PARBUCKLE TOO HIGH Unable to Maintain Fictitious Sugar Price. DOWN TO THE TRUST LIST R-du-tlona In ' York He So r.ffrrt on Cot Valoe Thla Market la Baaexl on tha AiMTtctn't Qnntaton." Case fa BeH tila sugar prlra at a fle tineaa level. Artaatu yasierr macs a ot of T eeBta a boadd ha bu qoatatloaa. Muni hn bat trkw do a a lATi. New Tat. Thla ta the highest loe tha Aavsr teas hiar Refralra CMIPMT. tha ao-led soger trust, bu aeea aootlaa- At tba same Una that Arbaekla e pped. tha Federal Pacar Heflalna Campaar. whlea was BO Mat aba-re tha American, cajaa da a to tha lattsr-e flgara, Tbeee changea pat tha raatawa naera arala aa eqaal termav Tba reereetieava by ik1 Bad tha Fed eral .ad se .free ea tha Factna Coast sugar Baai-Bet. aa artnaa bara wata based mm tha aaata Uoei c4 tha Amarteaa aompaar. vatcA u tba e set vaetauea ta tha Eaat. Had tha Caast markat folia ad Arfcaekla ta hla a-eward flight, soger said bava baea Mf aara at taatead a IT.M a oadrad. Taeterdar-) develop meata aha ed that Arfenekla. wha kaa beast tea biggest kali In tha sugar market, waa aaabla ta mala tara kla aaraaaeaabla arleaa. It la tru a tha American bad aa sugar for Immediate deltvary at tta aootattoe. bat thla did sot area Artrocble tha at-partaatty ka tbenaht ka k4 ta aqaeesa aeaanmara ta tha limit. utRT.B tAlM OT WAaiOXOTOSf KOM at M Csaeta. Tba Jeha BoehaaBBa enp a fa bales af beca at Coraellae waa aold yeeterdav ta tka j 1Tm MTr Hop Campaar at aaata Mtvil atbar , tavelvlBa atnaUar eaaaa tltlee. wara raaaeted aloeea. Tha areeeBt daataad appears ta ka shaefty for yallow kopa. California erica reparted M Bad M eaau eft.rad. tow loim la Tork Btata aala waa mada yaa terrter at 13 eenta. Fifty aaata waa freely errered thara for eheloe aad 4J aaata for low aradaa. rally aaa-half tha Maw Tor rrap la aaw aat of farmar kaada. aad eea !l.rmbl a.aaatluaa haa kaaa ahtppad ta CnBar A Lao-tna MaU raport aald af tha En'.lh r"p: 1 tha aonthara aaaattaa tha crop rm. dowa harlar lhaa axpaetad. bat la trwMitf and Haraford. wbara thara la aaa tairfh af tha total aeraac. tho ytald will a-.uch ahortar. Tharafora Ia.0O eat la hout tha ticuro tha affletal ratorna will n..w. :.rTTcr la b-jyln ataadUy af raa Caillab kopa.- A r:iaa lattar placaa tka rrap a that cauatry at o. awt. aad aara: 'Taraara ara atitlraly aold out aad twa-thlrda ta thraa-toartha af tka crop kaa airaadr paaaod ihraiaah aaaond haada. Pncra raaa fram ZX1 ta 2J0 franca- rXOt-B T VPE 19 OF LARGE TOLtMat r I part aa Aft or Tarm af Taar Will ka Ibafk Wkaat waa firm yaataraay. kat lha da mmm4 waa ahtaRy for daforrad dallrory. aw laa- ta tha aaaaaotloa af wboat at Caaat tormtaal potata Itcaa wora a,aatad aa- ahaaard. Cata and barloy wora ataa firm with kaldara af tha formar aakloa fall prleaa. Tka r.ovr axarkat eoatlaaaa ta ahaw aood doaraa af ar-tlrlty. patoata ara ola tat -a Joaoora aad raai:ora handa la atoady maaao. aa prtaoa arp aat llkalr ta aa towor tkia aaaaoa thaa at praaaat. la faet. with wkaat flrarn, tha tandoaey af ftoar prleaa la apaard. Kipon ardara ara a laa camlas alaas. hat aaly ahlpmaota aftrr tha laat af tha yaar ara aalna caaddarad. It la ba llovod that tha axpart floar baataoaa ta tha aarly moatha af I'll wiu aqual that af tha lata aaaatha af tha rurraat yaar. Lcal racaipta. la cara, wara rapartad by tha htarchaata Kacbaaaa aa foUowa: mi Uirlwr rioar Oata liar Mo1t I 1 Jl, IT J 1 I 1' Tr aa 4 a a t a !U.oa ta data tiT.I 1 to M 1 T Ijtl 111 Ul yil 16 ArrLKS rove it nox takima. p.4 Ckwaka aad Joaatliaaa Offorad a at ta li U par Bax. Aasat yoarhardar'a frutt. racaipta waa a ear af Rod rkook Pippin aad Joaathaa aa pa from Taklraa. Thay aftmd at tX 12 39 and $2 por bo. aorordlDK to crada. A car af Va:ua arapoa waa rooatirod aad aold wall at ll.10ifl.1S par crata. Tekara wora atoady at SOVS-V) a rrala aad II In ttia. Poachoa Board falrty well. Paara wara flrmar with brat atov-k brlntr. 1 1.2 A. Ood Oraoa caataloapaa wora qaotod at 1 nil M par crata. raallry Markat la Weak. Tha pouttrr markat waa rory wrak yaa trrday. Rorolpta wara aot hoary but bay ara wora slow ta taka bold, having atockad ap haanly laat work. Hraa aad Oprlnca aold la a araall way at 1 coata aad wora artorod at 14 crata aa a clraa ap prlco. Tha act markat waa atrvee at 1 1 caata. But tar and chacaa wara aachan'rd. Baak rWaurlnaa. Bank cloarlnra af tho Northwaatara eltloa yootorday wora aa fo.ioara: t Prt:a-id att o . Tucoma (Pdkaca .. II vX4 l aJ. 1 l.Kl.a T.'l 1:.1T T'.w i.t ; l.n aT Tnl 2.aU roiTum M tkitw. Crala. rVaarr. road. Etc. TTHTAT Hipirt bam; H:artorn, 5 c.u r-1 vc. Pal lor 81 .: a.t.fjla. 3 'i 3c. flfo. M:e. n.ol K Par.nt. 14 o por barrel; tralriia. 