Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 27, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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    wear" Guessing Contest See Our Ad of September the 17th
on October Accounts, Payable Nov. 1st Take Advantage
Meier &
IraBkV-He .Fashion Center of. the . Northwest
Opening Sale of Underwear
T. . - rr aa nnnr.R BT MAIL.
MCrtU m FEAain rimr r v
UR immense stocks of new Fall and w inter ivrui unaerwear mauuBevcij "ftt'r
v style and weight! e are exclusive roruauu Bgciiwiuiuu,
Sterling and Swan Underwear ior women uu cmc",
principal agents lor ivayser ana otcer weu-snowu m&cs.
This big Fall Opening Sale, which begin at 8 this morning,
brings many extraordinary Underwear Savings. Read every
item profit by them I
65c and 75cUnderwear 47c
A social lot of women's medium-weight Union Suits in regular and out
sue. High neck and long or snort sleeves; anaie or m kk
men's fine ribbed, medium-weignt v esra ana x auis iuu
Ion sleeves, anils length; regular sixes only. Best 65J and 75o
underwear, special today for the Fall Opening Sale at, garment
Women's 25c and S5o Verts
Light weight ribbed cotton in
high ceck, long sleeves; whits
only in regular and out- 1Q.
size. Today only at WW
Women's 60c Underwear
Splendid special purchase of
fins ribbed Vects with high
reck and long or short 3Afm
Women's SI and $1.25 Union
Suits Fine Richieliea ribbed
with high or low neck and
ankle lenfrth. Splendid 0 7r
Fall and Winter weight
Women's $1.25 and $1.50
Union Salts Famous Oneita
knit, seamless and perfect fit
ting. Winter stvle and QO.
171 ii , I
V il. I
Women'a SI Union Salts-
Fine ribbed, medium weight, in
white only. High or low neek,
knee or snkle length. All Clc
winilnr sizes, todav. snit vwv
fihildren'a Winter Underwear
High neck, long-sleeved vests,
snkle lenrth and drop seat
pants; out sizes, 30 to 34; 40o 1
,de ZUC; reg. sires,
to 23, 35o grade at '
Men's $1.00 Shirts and Drawers 69c
A mill purchase of Men's new medium and heavy weight Shirts and
Drawers. "Warm corduroy ribbed, with snake nee r Q
Shirts; pink, blue or ecru. Regular $1 garments, in all sizes. Q f
on sale today for the Fall Opening Sale at the low price of
Opening Sale Wright's Health UnderwY
Men's $1 Wright Health Shirts and Drawers, warmly fleece- "-Q
lined, in all sizes. Fall Opening Sale, the garment, for only 7C
AT $1.69 Men's Wl.10 npni neaiia
Shirt a and Drawers of fine quality
ribbed worsted. All sizes.
AT $1-9 8 Men's $2.50 Wright Health
Union Suits of natural wool, splen
didly finished and form fitting.
AT Sil9 Men's $3 .Wright Health
Union Suits of natural ribbed wors
ted; medium weight. All sizes.
AT 89e Men's $1 Wright Health
Shirts and Drawers in Balbriggaa or
derby ribbed. AH sires.
AT 89o Men's $1 Wright Health
Shirts and Drawers of gray ribbed
merino. All sizes.
AT $1.35 Men's $1.50 Wright Health
Shirts and Drawers of fine ribbed
natural wooL All sizes.
Echoes From
Notion Sale
PORTLAND women will
remember for days to
come the phenomenal sale of No
tions or Dressmakers' Supplies.
Here are some of the best offers
in Notions:
Hair Nets, large size, 8 for only ZSc
25c Skirt Markers, now only 10?
Four Rolls Cotton Tape, at only 5
10c Serva Collar Stays, at only 5
5c Washington Pins, the paper, at 2
20c Supporters for Children, pr. 10
15c Ling. Tape, all colors, bolt lOt
20c Bone Hair Pins, card of 12 at 8
Hair Dresser's Pins. 16 pkgs. 10
Our Own Spool Silk, at spool 4'
HMtl Thrvad. SOW-y. I, an. !
3A. raat Hat Faamrra, raB at lit
I, ai afrtr l-laa aala at, car 4. a
aa M.i4la( Ttaaaa aprrlal at aaly Sa
aralr-a Pa-hrfa tmr falla Stara. m-
.! at a.
The New $ 1 5 Victrola
It Is a Wonderl
COME up to our
new Talking Ma
chine Department on the
fifth floor today and hear
this new hornless Victrola
the latest and most
wonderful Talking Ma
chine achievement in
With as perfect fidelity as the higher-priced models, this
new $15 Victrola reproduces any Victor or Columbia record.
