' ' " "" ' " " " " " I mr TnnT I REAL ESTATE. PUN IS TO ALTER UW FOR BIG HULL Auditorium Commission May Put Change in Ziegler Amendment to Vote. MARKET BLOCK WANTED If Elfrtlon Method FIU Purchase of w Site Wllf Bo Xecessssrr, but Board Bellprc People TVIU A Told That nxpcTWW. Unleaa lral meana are davlaad ta maka possible tha usa of tha Market block aa tha alt for tha 1500.000 Au ditorium tha snh)ct roar ba sottled by snbtnlttlna; tha Zl.al.r am.ndmnt to tha charter, which Is tha prvssnt ob stacle to tha building; plana, to tha people for chance at tha January charter election. Thla was the dec laration last nlcht of T. B. Wilcox, chairman of the Auditorium Commis sion. That tha amendment can ba passed ta considered certain and It la believed varvthlns; will be adjusted so that tha work on tha bulldtnaT may to ahead without delay. The committee la pro srresslnr with Its plane and believes that work can ba befun on tha bu'ld Inr In February. Tha Zie-lr amendment cama to tha attention of tha committee eome time sso and waa submitted to tha City At torney for decision. After looking; Into tha details of the meaeure and other laws he came to the conclusion that Market atreet could not ba vacated W bulldtnt; purposes unless there waa a chance In tha law. Since that an nouncement vartoua plans of avoiding; tha ordinance hare been lnvsstls;atd. but all so tar hare been declared un satisfactory. Bevaral more weya of retttcc around the obstacle In thla case are to ba inTeatlsated before the charter election la reaorted to. Blaek OnH sf dry. Tha Market-street alta la 200 feet square. The plana are to extend the bulldlne from Clay street south to tha center of the block below Market street, thus covsrtnaT Market etreet. Ity dolcr tla the half block south of Market afreet would ba tha only por tion of the alta to ba purchased, the rlty ownln the block between Clay and Market etreeta Tha entire lenrth of the bulldlne; will ba lie feet and Its width will be 100 feet. If tha Ztecler section of tha charter cannot be amended the plana are to select another site oer 1000 feet from tha water front, which would permit the eloslnr of a street without Inter ference by the Zlegl.r amendment. Ia thla eeent more money probably would be needed to use In tha purchaee of around and this undoubtedly would cause a Ions; delay In the' work. Tha bulldlne; committee now baa 1400.000. all of which will be neoeasary for the bulldlnr. An additional ,100.00 might ba necessary for tha purchase of tha round. Thera la a eer1-e doubt about tha city beln able to ell the Market-street block to uaa the money for tha purchase of other property, rtaea Rnir Knt Heath. The January election will be oyer and tha Zlefter-aroendment contro versy settled In plenty of time to per mit the beginning- of work In Feb ruary provided the amendment la made. The competitive plans of architects will be submitted October IS and tha work ins; plana will ba complete and ready for the architects probably by the first of the year. No contracta will be awarded before February 1. The bulldlne; committee haa consid ered the possibility of maklnc tha bulldlne; email enoura to coyer the Market-street site alone, but this action Is not favored. "The people would not be satisfied with a buli.ttnc iOO by SOS feet.- said Chairman Wkli'oi yesterday. "The Armory la that large and would ba Just as useful as the Auditorium. If we cannot obtain the full Market-etreet site we si I have to look for another place. I relieve, however, that tha Auditorium will be built on tue alte acrose Market street." SIX STORIES TO BE ADDED Falling- Bulldlne to Becocno 6ky- ta 'Takes Leas. runs haw been completed for a sis story addition to the Faluns' building; at the eoutbemat corner of Fifth and aUT streets. The present structure Is six storlea high. Tha entire build in will ba of fireproof, class "A con struction. Gevurtx A 8"n hava take a J-year lease on the property. This firm will occupy the ent:re bulldlne. The pro posed Improvements will cost $:0. ooe. Tha plans for tha additional con struction were drawn by Whldden at Lewis. Tha Honoytnan Hardware Company, which eocupisa the four upper floors of the present bul'dmg. annouacea that It will construct a fireproof ware house la North Portland. A half-block tract at Eleventh and Flanders streets will probably ba the location for this structure. Trio bulldlne will ba similar to the Marshall-Wells 1 Lax S wars Com pany a nsw warehouse. HORSE STEALING IS CHARGE I red Moxkrv. Arrested, to 'Walt Ar rival of Idaho Officer. HIU-'HORO. Or.. Sept. it. ? ra cial Fred Moxley waa aeot to the County Jail yeeterday em a chars of batna- a fueitlva from justice, wanted at Albion. Idaho. The char re acalnst Moxley la horse- :al!nff