14 i. rtivrta. U 0; !:y. 94.50; rtthiin. 14 V an. a 1-4 a.v V iI.l..Tl B-an. J4 5n g ;s pr ton; w' Mi.n4T. I-4-'. 'ria. tJ.5uw, rollod ban... UJWjM'i ct'RV vno:. r.".: too por ton, BARLEY -Now Ood. I41(f S3 par taa; braaira. I-1T por tto, OAT.-Na whlsa. IIP por ton. hax no. l. o. ttmpthr. tit a it 3": Va. 1 Vailor. lpllJO, a falfa. I1XW; cloror. IK. rrula bar. l.ofloCJ. taairy aad Cawatry 11 oalaa a. rOTM.Trtr H-na. 14 lie: fprlaaa. 14 Jj -aa. foun. Ug aa. lie; tur- a-a. 1' lc MTTK.H tyrn.ta rroamary butt or. aolld pa.-. lie prtnic. rtlra. a: rraah Ortcoa rancX eandlad. t3a '"fflVf! Tw'ra. trlplota aad dalalaa 13 13.- aor pound; Tcn A-Baficaa, laHo. l-OKlt Taney. 11 t 11 ' por pound. VtAL ranty. Milll'te por pouad. Taaaaaolos aavd FraHa. WROPtCAl. FRtTTa Oraaasa. (AW 4) rrorbloa. HAM lO o 12 ponnda. irapiar: 12 t. ; poanda lSSU!""- ' IS pouada law '.a -c- 1 to 14 poua'a. tad 14i,a; aainnoo. lr.-- en:--a, IIS'; cottaca roll. lSjO. ftll'Ktl) ili:ATS hrt tenmoa. Te; tT!oil aoof arta noaa; auttuda. Bono; Inaldra. Ulc; knucaloa. 21a UARL Kaf'a ronlard. tlorooa. H,e: rasa. lo; atAalard. tiorcoa. 14io; tuba. 12 aSortonin. ttorroa. r. tufva. . HATON' lanrv. Z'f. rtaadani. lit; cbrlo.. i.-e: lsi:V 1")1V-. T'RT SAI T i"l NfP-E'i'ii" h-t e'a-a. M-y aa!t lSr: ami.aad. liSc oarha. TfM alt, 1.1.-; m.-'-1. 14S-; barks. hray aat. s-n-'S'J. 14SiC eipwta, SAIL. vaaot araaard J i a a tta por aoi; v aiuwaia ' Sa Sanaa Idlst por pound; plnoapplaa, ao . - t : .f tkoa. rHa.-H PKLITs 1 sr. La.aat.4 . x 0 t.0 por crala: psch f a ac pr boa: waior m.lons. ;j olll por l.toral; pmmato tfco por cm... pronoa. 1 , lc par poo J . poars. !f 1 U p-r boa; araia. K1-1 bar b.ta a ; . liaiV . Vrr.T BI.E.4 Artl-hok. " por aooaaa. baa BwlOe. rabaacoo ll.Ml druao:r.t ; rorn. xafa" r - ritr.b-ra. dlOtaS P-r aa k: raf-P-aat. vr?L ."X1J:U?'?A: laIIICf, f 1 -"-C y- aa.-- . pap-r TTVXAl- J . ap'w.'. . , T , A -bat pack Tr)tTiPl.rn-"A !- par aara: turn!pa. I'.. boaxa. . . POTAToK. tTjn. ISt Par aawaa. Sw.I axaloaa 2SC POT pound. O.viuxo Calit.iraia. tl-SO Pr hondraa. ptapla Crarortra. . PAl-jaox rolombia Rtvor. 1-paand talla IX Si par doaca. 3-pouad ta.ia i aa. 1 pound ftata. X0. AUaaA tint, 1-pooBd xTr'taV Roaatad. ta drama. 240a par TtT-Oaalra. par aaaa; atralaad konT. Ifto por pound. . . a aI.T nran-ilatad. I1 por ton: "all around l.a. .4a par ton: KS. P' ?r NITS Wa:nui. I'll Pr Pn1. Pr.all ion WslV: ftlbarta. 1-: almonjt, I'AIW. po-ana. !; rooatufa. "J d.a.o. rbostnuta. lisa P poond; hickory Du'i dtfloo por poun-L tA:-ax.;l tna. r: lata whlta. ac; Lima. tt; pink. oe; Jaaxjaaaa, a. R'-CNa. 1 Japan, 44: ehaapax rradoa. U .va AMI outn-rn haad. s a". portol Imperial, tke; Importrd aatra W". L "aATl-rvry pr.Ba-.r IT M: J,1T,()":1'? harry.; o.t. i " sJlT, ao.and. barra. CM; auboa, baxrala. aprtoota. MalbHo; poacaaa. prunaa. Ita.'.an. 1B-: al.rar. laa. Tea. whit, and black. S'S-: "'.."-! llo: raisins. looaa M uacataL a T j ,a. b;aachad Thompaoa. 11 S'i anaaaaahad ul lanaa. ie; aoodod. Ita Hopa. Waal aad Hldoa. BOfH-IIll crop. 82So: olda. pomtnal. WOOL Eaatorn Orraon. poasd. areordlna ta aarlnkaaa: Vallay. 15 9 rlVrsfc'. 1H: WvaDo aJ; ahoarinrs. 25 ff 0o oa-h. l!IIEr fallrd alio.. 1JO P'f. . ,1?2i aaliod raif. l.olTc; aaiird -lp. ' aUad dry aalt. !M!a: dry ataaa. 1JJH, dry a;f. iPn'.'Oe: dry staca. l-l5o-CAHCARA Par pound. c Olla. USSICD OIL Pnra raw. In barrola PTo: bot'.od. la barr.ia. : raw. la eaaaa. I1.0J, bol''l. In raaaa II OA. . TLRPENTINE Caooa. To: wood karrala. n Her iron barr.ia. aMc: in raaa l"tm. 70o. OASOI ISE-ko'ir aa.illna. Iron barra'a. IT.; caaaa 4o; latoUaa Iron barrala, UC0rirOlTd1nArr t eaa .loo: bulk, la tanks. s oais aImIFlified MOST OF SF1TTTE PEHJ-MIS ARE SOT PROVIDED FOR. Tears Aro lllchor on a U(htr Sup ply All Craprw Except Con cord Sell Well. SEATTLE. Wash, Bpl- ta. tSpaolaL) Tha prlca of No. 1 eata waa Uft.d aaothar la caata par ton today, anahlna tha naw oootatlon I :.. At thla prlca tha markat waa atlll atraac. and fow aala wara effarad at any polae. Tha fail ara af raolpraolty ta carry found moat doalara ahart. partlaularly