MORXIXO pi?EGOXIAy. TIIURSDAY, SEPTE3IBER 28. 1911. THE THC nr.lTH AY mAVK TOR 1.: -.a .ip-"..--d aaleawom.B I" IniMim. j--..."T aad :t.o-rlr J m .at App.y at iuur.aiMJI ot-lo. al A. Jt- want! B 1 THB FRANK "TORE. Apply a superintendent ojac A- WANT IT I IPT r.vm tre!M we.a. n tnlrg good. l- lay iu,on. 4 r.d. A vr.AT womaa to "i-f? t-.. rook:., in . ritloa f-r rat party. A,p.y Waea. amu wavtmx Apply ar.-erd "a-iory. - Orm i. u4 at Taylor - ,ef bom. for r ght P-"- -. Ha.1 at-. .arnth.; Ml. Taoor JlPPU-Aurt- worn.- for f-r-i ... AO. Applr today Wi H -Iway. t 11 A. M. ...,, and r.f.rnr. " ,!! Wr; ltwl rr.p.yir..l- M A VI. Oregon I - at ,TtW-r:..Ml woman t-r J"0 or. goo.1 and pm'' Txir r.n..r st, wKUt r to l-h- 1 M ' tirlV i..i Nl or m,M..-..A !dT f '" V V ,3 "rt.Si'.n' Rf:n'1 A E. x-i. v' . draper. . V...r-d .-lr. fl..v.!p.r .,y.,gr.r..r 1-a l'th. room -' . " uanfs ladif.s- AtiCNCY. :s rr. u-,lr' psniia Alain 2 -NX . o-.--l d co-n-neiir App T J r vr . r.m 19 :U' 1 amMll '. maees.r. atric 418. ci1 lngh.dg. ANTIB-A 'l I"' " ho,,i",,S'5 u-.urb. bam.. tM A monttt. App. jSI timr A- ffTvTfip-riprn'i ; 1,0 fokin n"4 ,-r.l h-ork; .- Ap p , y f.'.J r .'ir l. WA.VTEtfilrl fr - ''. ""M'''"r,r;: itri Pm " is: nu!it noro. rr "r f:r 9 nlr. TTT'IU f -r' r-r: hou.-..rk 'l p." V...fc!nr: ".! rml.j; oJ . " T?:.ini'"fc t. MHKilOWC S LADIE AOKNCT UUM kMt . th And W AAA. . Main P4JC or A 1 A r rrRIFN"ro"Irl for Bnrsl '"'';! ..hlr And A. wtth child, prion Et UrJiiJ 1 Ck.l ' i W..AA, UdUr t.IIor. 1T t. ii iTtu A girl for rrl homework: t.. pf 111 UIHL for i.n.rml bouo-k; mut ood tto Hin' A s .l so lr-llor to work oa comnm i"r II. puonlo. ri.Aiiln A -rMlrf Em- porluro. 11 Punldot. Tofv.j udy for offlr work: ipti'ifa -irS romotom.lrr. : oiporlooc .ry tlg U Tr' A yiri ldT tO tACh JOUOI , llr. S P. T I'Vn t. Njr:tl. W..R1. .MtI-t -ork la '''": -..rk. Inriuir. U E. Araa, ill Tta .1 . Mima ci'y. or. W , m N n'.d who r aa prsoo lAdlo. And .nt.' r!o Apply At onr.. AcniA EXrKK!KN' Kt i-l fr n'Aj """--"r" ,n er,,ii f.mi:y. -. Thomp T. t' n -n. Em TV 4NTEH Wmi Br: bouwork: mu 'd roo li to.t 4jO- Boat V. ASTKU o-p.tnt in to U.W wllb (.n.ral bouorh. ol '- 'U J..T.t- . r, i H I. for rnrl hourk. family of t ..1'illa. ! Thurmu .1. Taao W cat wat on Alorrlaoo W ANTED Krrlncd aond trl for aoat bbvo pna:. ram! war., ffrr-r. I h.B Vain CAPAHLK girl aond work In .mall fjmliy. 1 Northrop t-. bot 23d And ; ic n. , 5aNTEI- t.'T j.B.rAl "; ojk: .!.. i-nall fkmlly. 44 fcaat lltb at North 5vaTF.I iin t tAk. rr of rMId I yr. o i. cy ntmnc. Hi s. a. tor. o;i- ao- WAN I El flctar. pla wrtl.ra. bl pay; a. II tch yoo. "ltro I'laf aoia T!on. .aa Fraaclao. WANTKO Kafiid. caraM woman for ra- a-ofif:Dia poa Moo. iai o.. mvw r'rt:' ' It-. and TV.Mniom. iPKKIEVrt girl for gmaral hoiork In atna.l family; -d waA, 1 Thomp mi .t. frhon. Kaat lvt) VAN TCP Tooog lad tai do ofrloo work. Apply il Commrnwoa7.i b'.rtg. riKft-l"l-A-S llioraaA Tai.. &0 Mr- quara Ma- i' iv ted ADDrD:kl l" l ba.par. la dr.-aamaklng. Koom 14 r.i.dnar b.og. I n I, fr gTnr houaora. b J Allona. ar. fl"-llin fr"7. HI for .iooiirg ga lry. Apply :b bad v o vv h. 3": H I. wABi'd tT grncral hou-ork. 3:3 E :j rar Mark. 1. toO. B S6U UIRU for gnral h 'i.,ork .m.Il family. At I rl l"b at. North. ail afi.rBoor.A Fl R flnl.t.r or .aprl.Br.d bAAd-ow.r. M. N. t nr. l.'IS "tt 'tj I'AIVtHl.K girl or w-'m.n. lnr: houa. w or A . r'-rn I'lvon. lliln iT.'l. fBN..-.RA rUKU warned. BO Aporiraco V AN t'Kl itri rr g-BNiat bouavwork. 6 Ml Norlhrup AlorTt-'n car. rot'Nll lady atnu-1 fr l;lit houork, thr tn faml-y. Information. II -..'v IIELPCRJ VAAlttl. draamak.rA 2 Co lumbia bldg. WNTEI lA-ly taachrr for l.h!nr.a lon. S Talor 7:Ji t " !' M. A DrTUADLE gtrl to ait with chi.d aad light hooaawork. Johnaon. HFI.r WANTtn MUfTtLt-laOrH ciuinu ks Ara to (Twai d.mAAd. Wo want oobar. rallAb uaa whom w can iKwmmrnd far poaltlon. Aftar eompl.tlcg cur couraA la 4nlPg and ral'Alrlr.g automoblias, C'RKOON AC TO eCHv'OU Qgtca. Room 318 MarchAQt. Truat BMf, 10.0M) POdiriON tor grmduAtaa laat aaaa and wom.a laara bar br trad in t waaka; fc.lp lo gwcur poaltlon: gradu al. ana fro.-n 1 13 to Hi wkly: aapart laatrwotora: loo la fra.; vr;t for cat. loguA bloblar f)lrm of Coll.g.a. A Ncrth I'b iL. pnlar.d. Or. WANTED Numtr young m.n to iaara wlralaa And Moraa t-:rgraphy. good poal tioaA guArantaad. For fuil partlcu.ara. ca.1 or adura T.lrgraptt Lpt room AwX Cemmoaa.Altb b..g. f R fVAT K I N S T R T -CT I ON I V" P OO K K E E P VO. H'.)KIHAX1. TV1T3W1UT1M5. I r.lSOXAL ATTKNTION, KXPtKI IXi'tD I.VSTkl'CTi-KS. PAY AND CLARES. lHiNE MAIN &Sa aJlLLINEHT achool. a. t.ach j ou In : aka. poaltlor.a aacur od BAta rsadi o.r( lair.t at- Piiuata dr.d and rV.Brd. aOo OoUi:ou."h bldg. Cor. 3th and YamhilL Main a'Tt. XVaNTKI" laiiiaa to loam organojat h ; vary tnfrr .11 r. and go.! pAHni proi'O- tion. ail Iwr. trrkuxu b.dg.. bvlAxa lu li and 1 . BOOK afid .Rort-.tory manuacnpta cntlcta.!. I a i la ad and typawrm.n. Addrrta Mania Edmrg tl jAAag.jr-Tuboar b.g. Port-ard AtoriO.S-PIOTIRE opiating taAghl la a fll. practical Ofluraa. t.rana raaaoaabla; poaluoa awcarad. A4 4W OragoaiAm. -AkC moc.y wrlttBg abort attirioa. or for u.ra. B g pay; Ira. b.nkl.l h. r.:ta Pr. ndAatA gn fr rmncio. PHILAI tl-1 HIA U A B H K R tOLLEGi guaraataxra po.itloa fr to Iboa. a bo laaxa a.- trad, la our co: g. oucb- ANT tlokrt to Onaaha or KanaAa City for ldar;y Udy. AUilrr.. 57 lancctllrr 1.K TlA'HEiU a a.tlaad hi lg- ..-At 1 Al H 1.K3 ow.t'and bi.lA. ASSOCIATION. a.SOi--I ATioN. .3 a.LL tint room for -..o and pa nt houaaa Al your pruia. g-boa Eaai 2a-k Htl f W IXTXD MT-X-EI-l-AVEOC. HC-I WANTta, Ago laV-W. far nromaa. glot anoatbtr. br.a.maa . 0. am aaarBf ral.rwaAU. Eiparaac ana.saaaam aa atnkaa Pwitiuua'aaiaad com Abaa. FromaH'OO. tiaA.road Erap-or'-ac tAoadarartara : H m.a at ta poaillaaA la Aaau.t. ptata ag. a.a-1 at. ma. Kaa. aay A-aociatioa. bix W lid O.-.goalAa. KEEp'oUt C-r TliE'ilAIN Vf laarmnff lo ooargt niofc .ag pltrlura. pralora .aTB - lo -i wa.kly. ..ay laa;l. work, .hort hour.. ari bualt.o In l daja. t-aana r.aaonao, Iay Bd c.a-.. opa bur. laia. IlK H .il E.XCUANOa, fc.'