TTTE jrOTTNING OREGOXTAX, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911. 15 T HEATER 7lk and Taylor Pbeasa Mala 1 and A 11 11. 4 KIOHTa. beclaalas TOMORROW S-aJ Price VUUin WadnaetfaT H. u. rrawa ar. A o.o. w. La larar frassai Th. rarom. comaiaa RICHAPvD CARLE WITH EDNA WALUCS HOPPER Spr.B5!d Cat Pratt, Cfcoena Xa me Moaical Cornea? Hit -Ji wno jt rinm" K-aasa Lawer floor. II raws 93. I rear. SLIA; b-or. S rowa II 34. rtl II. r- a raw. las; sswlery. raaarvad aad a3-Ti!M:on. &. w.dnMif rit!na-Lewf ror. It raw. II Id. T raw, i; baleen li. 11a. SOJ gmi- ary. ia ua. ,v P JaTAr , A lata V THEATXB. 1S-2S-50-75I WtTX rrT lirn "Is Daarara. a ..atatta af scrllA .lBVac.l Tba Aa CamaUr riv Iiuomailanal P.I. Taavmat f ba Itaimora u4 Mla ollre Adalri Ilia Sir.utic riajara, Kail A Av.atfwartbj Ia a ia a n. A si ek Wll tWtaMWl Maaav tm- It 1 Tit X4 at vr urif.Th A liHnf sal)... alaimuUaa nrwd wrtn -4anfW . Tar.-Ce, I.--rI , Ih (uMT 1 lalt and Wfl K-mi Canfv 4 sx 1 l-MUtc?; $'ama-e fliMtn. pucntar rt-o. MatisSeo VAly. Wta 1:30. 7 J and . BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Casfc Taasba aa4 SAT Ita, OAKLAND PORTLAND Septemba J. , SI S3. M. 14, Caasea Bacla nli at Sit P. Saaaara i3 P. X. LA.DIES DAY FRIDAY Bora Vnd.r II Fra to Bleachers Wednesday. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dailr ar Saadar. ar Llaa. Oa. Un ! aa tara aanaartillra ttnwa. ....... .Sta tm a Mara, .aa.arama Horn oa lam a.ia ar nuuu Haw aa blamliiaacaa mass aac.1n41.11 aa4-al-4.aa "XCLra aaa adrarHaamanl w aol raa la a.ti. Immm tba aoa liana raAa atopUas. i vara, want aa ana Una aa caaa aa vhumomm ua aa ad awaataa swr t ui ar aak miimainaii taa rluuca alii ka aaa aa taa actaal aaambaa a Uoaa aviMrtoc la tita aaiMr. miKlM r taa muiw al awu at aa. a Uaa. 1m ata Aatf au ailtartitfiaata ara tauita ay Iba abara ratM apply la alnllnaiu adrr "w Tauar" aa all Haar limUll two. aarptu taa lullowlaat auaaiMm. ajitrd, .t .....n. HMtni Iraal Or.aoalaa IU an-rpt ciaaaioad llmlbl mil .tar taa talrpbaaa. pu.lOlar taa a. vartuar la a aabarri'M-r la altaar vbaaa. aa a-lca will ba aaolad arar taa phaaa. ba bill wlu ba r.lTa tba lllowtua aay. Vtanaar awaqaaat aaartlaaarata will ba acctl avar iua phona w-iMd apaa taa MviiiiMM. al tha b.tnl af l.Stiua aa alluatUa vaalat aaa far- !MtU.aMula 17111 Bo4 aa avvtad a." tba l.ubaaa.. Oram lr aaa la aartMa aal all ba Beaapta4 lar -UaoaM l .r Hat. rarmltara ! aala.- "Baataaaa UixncmalllM." "aaaaila-aiili" aa4 Haataa ta tfaaf.' xrw TOT.T. VALLEY FARM CM acre rar CorTallia, on West Side; 60 tm under plow, 70 acre food paatara, balanr timber, all fenced; (rotid family orchard, hon, bam, ete. ; runtiirj water and fine prin?. To be sold, including 25 tons tar, plows, harrow, mower, rake and other tool. A bargain and on easy term. A. H. BIHRELL CO, 2it2 5IrK.iT m.iir.. 3d and Ftark Sts. Broadway New 8-room hou, $o750, terms. Four rooms, toilet and ereen porch, firat floor. Complete bath, 2 email and 2 lare bedroom and eleepin? porea on second floor. Attic with window and flooring. Lot 3721100. All atreet pid. Ai-k for 'fir. Van Nice. CHAPIN & HER LOW 332 Chamber of Commerce, $3600 REAL SNAP! 14 full 50il00 lots, with choice bearing trees; not far from Reed In titale location; pood oil, and this ia a anre moneymaker. Where can you find aurh lots at $2o0 each so close to the center of the cityf See this at once. A. H. BISEELL CO, C02 McKay Blir, 3d and 6Urk Sta. MORTGAGE LOANS EC? JCKJi E. CH0SA.1 70 J O aj apaiaia, ma. g Q Mortgage Loans Si For tha Larcar Amounta. ARU K. COI DII, Uwla Balldlac. SNAP, Parma aa tM.att.r ihp: ttmbar land, o" la tM.aat.r. ;j p.r thouaani r.t. FSAP: 7a ow pma in l r vok Ccua; TSa par 1000 ft Tha fS.lls for laorl lna an. j. k.lo3r aaa bTaaiph.r. Luaibar A-i-chasia t.Uf., baoanj and tar ata. LOT OWNER! Wl bit caati fur aaaU ttaa In vacant lota lAralrr at Uaalav Hrr. f- aj 4ia Chamber Cora. A- MONTHLY IXGOME CF 5235 Bllt FROPUITT. PRICE S28.500 OnCR AH !, OHIXiOMAM. KIV, aaadara bomaa alaa raeaal lota, ta lnlaatoa. Phaaaa: C 131. Kaat 1VU; al la, Awaat li k. B, ioaaw aaaac. HEILIG ff AS alma. Xaarr Day, itmnress Sj 1 tprawlr y rI-ari vrw TorAT. If Ton Are Thinking of Buying, Boflding or Selling a Home, W should ba claasad to har yon ira na a call. ar. 1 wa ara anra It WU1 ba to jrour adraolACO to do aa. TTa bara lust enmcleted Mini t'n homaa In ona of tha moat popular dis trict to Portland. Our tarm ara mada ta suit our cu.iomars. CaQ and See TJi for Farther IflformAvtion. ORXOOS BOHFIlriLDIIQ TKICTI0.1 CO, 111 CAaaabaar a( CaaaaBi COW, Riverwood Knart fnr 7."ia. I.eal than kalf eaah needed. Stone wall, kard-rurface street and water paid. Ibis is tn cream of Portland's sabnrbaa dii triot. Ask for Mr. Vaa Nioe. Chapin cS: Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. '8 Tha an WEST olaea In Portlsod to PVT. UM-HtluiriuVAU i.s..itn afca, kloPT Vl-SliULiiLi. rsaldaaco repaxu EEno is iiucroa p:tth Jo and aaa tha maav CSOICH raaw aaoaa aodar conatruollaa aat Uia Aaa, aravamaaia f04oa eo. It3 Crejoa Real ESI2I2 Company SRAJID 1TB. AXD MCLT7IOSAH ST. Mt. Tabor Acre Yerr fine view, and should make rery fine home, $8000 Ask for Mr. an Nice. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. 145x100 Hawthorne Ave. Corner Must ba sold within two weeks. 1 10. On 9, aa.tlly worth IIJ.000. Hmisa on prop erty at prtaeni paying .v per montn. Don't ml .a this It you want a bargain. SF.B H.IWTHORE REALTY CO, Cararr f.fmt satb aad Hawtborae. 25 ACRES N!na mllea from Pnd. undar Irrlratlon ditch, alone tha Orsn Trunk, tnraa- uartars ot a miie trom irowint mwn. ,11 aood land. One crop of potatoes will pay for it. Enap for 1100 par acra. A. B. BOKTim iCK. goe t'bamber af Commerce. CAPITAilSTS TAKE NOTICE I1S.O0S to 110.000 will handle a bona fldo buslnaas proposition that will stand tha cloaeat Investigation. Call and aea ua as to details. THAYER at KlLTO, 141 H Flral M, H m 4. Mala TS4S,, iikiik:ig: a tuomPiKiN.; ACCulXIAMI, AL'Ul foRA, Comiaar&tal. County and Municipal Aadltlas lnvaat:satiDtr aod batamattataa. SS Waraaalar block. Fboaa Mala SAS7. REAL FSTATB DEALER.). Ba-k. tVllMam 0 113-11 Palllns tifl. UnlBXHF.H A BUS' EDICT. SOI MoXay bills. M Cbapla A Harlow. 