aa aata for aaa latar ta tha Win tar. tm txisdiata roaulrara.nta ara 1?';. '"Il 'Vrhaat waa dull auil aaahaaard. arm ara aro oullo froa Tha supply of paara haa dorraaard to auck a point that ..tarn aaanna eommla loa morcbaata ara bow ,M. la ebtaln iraa for tho boat Harliolla aad II for flamlah arVpaa wara la mora aetlra demand at aa his a aa II for Tokaya aad ILII for Xalaaraa. Cailfernia awsot potatoaa wora offorad aa sow aa lit eoata. Tha supply ot Concord ara pas waa hoary. Attsrnpta of daa ora o et prtcaa hara aa tar boaa iBoMactKa. . K.c. pts of poultry wara hoary. TSa arrtvaia af nana aroro ta oacoaa af lha la Bland. Ecra no.1 alowly at coatA Tna pTtoa of froah Eastara ocas waa adrancod trt so aaata Aprlla rrmalnod unchanaoa. Battar and chooaa wara ataady at yaatar day s pnoaa. g a.X raVArtrO FROTaCCE mareet a " rrVrow tawatow at tha Hay Oty far Traa tablra, t'ralta. Pxr. X FRAN'-I.-lt-O. 2 Tha follow Ina produra prlc war. currant Hare today: VettlaMas- Cuet:mr..ra, 407o;; aff c. totnatoas. l&Ji: ae plant. a-loX Ituttor Fancy craamory. ;Sc ,,a dtora. c; fancy rar.oh. 4o. Cn.asa Vouc Amsricaa. lJtl-o. a-ruu ApplsA cr.o ca. $1 IS; common. BOc: M.i'raa l in.a. lailfornla lamona rhoico comuion. plnoappaa II retatoae "altnaa BarbAnka. ll aOOl.Ti; "lituf'tii-i'r S0: mlddllnta. 12 f?ay rlSESO; whaat and aala. 1 6 IT. alfa:fa. f i 12. Onions 80 Q si. Kelp's Hour. 2f H'r "'h' whaal. 270 esclais; larl.-. centals; oata. lvn eanlai. yotaloaa. CVWS aarka: hran. IW aaks. uildu ilaca, 90 sacka; ba. 23 lona. 110 AMERICAN BUYERS LONDON WOOIj SALES OPEX w iTn Dr.cxr?"Ks. Trlcea ot Some Grades Aro 7 1-S Per Cent Loner Than the I .Aat Series. LOXDOK. SopL 2a. Tha wool aictlon aalaa oponad today with a larca attandanca of buyora. Tha ofrortnaa mat with a ataa.'y dsmand from tha huina trada and tha Continent. Thsra waa Inquiry from A mar Iran ronrrsantatUaa. A modarata sup ply of mannos aold at par to a pr cant uador tla last sarlsa. and Capa of CVood Hopa and Natal realised per cent lower, and orosa-brads ta 7 Pr cent. To day'a off.rlnaa number $T0 balea. LIGHT DE-UAXD IX BOSTON MARKET rrlcaw Hold Talrly btrady hOUa Hoy Mad rratair. BOSTON. Bapt- 24. Tha dsmand for all rrmjaa la the wool market contlnaad llrht altrt prlcea holdlua fairly ateady. Woolen mine are buylna while a aood medium demand la repaned for low aradee. Some aood transactions ara reported la ter ritory fine staple half-breed. Pulled wool la la Terr Hchl dam and. T.xas ru-.e, to t moatha (If lit: fine, 12 mcnthe. slte: fine Fall. 4 aj o. California Northern. llSle; middle county. 44u47c: Southern. 454o; rail froa. 4bcl4:c: Vail dafoctlva. It 8 2 Jo. (.irraon taatera. So. 1 stspla. IIU'c; Easfrn clolhlra. 0r; rallry. No. 1. 4tr4 47a. Tsmtory Kine staple. c: fltia medium staple. lc; fine elothina. alOSJc; fine me dium e:Mhlna. 4lc: half-blood comb ine It7: thro-e!htha blood eombtna. ftsalAr' q'tarter-biood comblna. 4aaa0c Putlad Kstra A. He: fine. ie: a eupera. It I ilc. Dried rrait at Sew Tera. NKW TORK. FrrT. 7f- Kaporatd aprlea Vlrm and larg-iy nominal. On the apot. fancy are ouotad at HS"Sa. choice, 10ae a.l prlmaa. IS liar- Prunae Inactive, arm. tjuotatlone raaa-a frora vle for Caiifornlaa np to ho-eOa, and nominal for Orooa. Paachee I'achatuced. Ptntanl ta email, nln to ports of aa!er maraets an the roast. Choua. 11 11 St. etra rbotca. 1 i;r; fanry. 12 Sc. t hi a so Prod aro MsrmM. i-nii-AOO. apt. 2a. iw Firm: cr-arn-rwa. ritJUS'. dalrlrs. Ill 14c cfabtM4ly. Hacipts. T4P3 rssaa. at rra'k. rs-a Included, l&v.loc; flrsta. IPC; prime arsis. 2uc Cn-ass rtsadr: dalalaa. I414,e: twins. 119 UWt: Youna Arnencaa. litflAaa; lona borna. illA STOCKS RISE FAST Complete Change of Sentiment in Wall Street. DEMAND BECOMES BROAD Pricew Are ilfted In Laat Hour by Spirited Bidding Bond Market la Firm and Deallnc Art? Enorm iott. - n a . a. -rraAlna lA atOCkk .W tuna, a " - - waa laea tnrkulant today and chant" as wara laaa violent than our in y 'aim - haaral. The tana af the market waa a tmotly at aaar. A sharp break occurred la the eariy trauma au . - r..- peared as theuaa another fcrcathlees Plunaa 1 aa Bip yr r 0. dowltwtrd wm mrn.--. tKxm r.ct.d. and durin lh rm-i-dr ot -a - w ska In W Ibnrlll . the day ruled wen aou a..