Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 27, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Six Branches of United States
Corporation Are Moving to
Selling Building.
Seattle Arm of Bl Industry Alo to
Be Installed In Portland. Which
I to Bo yew Center Flth
In City Sliown.
la spit of tba persistent romora
from Wail street that tha United State
Steel corporation la on tha verge of
dissolution, tha office of all tba sub
sidiary companies la tha Northwest
will ba consolidated In Portland Octo
ber 1.
Almost tha ontlra sixth floor of tha
s!imr huildlna- haa been leaaed and
all tha furniture, desk, case, cablneta
and recorda that hav been kept In tha
various offices In Portland and Seattle
are to ba assembled there preparatory
to atartlna- business under the new ar
ranaement with tha beginning of next
It I understood that R. R. Hoc.
Heretofore In chsrre of the principal
Portland office. w.U ba tha manager
r ih consolidated forces.
The offlcea of tha lnlted States
Fteel Corporation proper, the Tenneaaea
8teel Iron Company, tha National
Tuba Company, the American Sheet at
Tin Plat Company and the Lorain
Steel Company have been moved frcjin
the Wells-Kargo building; Into the new
offices. The American 8teel A Wire
Company- offlcea that have been
maintained at eVinth and Irving
streets, alao bar been moved Into the
new quarter. Thla office baa been In
chare of E. R- Eldrldge.
aaa OsTtro Caaaea tier.
T-h most Imoortant atep. however, la
th. removal of tha office of th Amerl
ran Bridge Company from Seattle to
Portland. It I understood that C C
Overmeyer. who haa been In charre of
th Seattle office, will b In Portland
In tha future. .
Th warehouse at Ninth and Irvine
street will ba retained. A large
lack of wire la carried there.
circular letter will ba Issued ta
tha trade notifying than of these
Efficiency ta conducting th buetnee
of the varloua oompamea l to
rained. It la said, by handling every
thine from on central office. Economy
also 1 a reported consideration.
The fart that th steel corporation
baa seleoted Portland aa the baala of
Its ooaratlon In tha Northwest la ao
cepted locally aa significant that the
officer of th company ea Is thla
city th center of future trad activity
la thla part or th country.
rank ra rnia4 ewm.
Tha Northwest haa dealt heavily
with tha United Statea Steel Company
and It varloua aabaldlary companies.
'The larre amount of construction work
constantly In progress bar haa drawn
heavllr en the auppiy ox oriag ma
terial. The Lorain Steal Company baa
furnished many of the rail for rail
road construction and tha wire plants
of tha corporation have sent larre
suDDllee of their material ta assist ta
tha development of the farming; dis
With many underground improve
ment alwaya In progress here the
robe mine also have felt tha drain af
tble aectloa.
By assembling- Its efflea force her
tha company leada Portland business
men to believe that It haa confidence
In the future growth and development
f the city.
Three Mechanical Practitioners Xt
Go, bat Tea Other Punished-
nn. wa nnheld vesterdar nwrB
lag by Circuit Judge McGinn.
The question came up iu : 7 .
by Anna Berglund. of 1J0J. Third
street, from a decision cf Municipal
Judge Taawell finding .her lT
after having a Federal license. of
Ing liquor without a city . I
McGinn affirmed the action of tha
lower court, but decineo inai
man should not le punisnea -waa
ber first offense sine th coming
Into effect of the city ordlnanoe,
. , mti. i n. ntA a sentence Of
JUUH. LVfiii" . -. . , -
. .1 - n miw months in the
irom .w 1 - - .
County Jail, but granted an Immediate
parole, homing mai me
.w .i.-. f sHjral ltceneea
K ITfB mi """" - - - .
1 i ih. n. of tha or-
QUI wauiua, - r - -
dlnance and an intention w
It strictly.
. - - mnn of these eases come
before me. though." said the judge. "I
Will imiWB" m j -
. i. . ....I.hmant In a C1IS Ot
this kind and leniency ahould not b
extended beyond tn nrsi
j .-.-.. arets a num
ber of other women arrested last April
By Folic evrfffini n.ii-r v
pose of testing the validity of section
.w - ..ji..... All have ID-
eix vt n ' " ul
i. Tk. ..i.inn In the Berglund
paaivu. i . -- . - . .
case will probably apply w
women Involved are: Marguerite
Butrlch. Nora J. Wad. May Sanborn.
Iren Craig. Peaen irueioTw.
Hays and Luclle Harris.
Weil-Known Physician Passes After
Threo Teara' Illneas,
r vii-iinlr one of th
well-known phyalciana or m
' - - -.MaMaMMassssasaBBasaaasaaasaasasa
lr. C. I- Xtehols, Prasalaeat Port
laiael IMter Who Dleel Teat
. w.am4av at hie home at 4S4
Salmon street, rrom anemia. i
Illness of mora than inree years.
