THE MORNING OREGOMA!?. MONDAY, SFTTET5IBER 2o.1911. IN HARHI5 IS SEEN OF Friends of Jurist Urge Him as4 Republican Nomination for Senator. RECORD DEEMED OF BE-T; Circuit Jodj" of fconi Jndlolal i Pletrlct AdTancrd Man Whs I If Candidate Would Brln Party Fctlon Tojether. Aecort'.n. to well-founded political i.rtnr T. Karris of rlrcult Jud of tho Second Judicial District. U beln boomed br his frtenda as an opponent of Jonathan Bourne. Jr for tha Rspubllcan nomi aatlou for United Btatoa Senator at tha primary nomlnatlnn; election nsxt A nrIL Although Jud Hnrrto ha not said that hs will bwomi a candidate, tl frtenda srer that ha will maka th raca If thsra la a dsmand for bis candidacy from different sscUona of th state. Hole A Tewed AaplraaC To dste. 6nator Bourn la th only arewed candidal for th office h now holla. Several months aa-o Juris Ftephen A. Lowell of Psndleton lat It become knows that h would Ilk to succeed Bourn, but mora recently h has tot bad anythln to say of his -.-iMe rven J. Valarkey. state Senator from Multnomah County, was considered a likely candidal to sue ceed Bourne, but h fcna withheld any announcement aa to his plana politi cally. Eliminated aa a candidate by the nature of his oath aa a Judicial officer. Judite Henry McOlnn baa made tha positive announcement that b will not enter th contest. Th report wss circulated a few weeks ago that W. R. Ellis. e-Repre-sentattve from the Second Congres sional LMstrlct. would be In tha race for Senator In next year's election. Friends of th Pendleton man. how ever, declare h doe not hare sena torial ambltlona at this tiro a. Cilia May sister Lis. From this It la Inferred that If too many candidates seek th Republican nomination for Representative in con areas from Eaatern ortion. It Is sus recced that Mr. Kills may b planning to slip In quietly and carry off th nomination, indt-atlone r.ow irt that ther will b at least four Or five !- nroui ytuna Republicans In th fight for this slum In th April primaries. Thos a bo have started th Harris boom, however, ariru that b U well and favorably known throughout the atate: that he raad good record aa a member of th legislature at th sen ators of 101 and It' J: that he Is an able lawyer and aa uprtitht Judge, and that bis prtvata I!f hss been clean and free from scandaL It is also pointed out that Harris record for party loyalty la nnquestlrnea. Having been on th bench for th past six years. Ju'$ Harrl has not taken any active part In politics, with t is result that ha has not been Identl- fiej with th party factional differ rnces of recent years. For this rea on. aeiert hla friends. Judge Harris would b In a good position to rvcelva airport from party factions. Polleap "laid rrr tie. Judge Karris, argue his supporters, has a. ways stood for progressive poli tics, and aa a consequence would mak heavy tnroau Into th lment of th party that believes la these policies' but. at the sain time. Is opposed to Bourne. As a member of the Legisla ture of 1J0J. he Introduced and secured tie passage through th Koua of a measure known as the "Harris bill. which proposed to rata additional rev enue for th stat by taxing th cross earnings of expresa. telephone, tele graph, sleeping-car. refrigerator-car and olt companies. This meaaur was e.augiiterrd In the State Senate, but a as subsequently Initiated and passed hr the people. IVU. In t.-.e Legislature. Judge Har ris also fought for tne adoption of the fe:ow -servant" law. which was flnal iv pas I by both houses after a hard ' u Thla law provided that an em rlore of a railroad or other public service corporation, or bis heirs, might rev-over damagea In th event of In jury or death, w iien the same was auned by the carelessness of a fellow errploye. Hy championing these mea- ure. Judge Harris gained favor with ne Granges and labor unions. Bears Refers Cited. rn the bench he has sustained tha Initiative and referendum features of tie conntltntion and other popular laws. Judge Harris la a native of Oregon, having been born at Albany Septem ber 11. 