Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 27, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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    TTTE 310130X0. OREGOXIAy. WEDXESDAT, SEPTEMBER 27. , 1911.
roKTutxD. oa-toos.
tilmd at rrtlee. On. PeataaTVea
aacasd-Clas Mailer. - .
WMVUO ai-a lavartasiy t -
cbt n.
ri!. mir tacta.-a. a. " i ? ,T
Isi-.r. Busier lariud.4. six moaiBe..... J -li.T.
Sunder Ux-iuJ.J. tare. '" ij
lie:;-, fc-nler included. a'o.
1al.v. without S-O.a. ana T-a' .......
Iftir. vitbiif 'sunder, eix matha..-.
Ijsli-. witaseit Sunder, tare, sonatas-.,
l ai r wlta.ot Kb4w. sasaia......
wea:r. .ar. ......
Iu4r( ..a Tar.
lass aee Weaklr. year..
CfTa. anar tarloda. en. year ......
If l r. Beader Ineiudea. . . .
Mu nprai ord r er sareoaal J
ar leei aaak Hi am pa. cola
.. .... . . - .... oir. Boeterrir.
aMnai la rs.1. lacladla. wwif as ataia.
rnw aUaaee la la 14 paa. 1
ta la saaee. 1 easts: S. la 40 Hf "
MUM a... 4 easts. F"H eeiaa.
Saw... rale.
Eaurtsra mi i o1caa Tarry C"
Ba mw Ttra. Iira-sailca eAla.
ease. kelldlas.
Enqtu Office No. I Recent um.
W LtBiloa
Tha Duluth HeralJ to pleased to re
print In full tha editorial dlacu.-slon by
Tha Oregonlaa of Mr. La Follette'a
blank prospect of being President of
tha United State, arm If ha should ba
nominated In Including tha state
If La rotlett. ariaa aa aorr.triat.4, the R
partr M be y d-moraJ-laNl
and hap.' rkJ. wau.d ba
I.a t .r.tte. 1 'urne. J:rtoar and all tha
incrmtn, T lorm.r roilt appaar
la tm ao great a ca.amiijr: the ia-.l-f
ou:d mm a. fcat cha:.-e
la t ba aul of tha loronotlve -vhn Ilia Ke
aub.lcaa traia laaraa Iba iraca.
The Herald, which U rmllcal'.y In
aurirrnt nd much Inclined toward
Lav FollcUa. admits that The Ortft
nlan'a conclualorj are well reasonrd.
logical and undoobtedly true." But.
continuea tha IHiluth paper, "la It not
also true that If tha conservative wins
of tha Republican party prevails the
radical win will throw tha switch and
ditch tha Hepubtli-an train T"
Obviously the Keupbllcan party ta In
a deuce of a fix. If the conservative
win. tha radicals will wreck the train:
and If tha radical win tha Presiden
tial nomination, tha regulars will do
tha same thing. Hither alternative
makes a sad mess of tha Republican
party and tha Republican candidate.
But Tha Oregonlan hopes for
brighter and better day. Things may
not ba so bad. though they are bad
enough. This paper sought. In the ar
ticle to which the Herald replies, to
how the result of a National conven
tion victory on th Insurgents them
eelveei rather than on the Republican
party. Defeat net year will not wipe
out tha Republican party; but It will
wipe out the Inaurgente If La Fotlette
hall be tha nominee. It must be clear
to them that La Follette cannot ba
elected If nominated. He would carry
no Democratic states: ha could carry
few Republican stale. Ha would ba
the worst beaten candidate since
What. then, la tha strategy of the In
surgents; What la tneir expectation r
What la their philosophy! What I
their real purpose? They know that
th La Follette causa for 111 1 hope,
leas. They know that control of th
party then would be their complete
ruin. They know that tha Taft fac
tion could not render them a greater
disservice than by turning tha nomina
tion over to them.
Tha La Follette campaign Is a sham,
a mock, a falsa pretense. It la a play
wholly for tha future. It la entirely a
battle for position In 11. Then tha
real La Follette campaign will be un
dertaken If La Follette Lists so long.
A rurncAL i-hookammk.
A general educational programme
for tha nsa of tha subordinate
Grange of th state covers tha year
beginning October, 111. and ending
with September. 111. A glanca
through It shows the timeliness of tha
topics to be presented each month by
the lodge lecturers to the great body
of tha Patrons of Husbandry to ba
striking. Tha Initial subject ef this
educational course la "Roads and Road
Laws." and there Is no better time ta
consider It than In October. For De
cember Is scheduled "The Proper Time
and MethoJ of Applying Fertilizers":
January, the agriculturist's leisure
month, la given to consideration of
'"Systems of Taxation"; February to
"Planning tha Orchard"; March, it
still being rather early for rpl'd ag
riculture, to the "New Ideal In State
and Local Government." and so on
through the year, ending In Septem
ber with a presentment of "Our Atti
tude Toward Intemperance in Eating
and Drinking." Not all of the subjects
presented are agricultural, but all ara
educational and each treats of a toplo
npon which Intelligent citizens should
be Informed.
Tha progremma represent In a Con
crete form tha growth along lines of
thrift and good citizenship of th
Orange movement. It shows that tha
rural dletiicta ar keeping step, so to
apeak, la tha march of development
with tha urban: that the producer does
not propoea to lag behind the con
sumer In matters pertaining to tha
reciprocity of Interests Implied In
thee term, and that farming la no
longer a matter of following routine.
