"1 OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. I'SST I BAT SAVES BEAVERS .Mighty Buddy Breaks Up Tie : Score With Home-Run : Whack Over Fence. SILVER SHOWER IS REWARD Oakland Downed In Third Vtrmlght Game, Tom he-aton Outfllnflnj Crrcory Portland Bunch mta When TbrT Po Good. HT. W. J. PETRA1V. - Buddy Ryan mad It three straight victories over Oakland yesterdHjr when t batted on of Gregory alow balls cut of th lot for a noma run In the sixth inning, and transformed a 2-to-l tie cam Into a J-to-2 win for Port land. It was a great, hit. and the popular outfielder, who goes to the Cleveland Americans neat season, waa showered with silver. tr the enthu siastic fans. It was another hard-fou;ht. well played a-anie In which .thwr wer o many eaoltlna: Incident that the fana were riant on edge when Kyan cam to th front with hla terrific clout. Harry Wolverton sent Orea-ory on the hl'.l. and the bin pitcher was treated Unceremoniously by Artie Krueger. who hd the temerity to slam one of bis shoots for two basra In tha first Inning. . This clout registered Bill Kapps and Buddy Hyan f.r a brace of I'ortland Tuns right off the reel. Zarher Beatoa'a Jlam. The Oaks oyer dangerous through ' th game, cam back and tied up the cor by reglst'rlng runs In the fourth and sixth tnnlna-s. which put them on even terms with the Beavers until T.yan opened the sixth for his club by Hamming the ball out of the lot. Torn Keatnn waa on the hill for Fort ' land and he allowed the Oaks six 'tingles, two of which wer doubles by Etcher. Both thee hits counted In the visitors' rungettlng. The Beavers got to Gregory In th epenlng Inning Chadbourne was out on a fly to Wolverton. when IJndsay. who made three hits In the fracas, spanked a clean smash to right field. Kapps bunted and was safe on Gregory's rr.r. while .Indsay. who had gon to second on a balk, look third. ul-inaw made a great stop of Ryan's frtv and tossed Lindsay out at th plate. Gregory contributed a wild pitch while Krueer waa up. and Kapps went to third and Ryan to second. From there both scored esstly when Krueeer laced a corking two bag ger to right. Oaaa t Baca, aad Tie. The two run lead looked g.iod to the fn. but aa usual, the heavy hit ting oaks came from behind and tied up the a.-ore. In the fourth Coy was passed as first man up. and Elmer fearher landed on one of jieaton's offer ing, for hla first double. Coy scoring. With two out In the sixth Inning Cacher acaln doubled. This time Harry Wolverton followed by poling one Into right field which sent th big fellow across with the tying run. W,T" ton t-led to take two bases on the hit, but Ryan made a great toss 'ralsrhl "Into lecklnpaugh's hand, and Wol verton was out at mldstatlon. Pud lv. the first Beaver up In Port land's hlf of th sixth, hoisted the third ball pitched to him out of th "lot high over the rlrht nld fence. Aa son a a he had acored. Buddy got busy picking up th coin showered at him. tn which he was helped by Mltxe and . Christian of the Oaks, and a flock of the Portland player. Headers r teeai Today. Both Beaton and Gregory were In vincible after the sixth Inning, and the game ended with TorUand at the long end of a 3-to-l argument.. Hen derson or Steen will be on lh mounl for Portland today, while Wolverton Vlll depend on either Flater or Mir tlnont to do th honors for the Oaka. The scor: Oakland I Portland At.liro.AF:' Ab.HPo.AE. II Tan If . 