and It la charg-ed ha Jumped f:tv4 ball in Idaho. He waa arrested at Carlton and la aid to have admitted that he Is the man wanted. He waa locked up to wait tha arrival of an Idaho officer. "Bllndplrirera" Plead Guilty. F.CGENE. Or, Papt M 4B?acT5l.) Hen Kolltns and Curly Lone ware ar rested late last night on a charge of operating a blind pig. They ware ar raigned today and plead rullty. Both were given a fine of 1400 and a Jail aentence cf l daya Tha two men oc cupied a room la tha Matlock lodging house and whoa toe officers Inveetl gated their quarters, a dray load of liquors a as found. They said the rea son for such an assortment of fire water In thvlr rooms was that a ban quet of the Moose Lodge bad been held there. The officers say that tha two men carried on an extensive, boot legging traffio ail iaxousa County l air we. I I I -""" " I Irl Ht'VT" ' 1 I For Sale Hoose. THE BEST PIANO AT ITS PRICE-S195 Our lowest-priced instruments sold for $195, and we do not believe it would be real economy for you to buy a cheaper piano. If good, dependable instruments could possibly be sold for less, vre would bare them. ' . Although a very modest sum is asked for this piano, it is sold on its own merits as full value for the money asked in strict accordance with the well-known policy of The "Wiley B. Allen Co. in all its transactions. " ' Our store is a place where anyone can buy to the best advantage, not only because we have all grades, but because every piano we sell gives the purchaser full value for the cost. We adapt payments to each individual purchaser. 304 Oak Street J. f,l. IKUM IS DEAD PORTLAXD PIOXEEH. PASSES AWAY IX SAN DIEGO. Oregon Veteran of Civil War and Oldtlroo Member of City Council Called In fist Tear. News waa received here yesterday of tha death of J. M- Nlckum. of Nlckum Kelly, aand and gravel Arm. whe died In Fan Diego Monday eight. He bad gone to California in hope of recovering his health which broke down two years ago. making It necessary for him to re tire from active business life. Mr. Nlckum waa a pioneer of lUt. coming to Oregon when a boy with bis parent from Iowa. During tha Civil Wtr, ha served In the First Regiment ef Oregon Volunteers. After tha war ha became a ateamboat engineer, and 17 yeare ago. when the Arm of Ham Taylor waa formed to handle aand. gravel and boating, he became a member, the firm name being changed to Ham. Nlckum Company after the death of Taylor. Bonn yeare after. Mr. Ham died, and tha firm name was again changed, becoming Nlckum A Kelly. After his health failed two yeara ago, Mr. Nlckum spent moat of his time in California. Mr. Nlckum was prominently Identi fied with tha growth of Portland. From 1S to ll he was a member of the Council from the Blxth Ward. He moved to Sellwood. which waa then a scantily Inhabited suburb, and his activity as a promoter bad much to do In bringing It to Ita present state of prosperity. He was a director In tha Sellwood Bank, and had Investments In a number of the mora Important business enterprises of that section. ... . t V. . VI. wMOW and It IS .Ul . n s v. " J - eight children. The children are John C Nlckum. R U Nlckum. Mrs. E- A. Mlddlehrook. Mrs. J. W. Wilson. Mrs. O. E Hanson and Misses Mayde. Myrtle B.. and Fern Nlckum. all of Portland. Mr. Nlckum was a member of the J. M. Xlekas. af the rartlaad Ftrsa af Meaaa et Kelly. W aa I) lew la aa Itlesw Meaday. Q. A. R. and the Myetlo Phrlne. The body will be brought to Portland for burial. "BALANCED LIFE" IS TOPIC Washington Varsity Head Telia Stu dents How to Sacceed. CNTVERSITT OF WASHINGTON. Sept. l. (Special.) "How to Ba a Well-Ba:anced Man." waa the eubject of a talk given by T. F. Kane, presi dent of the university, at the Sunday evening meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association. Some of Presi dent Kane's rules are: "Do not work on Sunday. "Get something to live for outside your routine." "Do not postpone things that may be done today." "Concentrate -upon what you are doing." -Remember that there la eomeone else In the world besides yourself and give a little Instead of grabbing all tha time." Deputy Firing Man Sought. Deputy Sheriff Bulger returned last night from Butte. Moat, with Richard J. Williams. Indicted by the August granu ' - ' property under false pretenses. Wll- Iti"- Is charged wlta fraud when he t ' lit - ' t t I . I. c I : ' 1 : .V : t ! i X v- - W t I mm - w m mm. . . . . V ' . . ...... & , k I A & A suit the convenience of Bet. Fifth and Sixth went through bankruptcy at Baker. pr last January, thereby defrauding; sev eral Portland wholesale concerns. Tha ortsoner first tried to secure his release In Butte on a writ of habeas corpus fol- , lowing his arrest by Sheriff O'Rourke , on telegraph advlcea from Sheriff Ster- j ens, and after the arrival or ueputy Bulger fought extradition. Bulger baa been gone mora than two weeks. 