In rats worn by th wheel of th ages,
but In Itself represents a progressive, with time to give to tha ac
quisition of knowledge pertaining to
social enjoyment and atate-wlde actlv
ttlea Tha farmer who performs tha tasks
cf his fields by main strength; who cul
tivates his fields as his father did be
fore htm: whose stock la scrub stock;
whoaa poultry la of many breeds of
chance blending and whose crops are
ever and ever the same, belongs dis
tinctly to a past era an era anteuatmg
tha progressiva Grange, tha Agricul
tural College and the farmers' demon,
at ration trains. His successor Is with
ua and his name la multitude. Tha
O ran -e la his medium of expression
and tha pursuit of knowledge along
lines pertaining to his vocation and to
good cltUenry la featured In farmers
Institutes and In educational methods
ss above outlined. Tha dreary envi
ronment and endleaa drudgery of the
old day drove tha farmers' sons away
from home, their d-iushtere Into unfit
marriage, their wives, too often, into
Insane asylum and caused themselves
to become narrow and hard and nn
sympathetic Tha new conditions
that wait upon agriculture have sound,
ed the return call, and "back to tha
land" la heard on every hand. This
call Is full of promise only so far as
It Is answered by conditions of Intelli
gent growth. Factors in this growth
are tha rural postal delivery, suburban
electxlo railroads, educa'Jcmal method
above noted and tha Orange aa a social
center and an Inspiration to farmer
folk to get the best that Is possible out
of their opportunities and their envi
ronment. RAX ITUNn'HU
San Francisco could not afford
longer to carry tha load of McCarthy.
Ha was no better for San Francleco
than tha odorous Schmlta. Probably
h haa mora personal Integrity than
Schmlta, for Schmlta had no Integ
rity: but McCarthy typines in nimeeu
Kmtai rf.eiana. of the decencies and
contemptuous disregard for - the ex
pectation, tight ana privileges m
.h-.-tKinVirtr law-abidlns- and clean-
llvlng element of th population. He
la besides the political prouun
class war that has ehaken San Fran
cisco to Ita foundations and damaged
Irreparably the prestige and prosperity
e . - rh. uhnr unions have tha
tudnstiiea of San Francisco In their
grip. Th triumphant election oi -i--Carthy
was a demonstration of their
number and power. Tns ceieai w
McCarthy doe not necessarily mean
that the unions hava lost ground; for
Mr. Rolph Is a large employer and a
declared friend of organized labor. It
,h.. .Km itninni have repudiat
ed Mf.Carthy. It means that the peo
ple have revolted againsi me
.4. n... nf a nniirv which had for
Its aim the making of Sn Francisco
the "Paris of America."
va-w w.'arth. the tenderloin has
been the object of tha city's xealou
car and protection. A aaioonaeeper
I. iv...l.t.n( nf tha. TtnSrd Of PollCe
Com miss Ion era. There have been four
Chiefs of Police. Saloons nava run
i i. nnn nmhlinr has been under
no real restraint, and the social evil
has been capitalized for profit ana an.
hrlilled pleasure., t-verjtning wenu
The lid was off and lost.
San Francisco will give a great ex
in tats It is well that the
city should have decided that It was
niM-iui m ihnw itself to the world at
Its worst under McCarthy and will put
forward Its best root unaer noipu.
reputable citizen, an expenenceu ad
ministrator and a presentable official
representative of a great city.
Tha rnmm.raiil club of Portland
will not serve Oregon pheasants at
the dinner to b given the Provident
of tha United Statea. It la clear th it
the club would be entirely within Its
lights aa host and within the law If
it ahnni.4 inaiat that the President
should be thua treated to a delicacy
peculiar to Oregon ana paiaiaoie m
any taste; but people with nothing bet
ter to do have started to raise a fuss
and the club has promptly decided to
void controversy over the subject
over nothing at all. indeed by serving
some other dish wnicn win noi cuivnu
i v . ..alnii, ehamntona of the Dheas-
ants and will leave that unfortunate
bird to the tender mercies or tne gour
mand and the game hog. The law.
sound custom and plain sense com
bine to aay that birds pheasant cocks
reared In captivity may be disposed
of directly to the consumer. What
else should be done with them? The
great majority are superfluous ana
ar In the way. making trouble for all
hands. Should they be made to drag
out a weary ceuoate existence snu
ei..n a rilaannolnted old see?
Or should they ba killed and eaten as
domestic chickens ana omer pouurv
propagAted In the sum manner ara
killed and eaten T
Th. r.mmn-ui Club will not in
volve Ita entertainment of the Presi
dent of the United Statea in criticism
or auggeatlon of controversy, whether
provoked with reason or without rea-
- wttl nrenarn a menu that Will
causa no discussion (by outsiders) as
to Its merits. But It win pa a gooa
... ....HhaUia Rut what fitter
food for a President of tha United
States than Oregon pheasant?
tf Jamas J. Hill had a railroad splka
for every last spike that has been
driven on roads ho has Duut, na wouia
have a goodly collection; oui none
,ii4 Km accompanied by more good
will than that which will commemo
rate the completion of tha Oregon
Trunk Una to Band and Redmond.
By opening Central Oregon ha has en
tered a virgin field which had been
neglected far beyond Its time. But
thla last splka wlU really mark only
a stage In tha progress of his road
from tha nortnern to me kjuihiu
hnufiAarv at Oreron. from which other
lines will radiate to tha east and west.