- .k.. V,a ail umai that tha d amend, waa eonelderably enlaraed. The chance waa pronounced durlna tha last hour. Win the markat rose rapiuiy the Influenea of splrttsd blddlnc. . Unlt.d atatsa Steal rose 1 polnta abaa yesterday a cioee ana a. , a net cam of a point. Tha p-farrad a tied . .... . l.hlrh Valley. 1 on o - - -- Canadlaa Paolflo and American Bmaltina closed a point or two hlhar. and tha Har rlman Usu- aearly mu0 Deaplta tna anowma wa -L - - market, tha Barrousneaa of recent daya did aot disappear. Attorney-General niraar sham'e atsta ent of the Oorerument a atti tude recarainc fniercaanu . ... - m.a law did little to clear tha altuatlon. Wall etreet had hoped for definite Informa tion aa la what waa In atora for tha United Statee Steel Corporation and expressed aoma dlsappolnlmsnt because tha Attorney-lren-aral waa unable ta dlsolaae his Intsntlona Atchlaon'a Auauat statement, showlna a d.creaaa In net earnlnaa af IT1 waa a much poorer ehowlnc than had been ex pected. Tha etoch aold dowa a point oa publlcatloa of tha report, bat aubeequently recovered. . laealinaa la bonds wara anorra col Tha total was by far the laryret of tha year. Tha bond markat waa firm. Total aalaa. par ralua. I7.61T.IO0. Inltad fiiatea boi-i wara unehenaed OB calL CLOSINU STOCK. WUUlAliu.a Cloatna Sa:ca. Blch. "eo" a 43 S 47 S Lo Mil. 18 47 i 4 4H V 4SV 41 1W 17 St .'14 1(H 26H llllVa 1.14 V. 4a 2s B 102 101 A 111. PS 2tS 73 122, 20 M 2ST 70 2S 174 140 lo so 2-.4 42 ?3 ir. 22 S AUla Chsl pf Anal Copper 'w 'e7i 421. 44 i. 4 4. POO ' .'' 9 tMlf Am Aarltult .. Am Baal oufar. Amerlran Can .. Am Car A Kdy. Am Cotton Oil. At-i XIA a, fa nf 4.70O Am Ice Sacur .' Am Llnsaed - --:: Am Locomotive 8(" Am fmal A Raf. da pr.farred.. lt0 Am B-Ml nr.. .'" Am Pucar Haf- 2'" Am T-l A Tel.. w Am T..barco pt 6.0vO ass loov, 21 11314 134 V, vfi . 'ri'H 12S 1014 IIP i 2i TS 224 20 SSH MS 100 2T 183 lfl 101 li pm 73 324 4 1W Am woolen . . .. Ana-onda hf Co una Atchison 10.100 2o k0 do pr.rerren. . Atl Coast Line. Halt A Ohio . . Mrthlebsm fleet It rook K Tran.. Canadian Pso .. Central Laalher l.l" P.M 1.40 4.4. W 600 do prerrrreo.. a-entral of N 3 - Chae A Ohio ... a.eoo Chlrro A A Hon Chi Jt Waal . .. o0 do preferred Chloaao A N W C M A Ft PauL l.ou0 C. C, C m St L.. Col Pael A Iron 00 Col hojthera Con sol Oss .... IM Cora Products . 1.2VO Ti-1 A. IJuoaon.. ...... TO Is 'iivi iio' ' 1U7 V 140V, 110w ji" isi lla "ii 4 nr. use s "a 144 l-'i 4.1 1S 41 luiH 12 11 'lia 4 2 "4 4IH "i 142S 12,) 4V 13S 1S 4"-a lOOSa D A R Orsnde.. do pr.f.rr.d.. Platlll.ra Becur Erie da 1st pf . ... do 2d Pf .... 0-n-r-al Elaotrlo 1 ) port 40O 1.2" - ino 1.4ro l.fO 2 S. 2" 4 ". 4. SO 31 4H 4"- 144 122 414 133 13 41 10O 14 in 24 1T"4 20 2 HM V, .14 12 :4 r.2 S'l 120H 44 2is 1"! 4 3"i laHllaj Ot North Pf on I Inola Central. Intarh-TT Mat .. do nrafarrad. . Intar HarrMlar. Inter Marine pf Int P'apar lnt Pump Iowa Central .. K C Aoothern.. do preferred.. Gas .. Idiots A Nash .. Minn A St L . . M. 8 Pall af Xlo. Kan A T-z da pr-frrred. . Mo Paclflo Nal Biscuit ... National Iad.. Mas N Br I Pf N T Central . . . N T, Ont A Waa Norfolk A Wea. North Am Northern Pan .. Parlflc Mall ... prnnsylvsrjla ... too 10 10 2H m i"i 13a 34 '.i 127 2T 1 3JH 4." inn ST J ' IS 112H 2S 110 K'2S POV. ITS irU"' 2S 133 a il "isV. 43 -.Ml J.K li0 2 2O0 To " liK 1.700 IM l"i H 1S-.H 3la i2Ta 3 3Vt "500 "441, 2.S0 4." 2m liai ..v . raor J.'oO l'K 2DO 1rl r. JfHlU, 114 .1 ims 102 s t', 1TH ir.i" 2Aa 13 21 'rsai 4SH 113H 21" 4 119S l.i-i, PI 17Vi 20 I. IS. 20 P. C C A Ft t... Plttaura CoaL. Prasrd S Car.. . Pull Pal Car . . liy Ftrol tprlnc Tieadr.r 1 ot.l .. 100 "'inai 2 a.4o 137 '4 2fO ' 2 iori l.Soo ri a S4 11 s 4.'. S7i do prar. rrao.; Rock Island Co. do prafarred. . t L A 8 P 2 pf St I. Southwest. da prafrT.d. . Floss Hti.nieia Southern Psc 34 4 107 H 2r' OS 31. 23 IS 41 H l.'.s S!t fl.-l, S3 '4 Ml T, 1T 80 44 124 . II.IOO 7no af 1.3"0 107 lt 03 32 21H lKa 4tt, 13 a BO "si" r.7 17 o 44 12S 24 S 02 Va 01 TT14 jntl 2.-.H 02 H 23 1H 411a l.'.r. 8w "31 54 104 s'is 43 H i:s 24 S B2Va r 70 Soutbrrn HT ... do pr.f erred.. T.nB Copper . . Txse A Pnrlno To:. St b A Wea 7.H . 2"0 ,V0 do pref-rTed. . 6VO tT rl Realty TT P Hubbar ... 1.S" TJ B Btaal 442. ?' do pr.farred.. .' Ttah Copper . 1.S"0 Va Caro Cham . S.400 Wabash do prefr-d. . BOO Wast.rn Md .. Wastlnc K'.o .. ono W.