10 PEACHES BIGGEST YET W hlto Salmon Fruit Also Haa Fine Flavor Fair Display Beaten. An unusual lot of peaches was that brought to Tortland yesterday by J. W. Sherwood, from the orchard of M. C Martin, at White Salmon. The peaches. 10 In number, when placed In a row, measured 16 H Inches and weighed aeven and one-fourth pounds. They are of the orange cling variety. In addition to being unusually large, the peaches were of exceptional flavor and the texture tender and Juicy. Mr. Sherwood believes they are the Iarg eat peaches ever shown here. The largest peaches exhibited at the Lewis A Clark Fair were much smaller. The fruit waa taken from an orchard of 100 trees on Mr. Martin s 10-acre tract, near White Salmon, which also contains apples and other fruits.' The land was cleared by Mr. Martin 10 yeara ago and Is one of the most val uable" properties In that district. Jlldgefleld Man Is Honored. RIDGE FIELD, Wash, Sept. . (Special.) E. A. Blaekmore, of thla . . v. ...nint.it h Actna city, UN u j " Governor J. M. Howell as delegate to represent tne &iate oi , Muma ino convent'"" " Gulf Deep Waterway Association, to ba held in cnicagu, xii, v"" - DAILY METXORm.fK.ICAL REPORT, PORTLAND. Bept. 2- Maximum temper ature. 7 decree ; minimum temperature. M Segreea River reading, 8 A- if", r.et- rhin.i In last 2 houra 0. feet. Total rainfall ti P. M. to 5 V. M.). l"b: total rainfall sines aeptemoer t. Inch..: normal. 1.4S Inches; exeese. S..0 Inches. Total sunshine, none; poeeible l-l hours. Barometer (reduced to sea level at t P. M). 10.06 In ones. WEATHER CONDITIONS. part tne aiKnroMc . - - - Inr ortr MTKli has moved rapidly north . " . . . ? u.nimh. mnri a nart has re mained nearly etat.onary .over the Central Flateaa resion. i tie " I, . raDldlr ovor the North Hadflc States. Rain has '''n 'n " "... n -"t ..?","" ,tnnorD aiiiwi.... . . .. Colorado. Nebraska and at widely separated Rler. It Is much cooler lo the North pafttio Htstes and much warmsr In the at t.ourl valley. The conditions are itd.i. i - " TCednesday In Northwest Orexon. Western waeoutston ana . - fair weather elsewhere In tuls district. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain: southerly wlnua, urnon Fair, except northwest portion; soulherlr wlnua IVe.MnKton Rain west, probably fair east portion: winds mostly southerly. Idaho Fair south, probably rain north eortiou. . I..,tr:-t V "n:er. PFLtsWCHD CHAPTER. NA. f2, O 9- Ail mtrnbin rj rqt- d to mt t lh M.onlc lit.ll, Kavat Thlrteajnth and hpokan v nut, toOtvy Wdne.lavri. beptem- br 17 at 1 V. il., for tho urpo of t tnflini th fuoral of our 1st laitr. Mrs. Jnnlv Va Olr.n. Hrvlce at Xh Port Untl Crmatociuin mi 1' 1. M. ADDIS KIMBLE, PC CRUSADK COMMANDERT. 0 . l. Sp?clavl eoncluT :hl Jt W.nUjr) Tnlnr. T:30, Vi avhirton Maaonlo H1L or- rewe;'. t r Tmp e. All Plr Knlht court lousljr Invited. IF . . .NOi.TNR, BconJt H A WT HORXE LODGE, XO. ill. A- T . A.M a. M. CpfCla. -J-V -commuo'.rtllon tbU OVdnil,y , cy? ;fjvtnjn at " 30 o'clock. Work la th M- M. Ucr. VlUlUf BTOUlv- ro V4.com. C. E. MILLER, 8x WILBEUM TILL LODOK. NO. II. D, H. 8. All mernoers are reue.ted to attend the funeral .services of our lata brotlier, Loula Lux, at ft. Joseph's Church. 15th and Couch sta. Wednesday mornlns at :J0 e'c:ock. KIPOI.l'H FHAN7.EU rTsa WEN.tL, WALLtH, Sec EUREKA COfXCIU NO. 14. K. AND L. nF P Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister, lirara E. Pitta from the East .olds Kunersl Directory. E. -h snd Alder today (WedneMevl at 1 P. sn ana it. u JOHXOON. See. TOTAL ORDER OF MOOSE. Portland Ledse. .NO. JV1, meets every Wednesday DJsht at Swla, Hall. Id and jstraraoa ata lalttnc ktoose Invited. 11 WALTER M OOVm. Secretary, w. N. OATENS. Dictator. SAMARITAN LODOE. NO. S. L O. O. F. Reruiar meetlrs this (Wednesday) evenlns ., V o clock. ThU-d d.rree. "J"' welcoma - OSVOLD. 6eo. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OtFirE riTT HALL.. Mala SSS. A MSB. MIHANE OIIICrK, serseaat Crate. Kas.u.nce. 14 Ji. 3'- p a. Dunmlre, Baa 3 Wasoo St. W O. Eaton. Ha ts S. loth, kut lieA Horae Ambulance, A aiol: Fr pi s hta eundaya aad MolAaffc A UMi ra lo. . Xrtuut U . . ..or.ri i r i ce c cn nil kqii-ni . . HEILIG T HEATER 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 112. TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY. Special price Marines 2:13. Last Tims I Tonlrht 8:18. I The Favorite Comedian RICHARD CARLE In the Musical Comedy Bit. "jrarcto jt piter, With Edna Wallace Hopper. w-rsnlnc Lower floor. It .rows. $; T rowa II. so: balcony, s rows. l-00: e rows. II; rowa. 7Sc: 6 rows. 60o; gallery re served and admission 60o. . Todays matinee Lower floor. ana fl: felcony. 