Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 27, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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rrothers and T. Freeman, halves
Long, fullback.
Though it In somewhat early In the
season. Manager White has already
commenced the work of arranging a
schedule of games and he promises to
bring In some or the .lastesi inaepena
a m in end around Portland.
Some of the Willamette Valley teams
may play here alao. A tour of the
Valley later In the season la alao be
ing arranged.
r o in I n at e
When San Franciscans Blow
Up In 11th Home Players
Romp Off With Game.
nmn Score Srln Tally In S-tn-l
Control Wlten His Jr 1 Muffed
and Wild Tosses Follow Error.
Harknes I Invincible.
Tn the opening game of the last
TKk of baseball tn Portland thla -bob,
the Beavers captured n extra
tnnlng battle from th. Fan Francisco
Caals by cor of to 1 end kept
themselves la first plare.
TH game went 11 Innings, and the
Peals held ""le donation party In
the final chapter whan two walrd mta
cues put Buddy Byen across with tha
winning run after one man had been
retired. Car- Henley waa tha
twlrler selected by "Kid" Mohler.
Henley la usually fortunata against
tha Beavers, but yesterday ha went up
aaelnet tha top-notchers when they
bad all tha horseshoes, rabblta feet
and lika trophies of good omen cor
ralled, and the home club beat him In
a tlcht Kama.
narfcaeea la Great Feraa.
Oppoeed to Henley waa -Speck"
Harkness, and "Speck" had something,
for ha mada tha Seals eat out of hla
band esrept In tha fifth Inning, whan
they tallied the first run of tha Kama
on a lucky Tessa leaguer by Johnon
and a corking two-baaa smash by
Tommy Tennant. Johnson waa first
up In the Inning and hla Teian landed
just out of tha reach of Bill Itodaera.
NiTlor. another of the new Peals,
sacrificed, and Tannaot brought John
aon home by hla smash, which went
to rlirht field for two saeka Fpeck
then aettled down and In tha remaining
Innings the Beale did not land the
emblanre of a baae hit off the es
Cler;ander. Henley weakened alao In thla Inning,
for the Beavers tied up tha acora and
ehould hare won the name then and
there. Overanalety to kill the ball
when the aacka were denaely populated
gare Henley a respite and aent the
came In the extra-frame Hat.
Lladaar'e lwt( Falls.
Mickey La Lonae. the first Bearer
up. walked. Harkness bunted to Hen
ley, who made an lnefectual attempt
to iret La Lena's at second, and both
Bearers were safe. Chet Cbadbourne
dumped a perfect bunt In front of the
Flats and beat It to first, wh ch filled
the bases with none out. Bill Kodgers
laced a fast one Into center field,
which counted La Longs, but Harkness
was held at third.
Then Lindsay tried a ewlnrlnc bunt,
bat the sphere took a perfect hop Into
Tennant s hands and Harkness waa
forced at the plate. The sacks were
. ettll populated when BUI Rapps came
op. but Henley proved too irood for
BUI. who sat down after three rain
tries to annihilate tha ball.
The mighty Kyan started one for
the right field wall, but the sphere
waa not hit hard enough and settled
Into tha waiting banda of Mr. Naylor
and the Bearers ware retired with the
sacks loaded.
Wild Teaa Lata Braa la.
The game ended In a totally unex
pected manner. Rapps waa the first
Bearer up In tha 11th. and Wearer
winged him out at first. Ryan popped
a fly to left field which Powell muffed
trnomlntously. Buddy then stole sec
ond and took third when Claude
Berry's weird toss carried to center
Krueger Mt a slow bounder to
French, who wss playing In for the
bunt. That worthy cut loose with a
decidedly worse toss than had been
made by Berry, and Ryan scored, be
cause the hall went to the grandstand
Instead of Into Berry's mlt. This ended
the final series, and the crowd which
braved the threatening rain went home
Tnm Seaton will be on the hill for
the Beavers this afternoon, while San
rancisco will depend on Krenk Miller
cr Fanning The Utter la a new man
and Is highly appreciated by Panny
Long, who picks him. rest to Benny
Henderson, as the best twlrler In the
T.te score:
. ass rnuic'e'
Tate aa ail 11 1. Totals St sine i
One out
wnrn .innmi run was Korrtl.
an Fraactaco S S01SSS e 1
Hi's 0 leejooeee n s
p-r-.aad oeoo Too eeoi l
lii-.s ooe l a l l o s
Rene J-thea-'n. Knuv Lsloege. Struck
cm 1 Mr luria.vj i. or uan r s itaee
lraBs T.
rn bal'a ff ttrknes 1. off Hnlr 4
Te,-bae hit tnonL TVuble r'a Mo
.Irrile la Veaer; M.'Arit.e 1 .ater td
T.nranL S.rifl- h :ta Ro!s-ra. Jornaon.