173. He was educated at the I'nlverslty of Oregon, from which In stitution he was graduated In 1IS1. and subsequently was graduated from the law department of the University of Michigan. In 159 he was admitted to tha bar of this Mate and a year later ru appointed Ieputy District Attor ney for th Second Judicial Dietrlct. a position which he held for a number of years. It was during these years that Judge Harrla developed ability aa a public prosecutor and bis vigilance resulted In many convictions. He represented Lane 'aunty In the Lower House of th Legislature at the sessions of 1901 and !'J and wss Speaker of th House during the latter year. When the ees lon of 191 adjourned Judge Harris wss greatlv admired bv the younger e'rment of th Republican party throughout th state. An effort was mad to send him to Congress from tK.e First District the following year, but the veteran Hermann was too strongly entrenched and Judge Harris ii defeated In the district conven tion at Saiera. FJectrsa la I anssnri. When th bl.l en at;n an additional Judgeship tn the Second Judicial Tus irlct psseed the Legislature In IVi. iloverr.or Chamberlain appointed Judge Harris and at the general election la l1, he was nominated and elected without opposition In either party. Ilia district embraces th counties cf Coos. Curry. I'ougis. Lane. Benton and Lin Judge Harris', term as circuit Judge wt.i end next y-ar and lecnl author ities generally agre tt at he can run or 1 nited States Senator without vio lating th oath he took on assuming the clrcuK Judgesnlp. The precedent of retiring Judge running for other offices was established In ISM. wbea C-e late WiMam P. Lord, then retiring h.ef Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court, accerted th Republican nomi ratlon for iioirnr. It l a so argued that a Cnlted States Fanatorsbip la not a stat offlc and 4aa not com wltbin t purview of RIVAL BOURNE i ttt section of the constitution which prohibits judicial officer from be I rumlcf a candidal for any other office ' durtnir the term for which ho wa . elected Juiige. Besides. Judre Harris term as Circuit Judge will expire the .' first Monday n January. 11. whlls 1 abould he be nominated and elected Senator, ho would not qualify for that : office until March 4. of the sams year. I or about two months later. ntRRIS IS IIKKP IX I.AF. Jndce Peine Vrged to IW-rnme Can didate for Senator. El'OFNE. Or.. 8epL . (Special.) Lawrenc T. Harris. Circuit Judge for this District, accompanied by a party of friends, is In the mountains at th headwaters of the McKensie River on a hunting and fishing trip. He Is ex pected to return In about ten days. Close friends of Judge Harris In. this county hav Deen urging mm io oecom a candidate lor tn senatoramp. ii should decide to enter th contest. h hi candidacy would receive strong s port her and throughout South Oregon. iup rn AT THE THEATERS mtTvsa jim lb. A faro ta two net, wlrn Written br Carl Roeene.n. riesftsd a lb HeilleT. CAST. Robert Wtnthrop Harry K. aCeyer Major Pelut Bach ansa. .a. B. Trimble Btepbea Bochanen. .. .William Lynn Toby Pebbleford Will Fhllbrlck Marmadake Bright J. a. Klnslow BUIweU Murray TfArcy Connie Cart Is.. Edna Wallace Hopper Oeaevtve Bachaaaa Issbsll Wlnlocb Elate Buchanan Albertlne Benson Caroline OooowUlle Bly Brown Molly Pebbleford Ines Bsuer Mrs. Anastasta Kldd..Helaa Raymond BT LEOXX CASS BAER. IF. A8 som bold, th main and only reason for th xlstenc of any mu sical comedy Ilea In lta powers to en tertaln and afford relaxation to those mythical persona, th "tired business man and hla family, than. Indeed, should Richard Carl. In "Jumping Jupiter." b considered In th light of a panacea for blues. Naturally ther are not only tha usual two opinions, but ' several and varied ones, concerning the pleasing powers of the attenuated and funereal Mr. Carle. Like th lltUe girl In th poem. "When he's good. he'a Tory, very good, and when he'a bad " well, ha isn't quit o good. Hla method, alow and deliberate, la copy righted Carl. No other comedian dar assum It and death b on th bead of the luck- leaa wlgbt who vn attempts to 1ml tate. Carle's personality la another asset that looms large and brilliantly