10 TTTE MOHXING OREGOXIAN. MONDAY, SEPTESrREIl 25, 1911. PHASES OF NEW MILL PUNNED The Dalles Prosperity Shown in Structures on Way. COST WILL REACH $130,000 Absolutely Fireproof Bain for Wasco Milling- Comptnr to Cost ChM to Plant to B Warebouso -Xtnr Bank $85,000. THE DALLES. Or, Sept. 14. (Spe cial. ) In lees than 14 hours after thai mill property had ben destroyed hers August 4. the directors of the Waseo- Warehouae Milling Com pen r. decided to erect a new plant, better and larger than the old. Work on the new struct' ure was commenced this week and the company expects to be turning out 1000 barrels of floor per day within firs months. Because they showed such a marked faith In the prosperity of The Dalles, especially as a manufacturing snd ship ping point, by their Immediate and anantmous action to rebuild their plant. the directors of the milling company were entertained at a banquet In their hnnor by the Business Men's Assocla lion at Hotel Dalles Thursday night. the members of the local commercial organisation desiring to show their ap predatlon of the action of the company to continue Its Industry, the largest In this city. The mill will be 170x7. feet, a seven story affair of relnforred concrete. It will be fireproof throughout, as not an Inch of wood will be used In Its con structlon. The floors will be of con crete, while the sashes, window frames. doors and doorframes are to be of m.tal. Six relnforred concrete grain bins, with a capacity of 15.000 buahels each, will be erected, besides the mill bMlldlnr proper. The capacity of the old plant was 15o barrels a day and the new mill will turn out too more. The coat of the structure Is In the neighborhood of 1130.000. replacing on worth 14-i.OOO. An eastern mill expert, who was In the city recently and eaw the plana. said the Waeeo-Warehouae Milling Company will hare the beet and most tip-to-date plant of the kind In the United States. Another Indication of prosperity hers Is the First National Bank building which Is now nearlna completion. When finished this five-story structure will have coat S'S.000. It has a front are of 100 feet on Waahtngton street, extending along Third 40 feet. The first story Is of white Bedford stone, with split columns of splendid appear ance. The other stories are of terra cotta brick. The first floor will be deroted entirely to the bank, finished In marble and Philippine mahogany. With Its metallic stairways, tile par titions, concrete and tile floors, the building Is fireproof throughout. Office quarters are provided on the second, third, fourth and fifth floors. The Edward C. Pease Company re cently moTed Into Its new department store building. This structure was completed about three weeks ago at a coat of IS. 000. Never before In the history of The Pal lea hare building operations been eo actlre as this Summer, and notwith standing the fact over 100 new rest- dencee hare been conatructed during Itll. it Is almost Impossible for a new comer to find a Tarant house- here in which to reside. The prosperity Is not confined to this city, either, extend ing generally throughout Wasco Coun. ty. INITIATIVE BRIEFS READY Telephone Companj and Slate Pre pare for Supreme Court Tussle. EAL.RU. Sept. it. (Special.) Attorney-General Crawford has received the brief of the Pacific States Telephone ic Telegraph Company In Its case against the state. He announced yes terday that he had hie brief practically prepared and that the caee would likely te tried In the Supreme Court of the l otted Staes In the fore part of No vember. The company Instituted this suit to hare declared unconstitutional the ini tiative and the referendum laws. Tha people several years ago Initiated a law taxing the gTosa earnlnga of the com pany, and It was to srade the payment of this tax that the company Instituted the suit. In ths suit It contended that the Initiative and referendum laws are unconstitutional on the ground that the Constitution of ths United States guar antses to each state a republican form of government, and the Initiative. It Is maintained, doee not belong to that kind of government. Taxes Involved amount to about tlO 00. Since then there la a tax of about two years which the company has not paid, bringing the amount up te about lio.eos. The state won In all the etate courts and the appeal to the Cntted States Supreme Court waa prosecuted by ths company. 