Naf.or. Itarkneae. FraecU. .ntrtlan baae
Kan. lilt b P4.1 bail Llr.daar Tune
1 ii. lrap.ree e'inoar and Vaa llallrea.
Notes of tb tiame.
Reth Bnlar and Markaaaa pllrbed great
ba.l. but Iba laars ba4 Lit at'.ar ef the
araumact ta baing snots aSecuva la ligat
f .a ...
hat Cha.lbourne plarad a fraud fleMtnr
garna In ft. ("r la rapturaa two drue
teat ware li k'.'-d aa douo.aa. and otberwlae
aia rsu:atd h.m.a f.
T!ka a.a lnir.luead eevarej new tsres
t tt i-.rtlarj tana Ta.aruaj. raocb la
nt third lo p a.-o of tt. anj Na.wr aad
Jafir.t' a are saw outer rdfOtr.
i)Kr Vitl la auftarinc witb atomark troa
b'e aad waa laft at home br tba Sa yran
c a e risk Ttyat araw la aod.t auap.n.
2 ran?;, o.
lb :s trut bo?h Nsrlor sd Johnaon
aa r.rty a:aman. but .acariar n.ltbar
ev-.i mu k sgalnat tha oTarlnxa (
-pvk" llaranaea, wb ecjojrad eae of h:a
g .J aixa
T mm r aheabaa waa tl raarerdav and
eu.d cot sat l-te toe llneop. wM.-k put
1 ; l.tndaaf b. a at tbtrd an4 h. Rod-
el aacoao. atota s.r siit-eogaa
Saa rnuir'e I Portland
9.ll !'. F ! r H r A E
yvw.ii 'f 0 4 0 1 -,.. f a i s o
r-.n seat l R-'r .b 42111
J". . r . w " i in t y..r . v 1 U I
r r : 4 1 s T oi;lri IIS 1 o!
JKn n ft a 1 0 a w,n rf 4 0 0 0 0 1
N.v'jrrf a 0 a a OKrWrcf SOI 0
T.n't lb 4 111 10 '.-a-h.u 1 1 0 '
V-rrv.e. 4 0 a 1 Ot.a:ora.e a 0 T 2 0 I
lltil.y p 4 I z v iixka.p S 0 1 I 0 I
irl J, It J oa ! th r 1. Port. aad tan d tat
t - a upt 'J H'":tx A1 tbr p rti
r t.rr.mtd lrl;o.
Tf pu . oft ft ettp of p4a
JvJMut; . CAdtMirn aV tvf axroij
a 4 wAcrtac ibil Llntl
T.shx m ItDr t McaM . w tjo 3v.Ut;r4
t nJ l ara-rtt & In lk., op'nlaf Innlnc.
In lh nth PMfc lnrvnug a 'nw 4 ftT
K njaTtf r h a.I iot ant. but d Jublt J at
.r4 wn I a Ln;!g hit lurpijr t lc
Arl . who t1 tr Wevr oJ lb lt
ta-p r,. r'f tj rt.
"K i Mih.rr J Ci Kwtr.T wt: M
la Frt:irii i r -It mt b ts coir.lns with
w4rJ pr"rn:n-nt C''f.jrn. V. km ctB f r
vi ctv ptrx.4 Axacim.:t iut t ih
z.v, j p
I e'F
m f sf
- .--af2J
romleg eeeeloa at tha grand lodge here
next rear.
Sacramento Outfielder largely lle
ponslble for Oak Defeat.
BAN -FRANCISCO. Fept. !. Sacra
mento took the flrnt game In the aeries
against Oakland. Madden, the Senators
right nelder. being the star of the
affair. In five tlmea at bat he made
five hits and three runs, one of them
a home run.
The score:
aereniento I Oakland
abh imax A.yo: w
O'H'ke.M 6 112 l .tte f 0 J 0 0 1 1 1 a 1 I 0
V B' 4 12 0 0 Tled 1 J J J
!.ewl.-.f 4 1 a 0 o -ufw.l'b 111
Thorns. a 4 a OWrfcSs J 2 4 J 0
H...l r 2b 4 10 1 IM'.tie.e.. J 1 J
Baam.. 1 1 Klmter.p. J 0 0 1 0
.'h-ntn.p 10 00
.acher.. 1 0 O 0 o
41 14 17 11 s
Totals aa 27 13 1
Batted for Chrletlan In ninth,
W-rmmen.o 1 1 J 0 1 J 1 1 0 J
Psee bite 1 i ' ,
Oakland 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 O J
Hue hits O 111100
Three runs. S hits off Flater. 4 1- Innings.
Runs Msdden . Vsn Baren. Lewis, rtoff
mu. Cer. Warea stola baee Madden.
Warrs. Km. run MaJrt'n. tiserltlce fiT
Welverton. Two-baae hl' Oulebaw. Ml
n. Van Buren. CKourke. Hoffman.