-i -l - . . knrn at Waterford.
i.' I . i.lUVM "
ui.. a iiil and cam to
Portland to make hla bom In USS. He
waa tn active practice nere aa an r
. . i -1 1 nntti anont three
year ago. when he retired on account
of th slcknesa wnicn rauura
death. He was a graauate oi m
i - Anir hia flrst medical de
gree from Hahnemann College In
.1 . h his widow, for
merly Mlsa Mary Koseburgh Banks.
whom h marrlea in n. to" "
also thre brother and three latera:
n i t . a Vlfhnla Dr. A. SL
Nlchola. E. P. Nlchola, Mra
Parker. Mra J. U Walpole and Miss
Carrie M. Nichols, ah are
of Portland.
v . nit ha held from the
residence Friday afternoon, with burial
at RlvervUw.
Traction Company to Lay Independ
ent Strands to Vancouver.
a-. -nnrr,n TCaah Rent. 26.
1 vv i " ' -
i.i v n-v Inrienendent cable
for the transmlsalon of 1500 norae-
power will be laid unaer me
river by tne i-oruanu
St Power Company, to furnlah elec
tricity for thla city. Each cable will
On tha reeommendattea of TepntT
Ptatrlct Attorney Pennlaon, Justice of
Peace Olson yesterday dismissed
the charge agalnat R. M. Balrd. Irving
1. Tlckner and W. F. Meleen. electrical
practitioners, whose arrest was made
at tha request ot tha State Medical
Board, alleging tha practice of medi
cine without a license. While falling
In these cases, th work of th State
Board In It campaign against vendors
of pills and potions has proved mora
successful, every one of the ten per
sons arrested therefor having been
Mm Kramer pleaded guilty yester
day aod paid a tine of 50. E. Vooae.
tn consideration ot hla being almoat
blind, waa given a auspended eentence,
on condition that ha keep out of med
ical practice In tha future. Like dla
T.nttton vu made cf the eases of Dr.
Sard Welst. Richard Cartigsn. Toung
Ming and Mrs. a K. Chan, wing Let
a persistent offender, wa nned $TB.
Paul Semler ehewed that h had been
lioanaaa to nractlce before Oregon be
came a state, receiving credential
from th territorial court, and It ta
probable that th Stat Board will cer
tify hla papere and concede him th
right to practice.
The severest penalty Imposed waa
that noon J. T. Pierce, one a llcenaed
physician, who wa sentenced to servj
I day on th rockplla Pierce had
long been a dealer tn medicine sent
through the malls' and waa one of
those arrested at the time of a former
Cablegram From London Explain J.
W. MacCormac'g Absence.
The raretery aurroundlng the non-
arrival of J. W. MacCormac. who waa
appointed to the poaltlon of Engllah
teacher In the Jefferson High School,
raa cleared yesterday when a cable
gram was received from London an
nouncing that owing to an accident
he had been delayed, but would return
to America at th earliest opportunity.
lr MacCormac was appointed to the
high school position lsst Summer, and
the School Board has been at a losa
to account for hla not being here at
thla time.
Circuit Conrt Tpbold Taawell'g
FVdVral License lv-clslon.
The validity of aectlon alg of th
city' model liquor license ordinance,
making the possession of a Federal li
cense prima facia evidence of the aal
t xew MAX jorx RELIGIOUS
PORTLA.N D Y. si. C A.
a. W. Harris.
Not content with being on of
the largest Young Mens Chris
tian Associations In the world,
the Portland branch now haa on
of the blggeet eecretarle. He I
8 W. Harrla. who has Just Joined
th staff of R- R- Perklna aa
assletant rellgloui work director,
and he a t a n d alx feet aeven
Inches. Mr. Harris haa Just ar
rived in Portland from Sioux
Kails. He haa been a traveling
salesman for aeven 5' ears, but haa
entered the T. M. C. A. work per
manently. He will have charge
of the social features of the re
llgioue work department, and will
Intereat atrangera In the city
churches and urge them to se
lect a church home. While a
traveling salesman Mr. Harrla
waa active In the Baraca Club, a
reHgloue organisation In Sioux
Days More
Big Trade-
Building Sale
tore at Third aad Stark Streets
tor at Third
Morrlsem Streeta
Men's $30, $25
$22.50, $20 r
$18 Suits for
3 Days More, Until
Oct. 1, for Only . .
n, r.; "J. m
Boys' $8, $7.50, $7
$6.50, $6, and $5.50
Suits, for 3 Days
More, Until Oct. 1,
for Only . .......