12,000 ACRES IN PROJECT So tile's Lake Company Flans to Put Big Tract Cnder Water. FE"N"D. Or, Sept. ti. (Special) With a capital stock of 140. S00. the Put tie's Lake Improvement Company has been formed to construct an irrigation system to water 11.000 acres of fertile land it mtlee northweat of Bend. Among the Incorporators la . W. Brown, of Portland. Ths office of ths company will be here. Nearly all of the land to be Irrigated baa heretofore been devoted to stock raising, ahowlng that gradually with the coming of rallroade Central Oregon la being transformed from a stock to an agricultural country. Canadian Lands to Be Studied. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallls. Or, Sept. It. (Spe cial.) Professor C. I. Lewis, of the horticulture! department ef the Ore gon Agricultural College, leavea today for a two weeks' trip Into Southwest ern Canada. He will be met at the Canadian border by representatives of the Canadian government's agricul tural department and will be escorted through the chief horticultural dis tricts of the region around Nelson and Grand Forka Professor Lewis will at. tend the fair at New Weatmnater Octo ber t. which Is ths biggest one held la Southwestern Canada. He will Judge the fruit and ether horticultural dis plays and also the packing contests. INDUSTRIAL GROWTH ARCHITECTS' ERA WINGS DEPICT TWO SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS IN THE DALLES. Tnr. lit ABOVE FIRST XATIOXAL BAXK. TRADE LINK IS Lakeview Wants Better Mar ket Relations With Portland. RATE CHANGE TO BE ASKED Same Advantagr-s to This City as California Enjoys la retributing- Freight, Object of Meet. 6ettlersf Bureau FurnteJ. LAKEVIEW, Or, Sept. 14. (Spe- laL) With the purpose of diverting large share of the Goose Lake basin trade to Portland and to carry on an effective and systematic publicity campaign, the Lakeview Commercial Club effected an organization last Tuesday evening with an enrollment of 60 members. K. U. Britten waa chosen to head the live wires, while Charles IX Flsk waa elected to the of fice of acting secretary. Closer commercial relations with Portland hss long been desired by the business men of this region, and while geographically this has -been regarded as California territory, the new or ganization will endeavor -to secure an equalization of freight rates that will place Portland on the ssme footing as San Francisco and other California Jobbing points. The committee ap pointed on commercial relations will take this matter up with the trafi.o departments of the various lines Im mediately, and It Is believed that their action will benefit the supply points for this immense territory. Authentlo literature will be pub lished and sent out to the varfous dis tributing sgencles at once and an of fice will be permanently maintained here so that Information desired by In coming Immigrants can be obtained easily. The club will work In conjunction with the Oregon Development League In publicity matters and will apply for membership In the Central Oregon De velopment League. APPLE EXPERT SELECTS Government Pomologls Gets Speci mens of Early Fruit for Test. HOOD RITTR. Or, Sept. 13. (Spe cial.) B. B. Pratt, expert In the pome logical office of the United States De partment of Agriculture, who was In the Valley about a month ago making a study of soil conditions, spent yes terday snd today In the city and val ley obtaining specimens of early variety of fruits and making arrange mente to obtain boxes of later apples for the purpose of subjecting them to storage teats la Portland this Winter and next Spring. Mr. Pratt says that ths Oovsrnmsnt has selected for Its tests ten or 11 varieties of apples from the follow Ing eectlons: Hood Hirer, Payette. Yakima. Wenatchee, Milton. Spokane and probably from the Rogue River Valley. The following comparisons with respect to keeping quality will be made: Immediate as to delayed storage: Immature versus mature pick ing, fruit from young as against that of old trees. Especially will the significance of soil as to storage be studied. FAMOUS WATER WAR ENDS Silver Creek Now to Make Fertile 40,000 Acre of Land. S1LVFR LAKE. Or, Sept. 14 (Spe cial. ) Within two wieki A, 8. Mushem. county engineer, and a corps of as sistants, villi finish building permanent dims to divide the water of Silver Creek, spreading the stream out over the broad Sliver Lake Valley so that It will Irrltta'e approximately 40.000 acres of land. Thue enda one of the eldest aad most blttsr legal battles over water rights la tha history of ths United Etates; a -1 .JriaeVJfl nna AM MM W 13 H I?! .n; .ci a 3K: -a BELOW WASCO WAREIIOrSE. ( fU I loi ght that was carried through all the ower courts and Into the highest trl bunal of the Nation, which body made a fair division of the water and dlreot ed Judge H. L. Benson, of the United States circuit Court, to appoint engl neers and see that the stream was ap portioned according to the orders of ths court. As a first result of this decision of tha