Thomaa Jiacrin-e hits llrltr. r.ti.reon.
Xlui. Uwu. U- on bsils Off Jiaura
2 off Klater 1. ftruck out By bum 4.
by K'ater O. br thrlellsn 1. BK br
pf.her van Buren by Chrlst'an. Pouhls
p:r Cutitle lo Tledemann. Halk Hsum.
tvi'd pilch Flater. Time of game 2 hours.
I'mplre iilldebrandL
Dillon, of Angels, Tblnks Uogan's
Men Got Best of Decision.
LOS ANGELEi Sept. J. Vernon won
today. 7 to 4. In an exciting game, Dil
lon, however, said he would protest the
game, objecting to a ruling of the
umpire In calling Heltmuller out at
aecond base In the third Inning. B
Rmlth had a finger spilt In the eighth
and gave way to Abbott. Score:
Yeraoa I Los angeiei
lbRr.AE' AbHPoAK
Cmr' l 0 2"-.; 1 S 5 5
Roea.lf.. 4
J J J V H ' I .
a 12 O 0 4 2 2 1 0
2 2 8 1 H.;.on 10. 2 2 1110
S 2 O 0 Hlfr.rf. 4100
O 1 2 0 3 114 0
0 0 a 0 t.otr.!f.. 4 0 0 0 0
0 4 0 O.-rrlth.e.. S 0 2 1 0
1 0 2 o 10 10 0
1 0 0 0lr:hl.p.. 1 0 2 1
Moor.1.. 1 1 0 O 0
Fat' 4
Urr.-t 3
H'. ion r( 4 2
llur' 4
llnKin.c. 4
Ceron,p 8
slcl'11.2k 1
Totsls J 1J2T 11 l' Totk's 4 114 14 1
Batted for Delhi In ninth.
TV.7,? .::::::. .... 5 1
v,.AV.'-::i 2 ? ? S i S ii
0 4
1 11
Rur.e Carllete. Foas 2. Palt'twon. Braah
ear Carao, M'-OonnIl. llowaal. .txr.
lM;!-n 2 taae Howard. Dliion,
H-ltmuller. Thre oaae hi j-a:teraon. I'll
lon. Two-baaa hri Kraa.iear 2. bai-rl0-e
hue Matae-r. Ilil-n. Hoap. I'.maa Haaea
"n ba la i. IT Carton 1. OH I..hl 1. Stru. k
out -ltr Caraon 2. by te nl 1 Uoubla play
Hu te Breabear to Pattrraon. Faaaai
b. . i-rrlth. T. me f mp:re M cGraery.
WITH the major league pennants
cinched for Philadelphia and
.New Tor, the fans can devote their
entire attention to the Pacific Coast
League race, which Is far from being
cinched for any club. The margin be
tween Vernon and Portland Is so small
that It keeps the funs on edits watch
ing the results of these games.
llapplcus Megan la aald to hare
offered Charley Orahara a handsome
...i-. re Patev O'Kourke. After the
wsy O'Kourke and his band behaved (
before Hap. mat wormy mnu r.aui
Maler ought to pension the Sacra
mento eaptain for life, Vernon took
six out of seven games from Sacra
mento and will probably take a similar
number from the tafllendera thla week.
e e a
r.very time the Seals bare aieltsd
Portland this season Pitcher Melkle.
one of ttie best youngsters on the
club, has not besn a member of the
squad. He Is always among tha "stay
at home- squad which reroute to
Uanny Long each day the Seals are
away. A vialt from Melkle would not
be any more startling to the Port
land fans than would the coming of
Long himself, for the Seal manager
with his several additional Jobs has
not visited Portland since be became
secretary of the league. .
J. Cal Ewlng. mala squoeie back of
the finances of the fan Franclaco club.
and alao prominent member of the
Oak'.and Lavtlge of Kike. Is on bis way
to Portland according to Ernest
Mohler. the Seal captain. Ewlng la a
member of the California Elks eom-
mlttre which will confer with the
Portland Elks relative to the plans for
entertaining the grand lodge In this
city next July.
e e e
Seven games are to be played be
tarrrn the SeaJ and the Beavers this
week, for there la a postponed gsme
from the first Tlslt of the Bay City
club here which will be played oS in
J: ! '
a double header next Sunday after
noon, the last day of the aeaaon In
Portland. While the Seals are out of
the running for the flag, they are a
hard team to beat Just the same, and
the Beavers will have to keep up their
great work of the last several weeks,
"Hunky" Shaw Ii once more on the
suspended list. This time he Is benched
by Danny Long for Indifferent playing.,
Shaw does not like the San-Franclaco
club and would be the happiest player
on the Coast If he could get away
from Long A Co. However, It Is doubt
ful If Shaw played any more Indif
ferently than the rest of the Seal ag
gregation, for that club shot the
chutes In the most alarming fashion
after being beaten In five out of alx
games In Portland tha last time It ap
peared here,
e e e
Clarence Brooks, drafted from the
Boise team of the Union Association,
reported to Dillon at Los Angeles yes
terday. Brooks Is a Fresno lnd and
former teammate of Walter Kuhn. He
Is a fair catoher. and Is krewn In Port
land, for he played here in 10 with
Fresno, and In 19 with Aberdeen
and other Northwestern League teams.
