Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 22, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Frank Gotch Is Due in Portland
About October 20.
Grspplrr AVbo Sent Hackenschmldt
on Hl Way W1U GlTfj Exhibition
In Arnorr Sheehan PnU Fp
Great Cina at Third.
Portland In to be lnrluded on the
Itinerary cf the farewell tour of the
world recently announced by Frank
Gotch. heavrwelKlit champion wrel
ler. who toyed with Georce Hacken
schmldt. the Hu-sian. In Chicago on
Labor da v.
Gotrh will he here alol-r about Oc
tober 20 ar.'l will Salt Lake City.
Portland. TicniM. Seattle. bpokane,
Belllnrham and Vancouver. B. C . ac
cording to a telegraph message re
ceived by the writer from 'Joteh'a
manaa-r. Kmlk Klank. last nignt irora
Chicago, as follows:
Ae.r.rtrc t.f-r. notrh baa made
apclai r-o .t h.t Hertlan.1 l ircmato in
M tf a. he ha. Iw.l of fr!o.l. ihera. We
wi;l furr.:h lh. rr-Jt-t wr-.tlln; card .er
fr.r J In ft- v-t. a. several .'ic-nolrrier.
axe to b lni-lu.1 t In triumphal party.
We make ...., Lai,, en tHlwr 1 :.
Oofb will er-.tle lem.lral. th ureal OreeH
lleht haTil(nl. We may ma direct from
fla.t Lak. t.i IN.rtlan.l. matin Ta.-ma.
.attl. B:ilnali -.m. Mwltn. and Vaa-
Cvutar la turn. ft-an1. from the bunch.
The announcement of Gotch's In
- - 1 i ... . 1 .... I wilt Ka ra
vrinir'i : m , i a. vi a ... . . . -
Celvo w:tn ti-iifrni vy ihi .-
of the grappling fimf. Ootch la o
far superior i. anv oiner r-.-e.i--r ,i
tha world tliat rn'ly he baa a llttl
. . a . a a. a , a 1 - TV,
IDonopoiT ' i rin pwn uri inw hub.
exhibition here will probable be slatted
I n in. pig rinoi n 1 1. u ii
-lAilafA .a a--nma4 nf MVur.l thOUHnd.
Henry Oplrmana, the wonderful
tu li. . t t'aj ll.a 1 a lll
piOorpiiii iiwsiiii i " " -
Amerlcu-. It la rumored, are to be
vnreo os me umrn ! ij, ''' i- "
aelinue prrinnnri nae wi "
Bounce J.
itumors of a "Doc- Roller world
tour are wafting about on fancv'
wings. nii'r w in 1,1
Other dir. according to several friends.
ana wnue nere iniormea nw .I'luami
anres lhat he had grabbed ti; tw
PDIK7 r 1 11111 II 1' 1 iimiaiia - - .
to swing around the hemisphere with
inem. t
lioller annexed a slice T 111.000 ai
hla ehara of the llickenechmlnl lm
broglio. At least t!ns Is t!ie amoun
a I . k.1- a.nia In th dnC
umenta shoved Into publicity's maw
rr -ur. juck i. uney in -r iht
Mt fc. I ..nfaaa4 Ih 1 1 h T
U I IUIVI". nilll II pmin'i
flay, alone with IIS.O0O of the $43,000
l urley coppeo on rrom in- jiiwihui
end. Hack took the remaining IJ.
tO. Curlev'a renl name la Arnoll
From time lo time rumors have
wasted valuable spare In local papers
rhronlellris; the prediction lhat Man
Ktr McCreille would probably relesrale
lommy rneenan. hhmiiu ....
lacker, to the bench and place Kodsers
t the difficult comer.
Captain Sheehan has been playing a
particularly heady aame at third In
Ike past fnrtnla-ht or so. and the ampu
ttlon chatter eour.-li somewhat 111
ttmed. Tommy l.i hittir Zt. which
... i i ..l,.l,tar a.nn In
iddltion Is one of the leading sacrifice
Utters In the Coast circuit and stands
:hird amen Braver run-cetiers, only
Kvan ana Krueger icaumn iniia.