4 for cf . . 1 n s-.n.rf 4 7irhr tt J 0 Ch'b'ns.lf S t I : i.riu.:b o Happala. i a i i i t i l t i o 1 ! 1 fi..B la 3 2 1 Kr'cser.ef SVharvSb 0 l-'k xh.s. S Kuh n.e. .. lscaton.p. t'-fsw.b. 4 Vsresse I J'esri'e.c. 3 j;-tt p a binger i t t o T"'s!. l' U I Total Jl ; u Han f..r wolverton in nimn. SCORE BT INXtNOS. Os.'.nd 1 1 ! 1.1 O I I 50 l VMnsDil Hits . SOltf 3 ."""""a i a i a i t SUM MART. Kucnr. 7.arher Rapr. Ryan i. "truck em lit Beaton . br lirrcry J. Pases oo k;:s Off iw.ton 1. off Gregory 1. Tan has bus Kruerer. Zach.r 2. Wolverton. Thre- hit Kvan. Home run Bran. Double j,..t ilregory to Wolverton. tascrlflr hit Votrcn.n. Ftolen bases Llndr. Hheehaa. Wild pti.-b tlregorr Hal i.reg.'ry. Time ef gsme I hour S3 minutes. I roplre rtaney and Vaa tlaltren. Mete f th Game. -What's th scorer asked osens of fans ! along the rout of cars after yesterday's , gvme "Paddy R)n i. Oakland 2." cam the answer. In addition to .winning the gam with Ms bem.r. Ruo.1v also contribute mr--; bcsr bis n.xt time up. but a 4oubl play prevented him from scoring. ! Tod 1M ba ladles' day and all of th f'r fos a ill b importuned to buy 'Buddy Kill dar" tit keta. so girls bring along l our potketbooka With two m"n out In th ninth Inning. Ksrrv Wolverton doubled to Uft. and told binr ta ma la bis st.sdU Cutshaw J ihd(J and the game waa over. Artie Knwfrr dllverert tb aooda la i s-rvet style tn the first Inutnx yesterday, for F.is tvo-haer gav TortUnd a tsrorua lead whlva "as needed ev.ntually. , Bill Lindsay Is hitting like a Bend sine i th llaers have r.turneo aome. tesi.r- : cr tni c.tne-ivnllo'ii p. ever s.amm.d out i thre hue la four tlmrs at bat. I Aft. nuitdv s; van hoinr4 In the sixth. ' Tommy Miwhan brohs Into the base-hit column, but ns sit imi. as ins uski nsnc saed ht and cut off Pe-ktnpausa and fcLubn. ' Fsatoa wound ap th e'.ghth Inning by fannies bolb Wsres aid t'.stc-. fttotn t tnss batters ar good bitters, and Tommy ' had to plica some ta accompllan tn seat. Big J'ha Tledemann. the regular Oak 1 flr.l-sack.r. wss out In antform yesterdsy. i Aa.t tt 1. likely that he will g.C Into tba I sma ldir or tomorrow. "laay HoiTman mal a great running ' ratra of re kinrstish Ion drlv In th second Innln. Tnis bit would have bera i good foe tare bases had It landed safely. I rftnnb.-Mro made severs! tine catches la left f'.l I yesterdsv and tried hard to Isnd 1 tn the base-bit column, but lreory proved IOO wary tor in ivemver - n ........ . t AXGE1.S AXD SEALS PL.VY TIE i Praan C.gme Called In Thirteenth Mlth Score Two-All. i t- 1 Anaelea battled for IS Innings this afternoon ana mta gam waa called because i oaraneaa. the gcor being; J to J. Johnson, of OUT ASH San Francisco, made a home run In the fourth, tying the score. Score: v . 1.- I San Tn.f'K O Ab.HPo.Ai:f ;"pf,Ac H-ard.Ih. 1 0 Powell. If. ... . - aa A . -Tnv A k uti lb 1 O 6 Mohler.2b 4 ... . t t v-Hnn - a 3 4 X 0 1 I o r.r.ry lb 4 I 12 M'ui.er.rf 1 0 . m O OJ'nson.cf. Sill 0 n.and.rt I I 1 ? . . , . S T-tianl E 113 S taunt.'.' a S OB.rry.c... 1? L'erens a ft 1 S o ilealey.p. w 1 i Moors. 10. 3 S Ttals.12SIo l! Totala..4i t2 4 SCORE BT IXNIXOi Los An.:.s ..looieoe y Hl:s T 010100301 J12 Ban Krandsco.O O11000O0000O Hits J 11111110100 SUMMARY. Runs Fltxhenry. Bmlth. lohlr. Johnson. gtoa bases Ualey. -r.n-b i2. Horn, run John son. Two-has alts French. MolJ.er. Sacrifice bit Mohier. Kase on bal. 