1. 75c and BOo: gallery, re served 35c sdmlsalon 2fo. n a vrr r theater UniL.l 11TH A MORJUaOX r-tae Mala S. A ssas. 2 1 oncer's Today 2 THIS AFTER VOON 2 30 THIS EVENING 8:0. SOUSA SS? TILS Miss Nlcoltne Zedeler, violinist. Mlas Vtrlnla Root, soprano. Mr. Herbert Clarke, eornetlst. Evening Lower floor. 11; balcony, S rowa 1: 4 rowa Too; 10 rows. Me: box and 1oe seats. 11. oO. Afternoon Lower floor, 75o; bal eony. Mo; box and logs ssata, fL HEILIG THEATER Phones Mala 1 and A 1122. S NlOHTfi. BBWDTJONa TOMORROW ' Epsclal Price MaUnee Baturday. The Big Comedy Sit, "BABY MINE" BY MARGARET MATO. Splendid Cast Complete Production. Evenlnss Lower floor. 11.60. $1; balcony, first 11 rowa 11: next rowa. iSc; last S rowa 60c; eallery reserved. 85o: admission, 25c Saturday matinee Entire lower floor. II: balcony. 6 rowa II: rowa 75c: 11 rowa Boo; gallery reserved, asc: admission. Zjc JHATW , A let MAXXXJOD KVIdsY MY 15-2551 ' NIGHIS THEATER I5-25-50-7Sej WTTFK SEPT. 15 A Romance of the rnder world. a seneetloa everywhere; The Nlctiols hlMera, Cbarlea and Fannie an. Ilavlland at Tborntoa. TUe lour Floods, Mason A MM ray, Orcbeetrm, Pictures. . VHjwinatlMl Vanrlevllla HT.FK kept. 25 rjpertal Kncacement. Ed win de t orata s) C o.. In "Ked lVe. Vaude ville's (ireateet Iramatle frodoctlon; Iorie Trio. Mile. Bernhardt and Her Marionettes, Three Dean Brothers. John P. Reed. Keeler A Don, 1-antaseaoape, Dayllcht Animated Kveala. Topular Prlcea Maynee Dally, 2:30, T:80. Matinee Every Day. iress II J Sullivan A t'en-ldls k.h.mi tandevllle. WEFK SEPT. llPslty B,h"7-1?i?! and l ynch. Miller and Mack, Mrs. Julea Levy and Kamllv. Klce and CadT Ida Barr. oraad- uipf. mcea, lao ana i. ST AH THEATER Hal Chase's Home uroav est baeeball film ever ?roduced. The R e v e a o an aad the Girl Intense drama. Two Comedtea, Ha- ARCADE Drtven From Tribe Sensa tional Indian mm. ry i..e , . - Flicker Story of Philippines. Mann, fact urine; Firework Industrial. la test Big-voiced baritone. Oil JOY Arlsoaa Bill Great Western production. Loat Yeare Melodrama, , . I.. Mn.li.. KlnalnaT. TI VOLI Mary's Masquerate Feature. CRYSTAL A Classy itaow. OHPHECM Joka Oakley, Gambler First run film, Buor The Power for Good First run film. BASEBALL BECBEATIO PARK. Cor. Vau.ba aad Twenty-foartk Sta. SAN FRANCISCO TL PORTLAND SEPT. 2rl, 2T, 2", 2S, SO, OCT. . Games Uesln Week Days S P. M.I Sun days, XiltO P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boya Under 1 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ACCnON BALK TODAY. AT Wlleon-s aoetlen honse. at IS A. at. yaraltura. 111-S-a Beeond atreet. FCNERAL NOTICES, VAX OLAHN The funeral services ofjsn nle C Van Olahn. beloved wife of W C. Van Olahn. 4St Lao avenue, will be neia today tWednesday). September 17, at I p M at Portland Crematorium, under the auspices of tha Sellwood Chapter o. E. 8. NO. tl. Leave A. B. Hemstocks parlors. 1487 E. nth St.. corner Lmalllla ivenua. at 1:4. o'clock. Friends and ac quaintances respectfully Invited to attend. ROWTE In this city. Bept. 28, at Good Samaritan Hospital. Alice F. Rowe, aed I m"nth" ft days, beloved daughter of Mr snd Mrs. Kooert Rowa Funeral from Ilolman's chapel at 2 P. M. tod.y (Wedneaday). Sept. IT. Interment In Rose City Cemtery. SQUIRES The funeral of the late Amelia A taulrei will be held at the home of ;r darter. Mra i. M. Lo-nsdal. 44S Schuyler St.. at 2 P. M. today (Wednes day? September JT. Friends Invited. In terment Rivervlew Cemetery. THOMAS In this city. Sept. 28, at the 1 family e."d.nc SH3 4th St. S. Mary Rebecca Thomas, ased . T )rara Funeral from Holman s chapel St 10 A. M. tomor row (Thursday). Sept. 24 . Frlenda Invited. I r I at rTTlat II L IB a rm -v w pITTS Grttco ElUn Ptttm, arod 23 year. -I , ..i e.W. nlarst frnm then DaVTlora of the E.s't bide Funeral Directors. ,1 . . . , - . t a & w M a. I rt sasiil a Tr 1 Eait Alder street, toaay t sanesuay. Sept. 27, 3 r. ja. brtavt In this city. Bept. 2. at the Brfic7 "of her dsuxhter, Mra A. E. ajtr-a TOT Roaelawn eve.. Barah A. Bry IV, ased T9 veara Funeral aervlces will ba held at Kl'nss Valley Cemetery, about P. M. Thursday. Sept. 28. Frlsnds In vited. DfNOAN Friends snd acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the f.uneral e-rvlcea of ths lata John Duncan, axed j years, st Dunning1 MrEntee's chapel. 7th and Ankcny sta. Thursday. Sept. il, st 10 A. M. Intsnnent MU Calvary Ceme tery. JOHNSTON At tha horns of his dsuchter, Mra. W. A. HUMS. 7tio Kast Burnslde street. Sept- 20, Zadock Johnston, a(ed TT ,u,a Funeral will take p.aca from ths isov. number Thursday. Sept. 2s, 1 A. Friends respectfully Invited. 