. .W.a faal-am I m -a l . TA
and fit fur battle, there still remains
lhat Insurmountable sentiment analnst
ireaKin( mio a iinr.;ni iihiiimii.....
The Beavers h.ive now won seven
tratcht a-ame-i. Captain srieehan Is In
rood fettle, while It would take RoJ
rrs several ca si best lo (ret Into
Perfect trim -ere he to be ehunted to
an Infield position, so the rumors have
evidently not eriKlnatcd w)th . Mc-aS-edle.
blc le.isue e. out." wrltlnc under
. . . i ... i i v I.. anarelea
irai p"-un"ii in - " -
Times. d.rr--ci ,e l!;e wrk of "Flame
Iirlll anil mi" ini i-nnr-Uridine:
of biint mil keep him from
tann'.efootir.c w'lh e Chicago Sol
nevt season.
Then T-ote tni. wilch 'lie same al
leged sccnit i;r.turil-n. from t'ie spleen
"Iiennle Hemlerson a sroore"
t!tcher and i!l .! In the bis;
leacue u''.!. he chances his style. He
lays th-m rt-:!;l over and even Ihotich
be hoMa t minor l-irnira lo few
blls be w:l rnrr fi .-l the blir. one.,
for that ! the on tMn Ihcy are
wa'.tTi: fir a bill over the center
of the plat. vthi-r- th-v can at least
drive It -vitii ?n:i row T rvrn If It does
McCr.He. Inecxo-. Mnk I:e lll
eep pn a few weeks li'ndT. and
fcout Jirn M Otilie of the feve'an.l
'ati iw-io knew -i vrrv !ttle about
pitcher. t.Tji he . like. up Vean t;resa
from -pokai-.e two .e.-ons ii;ni turns
three cereorat S an l-prmcs every lime
It. recor.r-:ier3 ri t e relcvborhood of
a National t'orini'naiiin blacklist parch
pent. has dallied near a cornu
copia of prunes.
Ticket for lluddy Ran t.ame on
(tndav o on alr.
If sonte one had pissed through the
stands In the auth Innlnx yester
day and .old "It irtdv Ryan !')" tick
ets for :ie te.t benefit ftatiie
ti be plaed r.i-t Mondiy. every last
fan would have ooueht a tlrk
et, for Biiditv Mt the ball out of tho
lot for a home inn mid won the sjstne
for I'ortlnrr.l.
Tha sticky outfield -r l.i tha most pop
ular player in the t-jx. but when the
receipts of tho hi K-ime nevt Monday
a,ra divided, all Ihe Portland Heavers,
except Mara-ier M.'Crriiie. - ill share
In the proceeds, though rUuiily will itet
the bister per cent.
Tha Beavers will play their rea-nlar
tram text Monday. ecet-i that ilax
myer will r" h ard Terry McKune will
play some position. Opposed to the la
rlftc Coast i.eautie lea.irrs will he the
Columbus Club team, claimants for the
rhamr;urhip of urrsun. The Colum
bus Club Is dor.atli k Its services to
help rut the Biddy Kn day cause.
Tick- ts are now on sale at the var
ious ciivar stores and as soon as ar
ranxrmrnts can ba perfectt-il. a canvass
of tha ur.3 will be mate in order to
make next Monday' even a record-breaker.
aent In Maxwell, a Birmingham re
cruit, to pitch the second cams, which
tha locals won after a bard flsht. New
Tork pilfered seven bases In this came.
First same
K. H. E. R- H. E.
New Tork . e.St. Lonla
Batteries Wlltse. Mshewson and
Meyers; Harmon and BUs. Umplrea
Rleler and Ftnneran.
Second same
R. H. E.J R. H. E.
New Tork. 7 10 1 St. Louis... 8 11 0
Batteries Maxwell an ft Meyers.
Hartley: 8-teele. Dale and Wlngo. Um
pires Rls-ler and Flnneran.
IMtl dSurtr 4, Boston 3.
riTTSBUF.O. S-pt. II. Boston today
was beaten In another close game.
R. 1L E. R- II. E.
Pllttburs . vBoston . .J 2
Butteirles Camnitx and Simpson;
Donnelly and Kl:ns-
L'tnplresj Kaaon and Johnstone
Nev. York 3-7. M. louN S-R.