'tt Henley 1. off Lv.rens . Struck out B Kenley a. by Levsrer.a 5. l pl,'"Tt Hon.fr to Tennant to Herry: ferry to Weaver: ra'y to Smith: M txser to Howard to Kltaher.ry. Wild plfh Henley. Tun of gam. ..13. I'nput Mcir.vy. HOGAX-S M EX STILL WIXXLXG s Vernon Dcfeatg Ssncnuijento In Sec ond Game of Series. LOS ANGELES. Sept. II Sacramento was unable to do anything with the WEI.U HAS jrMPED TO TUB 'RO.T IX REMARKABLY SUURT TIME. I "V v "j ' i 1 ' V: - " -- Matt W ells. When Matt Wella. the English llKhtwelght. outpointed and out fought Abe Attell In New York on Wednesdny night, he demon strated In a measure that hie 20 round decision over Kreddl Welsh was not th ' fluk that Welsh clalme. Th Pontypridd vegetarian also beat Attell In IS rounds In Los Angeles on Thanksgiving day of 190H. but not more decisively than did Well the other night. curves of Raleigh today, and Vernon took the second gam of the aertea, J to 1. Score: Vernoa I gacramenti Ab.HPa.AE' Ab.ll.ro.AE. f-r.lle.rf. 1 Kane.lf.. 4 l"Kn.lt 4 B'hesr.: a S'nson.rt. a 1 M'dden.rf Shlnn.lb. 1 Oi'ltke..'b S turn a lb 3 0 14 4 l l a O V U en.rt. a i Jto.p ... 4 Il'rrell.Jb a llorsu.c a Ka.slab.p a 1 0 l ewl. lt. . o a 1 O Thorn i 04 i a a a 1 1rhen.ss ri ald.p. Total, ai IT tU Total., at t J 14 1 SCORE BT INNINGS. Vernon ,- a 0 I " tins :.i a l a a ga.-ramento 1 0 0 1 lilts a e A SCMltART. Runs Carlisle 2. Ksne. Madden. Stolen t.. c'srlt.lei. Two-base hits Csrllate. lr cmo. Sacrifice bits Raleljch. Hhtnn. Ho- in Usee, on balls Off Raleis'i 4. off Vltseeraid Z. struck, out By Rsletch 5. by Flusersld a. Hit by pitcher stlnson. Tim of gvme 1 hour 4ft mlnufea L'mplre Hlldrbraad. "HAPPY" EXPLAINS WHY PORTLAND GOT ALL LfCK, SAYS VETtXOX LEADER. But We're Going to Be In Lead Be fore. End ' of Week,' Declares Hogan, Turned Writer Xow. I-S ANGELES, Sept. IX (SpeclaL) 'Take It from me. we are going to be In the lead 'before the end of the week." aald Happy Hogan today. -We. played 21 games on our last trip and won 13 of them. That la a good record and la one of the best made by any team on th rodd this season. "We also had a number of our play ers crippled, but I do not Ilk to say much about that, as that la a thing that happens to almost any team In the course of a season. "Everything ran smoothly until we struck Portland, We hal won 11 games and lost but four. - As soon aa we struck the Oregon metrolopls, however, we met misfortune. Hosp. Brown. Carson. Castleton and Bur rell were crippled. With a changed lineup almost every day It waa hard to play our beat game. "Then luck went agalnat us. In one of the games that we lost by a 1 to 0 score, th diamond waa one mass of mud. With a man on second and third, one of the Vernon hitters aent the ball out for what looked like a single. The ball struck the pitcher's box and Instead of bounding Into Center field, stuck there. The Port land twlrler fllshed It out of the mud and threw the runner out at first. That Is but one Incident of a run of bad luck. "The Portland crowd la the most rabid I ever saw. When th Beevera wer at bat. the fana along the aide lines would get back so that If the ball were hit along the foul line, the home team could perhaps make three bases or a home run on It. When Vernon waa at bat. they would surge forward ao that If we hit any one all we could get would be two bases, ac cording to ground