of the choicest product of seasons past is mellowing under the roofs of our Cuban warehouses. And each month will see hundreds of bales being shipped to our factory In Tampa. Fto. and there put into the deft hands of our Cuban cigar makers. la 27 Different Shapes One for Every Taste 3-for-2Sc. to 25c. ead AT YOUR DEALERS M. A. GUN ST & CO. "The House of Stscles" Distributors The hat with thoroughbred lines and the quality you depend on A. B. STEINBAGH & CO. i i f, r rf aji ISMniiT--? ry) On Washington , M r.'faU licot a uiu hour, because the men were oat of wind. It puts the men in shape for track and other sports, too. I hope to see the game in all the schools and universities of Oregon and will do all in my power to help start it." Columbia won the trophy last year, but will have to win it two more sea sons before it remains with them. A number of Portland men have, through tho Portland Soccer, Association, of fered a trophy to the grammar schools. FOOTBALL CANDIDATES MANY More Than 60 Answer Practice- Call at Corvallls. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, Or, Sept. 27. (Spe cial.) In response to the call for can didates issued several days ago by Captain May and Coach Dolan, of the Oregon Agricultural College football department, more than SO new recruits .hnA r nn tia orMlrOn tOT the first day's practice. This Is considered a remarkable showing, In view of the fact that al most none of last year's varsity or second-string men were on the field, ow ing to the registration, which inter fered with the upper classmen, and be cause many of the new men were busy straightening out their schedules. Practice was confined almost entirely to punting and recovering kicks. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame back, soreness of the muscles, sprains and rheumatio pains, you would never wish to be without It. For sale by all drug gists. A UUajr fc u,w. v - facture Van Dyck Quality cigars tan ever before. Our expert leaf selection, and our many inspections, remain the same. Vet not one 1 - 1,1 ..J tA U- Van penny osto wo wiuw w ... Dyck price. Choose a "Van Dyck" at random from any cigar case. Compare Its workmanship with that of the most expensive Imported cigar you can find. Then you'll realise something . of the rare valuo that is yours In every Van Dyck "Quality1' cigar.