THE MOTfXTXG Oil EGO XI AN, WTDXFSDAY. SEPTEMBER 2?, .1911. XI CITY NEWS IN BRIEF o bxoo-xiajc nuriom Prlntlnc-roem ... City elrcu:roa . ataaa!na Editor .in.!, JCtluor Tiro .Xlain .Ala a T .!: Tt'TO .alaia J" .Ua.a AMftEMENTS. BrrLia THEATER tTlB an TaylorV Ktc -.rd Car.. aa4 fc.ina WaHae. Hj?r la :h Br.uaKai cnm.ur. "Junp;n Jpl t'r" .pcij in. iim. tnu aXurawta. 2.13 cock. loa:m 5:1&. BAKER THEATtK l!ta and sf'irr'sorit " Aid a:a bnl. rpc.i: conctf. ttu. a't.raooa at 2:1 a cIckk. Toaisat. OH HH CI M THFTATEB .at.mao. A.ath a.-. J sT.a:a Vajd.rlila. Thla ar- arooa at 1 13 aad t.aibt at S:la r.vrcim THEATER Fnrti aad star's:) VauJ.r!::.. Tft.a aXlrBo.a at 1.13; !- at T and a. tH:IH THKATEH 'PArk and Waantn ,ln X 11 toa Vau' This and toats&t at T MO aad a. SlAH. AHCADE. OH JOT. ODEOX. TTVO LI Flrt rua plrtursa. 11 A. at.. 1 F- Pruc Mabket Coxranars PuinrETx. A ir.rj.ral cocferrnce on th. proposal to a public market on tha Kast t-..Te will b called In October. In th. rooms of the fcAst Mdt Business len's Club, aa aoon as d.i.aai.s from the lir.sbam Commercial Club. Pomona District Gratis:, and from local nib ordinate Grtniioi have tjn appointed. The Ur.sham Commarclal Club Is ri-peete-1 to appoint ovlrKAtes at one, and Pomona Grans-., which will mt today with Columbia Urance. near Corbetta. will conaltler the subjact and mar appoint dtl'tim to attend tile eonferenr. The commercial clubs of tUmly and FTstacaila win also be asked to send delegates, as those) communi ties are Interested In the establishment of public market on the Kant Side. The enterprise will be financed through Joint-stork rnmpunr And a block on a railway wi:i be bought. Grenham Commercial Club officials fuvor the movement. It Is hoped to hold the conference About October 15. Ewihq Fvxrnai, Ilcurx The funeral of the late William Kwlne;. who died September 24. was held yesterday. The services were conducted by Re. It M. Jones At the irrave In Greenwood Cemetery. The pallbearers were: J. A. rieke. D. Harclay. It. B. tvilmnt. H. Randall. Charlea Dickinson and M. Ob.rle. Mr. Kwlnar was born In Glas itow. ScotUnd. anfj cAma to America In 116. The following year he cAme to C'resron. He lived for aeveral years In P. I em. and after a short residence In Alto Tark moved to Corvallla. He waa married In 172 to Helen M. Stephenson. He Is survived bv Ma widow and the following children: Mrs. Thomas Pomerey. of Blair. Nev.; A. H. twine end F. C. Ewtn. of Salem: W. R. Kwlne. of Lebanon: Mrs. Ger trude E. M.-Klfre.h And Miss Oeorcla Farina-, of Corvallis. and JIlis Annie C Ewlns;. of Chlcnco. Rotaat Ocier or Pnovsj Fin Members of the Hotary Club were Itueets of C. H. Moore, district com mercial superintendent of the Paclflo Telephone at Telecraph Company, yes terday on a tour of Inspection through the eschance bulldlna of the compAnr. on Alder street, where the system of transmission was explained to them, pr.s.dtna the visit Mr. Moore reviewed the history of the Portland exchange and said that nothing- could better Il lustrate the arrow: n of the city than the steady Increase In the number of subscribers, from 10.000 In lfOi to 15 -ood In 111. The caps city, he said, would be further Increased In the near future. C. C. Chapman spoke on publicity. The meeting; waa bald at Richards Restau rant. Plaks to Uxrra Pworoextx The spe cial committee appointed by Mayor I:ushltAht to confer with members of the two charter commissions, and If possible to Induce them to unite, was called to order yesterdsy by Ueorsre L Maker, the chairman. The work of the commissions was