TIIE MORNING OREGOXIA!. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1911. Store Open Tonight Until 9:30 Our Delicious $1 Dinner in 7th-Flr. Restaurant Tonight From5:30 to 8 Orchestra Music Coffnian's Specials, 25c Peanut Brittla 18c, 50c Chocolate 38c Elberta Peaches, Box 75c Royal Baking Powder, lb. Can 37c METER & FRANK'S. THE METER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, MORRISON & ALDER. MEIER & FRANK'S. TIIE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. Autumn CSotties Sin Measure These $5 School Suits by $6 and $7 Standards AND by the wonderiul value-giving line you may judge the merit of "The Boys Store" Third Floor Watch FREE With every $o purchase in Boys' Store, a guaranteed tem-winjiog Watch, rained at $1, free. in this $5 our whole . m a I I . r 1L . 4.4. 1.4-!. immense 6tocK 01 iioys looming, irora me unuj' uu Reefers and Juvenile Suits at $2.50 to the handsome "Sampeck" models at $10, $12.50 and $la. The attention we've paid to details in these $5 Suits ia amazing I Many have two pairs of Knickerbockers, fall cut, with triple stitching and taped seams. The suits with one pair of knickers are lined throughout. We also have the famous Sampson guaranteed Suits, made of strictly all-wool Bhower-proof fab- . i . ii . it.! rics, ana warranted io give me luiiesi measure of service or a new suit free. Every mother owes it to herself to see these won derful school Suits in our Fall line at popular price of only Boys' Reefers, 2 to 12 years, 53.50 to 310. Juvenile and Sailor Suits, 3 to. 12 years, $2.50 to $10. Boys Auto and Ulster Coats, 6 to 17 years, So to $13. Boys' Raincoats and Capes, 4 to 17 years, $2.2. to So. Boys' and Children's Hats every new shape in felu and beavers, 50J to $3. Boys' Shirts and Blouses the famous K. & E. brand, in all new Fall patterns, 50 to S1.50. Boys' New Caps 50, 75S 31. w. for Men at Its Hen Over 1000 Beautiful New Patterns! Every Suit at $15 and Up All Wool! Every Suit & Overcoat Hand-Tailored it T day: $5.00 AN the Third Floor you 11 find an exhibit of the w world's best in Men's Ready-to Wear Clothing a wealth of handsome patterns and styles in fine hand-tailord Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, English Gaberdines and separate Trousers. We've selected the 'cream" from such famous makers as Adler-Rochester, A. B. Kirschbaum, Alfred Decker & Cohn, The Washington Com pany, N. & W. Naumburg and many others, taking the best from each line. There are scores of smart, clear-out, up-to-the-minute models for the young fellows in high school, college or business. Coats with graceful rolling lapels, box or fitted backs, medium or peg-top trousers. And Suits for the more conservative, fashioned arid cut in the way which men used to think could only be secured in made-to-order Clothing. In our immense stock, prices range from $12.50 to $35, but we feature the three great lines THIS AFTERNOON Count August de Caste llane Seymore, will demonstrate Our New Fall Clothing this afternoon and tonight in the Morrison-St. Window. TONIGHT At $15, $20 and $25! See the new "Ardoc" Raincoats, with the famous convertible collar, an exclusive feature. Also new half and full- lined Overcoats, many cravenetted and genuine English Gaberdines. Prices $12.50, $15, $18, $20, $25 and up. Cs 111 SC'wJl -ci-sH New Lot of $3 to $5 Derbies See the Window 1 from the most famous Ilat maker in the world. This is the second ship ment this season on an im- mms rnntr.ict we Ye made to take nearly all the maker's $3, $-4 and $5 Hats which had the slightest irregu larity little technical flaws not one in a hundred men can find. Thev are all brand new Fall shapes including New Low-Crowns and Broad-Brims Styles for the Yoang Man Styles for Dressy Wear Sty'es for the More Conservative They come in black only all sizes. Count yourself among the hundreds of prudent men in need of a new Fall Mat, who'll profit hv this sensational sale today. Every one either a $3.00, $4.00 or $.".00 Hat at 31.98. Nobby New Knox "Highto!" WW To $2 Hair Brushes 98c MEIER FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR. THE famous Ideal Hair Brushes made of ex tra fine quality bristles with vacuum rubber cushion. Only a limited number of these $2 Hair q q Brushes, placed on sale today at low price of 70C New Line of "Tokalon" Remedies and Specialties Ideal for the Special OQ. Be Flotilla Boas "bath It floau. today, dozen cakee at, 30e Tooth Bmkn at oalr lvo lOe Bath Braahea at oalr 49o S.1e Tooth Braahea at oalr law SSe Catleara Soap, cake, at lSe 26e Lxoa'e Tooth powder, two for 25c. SSe Meaaea'a Tale, aay odor, 9c 2Ke Kolyaoe Tooth Paste at lSe 2Se Aranri Tale. Powder lOe SSe Woodbmrr'a Soap at oalr lee 23e Peara Seeated Sosip at lee 3Be Peara ITaaeeoted Soap 12e 2.1e fsanltol Violet Soap at lOe SSe Parker's Tar Soap oalr lee 2Se Malt Katrine a highly con centrated liquid extract. 