The beat evidence or the wieaora oi
Mr. Hill and his associate In making
thi in.utmtnt la tha stream of set
tlers which la now following tha line
of his road into Central Oregon, intj
but needed aoma man to open the way
with a railroad, as In colonial daya the
pioneers blazed a trail with an ax.
and they quickly follow. The next
census will find a great change In tha
balance of Oregon' population be
tween the country east and west of
h. ciu It will ba due mainly
to tha development of farm and or-
charda In the wake or tne great pain
finder's construction forces. His great
eat monument will be mlllloua of
homes wher he found a wilderness.
1-i.n.anv haa Mvaral motives In try
ing to prevent war between Italy and
Turkey. She desires to retain the
good will of Turkey because her sub
jects are building the Bagdad rail
road, are Interested 1 n many other
concessions In the Ottoman empire
.- hnn. t obtain more. She Is an
ally of Italy and therefore dlepoeed
to forward trial counirys ueaigna.
ow .m.M Haw artth eauartlmltr the
acquisition of Tripoli by Italy as a
check on further Tencn aggression
on the North African coast. With
Tunis. Algiers and Morocco In her
power. Franca will rule half of that
coast. If she were to secure Tripoli
or it were to fall Into British hands,
tha whole of North Africa would ba
ruled by Germany's allied enemies.
tw than ha aul A to rule the
Mediterranean, for Britain already
holda Gibraltar, aiaiia, Cyprus ana
Egypt and th other Mediterranean
...i... Bntln. Ttalv. Greece and Tur.
eTcould not hold their own against
such a combination.
Germany must also see the danger
that a war Involving Turkey will draw
In other powers. If Italy were to car-
. w - - - intn Turkev r roner Aus
tria would not remain quiescent, for
aha la credited with a lire-long ambi
tion to an next Macedonia and reach
the Aegean Sea at Salonika. Russia's
amhirlnn tn aelxa Constanti
nople would be revived and Britain'e
determination to prevent the Musco
vite from aecurlng an outlet to the
Mediterranean would causa violent
Thua we mar expect a new aroof of
tha fact that tha Turks retain their
foothold In Europe, not through their
own Inherent strength, but through
the dread of all the powers that any
move of any one of them against tha
Turks will draw In all of them and
provoke a general European war.
The greatest danger of war rests In
tha changed mood of the Turks them
aelvea. Abdul Hamld would have
been coerced by a show of superior
fore to make such concessions to
Italy In Tripoli as would satisfy her,
but-the Toung Turks have shown a
disposition to fight rather than yield
anything. If they Insist on fighting. It
may be Impossible to restrain Italy and
the war may begin and grow to great
1 nan who lives at CllftOn
asks The Oregonlan "when and wher
prize fisticuffs was first Introduced to
tha civilized world." We hope his In
terest In the subject does not go to the
length of an ambition to oe a pr
flghter. If It does we urge him to
choose some other profession. As a
prizefighter he may be successful If
he ta exceptionally muscular and
sound In every way, but the chances
are that he will fail. If he is success
ful hi friends will bo toughs, law
breakers and sots. No decent person
will want to have anything to do with
him. He may earn a good bit of
money, but he can only spend It In
place of low resort where he will
swiftly dlsMpate the prowess which
won his victories.
. - . .h. i.i.,iilnn if rjrlxefla'ht-
Ing, history luckily leaves us tn no
doubt when It took place. The art
heran when Cain set upon his brother
and slew him with a club. No doubt
the two young men began their in
counter with bare knuckles, and It
was only when Cain found the en
counter going against him that ha
picked up the fatal cudgel and used It,
Most tribes of savages have sports
somewhat like our prizefights, though
they are usually more murderous. If
that ta possible. The medieval tour
nament was a prizefight on a grand
scale with two or three score combat
ants sometimes Intsead of merely Jen
and Jack facing each other In the
ring. In those days fine ladles looked
on at the fight. Tho epectators were
not mere tipsy toughs. The ancients
were devoted to the manly art. but
among them prizefighters went by the
title of gladiators and the fights usual
ly ended In death. One of the Caesars
pulled off a fight between two bands
of 10.000 on each side. It must have
been entertaining to the sports who
looked on.
But these matters are not quite
h.t vnina- fHn,l aska about. Ho
Is Interested In the origin of "fisti
cuffs." According to the best authori
ties the first bout of fisticuffs took
place on that memorable night when
Henry went home from cnurcn wuu
George's best girl.
T.-h.,h.. nnt It la Hht tO take
human life to cut suffering short ta a
question which haa been aiscusseu
rather Inconclusively ever since mur
der became a crime. The Florida
Shakers who chloroformed one oi
their woman colonists to put her out
of hopeless misery have given the de
bate new Impetus. Some say tneir aci
A- .i aa ft was merciful. It la
justified by humanity and common
sense and none but superstitious ou
i..tim. enn he raised aarainst It. Oth
era say that the Shakers, good as their
Intentions were, commuiea jnurucr
ainr tn take human life without the
sanction of the law la never permis
sible. These are extreme views. u
man of ordinary common sense will
be likely to halt between them. While
he will not approve theoretically of
tuklng life even to end suffering, prac
tically he will admit that cases msy
arise when It la allowable. It Is with
this micstlon very much the same aa
with that 7the right of a people to
rebel against Its government. Few
-n.iA onncrr'.a the rlrht as a definite
and unabashed principle, while many
would admit that occasions win ci
talnly arise when It must be exercised.