Twins Are Gridiron Stars.
Sept. 1. (Special.) Edwin and Elmer
leader, twin brother athletes from
Washington High School, Portland,
have turned out for football practice
under Coach Eak'ns. Edwin was cap
tain of the Washington High School
team two years ago and both boys
were on the all-star Interscholaatlo
Portland team In U10. The Leader
twins are big tackles and It Is not
unlikely that they will get on steady
with Doble.
la Leearoee al a CI an re.
Pacific Ce
1 Northwest era,
W. L. Pet.
Vronyer .. (1 .111
.M: Spokane ..H Tl .l7
Portland. T
Vernon ..10 "
Oakland. M 17 .I2 battle ...14 T .tit
Fan rraa II tl Portland. .11 Tl .111
aao'to . . It .413 Taoomn ...71 II .417
La A'flae 71104 .tit. Victoria ...41111 .111
National. ( American.
W. L. Pet.' W. L- Pet.
Kew York. 10 .ml Phils. .... tl .171
Chlraa-o ..
.t. ii.-iron ...aa aa .tri
.!: Clev'Ucd .71 It .s:
.6:t vaw York. .7t 71 .lit
ftaburg ..el
at. lnle .71 SI .lit toaton tl Tl .t7
ClnnnaU .If T .tJSt'hlcngo ...TO 71 .tT
P'klyn ...M 91
Boa. on ...IIU1
111 n nan ton .aw a a .a 1 1
1 i,t at l.ouia. ..41 101 .112
American A ai
iAtloow Weetea-a I ce roe.
I l'rt.l W. L Pct-
arapolle ..IS tl .ll Datw ...II II .f'O
Kan l lty.ll II .S7I St. Josaphri ta .170
C lumbua .14 Tt .en Pueblo II II .544
Ft. Haul. .71 II .47I.lneoln ...7$ 71 .(II
M'wa'kee .71 II "' lou Oty.7l Tt .til
Toledo ...Tt It .HI i'lmiSl ...71 T5 .Sol
lnd apolls 71 CI .tl Topeka ...It II .110
U, avLle lt It .III Das M'lnestT 101 .111
Teetardavr's Basalts.
Paelfls Coast League Portland 2.. San
Wmncleco 1; oaermmenlo a. Oakland 1; Ver
non 7. Los Angeles 4.
Northwestern Leasue Portland 10, Spo
kane t: Seattle I. Tacoma I: Vancouver 10.
Victoria 4-
American tieagne Waahlngton I. Cleve
land I: Phlldalphla 11. Detroit t: Chicago I,
New Tork ts Boa:oa-Ft. Louis gains post
ponerl on account of rain.
National League Chicago ll-l. Boston
1.7; Brooklyn t. Pittsburg 1; no ether games
American -AaaocUtlon Milwaukee T-l.
lualvlle 4-1: Kanaae City. I-1'. Colum
bus 4-1; T"do 4. Ft. Taul 1; Minneapolis
1. Indianapolis 1. called In seventh becauee
of ratn.
Weatern TeagQe St. Joseph i, Paeble t;
Omaha 2. Lincoln 1: Top-kn 11. Sioux City
I; Denver 2, Dee Molnea 0.
--w . -w
"-3. J.wraMHI.
;- Xm
, C - :
v ... -.- , ,:
' ' . . V : i-i '
I . j .
I ; - .ft- .. ' j
i '--. ' -
i : - r ' -
r : ''
- '
Spokane Collegian Pitcher
. Falls Before Roadsters'
Fierce Onslaught.
William' Men Take Advantage of
O'Loughlln's Unsteadiness to Bat
Out Victory In First Gam
of Final Series.
SPOKANE. TVaeh.. Sept. 18. (Spe
cial.) The Roadsters got off In the
lead and were never headed, winning
under wraps, 10 to . It was duo to the
erratic pitching of CTLoughlln. the
young college slabster. that the visitors
had such a snap.
Like the rhyme about the little girl,
"when O'Loughlln was good he was
very, very good: and when he waa bad,
he was horrid." He would have a
streak when the Roadsters fanned out
one after another, then would come a
lapse when Portland murdered every
ball that came over the plate.
