THE MORNING OltEGOXIAy. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1911. . CITY NEWS IN BRIEF mntln-ronm Vl Tire I1:y clrcu;"in yin TTO kiui.ii Editor w.a S-tfi'iar sT4Uor .......... Msln T'9 A A " A ,.....Ma:o K''" , una tiT AMTKEMETTS. CSPHBfK THEA TIR M"rr1ra. ! lal Taclh; Vajlorll. Thla efl- raooe 1 IS and tenlsht at Stl. rANTAOES THEATER fourth " Vudli; To:s UurwM at : te- al.ot at )l and . Hft:I-l THEATER (perk nd WsSti:- te Vudri:ia. TMe (tereoa el aa4 toa;al at T 30 an4 . TAR. A HCADC OH JOT. ODrO:. "TJVJJ- Li r;.-.t rua pictur.. II A. 1 p RECREATION PARK Tnty-e'!i,"4 V,uua) buu.l. va r"" laaO. This tftrja at a. MnrtlMwau lataaeX far laa City Km la anal eele s la evader Is " fee liaaa.a la la OnfiaUa euel efOce ay a'clark Selarday weeing. BOCUVAJID TO B lMPHOD NSXT Ybmh. T!a Qr'tory Heipnts Improve inant Association and t&a Hun City -ara Iaiprovement Lmui ha screed to work together tor tha Improvement of bandy boulevard In 112. Tata move mect Include pavlna ot tha atrcat to Ihe city limits a demanded by tha lircsory Hals tits Aasoclatlon.' This ciuo circulated petitions demsnd:ng that tha streetcar company ralay lt track by t&a first of tha year to Easf rieventy-second atrevt and to tha city llmita by July 1. lsli. but mod.ned Ita demands to conform to the plan of tha Koee City r"ark Improvement Uruf to have tha track made double and the Improvement completed In 1911. It would have been Impossible to Uy tha track by January 1. 1S13, a the company haa not the rail. It will cost tha company more than lloO.OOO to lay doubla track to th city limit. OVERHIAU B.KDT TaAfTC ArMOTlO. The tentative plan of the O.-W. K. t i. Co. to bull-l a, viaduct for It track over the Sandy boulevard at tha gen eral crossing at Kant Thirty-seventh street. Is aid to have the general ap proval of property owner and resi dent. This pln waa proposed by the railroad company as a solution of tha problem. Objection have been made 10 the construction of a viaduct by which 5andy boulevard woulJ be car ried over th railroad a It would dam age the adjacent property, but the plan 11 carry tha railroad abuve the !am1y boulavard haa met with lea objec tion. At present all the trains are re quired to come to a top at tills cross ing;. It I announced that the engineers of the railroad company are worklntr oa plan for the proposed overhead track. ' Kni Titt Tars: to Ii-iss Cm-b-iioi-sa. In the Rose City Tark Presby terian Church a mass nieetlliK-l to be h'ld next Wednesday nlarht by the Hose City I'ark Improvement 1-eae.ue to dis cus construction of a clubhouse. The liose City Club was oricanlied and In corporated with $10.0)0 car.1 ml stock, and ground have been obtained on Sandy boulevard and East Fifty seventh street. It I proposed to Issue bond and membership to pay for the site and construct a clubhouse. At Wednesday' meetlnr construction of the buildlnc will be tha principal topic. Hans for the bulldlnc will be placed on exhibition. MiTOK Akicko to Trro Tovn Missmo. Mrs. Rosa Rlchardn. of 1H North Mllwood avenue. Wtrhlla. Kan., has written to Mayor Rushlluht. Inquiring for her titers. Mr. Anna Berry and Mr. Sophia r'mlth. Phe believe thnm n be In Tortland or vicinity. Mr. Franklin A. Martin, of I5 Union atreet. Ilartfror. Me.. Is aeeklnc Information r-gardlnff Judson Allen Douglas, atted IS years, whom ahe thinks may be In thl city. Oeorsje K. McCord. secretary to the Mayor. I endeavoring to learn something of these mlsslnc persona Arro I'ptvrv. Bcvbw Escapb Is jvht. Gains; at a rapid rate, an auto mobile carrylna- even person turned turtle on th Base Una road Dear East Seventieth atreet. at I o'clock yester day morning and all of the party es caped Injury. Th car was driven by C II. Nalman. but he and all of hi guest proceeded to their homes with out belna; Identified. I'atrolman Jonea heard of the accident and went to the scene. He reports that tha place la a hasardoua one and recommend that a light be established. J. W. MKNiir n-At, IIn.r. The funeral ot J. W. Menalea, who died at til Rural avenue. Wednesday, waa held Thursday afternoon from the Oresham Methodist Episcopal Church. Inter ment was made In Hall Cemetery. 