on th horlaon. and In thus present role. that of a beauty doctor who doesn't work at his trade. Mr. Carl la cast happily. Interest centers In th co median who baa forced upon him I volunteer wife, while hla own beautl ful frau mutt dlsguts herself aa i lady's maid to help along the plot. An adventuteaa-ln-the-maklng la th rol asalgned dainty Ldna Wallae Hop per, who, gowned In raiment that makea Gaby Dealys' apparel sound like a rag-bag. fritters and fluffs about In tha story In a fascinating way. A perfectly, nice lady. It seams. Is to wed th former flam of this adventureea-on. and ah comes to In sist on a 1 10.00 balm to her affections. She gets It but before she does she Is. perforce. Introduced as th wife of Jumping Jupiter name Jupiter, called Jumping becauae he'a always on the go. ruin aa mud! That's all ther Is to th neategg of this entertaining hatch. Not that any of th plot occu plea one a mind even for an Instant, on thinks only of Mr. Carl and' his nimbi dancing; of adorable little Mis Hopper and her airy-fairy graces, and th disporting ways of another th big laugh of many laughs on Will Phlllbrlck. Will Is a remarkable manipulator of his own roly-poly body and twists him self In a manner that suggests an obese Mordkln. In th gulsa of an amiable gentleman, who looka often and kindly upon th win when It Is red. Mr. Fhlllbrtck haa tha audience all his own. His facial contortions should be patented at once. If they are not. His "Possum Rag and Angleworm Wiggle" became ragtime classic. And whan It Is known that this comedian Jumped Into th part two night ago. after an absence of one year from the cast, hi work becomes all th mor appreciated. There are no singing voire, am ugn several attempt th art bravely. Of all the songs and ther are many th waits song. "Little Girl. I Love You." Is a riot of melody and laCka th stu pidity characteristic of th usual waits number. Mr. Carle sprung a welcome surprise by singing his "1-emon" song. A tremendous nit was Aims tiopper s rendition of "Only a Man." a semi dramatic bit of poetry with a haunt Ingly effective accompaniment. Tha question of where the handsome choruses hav gone Is yet unsolved, th doxen or so heavy-footed damsels with Mr. Carle's compan only deepening the mystery. They work; naxo, How ever. If fruitlessly. One ot i-e real oeauties ox Tne snow (Miss Hopper Is th only feminine beauty In HI Is that, although headed ly a comedian of Mr. Carle's excel lency, no effort haa been mad to mak htm carry the entire burden of th pro duction. He divides honors, and right fully, with Miss Hopper ana Mr. f hill- brook. The bill will be repeated tonight, to morrow night ana eanesaay. nigot, with a matinee on that day. DEATH UNKNOWN TO WIFE Mrs, W. R. Oxlcy Start From Gold Hill to Visit Husband. GOLD HILU Or, 6ept- 14. SpedsX) In hope of finding her husband allvs Mrs. W. n. Oxley left her Friday night for Brantford. Ontario. A message an. nottnclng Mr. Oxley'a death reached her Friday, but was kept from'her. because of her delicate health. Mr. Oxley. who was we;i Known in Southern Oregon mining circles, went klasl a month ago. He had previously been encsged In mining In Idaho. Ha was a native of Ontario. Sacrrd Concert Is Heard. An Interesting entertainment waa th sacred concert and lectur given last night In St. Lawrence Church, when Frank P. Hennessy. Miss Irene Flvrin. Miss Rose Fried 1. Mrs. F. J. RurkerL Mls Anna M. Twiss. A. F. Fleming. F. 8. Fierce, Albert Glanelll and the t, Lawrenc choir gav a programme of musical numbers. Father F. J. Con sty, of St. Rose s Church, gav an ad dress In which ha urged his bearers to live mor devout lives and to express In their words and actions the high quality of their religion, which would do much to dissipate many of the mia eonceptions which prevail regarding th Catholto Church. 