113 chaxnbar Com m area. Cook. B. S. A Co, 104 Corbatt bids. Jasnliira A fa.' Mala 1IA l Orasaalaa. PAUIER JOVH CO.. a. P., Ill Coaaao clai Club bus- Tba Ore r "n Roal r .tat Co. Orand ava, and Multnomatt at. tloi.aay aaauion. RFAL FTATK. tar bala lata. 110 pOWN. 110 PER MONTH. Flna vlaw lot. inaturaj fruit traaa. ra srrlrtad dlatrlet. Bear car, canint walks, Full Hub watar. fruit farad for fraa of talii 201 loard of Trada b.ds. Mar ala.l ITS, A lo:A. LOT on 4?th atraat In Hawtboraa Avanua Statrlct: I eiocaa iprn car; ail lirprov4 manta; $rtT&; about l4''-0 cash, raat 110 pr month. W. L. Meta;ar. oarnar. 44 Past 1 :n atraat. North rrt:and. Phono asI li0 cash will da for first payraant. luOilOO tu. aa vanoouvar aa. t luttira busl pam corsar; prlea llM'O. aasy tarma. Iirons-eiaala Co. rotir d Uoor Lawla bids.: phonaa M 1741. A 1T4&, TWO rood lota for aala. liViM, loo fu front, atraata rranaa ana aiucw.tK Lo: nfca looallon. building restrictions; 11500; tarma: IlI'X). ll East Main. WEST S7AKK AND SD M3. Lots 160. stay tarrr-.s; baat buy In tha cltv: aw carllca tulldtnr; s ua St onca EMPIRE KiCAI-TY A TRtST CO, 402 Trou I. it. Marshall 319. I MVfT SELL, a tall s'sa lot on East 43d and Schuyler, la a rood naahtorhood ; oament walks and watar In and paid for. This must so aul-k: l-VO. E. H- Mix, l.oi Taoa bids. ON flna raaldenca lot. 1 block waat ot AAuratnurac on cast Loucn '.t naar list ; all ImproTSmacta la, pavad atraat; cnaap. Inqulra S51 Kaat Coucb St. hf.;ghts. Afn a a m,-t u c s v." it I a, PORTLAND BKfORTa tAt? ISM. BRO-OblS. A IMAx 4j c.'h ar.d f par month buys a 23-tloo ft. buelnaaa lot on Orand ava: prlca 1430, BrODS-blaala to. roLta Boor A.ewla blda.: rhotiaa M 1T43. A 1743. t rT ua show I targains la Irvlna- - . ti - , " r l.rl . ... a , w , ton aoa - ---.;. now- Tbatobar -o.. 1.4-s chimbar of Com tnarca ynona aaianaii i.i. JlAl.P acra la KU Jobaa. I b: obaa. I blocka from car straat. carntat atdawa'ka ram.ata. Addraaa W 410, ilea ana tad a:ral Iniyrovam raronian. c . t T hr ''. I lota. I blocks car C aach; will taka lls aaaa. tt b;df.l no acsatSL 1: C . worth HOC SCI Coroat iTMORELAND will dleoount equity la M faat from carl ma at barssa prioa. WE Bum. M Eiw L Nolr Co. for Vmt filJe proprty. O found floor. CBiaPtr or iommerc LOT E- Kl.y bw Mil; chp. cU .. wn aam T VXllA Aw ..'1 . . . WOOd.tWB aV "ar -a Ami OSXXiOU lir. OR ALE Two rx4 lou, tJslll. oa itu 13 CASH our, full lot. WMtmoraland; np, O'ner, a uwam, owttiacq C-aC lOCxlOO. t-ifc u. Em-inon, tmproTmata In; m&M oar. uwcr, utnirr o:ag. IrOTB t H6th and .Kitlfitvawoj-Ui Couoa tad. Uolladay Addition REAL E-9TATK. For 8Je L-Jt. IRVIVOTOS LOTS. tm tbo moot dwitrabi part of Irrtnrton. Ttnu a bo arrmnsd oo yon cm balld your own boa, oo-fourth paymont on uo total cott of bou ar.3 int. HQi-lILS UL.H.I, fr TUlxd au-t- laxity Knett-oi. corc.r 3!A? 3'-Xl0 StantII -St. COmr .aaa.aaaa lOOz I ( -O S lasr ' v a.i - enrnsr ........ 2 ti"xiof tnatd loia Kalua corn or IA-uO Vrr tarma. A. R DIAMOND CO.. tlT Hailwar Avtctiani wstiT mi s L-ura I It las. B!rit on ear!ln on upptr "Waahtnjo-i t. Wt 3th and Tamnill at borond V.ty piri; oa7 tarmnta. NATIONAL HEALTV TTKVPT CK 121 Cliaanbar ot Commwct bid-. Bargain t::-nt r."xioo lot, t front. rr Michtlv: bc.otifu! location in Irvlr.- ton ; bard-aurfac airyt and all othT in.provmnta &ii in and raid pr: U you want a baraaio. br It la tor 4-i0O; only a.irV9 u caja. ca .inci to t-ixu Ea J. CONDON CO 100 Ton Bide KIVE f . F ROaN'T. H aoro, B: iA, fHAt to atatloa. 97 inlnutaa out on ft. P. suburban arrlc: IS trains Mcb way a day; owntr ta laavins sor caiurnia ana mut it. r &uvtr, CHAPIN Ht'RLOW, 882 Cttimbr of Commere, CLOSE IV KESIIiEVCE I.OT9. I4M Thr ar 4uxl0 ft. ; locatd on Eaat sPt3e, 13 mlnuui' rid from 2d and Aldar; thr blocks from 6 11 wood car; oaay irma. SIERTDTAV TRL'ST CO.. 9n9 Hat. tray Exching IMc!. I-hon- Mnrhall 2Ji4, A 7430. XIT. TABOR LOT SNAP. Tin curntr lot. &) 1 1 S. oa eornr B. 0th and TarfhUi. 3 b;ock from car. ftno viw, pric on;y 91100, ba:r caan. won a iJUO; Dot many bargains ilk tbla. OKI HSr A ilALOW. 8IT Board of Trad Didtf.. 4ih and Oak ft. s0'Ar WILL buy thr fin lota on Uroad wajr; ins lots ar low rst on uroaa war and ISO ft on cross st-i must b old In a fw days; sasy urmi; $v 0 wi:l buy oao: lot on Tarlor St., nsar E. 4 a a. asy termi m. 0'Jtnn, 4vo Axn biac. ICalOO. O.VC b:ock from carlln. at front. uwner, a-iam BOvT. For Half -II ou FOR 8AL Tha moat boavutiful horn in Laurslhurst: laras. irant rsMnc with rr known m o.lsrn oonrntsnca, hard wood foort. doubi construotloo; built by th riot rilab! oontractor In th city; tn location 1 most Idea., oommandlng a iw of th sntlr country; awra. hard urfac pavement all in; locatloa nar C. K. Hsnrys beautiful horn; If anyon ia had thia res, dene you could not buy It for lsa than WvO or $10,000. Tba pnr ior a r w dsy la 372i small pay mnt down, balanc to suit. Ton must tma to I'fr-ciit- it. e. j. Condon a CO. 4rt0 Yson IV.tig. lo Try rsprt a strictly modern 5- room ounitaiow with 4 lota for 109 caao. aaaanc to ault. rric la 470u. ALasSO a 4 -room houa and 4 lota at Lonta for satm-te. if.'M-ir t- aau w til uanuisA, uaiaau a CKJ.UU.V li "ME-TU'TLDINO AND COM STKL'CTION CO.. 916 Chimbsr of Commsrc. THAT VACANT J-OT. WHT NUT tlk.n a burden into Income I'KOpkka vt if vol' own a lot, we wilx fi'rnish the monet AND BL'ILD KKSlDEaN'CC OR FLATS. PLANS FRKt IF WiC HI'II.D. OUR F-EPUTATIu.N TOl'R PROTECTION. IT WIUaL. t'AY YQU TO SEP. U& 1- n. iitlf:y aa.. ixr. contract. INv ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINOTON BLD. MR 1XT OWN Kit. HERB 19 TOITR CHANCB TO lMfROVU TOUR PKOP ERTT WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT: TV ILL FINANCE IT AT A IOW RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS FURNISHED FKKB. IT WILL PAT TOLI TO COM it. I.V AND TALK TKlo OVSit. J. 6. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND Bl ILDER. HENRT BLDiA XRV I NO TON Now. modern 6-room home. lars roomy porrne. consiaarsd by who It fts on of th most attraotlv horn they hava sver seen for tba money. I bought nd furnished this residence lee than 90 day ago, but for business roason must lv the r!'y ana m s)l trr at rust, which Is I6SO0. easr terms. 8e owner. fto4 lw. Soih at., N. Broadway car. COIsONlAL IRVINOTON rfOMa 11-room hom, on block from Broadway ear nne. in in neat part 01 irvinjion nniinsi in oik tnd mahocany; street im provements ail in ana paid; billiard -room, fireplace, hot-weter heat, tc H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. til-Ill commerc'al Club Bid. Phones Main A K6J. ONE of fh m-t bAutl'ul home In Irrln- nn; n:rn ini m.ifni.y; ims resmenn is just u;ptr comp..'iti ana i modern in very detail: harilrod floors, etc. etc To fully appreciate yu must see this at one. ihe prioe is 'Xo im'ow value, only $TA( email tavment flown. , email Lav men t flow J. CONI-ON A CO., 40O Veon BMff.'kCI.rTT'PST T rooms, attic, hardwood tfior. flra plaf. bockcasee. buffet, pan.ed din In a- room, wai.a taetiiy tmto. sieepins; porch, screened tn prch. built-in refrigerator t $i.vmi; $M0 down; easy terms; worth CO-OPERATTVE TRFBT COMPAI47. 404 Teon Hide BEE THIS TODAY. New A -room house, lot 50x110. ftSd at-, bet. Hlfvklyou and Klickitat. Cored and bmH clltnrs; onk floor, and every eon ven lent; except lorally well ftnehed. Will sell at bargain firur. aa owner Is til and going away. owner at house Funday afternoon. ROSE CITY PARK. Near car; hardwood floor, furnace, ce tnent floor baeemsnt; thoroughly up to sre; also bungalow; $460 and $3KK; ma a payment down: It will pay to theee, aa they will be o!d looo. Ia. R. Bailey Co.. 4 Ablngtoa btdg. Phone .Marshal! 049. LAURELHURdT. OniAll payment down. $ IS monthly; beautiful home- solid oak floor, built -in bufltet and bookcases, mirror doors; fur nace, etc.; hard-aurfaco street Improve ment ail In, EMPIitE REALTY A TRUST CO.. 402 aeon bldg. Xlarehall 84rV DON'T PAY BENT. We have 4. 0 and 6-room homes, oil modern, in restricted districts, for ealo on easy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Company. 201-3-1 Board of Trada. Marwhall 47t A 1022. FIVE P.EAUTIFUL HOMES. Finish, oak, choice veneer flr; charming; alto several best corner lota, fcwny below market value: nicest location. Irvlngton. C 1804. ast 278. No eg snia. W. U. Herd man. FOR SALE -room house. In restricted residence oistrict, in nrnraoni; an im provement In and paid for; S lota, with fuU-bearlcf faml.y orchard, and garage on place; will oil separate, from owner. Write Station F. bo 403. Portland, or. WHY t troubled by building when Rowe- Thatcner o, nave juei won you want In Irvlnffton and Roao City park? Phono VarshaU Til. 624-4 Chamber of Com mere 17000 BUT 3 Id-room new house, over $70 income; -rowin iw-w nan ou u petal r housekeeping rooms; cement baeemenr. stationary wash tub. Between East Stark and Oakata. Owner, phone Eaat &3ft. SNAP Beautifully-furnished, flve-room modem bous; all kinds fruit, berries and flowers; large lot. hard-eurfac atrt; terms, two blocita off Haw thorne. B ITS.!. Tabor Sc'10, owner. NEAR Beod College. Woodstock; 9-roora house, beautiful half block, choicest rosea. ghrubbery, fruit and shade trees; privato water system; tTOOO. Owner Main 737a. "New I R VI N G TON H OME." rooms, beautifully arranged and fin ished, handsome flxiurea, etc Price 7SvOw App'y tKHI K. 16th st.. cor. Braase st, BARGAIN UN HAWTHORN E ' $44 down and J-0 per month buy my new modern, 6-room bungalow If oold al once, owner. J 4S3. Oregon I an, DIHCOL'NT $VK) Modern cottag. Ugi ivon street. spcii crince, .ouu terms; greateet Richmond bargain. Owner luO Urand, Nortli IXRN16HED 6-room hotee, one block: from aHOSO V 1 a-aaa vui fJUW. owner. C 234. EE Lo Noir A Co. for West Sld homaa Lxclusive m v rsi Mae reaity. G rou nd floor. Chamber of Commerca BFOiU you buy see my new, modern home, man biamuivu aww uetiii, ivjq E. j i th North.. Alberta car. HOMES from $1000 to 95000 1 two fur- n '. r aWl iiaouus i uasj, uriun jou duv. yS'-a Qosxect, 7 West Ki 1 ling sw orth ava OR SALE cheap -room house and 4 lots. mall payment nown ana t.-v montn. b3 tth st- S. E- Tak Ml Scott car. -ROCaf hfu4 and 1 or 3 lots; must sell Quick. Phon Avast, i.j. mornmgt loexlOO, EASY tarma, 4-room cottag. barn. chicken houa. truu xreea. mom u ima. $i0 MONTHLY bays B-room bungalow; mocem; j"ou. roow pwht, lw itti. X 1RV1OTuS For aaavo, modern real jror iar-ouiaja passs mso. PJEAX, ESTATE. For KaJo -Hoaee. WILLAMETTE HKTQHT8. ON CARLINE. tooms. Including den, two toilets, one in casement; xurnaoo neat, two u re y .-. house a 1 m aa t new and Juat reoaPered and rSnisih(i fu!l M ilCK-f tiot lot. For aal by owner for $Woo. half cash. Telephone A is 24. Address JUUL, ear oregon-iaa. HO I .LA PAY DISTRICT. 1109 CASH. t0 MONTHLY. INCLUDING INTEREST. Beautiful 6-room ruetlo bungalow, new, very modern convenience, nicely tor raced, south of IRVINOTON. If you have been renting an apartment this will pleas you. plac you In a bigh cises neighborhood and aavo yo moneyi pneo filuo. Ifala lilt. DKTSCH 4t WTTWER. A Mt. S40 Chamber of Commerce- PORTLAND HKIOHT3 HOMES. 1-room, houa. 4 bedrooms, beautiful frounde, block car; 94060 asy term. 4 -room bungalow, stone foundation, ftro elac. spacious attic, ap.end.dly built, 1H beautifully Improved lota; 45000, oasy terms -room, cp-to-the-mlnute. two tot. bo tlful view, 7000. terms. 4 very large rooms and attlo, tH lota, beautifully Improved, magnificent view, ex c'usiv neighborhood, very ohoioe. $14,044. term. isplendld room residence, fine city view, among bst bom as. $ trxn. Main $551 BROOKE A l'LA.Nd OF ARTIaTIC HOMEi Huntrels to s-iect from. Designed by A. H Fiber, architect.) Houses $.'r00 to $1300 f-VOO, Houses over $10410.00. You can get your own bulldr, or wo wilt submit th plan to competltlv bid ding by competent icontractora, and you cur your homo at the lowest cost. Financial aid If you want It. Ca.l for our flnely illustrated book. PORTLAND BUILDINO AHSOCIATIOlf. 