fHK MOKXKVG OREGONIAX, TTJESDAT, SEFTE3IBER 26, 1911. TAFT GAILY SKIPS TITLES PRESIDENT Or HAE.RIMAN LINES WHOM RUMOR HAS IT IS TO RELINQUISH POST. ALTEEATIONS FREE OF CHARGE TO FIT EVERY BUYER Fall Time Is Coat Time THE HOUSE of COATS We Originate. Others Imitate. Original Price Maker. Why Pay More? DUE FOR CHANGES AS THEY COME TO US, SO THEY GO TO YOU. Beginning this morning at 8 o'clock will give a practical demonstration of our ability to distance competition FROM MAKER TO WEARER AT FIRST COST President Explains His Tariff New Offices Expected to Re Vetoes at 11 Towns of Insurgent State. suit From Conference in New York This Week. HARRIMAN THROUGH KANSAS $30,000 Stock RAINCOATS At a Saving of 30 to 40 Per Cent DAY IS "HURRY-UP" AFFAIR L0VETT MAY QUIT POST - r V f Crowds of HI Entire Trip, Crowes Into Mlwonrl, Tlrrd Oat trot IVrJIgritexI. KA.VSA8 CTTT. Mo "pt. 15. Prf '.Amrtt Taft pas4 a hurry-up day In oatftetra Ktmw. maklsr ae IrMMi at 11 little town. The Prl Irnt ra tired but happy ortr the warmth of tha rocptlon the Kansana bad riven bim wbio ha reached Ku a City tonlitht. r Tha crowd were tha larrrst tha Pr.sidrr.t haa faced on h!a trip. Mr. Taft spoke principally on tha r.tiva of tha wool, fraa list and cotton tariff bllla. TIa pave hla hearem to understand that ha waa mora than arinirit to a1rn any bills reduelnr tha tariff If founded on tha report of the tariff board. Thla board, tha Presi dent said, would be ready to report on the woolen schedule December 1. His atatement on thla point set at rest tha report that thera would be delay. ! beltera that the present wool duties are too hla-h." ha exclaimed amid applause, "and Just as soon ss 1 jrot adequate Information. I shall rec ommend their reduction. Faaatea'a Town Creeted- Mr. Taft be nan tha day at Coffey 'Hle and spoke also at Independence. ThefTyyale. Thayer, Chanute, Hum odt. Iola. Garnet, Ottawa. Edforton i rid Olathe. The President appeared on tha back platform and waved to tha station thronirs at Carlisle, tha home of Gen eral Frederick Funstnn: Colony and several small towns. Ha was "on the aro from T 30 until tha arrival here at 30 tonlitht Aside from his tariff speeches ths President spoka briefly on marriage and dITorco. on tha prosperity of tha people of Kansaa. and on tha trusts. In comlnar to a discussion of ths net-easlty for laws rov.rn'.ne; m arrises and divorce, ths President first spok pf the necessity of uniform lawa on tha subject of child labor and work men's compensation. Harder Dtienee "eegat- As to marrlara and divorce, ha said "It la very awkward, to aay the least. that a man who Is married on one aid of a stats Una may not be married on the other. Tha Increase of divorces In this country Is a reflection upon th lews and their loose administration. We ought not to permit tha marrlaftje tie to be dissolved at will." At Coffejrvllle the President was met by an escort of 100 horsemen, unl formed alike la blue ram brio ahlrts. khaki trousers and peaked hats. They were the representative business and professional men of tha city. Ths ITesldent spoke at tha plan In Coffey villa, on the alls oi ths bank that was) held up by tha notorious Dalton broth era many years aso. In the Presi dent's escort was Jack Kloehr, a de-termlned-looklnc man, with cunr black hair and a drooping black moustache. Tie killed two of the Iel ton hoy s In tha round-up that followed their last escapade. Following hla conservation address here tonight, tha President left again for Kansaa and will pass Tuesday and w ednesday In that state. r it V - i v y J - r. J ROBERT S. LOTETT. SPINSTER s VIGIL REWARDED UCHIDA REGRETS TO GO Japan) ex-Ambassador Baa Kindly FVelInf Toward America, SEATTLE. Wash, Sept. IS. Viscount Tasuajra lea Ma, ths retiring Japaaees Ambassador to tha United Ptatea. and who Is on his wsy home to become altnlster of Foreign Affairs In ths Sal- on)l (.abtnet, arrived hers today, i rompanled by hla wifa and suite. This a temoon he was ths guest of tha Jtrenree Consul at a luncheon attend ed by 40 Japanese and American clU- sens. Later ha waa shown about ths city In an automobile. During hla atay here the Ambassador Is ths truest of the Chamber of Commerce. In hla address at ths luncheon Vis count L'chtda e i pressed his regret at leaving tha Culled Siatee on account of the peasant