1 Do. bottlea S1.98. each SSe Hasellae Saow Cream at 23e Doe Dassett Jk RamadeUa Cold Cream, S7e. BOe Cream Kleaya apeelal at 29e BOe Robertlae Liquid Powder SSe 60e Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 2e BOe EI Perfeeto Teda Rooce 28e SSe Tetlowa Theatrical Cream 18e. SSe Ereraweet Deodoraat, two for SSe. 2Se Espeya Cream apeelal at ITe SSe FroittlUa Cream at only 12e SI Herplclde Hair Grower 67 e BOe Pal moll-re Cream only SSe (We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity to Customer.) $8.00 Finger Piece Eye Glasses, Only $5 HERE'S an opportu- nity you shouldn't let Blip by if your eyes need at tention I Gold-filled finger piece mountings -with genuine torie lenses. Our expert, grad uate optician will examine your eyes or we will fill any oculist's prescription at this special price. Regular $8 Glasses to day at $o. $2 Gold-Filled Finger Piece Mountings at $1.25. $4 Gold-Filled Finger Piece Eye Glasses, with best plain lenses, today at $2.50. Bring Your Answers (j to Munsingwear Con- t test Today 9:30 A.M.! J MEIER. Jt FRAXK'S FIRST FLOOR. . . 1HIS is the day that boys and girls for I j miles around have been waiting for, o so they can come to The Meier & Frank Store and hand in their answers to the Munsing-wear Con- J j test. Three children will be the happy winners of w $10, $5 and $3 in cash, though every contestant gets a beautiful cut-out DolL A Answers will be received at special booth on II the first floor, beginning at 9:30 this morning, o Prizes will be awarded to the three correst ans- A wers received first. II Munsing-wear the ideal undergarment3 for (j men, women and ' children. This is the Portland A home of Munsing Union Suits. All new Fall and J Winter styles and weights are here. U MEIF.R FRANK"?" THIRD FLOOR. ORDKK BT MAIL. JUST one from over half a hundred of smart Fall Styles, built accord ing to our own particular ideas by the most famous makers, under the spe cial "Knox" trade-mark. Also the medium and broader toes, with medium and high heels. Giinmetal, Tan Russian and Cresco calf and patent colt leathers, in button and blucher styles. Don't buy your new Fall Shoes without coming in and inspecting our famous "Knox" line at $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00! Women's Silk Hose, 3 Prs. $1.25 OMEN" will surelv be eager for these splendid Silk Boot Hose at 3 vairs "for $1. They're remarkably fine at 50c a rair in appearance and wear equal to many higher-priced all-silk llose. $l.?5-$2 Gloves $1.33 Perrin's and Trefousse Makes MEIER Jt FlU5Kt -FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. NO two names that signify more.in Glove-quality or Glove-style. A special lot of genuine Perrin's and Trefousse Glace Kid, Chamois and Cape Gloves in one, two and three-clasp styles. "Wide range of the new Fall bfowns, grays, tans, wine, besides the natural chamois and staple black and white. Also the famous Marvel Washable Glace Kid Gloves in white, mode, tan and gray. Smart pique-6ewn styles with two pearl clasps and fancy stitched backs. Regular $L75 Cfl OO and $2.00 Gloves on sale for Saturday only at, P New 75c Neckwear 47c ' Charming Fall conceits in Neckwear that yonH probably not find elsewhere at any price! Lovely Plauen lace Yokes, Collars, Chemisettes, Circular Collars, Coat A 'J Sets, Stocks, Rabats, Jabots, Cascades and Side-Frills. 65o and 75o "values " C Madt full fashioned, in black, white, tan, sky and rink. Our resrular fine 50c Silk Root Hose. hemarK- ably priced for this saie toiay mntii i-aaxus run Famous Silk Hose, the Kayser and No. "900. ' without question the best wearing $1 Silk Hose you can pos sibly buv. Dlack and J ff colors. Priced at, pair DJ.eVsVs Extra Fine Hose of plain and silk lisle, in black and colors. Splendid, full-fashioned, seamless hose, remark ably low priced. On sale OO now. the pair, at onlyewaC Victor Hose, for boys and girls. They're made to wear. Reinforced linen heels and toes. Come in all sizes. Fair at 23S special f now at only, THREE FOR DDC Infants' 25c Hose of fine soft cash mere, in