10Btrit r LORAL CO, MAKWL'AM HLllfl. tLOMAL HEMONS. phone.: Mala Slut; A lifts. " rmanlns A MrEntse, Funeral Directors, 1,h lad I'lne. fbooe Mala . Lady aa- .l.iant. Ollice of Coaaty Coroner. a a. tELLEB CO.. 64 Williams ave. Phooe Esa 1U. C loss. Lady attendant. Sacceasor te Zeller-Byrnee Ce. j 77 riNLES SON, Xd and Madlaeiar ,.dy attendant. Pbone Main . A UW. vnWaKU HOLMAN CO., Funeral Dlrect tt 't Id at. Lady aaaUtant. fboue M. QOX. ' E.A3T SIUE Paneral Ulrectora. eucrt.iera tm j.. b, Uormlna. ioc. E. ft. B Su25. ' Ltm H. Indertaker, sor. East Alder aad SlXta. si IS, as a. CHIMES BEPTEMBER 27. 1911. Daily a Sunday. rrerLme, SnVd I" eonseeutlve tlnne JJ. Same ad three cooaecullve times. ...... .e EalSe adduVor ee.eo conaecuUva times. aoe Kiliooee muss aocompaay out-el-ewa "tfhea one advertlaement ts not run In eaa eecuUve leeoea the ene-time rate appUes. Six worda count as oos Une os caaa asV vertimrm. and no ad counted lor lass "on ilulrie'"r book everttsement. ths chares will be based on the actuaJi Piub irLle. appearln, la the pr. re.arole.1 af the aumoer of words In each uaa 1. New Today aU advertlaemaats are eharaea by measure eoly, a4 Uaee te tae '"Iji'ta above rates apply to advertisements an"? W" iid .11 other elaaautaa- Uona exceptlna llie tollowlual Bltoatiuna wanted. Male. bitoatlons Wanted. cuiale OMuaktaT wlU accept tlflrf advertlse Ttt the telrphone, provldlnx the ad iiV U a subscriber to either phone, ae orbeesTwUI be quoted isver the pbooe. bas SuiruT be re"ndeHlT tbe foUonla, day. Whether auosefluent advertisements will toe accepted ever the phone depends twos the SrimpSe- of the' P-y ''''1" Tdtlaeinr." will" not"T- accepted iver the teiephooa. Orders for one ln ierUon ealy 1,1 be accep fo-Monae. far Kent. Fnrnltore lor Bale. Business If rJifT-i.i!" "Boomlna- - housse" aad -Wanted to Beat." y-EW TODAY. S$90 AN ACRE BaaaaBBBBBBBeaaaaaBaaBaaaSaaaaa Rich Soil Ready for the Planting This land does not require any clear ing; oriftlnally It was a natural prairie, . w . A Jm i. . n n m 1 r tm nn. Af tDO finest farms in the valley, and today It la cut up into o anu iw-w-. J-'T , stumps to dig out. no brush to clear thla land la ready for planting-; the deep rich soil produces the finest of all kinds of fruit and berries grown on tne Coast; all kinds of warden truck STpyrn In abundance and' of the finest quality large yields of potatoes; the aoil and climate are Ideal for poultry; hops can be made a very profitable crop. LOCATION This acreag-e Is located on the Paclflo highway and beat roads In the state, near Rochester, the fastest . growing town in Southwestern Washington, hall way between Portland and Seattle; 1 miles from railroad station; will be near new electric line: a few hours from the best markets on the Coast, Seattle, Portland, Tacoma, Aberdeen. Hoqulam, Olympla and Centralis- You are not dependent on any ono market; sell your products where they will bring the top price, GET A HOME THAT WILL SUPPORT YOU Rochester acreage makes an Ideal home, excellent climate, good water, close to schools, churches, stores, fuel and lumber plentiful and cheap. This is the land that pnya Its way. If you want a home that will Increase In value and at the same time make you considerable more than just a living. It's up to you to Investigate our acreage. $90 AN ACRE ON EASY TERMS We are owners, not agents. Wa bought this land right and can sen at a n8m price. Our policy is quick sales, reason able profit and satisfied customers. That's why we have built up tne larg ianri niininena In the Northwest. Over 250 tracts sold at Rochester alone since May 15. Our customers came from all parts of Oregon, Washington .tkBP urates and everv one is Sat isfied. Call and see soil, photos and talk with the owners. Arrange to go to Rochester and look at this land your Vim nan vn and coma the same day! We send parties every day. Fare refunded to ouyere. iuo iv.c. Remember our prices and terms are right. American Homelnyestaent Co. OWNERS, 1018 Chamber of Commerce. Take Elevator No. 1. Third-street Side. SNAP 4 M0DEEN 6-room FLATS Cost $7500 to build. Lot 50x100. "Weidler St., nr. E. 6th, Holladay Add. 1 block to Broadway Car. 2 blocks to Union Ave. Car. $9250. LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 233 Stark St, nr. 2nd. Auction Sale ox THURSDAY, 10 A. M. CONTENTS OF TUB New Scott Hotel. SEVENTH. BFTWEEX ANKENT AND Fine nikotasr. blrdeeye maple, aold- - i hrH Aalc furniture, braai aad enamel beds, AsJnlnater velvet aad Brussels carpets, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. j. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Willamette Heignts Snap vt- Avan.v-nom house; furnace, flra- ni.r douhlv constructed with four bedrooms; lot 60x100, with street Im provements all paid, on Vaughn street E.r Thlrtv-third. Price loTOO. 