T. LOflS. Sepl. :i New Vork won
the first game and 1. Louis look the
second of today's double-header in the
fsreaell scries between the learns.
McOraw was confident that hla lead
Was sufflclent to win tbe pennant and
Chicago 0-a, Philadelphia 4-2.
CHICAGO. Sept. II. Chicago and
Philadelphia today . broke even, tha
visitors winning: the first gain by
bunching hits and the locals taking
the second on errors, bases en balls
and a areneral batting bee. Loborl's
base running and the r'trhlng of Alex
ander wore features. First game:
R. If. K J R. H. E
Chicago ..0 4 l.Phlla . ,.. 4 10 1
Batteries Rulbe.rh and Graham
Alexander and MaJnen.
I'mpiros Klem and Brennan.
lecond Fme:
R. If. E.! R.ILE.
Chicago .. 1 1 PhiU .... 2
Batteries Smith and Areher; Chalm
ers. Curtis. Stanley and Cotter. Lm'
plrea Klem and Brennan.
Cincinnati 4-0, Brooklyn 3-4.
CINCINNATI. Sept. 21. Cincinnati
and Brooklyn broke even In a double-
header here, the locals winning th
first game, a 15-lnnlng affair.
First game
R. If. E.' R- H. E.
Brooklyn .1 11 1 Cincinnati .4 14 2
Batteries Knatxer and lirwln
Succs. Compton and McLean. Um
pires Bush and Emslle.
Second game
R. H. E l R. H. E.
Brooklyn .4 4 0 Cincinnati .0 2 2
Batteries Knetxer and Miller: Ben
ton and McLean. Severold. Umpires
O'Pay and Emslle.
Cleveland 8, New York 1.
NEW YORK; Sept II. Cleveland
eaully defeated New Vork today. Qulnn
wa. knocked out of the box In the
sixth. A llne-r from Williams' bat
knocked out Mitchell for flva min
utes, but he recovered and finished the
game. Secure:
R. 1L E.i R. H. E.
Cleveland . 14 0 New Tork .14
Batteries Mllchell and Easterly
Qulnn. Hoff and Williams.
Philadelphia 7. St. Ion Is 4.
Louis was defeated for the third
straight lime here today. Score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E
St- Louis ..4 S Z.PMlndel ...7 10 0
Batteries Nelson. Brown. Mitchell
and Clarke; Morgan and Livingston.
leffrolt S. Boston I.
BOSTON, Sept. Sl.-O'Brlen's wlld
ness In the first Inning, coupled with
errors, gave Detroit today's game. De
troit failed to score In tha second, al
though Mulltn's double came among
three passes. Score:
Boston ...1 4. Detroit 2 t 3
Batteries O'Brien and Williams:
Mullm and Stanage.
YESTERDAT Walter McCredle was
notified that four players bad
been turned over to him by the Cleve
land American League team. They
are: caicner i ran nowiey, lormwur v
the In llunapolls American Association
team; Walter Doano, outfielder ttnd
pitcher of New Orleans, boutnern
League team: Pitcher Hlrsch. of the
Grand Island. Nebraska League team.
and Bobby Coltiin. tha little shortstop
of tha Portland Northwestern League
club. While McCredle Is privileged to
use any of tne. players this year, he
nnounceJ that bo would not use any
of them, with the possible exception of
Coltrtn. until next Spring.
Dan Howley Is a tall, rangy catcher
who has been with Indianapolis for
two seasons, and who belonged to the
Cleveland club through purchase. Last
yeex Chester Chadbourna was a mem
ber of the Hoosler team, and be speaks
blKhly of Howley. "Inn Howley Is a
irrat catcher." said Chsdbourne yes
terday. "nd If he Is coming to Port
land. McCredu will have, a flrsl-r.i:e
backstop. Howley Is a fine receiver, a
go-d thrower, and one of the best bat
ting catchers In minor league, 1 am
surprised lhat Cleveland la not giving
him a chance."