rules. "1 have brought Pitcher Kllroy with me. He la In good shape and ought to be able to help th team win. The schedule favors us for the remainder of the season and you may be sure that we shall take full advantage of It. 1 put tn. a draft for Oaaklll. who plays In one of the minor leagues, but received word that It waa disallowed, as some other team beat me to him." Tennant at Stake In Game. The deciding game In the Commercial League pennant fight will be played between the W. P. Fullers and the Marshall-Wella tomorrow afternoon. This game has been hanging tire for several weeks, owing to the Inability of the manarers to get their best men together. When the league season was ended these teams were tied for first honors. The game will be played at Columbia Park. Th A. J. Reach Com pany has donated a beautify! trophy for th winning team. 150 SEE ROADSTERS PULLTI6ERS DOWN Tacoma Fans Fail to Turn Out; Home Team Loses in Listless Game. BALL IS SLIPPERY IN RAIN Xicks Score Winning Ruu In Ninth Wbcn Pitcher Gets Wild nnd Bengal Catcher Lets Bad Shoot Escape Him. TACOMA. Wa'sh.. Sept. 11. (Special.) Betore about 150 fana who braved the rain. Portland put over another one on Tacoma today, walloping Shreeder'a wag earners to 1 In a close but rather listless ball game. With the tally tied at th beginning of tli ninth. Gordon s wlldness and an error by Burns gave the Roadsters victory. Moore opened the Inning by getting transportation to first, although many of tha fana believed he should have been called out on strikes. coltrir. advanced him with a nice sacrilict. culni: out himself. Gorrdon to Fisher. Bloomr.e.d laid down a rretty bunt, advanclrr; Moore to third, but waa thrown oit at first himself. Gordon didn't care to take any chances with Mundorff and deliberately walked him. Then Burns let a hot shoot get away from hint and Moor came In. atanding up- Harris got a pas and MundorfT re tired the slCe by getting caught on an attempted steal home. The Tigers could do nothing In their half of the Inning. Gordon and MundorfT put up a pretty pitchers' bat'.la until the ball got too greasy for fancy flinging. Gordon was especially effective In pinches and In the eighth crawled out of a deep hole by whiffing Mensor. Bloomfleld was steady throughout and kept the blngles well distributed. The Tigers tallied first In the open ing frame, thanks to Oddy Abbott's mighty clout. Morse walked and was forced a second by Casey. Then Ab bott whanged the ball out to deep left. It waa a clean two-bagger., but Oddy was Dipped at third after TettlgreWa long heave. Casey scoring. The Roadsters vned the scor In the second. Mensor walked after Pet tigrew fanned. Moore advanced Men sor to second by a sacrifice and then Corlrln laceV. out a single. With a man on third and one on first. Portland pulled the double steal and Mensor chased acroa stbe pan After that It waa close sledding un til the fateful ninth. Both pitchers had the batters buffaloed and they might have played several extra ses sions If Burns hadn't made that "'fox pass" at the critical moment. The game was delayed about ten minutes by rain In the seventh Inning, the plavers retiring to the benches and the bleacherltes seeking shelter in the stands. Finally the weather man re lented and the contest continued, un luckily for Tacoma. The harrowing details follow: Portland I Taooma Ab.HPa.A.E.1 AbH.Po.A.E. u'4'r-fth a 0 a 1 Morse.ss.. a S 1 Hsrrls.cf. 0 "ey.2b . . VbotLrf .. 