black, white ani colors. Re inforced mercerized heels y q and toes; special, a pair, at X SC Girls' $7-$ 12 New fj C Coats Again Today f JOJ ANOTHER opportunity for those who didn't take advantage of last Saturday's sale on these splendid Coats for Girls. Clever full-length box Coats of sturdy, all-wool serges, cheviots, fancy tweeds and mixtures, in a good variety of colors. Some made in Polo Coat style with belts and high storm collars, others lined in red tff O C flanneL Regular $7 to $12 Fall Coats Jf J rj for the girl of from 8 to 14 years at $15 Peter Thompson Dresses for $9.45 Nothing quite so popular for the miss of 14, 16 and 18 years as these pretty Peter Thompson Dresses in blue and black CJQ serges. So practical nicely made and trimmedO $15 value The New Ooats for the girl of 2 to 8 years, are as practical and pretty as can be. In serges, plush, velvet, corduroy, tweeds and mix tures. ' Plain and semi-tailored styles. Priced from $3.50 to $15. New Dresses That will please mother and child alike. Of pretty serges in plain colors and black and white checks, Sailor and Rus sian styles. In all ages. 6 to 14 years. Priced from $2.75 to $7.50. M en's Mack and White Sale Again HOW the stacks of Shirts and Black der eager buying. Sale $1 and $1.25 White Shirts popular short bosoms, full dress and plaited Shirts for Tuxedo and dress wear. All sizes, 14 to 18. An- o nual Sale price, only these splendid "White Ties disappeared un- lasts till 9:30 tonight. 60c and 75c Black Neck wear rich all-silk Peau de Cygnes, Baratheas, etc., in Four-in - Hands, Graduated Clubs, Batwings, Tecks, Tuxedos, Band Bows, Ascot s. Choice for 29c Basement Sale ofT Men's $1 Shirts (03 Over 5000 Men's best $1 Shirts out on the Basement Bargain Square today at 65c. Percales and Madrases with plain or pleated fronts, cuffs attached. Also a large number of plain blue chambrays. All sizes, 14 to 17. Today, 65. day! Men's $1.50&$2 "Star" Shirts The remainder of a tremendous purchase of the Star Shirt Company's entire factory stock! Over 7000 finest $1.50 and $2 Shirts, of madrases and percales, with plain or plaited fronts ; cuffs attached, coat style. All sizes and sleeve lengths. Choice today, 98. $2.50Piinch'gBag$1.79 M:i:r a 'R k" fifth FLOok. OHDER BT MAIL. 1 50c Puactirf Bit Gloves 75c to $1.00 rootbsll Shin Guards. hvT ribbed leather, pr. 53 REGULATION Punch ing Bags, for home or gymnasium work. Of heavy brown chrome tan leather with covered teams. Regularly $2.50, for Saturday only, q 7Q at this low price i) 1 $4 Punching Bag Stands of white oak, oil finished, very light and durable. See illustra tion at left. To- dQ Qf day the price is Da3 25c to 40c Football Shin Guards, pr. 19 $1 Pebble-grain Footballs, full size, today at 79. Last Day of the Homefurnishing Sale ALL. the phenomenal reductions in our lireat all foaie or House "Wares end Tonight. Savings on Graniteware, Kitchen Needs. Tinware, etc.. that come but twice a year. fcsasawf K $1 Aluminum Lipp. Kettles, 54 $1 Nickel-Plated Coffee Pots, 79 35c Wesco Swpg. Comp. 5 lbs. S4 80c Granite Tea Kettles at 59 85c Steel Mail Boxes for only 67 $120 Step-Ladders for only 93 1 All Food $1.25 Mrs. Potts' Irons only 99 75c Galvanized Wash Tubs 56 $6 Guar. Clothes Wring 'rs, 4.79 $125 Copper Bottom Boilers, 99 $1.50 Fold. Ironing Boards, 1.19 $12.50 Washing Machines $8.99 Choppers Reduced $1.00 Choppers, No. 0, 77 $125 Choppers, No. 1, 97 $1.50 Chprs. No. 2, S1.17 $2.00 Chprs. No. 3, 1.57 "Storm Queen" Veils, $2.48 MEIER FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR. IT'S rare indeed that you can purchase the famous rainproof 'Storm Queen." Veils and new Veilings at such prices as here. No need to fear Portland showers if you wear one of these rain-resisting Veils. They'll 'fully protect the hair and millinery. Dainty and pretty as well. The ideal Motor Veil. Yard wide, 1 yards long. All colors. Harvest Sale, spl today $2.48 20e te SSe Velllnga in the popular plain, dotted, fine and coarse mesh. Specially priced for today, yd. "1 f at only. 1UC BOe to 75e Shetland and Chlf i foa Veila the style that j never loses Its vogue. Hand 1 some mesh patterns. Black. white and colors. Spe cial, eacn, at only. :29c ft. 25 Shetland Drape a In fine and large size meshes. Black, white and c o 1 o r s. They add a pretty touch to the Fall hat. Special OQ. today at only OwO 92 Black Chantllly Veils th lovelv drape veils. and 2 yards long. Wide assortment of hand- QQ. some patterns. Sp'l 17 OC 1