11000 cash and 125 per month. Not many snais like this on the West Bide. - a DOW. 81T Board af Trade BldK, th aad Oak. Factory Site Z00XZUU ail OI UIOUR. .01, v.c...D.n Hood and Macadam streets, and facing ...J f I 1 ! . -. an OrAirnn TT1 trie. Price a snap. Including all street Improvements, om jo.uvy, , . w w market value. Muet be sold to settle an estate. GRr,SI A jadow, 8XT Board of Trade Blda, dtk aad Oak. - . ' nw. a T J1 mln- i nave .ui'i . . , tegi from Portland, W 111 pay better than 10 Per cent net on y 1 ".a In high etate of oultlvaUon. 221 Falling Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS p--r mm p r.RfiNiH. 'ten aJ O ai hoaldlac Bids. 0 4J COLLIS. BEBRIDOB A THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOU.MANW, AUDITOR Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing InvtstlsaUns and Syatematizlns. a2a Worcastar block. Pbone Main g."67. KEW. modern bomea also vacant lots, to Irvinrtcm. Phonas: C 1381. East laSa; ot tlcs, ast 2ft. . B. Blca, owner. sORlCOlTsw COaWMTY . If Ton Are Thinking of Buying, pim ining op oeiling s XLUUlO, V. aSniilA hi nlaaaed to have TOU give us a call, and we are sure It will be to your advantage to do so. We nave just completed some hub homes In one of the most popular dls-. trlcts In Portland. Our terms are made to- suit our customers. Call and See tTa for rnrther Information. oreo on HoMEnrn.mn cox- ' BTRCCTIO.V CO, , a 13 Chamber of Commerce. Ground Leases 50x100 ft. on 11th. St, near Norti Bank Depot 100x200 ft on-E. Salmon Bt, be tween E. 2nd and E. 3d, on trackage. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8699, A 2653. Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. GOUDET, Lewis Building. SNAP. Farms on tidewater cheap; timber lands Close to tidewater. 7Ro per thousand feet, BNAP; yellow pin. In Crook County. 7ao per 1000 ft. These SNAPS for short tlm. only. Kinney and Stampher, Lumber i change bldg.. Second and Btark sta REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William Q.. 115-316 Falling bldg. BRCBAKER A- BENEDICT, 602 McKay bldg. M. 518. Cbapln A Herlow. 13S Chamber Commeroe. Cook. B. S. A Co.. 608 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co. Main 188. 206 Oregon lan. PALMER-JON E3 CO.. H. P.. 218 Coram ar- ciai liuv w.ua. . Th Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave, and Aiultnoxnan - y REAL EiTATE. For Sale Lota. rD TWrCTflH. ITS lots Wlinin a uiwtao T.- .rn-.a phurrhcl and school. Lots - . , . n t, r mnnA CAT 45 and 60x100. The whole tract at 1150 ner lot, 60 per cent of actual value. Terms flU cash, balance in 30 days. 30 minute. ,.nir nf Portland. Call for l U- Reagazi. BUT NOW OS" CHAPIN & HERLOW. Members OX Portland Realty Boara. 832-888 Chamber of Commerce. Fins new strictly mut o-.. v."""T doubly constructed and hardwood floor. Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch, lot 60HOO. on Royal Court; on. of the finest lqcatlons m too aumu piioe JTOOO; $2900 cash. lxxtuai os . . . . sl.- tr -Rnai-d of Hrade Bids.. 4th and oaa. WEST SIDQ LOTS. s Klrht on carllno on upper Washlngtoa at. West 39th snd Yamhill sts beyond City Park; easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO. 723 Chamber of Commercs bldg.. Main 5129. . CLU5S IN BUMUi-o .T Zrl V,mt TV.-- -. - Afi.tiio ft-: located on Kast vra mAKCt Bide, 18 minutes' rid. from 2d and Alder; three blocks from Sellwood car. easy trM" MERIDIAN TRUST CO., 808 Railway Exchange Bldg. Pboncs Marshall 2584. A T430. W. bav. this week only some cbolo. lots st a Dargain. 60x100, 18th st., 50xc, Hancock, tiOO. 78x100, near Knott, low value. DOLEN-BECKLKT CO East 896. C 1993. tat street and walk east; sightly lots with natural dogwood and fir trees. In re stricted district, at J725; don t miss see ing this; terms to suit: agent on the ground. The Western Securities Co., l Kpaldipg bldg. WILDWOOD. . ' WILD WOOD. . . rf mt Mlllt- Tatte Oregon x-i. car. a -CV Co., 41 Spalding bldg. WB HAVE Some cnoito .,; City Park dl.trict that we can arrange . -1 I .... trim TtnKtt secona morigis .r,V AuJirv.- r,r a r, Trtor.r A Co.. 417 Chamber ol Commerce ....... -. i -1 . wnvTH Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Wiill Run water, fruit cared for tree ol charge. 202 Board of Trad. bldg. Mar sua i is. a LOT on 47 th street in Hawthorn. Avenus ments; 075; about $400 cash, rest $10 pT 10th Strwt. North Portland. Phone ... t Vi w. I . Metxier. owuor. " 6S5. v nT CV A T .- . .-. . V. 1 Afllr-a. t-wn-m ratv lint. -in two-mllo circle. No restriction price $860. Will accept $85 cash. Balance Thia ia a. irpnulne. sacrifice, o aientf. AM 443. Oreonian. ""NEAR, COR. HAWTHORNE AXD 89TH. ieauiu ui 101, vinj fi t-- - anoe easy payments. C I, BAMBERGER. Marshall Til. Room 2 Lumbermens Bide. vUXlUV, ia V AU-A tr.1. A Una lot 60x100 on East 21st, between Knott and Stanton, price $2350. s-m . t " c C T aV. 1 a T"kl W,' 317 Board of Trade Blag.. th md Oak. -. . . -.