Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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39,10,000 DITCH
Deschutes Rimrock Power
Company to Irrigate Vast
Three-County Acreage.
Concern CmpltaMaed at $1,000,000
to TTodertake VTork Planned by
GoTmunrnt to Pump From
Colombia Xear Irrljon.
Taking 119 the work of dereloptns;
an ImniiH weterpower project alone
the IiMclialM KlfT which the (Jot
era meet project! several rears ago. a
company headed by ex-Repreeentatlve
to Congress M. A. Moody, of The IJallea
and Leltoy Park, of Portland, baa been
organised with sufficient capital
hind It to assure success of the enter
prise, accord Ins; to an announcement
made yesterday. It Is announced that
I . 004. 000 In bonds for the company
has been under-written by a London
The company la capitalised at fl.'
000.009 and Is to be known as the
Deeehutes Rimrock Power Company,
A meeting was held yesterday by the
stockholders to work out tha details
of orgsnlzatlon. As soon as the or
ganisation Is fully completed, full de
tails will be announced, with tha
Barnes of the stockholders.
Government' engineers prepared re
port a few years ago for tha estab
lish meat of a large power plant on the
I -each UK'S Hirer as a central transmls
slon station for supplying electrical
energy In pumping water out of the
Columbia Mirer near Irrlaoa on tbe
!mmea area of lerel land In tbe
northern part of Morrow. UllUero and
Sherman Counties.
Qevevmsseat Hetatwa fUsfct.
While the project was retarded as
fonlble nothing has been done because
of tha Inab'llty to obtain tha
eary appropriation for such a frlirantlo
enterprise. The Government still
tains Its light to control as much of
the water power of the Deschutes
Hirer as It may want to use.
The company lust organised will
construct Its power plants near tha
mouth of the rtver. where they mill
not conflict with tha Government's
later operations. The company con
trols a large amount of land east of
t S reecnutee and directly sooth of tha
Columbia Klver. That tract wl'.l ba
developed and rlatted Into small farms.
Arcordlrg to present plabs, abjul IS.-
t4 horsepower, will ba developed.
T1.IS will be I r creased later as te
mand for additional power la nils
Week te Begta Tkla rail.
"All the Important details of th
company are completed." said Mr. Park
yesterday. We have all toe capital
available) that will ba necessary to
complete our plana Besides provld
Ins power for pumping water out of
the Columbia River on to oar holdings
we will have an Immense amouot cf
enxrgy ta supply other Irrigation proj
ects still further east of our land a
Th lNwchutcs Hirer Is one of in
creates! in the L'nlted States. It la
capable of producing 1.00. 000 horse
power, ao you see wa can nsa bat
small share of the total.
Preliminary plans fir t obstruction
of the plants have bean made and with
the money available, wa will ba able
to ao shead with actual work tht
FalL Wa expect to have our plant In
operation In lees than If months.
Mr. Park was formerly associated
with John F. Stevens, who anttl
rently was at the head of tha Hill
l'.nea In uregon. Mr. Park was with
Mr. Elevens when Mr. Stevens was In
chars of epsratlons at tha Panama
Canal. It was largely through this
association that Mr. Park was suc
cessful in Interesting; Hrlttsh capital
In th Ieschutrs project.
Purdy yesterday morning when Mra
Lola Maxfleld. formerly housekeeper
for the aced recluse, filed an affidavit
In which she declares that aha over
heard a conversation between Purdy
and M. B. Evans, a former business as
sociate of Purdy. in which It was ad
mitted that tha deed riven Purdy tor
StS.00 worth of Winters' Grand-ave
nue property was forged. She asserts
that Purdy offered Evans 110.000 to
stand In with him and assist In obtain
ing tha property.
Evans, as far as Is Known to Mrs.
Butts and C M. Idleman. her attorney.
Is In Kansas. Attorney Idleman suc
ceeded In Inducing Judge McGinn to
rant a continuance of two wseks In
tha trial of the case. Thomas O'Day.
representing Purdy, consented. It is
the Intention of Mrs. Butts to brine;
Evans hers to testify or to obtain his
fceveral wseks afro Judge McGinn Is-
usd an order to County Clerk Fields
to place the deed to Purdy on record.
This was after he had- heard the tes
timony of Miss M- U Pratt, a public
stenographer, and 8. Welgle. the sub
scribing witnesses. Both said they saw
Winters affix his signature, and puray
declared that the consideration of $1
named In the Instrument was merely
for th purpose of legalising tha docu
ment, and that tha real consideration
lay In a series of deals la which he
and Winters had participated. He
nromlsed the old man. be said, that
tbe deed would not be produced until
after his death.