With a one-run lead when the eighth
Inning began. Portland discovered that
O'Loughlln waa having one of hie gen
erous periods. Five smashing hits, a
fielding bobble- and a walk sent five
runs over the plate, and the game waa
gone beyond redemption, so far as Spo
kane was concerned.
Eastley, on the other hand, was sel
dom In trouble, except In the seventh
Inning, when the Portland pitcher and
his team weakened and three runs came
over the pan.
Williams and Pettlgrew did some
nifty hitting and baserunning In the
second inning for Portland. The score:
Portland I Bpokane
Mun-f.Sb 6 0 4 1 0 Netsel.2b 1 J 6 1 0 0 5 2 01
FtovM.rf 0 110 OjMalchT.rf S 2 8 1 0 4 a T 1 I Zlmm n.rf 1 0 0 0 0
Petfw.rf 4 2 2 0 0,r.rfht.8b 2 0 2 i 0
Men r.2b 8 2 0 I Nord 4 0 9 1 0
Moore.c. S 1 1 0 Klpp 3 1110 4 1 5 2 0 Sylei n.c. 4 1 J 0
Eaat'r.P 4 O 1 1 0'O'Loun.p 4 0 1 10
Totals 41 13 2T 12 2 Totals 1 I 17 II S
Portland 0 1 0 a 0 0 0 5 1 10
Spokane 0 0000081 0 4
Runs Harris. EtoTSll 2, Williams 2. Pet
tlgrew 2, Menaor 2. Moore, Natxel 2. Klppert
2 O'Loughlln. Two-baae hits Menaor.
Melcholr. Williams, Fpleaman. Three-base
hit Klppert. Facririce hit Klppert. Stolen
baaea titovalL Wllllama, PetttKrew. Moore,
Zimmerman. Struck out By ilsatley . by
O'LouKhlln S. Baaea on balls Off Eastley
6. Hit by pitcher Pettlgrew by O'Lough
lln. Paaaed ball Spleaman 1. Left on
baaea Portland 6. Spokane 9. Double play
Melcholr to Epitimao. Time, 1:&0.
Tiger Defense) Goes Cp In Air at
Critical Moment in Game. '
SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 2. The
visitors went to pieces In the eighth
Inning and Seattle won a 9-to-4 vic
tory over Tacoma. Until the fatal
round the game had been a see-saw
affair. Whaling's throwing to buea
waa the feature.
The score: .
Tacoma Seattle
inn. PO.A.B. AB.H.PO.A.E. 2 0 6 2 lT.eard.2b 3 0 8 4 0
Cole'n.Sb 8 10 1 4 18 0 0
-a k A 9 a nvinua'r.rf 4 18 0 0 6 3 10 OHues 8b. 2 18 2 0
Ouyn.rf.. 8 0 10 OWeed.rf. 4 8 0 0 0
Burni,2!. 1 0 0 8 4 18 0 0
Slebt.e... 8 0 9 1 I I I I 2 4 3 6 1 lWha'ng.o 8 12 4 0
Oordon,p a a v ueeaion.p e v v v v
Totals 29 24 11 8 Totals 82 10 2T 18 2
Seattle 1 0 100014 9
0 0000280 18
Rune Leard, Moran, Bues 2, Weed 2.
Kavmond 2. Whallnc. Morae. Coleman.
Lynch. Burns Flatter 2 Two-baae hit
Gordon. Home runs Bues. Coleman, bao
rlnce hla Whallna. Stolen bases Raymond
2. Struck out Hy Seeton 2. by Gordon 8.
Bases on bslls Off Beaton 9. oil Gordon 8.
Wild Pitches Gordon . Hit by pitched
ball Gordon. Slebt. by 6eaton. Passed ball
Slebt. Double plays Bues to Ort. Fisher
to Morse to Flaher. Left on baaea Seat
tle 8. Tacoma 6. TJmplre McCarthy.
Leaders Trounce Tailenders In
Tfard nilting Baltic.
VANCOUVER. B. C Sept. 28. Van
couver defeated Victoria In a free-hlt-tlnn;
game today by a score of 10 to .
Both Clark and Surphlls were hit hard,
but the local man waa etronp at criti
cal etages. Million's catch of Scharn
weber's short fly over second, after a
hard run, was tha only fielding feature
Score: Vancouver Victoria-
Ab.H-Pq.A-E ab.HPo.Ai:.
B'nett.Zb till 1'M' t 1 1 0 0
B' 2 13 1 I G'd'an.3b. 4 2 111
Prlak.rf.. 2 111 1 4 1111
Jamealb 4 1110 K'nedy.rf 4 4 14 1
S' Wb 4 1 3 0 0 M M 4 17 10
Catee.lf.. 8 1 2 9 0 Ur'nnn.aa. 4 2 14 0
Lewls.o.. 4 18 1 IGrlndle.0. 4 111
Clark.p.. 4 12 S-phlla.p.. 4111
Total. 71 l 17 1 l) Total. 7111110 I
Vanoosver 0 4 111 10
Victoria 011044444
Runa Bennett. Braahsar 2. Ftiak. James.