discussed at length, and the secretary of the committee Au thorised to send each commission a letter. Asklna that they appoint com mittees to confer with the special com mittee at 2 P. M. October 10. The com mittee plana to report to the City Coun cil the Wednesday following the meet In a. The members of the committee, besides Chelrman Baker, are: J. J. Jen nine. Allan It. Joy. William Schmeer and John Montair. K. F. Ttiurr ajtd BnoTHca ox Ton. K. F. Riley, of the Portlsnd bar. Is absent on a month'a tour of the East and Middle West. Accompanied by his brother. rr. C. M. Riley, an emi nent chemist and lectnrer of Pt. Louie, Mo., he Is re-vlsltlnar the scenes of his boyhood In Ohio and attending a re union of the branchea of the well known Potter family of which he Is a member. Before returning. Mr. Riley will spend a week with old friends In t larke County. Iowa, where for 1I years prior to his arrival In Oregon he was a leading figure, as pioneer banker and attorney. In the upbuilding of that section. Coit-Tr Meets Toxtoirr Rev. Henry K. Talbott. rector of St. David's Pplscopnl Church, and chairman of the Vice Commission Appointed by Mayor Rushllicht. waa In conference with the Mayor yesterday. He has decided to call a meeting of the Commission to nleht to organise. Meetings will be held each Wednesday nlsrht thereafter. At the city Hall. All the members of the Commission Appointed by the Mayor have Accepted, with the exception of Mrs. A. Fl Hockey, who ha. Informed the M.iyor she rsnnot devote the neces sary time to It. It sn Crrv Folk to M'rrT- The Rose City PArk LeAgue will hold emeetlng to ntcht At t o'clock. At the clubhouse. At which a number of prominent busi ness people will speak. The pro gramme of Addresses has been An nounced as follows: "A Necessity." William F. Woodward: "What We Uet Out of It." O. O. Ilughson: "Woman's Work." Mrs. Sarnn A. Evans: "The Community Hub." Frank Srhlegel; "Let "Kr Muck." Thomas Richardson. Refreshmenta will be served. Vr-rrKAX to B Briur'n TopaT. The funeral of William A. Hlmmons, who died MonJuy wT.l be held today from Holman's chapel and Interment will be made In fhe Spanish American War Veterans plot In Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mr. Simmons was 41 years and 1 months old. and served In the Ppanlsh American War. "CortttaT to Prv at T. W. C. A "The Coterie" will meet At the Olds, WortmAn King auditorium this morning at 11:10 o'clock and lunch wtll be served later at the T. W. C. A. The luncheon hour Is set for 1 o'clock. Members have been asked to notify the secretary as to the number of plates desired. SravrtAd, XoTu-m. Miss Evelyn, rep resenting the Remington Company of New York. Importers and manufactur ers of human hair goods. Is at the Port land Emporium. Ill lxth street, for a few days on!y with a large stock of the latest styles. Tour Inspection cordial ly Invited. e Pa rnirsix Steaks Tostoirr. Dr C. II. Chapman will speak on the French Revolution this evening At f o'clock. In the convention hall of the Commercial Club. Fifth nnd Oak streeta The lecture will be under the Auspices of the Portlsnd Womto'i Club. Tor at ajio Tojoanrw. We offer a beautiful lot of fine silk waists worth t: to. Sf snd l for ti ll F. P. Tfoung. ladles haberdasher. a?3 Morri son St.. opposite the Hotel Portland.0 Pa W. A a hold Lixpset. specialist on rheumetlsm. stomach and all nervous diseases. Selling bldg. Fare Exhibit. Paul Plertng's famous palntincA At Christiansens. 