-at.rn I'nlon . BOO 24 o T'J::l - wknh i,vu iiiu J. 10 Total sales for the day. 1.07 5,000 sharra. BONDS. NEW TORK. Sept. SO. Cloalna quota. tions; U S ref 2s rsa.loOH'N T C m S4a.. TB . . . .. . . . aiairt Qa au uo coupon . . -a . . . . . ...... -- - I . 1 . V C . .III. Ui.U U 3 3a ray h-it " ia do coupon ...11H Union Pselfle 4S.1001-, r- . -. . aaa t 1 1 a. ' W la -.ntrsl Sa. . U J do eounon ...113. Japanese 4s . &SB t a b a 4s. . piwb; Starka at Bos too. BOSTON. Sept. I. Closlna quotations- Allou-s 23 H Mohawk S7H Amala Copper.. 4T Nevada Con .... IBS A Z L A m... 21Vs Nlplsslr.c Mines. 7a, Arlsona Com .. 00 ,North Butta.... 214a Z A C C 4M) North Lake 4 a Butte Coalition. 14lOld Oominloa... So-a Cal A Artsona. . 47 W Osceola 02 Cal A H.cla 373 .Psrrott (8 A C). 7i Centonmal Uu:ncy 0 Cop Ban Con Co 47H Shannon 74 E llutts Cop M. uv. Superior S3 1, Franklin 6 Sup A Boa lain.. Ilia rtirouv Con 3 '-j.Temaj.rk 2l llranby Con . . . 2S U rj 8 R A M . . . XI ?.n ranantL o G o nrexerrsa. . 40 I Kolalle Cop) 12 Irian Coa llH v-.rr i a ka. s4 I tan copper Co. is lake Copper.... 14 Winona 48 1A Falls Copper S "a Wolverine S hi .ami Coppar. . . Ka. Candltloai af tha Ttaaaui J. WASHINGTON. Spt- 28. At tha berln nlnc of b-jatness today ths condition of the tnit.d Stutae Treasury was: ..,.. Worklnc balance I M.IP0.P4S In banaa and Philippine t aa- s r T B s2.ow.oaT Total of a-nrral fund lSl.SOa.iX'O Baclpta 1.211.I.S4 ruabursaments yesterday 1.7.li70 lafli-lt to dsts this year 18 437 Danclt this data last year S.n31.S12 flcnr-e eariude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Moswy. tldXS, Etc. NEW Tf'KK. Fapt. 20. Money on call ataaJv. I&u per cent; rutins rate, a; cioa Inc e'.d. 1: offered at S4a.- Time loaaa arnim. way-, awwew. 14. A 4. six months. I'afi prims tnen-eutlte paper. 4. per cent. Stertlac eachanaa ateady with actual bunt- .- w K"'. at SASS2S for aO-day bliTs and at 4.e065a4 JOOO tor demand. Commercial bll.s. .4.62 a. liar silver, d. -ic alezlcaa dollars, aso. oo aramaai bonds, steady; railroads Brm. LONDON. 8 t. 1A Bar allrer ataady; 24 . d rr ounce. Umrr s nr caai. The rata of discount In tha open market for short bllU-Ja IJ Pr three months' bllle. Sis af par eeau a . a a arr-rar-a-a Bant. aa. Starllna aa Loudon, at) days. 4.8i: da, slhU 4-fcV. Drafts tilfbt. a: leieara-po. a. Matal Marketa. " a-E-n. .bv a..t 94. Standard COPPer DulL Spot. September. October. November and uecemaer, i y - Firm. spot. t.'.4 e i; fuiures 1-5 5 a. Arnrala reported at A.w lora """',. tons. Custom-houaa returns show SI ports of 20.SJ1 tons so far this esson. La coppar. l2.500.12.o2Sc: electrolytic, 12..iw 12.37 e: castlnc. 1''f"(L-.- a... Tin is.,. r-pol, 87 .754 T.8,T j ST w?" t am bar. ST.TOtJSRr: October. S7.25t? 8J.0OC. November. 7.i34ST.a; December . S7 75c London Firm. Boot- 1T2 1. futurea. J171 lOa. . Lead Easier, a-savs-oao "- - 04 3ac East St. Louis. London. fI5 2s M. Sr-'.er Dull. 5 POff c New lork; 5.0 5..0c East St. Louis. London, spot, t-i Antimony Oulst. Cookson's. 8-4 Iron Cleveland warrants. 4s Hd Tn London. Locally Iron waa quiet No. l foundry Northern. 115 25 15.50; No. 2. IBS 15.25: No. 1 Southern and do soil. tlt.l5 15.50 6LVLJj IXOREAfiE KEYEJLLED IX WORXXCS WHEAT STTPKLY. Showing the Reanlt of New Method of CIreckliia: rp Blocks, but Prloes Are Elerated. rrr-arii-k B.ot M Bullish comparisons reaardlnc tha world'a available aupply of whaat broucht about a rally today m me market for that cereal Tha cloaa waa at a net advanoe of Ho to Vic Corn and oata abowad alao a final is In oorn Ho to 14a and oata H4o to Ho. In prorlalona the outcome was 5o to lOo decline. Tha aihfblt ar to, aha world'a aupplr or wheat was one more of appearance than ot reality. Ostsnslbly the total for tha week mada out an Increase of only .8O0. 000 bush sis. aa acalnal an lncreaaa of 22.200.000 bushels at tha oorraapondlnc Una a year aco. Tha mlel.adlna element waa that tha currant weeka flcures. owlnp to a now sys tem of revision. Included ths Danube wheat stocks, which waa not tha ease 12 months back. Notwlthstandlna the deceptlveness of the total, tha market, which was oversold, awunc sharply upward, more thaa ovjrcom Inr an early decline. December ranged from PSHo to POHe, and In tha end waa 9S0, a "."ofeorn In ahock moldloa to an nnuaual extant had oonstderable to do in llftlnc prices for that araln. December fluo tuated between MHO and 040. closlnr ateady. HU-ie P at (WHffWa Spot de mand waa aood. No. yellow