'KANSAS FACTIONS TO TAFT , Party Split Is Forgotten in Welcome State's Sup port Is Pledged. COLLEGE CRITIC GETS DI3 Talking to State Cnlversltj student, President Resents Chicago Man's Charge ot Drunkenness Among Young Men. BALDWIN. Kan, Bept. li. Th war. ring Republican factions of Kansas burlsd tha hatchet today and walked side by aid to pay honor to President Taft. Governor Etubbs, who la generally oonceded to belong to th Insurgent faction, welcomed Mr. Taft with the hope that tha state, without regard to ahurcb, party or faction, would extend tha most royal reception aver given a President of the United States. Republican atate Chairman Poller, who holds office under Governor Stubbs, and Republican National Com mitteeman Mulvane united In telling Mr. Taft that the Kansas delegation to the next National convention would be solidly for him. Seaatora Side By Side. United States Senators Curtis and Brlstow. the one a regular, the other a leader of the "progressives," rode side by side In th tonneau of the same automobile over th Kansas countryside and sat on the ssme platform to pay honor to the Chief Executive There waa much Interest shown In the President's reception by the In surgent Republicans of Kansas City. Senstor Curtis and Representative Campbell of the regulars met the Presi dent's train at Kansas City early In the morning, while Governor Stubbw and Senator Brlstow showed up later, th former at Lawrence, Kan., where tha President spoke to the students of the University of Kansas, and the Junior Senator at Baldwin, where the President spent the day. Governor Stubbs got his first real chance to say something about th President at Lawrence, where he In troduced him to the students. Stabba latrodarca Taft. I want to present tha President of th greatest Nation In the world," said th Governor. "I bop Kansas, with out regard to church or party or fac tion, will give President Taft th most royal reception that any Presi dent of th Lnltad State haa ever had." Senator Brlstow waa on the station platform at Baldwin when th Taft spe cial pulled In. He climbed the steps to th private car. walked In and said: "Hello, Mr. President. I'm mighty glad to ee you: you have come to tha greatest town on the globe." Mr. Mulvane and State Chairman Dolley talked freely to the newspaper men. ' "Kansas." aald th National commit teeman, "will send a solid Taft delega tion to tha Republican National Con vention In 1912." And Mr. Dolley later backed up the prediction to members of th Taft party. Tha President will begin tomorrow a hard, busy trip through Kansas. Tha first day will end In Kansas City to morrow night, where the President speaks before the- National Conserva tion Congress. He will attend th semi-annual cele bration of the admission of Ksnsas to th Union at the stat fair at Hutchin son on Tuesday. To th students at Lawrenc tha President spoke of the good the T. M. C A. has done; and digressed suf ficiently to resent publicly th allega tions as to drunkenness and dissipation In American universities recently mad by Mr. Cran of Chicago. Craae Cilvea Tarnaf. "I do not know," said th President, whether you hsvo observed tho attack mad upon young men at Harvard by soma gentleman who f "It it necessary to send a detective Into that community to find out bow wicked the boys were. I have not any particular sympathy with that kind of investigation. Wickedness that hss to be unearthed with a spade ordinarily ought to be kept under tha clod that the spade raises. "I know something about mat uni versity. I know Its sister university, all The truth is universities oon i CORDIAL Better Lack of energy is usually the outward sign of faulty nutrition. Folks who don't feel "spry" because of lack of the right kind of nourishment. On Grape-Nuts FOOD Thousands who know the personal value of clear-thinking and vigorous action, make Grape-Nuts a part of their regular diet. Postum differ much, I know what Tale was tn my day and I know It might hav been better. "But today there Is a higher stand ard of morality. Dissipation and drink ing are frowned upon by tha public opinion of the college. That Is what shows what a college Is. the public opinion of the young men and young women who are In it." In Baldwin this morning, the Presi dent attended the Inauguration cere monies for Dr. W. K. Mucin, as presl dept of the Bsker University, held In the Methodist Episcopal Church, and