14 miles east of Portland. Mr. Menalea wa (1 year 1 montl and 1 day old. He ! survived by five children. The children are: Mr. Mell Hoyt. C M. Menxles. J. Arthur Mensles and Mrs. I.aura Bretscher. all nf Portland, and aire. Lulu Strebln. of Oresham. HoLOATI StVIl RtMOXITtlTOM Wis. F.x-Msyor Lane yesterday morning; won ht point In favor of a reassess ment of the Hols:ate extension of the Brooklyn sewer. Insofar a a recom mendation from the ewer committee of the Council roe. The subject was referred to City Frrlneer Hurlburt and City Attorney Grant, aa there la a question of engineering and of law Involved. The remonstrators maintain that ther are assessed for something for which others should pay. Actcc to B 8aid to MisaioXARixs. A farewell service to Mr. and Mre. Clarence Pteel. missionaries to Biam. will be held In the Westminister Pres byterian Church tomorrow mornlns;. Mr Steel la th aon of Mr. and Mr a. R. R Pteele. of Portland, and haa been assistant superintendent of the Oregon Idaho T. M. C. A. for om time. He and Mr. St, will have work alone the T. M. C. A- lines In their new mis sionary field. piAnrnrr O era Vxaotc-r. A verdict In favor of the nlalntll for IJOO waa returned yesterday by a Jury which tried In Judge MorroWg department of the Circuit Court the eult of . O. H. Ratliff against the Portland Railway. Light tt Power Company. The plaintiff wa knocked down and severely In jured by a streetcar at Fifth and Stark streets on February 1. Hals Bloci Solo for IISOOO. The half block on th north. !' of East Taylor treet. between l"nlon and Orand avenuea. waa sold this week by P. W. Thorsen to the Oregon Realty Company for HS.0OO. The "property Is composed of lot S. 4. t and . block 7. East Porr'.and. and Is occupied by frame bullding. Rrr. Johx H. BoTr, pastor. First rresbyterlan Church. Alder and Twelfth. Morning subject: "A Simple Creed for a Large Life." Evening. "Aiming for the Best." This church welcome all to Us worship and fellowship. Sunday school opens todsy In all department, at 12:10 P. M. Manga. "-.-Hoot, to Mrcr. There wlfl be a preliminary business meeting of the modern school In room 414 Behnke Walker building. Fourth street, be tween Morrison and Yamhill streets. at o'clock tonight. All Interested I In th movement- are Invited. Horn, ron Saub. Hotel. 140 rooms. with bath, fur nished throughout; first-class In every respect: central'.y located: doing good business: long lease. Address Hotel. D 411. Oregonian. Harvxt Rr-v-gg Calkir. p. D.. from Campor. India. will speak Sunday morning and evening, at Centenary M. E Church- Hear the orchestra. The Hotei. Srwaari I quoting pe dal rates to a limited number of per manent guta Howi A Mabttx. Dat-oorsT, now at Id looexlon. 111 Waabiagtoa St. - a MtunA Baro Receives TJsnroRaU. Member! of the Naval M.Utla Band of Portland have received their new nal forma. Thev were Issued laat Wednea day night. The full dress and the blue service uniforms were furnished. The Oregon organliatlon probably ha the distinction of being the Orst Naval Reaerve Band to be outfitted by the United Statea Navy Department with regulation uniform. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening on the main deck of the I'nlted Statea steam ship Boston, now moorad at the foot of Jefferson street. The number pf mea allowed a Navy band la 2 and tha membership now la 20 men. Sociitt Ward Won-D BB CARr-Ewrrm. Superintendent Gardner ot the Boy' and tilrls" Aid Society of Oregon, seeks a borne for a boy Ked 17. where be can learn the carpenter trade and re ceive his board and clothing. Thl lad ha ben for some years pat In a country home, ha pnsied through the grammar grad and desires to learn, carpentering. Applications should be addressed to the office of the oclety. at the corner of East Twenty-ninth and Eaat Irving atreeta Telephone East i, B 1404. MorWT Tabor Ct-tarR Posttovbd. Owing to the doubtful weather and shortened daylight the Maiamas ' Club haa postponed Its proposed "climb" of Mount Tabor. The club members will meet for a reunion tonight at S o'clock at the home of Edward P. Sheldon, at :l Halsey street. The programme will consist of story-telling and picture ex hibit In connection with the Summer trip of members of the club. Looorr Dtr.s or IsjrRiM. Hans Han son, aged li. who waa Injured In a lumber mill, at River Mills, last Thurs day morning, died at St. Vincent' Hos pital yesterday morning. Hi back wa broken and several ribs were fractured. He waa rushed to Portland on a spe cial train furnleued by the Oregon Water Power company. He remained In a comatose state until hi death. JonK A. Beck la Iu John A. Beck. a wll-knom-n Jewel.-r. la erlously 111 at his home, at s Trinity Place, but his physicians hope for his recovery. Mr. Heck ha not been well for sev er! month but wa not taken to hi bed until a few day ago. Fam. Fatal to Sai.esua. Charles P. Hancke. salesman for Pearson. Pag Co.. who fell from a streetcar Thurs day nlfht. fracturing his skull, died at St. Vincent' Hospital yesterday morn ing. He was year old and la ur vlved by a widow. Leo or MfTrox An Loin Muttom Chops, luc; mutton stew la 6o, Oregon Norway creamery butter. lc; special at St. Francis Market. Washington t., between First and Second ta. "Tn Oop-Fiixed Lire" will be Luther R liyott s theme In the Flrat Congre gational Church tomorrow, at 11 A. M. Ir. Iyotfa theme at 7:45 P. M.. "Per sonality and Success." Puwoat ExrrRsioM. Cascade Locks, 11 .round trip: steamer Bailey Oataert lravea Alder-street dock at I A. M., returns 5:30 P. M. Phone Main 14, A 11S. A Frw more ton Beaver Hill nut coal "the cream of the coal" old cheap to make room. Phone Main 164. NEW YEAR CELEBRATED HOSII IIASHAXAII SERVICES IV SYNAOOGCtS TODAY. I'rayrr Tills Mornlns to Continue From 6:4 5 Until t o'clock. Kant's Horn to Sound. Solemn services will be held In all the Portland synagogues this morning In commemoration of Roah Hashanah. or Jewish new year, one of the most sacred feast days In the Jewish cal endar. The holiday began at sundown yesterday when aorvlces were held In all tha Portland synagogue. Tha serv ices this morning, which are even more Impressive, consist of two prayera, known aa the morning prayer and th additional prayer. Tha flrat eervtee will begin at 5 o'clock and will con tinue until o'clock. The second part of tha aervlre will oonslst largely of prayers with choral accompaniment and the reading of the scrolls. A fea ture of thla service la tha blowing of the ram's horn, called shofar. which Is ordained by tha scriptures. As the holiday thla year falls on Sat urday, this part of the service In orth odox congregatlona will be deferred un til tomorrow. This Is one of the two occasions In the year when the mem bers of tha congregation kneeL The services In tha Portland syna gogues will be as follow: Temple Beth Isarel: Rabbi Jonah B. WIh officiating; aervlcee will be held thla roornmg at 10 o'clock. Dr. Wise will lecture on the significance of Hoeh Hashanah. Mr a. Rose Bloch-Bauer has prepared a special mualcal programme and has augmented the regular quar tet, consisting of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, soprano and director: Mre. M. Marx, contralto: William Boyer. tenor, and Dom J. Zan, baritone, by adding Mr. Etrhenlauh. violinist; Charlea Pun can Raff, cellist, and Philip