finished at eOats1j!splayed Independent atrensjth. Hlch and low larala touched by Deoamber were 4H48o and 47c with tha oloaa 4TH04THO. Just Ho net advanea. A hla run of hos-s at Western centers kicked out tha support from under the pro vision market. When tradlna eenerd pork had dropped TH to 10c lard P0 to lOo and rlbe bo to T Ho. Tha laadlnc future ranaed aa followa: WHEAT. Open. Hlth. Low. Close. Rt Vh i -.ait L. :::::: iS., i:oiJ i, 1.04 CORJt. ant. 81 .6Si . Dec.1-:Sh .64 2 .sh -jsh i.y iH .06 -H OATS. ., 431 .40 . .45 H .454 .li :4th .jj .47. May 40H -60H .48 M MESS PORK. Jan. 14HH 1800 15.00 l.0O LARD 14-PS 14.W6 14.PTH 14-0 .,,, p. SO P SO P IS 2TH r,'r 8.25 9 30 ..22V. 925 8BORT RIBS. . Oct. 8 60 8 60 8.80 8 65 Van t 57 H T.fcO 1.85 183 csah quotationa wara as follows: Klnur steady. . .11.' . (I. rtye s. rmv Barley Feed or mixing-. 75Co: fair to choice maltinc. si.ivwi.aa. Timothy seed 12.e.jl4.Tt. Clover 111.50. pork Maa. per barrel. (11.11 H OH" Lard Per 100 pounds. 8I.S7H. Short ribs Sides (loess). II.I7H- a bides Bhort. clear (boxed), (S.I7H0. UraiD aiaiauv. , A. ,.. and n on r vera total cieaiauKM equal to 190.004 bushels. Primary recelpta were HS.OO0 bushels, compared with 143. 00 bushels the correepondlna day a year aao Tha woria a visioie suupiy. aa . . n ... . I .w rm . Bill 401 bUShslA Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 40 care: com. IZ4 care; oata. iui caia, una-. It.eoa neaa. Recelpta 6hipmenta , i i- . it can ift.soo 1.:"-'. 74 1011 21 oo Com. bushels 41.7.500 J75 .200 Osts. bu.hcls 129.400 l.J.OOO JI. Kn.l.ala 12.000 21.000 u.riav bushels lM.tO 44.SU0 Grain at Baa aclaea. WAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26. Wheat Bteadv. ' Barley Firm. Spot quotationa: Wheat 8h!pplnc. 11.45 l ITU ner centaL Barleys Feed. 8L0JH per cental: brewlns;. $1.TH- Oata Bed. 81 50 31.75 per cental; wh;ta, 81.67 H: black. 1.70LT5. . Call Doara ": " uca. " " Barlsy- December, 81.T4H per cental; May, 81.oSH. Chan ara la Aval labia Supplies. NEW TORK. Sept. 26. Special cable and telraraphlo communlcatlona received by Bradstreets show ths following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious accounts: Bushela. Wheat. V. 8. east Rocklea, lncraaaad 2T .. . . ' II. nAH.al4 1 AH1 0T1 Afloat for and In Europe. Increased 8,. 00.000 Total American ana- surua ply Increased 5.861.0OO Corn. V. S. and Canada, decreased. 4O2.000 Oats. U. S- and Canada, Increased.. O41.000 Pnret Sound Grata Markets. TXCOMA. Sept- 20. Wheat Bluestem. 83c: fort j fold, bio; club, 81c; red Russian. 7110- Car recelpta Wheal, 148; oata. 12; bay. 14. SEATTLE. Sept. 2H. Wheat Bluestem, 84Hc; club, Mc: flfs. SOc: fortyfold. 80ViC7 red Kusslsn. 1c Oata. lie per ton: barley, 830 per ton. Yesterdays ear reoelpta Wheat. 110; oata, 18; hay. 88; flour. 7; corn, 1; bar ley. 5- Europeaa Grala Marketa. r TtrirnpnOT SaDt. 21. Wheat October, 7s IHdi December, 7s 8Hd; March. 7a 4 lad. ti-Htli, olaar. Encllah country marketa quiet; Franoh country marasts umai. Mlniaesipolra Wheat Markct- MLVNBAPOLIS. Sept. 24. Wheat rieplember. si.via; "ecaraoar, ei."..-a. m.v xi i.hsa tt LISb. Caah No. 1 hard, llidi: No. 1 Northern. Sl.l a U 10K it ; No. J Northern. 1.06 a C LOT H ; No. wheat. 11.01k 01.04. Naval Starea. SAVANNAH. 8ept 26 Turpentine firm: POO ii "a c; sales. 002; recelpta 1137; ship ments. 2K6: stocks. Rosin Arm: sales. lTOO; receipts. S443: shipments. 1I"0; stocks. SOoO. AQuoie: B. In 10: D. 16.25: E. 86 30: F. I6.40: a. td.40 6 0-45; H. L l45; K. 18.43; M. S8.60; N. ! T; WO T; W W. 8T.2S. New York Cottow Market. ai;p;W TORK. Sept. 26. Cotton futures closed firm, 8 to 12 polnta hle-her. Septem ber. 10.24c: October. 10.21c: November, in ie recembar. lO.fc&c: January, 10.84c: Februan-. l"..t: March. 10.47; April. 10 53c: Mav. lo.rlOc-. July. 10.61o. Spot cloaed quiet. Mld-uplanda, 10.530; da gulf. 10. 