13 Merchandise Purchased on Credit Today and Remainder of Month Will Be Charged on October Account Payble Nov. 1 Special 25c Dairy Lunch Served in Basement Ice Cream Parlors, Soda Fountain and Candy Department in the Basement "Underprice Store" Largest retail salesroom in the Northwest. Occupies an entire block, and extends tin ier the sidewalks on all four streets. "We cordially invite you to spend the day here. Perfect Ventilation The air in our Basement, as well as the rest of the store, is changed every 20 minutes by means of a perfect ventilating plant. This means good health while shopping. Basement' -Pay at tlh. THE MORXIXO OREGOXIA. "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1911. Olds, Wortanain ($b Himig Only Retail Store West of Chicago Occupying an Entire BlocK Women's $10 Coats $6.98 There wQI be no disappointments to those who hare looked so eagfrly forward to this Wednesday sale. These Coata are most extraordinary ralnea. They come in black, gray and mixed ma teria!, fall length styles and well tailored; not one in the lot which would not be considered a gTeat value &tC? QQ $10.00. Today we specialize them at only, each DO0 Women's Raincoats $4-95 The rainy season has set in for the Winter and thrifty women will come early for their Raincoats before stocks are picked orer. Here's a showing of the "Slip-OTer" Coats, light-weight, with storm collars, in tan color only; the best values of Jv QC the season; take early advantage of the special price u)T.i0 Women's $5, $6 fiats $2.95 300 charming models in Dress Shapes and richly tailored hats, ready to don. Beautiful new styles, scarcely two of a kind in the lot. Black and colored, small, medium and large -shapes. These are samples, used as opening display hats. We bought them at half the wholesale JQ QC price. $5 and $8 values. For this sale we offer you your choice at the low price of O 75c Crepe de Chene 47c II 75c BlacK SilK 48c Yard Black Duchess Silk, in the rich finish. A very de sirable weight for waists, dresses and linings, and for close-fitting petticoats, also for trimmings and millinery purposes. A very special purchase of a large quantity of this 60k enables us to offered Q 7fi oniHfi- Rnpci.il for todav at. the. vsrd Ov In the Basement Underprice Store today we offer a moet extraordinary sale of fine crepe- do chene silk, 26 inches wide, in black, white and all wanted colors. A splendid fabrie for waists, after noon and evening dresses, etc. A regular 75o A r7f quality specialized at, the yard, for today" S5.00 SilK Waists at. $2.48 An extraordinary showing of Silk Waists in the new Fall styles, bought way under the manufacturers' regular selling prices. Neatly tailored and trimmed to please the most par- Cy AO ticular women; good value to $5.00; special this sale Oa""xO $1.75 Allover Laces 79c Yd. In the Basement Underprice Store, a sale of fine allover Laces in Irish, Venise and Oriental patterns; black, white, cream and ecru in a splendid range of desirable patterns suitable for yokes, sieves, etc. Nets which sell regularly at $1.25 to $1.75 specialized, the yard, at iC 35c Dress Goods 19c 75c Dress Goods59c Wool Serge Dress Goods in splendid Fall weights for Suits, Skirts, Dresses, ete. Good shades of light and dark navy, brown, cardinal, green, garnet CO-. end hlnnlr vrtfiA nnAlittM fm(Mal todnY WV today New Plaid Dress Goods in a splendid range of colors and combinations, dark and light, especially desirable ror girls ' school dresses. Our regular 35o quality specialized for today at, the yard 19c Serg'e Dresses $30Val. $11.98 Women's and Misses' Dresses, made of fine French and English Serge in black, Navy and brown, rich Bhades. Beautiful one-piece styles for women, and Peter Thompson styles for misses. All well made and trimmed in laces, buttons, etc., mostly odd lines from our Second floor Garment Store sent down to the Basement for a speedy (PI 1 QQ cleanup. 