The sacredness of human life Is a
comparatively modern doctrine. Tha
ancient knew nothing of It. The
Spartans deemed It a merit for their
bright young men to kill helots. Pris
oners of war were suffered to live
only when they were needed as slaves.
The Roman head of the family might
lawfully put his son or his wife to
death If he saw fit. The Roman slave
was a chattel which might be butch
ered with other cattle if the owner
wished. Down to the time of tha
French revolution no value was set
upon tha Ufa of a peasant In conti
nental Europe and no great value even
in England. The "stealer of sheep and
tha .laver of men were strung up to
gether again and again" In George Ill's
enllghtsned realm, ine great ottnuro
In France fixed new valuations for hu
man life, as for many other things.
but some of us are etill incunea to ieei
that more Is lost to the world by a
klng"a death than by a peasant's.
Religion haa not spoken very decis
ively upon thla aubject. According to
some faiths It Is a praiseworthy prac
tice to put the old and decrepit out of
their misery. Many wandering tribea
of aavagea uniformly slay their sick
and aged with tha approval of their
priests. In parts of Hindostan It la
permissible to etuff a alcJt parent'e
nose and mouth with mud. thua glvli.g
him a awift and easy passage to para
dise. In ctvlllied lands, with our
more humane faithe. we are often con
fronted with tha necessity of choosing
between one life and another. Some
times a physician must decide whether
an unborn child or Its mother ahall b
sacrificed. What right has he to kill
the babe? What right has he to kill
the mother for the babe's sake? Some
spiritual guides tell us dogmatically
that the mother must always be the
one to perish In these circumstances,
but It Is open to doubt. Theologians
never hava been Inclined to regard
the rlghta of women very favorably.
In their view all women are doomed
to Buffer for Eve's sin and the hypo
thetical value of an unborn babe ex
ceeds tha proved value of any living
A civilization progressea mankind
becomes more reluctant to permit the
taking of life for any cause whatever.
There Is a belief that even legal execu
tions ought to be forbidden. Some
atates. like Wisconsin, abolished capi
tal punishment long ago. One fre
quently hears the question, "What Is
to be gained by killing criminals?"
with the additional remark to give It
point that all life ta sacred. But. how
ever that may be. evidently something
la to be gained now and then by chlo
roforming a suffer who must In any
event pirish" within an hour or two.
Something may also be lost. Doctors
aa a class are wise and merciful men,
but ara we ready to entrust them with
the power, of life and death to be ex
ercised at their discretion? If we
rant that a nhnlnllUI HIT rightfully
chloroform a patient to end hla suf
fering, certainly some rules of pro
cedure must be laid down. Shall a
single physician decide that death Is
Inevitable, or shall we oblige him to
call a consultation? Shall the euthan
asia be private or public? How long
before death would occur In the nat
ural cOurse of the disease shall we per.
mlt our attending medical men to
administer poison .- ,
After these polnta hava been aettled J
there ta etill another which deserves a ,
little attention. If the right to poison j
their patients were conferred upon j
doctors, how would It affect their :
standing with the public? Would we j
be disposed to oonflde our destinies to 1
a man who waa authonzea to give
dose of painless poison at any momem
when he made up his mind that a
patient could not be cured? Would
not the lingering suspicion of physi
cians which pervades the world
deepen Into loathing? We Imagine
the doctors themselves would be the
last persons on earth to ask for
the right to kill their patients In any
Nor would the patients wish for
them to possess it except here and
there In rare instances. The Florida
Shaker no doubt connived at her own
murder, but almost everybody hopes
and struggles to the last, no matter
how painful his malady may be. When
one doctor gives up his case he wants
the right to try another and another,
to call In a Christian Science healer,
to see what prayer can do, to Invoke
the powers of the subconscious mind.
Hope springs eternal and to a normal
tn.iit.iirt.i lie. f. mrt nreeloua that no
extremity of misery makes death wel
come. It Is pretty safe to say xnai
the right to kill their patients would
never be conferred upon the doctors
even If they desired It. But alnca they
profess to abhor the very thought,
whatever their practice may be, wa
may as well dismiss the subject
If young Jessup, who disturbed Ta
coma by praying to the Sun on the
street, had obeyed the command to
shut himself up In hla closet for his
devotions ha would have kept out of
Jail. Perhaps his case ta one of
atavism or reversion to the original
faith of mankind. No doubt all re
ligions arose historically from sun, or
fire, worship and animism combined.
According to some scholars the cross
represents the aboriginal tools for
kindling fire, namely the perpendicu
lar rod and the cross bow by which It
was twirled In the socket. Most of our
great annual festivals are survivals
from the days of sun worship.
If the law forbidding the representa
tion of the acts of criminals on the
stage were Impartially enforced, there
would be a panic In all our theaters.
The plcturea of the "tobacco war" are
very likely too savage to please some
tastes, but their subjects are no more
criminal than that of "The Merry
Widow" and not half bo debasing. We
have not heard that the police were
disturbed by "The Merry Widow" or
that the "unofficial Board of Censors'
found any fault with It.
. Whitman College ought to be able
to raise the rest of Its 11,000,000 en
dowment without much difficulty. A
million dollars la a modest endowment
nowadays. It providea bare educa
tional necessities with no luxuries. The
day when a great teacher and a boy
sitting on a log together made a uni
versity is gone. It may return some
time, but while we are waiting for it
the colleges must have money. Whit
man la probably asking for about half
of what It really needs.
Many people In Portland might
have wished yesterday that George W.