Actio Cmwrrr and Roger Peckln-
paiiiih speak In the nirnei-t or lerms or
Doane. the former Virginia Leaguer,
who Is noted as a tlugcer. Ho was the
plaver McCredle expected to land a
member of bis pitching staff lost Fall
but the American League clubs held
him un through refusing to waive so
long lhat the I on land leader completed
his plti-lnr.g start and could not use tne
b,.r Ylra-itiian. Ioane was then turned
over to New Orleans by Cleveland, and
ha hit like a demon for the boutnern
leaiu. champions. He will be a mem-
bor of the Beaver squad at the Califor
nia training grounds next Spring.
When Buddy Ryan laced the ball
out of the lot yesternay aiiernoou no
rounded out a total of II homers for
the season. In four bagKers Buddy Is
leading the I'acltlc Coast League bats-
mn and llkcwls in rne percentages.
-at year "llnir Hociie, oi ins on
Franclco club - home runs in
too season, but aid not gi one oi mem
on the t'oriiana oi. mivrr., u "
made seven home runs In this city this
.vi.-nn. Buddy's blnnle yesterday will
add xe.-t to the L't.tldy Ryan Day bene
fit game to ba played next aionoay
afternoon. In whUli game an oi nis
teammates wU share In tha proceeds.
Umpire Finney says that ha does not
believe a minor league ciuo any wncu
Hie country could nave Doaieo u
t'ortland the way It has played in
he Inst two weeks, rinney says inn
the games nave oeen a I'm""!.
because rtwst of the plays have been
cleancut .md there nas oeen no wraua-
inn or ur.n-cessary neiays ripwieiuf.-
e . . 1 V. I ,.mn-.aa
on the niamimii. i nv a....,-...:
h i. also tieen a iacior in me :mi-i played, for the presence
of two officials eliminates most of the
d'sputes common where one offical Is
compelled lo work In closely contested
much r Ses-un Opens Sunday.
The National soccer team, claimants
of the state championship last year,
will open Its 1S11 season Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock Willi a practice
game at tha Columbus Club grounds.
Several new players will ba given a
trial- at this opening session.
Tennis Matches Halted
Jupiter Pluvius.
Mrs. L. 3L Starr Defeats Miss Hus
ton In e-1, 6-4 and .Latter Paired
With Mrs. Judge Win Doubles.
How Play Succeeded.
Rain, which fell late yesterday,
called another halt In the tennla tour
nament play at the Irvlngton Club,
after several good matches had been
played. Tho Leadbetter - Fording
match was one of tha most Important
of these postponed.
Owing to the fact that the play has
so often been postponed and several
entrants are acheduled in various
events, there were several defaulta
registered yesterday. Tha day's sum
mary follows:
Wilson beat Van Loan. 0-2. -I: Mrs. ajarr
beat alias Huston. 0-1. ; Humphrey beat
Mitchell br default: MrKlnnon beat Weilon,
6 .1. S-4: Mlaa Campbell beat Ml". Johnson.
l-7 "-.1: Itr. Jud and Mi" Huaton beat
ml., n.'ha.f.r anal l.eaOD.tier. o-.. "
J or.
Con.lanllr.e beat Eoar. B-Jl.
. a - .1 I'n.rl!! kill Mt.ep Uld
dan. 8-1 7-i: Holbroi.k. beat MUCB.U 0T ""
fault: Mrs. Cook and Kiarr heat ls
Hcha.Or anil Jordan. -T, 6-4. 14-1: Morton
heal E H. Smith. 8-3. -. 0; and
OUbert heal Van Loan and partner by d
lault: Han ai,.l Farso beat Jones ana
Wheeler ty d. fault ; oo.s heat Muns.r. o-.
0-3: K. Ourrl.l beat Hosenf.ld by default.
Today's Brtiedala.
13 noon Wilson vs. E lxar.
i::3 Winner wi'.soo-fMiar mstrh va
Morton: Mit. Hou.ton and Ullbert vs. Miss
Lead ett-r and Wakemsn.
I ;jn Mrs. Judss va. sllaa Hrha.fsr; win
ner Houston and Gilbert-Leadhetter and
Wnkeman vs. Mrs. Cuok and Btaxr. tihlves and Koiwnf.ld va. Wabatel"
and v:dsnr: Conatantlne and Oarr.a vs. Mill
and Uon)i.m: Ml.. Fox and Brewer vs. airs.