'uc No salea Hopa a New Tark. . VBW TOES. Sept, PA HGURtESAREUISLEADING SEP IN DEMAND Over 5000 Head Received but Market Is Firm. WETHERS SELLING AT $4 Good Ewea Move at $S svnd Imb Bring- $4.65 CJattlo Market Shows a Better- Tone No . , Hogs on Hand. Thara was a bla run of ahaep at tha stockrarda yeatarday. but pravtoua reoelpta were not heavy and tho markat waa In rood shape to receive them. Cattle also showed a battar tone than for aome time past. Tha prlnolpal sales ta ths mutton mar kat wara four hunches of cholca wethera, aggregating 600 head, which brought 14. a batter prlca thaa haa prevailed lor noma time past- Several lota of awaa wara moved at S and a hie buuch of lambs brought S4.CS. Cholca steer., found buyers ax ana the ware other sales at 80.88 and $8.10. Tha top on eowa waa I4.TI, a elngls load aelUng at that figure, while two aoaoa brought 4.5. Six loada of feeders aold at 18.40. Half era and calves also figured rather extensively ta tha tranaactlona, tha former brlnglsa 14-15 and 14.85 and tha Utter ranging from 84.(0 to $7.60 aacordlut to nualltr. Recelpta wara 188 cattle, IS oalrea and BtiS aheap. Shlppora wara P. J. Brown, Roblnetta, 4 ears of cattle; George Parry. Heppnar. S cars of slssep; T; Wilcox. Heppnar, 8 cars of ahaep; D. T. Cooper, Condon, 4 cara of abeep; J. Jenkins, Condon. 1 car of cattle and ealvaa; F. W. wllllama. Junction city, S cara of sheep; James Mace, Corvaille. 8 cara of ahaep; H. A. Sinclair, lyla, 1 car of aheep; A. J. Smyths, lorle. S cars of ahaep. and nam Sinclair, Iyla, I ears ot aheep. Tha day's aalaa wara as follows: Weight. Price. 4T cows mo 18.40 41 oows 8l 8.40 21 cowa bo 8.40 22 cows .4 1 cow 1070 4.60 80 cowa ; 84 steera 22 6.4o 1 bull 1S0 ! 85 aueera lu2 11 ateera "66 1 ateer 10 5.00 1 ateer 0 4.75 1 ateer 80 4.60 8 cowa 8 4.25 1 oow 40 4.00 1 cow -4 1100 4.2J 2 oow ',s. ?? 1 cowa 1142 4.0o 2 cowa ! 6 8.40 i cow. U -40 K haltora 6114 4.2t 118 helfera ,s 4.85 28 calvea 63 calves 84 calvea 1 salf 4 calves 6 calves 2 calvea 1 atsg 1 bulls 851 ewea 24 awea .- 118 ewea 12 wethera 1J5 wethers 200 wethers ..... 200 wethers ..... 173 w-ethers 201 5.60 818 6.25 .... 168 7.60 6s0 5.60 .... 6.10 4.50 .... 800 6.25 .... 188 7.60 .... 880 4.26 ....1525 8.76 .... 85 8.00 .... 84 8.00 .... 800 .....123 8.60 .... 88 4.00 .... 100 4.00 .... 89 4.00 88 4.00 78 4.65 814 lam Da . "J a tha Portland Union Stockyards for tha rarioua classes of stock wore: ChoTce'V-er. !oIB-2l Good to choice steers l i Pair to good steers 4.7. Medium steers 4.60a 4.7. Poor steers -'6g J.60 Choice cows i Failr to good oows 4.00 v 4.15 Common cowa J-JJ 860 Extra choice apayad halfera.... 4.40 4.60 Cholca helfere H-H l"ia Choice bull. Good to cholca bulla 2 "5 Common bulla 2.00 (j 2.60 r-hol,.. calves . T.15 7.25 Good to cholca calvea 7.004 7.10 Common calvea 40 J-. 4.50 4 4.75 4.261 4.50 Cholca atags Good to cholca ataga .... Hoga Choice light hoes Good to choice hoaa.... Fair to good hogs Common hogs - .. 7.903 7. 75 .. T.50d 146 . . 7.25a 7.30 . . 7.00 0 7-25 bheep Choice yearling wethers, eoarsa wool 8.65 4.00 Choice yearllna wethers, sast of mountains 5oS2 5 o5 Choice twoe and threee ?-2H ?a. Choice iambi 4.60 4.80 Choice yearllncs fio Good to cholca lambs ISx Culls 2 e .00 Chlcaao livestock Market. CHICAGO. Sept. 26. Cattle Becelpts. es timated. 7500; market, alow, weak. Beevea, $4.75'o6: Texas steers. 84.4036.15; Western steers. 64.157; Blockers and feedera, 83 5.00; cowa and helfere. 2.10S6.20; calves, SO u 9 50. Hogs Recelpta, aatlmated, 19.000; market, dull. 5C10c lower. Light, $8.45T; mixed, art. a.l ? 7; heavy, 80.266.05; roufrh. 86.25 7645; good to choice heavy. 80.43ff6.95; pigs, 8S.T0fi6.SO: bulk of sales, 80.65 T 6.85. Sheep Receipts, estimated. 45.000; mar ket, ateady. Native. 2.504.15: Western. 82.T5&4.25; yearlings. 83.854.60; lamba, native. 84tf6; Western, 84.50 6-15. BittJithic has stood every test to which it has beep subjected. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Const--ucta Aaphalt and. oilier Blta-a sulaaoiaa ftvaoiauli. 0a-8 JeUaatna a.a. Portland. Or. Oaatar tibaa. hlasagsr. TkAVCLEKS1 Gt7ID LONDON PARIS HAMBURG . . r. a a.n.iaa.. rMna rli-t 10 rr.wBcoin.ui.a a ' . . i . - - Vic. Lulse Oct. .itAmerlka Oct. 14 tKita-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Will call at Plvmoutn and Caerbourg. GIBRALTAR. ALGIERS. NAPI-Kri. l.LNOA. 8. 8. MOLTkE. . - Oct. 12. t P. M S. S. tliVElASn eWorld Cruise) tct. 21 1W1II hsve accommodations for a iaiited number of passengers to ITAI.V. via MA DEIRA and GIBRALTAR. H ambnra-Ajnericaa Una, ISO Powell St.. Ban Francisco, CaL. or Northern Pacific. J. O. McMulien. agent; O.