-itaj Waahir.g-.on. nar l.tb. WAMUi-l'ir trr boarw al txadvA ABiAinobroa. :.ctrlc!ty. p.u hrira.avlaa a. actual .vk oa il. .oabiiA ay f.w AB.aiaa roquirad aad s. ap?ranuoa a.p dnadgrry. i laat Iavr; taiAloiaa (raw. Lalla-d Iraoa atcawat. Ata.A LA. FHIVaTK ho..l Mn.KTHAMl and tll'E WHUiN.i. n mo. . 1 Al b a:, alalp ajiaA. il t-U" WAVMEIJ MAI.E OK ratalA.IJaV WAXTTJl Alaara . of-rrra aad aollcltora for Cbriatlaa organisation. oa it,i.i.ry i a.1.m. Unly ewnawr a.aU. ( ni.a and wom.a a-.d appy. UOuAKLtl EHB. caahlarA b'H ei.rkA at. j I wt.l guaranty your q--ia..nratlon to fill poaltlor.a In 3 rlatl. priva: tn.:rurtlon by publio aromaual; poaitioa aaHiurad. J A .0. t. 'r a on :n. WANTKI air.r rnr4 a. r'm.kra 'o work oa ladlaa' aklitA. lA.laa, lit 10th al. MTVATIOM"! V Tr.l MA1.K. laawAborpra and llrrka. EXECUTIVE po.llla by Eaatarn youBg man; ualia rally graduata. O. E. 4t. 2. ft y.ara" g.nera: buimcaa axp.ri.rca; aa.'at. manag.r. manaarr. balp. buyir.4 riling, tic.; a go.x1 op.nmc flora ortir alM. t'-ian high aaiary to aiart. D 447. or.g Blan. ilESCKlRAIilER- Ya.r.g man. a.-a 2. and capaD... poaition; 4 jrarl' rtpriroc wllh N.w Vora C.niral Lin. a- a.JO auloraoiMl. and Inauranc .b-p-ri.nca. M. C. lcCuiiough. room 641 V. M. C. A TH 'llOLGHLT cm?.i.r.t .xp.rl.ncd book k.p.r and grnr.l oftl -. man: liorman; o.a to uaa Ijp.wnt.r. ack poaltlon with r.rm wh.ra capat-lilty. hon..:y and In tegrity ara oaa'-iu.aa, bigh-claaa nlirtacat II 4il. or.gonlaa. CERTIFIED accountant irrka po..lion with manmacturing. marcaBll.a or oln.r r.ap-.nal 1.1. cnc.rn. Jtapld work.r. goM urianifrr. Ai.t city r.t.r- o. -. MoJ.ra:. aaiary. Af 4i Clra gonlan. TVTORlN'il Harvard gradual dlr.a tu toring of two or thr. young g.nti.m.n In grammar ahool. col'-a-'. preparatory u-J--la or llcl r' A.'.lr.--. H H.. n" Y". 1 - A. Mlg 01 Nt. ii'.n il.alr.a p..t.i-a In lu N'.rtli w.a.. traveling a.aruan or c'..rl al work; ail .i.' uprri-m-. -Y-l; g .od l.Aoita. ttnta Hooy liroara. ilenco. i-k... UII.L ALK1T. OPKX. CLOSE OR WHITE tip bowka. prapa.-. ba.aut.ra and atata B..nla. lr.ata.l aa'.rmj. ill.ilnghAm AU- cr.or. ail lcwii d i o a. WANTED Young man. 24 y.ara of aga. w.ahw cl.rlcal poaaion with buain.aa flrin. Willi cliaiiia fur B'; I'hon YlArahall I ?o F. l. T.. Sl-d 14th at. avXr-EKlENCEU bookkr.par and g. n.ral ofTlra niAB. Al r.l 1 A A 41a. Ora g -man. EXI'ERIi-:Ni.'El and gcn.ral ofTiro n-an; Al; caa Xuralah bonj. Main 7:-0O. rrLoSilAl'l!i:H arj ip.rl .nc.U and competent, ago 1H. Ak 441. EXPEBlENVKU bookke.p.r and typ.wrlt.r dwirra poaltlon; rclwranc.a AO A 15, ora gonlan. blE.NUurlti HEH with a.tma .xprlanc do ir.a poaillon. ptiono Marahail 2:1. UOOKKEt-PINQ or avn.ral oCl.a work; bt of r-it-rrn.a. W 431. o.-cgonlan. !U Lacvllaoeoaa. I AM from Y:aconal:i. but cab ahow that 1 have the aot.lty to mak. goou; in llv m.rianttia ca-.AO.ishm.nt. wh.ra ability ta t;ogni.d. have cru.mlaa and prnn.-. Ara you from M.aaouri? J 411A. Ft i r 1 i N oy atallonary anglnaar; havo .labt y.ara' uiMntDca on atatlonary. boa.lng. donkey aud pli.Jriy.r ongin.a; can lurolah bmi of r.f.rence. Addr.aa A4ok i. C'hi.AlA. Waill ilOVINa-PICTlHE machln operator and ptanlrt. huaoand and wlf. wiab poaltlon toA-th.r; taia of aaiary eery r.aaonabl.. It. N. U ueaier. 1U M. Wroad wa. At'.rd..n. Uaa a. A liL'slNESS mio of wide experience, will ing to u.moneiral ability, dealr.a con nection with live m.rcanlllo establish ment, blga-claaa ciwlaaliaA O eWiA. Ore gon : an. K'l Nil man. good hablta. baring had 1ft )ara' .aperlenco In all lln.a of mercan biumaiA daalraa poailloa of reapon- bility m th .Nonh.eit; baat of raf-r.nL-.a AY 44. or.gonlaa. tToMI-KTENT. all-ar'und prln.r wanta alt tiAi.on. city or country, but former pre ferred. oung. aoLer, active; not a lift man. Interview If wanted. AO 448. Ore gonlan. OEKMAX wanta at.ady poaltlon In pri vate piaco. take care of garu.n, rowg and pmitrj. country preferr.!. Call room ftJU. Harnton. Main ft:.l2. 401 A-'ront. HOl'N'J man attending Hoimea llualncaa Coll.ce d-slree p'ace to work for hie room and board out of acbool hour. Cal Main i;A. A 2:-a. I'OSlTI"N" wanted by young German cou p.e. farm or janitor work, f mo. lb U. ti.: clo not apeak Eng. ten. Addrea IX. Eacbal-b.-k. Svappooae. AT. 1P-Y KAR-i'LU boy wanta work with et.c-tr:.-Al r.palr or conatructlwn compAiiv; tare y.ara' tlnoretlcal and practlcai a X- p.'lrrtr. F 4"-i;. C'r-'gonian WANTKIt A poaltlon aa movlnc-plctor op- by aa experienced man. anywh.-a. l rite K. E Banlckaa. 4 park al.. North. Portland. Of. CII.W FTEl R. reliable and alrlctly aober. wIb't.. p.teition driving In prlyat fatnllyl refervneea. E 44d. Orvgonlaa. Vvl'Nd nian acquainted with city wanta work In grocecy ator to learn trade. At. 4-'l. orrgonlan. WI.-H to take contract to cut cordwood from l.."0 to 2i."nf cordA Aduroaa a 44A t'; et:or.lan. mT:'ILE-Ai1KI man wanta poaltlon aa ni.ik.r l.ion. MjIb liJel. Ed Hi andea. N-i. Western Hot'-1. YiANlE.' poa Hon Kxper.enced family c-ok. 2-1 H Alder at. M. E. Chlnea Mis sion. Koom 14. A MAN that rnear.s buain.aa will contract to eil 300 to Sou cord wood. AS 4411 Ora- gon:an. fcPKKlF.NCEl chauffeur, with flxst-claaa r"fer.ncea alshea poeitlon with prlvat fxml. AS 444, Oregonlan. UOrSrT cleaning and window waahlng or janitor work. Andrew J. Jennlng. Mala 7 riit-T-CLASS nonunion oornetlat dcslrea po.r.lo a. band or orcli'ea'.ra. A Aoa. ore- gonlaa. WANTED Worit on ranch by axaa ana w ife. T 4.12. Oregonia-. MAN and wife want job In country. Frank IloTpgh. AM E. Morrison at. JAPAN lE wlahe position for boueeclean Ing. by day or week. T 4"L Oregon lan. Hi l.-u:lTr' gtater.d. w.ahva aalarUd po sit, oo. T 4At. urcfonun, BOY of 17 M 47. c rLahea emr.oyment of any kind. , conian. UAHEH. all arourjd bread, cak.a. wlAbos eieaay poaltlon. AJ 44a. Oregonlan. ALL-P.Ol vri c,.rpeuler foreman wanta Job. I'hno Fast '. or R 474. oregonlan. aiOY-i 1J. w-7rTawo7k in country. Mrs. M. 11-.', 4-.- i' y St.. I'ortland. Or. A r;RST-" L.: 4'-l. O-eiroiu 'S gard.ner WAnta poaltlon. D MVHKIKH man i w'lllng to do any kind of work. Marahall 17.7. tOY' wanta work from to a P. Ja. IB boteL K 4t. 1'regoiii A JAPANESE elevator or bellboy. AM 44ft, Oregonlan. MTr'TlON' WANTKn-flMALR Hooka yem MeaocrapbTa. WlNTtli I'osi'.ion at small la arjf In good off' -, bu.ld'ig by exp rt stenographer. w..u vrivi-cte of dolr.ft public wora. AQ 477. reair-n:xn. STENO'iRAPHER. bookkeeper, fiv years experlrnc lumber buamiaa. capable of tak ing charge of a. I o.T. e work; elly refer .r a'hone Main io.' X YoUV'l lady, ft y.ara' expertenc la attic work aai typewriting. waBta Position. Of five or store. AN 4A. Orcgonian. OFFI.'E poaltlon, operate typewriter, good penman: doct.r' rfflc prtrrd; good reference East 2'V.ll. Yi'lNJ a oman wthe mp oyment : offlc work' doctor's effl'e: or poaltlon of trust; can give bond. AD 45, Oregonlatl- STENOGRAPHER. 