0 Lynch. rf . ft'iluvn.lf ... arran.lb. e'Ruras.c. . 'Flher.lb. s!dordon.p. a a s ia Srsll.rf. 4 tv'ams.lb a p-t'rew.'f 1 M'nser.2b 1 Moore.e.. 8 .""trln.ss.. 8 Bfleld.p. 4 1 Total. 21 ( 27 18 Oi Total.. 81 17 18 8 SCORE BT IXNINGS. Portland I'SS.iJlZ? Tacoma 1 0 0 01 BCMMABT. Funs Stensor. Moore. Caaer. Stolen bases Tssey tluyn. Pettlerew. Moore. Double pla s Gor-lon to Morse to Fisher: Burns to Fisher. Two.bsss hits Abbott. Mensor. terrific hits Mundorff. Williams. Cnltrln. l,eft on ba.es Tacoma 8. Portland S. Struck out By BlonmfleM 2. by Gordon 4. Base K.;i. ntr nioomfieid a. off Oordon 4. passed ball Burns. Hit by pitched ball Pettlgr". impirs VANCOUVER, SEATTLE DRAW Fnllerton Baffles In First Game; Canadians Win Second. VANCOUVER. Sept- 51. Vancouver mrtA Seattle broke even m touay s aou ble-header. Seattle taking the first ..me. and Vancouver the second. Ful- lerton was a puzzle In the first game and held the league leaders to six scattered hits. In the second tontest, ancouver won try a lop-sided score, due to time ly hitting in the pincnes. scores First game: Vancouver I oeaiu Aatiro.- Ab.H.Po.A.B. Brtn'r.cr 4 V I w 0, Lesrd.2b. 4 2 4 8 Swsln.cf O len't.2b 4 Hr.lb-p. 4 Frisk. If. 4 James 3b 3 rates. If. 8 Pchr.ss. 4 J. Shea. 4 G'S.B-lb. 8 0 0 O 0 Moran.cf. 8 O 8 0 2 8 8 0 Hous r.lt. S 1 2 0 1 0 4 O Bues.3b. . 5 2 2 3 1 0 0 0 Weed. rt. 6 2 11 0 2 4 O Ort.lb... 8 1 0 1 3 0 0 Ray'd.ss. 4 8 18 O 4 1 0 D.Shea.c. 8 14 0 0 8 4 0 Full'sn.p 3 2 14 1 i a ii S3 6 27 IS lj Totals 36 14 27 14 Totals ! SCORE BT INNINGS. Vancouver Seattle .. 0 0000003 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 4 18 SUMMARY. T..n. tiannatt Gervala Bue & Weed 3. Ort 3. Havmond 2. 1. fcbea. Stolen bases Bennett. Gervsls. Koran. Ort. - Sacrlf lc hit Fullerton. Two-la m-i. x. Buss. Brashear. Three-has hit Kay- i ra.itiai nitrhed oervals a. runs 8. hits 14. .Bases on balls Off nervals 3. off Hrashear 1. off Fullerton 2. Struck out i- h, Fullerton 3. Double Play -Leard to Raymond to Ort. Passed ball Phea- Hit by pitcner rr uervtus, trra, Urashear, ort. lima ..va. Second gam: Vancouver- 1 oealtle . Ab.H.Po.A.E. Ab.H.Po.A.E Ben't.Sb. 1 Leard.Jb. 1 0 Pras'r.lb iFrlsk.rf. Jsmes.3b Catealt. Scha'r.s Lewlac. Fngle.p. nwsln.cf 0 Moran.cf. 0' Hout'Mt 0 Bues.Sb. . 0;Weed.rf. 0- Ort.lb. . . 0 Kay'd.ss. 0. Shea.c. . ' Full'on.p ISsae.p.. . Crurkk" 3 0 4 3 10 3 2 2 3 10 3 1 10 3 12 9 12 0 0 0 10 0 110 Totals SO lO 21 14 if Totals 20 0 20 18 3 limited for Fullerton in third. Gam called account darknssa. SCOR 81 BT INNINGS. Vancouver 3 0 0 3 1 410 r,,i ....0 1 3 0 0 0 a STMwART. Runa Leard. Onilckshank. Bennett. Ttrsshesr. Frisk. James, Cates. Lewis. fh.mweber 3. Enale. Stolen bases B-n nett 2. Raymond. Sacrifice hits James, Knele Swain. Two-base hits I.eard. a.i..rew.her. Enzle. Tnre-bsse has 6 hinwsler. Frl.k 3. Lewla Home run Ort. ! on balls Off Engle 1. off Sag a citruca out ry ens'. . i u... ." Innlnss pitched Fullerton 2. hits 2, runs S. Double plavs Lewis to Brashsar; Scharn- k t u-nnett to Braahesr. Hit by curbed ball Shea. I-e is. wild pitch iaxa. Time 2;li Vntplre McCarthy. KIPrERT TRIPLE PLAT HERO Spokane Takes Two Raggrd Games From Victoria. SPOKANE. Sept. SI. Spokane won both games of today's double-header by lopsided scores. Thorsen was wild ana ineltective lu me