100 dresses. $18 to $30 values P XeaO SilK Pettic'ts 5-Val. $2.69 Fine Silk Petticoats made of rich, soft finish chif fon taffeta, in black and all the new Fall shades. Styled with deep flounce and dust ruf- (PO CQ fie. Regular $5 values nnderpriced at P-i.JI Women's Tailored SviiisSlO Women's Fine Tailored Suits in new Fall styles; in English serges, bine, black and colors, and a good range of fancy mix tores, lined with good quality satin ; a full range of sizes. Odd suits from our regular stock and Sample Suits bought espe cially for the Basement. All grouped in one J f r f big lot at only O 1 U.UU Great Bargains In th New FURS Rtimnt avnd 2d Floor Men's Underwear $1.50 Values at 95c In the Basement Underprice Store, a sale of Men's new Fall weight Underwear. Natural wool in medium and heavy weights, shirts and drawers, very elosely woven, well made and finished. Drawer QC. sizes 30 to 46, shirt sixes 34 to 48. Note extra sixes. Reg. $1.50 $1.25 Union Suits 76c Every man who studies economy should take this for a lesson. Here's Jersey Ribbed Union Suits in the heavy Winter weight, with fine fleece lining, in tan color only. Well made and perfect fitting. 7fir Sires 36 to 44. Regular $1.25 values, special for today, at I.50 Flannel Shirt 98c A seasonable and timely sale of Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts in Navy blue and gray, splendid quality plain wool flunneL Cut full inQQ body and aleevea. Sizes 14 to 18. Regular $1.50 values, special "OC 15c Handkerchiefs 8c Men's Handkerchiefs of fine sheer cambric, linen finish, full size, Q with 4-inch hem. A regular 15c seller. Special for this sale, at Sale Men's Sweaters $1.50 Values at 69c The most remarkable values in Men's Sweaters ever shown in Portland at such a price. Doubt it the like has been shown in all America. We bought all the mill had and gave them a chance to clean house. They are heavy wool, coat style, in plain gray or gray trimmed in blue and red, with large pearl buttons; JQ sizes 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44; regular $1.50 values, for only OiC Men's 15c Sox 9c BlacK or Tan An extra special in Men's High Grade Socks ; double thread, Winter-weight cotton ; fine lisle finish ; black or tan ; were obliged to buy an enormous quantity in order to get them at the price. Positively fast colors, in a complete range of sizes. Limit 12 pairs to a cus tomer. Our best 15o values, q specially priced at only, pair J C $1.50 Val. Lace 47c Dz. In the Basement Underprice Store "today we offer a sale of hundreds of dozens of dainty Val encienes Laces, in an endless selection of patterns, Y2 to iy inches in width, edges and insertions. French and Italian makes, if bought in the A 7 regular way would sell 75c to $1.50 a doz. T1 C 25c Embroideries 12c 35c Embroideries 17c A line of fine Cambric and Muslin Embroideries, in new dainty patterns, in widths 5 to 12 1 0 inches. Splendid 19o and 25c qualities, yd C Corset Cover Embroideries in a fine grade of 1 1 cambric and a splendid selection of patterns C 50c Flouncings 25c . Fine Cambrio Flouncings, 27 inches wide, in a splendid range of embroidered patterns suitable for women's garments or for children's wear. OC. Regular 50o qualities specialized at the yard sCiaJC 35c Face Veiling 16c Beautiful new Face Veilings in black and colors, fine or coarse mesh, in a good range of select 1 ? patterns, regular 85o graces, special at, yd "C 25c Socks 16c In tha Basement "Underprice Store" today. A sale of Men's Fine Cashmere nose, in black, tan and natural graj colon complete 1 J line of sizes. 23 values at vv SateenSHirts44c Men's black sateen and blue eham- bray Shirts, of good heavy ma terial, eut foil and long sixes AA IV j to 17H- Our best sellers Boys' $1.00 Shirts 69c Pots' heavy Flannel Shirts, made of excellent wool material, well made, cut full and long; sizes 12V4 to 14,q Regular fl.00 value. SpecialOC 43c Underwear 29c Boys' heavy fleece- lined Shirts and p rawer in silver gray, very fine close ven garments; sizes 24 tsnn 34. Keguljo- 4Se garments, at' Boys" Night Gowns 43c Boys' Outing Flannel Xight Gonna, mad of good quality material. In neat striped pattern, cut full and A o long; sizes 122 to 14. Special Men's 50c Suspenders 23c Extraordinary nnderpriclng trill be the rule for to day in the Basement. A special purchase of 100 dozen Men's Suspenders, picked up at half price, all good, strong, perfect webs withOO leather ends. Regular 60e sellers, today at -JC 50c Waste Baskets 23c Indian made Waste Paper Baskets for the home or for office use, assorted sizes and colors, made strong and durable, attractive. 