1 y-are exprlenc. d-.!- p- Hon. either sub.illu-.e or perrna r.r.t Mar.l-all lo-3. 11, . 'K KF.r.l'F.;. - STENOGRAPHER. wttb tiunnrii wlars rwapotuilbl poai tioa. l'bona Mala lAia. UTTT ATION 8 Vf ANTMT FT M A1.B Baataarprra and Ktroocraptiora. SXITRIENCEO tplat and offloa girl '"h parmaa.nt pomon. AC 4AA. Or.gon.aJ. Ilrraotnakara. COMPETENT draamak.r wtahoa tngnr--mn'j br day or Phono A s-o Main T-O'J. ALL kln.l. of ulta. coatt, gklrra. "' rml-l rincra at. don. to auli .ra. Fit guarantr.d. Marahall -41. AlADAM FIIENIJS. tho w.ll-known tat anrl 4:tinnAkrr. located At t.o r.ntral l.rtg. Al. a. I'a lr. arnk,li.g ;ar.oia; work tuar- nt.-,V raafcaati. pr'.c-.. 1 MailiaoB. AI.I. klnj. of E 4-4T. K'l. 411' Phaca Mala jrrnon at. Xnr WANT EP A poaltlon nuralr.g an l"'nt or .man child, can furriiah good r.t.rrncra. E JjJ4- . MATFilNTTY mtrao wanta caav; will work aoma. jlarahall l-7. Fr ArTICAl7nura7 1 yrr hoopUal x- jrlnta. Phona Prllwrvxl 1S-J. SaTSKNITT nur. rlsht y.ara- h. p Kma with work. Phona Vnln Hon, hcpa-ra. NKAT w..rr.n. Iioiia.k.ep.r. h"T 12. 'r'w' .r-a fanillv. SI Louie Agency. 303 Hi Waah. Main "31. A 4T7S. WANTEn Poaltlon by experienced hotel ho-ta-koenrr In or out of city; enn fur n.ah If. of r. feeerce. AL 4M!. Or.Konlan. Mla-ellavaeaBa. COMPETENT woman will aaslat In all k'nde of houaework. by hour or : We.t.Fda only. CU or audrert .10 Nnrtd 22d at- MOTHER and datu titer would llko P'4ce aa cook ard waltrrea In camp or board ng houae. Phone T.ylor Jo4J. Un or PrugA 14 E. L.ncon at SLH1HTLY uacd furnlt'il conalallng of gea rang, gaa water h-ater. heniroom fttml lure, etc P. Q. Chaae. ?40lat. WANTED Poaltlon by experienced head waltreaa In or out of city; can furnlalj b-,t of ref-r.nre. AN 47. Or.gonlan. 2 i-.EHMAN glr'.a with poaltlora In nlc famllv. no clil rlren: 1" week; cook and waltreei. . Phor-a A 7179. kfxi'EUl EN'CED general offl.- girl with knoe .lce of ewi'.cfiuoard. wanta porlMon. would eubatl'.ul. Phon. Marahall iVANTElsryoung Udy. porltlon In doc-lo.-'a or dentlafa office. Addreaa J 41M. lr . WATK1 Hy relln.d. competent woman, roomlnr-houae to care f' r la clca Ioca- -nn I'hon. kf. 1012. room 7. EN PRl ENCED d.monatrator d.alr.a poal tlon. grocery line preferred. bet of refer ence!. K 444. Oregonlan. E X T F RLE M" E r rook, 140 up; chamber mild". w:ittrea-ie. rurecA ft. a-mila A.encv. Im Wanlt. Moln 2nn. A -A.i.V W. M AN' iaiic t!-y work. 1'hono Mnrgnaii -S.'al. DAY work wanted by g'.out lady. I'hona A au-at. WAVTEIl Py work by lady; experienced. S-12 Wlllllama ave. C 1.123. Mr. lirady. A DANISH gradual nurre wanta poaltloa In a doctor otrice. Phona Eaat 4S0. jTwOMAV wlahea work by day; any kind. rhone Tabor .04. EXPERIENCED woman cook. camp, board- Ing-houae, small crew, m n i n " - WOMAN" wants washing or cleanlnc by day or hour. Main 7'J72. IAY work, laundry or cooking. In private famlllol, Marshall 30:0. EXPERIENCED woman will do baking by the day. At i a m WOMAN wanta day work, waahlng cleanlnc. K 471. Oregonlan and TfAXTIu AGEXT8l AOENT9 on salxry or commission. Th greatest Agents' aeller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buya It on sight- "0 to boo per cent profit; on gent'a sales amounted to Ifi-U In six days- another o2 In two hours. Monro Mfg Co. X. 44. La Cross. Wis. HAMCII-TO KENT. WE HAVE a lArge demand for ft-room bun galows and cottagea which cannot sup ply. If our houae l for rant, be lura and aee us. W can find y" a deslrabl truant, and do It quick. Our system gets RESULTS. Try us and .. CHAPIN UERLOW. S32-S34 chamber of commerce. WANTED Furnished houa. 4 to 6 rooms. Weet Side. U" to ft.LV. Marshall gSeii. Apart men I a. TWO-luiOM apartment, with bath, or two housekeeping roomA In strictly private family br married couple, both employed, not over 2u P'r month: glv full particu lars aa to price, location and conveni ences W A N T E I 3 to 4 unfurnished room a for not ov.r Io. West .eld. C 47U. oregotuan. til'IET home for s.f. until November, af ter November for se'f and wife. W eat Eldo; state prlc. R 470. Oreronlan. Rooma, WANTED ny young couple, nicely fur niahed room. 1 mlnutea1 walk from 3d and Washington, in dealrabl location. G 441. Oregonlan. vy ANT rT5 j rurnlshed rooms for brother arid slater with us of piano; references exchanged; llv phone. AO 478, Grego rian WA.NTEO 2 furnished rooms for brother arid slater with une of piano; reference; , giv phon. AO 4i. oregonlan. THHEhl young men want two adjoining rooma. with board If poaalble, on We.t F.uo. O 4AB. oregonlan. Kooma YYTIh Boar-. ToI'NO man wants room and board In pri vate famllv: tnuat be reasonable; slat terms. E 449. oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes room and board, c.oa In private family; Germatia preferred; glv particular.. 8 4o.l, oregonlan. WANTED Room and board In prlvat fam ily by young man of li. D 440. Oregonlan. .OK KENT. Root a. HOTEL CAPLE-. Rtsldentlrl 3oi Taylor. Tranilent. ll.t Ttl. and Park fta. Opposite Jlelllg Theater. Central, ejulet. Rooms Iron 7ic dally, with private bath, from (1 alally; special weekly and month ly rates; suites. .vew, nondsoiny lur nished brick: elevator, telephones, hot and cold running water. From Union Ie pot "J" car to Taylor or "W car to iin; Irom Hoyt-atreet Depot. 8" car trail afar on Morrison to 7th. Phon Marahall --OP. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorn avca. Heaullfuily furnlahed rooma gingi or en ault. with prlvat bath; hot and cold water, ateam heat and prlvat pnon In vry room: moderate weakly or monthly rate; grill In aionnccllan; tranal cata aollclted. THE PEEK HOTEL. East 3d and Bur-aide; new nr.proof bul.dlng, steam-beated. hot and cold water and In all rooma: prlvat bathe, loboy and parlor; aiovator service: rate to per week and up; u-an- sienta solicited. Phon Eaat 17L " VAN OORDER HOTEL Joi4 Twelfth at.. Marahall -ItKk. IB th bart of tno buain.aa dlstrle Cteam baat. hot and cold water and fre phon In every room- 1 per day and up; ft4 per week and up. THE REGENT. ISI-a. Seventh St.; beautiful rooms, r.glit down toan; Ideal location lor partiva ataylng In town lor buainee or pleas-re; ratea very reaaonabl. by dy or wee., ftlft month up. HOTEL itENWlCi- An ldeAl bom lot busineas people; centrally locate-; . gant rooma. all modern convenience; 7tB and Ta.or sta, 1 block from I'ortlAad bote- opposite1 Hel!; Theater. Main 1- HoYeL-ARMINTUS. cor. 11th and Mor rison: all outside rooms, centrally located, permanent guests solicited., llespoclabl . . -ev miwlaraia brtceS. La-ill aicy rooms, modern, suites or s.n ... ej and l week; Ove minuiaa- waik to theaters and storua. lr paone. Lla d ell H oteL -' I 4th. FOR RENT Larg front room, beautifully furnlbd. steam heat; walking distance; rem rea.onaule. 4 .'.A 11th St.. apU B. i ,vaNT to rent a 5 or ft-room houa or bungalow furnished; bo children. Tabor 1477. BbAiEH. 71i Washington N'lceiy fur nished room, bath ana phone in . room; wltb or without board. COMTbrfrTBlTlE pretty front room, first floor Also basement room; fre phon. baths, heat. tc 37 Taylor. CaLT'"-ET Hotel Annex, uider new man agement; ciau. ' ' ' ' ! C 1 1 cie mam nrlcs reaso HOTEL REX. OAS'. YVaahington at- Hteam beAted rooma, 0.c per da. 4- .'-O per week and up: an. Uu..eJt,.t-.w WEST FIDE, several well-f urnlahed rooms, 42 .10 and up. weekly, phone, bath, furnac heat walking distance, t.,15 Waahlneion. NORRI-i HOTEL, rooms strictly modern. So--i par week and up. 11121 17th st- the HEL -Nicely furnished rooms al moderate prices, cor, ftd and Montgomery. PALM F.R HOTEL, i. Alder St. Furnished nwa-a by day or weex, reaaoiiAa.e rataa, FOB RENT. ftznuahrd Kootfla HOTEC CARLTON. Fourteenth and -vrashlngton Ota. Feven -story, aolld concret bullalng. ABSOLLTCLT FIREPROOF. Every room faces the itnat, OFFERS A LJMITED NUMBER OF EXCELLENTLY FURNISHED AND AP POINTED ROOMS AND SUITES. WITH OR WITHOUT BATH. TO PERMANENT OUESTS O.N A MONTHLY RENTAL BAFIS VERr MODERATE RATES. O. C Larm Manager. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Thore lh beautifully furnished hotelA HOTEL HOTEL HOTEb-.o KINHUOiC PARSONS. ROWLANDS, 21-V. 4th st- 21H 4th st- 2"Vl 4th St. On Fourth st.. running from Tay.or to Ft.mon su; brand new brick, elegantly furnlahed; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to dit tn all respects, and at popular prlcea. If you want something out of tn ordinary. In th heart of th city. t rea sonable prlcea. give ua a call, as we know you will like It- Rooms by the day. week cr month. Tourist traj solicited. GRAND t-.NION HOVEL. S-7V, East Uurnaide. Why not live on tho East Std ar.d av money on your room rent? YV can give you better accommodations for less money and within 13 minutes' walk of the bualneas center of the city. fcteam heat, hot and cold running water; rooms alngla or en suite; rooms with prlvat li'h. rates SOu to I- per day; 2 to 7 per weak. Phon Eaat 6,40. a 1273. HOTEL SAVON. 181 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building, steam beated. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable, rents very reasonable. Call And see ua Regular and transient trad ao llclted; inrnished Kooma ln Private Family. YOU'LL, LIKE THIS ONE. Clean, newly furnished front room. In desirable family, hom privileges, reason able; eAsy walking distance. -0-ia Mc Mlllcn. VERY deslrabl room with quiet, refined r.ople. In strictly modern home on East Sid. on block from Lincoln High 6chooL sultabl for lady, gentleman or married couple. AO 4-1S. Oregonlan. TWO comfortable. wll-heated front rooms, light and sunny, all conveniences, pri vate family of two. no other roomers: walking distance; on block to car. Tele phone Marshall 8121. 443 11th su. near College- FOR KEN T Two modern well-furnlshed rooms: one at 8 and th other at 15 per month: gentlemen only. Main bo-0 or 2'A 18th st. 124 deslrabl reeldenc eectlon. warm, pleas ant south room, hot and cold water, larg sleeping porch connecting, separate beds; desirabla for gentlemen. Weal Park. Main PpuO. FOR RENT Neat, clean, airy room, ln pri vate family, newly furnished. electric IlKht, eath. clos to three carltnea with best service; respectable residence dis trict: sultabl for 2. S0 East Main. MICELY furnlahed front room, facing th park, ln a strictly prlvat family; sultabl for two; reference. 272 Park at. Phone Main -HOG. OUTSIDE room; steam heat; plenty hot k.ik r.honr.: electric lialllts. prl vat bath. 8t4 Flanders. Ring bell S5. Call evenings. Rent reasonable. 6UITE of nicely furnished rooms ln prlvat flat, only quiet, respectable people need call; two blocka from Y. W. C A- 214 7ih at. . GOOD clean, reapectabl rooma, men only; 43 week up; -Oc day and up. lbl'm 1st. cor. Y'amhllL VOR RENT A very deelra-Iav room for two. ln refined family. West Side; break- fust If dealrcu. Ji e. o"t"""- NICE room In prlvat lamny walking dlsianc; reaaonabl. BU- Mont- IV AIRY light, front room with large cloaet; suitable for aentlemen. only (1 wit. 23D 10th- MoDEKN furnished rooms, for 2 or 4 gen tlemen; In new flat: at 325 E. 1-th St.. apt. C; rent ressonable; take S-liwood car. CHOICE basement rooms for family or batching; wood range, gas. phone and linen cloeet; .3 per week. 547 Morrison. NICELY furnlahed. Nob H11L walking dis tance; modern convnienceA 7-oi K.eiar ney. Main 235S. VFRT desirable furnished sleeplng-roomA both aingi and doubl; ft block from P. O. 2ol 7th. DEsTr All i 7e furnished room In modern s-eam-hented apartment. aecond floor, flat D 411 JorTerson. Main vj furnished room. In steam-heated ei'at with every modern convenience. Phone A 4070. 2 W'EEK Furnlahed rooma; phon. elec tric light, walking distance; near carllne. 427 Harrison. WELL-FURNISHED room In quiet home, bath and phon. walking- distance, 18. 64 E. Btn. APARTMENT-HOUSE to trAd for acreage, clearing 3U-0 per month; good Laeo. no agent. 244 Montgomery. k- p- vv DAINTILY furnlahed room, modern horned toi4 bo-rd near. 774 Lov.Joy. Mar shall 601A. KEWLY furnlsh.d rooma. allmodern con venience, nlc nelghborhoo-. East 14. 652 MA laal purmiw NICELY furnished front room, modern con venience, centrally located. 