Judre and Mitchell.
8 00 a. Gorrlll va Wood; Mrs. Starr va.
Mrs. Judge.
3:o MrKlnnon and Fralney va Wllklns
and fitnifer- llolhrook va McKlnnon: (to..
v. HumDhr.y: Brunn and Gilbert vs. Hart
and Famo: Latouretta and Gorrlll va op-
l.oneni.: winner Mrs. Judae and Schaefor
a. Mit. Fox; Hedges and Hutcblna vs. op
ponerta. 4 3H eabln va winner Hnlhrook and Mo
Klnnon: Conatantlne vi. winner Gorrlll ana
Wood: It. Gorrl'.l vs winner Goes and Hum
phrey: Ml. Campbell va. winner Fording
and la.adbetler match.
Tern's Trick llonts) Prldo of aLlsmore
In Great Race at Sjiokane.
COEl'R D'ALENE. Idaho. Sept. 21.
Tern's Trick and Pride of Llsmore. two
of the greatest sprinters ever seen In
this section, ran a hot race In the five
furlonps race on the Lake City track
tol:y. the holder of the world's record
beating the Pride half a length
Klrat rare, five furlons.. .ellln Penang
)Frach. 10 to 1. won; Mssolo (Mclntyrel.
tl to 1. eerond: Prlnra of Hohemla oiuiii-
rnn). '.'O to 1. third. Time, i t's .-.1. i"
r. Mono l.nke. staed. wild Bear. Burl and
Ketman finished aa named.
recond race, five and one-half furlonsrs,
ailln, Innl, Well. iHilDsllll). 0 tO 1!. WOU,
Ituslv Coat (Buxton). 15 to 1. second: Pain
eat 1 Rosen), a", to I. third. Time. 1 :0f . Paa-
senser. Burning Push. Geneva and Helen
U.nkli. flnlmlirrt named.
Third race, six furlong., selling Meddling
H.-iniinh (tavanaugh 1. 10 R. won: Waner
Krnrh). 1 to 1, .er.i:io; Iley el lovsr iney-
nold.i. lo 10 1. third. Time. 1:1 1-0.
Charles Green. Plr Fretful. Barnsdale, Bir
die P.. Lord Clinton and Eddie Mott finished
a. named.
Fourth race, five furlongs, purse Terns
Trick (Buxton). 1 to S. won; Pride of Lls
more (Mulligan!. 6 to 1. second: Useelt
( Perkins i. 15 to 1. third. Time. i:uu.
Theda and Btar Actor finished as named.
Six furlongs, selling Blondy (Riddle). 4
to 1. won; Ben Stone (Corey). l!t to 1, sec
ond: (irammercy (Frach). 8 to 1. third.
Time. 1:15 2-a. Chantleler, Judge Cabaniaa.
Good Fhlp. Chief Desmond. Meada and Las
car finished as named.
Flxih race. mil., .eninc ueiena (Mop
klnsi. t to Q. won: Tlflla (Rosen), 8 to 1.
second: Bonn!. Bard (Gross). IS to 1, third.
Time. 1:42 l-. Kdwln T. Fryer. Snees.r.
Foregusrd. Sorrowful and Mauretanta fin
ished as named.
Principals to Arrange Schedules and
Take Charge of Games for
Vonngsters This Year.
Student managers have proved a
failure In the Portland Grammar
School Football League, and at a meet
ing of the officials yesterday It was
decided that school principals shall
hereafter hold the managerial reins.
All schools desiring to enter the cir
cuit are required to make application
before October 2. so that the schedule
can be arattea ana piay oegun. 1 no
final games will be played on or before
At yesterdays meeting O. E. Harrl-
gan, of Holladay ISchool. resigned as a
director and Principal Klgglns, of Ladd
Pchool. was elected to the vacancy.
Robert Krohn Is president, A. R Dra
per secretary. K. IL Thomaa treasurer
and the other directors are Hugh Boy
and Principal Klggins.
The division of the territory will be
arrangel by Mr. Krohn and Mr. Dra
per. 1-ast year 3s teams entered and
were divided Into six groups. The
same plan win De toiioweu out this
year. In each section a principal will
be appointed, who will have charge of
the preliminary schedule, appointing
the lime, place and the referee.