Supreme Court, which was returned In 10 In the case of Hough versus Porter, the production of hay in Silver Lake Valley this season Increased more than (00 tons over the best previous record. This Increase was due to the temporary division of the water, and when the permanent dams are complex ed and the water apportioned as It should be. It Is estimated that the hay and grain yield will almost double. Work on the apportionment of Silver Creek was started It months after the Supreme Court decision, but the engl neers appointed by Judge Benson were so bus with the temporary division that they did not tackle the permanent dams until last Summer. Before the division of Bllver Creek It was impossible for ranchers in the low er end of the valley to obtain enough water to produce alfalfa, clover and timothy. They were forced to depend on the flimsy native grass, which re sembles the heavier hays about as much as a veil rssembles broadcloth. Sinoe the apportionment of the water more substantial cropa have been and will continue to be planted. Toe permanent dame built by Mr. Mushem and his ssalstants start at a point three miles aoove the town of Silver Lake and extend to the Pauline Marsh, 12 miles below the town. They will spread the water over land for mile on either side of the stream. Irri gating some of the most fertile soli In Central Oregon. Prior to the division of the water, ranchers In the upper end of the valley gobbled all the creek, leaving the land owners In the lower end with the -dry bed of a stream intersecting their ground. This condition resulted 'n hit ter strife between neighbors of Silver Lake Vol'ey. The fight started In 1898 and developed Into a feud In whloh blood was shed before a settlement was reached In court. PRUNE UMBRELLA NEXT CLARK COtTfTT FARMERS VISE NOVEL PLAN. I)K- Tent-Lite Shield Over Trees to Be Coed to Protect Fruit From Late Rains Damage la . Bis;. VANCOUVER. Wash, Sept. (Special.) Umbrellas for prune trees Is an experiment which In all proba bility will be tried In Clark County next season, Tha Idea Is to proteot ths fruit from the damage by rain, which causes the prunes te burst, mak ing them unlit for packing. Several fruitgrowers who have lost heavily by the recent rains, the esti mated' damages this season being placed at tluo.000, have discussed a plan to make umbrellas for trees. They would tske a large circular or even square piece of heavy muslin or duck, run a oanterpole through the top of the tree, as the handle, and tie the corners of the cloth to pegs driven Into the ground. This would be done late In Ihe season. Just before there Is dan ger of rain, and the umbrellas would be taken down and used year after year. The umbrellas, so It Is alleged, would serve not only to keep the fruit from being Injured by rain, but would keep the grcund under the trees dry and the prunes would not become covered with mud and grit. The protection would not be put over the trees until after the fruit Is ripe. One farmer, who Is losing heavily by the rains on his prune crop, went to Portland todsy to buy too hogs to turn Into the orchards to eat the burst prunes off the ground. As the fruit on the ground la eaten by the hogs more will be shaken from the trees. Camas Now Improving; Streets. VANCOUVER. Wash, Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Camas la having much Improve ment done to Its streets. To get the work done at the lowest cost the Town Council hss msde the offer to give any person the wood and' timber on the unimproved streets by simply cutting It down snd removing it. Prop erty owners having lots adjoining ths street where there Is timber to be cut will be given a preference. IN PACIFIC UNO COLONY BUrS German-Lutheran Farmers Secure Large Tract. HARNEY COUNTY SETTLED Sixteen Thousand Acres of Central Oregon Land Pnrcbsued for North Dakota Families. Other Settlements Plan. BURNS, Or, Sept. 14. The past few days brought to a head the biggest real estate transaction that has been made In Harney County, from the standpoint of actual settlement and substantial development, when 16,000 acres of choice valley land were se lected and purchased for the occu panoy of a colony of Industrious German-American farmers from North Dakota. Last week three representatives of a German-Lutheran congregation In North Dakota, one of whom was a minister, spent several days In Burns County circulating through the sur rounding country, looking for a tract upon which a number of families might settle In close proximity to each other to engage In farming and dairy ing. Bums axeeldeate later-viewed. Their leading spokesman was John SeethofT, who la proprietor of a rolling mill at New Salem. N. D, and