relations at Washing ton between lae governments of Japan and America. However, ha added. una consolation in the fa.rt that In my new poat aa Minister for Foreign Affairs I sna.l be able to further strengthen ths a. ready cordial rela tione between the two governments, toward which end I assure you I shall j my beat. "1 leave this country with every dif ference between the nations settled and 1 feel that no question can arise, which may not be aettled amicably and dip lomatically, in traditional policy of rrlena.ilp 1 shall support with all my ksarv" RAIN PATTERS ON SHRINERS Hlllah Temple Entertains Imperial Potentate at Med ford. JIEDPORIX Or.. Sept. SS. Special.) Everybody waa aareeaMe to ths ceremonial of the Mystic Shrtns under ths susplces of Hlilah Temple today, but the weather man. Thla a rt-h -conspirator eent a gentle shower and Id delegates from the Southern Oregon district, led by John F. Treat, Imperial potentate In an automobile, filed t::rouga a line of 1500 people protected by umbrellas an J raincoats, and after a banquet and a theater party sent IS candidates over the "hot sands." In the middle of the procession tha Candidate. In grotesque costumes, be draggled and forlorn, aat aatrlda a rant telesraph pole, which was drawn by a traction engine, propelled by a n.aa In a red fes. Bringing up the rear was a wheeled was n. in which lan guished the city officials. Mayor Canon. C'hlsf of Police ILttsoi. th city Coun cil City Attorney Xefi and all th po lic lore but one, wh.e a lurid ban ner on tha aide announced that they til ahould b recalled. Edward R- 8taplee, of Ashland, with raised scimitar sat on ths wagon seat and endeavored to Incite th crowd to a display of anarchy. Sweetheart of Her Girlhtjod Days Comes Back After Forty-Five Years. SHE WILL BE WIFE NO. 4 Parted by Stern Parents Long Time Ago. Conple Will ow Be Mar ried Interrupted Romance of Old Brooklyn Renewed. Few. if any. medl'tnee. bare met with th uniform euccees th.nt has attended the ue of I'hamherlaln s O.-mIc Oho. ere and i'la-Thoea Remedy. Te remark-a-ae cures ef coilo and diarrhoea w Mrh it has ef'ected almost every netsh bornood have given It a wide reputa tion. Fur aaia by all druggists. NEW TORK. Sept. IS. (8pdaL) For 45 years Miss Emma Smith, sweet-faced, gray-balred eplnlster lives at 177 Sheffield street, Brooklyn, has watted for George Meyer, th sweetheart of her girlhood, to return and marry her. Tha other day he called upon her. He Is 71 years old. well preserved and a retired Iron dealer. And they ar to ba married. although they decline to say when. When Miss Smith was It and Meyer was IT years, back In ths old dsys In Brooklyn. Meyer wooed her and tney were engaged to be married. Her par ents objected. Meyer left Brooklyn. and th couple drifted apart. Meyer married. In fact, he tnamea three times. His third wlfs died sbout two Tears sgo. Meyer, comfortably fixed from th profits of his business, waa lonely after a period aa widower and his thoughts went bsck to Emma Smith. Hs went to, an old address In Brooklyn In search of her. una nsa moved, but hs kept np ths search and finally found her. Retwrm la Awaited. In ths meantime Miss Smith's affeo- Hons hsd been preserved for him. Sh has spurned th courtship oi oiner men. I knew you wouiu wm u said to Meyer. Mtss Smith talked freely or ner ro mance. V ar both very nappy, sn saio. -because the love we nso tor eaca other so many years ago hss been re kindled. Lov will revlv our youthful days so that ws can llvs our lives over again. It has been a long wait, but now that we are to be married It la tha future I believe In looking to and not the past. -Neither of ns is young, oui ajce n nothing to do witn love, ana our will not suffer from ths long delay. I can forget all the years now because I am so happy. I " " th original ngagement, with this dif ferencethat ther is no ons to object i to our marriage now. tor w nav ui- lived all who did. Man Kot o Talkative. vr, u.r. while apparently Just as happy aa Mlaa Smith, was not so wil ling to talk. Hs eould not see why the nubile enouia o mi.iw-.- approaching wedding. -I arn atill young." hs asserted and he looked it "and i want w ie.