17 West Park. Mason 10 Temple. Open evenings PaiTiTi and riasa leasoaa la elocu tion. Phone B 12 IT. Nw Mocjct Brcrrt Ba.'TK Aseraxix J For the establishment or me ne Mount Scott btate Bank subscriptions to the stock amount to ;7.000. Includ ing HO.OuO taken by W. H. Beard, the k..L.. K . i. r.-nnmrlii the hink. F. "VJ I "' Helllwell. Who la Interested In the A 1 enterprise. sAid yesterday thAt the out- looK lor ne success pi i ne movement la excellent, that llv.COO more from the community will make It a certainty1, and that this will probsbly be obtained In a short time. It Is desired to sell slock worth l-O.OOu In tha community. The new bank will be a state bank capitalised At ISO.OvO. Bots Umam Okboos Et-tx-rmc Raiiav Menace to hundreds of streetcar i patrons and pedestrians Is seen In the ' practice of boys who grease the track of the Oregon Electric road nightly In the neighborhood of Tenth and Salmon streets. In both directions from this point the track slopes sharply, and In an emergency the slippery condition of the track might causa a aerlous accident. Agenta of : the railroad company have appealed to the police to put a stop to the practice. Cm i. War Vmiu at Reatt. Fu neral services of W. IL McDowell, a veteran of the Civil War. who died at his home on the Foster road, at Lenta. Hunday. were held yesterday afternoon from tha Lents Methodist Church, ur.der'the auspices of the Lents Grand Army lost, of which he waa a charter member. Interment was made In the Mount Scott Cemetery. Mr. McDowell bad been a resident of Lents for 12 years, living on a small farm. He waa yeara of age. He Is survived by his widow, two sons and five daugbtera. Cuxtos Coujt.-rs TnotT Eooa Master Fish Warden Clanton has been Instructed by the State Hoard of Fish and Game Commissioners to "procure aa many native trout eggs as possible during the season about to begin. Mr. Clanton baa arranged to seine out a large number of rainbow trout from the McKensle River and hold them In ponds at the McKensle hatchery until the spswnlng season In the Spring. This Is being done to protect the fish from their natural enemies and Assure larger number of trout next season. Y. M. C. A. Ai-xiuart TO Meet. The LAdles Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A at Sellwood 5.111 hold Its first Fall meeting toTTuy. In the parlors of th Association. At 1 I'. M. the follow ing programme will be given: 1'lano solos. "Hungarian March" (Kowlskl) and "Walta Carries" (Newland). Miss Mary Brobat; vocal solos, "Springtime1 I Becker) and "A Perfect Dsy" (Baud). Mrs. Maude Hills Burnham: address. "Portland Women's Union and Ita Work." by Mrs. I. J. Mann. Narw Lights Mat Rb Tried. A pro posal to the City Council to Install three aro lamps of three amperea each on the- Hawthorns bridge for two weeks, that they may be tested, waa made yesterday by the Comet Electric Company, represented by A. W. Parks, Ita manager, l arks says he has heard that the lights In use on the bridge are not satisfactory, and desires to have the arc lamps tried, and to quote the city prices. ilisc for today At the Y. W. C In the green teA room. froni'Il:30 to 2: Lima bean aoup, roast beef, black cod or salmon steak, chicken pie, sweet potatoes. string beans, baked tomatoes.-celery and apple savlud. vege table salad, lobster saiad, fruit salad, apple pie. etram berry Jelio and whipped cream, vanilla ice cream and cake. A Whou Fajtn.T Works for Tbaas on many of the beautiful specimens of Oriental rugs on sale at Atlyeb Bros. closlng-out sale, now In progresa at Tenth and Washington streets. Not rug to be moved to new store, so the saving are really astounding. AOB AMD l'B OXLT MkLLOW not destroy the beauty of Orlentnl rugs of the quellty on aale now at astonish ingly low price at Attyeh Bros.' closlng-out sale. Tenth and Washing ton atreets. Ptorb fob Rarer. 