50e values OO. specialized for today's sale only at, enrh-Jl Boys' $2.00 Shoes $1.15 Boys' School Shoes in vici kid" and box calf stock, medium and heavy weight ; sizes 11 to 1 CI 1C Reg. f 1.75 and $3 values Girls' $1.00 Dresses 59c Children's Dresses made of splendid quality of percale, attractively styled and trimmed, splendid colors and striped patterns. Sizes 2 toCQ Women's $3.50 Sweaters $1.79 Another day devoted to the selling of those splendid Sweaters, which we bought so very reasonably. They are well knit of pure wool, heavy weight, V-neck styles, with large pearl buttons, with pockets good lengths in white only, all sizes in the lot Regular $2.75 I 7Q to $3.50 values. Specialized for this sale today at only S $1.25 Sample -Belts 29c Tlundreds of Women's Belts, sample lines bought at great saving. Black ' and every wanted color comprised in the lot, plain and fancy elastics, fitted with new, attractive buckles. Regular 50e to $1.25 valuespQ specialized for today's sale at the very low price of only 0 years. $1 values, today Girls' $1.50 Dresses 89c Children's Dresses of heavy percale, in small, neat patterns, good service able colors, well made and trimmed in buttons, bands, ete. W'QQp values for today only at, each"' On the Bargain Circle 1st Floor sale of Dressmakers Needs 1 10c IRONING WAX 6c Mothers' Ironing Wax, just the size of the Iron, will not flame, saves time and money. A C 10c value, today for only C 23c BOX OF PINS FOR lBe The perfect, best quality of English brass, dressmakers' Pins, i4-Ib. box, Kos. 5 f C and 6. A 26c grade for 10c BIAS SEAM TAPE 6c A tape for trimming, piping, covering seams, etc, 6-yard pieces, in assorted widths. C Our regular 10c sellers at 6c COLLAR SUPPORTS 2o Adjustable, removable bona, washable, assorted sizes, o card for this sale, only 1 3000 yds. Gingham at4!2cyd A sale of 5000 yards of Ginghams, mill ends, in a splendid range of colors and all-size checks, suitable for aprons, bouse dretes, wrappers, eliil- AA n dren's school dresses, ete. A splendid quality, special today only Specials im Hitchem Needs 60c SEWING" SILK 20c DOZEN Sublime quality Sewing Silk for machine or hand sewing, 60 yard spools, black onlyf) 60c dozen quality for'C 2Vc DARNING COTTON lc 45-yard spools of Darning Cot ton, diagonally wound, war ranted fast color. Regular 1 2Vic grade for today only C 6o TAPE MEASURE 2c Good, strong measures, 60 in ches long, with numbers on both sides. Good plain O neat figures. 6c values forC 4c PAPER PINS 45c DOZEN The very best quality of 6c neddle-point Pins, 360 on a pa per, assorted sizes. Reg-JC ular 4c paper. Doienat"JC 25c SKIRT GAUGE FOR 8c Dressmakers' favorite Skirt Gangs, measures correctly, hangs skirt perfectly. 25c o article for today for only OC SPOOL COTTON 45c DOZEN 500-yard spool Cotton, all sizes, for ordinary nse. Special I g 4c spool, or dozen for"C 25o DRESS SHIELDS 8c Light weight, nainsook-covered Shields, odorless; a dependable shield against perspiration, o Regular 25c value, pair 25c PEARL BUTTONS Extra fine finish fish eye other style Buttons. 3 6-9 or 12 on a 25c card S2.00 Tap'y Curtains $1.48 In the Basement 'Underprice Store" a sale of heavy reversible Tapestry Curtains. 3 yards long and 27 inches wide, in beautiful rich colorings and most exceptional values at $2.00 a pair. Q 1 Specialized for this 6ale today at only V lO S1.50 Couch Covers 98c In the Basement "Unlerprice Store" a cleanup sale of heavy Couch Covers, 60 inches and 66 inches wide, and 3 yards long, reversible, the patterns are very pleasing. The values are unusual atQQ at $1.50. Specialized for today 's sale atOC Child's Union Suits 45c Girls' fine Jersey Ribb Union Suits, high neck, ankle length, medium weight, sizes 2 to 16 years, m j Specialized for today at onlyT'C ' 50c Underwear 37c Children's Underwear, Vests and Pants, to fit youngsters, 3 to 15 years of age.