evidently a man of means. He has passed through the experience of pioneer de veloping of a new country and by In dustry and Intelligence has become sucoassful, so he ngures out for him self the conditions presented, char acter of the soil, climate, n-ater situa tion and every feature upon wnlch a home-builder can make a calculation. Theso gentlemen were accompanied on their rounds by Mr. Morrison, i special agent of the Oregon and West era Cc Ionization Company, and by Mr. Wolgatt, local" agent, but they also Interviewed a great many resident cit izens here and traveled over the valley on their own account. S2S aa Acre ! Price. After close Investigation they se lected 16.000 acres of the colonization company's land along the Northern portion of Harney Valley at a price of nearly 25 an acre, as a first pur chase. They then returned borne, ao companled by Mr. Morrison, to com plete the transaction. It Is Intended to settle these lands with Industrious young farmers, all well supplied with means to carry on successful work, and this means a great deal for Harney County. While this movement Is under the auspices of the Lutheran Church. Mr. SeethofT said It Is not sectarian and many of the colonists may not belong to that church, the Intention being to give young men a chance to settle on cheap lands and an opoortunlty to build their own hemes amid congenial surround ings. He says this Is only a beginning of the movement, which will Be fol lowed by other purchases and other colonies ef a like character. RAIL TRACKS COMPLETED First Train Will See New Sewmill in Washington County. FOREST GROVE. Or.. Sept. 24. (Spe cial.) Tracks of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railway Company, which has been under construction this Summer by the Lovegren timber Interests Into the Patton Valley section. Is now com pleted and trains will be running in short time, following which ma chinery for the large sawmill, which will be built at Cherry Grove, the new townslte, will be ahlpped . In and In stalled. When the railroad Is ready for regu lar traffic, passenger coaches will be added to the equipment of the line, and a regular dally schedule estab lished. Although It Is planned to make Cherry Grove an Important sawmill center, many other enterprises will be undertaken. Including the manufacture of tile and brick. ' HOPS ARE ALL GATHERED Washington County Growers Report Quality Good No Blight. FOREST GROVE. Or, Sept 24. (Special. All the hop growers In this section have finished gathering their crop and report an excellent quality boo free from mold and blight. The rains were beneficial to the yield. In that they helped the blossoms to fill out and washed the dust from the hops. Few contracts have been let. as many of the hopmen predict a 60-cent mor- ket within a few months. Several prune men In this locality estimate a loss of IS per cent In their orop, because of rain, as considerable of the fruit on the tree tops has cracked open. Prune picking will commenoe In most of the yards Monday. A few grapes have been brought Into this city from vineyards on Davids H11L DITCH TO WAJER LANDS Canal to Be Extended on West Side of Hood River Valley. HOOD RIVER, Or, Sept. 24. (Spe cial.) The Hood River Irrigation Com pany, which furnishes water to all the farms on the west side of the Valley not supplied by the Farmer's Irrigation Company, has let the contract for dig ging tha ditch, almost four miles in length, which will extend the ditch from near Dead Point Creek to Green Point and thus secure a greater source of supply. The contractors will hasten to finish the work that the new ditch may be used next season. About 100 men will be put to work on the exca vation. The Irrigation company soon will let the contrsct for about eight miles of pipe, the cost of which will be more than $10.000 LANE FAIR HAS BEST YEAR Indian Races Are Feature at Cloning Day of Eugene Celebration. EUGENE. Or, Sept. 24. (Special.) The Lane County Fair closed last night, after the most successful of Its three sessions. The Lane County Fair la ths outgrowth of the Second Southern Ore gon District Fair. Exhibits and at NORTHWEST tendance this year exoeeded any previ ous year, Including the district fair ses sions whloh have been held here. Agricultural and stock exhibits have Increased steadily in number and quan tity since the organization of the fair. Today waa Indian day, over 100 mem bers of the Warm Springs tribe being present and taking part In the races. At 1 o'clock the entire tribe paraded down Willamette street In blankets and feathera One of the largest orowds that has ever gathered In Eugene packed the walks and pavements to witness the spectaole. At the fair