Swain f. rstes. Clark I. Million. Goodman
2. McMurdo. Clementaon. Brecnan. Stolen
baae Praahear. Sacrifice hite Prlak.
Schamweber. Two-baae hlta Brennsn. Mil
lion. Catea Clark. Goodman. Three-base
hit Goodman. Horns runt Swain. Bennett.
Baaea en balls Off Surphlls T. Struck out
Br Clark T. Double plays Lewie to
Scharnweber: Clark to Jamei to dehara
weber. wild pitch Clark. Hit by pitcher
Braahear. Catea, Time of fame 1 hour
41 minutes.
Prospects for Fine Season Cheer
Football Followers.
OREGOX CITT, Or, Sept. !. (Spe
cial.) Prospeota for one of the fastest
football elevens that ever represented
Oregon City on the gridiron were never
better than they are at present, say
Captain Roos and Manager White, of
the Oregon City football club, which
Is reorganizing for the coming season.
Nearly all of last year's players are on
hand, and there la some good, new ma
terial to draw from, so a good account
la expected when the eleven gets into
action against othsr 146-pound teams.
Practice has already commenced and
tha players are getting Into their old
time shape again. A number of new
plays are being experimented with and
it Is possible that a coach will be se
cured before the season Is very far
advanced. It la expected that the team
will line up somewhat after the fol
lowing manner: Montgomery, Center;
Smith and Barry, guards: C Freeman
and Harry Seller, tackles: Captain
Roos and Moore, ends! White, Quarter)
Two Outsiders Get Money In Racea
at Lake City Meet-
COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Sept. 2.
Lake City favorites fared badly today.
Oxer was the only first choice to land
In front. Three third choices and two
outsiders cornered the rest of the card,
with Hand Satchel proving the biggest
surprise. Results:
Flee and a half furlonaa, eeHlnr Hand
Satchel (Garganj. 15 to 1. won; Burnell
(Groaa). 10 to 1. seoond: Prank Ferris
iBuitonl. 6 to 1, third; time, l:fK2-6. Ed
mond Adama, Piaclde, Hand. Helen Haw
kins. Laura Clay. The Shrimp, Susan F..
Bucolic and Dell finished aa named-
Feoond. five and a half f urlonga, selling
Eddie Mott (Forsyth). 8 te 1. won: Zool
(Buxton), 8 to 1. aeoond; ' Barnadale (O.
(Roaa). 16 to L third; time 1:09 1-6. Caa
tem, Fernando. Charles Green, Burleigh, Jel
Ico. Mosaback. Lascar and Star Actor fin
ished as namd.
Fits and a half furlonaa sellings Passen
ger CKlrschbaum), 6 to 1. won; 6alneat
(Buxton), 10 to 1, second; Rusty Coat (Car
anaugh). 13 to 1, third; time 1:0. Tllllnar
hnat. Rio Pacoa. Belle of Iroquola. Novgorod,
Mlaa Sly and Pickaninny flnlahed as named.
Five and a half f urlonra puree Pawhueka
(Klrschbsum). 6 to 1. won; Enfield (Rid
dle), 8 to 2. seoond: Imprint (Foreyth), 2
to 1, third; time lr(7 8-6. Jack Patne,
Pride of Litmore, Irish Gentleman, Fm u,
Bit of Fortune and General Marchmont fin
ished aa named.
Five selling Oxer (Callahan), T
to 10. won; Earlene (C. Roaa). 10 to 1, sec
ond: Annie Wella (Klreohbaum). 6 to 1,
third; time 1:011-6. Marie Hyde, Quick
Trip. Zoe Touag and Galeae Gale finished
"sixth race, six furlongs, selling Chills
(McEwen). 6 to 1. won; Beda (Gargan). 7
to I. second; Tlppv (Honklna). 8 to 5, third:
time 1:14. Lomond and Stoneman also ran.
Six Commercial Flrma to Take Steps
for Organization.
Preliminary action In the formation
of the Commercial Football League
will be taken nert week at a meeting
of thoee Interested. The date selected
for the flrst conference la Thudsday,
October 6. Representatives from the
W. P. Fuller Company, Archer & Wig
gins, McLaughlin Club, Wabash
Club and the Portland Heights Club
are expected to attend.
These are the teams that probably
will make the six clubs of the league.
It is planned to have the season last
two months, starting early In October.
A handsome trophy will be donated
to the winning club.
If Connie Mack's Men Lost Every
Game From Xow on, Penyiant
Would Still Bo Held.
American League championship for
1911 was decided here today when
Philadelphia defeated Detroit. It was
the fourth time that a local team
piloted by Connie Mack has won the
pennant and the first time that Phila
delphia has won the title In succes
sive seasons.