-. . m.r,A '' ' ..t. tmrt Mt. Tabor which are offered at a bargain and for a home eite they can't be beat. Rowe A Thatcher Co.. S24 Chamber of Commerc. bldg. Marshall 71L RED INSTITUTE Is In full view from my 100x'00 on Woodstock Ridge; It has a large number of bearing fruit trees; will sell it a bargain, $2500. Call .11 Spalding ..ot m n-rr A Vfl .in CT. JjOtm $50. easy terms; best buy in th. city new carllns building; see us at one EliPlRE KKALTT & TRUST CO. 402 Teon bldg. Marshall 340. Corner on Portland Boulsvard, near carilne; soms improvements; iw; onable terms. v... fori YoKTilSD HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS al TV 8551. BROOKE. A tSi. ts c VSH and $o per month, beautiful lot, near Flrland; ML Scott 5c car street graded- water in. HldLEY & BISHOP, 182 Id Bt. nACP riTV PIRk SN'AP. SSOO LOT FOR SC0 CASH. OR TERMS 1150 CASH. AP 470. OREGON IAN. AT RFRTA business corner, 100x43, store 82 x?2. 10-foot alley. Pries .1750. Terma Phone woooiawn hoi. iron SALE Corner lot. 100x100. 14 Ever ett. Call to 640 East 10th St. South. Sellwood 1003. lot 50 feet from carilne at bargain price. 4 Burna M. oow. a v--- ks-f. L. Nolr & Co. for West Side realty 6 .I-lslv. dealer. In West Side propsrty lirouna noor m"-""- $3 ImlV tmW-- - 'U 1 J" XI;l . t. t mm nn,rr pt.a lot la Aflman for $100. Room hwl- $15 CASH secures full lot. Westmoreland; s FR map. owner. Hanaro, buj pweiianq pint. 7"TIOXAL lot. East 6th and Lincoln; 15O0. Owner. Tabor 854. FOR IRVINGTON BARGAINS Phon. Marsnaii m, a ii', aXAP 100x100. 34th and ETnerson; $800. Ownax, 508 Oullnger bids. $9000. $9000. MUST BELL. IXilt.UAlt,Li. Am forced to sell my beautiful new 9- room borne far below cost; must be sold this month; can give any terms; 100x100 corner, o5-ft. cement porch extend In across front of home, supported by mas sive brick columns; hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, glass breakfast-room, 2 large fireplaces, built-in bookcases, aats. 8-tt, buffet, panel wainscoting, tiled bath, sleeping porch, elegant lighting fixtures, giasa doors, etc. highly r;st- Icted dis trict. If you are looking for an Ideal home and hava Little cash, don't fail to see this one. No commission to 1 pay. Owner, 41' ti Lumbermen!! bldg. Phone M. 6000; residence phone Woodlawn 14S4, IRVINGTOU BOMB. 160O PROFIT. It looks to me that a well-built 6-room house for $1600 less than the sama kind of house next door sold forrWould b a bsrgaln and worth your tlma to inves tigate. My house bas all tha iat. modern Improvements snd Is clos. to both th. Brosdway and Irvlngton carllnaa. I hav. taken the sale of It away from th. real estate agents and offer It cheap. See owner day time at 320 East Morrison St.. or phone B 1362. Phone Evenings. East T23. rLASS OF ARTISTIC (Hundreds to select from. Design., hv A, H Faber, architect.) Houses 500 to $1500 5.00. Houses over 1500 $10.00. You can get your own builder, or wa will submit th. plan to competitive bid ding by competent contractors, and yott seciir. your homo st the lowest cost. financial aid If you want It, Call for our finely Illustrated book. FORTLAJiD BUILDING ASSOCIATIOW. S22 Mohawk Bldg. IRVINGTON. U0O cash, with balance at T p. cent, will purchase an artlstlo horn, of 0 rooms, with glass-inclosed sunroom and sleeping porch; has 2 fireplaces, furnace ana kitchen stove; screens snd shades; garage, with ooncret. driveway; located In beet part of Irvlngton. on full lot; all Im provements In and paid for. Apply to owner, 112e Board of Trada. Fhon. A WALKING DISTANCE) FROM KENTON. Brand-new 1H -story, 0 rooms and batn. cabinet kitchen, built-in buffet, beamed celling. Duplex shades, tin. furnaca, east front, a beautiful home. Prlc. $8760. About $200 cash,, balano. $10 per monta and Interest. CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. 832-338 Chamber of Commsros, Ask for HlckOk. WANT A GOOD" HOME t 9 -roo in modern hous. and lot. sw lull '8-room modern hous. and lot. Irvlng ton. 18000. A , .... 8-room modern house and two iota Greenway, $7500. 8-room bungalow. Irvlngton, JIOOOO. 8-room bungalow. Vernon, 98900. And numerous othsrs. VANDUYN & WALTON, B15 Chamber of Commerce. WHY NOT TURN A BURDElf TTJTQ INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, .IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IX WILL PAY YOU TO BEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., C.. COVTRACT INQ ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLD. ROSE CITY PARK. T reoma large iiviu-iuiii, ........p . - teamed celllns, bullt-ln bulfet Md book- caser. sona obk uuuia. furnace, flreplaoe. NATIONAL REALTY ft TRUST CO. Room 723. Chamber of Commeroe bids. DO YOU WANT A HOME! $800 down and $110 per month win Buy 8-room new 2-story semi-bungalow, closs In on 84th street: hardwood floors, largs closets, paneled dining-room, buffet, tiro place. Dutch kitchen and full basement, paved streets and good view; price i SS4UU Main 1400. 