- Fine jersey ribbed, medium Fall weight long q 17 sleeves and ankle length, for J C Girls' Overalls 43c Children's Overalls of good quality heavy gingham, an blue 43c R.eg. 20c Drapery Material lOc 5000 yards of mill ends of Scrims, Madras, etc., in lengths 1 to 10 yards, in an endless selection of patterns and colors. 12o to 18o 1 f grades. Special today, yard "C $2 Curtains 98c Pr Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, mostly odd pairs, but in some lines there are 6 pairs of a kind. They white, cream and Q Q come ecru. in $2.00 values for only 10c and ilOcj denim or trimmed m red. Sizes 1 to 6 years. 50o values, special Children's Coats $4.50 New Fall Coats of good heavy tweed material, in gray, with collar and cuffs of red velvet and soutache braid. Sizes 6 to 14. Spe- Crv cial for today at only P"V Women's $3.50 Shoes $1.93 Women's fine Patent Leather Shoes in the button or lace styles, kid or cloth tops, medium heel, all sizes, worth regular $3.50. Spe- C" QQ cial for today at onljV 50 Slippers, Per Pair, 33c Men's and Women's Velvet Slip pers, in assorted colors, plain or fancy, with heavy carpet soles. All sizes in the lot. A goodOO Nickel Crumb Pan and Scraper, special 15 Set of 6 Table Mats, special the set 10 Gas Mantels, special, two for.-. 15 ire 1! rollers, special at lO Scrub Brushes, special 5? Three-quart lidding Pans, special 8 Asbestos Stove Mats, 8i inch ...3 Wire Gas Toasters, special .9 Rice straw Ilouse brooms for 15 Kitchen Seta, cleaver, butcher and vegetable knives.. 29 Three-quart gray enameled Sauce Pan 12 Sink Strainers, Wash Basins 10 Decorated China Your Choice lOc A special bargain table of decorated China-ware, con sisting of Plates, Salad Dishes, Cake Plates, Sugar Bowls, Creamers, Olive Dishes, Cups, Saueers, f etc. Your choice of these great values for only VIC House supper lor only, pair 6500 yds. Outing Flannel, 5c 6500 yards of mill ends of Outing Flannels; all good, useful lengths from 5 to 20 yards; a splendid range of patterns, suitable for gowns, pajamas, C etc Specially priced for this sale today at, the yard, for only Grocery Specials 0. W. K. Butter 58C Fancy Maine Corn... ....... 11 Delivered With Other goods. Royal Anne Cherries.. ,..: 15 Picnic Shoulders..... llc SSpfV'""'- j n;i o Sliced Peaches, the can...,.15i 30C Salad Oil ...25c 30o O. W. K. Coffee 24 IOC 0. W. H. Bluing 5C 25c Cocktail Catsup!. 20 RAID QUERY BLOCKED POLICE CAPTAIN" OT OBLIGLD TO REVEAL ORDER. Z7 ta Municipal Coart TCToted to Grlut Which Majr Be Ended To day Gambler Next. "T" ordered you to raid thM houa? demanded Attorney Brady of CaptAla Fil7. tMUfylur in Municipal Court ytarday & to hla actions In rounding u tit occupants o( It hiitm in th Ntrth End. Tho-poUco offirrr parried tho ques tion onct svsdsd It ones, and was on ta. pent of flatly rsfu.tns; to usnr, wk.n CitT Attorn., SuMlran oam ta tl rsscusi and UurpoM d u objection Utat was sustained by tit court. The prormss of the query was watched eleeely. for t here has been much mystery mad of the proceedings which brought about the big raid of September IT, and of the mo Urea which prompted It. AU day yesterday tha eourt contin ued (rinJlsc on th accumulation of North Knd cases, and will be able to conclude th hearings today or tomor row, wlm sea tone 111 be pronounced on thoss found f-u'lty. Wheo thee cases are disposed of the court will be confronted by a new vrlst of 14 Chlneae. arrested as (-amblers In a raid at tIS Everett street Tha attorney for th accused has an nounced that he will demand a sop. arete trial for each defendant. If h makes good this threat another sreek or tw ef eonrastloa la to be eipeoted. Mild warfare betweoo Judge Tas weU and th District Attorney's oflio has broken out on account of th pres sure In th Municipal Court, several times in th last few days eases sent to th city eourt Hat been refused by Judge TasweU. whs la each baa directed th complainant to return to th Plstrlct Attorney and tall him that th court esnnot hear tha ease. Armstrong to Enter Race). A. P. Armstrong:, ex-presldent