Mra Maxfleld's affidavit of yesterday
ts the first direct Intimation of forgery.
Deputy District Attorney Fltsgerald
examined tha signature to tha deed
when It was filed In August, but came
to tha conclusion that It was genulna
Purdr explains the musty and worn
condition of the document by explain
ing that It was burled by arrangement
with Winters.
PRICE IS 2O,710.3S.
Proposal to Sell to City Will Be
Brought Refer City Council
at Xext Meeting.
A proposal of D. B- Flack to sell
th Woodstock water plant to the city
for was submitted to tha
City Council by the Water Board yes
terday, but becauss ths communica
tion was not filed with City Auditor
Barbur until after tha official calendar
had gone to press Tuesday, It could not
ba considered without a four-fifths vote
on suspension of the rule. Councilman
Magulre. Clyde and several others are
oppoelng the purchase of the plant,
and voted against consideration of tna
measure, thus delaying consideration
until tha next meeting.
Tha price now made for the water
system in Woodstock Is for the plant
exclusive of the real estate, pumping
plant and tanks. Residents of Wood
stock are anxious to bavs Bull Han
water, but they have been Informed
by tha Water Department that It will
ba Impossible to lay mains within a
year. If ths Fleck system la purchased,
however, tha water can be turned In
at once.
The rssert of the Water Board, sign
by Jt. Wilcox. J. c. Aelosworth
an4 Fran W. Winn, says:
The gross income from the plant tor ipio
was lll.4SJ.20. sna for the first five months
of 1911. roverlns the urns to
tnveaticsUoa epp.les. the
Preparation for Convention Keeps
1019 Commission Busy.
Some Idea of th volume of business
that ts developing In the office of the
K.ks' 1713 convention commission Is
sained from knowledge of th fact that
although the headquarters wer open
only a part of th time yesterday more
than Ji telephone calls were ans
wered. 00 letters wer received and
more than 10 persona called.
Harry C McAllister, secrotary of ths
comml.onlon. was buay all day retting
ths headquarters In ihspe. K. K.
Kubll. exalted ruler of the lode and
chairman of the commission, assisted
htm in arranging the rooms. Dr. Harry
F. McKay and v . O. an Schuyv
members of the board, wer among the
flirt to pay official visits.
The rooms are on the fourth floor to
the left of the elevator. One room will
be reserved for th secretary's office
and for the us of the committee.
while the other will b occurd by the
wnlrh our
e Inoome was
llt4 T. Our ensUieer esMmatse the cost
of dor. testing - the U.4 of pipes by
pipes of same site te be I4e.sa2.s3. end as
tt etll tase a year er more te Install new
mains, during hlch time the rltlseas liv
ing In that district win ee oeileed to use
eiher than Mutt Ren water, your commit
tee believes tuat the purchase of this ent
Is delratte as affording an Immediate sup
ply of Hull Itun water at the customary
city rates, whereas the present company Is
charging rates much la aaceee ef these.
lour comiumee etso oeueves mat ins
set Income from the plane will much ex
reed Its sattrs cost before such time ss
ths small mains will have te be replaced
by larger enea.
rutieu t vsnncatioa er the nstires sub
mitted br Mr. Fleck as to ths condition and
length of the mains and figures of Income
your committee recommends the purrhass
tbe price named, and la order to afford
uudIv of Bull Kua water at ths earliest
date, that an effort be made te lake over
the plant November 1. provided Investigation
br ths engineer and superintendent as to
ths plant and tnoeme eaa be eomoleted br
that lime.
Engineer Clark, of tha Water De
partment, eald yesterday that ha ex
pects the Mount Tabor lower reservoir
to be completed early next month.
Work Is now being don on tha west
slope of the south basin. Tbe irradl na
cre sa Is filling In the bank around ths
gatehouse, and grading off the outer
slop. Tha excavation for the basin Is
complete. The new upper reservoir Is
In usa.
request that the Water Board take
tha necessary steps for tha purchase of
four or Ave Individual claims In ths
Bull Run Forest Reserve passed the
Council yeeterday. Some of these prop
erty-owners are said to ba about to
cut timber on their claims, and It Is
feared the removal of ttmber and pil
ing up of brush will do Injury to the
city's water supply. It la proposed
to secure this timber. If possible, at a
pries not over present market rates.
Plan to Discontinue Kenton Work
Sent Back to Committee.
A committee of San Francisco Elks
is expected to be In the city before the
and of the week to arrange lor hotel
reservations I More than J00 members
of ran s'ranctsco Lxxlge. .. 1. will at
tend the convention.