- - ourth marriage inn why 1 shouldn I perlence. out i ' - talk any better on marriage than any body elae. All 1 can say U that a man who goes through llf without a wife Is only half living. But It taaea a w.. man to be a wlnn.r a a hu.band. Marrlag may be no failure, bnt It might mean bankruptcy. BAY CITY TO VOTE TODAY ffentrnned rrom First Pare.) a)- h. a who 1 pevttt and tra mr-. claims. . It is probable that the oontert for District Attorney also will be ended, although thsr ar eight candidates tn th field. Conditions favor ths re election of Charles M, Flcksrt Tare "eVaat t B hevtrfc Th fight for Shrtff will b aiclt Ing with 6arlff Thomas F. Finn. Frd Esiers and Lawrenoa J. JDolan tha candidates. Ths tnrs men ar pop ular; each haa a larg personal follow ing, so It la a sals prediction that ths primary will not aettls this contest. It Is the general belief that ths total vote cast will approximate more than 70.000. unprecedented In local elections There are ti.00 voters entitled to th suffrage. Ther ar candidates for all offloea. ef which 174 are seeking to be nominated for supervisor in ths finals. There will be but ! supervisors nomi nees so it is believed certain that no supervisorial candidate can be elected at th primary. ' Tha office la for four-year term and pays $100 a month. The board elected will be the world's fair board, a great honor In Itself. Seme Confusion Kxlats. There Is mors or less confusion about the provisions of the new primary law. In ths first place, any registered voter la eligible to vote, regardless of whether he baa declared hla political affiliation. Under the new law, there la no party designation on the ballot, so party and organisation Indorsements are useless for purposes of identifica tion. The party circle is eliminated, so there will be no "straight" tickets. Ths count will be slower; slower, per haps, than any previous election, for the number of candidates greatly ex ceeds sny prior election. By a new law passed at the last session of the Legislature all the votes msy be recounted Immediately In court and all the ludes In this city, to gether with as many other Judges as the Governor may assign from th county may be set to work counting such votes, all at ths same time, so ths whole vote could be counted In two or three days In court. In a few hours after the election Is ever, the ballots themselves will be doubly barred and locked and sealed In the steel vaults of the election com mission under the eyes of expert watch men day and night until such proceed lngs In court are taken. If necessary. Ths unusually large number of re turned envelopes received by the Reg Istrar sine sending out election data and aample ballota to persons whose names appear upon ths register has resulted In precautionary teps being taken to Insure th honesty of the ballot. . Relph la Favorite. Betting remains two to ons on Rolpa to win at th primaries. Statements made by the two leading Mayoralty candidates follow: By Jsmes Rolph. Jr. The campaign la closed. I did my best to make this campaign successful and I will have tha satisfaction of knowing that I have reached ths high office by fair means not by vtlllfylng my adver saries, but by giving every voter a chance to see me. to know my views, snd then to decide for himself whether I am the man San Francisco needs for her next Mayor. The matter is now in the people's hands. I believe that my fellow-cltlsens will decide tomor row by an overwhelming vote that I am to serve the city aa Mayor during the four momentous years now lying before us. By P. H. McCarthy On the eve of th most Important election in Ban Francisco's experience Important be cause of Its tremendous meaning to the masses of the plain people I am glad to expreas the belief that when ths votes are counted tomorrow it will be found that the cause of truth and humanity bma won a great victory. Labor and the small property owner I will In self defense. If for no other rea son, give me between 41,000 and 4S.000 votes, thus Insuring pence, happiness and prosperity through th building of th great world'a Fair by union labor. "AH over the world today big busi ness and ths open shop are seeking, ss if by concerted effort to tear down the defenses of the working men and wo men, and through false statement and contemptible subterfuge, attempting to degrade, subdue and starve th working hosts as waa don In th year 190L X believe the time has com when prop erty