4?S WASHIKOTOX 8TB.KET. Will alter to suit tenant. Apply Starr Bros., ttl Lewis bldg. l(r 1 WHY DO LARGE FIRMS PAY BY CHECK? When you receive a remit tance from any large con cern, it always in the form of a check isn't itt And you, perhaps are paying in cash because you think your account too small for a checking account. Pid yon ever atop to think that you could be making more money with the time you spend running around to pay bills by cashf Try it. Draw cheol.a in payment of bills. Uncle Sam will trans mit them for a two-cent stamp. Start an account with what ever you please. SOUSA 15 HEARD TODAY IXTF.IU:STIVQ ARRANGED PROGRAMMES BY BAND. Port! And Music-Lover to Get Rare Treat at Baker Theater When Famous Baton Start Thin ft a. The world-famoua Pouaa and his band will be heard In two concerts at the Baker TheAter todAy. There are S5 mustclana In thia big organisation, to gether with the following well-known solotsts: M'ss Nlcollne Zcdeler. violin ist; Miss Vlrrrlnla Hoot, soprano, and Herb-rt Clarke. ?ornetlst. The first concert will be given at S SO o'clock and the other at :30 o'clock. Portland muslc-lovera will .e 'vv Portland Truit Company of Oregon Third and OaUc Street Cornet solo. "Prom the Shores of hs Mighty Psrinc' Clark Herbert 1 Clarke. Character etultre, The Dwellers In the Western WorM" (new) fiousa Soprano solo, "Th Maid of th Meadow" 6oua Miss Vlr.lnle Root. Prologue, "The Golden Lciind" (new) suiiivsa Fantastic episode, "The Band Came Back" Snusa t A Frasludltim Johnfelt lb) March. "The Federal" nw)..8ousa loiia solo, "Seoventr da Moscow" Wlenlawskl suss aiconn zeaeler. Grand tarantsll, "Neapolitan" Jullta T0RT0N1A OPENS. R. X. Stephenson Opens the Tortonlu Cafe at Sixth and Washington. Mr. R. N. Ptepheneon. the well-known cafe proprietor, has opened tha Tor tonla Cafe, at Sixth and Washington streets, northwest - corner. It will be remembered that the Tortonla Cafe waa formerly located on Btith street. but waa moved to make room for th Wilcox building. The old Tortonla waa always popular and noted for the high-clas liquors and wine served over Its bar. In thla respect the new Tortonla will be the equal of the old and In point of furnlshlnga and modern convenlencea, will be much superior. Mr. Stephenson has host of friends, having been a resident of Portland for many yeara. He extenda a hearty welcome to ail of them In the new Tortonla. LONE FIR CEMETERY. A meeting of all lot ownera and othera Interested In the Improvement of Lone Fir Cemetery will Le held at the Oddfellows' Hall, East Blxta and Alder streets, Saturday evening, Sep tember 10, 111. at 7:30. All lot ownera are urged to be pres ent. Matters of vital Importance are to be considered at that time and th future of the old pioneer cemetery determined. Thla meeting la called by the execu tive committee of the Lone Fir Ceme tery Lot Owners' Association and a large attendance la desired. DR. 8. E. JOSEPH!, Chairman. WHEREJTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at th Portland Roetaurant. Fine private anart rceota for ladles,- Wash, near tea n. Too embrace an opportunity when you dine at toe aviaer tuiuurui, iss Aider street. To live well I to eat well: Criterion, IS Sixth street. Try Th FREE EXHIBIT. Paul Deerlng'B famoua painting now on view at cnrsstiansen-s. ii West Tark. Masonic Tempi. Open evening. Edlefser.'s coals are