Dr. Calvin S. White) Iakea Formal
Inspection of Condition.
Dr. Calvin S. White, stats health
officer, yeeterday made a formal In
spection lour of the public schools for
ths purpose of ascertaining the condi
tion of the drinking fountains and fau
cets. Dr. White expressed the opinion
that the reversing of the old-fashioned
faucets was much more satisfactory
than the new fountain la severs!
ct th schools the latter wer found to
bo defective la that the Dow of water
could not be controlled. Also, they
were frequently out of order and no
water could be obtained at all.
Dr. White wae much gratlded with
the sanitary conditions In the schools
visited. Tbe plumbing la Lincoln High
school was found to be tha cleanest
but Dr. W hlte attributed this to the age
ef tha building and the fsc
r a year It will be vacated.
school wae foulnd t be th cleanest
school building la ths city.
A tiff among Councilman Clyde. Bur-
gard and Joy took place at yesterday's
meeting of the City Council, when
Councilman Clyds declared that to re
fer to the street committee resolutions
discontinuing ths Improvement of 10
streets In Kenton would favor the pav
ing com pan lea. He endeavored to make
a speech on ths street of the Ellis par
ing amendment oa paving of those
streets, but was ruled out of ordsr by
Mayor Rushlight.
Councilman Burgard said Clyds was
wsy off his base" In bis remark about
the paving companies, and Councilman
Joy characterised Clyde's statemsnt as
It listens wall to talk about a pav
ing trust, and no doubt lends capital
to certain people who make such state
ments, said Councilman Baker. "The
Kenton people were given a bearing.
and there was na Intention on any
body's psrt to favor a paving trust.
Ths majority of the people ta that dis
trict wanted tha pavement.
Tbe resolution to dlscontlnus pro
ceedings, and another directing City
Engineer Hurlburt to prepsre plans
and specifications under the Ellis pav
ing amendment were referred back to
the street committee ever Councilman
Clyde's protest.
Charge Purchases Rest of This Month Will Go on October Bill, Payable November 1st
Agents for Richardson Linens and "Old Bleach' Linen The Linen of the Olden Days
VawV; ell JS W p VVAaVii U. JiJiellCU-VwLl .U -U ii -11 all T
Occupying the Entire BlocK, Bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth and West ParK Sts.
Tree with $10.00 Purchase
Beautiful Medallion Portraits,
made from any good photograph
on 6-inoh non-corrosive metal,
medallion faced with celluloid. A
handsome CUiristmaev gift.
Women's $5 Kimonos 3.69
Garment Store, Second Floor
Women who looK for real solid comfort will get it in this offer
ing of Eiderdown Kimonos so warm and cozy these chilly nights
and mornings. They are fall length, styled with high hecKs and
sailor collars. Ribbon bow ties with close-fitting sleeves and with
girdles to tie in at the waist. Actual $5.00 values, do ZQ
specialized for today's sale in the Big Garment Store pOJ&
Portland's Best
Fo o d Store
A thoroughly sanitary store, where
only the purest and be'st foods are
old. A reliable place to trade.
Phone your orders Ex. 12 A 0231.
Cane Sugar
100-lb. tack 56.98
11 pounds Sl.OO
In anticipation of the sharp ad
vance in sugar, we bought a great
quantity. Therefore, despite the
rery high market price, we are sell
ing tbe best cane stock berry Sngar
in 100-pound sacks for 1 fifi
56.98; 14 pounds for PX.VIV
25c CATSUP 17c
Snider's best, in sanitary bottles.
Just what you want with our fresh
"Sealshipt" oysters.
The famous "Walkers" in bottles.
The "Acme" brand Peanut Butter
put up in jars. 15c size, 2 for 25o.
Grogan'a Ripe Olives in cans.
Lea and Pen-in 's, the old standby,
standard of the market.
85c LUCCA OIL 78c
Crosse and Blackwell's, in bottles.
$1.25 Eagle SHirts 69c .?
$1.50 Eagle Shirts 95c
SHirt-Style Waists at $1.50
Garment Store, Second Floor
A special purchase of Women's Shirts, or rather Waists, in the
Shirt' effect, made of a splendid grade of Woven Madras, patterned
in narrow or wide stripes in a good selection of colors, styled with
collars and turn-bacK cuffs of same material; a thoroughly com
fortable waist; for street wear, for golf or tennis, very t1 Cf
jaunty; bargainized for this sale at the low price of . . . p 1 .Ul
Dinner Set
$20 Val. $14.95
In the big china store, third floor, a
sala of fine decorated. Chine, Din
ner Seta of 100 well-assorted pieces;
a splendid $20 value ; QC
special for this sale P ItTsIvO
Dinner Sets Fine German china,
plain shapes, with gold line decora
tion; priced special as follows:
50-piece . set, special at 9510.40
60-piece set, special at $12.80
100-piece set, special at $19.20
AH German and Austrian
China Sets low priced.