It Is exactly as shown in illustration at the right, equipped
with all the latest Victor improvements, including exhibi
tion sound box, tapering arm, "goose-neck," ten-inch turn
table and concealed sound amplifying fl 1 C
features. Don't judge this new Vic- ,T) J J mJJ
trola until you hear it played. Price
We sell all Victor and Columbia Machines
and Records on the Club Plan No interest.
Our Formal Opening Continues
EXCLAMATIONS of wonder and delight were heard in every section
of the store these first two days of our Formal Fall Opening. The
Garment and Millinery Salons were thronged with admirers and purchas
ers of the Paris and New York models displayed so lavishly.
The windows are a bower of loveliness, though they can give but a bare
conception of the marvelous creations here for your selection. "We welcome
you this Last opening day.
Charm and Grace of Line in the Gown
as pictured hero. One of the favored Parisian models introducing the new Empire Peplum waist line.
Perfectly fashioned of soft, clinging, lustrous mess aline, but practical withal, in rich, navy blue. Nar
row shirred bands down the front fastening, on sleeves and finishing the bottom of the skirt.
Silver gray buttons and yoke, of fine venise all-over, complete the ehio and charm of this lovely little
afternoon gown. And the prios Is only $30.00. Other models very similar.
Coats, Street and Evening
No matter what fashion feature you desire in your
new Fall Coat or Evening Wrap, you'll find it here
in our magnificent assortment of styles. Practical
materials in Scotch tweeds, mixtures, imported
woolens and worsteds, as well as the handsome
broadcloths, velvets, regal suedes, etc Priced
from $10.00 to $175.00.
Matchless Show'g of Suits
An onequaled line at $25.00 that 'are attractive
for their perfect, severe tailoring. Then the dressier
models there's such clever charm in every one of
them from the shoulder of the jaunty jacket to the
hem of the narrow French skirt. Large revers, col
lars and buttons are strongly apparent. Every new
Fall material and shade. Priced from $15 to $85.
Gowns, Day and Evening
Every style the feminine heart could wish for.
Practical street and afternoon frocks of silks and
woolens exquisite evening gowns discernibly fash
ioned from abroad. Decollete and high-neck models
in rich, filmy silks, chiffons, cloths of gold, beaded
nets and other clinging fabrics. Rare beauty to
delight the most fastidious. Priced $12.50 to $300.
Garments for the Miss
that are especially adapted in cut and style to the
requirements of th.e girl in her teens. Though many
of them show the fashion features as seen in wom
en's garments. Attractive one-piece Dresses, two
and three-piece Suits and clever Coats in the most
practical and attractive styles. Plenty of dressier
models as well in silks, velvets, corduroy, etc. Prices
$5 to $45.
Exquisite Creations in Fall Millinery
A veritable bower of loveliness the Millinery Parlors on the second floor, where the crea
tions of inspired New York and French makers vie with one another for admiration and choice
of our fair patrons.
Chic, charm, wondrous beauty in every one of them. Models from Paris-famed modistes Tal
bot Louise, Marbot, Germaine, Georgette and others, as well as the beautiful, fetching creations
of Ldchenstein, Francois, Kurzman, Gage, Fisk, Burgesser, etc American Hats, $5 to $50.
Parisian Hats, $35 to $200.
y Hyyi wretch
Flan'els Today 19c
1 O-LaVA vt a
nM a rrv mWT FLOOH.
SNUG, warm and "comfortable are
bathrobes and kimonos made
from these pretty, new Flannels. The
most attractive designs and light and
a,v nlnr combinations. "With and with
out borders; 27 inches wide.
Choose 25c Flannels today
mAnv.aavniir nrice
Duckling Fleeced Flannels so widely
advertised in all the leading magazines.
For kimonos and dressing gowns, j f
100 different patterns. Price, yd. AaJl
Eden Cloth for waists, men's Bhirts,
pajamas, gowns, etc. It's adver- "I C
tised extensively. 27 inches wide 1
Scotch Flannels all new designs for
waists, men's shirts, dresses, etc. Plaids,
checks, stripes and figures in all Jfi
colors. 30 ins. wide. Price, yd. JC
Stirring Enid-of-Montfe Furniture Sale
IT "WILL pay everv householder to come up and let us show you through the mammoth stock of new Fall and Winter
1 q?ptii in f ood Furniture which fills the big fourth floor in both our new and main buildings.
Tf andThursday, Ask any furniture salesman about our easy club plan of payment. All
credit purchases today and the rest of. tha month go on October Accounts, payaDie novemDer i.
$16 Extension
Dining Table
Now at $11.98
This handsome design ia
solid oak Dmicn Tables, ex
actly as illustrated above. An
artistic, majwive design with 6
foot extension and claw feet.
Finished in golden oak or early
Kng'.ish. Krcular $18 Tables
for Wednesday C11 QC
or Thursday at P A -''-
Hastings Kitchen Cabinets
At Mfier 4 Frank's only, in
Portland. They have 32 dis
tinct features. Prices $35, $40
and J I") on the Cub Plan, $5
down and $1 a week.