Two classes are provided for, heavy
weight and lightweight, the dividing
line being 115 pounda. The Honeyman
Hardware Company has offered a. tro
phy, which will be on display In one
of the Fourth-street windows In a few
Soccer will be tried by the' league
for schools which do not wish to enter
By Common Garden Sage, :
Simple Eemedy for Dandruff,.
Falling, Faded, Gray Hair.
The old Idea of using sage for dark
ening the hair Is again coming In
vogue. Our grandmothers used to have
dark, glossy hair at the age of TS.
while onr mothers have white hair be
fore they are 60. Our grandmothers
used to make a "sage tea" and apply
It to their hair. The tea made their
hair- soft and glossy, and gradually
restored the natural color.
One objection to using such a prep
aration was the trouble of making It,
especially as It had to be made every
two or three days, on account of souring
quickly. This objection has been over
come, and by asking almost any first
class druggist for Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Hair Remedy the public can
get a superior preparation of sage, with
the admixture of sulphur, another val
uable remedy for hair and scalp troub
les. Daily use of this preparation will
not only quickly restore the color of the
hair, but will also stop the hair from
falling out and make It grow.
Get a bottle from your druggist to
day. Use It and see for yourself how
-iniokiv dandruff goes and gray hairs
This preparation Is offered to the
public at BO cents a bottle, and Is rec
ommended and sold by all druggists.
Special agent. Owl Drug Company.
Jensvold, Gloss; fours, McDonald,
Chlrlcerlnir. Stone. Prater, Meyers,
Wait. Helwlg. Hanson. Dent. Llewellyn.
Newell. Shearer. Cooper. Lets. De Marr,
ti.anilii- and Kellv.
The doubles and fours have not
been divided Into teams as yet, but
.t,. n.niMninti are shown In the list
of entries," said Mr. Allen.
Trwittmll Players Appear in
University Tryouts.
T-vTirrucrrv (TP WASHINGTON.
Seattle. Wash.. Sept. II. (Special.)
At the most distant end, of the ath
letic field. Coach Doble Is putting the
a . ,.. ioia "tv" font-
eleven memoers m -
ball team, who returned to the coi
the physical exercise
no..'.. . t-v to nrenare them for ham
mering by the second team. Forty
vi.i.iri turned out the other night and
mar. rial la nlentlful. but what
Dobie Is looking for now .more than
ti.- nna thins- Is a punt artist
..n fin tha kahkl breeches of
Max Eakins. the veteran punter of the
I'niverstty of Washington varsity, who
has completed his four years of foot
ball. Captain 'Wee Cole, of the varsity. Is
convalescing from a severe Illness and
because of the rule of the faculty pro
viding that all men must practice at
least 30 days before entering a con
ference, will probably be barred from
the mix with the University of Idaho
esrly In October.
Fast Horse Shows Speed In Special
Trot at Fair Races.
Cantatrlce. owned by C. W. Flanders,
winner of the $2500 trot at Vancouver,
B. C, several weeks ago, again demon
strated class by taking the special trot
event at the Gresham fair races yes
terday. The summary:
Epeclsl trot Csntatrlce first. Halite C
second. Hunky Dory third, Paul W. fourth.
Time. Saas. S:121. 3:11V..
Special pace iaovelace first. Georgia Bose
second. Rocket third, Chlco fourth. Time,
2:3V.. 11:30. g ift'i.
Furnish Irrigation Settlers Take 38
Trophies at Pendleton.
BTANFTELD. Or Sept. 2L (Spe
cial.) Settlers on the Furnish Irriga
tion Project carried off 3S first and
second prizes at the district fair just
closed at Pendleton. This Includes
three prizes on poultry, won by Mrs.
G. L. Hurd, on Barred Plymouth
Rev. P. E. Faucett won first and sec
ond prises on alfalfa and stalk need
corn and first on honey. George Rels
ling was first In field corn, and F. A.