Sale of Andirons, Fire
Sets, Screens, etc, 3d floor.
"Eagle Shirts," Jacob jjvrfller Sons & Co.'s
make, which is a guarantee of satisfactory fit.
The material employed is the fast color, plain
blue chambray, with starched collar band and
separate pair of cuffs, ocean pearl buttons,
neglitree coat style; all sizes; an ideal shirt for
an office man or a mechanic who removes his
cuffs; a reg. $1.25 Shirt, specialized jq
for this sale at 3 for $2.00, or each DtC
$1.25 Soisette Shirts 95c
Genuine Soisette Shirts, made with soft turn
down collars and side pockets, plain tan, cream,
gray and blue, finished with ocean pearl but
tons; the mqst exceptional values atQg
$1.25, specially priced for this sale at7jC
$1.25 Coat SHirts 95c
A very unusual Shirt value; many in the lot
are really worth $1.50. They come with either
plaited or plain bosoms, with cuffs attached,
white grounds with neat cluster or pin Q C?
stripes; all sizes; reg. $1.25 vals.; 6pl 70C
"Eagle Shirts," made by Jacob Miller Sons &
Co., guaranteed to fit; 12 styles are assembled
in this splendid collection. The material is the
woven madras, with soft turndown collar; pat
terns are unusually attractive, in stripes and
corded effects; ligrht and medium dark; all
new high-grade Shirts; jnade. for particular
fellows ; bought at a discount ; regular Q J
$1.50 .values, bargainized for this sala tOC
$2 Coat SHirts $1.35
Men's Coat Shirts, made of . the finest mate
rials, such as woven madras, Russian cords,
French percales, etc.; styles with plaited or
soft bosom, cuffs attached ; white m O C
ground with neat stripes ; $2 vals. 2) A aO3
$1.50 Coat Shirts, $1.10
Here's a lot of Shirts that will appeal to any
man of good judgment. They are the new Fall
styles in a big assortment of pleasing patterns.
Coat styles with cuffs attached ; all sizes in the
lot They are cut full and long. (t 1 f
Regular $1.50 jyalues, priced at D X X vl
Just received New lines of nick
el, silver and Sheffield plate, meat
and vegetable dishes, trays, chop
dishes and fancy articles for table
use. Now on display, third floor.
On Bargain Circle
Main Floor Today
$1.00 Neckwear 25c
On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, a sale
of "Women's Fancy Neckwear; thousands of pieces to
select 'from; all the newest effects; some are slightly
soiled or mussed from being handled; others are sam
ple lines, which we bought at ridiculously low prices.
For today only we will group the entire lot OC
on Bargain Circle for speedy selling; vals. to $1
Men's $5 Pants $2.59
A preat purchase of 1000 pairs of Men's and Young Men's Pants from one
of New York's leading manufacturers. All-wool Cassimeres, pure worsteds,
etc., in neat patterns; also blue serges, full peg or regular styles, some
have cuff on bottom, some made to turn up 3 inches; all well GJO CQ
tailored with belt straps, etc Regular $4.00 and $5.00 values .Si.sJiV
$2.25 Towel Bar $1.50
Nickel-plated Towel Bars Extra
heavy, 24 inches long, one inch in
diameter, with solid brass, nickel
plated wall post; $2.25 Cl Cfl
value; special at,' each P.'"
30-inch, $2.85 Towel Bar, 31.98
GLASS TOWEL BARS, with solid
brass wall posts, reduced:
18-inch $1.75 Towel Bar, 81.25
24-inch $2.25 Towel Bar, 1.50
30-inoh $2.85 Towel Bar, $1.98"
OPAL TOWEL BARS, with solid
brass wall posts:
24-inch $2.25 Towel Bar, $1.50
30-inch $2.85 Towel Bar, $1.98
Great Sale of Infants Apparel
3 Baby Days Thursday,
Friday and Saturday
$2.50 SLIPS, $1.65.
Hand-made Slips of fine lawns)
and nainsook; short or long(
styles; very neatly a! CC
made: $2.50 values r .vU
Every Garment in the Baby Store reduced for 3
$1.75 BABY BLANKETS $1.19
Very attractive values on sale for
these three days only. "
$2.60 BABY BLANKETS $1.95
All wool Blankets, bound with silk
Made of very good "quality soft outing
flannel, neatly finished.