This $1.50
Dining Chair
exactly as illus
trated above.
Built of strong
Eastern maple
with cane or cob
bler seat. Rfgu
larlv $1.50 for 2
days' sale QO.
at only70-
This $6.25 OaR
RocKer, $3.98
The iHus t r a t i o n
above can hardly do
justice to this hand
some, massive solid oak
Rocker. Beautiful de
sign, with high com
fortable back and well
braced throughout. Fin
ished in golden oak.
Regular $6.25 Rockers,
for Wednesday and
Thursday, on sale at
the very CO QO
low price, PJi'0
This $20 Oak
Library Table
at Only $10.98
Almost half price I We
took every Library Table of
this style the maker had. Ex
actly as . illustrated above,
with 26x44-inch top; splen
did cabinet work ; finished in
beautiful fumed oak.
Regular $20 Tables in every
way, for Wednesday and
Thursday at the sensational
price, for Q f QO
this sale, of I 1 U.JO
$7 Telephone
Stand and
Chair at $4.69
'We've 100 of
these splendid tele
phone Stands and
Chairs to match for
Wednesday and
Thursdays 's Sale.
Exactly as illustrat
ed above, in waxed
golden, early Eng
lish or fumed finish.
&S&$4.6 9
$4.25 Oak
Center Table
This pretty solid oak
Center Table, exactly as
pictured above. Well made
with 24i24-inch top; fin
ished in golden or fumed
oak. Resmlax $4.25 Tables.
for Wednesday and Thurs
day, at the CO QC
very, low price i"W
Sale of Odd Pairs of Lacelf 1
Curtains at Exactly OSu!
'fMJLLY 400 Dairs of Lace Cur-
" tains in new Fall designs that
have sold down to a pair or so of a pat
tern 1
There are Battenbergs, Clunys, Marie
Antoinettes, Scrims, Soutache Braids, Ca
ble Nets and Nottinghams in white and
ecru, 2Ya to Zy2 yards long and 40 to 50
inches wide.
Curtains for any rooms in the home,
ranging from $2 to T?
$35. For Wednes- 2 PPICG
day and Thursday '
$3 Lace Curtains $2.19
Fall dfisins in artistia fancv braid Curtains.
White or ecru, full 2 yards long and 45 inches 0 1Q
wide. Best $3 curtains today and Thursday, pair, Da. A S7
' i
Sugar Again
100 Pounds for
In The Pure Food Grocery
IF YOU haven't or
dered your supply of
Sugar, do it today 1 We of
fer again the 100-lb. bags of
best Pure Cane T f QQ
Sugar at only DO.sO
Elberta Peaches, box only 73
25c Sunlit Preserves only 19
20c Jars Sliced Bacon only 16
15c Imported Vermicelli 12
S5o Boat Bace Sardines 29
20c Pillsbr'y's Best Cereal 16
25c Huntley & Palmer Crack
ers and Cakes, package at 21
Genuine Eastern Hams 17
Little Picnic Hams, bp'1 llVk
Great Opening Display and
Sale of Potter's Linoleum
FOR years we have handled Potter's Linoleum
almost exclusively, because we know they're the
best and are always certain to give absolute satisfac
tion! Potter's Linoleums are equally as popular from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Once you lay Potter's Lino
leum, you are sure of a bright, clean and sanitary floor.
This Linoleum is elastic and durables-impervious to
water, dust and moisture. It lies flat and smooth
does not dent or gouge no cracks to harbor dirt.
We carry PoUer's Linoleum in designs suitable for
every purpose f or stores, offices and business places
of all kinds.
And Special Savings Today
70c Potter's Printed Lino
leumfresh, new, full pieces
in imitation tile, parquetry
.nd Tnanv other neat de
signs. Opening
Sale price, per
square yard only
ir neat ae-
85c Potter's Printed Lino
leumextra heavy weight,
in all new designs, such as
imitation tiles, parquetry
and wood ef
fects. Priced at,
square yard only
$1.60 Potter's Inlaid Lino
leum heavy weight, that'll
give years of service. Fresh,
new pieces in all the latest
dsigns. To
day, only
thesq. yd.
i in aii mo iai.t:bi
Closing Out of
Office FurnitYe
15 to 30 OFF
7 Kl
y a
in w
l V A
Room-Lengths $1.6.0 ChC
and $1.80 Linoleum
We have a good selection of patterns in Potter's fine Inlaid
Linoleums in lengths to cover kitchen or bathroom. Kegular $L60
and $L80 grades, to close out, sq. yd. 97c.
Room-lengths of Potter's 70c to 85c Linoleum, square yard, 43
Room-lengths of Potter's 40c heavy.Hoor Oilcloth, sq. yard, 29
Linoleum Remnants, for stove mats or closets; average size 36x36
inches, at each, 25 to 50.