628 Yeon Bldg. BEST value In a home ever offered; ona block to Ros. City Park car, on ld .$ four trees on an east-front lot; larg. rooms and attic; all bullt-ln effeots: small down payment: balanoe Ilk. rent. It you sr. particular this will suit you. B. ""j. e. ATKIN3. Henry Bld. J3100 HAWTHORNS DISTRICT 13100. " A brand-new 5-room bungalow, near Hawthorne av.; a dandy; has all mod ern Improvements; only $300 oash. bal ance like rent. John L. Karnopp, owner. Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 257. ( E. MORRISON 8T. HOME. Good 6-room. 2-story house, on corner lot 51x67. close to th. business district of Bunnysldo; prlc. $3800; 800 cash $28 a month; not many bargains Ilk. this. GRUSSI & ZADOW. IT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oaa St. r,.r,rm.,, T-i riTV 8 new, striotly modern bungalowa and '6 rooms ready for occupancy. $2000 to 8250O; small payment down, bsi. Ilk. rent; let me show you these homes. TAR A. CT.OCK. e.52 Alder st. Main 8188. DQ YOU WANT A HOME 7 . BOxlOO. 6 rooms and sleeping poroh: hardwood floora paneled dining-room and beamed, bullt-ln buffet Breplace. Dutoh kitchen. Improvements In and paid fori grlNiTo'-Board of Trad. Bid,. On. block from Broadway: hardwood Coora fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, etc; Srics 42ooT $500 cash and $50 monthly. P H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldf Phones Main 8699. A 2658. Luyi. ui.x Rose City Park bungalow. 6 mm "Jht OD to date, new; block to car: It's aap! look It up: have a tenant for It will pay mo rent. See James C. Logan. 8J.S Iplwng btdg. Marshall 2746, A 2489. NICE HOME. CORNER LOT, IMPROVEMENTS ALI. TV 7 ROOMS. MODERN, 2 BLOCK3 Si CARLIVE; PRICE $8500. ZIM m1rMAN VlO BOARD' OF TRADB ..... . 1 - T -rr IV.(tA BLDO. IN ROHli u 1 I AIm ,.v- .1 Fin. bungalow, elegantly furnlshsd. al- ', n-w strictly modern. oak floors. " erV conv."encV $5000 $1000 cash. baU like rent. Owner, 418 Ell.rs bldg., Tth and Alder sts. 7000 BUYS ie-room new hous.. over $70 income: 2 4-room lower flats and upstairs 8 housekeeping rooms: cement basement, stationary washtubs; 22d. between East Stark and Oak sts. Ownsr. Phons East 63tXi., - " MUST SELL MY IRVINGTON HOME. Have taken option on a farm and must ail my home of 8 rooma If prepared to act QUICK. I'll give yon the BEST BARGAIN IN IRVINGTON. AJ 445. Ore- gonian. arm have 4. S snd 6-room homes, all in restricted districts, for sals on I. .i irrns. Provident Investment ".tee mpany 201-2-8 Board of Trada, Marshall 473. A 10 Sow BALE By owner, 7-room new, mod ern bungalow on graded street, cement ? .iu sswsr 14 blocks to streetcar, :1taeaWa.acrlfrc,e,"if taltan at onca H 428. Oregonlan. BARGAIN $3700, worth $4500. 50x100 lot Tih Am 6-room modern house on 45th Tt and Sandy buolevard. 100 feet from car Hne. $SU0 cash, balance Ilk. rent. Kl, i" Lewis, room 2 Lumberman bldg. AT A BARGAIN. Two new B-room modern bungalows, good residence district. Small payment down. will take lot as first payment. T,TrriT REALTY CO.. 208 ALDER BT. - P1EDMOST-WALXCT PARK HIGH- t bave several goe'd buys In thess daalr . hi tracts See me before buying. p!b. ttNT, 417 Corbett Bldg. cr-p Le Nolr 4 Co. for West Side homes! exclusive dealers In West Side realty. Ground floor Chamber of Commerce. idvit,TON district, modern 8-room hous.! fln lawn, shrubbery, fruit trees; on. or f" lotl AP 47. Oregonlan. -,-r,o SMALL modern cottags on otrner .S.. r- oor and river. Box 102. Mil- louxiyw, waukie, or. FOR sale at halt price . Rose City Park my $1500 eqult) in bungalow. Phons Woodlawn 1-52. ctr-vrE New 6-room bungalow, close In; .flivi T"40O down, balance $i0 per month. frrluAl Si interest. AK 470. Oregonlan. .-c-u.' pleeant -room Irvlngton home, 541 is't 2Ir near Braze. St.. $7500. Phon. East 1470. tinMFS from $1000 to $5000; two fur- Sthid- -cxamin. thesa before you buy. v.;. flossett. 7 West Kllllngsworth ave. HOUSE and lot for sale at 828 Benton st. by owner. , , sale 8-room house, lot 50x100, lawn. 7 lYnsworthOwner 994 East 21st N. tFrvra bungalow and six loU. only $2650, F?v terms. Phone owner. Main 4011. f boom house and 1 or i lots; must sell ' """k. Phone East 1?23 mornings. ifti.xlOO EASY terms, 4-room cottage, barn, 10"n?nenhouseJrul Jresa Phone C 1291. tn VONTHLT buys 6-room bungalow; modern: $2So0. Phone owner. East 2741. SACRIFICE -room bungalow and 3 lots with fruit trees, $2400. Woodlawn 1206. V i