Jessup would pray to the sun to show
his face here and that the prayer
would be answered. Unfortunately for
them, the sun ta not all-powerful and
cannot prevent the wind from hiding
his face with great cloud-banks. The
police could make Jessup move on at
Taeoma, but the sun, being less pow
erful, cannot make tha clouds move
Humanity will breathe a sigh of re
lief at the announcement from Kiev,
Russia, that Dlmltry Bogroff. the as
sassin of Premier Stolypln, has been
hanged. Better a thousand times
swift death at a rope's end than the
slow tortures of a Russian prison that
in the end means death.
In sportive England, where the negro
ta given all the rights of the white,
there Is fear of black supremacy If
Johnson wins; so the law Is Invoked to
prevent such catastrophe. Twas the
same Idea when John C. Heenan
whipped Tom Bayers, barring the
. -w.. T.on Hrott- who successfully
resisted the attempts of two robbers,
suspected to be embryo pugilists, to
bind and gag her, set an example for
many a plucky housewife. A woman
who can best two prizefighters may
qualify as tha long-sought white man's
The conservators at Kansas City yes
terday "eased" the oruagery or tne
farmer'e wife. When the farmer de
cides to lift the burden he buys her
labor-saving device to match th kind
he uaea In the field.
In the controversy between Gover
nor and Game Warden over the Presi
dential banquet, Mr. Finley haa the
beat 'of It. It la 111 duty to aee that
the law la "pinioned."
Employment of young women to fill
the placea of clerke who have struck
on the Illlnole Central has an element
of humor. Nerve Is required to punch
the bead of a female strike-breaker.
Having plenty of time while waiting
for somebody to unlock their con
served resources, the Alaskana amused
themselves by hazing Plnohot. Even
tha dogs Join In the sport.
Ancther preclplc will adorn Aluer
Btreet canyon when the proposed six
atorlea are added to the Failing build
ing. Italy will likely be the email sister
who must be auppressed for fear of
making big trouble.
Prairie chicken In Kansas will whet
the President's appetite for pheasant
In Oregon
The comet has fifteen degrees of tall.
Now let her flirt it and show us.
There may he other women mas
querading aa man in Oregon.
Gleanings of the Day
An example of the difficulties over
come in developing German West
Africa Is found 'in the work done to
bring timber out of the Echume,
Sohagal and Megamba forests, whloh
are about 4910 fast above the sea. A
cable railway was built six miles long
np this steep Inoline. To do this, a
powerful stationary engine was hauled
up the mountain by hand, over 100
negroes and two or three Europeans
being employed. They fastened "the
boiler on a railway car and ran It on
rails, which were taken up behind and
relald In front until th summit was
reached. The work occupied seven
months, the advance varying from 100
to 1000 yards a day. It was necessary
to build bridges, widen . roads and
blast rocks and at the same time guard
against letting the car and Us load
faU Into the abyss. At some points
the cables had to span gaps of 1000
yards without touching earth. Here
they had to be supported t each end
by strong Iron towers 100 feet high,
no piece of which oould exceed t
pounds In weight, as they had to be
carried by natives up special paths out
for the purpose. Cement and other
material waa oarried In the same way.
From tha returna of the close vote
In Maine on prohibition, the Boston
Transcript draws the Interesting con
clusion that electlona are decided not
by those who vote, but by those" who
stay at home. It finds that, although
the rural districts were expected to be
almost unanimous for prohibition, a
very large proportion of the rural
population did not vote, thus account
ing for the bulk of the falling off of
10,000 from the vote of 1910. Elections
in Maine have not been decided by
in recent years at
least Plalsted's majority for Gover
nor was only 8173 in a toiai ui -
141.031. giving him only a small frac
tion over the majority of the total vote.
iam th. Rcr.uhllca.n Governor had
a majority of about the same. 7838, so
that the shift from 1906 to 1910, both
off years, was very small indeed. As
In Maine, so It Is in tne
as a whole. We have been In the habit
of talking of landslides, groundswells,
.h.inin. victories, but there has
been no such thing. The highest per
centage of the total vote ever polled
by a candidate for President was 6
for Roosevelt In wun '
Garfield. Cleveland and Harrison were
minority Presidents. The figures
..... in, the following
since io ' - . . .
table, showing the percentage of total
Beymour ....
Hancock . .
Cleveland ...
Cleveland ....
Bryan . .---Bryan
. ..
Parker ......
IRAS Grant
. 4
. 48
3RT2 Grant ...
1878 Hayta ...
lf0 Garfield .
Blaine ..
jssg Harrlaon
18l3 Harrlaon
1KU6 Mc Klnley
11.00 Mc Klnley
1904 Rooaevelt
. .63
. .48"
. .4S
. .4S
. .47'
. .41"
. .01
. .81
. .68
10 Taft
. .61"
....M.,.Ma number of the
AJ. . ii J .
v. kit whn atnved at homo in
1884 had voted they might have elected
i i rh.,. wa nrobably enough
stay-at-bome Democrats in 1888 to haye
elected Cleveland or uepuuuu.