Pels, cornet. There will be aolo and trio numbers, and Mra. Bauer will sing "A Prayer." by N. A. Maacheronl. Mr. Couraen will preside at the organ. A special programme has also been arranged for atonement ervlce. in which Mr. Zan will take a prominent part In the chanting. Mr. Raff will play the cello solo "Kol Nldra." Ahaval Sholom Synagogue: Raw. R. Abrahamson officiating! services will be beld this morning at T o'clock; and evening at 7 o'clock: Sunday morning at 7 o'clock; Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. At tomorrow morning's ser vice at 10 o'clock. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise will deliver a sermon on the "Union of lraL Nsvah Zdek Talmud Torah Syna gogue: Rev. H. N. Heller officiating; services this morning at 7 o'clock; this evening at 7:30 o'clock and Sunday jnornlng at 7 o'clock. First Street Synagogue: Rev. Plotkln officiating! services will be held at the same hours as at the Nevah Zedek Tal mud Torah Synagogue. Tiforeth Israel Synagogue. (Eaat Eighteenth street between Alberta and Sumner streets. Alberta); services will be held at Rah Synagogue; Rev. Schochet officiating. JUDGES PLEASE MOTHERS Every Baby In Mllwankle Show Re eclvee a Prise. Mllwaukle Grange Platrlct Fair opened In Crystal Lake Park. Mnwau kle. Thursday with an address by W. J. Kerr, president of Oregon Agri cultural College, and yesterday aft ernoon a baby enow waa neia in tne : park auditorium under the charge ot j Captain James r. c ' " """"""" baoiee were exhibited by mothers and relatives. Three Judges selected the priie-wlnners. who were: Handsomest under II month Girls first prise, Mussetta Loretta Truck; second prise. Pauline, Cecil Baker; third prlie. Florence Toates. Boys first prise. Harry Wltte; second prlxe. William Arthur Gould; third prise, Violet Large. Fattest baby Prise was won by Ar thur Howlett. A special prlsa of a small bank containing II, offered by the Mllwe.uX-1 Bank, waa won by Flor- lompjea. iiuuuci- soms methods in all lines of busi ness activity sr giving way to simpler ones I a r g ely because they are safer. Thus, a Certifi cate of Title la safer than an ab stract because it shows in a single page the- exact condition of title, and is fully guar anteed to bs cor rect. TITLE AND TRUST CO. Lewis Bid?., 4th and Oak. ence Toates for the most popular baby. This prize vu awarded by vote ot the audience, 180 votes being cast. After the principal prizes were awarded all the bablea taking part In the contest were given prizes of some kind and itvery mother went away pleased. Cap tain Shaw was assisted In the contest by his daughter, Mrs. A. H. Innle. George C. Brownell delivered an ad dress. A very creditable display Is made ot agricultural, horticultural and domes- tie articles. This afternoon M. L. Pratt, of Port land, will deliver an address on "The I'evelopment and Expansion of our Public School System." A large dele gatlon of Clackamas County school teachers will attend. Governor West Is expected to be present. WOMAN DENIES THEFT Minneapolis Pair Ordered Held for 9850 Steal Camera Konglit. An attitude of myatery, which, how ever, the police aay. does not mystify them a little bit, is maintained by a woman prisoner, . arrested Thursday night In company with "Two Spot" John Marcue, on information from Min neapolla where they are said to have obtained S50 Illegally. Asserting that an effort to clear her self would bring prominent people Into the case, the woman has refused to give any Information concerning her self, although asserting her complete Innocence. When Captain Baty sug gested that she could prove her In nocence by being photographed that her picture could be sent to Minneapo lis, she refused with determination, and she also says she will fight extradition. .The woman Is said to have defrauded a man In Minnesota, fleeing with Marcus on the proceeds. Marcus Is known to the police and makes no secret of his Identity, but asserts that the case Is all fixed up. "Why, they arrested me In Canada for this Job," be Bay. A telegram from th Minneapolis police, received yesterday, ask for the holding of the two, and It will be com plied with. WHEREJO DINE. All the delicaole of the season at th Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart menta for ladle. Sua Wash, near its at. Ton embrace an opportunity when you dine at the Aider Restaurant. 