tonight he listened to a song service in the same church. In tha afternoon the President spoke on peace and arbitra-tlon-in Baker University gymnasium. Leaving Baldwin late tonight, the President will reach Coffeevllle. Kan, early tomorrow. CHAMP CLARK PRAISES TAFT Speaker Tells Kanssuis President Is Warm Personal Friend. HUTCHINSOX. Kan.". Sept. 14. Champ Clark. Speaker of the House of Repreaentatlves. in a speech at the Kansas Seml-Centennlal celebration today, declared hla warm personal friendship for President Taft and spoke In the highest terms of tha Executive's Administration. He aald tha President had more powr than tha King of England and that the latter would hav to aek a new Job If h vetoed bills aa fast as did Taft. He was Introduced to th audience aa "tha next President." and Jocularly replied that h hoped th prediction might b true. ITALY MAY FIGHT TURKEY Concluded on Page 8.) which realist that th failure of tha proposed expedition would ba a grave disaster. Accordingly, most careful precautions have been taken. 0,000 Troop to Invade Tripoli. The Turkish forcea In Tripoli are estimated at a minimum of 30,000 men. To cope with these, Italy will send her whole fleet and an expeditionary force of 60,000 men. The Tribune's Tripoli dispatches say Lthat there Is uneasiness In the Italian colony ana mat it in iidu m,. m expected arrival of Turkish steamers with arms and ammunition will pro voke against Italians an ungovernable explosion of fanaticism, resulting in their massacre. Italians have appealed to the govern ment to take vigorous measures to pro tect them. It la announced that Professor Hor ton. of the American Archaeloglcal mission. Is to go soon to Tripoli. Americans To Be Protected. It Is understood here that a United States cruiser, which has been sent to Tripoli, will remain In northern African waters to protect the mission. Shippers refuse to accept goods or passengers destined for the Black Sea or th Levant, vessels en roum tin been recalled. Premier Glollttl re turned to Rome this morning from a conference with the King at Piedmont. Since returning he has conferred with the Minister of War. Minister of Marine and the Foreign Minister, ar ranging final details of the expedi tion to Tripoli. Two dirigible balloon and four aeroplanes with aerostatic attachments hav been ordered sent with the expedi tion. The Red Cross Is to send six field hospitals. SITUATION REGARDED SERIOCS Italy Determined to Fight Unless De mands Are Meg. LONDON, Sept. t5,- Monday. (Spe cial.) The Times' Constantinople cor respondent's dispatch, filed at 8:60 last night, says that there Is general alarm In official clrclea over news received from tha Dardanelles Socleta Marsl males. The steamer Roma, with passengers and malls for Constantinople, was boarded on Its arrival at the Darda nelles at ( o'clock Saturday morning by the Italian Vice-Consul, who gave to the captain Instructions In conse quence of which passengers were or dered to land within half an hour. Th Roma was then headed again for Italy, not even taking time to land the malla. Several Italian merchant steamers are reported on good authority to have left the Ottoman ports after receipt of Instructions from the Italian Consul ate, carrying with them only euch cargo as they had on board. Rumors of Italian naval and mili tary prepsratlona and even disem barkation of troops near Tripoli are rif. in absence of official Informa tion rumors Intensify the anxiety. Recent advices from Rome said that th entire Italian naval force la ready In eas of emergency for a conflict with Turkey If the Ottoman govern ment refuses to give Its consent to an Italian protectorste over Tripoli. Premier Glollttl some days ago, after a conference with the ministers of war and marine, declared that If Time After a change in Food "Pick Up" "There's a Reason Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. The triumph of Bitulithic has been sweeping nnrl fnmnlete THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Construct Asphalt and otnar Blta- fjaoue Pavemeata. - aUeauna ,aW Portland. Or. Oaaar liaawSa e Manager. th