best. C XKa. SECRET OF CHARMING YOUTHFUL COMPLEXIONS .i e Ji joka rtsllls) waa. Fa seems Baad Master. Be Sees at Baker Theater Twice Today. be given a delittktful treat, tonight's proeramme Including Pou.a'e latest niarch. which he dedlcAted to Austra lia, aad la called "The federal. " The band arrived In Vancouver. B. C. last Wednesday from Australia having encircled the globe, leaving New york City last December. Following are the programmes: AFTERNOON. Farts. la. "Cerr-Ha- Dellbas Cornet solo, "rers of Go.d ....carae IWrtert L. Clara. Suit. "Peer i" Orleg ,a "In tue Morning" (paateraUe). t 'leah of Ase." lci "Aailra Iance." U -in me Ha:t uf the Mouataia Kteg." Sonrane eoli. "April Morn" ita'.lea aliss Koet. Slefrled's Xeia. from "iottsrdsjnmer- unr' tvasner Suite "Th- Creole" Hror tat "The Il:t:e Pails." from "Tbs Wsr-.d .f T-ul!i fousa (t alarcb. 'The Fairest of t.i. Fair" fcousa Violin so:o. "Zlruenerweteer" Sarasale Visa Mco.tue 7r-dl.r. CADric. "Foilie lrr'rs" (nsw ( . . . .Fletcher KVtSIXO. Overrara. Soleaei: "lala"....Tchatkewsky Most sensible advice comes from the pen or Mae Martyn, in tne .w xora World, aa follows: The greatest mistake which thou sand of women make dally, is the prac tice of smearing their facea with powder In a vain attempt to Improve their look, powder only covers up complexion Ills temporarily, clogs the skin pores, and eventually causes blotchy, wrinkled fare. "Those who wish to whiten and beau tlfv their romplexlone and make their fnces more charming and youthful look ing, should try an Inexpensive lotion made lv dissolving 4 ounces of spurmax In either H-plr.t hot water or 4-plnt witch fcarel. adding 2 teaspoonfuls gly cerine. Where witch hazel 1 used, the ekln dries more quickly. "This lotion prevents blackhead, en larged pore, skin roughness and makes the skin soft, smooth and velvety. It tnkes off that shlnyt sallow look and ad'ls benitty that no other known beau tlfler will."' Adv. IF. W. BALTES j AND COMPANY PRINTING MaIh 163. A 1163 Flrt and Oak CRANBERRY IJVNDS CULTIVATED The best investment known. Apply Room 202, ansonii Hotel. ICCHVVAB PRINTING CO fOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Q4.5ir STARK STREET NEW IDEAS FEATURES FABRICS MODELS -IN- Men's and Young Men's Clothing Full of every new kink of fashion, they will appeal to the smart dresser who is out for looks as well as wear and satisfaction Prices Range $12.50 to $50 Suits and Overcoats Our $15 Suits Are the best in the World m mo EstabH shed Raincoats for Men and Women It is better to have and not need than to need and not have. Why not buy one now? $5.00 to $35.00 Portland's Fashion Center rOTJRTH AND M0EEIS0N Distinctive Stationery is the one certain method of making your message im pressive bring the desired results. If your letter is " cheap" in appearance, it matters little how you present your proposition. The unfavorable "first pression" will kill it. im- Kilham Quality Printing It is ju- is what you need. dicious advertising. It is an investment yields you profit. that f . STATIONERY J JsW PTQ.CO Corner Fifth and Oak Sts. 1 A ' 1 " ssaassi mmmm ' 'T ' CUKROY - . 