822 Mohawk Bldg IRVINOTON. 1604 oash. with balanc at T per ont will purchae an artistic horn of 6 rooms, with glass-Inclosed sun room and sleeping porch ; has 2 Are places, furnace and kitchen atovo; screens and shades; garage, with concrete driveway; located In beat part of Irvlngton, on full lot; all Im provement in and paid for. Apply to owner, 114 Board of. Trada Phono A 6844. TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE) ONLY. $50 cash, balance $30 monthly. Includ ing interest, 6-room modern nsw bunga low, near Alberta and Union ave. cars; large lot; every convenience. $2600. This la no more than the rent you pay and can be oid at any time at th same price without taking into account th ad vance In value. Phone Main 212. $2300. New bungalow of a rooms, on very sightly comer lot. close to W. W carllno on E L'dth street. House Is wired for electricity, piped for gas and furnace; has fire-place, full cement baaement and attic, A sacrifice at above price; $000 oash. KAUFFMANN A MOORE, 823 Lumber Exchange. EA8T TAYLOR ST.. CORNER. SNAP. TiVxlGO, corner. wtl4 modern 7 -room house, furnace, full cemttnt basement, china oloset, gas and electricity, 4 bed rooms, ft nice fruit trees, fine lawn and lot. of roses, price $4260. $1300 cash, $25 a month; not many bargains Uko this GRtI A ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak gta IRVINOTON BUNGALOW. T rooms. 2 baths, buffet kitchen, den with fireplace, hardwood floors. furnace and all modern conveniences; on Multno mah st.. near Irvlngton oarllas; tsrau can b arranged. HOLMES eV MENEFSB. fit Third street. ROSE CITY PARK. $230 CASH. T rooms, large living-room, dining-room, beamed celling, built-in buffet and book cases. aol.d oak floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. NATIONAL KEALTT St TRUST CO.. Room 7.0, Chamber of commerce bldg. Phone Main 612. EAST AN KENT HOUSU. Oood 2-story. 6-rooin house, with gaa. full cement basement, good plumbing, lot &0xln,i, street Improvements all paid, on . 80th St., near Ankeny, price $Hm0. half cash; not many bargains like thla GKUfiSl A ZADOW, 17 Board of Trad Bldg., 4th and Oak flta. Lt-ST value in a home vr offrd; on block to Rose city Park car, oa 42d u; four tree on an east-front lot; S larg ruoina and attic; all bullt-ln effeota; ama.l down payment ; balanoe Ilk rent. If you are particular thla will ault you. Boo ovner. J. a ATKINS. Henry Bldg. GREAT BARGAIN. Beautiful new 6-room modern homo, very convenience, hardwood floors; in lAurelhurst, on block to car; need money for other business venture; $40.0; $.r00 cash, balance $33 per month and Int. Bo owner, Ul Hawthorne, corner East 9411a, or for particulars phone Tabor Bid. OWNER WILL feELL. Nine-room house and fractional lot at a bargain price on easy terms If taken soon; easy walking distance; one block to Rose City Park car; house too large for owner only raason for selling; located T10 East Everett, near 10th. Phono East 1313a BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. new, strictly modern bungalows, 4 and 6 rooms ready for oocupanoy, $2000 to IZ.'vOO; small payment down. baL. Ilk rent; let zne snow you tries nomea, JAS. A. CLOCK. 252 Alder st. Main 81S9. IRVINOTON Modern 6-room house, all latest improvements, hardwood xioors, s eeping porches, largo light living-room. gn lined in mahogany, Dutch kitchen, ullt-la buffet and window seats, on your terms, T per oent Interest. Owner, B WEST SIDE. Flno horn on Park stu, corner lot, only 94300 cash, bslanco long time. A per cent. This Is an elegant clo-ln home, and the lot la worth tn price; nous practically now and modern. W. H. ROSS, Bl Spalding Bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE. $2500, I block from Union ava; gaa, electric ity, furnace and other modern features. Look thla up at one. Price $2C0O on term a DoYOUNO A HARTSHORNE, M4 Chamber of Commerce. 1L 60G8. 81ST ST., NEAR LACRELHURST. Seven rooms, on lot 87Hxloo, In a oom tng location: price $3,150; $350 cash and monthly rvtnenta. tay wo show youf CHAPIN A HERLOW CV), B8i Chamber of Commerca SNAP By owner, half -acre chicken ranch. complete, o-room Dox bouit, o-root house, S small; Co far; IS runs, 230-egg incu bator, 9 hovers, grinder, 75 chickens, feed; ail go 941 cash, $(M at $10 per m on til. For information phono Woodlawn 82. LOT 6&X100; beautiful, modern 6-room house, sleeping porcn; block weat new Beaumont carlln , In Rosmero; lower f.oors hardwood, ftztureo, shades, linoleum, street Improvements Included ; trad; terms or cash. Owner. Tabor 2o95. KICK horn at a bargain; 4 acre. 7-room house, mooern. some rruit, 1 blocks from car and dry goo da grooery. drug and fur niture ato res; must b seen to bo appro elated; tarma. I'artioulara, phono Tabor 150. FOR SALE By owner, T-room new, mod em bungalow on graaea street, cement sidewalk, sewer, 1 4 blocks to streetcar, at a eacriflc If takan at once U 428, Oregonian. 2100 FOR six-room house, front 40x100; am leaving city; must sell at once; this Is a snap: half block from car; $200 will han dle Woodlawn 8229. C 242, NEW 9-roora country residence, strictly up to minute. Silver Spring station, Ore gon City line; Sc fare. Phon Oak Grove, Red 42. L. W. Relnhardt. owner. FOR SALE by owner, 1 or 2 acres with new 5-room bungalow; all hard finished, on easy terms. cioe to car. AV 60a. Orw gonlan. KECT modern 6-room bungalow on E. Tay lor at , full lot. Some flno fruit trees. Can b bought right. Basis Si Robinson, 61 .. lim ei. iv. -v. FOR SALE by owner A nice 6-room mod-e.