Baker second In field corn and sorg
hum, and won first prize for nuts and
broom corn. In apples, J. Pelmulder
won second on cummins favorite.
and E. T. Fish got first on Strawberry
apples. Mr. Fish also won first on
Flemish Beauty pears. Mr. Pelmulder
won three firsts on different varieties
of prunes.
Two prizes were won for peaches,
one by H. D. Meyers, first, on Myers'
Freestone, and one second by J. H-
Toung on late Crawfords. M. C. Bar
ager won the first and only prize
awarded for strawberries.
William Fredorickson carried off two
seconds on carrots and on muakmrl
ons; O. W. Bachelder second on kohl
rabi; Mrs. J. U. Fulford. second,
squash; Mrs. O. L Hurd. first, ground
cherries; Mrs. B. X. Wheeler, second.
tomatoes; M. C-'Barager. second, potatoes.
The Furnish Irrigation project was
also awarded diplomas for the best and
largest display of fruit and for the
best and largest display of vegetables.
Development on this project was
started only a little over a year ago.
To be sure to dispose of all of the
Apple Land pianos before Tuesday
night, we are going to rent some of
Very few people realize what this
opportunity really means.
Ellers Music House is selling for a
land company three carloads of new
pianos. It Isn t a question or making
4 The Ritz-Carlton of the Northwest ' J IKSJIJ
offers to the discriminating traveler the assurance of tin- vt3iti !
"excelled service, comfort and convenience at the lowest rate
) oompatible with their excellence. " IvM ((& i'.jj 'i
I Absolutely Fireproof. 200 Booms, 120 Bathrooms. g'i'.B i
Reinforced Concrete Building. ' Every room Faces the Street. tei&JJi
Superbly Furnished and Appointed. v OfelilSlI
The dining place for the discriminating at popular prices.
Owing to the great success of the Carlton Restaurant and
Cafe, these will be open till midnight.
Tables May Be Reserved by Telephone.
-I Main 3435
A 6118-6119
' Id
Fourteenth, Washington and
Burnside Streets, Portland. Or.
estate Is now the bone of contention
In a contest In the courts between
Myers' sons and their stepmother.
In announcing his decision Judge
Gatens said he was aware of the
trmihlfl In the family, but that the
TILLAMOOK HARBOR INTERESTS ' statutes left him no other course to
pursue. The decision makes It neces-
Bayocean Promoters Propose Scheme
Push Construction of Pro
jected South Jetty.
sary for young Myers to depend upon
his stepmother, whom he Is opposing
In the will contest, for his support
during the settlement of the estate or
receive nothing from it until the
trouble has been adjusted and distri
bution Is made.
EUGENE. Or.. Sept. 20. (Special.)
The Eugene schools have opened with
a total registration for the first, day
of 1480. Registration is by no means
complete, as many of the school chil
dren are still employed in the hopyards
and prune orchards of the county. Bot!
these crops are very much delayed
this year. Total registration for the
semester is expected to reach 2000. -
rea-nlar football and a soccer schedule ' front. We don't believe that the ac-
arrana-ed for these schools, berlnnlns;
after Thanksgiving.
Portland Rowing Club Announces
Entries Officials Named.
Officials and entries for the annual
Full reiratta of the Portland Rowing
Clubiw.-re Riven out last night by
Captain Art Allen, who predicts a most
succexsful afternoon on the Willamette.
Three crews will compete In both the
double and the fours, with from four
to five entries In the Junior singles
and the training boat singles, a step
pirn; stone to the single shells.
H. K. Judge, president of the club.
has been named referee: Coach R. C the belter ones.
,i -a . . - UT P.ii.1. I .. I - . T t K anaH I. i.ii a- i , -1 . ... . Juqil
The entries are:
Junior slng'.es. Shockley. Wiser,
Gamle. Haveley; training boat singles.
Coming. Kelly. Ray, Jensvold; doubles.
JJaveley, Ifaender, Corning. Helwig,
tual factory cost Is being realized by
these people for these pianos at the
prices we have been authorised to put
trieir. out. We get a little commission
fur selling them.
Have you ever seen a brand new.
well-finished splendid toned warranted
o ano for H6 before? Tou have not.
And you probably never wilt again, at
least cot the high-class piano that is
obtainable for this little money In this
You ought to see the magnificent
pianos that can be bad for $288 cash or
Si a month. For such a piano old
time dealers would charge at least
4C0, possibly 1500.