grounds, Indian relay races. In one of which 48 horses took part, squaw races and bucking and roping contests, took the place of the regular programme. The orewd broke all records for any similar occasion ever held In Eugene. Tonight the gates were thrown open free of charge to the publio and the grounds were packed. In addition to the regular amusement concessions, there waa a band concert and special Illuminations Springfield. Cottage Grove, Creswell, Junction City and all the other towns in the county are uniting to make the fair a success. COPPER STiH GROWS SMELTER AT TACOMA TO DOUBLED IN CAPACITY. BE Tapping of Extra Rich Deposits In Alaska Expected to Keep Plant Running the Year Around. TACOMA. Wash., Sept. 24. (Special.) Improvements costing 230,000, which will double the capacity of the copper plant at the Tacoma smelter, are now under way. The order for the improve ment follows the opening of the Cop per River Railroad In Alaska. This line has reached some especially rich deposits In copper and It Is expected that the road can be operated Winter and Summer, sending a steady supply of copper to the plant here. With the improvements, the payroll of the copper department, will be nearly doubled, according to w. R. Rust, gen eral manager of the smelter. At present enough men are employed in the copper department to turn out less than 900 tons a day. With the Im provements under way the output will reach 2000 tons a day. The wooden frame structure which has housed the copper furnace has been torn down and a steel frame fireproof building will be substituted. It will be 200 feet long and the oopper furnace will be greatly enlarged. A steel flue 1200 feet long will be put in to con nect the furnace with the 800-foot con crete stack Into which feed the fur naces of all the different departments at the big plant. Much of the work is to be done by the smelter's own employes and will require about four months to complete. most of the machinery needed having te come from the East. TREES NECESSITY. HE SAYS Lumberman Wants Governor to Or der Forestry Work on Highways. SALEM. Or., Sept. 24. (Special.) maintaining that trees are necessary as breaks for the wind and heat of Sum mer and the conservation of the climate of the country in general, Henry Clay, wholesale lumberman of Pontlac, Mich., has written Governor West relative to launching a tree-planting campaign along the highways of the state.. . In his communication he cites that the big forests are rapidly passing away and that it is necessary for them to be replaced with other trees. He suggests that they be replaced by planting trees along all publio high ways and recommends lor this state red and yellow fir. He also suggests the passage of a law requiring all owners of lands to plant trees along the highways which pass by or through their land and In default that the state plant them and charge the cost up to the property owners. ROAD EQUIPMENT BOUGHT Pullman Cars for Reno-Lakeriew Line to Be Ready November 15. LAKEVIEW. Or, Sept. 24. (Special.) For the purpose of purchasing three Pullman and two refrigerator cars to be operated on the Nevada-Calif ornla- Oregon railroad, between Lakeview and Reno, General Manager T. F. Dunaway started last Monday for the East. He will ask the Pullman Company to as sume charge of the cars, but in case this arrangement cannot be made, the road will operate the cars themselves. The construction of the line into Lakeview is expected to be completed November 15. Mr. Dunaway has re ceived assuranae that the cars would be delivered previous to that date and he promises that the first train Into the city will carry a Pullman car. TEN I NO QUARRIES BUSY Addition of Sixty Men to Hercnles Company Marks Output Gain. CENTRALIA. Wash., Sept- It. (Spe cial.) The Hercules Sandstone Com- SES .t "qua'rry. pjtn?'t i number of their employes by 60. The oompany la now shipping an average of 22 carloads of rock a day, and increased activities will mean much to ths commercial activities of Tenlno. Tobacco Near Lakeview Good. LAKEVIEW. Or.. Sept. U. (Special.) -A high grade Burley leaf tobacco In paying quantities is the result of an ex- v- . r .v. ir,i thls season. For the past three years Mr. Larkln has raised a few plants to use In spraying his vegetables, but not until this year has he tried the plant on a commercial basis. Mr. Larkln says that the experiment will have a bear- lE t'hr.ening price of hi.'land and .W . la a aamnla n wi-Pia Ha fertile Goose Lake Valley will do with , Intelligent planting and proper care. Lakeview Plans improvement. j lakeview, or, sept. 24. (special.) In order to be able intelligently to JrStS At'' torney W. Lair Thompson, has