18i to have elected Harrison. Though
there was Intense political excitement
. . . - T.-..n,ati ware torn
In 1888 ana mi --
in two, McKinley ony had 61 per cent
of the total. His administration waa
indorsed In 1900 by the same slim ma
jority. Roosevelt's success In 1804 waa
great by comparison, but 66 per cent
la not a landslide and It waa due large
. . .t home of about a
iVoTooo Democrats. For Taft In 190.
the majority again dropped to " per
cent and would have been less if many
"safe and sane" uemocrava
. , . f. Brvan. The con-
So. U That pomical opinion ,n
Sta country la very evenly divided and
r'lTng. of sides of abstention from
'"br a few hundred thousand In'ooo'vot.. 1. .nougB to change
tha Government
Servla has adopted an earlyj losing
law for stores in Belgrade, and has
UnTlte'd th. hour, of work in hotel, -d
restaurants to 12 a aay, a
to 10 a day. Employes are not allowed
, ork on Sunday, or -
Th. Swiss commission which has been
investigating the electrification of the
inveaug .xoected to recom-
nationax i & .... - -
mend the overhead In preference to the
Jnlrd-rall ay.tem. The first work to be
taken In hand will be the ow- j
the St Gothard Railway. The total
coat of conversion to electric tract on
upon the overhead system .la estimated
at 813 140.000. while the running costs
are estimated at about 10 per cent less
than the present cost who -
tlon. Water power win u -
arate electricity.
The City of Stafford, England, pre
vents strikes of the employes of Its
municipal gas works by paying them
aa a bonus one-iourxn oi
they make on producing and dlstrlbut
lnsr gas at 30 cents per 1000 oublo feet
h.. h..n Industrial peace for
'ine raeu. - -
six years, during which period tha
bonus ha. increased steadily fro . T
cer oent of the wage, paid ta 1906-T
per u t-
to 10 H per oen or m ----
At th. gamo time the gaa department
haa paid 817.081 a year, or .
1000 olublo feet of gaa Bold, for the re
lief of taxation. ,
The country people of tTrug-uay have
found a new use lor m. pe.ui.oa
. . -i. h adonted In the
Southwest A whitewash 1. used on
farm buildings which is made with the
llced leave, of the common oaotus.
macerated In water tor i
. .nintinn of oreamy conaist-
aucina "
ence: to this lime 1s added and well
.. . nv... annlied ta any surra. ca.
Enixaa. " ' " - -
b. It of wood, brick, iron or other ma
terial, a beautiful pearly white ap
pearance la produced whloh will endure
through storms ana i"
T..r4an T)1t ha. COSM tO the
1Q9 1
conclusion that speculation In farming
lands is an evil, and has passed a law
providing that In future the village
communities ana agncunuiaj "-"u".
.i.tinni win In every case hava
the right of pre-emption In case farm
ers desire to sell land. The profits In
speculation In the last II years are
plaoed at 114,280,000, and the expanses
at 17.140.000, all of which is set down
aa a loss to the arming population.
The output of gold In the Transvaal
Increases month by month, and August
haa broken the record. In' that month
lt waa 718,407 ounces, as compared with
... n.T in jnna anil 640.269 In Auirust
OUl.u. i -
1910. The Increase for the year 1911
ever 1910 Is estimated at par eeuw
BECAUSE of Its piquant tantalums-
atvla and not by Its wisdom
a new book "Dangerous Age." being
letters and fragments from a woman's
diary, and translated from the Danish
of Mrs. Karin ilichaells. win arouao
.ntiio-h mipfnGltv tr rA lt thrOUSh.
Just to see what lt la all about The
. . j ill.. onI
story is aiso wicitea anu a.,
therefore lt Is certain to cause dis
The heroine. Elsie Llndther, is a wo
man wuuse IIIUI l leu in. uas. u
wardly satisfactory, but who disagreed
to use a mild term with her hus
band to such an extent mat ine iwo
were aivorceu. iici uu.w.uu ........
breathed easier. Mrs. Lindther, over
40 years old, goes to a loneiy oouso
- 1 . 1 .. iDian D.i.nmTianW hv tWO
. - . .ki.u .hmi. cr.ttlnsr older.
acrvauba. i. n .mi. i . o
. . , . i . . hA- hit...
lucre, dir.. jjinuiiiwr ic " -. - -
diary, the words of which must be
sweet morsels to the woman with a
grouch or the other womin who thinks,
because she has not caught one", that
all men are lower than tho brutes that
"If men aaarected ..."
11 may aareiy oo -
surface of the globa not one man exists wno
really xnowe a wuiuu.
If a woman took livflnlta pslna to
. . . . , ,i .... iv.T- luat as
reveal neraeii w a n ii" ... - -
he really la, he would think .he was u
ferlng from some Incurable mental dlaease.
A few of ue Indicate our true natures In
hyaterloal outbreaks, fits of bltterneaa and
uspiclon; but thla Involuntary frankneaa 1
renerally aiscouniea oy eum. -- -
- .... t.ii .ur-h other
uo men bdu " - - - ,
tha truth T How often does that happen T
. . . . . I 1 . rrh V (I.Hi In
More onen man not, i m"""- ;J ; , ,
half-llea, hldln this, embroldertns that,
fact. . .
Between th. sexes rains an inaraoic
hoatllity .. . .
A woman may u a .
own life; may .senile, har tlma . her
health, her exlatence to him. But If .he la
wholly a woman, ah. cannot lv. him har
She cannot, because ana usree u-
. , . h.a never Ml
ine n i i u i hi -"' -
written, almply because th. few womn "'I
sable of writing It would not betray their
sex. Aa to men. they ar. as Ignorant on
thla point at on everythlns elea which con
eerna women not excepting- love.