of ths Portland Business College, will be a candidate for tha office of County School Superintendent at tha next elec. tlon. lie announced yesterday that he Intends to run for ths office, and said ha Is confident of being- able to defeat the present Incumbent. Frank Robin son. Mr. Armstrong will run on th Republican ballot at th primaries. Bell' Sjstexn to Be Described. C. II. Moore, district commercial su perintendent of tha Paclflo States Tele phone Telegraph Company, will have charge of th Rotary Club's luncheon at 1):14 o'clock this afternoon, at Richards' Restaurant. A (0-mlnuta programme has been arranged, to be devoted to telling how the Bell system has grew a slno Its establishment la this city. CEMETERY OWNERS PLAN Lone Fir Association Contemplates Improving" Graveyard. At a meeting of ths executive oora mlttss ef th Lona Fir Lot Owners Association yesterday afternoon In tha office of J. A- etrowbridge. tha secre tary, it was decided to call a mass meeting of tha lot owners and all oth era Interested In the Improvement of the cemetery next Saturday night at T 10 o'clock In the ball of Orient Lodge, at East Sixth and East Alder streets, to decide on future plana. Tha executive committee reported tha cem etery to be In a bad atata and In need of Improvements. Subscriptions to tha amount of $3400 toward defraying the expenaes of Improving tha cemetery have been received by tha secretary of the association, and 11700 of that amount has been paid. Tha lot own ers are so widely scattered that It hsa and names, but much of this vt-prk baa been accomplished, Tha Lot Owners' Association Is In fuU eontrol ef the grounds, having ac quired all tha stock of tha Lone Fir Association, and can proceed with wbatavsr Improvements tha lot own era d.slr to have made. Ad Club "Tonr" Planned. An advertising tour around th world is scheduled to be tha feature of tha Portland Ad Club's weekly luncheon at the Hotel Portland tomorrow noon. Something unique Is promised by iL Moasssohn, who has charge of tha ar rangements. Among those at tba luncheon will be consular officials of foreign powers. James Laldlaw, the British Consul, will apeak on adver tising In England; Consul M. Ida. of Japan, will take for his subject, "Nip. ponl Okeru Kokoku," and Vice-Consul Eodre M. Cederburgh, of Norway, Vice Consul J. W. Mattbes, of Holland, and Vice-Consul Vald Udell, of Sweden. b.sn dUUcult to obtain their addreaaeajwill contribute to th programxa. FATHER'S HEAD IN DANGER Former Census Enumerator Says Spirits Told Him to Shoot, Becaus spirits told Adam C DeBord that the proper thing to do would be to shoot hi father', head off and he threatened to follow th advice, the senior DeBord, surety on the bond of his son, who Is under charges of pad ding tho last Federal census, yester day told United States District Attor ney lloCort that be would withdraw tha bond and his son waa taken in custody and locked up. Adam DeBord was held to appear befor th Federal Court under $1500 bonds on a charge of padding the cen sus, when ha waa an enumerator in 1(10. His father was tha principal bondsman. Th father told District Attornsy McCourt that his son bad been attend ing spiritual seances and consulting mediums and yesterday morning hla son informed him that the spirits had advised him to shoot his father's bead off. The elder DeBord said he feared that his son would carry into execution the advice of the spirits and requested that he be released from the surety and that his son be locked up. The bond was cancelled and the younger DeBord waa brought In by ths United States Marshal's office and placed in the County Jail for saf keeping. Oak-Street Cut in. Sight. " It is probable that the work of cut ting Oak street through from Park td Tenth will begin soon, as $300,000 of the 1140,000 assessment baa been paid, including $20,000 paid by the Burk hart estate. It is expected that the balance of the $340,000 will be paid within a few days. The only hindrance to the work will then be the injunc tion suit of John Closterman and John. Clark. Should their suit be success ful it would halt the work.