Come and see these pianos before it's
too late. If you are not prepared to
buy one. rent one. t a month for the
less expensive styles. (. a month for
rollers Music House,
now at 7th and Alder.
TILLAMOOK. Or., Sept. 21. (Spe
cial.) H. T. Botts, James Walton, jr..
and M. P. Leach, representing tne -on
of Tillamook, and Webster Holmes and ,
George W. Wlllett, president and sec
retary of the Tillamook Commercial J
Club, and Fred C. Baker had a' confer- ;
ence with Irving B. Potter and the ;
Bayocean Interests regarding bar and j
harbor improvements.
Mr. Potter made a proposition mat.
aa soon aa tne iort ot Dajueau
organized It would bond the district
for 1100,009 and start worK on mo
south Jetty, provided that the Port of
Tillamook would agree to take hold of ,
the work after that amount was ex- ;
pended; also the Port of Bayocean ;
would open the Sturgeon Channel and I
meet the Tillamook port at Dick's I
Point and to expedite the harbor lm- i
nrovements in its territory the T.' B.
t . . . . r . . 1 .1 lah 1.a
1'Olier neaity i.i'nijitviij' nvuiu . " n.
free use of Its dredn-e.
The proposition of the Government
engineer to build a north Jetty does
not meet with much favor, especially
V. iwinBtilTlnir .rirlnimr hAX advised
the Port of Tillamook not to put any 1
money In the north Jetty, which places I
the commissioners In an embarrassing j
position. The proposition of Mr. Pot- (
ter to go ahead witn tne worn inae-
pendently meets with some favor, but
until the suit pending against the Port '
of Tillamook is decided that port could !
not do anything, but It is thought that j
If Bayocean will start In as suggested.
Tillamook will back It up, as well as
the Port of Bay City. It was decided
that the three ports have a conference
In the near future and agree upon I
some line of action in getting the work
started, aa there Is no assurance when
Government aid can be obtained.
a 'I I'fSJ if tm M
An suto car has beeo designed in Prance,
the top and sides of which are constructed
of heavy plate glass. It ts meant to fol
low and obaarva balloons and aeroplanes la
their flights.
Salmon Await Weather Change Be
fore Entering Columbia,
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 21. (Special.)
The catch of fish In the Columbia
River Is st'U exceptionally small and
very little has been done since the
opening week when big hauls were
made. Largo numbers of sllversldes
and some Fall chlnooks are reported as
hanging about outside the mouth of tho i
river, but they -are not expected to
come In until after the weather con
ditions change.
Tha success that some of the men
who have been troll'ng outside have
met with, has given rise to the belief
that this class of fishing will be in
dulged In extensively In the future, es
pecially during the closed seasons In
the river, as the fish, which are caught
three miles outside can be sold In mar
kets, even when fishing Is prohibited
In stats waters.
Judge Gatens Reverses County Court
In Myers' Estate Case.
Presiding Judge Gatens yesterday
reversed a decision of County Judge
Cleeton' allowing a separate allowance
of ITS a month to Joseph Myers, a
minor son of Joseph Myers, a pioneer
and wealthy resident of Salem, whose
Don't buy an electric car on looks alone. Looks
won't keep the mechanism in condition or prevent
big repair bills. Looks won't keep springs and axles
from breaking and they won't prevent pneumatic
tires from blowing out and causing all sorts of an
noyance. Some makers depend on looks to sell cars to
women because they know women don't know any
thing about the macliiner' and construction. But
the "come-back" at the end of the season proves the
fallacy of "looks" and the beauty, of quality. .
If there is one Quality Electric in the world it is'
the new shaft-driven Woods. The makers pay as
much attention to looks as others do, but theirfirst
thought is quality and long life. Luxuriousness,
comfort, beauty these are matters-of-course- This
is the reason why there are fifty Woods cars to every
one of other makes, and why the percentage is con
stantly mounting higher.
The Woods is the accepted car for social uses,'
and whoever owns one is correct from every
Woods Motor Vehicle
Local Agents Covey Motor Car Co.,
21st and Washington Sts.