By repeating thla year Philadelphia
earned the right to defend the world's
championship title which It won last
year In a series with the Chicago
National League club.
Philadelphia and Detroit have fought
It out for leading honors In the Amer
ican League this season. The locals
gained ground on Detroit on July 4.
The next day New Tork defeated Phil
adelphia and the latter dropped to seo
ond place.
Detroit kept In the front until Au
gust 4, when Mack's team for the seo
ond time Jumped lno first place. Since
then Philadelphia never has been
headed. Score:.
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Detroit ...S 10 lPhiladel ..11 15 2
Batteries Willett. Works and Stan
age; Coombs and Lapp.
Washington 8, Cleveland 2.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Washing
ton today batted Mitchell out of the
box in the third and easily defeated
Cleveland. Swindell, who relieved him,
pitched good ball for the rest of the
game. Soore:
R H El R H E
Wash 8 10 lCleveland .2 8 S
Batteries Groom and Henry; Mitch
ell. Swindell aad Adams, Easterly.
Chicago 5, Xew York 4.
CHICAGO. Sept. 16. After tying the
score in the eighth. New lorn lost, to
Chicairo In the ninth today. The. win
ning run was made on Lord's double
and Mclntyres single. oco;
R H El R H E
Chicago ...5 9 New Tork. 4 6
Batteries Bens, Scott and Sullivan;
Ford and Williams, Blair.
Chicago 10-5, Boston 2-7.
CHICAGO, Sept. 16. Chicago and
Boston today broke erven in a double
header. In the first game, Reulbach
held the visitors to five scattered hits,
while Brown and Burke were hit hard.
In the second game Donnelly allowed
the locale to hit safely only six times
First game:
Chicago .10 10 2; Boston ....1 S 2
Batteries Reulbach and Archer;
Burke, Brown, Weaver and Rarlden.
Second game:
R H E! R H E
Chicago ...6 ( SiBoston ....7 11 3
Batteries Slapnlcka, RIchter and
Graham: Donnelly and Kling. Umpires
Rlgler and Flnneran.
Brooklyn 5, PIttebnrg C
PITTSBURG. Sept. 26. Brooklyn to
day made Its last appearance of the
season in Pittsburg, winning by oppor
tune bitting. Score:
Pittsburg... I I llBrooklyn 6 T 2
Batteries Adams, Hendrlx and Simon;
Barger and Erwln. Umpires O'Day and
Answer to Query.
' D. W. Coate, White Salmon: Mis
Judging a ball Is an error of judgment
and Is not an error of commission. It
does not eount as an error In the box
score, being scored as a hit
Irish and Fitzgerald to Grapple.
"Kid" Irish, a Walla Walla mat
progldy. Is to meet Richard Fitzgerald,
of 1772 Fiske street, as a preliminary
to the next Baker theater wrestling
bill. The lads weigh 116 pounds.
on the joys of
r r ivf t? tn i? t
ASSUKLU i 1-1 1)
during the chilly, damp days, and you 11 make
early selections from our displays of medium
weight underwear in suit, woot,
lisle and mercerized at popular
Northwest Athletes Take in
Bellingham and Canadians.
Multnomah Club Men Elected Orri
cers of Pacific Northwest Ath
letic Association at Meeting
Held In Seattle.
The annual track and field champion
ship meet of the Pacific Northwest Ath
letic Association will be held on
Multnomah Field this year, the date
having been awarded to the local club
at the annual meeting of the associa
tion at Seattle Monday. Two other
events were given the Portland or
ganization. They are the Indoor swim
ming and the boxing and wrestling
W. P. Ogllble, of the Vancouver
Athletic Club, VancoiTver, B. C. was
elected president of the association to'
succeed F. J. Carver, of Seattle. Edgar
Frank, of the Multnomah Club, was
the choice for vice-president, succed
ins H. H. Fenemore, of the Vancouver,
B. C. Club. T. Morris Dunne, of the
Multnomah Club, was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Dunne was also named chairman of
the registration committee. The other
members of the board are A. H. Camp
bell. Spokane Athletic Club, and A. S.
Goldsmith. , of the Seattle Athletic
A resolution was adopted asking
that Portland be designated as tne
place for Pacific Coast tryout for the
Olympio games. This will have to be
referred to the Amateur Athletic
Union for sanction. It la asserted that
this city ts the logical choice If there
is to be a central point selected for the
Two new clubs were taken into the
association. The new members are the
Bellingham Bay Athletlo Club and the
104th Regiment Athletic Association, ot
Westminster, B. C.