-n kouse. In Holladay Park Addition, lu oulr at S43 Wasco st., or call C 13d9. FOR SALE by owner, one of handsomest houses In the city, in Ho'laday's Addition, c-ose to two car:ines. Phone C 2S'J7. For Sale Bneraeee Property. FINE business corner on E- 11th St., near Hawthorne ava, Bea.s Si Robinson, Kill ' E. 1 1th st. E. BO 23. VaCTORT s'te on Peninsula. I must sell at oncob Ownocw O a&o. OrojUaxv REAL ESTATE. For 8a le BbsLneaa Property. WILL sell. If sold at one. S4 a ores with 1428 feet of water front; SO -foot channel at wharf una xvur fitf a iront root. 425, Oregonlan. For 6leorr4ro. ACREAGE. 1, S, S and 10-acre tracts In the beautiful Tualatin Valley, Just west of Council Crest, on 2 good car lines; th richest soil, good water In abundant supply at 24 feet; good schools, stores and churches con- venlent: rural free delivery of mall, good phone service throughout the entire platting ; fine roads graded along aach tract; rapid develop ment of the entire community. Buy now at $250 to $500 per aero, upon oasy monthly pay mantis. Also a few 6-acro tracts down tho river on tho West Side, opposite St. Johns and 2 miles back from tho Willamette River, at 9150 to $350 per acre, and upon easy monthly payment. Call and let us tell yon abont thee and arrange to go with us, without expense to you, and xam ln these prop art lea. THE SHAW-FBAR COMPANY, Main 85, A 8300. 102 Fourth SL laXVTNa STREAM. rw- T anraa nf fin M&clc loan! OOlL onough timber on plac to pay for clear ing; ia miles irom foruana, near n 1 boroi running water, on main road; $13 per acre, easy xerms. PACIiTIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO 405 Couch bldg. v. t xi iirm "r v. now riiTtm to Pan dell a Or chard and Country Home tracts, near Bull Bun station, 23 miles from PortlanOjK be tween Sandy and Bull Run Rivers; beat volcanic shot soli, an aDunaance o yu' water, beautiful seen); surroundings, boat ing, fishing; 1 to 20-acre tracts; easy Terms, n enry o. rruaagum wuo Bpaiaing niag. win nanaie u acre 01 auuu, rich land, near electric line and but 14 miles from Portland; $oa an acre. fVA SAfM-. nf rrmmnt land. 14 In OUtl vatlon, but 10 mlias from Poruand, and Ohiy $03 an acre. J. M. FRENCH Sz CO., 412-418 Ablngton bldg.. 1064 Third st. CHICK EN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking dlstanoo to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 9 acre. $250; 3 acres, $400; 14 acies, f euv; iv per cent " ncoti; other tracts near railway tatloa. $26 to $40 per acre. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY COw 100 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. 16-ACRE tract a creek bottom, deep rich soil, for gardena water for Irrigation, larg creek on land; no rock or gravel; $ fln cold springs, one hour's rid from Pfirtiand on mila from railroad station and boatlandlng and prosperous town of 1600 population; in a ram o us rruit ana berry section ; cneap ana on ay tnu SIX coucn Diag.. iv etn it a if-RFq nf cleared, cultivated land. 12 H miles from Portland, near Hlll'horo; black loam soil, plenty water; slectrlo and ateara road; $'M to $250 per acre Very easy terms. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 405 Couch bldg. ACRHE TRACTS. West Side, close In. 20-mlnuto car aerv- lco, best of soil; adjoining property selling ror douoie we ssk ror tnie juu ana up, asy payment a Tracts limited. Secure one wniio tney iaet. 8. T. DOVE. INC.. 420-422 Board of Trada 160 ACRES AT $9 PER. Timber and grazing land near FnssIL Eastern Or.; S. E. 4 of N. W. E. H of R W. M. and N. W. of 8. E. fa of aetinn fl townshlo 8 south, ranfft 28 east. W. M. A dandy buy; all cash. FRED W. GERMAN. 829 Burnslde; M or A 2776 oi'ufRPAN WOMKr close to Portland: 6- room house; 22 lots (nearly 4 acres); 00 fruit trees, terries, etc; a.o ipunam for chickens; running water; spring: tele phone; dally mall; 2 blocks from electric canine; o.iw; hbuaui. .c(i,B. . Hefferlin Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. $375 BUYS 10 sore deep red shot soil adapted to fruit and vegetables; all smooth and tillable; no rock; wood and watar; cloa to school, Postofflce and store; within easy reach of Portland and the oheapest land on th market. 012 Coucn Diag., iuw em sv. TEN acres beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and reaoy ror crop, dcsi ior onions. celery, oaullflower, potatoes, eta; river and raii transporiaiiou; iiuuims uouw anywhere; low price ana easy payments. In ves 1 1 gat. 612 Couch bldg., 109 4th aL CHICKEN and fruit ranch. 8 acres fine land Incluaea, m.ies irwra rgrimuu, oia. Tniie from Willamette River and R. B. town, price $600, $100 cash, balance $10 per month. George A. Illgga, 810 bpaiaing diq. 10.18 ACRES, on hour from Portland; no rocn or B's""i ,v - 1 - and river transportation on a macadam roadiand dally R. F. D. route; one mile to school; tor $1050. on easy terms. By owner, Room 215, Lumber Exchange. slaV h. garaen irauu wa 4710,1s , id, aasacaaiia, v poslto Huriington; 1 miies iroiu rori.snai railroad, atreetcar and boat transporta tion; these tracts are on high land and never overriow. en tucn oiug., mi etn. j) ACRES, beautiful residence sites, finest Soil ; at Station, 00 .r-, ouu per acre. Call at Silver Spring station. Oregon City car. L. W. Rein hard t, phono Oak Grove, Red 402. GLADSTONE 8 acr"i near Chautauqua Park ; partly wuru , uuv iur cnicKen ranch or country home; 10 minutes' walk to electric line. Owner, B06 Cpaldlng bldg. FINEST In Oregon for fruit, vegetables or walnuts. O ana iv-aure uauLB, AU ptjr 049111 cash, balance will pay itself. Eager A Watson, Viv lbwii piug.. nq ana uaK st. rv-T.V 125 AND 836 AN ACRE. for choice logged-olt land, rich soil, plenty of watar; nsatx wn mq n. ru inou- hausen St Co., owner, 70s Lewis bldg. FOR SALE Eighty acres fruit land; over 80 acres In commercial apple orchard, 8 years old; $12.0U0. O 416. Oregonian. BEST land In stat for Investment; modern Improvements; electric car service; terms to ult buyer. Call A 8774. BUNGALOW acre, 40 minutes ride on O. E. to center of city; $25 cash; balanoe rn 8 years ; gaou eacn. dui o, bu jonns. FOR 8AL13 6-acr tract, 8 U Montavllla, near Mt. Hood miles east of vi nntav a near u u