prepared plans for the establishment of Improve- ment districts In the city. These plans wlll be brought before the City Council at the next session and it is expected j ' i Cattle Feature at Gresham Fair. GRESHAM, Or, Sept, 24. (Special.) Cattle were the drawing card at the Gresham fairgrounds Saturday. Pleas ant weather, that was favorable to the R. GREEN SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES. It matters not what your ailment Is, nor who has treated It, if It Is curable we will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not a1.low money matters to keoD you from getting well. We charge nothing to prove our meth ods will cure you. Our offer NO MONET REQUIRED UNTIL SATIS FIED Is your absolute protection. Consultation, examination and diag nosis free. We claim for our treatment noth ing "wonderful" or "secret" It la simply our successful way of doing things. AFFLICTED VKV. before treatlna: elsewhere, honestly Investigate our proven methods. You will then under stand how esally and quickly we cure a vi cure Die eases ol VAKROSE llil.is wllsost severe surgical operation t SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON with out Injurious drnss (006 sklllfnlly uminuieRa wuen preferred)) r i-.n ti VITAL DEBILITY without stimulative remedleai BLADDER and KID.VEY t roubles) PILES, RECTAL complaints, "sa ail ailments of men. What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get It. Once under our treatment you will quickly realize how simple a thing it is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. We put new energy Into worn-out bodies. Offloe hours, dally, I to 5; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 862 Washington St, Portland, Or. attraction of a large crowd, added to the brightness of the displays and to tne attendance. In the afternoon nmber of races wer given. The fair will close Mopday when Governor Wert will be present and deliver an address. The Girls' Oroheatra of Oak Grove will give several musical selections and aft erward there will be a parade of the cattle which have been exhibited here. Much Interest Is being manifested in the baby show wheh closes the fair. CASTLE ROCK SERVICE CUT Trains Over Nw Tracks Xecessitate Ijcmg Walk by Patrons. CASTLE ROCK. Wash., Sept 24 (SpeciaL) So far as the railroad Companies are concerned. Castle Rock is now out In the cold, as the trains began running: over the new double tiack yesterday morning:. The new tracks are Just outside of the city limits and nearly a quarter of a mile from the old depot. The officials are housed In boxcars, but work on the foundation of the new 30,000 depot is progressing rapidly and the brick su perstructure will soon be begun. Castle Rock will have one of the handsomest little depots in the North west, but the residents here are won dering; why traffic should be diverted to the new tracks before the depot Is ready. ( Stamp Mill Installed. GOLD HILL, Or- Sept 24. (Special.) The "Last Chance" mine on Galls Creek, five miles from here. Is now equipped with a new two-stamp mill. which will begin pounding quartz next week. Much good ore Is on the dump, and the owner expects to save a large percentage of the values with the mill. feature of which la the Purkeyplle rotary stamp. Invented by a local min ing man. Iakevlew to Send Delegates. - LAKEVIEW, Or., Sept. 24. (Special.) Armed with the proxies of the en tire citizenship of Lakeview, 15 "live wires" will leave here October 2 for Burns to attend the meeting of the Central Oregon Development League, and will urge that they give Lakeview the opportunity of entertaining the league at Its next annual meeting. Among the business men of Lakeview who' will make the trip are: W. Lair Thompson, V. L. Snelllng, Charles No young woman in the joy of coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the physi cal ordeal 6he is to undergo. The health of both she and her corning child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's system for the coming event, and its use makes her com fortable during all the term. It l 1 1 j 1 i r , , wnrks wit.h tinH tnr noturo K,, " i,rr jT . "J , & ""-"J cAjuiuxug tui ussues, muscles and tendons, involved, and Keeping tne breasts m eood condi- tion. brings the Woman to the Crisis in crilpndid nhirtiicnl pnnrlitinn Thn m BPnOJCl pnySlCSi Condition. Xh3 uauy UKJ is more apt TO D6 peneCG and Strong where the mother haa i j . , tUS prepared herself for nature S dlTiroma T MT1 nrt (Ml rv ..- ...a . .- - rAn J U m f" juus ca- pectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend: it is ft medicine that has proven its value in thou- sands of Cases. Mother's Friend nfllgj. 