Turkish government was not ready to recognise Italian influence over Tripoli In some form of protectorate, the only recourse must be the military occupation of that Turkish province. The Italian plan embraced a ."bom bardment of Tripoli and simultaneous ly a military expedition to block the Turkish coast along tha Adrlatio aea and to operate In Macedonia. Syria and Arabia. The Italian squadron's rendexTous Is at Taranto. Its orders have been to be ready to start at a moment's notice. Dispatches had It that Taranto also baa been declared In a state of siege. STUBBORN .DEFENSE PROMISED Turkish Official at Paris Says Na tion Will Not Yield Tripoli. PARIS, Sept. 24. In a published In terview, the Turkich Charge d' Affaires at Paris declares that he has no knowledge of the negotiations opened by Italy on the subject of .Tripoli. "If Italy has any desire to take Tripoli from us," said the Charge, "we will defend ourselves, and our defense will be desperate. The whole popula tion will rise as one man. If Italy lands troops In Tripoli she will find It something more than a military prom enade. We will Immediately expel all Italian subjects and denounce the ireaus. While the France-Germany agree ment on Morocco cannot be regarded definitely as an accomplished fact un til It Is known how Herr Von Klderlln Waechter, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, receives the newly re vised French text, no doubt Is enter tained that tho first part of the nego tiations will be ended quickly by a complete understanding. The second part of the negotiations, which concerns the Congo, will be be gun shortly. During the progress of the negotiations, France and Germany will take all necessary steps to secure the adhesion of the powers In the new situation. This task is net. likely to present special difficulties except In the case of Spain. RUMORS OF WAR ALARM TURKS Italy to Be Asked for Explanation of Hostile Preparations. CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept. J4. Ru mors that the Italian troopa have disembarked in Tripoli cause alarm here. The Italian liner Romania, bound from Constantinople, on arrival In the Dardanelles early Saturday morning waa boarded by the Italian vice-consul who ordered the caption to land hia passengers within half an hoar. The Romania sailed for Italy without land ing the malls. The Porte has Instructed the Turkish ambassador at Roma to ask the Italian government for an .explanation of th movement of Italian steamers. Italians Flee From Tripoli. MALTA. Sept. 24. (Special.) Every ship arriving from Tripoli has many Italians aboard, fleeing in fear of a rising against them. His Majesty's cruiser the Medea, on station here, has been ordered to the eastward under sealed orders. She sails Monday. O.-W. R. & y. 0, White Salmon 6. SALMON. Wash., Sept U. WHITE (SDeclal.) The O.-W. R. & N. team of Portland shut out by Whit Salmon todav. score to 0. Stockton for Whit Salmon struck out 15 men, gave but two hits. ' FEEL RIGHT Wkra Too. Feed Right. You know one always feels "very lit" when the head and nerves swing along peacefully and with that certain sens of power that is unmistakable. But when overwork or anxiety breaks down the soft gray matter In th brain ' and nerve cells (anxiety will do It quicker than overwork) faster than the food you have been using replaces It, then to save yourself from that horror of darkness, nervous prostration, you must change food and take on com aure rehuilder. That's the mission of Grape-Nuts, made of the selected parts of wheat and barley containing the natural Phosphate of Potash which combines with Albumen In th human body and makes the soft gray filling of the brain and nerve centers. Another thing to be considered Is that Grape-Nuts Is "processed" In mak ing and the etarchy parts converted Into a form of sugar, exactly as the rroress of digestion In the body. So Grape-Nuts has really passed the first . art of digestion and therefore the food Is quickly assimilated In the moot per fect manner by babe or athlete. Get the little hook, "Tha Road to Wellvllle." in pkgs. n 55 John D. Rockefeller Says The secret of sucres is em braced in these six words: HARD WORK. SELF DENIAL, WISE INVESTMENT. One of the first steps of pro gress toward fortune is a bank ac count. Every facility is offered by the. LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK t . Capital $1,000,000. Its officers are at all times ready to discuss matters of a .cial nature and to give ad vice. . -- cent on savings. Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Second and Washington Streets Portland, Oregon Capital and Surplus $600,000.00 DEPOSITARY FOB THE UNITED STATES. DEPOSITARY FOR THE STATE OF OREGON. DEPOSITARY" FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. DEPOSITARY FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Accounts of corporations, firms and individuals invited. Four per cent interest paid on time deposits. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 . Surplus 750,000 ' Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1867. Bead Offlee Toronto, Canada. Ker York 16 Eicbanie Place. London 2 Lombard Street. "bver two hundred other branches In Canada and the United States. Every care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and prin cipal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS . F. C. MALPASi Manager. TRAVELER CCTOR LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Pr.LlncoIn.ut-B, w"'-"" . VicL LuUe Oct. TtAmertka Oct. 14 tRIts-Carlton a la Carte Reataurant. uc-tn li at Plymouth and Cneroourg. IsS. "cLBVKLAXD (World Cruia.) Oct tl twill have accommodation, for a limited number of paaaengera to ITALY, via MA uV4rlALlne,Bi90 Powell St. San TfT.nrlsc CaU or Northern PaclBc J. O. SSS .sent; 0.-W. R. A N-, Burlington Chicaso, Milwaukee A Puget Sound Ry. and othar R. R. ottlcea In Portland. COOS BAY LINE - BTEAMEK BREAKWATER, Salla from Alnrworth Dock. Portland. 8 P 11 every Tueaday. Frelsht received at Ainsworth Dock daily up to 5 P. M. Pa w,r tare, flrat-claas. ,10; second-class. T including meal, and berth Ticket office Ainsworth Dock. Phones llaln ioa. Mala 170, A 1234, NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 215 Hallway Exchange Bidat, Portland. Ox. fain 8378. A 89X1 THE BIG 3 BEAR-BEAVER-ROSE CITY EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles iTHflT CHAXUE. S. S. Beaver Sails 9 A. M .September 25 SAM FRlvriMO A PORTLA-NK Bi. CO. 8A Ticket OfficX U2 Third St. faonre Main 403 and A 1KIX. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct worth Paclflo S- A Co-'i 8. 8. Roanoke ana A 8. Elder .all ev.ry Wednesday alter !ely at e P. M- Tltck.t oHlc. J3J Third SlARTCA!rH"IGl.ET. Passenger Agent. VF. E. SLCSaKR. Freight Agent, (-bones M. 11. A lill liMMaiiaWiladaOT 1 T ! 1 - i. , Corner Tifth and Stark TRAVELERS' GUIDE. OFEM JUVEB TRANSPORT ATTOT CO. 51KJ.N.TEAL Freight received 'jtally at Oak-at. dock (or Tha Dalits, Hood River. Whits Salmon. Cxnatllla. Kennewick. Faaco. Richland. Hanford. White Blufta. and Intermediate polaie. FIRST -CLASS FASSENGEB SEBVIC. FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD RIVER. WHITE SALltOH. IH1 ' DALLES. Steamer leave. Portland Son.. Tun.. Thura, A M. Returning leave. The Dallea Hon.. Wed.. FtL. 1 A. li... arriving at Port land about t P. M. same day. W. n. Buchanan. Bupt.: W. & Smallwood. Oan'l. Mgr. Phone Uain 20. A till. flt i i n HUHUL UL.U s i a a v FIRST-CLASS ROTJJfD TRIP. The most delightful apot on entire world tour for your vacation. Delightful aea battl ing at the famous beach of Walkikl. The iolendid SS. Sierra (10,000 tone displace ment) makes the round trip in 16 days, and one can visit on a aide trip the living vol cano of Kilauea, which i. tremendously ac tive, and aee for himaelf the procesa of worid creation. No other trip comparea with thla for the marveloua and wonderful in nature. . Visit the Islands now. while you can do it so easily and quickly and while the volcano Is active. Prompt attention to telegram, for berths. Sailings: Oct. 24, Nov. 4. Nov. 25. Dec 18. etc Book now. OCEANIC S. S. CO.. f ' 78 Market Street, gan Francisco. YOU KNOW S.AJ Will Do It CLEANS, SCOURS, POLISHES Works Without Wast WW POLIO )