L 1 ; :
Without question the trade-building sale which we have held for the
past 11 days and which has three days yet to run, has been the most
successful clothing sale ever held in this city. Not at all successful,
we assure you, from a temporary money-making standpomt, but
more than successful in the large number of satisfied customers and
the great amount of advertising the stores have received. These are
exactly the results we set out to accomplish, and we said in the be
ginning that we were prepared not only to sacrifice all our profits
for fifteen of the best selling days in the year, but donate several
thousand dollars to what we call good adverting.
If you are not among the early birds who bought when i the sale
opened, tort be discouraged thinking likely f-J8;
are gone. - This is not at all the case, as we have .JSwSu?
stock to draw from and have kept the stock up to &1brto6r
ard by adding : a laxgeamount of Stntsea g da COME TOMOR
XAU.U1U Jii t mi......
r owesville Woolen
be Independent, so that In case on is
In troubl powsr may b witchd to
th other.
Tha old cable. Durnwi oui ww
nnnrha aro. wui "i""
paired. Then there will b three
power cable ootweeu
Sweeping compound and floor oil of
all kinu. Piummar Drug Co. a Third
limi. e-
Commercial Club Decides Not
to Serve Taft Pheasants.
Although Purchase of Bird 1K1.
Committee- Prefers to Forego
Delicacy Rather Than Subject
President to Complaint.
. ' k. mirchased from
.ii- in vint frtrm m. nortion ,
near corvaii - a-- ' . .
cf th bin or tax. r v - r.,v-i;. in
Portland commercial v-.uu - ---r
. althoua-h th
honor or rru - . .
committee on entertainment cv
notification in wnn-a ru. -----Warden
Flnley that It would be law
ful for them to purchase such a dainty
for the banquet.
TUB aeeiBiun v - -
ready given Mr. Simpson for the deliv
ery Of ISO pneaaauv. - -- -
.v.. mm ttM Testerday.
meeuua u
This was done In deference to th pos
sible desires or rra
lections had been made by member
of th Rod and Gun Club and others.
who declared that it wouio
. . . . M.J. nrntaotad durlSf the
IU1 LO w V" .
closed seaaon. Although It was ob
viously lawful ror pnMaos
domestlo conditions for market pur
pose, to h. served If th. committee so
desired, ir, vuno i . - ---
dlstlnguUhsd ajuest might not be ub
Jected to the .lightest embarrassment
or annoyanc from the crlUclsma of
parsons who might b elthr unin
formed or prejudiced.
W were as much within tha law in
purchasing domesticated pheasanta."
said H. Beckwlth. chairman of th com
mittee, yesterday, "a If we had been
bargaining for chickens, and w were
assured of thla by the 6tate Game War
den himself. W did not decide to
cancel the order out of deference to
the Rod and Gun Club, and had cir
cumstances been otherwise we ehould
have ignored their uncalled-for protest,
Wa did not desire, however, to place
ur guest in a position where explana
tlona might hav to b made, or to
glv people who do not In th least
understand the .ltuatlon an oppor
tunity to open up a lot of unjust and
silly criticism.
As to Governor West , statement
that, while it would be a nice enter
tainment and a rare treat for the Pres
ident, bat that no one high or low has
a right to violate the law to obtain the
bird, ha showed In his later state
ment that be knew absolutely nothing
about tha subject of which he was
West Owl Plaa Followed.
"He added to his remark about abid
ing by the law. the statement that If
th Portland reception committee de
sires to give a pheasant dinner to
President Taft. the stata will furnish
a sufficient number of birds from It
pheasant farms at the School for the
Feeble-Minded, but If the committee
demands more birds, it should purchase
them from the farms about the state.
The committee can obtain all th
pheasants It wants at the Simpson
Farm, near Corvallls. by paying for
them.' oontlnuea th Governor, 'and I
can see no reason why th. law should
be tampered with in tne iiibdimi.
Had Governor West taken the
trouble to inform himself on the sub
ject before making the statement he
did. he would have found that we were
intending to do the very thing that h
suggested as a way In which to obtain
the birds without voaltlng the law."
State Game Warden Flnley. when
asked for hi. explanation of his action
In approving the plan, said:
"There has been some controversy
as to the legality of serving China
pheasants at th dinner to President
Taft. The law provides that when
China pheasants are hatched and raised
In captivity, aa domestic birds, they
may be sold direct to consumers at any
time during the closed season, provided
that these birds are shipped alive and
are pinioned when young, by amputa
tion of the first Joint of the wing,
thereby rendering them unable to fly.
and by furnishing such other positive
evidence that they were so raised as
domestic birds as the Judgment of th.
State Game Warden shall require.
Distorted Stateneata Blamed.
"The whole difficulty In thl. matter
has been that statements have been
twisted In uch a way as to give the
...1.11. w r rr ImnrMfltntl. SnHll TieO
pie have thought that. President Taft
and tht committee In charge were get
ting some special privilege from this
department. They were getting abso
lutely nothing but what every other
man In the State of Oregon can get.