141 Aider street. To live well I to eat well: Try The Criterion. II Sixth street. Slaver Pleads Good Intent. Pleading that all his actions toward the woman with whom he waa arrested were for the purpose of reforming her, P. S. Abbey, alias Wflllara Anthony, alleged white slaver, made a futile de fense In Municipal Court yesterday. He was found guilty, with" sentence In abeyance, and la undergoing further In vestigation by the Federal authorities. Abbey came here from Seattle nearly two years ago. In company with Minnie MltohelL Is your husband cross T An Irritable, fault-finding disposition la often duo to a disordered etomach. A man with good digestion Is nearly always good natured. A great many have been per- manemiv ruiou w oii'ium u nuuuia vy taking Chamberlaln'a Tablets. For sale Our Store Will Be Open From 8 A. E to 10:30 F. VL Today. F. P. YOUNG Ladies' Haberdasher, 323 Morrison St, Opposite Hotel Portland. v New Waists Made in snappy tailored effects in linen or madras. 1.98, $2.50, $3.00 and up to $6.50 $7 Taffeta Waists, FpL, $3.48 Black, navy, brown. New Gloves $1.25 2-clasp, Dent's make, 9S White, blaek and colors. 2-elasp Anglns, best in the world pair S2.00 2-clasp Toreador, extra value pair '. 91.50 Hosiery 35e ladies' black or tan, special, a pair -23 New Neckwear. New Handkerchiefs- White Temple Pulpit Walter Beawell Illasea, Minister. TWELFTH AXD TAYLOR STREETS. . f MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK: Sunday School 9:45 A. M.. RALLY DAT EXERCISES. All Invited. Sunday MornlnsT Sermon, XI o'clock Subject, "TERTIfS." B. T. P. Lower Temple. :15 P. M. Subject,- "CHl Kril WORK." Leader, J. D. Xellan. Sunday Evening- Service. 7:10 Subject, SHOl'LD A MAX BE DAMNED FOR DOI.XG M1THIXG f " Baptism at the after-meeting-. Prayer Meeting- Next Thursday, S P. M. Pr. Klnson's topic will be "SAtX" In the Acts. STRAJKRt ESPECIALLY IXVITED. Have Something of Exceptional Interest For en Saturday We will have on speeial sale 200 doz en men's pure silk knitted accordion Neckties. The popular, pood-looking, durable, stylish Fall neckwear. The kind you pay SX.00 and $1.50 for, Special Saturday 65c pennons "firon 6WVCSAHD uhs.-.clias 309 Morrison, Opposite Postoffice. Insurance Companies are always watching for "Smoker's Heart." Be sure they don't get you! Smoke a light, domestic blend a Genl Arthur Mud 10c Cigar VL A. Gunst CO, Co, Distributors Heidelberg "THE PRINCE OF PILSENER" Will Arrive in October Finest Land. in Oregon , Hlg-hly suitable for small farms. On electrlo line. Prices reasonable, with easy terms. 1 AND 2-ACRE TRACTS laqnlr S3S Stark 81 Fortlaaa, Osv Established 1900 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester BIdz- Portland, Or. Lowest Prices Prompt Delivery United Coal Co. Mir. 2403, A 7432304 Meny St. Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Eleetria SIGNS Kaat Ttb aaeT Eaat Everett rtssn Eaat lltli 1 rT""1.:1', PARKER'S i. v 1 una DAI QAM - - A J ei.i gag b ntifUs th hals. ' r Prontout s ldxuriAnt growth. - T 1 J 5rrr Vails to BMtore OrT aid " - M fa THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL CO. Underwood Standard Typewriter The original front stroke visible writing typewriter. A mechanical master piece and universal favorite. Underwood sales exceed those of any other machine. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 68 Sixth St., - Portland, Oregon. Bet the Original and Genulna .30 RUCK'S MALTED miUi Tha Food-drink (or All Ages. Fw-Infants Invalids. nnAClOWmB chUdVeft. FureNutrilion,iflJ building the wholebody. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. A nnirlc Innch DreDared in a minute. Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. Hot in Any fJHk Trust Piano Studio LOUIS H. BOLL, Rooms 300-1-2. Tilford Bldg Tenth nd Morrison. Portland Academy PRIMARY AXD GRAMMAR SCHOOU wAnrfav fiantsmber 11. Does the wora or th srades la sevee years. Expeii aeed tachr la vr rrade. 6pelal at tenuoa to reading, spelllna. inmmir, reosraphy and artthmsUo. Tor full Infor mation appiy xar sjjjlaMaaaaiasMsssasssse i . 1 7 "The Ritz-Carlton of the Northwest' Special Announcement The Carlton Restaurant Announces the Opening of a CRAWFISH GRILL OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT" Where special attention will be paid to the serving of shellfish dinners and suppers jit moderate prices. Music by Frederick W. Smith's Orchestra. a TOMORROW, SUNDAY, A SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER WILL BE SERVED FROM 5:30 TO 8 O'CLOCK AT ONE DOLLAR t - MENU J Oyster Cocktsll Celery Mock Turtle aa Madere Chicken Bouillon en Cup Ol'vc , " Paupltls of Halibut a la Cardinal Fommei Chateuz Bwaetbread Fettle a la Bunter Filet Mlgnoa Larded. Bordelals Fried Sweet Potato Stuffed Tomato Botst Prima Bibs Beef an Jus ' Mashed Potatoes Stringless Beana Bprina Chicken Stuffed. Glblet Salad a la Princes -Pudding a la Belne Philadelphia Ice Cream and Cake Apple PI a la Mode Watermelss Edam Cheese Toasted Cracker Cafe Nolr - .' Fourteenth, Washington and Bnrnslde Streets. Portland, Or. PICTURES AND pictur'e FRAMING 40c, 60c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50 and $5.00. ' - Framed Picture Department Counter goods selling from 5o up to $1.00. In the better grade of framed goods, the subjects are carefully selected, handsomely framed and moderately priced. . Moldings for Frames Many new and novel patterns have been added to this line for -your Fall and Christmas selections. Antique golds and soft, pretty finishes in brown, grays, greens and blacks. A very large line of the small artistic designs for dainty effects with mats or special mounts. a x- Beady-Made Frames All. of the very finest finishes : Antique, Roman and Etruscan golds, imitation and hand-carved effect, Circas sian walnut, Flemish brown, grays and blacks. Try the effect of your picture in one of these frames. Artist Materials for the professional, commercial and amateur artist Colors, Brushes, Canvas and Sundries. whoiesai, SANBORN, VAIL & CO. 17ff FIRST STREET Largest Variety of Pictures, Framed Pictures, Moldings and -Artist Materials on Pacific Coast 6CHOOI4 AND GRADUATES CAN .it -'I'M ) ni3 iUlWl AJincii Facts 1 W'w-.v2 Individual instruction..- Over a million dollars a year being earned by our former students. "nncrnflN? secured for students whei IUJIIJUIk) C0MPETEKI WllnOUT LoAkUC BUSINESS COLLEGE Fourth Street, One-Half Block From Morrison. All downtown carlines-4 in number near our door. No trans fer necessary. 160 new typewriters. 1397 calls for help last year. Graduates guaranteed positions, or tuition refunded. Day and night sessions. L M. WALKER, PRES." O. A. BOSSERMAN, MGR. hSum G. C. LARil, - Manager. SHEET AND FRAMED PICTURES Novelty Prints 25c, 50o and $1.00. New subjects in oil, Landscapes and Marines, at $2.50, $4.00, $5.00 and up to $30.00. Hollywood Carbons This is one of the strong est lines of pictures. Embracea all the salable sub iecttf bv the old and modern masters. Prices, COT.T.FOFA BE FOUND EVERYWHERE POIWTrvr.TOi tA5 w rvu I tltUi KtT.AKK.UiLE 5UCCE551 Worth Noting Best equipped business college in the Northwest. ' U