may no longer hop to enslave and subjugate humanity." Indian Jailed for Disturbance. CHEHALIS, Wastu. Sept- IS. (Spe cial.) Alex Parsons, an Indian, was Jailed for creating a disturbance with a knife at the Plncus hopyard. Later, after sobering up. when he was peni tent. Parsons attributed his conduct to drink. Hs was released and told to leave. Heevd of BjsteJii May Become Chair man of Board bat Power Will Xot Be Lessened Kratt ch.nl tt to Go Higher. CHICAGO, 6ept 15. (Special.) Be fore the end of the week. It is expect ed. President Lovett, of ths Harrtman system of railroads, wlU announce ohangea in th duties and titles of th Union Paoino-Southern Padflo system officials which will Involve praotloally all of the more Important officers. Mr. Lovett declined today In New Tork to dlsousa th various rumors that he lntenda to retire from th presidency of th Harrlman systems In favor of Julius Kruttschnltt. It Is known that Judge Lovett's du ties are very onerous and this, to gether with the fact that he la not an experienced railroad man, has given rise to a belief that he may relinquish the Drcsidency of that system. In that event his logical successor would be Kruttschnltt. Buch a Changs pron ably would involve th transfer of op erating headquarters from Chicago to New Tork. A meeting of the board la to bo held In New Tork Wednesday and some thing Is expected aa a result . of It. Julius Kruttschnltt, vice-president and director of maintenance and operation of tha Harrlman lines, now Is in New Tork and J. C. Stubbs. vice-president and director of traffic, will leave Chi caro In time for attendance. Whatever change may be mads in the title of President Lovett, It is ex pected there will be no lessening of his authority If he remains witn in nam man lines. To Properly Treat Obstinate Wrinkles "Particularly when wrinkles and furrows are long and deep, the mas sage devotes Is apt to rub too hard and too frequently." says Dr. Limoges. Such treatment loosens the skin. causes muscles to sag and aggravates the wrinkled condition Juet ths oppo site result from what sha seeks. -Better than massage, or anything els, for the most obstinate wrinkles and crows' feet, aa well as ths finest lines. Is a formula well known In France, which American ladles may readily avail themselves of, as you will have no dlffloulty procuring the con stituents from your druggists. It' Is this: One ounce powdered saxollte In one-half pint wltoh hazel. Bathe ths face, neck and bands In this dally. Tha effect is really marvelous, not only as to wrinkles, but also In case of double chin and baggy cheeks. The applica tion Is cooling, soothing, tending to re lieve fatigue and Insomnia." -Adv. Why Thompsons Deep Curve Lenses Are Better curve wear They are ground on a that enables those who glasses to look in any direction that cornea in range of the eye. You don't have to move your head jnst your eyes. Tom lenses should be placed in a mounting that will hold them in a correct position. Out skill enables ns to deter mine the corect position, and Shnr-On eye glasses as we fit them give the best results. Our charges are moderate. THOMPSON Eye Bight Specialist. Second Floor Corbett Building, Fifth and Monison- Pit ; si : iff Ladies' and misses' su perb all weat her, coats, sizes 32-48. That nifty Tan Rubber Slip-On, art plaid inter - lined, high storm roll collars, tor men and women, at 35.50 Men's and boys' su perb all weather, double-service coats, sizes 33-48. LADIES ' RUBBERIZED SILK AND POPLIN COATS, for today and Wednesday. $7.50 250 LADIES'. SUPERB ALL WEATHER ENG LISH SLIP-ONS, today and Wednesday. $10.00 Ladies' Belted Gaberdines and English Slip - Ons, advanced styles, season 1911-12; specially priced to day and Wednes day at 30 and $20 75 LADIES' SUPERB SAMPLE CRAVE NETTE COATS, including the new Gaberdines and Slip-Ons, $12.50 A REAL UTILITY COAT A SMART, DRESSY GARMENT adapted for every occasion, $18.00 and $15.00 200 MEN'S. COMBINA TION RAINCOATS AND OVERCOATS, today and Wednesday, $10.00 350 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUPERB COM BINATION RAINCOATS AND ENGLISH SLIP-ONS $12.50 600 Men's English Gaber dines, English Slip-Ons and superb Rainproof Overcoats at $15.00 Exceptional values for to day and Wednesday. These superb All Weather Coats and English Gaberdines