Following Is the schedule of the in
terclub boxing and wrestling bouts:
Vancouver, B. G, and Seattle, at
Vancouver, October 30; Seattle and
Multnomah, at Seattle, November 17;
Spokane and Vancouver, B. C, at Spo
kane, November 17; Spokane and Se
attle, at Spokane, December 2S; Spo
kane and Multnomah, at Spokane, Jan
uary 1; Seattle and Vancouver, at Se
attle, January 19; Multnomah and Se
attle, at Portland, February 23; Van
couver and Spokane, at Vancouver,
February 24; Seattle and Spokane, at
Seattle, March 15; Multnomah, and Spo
kane, at Portland, April 12.
The boxing turd wrestling champion
ships of the association will be. held
here some time In May. The field and
track meet will take place In June.
Union Association Pays, but Butte
Club Loses Heavily. .
BUTTE, Mont., Sept. 26 (Special.)
According to figures given out here to
day, the Union Association took In
more than $90,000 In the season Just
closed, a showing that It Is asserted is
better than that of the Northwestern
League In 110.
The league had a hard struggle, but
went through Its first year gamely and
successfully. John J. McCloskey, man
ager of the Butte team, says he will
stick with Butte next season and that
he has confidence in the city for an
other year. McCloskey says that there
will be elht teams In the league next
season, with Ogden a certainty and
another Idaho town probable.
Salt Lake took In 128.000 during the
season and Butte the lowest, about
$8 000. Nearly every city In the league
made money except Butte, Bad weather
here right at the opening, continuing
through most of the home games, to
gether with a schedule that conflicted
with the races, are given as reasons
for the poor showing made by Butte
University's Football Prospects Are
Bright Eight Players Back.
Grove. Or., Sept. 26. (Special.) Com
mencing today the football season
was opened by the football men here
In earnest. Some of the men have
been on the gridiron for two or three
days, but on account of the late ar
rival of some of the men, regular prac
tice hassbeen delayed. Prospects are
brighter for a successful season at Pa
cific than for several years past.
Eight of last year's team reported
for training tonight They are Ray
mond Bryant, center; Captain Sumner
Bryant, half back; Donaldson, tackle;
Leonard, guard: H. Smith, tackle;
Ward, half back; Ferrin and Abraham,
ends. Added to this nucleus are a
number of new men who come with
weight and experience. Ben Mayfield,
the star tackle, who has returned to
Pacifio University after a year's ab
sence at Chehalla, Wash, where ha
played last year, will be a strong ad
dition to the squad.
The new men who are trying out
are Avison, Benjamin, Boone, Taylor,
Smith, Wegman and Witting, besides
the seoond team men of last year.
Taylor, who registers from Kentucky,
received a serious injury In practice
that will keep him out of the game
for several weeks. The ligaments of
the muscles of his arm were torn In
falling on the ball. He played on the
University of Kentucky team aa half
Witting shows marked ability aa a
back, having former experience In this
position with Chehalls High School of
Washington. Boone also comes with
training on the Kansas College team.
The team will be at least ten pounds
heavier this year, and under the
coaching of Professor Harrington
should develop Into a winning team.
The first game of the season will be
played against Portland Academy here
September 30. Arrangements are made
that will Include Willamette Univer
sity, Chemawa Indians, Oregon Agri
cultural College and the University of
Oregon on Paclflo's schedule.
Wright and McLoughlla Likely Only
Members of American Team.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26. Maurice
E. McLoughlln. of this city, and Beals
C. Wright, who In the event of the fail
ure of National Champion William A.
Lamed to go, will oompose the Ameri
can team in the International tennis
matches for the Davis challenge cup in
Australia, will sail from Vancouver
November 1, under direction of Presi
dent Dwight, of the United States Lawn
Tennis Association. It had been planned
that the team should sail October 4, but
with- the withdrawal of Lamed, Mr.
Dwlght has advised McLoughlln that
the original date of the contest, Decem
ber SO, would not be changed. Lamed
had objected to that date, as he did not
desire to remain in training beyond
I the early part of December.
McLoughlln said last night that ne
did not understand Lamed to have defi
nitely withdrawn. A message from the
champion, McLoughlln said, states that
he would try to make the trip, but was
doubtful of his success.
Junction City 6, Harrlsbnrg 5.
JUNCTION CITT, Or, Sept. 26. (Spe
cial.) Junction City defeated Harris
burg here Sunday 6 to 5 In a fast
game that went 11 Innings. Batteries
Junction City, B. Joebran, Perman;
Harrisburg, McKollop, Alford.
8howmg- an utter contempt for the brand-
Inew lOOKUP OI BirailU"lp II .1.. uv
-eacaped from It while the judge was wait-
'Just a Whisper Off of Washington"
If quality enters mate
rially into your calcula
tions in your search for
you will be interested in
this store. "We claim to be
a quality store, essentially
so, selling exclusively the
For Men and Young Men
At $20, $25
and $30
Show one of our gar
ments to any judge. If we
don't save you $5.00