1 - NjA ANA ARROW COLLAR easy to tie the cravat in easy to notch on and has oval button holes, which makes buttonine and unbuttoning eaiy. J Sc. 2 fir 25c. Gocrt, Pea body ft Co., Mskers. Troy. If. Y. Portland Academy NOW OPEN Ftts Bor a-vnd CtrU for Cfeltar. A Prlmrr and (irmmmmr ' Krtaool Xoelodcd. Ortftduattif mar on zamlrstioii Harxard, Prlao(.oia. Y.l nd M-sMAchiuatta iLitltut of Tcnnoio7 on cniflct. Amhirit Cor nail. Smith, ViMtr, Willlami and co.lK-ea and unlveraftlta of tha Pautflo Coaat. Wail quipped laboratorlaa in chemistry and phy sic. J-'iald in aurvt-yln;. Dcpart mnta In charge t coilaira man and wcmin. Ciaasicai, aclantt&c. modern lancuasaa and comfxerc'al couraaa. Gymnasium under skilled director. Track and Held atbieUca. Sensational Gash-raising Sale Women's New Fall Suits. Coats, Raincoats. Millinery, Silk Waists and Dresses at Just About Half Regular Prices We Need by Saturday Night $25,000 To raise this amount we place on sale, beginning this morning, 1000 brand-new Pall Suits, in cluding blue serges and fancy mixtures, selling regularly at $22.50 and CI C IE! $25.00, for 4 O.O 500 new Fall Tailored Hats, selling regularly Q ES at $7.50, at, each p-rZ7C 500 silk Waists, selling regularly at $4.00, $5.00 fip and $6.00 each, at pdmZf-9 10,000 pieces Neckwear, selling regularly at 25c, at, 1 CS- each x 300 black and blue serge Priestley Raincoats, 25 j Q CS with Presto collars; regular $18.50, now at $13.50 English Slip-Ons $8.95 Guaranteed waterproof cloth Slip-Ons, with plaid CS Q CI backs, regular $13.50, at f0.7CI 185 one-piece serge Dresses, all colors, selling reg- Q QC ularly at $17.50 to $20.00, at Our Loss Your Gain Remember, Sale Starts at 8 o'clock Sharp This Horning New Location, 145 Seventh St., Between Morrison and Alder A SKIM OF B'A.UTV 18 A JOY FOffftVtf , Felix Oouraud's Oriental Cream of Masloal BeautiTiar. iismorfls Tan. rnnplaa. Frecxlts, Iduta Fstcbs. BaiA, aad Skis Disrates, mna srsry Disnusa SB beauty, and da. at dstactlon. II baa stood tbs tsrt ot St ytarm, and Is so barmlsas wt tastalt tobssortll U property tnada. Aoospt ao 60nats fctt i sltuUat Dams. Dr. I A. SsTrs said to A lady of tbs bant ton (a patient) l -As ytra ladlas vill sss thn. I reeooiinsDd naM SS niS MS hlnntU Of 1U U1S kin preparations." F r sals by all drosfirte and Fancy Uooda isaiart la us L uisa Dtaiss, uaxtaua aa. ..ozofab FERD. T. HOPKINS. Prop, 87 Croat Jonat St, N. T. Qr. T. HOTEL STEWil is SAN FRAHCISGO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up .American Plan $3.00 a day up Nw atel 4nd brick straetor. ttt Bodni con-rninc. Moderate rate Canter of theatre and retail aiatriot. Of car line traaafierrintf all over city. Else trio ooiaibaa meets trains and eteanier Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Eleetrit SIGNS fcsaa tor oatAioctss. aad Eaut StA i Kaast XXI 1 1 B.11r Halls for Lease Fraternal Societies, Attention We hara two larg hails for leass at Front a& Glbbs stroota. On ia a larva dance hall, fully equipped with ante rooms, kitchen, pantry, toilets, piano, 100 chairs, .to.; good floor, well ventil ated. The other adjoining and connect ed with hallway Is carpeted and fin ished for lodge purposes. Including- fine piano three lodges now meet therein. There axe ante-rooms, check and wardrobe-rooms and every convenience at band. For lease for five yeara at rea sonable rent. Phone Main 8244. GEVTRTE SONS, 178-0 First St, Instantaneous Hollow Wire Gasoline Lamps 1 to 1000 candle power, adapted to any bollow wlre s ys tern. 8.11 at sight. Write for special prices. II. W. MAJTXItQ LIGHTING At SUP. OO, FU0-881 Oak St, Betmea stxta sal Saveata. Piano Studio LOUIS H. BOLL, Teacher of piano. Rooms 300-l-2 Tilford Bldg., Xenta and Morrison. Heidelberg "THE PRINCE OF PUSENER" WiH Arrive in October ? 'J , u--a. 1 "a- , -. . v -I t PACIFIC HOSPITAL A General Hospital. SOS Teatta St. Phozt. HankAll 201. EatabUahed 1&00 OVER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcaatar BUlat. a-XMTtlinrt. Or.