Who has never caught mother or slater in
a falaahood or subterfuge? Who has ever
really understood nia momer wi
Women', doctors may b. as clever and
BIT aVal tnT DlSUBi DUi ku-cj "
Warn tn- of th. thin, that women eon flda
to otner. 11 '"ut . .
th ieii lies not only a deP. atarnal hoa
.... a . v. m Virtw-i Hla nhrai of a
complete lack of reciprocal comprehension.
- . . . a nntw HsfaY1Is t lift T
represent tha youthful neneration which
muse sooner ur ii . -
A rea nose i n -
that can befall a beautiful woman. I al
ways suspected that this was the reason why
Adelaide svaiisT.riia wa. y -
a a i vtn nt - "Rftrtnllections of
Guy de Maupassant by His Valet,
Francol..," will soon bo published In
this country- II fle Maupassan. c
a hero, one of the proverbs will have
to be rewritten.
t- ..,.. a.. at Ti n mi need of The
Ne'er-Do-Well," by Rex Beach; Marlt
Twain's "Adventures of Tom Sawyer,
and Kirk Munroes 'Canoemates."
. - . n -m rf DnliArt
Tne nni rti " .
Browning. rai. " , - " . ,
reprinted, accompanied by considerable
Introductory matter prepared by
. . . . t-. n l. Ti...n Th A lntro-
unrisiina ' uuul-li . n . . -
duction Is intended to help the reader
to a comprenenaivo u n m i . w .. o
the poem. The volume Include, a bi
ographical sketch of Paracelsus and an
exposition of his philosophy.
XT - iF-n n nnvftV to be
published next month, will bear the
fi.i. v.fir.iv fltorv" Instead ox
"Blanoa," as previously given. There
are sala to do tare, uiouw. ini " -Into
this story. One Is the married
u. ... . fh.i.AA artist, another Is a
tale of pore love carrying the reader
... i . . 1 ,i4 flnollv
bade 4uu year. ia i lo.i j. , .
the romantlo story of a girl of the
present day.
Eleanor Qlyn's new novel "The Kea-
mi.." i- nut Ttia lararer nortlon
of the book depicts the married life of
the hero ana neroine, uom m
belong to English "high society" and
i 1 ... . mntnal love and under
standing of the existence of whloh they
were not aware wnen mey wore mi
Fonr novels recently published are
"Marcla of the Little Home," a
humorous and pathetlo story of the
help given by a child In the struggles
of a family against poverty, by Emily
Calvin Blake; "Desmond Rourke, Irish
man," a story of adventure and In
trigue, the scene of whloh Is laid In
Martinique; "The Autobiography of a
Woman Alone," giving the experiences
of a woman who came to New Torlt
at the age of 19 with about 17, repre
senting all she had In the- world, pub
lished anonymously, and "The Drift,"
a series of letters giving the emotional
autobiography of a young literary wo
man who supports herself by Journal
ism In New Tork, by Marguerite Mooers
"City Government by Commission"
(Appleton'.), edited by Clinton Rogers
. 1 ... nr. nf th. NAtlnnA.l
U U U i 11 11 , it, ...1 j
Municipal League, alms to give In
... . . ...A
compact rorm a ucar uenmuuu mi-,
description of the commission system
of government under whloh over 100
cities are now operating, a discussion
by different writer, of the principles
underlying It, arguments for and
against It, aocounts of Its actual suo
cess or failure, and a summary of the
result, obtained. Texts are Included of
several typical commission charters.
Important tables showing the features
of oltles governed by commission, and
a large amount of atatlatloal lnforma-
. How do you aooount for the popu
larity of .ome of tho.. beat .oilers?"
asked the literary lady.
"I think." replied Miss Cayenne, of
Boston, "that a lot of us are trying
to catch Op with the dime novels our
parents prevented us from reading
when we were young." Washington
(D. C) Star.
Booth Tarldngton, at a banquet In
Indianapolis whereof he waa the guest
of honor, de.orlbed aoma of th. aspect,
of hi. collaboration with H. L. Wilson.
"All collaboration," said Mr. Tark
lngton. "Is due to one motive. It Is
due to the fact that each collaborator
bopea that the other will do all the
"Collaborators are very polite to one
another. Their criticisms of one an
other are not at all like the criticisms
of their Joint work that you read in
the newspapers. If I. for example
ever disapprove of one of Wilson's
passages, I say to hlmi
" "Rather Shakespearean, Is lt notf
"And If Wilson finds one of my
scenes worse than usual, he will say:
" 'A little too much like Ibsen, don't
you think T " Indianapolis News,
a a
Although In London they say "Ton
know, everybody has left town, and
London Is no more than an empty
shadow of Itself at this time," Mrs.
Corra Harris, author of "The Circuit
Rider's Wife," and "The Recording
Angel" (the latter to be brought out
this Fall) and her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Leech, write that the British metro
ooli. has been a kind hostess and that
they have been able to see a gTeat deal
of English life. While Mrs. Harris
remains In London, Mrs. Leech Is
making a tour through Scotland and
Conntry Town Sayings by Ed Kowe
A woman enjoys kissing: so much,
and objects so much to- men kissing
her, that I often regret that the
poverty of human nature is such that
a woman can't kiss herself.
I never knew a man who didn't often
do good deeds. Tou probably do enough
good, but are not caretul enough of
your bad habits.
I have noticed that when a man
does a poor job of work for me, he
can make a perfect explanation; noth
ing I may say can convince him that'
he Is In any way to blame.
Some men hate to be husbands as
naturally aa some boys hate to go to .