nooa n. mood InvestmenL Main 6213, A 6257. ONE and two-acr tracts on electric lir. for tale by owner; easy terms. Call 235 Stark sL WILL aetl 6. AO or mora acres of orchard land, planted or not See owner, Ren wick Hotel, room 802. Call from 10 to 8. SMALL farms on electric line, near Portland- best soil In Oregon; one and two acre tracts. Call Main 5078. ACKA and larms, from 4L2.30 per aore HP Mge KBU 114 as, A A asB,a,vB. N.SAVA1 la.iAAUf tt Stampher. bji-j Lgromr cxcaanne bag. FOR SALE 6 1-8 acres, within belt line, at St, Johns, Or. J. N. Berry, Su Johns, Or., Box 005. For Sale Horn get eais. ADVANTAGES of Oregon; 100-page book gives the amount of Government land open to homestead In each county In Oregon, Washington and California and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21x28; one showing B, R- In operation and one show ing R. R proposed and under construc tion. Including Eastern and Central Ore gon book 25c; maps 20o each, or th three. 60c; map of California, in colors, 87x32. 25c Nlmmo, Runey Co., Ham ilton bldg. SOLDIERS' additional homestead crip ; can be used to locate any Government land subject to homestead, entry; secures title without settlement or cultivation; fully guaranteed; only scrip which can be used In Alaska; prices given on appU- catlqn. L. w. nuDoe:i, epringneia. aio. CAN locat you on 820-acre homestead in Southeastern Crook County; excellent soil, plenty of water at 10 to 20 feet; good neighbors, stores, postofflce, near two townsites ana raurosa bui-, satisfaction -uaranteea; location xe t a. write a. iontgomery. Bend. Or. 40-ACRE homestead relinquishment, Uma tilla project, uovemment irrigation ana Improvements, 91000. Address box b'2, Hermlston, Or, 8.000.000 BEAUTIFUL timber Joining large oody xor quictt laic, ioy. a;v juar quatn bldg. Phone Marshall 6M. For Sale Fruit Lands. FOR SALE Py owner, tract of orchard land near Lyle, Wash.; about 80 acres ready for Elan ting, balance unimproved; dwelltng ouss and outbulldlnga Piic low; terms asy. C. M. McLeod. Lyl. Wassl. MAN with about $2000 to tak a third In terest In 6-aor tract of land; 50 acres In cultivation, rest beaverdam; object, to set out apple orchard ; experienced man pref errea. f . t , uregor. tan. FOR SALE 16-acre bearing apple ranch in ItOgU mvur miiv , ai is uu wiaiu A.wiABB, good barn, etc; $2500 will handle 1L Owner. Seward Hotel. I FURNISH and plant highest-grade appl tree on your iana at per acre; otner fruit slirhtly higher. Jeaelson, 416 Cham ber of Comxnerc. REAL ESTATE. For sale Farms. EOMESEEPCERS, ATTEJs'TIONl S2 ACRES. Good farmland, about 4 miles west of JeiTerson, Or., within mile of Oregon Electrio line now being built from Salem to Albany and about the same distance from where a station will likely be locat ed; county road on two sides; school house nearby. No improvements; fenced, well water; nearly of this la finest bottom land, suitable for grains, fruit, onions, potatoes, clover, hops, etc. ; bal ance upland. All cleared except about 8 acres In timber; $100 per acra, 2P2 ACRES. v Hillside and bottom land, about 8 miles north of JeiTerson, on R. F. D., and Its miles west of Marlon; fine for dairy or stock ranch, about 60 acres cleared, 150 acres In good timber, batanco pastur land; 940 per acre. 20 ACRES, Bottom land, 1 mile north of Jefferson, on rL F. D. ; uncleared; suitable tor chicken ranch and truck farm when cleared; all fenced; well water; $55) per acre. 160 ACRES. Dairy or graxing land, 8 miles east of Eddyvllle, or on Little Elk Creek; spring water, no rock ; honesteadera improve ment only, and of Uttio value; $7.50 per acre. Liberal terms. Address SMITH A FONTAINE. Jefferson. Or. IMPROVED ANT TTN IMPROVED FARMS, From 10 acres up to 4000 acres for sale at very low prices and on easiest kind of tarxns. X own th properties X offer for sale and am tn position to offer bargains that ar only obtained by dealing directly with the owner. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE MS BE FORE YOU BUY ACREAGE. J. O. ELROD. 618-519 Corbett Building, Portland, Or. ALFALFA. 11 TONS AN" ACRE, SIX CUTTINGS. Acre supports 3 cows and 6 hoga In the Winterless Los Molinos district, where the land works 12 months a year; cows pay $10 a month In butterfat; revenue every year more than price of land; rich, river-bottom soil, 60 feet deep; gravity Irrigation; all the water you can use; greatest deciduous fruit belt in United States; one of the prettiest spots In Cali fornia; settlers furnished cows at cost without cash or interest to ba paid for with half monthly cream check; cream ery wagon visits your door; land cheap; easiest terms. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Lob Mollnoe, CaL COWS FOR SETTLERS WITHOUT CASH OR INTEREST. All tho cows you want at cost, to be paid for with half your monthly cream check. Creamery wagon comes to your door. Cows pay $10 a month In butter fat. Acre alfalfa supports 2 head and 6 hogs; yields 12 tons a year, be sides pasture. Rich river bottom soil, 60 feet deep. Gravity irrigation; all tho water you can ueo. Greatest deciduous fruit belt la world. Fruit and vegetables all winter. Beautiful .place to live. Healthy. Land cheap. Easiest terms. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos, Calif. IMPROVED ranch. 10 acres, large 0-room house and barn, all kinds or fruit ana berries, Jersey cow, good horse and buggy, all impro ements, 11 miles from Port- land, l1 miles from electrio station. West Side; S500 cash will handle; will consider city property in exchange. Provident In vestment & Trustee Co., 201-202-208 Board of Trade bldg. I HAVE 00 acres of good rich land Just 85 miles rrom .rort.ana, gooa logging streams bordering two sides, also a good country store doing an excellent busi ness, good stock, with Postoffice and acre adjoining the &0 acres, all for $11, 000, half cash, balance good terms. AJ 410. oregonian. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. T arn nrl Small trSOtS. sill If ft him fns general farming, grain, bay, fruit, hops, dairying, etc; about 40 mllfs southwest of Portland, Or. Call or write for prloe .. tt Kidder. Carlton. Or FINE farm landa, reasonable prices, easy terms, spienuia wn, aiding car service, lights and water available. Call for par ticulars. Ruth Trust Company, In United Railways ticket office, 235 Stark st., Port land. I HAVE SO acres good rich fruit land about 85 miles from Portland, with 845 bearing trees, wun considerable logging timber, county road cute the land in two. $5000, half cash, balance good terms. AH ltt Oregnlan- 60 ACRES, 40 cleared, 20 In clover, 20 In timber, son me libl, v.m inne rrom elec tric Hoe. near Damascus; this is one of the best places In that locality; easy terms. Owner, A. L. Shaughneasy, 004 C. of C. bldg. 160 ACRES; practically level; ready for plow; running . pmsterea rram house, barn, granary, chicken houses, well, school; 8 miles to railroad; good roads; $50 per acre. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co aU3 UP.- m4- ACRES; over half plow land; balance mlnr: near railroad; rood soil- anein... splendid for stock ranch; $12 per acre good terms. J. w. Hefferlin Realty Co, 2u3 Corbett bldg X60 ACRES: 4 plow iand; ready for culti vation; best soil; no buildings; spring; CnUOl. samara M, A4lisau. gOOU rOSds J a bargain at $20 per acre. J. w. Heffer- n u .q r v Pn.. 20!t r-orhsntt ' ToO ACRES; practically level; ready for hsawt oil- runnln, w... . .. . ings;' school 8 miles from railroad- S40 per acre; good terms. j. w. Hefferlin I HAVE some BARGAINS in dalrv -r, fruit farms at Dundee, Or., 2H milea PneflnnH NOTHING BETTRo Jrm GON ; easy terms. Sam Norton 7 cha of Cammerca. around rinn. "xa LINCOLN COUNTY COAST HILLS for '" lu' u"" iruii; mud cli mate; plenty of timber and water; wild lands, ?13 per acra O. G. Dalaba. Elk City, Or. I AM called East: would like to sell half interest m ry ranch, close ln; for cash or on time; rood terms! Address 333 Market bL Phone Main S 160 ACRES; $20 per aero; Douglas Coun ty; six mites rrom uayi creek P. O 29 S. 8 W.; running water; lir; cedar. - Main 7389. I HAVE 600 acres of land about 60 miles from Portland, in a good wneat and hon country, at $w per acre. AH 417, Ore sroal&n. OWNER 800 acres wheat land. Sherman County, well watered, 7 miles from rv. tt-m terms. 6 per cent int.. Sia nr.o Marshall 482. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18-miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for an CaimU, v j . am so. urrison mt. WANTED REAL ESTATE. "WANTED QUICK. House In Waverly district, 4 ot 8 rooms, not over 2300. Small house on Portland Heights, not over 93500. MIX & MARSH, 120S Yeon Building. Marshall, 8328. X WANT to buy a good income-producing property on feast bias; i have the cash; will deal with owners only; unless location, price and Income are stated; no attention will be given answer. W 436. Oregonian. W ANTED Single corner lot, east frontage. Irvlngton, tioiiaaay rarx or 5 razee at. Addition; state full details; no agents. V 441, Oregonian. ' - WILL buy on each 5-19 and 20-horse- power, three phase induction motors. Railway Equipment Company, 74 First st. WANT ED From owner, a good lot in Laurelhurst or Rosmera cheap for cash. Box M 417, Oregonian. y WANTED Bst Investment for 810.000 or any part of It. Address AK 449, Ore gonian. THOROUGHLY modern West Side home; must b close in; five sleeping-rooms re quired. Address AK 44S, Oregonian. WANTED Six-room modern house, Irving ton district. Phone Marshall 2745. Ask for Mr. Redln. FOB SALE TOTBEK LANDS. FOR SALE Eighty acres timber land near Dallas, Or.; cruise close to two million feet second-growth fir; good wood propo sition ; cash price $10 per acre. L. D. Brown, Dallaa, Or. TIMBER LANDS ' BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J- M'CRACKEN. 04 McKay Bldg. 10 00 cords A 1 standing timber; hauling distance Portland. Owner, 4S2 Rlggen st. TO EXCHANGE. GASOLINE FERRY, doing good bustnes. Georg Hoffman, owner, Columbus, Waan. FOR 6AL13 82iA acres; 85 cultivated; bal ance timber; good lawns and orchard; will sell in 40 or 20-acre plats; $100 pr acre vill handle this; down; balanc 6 per cent; no agents. Call Main 7338 after 6 P. M. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. House and lot, 50x100, on Union ave., value $8000, to trade for partly Improved 40 to 60-acre ranch In Cowllts or Tilla mook County; must be on river; also one vacant lot on Union ava. value $5000, KEASEY, HUMASON A JEFFERY, 212 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon. . TO EXCHANGE. I wish to-trade my $000 equity In my Rose City Park home for a vacant lot. I might assume a contract or a mortgage. My place is valued at $4000 and there is till duo on contract $3100. payable $33 per month. If interested drop me a lino. Positively no agents. S 4S0, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. New 2-family house with garage built of concrete blocks, 5 rooms with up-to-date bath, open plumbing and furnace to each suite; fireplace, electrio and gas fix tures, lot 50x100 ; paved street, 1 block to carline; free from all incumbrance; price $10,000. terms. $101-0 cash, balance to suit or will trade for a lot worth 910, 000 to 920,000 and pay difference In cash. AB 419, Oregonian. 100-ACRE farm for trade for Eastern Ore gon wlMat ranch, or city property, and will take an automobile In on deal o sell for small pavment down, ha, easy paymenta This farm Is 85 miles from Portland; 100 head of stock goes with place ; no wast land ; small creek on place. J. M. CAMERON, 219 Lnmbermens bldg. Main 19T5. 