He can have a Chinese pheasant din
ner any day In the year, not during tha
open season, providing he buys pheas
ants that are reared in captivity ana
has them shipped to him alive. The
price at this season Is 11.50 a bird. At
other seasons it would perhaps be
Opium Smokers Arrested.
Ah Jung, for conducting an opium
Joint, Ma Bow and Wong Chang for
smoking the opium and Louis Chung.
Chung Tu. All Jum and Chow Wa for
visiting, were arrested late lsst night
by Patrolmen Foster and Hlrsh. at
m - H all viri ra
leased, under heavy ball .et by Judg.
Portland Couple Refused Weense,
VANCOTTVER, . Wash., Sept. it-
, c ii r ty TCnwman and Mrs. JA.
- i-- v. T3n.-t l n n H were re-
fused a marriage- license her today
when Mrs. M. Carson refused to take
oath that neither had been divorced
within the past six months. John H
Hamilton and Mrs. Eva Hamilton, of
Portland, who were divorced IS months
ago. were today rejoined In marriage,
finding they could no longer Jiva apart
The first qui
renlce In 1127.
arantlna waa established la
For Your Hair
Here Are Fact We Want You
to Prove at Our Risk
. I. wr -am. T?ATH
muveivua .....j
"S3" Hair Tonic has grown hair on
heads that were once bald. Of course
it is understood that in none of these
caaes were the hair roots dead nor had
the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny ap
pearance. When the roots of tba hair are en
tirely dead and the pores of the scalp
are glazed over, we do not believe that
anything can restore hair growth.
When Rexall "9S" Hair Tonic will do
as above stated, it 1 not strange that
we have suoh great faith In It and that
we claim it will prevent baldness when
used In time. It acts scientifically, de
stroying the germs which are usually
responsible for baldness. It penetrate,
to the roots of the hair, stimulating
and npurlshlng them. It is a most
pleasant toilet necessity. Is delicately
perfumed and will not gum nor per
manently stain the hair.
We want you to get a bottle of
Rexall "93" Hair Tonlo and use It as
directed. If It does not relieve scalp
Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the
hair from falling out and promote an
increased growth of hair and In every
way give entire satisfaction, simply
come back and tell us and without
question or formality we will hand
back to you every penny you paid us
for It,
We lend our Indorsement to Rexall
"S3" Hair Tonic and sell It on this
guarantee, because are believe It is the
best hair tonic ever discovered. It
comes In two sizes, prices SO cents and
SI. 00. Remember, you can obtain It
only nt The Owl Drug Co, Inc. Con,
7th and Washington St.
Seven Years to Pay
For the Richest Land in California
There is lying on tha surf ace of
one of the counties alone in
California sufficient mineral
wealth to pay the
National Debt.
There flows the springs and
the mountains of California
waters to heal every ill
of man. ,
There lies around the City of
Chico, in Butte County,
the richest soil
in this richest state
in the Union!
Ton need not take any of our
Statements to prove this.
Ton need only to eome to Chico
and look about to see
that it is true and to
realize that we haven't
language to tell you
half the story.
The land is not only rich, fertile,
tillable and productive.
It lies over channels of water
which afford an
inexhaustible supply of
moisture that aids .
the rich soil and the
. balmy elimate in
producing the luscious fruits
and yielding a wealth
greater in quantity for the
number of acres cultivated
than in any. other section
you can discover.
All of these things are provable
because the orchards we are
offering you are
in full bearing
and have been for years.
The State of California chose
a portion of the Bidwell
Ranch for its experimental
Ton know the land and water
and the climate must be
superior for that purpose .
to any other in the state
else the Government would not
have chosen it.
' And you can buy these producing
these fertile soils .
on the liberal terms
of only 10 per cent down,
to show good faith, '
and seven years in which
to pay the remainder. '
Chico is the seat of the
State Normal School.
Chico has two newspapers,
two railroads,
trains every two hours.
Chico is a delightful city
in which to rear
a family.
Chico is just such a city
as one you would expect
to find in the midst
of a community where
the soil and the climate
yield fruits, ;
vegetables, grains, alfalfa "
and every other product : '
in such abundance.
And in such a location,
where transportation
takes the products
to market quickly,
You will do yourself an '
injustice if you do not
come to Chico to see
the land and the orchards
and the crops and the climate
and the conditions here,
' for there is no other
place equal to it.
Raw land may be productive
or may not.
Biiiyell Orchards are not
raw land.
- They are under a high state
of cultivation
and have proved their
fertility for many years.
There is no uncertainty,
no risk or doubt in Chico.
But you must see it for
yourself. A
In the meantime, if you cannot
come, write to
Annie E. K. Bidwell Orchards, Inc.,
of Chico.
Clarence Reed, Chico, CaL
A. E. Montgomery, '
; Union Savings Bank Building,
Oakland, CaL