404 Clay. near 10th. FURNISHED sleeping rooms bath and nhonjrslngi bed. 4S0 Yamhlljst- NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for one or two. jiaiii n-.g. '- NICELY furnished front room. East Side, walking nisianc-. ' ..... SLEEPING room first-class, 83 per month- Si 3 couon. c lloOKING for a room? You hould ae thl one. oow i. ..... . - TWO furnlahed front rooms, cheap. 100 17th St. Nortn. corner rionue.e. is vVell-furnlslied front room for on or two; modern house. 2M 121b- 82.50 TO ft3.Su, nicely furnUihed rooma 294 lltn ai. LARGE room, two beds, mar houae, best lo- catlon. V est jioe. .-.- nivnT attlo room In swell location, fur- nac Phone, bath. 82.S0. 4 12th at-vta-i v furnlahed room In apt. house for aentlcman wnn ront,. . SMALL room. heat, phon and bath; walk ing distance. " v furnl'hed. rent reasonable- Phone M-ibe!! sr-x- 42 Ella . SEVERAL good furnUhed rooma; very rea- annabiO -l ilu- 10 LARGE, newly furnished front room, ' walking distance, B65 E. Pine. iclcELY furnished room cheap: heal, bath. walking u""-"- a, Tvn up per week; desirable location; ,'entYe'men preferred. 80S 12th st. NICELY furnished front room, sultabl for two. 147 Grand ave. N. TWO or three rooms, unfurnished or fur nlsned. 1 -3d N- Large front room for on or two., 1S6 14th. Room With Board. BOARD and room. 300 Jefferson. Th Caaa Rosa. Rooma With Board. lAMBERSON. ei4 Couch, cor. 17ti Good board and clean. el I-f urmshed rooms; ilcgle and double; walking d sianc; labia board also. Main .!-. A SOSL DOES a bom apT-eai lo you? The Whitehall. coV th and Madison, larse roomx bath, bro.d verandas, quiet, cloae In near car. -Mocks from P. O. American plan. 7rr7j: u aNIToU -il 13lh. new manage- 1 -...orouRhly renovate Inv.tln. TOOir... - A a a a PiiHTLAND Women's Cniun, "od '" Pr.;s r Nw,H?ath?m;.p- nrar. 1 v -. -- CHOICE rooiTii with board. S3 N. 17th. i . . 4 ' aa xh Itn ft r in one bioc-a: iiii. " tuf CALVARD. ''- Mor.. cor. 13:h. Rooms Tllfc. "I.IAIUA vi..i-t-t. convenience.. en suite or . FURNISHED rooms with or without board. .OA Jenerson si. El EGANT room for tvro. lncludins food . , ..Ki- IT A Park. ooaru. re-gum.., - Ti ,. ixiih iv-rd In Private iamily. BEAl TtKl i.LT furnished large room with alcove for two in modern home: board next door; waikmtr distance: near N. P. oerna' Collc.e. Eaat Jd st- -North; southeast COT. M LAK.;f beautiful, front room, for two or thiee. with tlrst-claes harf-. ences; two streetcar lines. ..S N. -4th s. corner Overton. Marshnll oUoO. SSO'HOYT" STEiecellent 'ooman,,e.'n:,erfr' homo cooking:, rates . r''"",'-b'''-e,r":n-JA-h. Take S. or lOla car. Ption MarKhail 12.1. . . AN elegant furnished room In the ."'f' .tam-hcated apartment ln th city, suii able for :: women pieferred. Phon M-rlhall S6:0. PLEASANT, well-heated room, -llh or without board, for ona or two. in P'l'J'bt.8 family; modern bime: reasonable, obi -.. ,'iB'iuon, ri'u". - ONE single and one 1UB- mh.d heat. bath, phone, with or without board, also small garage for rent, bui n- x It St., nose i.:iy a "i.. . VERY pleaaant front corner room for one or two people: also smaller room; wa.a- lng distance. Main 32SO. ROOM and board ln prlvat family; two gentlemen. 676 Ladd ave.. near Haw thorne WELL-FURNISHED front room with board for one or two people; hnme prlvllcscs, an iiy ifiih.iw ati rtfin : ft wn : i .1. .Sft GLISAN; pjensant homelike, rooms; Kood DOira ." NICE room. co:15fniaI home Doaru. reiineo miijimu--""- BELL-yUKKlSHEL' room w 1 1 h Beat Board . NEWi-Y furnished front mom, with or with out hoard Marshal! S3"2. 7"3 Everett sU NICE room with bonrd In modern home. 2H2 E. a si. 3- r-jsv . P.'.IVATE boarding-house, board and r"--Hi Tavlnr St.. between !th and 10th sts. ROOM and board with homo privilege ..... e-. l.e.hall ItlTS. loo riauueiB. ... . .,.... NICELY furnished room with board for 2 men. ln2 loth St.. near Morrison. ROOM and board, home cooking; use of bath and piano. Main 622. , Apartments. THE MARSHALL APTS. A beautifully furnished 8-room tlArr. light and airy) apartment, steam beat, private phone and bath, automatic elevator- the most home-like and quiet In the city must be seen to be appreciated. 624 Marshall. Main BC32. A 31H1. . H'CRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class bv themselves. See them. Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash. 2 to S rooms, all large. Heht and outside: large closet and baths: hardwood floors, free phones In each apt. phono prop, and mgr. Mar. i r-.. J annor itw. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. First-Class ' 3-room unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences; best location ln the city, front ing the parks, and only 5 minutes' walk from the business cenier. a.i i. jb" SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ferson ats.. S and 4-room apta.. with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern; 6 mln. walls from P. O. ; very reasonable rent- CEDAR HILL APTS. Concrete bids.. 187 Green ave., block south 23d and Wash.; otfera select three-room furnished apt.; city view, steam heat, hot water and phone. A 7S23. Main 72S3. FAMILY' leavlns city for Winter will rent elegantly furnished 8-room apartment. In cluding piano; strictly modern; all outside rooms; ft minutes' walk from P. O; 60. Sheflleld Apta.. 270 7th St. CECILIA APARTMENTS 22d and Glisan sts 8-room apt, and bath for 832.50. Modern and with every convenience. De sirable location. Also one basement pt for rent. PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sts. beaut. ful 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished for housekeeping: everything new and modern; elevator; telephone free; 43 to 60- EXCLUSIVE apartments. 6 large rooms and Bleeping porch; private front and back porches; private entrance; heat, hot water and vucium cleaning si stem. 7111 North rup. Phone Main 858. " ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnlahed two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable, walking distance, phone East 00. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS 2, S and A rooms i private baths and phone; splen did porches, plenty of light and ventila tion; rent reasonable. Cor. E. 14th Yam hill. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14lh and Clay sts.. solid brick, enlendid location, electric elevator. We have a few larg S and 4-room suite, un- furnlshed. $33 to 850 per month. WALDORF COURT, In heart of Irvlngton, E tub, and Schuyler sts. 5 rooms, steam heatta furnished or unfurnished; Janitor i-rvlco strictly modern. Just completed. Phone 'C 3U13. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall at-, new 2 and 3-room furnished apartments. walking distance; Janitor pervice. it ADDON HALL, 414 11th, cor. Hall. 3. S and 4-room apartments, elegantly fur Eisned. private phone, bath and balcony porches; '.3 up. CAM AR APTS. 704 Lovejoy. Three and four-room completely fur ilh,j apai-tmenta. Marshall 2916. THE M'KINLEY. ...o k Morrison, corner of 7th. 2, 8 and a room apartments, furnished up to date. .i.-nt- hatha, moderate price, new m'gt- a,...- . -vau-HLKST APARTMENTS. and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th su North. Phono Main 4038; or Main 1 1 tup BERYL -Large roomA large oioseta. cool and airy for Summer; some fur lsh4 apartment. 211 and Lovejoy; take W call ; MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park Street. Corner Madison. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments; i-oMvldual phones; convenient, downtown. xvagr Apartmenia; i-rniane- aparunenti v par Li able; ..Ana i a: tnouorn, rii'aia wiia an nhoa. Phon B 1018. K. 8th and Bura- B1UO. ct r-ROIX APARTMENTS. ' 6t Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room inartment and one unfurnished 8-room apartment; free phone In each apartment. tTTniTa- 825 Hth near Clay 2-room fnr. Vf.hed apartments, with private bath; large, light outside rooms; 330. 835. thp MAJESTIC, elegantly furnished apart ment 4 rooms; also unfurnished apart ment: Main 4U7Q. J- v. lay sr. Ri'iZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnUhed. airictly modern, private halls, phones, etc. "" North 23d St. Marshall 2821. irr. rfn'T 4-room apartment completely F fuVntshed. "The Chetopa." 18th and .'landers s. -v- n i.-r.CBiKVU. 2s. vv . co. ilm u deiiar- on; modern 4 and B-room unfurnished apartmenia; ..e-i- . - HARRISON COURT. 3th and Harrison, un furnished apart leoi. -.,w umu, eelaonable rent- Phone Main 514S. A 8836. -45 MODERN 6-room apartments; all con- i.nienoea walking disTance. phone, sleep- lr porches. Main 4H30. nCifoNTA. 187 17th , 2 and 3-room suites, hot and cold water ln every apartment. Tjeaaonable. Phone Main 47. REIDT apartment, furnished and unfur niahed. 1162', Union avenu North. W'oodlwn 2379. ' IiRAlNlnEE Elegant five-room West Side; walking distance; real reaaonabl.. Main 774L FOR WOMEN The Richardson Apartments. 14th and Market, every convenience, Phon Mam 2130 or A- 8453 for rates. xir.nERN 6-room furnished apartment, best location. West Sid; reference required. Main 6721. an ELEGANT 8-room furnished apart- ro ent: Eaa tS ide. B 3041. Tabor 17bS. the ELMS'- and 8-room apartment, fur- Shtdu 191 14th t. Main 6444. aIeONCE Modern Apt ; Nob Hill dlatnol. convenient to carllne. lijll 2d st. N -qR attractive 3-room furnished apartment call up A 7523. THE KING-DAVIS, cor. King and Devi Uk: en 4-room Apartment; reference, Apartment. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Bta THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta. Tc.vtn. Tiatanea " Completely furnished . 3 and 4-room apartments; Buildings new and strlcy modern; service flrsl-clas. FT TNG HILI. APARTMENTS. 171 King 8t.. near Washington St. Will open October 1. lt-11. and wl.l maintain their former hlch standard of tenancy, . S and fl-room apartmenta. Ap ply on premises for reservation. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th nd Jefferson sts.. 4 and 5-room apartments, unfurnished, with re ception hall, automatic elevator. Paclflo States telephone In every apartment and the most modern conveniences found In the city. Phone Main -0S or call up main office. Main 6764. GRANDEST A FURNISHED apartments Grand ave. nd East Stark sts. Brand new four-story building, ready for occu pancv now; 8-room splendidly furnished apartments, electrlo automatic elevator and every modern convenience; on th East Side, but clorer ln than most apart ments: very reasonable rent and best ol service. Apply to Janitor on premises. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson t complete Sept. .; flrieat. brlghteet and best arraaged apartment residence In th city; 3. 4 and B-room; all outside, day light rooms: convenient to cars, walking1 distance, prlvat telephones ln every apartment, eieam beat, water, gaa ran refrigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum c'.eaners. etc Attendant on premise. Mar shall 8360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving st.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. S and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric automatio elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If y want something nice, come to th Barker. Pbanes A 1744. Marshall 296. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett SL New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 8 rooms, reception hall and lePr lng porch: automatic electric elevator and private pacific telephone; located ln on of the choicest residence districts. ir rounded by elegant homes; walking- dis tance. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2. 8 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv ice; rent per month, 828. 830 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. . THE NEW CHETOPA ANNEX. 18TH ST., NEAR FLANDERS. New 4-story concrete building, 2, 3 nd 4-room apartments, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, modern. Apply to the Chetopa, 16th and Flander six. THE IRVINO, IW9 Irving t. One four and on five room unfurnished apartment; hav gas range, refiigerator. ahades, hot and eold water, steam heat and Janitor servloe; 11 outside room, verandas; rate reason able ; references. Phone A 2522. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. lth and 20th sts.; Juat fla lshed: most magnificent apartment o the Paclflo Coast; rentals reaaonabl: leeplng porches; prlvat hallways ana every modern convenience: rXrenc r c ulred. Phone Marshall 502. THE MEREDITH. T12 Washington, cor. 22d St.; 2. 