Tour bad habits are exaggerated)
another reason for having as few aa
possible. If you are seen coming out
of a saloon once a day, people will
say they saw you coming out a dozen
I sometimes fear, after I have been
In a big crowd, that there are a good.
many ugly people.
I never knew any onewho worked!
more than he should, but I know thou
sands who do not work enough.
AT nation Is civilized when lt haa a
police force and a publio sentiment
strong enough to make Its own out
laws behave.
Occasionally I meet people who say
sermons are not long enough, but X
have yet to hear any one speak w4
of the afternoon parties given b
When lt Is said of a man that ha
is in advance of the world, lt Is usual,
ly the case that he Is wasting time
advocating doctrines that won't work,
If you are abreast of the world's
progress, you are doing welL
Jonah Waa Swallowed by Great Ftah,
Not by Whale.
PORTLAND, Or.. Sept. J8. (To
the Editor.) It Is amusing some
times to note the mistakes people who
do not study their Bible, make about
Bible atorlea and Bible teachings. A
case in point 1. that of Dr. Hlnson. at
the White Temple last Sunday night.
He Is reported to have said! "If you
go to hell because you couldn't find
out whether a whale'a capacity 1b big
enough to hold a man, when you get
there Satan will have such a fool he
will likely turn you out."
In these remarks he aocepta the
common belief that lt was a whale
that swallowed Jonah. But there Is
nothing In the story to Justify that
conclusion. On the contrary, it is very
clear that lt waa not a whale that
swallowed Jonah. The word "whale"
doee not appear In the book of Jonah
at all. The Bible puts lt this wayi
"Now the Lord prepared a great fish
to swallow up Jonah." Notice the
word "prepared." It waa a fish spe
cially prepared for that special oooa
Blon to swallow Jonah then and
there and for no other purpose, so far
as the narrative la concerned. If a
whale could have swallowed Jonah,
why create a special creature with
capacity enough to take Jonah lnT If
a whale could have swallowed him,
anyone that happened to be In that
vicinity at the time would have an
swered the purpose, or one could have
been moved to the side of the ship by
special oommand. But no, the Lord
"prepared" a great fish, one larger
than a whale, doubtless, for notloe the
word "great."1 And Jonah waa In the
belly of the "flab, three daye and three
nights, and he prayed unto the Lord
out of the fish's belly." And further
more, "the Lord spake unto the fish
. 4. Mm. Jonah uDon the dry
land." So, lt Is perfeoUy plain that lt
was a specially prepared fish that
swallowed Jonah and not a whale. As
I said, the word "whale" does not ap
pear In the book of Jonah at all.
I am afraid that Brother Hinaon la
.i.r.n.4 as sadlT off and apooryphal
about hell and religion aa he la on the
fish story, but lest we get Into "Intel-!
lectual difficulties," I forbear.
Let me conclude by saying, and I
think lt aafe to say, that the Creator
knows how to deal with all His crea
tures without the advice or counsel
of anyone. He made all things la
wisdom and goodness, and He will
take care of all things by these same
attributes and, and men hava
nothing to do but to love and obey"
Him, as they And His law written In,
the great book of nature, spread all
about ua and In the human soul itself,
A Wemsa . Count erblajrfc.
iw nol In the mubW
DO you Dura up Mw.ia. - -
you smoke, you probably set fire to a
leant xuav muiiu " ' J
It would be hard to oompute the
value In dollars of the efflclenoy thai
you burn up with It. .
Money, brains and health all go up
In smoke. . , ,
One cigarette set fire to 600 souls la
the Triangle Waist Company disaster.
Men might be as good workers a
women if they didn't use tobacco.
It should not be necessary to hava
"No Smoking" signs in faotorlea; re
spect for the principles of hygiene and
business sense should make of thla
taboo an unwritten law. ....a.-'
A man wouldn't set fire to a IBOO.OOd
building, but he will light oiettea.
Tou may not see the analogy, but there
are more fires from thla cause than
from any oth -'.
' A Boy's Study Oonoeutratleaw
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
' The manager turned to the new boy.
"Here, George," he aald. "go Into the
next room and look up "collaborate.
Tm not quite aure about the spelling.
The boy disappeared, but did not re
turn. The manager put the letter aside
and took up some other duties. Pres
ently he remembered the boy and went
out to look for him. He found him
studying the big dictionary with great
"What are you doing, Qeorger ha
The boy looked around.
"I forgot the word you told me, air,
he replied, "an' I'm lookln' through the
book to find it."
The manager gasped.
"How far have you gotr
"I'm Just finishing the second page,
k XVaiwe f Memory Mean. Death.
' T7-naaa "Mtv Tniimftl.
nan-in v.. -.7
The Russlsche Korrespondens. under
the headline "Forgotten." tells of the
discharge from the Imperial service of
three officers of the prison at Mlnus
slnsk because of a lapse of memory on
their part. It appears that last Winter
a political prisoner of the name of
Sachatschow was plaoed by them in an
unheated dungeon and was then "for
trotten" for a long time. When the
poor fellow was finally thought of
again he was found terribly frozen. He
died shortly afterward.
20,500,000 People In II mill.
Kansas City Journal.
The estimated population of Brazil
Is now 20.600,000, but no census has ever
been taken of this vast country and
to take one would be a work of almost
Insurmountable difficulties.
Uncle Sam, Electric Cook.
Baltimore American.
In the kitchens of the United States
Military Academy at West Point, N. T..
practically all the work Is done by elecy.