tirsi McCrery was no better In the second Grindle and Kennedy were ejected from the first game by Umpire. Dash wood. A triple play on a line drive to Kip pert. In centerfield, was the only fea ture. Scores: First same Victoria I Spokane Ah.H.Po.A.E. Ab.H.PoAE. llcocash 2b. ' M'llon.cf. S r.'min t V. A 2 O fooney.ss 4 4 0 M'chlor.rf 8 0 O'Z'rman.lf. 4 0 u'frlght.Sb S 1 0 N'dyke.lb 4 0 OK'pert.cf. 4 2 l'S"esman.c 4 0 ljs-wenk.p. 2 3 1 Welch.p 1 Keller.i'h. S 1 K'nedy.ir 2 E'kson.lb 1 ntson.rf 4 Jfo.lb-lf. 3 It'nnsn.ss 4 O-lndle.c 1 Thorsen. p 4 U.VOIU. s 1 1! Totals... 30 24 12 a, TOU1S..33 10 2T 8 1 srnnr vtv ISX1NG3. Victoria 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 J S Epokan 0 1 7 1 2 4 0 0 IS Sl'MMABT. Runs Million. Keller, coeash (3. Mel rhoir (2. Zlmmermsn. Cartwrlght 2. ror dyke. Klppert (ill. Splesman. Srhwenk (-'. Welch. Home run Cocash. Three-base hit Cocssh. Wells got one. but lost It for cut ting first bsse. Two-bass hits Kennedy, rplrimin. ciementson. Thorsen. Million. Sacrifice hit Splesman. Sacrifice fly Nor dvks. Stolen bases Cocash (2. Cooney (-1. t COQ.I ETIOR OF CARL MORRIS XOW LOOMS AS THE REAL WHITE MOPE. aj:sr:!r-"ejtrw 1i . fA if . 7 .aMS&asiaMtSL VN A Jim Flyam. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Jim Flynn, the big fellow - who pounded the floundering Carl Morris well-nigh into oblivion for 10 rounds in New York the other night. Is now hailed by fight fans as the coming "white hope." Flynn, while not excep tionally clever as a boxer. Is a fighter all the way through, and has few equals in-the ring as a give-and-take slugger. At that. In his recent fights, he has shown vast Improvement In boxing abil ity. Flynn, who graduated Into the prlzering from the fire department of Pueblo, Colo.. Is the man who set th sporting world by the ears a few months ago by knock ing out big Al Kaufman, and thereby eliminating him from the "white hope" class. In fact, Flynn seems to be coming Into . his own as the official extin guisher of "white hope" hopes. r.M,irht Vordvke. Krnpert. Million, Double play Klpp.rt to Cooney. Struck out rj Tk.nnen a hv Srhwenk 3. by elch 2 Basrs on balls Off Thorsen 9. off Pchwenk i rr Hel,-)! 1. Hit by pitched bal-Oood- nian. by Welch. Welch pitched lost two In- allnurln. no mill. 2 hitS. 0 at .bat. Left oo bases Victoria 10. Spokane T. Tim 1 &i. j mpire uijowiwu. Second same . , Victoria I Spokane Ab.H.Po.A.E Ab.H.P0.A.E. M'llon.cf. 3 O'man.Sb 8 Keller. L'b 3 K'nedy.lf 3 Ctson.rf. 3 McM'o.lb 3 B'nan.sa. 3 G lndle.c 2 McCry.p. 2 1 o o I'trsn.zn-iD s 2 2 0 OiCooney.ss. 2 0 0 2 1 M'chlor.rf 3 2 110 0 Z-man.lf.. 2 2 0 8 1 nC-rliht.8b 2 1 16 0 OiN'dyke.lb 1 1 111 OK'pert.cf. 1 1 O S 2 0.3'esman.c 3 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 o 2 0 1 1 0 3 l;0'L'hlln.p 8 0 o lo O'JC.lD-lfD. 1 U V Totals... 23 H 21 Totals. .21 9 21 1 SCORE BT ISMMio. Victoria 0 0 0 0 2 02 Bpokan 4 0 8 0 1 0 8 diima called at th end of seventh by agreement.) SUMMARY. Runs Million. Goodman. Cooney. Mel chlor. Zimmerman 2. C'artwrlght (). Nor dyke. Klppsrt. Two-base hits Melrhlor, ('ttwrlihl. Horn run Goodman. Sacrl. flre fy Klppert. Stolen bases McMurdo, KlDoert (2i. Nordyke. btruck out By Mc Creery 2. b O Loushlln 3. Bases on balls Off McCreery 2. Triple play Klppert to Cooney to Nordyke. Double plays ilcMurdo (unassisted); Cooney to Nordyke. Left on bues Victoria 2. Spokane 