8 B a 4-room apts.. furnished or unfurnished: up-to-date, clean and modern; prlvat bath, telephone: rates reaaonabl: beat service. Phone Main 7180. VERY nice furnished apartments. 8 rooms and bath, artistio furniture, new silver ware, everything complete; party can buy furniture cheap; leaving city. Main 4778. Flata, IRVINGTON FLATS. 14th and Halsey: 5 large rooms. ie! Ing porch, private front porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, tile bath, kitchen fur nished with fine overhead gas range. Among beautiful homes, and excellent car service. Rent $37.50. F. S. BOWMAN St CO.. E. 22d and Braxee ats. HOUSES FOR RENT, FLA1S run nc.-i. IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. FOR DETAILS AND COMPLETE LISTS. RENTAL DEPARTMENT GEVURTZ & SONS. FIRST. SECOND AND YAMHILL. TO adults, 6 rooms, fireplace, .Holmes dis appearing bed. large sleeping porch, east and north view, trunkroom ln basement, private stairway, hot water heat, hot arid cold water, linoleum and ga stove; walk ing distance, 625 Vi Montgomery. Phone t.iro. NEW. modern, 8-room flat, large rooms and well arranged; tlrapiace. Dutch kitchen, large front porch and back yard; easy walking distance; best' car aervice In city, either Union or Williams ave.. 384 East lt, between 6chuyler and Hancock; 82a. Phone C 2793, Main 8204. ' 6-ROOM flat, 782 Glisan sL, new, modern, convenient, hardwood floor, fireplace and furnace, 832.50. Morgan, Flledner & lioyce, 503 Ablngton bldg. Main -015. A 2015. . $16 NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe ninsula Park: light, airy; sleeping porches: near Jefferson High; public school; see them today; fine for children. "L' car. Ainsworth. AlDina avea. 6-ROOM upper flat for rent; all the mod ern improvements; large front porch. 82514 13th at., bet. Clay and Market. NEW. strictly modern 4-room flat; nothing ln common with other tenants; references required; 25 per month. Call IO81 Hawtnome ave. 6-KOOM upper flat, extra large, all light rooms, all modern convenience. ab Johnson st. Phone Main 7820. i FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat, 2Wi St.. bet. Hoyt and Irving. Apply 144 N". 24th bet. Hoyt and Irving. Apply 144 N- j4th2t- FOR-RENT 29 and 31 East 8th St.. near Burnslde. 2 5-room flats, J20. Key at Woodards. 104 2d st. NEW 4-room flat, reasonable, near my of fice. James D. Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave. Phones Woodlawn 202 and C 2008. FOR RENT Five-roomed flat, newly tinted, nice yard, two porches, close In. Phone Marshall 8187. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS 561 Davenport st,. south end of gtreet; 4-room furniahed flat for rent. 8-ROOM upper flat, all modern convenl ences. newly tinted: 2 carllne; 827.50; key on premises. 612 Hancock. Main 2494. 2S 3-BOOM neatly furnished flat, dealr- able; 10 mlnutea' ride to Foetofflc. 671 Belmont. NEW. beautifully furnished modern flat for renl. line plaoe; aleeplng porch. Marshall 652. s AND 6-room flata; best ln city; all mod ern conveniences. Eaat 25th. between riawtporuw .- v..- NEW flat. 4 rooms, plenty of steam heat, hot water, comer ftoth and E. Morrison. Phone Tabor 131. xroR RENT B-room flat, all modern con venience E. 18th and As. Phone B2006; f-IWER flat; hardwood floors; located ln A.-1 neighborhood, to responsible party only. Main 6249. 8 OR 4-room flat: light, dean; also fur nished nat. -QQ71 LOVELY new four-room flat, 28th and East Irving. B 14Q4; East S. FOR RENT 6-room flat, furnished. 169 16th st. 4-ROOM flats, new, close ln; 20 a month; no children. E. "02- MODERN 5-room flat, porch, fireplace, rent 827.50 month. Call 426 College St. LOWER and upper 5-room flats; rent 325, ai. soo. a-ou - S-ROOM flat with furnace, bath and wash. 59a nainion 'VJ -' MODERN 5-room corner "flat; good attlo and basement- 475-x 7th st. MODERN 4 and 5-room flats, central, rea- xr,n C 1 .nn Vine's Wi-t sonaoie. .ii. o ,u.m., - UPPER 6-room flail 712 Kearney s mono law '"J. MODERN 5-room upper flat; adult. 169 East 15th. pear Belmont. Housekeeping Room. 7Zi EAST MORRISON, or! Eaat 8th; completely furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable. LARGE comfortable front housekeeping rooms: free phone, baths, heat, etc 887 Taylor st. 1H UNION AVE., near Burnslde; nice H. K rooms 8250 and up. NICELY furnished housekeeping room; very ontrl. 645 i Washington. Housekeeping Kooma. WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms" 7-room cottage, 827.50 month; another 4 rooms $17.50; 4-room lower furnished flat, SIS mouth: suites, two furnished housekeeping rooms, S. 810- 81 month; 8. $15. 364 26th 61 N. "W" car from de pot. 5lh. west on Morrison to 2oth, block north. TTe1 BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; fur-Bish-d for housekeeping: gas range, tnc lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free: 815 per month up; a clean place, best ln the c'ty for the money: snort dlstanc. from Union Depot. Take "S" or la:h-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. Nodosa. ONE large front desirable housekeeping room, gas and electricity, furnace heat; suitable for business courle; 5 blocks from P. O. 251 7th st. ftl.60 TO 82.60 WEEK: clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free iaundry. batb. pboue. clean linen, heat. 406 Vancounr ave. and 203H S'anton: taka U car. " T HBM I LN EYt. 850 H Morrison, cor. Park: furnished, un furnished apts. for quiet people; elevator, steam heat, all conveniences; best location. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished fcou.ekeep-Ing-rooma. single and ea suite. Boom id. 81 and Morrison. ' GOOD housekeeping rooms, from 82 up, single rooms. 81.50. 4.1" Goldsmith st- 2 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 4 o 9 1, washire to n s t Honsekeepln- Rooms In Private ramlly. 1 SUITE-of two front rooms, furnished for housekeeping, ln strictly modern home, walking distance, heat and light; J1A per month. 6S0 East Burnslde st. 82 TO 8--25 weekly, furnished housekeep lne rooms, free phone, bath, laundry, yard, gas, linen exchange. 869 Commercial at.. between Knott and Graham; "U car. ONE FRONT housekeeping room. large closet, private porch, light, phone r.nd bath, laundry privileges. 