3 ACRES GARDEN LAND. Price $225 per acre; I will accept $3.5 of UNINCUMBERED PROPERTY as the first payment, balance $2 per acre per month; land ail cleared and in cul tivation; Joins the town of Gervale, on main line S. P. R. R. ; short walk to Ore- on Electric P. S. West, 404 Ry. Ex. ldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. A-l location, cheap rent, elegantly fnr nrshed, 92 rooms; clears $350 a month. Take part trade and small amount of cash. SEE M. D. HOBBS AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE S20 acres wheat land. 15 mlloa west Walla Walla, half Summer fallow, half stubble; 4-room house, shed, barn; $30 per acre; will take $4000 to $5000 in Portland or Valley property, long time on balance. C A. Andrw. Walla Walla, Wash. HOOD RIVER. Twenty-five acres, 11 milea from Hood River, to exchange at $100 per acre. We also have 9& acres under cultiva tion to exchange. MIX ft MARSH. 1209 Teon Building. Marshall 8S29. ACRE TRACTS. I have 45 acres platted in 1-acre home sites, only 8 miles from the city, near the best electric line. Wrlll sell cheap for cash or exchange for city Income property. L 435. Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottaga (furnished), and lot 60x 100, Beach Center, North Beach. Wash. ; worth $1200, rents for $100 a season, ta exchange for acreage near electric line, 6 to 12 miles from Portland will be all rigot. AN 436. Oregonian. OFFER as first payment on small modern house, twenty minutes from 40th and Belmont, a three-room house, two lots worth $1200 at 89th ave. and 60th at. S. E. You assume $300 mortgage, running five years. H 484 Oregonian. I WANT to exchange $12,000 equity In choice subdivision tract of 160 acres closs In on slectrlo line for central city property, preferably flats or apartment sit a Address K 404. Oregonian. 7 ACRES of land on United Railways, back of Burlington; will exchange for Seattle property ; price $300 per aore. Owner, room 11, Mulkey bldg., 2d And Morrison. COLUMBIA River Orchard bonds for unin cumbered property in or around Portland. What have you? A. W. MacDonald, 1008 American Bank Bldg., Seattle, Wash. WILL exchange good Chioo property foi property In or near Portland; let m know what you have. Address W. G. Day, 884 Gran d ave. South. EQUITY of $1000 In new 6-room house, wl located, balance like rent. What am I offered? My loss your gain. J 468, Ore- gonian. WOOD-WORKING plant within 10 block! of Courthouse, new machinery, valus $2500. Easy terms or will trade for real estate. AH 429, Oregonian. TO TRADE 20 acres near Roseburg foi bungalow. Will assume some mortgage f 44, uregonian. TO TRADE 92200 equity In 40 acres ot land; price $3u00; prefer rooming-house. AL 418. Oregonian. FOR TRADE; five-room modern cottagt In Los An galea for Portland property. Val ue $3000. T 43S, Oregonian. WILL exchange high-powered motorcycle, fully nickel-plated, for diamond up to $0Q. Ralph R. Ruffner, 1J4 3d st. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co., 61T Board of Trade bldg. WlLlTexchange grocery store for real estate equity; 9000. V 413, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 60 ACRES, 40 cleared, 20 In clover, good soil, near carline. about 20 miles from Portland. Johnson & Stout, 904 C. of C bldg. 2-ACRB place, all in fruit, and new 4-room house, at Courtney, 917.50 per month. Call room 11, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. SOME choice potato land to rent, from 10 to 100 acres. P. L. Kenady, Woodburn, Or. FOR BALE. Horses. Vehicles, Etc. MICHIGAN BUGGIGE8, RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS Before you buy cither above, sea onr Stock and get prices. We ar located out side the high-rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a second-hand vehicle when you can gat a new one at about the same pricaf R. M, WADE & CO 822 Hawthorne Ave. 8000-POUND team of mares, 8 and 9 years old, both heavy In foal ; harness all complete One bay horse, 8 years old, sound and straight in every way; 1250 pounds. Qce bay horse, 1100 pounds, sound as a dollar. $S5. nrn Obe pony, cart and harness, cost $250 two months ago, now priced at $150. Appiy at stables, 15th and Couch sta. ONE TEAM- sorrels, good workers, $150; one team white and black, $100; also harness, two heavy wagons; at Rose City cemetery. East 57th and Fremont sta. Both phones. I SOLD my farm; I must sell the horses; team weighs 2400 pounds; harness and ' wagon; also a horse, weighs 1100, with buggy and harness; all at bargain. Phone Sellwood 17S3. . GENTLL, weli-broke Shetland pony, harness and cart, $160; cost $250; can be seen at 663 Leo ave. any day after 4 P. M. Phone Sellwood 871. TEN head of mares and geldings, some well-mated teams, several cheap farm mares; choice of four head for $50. 351 2d, near Mill 8 HEAD of cheap ranch or work horses, from $15 up ; m ust be sold this weak. 14 Union ave., cor. Ash. HORSE Good sized, suitable for rancher, peddler, express wagon. Inquire 2S8 Burn eide. FOR SALE cheap, one good sound delivery horse weighing 1160; no blemishes. 824 Russell st. DARK bay road horse for sale; weight 1250. Box 830, R. F. D. No. 1, Milwaukle. Automobile. TWO new 1912 five-passenger Regal "JO," model "LF," fully equipped. Price 81100 f. o. b. Portland; regular price $1300; reason for sailing, cancelled our agency. Cars can be seen at Oregon Auto Dis- f.atch. This Is the chance you have been ooking for, to get an up-to-date, brand new car at less than dealers price. For further particulars see or write today H. F. Presten, at Hoftl Portland, Room 83ft. Remember, there are only two of these cars in Portland and one In Tacoma at this price. - AUTO. $20 MONTHLY. 1911, 4-cyl., 4-pass. auto in good con dition, easy to run; if you own house and lot in Portland you caji pay for it $20 per month; price $S75; will go anywhere; owner leaving Portland. See Jame C. Logan, Slo bpaiaing piug. 1910 CADILLAC, 6-passenger, nickel trlm-mlnea- also a one-ton truck, 1910; good condition; price $800 each. Call 212 Front st, phone Main 2275. FOR SALE One 1911 Woods electric, which has been well cared for; good reason for selling. F 422. Oregonian. WANTED Model 10 Bulck; price must bo right. L 420, Oregonian. 5-PAS.SENGER automobile for aale; must go tP' weea. xan-iu is. "WHAT have you to trade for runabout? iiOOQl AV, ttOAJAAlft IUU WAU,W-