3. Hit by pitcher Cartwrlaht. Zimmerman. Tln 1:10. L'mplre Dashwood. IXDOOR LEAGI E IS ORGANIZED Baseball Bevoteos to Play Through Winter at Albany. ALBAXY, Or., Sept, 21. (Special.) Albany's first Indoor baseball league was formed at a meeting In the armory last night- It will be composed of six teams representing the Alco Club, Al bany High School. Spanish-American W'ar Veterans, Oregon National Guard, Knights of Columbus and Southern Pacific. Frank M. Powell was elected president of the league, Wlllard L. Marks secretary and Charles H. Stew art treasurer. These three officers and the man agers of each team will form the board of directors. Only two managers have thus far been chosen Claire B. Baker for the Spanish-American War Veter ans and Herman Stalnaker for the Na tional Guard team. raclflc Coast. 'orthwestern. w. Portland. 4 Vernon. . . OS Oakland.. V4 ssn Fran. M U P.C.) W. L- P-". 67 .fs'vaneouver 83 59 .017 73 ..172 Spokane.. S3 70 .53S g4 .5H Seattle !S 72 .50 IU . Portland.. 0 73 ..1i!3 aA iirt'TaMini... 79 7d .510 sacram'to i Los Ang. 72 10 iciom. .ji "" aiinnaa. . W U P.C. 47 .u.vjlphlla. 6 ..'.'.i4 Detroit 60 ..17"; Cleveland.. 62 .Ci47, New York. 6 .522 pomon W. L. P.C. New Tork S7 Chicago. . b2 Pittsburg 82 mila 75 Pt. Louis. 72 Cincinnati 64 UmnUlvn K1 t"2.". .1172 sj nil ..7 73 63 ..129 72 6.S .614 69 71 .41.3 6d 70 .4-5 b'i '11.1 waahlnrl'n ft!) SO .423 .4.M Cftlcsao. . . i,' .r . q a ii.i ''vi at t.ouls.. SU VI 3. American Assn. Western League. League. w. L. P.C. W. 1- P.C.I Mlnnesp's. ! 63 .RSS' Denver. . .. Kan. City. S 6.1 ..'.71 SU Joseph. Columbus, ho 71 .548 Pueblo.... Pt Paul... IX 78 .4S3, Lincoln .. . . Milwaukee 72 81 .471, Sioux City. -i.rf 72 S2 .4:S Omsha 89 41 .645 82 64 .562 78 67 .541 77 63 .311 7.1 73 .507 72 73 .437 C3 82 .363 lnrtlsnsp's 7U 52 .461! Topeka. . Louisville 03 IH .412i Ds Moines 41 9 Yesterday' Results. Paciria Coast Leattue Portland 3. Oak land 1; Vera 3, Sacramento 1; Los An geles l! San Francisco 2. 13 Innings, called on account of darkness. , Northwestern League-Portland 2 Ta coma 1: Seattle 8-3. Vancouver 2-10; Spo kane 1.1-S. Victoria 2-2. Atnerlcsn lanue Cleveland 9. New Tork l: Philadelphia 7. St. Louts 4: Detroit 2 Boston l: Chicago-Washington gam postponed on account of rain. National League Pit tsburj t li New Tork S-7. St. Louis 2-8; Philadelphia i-2. Chicago 0-5; Cincinnati 4-0, Brooklyn '"American Association St. Paul 10-4. To ledo 2-11: Kansss City 5, LoulsvlUa 4; n other games scheduled. Western League Sioux City 4, Lincoln 2; Ft. Joseph 4. Denver 2: Des Koines 2. Pueclo V; Topeka 13, Omaha 3. BASEBALL IN EPITOME . Six Leagues at a Glanc. F First-Day Crowd Biggest Ever, Say Fete Officials. RANCH EXHIBITS AMAZE DcspiLo Severe Weather Agricultural Display Compares Favorably With Former. Years Wild West Features Arranged. . Spectacular harness races, broncho busting, a barbecue and a pleasure ssevinar rowd of 1200 featured the opening of the fifth annual Multnomah County Fair at Gresham yesieruay. Officials announce that It was one of the largest first-day crowds that ever attended. With exhibits credited with being far ,t..n .,n.td and the Inevitable sidelights showing a marked Improve ment over tne preceaing yen... J thine oolnts to the fair being a con tinuous success. Yesterday was Gresham day, ana in honor of the designation all business houses were closed