83.50 per wik 19 East 14th st. . 8-ROOM suite, newly furnished, furnaoa heat. bath, phone, gas and electrlo light. West Side, walking distance, 94 North 10th st. FURNISHED housekeeping suites. 1 and 8 rooms, tlft and 820; bath, gas and elec tric lights. 699 Union ave- North. ONE large front room, first floor, walking distance. 2 block Rose City Park cr. CI E. 19th N. SUITES complete for housekeeping: lao single rooms, runny, furnace heat, phone, close in. 274 14th. SUITE two rooms, upstairs, front; reason able, clean, light, comfortable; one large single room. 412 10th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma, batli. gas. phone; 812. Comer of Meade aud water. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, 813 per month. 829 Montgomery , between 6th and 7th. FACING Park St., 2 clean, sunny house keeping rooms; gas, electric lights, phone A 2746. 450 Park. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cottage, easy walking distance, ga. sink. 162 N. 15th St. . TWO completely furnlahed housekeeping room; centraL 187 Chapman . near Morrison. SPLENDID large front rooms, all modem conveniences, 816 to 820 per month, olose ln. 070 coucn. in tu. coi. o.. A LARGE well furnished room and kitchen, ette. 34 a week. 306 4th t- Call morn ing LARGE front furnished housekeeping rooms, i ana nieerett. Phone East 4S31. COMPLETELY furnished, close In. conven- . ne. A'.'Q Mllin St- LIGHT clean, two-room suite, phones, bath, walking distance 407 Holladay ave FLAT of 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, "V un Vamhlll Bt- lower am.., j - FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1st and 2d floors. 149 18th st.. near Morrison. DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms; walking distance; no children. 347 Market- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms J light. . l . i. ain nnrt h -liolc at. water an uaiu. - NEW and nicelv furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. .563 Market st. 2 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. 104 hi. lbtn SU . aju- 813 14th t.. corner Clay: large one and two . . i i .nliaa reasonable. room oouanaccyma . FRONT rooms for housekeeping, bath, gas net pnonea. am LIGHT housekeeping, clean and reasonable. 41 A orriauu. THREE unfurnished housekeeping room ouo r,asi abh TWO nicely furnlahed housekeeping rooms, v . ,)i lath eoener Salmon. grouna uuui, - NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms: mOUern couvemcw; " VERY desirable housekeeping rooms, base ment. 205 1-ltn. neai a-... . i Kon.eire nlnar room in baaa- t ment; 34 wk. 1S1 11th. Houses. 6-ROOM modern house, carpets 'Al! J?" focatlon. East Side; basemenl heater, large closets, front and rear lawn. etc. rent 340. or 830 for B rooms; owner, who is out of city good deal. wlU tk room. K 424. oregonlan. 6-KOOM cottage, bath, ga and fen11: basement. 411 11th t-. near Harrison at.. "Ut PARRISH. WATTINS Sc CO.. 200 Aiuer bv. NICE 7-room bungalow, only 2 blocks from car. ln Central East Side; furnace, lire place, toilet, hath, etc, all thoroughly modern. SSO.Oo CHAPIN - HERLOW. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. MY beautiful new 8-room house; everytlna modern and strictly up to date; 100x100 comer n Broadway carllne. restricted district: references; no children; owner. 420 Lumbermen bldg. M 6000; re. W ood- lawn ao.. FURNISHED or unfurnished West Side, modern six-room, cement basement, laun dry, furnace, fireplace, two carllnes. pretty lawn and garden. 923 Savier street, WU- lamette Height car. . 2 NICE 4-room flata on West Side, closa In: furnace, toilet, bath, all thoroughly modern. 825.00. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 882-838 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT Bouse. T rooms, modern. 2 story, paved street, 21st and Going. In quire 694 21st North. Phone Woodlawn 50. Take Albert car. Price $2.50 pel month. PRACTICALLY new 8-room house at 653 Elliott ave.. ln the Ladd Addition; will build garage If wanted. Traders' Trust Co.. 503 Yeon bldg. 8-ROOM house ln Irvlngton. choice district 408 15th St. North. Inquire room 231 Labbe building. Phones: C 2923. Main sis". ; ; TWO houses, 7 rooms each, elegant condi tion, choicely located. Eaat Side, one well appointed for physician, reasonable rent. M. S. Rentery, Stearns bldg. WEST 6IDIS Walking distance; almost new 6-room house; reasonable to responsible tenant, l, aoj. eicauui--- 785 YORK ST. H block from 23d-st- car line; good modem 7-room house with fur nace and fireplace; 825. Call 414 Spald ing bldg. i iTririe'.RN 6-room house at 348 11th at,. Mn?a? MArke" Mrs. Wager. Phone Mala 609 IrOR RENT Modern 6 rooms, ground floor, with yard, furnished, piano, near "chools Tna carT 825 month. Phone Woodlawn 200. B-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale or will rent furnished. Call afternoons, 593 Lovejoy, cor. 19th St. or phone East 8999. 5775; RENT Modern 6-room bungalow, partly furnished, long lease: reference Sellwood 1873. , 7-ROOM house, gas. bath, etc.; 822.50; East 8th and Falling sts. Apply to Imperial JQ v ftth rnaniin.ya -- - JOHNSTON. EOTHFUR TUFFORD . .- .n -r-i-v TZ . IPVT "o cnamoei m. V-ni! PENT Six-room house and two lot with fruit trees; 3 blocks from car; reiit 8J20. See owner today. 109 Second, room 4. VOR RENT 6-room bungalow on 20th and Halsey sts.. $2Q. 514 McKay bldg. ROOM house on Tillamook st between 10th and 11th sts. Phone E. 1"57. MODERN 6 rooms, attic, basement, furnace and Tlawn. Rent $30. 6S0 East Taylor st. 8-ROOM house. Westmoreland. 125. Howard Land Company. 603 Swetland bldg. 11-ROOM modern house at 82 Corbett at. Phone ianj v-trrv- modern 7-roomed house. furnace, 'jggrgdclos in. 724 E. Main. 8-ROOM modern house near Hawthorne, on 31st. Phone A 7316. SIX-ROOM house. 842 East Pine, near 28th. 20. Owner. 130 East . TrTTji RENT Modern 7-room house; 8201 wood ; in for Winter. Sellwood 131 MODERN 6-room house. Call mornings, 66 East 17th. Phone East 2SH0. 8-ROOM cottage, centrally located, 812 per mon th. M. S. Rentery. Steams bldg. 6-ROOM cottage. West Side, liesirable loc- tion, centraL Key. 32S Park st. Modern. n.wlj , tlntjd 7-room hou-e; jor RENT 5-room house and tor sai. Howard, 61 ilcKaT bids A