13 sold at drug " crfn-po Writfl fnr 11 f aTYB sTf fTeS. WntOlor J XlGItl iree DOOk for ex- sskavwka,s pectant mothers which contains tyii!K wol.ioKIfl lnfnrmatinn sni many suggestions of a 'helpful na- ture. BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Yotnig 1 i. 3 - .sy , V ...4. . 'X DR. A. G. SMITH. Tie Lea dins: Spelmltat. I am a res;itared and licensed phy sician, confining- my vpeclal practice to the disorders of M. I hav more money Invested tn my estabUshment than ell other Portland specialists combined. I never advertiso ehsap feee m an In ducement to brlnsT me patients. A true specialist need not resort to bargain counter methods. Ho man who places an lntelltsnt value on bis health will seek tho services of a man who proclaims ha Is a cheap doctor. Yon wtiuJd not entrust a sick child tn earo of a cheap medical man. and joa should use the same care in your own case. . I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a war that no other can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a medical company to attend college. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or anj other state. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are Indefinite, Is published as the legiti mate specialist of the office. Hired sub stitutes, ordinary doctors with question able ability, give consultation, examina tion and treatment. Why treat with irresponelbles when you can secure ths expertaservlce of a responsible specialist? See me If you have any of the follow ing disorders: Varicose Veins, Nerve, Blood and bkln Disorders, Bladder Trou bles, Blood Poisons, Kruptiona, Ulcers, Piles or l lstula. FREE COXSTTLTATIOX AND ADVICB. Honrs A. K. to 8 P. 10 to 1 Only. M. Sunday, Dr. A. a SMITHS t$4& Morrison St., Cor. Second. HELP FOR YOU! Have tou tried In vain to rid yourself of any ailment, such as VARICOSE VEINS. SKIN. BUPDER. KIDNEY. BLOOD or NERVOUS AIL MENT. CD TP Br ail means rntC hare DR. KEEFE examine you and ferret out He Is a strlotlr re liable qualified proiessionai man, possesses skill, experience, ripe judgment and every means to bring about the cures he promises. COR "606." great German Discovery W4.0 administered. For Blood Ailments, WHY PAY MORE? Consultation and Examination Free. 9 to 6. 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to 1. J.J.KEE FE, Ph. G.M.D. SIStt WASHISrGTOSr ST COR, STH, fontanel, ur. Faulkner, W. H. Shirk, J. N. Watson, Judge E. M. Brattaln, F. P. IJgrht, J. P. Hanson, Dr. E. H. Smith, President E. D. Britten of the Lakeview Commercial Club. O. W. Rice and M. B. Rloe. A SQUARE DEAL Is what you will get it vmi treat With me. Results are quick and positive. You are benefit ed at once. Men who have dragged their cases along for months with flnma other SD- rtaitRt are astonished at the prompt effects of my r e m a r k a ble 1 treatment, i cure ibs, ldAivnim rec Una. r 'V - - Varicose Veins, Plies, fg3K2 RuDture. Rhe-uma- ""il'ae- tlsm. Stiff and SwoIICm .umu, A.ianey. Bladder, etc. Blood Ailments quick- Cf ly and safely cured by DUO Consultation Free. Write or CalL DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 Second street. Portland, Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. I Cure Men $io IS MY FEE Pay When Cnred., Ben eral Debility, Weak Nervea, In- anmnln - RfiSUlta of eijuaure. overwork another vio lations of Nature's lawa merits of Bladder and Kldneya, Varlooae Veins, Quickly and permanently cured at small expense. I cure such ailments as Varicose Veins, Piles. Speclfio Blood Poison, etc., completely and permanen 1 1 y, often with only a single treatment. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO., 234 V4 Waablnsrton St, Corner First, Portland OreKOn. A W I) N UtKr U L LUKfc D .n o Iff l Chinese Medical Co. S2S Morri"n PortlanI. Or Mn. rhBn I am 83 years i old and have euffered th. rrom a 'tumor on mj ? iaca. At first I went to some doctors but thsy told ma that lt was impossible to cure, so upon tnj .dvle. of -r.h. hadn cured After taking two weeks of their herbs and roots compounded and other medicines, tha tumor was comoieteiy curea wunoui ino XtaTmiAVniZoiy ZZi. ill and wants to get well soon, to go to sea or write to tbem and secure some medi cine which I am sure will brlns results. J. A. Zlmmermann. Albany. Or. OUR CURE- . rm affected hv th US. Of " ,"a",BW8 roots and herbs. No opera tlona. no poisonous drugs. We have made a life study -r In this line and you will re-j, celve the benefit of our re-r e search. Men and women cured of prlvale ailments. N e r v o u sness, rheumatism asthma. pneumonia. blood y. Dolson. lung- trouble and dis 4- eases of all kinds. Consul- : - tatlon FREE. THE HING WO CHINESE MlLlCla ttts lasHs Menteoa tt- Peruana or. vour trouble