Babies' Bootees, Special, From 23c up to $1.13
All Baby Shoes and Moccasins Zimmerli Undrw'r
Rubin's SHirts, Arnold's Knit Goods, at Reduced Prices
days. '
Baby Sacques, very dainty styles, trim
med in pink or blue. ' '
Slightly soiled hand-made Slips, rang
ing from $2.00 to $10, re- u rcc
duced for three days onlv a
Pure white and neat striped outing
flannel Gowns, well made.
Administratrix of Wlntrra' Estate
Sara Two Mrn rVottcJ.
AdJed Interest was liven tha case of
cries B'ltts. administratrix of the es
tate ef U. . Winters, afelnat Will D.
Coancil SrtM Aside $1500 for Tee by
Xnr Oommlssrton.
Aji appropriation of $1100 to par for
the espensee of the nswly-appolnted
I sire commission waa made by the City
Council yesterday nornlrf from tbe
city's general fund. An ordinance
making' an appropriation of $3004 out
of tha pollca department fund for vice
commission expensea wee kliled by in
definite postponement. Tbe first meet
ing; of the rice commission will be held
In the Cits' Hall next Wednesday night.
A resolution directing the Portland
Railway. Linht St Power Company to
conduct testa for fenders beginning;
October 1 and 'lusting- for 0 days.
was lost. Councilman Watklna op
nosed the resolution, while Council
man Joy favored It. It waa Intimated
that It might be an Indirect effort on
the oart of the streetcar company to
avoid eaulDDlne: Its cara with the Nef
on fender. Councilman Baker eald he
doea not favor thla type of fender, and
that If It waa desired to make a teet
of new fendera he aaw no reason for
not oermtttlna; it.
An ordinance was passed accepting;
the title to block 10 In Holgate Add!
tlon, which will be used as a park.
Youth Personated "Cop,'" la Charg,
Bert White, 18 yeara old. waa ar
rested yesterday afternoon by Patrol
man Cameron, at Front and Morrison
streets, on the charge of personating a
policeman. Tbe allegations against
him are that when Otto Miller and
Victor Dunlap. boys, were escorting
a a'.rl home Tuesday night. In South
Portland, they were accosted by White
who asked the rlrl to tell him her
"The rapidly growing demand for hair
roods Indicates decidedly that full heads
of natural hair are becoming scarcer
every day," aaya Mae Martyn, noted
beauty specialist.
"Only about one woman In a hundred
aeema to understand that alkali, as
found In soaps and most shampoos Is
the deadliest enemy of the hair. It
practically eats the life out of the balr,
causing It to become brittle, split at tha
ends and fall out.
To- keep the scalp clean, healthy
and free-al dandruff and the hair soft,
bright and growing, shampoo once In
two weeks with a teaspoonful of can
throx dissolved In a cup of hot water.
Tha hair will dry quickly without
streaking, and there Is - no ehampoo
like thla one for promoting hair-
health and preventing baldness. " Kiw
York New JLdv. ;
name, occupation, residence and other
information, alleging that ha waa a
policeman. He wore no star or other
Insignia. Tha Information was refused
him. Later the boys traced him and
caused his arrest.
Our Slhowiingj of
Erwir. Hmfe
For Fi
New wid Sftylklh
ejjl Sv sssssisW lAs k
Stops Falling Hair and
Destroys Dandruff
Makes the Hair Grow Long, Heavy
and Luxuriant and We Can
Quickly Frove It -
If Vou Wish to Double the Beauty of
Your Hair at Once, Just Get a 25
Cent Bottle and Try This
Surely try a Danderine Hair Cleanse if you wish
to immediately double the beauty of your hair with
little trouble and at a cost not worth mentioning
just moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and
draw it carefully through your hair, talcing one
small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of
dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments
you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy,
fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable
aoftness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and
shimmer of true hair health.
Besides beautifying the hair, one application of
Danderine dissolves every particle of Dandruff;
cleanses, purines and invigorates the scalp, forever
stopping itching and falling hair. j.
Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of
. rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right
to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. It'i
exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing proper
ties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong
and beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling bril
liancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few
weeks use will cause new hair to sprout all over
the scalp. . Use it every day for a short time, after
which two or three times a week will be sufficient
to complete whatever growth you desire.
You can. surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair,
and lots of it, if you will just get a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet
counter and try it aa directed.
W-.F iy I
A Y ' '
U-X s . rr- j
f. :
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