during the after noon. Gresham residents helped ma terially to swell the attendance. Several weather conditions have com bined against the agriculture exhibits. While they are considered Just as good, if not better, than those displayed In a. .... - ovnArlaH that BUCtl la woo aa " good results would be obtained. Thus far 1911 has Deen a pour crops. This has also been a. late year i. p.i.iorimr the adverse conditions, the officials declare the exhibrts are wondenui. , 1 1 v... .....mi fra.ternaL orders will be the main feature this after noon. Teams from several looses oi the Woodmen of the .World, Modern Woodmen and the Granges will com pete In a military arm. All 30 wlla norses urucacu -' t-. t,ov arrived at the falr- i - irk.w wore, ocrtmnanlerl D V several broncho-busters and this after noon the spectators win nave an ui -tunlty of witnessing some real live wild Western entertainment- Exhibits that are attracting conqu erable attention. because of their beauty and significance, are those In the competitive class representing: the endeavors of the Evening Star and T. nnlll. aTlronfraas The exhibits ln nusaciitini' ui elude everything raised on a farm ana the best or tne aomeanc Bcioum de partment. The prize will be awarded in a few days The big barbecue was one of the most Interesting features of the day. Hun dreds eat under the trees and enjoyed the delicious roasted steer. Prizes In the fruit, iiorai ana so- mestlc sciences exhibits will be awarded this afternoon. Today's pro gramme also includes more harness racing. BERX1CE B. IS $2500 WIXXER Iteglna Captures $1000 Derby at j Walla Walla Fair. WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Sept, 21. Pernlce B won the 2:16 trot, worth J2500. at the fair grounds today. Re glna Arvl won the 31000 Walla Walla Derby. Results: First rare 2:1 trot, purs J25O0 Bernlce B. won. Dsn MrKlnney second. Orlena third; best time. 2:12. v. Second race, 2:16 pace, purse 8250 Leah won. Del McKlnnon second. Carlysl third, best' time. 2:17U- . . .. .... Third race, running, four and one-half fur lonVs selling, purse $150 Mlnnedocla won, eS leeond . Phosphorus third; time -.56. Fourth race, fix furlongs, selling, purs. $150 Loftv Hsywood won. Halworth aecona. Lord Rossington third; time. 1:15 f. Fifth race. Walla Walla Derby, on and one-e.khth miles, purse 10Retlna Arvl won Johnstown second. Footloose third, time. 1:54. Beavers Get Five Players. CLEVELAND. -Sept 21. The Cleve land Baseball Club released today nine minor leaguo recruits. Howley, HIrsch, Coltrin and Doane will be sent to Port land. Or. G RES HIM Taste Rose City Beer Just Once for Men and Young for Fall The "new" shirts, with comfy neck bands $1.50. and the stunning scarfs (crocheted) to match 50c to $3.50. And everything else calculated to warm the heart of a man who has red blood in his veins. ervJBBrj Rothchild Bros "Always Made by A. SANTAELLA Th Hart Cigar Just the first taste That's all you need to convince you that our special brew Rose City Beer Is Superior Beer That one taste and youll know , why many people who'can't drink i ordinary beer, drink and enjoy Rose City. . - t . Star Vancouver, Phones: Men "Where yon get tha beat" On Washington near Fifth 0K -J Distributors Reliable'1 Y CA., TamvaFLu Co, Dim. Portland " INorlhcrn ore w cry Brvgco. Waihington . Portland, Oregon East 46 .Home, B 1146 ''L A&fiLW-i&L lif Nv A 1