at $20.00 and $18.00 For the man who likes black or gray, we are showing AU Weather, Double Service Coats, spe cially pri c e d at $20, $18 and $12.50 Dlrl a' Storm Capea with stfcrm hoods, buy now at SX.45 307 Washington St., Between Fifth and Sixth S2.25 Boys Tarn Rub bra Sllp-on Coats at $2.50 Boys Combina tion Rata Coats and Overcoats at $4.75 Boys' 8operb A1I Weather Doobl. S e r t I e Coata with roll stoma 00 liar at INCOAC COMPANY $s.so 21,000,000 Cigars Saved The Result of Our Buying Before th Failure of rhis" Year's Cuban Tobacco Crop "So fon trfaib smoke Van Dyck "Qiulity" cigars ooed'ot worry. For besides?; he new material for SI, 000.000 " Vo DjrckV our Cuban warehouses balsa with to bacco for many million more. KioK command do finer than Van Dfvk "Quality" Ogata. And they're sold at -a sa.De Americas price because we s&rc 100 par cent. citar-ddty by importing the lenf and making' our cigaia here employing expert Cuban work men for the task. Nor wltf the Increaasd'eost ef nano factore doe to today's -condition .lessen one charts the famon Vsa Dyck sUodard of workmanship. NHtherwiU It add a sinrle penny to the Van Dyck price. Soitsplain toseethatyou'reonly com tint yourself if yoo anwke otl)er than Van Dyck "Quality" Cigars b 27 D 'Timet Saaaas Ota hr ErerrTajte 3-for-25o. to 25b Each - AT YOUR DEALER'S BL A. GOHST a CO.-'Tss Bsan af stasia" Our Showimg of aZ. For Fall THE BEST $3.00 HATS ON EARTH ' Midi SftyK A BEM LLI LEADING HATTER ABUNDANCE OF SOFT, FLUFFY, LUSTROUS HAIR AND NOT A PARTICLE OF DANDRUFF Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine and just try this stops hair fall ing out at once. Danderine dissolves every particle of Dandruff like snow beneath the blazing Sun. cleanaea. purifies and lnrlrorates the scalp : forever stopping ltchina and faKica- hair. Within ten minute after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of Dandruff or a loose or falling; hair and your ecalp will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' uae. when you will actually aee new hair, fine and downy at flrat yes but really new hair sprouting ail over the scalp. a. little Danderine will Immediately double the beaaty of yoar hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw It through your balr. taking one small strand at a time. The effect Is amazing- your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incom parable lustre, eoftneaa end luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a tt cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove to yourself tonight now that your hair la aa pretty and soft as any that It baa been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If yon will Just try a little Danderine. At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLICK'S" The Original and Genuine HALTED IV1I1.I1 The Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and curtaining. Keep it on your rudeboaxd at home. Don't travel without it. A tnrlrjc Innri Drenared in a mitrote. Take no imitation. Just ay "HORLICK'S." Not in Any TJiUk Trust East Portlander! THE- CITIZENS BANK Is the laboring' man 'a friend, and has been for 20 years. Capital $100,000. Assets $700,000. We want your banking business for we are on "THE EIGHT SIDE OF THE BTVEE." I. T. TEE ON9 The old eminent doctor care any successful ly, sucii a nesa, constipation. 1 '4 - China dlseaaea I weak asthma. catarrh, cancer, piles, nerr- outnasa, rneumausm, blooa poison, lung-, liver, kidney snd stomach trouble; alao chronic private ail men ta of men and woman. No matter who baa failed, coma no and 1 sriaxantee a cure If curable. I hava spent a lifetime study of h-rh. atr, trariuiud from several univer sale and took rot graduate courses in China, Don't hesltat. but call and see me at once. I hav thousands of testimonial from my grateful patient, sum re:uemuer, oe only the most harmleaa Chinese herbs, re cardie of the high price. So I can help nu f -row rannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. I T. Tee at Sons Med- , lctn Co, 142 V. Firs. S. K. Cor. .Aider Su LISTEN In a few days I will be offering for sale some Choice Acre Tracts These are close in and on the carline. 10-cent fare. If you want a choice acre home; best soil; right at the city limits and at the right price, let me show you this. L 224, Oregonian.