-W. R. A N Burlington, Chlcaao. Milwaukee A Puget Sound Ry. and other B. R. oflicaa la Portland. Bank Shows Sound Growth C On million dollars is the capital of the Lrimbermens Na tional Bank $1,000,000 added by the stockholders to the business machinery of Portland. J Barely a year and a half ago its capital was $250,000. It haa doubled twice in4hat brief period. jNow the bank's total assets are more than $5,000,000, and are showing; continuous sain. CTHere is a sound bank that offers every, modern banking facility, combined with utmost security. Its officers are always ready to discuss financial matters with customers. LUMBER MENS National Bank 4 per cent on savings THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTIAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - 1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: J. C. AIMS WORTH, President. H. W. SCHMEER, CaaMatV R. LEA, BARVES, Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Aaalataat Cashier. W, A. HOLT, Aaa lata at CataUaaV LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Banl, Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Street Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 Invites Accounts of ' ' Merchants, Individuals and Savings The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1887. Toronto, Canada. Londoa 2 Head Offlc Over two hundred othe branches In Canada and the United Statea. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreltrn countries and prin cipal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking; business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH SECOND AND STARK STREETS a?, c. MALPAS, Manaarer. TRAVELERS' GtJIDE. HONOLULU $110 I-ntST-CLASS ROUND TRIP. Tbe most dslie-htful spot on entire world towlofar vacation. Delightful sea bath lna at the famous beach of w alklKL. i ne sofendld 63. Sierra 110.000 tons diaplace S.nt) ma", the round trip In 18 days, and one can vl"lt on trip th i f -i" c?Zo of Kllauea, which Is tremendously ac Sve? and aee for himself the process of world creation. No other trip compares with this for ths marvelous and wonderful In nature, visit the Islands now. while you can do It 'sasuy and quickly and while l active prompt attention to telegrams for berths. S.mngs: Oct. 24, Nov. . Nov. 25. Dec 1ft. etc. Book now. OCEAXIC S. S. CO.. B73 Market etreet. Ban Francisco. STEAMSHIP BESEKVATIOKJS AND TICKETS iHIPfa IS ELBQR! DO".SEY B. SMITH, MANAGER General Steamship Agenta ALL LINES 09 Fafth Strert Phones Marshall 1979. portlaid, Or. A 183. COLUMBIA R1YLR ROUTE. O -W. R. A N. steamer "Harvest Queen" leaves Portland. Ash-street dock, dally ex cept Sunday at 8 P. M. (Saturday 10 P. M.) for Astoria connection with Str. Nahcotta for Metier and all North Beach points. Re turning leavea Astoria at " A. M., arriving Portland 8 P. M. Call at City Ticket Office. Sd and "aahlngton sts.. or Ash-street dock. NEW YORK-PORTLAND KEGULAR FREIGHT SEKVICS. Low Kat. Schedule Tlma AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. Z1S Rallvrav Eicaaags Bids a Veitlsasi Or. ilala 8S7S. aaSa, Comer Fifth and Stark He Torlc la Exchanare Plaoa. Lombard Street. TBATXXEB8' OTJTDE. OPEX KIYKH ZlaAMSPORTATIOX PO. Vrelgbt received dally at Oak -at, daak tor Tha Dallas, Hood River. WhlU Ealmon. Umatilla. Kennewlck. Paaea. Richland. Hanfora. White BlutU, and lBtsrmedlata rjoiaav " - IXKST-CLASS PASSE-NOtB bKKYIC FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITS SALMON. TBB DALLES. EteamCT leavea Portland Sub.. Tuea, Thura A. M. Keturalng leaves Tha Dalies ionl Wed.. FrL, I A. M.. arriving at Port land about i P. M. asms day. W. Buchanan. Supt-: W. S. Smallwood. Qui Maripnone Mala 2980. A b21. . THE BIG 3 B EAR BEAVER ROSE . CITY EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. Beaver Saila 9 A. M .September 23 SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND B CO. Ticket Office, 112 Third St. fhonea Main 402 and A 141)3. San Francisco, Los" .Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North paclflo S. 8. C.'a 8. S. Roanoke IS-eS" aail every Wednesday .Ujr JSteiy it t P. U. Tltckat ottUca lii Taut! " AKTTN Jd HIf:T K Y. PaaaeBirer Aaamt, W. K. SLLSSER, Fralgba Agaaa. Fboaea M. 114. A We. COOS BAY LINE , STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Alnswortb Dock. Portland. P M . every Tuesday. Freight reoelved at Alnsworth Dock dally up to IP. M. Pas-ns-r tsrs. first-class. 110: second-class $7. "eluding meal, and berth Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main ioi. Mala 170. A U3i WW i